Al Gore: Votes, not science, led me to back corn ethanol
"DeLay Convicted of Money Laundering, Faces Life in Prison"
Unlike Scooter LIbby, Tom Delay only has one way to save his skin...
Unlike Scooter LIbby, Tom Delay only has one way to save his skin...
A look at what an ad against Mike Huckabee would look like if he is the '12 nominee
Dem Rep. Berkley: If I Were Pelosi, I Wouldn't Have Run For Minority Leader (VIDEO)
NASA is turning over the space program, in effect, ....
New social cuts in California to follow revised budget deficit
Before Ya'll get too happy about Delay's "conviction"
Federal Flip-Flop on Flippers in Cleveland
Airport Bans PETA Ad Featuring “TSA Agent” Pamela Anderson
How would pivatizing TSA end grope and gape?
24 million people watch Dancing With The Stars, 3 million watch Meet The Press......
Cooley concedes to Kamela Harris
Callifornia does it again: Another close House race decided in favor of democrats
North Korea Nuclear Facility (C-span video)
An American Thanksgiving, Skewered and Roasted - Nov 24,1860
OH GOD!!!!! this country has gone nuts
Chemists Find Their Way Around K2 Ban
Right Wing is Ginning Up the Outrage Against TSA to Privatize Airport Security and Prevent Unionizat
Right Wing is Ginning Up the Outrage Against TSA to Privatize Airport Security and Prevent Unionizat
Harvard University Bans Couchsurfing Guests
Freepers: DeLay found guilty because he was a white Republican on trial in Travis County
Freepers: DeLay found guilty because he was a white Republican on trial in Travis County
S.F. Zoo gets a new, sad addition
Dirty money can be laundered, but can the GOP?
Hey Keith has the story on the opt out coming up
My town, in it's wisdom has raised Real Estate taxes again.
Wisc: Hiawatha line sees record ridership as state says ’sayonara’ to its high-speed rail
How do y'all love my new sig pic?!1!!
This Thanksgiving: Improve working conditions for those who bring you your turkey
Damaged Jewish Center Is Disputed 2 Years After Mumbai Attacks
"Giving Thanks to Citizens and Grass-Roots Progressives"
St. Paul Bar Faces Backlash Over Thanksgiving Ad
***President's Photographer, PBS now.
Graph: Congress median net worth vs total population median net worth 2004-2009
I'd like to thank the person who bought me a star
Political policies have turned America into 'Richistan'
Jefferson County (NY) town bans wind power
Olbermann: Palin "national scold." Maybe it's still on the books
British student protests continue over plans to triple tuition, photos
Are you proud or ashamed of the history of humanity in general?
Maybe a free people should accept a small elevation in risk
TSA Security Theater or Security
will delay ever see the inside of a penitentiary?
Black Friday Deals from the L.A. Coroner's Gift Shop? Aiming to Revive Sales of "Morgue Merchandise"
PLAME/EDMONDS/AIPACGATE UPDATE: Rosen Threatens to Open Pandora's Box
PLAME/EDMONDS/AIPACGATE UPDATE: Rosen Threatens to Open Pandora's Box
You know, the last trouist trips of the season to North Korea ended a week or so ago?
State will audit Texas technology fund over ties between Perry, donors
And-goodie,gumdrops... Conservatives target health care overhaul, Medicaid in Texas
Hey,y'all-We Texans lead the nation in job gains...and uninsured-
New York’s Mayor Bloomberg announces 10,000 job cuts
National Opt-Out Day is bust!!!!!
Airline seat ticket prices explained
Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! “Brad Friedman
Elizabeth Warren Helped Shoot Down Bill That Would Have Sped Foreclosures
Probability of Cancer from TSA scans? 1/30mil "US Airlines: 500+ mil people fly/yr"
The RNC declares war on Christmas!
We spend more on the TSA than on the National Science Foundation..
The Obama Family help pass out packages of food for Thanksgiving to those in need - pics
Orinda, CA blows off ban of leaf blowers
another example of tsa stupdity
Obama stimulus put between 1.4 million and 3.6 million to work in the third quarter of this year
One TSA Agent arrested in Orlando - but not for what you think...
Guess who won't be flying this weekend . . .
Mudflats Chats -- After the Election with Scott McAdams
China will not welcome the US aircraft carrier joining the exercises
Italian students protest education cuts
Let's be thankful for Austin, Texas
Putting the boot in... UK students protest tuition fees
Have we renamed this day to Thanks for Taking It
NJ Anti-Facebook Pastor Taking Leave Over Affair
Is it time to start breaking richie rich's toys and piss in his/her pool
Magic & Murder: Investigation Into Sorcery Related Infanticide In The African Republic Of Benin
Minn. Pol With Gun Outside Abortion Clinic Says He Was Just In Area 'Checking On' His Girlfriend
Missouri Wants to Keep Puppy Mills in Business, Despite Passing Prop B
Alert teabaggers find "commies" in early Pilgrim settlements.
Conservatives On The Internet = Neckbeards?
Afghanistan: Who is going to deal with this mess?
Iceland, Ireland - plastic economies
First Amendment rights largely over.
John Nichols: Chalmers Johnson and the Patriotic Struggle Against Empire
For your Thanksgiving morning: Here is too much awesome (pic)
CNN: Is America on the path to 'permanent war'?
India Microcredit Faces Collapse From Defaults
Air Force fires 2 over tanker mix-up
Incoming Speaker Takes Commercial Flight, but Skips the Pat-Down
How come this isn't on M$Greedia- China, Russia quit dollar
Obama sets record as most traveled president, costing taxpayers about $200k/hour
Louisiana soldiers in Iraq take on role of protecting United Nations officials
Student protests: class is back in British politics – middle class
NY State Ed Commissioner rejects Cathy Black as NYC Ed Chancellor
“Sent from my iLoo” - signs email has gone too far
This Door Knob Lets You See What's in the Room Behind It
A Thanksgiving classic: Art Buchwald's 'Le Jour de Merci Donnant'
1,000 rescued rats up for adoption in California
DoD Still Wresting With Those $243 Million Dollar F-35s
Christine O'Donnell rumored to be under consideration for the next season of 'Dancing'
What A White Bread Democracy Could Learn From A Kingdom of Rye
SC veteran arrested for threatening to kill Obama
Gulf spill: Tar balls spark partial shrimping ban
Andrew Napolitano, Fox Business Host, Reveals He Is A 9/11 Truther
Will the Afghanistan War be the Likely Cause of a Primary Challenge to Obama?
No ‘junk touching’ in Canada, Transport Minister says
Bloom County explains why it's Tofurky day for us.
3 teens rescued after 50 days at sea. Wow!
Evidende building that everyone over 45 should take aspirin daily
"New TSA procedures keep us safe."
Michael Moore deserves a presidential medal of freedom
Protesting British students: We're just getting started
So You Wanna Really Slam A Conservative Do You?
How cosmic dust shape and gas shape galaxy evolution
Netherlands calls for arrest of Nazi Klaas-Carel Faber
DOJ's Whistle-Blower Recruitment Pays Off by Carrie Johnson
My mom worked for Barry Commoner
Why the hell does every site purporting to stream the parade actually have nothing to do with it?
palin's reckless views on obesity
Thanksgiving-Alice's Restaurant
'Miracle': Teens found alive after 50 days at sea
Super Photons, a condensate made of light
Paintbrush injury pupil set to receive pay-out, Long paintbrushes banned -- BBC
New Gulf oil spill claim rules announced by Ken Feinberg
I have two male cats that always lick each other;
Happy thanksgiving and to those that are having a hard time - may
Happy thanksgiving and to those that are having a hard time - may
Hundreds of Cameras going up Downtown (Houston)
Alice's Restaurant just came on the radio
please I need some medical advice help
Bristol Palin: "Prayer" got her through Dancing With the Stars
Question: Did Angela Merkel ever respond after bush groped her?
Boeing 787 Said to Need Redesign of Electrical Parts After Fire
Italian students storm Tower of Pisa, Colosseum
Hormel hands out $16.3 million in bonus checks
Report: N.Y. company trademarks 'Daytona Beach Bike Week'
Stop Big Ag's Food Safety Bill in the Senate
National Opt Out Day...We Need several more of these...
After holiday, lawmakers have two days to make unemployment deal
I don't give a shit about the NK War
Heads Up: Alice's Restaurant's on.
Kim Jong Il backs Sarah Palin presidential bid
If Michael Moore Re-Releases SICKO
Sarah Palin's Thanksgiving Massacre! (Full Clip-Uncensored) ENJOY!
Punishment First at Brooklyn Charter School
o holy zeus THANK you 1) delay GUILTY 2) Bristol GONE 3) Sarah fighting Babs-HORSEface!1 n/t
National, for my moody morning on Thanksgiving Day
National, for my moody morning on Thanksgiving Day
What is your prediction for how the latest developments in Korea will turn out?
My dad thought of a new show for Tom Delay: Dancing With The BARS!
Oh Yeah, Conservatism Isn't Really Based On Racism
'Hate group' designation angers same-sex marriage opponents
Our post Thanksgiving ritual (Not shopping)
United Nations: It's Okay to Kill the Gay
Where have all the liberals gone?
TSA otherwise known as Tits, Schlong & Ass (mr fish)
Mandatory Thanksgiving post: WKRP In Cinicinnati: Turkeys away video
Thanks for this note from my Prez:
Thanks for this note from my Prez:
ACLU collecting stories of TSA screening experiences.
We need a Drew Friedman illustration of a perspiring Tom DeLay
We need a Drew Friedman illustration of a perspiring Tom DeLay
Study: School lunch programs might break poverty cycle
dont clap your hands yet about palin ignorance
As Chinese workers build the Martin Luther King memorial, a union investigates
I love clicking on Teabagger ads on FB and elsewhere.
San Jose Mercury News: "It's freezing -- but is it cold enough for emergency shelters?"
Why does EU bail out bank owners at the expense of the general populace?
Re: Ex-employee Suing Faux On Racism Charges - Let's Keep This Out Of The Memory Hole
What Do Tom Delay & Jack Ruby Have in Common? They Both Knew Too Much.
Rep. Tom Hackbarth (R-MN) handcuffed for lurking with gun near abortion clinic
Who said: "just another seedy attempt by the liberal media to embarrass me."
European markets fall as Ireland reveals further austerity plan
And the police state continues to advance apace.
By the light of the silvery oak tree?
New Yorker trashes Bush memoir, over and over again
New Yorker trashes Bush memoir, over and over again
At Thanksgiving, some adopt a turkey instead of eating one
At Thanksgiving, some adopt a turkey instead of eating one
At Thanksgiving, some adopt a turkey instead of eating one
Video of Palin whacking a fish (just for the halibut)
Video of Palin whacking a fish (just for the halibut)
Stem Cells from Amniotic Fluid:Reprogrammed Amniotic Fluid Cells Can Generate All Types of Cells
Anti-gay Family Research Council is upset that it's been categorized as a "hate group"
Classified Papers Prove German Warnings to Bush
The problems created by a consumer society
BUSH: "DAMN RIGHT" -Torture Was ALL About "Revenge"
Your Thanksgiving SQUEEEEEEEEEE
Bring Back the Civilian Conservation Corps: Frank Ackerman
Adam Sandlers Thanksgiving Song........Enjoy...
I am thankful today that GWB is gone, my friends, and the beauties
MN State Rep. With Gun Outside Abortion Clinic Says He Was Just In Area 'Checking On' His Girlfriend
Irish paper says what it really thinks about its politicians:
"No-no-no-no-no, I PROMISE... just the tip." -- overheard at a TSA checkpoint...
Anti-TSA "protests" were unlikely from the get-go
Airline tickets will soon include a fee for a rent-a-lawyer that each passenger will have accompany
Catfood Commission's plan for fucking over Medicare and Medicaid recipients.
Thanksgiving in America: US corporations shatter profit records
AFL-CIO Report: Deficit Commission Proposals Would Cost 4 Million Jobs
TSA Stripdown: Sex Worker Takes it Off at Sea-Tac (Video)
Shooting video at a TSA checkpoint?
Are you proud or ashamed of the history of the United States?
Oregon 'squaw' geographic names still await changes
NYC Schools Chancellor Joel Klein's new job: Murdoch's for-profit education arm
NYC Schools Chancellor Joel Klein's new job: Murdoch's for-profit education arm
Last Thoughts Before the Turkey Comes Calling ...a Thanksgiving day letter from Michael Moore
Rep. Kucinich to hold hearing on Fed effort to boost economy
Can TSA agents do cavity searches?
He appeared shocked, according to the Austin American-Statesman, when jurors reported their findings
For those who do not enjoy looking at the "Warning: Gruesome Video Footage" advertisement...
Mad-dog right wingers: Pilgrims were Commies !!!
Homeless, hopeless, afraid - Bobbie Ruma seeks stability after losing home, hope
Homeless, hopeless, afraid - Bobbie Ruma seeks stability after losing home, hope
Homeless, hopeless, afraid - Bobbie Ruma seeks stability after losing home, hope
Homeless, hopeless, afraid - Bobbie Ruma seeks stability after losing home, hope
People Who Donate to Religions Are More Likely to Punish Selfish Behaviour, New Study Finds
People Who Donate to Religions Are More Likely to Punish Selfish Behaviour, New Study Finds
Newark airport controversial scanners are barely used on busiest travel day
Ok , I traveled through Newark Airport yesterday , and no one groped me
What's most important you when you post an OP?
Aren't there a bunch of lefties in NYC?........
Chinese villagers 'descended from Roman soldiers'
A warm Bush Thanksgiving to you all.
A warm Bush Thanksgiving to you all.
How do you think President McCain would have handled this Korean peninsula flare up?
ACLU Reports More Than 900 Complaints This Month Over “Enhanced” TSA Security Measures
Iroquois Passport Dispute Raises Sovereignty Issue
5 Ways to Deal With Your Conservative Relatives This Thanksgiving
*Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, 8:00 PM, ABC.
I had this horribly gruesome and vivid nightmare of sarah palin beating a halibut.
TOM DELAY, Al Capone And A Smidgeon Of JUSTICE
TOM DELAY, Al Capone And A Smidgeon Of JUSTICE
Family faces foreclosure after following the rules - penalized for having significant equity
The right question that *no* one seems to be asking regarding the TSA:
Say what you will about Obama. But he and congress saved the auto industry...
My 11-year-old laughed at Palin.
A Real Thanksgiving Story--Today's LA Times...
A Thanksgiving Prayer - William S. Burroughs
A Thanksgiving Prayer - William S. Burroughs
TOON: Maakies: Tony Millionaire's take on Tea Partiers
"God bless the troops, especially the snipers"
The Pope. Can he be convinced that the lesser evil is birth control vs. abortion?
Do the people who service aircraft have to go through any screening?
Pelosi's new mission: Block Obama deals with GOP
TSA: Pat-Downs A Must For Some With Disabilities
Since it's Thanksgiving and there has been a good reason to thank Wendell
Woman Jailed for Getting Pregnant Dies From Medical Neglect
Women's Rights: you don't need to go to the middle east to lose them
An admonishment from Canada - worthy of Study and Thought on Thanksgiving day!
disproportionate number of African-Americans & young adults smoke menthol cigarettes - FDA ban?
VERY powerful, moving General Motors Thanksgiving advertisement...
Danish researchers finally solve the obesity riddle
My FAVORITE Thanksgiving sport. . .
Leonardo DiCaprio and Vladimir Putin team to save the tiger
University Decision To Withdraw Student With Down Syndrome Sparks Outcry
In spite of some disappointments, I am THANKFUL Obama is our President
The Coverage of the Macy's parade in NYC is horrible.
Early retirement 'is good for us', research shows
Our local 10/11:00 news has been 90% whoring for Black Friday, how about yours?
Alice’s Restaurant Massacree (Happy Thanksgiving)
Alice’s Restaurant Massacree (Happy Thanksgiving)
Dennis Kucinich | Fake Taliban Leader, Fake Elections, Fake Deadline, Real Trouble
Ohio court tells the Monsanto liars and their FDA tools that rBGH milk IS different,
1 MILLION pounds of Food, 10,000 fish, 500 yards compost on 3 acres
I Tried A New Kind Of Thanksgiving This Year
Maybe it's a good time to brush up on The Bill of Rights
The Turducken Of Cakes..ohmyomyohmy....Gluttony has a name.
Apple teams up with Rupert Murdoch to publish iPad-only paper
Wed Dec-06-06 Bush calls for bipartisanship in one breath and insults Democrats in the next.
America's women must have our tits prodded in public...
Limbaugh Attacks Obama For Honoring Native Americans; Ridicules Them
So, Is Tom Delay In Prison Or Not?
Linda Green Robo-Signing Shows Massive Document Fraud - FDL
Walker, a 23 month old polar bear, experiences snow for the first time - pics
Walker, a 23 month old polar bear, experiences snow for the first time - pics
Walker, a 23 month old polar bear, experiences snow for the first time - pics
Toyota Camry accelerator causes fatal accident (Chilling 911 Call & skid marks)
GOP to derail high-speed rail in Florida
Low incomes make poor more conservative, study finds
Whole Foods is sinking under the weight of its health care expenses
This could make you laugh and cry at the same time.
It's Thanksgiving on Democratic Underground. What are you thankful for?
Fliers Claim TSA Have Deactivated Body Scanners
General strike brings Portugal to a halt: 75% of workers stay home.
New Yorker trashes Bush memoir, over and over again: ‘Was Bush this incurious all his life?’
A big Thank You to Russ Feingold and to Alan Grayson.
Judge Kimba Wood... girls matter.
The Bahamas backs removing protection for gay people in UN resolution
TX hospital admits they "harm 2 patients a day in a significant way"
Miracle: New Zealand Teens, Presumed Dead, Rescued After 50 Days Adrift In Pacific
Hypocrisy, thy name is Bristol
The that Obama, after selling his soul to corporations, has been discarded.
President Obama and family help distribute food
Choose the most important event of the last decade...
Obama uses Thanksgiving radio address to call for bipartisanship
I'm Thankful For Elizabeth Warren !!!
Post-Recession Job Recovery Hampered by Offshoring
TSA agents aren't changing latex gloves between touching bare armpits, buttocks, and genitals
GOP Blows It, Before They've Even Begun
10 Things You Can Do to Starve the Wall St. Beast and Grab Yourself a Piece of the Pie
Town May Seize Factory to Prevent Dismantling by Vengeful Owner
First "Thanksgiving" celebrated safe return home after murdering 700 Pequot men, women, & children.
Has the United States of America been a positive or a negative influence on the world since 1776?
Disturbing New Rules of Engagement for S. Korea
It's Official: The Economy Is Set To Starve
It's Official: The Economy Is Set To Starve
Is anyone else's property taxes going through the roof?
Meat eaters bashing on Michael Vick...
Did Alan Simpson call seniors "the greediest generation"? He should be fired.
Sarah Palin's 'snuff film' has animal rights groups angry (Video & DU the Palin poll)
From - The War Room Hack Thirty Our complete list of America's worst pundits
From - The War Room Hack Thirty Our complete list of America's worst pundits
Erskine Bowles to bankers: "We're going to mess with Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security."
Does anybody know the origin of this quote? "Grant me the patience to change the things
This SHOULD be in LBN: Hot dog eating champ Takeru Kobayashi vows to eat an entire turkey by himself
Question for tech experts / users of smart phones and Facebook
Oh no - I passed my 5000th post and didn't even notice!
Do you think the Sarah Palin turkey farm video will become an American Thankgiving tradition,
The thugs at the Infernal Revenue Service just told me I miscomputed my taxes
Looking to buy property in Chatham NC.
Anybody else, here, working on Thanksgiving?
ooooo! I just heard something new! Very cool.
What are your favorite Thanksgiving themed TV episodes?
Old-school videogame I now have for the XBox 360...
Anybody know anything about Viper alarm systems?
(politically incorrect post) Pros & Cons of Alzheimer's...
Latest picture of Lucky and Charlotte...
I came for the GD, but I stayed for the Lounge
I'm about to pull the second cheesecake out of the oven
And now, for all you young kids who like the rock & the roll, The Doobie Brothers on Parker Spitzer.
Do you ever have one of those days (nights in my case)
Back in '66, President Johnson signed the Metric Act into law to lay ground for the US converting...
OUCH...Billy Joel has two new hips.
Woman threatens cop with sex toy
Dear GOD, Kanye West is like Sarah Palin with a penis. PLEASE STFU for 5 friggin' MINUTES, Kanye!
Oh, NOOOOOO - I forgot to cook the cranberry sauce!
Any success with stopping cats from peeing on the carpet?
Catsgiving kittehs at the crazy cat lady's house
THANKSGIVING PIC: "Why Colony Governor John look like somebody walked over your grave"
Common scenes from Quenton Tarantino films.
Happy Thanksgiving. I got fired yesterday.
Crap, I ran out of corn flakes for my turkey.
A question for those that use an E-reader of some sort
It's MY happening and it FREAKS ME OUT, baby: from Keokuk, Iowa, it's Gonn: "Blackout of Gretely"
TSA agent stuffs and fondles turkey on Conan
"Safe outside my gilded cage, with an ounce of pain...I wield a ton of rage..."
What are you thankful for today?
Heidi brings home the coolest gifts.
As Colonel Sanders once said...
Box of Frogs (former Yardbirds members) w/ Jeff Beck on lead guitar: "Back Where I Started"
Friday's 'I missed out on teh bird' kitteh
Generals plan from lessons learned from the last war. Obama
Coming soon to the House of Representatives
Obama: Sarah Palin Challenge Isn't on His Mind
Presidential Proclamation--Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Collection Part I (Possible Dial-up Warning -- pic-heavy)
Thanksgiving Collection Part B (Possible Dial-up Warning -- pic-heavy)
"No-no-no-no-no, I PROMISE... just the tip." -- overheard at a TSA checkpoint...
"A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido, yeah, hey, yay..."
Why Democrats lost in this cycle, and what we have to learn. 2012 should be MUCH different.
Who said this: "How is that not a big progressive victory?"
Message from President Obama...
Good read from Gene Lyons: Sure, the government is just like your family
Republicans to Go After Consumer Protection.
VP Joe Biden: The Case for Ratifying New Start
Does anyone else have their meal on Friday instead of today?
Alices Restaurant- Thanksgiving Tradition
I just ate my first deviled egg.
I think It's Gonna Be jeb or mittens
78 Year old charge with threatening to KILL President Obama
K...I think Rap just Jumped the Shark.
Kristin Hersh Appreciation Thread
Al Gore: Votes, not science, led me to back corn ethanol
Screw Doctor's Orders: I ate Thanksgiving Dinner anyway.
Movies about the 80's or with a 80's background
So, how did/will you cook your turkey
Democrats sweep California, elect state's first female Attorney General
i really don't wanna hear 'alice's restaurant' anymore...
Bob Mould Appreciation Thread.
TSA worker allegedly abducts, assaults woman
Racy PETA ad grounded at Logan
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving is a distant third-place finisher among the top three.
Color-coded terror warnings on track to disappear
Sarah Palin's 'snuff film' has animal rights groups angry (Video & DU the Palin poll)
NYPD: 'Ugly Betty' Actor Killed Mom With Sword
BP oil spill incident commander dies in small plane crash
First residency challenges filed to Emanuel's bid for mayor
US warns of likely harm from WikiLeaks release
United Nations: It's Okay to Kill the Gay
US surrenders e-mails on Gulf oil leak estimates
Barack Obama is a great father role. PIC
NJ Anti-Facebook Pastor Taking Leave Over Affair
Netanyahu Apologizes to U.S. Politician, After Praising Castro
Barbara Bush corrects son over ‘foetus in a jar’ story
Black Sheep Posters Return Before Deportation Vote (Switzerland)
SKorea boosts security as NKorea issues warning
Hospitals hurt 18 percent of patients, study says
I don't care if posted before: Tom Delay is a GUILTY Bastard!
British warship destroys Somali pirate 'mother-ship' vessel (in full view of the pirate camp)
Germany Pushes France to Toughen Bailout Stance
Funds to help victims of rape were misspent (from federal stimulus grants)
SKorea defense minister resigns
Karzai Intensifies Campaign Against Elections Officials
Photos: Thankful (The Obama Presidency, Day 674)
Photos: Thankful (The Obama Presidency, Day 674)
Premier of Newfoundland Danny Williams stepping down
Haitian candidate's 'robo' appeal startles the U.S
US jury convicts five Somalis of piracy (Attack on US frigate, after mistaking it for a cargo ship)
Obama asks country to help make tomorrow better
Canada to boycott UN Durban race declaration event
ITF condemns possible airline interference in US union elections
Obama admin. backs spill figures, releases e-mails
Elderly man falls for prank, trashes SC motel room
The Jobless Have Little to be Thankful For This Year
Real GDP Grows For 5th Straight month -graph-
Welfare cuts will encourage poor to breed, says Tory peer (one of David Cameron's new Lords)
DU was I in the wrong. I was in the right hand lane of the road wanting
Super Virus A Target For Cyber Terrorists (Incl. Report That Stuxnet Has Been Sold On The Internet)
Fox Reporter Claims CEO Roger Ailes Sought To 'Silence Me'
Elizabeth Warren Helped Shoot Down Bill That Would Have Sped Foreclosures
HIV Prevention Pill A Big Development In Communities Of Color
UK students stage (nationwide) sit-ins over fees
If Time Could Be Turned Back.....
Barbara Bush corrects son over ‘foetus in a jar’ story
Would Have Been Nice If This tom delay shit Happened About a Month Ago
LADIES, a question about a worn wedding gown...
What were your best clubbing days?
OUCH..Billy Joel has two new hips, but still isn't the least bit hip...
Wikileaks Assange's detention order upheld by Sweden
Obama uses Thanksgiving radio address to call for bipartisanship
Obama uses Thanksgiving radio address to call for bipartisanship
Who would Palin's vice-presidential candidate be?
Mr. President, where's the change?
Gulf oil spill recovery exec dead in plane crash
Democrats & Republicans: Stupid vs Evil
William S. Burroughs - A Thanksgiving Prayer
Obama Outlines Moral, Philosophical Justifications For Turkey Pardon
Save the 3C from the same old corrupt oil, anti-environment, parasitic teat suckers (Kasich & crew)
Ed Show: This Thanksgiving Schultz Is Thankful For Liberals & Proud Of It
Doha Debates: This house would prefer money to free elections
Robert LoCascio, founder of FeedingNYC, hopes to feed 8,000 families this Thanksgiving
TYT Earmark Hypocrisy By Senator Kyl
Feeding America with Matt Damon
Weird Liberal Head Show #231: My Thanksgiving Show!
MRN: Bristol Palin, Jennier Grey, DWTS - WHO GIVES A #@%@
The TRUTH about communism revealed at last!!!!
The Talking TSA Blues-best TSA song you've heard! (we hope)
Chicago High School Students Say Boycott Walmart on Black Friday!
Weekly Address: Giving Thanks for Those Who Serve
NH airport half-deserted as boycott unfolds
Corporations have best year EVER under Obama (TRMS: Hurry before its gone)
Young Turks: Cenk On Glenn Beck's Attack On MSNBC
Gun Carrying Rep. Stalks Woman At Planned Parenthood?
Sarah Palin on our North Korean Allies! Tooned!
Mr. DeLay's expression did not change at all. Afterwards, he hugged his wife and left the courtroom.
Papantonio: Tom DeLay - The Roach Killer is Convicted!
Right-winger posts troll video about troll video (VERY stupid)
BP Oil Disaster ~ Hell No It's Not Over!
This isn't just a student protest. It's a children's crusade
Dr. Gabor Maté on ADHD, Bullying and the Destruction of American Childhood
Slavery: Blind Obama Love vs. Blind Obama Hate
Too Little, Too Late? Ireland Gets Bailout For Potato Famine
Netanyahu Apologizes to U.S. Politician, After Praising Castro
The Politics of a New Metropolis
Life through a lens: Ernest Cole photographs shed light on apartheid
Salon's On-Line "30 Worst Hacks" Is Absolutely Gold-Plated.
Obama Pardons Turkey, Eats Teacher For Thanksgiving Dinner Instead
Tom Delay's Next Stop: 'Laundering' Laundry
Palin's reckless views on obesity (Roland Martin/CNN)
Weekend Economists' Turkey Day November 25th, 2010
Pat-Downs Hit Middle America Where It Counts
Enbridge's planned rate hike fuels anger
Power Premium Shrinking as France Converges With Germany: Energy Markets
Polar bears get 'critical habitat' off Alaska
New Zealand miners' recovery could take months, says PM (BBC)
I know one of you will have a link to what I'm trying to find. CO2 vs. global temperature graph.
(The Daily Mash): Britain Trapped Under Two Feet of Global Warming Bulls**t
Renewable Energy and Water Conservation News From Hawaii And The World
Wind industry is putting on a brave face. Elections translate into support for renewable energy:
So how did that global cooling bet work out? (RealClimate comments on 2 year old bet.)
Why I support some types of nuclear power.
A thread wherein we discuss the equating of guns with violence
I am committed to supporting a pro-gun Democrat in the 2016 party primaries
Haitian candidate's 'robo' appeal startles the U.S.
Keep U.S. military bases off L America: Bolivia
Brazil, Cuba join forces against Haiti cholera
PGA rookie Vegas aiming to boost golf in Venezuela
Hard to stay positive. My FIL died last night. In Cuba. I couldn't go.
(Panamá) University students block major road in protest
Meeeeeeeeeeeechigan versus Ohio State - two days until The Upset!
Gloat-Free NBA Scores (Wednesday, November 24)
Hey, let's give some thanks on Thanksgiving
It's Thanksgiving...and it's the same old Lions..
Nebraska Vs. Colorado: The Exit Bowl
What's wrong with these pictures?
You can help save Gay Students from being Bullied...
Air Force: (gay) nurse must prove she is qualified
Debate on gays in military to heat up next week
Aw, I'm so sad...Brian Brown Is Ever So Pissed About NOM Being Labeled A Hate Group
Anti-gay group: We aren't hateful!
Darren Criss on Glee sings Hey Soul Sister
I have a question. Are the Holidays tough for GLBT people who don't have accepting families?
Is anybody giving thanks today?
The existence of this universe, it is a bit of a conundrum.
Physicists Create New Source of Light: Bose-Einstein Condensate 'Super-Photons'
Early Universe was a liquid: First results from the Large Hadron Collider's ALICE experiment
Bacteria Help Infants Digest Milk More Effectively Than Adults
I just scanned these...I took them in Hawaii during the 1991 eclipse.
Just recovering from a bad cold, conjunctivitis.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Here's some new photos for you.
Today in Labor History Nov 24 The Cigarmakers International Union, Local 144, was chartered
"Helped by School's Social Justice Mission, University Dining Hall Workers Unionize"
It's time Progressives Started Caring About the Labor Movement
Report: Deficit Commission Proposals Would Cost 4 Million Jobs
NJ Jewish News: Centenary events recall Newark fire ( 4 months before Triangle Shirtwaist fire)
Today in Labor History Nov 25 First organized teachers’ strike in U.S. history & more
I won't be on much the next four days