Good evening, I'll be your dictator today. Just want to inform you of some of my rules:
Good evening, I'll be your dictator today. Just want to inform you of some of my rules:
Good evening, I'll be your dictator today. Just want to inform you of some of my rules:
War veteran barred from CCBC campus for frank words on killing
Lost Sharron Angle Campaign Ad: Night Of the Living Dimwits
so, how long before the tsa pervs "find" a hidden explosive device, "proving" the worth of these
If you are against deficits and against the dollar falling you are for higher unemployment.
Our Afghan exit is now overdue
Oregon Senator Vows To Block Internet Blacklist Bill
NY judge orders Gawker to pull Palin book pages
Pulling down in the interest of civility.
is it really democracy when one senator (kyle) can stop a nuclear arms treaty with russia?
10 xrays to get through screening, on average...defend that!
Pelosi has a point about crying Boehner.....
Pelosi has a point about crying Boehner.....
Gay couple weds as flight veers over Canadian airspace
Whoever put the TSA policies in place is a goddamned idiot. USE THE FREAKING DOGS.
I'm sorry I have to point this out, but immigrants these days sure got a lot of damn nerve
I saw this in News of the Weird today (Haley Barbour, Gov, Miss.)`
Bloomberg appoints stacked "advisory panel" to rubber-stamp the Cathy Black appointment:
Is it legal to remove your pants in the airport?
when bu$h* was in office it was all about security, now it's all about the deficit
Huffington Post:Labor Pushing Backbone Implant for Wavering Dems on Taxes, Social Security, Deficits
It's not my ox getting groped.
It's not my ox getting groped.
KIPP Reform Schools--Teacher Sweat Shops
KIPP Reform Schools--Teacher Sweat Shops
Mona Charen shreds Sarah Palin.
Backscatter machines recommended by DHS in 2004.
Better Business Bureau To Investigate Los Angeles BBB Chapter
Airport Security has stopped NOTHING since 9-11
Dickensian: Bloomberg Budget Cuts Includes Less Bread For Prisoners
FEC Dismisses Complaint Against Ensign For Parents' Payment To Mistress
Airlines next in line for bailout $$$
Since TSA is has the power to strip search little children, do they screen their hires for pedohilia
Airport Security Collapses On TSA Democrats After Being Groped By Jeff Gannon At Olive Garden
Who knew that molesting children was now legal in this country
Dear Barack (a letter from Harry S. Truman)
"Don't touch my junk" vs. "Don't tase me bro"
"Go on ahead, probe my ass, I ain't hidden nothin"
naturally Obama and his family do not have to put up with TSA BUT what about former Presidents?
Airlines will find a way to make profits despite TSA
Airlines will find a way to make profits despite TSA
TSA Holiday Shopping List - Help Your Children Comply and Obey
So if new security measures are tighter, but they turn law abiding people against TSA
Barack Obama: Call to Renewal Keynote Address
Maybe one way to show how totally
I Think That President Obama Should Get On National TV...... GROPERGATE
Will Palin go after Romney's Mormonism?
Two Reason I Am Willing To See Lesser Security at the Airport...
our View: Time to lance the boil of burgeoning neo-fascism (Cyprus)
Even though the TSA issue is very important, I hope it does not delete the focus from the
Everyone send pictures of the sick and dead in Haiti to Senator Coburn's office.
Judge orders cops to stop harassing superheroes
Democrats should have done more this past week as they still had 59 in senate
Rebirth of the Raza Unida Party?
A prediction regarding congressional reaction to Gropegate
You know the cognitive dissonance is full-bore when
No more Handling children's GENITALS
Is the Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform proposing a freeze
Goldman In Insider Trading Probe?
Gay Marriage by Skype - first “digital gay wedding” performed across state lines
Court Says Iowa Cities Can’t Punish Parents for Their Children’s Crimes
This month's global education protests & strikes against neo-liberal deforms
Are you planning to boycott the TSA
Hey Eleanor Clift how come you omit racism as a factor
‘Saturday Night Live’ Sends Up the TSA
Big Brother is going to PROTECT you....
Thanks for the Star. Just got a message this morning that someone
The Progressive: “Inside Job” Is a Must See Movie
It takes an entire ocean to produce a pound of fish, but it only takes
It takes an entire ocean to produce a pound of fish, but it only takes
Democratic Underground, November 2010
Gingrich's 1995 Time Bomb. His influence on America is out of proportion to his importance.
Indian Farmers of Bangalore protest Dupont's open-field GMO rice trials
Breaking: Ireland Will Pursue Aid From Europe, Minister Says
Why are Left Wingers NOT Up in Arms About the War Escalation?
Hillary Clinton: No plans to seek elective office
NIST Rapiscan Secure 1000 Redacted Radiological Safety Report
REPORT: Fox donates at least $40 million in airtime to potential GOP presidential candidates
Good Info & Links on TSA Backscatter X-Ray and Body Search at Schneier on Security
Cold war era fades further as Russia, NATO agree to 'reset' relations
Tim Bishop (D) Pulls Ahead of Altschuler by 15 Votes in (NY) CD-1 Recount
US v. Ghailani-It Is Important NOT To Lose Sight Of The Root Cause Of The Outcome, i.e. TORTURE
US v. Ghailani-It Is Important NOT To Lose Sight Of The Root Cause Of The Outcome, i.e. TORTURE
Few Afghans know reason for war, new study shows
Mullen Warns Inaction On DADT Would Leave Repeal To The Courts
Hartford Courant: Send Rejected Rail Funds Here
Learning About KIPP: Lesson 3, Social Justice in Blackface
Charlotte’s Once Ambitious Rapid Transit Plan Faces Budget Ax
Sec. of State Clinton: GOP Must Go Past Politics, Ratify START
Is there any remaining doubt that the American people's needs and safety are not a priority?
AlterNet: Unavoidable Climate Change: We've Passed the Point of No Return
Sharing Meals, Groceries and Anti-authoritarianism Worldwide: Food Not Bombs Founder Keith McHenry
From Vacant City Lots to Food On the Table
The Progressive: “Inside Job” Is a Must See
Costa's (D-CA-20) Lead Over Vidak Continues to Grow
For those of you who still don't understand why "some" of us are outrage with the TSA action.
PUMA in Chief goes balls to the wall...
So Why Hasnt TSA setup shop on the DC METRO-LINE
Kentucky's National Defense Strategy: "Reliance on Almighty God"
Yeah! Cut all services. No more deficit.
GOP budget amendment has Dems eyeing 'hypocrisy' charge on taxes
Saw "Morning Glory" last night...
Why is there an assumption that there is no alternative to groping?
Call your favorite Ex-Airline and tell them why you're not flying anymore
TSA pat downs and global warming have something in common
TSA - Here's the protest I think needs to happen
Take a break from the angst for a bit.
GOP Judges Write Senators Asking Them To Stop Obstructing President Obama’s Judges
Kansans blocked lawmakers from denying voting rights to mentally ill
"The sailors couldn't turn the ship into the wind, so they gave up and let it run before the gale"
Ahmadinejad urges girls to marry at 16
EPIC v. DHS (Suspension of Body Scanner Program)
EPIC v. DHS (Suspension of Body Scanner Program)
I had some fun with the Salvation Army today!
TSA has met the enemy -- and they are us (video and poll)
Health Care CEOs Earn Top Pay-CEO of UnitedHealth Group, 198% jump
Billy Bragg: Rocking The Cynical World
Billy Bragg: Rocking The Cynical World
Ah so the GOP wants to privatize the evil TSA
WTF- Halliburton had refused to release information on hydraulic fracturing fluids to the EPA
Where is the next Terror Attack??
Has anyone here sat down with their adult children and discussed "peak oil" and the drastic
Admiral Mullen: New START Is ‘Absolutely Critical’ Calls For A Vote In Lame Duck
I have to preface this by saying I'm amazed and pleased about the
Last person to fly a plane into a building was an anti-government tea bag type named Joe Stack
It's all going to collapse whether we want it to or not.
New police device scans license plates, runs info on the go
How the 'Dancing' vote was hacked (Go back to Alaska Bristol, You Suck!
Megyn Kelly In GQ: Fox News Anchor's Revealing Spread (PHOTO)
Which is the worse crime and the worse criminal????
Remember this? Rep. Dingell Is Forced to Strip After Hip Sets Off Airport Alarm
you really want to stop the TSA nonsense? start using rail or driving
Drunken drivers, wasted lives (Like a missile, it slammed into the Bedients' car)
So, George Bush is autographing books at Costco this weekend
IMO, Another Missed oppurtunity for the Dems............
When It All Falls Down: "Foreclosure King" resigns
if you're unhappy about tsa rules, why not petition for a rule-making?
Anyone here stopped for DWB? Did you get a pat down?
The 29 million who voted for Obama in 2008 and did not vote in the midterms in 2010
Q: How many children fly alone during the holidays due to divorced parents?
Could the TSA solution be simple as having flights
A harvest of failure and bitterness (the failure of black farmers in South Africa)
Life Insurance Companies Increasingly Dispute Claims, Deny Benefits To Thousands
Labor, religious community team up
So in the past 24 hrs. Palin has been elected president and
Christian Right Activist Blasts Medal of Honor as 'Feminized,' Sparks Fury
What happened to CLEAR?. TSA Registered Travellers program?
Someone please drop me a pm when the issue du jour (TSA OMG) gets changed
Things to be concerned about with privacy matters.Microsoft and the home pc is the scariest
Hyperbole and a Half: Dogs Don't Understand Simple Concepts Like Moving
Hyperbole and a Half: Dogs Don't Understand Simple Concepts Like Moving
A question about unemployment and the extension
What if the TSA changed their policy? How would the Right Wing react?
Steve Forbes is a putz. That is all.
Warren Buffett trickles down on the "trickle down theory."
Republicans hand 5,000,000 unemployed their death sentences. Want more TSA scandals instead?
I Am Not A Terrorist. You're Almost Certainly Not, Either.
Give me Liberty, or give me Death.
David Brooks Compares Raising Social Security Retirement Age to Having Wisdom Tooth Removed
No pat downs for the orange clown or any other congress critters...
Rep. Mica (R) is pushing for TSA to be privatized?! So he would rather have
The kids are all right -- Rhodes Scholars Bios
Warren Buffet: "'Trickle Down' Theory Hasn't Worked"
I just went through security at Newark Airport. There was nothing different than past times I have
No Security Pat-Downs for Boehner
HCR Bill Spurs Mergers, Fears of Monopolies, & Higher Health Care Prices
China Plunders Zambia For Minerals....
Another fucking TSA asked we provide...
Warren Buffett: I 'Should Be Paying A Lot More In Taxes' - HuffPo
I didn't see any full body scanners at Jet Blue JFK terminal last Sunday
Bernie Sanders: The billionaires are on the warpath. They want more, more, more
This is fun! So, what should we be pissed off about next week?
Incoming GA Gov (R-natch) stacks transition team w/lobbyists
Lifetime movie generator with "TSA"
Why I am supporting Joe Miller in his lawsuit over the election results
The real reason the TSA won't scan Congress critters
About those "security theater" and "they do it so much better overseas" memes -
Mad Dog Fundie: Medal of Honor 'feminized' because it wasn't awarded for killing somebody
After divisive election cycle, GOP returns to goosestepping to the party line
Repeal health care? Give up your own first!
Facebook-banning NJ pastor acknowledges threesome
Flaws can cancel life insurance — after death (we need to pat down insurance co's...)
Please! Stop equating opposition to the new TSA guidelines to...
If you don't let us see it, we will touch it.
Charen Blasts Palin's Possible 2012 Presidential Run..
The Silver Douchebag to the Alaskan Grifter....
Where is the Amendment to the Constitution that permits groping and scanning?
Ya know what? I really don't give a shit if they look at my junk.
Operation Gratitude sends toys on a mission
Trouble in the sky right now:Emergency Units Responding to Reports of Fire on Plane at Kennedy Airpo
Listening to CNN: Plane landed safely.
Which is the best liberal/progressive/leftist magazine?
TSA methods 'will kill more Americans on highway'
Natives' super PAC meant new boost for Murkowski campaign
Time-Lapse Video Of Food Stamp Participation Rates During The "New Normal"
The stark truth is there will always be risk of a terrorist attack
Has Joe Scarbrough been suspended for political contributions?
We've been living in a police state for a long time and it is the CONSERVATIVES creation!
World's Largest Chanukah Menorah by Central Park
EXPLOSIVE |CASE FILE New Jersey Admissions In Testimony NOTES NEVER SENT to Trusts KEMP v. Countrywi
Good Airport news: Plane Safe After Emergency Landing at Kennedy Airport
American citizens should not be subjected to such humiliation...
How about for real life savings, the TSA requires a breath test at every hwy on-ramp?
Norris Church Mailer Dies at 61
Ramp up the training, pay them LOTS more, and get smart about transit (all of it) security.
Hey, everyone say happy birthday to my wife!
164,787 members and only 850 Donations!
Why not just wear an aluminum foil suit to the airport?
Could She Reach the Top in 2012? You Betcha By FRANK RICH
Do you blame soldiers for a war? We have soldiers killing innocent civilians
Didn't see any full body scanner at Jet Blue JFK last Sunday
There really is no reason to accept this notion of global warming.
Yumm... Only Ten More Days 'Til We Get A Taste !!!
Yumm... Only Ten More Days 'Til We Get A Taste !!!
Where Does President Obama Stand Compared to Clinton and Reagan?
ROFL: New TSA Bumper Stickers [We Handle More Packages Than the USPS]
TSA Supervisor Busted Stealing From Travelers!
Siberia's Climate Time Bomb: Thawing Permafrost Could Spell Disaster
Barbara Bush Jabs Sarah Palin: 'I Hope She Stays' In Alaska
AP: TSA Has Met the Enemy - and They Are Us ("that line has been crossed")
Hillary Clinton: I Would Not Submit to One of TSA’s Patdowns
Just read his column and have to say: Frank Rich is a bloated out of touch millionaire! nt
The Really Strange Story Behind Sunday's Blue Moon
ACLU "Know Your Options at Airport" (Children &Babies X-Rayed or Pat Down Searched)
Trivia - Golden Oldies - Where are they now?
It would help if TSA's "fact vs myth" didn't include a myth of its own
Prediction: Obama Gets TSA to Back Down, Terror Event Occurs, Congress Attempt Impeachment
GOP's Gains Ready To Propel Social Issues Back Into National Spotlight - WaPo
Don't be a jackass when dealing with people who have jobs requiring them to deal with the public
Don't be a jackass when dealing with people who have jobs requiring them to deal with the public
SERIOUS QUESTION: Would you rather bail out Ireland or ....
I am sick and tired of the old mantra, "If you haven't done anything wrong, then you have nothing to
Bed bugs enroll at George Washington University
JMO but I have a deep sense of foreboding that ....
Become a TSA Agent? They couldn't pay me enough.
Be a patriot! Uncle Sam Needs Your Genitals!
How about for real life savings, the TSA requires a breath test at every hwy on-ramp?
Can a hernia mesh be detected by a backscatter machine?
So how much is it gonna cost me to charter a private plane to fly to NY round trip
one man caused the groping of americans. absurd.
How many would-be bombers would not be aware of the scans and body searches??
An Excellent Article on Barbarbian Practice of Stoning in Iran
Anyone See the Movie Fair Game?
How many fucking TSA threads do we need?!?!?!?
XXX Body Heat XXX - The TSA in Editorial Cartoons
XXX Body Heat XXX - The TSA in Editorial Cartoons
Well Here's Somthing... 'Major Financial Fraud Scandal Nearing Endgame' - FDL
If the TSA wants to get serious about security
Freepers have 4 threads and 612 replies on PalinShouldStayInAlaska-Gate
Any suggestions on handling a cyber-stalker?
The Stimulus Act paid for the new Backscatter machines.
Which of these would you most likely do for your groping experience?
TSA confiscates armed soldier's nail clippers, Allowed to keep his M4 Carbine rifle
cinemark to run the beckerhead travesty
Right-wing media renew assault on unemployment insurance
Fascistic TSA another reason to reject public transportation
More than half have been cut loose from Obama mortgage-aid program
How effective is "stranger danger" and "inappropriate touching" teaching if
1 in 3 Americans will have diabetes by 2050, experts say
We were going to fly next spring to Charlotte
From The Class War Front: Dean Baker - 'Why My Center-Left Friends are Wrong' - FDL
On the Absurdity of Godwin’s Law – Or How it Is Interpreted by Some
Why Are Right-Wingers All Up In Arms About The TSA Searches?
Hey L.A. Times, Kiss My Naked Blue Ass!
Why scanners? Follow the money.
This is how TSA treats children:
Best Friends' take on the Vick article
NBC asked Conan O'Brien to book a certain celebrity during his "Tonight Show" tenure ...he refused
NBC asked Conan O'Brien to book a certain celebrity during his "Tonight Show" tenure ...he refused
Has Sarah Palin Spoke Up About Bristol and Willow Gay Slurs
TSA Theater - EVERYBODY FREEZE! NO MOVEMENT! - audience applauds
26 people arrested in Columbus GA at SOA Vigil
Special Underwear Makes Your Privates Invisible to TSA Scanners
Jeff Sessions Hearts Michele Leonhart
What Is In Our Future When The Enema Bomber Strikes?
It's time for another Justice Sunday to get the ball rolling on judicial confirmations
After All Those Years Of Cold War Crap... "The Communists, The Socialists..."
They need to start training TSA agents like they do in Israel
The claim is Israel (El Al) does RACIAL profiling. Is that really true?
12/08 John Aravosis: “There don't seem to be any liberals in Obama's cabinet,”
I have a plan! Let's abandon screening air travelers until the next terrorist incident.
GATS Agreement: The blueprint for global privatization of education & ed deform
The TSA controversy is legitimate but over sensationalized & about to be outrageously politicized
How many planes would blow up?
People really should be careful with their language. Calling TSA workers child molesters
Perhaps it's those so scared of the terraists that they are willing to see all our rights in the...
The New War Congress: An Obama-Republican Alliance
I am going to scan through GD today, and give stars to everyone who is currently starless.
The pat down issue is sophomoric
I went Through Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam in 2005 and 2006
Absolutely shocking: "Get the flag in the shot!"
Paul Krugman: Obama Has 'Largely Accepted Conservative View Of The World'
No "Green Shoots" in the Evergreen State
High IQ link to being vegetarian
No "Green Shoots" in the Evergreen State - Take 2
Why don't we use the boycotting-air-travel idea to push for high-speed rail in the US?
FL's Bill Nelson furious with "palace guard" around Obama. Says oil spill mishandled.
FL's Bill Nelson furious with "palace guard" around Obama. Says oil spill mishandled.
I am neither rich nor famous. (Warning: Bypass if you are sick of TSA threads)
What Killed Aiyana Stanley-Jones
Mr. President, being groped by government agents is not "frustrating".
"Grandmama, they touched you on your special girl parts"
Doonesbury on Mr. 'Justice' and Mrs. Teabagger:
55th Anniversary of Campbell's Soup Introducing Green Bean Casserole Recipe
Sunday Dental Thread: Planning for the last catastrophe...
This cynical dividing crap getting outta hand. MELLO OUT W A DOOBIE FEST...DEC 28, 2010
After helping feds, whistleblower details bribes, fraud in Afghanistan
George Carlin on Airport Security...
Phil Ochs: What are you fighting for? (And still voting and paying for.)
Defend Social Security and Medicare: National call-in day November 30th
I'm sorry I have to point this out, but immigrants these days sure got a lot of damn nerve.
I need to whine, so here goes...
Here is a website with a pretty good freeware list.
Does anyone here drink four loko?
How's this for a truly bizarre crime connection?
Mulligatawny Soup garnished with Sour Cream. I'm just saying.... n/t
Got a word association thing going on in GD...sorta.
Do you ever wonder why even when people protest or are against things some do it anyways?
Florence and the Machine makes me yearn for...
Ever notice when a Dem is President car/truck commercials
"A Nightmare on Elm Street": Disappointing series
I went to Politics and Prose last night...
SO, Harry Pot-heads, who has seen Deathly Hallows Part I? What did everybody think??
It's Sunday Morning. What are you drinking?
Airport Security Collapses On TSA Democrats After Being Groped By Jeff Gannon At Olive Garden
Thank you, secret donor, for the star
Is it safe to sprinkle boric acid inside my computer tower?
Woman with gun caught masturbating
Last night, i was the target of a drive-by egging...
Count Cornelius Bombolbí and Baron Joaquin von Tainitom
famous phrases heard at the thanksgiving table
Instinctive kids. I was at the beach when I was 4. One of my grandmothers told
My McRib really IS like eating a Dr. Scholl's insert smothered in corn syrup BBQ sauce.
Good news, everyone! (Futurama)
Once in tonight's blue moon I am most thankful!
It's Saturday night. What are you drinking?
Anyone here ever grow their own tobacco?
Your Sunday LOLcats (dial-up warning) Stray Cat Strut Edition
A question for the ladies about airport body scans and pat downs
DOC channel..."Festival Express 1970" is airing..(for music lovers)
Lindsay Lohan Loses Lead Role in Linda Lovelace Biopic
Cats -- the soundtrack of love.
Tell me about Twitter. Do you have a Twitter account?
Tiny chihuahua set to join Japan police
Seriously need help. I have been sneezing my head off all day
Eva Longoria divorces Tony Parker (NMA animated news parody)
Where do you fit in on this chart?
Ya know what? I really don't give a shit if they look at my junk.
My father died on my birthday, it feels so strange now with both of my parents gone.
Sex and the City 2 was one of the worst movies I've seen
Some dude who I follow on Twitter tweeted that he was having dinner
Did anyone figure out today's "Perals Before Swine" pun?
When do you think Glee will feature Liz Phair's hit HWC?
Fifty Ugliest Cars of the Past 50 Years
Hey, everyone say happy birthday to my wife!
It's not Thanksgiving without...
So I'm having a bevy with a couple Navajo last night...
The entire Bucky Life Story (a tribute to Middle Finger Mom)
Who told Garrison Keillor he could sing? Do the women he has duets with ever...
Boy's best friend ~ Dog mourns loss of owner, 15
Alright, got my ticket for Roger Waters tonight
"Hey Woody Guthrie where are ya?" (best song ever)
Dems Still Moving Forward With Filibuster Reform
Just listened to someone who voted Republican complain about the outcome
SoS Hillary Clinton making the rounds tomorrow -- will be on CBS, NBC, and Faux.
"When will Americans declare the Transportation Security Administration a terrorist organization?"
"Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this Presidency"
President Obama Speaks at Nato...International Press Conference! (C-Span Video)
Pence Rejects Americans’ Call To Not Cut Social Programs
Can this be true?? Obama to award GHW Bush with Medal of Freedom????
European allies back President Obama on START
Patriotic Millionaires Explain That Tax Cuts for the Rich Don't Grow the Economy
Mullen: Marines will comply with 'don't ask, don't tell' repealBy the CNN Wire Staff
Robert Reich again makes case for $500,000 tax cut threshold (it's where the money is)
What Landslide? "The American People" have clearly spoken" Narrative - Is BULLSHIT!
Let me offer a less invasive alternative to the TSA body scanners and airport pat-downs
Perhaps Obama is not a Democrat or Republican??
TSA chief: Screening may evolve
Senate Democrats rip into Obama during private meeting
How many people who object to the TSA screening have defended racial profiling?
26 people arrested in Columbus GA at SOA Vigil
Seriously. Why do you think the TSA strip search/fondle/backscatter rules are in place.
Berlusconi ally 'was link to Mafia'
To those in the media who oppose TSA security measures-I say this
Report shows Nazis given safe haven in US
Eric Cantona's call for bank protest sparks online campaign
The "out of control spending" myth
Clinton: Make airport pat-downs be less intrusive
"Tens" of Afghan election winners disqualified
Pinon Canyon Ranchers Fighting Proposed Army Site
'Maoist rebel bomb' kills seven in India's Bihar state
Human rights groups slam death squad suspect release
Contract talks extended for some postal workers (apx 300,000 total)
TSA will work to make pat-downs less invasive
Another Va. Republican mulls 2012 U.S. Senate bid
"Witch's brew" of explosives linked to terrorism found in Escondido home
Obama seems to be showing some courage on the TSA pat-downs
Reports of Fire on Plane at Kennedy Airport
EXPLOSIVE |CASE FILE New Jersey Admissions In Testimony NOTES NEVER SENT to Trusts KEMP v. Countrywi
Clinton: 'Vast majority' of detainees should get civilian trials
Ireland confirms reports it will seek bailout
Body scanner CEO accompanied Obama to India
Clinton says (again) she's through with politics
Engine fire on JFK-bound plane investigated by authorities, wing on fire as plane dumps fuel: report
Global health officials target tobacco additives - Countries agree on tobacco control
Ahmadinejad urges girls to marry at 16
Pope Benedict edges away from total ban on use of condoms
US drone strike kills six in Pakistan: Security officials Read more: US drone strike kills six in P
Looking into the crystal ball for 2012, how do you think your state is going to go?
I'm not a Republican or a troublemaker for complaining about TSA and holding Obama accountable
Mullen: End policy on gays as soon as possible
Okay I'll go there.. exactly what would you do to find people hell bent on using planes as weapons
Political divide between coasts and Midwest deepening, midterm election analysis shows
U.S. nearing end of major Wall Street insider-trading probe
Jobs and Murdoch Prepping iPad-only Daily Newspaper
Banks in Ireland 'on brink of collapse'
GOP Judges Write Senators Asking Them To Stop Obstructing President Obama’s Judges
Chavez demands action against owner of TV channel
Shouldn't Obama insist that he and Congress be subject to the same TSA standards as everyone else?
U.S. Expert Saw Hundreds of Centrifuges in North Korea[
Road spanning South America to open after delays
Venezuela to Request Extraditions in Danilo Anderson Case
TSA chief: Screening may evolve
Jindal blasts Obama administration, calls TSA searches excessive
Carter: Fox commentators have ‘deliberately distorted’ news
Analyst: TSA Methods 'Will Kill More Americans on Highway'
Top U.S. military officer: North Korea 'very dangerous' country
"Sarah Palin's Alaska" has ruined Sarah Palin's plans to become president
Barbara Bush: I Hope Sarah Palin Stays In Alaska
U.S. Has No Plans to Retreat from Traveler Patdown
I am sorry. I can't support any President who requires naked pictures or groping of my genitals to--
Is anyone still inspired by Obama?
Buffett Tells ABC Rich Americans Should Be Paying `a Lot' More in Taxes
TSA pat-down leaves traveler covered in urine
Weird Liberal Head Show #227: End TSA Body Scans and Pat Downs!
Barbara Jordan 1976 DNC Keynote'll be shocked at how relevant this is right NOW.
Survey Says: Marriage Is Obsolete?
Rep. Duncan Blasts TSA ''Pat Downs,'' Scanners on House Floor
Right Wing Patriots Just Don't Get It
Studs Terkel interview with Isaac Bashevis Singer
On President Obama, Krugman is wrong, again
Meg McLain Singled out by the TSA, Cuffed to a Chair, Her Ticket Ripped up
Ron Paul: USA Stop Being Submissive HR 6416 American Traveler Dignity Act Stopping TSA
Kid strip searched at the airport
Young Boy Strip Searched by TSA before boarding FLIGHT!
Stock Trading Master Sermon Part 2 - GM IPO
Michelle Obama: We need your help
Food Stamp Map (VIDEO): Usage Increased Almost 60% Since 2007
Thom Hartmann: Feminization of Medal of Honor
Chertoff and Company - The Cover Up (Body Scanners)
New Hampshirites protest judicial abuse
MSNBC: Cenk's Message To President Obama
RT crew arrested in US filming at 'School of Assassins'
Former Gov. Jesse Ventura Will No Longer Fly!
Why do atheists care about religion?
7,000 Ways to Fix the Deficit (Re: NYT budget puzzle)
Backlash from nativists delays DREAM Act
British students to hold fresh protests
If marriage is so good, why not invite everyone in? (Australian columnist)
Could She Reach the Top in 2012? You Betcha Frank Rich
Stone Age Brain, Space Age Culture (Mickey Z.)
"Peel and Feel: Bad Policy Never Stops Getting Worse" (What's next Enemas?)
After 30 years of Reaganomics our infrastructure has fallen behind and we are not competitive in the
Taxation, Privatization and Porno Scanners
Congress' Median Household Net Worth: One Picture Is Worth 1000 Words
Watchdog Group Says NGOs "Duped" Donors and "Failed Haiti"
Warren Buffett: I 'Should Be Paying A Lot More In Taxes'
5 Reasons Electric Cars Will Disappoint
The 'Israelification' of airports: High security, little bother
Who'd a Thunk It?: GOP Leadership Channels Woody Allen
Report shows Nazis given safe haven in US
Sunday Funnies: Best Political Cartoons of the Week
Does reading a book make us happier? (BBC)
Glenn Beck Speaks to Audience of West Point Cadets, Promotes Socialism
AZ Schools: Send Obese Kids Home With A Note?
As the US spirals downward, a growing percentage of Americans seem too willing to turn a blind eye
Kneeling again next to RFK 17-year-old busboy Juan Romero held Robert Kennedy's hand as the senator
Carbon Dioxide in Conversion of Biomass Into Biofuel
Flood at China coal pit traps 28 (BBC)
First Uranium mine to reopen after fatal accident
Tiger summit aims to double numbers (BBC)
Town of Telluride protests uranium mill
Palmolive® Eco+® Lemon Splash® Free of Phosphate (thoughts?)
Christie (R- Dumbass -NJ) and global warming - What's driving his skepticism?
Cotter's defunct uranium mine could draw new slaps for contamination (Colorado)
So, I'm planning yet another local, homegrown organic Thanksgiving
North Koreans Unveil Vast New Plant for Nuclear Use
NZ mine rescue efforts stymied by unsafe gas levels (BBC) {29 miners trapped}
Farms to harvest rare animal parts 'are not the answer' (BBC)
2009 carbon emissions fall smaller than expected (BBC)
Whackjobs cheer N.Korea's nuclear weapons program
Dubai eyes 'clean coal,' nuclear as power sources
Ohio slaying victims stabbed, not shot.
Two views on new ATF director, Brady Campaign and NRA-ILA...
New gun law widens permit holders' rights
When even gun controllers doubt the existence of the "gun show loophole"....
Guns used to kill police officers: Where they come from and how they get in the hands of criminals
Gloat-Free NBA Scores (Saturday, November 20)
Brian St. Pierre's greatest hits (long version)
Stanford rolls over Cal 48-14..
Johnson Captures 5th Straight NASCAR
Jeff Fisher: Vince Young no longer Titans starter
Holy Shite - is New England about to blow this
ICC begins preliminary investigations in Honduras and Nigeria
Yale University to return Machu Picchu artefacts
Road spanning South America to open after delays
Israeli wanted in Colombia for training paramilitary groups evades extradition, returns home
Chavez demands action against owner of TV channel
Human rights groups slam death squad suspect release
Argentina, South Africa sign defence pact
8 arrested in Venezuela housing probe
Venezuela to Request Extraditions in Danilo Anderson Case
OSU haters feel free to feel bad about the world
If you could, would you visit Cuba?
Suppose Vick was signed by your team and turned it into a contender... would you still follow them?
Today is the 100th anniversary of the Mexican Revolution
1986 FOPA Hughes amendment vote footage located
Met Namoli Brennet this evening. She sang at a trans remembrance vigil in a local park.
Pageant Crown Dedicated to Antibullying Campaign
Kansas: Not as Bigoted as You Think
Pope OKs Condom Use For Male Hookers
UNICEF: Israel negligent in guarding children's rights
Abbas: no talks without east Jerusalem building freeze
Hamas: Resistance our legitimate right
Israeli soldiers walk free in Gaza human shield case
Notre Dame silent on teen's death
Facebook-Banning Pastor Admits To Threesome With Wife And Male Church Assistant
Imagine If All Atheists Left America
New book examines diverse views of God
Why are our Christians so powerful, instrusive & generally out of control? I blame Clinton.
What's the Matter with the Higgs Boson?
An APOD wallpaper for Ubuntu fans
Exotic Plant's Once-a-Century Bloom in Pictures
More black and white images from downtown.
Rank and File Auto Workers to Take On Concessions
Low-paid workers ask retail companies to clean up their act
NYT: Unions Yield on Wage Scales to Preserve Jobs
Today in Labor History Nov 21, 6 killed and many wounded in the Columbine Massacre at Lafayette, Co.
Democrats push to pass state worker contracts
Steelers' Art Rooney: NFL labor deal will come, but timetable can't be predicted
Statement by Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis on expanded Trade Adjustment Assistance program
THE INFLUENCE GAME: NFL union seeks Congress' help
Grocery stores, workers reach tentative labor agreement
W Post: Expanding nurses union steps up strikes
NBA labor deal uncertainty has players on edge