Independent UK: Fury about more than tuition fees
A quiet rift on DU over inflation
Guardian UK: 'At last the country is beginning to fight back'
Am sending the whole msg: Colorado Dems. call for new 9/11 Investigation: An Insider tells us how
I know four conservatives who voted for Obama.
A USA Cheer for the 21st Century: ‘We’re Number 12!’
Waterboarding: call to indict Bush following his memoirs confession
FDA Wants Your Input on Cigarette Warnings / Where to See the Warnings and Where to Comment
Statement on China Rare Earth Materials Policy (US Outsourced to China)
OK..Please review my next editorial on Poverty and uninsured
Why would the 2 co-chairs of the fiscal commission bother
Labor Notes: Billionaire Launches Campaign to Slash Social Security
Labor Notes: Billionaire Launches Campaign to Slash Social Security
Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Protesters challenge regents on immigration
I have a new rule for pundits on radio or tv - they need to issue a warning when
A civilization is measured by the size of the creatures it renders extinct
If Obama does NOT come out against this debt commision report, someone should challenge him in 2012
Political Mutual Assured Destruction - Why are we asking for escalation instead of disarmament??
Health official: 'Obamacare' was once 'Romneycare'
The pedophile's guide to love and pleasure
Have you read the draft proposal from the defict commission?
I think Simpson & Bowles released this info today as a con.
Knock me over with a feather! Lou Dobbs gets a job with... wait for it... Fox Bidness Network!
Bibi liked the election results
Independent UK: 'W has the self-awareness of a bison'
I can't believe Keith has that scumbag Howie Kurtz on!!!
Beck finds his... MORIARTY!!!!
Somebody please fill me in. What did Obama just say that has everyone
President Obama speaks at a Veterans Day event at U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan in Seoul - pics
Reddit's starting a fundraising group to get an ad in the NYT against TSA feel-ups:
Anyone Else Think The Democratic Coalition May Be Falling Apart ???
For Veteran's Day, I'm Posting this Article To Honor And Respect Veterans Everywhere
Thanks so much, Kanye, for adding legitimacy to that fucker!
Will graphic warning labels on cigarettes lower smoking rates?
UPS plane would have had blown up 2 hours north of Quebec City if the brits had
Union That Helped Torpedo Whitman Now Plans to Press Brown on Workplace Rules, Universal Coverage
Catfood Commission: Include public option
So I just saw a promo for Rachel Maddow's 'exclusive' interview with Jon Stewart.
So I just saw a promo for Rachel Maddow's 'exclusive' interview with Jon Stewart.
The Carnival Splendor is just TWO YEARS OLD
The Carnival Splendor is just TWO YEARS OLD
A really funny cartoon that ran in my local paper today
Sarah Palin attacks another strawman
McCain Goes to Kabul to Criticize the President on Afghanistan?
DU: Help me with this moral dilemma
Another rumor about a Dem Senator switching parties - Webb (Va.)
Why do we talk about *the* SS retirement age?
They want your retirement...they want it back
Cuba says Castro video game tries to legitimise murder
Putting Tucker Carlson into perspective
Jon is going to be on Rachel tomorrow! Get out! Why didn't you tell me!
McConnell joins health care suit
Who will be upset by panel's proposal on national debt? Nearly everyone. CS Monitor book defending pedophilia sparks boycott call !
Wonderful commentary on O'Donnell from a Repub in DE
Breitbart's Dana Loesch: Bush "infinitely better than the man who bows to anything with a pulse"
Pierce Arrow & social upheaval
Mariners fans - Breaking that Dave Niehaus has died. No info on how/why. He was 75. nt
Warning: Gruesome Video Footage
Classes Start Soon for Bachmann's Constitutional Conservative Caucus
Murdoch Speaks: Fox Civil War Deepens -- Rove vs Palin
warning: christine o'donnell on jay leno show
Don't be evil UPDATE: Google Fires Employee Who Leaked News of Raises
50,000 students & academics march on Conservative HQ in London, occupy building
Video: Rand Paul Gets Pissy With Eliot Spitzer for Asking Him to Name Specific Budget Cuts
Video: Rand Paul Gets Pissy With Eliot Spitzer for Asking Him to Name Specific Budget Cuts
Carrie Prejean is pregnant and has started thinking about names for her baby. Can you help?
Oakland elects first female mayor after close race
I was just elected to the executive board of our county Democratic party
Bush 43 Spokesman Denies Report that Former President Supported Obama over McCain in 2008
Marine biologist denounces BP commission findings
Social Security adds NOTHING to our debt ... it neither increases it nor decreases it ....
Fellow vets, post 'em if you got 'em!
Report: Global Warming Issue From 2 Or 3 Years Ago May Still Be Problem
Bank Seizures of U.S. Homes Drop 9% as States Probe Foreclosure Practices
Rememberance Day Poem from Canada
Powerless Cruise Ship Entering San Diego Bay Thursday Morning
Many deficit commission staffers paid by outside groups
Emulating Palin, Bachmann quits
Bush Library & Policy Institute Ground breaking Protest
What About Voter Intent Joe Wannabe AK Senator Miller
Why are we letting republicans tell us what to learn from the election.
Melinda Gates, Warren Buffet and the Kaplan/Post Company
One of the most disrespectful things I've ever seen a poltician do
How REPUBS And BIG BIZ Allies DUPED Millions of Evangelicals Into Voting For A CORPORATE AGENDA
Ongoing wars in Iraq & Afghanistan and tax cuts for the Have Mores. He got a third term after all.
Ongoing wars in Iraq & Afghanistan and tax cuts for the Have Mores. He got a third term after all.
I always did love Cher! Calls Jan Brewer "even worse then Palin "
What the hell should I boycott THIS week?
Rescinding the Bush Tax Cuts on the Top 2% Would Pay Off the Entire Social Security Trust Fund.
Key Figure In Chevron Ecuador Lawsuit In U.S. Court: Amazon Defense Coalition
DADT STUDY LEAK: Repeal Will Not Undermine Military During Time Of War
Why is the media fighing so hard againse Pelosi being minority leader?
If Obama slashes Soc Sec benefits, then he never planned on a second term.
Pillow fight breaks out on Continental flight
Even though it pains me to think this, I am not convinced that the President will seek a
Vote for TIME's 2010 Person of the Year
Tony Hayward: BP "totally unprepared" for disaster
Palin calls Obama 'most pro-abortion president'
Another bank to avoid that has Faux on their lobby TVs
Be True to your school now (except if your gay)
Thomm, Ed, Rachel, Keith, and Bill, you GOTTA have this author on your shows.
AWOL soldier returns on Veterans Day
Behind Drone Issue in Yemen, a Struggle to Control Covert Ops
"If you want to hit ratings gold, try to attract Republican viewers."
Taking On a Second Mortgage to Pay the Foreclosure Lawyer
If there were truth in political advertising... what the Teabaggers' flag would REALLY look like:
Ireland on Brink as ‘Beggar’ for Aid After Losses by Fingleton
Kindergarten teacher arrested in raid
Is the Deficit Commission Serious?
Help. I can't find a list of the people on the Deficit Panel....
The General Defends Killing Civilian
EPA Toxic Substance Database is 55 Years Behind Schedule
"I need to run for office just so I have more material to share in my speeches"
Another Outfit trial, another courtroom circus
The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.
Obama to Congress: Stop shooting down deficit proposals
Sources: Pentagon group finds there is minimal risk to lifting gay ban during war
Bush wasn't a POTUS, he was a FETUS (Fraudulently Elected Traitor of the United States).
10 Hard Truths About War for Veterans Day (and Every Other Day)
White paper sets out most severe welfare penalties ever imposed by a British government
CIA May Face New Probe Over Destroyed Videos
Italian cinema legend De Laurentiis dies
My problem with extending the rich tax cuts is not economic or moral
Alan Grayson May Try Again: ‘I Don’t Want to Waste’ Supporter Base
CSM: Will tea party allies in Congress balk at international trade pacts?
Oh the things you see when you don't have a protest sign
Help Bring Scientific Integrity Standards to Food Safety
Help Bring Scientific Integrity Standards to Food Safety
Does one have to reject the notion of free will completely to be a liberal?
I'm a Democrat and I'm okay...
Would even George W. Bush have had the brazenness to cut SS for present & near retirees?
Whoa. Our DU-linked petition made this morning's NYT:
The next time you fly, there might be a Boehner in the seat next to you
Maddow/Stewart - The Brawl For It All
Toronto Star: Canadian-Arab relations sink to an all-time low
Toronto Star: Canadian-Arab relations sink to an all-time low
Judge refuses to dismiss Camp Lejeune water exposure lawsuit
Turning Bush-Era Tax Cuts into our newest Sacred Cow
Navy’s Superlaser Is More Than a Weapon
Drone footage overwhelms analysts
Chemicals in Fast Food Wrappers End Up in Human Blood
Facts are a liberals criptanight
Jon Solz, to Deploy to Iraq as Part of 'Operation New Dawn
Washington Post: Many deficit commission staffers paid by outside groups
Sources: Pentagon group finds there is minimal risk to lifting gay ban during war
Are there any ordinary people on the Deficit Commission?
Helen Thomas Headlining Arab-American Workshop
Helen Thomas Headlining Arab-American Workshop
Amnesty International: US must begin criminal investigation of torture following Bush admission
Huffington Post: "White House Gives In On Bush Tax Cuts"
Is Axelrod playing at something? Re:White House Gives In On Bush Tax Cuts
EU Council President Van Rompuy: 'Euroscepticism leads to war'
WHY wasn't cuts in Congressional pensions included in the Cat Food Commission?
Now that corporations have gained the rights of an individual
Would you be willing to give up your tax cut if it meant the top 2% didn't get theirs?
Divisive Issue: Social Security Tax Base
WaPo Story on Anti-Social Security Billionaire staffs the "bipartisan" deficit commission
female Gulf War Veteran's book is on line
It shouldn't surprise anyone that our President will forsake Social Security and Medicare.
if they can justify spending all the money on two wars, how dare they suggest SS
pueblo man writes book defending pedophiles
Three simple acts to balance the budget
The Bush Tax Cuts Kerfuffle - Hear Me Out
2fer gossip whimsy: Mercy-sex for RAYGUN. & ONASSIS dialog from a play.
Report: 1,000 Wild Tigers Killed in Last Decade
Report: 1,000 Wild Tigers Killed in Last Decade
Republicans good for TV ratings...Joe and Mika et al don't dare mention why.
Gay bookstore gets letter from Jesus
Jon Stoltz of Vote Vets deplyed to Iraq.
Which is your FAVORITE part of the Chairmen's proposal?
Ice cream shop owners get a call from VP Biden thanking them for video about economic stimulus fund
Its all sorta funny and sad and great and ironic and pointless
So if Obama and the Dems agree to the Bush tax cuts does that mean
To talk about cutting the deficit and not talk about defense and Bush taxcuts is hypocrisy...
Should social security be made progressive?
The Dems And Their Money Raising Efforts.....
Kevin Drum: Is the Deficit Commission Serious?
Question...Do active duty veterans get the day off today?
The Deficit Commission should take into account what is going
I like Olbermann's comment on Bush's book...he said
About the proposals of Obama's Commission Co-Chairs...
White House Gives in on Bush Tax Cuts
I love the Unrec crew. And the rec crew!
July 2011 - START of Afghanistan withdrawal. 2014 - FINISH of Afghanistan withdrawal.
Two years after departure, G.W. Bush is still calling the shots...
King of spades is deciding vote in Ne election
I'm interested in reading "Decision Points".
OMG... Who Could Have Foreseen This ??? - 'Debt Commission Report Targets Social Security, Medicare'
Why Is It That Dems Are More United When They Are Against Something Than......
Amnesty: US must begin criminal investigation of torture following Bush admission
Was Karen Hughes the "ghost writer" for Dubya's book?
Russian Spy Master Helped Expose US Spy Ring & Anna Chapman
Former CSU Student Could Be Behind Bomb Plot
Freeper discussion points at work today. Sick F'ers.
another list of benefits to Veterans today... enjoy!
Michelle Obama visits troop in Germany
A nice poem about America for you on Veteran's day.
Aetna/AARP health insurance premium doubled due to my preexisting condition of ACNE
Aetna/AARP health insurance premium doubled due to my preexisting condition of ACNE
What are the "Bush tax cuts" doing now for the economy?
Why do I NEVER hear pointed out..
And if you rearrange the letters in "so-called Tea Party Republicans,"
I HATE the unrec crew..dems or not..
A Warning to Turtle Face, ManTan, and all Banksters, Greedheads and Tea Partiers
Freeper talking points at work today.
White House Gives In On Bush Tax Cuts
Meghan McCain: Julian Assange is "un-American" "villain"
On Armistice Day: "The Band Played Waltzing Matilda"
Jon Stolz is leaving for Iraq.
Politics: Will the Pugs rally around the Commission?
Good careers for the coming depression
OK now that the Administration has caved on tax cuts why should Republicans stop there?
Earmark dispute splits GOP senators
Acts of kindness, generosity left their mark on WWII veteran
Ireland Investors Are Heading for Exits, Nomura's Sheard Says
NAME THAT TRAIN: Corporate Sponsorships Coming To the Chicago Transit Authority
Political Priority--Get out of These Wars!
Though Experiment: What will it take for the US to erupt in street-filling protest/riots
oops sorry wrong link please delete
he's a one termer in my book... Obama agrees to allow rich bigger tax cut than middle class
Veterans: Did you fight for an America that tortures?
Republican leader definition of compromise and Obama's needed response
Social Security and Medicare cuts won't happen, but they should.
Well, today I joined America's Jobless
in my local Right wing rag this morning, the Cat Food Commission's recommendation
" DEFICIT HAWKS " Have Amnesia
It would be funny if the deficit commission has no recommendations
White Pages Face Last Call: Residential Phone Books' Days Are Numbered
Joe Barton Is Going To Marry An Incandescent Lightbulb
I want to start a new right wing anti-Obama whisper smear campaign
Czech Transport Minister Loses Driver’s License
Illinois appreciates the idiocy of our Republican neighbors and their Governors. . .LOL
This is just bizarre... the WH did not deny anything but folks are sure excited
Fiore Flashtoon :Compromising with the uncompromisers!
History shows Dems need to be optimistic
Police: Man who was shot after buying sandwich went home, ate before going to hospital
The people deciding our future will never collect Social Security
Mrs. Greenspan interviewing Peter Peterson on MSNBC now. n/t
"It's time to take back our democracy"
Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
Paranoid freeper freaks think today's Google logo shows Soviet flag
Amazon defends selling 'Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure'
Tell Congress: Don't extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy
Obama Didn't Fold--- More Huffington Crap!
The White House is sharply denying the Huffington Post story
'Pentagon Study: No Need to Fear the Gays'
Question to Chicago Mayoral Candidates: Food Trucks in Chicago?
"American hegemony in Iraq is over,"
another police "anarchist" surrounded by a gaggle of photographers breaks a window
Republicans are conflicted over earmark ban
Republicans are conflicted over earmark ban
GE to buy 25,000 electric vehicles from GM, rivals by 2015
NOW Toronto: Battle of the browsers
Vice President Joe Biden at Arlington National Cemetery - pics
'Dancing With the Stars' Wants Portia DeGeneres for First Same-Sex Dance Couple?
Neil Young items damaged in San Carlos fire
andrea mitchell just made a it true?
john mccain is in afghanistan trashing President Obama's afghanistan policy?
FCC Investigating Google Street View Wi-Fi Data Collection
Many deficit commission staffers paid by outside groups
Why always cuts? Why can't the gov generate revenue?
We have a John Stossel problem in Orlando.
Anyone heard of a trial balloon? I think that's what the tax cut cave-in story was.
Borowitz: More bad news for Carnival Cruises
Let's raise a glass to our veterans here today!
Someone tell me why Obama can't just propose the middle class cuts in the lame duck House session,
Veteran's Day repost: Covert Operations by Jane Mayer (8-30-10 new Yorker)
I've got this deficit proposal all figured out! ;-) or :-(
Raising the retirement age is a fool’s game by any measure (Urb Surviv)
I say we go back to the same tax rates we had under Bill Clinton ASAP
Greg Sargent: WH denies giving in on tax cuts
My favorite WTF has Sarah Palin done item.
a personal tribute to the veterans in my family
Amazon reviews of Bush's new book
The workers who built your imported products don't pay into our SS and Medicare programs
Reaction to Deficit Reduction Plan Runs Hot, Though Obama Urges Open-Mindedness
Tennessee GOP Lawmaker Warns Undocumented Immigrants Will ‘Multiply’ Like ‘Rats’
I open Amazon's front page and what do I see?
What I don't get with the tax cuts more than anything is why the administration won't even try
Perhaps OK had the right idea, just didn't take it far enough ...
Colbert Reviews Decision Points
high school coach video taped whipping players with belt...hard!
Jewish leaders call out Glenn Beck for his attacks on George Soros
The Rude Pundit - DADT: Absurd from the Start
Allen West Ditches Right-Wing Radio Host For Chief Of Staff Job
There's probably a thread here somewhere about Rachel...
"Signals" Nominated as Best Weasel Word for 2010
Toronto Star: Microwave popcorn bags popping out dangerous chemicals
Women voters shifted Republican in midterm election
Project: What's the Best Bus Route in America?
Project: What's the Best Bus Route in America?
A modest ultmatium to the Republicans re: the tax cuts for the rich
A modest ultmatium to the Republicans re: the tax cuts for the rich
Soldier Wins Car At Sacramento Kings Game For Veterans Day
Every time we think about same sex parents, "Oh my gosh" we exclaim
OK, here's my question. How did you benefit from the creation of the
Lots of pedophile booiks for sale on Amazon...
The Humiliation of Britain-Britain’s finest hour this is not.
Debt panel calls for second look at the public option
RW talk show host was inspiration for gun threats against schools...
FDA approves first drug for HIV-drug side effect
Who on DU makes over 250K a year and what do you do for a living?
Cooley's statements in union dispute 'false,' hearing officer concludes
Outsourcing jobs inside U.S. lets terrorists hide in plain sight
So why can't thew Dems use reconciliation for tax cuts?
PCCC Circulating this Petition to encourage Obama to fight and stop caving to Repukes!
Axelrod Says President Hasn’t Given Into Republican Demands for Permanent Extension of Bush Tax Cuts
British Students Riot in London Over Tuition Fee Rises
From the front page of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform Website
Tell your Freeper friends all about it... Google's insidious secret Muslim symbolism for 11/11
Here is a song for all those DUers who think we can still work with the right
Judge Hearing Joe Millers’ Lawsuit Recuses Because Of His ‘Negative Opinion' of Miller...
Trivia Question About Commission Reports On Anything
IVAW is defending the rights of veterans and service members this Veterans Day
"Because in America, it's far more shameful to owe money than it is to steal it."
Earmark dispute splits GOP senators
Even if Obama caves on the tax cuts for the rich, nobody can blame it on him when the deficit rises.
Radio host quits new job following threat to Broward schools Allen West's Chief of Staff
Petition to Protect Social Security!
"Ev'rywhere I hear the sound of marching, charging feet, boy ..."
A poem from a WWI vet for this day.
If someone mentions 'shared sacrifice' just laugh at them it ain't going to happen.
Tell the Fiscal Commission Social Security & Medicare Cuts are UNACCEPTABLE
Ed Shultz about to comment on Bush facing
Prelim Deficit Recs: Opening Gambit to Make the Coming Assault on Economic Security Seem Palatable
"Fellas, it's been good to know ya."
Happy Veteran's Day, Bush and Cheney. Dulce et Decorum Est
Rubicon CANCELED: AMC Axes Conspiracy Drama
blitzer at the soul train awards....begging for a caption
OK Palin has lost the fight with Murkowski
DNA Test Casts Doubt on Executed Texas Man's Guilt(Gov. Bush)
Aung San Suu Kyi loses court battle
How my boys spent Veteran's Day
$1.7 million verdict for undocumented immigrant inmate's untreated penile cancer
They just showed an old clip of Rumsfeld on the colortini . . . .
USA Today: Detroit comeback?: Ford, GM profits both top Toyota
The President doesn't want anything to do with the SS report
What the American People Think: Social Security
Every time the clip of Bush saying he isn't a lawyer is played
2500 and counting. Thanks DU for petitioning that NYC public schools be led by a true educator.
Veterans eat free tomorrow at several restaurants...
The President says one thing, critics claim he's really saying something different
Oh no. Rick Scott reportedly asked Michelle Rhee to run Florida schools.
Deconstructing Axelrod's HuffPo statement and what about signing statements?
Limbaugh Calls Dem Leaders RACISTS, Says Clyburn Should CHAUFFEUR PELOSI
Amateur space enthusiasts launch paper plane into space
Hello, my name is Christopher and I am an Alcoholic…
10% of $685.1 billion is: $68,510,000,000
Must read book on our economy?
Speaker Pelosi: 'This proposal is simply unacceptable.'
Meet Lou Barletta (Penn): America's Anti-Immigrant Mayor Heads to Congress
13 Things Your Child's Teacher Won't Tell You
The Far Center is the POLE in the Big Tent. Pull out the pole at your own risk.
Ronald Reagan's Budget Director Says Repeal the Tax Cuts: Republicans "Should be Ashamed"
Wall St Playbook: Bill In Works To Make All Fraud Of Banks Legal Retroactively
On The Nature of Blogs vs. News
First Lady Michelle Obama serves food for US airmen & their relatives at Ramstein Airbase - pics
Mr. Fish Toon: Super Smart Bush!
Why doesn't Fox News fire Beck Glenn? Read this..
Obama's annoying pattern on tough decisions.
PETITION -- Stop Time Magazine from naming Glenn Beck "Person of the Year"
First things first: Gunshot victim eats lunch before going to hospita
Our friend has cancer and is on chemo...he's losing his insurance now...
Amid all this talk about improving the electrical grid before we can move to
Big companies being sued for cheating workers out of pay.
NJ Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights will have Senate and Assembly Hearings on Monday
(HuffPo) Longest-ever study of lesbian families (24 years and counting) shows child abuse rate of 0%
Veterans days always make me feel weird.
What caused World War I Armistice Day (Veterans Day) was the refusal of soldiers to fight!
Not looking good for Murkowski
Axelrod interview in HuffPo: A new kind of triangulation, reaching out to the Tea Party
Three spins on the Greek elections: which is closer to truth?
Democrats pressing Pelosi to step aside
Wow... From Taibbi's Piece On The Forclosure Fraud Rocket Docket
NEA Research Brief: "Full-service Community Schools". "It takes a village," but, in most schools,
We all try to do our part. I try to do my part with my music. Please listen.
Obama AGREES To Allow RICH BIGGER TAX CUT Than Middle Class
700,000 casualties in Verdun. And a dead gunner in Afghanistan.
Wow, they are acting like the Cruise Ship fire is another miner disaster!
The movie AVATAR's "political" message
"Catfood Commission" Recommends "Add a robust public option and/or all-payer system in the exchange"
"Catfood Commission" Recommends "Add a robust public option and/or all-payer system in the exchange"
Toonmeister Mike Thompson's blog - "President Obama: More cowardly than the Cowardly Lion"
Meet Lou Barletta: America's Anti-Immigrant Mayor Heads to Congress
War Criminal Now a Republican Congressman
Pelosi Wants Lame Duck ENDA Vote!
Obama Buckles On Bush Tax Cuts RIGHT AFTER His Deficit Commission Recommends CUTTING SOCIAL SECURITY
Bowles jokes that he and Alan Simpson may have to enter witness protection.
From June Of This Year... 'In Jail For Being In Debt' - StarTribune
TPM: White House Signals Intent To Cave To GOP On Bush Tax Cuts
Bank of America Is in Deep Trouble and There May Be Financial Disaster on the Horizon
Americans have sacrificed their homes
Pelosi Responds To Cat Food Commission
Bombs Away: Afghan Air War Peaks With 1,000 Strikes in October
"President Obama Screwed You. Wait, No He Didn’t."
Repeat after me. Social Security is INSURANCE.
Repeat after me. Social Security is INSURANCE.
Repeat after me. Social Security is INSURANCE.
Thank you Rep. Jerry Nadler! Bush Era War Crimes Must Be Investigated
DNA tests on hair strand raise possibility Texas may have executed innocent man in 2000
Raise the retirement age to 69?
Memory Lane: Obama signs Patriot Act extension without reforms
Radicalism is in the air and the rage is palpable
WSJ article: GOP will have more influence in the Senate because
Subject: U.S. Election Causing Problems in Canada
Here is some of what I stand for
Pat Sajak has "apologized" for introducing Keith Olbermann to America. Olbermann fires back.
35 Secrets Your Pilot Won't Tell You.
Continuing the tax cut, selling out on SS; I just don't see how I could support Obama again.
WATCH U.S. Sergeant: Army Tortured Me Into Giving Up Health Benefits
Just because someone writes it doesn't mean you have to sell it
Girl Kills Self After Being Bullied Over Rape Allegations
Is the WH open to extending rich-tax cuts in 2011-2012?
Beck's Soros smear is "totally off limits and over the top."
Just found the perfect Christmas cards for Democrats :)
Why so many homeless veterans?
Meds or groceries, and now cuts to S.S.
Meds or groceries, and now cuts to S.S.
Exposing the Dirty Truth That Bush's New Memoir Tries to Cover Up -- Russ Baker
Test score makes the teacher? Maybe, at LAUSD
Rich folks sure seem to pick the right candidates that actually get things done for them
In America, 'It's Far More Shameful To Owe Money Than It Is To Steal It'
How to Pass Social Security Cuts and Make It Seem Like a Democratic Victory:
Porpoises rescue Dick Van Dyke
Well, I just joined America's Jobless this morning
Obama, Pelosi, Reid: Tax Cuts Solution - Listen Up!
The real issues for public education are these:
The ***OFFICIAL*** Stick your Catfood Commission Up Your Wazoo Thread.
Stolen Alameda dog reunited with owner
Shame on our party to even consider cutting present SS retirees by 3 to 6 percent.
Why is the Rep Party so hypocritical and the Dem Party so gutless?
"DAMN RIGHT" Bush boasts about Waterboarding -- by Ray McGovern
Response to "Female radio host cuffed to chair, ticket ripped up..." (yeah, she made it up)
My wife has an analogy she uses to describe Democratic critics' attitude toward the President
President Obama is going to extend the top 2% tax cuts.
Will Congress enact the deficit commission recommendations?
ACLU is joining in as pressure rises on Obama to investigate Bush for torture
So I Guess It's Ok To Break Contracts With We The People
Dear Tea Party: Now you will get yours! (SUPER GREAT ARTICLE)
How Joe Lieberman helped the Dems lose...
They are lying about the President's position on
"Attorney General Holder has indicted the former president for ordering torture."
Student gets 30 months in prison for hacking Bill O'Reilly website
Illinois School RefusesTo Discipline Students Who Wear 'Straight Pride' T-Shirts
Three Pics That Make Me Wistful
THIS is what Fox News has done to people, guys
THIS is what Fox News has done to people, guys
Where can a working class/working poor American emigrate to?
Pedophile Advice Book for Sale on Amazon
The disgusting difference between my health care and my single-mom friends health care.
Obama admin. cutting gay soldiers pay in half once discharged, when they don't have to
During a DEMOCRATIC administration on a DEMOCRATIC web site are we really having this debate?
"Obama Was Used, and Is Now Used Up"
Howard Dean says 50 State Strategy worked well for the GOP in 2010.
Democrats should hold their ground, says E.J. Dionne Jr.
Debt Commission Report - Shouldn't Liberals Use It To Attack Republicans? Seize The Narrative!
We are repeatedly asked to believe that this administration's rhetoric will match its actions.
"We will not wait any longer for the Obama administration to act" --- Why Bush Should Still Worry
The Feds Owe SS $2.5 TRILLION That Has Been Borrowed From SS
Media Matters Pays $86,000 In Auction To Have Lunch With Murdoch
Tucker Carlson Sent Emails Posing As Keith Olbermann
Log Cabin Republicans: White House is MIA on DADT
It's okay to eat your neighbour's pussy
Calling Skittles - my s.o needs an ass-kicking
DU sticker sighting, Cola, SC, 11/10/10, 5:40 pm. Green car parked behind the Nickelodeon
If there were truth in political advertising... what the Teabaggers' flag would REALLY look like:
Have you ever wondered where the term proof for alcoholic beverages comes from?
The word of the day is deliquescent
And NOW, another EXCITING episode of everyone's FAVORITE game show, IS SNOOP WASTED?
I Am Going to See Charlie Pride This Saturday
I think one of the writers for Weeds must read DU
HOF broadcaster Dave Niehaus is gone at 75
Tomorrow would have been my Mother's birthday and is Veterans Day.
How many dinosaurs had to die, just so you could burn their fermented blood?
Veterans (and active duty) - get your free lunch today
My Degree Turned Out to Be a Merit Badge
Pharaoh Sanders concert here this weekend is sold out
XemaSab Appreciation Thread....
Is P90X even worth attempting if you're not already an athlete?
An Identity Theft Prevention Tip (for cat staff)
What is the most romantic thing you've done or had done?
My wife is fighting with someone on democraticundergrond.
It begins. Just saw my first Christmas commercial of the season.
Angelina Jolie's daughter wanted 'dead pet'
The current episodes of South Park suck ass!
Veteran's Day .thank you to Bertha.
American Attention Deficit disorder fucks up my TV watching yet again
The Childhood Goat Trauma Foundation
New Mexico Rolling Stones fans heads up: Bobby Keys in Albuquerque on Dec. 18th
Pride in the Name of Love, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and hate the mental hospital
How many grapes had to die, just so you could drink their fermented blood?
(Guardian): Porpoises rescue Dick Van Dyke
Photographers - A strong neutral density filter is my new best friend (Pics)
A girl I went to high school with has become a pro-life fundie Christian.
GOP Proposes Name change to "Thanksgiving"
Something is wrong with me. I can't stop laughing at this.
I guess I'm a geezer who doesn't like to hang out with other geezers.
It's time for the annual DU Veterans Day, veterans check in!!!
The new Mr. Peanut: I hate him already
How has the Amanda Knox case affected you?
My wife is fighting with someone on Farmville.
To all of my brothers and sisters who served....
The word of the day is rigid feminine pleasure device
Live Holographic Concert in Japan
Friday's kitteh on Thursday (busy bee time)
How do you feel about people being used as Sushi tables?
Help! My niece found a black widow spider in some grapes.
Star Rugby Player Quits Team After Sex With Dog
You won't believe the cover of this book: Shaping Your Child's Sexual Identity
Computer geeks, can you please help me?
DUers: Domestic House Cats vs Song Birds?
Hmm. Just got junk email from a bookseller: "Based upon your previous purchases, we thought
My poor Bubby-cat has only 2 hours left with us
Join me in a loving memorial tribute to Kali's husband's dear departed half-colon (DIAL-UP WARNING)
Greatest baseball catch ever!!!
Carrie Prejean is pregnant and has started thinking about names for her baby. Can you help?
Officer McNally Is Called to Investigate An Outbreak of Surrealism In New Jersey.
11 Nostalgic Activities Kids Today Will Never Experience
Did you know someone who was born in the 19th century?
Happy Birthday to India! My rescued little munchkin kitty!
Black Voter Forced to Swear on Bible Before Casting Vote in Mid-Term Election
House featured in 'Sleeper' movie sold at auction
FCC Investigating Google Data Collection
Tentative Deal to End Iraq Impasse Keeps Maliki in Power
Cuba says Castro video game tries to legitimise murder
Democrats pressing Pelosi to step aside
Utility Official Suspended for an E-Mail Masquerade
Key Figure In Chevron Ecuador Lawsuit In U.S. Court: Amazon Defense Coalition
White House Smacks Down Newest Effort to Slide Afghanistan Troop Drawdown
Michele Bachmann's GOP Conference Chair Bid OVER
Former CSU Student Could Be Behind Bomb Plot
British Students Riot in London Over Tuition Fee Rises
Costa (D-Calif.) takes lead in 20th Cong. District
Sources: Pentagon group finds there is minimal risk to lifting gay ban during war
Sources: Pentagon group finds there is minimal risk to lifting gay ban during war
Porpoises rescue Dick Van Dyke
Russian journalists march against attacks on media
(Canada) Liberals defend meeting terrorist-branded group
Gov.-Elect Cuomo Opposes 9/11 Trial in New York
Russian 'double agent' named by Moscow newspaper
US-South Korea fail to agree trade deal
Ohio school asks judge to dismiss bullying lawsuit
Cholera Reaches Haiti Earthquake Camps (Death Toll Soars to 600)
Tentative Deal to End Iraq Impasse Keeps Maliki in Power
Judge allows Koua Fong Lee to join Toyota lawsuit
California's deficit balloons to over $25 billion
DNA test casts doubt on executed Texas man's guilt (Bush's final months as governor)
Greek Jobless Rate Jumps as Austerity Takes Hold
Powerful bomb destroys building in centre of Pakistan's largest city Karachi
Major GOP Donor Scammed Millions With Phony Veterans Group, Authorities Say
Gareth Compton, British Politician, Arrested Over 'Stoning' Tweet
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday November 11
Prep kicker back on football team after pink cleats flap
Reputed Mafia patriarch Nicolo Rizzuto killed
Kucinich to force Congress to vote on withdrawing from Afghanistan
Kucinich to force Congress to vote on withdrawing from Afghanistan
Many deficit commission staffers paid by outside groups
Italian cinema legend De Laurentiis dies
Govt to withhold welfare cheques from some unemployed
Deficit Plan Matches $3.8 Trillion Math With Tough Politics
White House Gives In On Bush Tax Cuts
Powerless Cruise Ship Entering San Diego Bay Thursday Morning
Obama to Congress: Stop shooting down deficit proposals
UPDATE: White House Denies Giving In on Bush Tax Cuts
Amnesty: prosecute Bush for admitted waterboarding
Senate candidate Ken Buck still has 'no idea' how he lost to Sen. Michael Bennet
ACLU: Investigate Bush for Waterboarding Admissions
OAS' Insulza rejects statements made by Venezuelan general
Cable News Ratings for Tuesday, Nov 9; Olbermann Demo Up Nearly 50% On Return
White House White Board: The President in Asia & the National Export Initiative
The President and First Lady in Indonesia (Photos by Pete Souza)
Check in with how you think Dems should "frame" what they believe in:
Nancy Pelosi wants DREAM Act vote
Joe Conason: Meet the leader of the Obama witch hunt
This is what happens when the fools in Britain try to triple fees on university students.
Multi- Statewide Office Loser and DINO, Rod Smith, to Head Florida Dem. Party
I'm glad most of the democrats in Congress are sticking by Pelosi instead of listening to media
Let the Dems pass the middle class tax cuts, later, Republicans can pass them for the wealthy
Bachmann and O'Rielly bash the President on water boarding
Which modern Democratic president was the most spineless?
There are those on the Left, idealists, who believe Social Security...
Study: Little Risk in Ending "Don't Ask"
Make them all vote NO on extension of middle class tax cuts--R's and Conservadems alike!
White House Smacks Down Newest Effort to Slide Afghanistan Troop Drawdown
Morning Joe loving debt commission report. Could it be the top tax rate of 23% they love.
Michelle Obama visits troop in Germany
Martha Coakley won reelection in Massachusetts by 23 points
Conrad wants temporary middle class tax cuts
AK-SEN RESULTS: Early 'write-in' results looking good for Murkowski.
What the hell kind of report is this by Sam Stein at HuffPo
Equal rights for copiers, by executive order.
CBS News Poll: 72% of Americans Want GOP, Dems to Compromise
Obama on catfood comm- “Before anybody starts shooting down proposals, I think we need to listen..."
Mother Jones Kevin Drum: Is the Deficit Commission Serious?
When must they raise the debt ceiling??
Lying to your constituents will bite you in the ass....
President's approval slips to 42% after midterms as they say IT'S THE BASE STUPID!!
It's a beautiful day! How about everyone take a break?
What frustrates me so much about some of us, WE WANT TO BE DISAPPOINTED IN OBAMA
Maureen Dowd has COMPLETELY lost it......
Will the Bush tax cuts for incomes over $250,000 be extended past the Bush deadline?
Obama dutifully pushing S.Korean "free trade" deal on behalf of US Chamber of Commerce
Greg Sargent gets to the heart of the matter on the extension of the tax cuts...
Don't Mourn, Organize-"Fight Even If You Cannot Win Today, and Someday You’ll Win without a Fight"
It was a kitchen-sink proposal.
President Obama Reacts to Debt Commission Report: "We're Going to Have to Make Some Tough Choices"
Can someone remind me? When did the 60 vote rule start?
Do You Approve Or Disapprove Of Extending All The Bush Tax Cuts?
Mike Papantonio was on the Ed Shultze Show
“There is zero tolerance among progressives for Democrats caving on an issue where 98 percent
OMG! I've found the PERFECT candidate to challenge Obama in 2012
Have to agree with TPM on Obama tax cut cave. 'It's hard to read it any other way.'
Tina! Bring me the axe! Teh stupid gays, how could they?
Are you ready to fight for liberal causes in your community?
DU, have you lost yo' damn mind?
Bold Progressives has a petition going re: the tax cuts/extension - the
George BUSH CAN NOT have it BOTH ways!!!
********Obama speak in South Koera LIVE*****
McConnell 'willing to listen' on temporary extension of Bush tax cuts
Obama offical hints the White House has given up on a popular policy and then backtracks
The chief of staff for a Democratic senator comments on Axelrod
I'm reminded of "Braveheart"...
First lady's Veterans Day surprise
How Joe Lieberman helped the Democrats lose the election
The White House disputes HuffPo tax cut cave in story. Do you guys want HuffPo to be right?
FYI: The WH wanted Cong Dems to vote on extending the middle class cuts before the election
How The Hell Can A Gay Person Vote Republican?
Hope.......the once beautiful word has now been replaced by hate and fear.
Do corporations make money off employer-based healthcare plans?
Sshhhh. There's ch_lera in Miami. Ssshhhhhhhh!
So now the false story of "the cave" has Boehner putting out a statement:
Dammit, Mr. President, PLEASE stand up.
First GOP presidential debates hosted at Reagan Library in Spring, 2011
Tired of "worse than Hitler"? I found this on the net.
Thank you to all the Veterans of DU..
Thank you to all the Veterans of DU..
I don't get it: The richies are saying they don't NEED the tax cuts, but Rethuglicans are still g
WH Denies Huffpo story on Tax Cuts
Remembrance Day in Canada: The larks, still bravely singing, fly - Scarce heard amid the guns below.
President Obama should let the tax cuts expire for everyone.
How would you rate you local Democratic Party?
Obama doesn't have a choice but to extend the Bush tax cuts
Obama doesn't have a choice but to extend the Bush tax cuts
When and where exactly are we supposed to criticize and push?
Whitehouse CAVES IN on Bush tax cuts
How many times do we have to have the rein jerked on us... to realize they are playing us
U.S. Tweaks Message: Troops Will Still Be in Afghanistan in 2014
Thom Hartmann: Rollback "REAGAN" tax cuts and we will no longer have a deficit
rachel maddow just reported obama lowered deficit 20% from last year.
Obama Didn't Fold--- More Huffington Crap! - by whamfan (Update: Huffpo Full of it)
What to do about the catfood commission?
I'm now more convinced than ever that someone is planting stories to piss us off.
On the tax cuts, here is the reality
Why wasn't there a concerted call for Repubicans to move to the center after 2008?
Let's just take a deep breath and stop jumping off the cliff over the tax cuts thing.
What does the Obama administration stand for?
How are we supposed to trust a president who would stack the deck like this??
Write-in count shows 98% for Murkowski; most challenges fail - Updated
If all tax cuts extended for two years, who thinks they won't be extended in heat of '12 campaigns?
Cenk Uygur To Gays: The GOP ''Just Isn't That Into You''
Climate Denial Crock of the Week/Hollywood Does Climate Change
Americans Get Down With The Sickness,Fear And Hate 24/7
The final nail in the coffin for Net neutrality?
Rep. Alan Grayson: The Progressive Appeals to People With a Good Heart
Leonard Cohen honors our national sycophancy toward Corporate America
And the Band Played Waltzing Mathilda
Haiti Cholera Outbreak as Congress Blocks Release of Aid Funds
The Turkey Votes for Thanksgiving
Ich hatt' einen Kameraden (I Had A Comrade)
TYT: Young Republicans Obama Attack Ad
TYT: Bush forgives Conway West for calling him a racist
Keith Olbermann: Beck's Paranoid Psychosis
Presidential Pardon Of The Day: The Indians
Obama Deficit Commission Criticized for Proposals to Slash Social Security, Medicare
Blog Wars, Part 1 - Obama's Golden Plane
MSNBC w/ Cenk: Right Wing Tea Party COS
Weird Liberal Head Show #218: No Bush Tax Cuts for the Rich!
MRN: Rand Paul Cuts Eliot Spitzer
TDPS: Will the liberal gene lead to the next Republican stem cell conspiracy theory?
Christian Filmmaker Accuses David Barton of Ignoring Founding Fathers'
TYT: Cuts to Social Security & Medicare Coming?
Climate Change Science 1958: The Bell Telephone Science Hour
Interview with Ana Kasparian on laws targeting parents not going to conferences/allowing truancy
Cine Politics reviews "The Torturer" - A Military Interrogator Returns from Iraq with Acute PTSD
Will Social Security be cut while Obama is President?
Face Columbia's Dispaced: Interview with Afro-Columbian Activist Daira Quinones Preciado
September 2010 The Torture Hearings
Thom Hartmann and AFA's Bryan Fischer debate
Papantonio: Old People Flipping Burgers
(not quite) Nude Protest: Airport Body Scanners in Germany
NH woman beaten for refusing full-body scan
Liberals balk at fiscal panel's plan
Glen Beck Found the Devil, George Soros Vs. Rupert Murdoch
The White Backlash Has Arrived – Bring on the Black Is Back Coalition!
Ten Flash Points In The Fiscal Commission Chairmen's Proposal
The new politics: Student riot marks end of Coalition's era of consensus
The Reign of Right-Wing Primetime
Report: Global Warming Issue From 2 Or 3 Years Ago May Still Be Problem
Kansas family is selling five year old's drawings to pay for his chemotherapy
Is the Deficit Commission Serious?
The Elites Are Having a Tea Party
E.J. Dionne: Do Only Conservative Victories Count?
Bank of America Is in Deep Trouble and There May Be Financial Disaster on the Horizon
Jobless Targeted in Welfare Shake-up (UK)
Former Schroder Spokesman Questions Bush's Intelligence
Matt Taibbi: Courts Helping Banks Screw Over Homeowners
Parents TV Council aim to sanitize our favourite shows right into Dullsville
Nation's Nurses Sharply Criticize Deficit Commission
Tuareg and Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb: The unlikely jihadist bedmates
Democracy Now!: Slash SS/Medicare
Chattanooga at it again with the governmental prayers
Paul Krugman: Unserious People
Dick Cavett or Glen Beck, Your Thoughts?
State Ed Should Investigate NYC Schools
Outlaws we remain: Despite Prop 19 defeat, we've still come a long way
Is Obama a Blue Dog President?
September 2010: 300 Economists Told Obama: Focus on Jobs, not the Deficit
Best Cartoons Mocking George Bush
Health Insurance Profits Soar, Dem Calls For Rebates
Kansas family is selling five year old's drawings to pay for his chemotherapy
Who Will Be TIME's 2010 Person of the Year? Vote them up & down! Unless you want Sarah to be TPOY
Cutting Social Security is the New TARP (Cenk - Huffington Post w/ Petition)
First Energy can't do anything right
'Hydrogen highway' may run to Portland (Maine)
Sempra Generation Receives Approval to Build Southern California Solar Plant
SDG&E Adds More Imperial Valley Renewable Energy to Portfolio (130 MW, Calif.)
Cogenra Solar commissions its first commercial-scale hybrid solar PV, hot water system
Chinese automakers seek to lead global electric bus market
GE Announces Purchase of 25,000 Electric Vehicles and New EV Customer Experience Centers
Renault can name new car Zoe as girls' case rejected (BBC)
Prevelance Of Beak Deformities In NW Crows, AK Chickadees 10X + Rate Normally Present
U Miami - Study Projects Up To 73% Drop In Coral Recruitment By 2100 Thanks To Acidification
Study Suggests Triclosan - Common In Anti-Microbial Anything - Damages Diatoms' Photosynthesis
‘God won’t allow global warming,’ congressman seeking to head Energy Committee says (Shimkus)
Why treading on a caiman is not a good idea
In climate change debate, Shimkus (R-dumbass) points to God's promise to Noah
Gov. Christie (R-NJ) On Climate - "I Think We're Going To Need More Science To Prove Something"
IEA Estimates Global Average Temperature Rise @ 3.5C By 2035 - CS Monitor
Obama Administration Denies Endangered Species Act Protection to 251 Species
Merkel Has 'Re-Ignited a Culture War'
Typical U.S. Homes Reduce Their Energy Bills Most Significantly With Rooftop Solar Energy Systems
Is violence ever ethically justified (a little humor)
A slightly different view of the "compensation" argument...
Anyone here know about buying guns on the internet?
Remember that BART shooting back on New Years Day in 09?
Venezuela, Saudi Arabia: Two OPEC giants strengthen relations
The "virtual assassination" of Fidel Castro
Nibia Sabalsagaray (Uruguay) -- couple graphic fotos
Colombia exporting paramilitaries to Honduras: El Tiempo
Key Figure In Chevron Ecuador Lawsuit In U.S. Court: Amazon Defense Coalition
Political polarization has sparked a green movement in Venezuela
Travel warning issued today -- Colombia
Cuba says Castro video game tries to legitimise murder
Vargas Llosa: Attacks against Venezuelan journalists must be reported
Brazil tests literacy of clown elected to Congress
xpost from Video forum: Haiti Cholera Outbreak as Congress Blocks Release of Aid Funds
A Political Prize, Unjustly Awarded
Coup University: SOUTHCOM and FIU Team Up on Counterinsurgency
Venezuela Celebrates Five Years Free of Illiteracy
Cuban Tourism Grows Amidst Economic Crisis
OAS' Insulza rejects statements made by Venezuelan general
Venezuelan military would "not accept" an elected opposition government
East Coast bias? These days sports is all about the West Coast...
East Coast bias? These days sports is all about the West Coast...
SF Giant fans: Is Aubrey Huff a free agent?
Dayum! The Jazz has humiliated the state of Florida in basketball in their own backyard.
Meggett sentenced to 30 years in prison...
Lincecum wins Babe Ruth Award..
Sports digest: WAC adding Texas-San Antonio, Texas State, Denver in 2012
Seattle sports radio just reported that Dave Niehaus died.
As Heat Prepare for Celtics Tonight, Hater Schadenfreude Blows Up The Internet
UK Coach Calipari 'jacked' as 2011 class makes it official
Food price inflation up 33.7 percent in one yea
I know you've got some great ideas! Be on LOGO! Enter our Anti-Bullying PSA Contest
Obama Lawyers Back Military Gay Ban at Supreme Court
"Pentagon Study: No Need To Fear The Gays" Military report is leaked.
ILLINOIS: Civil Unions On Fast Track
DOJ Asks Supreme Court to Deny Log Cabin Request
It's time to rock the boat ,,,
GLBT veterans....thank you very much for your service to our country.
Can This Really Be True? RE: man found naked with a mouse in his rectum
Bibi liked the election results
A glimpse at the Palestinians who build Israeli settlements
Hamas breaks up Arafat memorial in Gaza
Police: Machine gun fire from Gaza hits Israeli kibbutz
Scientists discover unknown lizard species at lunch buffet
World's Oldest Dinosaur Embryos Found
Scientists discover unknown lizard species at lunch buffet (not the Onion)
Enough Oxygen for Life Found Millions of Years Earlier in Geologic record
DNA Reveals Origins of First European Farmers
China Releases Images of Proposed Lunar Landing Site
NASA Announces Televised Chandra News Conference
Hawai'iki Nui Vaa 2010 (Not Dial Up Friendly)
Remember Laura? The sleeping princess with the Teddy who wears Jeans?
Check out these photos in the lounge
Walking to work . . . walking home! LOL
Briefs received, posted on cases involving successor employers and voluntary recognition agreements
Cutting Public Retirement Plans
I was only a few hours ago "alerted" ...
why is AlterNet listed in BlogRoll if it is a "questionable source"?
A question about a drop-down list on the search page.
You guys do know that Alternet is on your front page blogroll, don't you?
why are some threads locked by 'moderator'?