abstinence-only education that works
The draft report recommending no prosecution for torture was completed in December
As a Legacy Earthlink Subscriber this Spoof from the Onion had me ROFL!
Hard Line Democrats Look at This with an Open Mind: A. Philip Randolph Institute
Majority of Senators and HouseRepresentatives stripped of their office in 2010 and 2012 election
Specter: Norm Coleman Should Be Seated
Republicans propose a cut in state employee pay while handing out huge bonuses to GOP staff
"...wriggling bug on its back performances...."
Pete Seeger's 90th birthday concert
Ken Salazar to appear on 'The Daily Show'
NC: Republican bigot wanted to hold bullying bill ransom over marriage amendment, but it passes
Update on H1N1 Situation - CDC expects more hospitalizations
What's really up w/the bank stress tests?....This alleged return to profitability seems faux
Remember those DoD-planted TV military analysts? New DoD IJ review:
Dear Mr. Obama, please smite the Oil Companies for gouging us.
GOP Civil War continues! Bunning vs McConnell round 3!
Fiat moves spark fears over future of Vauxhall
My Manhattan Project--How I helped build the bomb that blew up Wall Street
USS Freedom: Quicker, High-Tech and Pirate-Proofed
Utah takes nuclear waste from states with own dump
Mandatory Tuesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
*DU Quiz* -can you find the problem with this Fox News article?
Source: No criminal case likely over torture memos
Bernanke to Credit Card Holders: "Drop Dead"
Up to 100 civilians feared killed in US air raids in Afghanistan
[Video] Dom DeLuise on the Johnny Carson Show
Charlie Rose-The Future of Trade ...
Afghanistan's Only Pig Quarantined in Flu Fear
National Geographic Explorer on Marijuana - right now
So, in one way at least, Iraq WAS "Mission Accomplished." Surprised?
About that “loan”: Obama team writes off $7 billion taxpayers loaned Chrysler
Let's tell the US Government why we, the taxpayers, deserve a bailout. I am requesting 25K bailout
New flu kills second person in U.S., spreads globally
Hannity claiming Dems protecting pedophiles, but not veterans
Why Wasn't Yusuf Islam On Fallon Tonight?
None of the women victims of the 'baby tosser' followed through with charges
Bank of America Said to Need About $34 Billion in New Capital
WJ this morning: No Prosecution for Torture memos?
Torturing prisoners is just fine, as long as it's done by Americans
Coming up at 8:20 (EST) Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) discussing health care reform.
House Democrats say Terry (R-Ne) 'easy to work with'
Same-sex marriage bills corner two governors
Has anyone been disappointed with Hillary Clinton as Secretary Of State so far?
Heads up! Senator Bingaman on WJ talking about health care reform
Pakistanis Battle Militants, 64 Dead
Torture Memos: Inquiry Suggests No Prosecutions
Will the Insurance Company Lobby forever define "Health Care" in America?
Pakistan may overshadow Afghanistan in Washington talks
US Navy Builds 384 foot, 52 mph Anti-Pirate Warship
What bi-partisanship means to me in this day and age.
Whoa, Joey Scars just went off script
US 'hate list' DJ to sue Britain
Following right wing "logic", should we remove religion from the hate crimes laws already in place?
Jury Finds Teens Not Guilty of Hate Crime in Beating Death of Latino; Some Rejoice
I must admit I don't know much about the 2001 bankruptcy bill.
Today Show continues to push the Wasilla Chillbillies..... Bristol and Todd Palin being interviewed
Can we please start a Carrie Prejean forum?
I want to thank my Congressman, Elijah Cummings, for squeezing those fucking dirt bags at AIG
If only the Congress was as progressive as New England Legistatures
Jury Finds Teens Not Guilty of Hate Crime in Beating Death of Latino; Some Rejoice
Missed the latest Rethuglican "moments"?
Assuming that the GOP will soon implode into a regional
Can a math teacher be put on trial for saying that the student's idea that 2+2=5 is nonsense?
What Star Wars Teaches Conservatives
Freeper headline: Enemy number one by Lisa Mei Norton a hammage to the Department of Homeland
"an educated, optimistic, well off population is harder to control"
Hannity has himself a "Liberty Tree" (with VIDEO 6:43)
We need a Cell Phone Revolution!
One girl shouts, "LET THE BANDIT BE" (CNN: Madoff’s secretary believes he's "protecting people")
Pakistan pounds Taliban; fighters pour into Swat
BofA rises 11% in trading as investors speculate the lender can meet U.S. demands for capital
BofA claims it has "plenty of options" to raise needed "$34B in new capital"
Links and discussion about the various ways and means truth/reality/our minds get "influenced"
Introducing the latest Detroit fashion, courtesy of the Flint, Michigan Police Department!
Parisian Department Store Targeted Unless France Pulls Out of Afghanistan
I need to write a letter to a rethug... would you "write to your audience?"
More than one in five homeowners underwater: Zillow
Republicants: Don't do what we did
DC Single-Payer Action Day May 13
FLOTUS at U.S. Mission is Wicked Smart
Just so you KNOW...Courtesy of the Flint Police Dept HOW TO WEAR YOUR PANTS
Steele yields powers to foes in RNC. Accepts limits on spending.
The GOP must shift to the left to become a viable party.
Corporations thrive using the divide and rule doctrine...
Rich Americans Default on Luxury Homes Like Subprime Victims
How long did it take Bill Clinton to raise $100 million for his library?
OMG, real live Michelle Bachmann supporters reveal themselves, let's see what makes them tick
Wagons Circled, Rations Low, Cavalry on the Way (from SC)
Conservative columnist (Debbie Schlussel) calls Sarah Palin the "tabloid candidate"
'Up to 100 dead' in Afghan raid
For NH Residents - Gay Marriage
PLEASE, won't anyone in the MSM ask Repub. reps or senators why they accept GOVERNMENT health care?
please delete; I was misinformed about this game
I can't stand Bill Press's "fill-in" guy. Ugh! He's way too "rockabilly" for me.
Miss California USA honcho: Prejean may have violated contract by posing "partially nude" at 17
Never bash Ahnuld again! He is the best guv ever! The governor
Chris Mathews vs Arlin Specter in Democratic Primary?
Bright Spot in Downturn: New Hiring Is Robust
Israel would inform, not ask U.S. before hitting Iran
Michael Savage to sue UK for banning him (3 CHEERS FOR THE UK)
Unfolding crisis among those with breathing problems...
The Republican Dictionary - Extreme Desperation Edition
A little strange but true event yesterday - latitudes of all 3 events. USA N34 degrees,
Buy American?? - James McMurtry on where our jobs, economy, lives have gone:
Buy American?? - James McMurtry on where our jobs, economy, lives have gone:
Salon: Ten Banks Expected To Fail Stress Tests
More Than One Fifth of All American Homeowners Now Underwater on a Mortgage
The Rude Pundit - In Brief: Michael Savage: New Winner of the Easiest Takedown in History
Ridge lists his home state as Maryland (not PA) on foreign agent registration form
Maine Gov signed Marriage Equality Bill !!!
Update: Bush officials trying to interfere with Justice Department ethics report
Bristol Palin did an about face on abstinence today on GMA.
For La Gloria, the stench of blame is from pig factories
Joy Behar would love to see Palin 2012 nomination, "a slam dunk for whoever is running against her"
16 Year Old Homeschooler Hauled Away Under PATRIOT Act
Obama Outreach To Muslims Worries Israelis
There was nothing complicated about torture Susan Collins
How is it NOT a conflict of interest when Baucus accepts big $$$
Birthers: The gift that keeps on giving
House Panel Approves Bill to Fund ‘Green’ School Renovations
I need information on a GOP talking point on the financial crisis.
Congress needs to send Banks and Credit Card Issuers a nicely worded letter ....
Full Faith & Credit Clause + Loving v. Virginiia =???
The Prescott Group Bailout (Brilliant Colbert satire)
Single Payer Hero Dr. on The Guy James Show today
Cantor Bows To Rush: "This Is Not A Listening Tour" (VIDEO)
"I don't want government in my business"
Who do you think the right wingers want Obama to nominate to the Supreme Court?
Maine joins MA, CT and VT in legalizing same sex marriage.
What is this, The Onion Writes the News Day?
Conservatives Lack Sense of Humor, Study Finds
Bernie Madoff's secretary talks about disgraced boss/ Bernie Madoff Liked Escorts, Massages, And
Groups push for first gay Supreme Court justice
MSNBC: "Bank of America Needs more Capitol"
Calif. panel OKs honors for gay leader Harvey Milk
The Onion: Shirtless Biden Washes Trans Am In White House Driveway
Most Americans oppose probe of Bush officials on torture: CNN poll
Vauxhalls Not Quite Rusty Enough, says Fiat.
"You are making a decision that is not well-founded..."
LOL I found a "Canadians for Bush" forum. Read some of their posts
Question about a "health issue" I know a person who had to undergo
Rev. Fred Phelps calls UK Home Sec. Smith "neo-Nazi dyke" and "filthy God-hater."
Torture: The Smoking Gun? (we simply can't let this slip under the rug)
Did the Democrats attempt to filibuster Alito's nomination?
US calls on Israel to sign onto Non Proliferation Treaty
White House Keeping NYC Flyover Pics Under Wraps
so now Empathy is a bad word? like liberal and socialism.
What a month it's been for gay rights -
Senator Sessions was denied a position of the bench for "racial insensitivities"
Naked sex on the sidewalk? Just another elected Republicon official showing his family values.
The global movement that Barack Obama is not leading
John Bolton thinks the next president will be a woman
So you're pissed at the way health care proposals, torture prosecutions,
How should we respond to healthcare "reform" which eliminates public option?
Gov. Baldacci Signs Same-Sex Marriage Bill
Mom says patriot act stripped Son of due process (16 y.o.)
LA Times editorial promotes teacher bashing.
When will Barney Frank get hitched?
Show me some love DU, Michelle Bachaman hurts my ears
How long will it be before Miss CA Carrie Prejean and Joe the Plumber go on tour?
The GOP will oppose whoever Obama picks for SCOTUS.
So 3 thoughts about the naked pictures of that idiot Miss California who says she was '17'
Cafferty: How can GOP attract more women?
Holy shit! Steven Green trial is now in deliberation! (Excellent article on rape/murder and trial)
Is there a Native American qualified for the Supreme Court?
Republicons newest strategy...
So, about "children having children", how young is too young?
Special Prosecutor Moves in CIA Tapes Case = Federal Grand Jury activity
Saw an idiot wearing an "Obama: The Ultimate Trojan Horse" shirt at a gas station this PM.
Saudi Arabia's "Miss Beautiful Morals" beauty pageant: "The winner won't necessarily be pretty"
Blood in the water: Miss CA Runner-Up emails pageant official, jockeys for position
Elderly man mistakes card for noisy neighbors
The Freepers are happy now that the peoples' elected representatives are legalizing gay marriage...
Has the democratically elected administration of any country ever prosectuted
Victim of Saddam Hussein's regime: 'Iraq was better off with tyrant Saddam in charge'
My next idea..The U.S. orders Fiat to produce Diesel Hybrids.
Weapon of Choice: Depleted Uranium
Florida man charged with murder after baby thrown from car
Queen Victoria on Enhanced Interrogation and Cheney's image
Net Access no Fundamental Right
Your opinion on the near future of the U.S. economy
Senate strips Arlen Specter of seniority.
Whitehouse to State: Gimme the 2005 Zelikow Anti-Torture Memo
AIG reveals $454 million in 2008 performance bonuses
Jewish Students' Treatment Sparks Lawsuit, Resignation
Can someone translate this CNN headline for me?
Is this abstinence program t-shirt stupid enough?
Globe Workers Guarded On Union Deal
HEADS UP : Watch Oprah. She is doing a show on two boys who committed suicide after being bullied
God Bless America sticker on the back of an imported SUV
Clearly, restricting one's ability to breathe is torture. Just to keep the argument simple. n/t
A nuclear war between Pakistan and India would destroy world agriculture
"The Future of Journalism and Newspapers", Sen. Kerry's subcommittee today
One of the things I like about the Obamas....
Murray Waas: Torture Memo Author Advocated Presidential Pardons, Jury Nullification
DOJ Doesn’t Let ‘War on Terror’ Whistleblowers Comment on Professionalism Reports
Israel would inform, not ask U.S. before hitting Iran
‘If we’re going to let the bloggers run the country, then the country’s best days are behind us.’
This is now what NoQuarter Finds Politically Acceptable
Bachmann Has A Challenger in 2010
Limbaugh's living large while radio boss Clear Channel implodes
Has anyone else read "The Transistion Handbook - from oil dependency to local resilience"?
Ford to build electric Focus in Wayne, retool plant, preserves about 3,200 jobs
Elizabeth Warren: Americans Aren't Here to Serve the Banks, They're Here to Serve Us
Windows warns users Republican policies may crash computers.
So which state will be #6 with giving the GLBT community their due rights to marry
Bail is $50,000 for man accused in dog's death
so... when is hannity getting waterboarded??
I'm a missing person, presumed dead. The cable networks love me because...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Limbaugh Mocks Recession During Speech To Wealthy Right-Wing Donors
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Limbaugh Mocks Recession During Speech To Wealthy Right-Wing Donors
Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) - Check out opensecrets.org Campain Donor report - No surprises here!
Case against Blago: 400 hours of taped calls, 1 million documents
How NOT to smuggle songbirds (as if there is a good way)
So, really, what do you think the purpose of the Energy Task Force was?
Ed Gillespie: There wasn’t a single woman of comparable ‘temperament and intellect’ to Alito.
Hard Knock Radio live now on KPFA
Nelson (D-Ne) urges Afghanistan benchmarks
I don't undertand why some here always criticize Ed Schultz' MSNBC show
Marion Barry says DC will have civil war if it legalized same sex marriage.
The Far Right's First 100 Days: Getting More Extreme by the Day
Republicans are the ultimate Id (Freudian term)
Tom Tancredo Allowed to Equate Evolution with Intelligent Design on Hardball
when did Mika's photo get added to the MSNBC TV page?
Politicians who get Twitter…and some who don't
Obama unveils $63 billion global health initiative
Presented For Your Amusement, Ladies And Gentlemen: A New Far-Right Hobby-Horse....
Presented For Your Amusement, Ladies And Gentlemen: A New Far-Right Hobby-Horse....
Arlen Specter is spelled with an "e."
2012 Right Wing GOP Ticket Dream PalinPrejean
New Poll: Specter (D) 41, Ridge (R) 48
there's a lot of talk about bullies on DU, but nothing about DU bullies
I think this is one of Helen's better posts
Student loans...Whose got 'em?
No matter what we think of Specter
TMZ catches Miss CA Carrie Prejean in a lie - claiming "There are no other photos of me."
People ask for answers but nobody really wants to hear them
GM Recalls 300 New Camaros Due To Cable Problem
Theory on how to get torture investigation underway
Renault buys Saturn ? GM in talks...
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Specter says Reid broke his promise
What exactly is this "stress test" for banks?
GI's Told To Bring Afghans To Jesus
Texas House Bill 1863: So crazy that it might just become law?
Buying Brand Obama, By Chris Hedges
Lets give this story some feet if we all work together to get it on the airwaves!
Cheney On Why He Speaks Out: I’m Doing It For ‘The Little Guys’
Post the phone numbers of the unsolicited phone calls you get
Kiefer "24"Sutherland will surrender on minor assault charges; alleged victim calls attack 'vicious'
I am watching Frost/Nixon. And trying to eat dinner. Bad move.
I am watching Frost/Nixon. And trying to eat dinner. Bad move.
Justice Department is a Joke and loses all crediblity
Is there any type of power generation that....
The Stupid AND Shitty, It Hurts...
Michael Savage Weiner was so rude NPR host hung up on him.
LoZoccolo explains opposition to single-payer health care.
Mormon GOP Congressman from Utah threatens to prevent D.C.s new marriage provision from becoming law
DU and one of my articles cited in new book about Batman
Bernie Sanders needs our help re credit card companies
I'm lovin' this Specter debacle. He's hanging himself before our eyes.
MT. Redoubt huffing and puffing again
Wesleyan student fatally shot at bookstore cafe near campus
Ireland: Unemployment expected to reach 17 percent
The Far Right's First 100 Days: Getting More Extreme By The Day
Why Are Freepers So Damned Angry All The Time?
The Need to Hold the GOP Accountable = by Robert Parry
Specter eyes support for Employee Free Choice bill
Can we agree upon some basics?
Salt Lake Tribune Wants Bybee Impeached: This Is His Home Territory
Eric Cantor is either anorectic,
On Paris TV "In America people who work for a living get treated like dirt"
Senator Baucus list of local office phone numbers
Bendable Concrete Heals Itself -- Just Add Water
Busted Down! Spector loses his seniority on all the committees he serves on.
ROFL!!! Cantor On Sunday: "...listening to the people"; Wed: "..this is not a listening tour."
Democratic Split Emerges As Health Care Debate Heats Up
What socio-economic background do you think President Obama comes from?
Ray Kurzweil: A singular view of the future
Thom Hartmann: Arlen Specter Checked A Card!
Who are the real isolationists?
Can someone explain single payer to me?
My TEABAGGER neighbor is plotting insurrection.
I think the Republican Party is in worse shape they we realize.
If Snarlin' is the dem nominee, I believe we'll lose the election
If the following were happening under a bush administration, how would you feel?
Wednesday TOON Roundup Part 3:
Wednesday TOON roundup, part 1
Stating that creationism is nonsense is not an opinion. It is a scientific conclusion.
Al Jazeera Strikes Back at Pentagon, Releases Unedited Footage of U.S. Soldiers' 'Bible Study'
O'Reilly Called Springsteen Un-American & Un-Patriotic
We need to let them know torture is not negotiable
Your Family's Health Care Is Off The Table AND Under Arrest
Interview With Economist James K. Galbraith
Conflict of interest possible motivator of TNR "smear" against Sonia Sotomayor
Limbaugh To Powell: He Needs To ‘Become A Democrat’
Martha Stewart went to prison---is she worse than the former administration?
Army Experience Center in Philadelphia - Seven Arrested
Suprise Suprise... Chrysler Loans wont be paid back
The lying about Healthcare has begun!
So let's bulldoze homes instead of trying to rent them out!
Bayer Shouldn't Be Making & Storing the Same Toxic Chemical in WV That Killed Thousands in Bhopal.
Akron police taser woman near rectum ("electronic rape")
Have you experienced discrimination in being hired or promoted?
One of the cool things about living and working in Los Angeles,
I am confused about this Miss California incident...
Obama to be prayer day no-show
$25,000 reward for missing white woman; $3500 for murdered black children
Who among you would work for the Government in exchange for lower pay but assured stability?
Levi Johnston: Bristol Palin's Abstinence Campaign "Unrealistic"
neo cons/repugs are always bad mouthing Canada's health system
Here's the problem.. This report doesn't even MENTION Iraqis, & this is normal
Those of the "torture creative class" and how they got rewarded.
Red Cross: Many Afghans Dead After US Bombings
Word association: When I say "Generation X" what is the first word that comes to mind?
John Brown: was he a hero or a terrorist?
The single-payer advocates who protested the Senate Finance Cmte are PATRIOTS. Rec if you agree
College Student Shoots, Kills Home Invader
Do you have any intention of buying Elizabeth Edwards' new book?
Scalia Pwned by Fordham U students and he's PISSED!
Sen. Whitehouse gets coveted health panel slot
Michael Savage: "I will call for a boycott of all travel to Britain by my 8 to 10 million listeners"
“When the President Does it that Means that it Is Not Illegal”
SoS Clinton apologizes for Afghan civilian deaths
Wal-Mart settles ‘Black Friday’ death inquiry
David Vitter is hiding from Bill Nelson and Mel Martinez over his hold on FEMA nominee.
David Vitter is hiding from Bill Nelson and Mel Martinez over his hold on FEMA nominee.
Apple takes top places in all laptop categories at Consumer Reports. Also top in tech support.
Anybody miss Swamp Rat as much as I do?
Elizabeth Edwards is going to be on the View on May 19th.
Single Payer is dead, Employee Free Choice Act is dead, Foreclosure help is dead. Full Speed Ahead
NC alcohol chief quits after sending offensive e-mail
Orange County judge rules teacher disparaged Christians...
SO I am going to BB's GTG in July and will be bringing
Attn: KitchenWitch: Twitchy McXanax is baseball's best closer.
They just ripped out some guy's gall bladder on Dancing with the Stars!
What are you getting the woman/women in your life for Mother's Day?
Adam Lambert should be afraid...
It's my fourth-year DUniversary!
Dissertation #3 is all systems go! Congratulate me!
Well Shit....McDonalds ended their 1 dollar egg mcmuffin
It should be criminal for commercials to be so much louder than the tv show.
Has anyone here read "The Last Olympian" here?
Now THAT is some PRIMO catnip!
The only thing on TV tonight is a rerun of the Natinals!
Homeless man rescues a teen from drowning.
This morning I woke up with my hair in pigtails....
What the hell has happened to the Yankees? Bullpen vacuum?
Help me on an application I'm filling out!
If I don't feel I have the skills to be a good moderator is it better that I just
What's your cure for the Swine Flu?
Are garment bags still considered carry-on luggage?
I'm going away but I'm going to be back when it's time to walk away and start over again
ARRGH!! Just had my morning ruined by utah saints pushing
James Brown Will Never Die....
Work's resident neocon is deep in my dog house now
MS taking a page out of Apple's book
Joni Mitchell-My Old Man (BBC)
I am beginning to think simply writing a post titled "PANCAKES!" on GDP would get enough recs...
Are dead goats still considered carrion luggage?
Has anyone else seen the latest terrifying ad from Burger King?
Shit, I might have missed a job opportunity!
That dude who did the Aerosmith cover on American Idol last night was brilliant
Would calling the judge a douchebag to his face get me DQ'd?
Why is there an ad for FoxNation on the DU homepage?
Ricky Gervais is so sick...lol
And meanwhile I'm listening to Todd and Bristol Palin on the Today Show
Ever notice when somebody says, "I hate to say this, but yadda yadda yadda,"
A new shift manager was being shown around the Latex factory
If Pontiac is going the way of the Dodo bird....
Dean says if we don't deliver real health care reform, we will lose seats in the midterms.
Cheney: "I went through the Iran/Contra hearings...this time around, I'll do my damnedest to defend"
FEINGOLD: Torture-"You can’t just sweep it under the rug"
Kirstie Alley: "Those panties could weigh 30 lbs"
My dog has been herding me all night
A crazed man tried to break into my next-door neighbor's house early Sunday morning.
If there is some type of intelligent phenomenon controlling this universe, PLEASE...
Name a song that wishes well being to all.
Why in the Hell can't I get Led Zep's "whole lotta Love" out of mind this morning?
What is your favorite Shirley Bassey song.
okay...survey time, lounge style!
I'm really sorry for spamming the lounge last night...
What did it mean when people in some places in long ago times
I went to see Legally Blonde the MUSICAL tonight
I'm STARVING -- what should I get for lunch?
My ex is leaving the country and i will miss her
Hungarian goulash: Love it or leave it?
Shirtless Biden Washes Trans Am In White House Driveway
Any Knox College students or Alum here? IT'S FLUNK DAY !!!
Please help, brain exploding need the name of a song with I'm Dead as the chorus...
I still can't believe they are killing Pontiac.
American Idol Scream Heard Round The World
It is 2 o'clock in the afternoon and there is a skunk feeding in my neighbor's yard.
I love it when Skinner brings the snark to GD
Any hardcore turntable/vinyl people here
When I heard this, I about pissed my pants...
If you thought there was only 1 tasering on Bring Your Kid to Work Day...you'd be wrong.
Didn't get the job and I have a doctor appointment today--and it's raining.
Kiefer Sutherland head-butts Designer at Gala
Update: Mrs. V. got her hard cast yesterday, but the pins did NOT come out.
I hereby assume full control of ALL Lounge operations.
Paging Mr. Tolkien: NYT science article says hobbits had flat feet
Was Michael J. Fox not brilliant on Rescue Me last night?
There is a laughing hyena in my backyard
For some reason the labels given to the American population is
Do you have any friends or family who avidly attend Sci Fi conventions?
Looks like Fat Actress is getting a second season!
the kitteh is going apeshit to Keller Williams
Anyone else with catnip resistant kittehs?
My new lawn mower OR how I got taken advantage of
Phils lead NL East by 1/2 game over Marleens. nt
It's been raining here for 8 days. I can't stand this.
Father uses dog collar to shock kids
Why do Star Trek geeks not like Star Wars geeks?
Last night's Big Bang Theory...
Just started Facebooking, and found a lot of old friends from my childhood and teens.
Birds: They're Fucking Everywhere
Please someone take the damn IQ test!!1!!
Greater Cincinnati EVENT (for you fellow buckeyes)
i think my lawn grew two inches overnight
Can anyone identify this flag?
Wow. Another live one. They're coming out in force today.
my window didn't look too happy today
Can someone please explain the Kindle to me?
Elderly man mistakes card for noisy neighbors
Where can you do a free background check online?
The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Wed 5/6/2009)
Eat your colors and other words of wisdom
Do you know this fruit? What's it called in the US and other places?
Critters2's pet medical emergency du jour:
CNN BREAKING...A.M.A.: "Fuktuplets" not a legitimate medical term for multiple newborns
I am free from the hell that is jury duty.
The Wednesday HopeHoops rant - FOX ASSHOLES need to shit or get off the pot!
Man waves penis at neighbour, pees on car
Someone posted bottomless photographs of me on the web to belittle my Christianity
Houston was once a shithole...
Keyboard cat makes CNN! (And sad news...)
Memorial Day certainly came early this year! (Inexplicable gas price rise)
Speaking of the world ending 12/21/12, we should look for products with that expiration date
So many of you were right and helped me so much. Another (redundant) thank you.
If you use a cell phone in a parking lot, don't blame the other person if you get hit.
How far back do you remember re: telephone lines/numbers?
With 67 reviews cataloged, Star Trek (2009) has fallen
My widow didn't look too happy today.
Which one is cooler? Narwhals or Meat Pinatas?
Condi Rice is a dumbass. Says LedZep's Black Dog was "kind of a 1968 anthem"
"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass.."
Women without children: are you wished "happy mothers' day?"
has anyone tried acai berry products?
DUers in long term relationships but not married.....
for those who responded to my thread about lap band surgery
kitten picture of the day for wednesday may 6
Kenyan Arsenal fan hangs himself
I need some cute pictures, STAT. Any baby pics, puppy tummies, kittens, etc.?
I'm thinking about writing a vampire novel.
Freeper Smack-Down going on at Facebook. Need your help.
My state officially is awesome
PSA:Oprah is buying everyone lunch
Is there any way to hide a 14' diaphragm?
Is there a way to hide a 14' trampoline?
Adventures with my camera: Good news and bad news...
You will all bow down to me for I am 20 today!
It's my puppy's first birthday! (photos for those who need a "cute" fix)
L'Affair (Jon +1) and Kate + 8 gets weirder!
Special request for Star Trek fans.
It's that time again: Democratic Underground is looking for new predators
I just sent BoyMidlo out to buy tampons.
Get hyped - 40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes
Get hyped - 40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes
My bold prediction: Kris goes home tonight!
I think the worst thing about a zombie apocalypse would be the smell.
10 Popular Porn Scenarios That Seem Highly Implausible
"Seduction" Tonight's poem at the open mic:
Have I mentioned that I really am in love with tubed audio gear?
CHENEY-"Behind Cover-up": Rice lawyer says he believes VP tried to have anti-torture memo destroyed
27 Observations About The Goddamn KFC Line I’m In
CONFESS!!!! What dirty little secret do you have hidden away from your teenage years
my favorite Rolling Stones song: "Play With Fire"
NYT: Charges unlikely for lawyers who drafted torture memos
Channel surfing to FUX News leading with o'rilly trashing Springsteen
Torture: The Smoking Gun? (Andrew Sullivan)
First Lady Michelle Obama : 'Anything is possible' , announces Social Innovation Fund
Judge Michael W. McConnell (GWB appointee) steps down, creates first 10 circuit vacancy
Small, Seasoned Group Helps Obama Manage Supreme Court Selection
If the DOJ disbars Judge Bybee, would he lose his judgeship?
I think Kathleen Sullivan may be Obama's choice for the Supreme Court, here is why...
Pres. Obama's Schedule: May 6, 2009
Enough already with the "caution"
Senate Democrats Deny Specter Committee Seniority
Saw a "Waiting for 2012" Bumper sticker today!
R. Reich - Obama and Pragmatism: Thinking Through Values
Is seeing another "Joe the Plumber" video More Important...than THIS?
Lest we forget--BIG thanks to Justice David Souter
Mormons posthumously baptize Obama's mother
Sessions on Obama: 'He's So Nice'
Damn. Jeff Sessions is one step removed from the Grand Wizard.
Not a single thread... US casualties up in April to highest level in 7 months.
***HEADS UP: Daily Press Briefing with Gibbs and Secretary Clinton - LIVE NOW***
Michelle Obama's 'Sesame Street' Appearance: "I'm On A High" (PHOTOS)
Awww...Sessions would consider gay SCOTUS nominee - not "automatic disqualification"
Torture? Rudman to the Rescue-By Ray McGovern: 'Clear Plan-Go Thru Motions-Let EVERYONE Off'
A just me moment..but do the financial talking heads seem disappointed
General Jones Says To The Universe: I Exist! - NSA Jones will host briefing at 5:00 today.
Card-check may be stripped from "Card Check" Employee Free Choice Act bill !!!
When they go after Obama's actual Supreme Court Nominee, Remember Who Jeff Sessions Is.
VA-Gov: PPP Shows McAuliffe Surging
Cornyn thinks Crist will run for Florida Senate seat.
PHOTOS: The First Lady at the Time 100 Gala
CRUSHING CHILDREN"S TESTICLES, a look inside Bush's war on terror
How Would you Describe Your Opinion of Arlen Specter?
The Obama Doctrine On Full Display At Two-Day Af-Pak Summit
WP source guesses as to Obama's top three choices, who would you choose?
Psych! Specter Backs Away from Coleman
Be aware. The stock market will most likely take a dive by mid-May.
A Reaganesque Problem for Republicans
Obama makes Olbermann's "World's Worst"
Chrysler auto workers jobs being shipped to Mexico under Bankruptcy plan!
Robert Reich: Obama, the enemy of economic inequality
Live blog on a great hearing about journalism - print and online
Limpballs Blasts Colin Powell, Suggests He Should Leave GOP - Obama endorsement racially motivated.
Obama pleased after leaders agree to fight Taliban
"In the Marketplace of Ideas" Universal Health Care/Insurance 60 Parties vs the Republicans
Two obvious solutions to awaken the slow economy: Gay Marriage AND Legalizing Hemp
Sebelius: Health Care Reform not a "prelude to a single-payer system"
NC: Alcoholic Beverage Commission head resigns after circulating racist email
Swine Flu information PLEASE FORWARD!
Obama will visit concentration camp great uncle liberated. Also planned visit to Dresden.
Spector to Reid about Coleman gaffe: "I forgot which team I was on."
Specter: Democratic leader promised me seniority - "pushback" from other Democratic Sens.
VP Biden met with a VIP today in DC ---->
Washington Post article from 10/27/05 - talking about SCOTUS nominees
Obama was so adorable when he ordered his burger yesterday. Just sayin' it.
NEOCON FEITH-Admits Giving Torturer's Script To Establish Link Between al Queda & Iraq!
Memo to Bishops: No One Is Listening
Biden, Emanuel, Craig and Butts Running SCOTUS Selection
CNN and Gallup polls on investigating torture
Bob Casey certainly avoided any commitments when questioned by
House bypasses governor’s veto to claim Oklahoma’s sovereignty
Tancredo is such an idiot. Imagine if he had become president.
Maine governor signs same-sex marriage bill
What's with all the trolls tonight?
Michael Steele Publicly Emasculated - yields to critics - spending controls and restaints imposed
Supreme Court vetting moving quickly - Obama already closely involved. (CNN)
Michelle and Oprah have dinner in NYC last night *PIC*
Economic casualties pile into tent cities
Why the New Torture Defense Fails
I for one will never forgive Roberts for screwing up the Swearing In
Chairman Kerry Opening Statement At Hearing On Engaging Iran
Obama budget would cut or end 120 government programs, saving as much as $17B
Specter is about to be a man without a party,
Specter was stripped of his seniority .....
Anyone see Matthews corner GOP asshat Mike Pence yesterday on evolution?
Lawrence O'Donnell triumphs again. God, I love that man. He's on Hardball
Palin out of the picture? Debate.
Dodd's bill to prevent mortgage foreclosure passes (updated)
Shakowsky Letter to Holder Asking Him To Appoint A Special Prosecutor
Shakowsky Letter to Holder Asking Him To Appoint A Special Prosecutor
Ginsburg: Court needs another woman
VP Biden: "The President and I look forward to working with Mr. Franken"
"GOD" found spelled in fried salami
"GOD" found spelled in fried salami
Kerry Statement on the Future of Journalism
Schwarzenegger Says "Time for a Debate" on Decriminalization
While some DUers like to paint Obama as some sort of fundie, he blows of Prayer Day
Is Turley driving anyone else crazy except me?
Investigating Torture: The OPR Report (the Bush DOJ recommended no prosecution for Bush officials)
Obama responds to lesbian soldier's letter
GOP pollster/wordsmith Luntz to GOP: How To Oppose Obama's Health Care Plan
Ed Gillespie: There wasn’t a single woman of comparable ‘temperament and intellect’ to Alito. (VIDEO
Georgian Government Halts Mutiny Attempt
Source: Charges Unlikely for Lawyers Over Interrogation Memos (Fox News)
USS Freedom: Quicker, High-Tech and Pirate-Proofed
Merck Makes Phony Peer-Review Journal
Thousands flee Pakistan valley as truce crumbles
Judge OKs 1st step in Chrysler-Fiat deal
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar Sets Gray Wolves Up for Slaughter
Oakland Commissioner (R-Novi) arraigned for indecent exposure
Helen Thomas: Obama should back "single payer" health care
Boston Globe, guild reach deal
Justice Department files suit in support of California reservist not properly reemployed by state
Before U.S. Talks, Pakistan Claims Combat Gains
Iraq police: Fruit market bomb kills 15, hurts 40
Sri Lanka invites U.N.'s Ban, rebels allege starvation
China quake parents 'harassed'
GM details plans to wipe out current shareholders
China rejects US criticism over military strength
Mexican citizens quarantined in China arrive home
Mumbai suspect denies all charges
Bristol Palin says Abstinence Best Path for Teens
Payrolls Reduced 491,000 by U.S. Companies, Fewer Than Estimated, ADP Says
Some U.S.-backed Iraqi fighters desert posts
Microsoft lays off 3,000 employees
Bank of America to need $34 bln in capital-source
Conservative Southerner leads GOP Court nomination fight
Inspector at Pentagon Says Report (exonerating pundit program) Was Flawed
Navy cancels ship deployment due to swine flu
MI5 agents 'tried to recruit Guantánamo detainees'
Wal-Mart to Pay Victims of Stampede
Clinton: US Regrets Loss Of Life In Afghanistan
Korean Man Dies Homeless With $100,000 in the Bank
AIPAC Conference Pushes Hard Line on Iran
Report: FBI Lax In Updating Terror List
Conn. man charged with bigotry in gun incident
Steele yields powers to foes in RNC
Obama Administration Seeks $63B For World Health
Informants allege proposed Blackwater weapons dump
First lady: 'Sesame Street' tops everything so far
Mom says patriot act stripped Son of due process (16 y.o.)
Opposition linked to alleged Morales death plot
Fall Vaccination Campaign May Include 3 Flu Shots
Santa Barbara fire stalls but winds forecast
Steven Green Trial Goes To Jury Deliberation (Iraq rape/murder)
Spanish judge sends Guantanamo inquiry
Dave Bing headed to stunning victory
'Tips as wages' loophole to close - UK
NY Times raising prices again to offset ad slump
Venezuela detains American wanted in U.S.
Ford Shifting SUV Plant to Electric Vehicles
Stocks rise on optimism about the jobs market
Pakistan pounds Taliban; fighters pour into Swat
Former Robeson County sheriff's sentence reduced
The Mormons Baptized Obama’s Dead Mother
Pakistan Taliban: Swat deal is dead
Brain surgeons Thomas Milhorat, Paolo Bolognese suspended for abandoning anesthetized patient in OR
China ready for post-Kyoto deal on climate change
Key villain in Chicago swine flu outbreak: Winter?
Maine Senate passes same-sex marriage bill
Dole Food sued over Colombian paramilitary claim
Informants Say Blackwater Guards Tried to Unload Arms (Smuggle Weapons Used in Massacre out of Iraq)
Maryland limits health insurance rescissions
EXCLUSIVE: Secret U.S.-Israel nuclear accord in jeopardy
Iraq to finalize Shell gas deal next June
Afghans: US bombing run kills dozens of civilians
Snowmobile groups sue over Canada lynx habitat
Russia says expulsion of diplomats not directed against Canada: Cannon
(Senate) Hearing set on interrogations
More than one in five homeowners underwater: Zillow
(CNBC) Sources: Wells Fargo Needs $15 billion in capital, Citi May Need $10 billion, stress tests
400,000 Still on Terror Watchlist, Including Author of Book on Rove
EU and US reach deal in beef row
Senate Democrats Deny Specter Committee Seniority
Judge removes (2nd) juror in Liberty City Six terror trial
Chrysler holdouts must say who they are, judge says
Franken meets with vice president in Washington
Sebelius makes case for new U.S. health plan
Rep. Frank Introduces Bill To Allow Online Gambling
Orange County contractor kills girlfriend, young son, self
Obama defends, curtails National Day of Prayer
WellCare charged with fraud (Florida's largest Medicaid HMO contractor)
Confusion at the Canyon: Administration Engaging in the Same Potentially Illegal Action as Bush
New Hampshire House passes same-sex marriage, 178-167; bill now moves to governor's desk
Rep. Jane Harman may not be taking on wider wiretap issues
Specter: Democratic leader promised me seniority
Michael Savage to sue British government
Domino's billionaire says economy won't stop his vision of Catholic school, town
Calif. pageant may dump Prejean (Miss California - multiple contract breaches)
Center for Public Integrity names 25 lenders blamed for financial crisis
US interrogators killed dozens, human rights researcher and rights group say
Orthodox Jewish Community Struggles With Abuse Allegations
Justice Department drops case against Fort Lewis war objector
Torture Memo Author Advocated Presidential Pardons, Jury Nullification
Top-To-Bottom Investigation Of Torture Program Necessary, Says ACLU
Sean Hannity Responds to Obama Victory
Canadian Senator Mac Harb delivers anti-sealing letters to Parliament
How Joe The Plumber Will Keep The Queers Away From His Kids
Inside Story: Are some US soldiers acting as missionaries in Afghanistan?
VA-Gov: Creigh Deeds Airs First Ads
Valuable debt & Healthcare reform
Rep. Mike Pence Repeats $3000 Lie about about cap-and-trade clean energy legislation
TYT: Controversial 911 Call - Should The Operator Be Fired? (Ear-Muff The Kids)
Thom Hartmann: The Global Deal
TYT: Joe The Plumber Will Not Allow 'Queers' Around His Kids
Clown Car? Note how many people get out and run after the crash...
The 2008 Knob Creek Machine Gun shootout festival
Maddow: Republicans on side of tax haven scam
Voices of a Liberal Faith - Unitarian Universalists
Dave Letterman: How'd cheney do?
Its called HR676 and we want it NOW.
Human Rights Activist Ezra Nawi going to jail
Springsteen at Seeger's 90 birthday party..."you outlasted the bastards" Beautiful..
Rachel Maddow and Ron Paul discuss the GOP 5/5/09
Melissa Harris-Lacewell explains to KO just how Miss CA is being hoist on her own petard
Buchanan: White men face the same discrimination that 'black folks' faced 'for years'
Pat Buchanan: 'What is happening to white men is exactly what was done to black folks...'
"Like getting interview lessons from Sara Palin"
Fixed Noise features Bush Torture Apologists
Special Prosecutor For Bush Torture
Victory Fund: Consider openly LGBT Supreme Court Justice
US Treasury Department Issues a Recall of All Dollars!
TYT: Why Are Some Democrats Pushing To Protect Bankers?
Michael Savage Banned From Britain!
The Republicans are against it! Whatever it is
Fourth grade student grills Condi Rice on torture
Americans "Deal with Outsourcing"...it's tough..
Eugene Robinson: A World Without the Globe?
India's Business Schools Out of Date
Six Indians selected for prestigious Gates scholarships
Tommy Chong for Supreme Court Judge, He has the Experience!!!!!
Krugman Won't Comment On Off-The-Record Dinner With Obama
Condi Called Out on Torture, Even at S & M Convention
NY Times: The Cost of Staying Home Sick
Helicopters, Bubblewrappers and. . . Poliwogging?
Olbermann and Turley re-visit torture & the DOJ, 5/5/09. Turley: 'This is ridiculous!!'
The Dilemma of Dissent (Newsweek Essay)
Merck Makes Phony Peer-Review Journal
From Margaret and Helen - Shit Happens
Garrison Keillor: Moms love the bad eggs more
Tom Ridge Has A Santorum Problem
Is it twittering or tweeting? Plus, Twitter is not for sale
Today’s Hero is Governor John E. Baldacci
UAB gets $5 million anonymous donation from 'feminist fairy godmother'
Thom Hartmann: How can republicans continue to defend corporate tax cheating?
Corruption Is Dangerous to Your Health
MoveOn ad: Out of business (< - - healthcare insurers)
Joe Conason: Republicans Wonder How to Sell a Toxic Brand
2/3rds of the virgin Amazon rainforest designated for Oil exploration.
Chris Floyd: Rolling Out the Product: A New Full-Court Press for Pakistan War
Why Are We Surprised When White Preppy Guys Turn Out to Be Serial Killers?
Rove pretends Bushco had vetting research magic, conveniently forgets Harriet Miers fiasco
Extended footage of US soldiers' bible group in Afghanistan - US army rejects 'conversion' claims
Is Anyone Minding the Store at the Federal Reserve?
IBM should reveal truth about engineering layoffs
Demand Single Payer Health Care NOW!
Venezuela detains American wanted in U.S.
Opposition linked to alleged Morales death plot
Guatemalan Human Rights activists face death threats again
Sister of Cuban activist 'Antúnez' to deliver letter to Congress
Mexico Orders 6 EC725 Helicopters
Six eye latest Uruguay offshore round
Dole Food sued over Colombian paramilitary claim
Venezuela Initiates Production of Generic Medicines and Cell Phones
GRANMA: US Soldiers, from Manta to Colombia
Want to hear a bit of Radio Marti as heard in Cuba?
Qatar signs deal for new luxury hotel in Cuba
Obama calls for increased federal biofuels support
Université de Montréal technology to revolutionize battery-powered vehicles
'Anaconda' harnesses wave power
Uranium enrichment competition
New standards could cut tax breaks for corn-based ethanol
Deal Struck on 'Cash for Clunkers'—Consumers Trading In Cars Would Get Up to $4,500
Mozambique: Arrests in plot to sabotage Cahora Bassa hydroelectric dam
North America's first carbon tax faces judgement
BASF opens state-of-the art production facility for fuel cell components in Somerset, New Jersey
NASA Leads Team in Establishing a Renewable Hydrogen Fueling Station
Interview Dr. Richard Nebel of IEC/Bussard Fusion Project by Sander Olson
Global dimming and brightening more complex than previously thought
Bulb Replacement Brings Significant Energy Savings for Cuba
Hundreds of new frog species found in Madagascar (CNN)
Ocean Carbon: A Dent in the Iron Hypothesis—Plankton blooms do not send atmospheric carbon to the …
Agenda 21 sinks Norwegian Whaling Boat
New wind energy projects get federal money
Obama urges Dems to compromise on warming
The Battle Over Bolivia’s Lithium and the Future of Energy
That's the Vancouver team I expected to see
The BIGGEST Dodger fan (be ready to throw up)
Which is more of an indication that your team is not very good
NFL's Legacy Games to honor 50th anniversary
Eight charged with point shaving at Toledo
can't the Yankee$ fill out those seats yet?!
Dayyum! Although I am a Ducks fan, I have to say that the Red Wings
The 4-letter network stated that the Coyotes may move to Ontario...does anyone know which city?
RIGHTS WITHOUT REMEDIES: The Failure of the National Labor Relations Act
U.S. Labor Department assesses maximum child labor penalty following teen's death at demolition site
Daily Kos: Rant: Let's Blog About Labor!
Is a worker’s life worth about $11,300? (5,657 workers were killed on the job in 2007)
Sonia Sotomayor Supreme Court Shoo-In?
Labour start mailer for the week: Why unions matter
Today in labor history May 6 FDR signed Executive Order 7034 & appropriated $4.8 billion for the WPA
‘Card-check’ may be dropped from union measure, Harkin says
TARP inspector asked to probe Credit default swaps link to automakers
Centerpoint Medical Center nurses remove union
Chrysler auto workers jobs being shipped to Mexico under Bankruptcy plan!
I cannot get a good sugar scald on my creme brulee.
What is/was for dinner, my friends?
For those of you who are still around...There is a 12.30 PM Press Release
Maine Governor signs same-sex marriage bill
AIDSmeds and POZ: Obama's Silence on AIDS
I thought of a possible bumper sticker today pro gay marriage
Cons lie about Hate Crimes Bill. Don't know what sexual orientation is
Oprah Winfrey - children who have been bullied to death
NH House concurs with Senate! (178-167) Same-sex marriage bill goes to Governor Lynch
Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, Maine, and soon to be New
Two charged in beatings of gay men in Oakland Park
La Moves To Bar Same-Sex Couples From Having Names On Birth Certificates
Anyone else on DU suffer from Hypoglycemia? I cannot
The 10 Genes of a Human Flu Virus, Furiously Evolving
WARNING! This is horrible but is an example of the Anti Adam anti gay rhetoric
Key villain in Chicago swine flu outbreak: Winter?
Why do people that act conservative in every way
AIPAC speakers portray Ahmadinejad as a 'gift'
Leaders of Iran and Syria Vow to Back ‘Palestinian Resistance’
Israel would inform, not ask U.S. before hitting Iran
Pro-Israel lobbyist hits back at prosecutors
Report from the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington D.C.
VA refuses headstone for honored soldier
New blogsite for Texas Democratic gun caucus
New poll shows wish for more gun control at all time low
If the Second Amendment is intended as a check on government power,
Please Welcome New Prosperity Magazine
Now It's Official: Securities Industry Regulator Takes Care of Self, Not Investors
Of the world's biggest 100 economies, 51 are corporations, not countries.
Diebold agrees to pay $25 million penalty to settle civil charges tied to SEC probe
SEC Sues Money Market Fund Over Losses Connected to Lehman Collapse
Before I rest up for tomorrow.....Does this remind you of the Hudson River School
I'm starting a worker-owned collective
Today was the day for b/w's from a strenuous 5 hour hike
Nanzenji Temple in Kyoto and Relative Solitude
I have a question- I think it is "field of depth" related
Warming cold feet with Japanese train tickets
Thought I'd share this line from WaPo Aquarius for today (Wed!!)
Obsession propels scholar on long, lonesome voyage
H1N1 flu seems to be abating. Some have suggested that it might
US Military Destroys Bibles. Anti-Christ Obama Is Pleased.
Dr, Naysay holds forth on Capistrano swallower of creationism
US teenager successfully sued teacher who criticised creationism
What do you think of this definition of "God"?
in light of recent events, wanted to point out again that the existence of God and evolution
The Mormons Baptized Obama’s Dead Mother
"A Muslim woman walks into a Unitarian church"
So, are we going to try baking for the May project? If so, do we
Grilled Beets with Goat's Cheese and Walnuts
so, little over four months in to Obama's admin....
Pregnancy resource center job announcement - they get state money, right?
Two obnoxious bills trying to make it through Texas Lege.
Lynne Cheney Possible Appointment To TX “Expert” Social Studies Panel
I want to thank you guys who went after the bashers after the high winds incident
Jon & Kate plus hate? Us Weekly confirms Jon's affair
Pork safe to eat despite WHO warning: Ritz
Airbus funds likely source of Schreiber's 'Britan' account: witness
Buy-American rules shutting out Canadians
Canada issues warning to U.S. Steel
Canadian, Mexican flu strains match
Jack Layton in a Star Trek uniform.