Democratic Underground

Archives: November 23, 2010

AFL-CIO warns about recount fundraising scam

Barbara Bush; 'I Hope Palin Stays In Alaska'

Arrogance PLUS: Comcast publicly names their new management staff while still negotiating merger

Proposal: Offer Sarah Palin, Barbara Bush, GWB, GWHB

Hundreds killed in Cambodian festival stampede

(FDL): Flyer's rights and petition for congress to investigate TSA

Barbara Bush to Sara Plain - "Stay in Alaska"


Chandra Levy murderer guilty, should the Puke talking heads that ruined Gary Condit's career

On December 7, Take Your Money and Run! Show the Banks (and Politicians) Who's Boss

RE: TSA Screenings. On a tech show I listen to, the men on the show were asked

Report: The Real Story Behind Disney Toys Not Suited for Children


WOW, Poppy Bush, you oughta listen to yourself when you speak.

Should I put a sweater on the two conures?

Harris has AGAIN widened her lead over Cooley in the CA AG race

A small treasure

Medical marijuana: what happens when someone shows up to work high

People who like their junk touched by strangers the TSA is here to help

If TSA screeners had any dignity

Pics from Dealey Plaza today (dial up warning)

New U.S. security rules not common elsewhere (MSNBC)

NY Post Wants a Walmart in NYC Very Badly

JET PACKS!! *Yes* we have jet packs .. but they could offshore if IPO fails

Coed Naked Flying: Public Approves of Full Body Scans 2:1

Don't want to be groped by the TSA? Take off your clothes!

Michael Moore and Wendell Potter coming up on KO

Study: Non-Smoking Women At Greater Risk For Lung Cancer Than Men

Car lot visitor puts pedal to much metal (blood-alcohol level of .194 got 20 cars)

Washington Head Start Bans Breastfeeding Violating Discrimination Law

Osama bin Laden's planned State of The Jihad speech for 2010.

Banksters Gone Wild !!!!

Palin's dance tonight shows little improvement. I am just keeping it real. nt

Palin's dance tonight shows little improvement. I am just keeping it real. nt

I wonder if Jon Kyle of Az understands that the US

Did Christine O'Donnell do us a favor by ousting Mike Castle?

Did Christine O'Donnell do us a favor by ousting Mike Castle?

Treasure Of Quotes On Politics Here:

The End of Marriage in America?

I have someone here who (I think) has the final word on TSA pat-downs...

Does anyone realize you can bypass security by flying in from a small airport?

Resentment Myth News-"Nothing Ever Changes In Foxland"

Obama is, at worst, the second-best president America has had for 30 years.

TSA Work Slowdown On "Opt Out" Day ?

Franken wants antitrust probe of Comcast

Franken wants antitrust probe of Comcast

YOO cuts Shrub loose, Can somebody arrest these creeps now?!1

If some of us have "body odors" from med problems or are "overweight" should TSA Complain About us?

Airport body-scanner manufacturers armed for K Street battle

Heads-Up !!! - This Documentary Should Be Supported !!! - 'Inside Job'

16G WiFi iPad $399 @ TjMaxx/Marshalls

Rahm Bam Thank-You Mam...His Renter Is Running For Mayor...

November 22, 1963 the United States of America had a President with Vision

Velma Hart laid off (Woman who said to Pres Obama she is exhausted of defending him)

(self delete)

What’s the Confusion?

Supreme Court to Decide if AT&T Has Personal Privacy Rights

DemocraticUnderground's favorite McCain wants to "kick Obama's ass"

Ireland should 'do an Argentina'

Is it customary

You Want to Fly On An Airplane With Me for 6 Hours?

Fun at the airport with ..... --- oh how sweet it could have been

CNS STORY Pope, church leaders call for guaranteed health care for all people

An Appropriate Portrait Of The Bushco Criminal Gang?

Mandatory Monday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

Derision Points: The Bush Memoir Prank

President set to compromise on Slavery

Could ordering federal agents to grope your genitals without cause

US Transportation Authority is Paid by our Tax Dollars and is Government Entity..Groping & X Raying!

Are there really that many people wanting to hurt us? Where are they?

Why oh why?

Photo: Looks like Poppy Bush is getting his suits from David Byrne's tailor

Delta may consider refunds over screening issue

Wendell Potter is apologizing to Michael Moore on "Countdown."

A TPM reader w/hip replacement's experience with the "pat down" at Reagan Airport on Friday

Attempting to cast my rigged DWTS votes for Jennifer Grey...

I hit the Daily Double today (TSA)

Taliban leader in secret talks was an impostor!

"It's what the readers want." My experience with People Magazine

What's the honorable way to live your life?

About the 2 types of new airport scanners. One with radiation,

don't forget Project votesmart lets you see a politician's voting record...for years

Can you spot the terrorist in this picture?

Preparing our Youth for Adulthood...

Meghan McCain: "I want to go get a Republican elected. I want to kick Obama's ass the next election"

Researchers kick-start ancient DNA

Senator Olympia Snowe supports lawsuit against health care reform law

Dunkin' Donuts Allegedly Called Police on Breastfeeding Mothers

Elsewhere, profiling is preferred method of airport security

A song, timely as ever, on what our veterans come home to.

Dogs are 'smarter than cats'

Glenn Beck Promotes Socialism to West Point Cadets

As much as it is security theatre, it's also all about corporate profits

Report: Nuke weapon drivers got drunk on job

There is only one way to honor Reagan's legacy on his 100th birthday

Interesting comments by a Roger Ebert reader on radiation risks of TSA scanners

I think unrec is like pins in the vodoo doll - for example

Those Who Orchestrated The Mortgage Scam Get To Walk Away....With Rewards

Do We Need To Re-Label Broadband As Telecommunications So FCC Has More Internet Authority?

Lame-duck Congress's first task: avoid a government shutdown

Lame-duck Congress's first task: avoid a government shutdown

Lockheed Martin Continues Fighting For (very expensive) F-35

Women's distrust of VA hard to shed

BBC News' Live Ticker: Korean Crisis:

Flew out of LAX and ATL this weekend and no xray scanners or pat-downs

Ongoing local and world changing events other than TSA patdowns

President Obama needs Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi as his chief of staff. Get rid of people

What the Brits think about America for even talking about Palin running for President in 2012..

San Mateo DA promises to prosecute overly touchy pat downs

The stench of the police state at US airports

Number of Army suicides already surpasses 2009 total

''Free men... standing up to their responsibilities.''

When Irish eyes are furious........

BREAKING: While the TSA was groping your genitals, all hell is breaking loose in N and S Korea

Man’s urostomy bag damaged during invasive TSA pat-down; forced to fly with urine all over him

Hmmmm. This could turn out poorly

Audit criticizes TSA screener training

Dark Hour

Juan Cole: Scammed in Afghanistan

"Swiss rightwing politicians have much in common with the Tea Party movement ..."

(Al) Franken wants antitrust probe of Comcast

Overused political phrases

Who’s Hiring? Big Companies and U.S. Government

Paul B. Farrell: Kamikaze Capitalism: GOP out to destroy

Relax. The Chaebol will not allow any war in South Korea. Unemployment rate is about 3% there

Scammed in Afghanistan

We get scammed in Afghanistan ...meanwhile on the back porch!!!

Pill shows up to 70% drop in HIV infection risk (LA Times)

This Modern World - Just in time for the holidays: Security Theatre Follies!

Body scanner makers doubled lobbying cash over 5 years (USA Today)

Van Jones' msg to liberals: "You know, we Don't. Have. Enough. Self. Esteem!"

Lawrence O’Donnell Close To Catching Greta In Tight Thursday Night Ratings

I watch America Master on PBS..

Existing U.S. Home Sales Drop More Than Forecast on Foreclosure Moratorium

US economy grew 'faster-than-thought' (BBC)

India to deploy 36,000 extra troops on Chinese border (BBC)

'Hoarders' Rats Up For Adoption: 1,000 Rats Removed From House On Reality TV Show

'Hoarders' Rats Up For Adoption: 1,000 Rats Removed From House On Reality TV Show

CNN Video: Texan Dan Wallrath is giving free homes to Veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan

You Don’t Need to See His Identification

The narcissism behind teabagger/neocon "thinking".

On a very special "Hannity," the very special personal friendship of two "extraordinary men."

Hugo Chavez bravely advances the cause of political freedom by restricting the use of his likeness

As chances dim for the DREAM Act's passage, college campuses emerge as the latest immigration battle

Gawker is chockful of wit, jabs, whimsy, and real news today

Bruce Springsteen: Why America Is Hurting ("The Climate For Getting Things Done Is Very, Very Ugly")

Church of England bishop suspended over royal wedding comments

Fat Planet: Top 10 Fattest Countries 2010 (US #8)

Does the US have the assets to assist South Korea if we're needed?

Obama should remember these words of Dr. King

Cambodia stampede kills hundreds at festival

Aung San Suu Kyi and son Kim reunited after 10 years (BBC)

Aung San Suu Kyi and son Kim reunited after 10 years (BBC)

Things are looking up for Barack Obama.

What Is Kyl Trying To Prove?.......

Chemical explosion at Windsor high school

Cute play on words

"the only problem is that it is very lonely without the comfort of our illusions."

Airport body-scanner manufacturers armed for K Street battle

The year 2010 now has the most national extreme heat records for a single year--nineteen

There May Be a Problem

Fox Apparently Rejected Ad Calling for DADT Repeal

Conventional Wisdom: Both parties are purging moderates, creating a vacuum at the center

Corporate Profits Were the Highest on Record Last Quarter

Anyone know how to recycle books? Thanks.

Wikileaks promises release 7 times bigger than Iraq War Logs

TSA-style "security" at my son's middle school

The Two Most Essential, Abhorrent, Intolerable Lies Of George W. Bush's Memoir

Today is anniversary of assassination of President John F. Kennedy ... any thoughts?

Gawker -Revolt of the Elites: Junk-Touching Edition

G.W. Bush was at Wal-Mart 's Home Office yesterday to promote his new book.

I would not take it for granted that North Korea is the aggressor.

Poll uncovers potential 2012 pitfall for GOP

Everyone Should Read This Post From Last Nite(See Link Below) And Send Michael Moore An E-mail......

Are TSA agents working around the scanners allowed to wear dosimeters?

Enigma codebreaker Alan Turing's papers auctioned (BBC) {funds needed SOON to donate to museum}

Tuesday TOON Roundup 2 - More junk

Mr. Fish: What's The Confusion?

Tuesday TOON Roundup 3 - The Palin problem

Vote for ABB (Anyone But Bristol) on DWTS.

Tuesday TOON Roundup 4

Tuesday TOON Roundup 5

Does anybody know how a State sponsored cyber unit work?

News Corp makes a play into education

Tuesday TOON Roundup 1 - Junk security

TSA: Travel Advice for Tofu Turkeys: You are not real.

Dept of Homeland Security 10 years from now?

The Ten Lessons of RAHMSES: So Let It Be Written

Half in survey say airport patdowns go too far

Barbara Bush Says It Was Housekeeper Who Put Fetus In A Jar (VIDEO)

It is legal to sell fireworks in Az now

GDP report: Economic growth picks up steam

Sick of MSNBC

South Korea warns North of 'enormous retaliation' after attack

NATO is 'mafia' and Obama a 'snake charmer'

Hundreds gather at protest for soldier's funeral

O’Reilly attacks ‘Simpsons’ as ‘pinheads’ after Fox “#1 with racists” jibe

Exclusive: In Letter, Gates Dismissed McCain’s Concerns About DADT Study

When good upstanding white folk start getting searched then it's fucking ON!

On Barbara Bush and what it means about how America thinks of her

The Top Tax Rate is 27% Below US Historical Average

Good ol' conservative "responsibility": Christian Right group blames ACLU for it's bad idea

those opposed to the new tsa procedures "don't care about the greater good"

Good News: DOJ's Whistle-Blower Recruitment Pays Off

GOP Report attacking climate change science was plagiarized

Gibbs: GOP'er on Health Care is "Hypocritical"

IMF proposes Ireland cut taxes, minimum wage, unemployment.

Thank you, Anonymous Donor!

After strike, SK leader calls for 'enormous retaliation' against NK

Thieves rob NYC pizzeria and make off with lots of dough - literally

Charles Whittington, Vet Who Wrote About Addiction To Violence, Barred From College

I just wanted to say thanks to my anonymous donor for this recent pledge drive

Cops investigating whether mutilated teen fell from plane

A New Political Reality Settling in for National Transportation Financing

Politics expires with lack of compromise. Becomes religion, ideology, gridlock


Federal Inmates Learn Salsa Dancing - Eating Pink Salmon And Enjoy E-Mailing

Euro in `Exceptionally Serious' Situation Amid Irish Bailout, Merkel Says

Euro in `Exceptionally Serious' Situation Amid Irish Bailout, Merkel Says

One blogger's TSA encounter

Hidden victims of the mortgage meltdown

Cold War Air Defense Relied on Widespread Dispersal of Nuclear Weapons, Documents Show (The National

Joe & Jill Biden host a Thanksgiving meal for Wounded Warriors - pics

I am sad today -

Adam Savage goes through TSA scanner, gets two 12" razor blades on plane anyway..

It's franks & beans time - Obama fan who rapped prez gets fired

Good grief.....Time Warner offers to charge you more for service you should be getting anyway

I was on a walk this afternoon and noticed that an Obama for President

The New York Times Wakes Up to Palin

Don't question authority.

Support for Body Scanners Dropping

(Iraq) War veteran barred from CCBC campus for frank words on killing

U.S. Bank Profits Climb

Ahem, per CNN, one their people found a loaded gun magazine

Ahem, per CNN, one their people found a loaded gun magazine

Repukes already trying to kill high-speed rail in CA, elsewhere

LMAO.. O'Reilly mad at the Simpsons!

Man Stranded on Roe Island for 5 Days With Only Burritos and a Cellphone

More Concern After Shrimp Boat Hauls in Oil with its Catch

Why the TSA is all gung-ho over groping pat downs

Body Scanner Caught [adults only, please]

Let’s change the name of Thanksgiving

Truman:"There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow......

Why should we pay a fee for withdrawing money from a bank ATM machine?

A pill to block out the bad memories:

With Socialists Like These...

Another fine episode of What Digby Said ("Security Theater")

So is Ken Cuccinelli going to go after Edward Wegman for defrauding Virginia taxpayers?

Breaking News: Man Having Package Examined At Airport...

Has anyone started an Obama scorecard of good?

I'm sure Velma Hart will get a new gig with Fox News or something

I'm sure Velma Hart will get a new gig with Fox News or something

When someone robs a bank, a store or their neighbor they are arrested...

The Rude Pundit - Ted Rall and the Rude Pundit Talk Revolution, Part 2 (The Problem as It Stands)

Cargo, not crotches

Location Location Location-Bush's book on sale at the D.C. airport.

Teabagging at the Ballgame

Withers: NJ preacher enjoyed a three-way

Countdown - Interesting and horrifying thought

A San Diego Man at Lindbergh Field Chooses ''Strip-Down'' Over Pat-Down - then was ARRESTED

With New Power, GOP Takes On Consumer Agency ~ Wall Street Journal

Is the credibility/patriotism of the "security experts" up for review?

I have updated my blog...

Cargo building at Boston airport evacuated

Bush Cheney and the end of the world - nice read

Russia sees 'colossal danger' of Korea escalation

Blast from the past: Bush names Kissinger to head 9/11 probe

Feds STEAL (seize) Camp Zoe (music festival grounds)

CABLE RAT RACE: Palin Drops Big In Week 2; 'Walking Dead' Steady

Corporations Post Record Profits As Republicans Call For Eliminating The ‘Insidious’ Corporate

The War on Christmas has begun!

President Obama, White House, Continue Focus on North Korean Attack

Sen. Franken wants DOJ to probe Comcast on anti-trust violation

Designer turkeys fly off the shelves in anticipation of Thanksgiving - at up to $14 per pound

On torture: I remember back in 2004, during the convention speech thinking, "He should be running."

Feldene. $122 Kroger's. $2 Clinic Pharmacy

Republicans Call Chris Christie A Bully -- for capping school principals' salaries

Salon: Palin's new book name-checks Reagan 33 times, putting him second only to GOD (100 mentions)

It's about personal image & how much we all care about what "other people" will think.

It's about personal image & how much we all care about what "other people" will think.

Sharron Angle, still decoupled from reality

I think things did change after 9/11, Americans lost their collective minds.

I think things did change after 9/11, Americans lost their collective minds.

Wait until the ass bomber strikes.

Why not radio-wave scanners?

Reputation Correction Services

Video: Sea Shepherd zodiac boat training

What's the deal with Assurance Wireless from Virgin Mobile

TSA in violation of OSHA standards

Republicans Could Save $2.4 Million A Year By Forgoing Their Health Care

Think you've read the worst about foreclosures? Read this

Maybe it's time to replace the handshake with the junk grab.

Expansion of Bike Lanes in City Brings Backlash (NY Times)

Expansion of Bike Lanes in City Brings Backlash (NY Times)

Help feed America

Michael Moore & Wendell Potter on Democracy Now

"Going forward, we need your voice"

Obama Needs To Coddle Wall Street Even More Or He's Doomed, Argues Politico

Conservative "comedy" spoofing us liberals

FTC bans advance fees for mortgage relief

Joe Barton, POS

Awesome rant, in front of Congress.. And it got loud applause from the audience. Too bad it was 1960

UP: Panchayat bans mobiles for unmarried girls

OMG!!! Hartsfield TSA worker allegedly abducts, assaults woman

Corporate Profits Hit New Record, U.S. Workers Still Struggling

"HATEFUL DAYS!" Will Pitt has Excellent Post UP at this Link...Truly Excellent!

ACLU: States Refuse to Give Up Lethal Injection Drug Dealer

CDC Director Talks About the Nation's Biggest (and Winnable?) Health Battles

Woman detained at Moscow airport after 8 live, rare falcons were found in luggage

What do you get when you mix hills, ice, and a bus?

ACLU Cites Walgreens For Refusing Emergency Contraception to Men

Healthcare Reform Challenge Can Proceed, Says Ohio Federal Judge

The party of NO and the crisis

Changing Face of HIV Shows Disparities in Care, Outcomes

Is your kid wearing a cast and going to's TSA's solution to that!

Fox News gets Sitting Bull history wrong

Take heart in this: a good number of baggers die of old age every year

US Dialysis Mortality Rates High but Vary Widely Between Centers

I am finishing my BA tonight!

North Korea fires artillery onto South Korean island, two marines killed

Thanks DU for signing the petition against non-educator Cathie Black becoming NYC Schools Chancellor

Thanks DU for signing the petition against non-educator Cathie Black becoming NYC Schools Chancellor

Top 10 Medical News Stories of 2010

Imprisoned congressman champions prison reform

I've been out and about all day. Did Skeletor come onto

Survey: Americans Unhappy With Health Insurance

Heads-Up: Countrywide's Mortgage Document Errors May Doom Bank of America - DailyFinance

Myth of a Bullet Hole Causing Explosive Decompression in Airliners

If there is a person dumber that Charlie Sheen, I can't imagine who it is.

Republicans Could Save $2.4 Million A Year By Forgoing Their Health Care

'Sarah Palin's Alaska' Ratings Plummet In Week 2

Roid Rage Jesus

"The Campaign Against SiCKO"

Attn: Keyboard Warriors: Where is the activism, organizing, protests and

What not to wear? Clothing a security line issue

Health insurers face new federal rules on medical spending ~ Washington Post

USA TODAY/Gallup Poll: Most fliers bothered or angered by TSA pat-downs

Nearly 1 in 5 Americans Had Mental Illness in 2009

Baby girl in China abandoned on the street... because she is BLONDE

Well while we navel graze

The good thing about working near the airport

Plane Searched In Denver, 2 Taken Off: airport &Denver Police said they didn't know about incident

Bishop (D) takes 206-vote lead as count winds down

DoJ Appeals Judge's Order That Lesbian Nurse Margaret Witt, Discharged Under DADT, Be Reinstated

I have always wanted to give the republicans the benefit of the doubt...

OMFG What will the terrorists think of next?!!

First they came for your cell phone conversations, your shoes, then patted you down to keep YOU safe...

They came first for the Muslim’s junk,

Reauthorizing the Migratory Bird Treaty Act

Reauthorizing the Migratory Bird Treaty Act

BASH THE TEACHERS: Tom Friedman Edition

We Lost a Great Advocate for a Decent World with the Death of Chalmers Johnson

House Dem dares GOP on healthcare repeal:" put up or sit down"

A little frontier wisdom for Democrats

Social Security doesn't need "saving". It needs to be *protected*

3 Year Old Mandy's Bear was Taken by TSA for Screening then they Body Searched Her!

Obama Administration loosens medical-loss ratio rules for "mini-med" health insurance policies!

Stranded man was too embarrassed to use cell phone, lived on deserted island for 5 days

20x the scanner x-ray radiation reported by TSA

Corporate Hell

If Palin win for DWTS

the fact that ONE PERSON ever tried a crime does not justify checking EVERYONE for the same thing

Willow Palin's boyfriend caught using racial slur - Fucking Raghead who comes off Queer..

WATCH: Olbermann, Moore Confront Guy Sent By Big Insurance to Discredit 'Sicko'

America's Failed War of Attrition in Afghanistan

Don't Ever Forget: Follow The Money

We welcomed Dubya to Kansas City tonight

'Sarah Palin's Alaska' Ratings Plummet

Voters Strongly Back Amending Constitution To Restrict Corporate Political Spending

cop kicks teen with his hands up

Gulf oil spill: Offshore drilling firms threaten to go abroad

Security Theater or Security TSA

Southern Poverty Law Center Gays are most likely victims of hate crimes

End of American dream a nightmare for Obama

President Obama & VP Biden tour the Chrysler Indiana Transmission Plant II in Kokomo - pics

Consensus forming in among Washington politicians for cuts in "entitlements".

Thank you to everyone who donated during our 4th quarter fund drive, and to our monthly subscribers!

So, I see O'Reilly is now going after the Simpsons

Best Political Cartoons of 2010

I believe in holding the President accountable but Ed Schulz is beginning to get on my nerves.

What will happen when all the folks who are on unemployment get cut off?

Airport BODY SCANNERS: " Statistically SOMEONE Is Going To GET SKIN CANCER From These X-RAYS

Ok, enough of the TSA crap. Its a distraction! How about some outrage about blocking unemployment

What the TSA Patdown Searches Are Really About

Body Scanner Companies Poured Cash into Lobbying Efforts

You CAN do something about TSA. Here is airline toll free phone list

Would a 'Naked Airlines' be able to offer cheaper airfares?

Rep. Marcy Kaptur on Dylan Ratigan's program today - She's understated but gave a clear explanation

How the top 2% spend a tax cut:'Ancient' Apple 1 Sells For $213,000

In GA if a local district rejects a charter school, a state commission can overrule.

President Obama & VP Biden tour and have lunch at the Kokomo Fire Department - pics

Debating a New Democrat on cutting Social Security and Medicare

Why Willow Palin drinking and smoking weed matters

Murdoch buys education technology company

It's not the liberals who killed Christmas...

TSA pat down demo makes white house staffers 'avert their eyes'

Low SES people better at reading others' emotions

Hospitals in Massachusetts ban the hiring of employees who smoke

Hospitals in Massachusetts ban the hiring of employees who smoke

The Fear Channel (CNN) serving up hot travel-fear porn this morning

What Ireland's Massive Financial Bailout Means To You

Stunning image of flamingos gathered as one flamingo the 'holy grail' of wildlife photography

After Condom Remarks, Vatican Confirms Shift

U.S. Intelligence Thwarted Attack on Iran - Ray McGovern

U.S. Intelligence Thwarted Attack on Iran - Ray McGovern

Peter Funt ("Candid Camera") on the TSA and Obedience to Authority

Jeb Bush killed a woman today, and this is what the GOP is dying to do to Medicare

Does the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy matter anymore?

I don't get why people think Hillary Clinton would have been any better

The official DU Liberal War on Christmas thread.

Al Gore: Votes, not science, led me to back corn ethanol

Everybody thinks Sarah is a dead horse because she's nuts, stupid & bull-headed.

Treasury gets $11.7 billion from GM stock sale

Sarah Palin Reportedly Lobbying To Get Christine O'Donnell On 'Dancing With The Stars'

New Evidence Proves First Flag Made By Betsy Ross Actually Shirt For Gay Friend

Ralph Nader : " MY FRIEND BARACK "

Oh, You Are Gonna LOVE THIS!!!! Poll: Republicans Want Anti-HCR GOPers To Just Say No To Gov't HC

TSA updated rules for people refusing pat down

Gov. Rick Perry’s Drug Problem

I just closed on a refinancing.

Remember how flying USED to be?

Woman who told Obama she was 'exhausted' loses job

71% of Democrats oppose giving adults the right to drink alcohol...

Tuesday TOON Roundup 6

The breaking news banner on the cnn website:

Eleanor Clift: 'Part of Obama’s problem is that there’s too much hero worship around him'

Daily Pill Greatly Lowers AIDS Risk, Study Finds

Names for Boehner & McConnell

Lee Harvey Oswald

Michael Brea, actor, killed his mother with a samurai sword after religious rant

I don't see how the 'opt-out' can work.

Rush attacks 'Car of the Year' Chevy Volt and Moter Trend responds - MUST READ!!

Known 'hate group' met with Pentagon's DADT working group and White House officials

Florida lawmaker calls House ban on hats ‘sexist’

Culture War Brewing Within Tea Party?

New Polls Show Overwhelming Public Opposition to TSA Rapiscans & Enhanced Pat Downs

TOON: This Modern World on TSA ogle & grope

More on our "bad" math scores

Our country has been stolen from us. Our lives have been stolen from us.

Lower-Income Families With High-Deductible Health Plans May Delay or Forgo Care

Ms. hart lost her job. The one Maher made fun of and some of you here.

Why is it that "National Security" is the only matter where Obama looks backward rather

ouch (from Canada)

At the onset of the Korean War first thing that was done was all suspected leftists were killed

Bush Gloats Over Dan Rather's Ouster (& Putin Calls Him OUT On It!) -By Robert Parry

ROFL - a pic (and it's caption) is worth a thousand words:

Is a Storm Brewing in Europe? Al Jazeera English Looks at the Growing Islamophobia There (Pic Heavy)

Die for a Tie: How the Korean War Began

I have someone here who (I think) has the final word on TSA pat-downs...

More FAILblog funnies.....

Altered States soundtrack. Cacophonic genius? Atonal masterpiece?

I love an Arizona Road trip. Where's Ptah[05]? {large picture}

I love an Arizona Road trip. Where's Ptah[03]? {large picture}

Mike Mills (REM) Regis and Kathie Lee-video

2 topics: 1) sweet potatos SOLVED and 2) Where'ever You Walk

I love an Arizona Road trip. Where's Ptah[04]? {large picture}

What are you reading tonight DU? Me? "Notes from A Small Island" by Bill

What are you reading tonight DU? Me? "Notes from A Small Island" by Bill

Would you like to go viral?

Brett Favre - who cares? nt.

It's official: I have a sick twisted mind

Palin's dance tonight shows little improvement. I am just keeping it real. nt

In light of all the DWTS Threads,I think a "Bit 'O Nerd" is in order here!

Are You Famous?

Ghost Town Blues

Post Your Favorite "Thanks"-giving Song Here!

Dogs are 'smarter than cats'

Christmas Flash Mob!!!

Have you ever had ToFurkey?

Dorito-Shaped UFOS Spotted Over Britain

the war on christmas has officially started for me

Besides, where's a good place to find out-of-print books?

AARRGGHH!! It's not even Turkey Day yet.

Finally, a real reason to give thanks - Gonorrhea rates at lowest levels since 1941

Anyone have word about Tobin? I haven't seen any of his posts for way too long. n/t

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria found alive

Bob Dylan Meets the Beatles: GooGooGaJoob

I love an Arizona Road trip. Where's Ptah[01]? {large picture}

What charitable event in your life are you most proud of DU?

When you post a clip in Political Videos and someone posts I didn't watch it, tell me about it

"Melty"? Really?

Trade mark!

No Smoking Policy Sends Man Into Rage

. pizza Mass stiffed by Dylan with parlor pass

Mass. pizza parlor stiffed by man with Dylan pass

What's the perfect length for YOUR man?

What's the perfect length for YOUR man?

Seeking MN DU'ers who've eaten at Galactic Pizza (if any)

I have updated my blog...

Merry Mohammadmas everyone! And Happy Holidays too!

I Had To Tell You- 13th Floor Elevators.

OMG -- i've discoverd pinterest!

World's Craziest Toilet Bowls

Cookie Monster auditons for SNL host spot...

My "CoeLon" is squeaky clean

Dogs are 'smarter than cats'

Meanwhile, in World of Warcraft....supposedly tomorrow, Azeroth changes forever

Just saw a commerical advertising two $2 bills for $10 + shipping and handling

Are you on FacePalm?

I got a star!

found my cell phone btw

My junk has never been touched. Do I need a plane ticket to stand in a TSA line?

Last week in November and it's 83 and humid in Houston today....

Black ice! Black ice! Blackiceblackiceblackice!!!!

Vote for your favorite chicken.

VIDEO: "Knee Deep In Weasels" (NOT the Palin Thanksgiving celebration...we're talking 89 ferrets).

I love an Arizona Road trip. Where's Ptah[02]? {large picture}

Asking DUers who served in the Military - what was the reason that made you decide to join?

Videogamers...ever want to play on auto-pilot?

NMA News just keeps stepping its game up...

What is the difference between: a henchman, a lackey and minions?

Do any of you have ex's who show up at family get togethers?

Anyone have a good recipe for cheesy potatoes?

Apologies if this is a recent repeat, but post recipes for your favorite T-day side dishes!

The Ice Hole

Tuesday's crash kitteh

What do you buy a Canadian for Christmas?

Just call me Sherlock Holmes, And does anyone want to buy an old pick-up?

All right who else is old enough to remember these fab fashions?

Are You On Facebook?

Don't look into the eyes!

GOP said Health Care reform violate constitutional..

Last night I decided to stream a netflix film and saw that "Human Centipede" flick was available.

Philadephia Libertarian calls for civil disobedience to disrupt airline security this holiday

Joe Barton's (R-TX) climate report was plagiarized

"House And Senate Dems Out Of Sync On Tax Cut Strategy"

Huckabee: "When the executive and the legislative branches fight, the executive always wins."

Look people, we need you to submit to TSA policies because Obama's political future depends on it

My dog/cat is unusual because...

Anybody want a smidgeon of good news? Here in NY 1 where...

Richard Cohen: Palin cares more about Grizzles than she does black people

"People unworthy of high office are arrogantly on the march."

If the media loved this country...

The US is collateral damage in the GOP's war on our president

My cat enjoyed watching Nature this afternoon (YouTube)

"Michelle Obama hires gay marriage advocate in communications post."

Woman Says Pets Can Reincarnate

Most Want to Keep or Expand Health Care Law

Third-quarter growth revised up on spending

Since the Repubs. are having their convention in FL...

Ok, NOW will you idiots on the right hand side of the aisle ratify the START treaty???!!!

Interesting findings from Pew poll released November 11

Voters Strongly Back Amending Constitution To Restrict Corporate Political Spending

Defending the Fed against GOP sabotage

N. Y. Dem might vote Boehner for Speaker

Effort for Liberal Balance to G.O.P. Groups Begins

New Poll undercuts GOP claim of a midterm mandate

Barbara Bush: You Can't dislike Bill Clinton

"Psst: DADT repeal is still not quite dead"

House Republicans Take Aim At Elizabeth Warren To Slow Down Financial Reform

Torture Chamber (on President Obama and the Chamber of Commerce)

Post your favorite Thanksgiving movies

Poll: Republicans Want Anti-HCR GOPers To Just Say No To Gov't Health Care

Poll: Republicans Want Anti-HCR GOPers To Just Say No To Gov't Health Care

Velma Hart- Woman who told Obama her financial fears has been fired

"I cannot fathom why they are doing what they are doing. "

Air Force official: Pentagon's 'Don't ask' study 'healthy' and 'informative'

Hate to be kind of gross, but have you ever noticed Tom Brokaw...

Sarah Palin is getting boring!

I am liking the President's Kokomo speech. . .

Dems need to show they're out there actually fighting for working people -Kathleen Kennedy Townsend

Pistole the latest official to send mixed messages

Gates to McCain: No troop referendum needed on 'Don't ask, don't tell'

What It Means To Be A Liberal -by President John Fitzgerald Kennedy-

Who is exempt from airport security?

**** Heads Up: POTUS and VPOTUS Discuss Success of the "Auto Bailout," live 1:35pm EST ****

Report: Drivers Transporting Nuclear Material Arrested For Public Intoxication, Bar Fights

House Dem dares GOP on healthcare repeal

Pentagon: No Gays Were Discharged in Past Month

Woman who told Obama she was 'exhausted' loses job

Glenn Beck Declares War On The Bushes

Former FBI agent says government allowed JFK assassination

Minn. justices deny GOP effort to change gov tally

Solomon Ortiz concedes Texas House race (TX-27)

I am 100% convinced after watching Sarah Palin on Hannity tonight that she IS going to run for

Stampede (at water festival) in Cambodia's capital city Phnom Penh kills hundreds, government says

Student fees: Liberal Democrat MPs braced for 'doorstep' protests

"Yoo: I Said Torture Was Legal, But It Doesn't Mean They Should've Done It"

Atomic damages case due for trial

Helping The World's Poor Save A Bit At A Time

Park51 developers apply for $5M federal grant, outraging opponents of mosque near Ground Zero

Study: The missing mid-term Obama voters .... were the MODERATES.

Obama better not go soft on this

New poll undercuts GOP claims of a midterm mandate

Voters Would Change Constitution To Limit Corporate Spending In Elections

Stunning image of flamingos gathered as one flamingo the 'holy grail' of wildlife photography

Third-quarter growth revised up on spending

Taliban commander in secret talks was a fake

Rand Paul Compared Obama's Rise To Power To Hitler's In 2009

GOP ready to fight over global warming

No offense to woman on DU but whats up with these white republican woman challenging Obama's manhood

Assembly Pushes to Oust Iran President

Sen. Mitch McConnell's earmark power credited for revitalizing Louisville

Best compilation of President Obama's "conservative" accomplishments yet

Just heard a "Democratic Strategist" on Fox News say Obama could unite the country by NOT running...

DIA debunks conspiracy theories

IMF: Greece Needs More Reforms .

Spain Won’t Seek Further Austerity as Deficit Halves

Federal Inmates Learn Salsa Dancing - Eating Pink Salmon And Enjoy E-Mailing

Taliban Leader in Secret Talks Was an Impostor

GOP Judges Write Senators Asking Them To Stop Obstructing President Obama’s Judges

Czech president approves austerity measures

Official: Pakistani Christian woman falsely accused of blasphemy

Pakistan's president will pardon Christian woman, official says

Fraud Inquiries Focus on Construction Hiring

My response to a rape, friends involved...

Pentagon says progress 'uneven' in Afghanistan conflict

Videos show Williams' numerous encounters with police

Drill breaks through to New Zealand miners but rescuers 'cannot go in'

Tea partiers' views far from others

Prosecutors: Man Had Bomb Factory in Home (Largest ... in U.S. History)

W. Va. mine blast: Coal firm had worst safety record

Pakistan will not repeal blasphemy law - minister

Sex-Trafficking Charges Stun Minneapolis Somalis

PROMISES, PROMISES: GOP leader reaps $200 million

Obama, Biden celebrate US auto industry renewal

Obama wants Congress to have a busy December

Unheralded rock goddesses and gods

Holocaust-denying bishop threatened with expulsion

Sarah Palin will be as valid as Joe Miller and Sharon Angle by next June

Janus leads financials down on probe fears

Juárez police officer asks for asylum in US

Charges dropped in Obama e-mail threat case

Air Force plans for low-altitude flight training run into civilian turbulence

Dalai Lama wants to give up ceremonial duties

I just read "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee." Someone talk me up here.

Whole Foods CEO: Yes, We Have No Obamacare

Whole Foods CEO: Yes, We Have No Obamacare

If push comes to shove, can Obama declare a state of emergency

Okay, this is pretty funny....

Rep. Kucinich to hold hearing on Fed effort to boost economy

Rush suggests Obama should "take his daughter to the airport and have a TSA grope her" (AUDIO)

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday November 23

US condemns North Korean attack on South Korea (& Reactions from S. Korea, Russia, China & Japan)

US, China, Russia Resist Weapons Pact: Report

Logan Airport Cargo Area Evacuated

Tea Party Group To Corporations: Support Obama And We'll Take You Down

Texas jurors deliberating fate of Tom DeLay

Corporate Profits Were the Highest on Record Last Quarter

Eugene Robinson: Why Granny Gets Searched

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan accused of pocketing millions

Treasury gets $11.7 billion from GM stock sale

Kid-Free sections in restaurants?

J&J issues wholesale, retail recall of Benadryl

The most progressive President in 40 years.

Passenger Hauled Off Plane For Too Many Bathroom Breaks

Passenger Finds Ammo Clip on Flight to Phoenix

TSA: Pilots’ Junk Off Limits, Flight Attendants’ Fair Game

North Korea artillery fire hits South island / South Korea sending Jets

DLC Is KAPUT???? (Oh, And Harold Ford Is A Douche)

Van Jones' msg to liberals: Don't give in to despair!

Incoming GOP House not interested in jobs

Obama: U.S. must extend tax cuts for middle class, can't do same for wealthy

Ireland in political chaos as bailout triggers election (after Green Party calls for it)

Democratic Rep. Jim Costa holds on to Calif. seat

Chris Matthews beleives the right-wing ginning up TSA wars

Effort for Liberal Balance to G.O.P. Groups Begins

Ratings Drop for "Sarah Palin's Alaska"

Escondido bomb-maker had largest stash of home-made explosives ever found in U.S.

Howard Kurtz calls out the media on the TSA junk journalism stories

Yoo: I Said Torture Was Legal, But It Doesn't Mean They Should've Done Itl

Yoo: I Said Torture Was Legal, But It Doesn't Mean They Should've Done Itl

"Buffy" fans are not going to be happy...

Where do you shop for paintings? My walls are too bare, and I love to look at paintings.

Keiser Report: 'Crash JP Morgan' Special

Thom Hartmann - Conversations with Great Minds with Michael Ratner, Part 2

Thom Hartmann - Conversations with Great Minds with Michael Ratner, Part 1

Keith Olbermann's Worst Person: Newt Gingrich

George Bush - Kim Jong Il Love Letters: Jim Ward (Stephanie Miller Show)

Young Turks: Passengers Push For Kid-Free Section On Flights

Buffy Saint Marie reads poem "The War Racket"

If Harry Shearer tried this today he'd be Gitmo'd

The Most Powerful Person in America

What They Won't Tell You about the National Debt

In The Wealthiest County In The U.S., Food Banks Strain To Keep Up With Demand

MRN: Barbara Bush KNOCKS OUT Sarah Palin

Garbage infests Croatia coast

TSA. Are KY Jelly and plastic gloves next?

Papantonio: Mr. Obama, The Chamber of Commerce Hates You - Get Over It!

Tell me why you want to become a trader

Young Turks: Pathetic Dem Sucks Up To Hannity On Fox News

Michael Moore and Wendell Potter on Democracy Now, Part 1 -- 11/23/10

John Pistole gets honest about Porno Scanners and pat downs.

Ed Schultz Blasts the Unpatriotic Millionaire Members of Congress

The Ad Fox News Doesn't Want You To See!!!

TDPS: Tax cuts for the rich compromise will HURT Obama & Dems in 2012

Senator Menendez Champions New Law For Small Business Lending

Al Sharpton: Time For FCC To CENSOR RUSH Limbaugh's Speech

Greece austerity programme 'on track'

TSA - Top 10 Reasons to Opt Out Nov 24

Weird Liberal Head Show #229: The Korean Violence, the TSA, and the Boycott

The Rothschild Empire

Papantonio: US Chamber Gets a New President – OBAMA

Palin - Prior to the debate with Biden, Lieberman prayed with me and told me to hand it over to God

UN General Assembly Votes To Allow Gays To Be Executed Without Cause

MSNBC w/ Cenk Beats Fox News In Friday Ratings

Republicans Put Politics Over Policy! - MSNBC w/ Cenk

President Bartlet on the Butterball Hotline (LOL!)

Falafel Boy Fires Back At The Simpsons

Simpsons Have A History Of Slamming Fox News

Keith Olbermann - Wendell Potter Apologizes To Michael Moore

So Why DO We Fight Wars?

Rachel maddow high school speech (her own from 1990)--AMAZING

Father Loses Custody of His Children for Being Agnostic

Rural Poverty in America circa.1965 (1/2)

Adding Insult To Injury, TSA Scans Being Outsourced to India

AlterNet: Exposing the Insurance Industry's Vast Conspiracy to Smear Michael Moore

Be wary of guys in black hats

Rush to Judgment

"We Are at War": How Militias, Racists and Anti-Semites Found a Home in the Tea Party

Bitter Disappointment for Progressive Cuba Policy

What the patdowns are really about.

Robert Kuttner: Saving Progressivism from Obama

The era of magical thinking

Fighting Finance from Below

The Shock Doctrine Push to Gut Social Security and Middle Class

Net Neutrality to be Killed by House Republicans

Connecting Folks, One Bomb at a Time

New Tea Party Strategy: Target Companies That Appear to Support White House

A Gift From Long Ago - Bob Herbert on JFK's election 50 years ago.

The stench of the police state at US airports

A Holiday Letter from the Family of an Air Force Academy Graduate

Right-Wing Nutjob Quote-O-Matic

America: Night of the Living Dead

TSA Pat-Downs Prove It - Americans are Whiners

The Private Prison Industrial Complex

David Frum wants taxpayers to bankroll "The Ronald Reagan Museum of the Victims of Communism"

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and the Guide to Command of Negro Naval Personnel

Peak oil review - Nov 22

Drumbeat: November 23, 2010

New Zealand mine: Second robot to resume search (BBC)

Wi-Fi Makes Trees Sick, Study Says

Changes In Water Policies, Treaties Force Egypt's Rice Cultivation Area Down By Half - AFP

Florida Bonefish Count Puts Numbers 25% Below Eight-Year Average - AFP

Michigan Facing Potential 50% Cut In Road Construction Budget By 2012

November Temperatures 6-10C Above Averages Across Eastern Arctic Canada

I have updated my blog...

So Far In 2010, 19 Nations Have Matched Or Set All-Time High Temperature Records - 0 Hit Low Record

Poverty And Energy Prices Soaring In Tandem In California

India pours first concrete on Kakrapar Reactors 3 and 4.

City to Solicit Proposals on Bike Sharing (NY Times)

UN/IPCC - Expect Far Darker 2014 Climate Report - "That's Where All The Data Is Pointing"

Indonesia Plans To Eliminate "Degraded" Forests, Receive $1B To "Restore" Them With Oil Palms

The latest denier document being circulated

Al Gore Says Supporting Corn Ethanol Was a Mistake

China Officially Admits Status As Top GHG Emitter, Defends Right To Keep Emitting More In Future

The golden but dirty state of California

Wi-Fi Makes Trees Sick, Study Says

Climate pledges fall short, says UN (BBC) {4C/7 F increase}

At Least 1.3 Million Atlantic Sharks Killed Annually; Whitetip Pops. Down 70%, Hammerheads Down 99%

Two for one on a Monday night

Lawsuit Filed Against Post Office Gun Ban

In U.S., Continuing Record-Low Support for Stricter Gun Control...

Texas college president lies about concealed carry legislation

Honduras: Repression Must Stop

Stunning image of flamingos gathered as one flamingo the 'holy grail' of wildlife photography

48 deaths (homicides) registered over the weekend in Caracas (Spanish)

Venezuela Bans Unauthorized Use Of President Chavez's Image

NATO, the World Police Force - by Fidel Castro

xpost from GD. "... first thing that was done was all suspected leftists were killed"

Hugo Chavez bravely advances the cause of political freedom by restricting the use of his likeness

One of the toughest to play the game.

AI: "Venezuela is a safe haven for foreigners who are responsible for genocide"

Gloat-Free NBA Scores (Monday, November 22)

Report: Scott Boras' firm made loans

Hey, Michigan fans! Doing anything special for RichRod's last game??

Welcome to the Big Ten, Nebraska. Enjoy your schedule...

Giants resign Aubrey Huff..

Titans place Vince Young on IR...

NCAAF Power Rankings - Week 12

MVP Josh Hamilton!

Duke vs Kansas State @ 10pm eastern tonight... This could be fun.

Reports: Victor Martinez to Tigers

ENI signs $17bn Venezuela oil deal

Joe Paterno, 83, plans to coach in 2011

Dolts figure out how to cheat on the road

Bitter Disappointment for Progressive Cuba Policy

Freshman Terrence Jones scores 29 as Kentucky stops

+++ NFL Week 12 Picks +++

Yes, they said fuck off, but they still love us!

Ladies' Home Journal Tackles Gay Suicide

Arkansas school board member officially resigns over anti-gay post

Ashburn Earns Highest Score for Republican (Higher than some Democrats)

3 Westboro 'church' members met by 150 counter protestors

Has anyone read "Hero" by Perry Moore?

I loves me some Anne Hathaway! Anne Hathaway as Kurt's Gay Aunt?

Gates Dismissed McCain's Repeal Concerns

Joint Chiefs Chair Mullen: U.S. 'Clearly Not Leading' on Civil Rights

Daily Pill Greatly Lowers AIDS Risk, Study Finds

Islamic textbooks instruct students to teach gays a lesson

HHS Finishes Hospital Visitation Rules

Out, out damn gays! NOM & Liberty Counsel Join CPAC 2011 Boycott Threat Over GOProud's Presence

Exclusive: Fox News said to reject ad on ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’

Oscar-winning director defends anti-bullying message in films

Access Hollywood Live: Max Adler ‘Proud’ Of His ‘Glee’ Gay Kiss

"It Gets Better" — Love, Pixar

Israel says tourism to break record in 2010

Palestinian family evicted from East Jerusalem home claimed by Israeli rightists

IRS Asked to Revoke AIPAC's Tax Exemption

Barak: Israel's enemies will use referendum law against us

Thanksgiving, Tikkun Olam, and U.S. Jews breaking the Israel barrier

A new way to embitter Palestinian lives (Ha'aretz editorial)

PLAME/EDMONDS/AIPACGATE UPDATE: Rosen Threatens to Open Pandora's Box

Dalai Lama wants to give up ceremonial duties

Get your Hitchens-Dembski debate here...

My views on morality and the cosmos.

How Snakes Can "Fly"

Reptile’s Pet-Store Looks Belie Its Triassic Appeal

Okay. Why not... Alphabet game

Job openings: MAPE seeks Business Manager

Union Steward’s Guide Is Survival Manual for Labor’s Front Line

Today in Labor History Nov 22, 3 white men are shot and killed in Al. unionizing African-Americans


With Help From Friends, Unpaid Worker Demands Car Wash Clean Up Its Act

Housekeepers Won’t Let Hyatt Sweep Safety Record Under the Rug (quarterly profits that jumped 600%)

Canadian Auto Parts Workers Say ‘Enough Is Enough!’

Minnesotan John Kline (R) to head U.S. House (Anti) Labor Committee (opposes tougher penalties etc)

Workers Need More Government Spending Because Our Jobs Problem Is Demand, Not The Deficit