Democratic Underground

Archives: January 20, 2010

Some estimates on what would help Martha win:

So, is the Politico trying to hedge their bets?

Bailout Watchdog Rallies Support For Consumer Protection Agency

Was Pat Robertson at Bob McDonnell's inauguration this past Saturday?

Was Pat Robertson at Bob McDonnell's inauguration this past Saturday?

I was born and raised in New England. Sparkly was born and raised in New England.

Ignoring Rush Limbaugh, Americans donate to aid Haiti, new poll shows: 64% gave or plan to give

Where can we get election results? Esp county by county.

Dear E-Trade Baby...

Got a question on the pre-marked ballots here in Mass

Dems, if you listen to Lieberman and go 'centrist' you are morons.

On your mark, get set, ...........lie!

Let's hope that the MA election tonight will bring this election to mind...

Health stocks pull market higher as Mass. votes

Super Bowl XLIV, brought to you by......Fundie Whackjobs

Super Bowl XLIV, brought to you by......Fundie Whackjobs

Jeff Zucker: Conan-Leno Decision Was 'A Mistake' But 'No Regrets,' I've Received 'Death Threats'

Can someone clue me in? Has Coakley already lost?

Obama, maybe YOU are not responsible for loss in MA. But your damn appointments

Why is All the media ganging up?

Has any official vote results been made public?

Coakley press release about pre-marked ballots was dated yesterday...

Peacetrain has promised a fave family cookie recipe when Coakley wins.

Anybody listening to Hardball?

By 9:00 Rachel will be on - and if we don't know by then


White supremacists plan to run candidates nationwide in 2010 election

White supremacists plan to run candidates nationwide in 2010 election

Breaking.. our side leads by 8...

Coakley will win, but Rs will pull a Coleman if it's within 7 pts or less.

Inherit the wind (Just starting on TCM)

Wow, even Bayh D (R) Ind has given the race to Brown

Wow, even Bayh D (R) Ind has given the race to Brown

I talked to people in MA, on the phone yesterday

4 minutes past poll closing - where's the DAMN results?!

Election Night Survey

Watch Local Election Results LIVE ----- Link

Watch Local Election Results LIVE ----- Link

I don't know much about Brown but Republicans seem to see him as a "liberal Republican"

I don't know much about Brown but Republicans seem to see him as a "liberal Republican"

FOX just ran a stream of soundbites from Coakley and Brown's campaigns...

In Massachusetts, are the AV's in yet?

Groovey, KO just announced that he is apologizing to Scott Brown tonight.

I wish that Vicki Kennedy had decided to run

DirecTV channel 352 is a news mix where you can see what is on all channels at one time has Brown up by 11

Do independents believe that the republickers will be tougher on Wall Street

Fox News Sinks to New Low

State Dept reports 5500 Americans still unaccounted for per K.O. show.

Charges of ballot tampering fly last minute in Massachusetts vote

Charges of ballot tampering fly last minute in Massachusetts vote

L.A. coast slammed by tornado-like storm that flips car, floods streets, strands motorists

L.A. coast slammed by tornado-like storm that flips car, floods streets, strands motorists

What to watch on TV that is not about Mass?

WBZ reporting 56% Brown 43% Coakley with 9 of 2100 precincts reporting.

Tires Slashed Outside Gay, Lesbian Bar

Tires Slashed Outside Gay, Lesbian Bar

Coakley not dead yet

I soooooooooooooo hope Brown loses

Where is Boston and the other urbans? When can we expect them?

You know how it feels when you're having a good day, on the water, under sail, and .......

Coakley is winning in Sudbury and Lexington. Both very wealthy areas.

There is a 3rd Candidate on the Ballot in Mass - his last name is Kennedy

Geographic breakdown of voting results >>>

Well, if Mass goes red, what chance do we here in Ohio have....

Scott Brown curing iron rape remark could sink Senate race

Scott Brown curing iron rape remark could sink Senate race

The Edward M. Kennedy Healthcare for America Act

Erickson on CNN: It's Ted Kennedy's fault for not retiring & "wanting to be a martyr"

Weather definitely goin on here in the Monterey Bay

Weather definitely goin on here in the Monterey Bay

Coakley is going to win

If I were a Political Cartoonist

IF Coakley loses the first thing a Democratic caucus without 60 votes should do is...

Okay, what's the real story behind Martha Coakley's trip to the Carribean?

Senate Dems: Do it tomorrow.

If the right gets a toehold, they will drive it home and make GWB look like a piker...

Nora O' Donnell is shocked!! SHOCKED I TELL YOU!!

There IS ICU in the Island... the IDF set one

There IS ICU in the Island... the IDF set one

We deserve whoever we vote for /nt

There used to be a time when the GOP was concerned with actually governing America

How long is there left on the Kennedy seat.

Mass. Secretary of State addresses Coakley's allegations of voting irregularities

Massachusetts cuts off its nose to spite its face.

Doug Flutie is playing drums to "Sweet Home Alabama" at the Scott Brown party

It's all over but the crying. sorry, gotta call it.

Keith Olbermann: "It's a referendum on Obama" is today's "States' Rights"

Chris Cilliza just tweeted, Coakley called Brown to concede.

Coakley has called Brown to concede according to Maddow.

AP Projection: Scott Brown wins in MA

Teddy Kennedy just shed a tear.

Welp. The GOP has gotten Kennedy's seat as a trophy and will proudly display it on their wall.

Maddow says AP now projecting BROWN is the winner.

Maddow says AP now projecting BROWN is the winner.

Freeper site won't load for me... running to slow...wonder what's going on over there.

NYT has a town by town map up now... Boston Globe web site not working...

NYT has a town by town map up now... Boston Globe web site not working...

F***, f***, f***

I can hear Michael Steele crowing all the way down in Florida.

Sanjay, Sanjay, nobody expected the infrastructure to get to where YOU

AP calls it for Brown

AP calls it for Brown

BROWN declared winner by WBZ-TV Boston

BROWN declared winner by WBZ-TV Boston

I am confident that Dems will win back Teddy's seat in '12

It's about Coakley

It's about Coakley

CNN just predicts Brown wins 53% to 47%.

CNN just predicts Brown wins 53% to 47%.

The DLC needs to be shrunk down to the size that it can be drowned in a bathtub. N/T

To Senate Dems: Please Do This A FUCK YOU to Brown and the Republicans.

IF Brown wins what MA democrat should challenge him in '12

Damn. Republicans are going to be on fire after this.

AP ..........Brown wins


It was a decisive win. no way around that.

It was a decisive win. no way around that.

a big bag of chopped liver would have defeated choakely.

I blame Al Gore

Thanks to everyone

That noise I just heard was Teddy flipping in his grave thanks Massachusetts.

Tweety all flustered talking to Rachel

Maybe mainstream America just doesn't want Health Care for everyone.

Tweety: "He's attractive physically!1" That's always for you, Tweety!1 n/t

Tweety: "He's attractive physically!1" That's always for you, Tweety!1 n/t

My MA view: Good campaign >> crappy campaign, every time

O.K. we will trudge on, and Tweety STFU!1 n/t

God I love Howard Dean.

Could Satan have beat Coakley?

AP projecting that Brown has won.

So was Senator Dodd being too far to the left the reason why he was endangered?

Senator Scott Brown (R-MA)

How do you keep them from moving right now?

Obama Bashers

Well, we can stop arguing about what should be next on the agenda

The Masachusetts Special Election: A Referendum on Obama or Not?

You win some, you lose some.

"People who blame other people are losers ...if you want to win elections you stop blaming other

You'd think the coporate party establishment could have at least chosen a better campaigner

Tonight, we lost a senate seat, and thus the useless supermajority.

Big deal - now we get to kill the bill and blame it on the Republicans

Big deal - now we get to kill the bill and blame it on the Republicans

Is anyone else worried that if Brown wins, lots of Dems will take this as a sign.....

The Senate race in Massachusetts: A referendum on health care reform?

The Curse of Coakley!


Ted Kennedy: we hardly knew ya

Well, fuck.... n/t

Well, fuck.... n/t

F***. Everything.

Rick-Roll yourself AWAY from DU by editing your computer's "hosts" file

That's it - Brown's 2012 Dem challenger must be pro-gun, pro-PO, pro-jobs, pro-choice, and HUNGRY.

That's it - Brown's 2012 Dem challenger must be pro-gun, pro-PO, pro-jobs, pro-choice, and HUNGRY.

This is why we weren't willing to wait for DADT repeal

Congratulations Scott Brown

We never had 60 votes, that was bullshit anyway. Democrats have rarely stood lock and step

In tough times people like candidates who appear to stand for something....

Why is Coakley CONCEDING before 930 and before all of the urban areas are in?

Regardless of how the election goes, the DLC will spin it as a message to go "centrist"

My MA view: Good campaign >> crappy campaign, every time

Canadians coming to their senses

Here's a little

Olbermann and Maddow are calling it for Brown

It's a Jiffy Pop kind of night!

In a nutshell: Epically bad campaign in rough political climate v. first rate campaign

"Yes We Can - And John Kerry's Next"

Democrats... Like herding cats

Mr. President, Embrace Progressive Principles as the lesson of this election

Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, and Joe Lieberman just became the most powerful pols in America

Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, and Joe Lieberman just became the most powerful pols in America

Now that Health Care Reform is officially *dead* - do Kill the Bill advocates have "buyers remorse"?

Most are in agreement that Ted Kennedy's senate seat is now lost. And, I AM a liberal, so---

So Brown supporters. Do you wanna go back to the good ole' days of the

I miss Teddy Kennedy.

I'll call what will happen in Massachusetts next, right here and now.

Now can the crushing of the Rethuglikkkans begin?

So, why did it happen?

"I drive a truck and I'm asking for your vote" What the fuck Massachusetts?

After tonight, anything less than retaking the House and 5 seats in the Senate come November

Progressives : Reject gloom & doom.

It seems my predictions we would have a 2nd major economic downturn were correct

Good Grief, Obama is going to call Brown

Some weeks, the assholes win.

Is there any better example of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory...

Where is the real left?

Where is the real left?

Where is the real left?

Humana stock up 7%+, Aetna up 4.15%, United Health up 4.09%!

Humana stock up 7%+, Aetna up 4.15%, United Health up 4.09%!

Well I'm pissed. But at least we can ditch the illusion of a "filibuster proof majority".

Obama told Gov. Paterson not to run why not Coakley?


I called it: Brown by 5 points...

I called it: Brown by 5 points...

This could be a gift...we still have 59 Senate seats and 10 mos. before

All politics are local...

Okay, so we have Brown instead of Coakley.............

Well, it; was the closest to HCR in the 100 years since it was first suggested

Well, it; was the closest to HCR in the 100 years since it was first suggested

Just Shut Up! - josh marshall

John F. Kennedy --> Edward M. Kennedy --> Scott Brown.

The real lesson and the only real lesson of this election

The real lesson and the only real lesson of this election

We may or may not ever know the full truth about JFK, RFK, or even JFK Jr....

The *ONLY* good thing about tonight is that it is 10 months until the midterms

regardless of President Obama and everything else, it was Martha's race to lose & SHE fucking lost

OK MA: Why the fuck did you nominate this twit?

Democrats... Like herding cats

This is just the beginning.....

The lesson here, as Dr. Dean always used to say, is run QUALITY candidates

From depression to rage

Teddy Kennedy Is Spinning In His Grave Right Now......

Look at this way

I, for one, welcome our new overlords

Will they learn anything?

Will they learn anything?

So if Brown wins with 52%, I think we should be allowed to pass HCR with 52+1 Senators

Frontline telling story of Iran's Neda , on PBS right now.

Other than Martha Coakley the last person I'd want to be tomorrow is Scott Brown

Well that was a very gracious concession speech.

What's the Matter with Kansas? Now it's What's the Matter with Massachusetts?

Well well, my, my... DC are you hearing us?

Goodnight, Martha and msGEnbc, thanks for nothing. I'm off to some classical music&a stiff drink n/t

Rasmussen: 53% of MA electorate today approves of Obama, 38% disapproved.

Rasmussen: 53% of MA electorate today approves of Obama, 38% disapproved.

Ted Kennedy: "The Hope Goes On"

Brown will be the new Tom Delay

I just went to the bathroom. I Did a Number 1 and 2.


You Just Might Be a Republican if.....

Window sticker I saw today:

Window sticker I saw today:

Feel free to post your "I told you so" post in this thread.

Senate Incumbents up for re-election

Was today's election mostly about health care?

The day after ML King Day ~ Confederate Heroes Day

So... what is the lesson to be learned from the MA election?

Tin Foil Hat Time - Does Anybody Think That The Dems Wanted To Lose.......

It ain't over till it's over I REFUSE to fucking concede

So how do you see things shaping up for the next several months in the Senate?

Abortion opponents drawn to Wichita for Roeder trial

Is there such thing a safe seat? NO!!

Primary everyone. Remove Kaine. Clean house.

Angry White Men in the MA suburbs

Can't blame this on "progressives" staying home... record turnout across all demographics

Here's to Good Health of all GOP Senators

Can we raise taxes through reconciliation?

What Dems need to do: Put Howard Dean back in charge -- at once! n/t

November 5, 2002

How can we move them back to the Left?

I *WISH* tonight were a referendum on Obama

Are there any, ummm...NUMBERS yet?

Thank you, Mods

Obama and the democrats needed this wake up call


Here's What The Main Stream Narrative Will Be

Obama's health care reform - R.I.P.

Fuck! AP calling it for Brown. Coakley called Brown and Conceded

So... It has been a long day

Obama Can Not Say He Is The Agent Of Change Ever Again After Tonight

Cooler heads prevail: Howard Dean is kicking ass tonight.

Freepers are infiltrating faster than flies on dung!

If Reid was smart, he'd be invoking the Nuclear Option right now

I Have Changed My Sig Line

I Have Changed My Sig Line

Brown Must Not Be Seated Before Ballot Tampering Investigated (In Event He Wins).

Quotes Obama and Congress Should Read Every Day

Tonight is a fork in the road.

How long do you think it will take Brownie to ditch the truck?

This race was decided on gender.

At least Brown's audience is applauding mention of Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy

You can only conclude that the 'Democrats' got the result they wanted...

FFS Coakley!

"the fierce urgency of now" - MLK, Jr.

I sat in a meeting with some wealthy execs today...

Brown's daughter has no grace. They let her derisively announce Coakley's concession. nt

Is it true that some MA voters received ballots that were pre-marked for Brown?

Third Wave

British Airways Treats Passenger Like Pervert, Passenger Sues

"No, I'm not a pessimist. At some point the world shits on everybody."

Tonight's result likely scared 58 Dems into acting just like Joe Lieberman

The only place the DNC and the dems are going to run

The best tactic for Dems in the Senate now... Force filibusters

Is Brown using a telepromter? He can't be, only Obama uses a telepromter. All Repubs speak from the

U.S. Steps Up Security Efforts in Yemen

Eat your vomit, America. The Repukes return to power.

The party needs to focus almost exclusively on JOBS from this moment on until November

That was too easy...

They are chanting like Nazis at his victory rally

Mystery visitor to Poe's grave is a no-show

Mystery visitor to Poe's grave is a no-show

Participatory democracy - this is how you do it

Is Brown S l o w ? He doesn't really seem very smart does he? nt

I see, so Brown is a handsome dude so that is part of it

Have another Brownie, America. You betcha. Same ol' Republican $h*t.


Enjoy your retirement, Harry.

Maybe we win it back in NV?

Maybe we win it back in NV?

We don't need Lieberman.

So, some of my fellow Massachusetts voters are saying "sanity has returned."

I think the next Dem Leader in the Senate needs to be from a SOLIDLY BLUE STATE.

just cause you got a (D) behind your name dont mean people will automatically support you.


if you know anyone with a peanut/treenut allergy:

Let's Hear From Our "Kill The Bill" Friends on the RW Victory In MA

January 19, 2010: The End of the Obama Presidency.

I think somebody forgot to tell Brown that you aren't supposed to filibuster until you are sworn in

Oh Boy, I'm finally going to get a chance to write irate letters to my senator.

Some people are just insane (Re: Haiti)

David Shuster is tweeting that the Public Option lives again

How long will Brown's term be?

Thanks a million.....

Fineman on KO Just Talked About the Mistake of Turning the HCR Bill Over to Baucus

So we could not do it with 60. What number did we need to make

Does America really need 2 conservative/neocon parties?

The mindset of a conservative low-information voter

Lets say we not give the media and talk radio anything to talk about tomorrow.

How big were the turnout numbers? nt

If a republican can win in Mass, a Democrat can win in Texas

The Senate's new look

I'll believe it when I see the numbers

Who really won today?. Glenn Beck did. FAUX News did. Sarah Palin did.

A question...

Vacation blunder looms large but didn't sink Coakley

Vacation blunder looms large but didn't sink Coakley

Wait......wait.....Coakley LITERALLY went on vacation!?!?!?!?!?!?

Wait......wait.....Coakley LITERALLY went on vacation!?!?!?!?!?!?

Memo to the DLC: If voters want neocon policy they'll vote for Republicans.

Democratic Party - Today your Constituents sent you a Message !

dupe deleted

The Mass. Senate race would be a repudiation of liberal policies IF...

The country is about to go... nowhere

Suggestion Box - What can I personally do between now and November to advance Democratic Ideals?

Attempts at BIPARTISANSHIP with Unified Opposition Republicans DO NOT WORK...

Democrats will go conservative is my guess

If we passed an estate tax rate of 90% on all estate proceeds over $1 million

If you were a Dem in a solidly blue state and you WANTED to lose, you would....

What the Senate Dems and Harry Reid Should Do Now

What the Senate Dems and Harry Reid Should Do Now

******LIVE THREAD******* Election Results

There's your fucking bullshit healthcare reform bill, Senators.

Here's what I predict for my two Massachusetts Senators

Here's what I predict for my two Massachusetts Senators

The worst thing to happen to the Democrats was the 60-vote majority.

European bankers demand unprecedented austerity measures

I (do not) hate to say "I told you so"

On the bright side, I guess Rush Limbaugh will stop bad mouthing Haitians for a day..

Was the MA Senate vote a referendum on Dem leadership?

"Democrats Are Disillusioned And Disenchanted" - Rinse, Repeat x1000

Post-MA Senate race, what about health care?

"Democrats Are Disillusioned And Disenchanted" - Rinse, Repeat x1000

HINT: The Solution For Democrats Is NOT TO BECOME MORE CONSERVATIVE (R U Listening?)

If Tim Kaine has an ounce of self respect he should resign in the morning.

Heading for 1994 redux.

People voted for Brown because the Democrats are not properly left wing

Is Scott Brown a fundamentalist "Christian"?

How did that useless meatball win the primary in the first place?

How did that useless meatball win the primary in the first place?

How many thousands of Obama voters turned around and voted for a stinking repuke?

haitian feminist leader myriam merlet (1953-2010)

**************SHE LITERALLY WENT ON VACATION!!!***********

"Coakley wins. Bank on it" - William Rivers Pitt

Mandatory Tuesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! MA Election night coverage

Ill Be Back To Show Support To Obama......WHEN..

Tonight's Election Means Nothing

The exit poll question that needed to be asked was....

It was an "I Hate the Staus Quo I Am Upsetting the Applecart" Vote

Here's An Electoral Map (MA) Down To County (Ahem... Municipal) Level If Anybody Still Cares...

Yip. That about sums it up...

"Pecs and Trucks", the new "Panem et Circenses"

Here's something I truly don't understand about the Brown supporters

Is this an option to pass HCR?

A strong public option in HCR

Martha Coakley: “We need to get taxes up”

Prediction time...

Democrats will never be strong unless they go back to their working class

US military to enforce state of emergency in Haiti

Why did the haters and the hecklers win?

Democrats now have a 59% majority in both the House and the Senate

Are Elected Dems Toast If They Don't Start Working For The Working Class?

Is the Public Option back in play?

Negroes aren't magic.

Meet your newest U.S. Senator! (warning: graphic content...bring a razor)

So -- time for "single payer" options to go back to the states?

I spent much of the evening looking at my passport

I spent much of the evening looking at my passport

Martha Coakley reminds me of Kathleen Brown (CA)

So I wrote the White House my opinion of this mess...

Look for Senate Dems to offer Snowe or Collins whatever amendment they want...

Martha Coakley = Rocky Balboa from ROCKY III

MY Snark Meter is at like 15 out of 10 right now. I Apologize to you all ahead of time.

So In The End... The Voters Of MA Voted For The Person They'd Rather Have A Beer With

To the people blaming Massachusetts tonight....

Will the White House learn from the loss of this Senate seat?

From Primary day thru Sunday: Coakley, 19 events... Brown, 66 events

Cheer up!

Shh! Do you hear that?

Shh! Do you hear that?

It is time for the Democrats in Congress to go back to their roots

We may now be in danger of getting a health care bill passed

HEY guys -- the DNC is *not* the same as the DSCC

If Reid loses his seat, who will take over?

Instant Change.

Instant Change.

Breaking News. Lone shooter kills 8 in central Virginia

Here's what pisses me off about negative ads

So I was in a meeting with some wealthy execs today...

The cause of the Democrats problems can be summed up in 2 words

Before people start screaming about people from Mass please remember:

If Brown wanted to, he could be the most important person in the Senate

One party doesn't have the brains to govern, the other doesn't have the guts

We're Finished...............

International Arrest Warrants Requested

Here's the plan

Expand airdrops of food and water in Haiti

now that we CAN'T get to 60 votes, it's time to go nuclear

Looking ahead: how do we get the MA-Sen race out of the headlines as quickly as possible?

Will Obama get tough and regulate the banks?

Tonight's DU Excuse List for the Massachusetts Election...

The battle is in the trenches.

Does anyone recall February 15, 2003?

I think it's only going to get worse from here.

I think it's only going to get worse from here.

Coakley is as big a douchebag as Lieberman.

Scott Brown... Masturbating Bear... Brown... Bear... Brown Bear Masturbating...

Number of Democrats Falls to New Low, Down Six Points Since Election 2008

The Democratic Party leaders could fuck up a wet dream.

Pelosi promised: Health care for ALL America

Lieberman Urges Party To Go Centrist After Mass. Election

Senator Brown meet Al Franken.

Senator Brown meet Al Franken.

Would you like to help write President Obama's SOTU speech next week?

Howard Dean, Karl Rove booked for a debate at CU-Boulder

Howard Dean, Karl Rove booked for a debate at CU-Boulder

Ted Kennedy - America's Patron Saint of Second Chances

Irrefutable proof that conservatives are dumber than liberals...Scientists reject conservatism...

Lieberman now positioned for a swift kick to the curb!

Lieberman now positioned for a swift kick to the curb!

Lieberman now positioned for a swift kick to the curb!

We don't need a "super majority" to act like a minority anyway

We don't need a "super majority" to act like a minority anyway

Senator-Elect Brown to Pose Nude for ‘National Review’

If Harry Reid has any guts at all...

Here's the problem I have with the filibuster.

come warm your hands over this flickering bit of comfort:


Tell Congress: Don't learn the wrong lesson from losing Kennedy's seat!

Senator Scott Brown Stain, the legacy of health care reform and how the Pukes outmaneuvered us again

If Massachusetts isn't a wake up call to fire Rahm and Geitner then what will it take?

MA folks: Is Coakley a well-liked AG? If she were to run again, would

This is what I just sent to the President;

Newsflash: A US Senator's term is 6 years!

What this election proved is that if you wiggle your ass in front of stupid people

Says it all: "Obama Finally Gets His Victory For Bipartisanship"

For old times

Obama delivers the change we can believe in: a Republifraud from Mass.

Anyone else notice the huge influx of right wing trolls shortly after Brown won?

Republicans are a bloc, Dems are coalitions.

DoD “Clarifies” Doctrine on Psychological Operations, redefines "propaganda"

Wait...since when did Massachusetts voting for a Republican in a STATEWIDE race...

Looks/Charisma won it for Brown, a lazy condencending effort lost it for Coakley.

Looks/Charisma won it for Brown, a lazy condencending effort lost it for Coakley.

OMF the Democrats will lose GRAHAM'S NUMBER seats in November!!11!!!111!!

OMF the Democrats will lose GRAHAM'S NUMBER seats in November!!11!!!111!!

OMF the Democrats will lose GRAHAM'S NUMBER seats in November!!11!!!111!!

B - O - H - I - C - A

Two step plan for health care.

A GOOD sign regarding our leadership's reaction to the MA loss

Dean: 'People Who Blame Others Are Losers'

"I just got done phone banking and everyone is voting democratic!"

A town by town comparison of the MA special election vs 2008 Presidential election

So... What happens next for Joe Progressive?

Are you mad?

So... Do You Think Anything Real Will Be Learned After All The Ass Covering Is Done ???

An overlooked fact in the MA election

Republicans in Missouri House denounce federal health care reform proposal

People can still be lied to

People can still be lied to

It Wasn't President Obama....It Wasn't Health Care...It Wasn't Martha Coakley's Lethargic Campaign

"All politics is local"

Open senate seats

As I posted when the late great Senator Kennedy passed...

John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, Charles Sumner, Henry Cabot Lodge

Senator Webb (D - VA) No More Healthcare votes until Brown Seated

I'm reminded of the Wofford victory over Thornburgh in PA

U.N. report lays bare culture of corruption in Afghanistan

3 Questions: Lawrence Vale on rebuilding Haiti

Interesting Article on Redistricting (Iowa Model for Redistricting)

Another Earthquake has hit Haiti

"Radio station in the sky warns Haitians not to attempt boat voyage"

Was HCR an issue in MA election?

Jon Stewart Gets Fed Up: Dems Set The Bar So Low They're Tripping Over It (VIDEO)

Would you like the shit soup or the shit sandwich?

Can we at least conclude that greed and lack of empathy is winning?

"The left have nowhere else to go."

Independent my ass. Brown's straight up ultra-neocon scum.

Did you think it was ever going to be easy?

'Love Story' author Erich Segal dies at 72

Making Lemonade out of this Lemon

Why Poor Countries Are Poor. (economic and social lessons for those in power in the US.)

US Drone Attack in Pakistan Kills Five (At Least a Dozen Strikes This Year)

So let me get this straight - Ted Kennedy's senate seat went to a guy who posed nude in a magazine.

Why, why, why, can't the Democrats embrace a LIBERAL agenda?

Why, why, why, can't the Democrats embrace a LIBERAL agenda?

Just call me the Happy Warrior: What the MA Election Means to Me

It's just wrong that this POS Brown is holding the Lion's seat...

Franken: health care bill will pass "one way or the other"

People aren't happy

So how come it took so long for the Health Care bill?

My favorite quote about the Coakley/Brown election

JESUS F CHRIST! I finally see why Brown was so popular!...

Dwellers on the Threshold

Panetta Turns Blind Eye to CIA Crimes

Terry DeJournett and Dennis Cross - thanks for silencing the jingoistic

"Sometimes it's more important to travel hopefully than to arrive." Coakley

Who will Brown align himself with in the Senate?

Ugly Americans

Ugly Americans

anyone who denies that this election is a referendum on Obama is blind . . .

Everyone is upset about Brown NOW. What about Dorgan and the writing off of his seat by Dems?

HuffPo's Sam Stein really wussed out

***Jim DeMint wins: TSA nominee Southers withdraws***

THIS is the BEST we could to honor Ted Kennedy? Pitiful. Just pitiful.

Here's the thing...

Can we really blame the GOP for the loss in MA?

Is the junior senator from MA the likely GOP presidential nominee?

And another thing ........

California DUers

100,000 votes? Is that really enough to concede on?

He just said "What just happened here can happen all over america"

Cut up health care bill & get sections of it passed

Cut up health care bill & get sections of it passed

Blind woman lands 214-pound fish

Blind woman lands 214-pound fish

I sent this to some republicans who have been sending me those stupid

Well.. one thing's for sure.. the viewing audience for the SOTU speech next week is going to be huge

I don't buy it. 1% of the Senate can't control our destiny

The high cost of charred coffee beans

Suddenly we trust them.

The lessons elected Democrats seem to have taken is almost the same lesson they took in 1994

If we continue to make the choice be one between real Republicans and bad imitations..

72% of voters want "a public plan like Medicare" for all...yet only 34% think current bill is....

we lost KENNEDY's seat. Now that's pathetic no mater how

New 6.1-Quake Hits Haiti, People Flee Into Streets

Afghans plan to double security forces to 400,000

Hey Chuck Todd, go fuck yourself

Coakley ran against the banks and wall street. specifically.

Powerful magnitude 6.1 aftershock hits Haiti

The work begins anew, the hope rises again, and the dream lives on.’’

Thanks mods for the exotic new pizza flavor

I'm very disappointed. I've seen Emanuel, Kaine, Obama, the DLC, and even Diebold

2010 Election is a Grudge Match for Kennedy

Umm... we never had 60 votes anyway...

Since this was a special election, how long is Brown's term?

Solar-powered Bibles and other distractors...

Solar-powered Bibles and other distractors...

Fire. Dde. Clue

The lessons elected Democrats seem to have taken is almost the same lesson they took in 1994

Blackwater wants Afghan surge..THIS IS JUST PART OF THE PROBLEM

Is there something that we could threaten to do in reconciliation that could stop the filibustering?

Seriously. Can anyone tell me what centrists believe other than 'winning one for the team'?

So if HCR doesn't pass, I guess that's it for another 50 years /nt

The only way we'll get Medicare for all is if the people demand it.


Yes! Now is the time for empty symbolic gestures...

Oliphant Toon today on the election

Fire. Tim. Kaine.

Fire. Tim. Kaine.

Just shut up already!!

For all those that went long today based on jim crammer's advice, too bad /nt

Texas Social Studies Curriculum: Out With Civil Rights Leaders, in With McCarthyism!

m$nbc breaks into Obama's speech 'to see if he says anything about mass election'

County by county breakdown of the MA. senate vote

Will the House pass the Senate HCR Bill?

Democrats, just shut the f**k up already!!

The politics of personality

Happy anniversary, President Obama. Get your shit together NOW.

Fact is they're still in charge, & hiding behind Lieberman's wankery isn't going to change that.

Will Scott Brown run for President in 2012?

With Foreign Aid Still at a Trickle, Devastated Port-Au-Prince General Hospital Struggles...

there is one very important aspect to tonight that is being overlooked

LA Times: 'Desperate' UC students scurry to snag key classes

Women in labor can have food, studies say

Women in labor can have food, studies say

Women in labor can have food, studies say

Interesting Explanation of the Results

$hitibank to Brazil: Stop taxing foreign investors' purchases of stocks and bonds....OR ELSE !!!

Democrats - conservatives = a very small group in DC

On Morning Joe This AM...

What is the opposite of a "Teabagger"?

A tornado in the O.C.

In other news.. Florida finally out of the Democratic basement..

One last thought before I smash things and yell a lot...

The party of NO just got a little louder

Massachusetts is 51.4% independants.

On job loss during the Obama Presidency (to date)

The glee of it all: Chuck Todd and Norah O'Donnell (MSNBC)

We can't blame the republicans for fighting against HCR anymore

Question: How come when Dems have a supermajority, they don't act like it? And when Repubes don't,

'Hardball' and Dumbed-Down US Politics - by Robert Parry

Martha Coakley Pollster: White House and Congress have failed to confront Wall Street

Blame the Left for Massachusetts: Lanny Davis

is the economic crisis an excuse to not move forward?

Salahis "invited" to speak to Congressional hearing.. right now live on MSNBC

What really happened in Massachusetts tonight

First Year Post Mortem: Obama Admin needed to operate as though it had a hostile Senate

First Year Post Mortem: Obama Admin needed to operate as though it had a hostile Senate

Well I hope you enjoyed your day in the sun, you Obama Leftists....

Well I hope you enjoyed your day in the sun, you Obama Leftists....

Clueless III, starring the New York Times

So Brown is up for re-election in 2012

So where's that fucking stock rally the pundits promised?

Thank you, DU!

Dean probably ready to "scream" again. Says quit blaming and get to work.

U.S. Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret 'Jesus' Bible Codes

Sorry, Teddy.

Sorry, Teddy.

Tim Kaine/Rahm Emanuel/Harry Reid/Martha Coakley - EPIC FAIL thread

Not to put lipstick on a pig, but I think we dodged a bullet tonight.

3 words that will save the economy:

This is a good thing. We have a unique opportunity to WAKE UP. We can yet avoid

Brown's win gives GOP a 41-59 majority in the Senate

I plan on getting hardnosed. I plan on spreading the truth

Don't understand Americans - HC and Brown

Pass the Senate bill, then work on unemployment.

Secret Jesus Bible Codes on U.S. Military Weapons

Roll Heads, Kick Ass, Split and Pass a Decent HCR Bill or We're Dead Meat in Nov.

Anyone not looking forward to going to work tomorrow and facing co-workers who are

Let's not forget the real losers in tonight's election

Stock Market tanking today?

The Mass election is over - Brown won! Can we get back to the news of the day - More storms to

A Special Request (((PIC))) Bikini (Scott) Brown!

NOW can we have drug re-importation

Brown ain't that smart. Who wrote his "Its the people's seat" line?

Sen. Franken says Mass. election upset will shift health care debate

Ok, here's the deal.

Wait a minute. This is the same state that put Mitt, Zip, Pip, Nip & Dip into the governors mansion

I predict that a Real Kennedy will run for Teds Seat in 2012.

A party known for lying, cheating, stealing and killing "wins"

Skank of America is losing $$$ and it's YOUR FAULT America, for defaulting on usurious loans.....

Is MA still a blue state?

Patrick Kennedy: “I belong to an unorganized party. It’s the Democratic Party."

Massachusetts is never gonna give us up

Sarah Palin and Scott Brown suck elephant dung

Southers Withdraws From Consideration as TSA Head Over `Political Agenda'

Now is Not the Time for Tears...

Brown/Palin 2012. No comment. nt

Attorney - clothes + truck - positions > attorney general + accomplishments - pulse

Things used to be simpler.

Things used to be simpler.

Tony Auth :How Quickly They Forget

LOL - "Republicans Are NOW Thrilled To Have 41 Votes In The Senate!!!

I think we needed that little kick in the a$$ we got last night and here's why:

Al Hunt gave a pretty depressing assessment for the Democrats on Bloomberg after last night

Democrats should remove Lieberman from his chairmanship. He has done everything to

The Pukes delay and obstruct, Harry Reid will seat Brown stain immediately

The American People Don't Want Centrist Policies and We Don't want Liberal Policies.

Steele says senate win result of "magic elixir"

Does anyone have any hard evidence against Rahm and why there'a more hatred of him than Obama here?

Let's do something different at DU - let's not play the blame game

UP or DOWN!!!!

Krugman: Just do it.

Sex, Lies, and Video Tape in Dubai

Letter to the Editor from the mother of a dead soldier

Midterm elections

If you think reconciliation is the way to go tell this lady.

"Democrats, Meet Me At Camera Three"

After dining on a large plate of crow...

After dining on a large plate of crow...

I blame Coakley. I blame the DLC. I blame Rahm. DLC has got to GO from the Democratic Platform

A Heart-Breaking Job

Marine Corps "Concerned" About "Jesus Guns"

I was wrong.

The 60th vote myth...

Where was Rove last night? I think this election was stolen.

Minn. and Vt. have nuke plant events

What the fuck? When did 41 votes put any party into the majority

I think the Democrats were and are in a no-win situation. When they took their tenuous control

Naomi Klein on how corporate branding has taken over America

Soldiers in Haiti told to stop handing out food

Nancy Pelosi and David Axelrod: "You'll eat what we serve you"

This is the SECOND time we have pissed away a +26 seat

We needed that kick in the a$$ we got and here's why:

How Do We Fix This Damn Economy Before It Sinks Us All?

"agreement that sets a commitment to limit global warming to two degrees Celsius"

Time to move forward with the Senate bill.

In case you haven't noticed, there are still 57 Democrats in the Senate

Fingertip amputations prompt Graco stroller recall.....2nd recall in 2 days

The 22% of Democrats who voted for Brown are probably the same Dems

First Reports In from Cruise Passengers Back from Haiti

Relax! We have the nuclear option!

Relax! We have the nuclear option!

Right Now --Noon C-Span Panel : Religious Expression and the Law

Remember the Republicans' "nuclear option?"

Chavez Offers Limitless Fuel To Haiti

Josh Marshall-----Watch This Very, Very Closely

Brown is completing Kennedy's term, right? So, he is up in 2012

Rs are feeling pretty empowered. Cornyn and McConnell on now

Democrats have been showing a united front. They want universal health care.

US Corporations, Private Mercenaries and the IMF Rush in to Profit from Haiti's Crisis

It's a mistake to assume independents are "between" the two parties

One big factor in yesterday's loss that most people here are ignorant of

Want some more salt for those wounds? Here's FiveThirtyEight on the future & branding of Sen. Brown

Congress gets it! Currently tearing apart the WH party-crashers.

I vote Jello:

To my conservative coworker: "I want my effing money back!"

I blame everyone in the country except Obama n/t

Does anyone has that spray we use every time there's an infestation?

Anybody notice that the Stock Market dived today following the repug

Welll I give up.. Good luck all..

If you hated the Democratic candidate would you vote for a Republican?

Will there be a 2010 Elections forum soon here at DU

A simple road to HCR: Save Medicare by opening it to everyone through Reconciliation

Maybe we should start giving our Dem electeds left turn signals out of our cars

People who opposed Reagan's policies voted for him because he clearly defined his views. Dems don't.

The GOP is happy, the teabaggers are happy, the health insurance industry is in exctasy: No HCR 4 U

Michelle Obama Surprises White House Tourists

Long-time Gators broadcaster Steve Babik faces federal child pornography charges

Prediction: The Brown win is going to be anticlimactic

Follow the money further


I miss Chairman Dean.

Let the Republicans try to spin this............

"The people have spoken, the bastards!"

California orders timely care for HMO patients

"Time for Obama to fight back" {The Guardian}

AMERICABLOG: Varying analyses of the post-Coakley world

"The Democrats brought this on themselves," you say? You don't know the half of it.

Philippines massacre footage shown

Republican Rally on Wall Street. Dow down 185 points.

Gartner: CIOs don't expect IT recovery

A Simple Letter of Support for Our President

Women's Movement Mourns Death of 3 Haitian Leaders

Outstanding Article: "What happens when Obama acts alone. Dammit!"

Can We Expect a SPECIAL COMMENT from Keith Olbermann about the MA Senate Race..

1994... I suggest all the blind partisans round these parts brush up

Olbermann ‘apologizes’ for forgetting to call Brown ’sexist’

self delete

New Mexico DU'ers! Are you as sick as I am of KKOB?

Why the entire Democratic Agenda died last night

Former religiously-motivated runaway teen Rifqa Bary is now in foster care/counseling

US: Obama’s First Year Record on Counterterrorism Reform Mixed

US: Obama’s First Year Record on Counterterrorism Reform Mixed

Mexico prison gang fight kills 23 inmates

OVER? Did you say OVER? Nothing is over until we say it is!

Brown: Incoherent and Appalling Ideas - Just Like the Rest of the Republicans

BOO YAH!!! Howard Dean nails it..

Prediction: 5 minutes after the polls close, teevee will call it for Brown

A good primer on Disaster Response

Why the rethugs constantly kick ass and get away with it (it's simple)

FBI begins preliminary criminal investigation against John Ensign

Michelle Obama surprises White House tourists

Man On Run At Munich Airport After 'Explosive Traces' Found On Laptop

EPIC FAIL REDUX! McCain's re-election campaign gets a little help...from Caribou Barbie

Looks Like Massachusetts Put The Lime In The Coconut

Anybody remember how ecstatic we were to have 59 Senators a year ago?

Melt down

Something I did in response to Fox News' lack of coverage of the Haiti quake

Harry "...I don't work for him (Obama)...." Reid now stands in the way of a progressive agenda

Okay, I want REVENGE!

The Senate has lost. The House has the power now. House can force Reconciliation and a Public Option

I think we need to buck up some of the House Dems who are sounding too wobbly today.We Need to Call.

DWI Cop Defense: Vionique Valnord, Victim, Was Drunk

Building Permits in U.S. Unexpectedly Jump in Sign of Construction Rebound

At what point did the Democratic Party stop being a party of Liberals?

Study: Rising Seas Threaten Bangladesh Tigers

We can never be complacent

Forgetting History

Robert Gibbs to hold daily briefing momentarily -- I bet he would rather be sues Courage Campaign Institute over logo

another GOP gets elected and stocks tank

Most Democrats in Congress saw implosion of GOP not as chance to serve people but...

Mr. President.. other Dems.. you want to know how to win? Ask ALAN GRAYSON.

Jane Hamsher: Dear President Obama: Time to Stop Letting Corporations Write the Health Care Bill

Jon Stewart made a good point. The Democrats have a larger majority. . .

A Little Help Regarding this Email...

LOL @ Jim Cramer

LOL @ Jim Cramer

Some Facts

Sometimes you have to rise above the fray,

Brown has less than three years, folks. We'll survive.

Pence considering Senate run against Bayh

HCR, the Single-Payer Option and the Single Girl

planning on a flight to the continent; how is US Airways for labor issues?

"I don't know about that..."

Operation Rescue's Latest - in Oklahoma

Now. It is done. Y'all need to do DU a favor and instead of posting

Thom Hartmann is on fire today. Much love.

And the winner is.....................the abuse of power.

Small, hands-off government? minimal social services? low low taxes?

Glenn Beck Scott Brown 'Dead Intern': Beck Slams Brown For 'Available' Daughters Comments

A president parties losing seats in congress (usually) doesn't forcast loss of next pres election

Star-Ledger: President Obama must take charge of his agenda

Obama asked us to keep his feet to the fire

Going from 60 to 59 is no big deal.....


Krugman: Pass the Senate health care bill, and take on the banks

Democratic Party Today

If a Democrat acts like he or she is a Republican--why not just vote for the Republican

Obama's mandate

Return Dean to DNC Chair, and I will cut ya a little check..

Military to Lawmakers: Next Round’s on Me

Magazine ranks Atlanta as America's gayest city

One local activist's take on the Massinine election.

Professor Mines History to Show How Americans Create Conceptions of the Past

Just curious - for those who say vote for ANY democrat

DOW is down 148 points today.

If the Dems Had Any Backbone....

If the Dems Had Any Backbone....

Letters to the Editor, the GW Bush Years

Ok one of the Major gripes is that the US is evacuating people

Tomorrow and the rest of 2010 after tonights MA results

US Corporations, Private Mercenaries and the IMF Rush in to Profit from Haiti's Crisis

US Corporations, Private Mercenaries and the IMF Rush in to Profit from Haiti's Crisis

Aetna running ads during Randi Rhodes

Last official quake toll is 72,000: Haiti PM

Last official quake toll is 72,000: Haiti PM

We're about to have a visit from a troll building post count


Where do I get my petition (in NJ) to enter the primary for the House?

Dr. MLK Jr.'s other compelling line in the "I have a Dream" speech: "When will you be satisfied?"

Scrapping and Starting Over: Reconciliation is not Viable

Since Scott Brown voted for health care reform in Massachusetts maybe

Chairman Kaine, Security will be stopping by your office with some boxes.

I think we are fighting the wrong fight ...

Stop blaming the referee for losing - Political campaigning is like any sport

I think the problem is that the pendulum has barely budged.

The Panamerican Health Organization is now monitoring for Malaria

Something positive and important you can do

Scott Brown-for-president domain names snatched up before Senate victory

Crazy attracts crazy: Wiley "I'm praying for Obama's death" Drake sides with Pat Robertson on Haiti

"Tough shit. We needed a way to break a reform presidency and your lives were the mechanism."

Sounds about right...

Bush* always manged to set the bar extremely low and so escaped blame

"Who is UNREC this?"

Lieberman has “no idea” if he’ll join Republican Party

LOL! Glenn Beck turns on Scott Brown.

Here's how you win independents: through LEADERSHIP, not "bipartisanship"

Sarah Palin kicked the hornets nest and out came Scott Brown.

I emailed the Scott Brown Cosmo centerfold pic to my friends and some family

Union Big: Labor Won’t Support House Passing Senate Bill

22% of Democrats Voted For Brown

does judd gregg have a grade school education or is he faking it.

Good news on a gloomy day: CNN: 5 year old boy just pulled from rubble in Haiti alive.

The Majority - Use It or Lose It

So I went home for lunch today and as I often do turned on CNN for a few minutes

It's about Coakley.

The election result is stupid for everyone. We all lose.

A Way Forward on Real Health Care Reform

How could you Leftists criticize poor Lanny Davis!

Dear President Obama: It's the health care crisis stupid.

Gay man says 'reversal' therapy did not change him

Huge Voter Turnout...and they all came out to vote Brown?

A huge THANK YOU! to all DUers that worked so hard to try and defeat Scott Brown

Election Lost: 82% of Obama Voters Who Switched to Brown Support a Public Option - Lets Do It

Progressive Caucus Leader to WH: We're Ready to Fight, Join Us

Progressive Caucus Leader to WH: We're Ready to Fight, Join Us

FBI agents seeking phone records used 'startling' methods

well the hospital capacity just doubled in Haiti

How many nails does the coffin of "but they choose to be gay!!11!" need anyway?

My health care idea

Watch Ratigan. He'll tell you what the actual problems are

Obama is afraid of Fox News, Rush, Beck, Hannity, etc

Gibbs just said he and the WH didn't expect to lose that Senate seat.

Dear BROWN voters, Do you appreciate...

A Noticeable Drop-Off In Quality

Grassroots Lobby Day to Fight the Patriot Act

Has Palin slammed Scott Brown yet?

The "Why We STILL Can't Dump Joe Lieberman" Poll

Daily Show. Jon Stewart eases the "Mass" pain of yesterday

The lesson learned...

I couldn't miss with a new set of Jesus sights on my favorite rod

The 22 month old that was pulled out of the rubble, and CNN showed

Hey CNN Bimbo

Brown: "Both of my daughters are available."

Withhold your $

To those who think the MA Senate race was about national issues, here's another perspective

Dem Talking Points: We're Screwed!

Can We Please Take the 'Bi' Out of Bipartisanship?

Can We Please Take the 'Bi' Out of Bipartisanship?

Democrats Boosting Right-Wing Populism

Why would Coakley go on a week long vacation after dropping 10 points in the polls?

Greenwald: Blame the all-powerful left!

Jim Cramer: Markets will surge Wednesday if Coakley loses.

Jim Cramer: Markets will surge Wednesday if Coakley loses.

Jim Cramer: Markets will surge Wednesday if Coakley loses.

Jim Cramer: Markets will surge Wednesday if Coakley loses.

Jim Cramer: Markets will surge Wednesday if Coakley loses.

Jim Cramer: Markets will surge Wednesday if Coakley loses.

We know what Republicans feel is necessary for Health care Reform

We know what Republicans feel is necessary for Health care Reform

If I may be so bold to ask...

Cross-dressing superhero cannibal guerillas begin WW III in earnest in Liberia.

Cross-dressing superhero cannibal guerillas begin WW III in earnest in Liberia.

Listen to this - I just got a ROBOCALL from Scott Brown - I kid you not!

Well, is the party getting the message now?

Populist anger translates naturally into an anti-incumbant movement

A Political Possum Parable for Our Time

A Political Possum Parable for Our Time

Contact the White House


Kevin McCarthy was just on with Tweety. It's refreshing to see/hear a

What happened to the left's ability to organize?

New Dem Talking Point: We can't pass anything without Republican help

New Dem Talking Point: We can't pass anything without Republican help

Fifty Senators and the VP Gets Us Medicare For ALL!

What do DUers from Mass. have to say about this election?

Is the individual health insurance mandate dead yet?

Brown/Palin 2012...Palin/Brown 2012

Brown/Palin 2012...Palin/Brown 2012

My new health care proposal (easy to understand)

Poll: Mass. Voters Protested Against Weak Wall Street, Health Care Policies

The three P's

Please DU Pittsburgh Poll HERE:

Caption this picture

3 reasons why Coakley's loss was NOT a 'referendum' on healthcare OR Obama

We can't pass anything with 60 votes so CAN WE GET RID OF LIEBERMAN NOW?

Looks Like Obama wasn't lying when he said not another HCR vote in Senate before Brown is seated

Unadjusted Exit Polls for Mass Senate Race?

Howie Dean is tearing up Tweety

NPR sez Harry Reid will not take up HCR until Brown is seated in the Senate

NPR sez Harry Reid will not take up HCR until Brown is seated in the Senate

Just So You Know This Level Of Hatred Exists ("Fuck The Haiti Earthquake”. )

HAITI: ANIMAL RESCUE efforts -- update and donation links

I, derby378, pledge to do whatever I can to move the Democratic Party further to the left.

*BIG* win for the Tea Bagging movement yesterday

'Grand Peace Council' in Afghanistan

All right...I can't be the only one excited to see Diebold back in the discussion

A move "down" is what is needed, not one in either lateral direction

sigh. Obama's Pro-Union Nominations to Labor Relations Board Stalled

It won't happen, but President Obama should BEG Howard Dean

My husband is a registered Republican. He generally votes for the

Sizi the 69 Y\O the Mexican team dug out yesterday

Did Democrats lose by being too progressive or too corporate?

Did the MA media allow Brown to be a "stealth" candidate, hiding his positions

It's time to go Progressive. From the ground-up. That's where it all must start.

Writer Robert Parker

Writer Robert Parker

Please lick my hot Fiat 500, By Mark Morford

Gibbons [Republican Nevada Governor] Defends Sen. John Ensign

Gibbons [Republican Nevada Governor] Defends Sen. John Ensign

Helen Thomas: Democrats get wake-up call

The DLC has come home to Roost and THEY lost tonight's election

GOOD! The Racist 'F Haiti' Facebook Group is GONE!!! Will freedom of speech ever be the same?

How long will it be before senator Brown streaks on Capitol hill or...

Change didn't come to America


The Medicare budget alone should be sufficient to cover all Americans

I am so fucking pissed right now.

Why didn't the DSCC have a strategy for dealing with the "curling iron" issue?

Poll: The MAIN reason Coakley lost is:

JAM This!

Dear President Obama

Scott Brown - "Be careful what you wish for."

A Better, Stronger Haiti: Seven Ways to Make the Recovery Efforts Last

Some important points to take away from last night.

Well one thing Obama has excelled at, Demoralizing Progressive voters..

What do you prefer - Joe Lieberman or scabies?

Pajama's Media is a Right Wing Organization

Pajama's Media is a Right Wing Organization

So we have no hope of every getting a good health care system.

Nuts, completely nuts....

The good news about 59 Dem majority?

Obama ratings down, even in California

Democrats, just shut the f**k up already!!

So a question to those that say Liberals/Progressives are not the democratic Base

121 people have been pulled out from the rubble SO FAR

I just turned on the TV and saw a Christmas-themed commercial

Why bother to vote at all?

Howard Dean should run for the senate in 2012,

In 2002 Paul Wellstone's senate seat went to that smarmy creep Norm Coleman

In 2002 Paul Wellstone's senate seat went to that smarmy creep Norm Coleman

If any Repuke's thinking about flipping parties...

Federal worker sues for same-sex spouse benefits

Listening to Gibbs on the Ed show

Dear President Obama --

Poll: Nearly 1 In 5 May Not Fill Out Census Form

Joan Walsh/Salon kicks butt. Hope you saw her on Tweety just now. nt

Why the fuck is mopy joementum on NPR?

House ok's 2009 tax deduction for donations to Haitian relief in 2010

My reply from CBN network re: Pat Robertson

IMF requests a Marshall Plan for Haiti

Obama: Please shred current HCR bill and create one that

Some say that the problem with Obama is that outside forces make it impossible to deliver

And Here It Is Boys & Girls: Lieberman Urges Party To Go Centrist After Mass. Election

Is Credit Due President Obama in Iraq?

So... About that 59 majority...

What do Democrats call the White House, +8 in the Senate and +37 in the House?

Is it time to get rid of the 60 vote filibuster rule?

Update on Va Mass Murder yesterday

New very high resolution satellite imagery for Haiti, taken on 1/17..

Why is the country is such a bad shape?

What we need right now is a liberal Tom DeLay

What we need right now is a liberal Tom DeLay

If there was actually some national referendum on our Democratic Party right now

S. Korean ministry sends workers home to make babies

Palin to campaign for Bachmann in Minnesota, according toTweety.

Winning elections is mostly marketing, IMHO. It's good for the country to shift left, but

If you were trying to envision an RLC that undermined the repubs the way the DLC does to us....

Drop in China mine deaths, accidents for 2009

Beck already has issues with Brown.

OMG: These women on MSNBC are saying re-run Coakley again in 2012.

Democrats promised real change and didn't deliver.

Time for Kaine and Rahm to go...NOW!

I've heard mention Brown copped the "Massachussetts accent" during the campaign.

1000 more jobs have been added to since yesterday

The Insurnace Reform Bill needs to be killed. Consider the principle of "Do no Harm"

Obama never campaigned on the public option - Lanny Davis on the Ed Show ...

Obama never campaigned on the public option - Lanny Davis on the Ed Show ...

I won't be presumptious and call myself a part of the Democratic Base but

"Ever since birth, I have suffered from an inability to turn Left. It's my handicap." -- Rahm

The last 365 days of GOVERNING

Brown's win isn't just about motivated Republicans...

Must read live blog from todays Prop 8 Trial (Political Power and it exposes LDS Church)

Any chance Brown would switch sides before 2012?

PETA's officially jumped the star Sasha Grey in an ad for having pets spayed / neutered

What our sailors are doing aboard the Vinson

I never saw that 60-vote majority they say we lost

U.S. hospital ship arrives off Haiti, clean water restored to biggest hospital

Fingertip amputations prompt recall of 1.5 million Graco strollers

Fingertip amputations prompt recall of 1.5 million Graco strollers

Diebold Shenanigans? Coakley Won MA Overall In Its Hand Counted Locations

I'm Basically Non-Violent... But Maybe It's Time For The Mike Singletary Approach

House votes for faster tax breaks for Haiti gifts

If Independents are moving to the right,walk me through how Progressive candidates will be elected..

Interesting Poll about Mass Election

Let's see. Bending over backwards + no spine =

Anyone care to predict how or if this will change Obama's future actions?

I can not think of anything more offensive than America torturing people

Poll indicates that Massachusetts voters want Democrats to start acting like Democrats

JonQ was finally banned?

Are people watching Ed - they aren't going to move forward with ANY legislation until Brown seated

AP: Obama now seeks pared-down health care bill

Mitch McConnell & John Boehner....

WTF -Gunman kills eight and shoots at police helicopter in Virginia

Not addressing the Fairness Doctrine has been the Dems major failure

Comfort treats its first victims of Haiti quake

You will see me over the next week, posting some "Chicken Soup for the Liberal Soul"

You will see me over the next week, posting some "Chicken Soup for the Liberal Soul"

Can Threats and Living in a State of Anxiety Push People to Conservatism?

If They Can't Get The Votes For A Reconciled Bill In The Senate, Where Would They Get The Votes...

Stupak and Nelson weren't about women asking for special rights: it was about Congress TAKING AWAY

Thread to demand that Obama bring Dean back at the DNC...NOW!

So many threads attacking the voters of MA.

Tommorrow's Headline? "Rahm Emanuel Blames Ted Kennedy "

Tommorrow's Headline? "Rahm Emanuel Blames Ted Kennedy "

Will Democrats Lose the House in November 2010 (given a status quo over the next 10 months)?

Fire. Tim. Geithner.

The real lesson from tonight's loss is

Village Voice: "Brown Wins Mass. Race, Giving GOP 41-59 Majority in the Senate"

DUers wake the hell up!

All of you RePUKElican lurkers can go fuck yourselves

"It's only been one year!!!1 Baby steps!!" - well, that was our year.

Our Democratic Leadership = Opportunity Squandered on an epic and historical level

Which stage of grief are you in?

The GOP may not give the base everything they want but they don't disrespect them.

Why I am personally at risk now that HCR has been placed in what only can be called Jeopardy

"Corporate America has corrupted both major parties and all three branches of government"

How much better did Scott Brown do than McCain? Not much. But Coakely drew 830,000 fewer

Sigh. I guess we aren't going to learn a thing.

Do Not Put Dean Back in Charge of the DNC!

Why is it the rich have the best medical plans?

New basketball league open to whites only...

Are you kidding me, are you fuckin' kiddin' me? Coakley loses in MASSACHUSETTS

Dutch MP on trial for 'hate speech'

Dutch MP on trial for 'hate speech'

Medicare. For. All. Americans.

A morning after observation.

People still want CHANGE. They haven't seen any, so they'll try the other guys.

Fucking with (not actually with) conservatives

Obama's first-year report card on the environment

OMfG! Because of last night, the Republicans have regained their 41 seat majority!

Kennedy: 'If Democrats become pale carbon copies of the opposition-we will lose & deserve to lose'

Contrary to popular DU-centrist belief, the folks here who are disappointed and angry at Obama

Fire. Rahm. Emanuel.

Tea Party spokesman on Cspan.

82% of Obama Voters who Voted for Brown in MA Support the Public Option (~10% of total vote)

Pssstt... Barack...a few Democrats want to speak with you.

When does Brown take office? n/t.

Budget Reconciliation Procedures. From

Don't Compound a tragedy by guessing

Bad News, Good News: Coakley Loses - from Shannyn Moore

Whisteblower reveals how health insurers can game new insurance bill

Check my logic: a silver lining in the MA Senate defeat?

He's BACK.. T.Boone Pickens is running more energy independence "Pickens Plan" ads on MSNBC

I know many of you are feeling pretty down today. Why not do something positive?

Glenn Greenwald: It's the fault of the all-powerful Left

What the hell is the matter with this country we call the US ?

Democrats negotiated against themselves...and yielded to...self-described 'moderates'

I did a quick search and didn't see this story posted yet.

Medicare-for-All:"Si !!" - - Private Mandates (Romney-Baucus-Lieber-Care): "NO !!!!!"

Man shot in Oxendine (R-Ga) hunting party

How long before repigs start calling Obama a lame duck President? With a 58-42

Okay, tin foil hat theory time

NH looking at a same-sex marriage repeal.

Regarding accusations of fraud in MA Senate race...

President Obama spent the first year reaching out to rethuglicons

Wow Cindy McCain! I'm actually impressed....


Dem Senate Staffer-THEY ARE ACTUALLY RELIEVED!!!! That They-NOW-Have An Excuse !!! To Do NOTHING!!!!

Brown Won. Now What?

Read the record of Massachusetts' last Republican senator -- and weep

If Coakley loses, it is due to Coakley, not Obama. When Corzine lost it was due

If Coakley loses, it is due to Coakley, not Obama. When Corzine lost it was due

41 (or even 40) Republicans + 15 Blue Dogs = A Republican Majority - Do the Math.

Do you understand now?

Quick question, Where did the share icons go?nt

Dylan Ratigan ...

Principles Matter!

*** I Apologise***

Should Rahm resign by tomorrow morning?

President Obama, Remember Who Your Friends Are

Good ole Lanny Davis: "Blame the Left for Massachusetts"

Liberal Bloggers to Obama and Dems: We Told You So

Why Brown won: Simple

What message was being sent by Mass?

'I just want my country back,' the Brown voter said.

People voted for Brown to fix the economy??!

President Obama doesn't need a report card; he needs a parent teacher conference.

Let's face it: exhorting a disillusioned base to "stick with the team" has NEVER worked.

For all you people who don't understand how Bush governed with impunity with a 2 vote margin

Why primaries matter

For the past year, the GOP has presented a united front... we Dems have been attacking our own Prez

President Obama's appointing a bi-partisan commission to cut Medicare and Social Security benefits!

Is it the President's job to create jobs?

President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama honor National Mentoring Month - pics

Peak Oil Deconstruction: Avatar

Too bad Harry Hasn't Been Around To Advise and PUSH Obama---'52 speech

Vanden Heuvel says Dems need a HCR bill, any bill

It is long past time our leaders started calling out the GOP on their obstructionism!

California storms thread

Capitalism, socialism and reason

BREAKING MSNBC: Obama to Move Further LEFT in Response to MA Election

Scumbag teabagger Scott Baio (@realscottbaio) goes after Michelle Obama..

Poll Shouts The Message Massachusetts Voters Were Sending

Humane Society International expected to arrive in Haiti by Friday.

I have to turn down my raise at work

Blow up that healthcare bill.

New basketball league for White Americans - 12 cities

I love this place.

Derogatory nickname for Scott Brown?

Dean: Bush would have had healthcare a long time ago

Something Very Weird about My Health Insurance

The Rude Pundit: Random Observations on Last Night's Massachusetts Knockout

Will Diebold steal Ted Kennedy's seat – and the Senate?

Why is ANYBODY arguing for "more of the same" after last night?

Perhaps if our leadership hadn't been attacking us, we would have kept the Mass Senate seat

Why was "Impeachment Off The Table"?


Why? Because Dem presidents and party powerful let BushInc off the hook EVERY TIME they're exposed

Homeless people fined, Jailed, for SLEEPING in Boulder, CO

UMass professor on Sirius Left said independents are likely

about what time will we know the outcome?

If Obama were running against Brown...

Town by Town Benchmarks for Tonight's Race

Only 35 minutes left in the Obama Administration (posted at 7:35)

Chris Matthews just predicted Brown will run for president in '12

Chris Matthews just predicted Brown will run for president in '12

Regardless of tonight's outcome the Dems need to embrace a strong 57/56 Senators instead of. . .

OMG Hardball already suggesting Coakley lost ..quoting Dems complaints about Coakley

Does anyone remember what the polls were like for Franken?

Does anyone remember what the polls were like for Franken?

Coakley will win!

BLAH BLAH Every special election is a referendum on Pres. Obama

I don't care anymore

Norah just called it a loss

I still hold out hope that I will never see this man smile:

I don't want to give these clowns joy, just pass the horrible senate bill

Supposedly Olbermann and Maddow are calling the race for Brown

It will be an outrage if Kennedy's seat would be used to nix healthcare

Just voted (for Coakley, of course) in Allston

Martha Coakley and Jane Swift are from the same hometown

If the people of Massachusetts

A toast to Teddy

The fact that Coakley was up 30 points just weeks ago proves this is NOT a referendum on Obama.

It is a referendum on Obama if Mass. voters know electing Brown would mean Obama's HCR is nixed

We need to do away with primary elections in Massachusettes

It's over! FauxNews first out of the gate to call the race for Brown.


Coakley concedes. Announced on FOX. AP projection.

BREAKING: Coakley calls Brown to concede in Senate vote, Brown adviser tells Globe

Wow Massachusetts Wow Just Wow

(R)asmussen Electon Night Poll: Coakley leads among late deciders 47/41. 22% of Dems vote for Brown

NYT: White House Looks Again to Senator Snowe

We need to march on Washington!!

my husband said something that made me really sad tonight...but maybe he's onto something

AP just called the race... Coakley just called Brown according to MSNBC

CNN Projects Brown n/t

Tweety contradicts himself within an hour

DU is proof liberals are idiots

Change we can believe in!!!

A loss tonight is not about the loss of the "60", the loss of HCR or even a "repudiation of Obama"

Jesus Christ, a senator with diapers and now a centerfold nude senator

A teabagger TOOK Teddy's seat

53% of Mass Voters Approve, 38% Dissaprove.......

Dear MA Brown voters......

***Mass Senate Special Election - Results Thread***


Who the hell concedes at 9:15 PM...Sorry but that's ridiculous!

Massachuetts in a nutshell -- We've always been the orneriest state in the nation

Nobody can convince me this would happen w/ Dean running the DNC. Now that's Obama's fault

"The work goes on, the cause endures..."

Please don't tell me 2010 will mean a chorus of men riding about in pick-up trucks!

Please don't tell me 2010 will mean a chorus of men riding about in pick-up trucks!

Anyone blaming this on congress???

How much leverage does Lieberman have now?

"The Dream Lives on" WOW she should be ashamed to mention that in her concession speech

Why should MA care about National Healthcare, they've got their own, so are they

Why should MA care about National Healthcare, they've got their own, so are they

Don't Panic! Remember Romney was governor also!

My advice to everyone is to CALM DOWN and think about it tomorrow.

Are all President since JFK following a Master Plan/Script?


Sorry Teddy. That's about all I can say....

What can the Democrats do now about HCR?

The OTHER big loser tonight is TWEETY MATTHEWS.

Photos: The Obama Presidency, January, 19th 2010

Why No Exit Polls In Massachusetts???

In the middle of a FB chat, did Obama ever try to cut combat pay saying it is "volunteer service"?


who the hell concedes at 9:15 PM that's ridiculous!

Just sayin'...

I don't get the reasoning.

Coakley took an ill advised vacation and did not run a serious campaign, the blame. . .

After this post,

Howard Dean, on MSNBC: "People who blame others are losers."

I'm going to have a MONUMENTAL pity-party tonight ...

Olbermann cut it off after this clown said something about Obama

Now what?

Lets stick our finger in the Repubs eye and PASS the senate bill

"The Ants and The Grasshoppers"

Thank you Jim Webb for making a bleak night a little bleaker

Fucking Small Potatoes!!!

Ok, Obama turns the economy around for 2012. Dems find a killer Senate candidate for Mass.

As opposed to standing outside Fenway Park? In the cold? Shaking hands?

Listen UP, Obama, Democrats, Republicans, and LIEberman...

Coakley running a good campaign and losing to Brown would be one thing but

So is the Brown win similar to the MN Jesse Ventura revolt vote??

The statistic I keep going back to is 22% of Democrats voting for Brown

More (R)asmussen Election Night Poll: Health care huge, defining issue.

They're forceful in their lies, we are guarded while speaking truth.

My conclusion, then I am going to bed

"I understand the frustration and ... anger"

"Brown's road ahead"

Coakley conceded!!!

Tea partier is an insult in Massachusettes?

I thought it was impossible to run a worse candidate than Creigh Deeds.

Her ER statement

AP: Dems cast blame at each other over Senate campaign

Will More Democratic Incumbents Be Primaried Because Of What Happened Tonight?

Two lessons from this

Is the White House so clueless that it would become even more "centrist" following a Coakley defeat?

I would love for Barack Obama to hold a press conference w/ every elected democrat behind him....

In twenty minutes, I can guarantee you one thing. The Democrats will still have a majority.

Reid calls out the GOP WHILE Congratulating Brown

IMHO if the democrats were smart ( so this will not happen)

'The outcome is preordained. Coakley will win'

What the leaders of the party who just lost an election to populist outrage were doing tonight...

Why we lost and why we will continue to lose...

Senator Jim Webb wants further votes on health care legislation put on hold until Brown's seated.

My prediction: GOP ticket in 2012

What's wrong with Independents?

Sorry, Teddy. Your party failed you big time.

Can you see FDR, Truman, JFK, LBJ or Carter not pushing thru real HCR

Pelosi: "whatever happens in Massachusetts, we will pass quality, affordable health care"

'I voted for Obama because I wanted change. ... '

Should we really blame the DLC and the Democratic move to the right?

Well, Mike Capuano for Senate 2012, anybody?

People want leadership, Mr. President

Calm the FU&k Down!!!!

My biggest disappointment so far.......the DOJ has not been purged of Bush appointees and.....

The White House agenda over the past 12 months has let down the Kennedy legacy.

ACLU Issues Report On Obama Administration's Civil Liberties Record (updated)

Clarion Call

Brown's campaign created a populist image for him.

Mass Sec of State will Certify Brown Tomorrow.

What Democrats Should Fight For: Ted Kennedy 1995

Sen. Webb: No HCR Votes Until Brown Seated

Yes We Really Should Blame the DLC!

Kennedy's son: Voters are 'wanting blood'

One Year Ago Today, Barack Obama Was Inaugurated

President Obama, go further than clawing back TARP money from the top

The real problem....

Brown: Election NOT a Referendum on Obama

A thank you to the US

Rich Masters: The problem with the White House on health care

God Bless the Berkshires! (Gt. Barrington 76.7% for Coakly)

Obama Congratulates Brown on 'Well Run' Campaign

Just keep in mind when watching next weeks State Of The Union

So who is the head of the DNC?

how do you KNOW??

We can still get Scott Brown to piss off Republicans who think he's too left

In addition to Obama, the other corporate Dems, and Coakley, we can "thank" Senator Menendez

AP-GfK Poll: Obama at 56% approval. Public evenly split on health care. 49% want Dems, 37% want GOP.

Did you ever see that movie?

I seriously can't believe how fast everything has gone downhill from just a year ago...

Scott Brown: the new Republican Presidential favorite in 3 years.

What would upset the Republicans most now? Passing the Health Care Bill

The REAL message of the Massachusetts Massacre

Where the hell is Tim Kaine?

The Republicans bash the Democrats and President Obama every chance they get

To win Coakley needed to run on changIng congresses direction

Joe Conason: What Would the GOP Do? They Often Lose, But Never, Ever Retreat

In Times Like These, Where Do You Find Hope (Or Comfort) ?

Democratic caucus majorities: Senate by 18, House by 78

What Ted Kennedy would tell the Democrats

Dear *Insert Democrat Here*, F*CK YOU!

****Heads Up: POTUS Announces Directive on Tax Cheats Getting Federal Contracts****

I suggest you stop insulting the voters of Massachussetts

From the ABC/WaPo poll: Obama v. Reagan

Barney Frank Concedes Health Care Approach 'No Longer Appropriate' After Brown Beats Coakley

It Wasn't About Coakley

AHHH!!!! A New Iphone Ap from the WH: LIVE VIDEO STREAMING!!!!

HCR is not dead

We lose one Senate seat and that's it? It's all over, everything?

Brown didn't "win" that election. Coakley LOST it.

Salon: Now what? By Mike Madden

Massachusetts is not the bluest state in America

****Heads Up: FLOTUS Greets WH Visitors****

Uh-oh, another bump in Obama's approval rating; that's not a story the Beltway press wants to tell

Ambinder calls BS on Brown's Terrorism Talking Point

Health-care debate delayed action on other big issues



Stock Markets crushed on Republican win

"McCain Gets Schooled On Bogus Abdulmutallab 'One-Way Ticket' Meme (VIDEO)"

Why is it the Deficit is a big deal now but never was under Bush or Reagan???

HOLD ON!! The night's not over yet!

***Mass Senate Special Election - Results Thread #2***

Coakley has the job she really wanted, AG. She never wanted to run for the Senate seat to begin with

TNR: Dear Nervous & Frustrated House Democrat...

The Republican Superminority

Mass: 46% of voters said their vote was mainly to show support for health care reform

Here's a primer on the loss from a MA resident

If we don't pass any Health Care Reform with 59 Senators and ~257 House members, what's the point?

Fineman lists the Dems to blame

Massachusetts Democrats didn't like the centrist crap Obama & the corporate Dems are peddling

Village Voice: Scott Brown Wins Mass. Race, Giving GOP 41-59 Majority in the Senate

My opinion: Martha thought she was entitled, Scott worked for it

Dammit..I have a cookie recipe to share when Coakley wins..

Dammit..I have a cookie recipe to share when Coakley wins..

Those Democrats who voted for Brown just spit all over Ted Kennedy's grave!

How to jump start the progressive movement

What I'd Like to Hear a Congressional Democrat Say.

Democrats, you want a strategy? Here it is!

In a two party system non-partisans have only one option to express displeasure for whatever reason

If the Senate can't vote on health care until Scott Brown is sworn in then shut the Senate down. . .

Jonathan Turley reports on a possible end of the Senate filibuster and rants on Democratic lousiness

President Lieberman, Vice President Nelson, and Speaker of the House Stupak

I am about to make a few people mad.. so be it.. But being a woman in

A Rahm Too Far : Time For Obama Voters To Pull The Plug - Comment by Lee Stranahan

"I didn't vote for a party that would abandon my agenda because it lost one seat in the Senate"

It is time to combat the abusiveness of the GOP

Face it....MA DID NOT vote for Brown because Obama is not Liberal enough!!!!

Mass: In a somewhat paradoxical finding...

Liberal Bloggers to Obama and Dems: We Told You So

IN-Sen: Pence Weighing a Bid

What should the Democrats do about health care reform now?

At long last, a rematch for Arcuri

The DNC Chair will work twice as hard in Nov.

'Stunningly Simple'

There sure were a lot of obstacles standing in the way of health care reform

Joe Conason: No Obama Obits, Please

Andy Stern - A Path Forward: It's Time to Pass Health Insurance Reform

It is fairly easy to get HCR as good as we were going to get if Coakley won

It is fairly easy to get HCR as good as we were going to get if Coakley won

The WSW probably has the best analysis of the MA election out there

Barack Obama is only one part of the problem

Can someone please explain the whole "we want more left, so we elected someone further right" logic?

Con Artists

"The same thing that swept Scott Brown into office swept me into office."

Conrad opens door to reconciliation for healthcare

TPM: Obama Pushes for Consumer Protection Agency, Tells Dodd It's 'Non-Negotiable'

Maybe Obama is playing it smart by putting "the bill" at the mercy of the GOP

I hate to admit the truth but President Obama and Democrats acted irresponsibly

Obama's Fine Moment

So, is there any chance that Brown ends up being a liberal 'Rockefeller' Republican?

Lanny Davis: blame the left for Massachusetts

DUers painting Coakley's loss as a referendum on Obama and DNC leadership . . .

Opps duplicate thread.. go here

Obama: Senate Will Not Vote On Health Care Before Brown Is Seated

A Year Later

Which is Obama?

Massachusetts voters and the "Stockholm" syndrome.

Coakley's Loss: Pie in the President's Face (excellent analysis by Greider of The Nation)

The DNC needs to dig up a bunch of softcore hunks from past issues of Cosmo and Playgirl.

Which voters turned out less in MA?

Has WV got strong candidates in the wings or will we lose another seat?

MA was not about Obama but about Red Sox Nation and hunkiness

Embracing single causation theories for the loss is shortsighted.

The MA election was neither a repudiation of progressivism, nor was it a call for more.

One year ago today, I was here

I'm relieved that Democrats have plans to pass Health Care Reform

MA Exit Polls

Brown: "I think it's important that everyone get SOME form of healthcare..."

Kerry's statement. Certainly more classy than Brown's daughter

Obama Takes Credit For Scott Brown Win

Obama's nominee to lead TSA withdraws

Sounds to me like Chris Matthews just called Teddy Kennedy arrogant.

If the democrats are going to get populist on Wall Street's ass

What do you think of this Health Care Bill, I know u could get a couple of republicans

I have 2 questions:

Did the Progressive Base have a candidate in MA during the Special Primaries?


which one of these do you prefer?

"the only hurdle in the way of health care reform"

Advisers clueless..

Live one in GD

Confused by Independents??? Don't get what their problem is?

I just joined Net Flix and I am watching a show online, this is cool.

Ed Schultz V.S Robert Gibbs

I wish the MSNBC lineup was Ratigan, Ed, KO, Rachel. Why does Tweety have to mess things up? nt

Want to win me back? Pass HCR with a STRONG public option...

Breaking.. our side leads by 8...

Patton Oswalt on KFC's Famous Bowl

Just to let you know, I'm still here. I've been busy baking Italian Cookies.

Please some help

Clyburn: 'Magic number on healthcare reform is 50, not 60'; measure not dead


ONN: FInal Season of LOST Promises to Make Fans More Annoying

X-Post: Poe Toaster is 'Nevermore'

Complete the following phrases...

Is this Op-Ed or Reporting? (Wolff Blitzer's show on CNN)

Man shoots his way out of singing SUV.

I don't know how we are going to get Republicans to support our issues

LETTER TO OBAMA: Loss should teach you not to carry corporate water and pretend it's change

If only we had listened to Lieberman, this wouldn't have happened


Charlie Daniels Recovering After Stroke

Passing the Senate HCR Bill in the House is not a big loss

Tea Baggers and right wing outrage had no impact on MA election

Les Courants d'Air

Do away with the filibuster? Is it that simple?

posting on my new Droid Eris

I had a dream that I killed some intruders with Tabasco sauce.

For my money, I don't know if it gets any better than when he sings:

I'm prepping for a colonoscopy.

The Hill: Conrad opens door to reconciliation for healthcare

Drew Westen explains how the Democrats blew a once in a lifetime opportunity to crush Republicans

Soul Provider

Barney Frank now backtracking

So LENO is rolling along. I guess it's over. He*did* have ONE good line,

An emphasis on BACON

An emphasis on BACON

On the eve of electing a fucking Playgirl centerfold, Charles Bukowski..."back to the machine gun"

auntAgonist got my liquor cabinet locked

Mr. President, our national security hangs in the balance

I'm sorry and may get in trouble but Fu-k Howard Dean

Will Obama now FINALLY start to lean on corrupt blue dogs & DLC instead of progressive base?

Is this the virus that's going around where you are?

Howard Dean

If the House passes the Senate Bill, can reconciliation be used to pass a public option later?

Brown victory party featured flag calling for a ‘second’ revolution, tea party-inspired civil war

This place is crazy tonight

The Party Won't Win Back Independents This Year Simply By Attacking Opponents

Why Independents voted for Obama in 08 and for Brown in 10

For some reason, this song keeps playing in my head:

Seems like a good night 4 a beautiful, melancholy song. An acoustic "Killing Moon" by Ian McCulloch

Kerry's populist response, which validates the anger - and lists many valid reasons for it

A thoughtful thread in GD for a thoughtful night

The story so far

The Best Cookie in the World.. Just sharing an election night at the DU is a winner

RIP Kate McGarrigle

I just want to brag share here. Chime in with similar stories iif ya have 'em

Ted Kennedy’s son: Voters wanted ‘blood’

Remember all that stuff Bush got passed during the time when he had 60 Republican votes?

Winning the 2010 Elections: Hint- take some risks, stand up and fight for ordinary Americans

Coakley lost the election. Not Rahm, Obama, the Boogieman, or anyone else.

Obama needs to do 2 things to succeed. He needs to po everybody and change the focus. Drop DADT and

"John Kerry is next!!!"

Paul Krugman: Just do it--pass health care. Then move on to confronting bankers.

"Chuck" fans-what bigbox store is right beside the "Buy More"?

Lawrence O'Donnell is making me suicidal watching him on MSNBC right now

I've seen it all now.

The RW thinks Brown's win is a sign the Republicans are back

What are you drinking tonight?

Man shoots his way out of stinking SUV

WH: On Next Steps for Health Reform

I don't know why, but I'm excited to see how Obama bounces back from this



Coakley Loss Massive Blow and Wakeup Call for Obama, DNC

The Fucking Teabaggers, the Media, Rush and Boehner, et al are all Laughing their asses off!

"It's over" is not acceptable in regards to health care

the early bird gets a pass.

We might need a giant group hug tonight.

Is it possible the party didn't want Coakley to win?

Confession: I still like Massachusetts


Sen. Biff Goodhair (R-MA)

I hate online job applications that "allow" you to cut-and-paste your resume

Pogues star washes hair with beer

This CAN'T be real: from the FAIL blog....

Fire. Dde. Clue

I don't care for auntAgonist's new song "Tik Tok"

I'm gonna stay out of GD and GD:P

Don't you hate when a perfectly good 10 minute photoshop job goes totally ignored?

Can everyone PLEASE admit that it was incrementalism that caused last night's loss?

I am trying to stay awake and watch all 39 episodes of Have Gun Will Travel.

Why President Obama should pull a S.P., pack up and go back to Shy-Town.......

Katrina Vanden Heuvel: The Massachusetts Lesson: Go Populist Now

Katrina Vanden Heuvel: The Massachusetts Lesson: Go Populist Now

Mystery visitor to Poe's grave is a no-show

$75 for 10 fricking pit bulls!!! That is damn fricking cold!!!

My friend, who moved from Haiti to the U.S. in 1963, sent this petition

This place looks like it did after Kerry lost in 2004

The right says Obama is too radical, and the left says not radical enough

Cracked: "Complaints to Domino’s That They Didn’t Put in Their Ad"

Drew Westen: Obama Finally Gets His Victory For Bipartisanship

Greetings from the "Jersey Shore!"

Howard Stern warns Conan about Leno

If Hollywood Decided to Give Everything A Gritty Reboot

I found this odd, crudely photoshopped picture in my Photobucket account and I need your help.

I have a Rendezvous with Rama

He's a Systems Administrator and a Teacher.... and he's 9.

My home built telescope.

auntAgonist stole the prize out of my box of cereal

Have you ever recommended music here in the Lounge?

Rush wonders if "bankers""Jewish liberals" are "experiencing buyer's remorse" about Obama

Oh, Billessica, we hardly knew ye.

So, can we get rid of Lieberman now?

Frustrating frustrating frustrating!


I'm watching Season Four of the Mary Tyler Moore Show and

To avoid confusion Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) will be known as...

Barrett-Jackson from Scottsdale, the Superbowl of auctions, through Sunday on Speed Channel

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 1/20/10

I have a diorama

For dinner tonight...Arroz con Pollo a la Peruana

Massachusetts is never gonna give us up

Microwaving a box of wine...what possibly could go wrong..

Should we start thinking of Primary Challenge to Jim Webb ?

Dudes... With Elvis Haircuts...

John Lennon

Not To Be A Wimp, But I Could Use A Hug

Job offer, what to do... Care to weigh in?

I just saw my "OMG!" story of the day.

"Time to move forward."

Bill Hicks - Whatchew readin' for?

I watched the documentary "Inside Deep Throat" last night.

The Daily Beast's Peter Beinart: Healthcare or Bust!

Best college football rivalry

Gibbs just said the Senate bill is NOT dead, implying the House still could pass Senate bill

Dingbat Christian Heidi Montag: "Or maybe God gave me extra because he knew what I would be doing"

House Liberals To Pelosi: “We Cannot Support The Senate Bill. Period.”

the shetland pony grand national

Need translation help please!!

MSNBC just reported that Pelosi WILL try to pass the Senate bill IF

MSNBC just reported that Pelosi WILL try to pass the Senate bill IF

Is there a site that offers free website templates?

You stay classy, John Mayer,

BwahahaHAAAAAAAAAAA! Eat THIS, Arrogant Apple Fanboys: "Apple fixes a dozen holes in Mac OS X"

Any ladies here use bi0-identical hormones and how can I tell if this manufacturer

Who are your hero's and villians of the NBC late night wars?

What's the only thing that keeps you hanging on?

What's the soil like where you live? Describe the soil and give your location.

Let me know when the Circular Death Panel ends

Janis Joplin vs Molly Ivins

Thursday the 21st is National Squirrel Appreciation Day. All your questions answered here:

Fuck Republicans......

Obama: Don't "jam through" health care without Brown

Waching "Labyrinth" with the boys and enjoying the snow day. :^)

Cheer me up, dammit.

I have a dilemma

Uh oh, it's Girl Scout Cookie time.

Lanny Davis is useful insofar as he is always Wrong.

President Obama's Report Card

I hate political posts on Facebook

DU will not learn that policy means zilch. Assertiveness is what counts. Voters want pushy, even if

Mass: 2008 v. 2010

Why can't each state have its own health system like Saskatchewan. Canada?

What percentage of people do you think are date-able? Do-able? Marriage material?

A FB Debate I am having has turned ugly

Charlie Daniels suffers mild stroke in Colorado

Who has heard of The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band?

Angry Used Car Salesman - Funny! NSFW Language

What's the highest friend count you've seen on Facebook?

Am I overreacting?

***New secret electoral strategy***

'Love Story' Author Erich Segal Dies at Age 72

More men get economic boost from marriage

FBI 'fabricated terror emergencies to get phone records' Coakley to concede

Gov. Ted Strickland tells supporters his running mate is Yvette McGee Brown

Sen. Webb: No HCR Votes Until Brown Seated

Defeated GOP 'Override Six' legislator Erhardt switching parties for comeback try

Mass. secretary of state says Senate voting irregularity reports explainable, not wide

Newspaper publisher Morris (Florida Times-Union) seeks Ch. 11 protection

Bethesda Man Linked to Obama Death Plot Sentenced to 5 Years

Scott Brown wins Massachusetts Senate special election race

Bush Re-Enters Spotlight With Haiti Appeal

SKorean minister: Hit North first if threatened

UPDATE 8:47 p.m.:Suspect still at large in Appomattox multiple killings

30 countries joined Israel in mass bio-terror drill


Panama leader's bodyguards arrested over 'kidnap plot'

Dutch MP on trial for 'hate speech'

Haiti Earthquake May Have Killed More Americans Than 9/11, Iraq or Afghanistan

U.S. dismisses DPRK demand on peace treaty

Robert Parker, creater of the Spenser series, has died

Israel deports US journalist

Spain aims to boost EU gender equality

Vietnam to try democracy activists for subversion

U.S. extradites Bosnian Serb suspected of genocide

(UK) Spy chief: 45 minutes Iraq WMD claim should not have been published

Whisteblower reveals how health insurers can game new insurance bill

Al-Qaida suspect vows no more NYC trial outbursts

NATO Eyes New Top Civilian Post in Kabul

Philippines massacre footage shown

Drop in China mine deaths, accidents for 2009

Intrawest's troubles threaten Olympics: report

Mexico prison gang fight kills 23 inmates

Will Google be the next big player in the wholesale energy market?

8 Arrested in Firebombing of Malaysian Churches

Poachers threaten Malaysia's defence of tigers: WWF

Study: Rising Seas Threaten Bangladesh Tigers

S. Korean ministry sends workers home to make babies

FBI Director Mueller Says al-Qaida Spreading, Rebuilding, And Plotting

Union Big: Labor Won’t Support House Passing Senate Bill

Utility PG&E to finance rooftop solar panels

Israel deports American journalist

Suicide car bomb wounds 30 in Iraq's northern Mosul

Russian journalist dies after beating by police officer

Dean: Bush would have had healthcare a long time ago

Obama to Create Panel to Study Deficit

New York Times to charge for articles online

Palin to campaign for McCain in March

Aid Haitians, immigrants to help NYC economy: Mayor Bloomberg

NATO military chief courts Russia's help

No US health reform action till senator seated-(Sen. Harry) Reid

US Stocks Tumble; China Concerns, Housing Data Stoke Anxiety

Obama urges pared-back health care bill,Obama urges lawmakers not to try to jam a bill through Congr

US Army's war budget includes big weapons orders

Obama to Senate: Don't "Jam" Through Health Care Until Brown Seated

Conrad opens door to reconciliation for healthcare

Poll: Americans skeptical of Obama's promises

Pence Weighing Bid Against Bayh (IN-SEN)

Basketball league for white Americans targets Augusta

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday January 20

Gates Says Al Qaeda Seeks to Trigger India-Pakistan War

Democrats Propose $1.9T Increase In Debt Limit

Magnitude 6.1 Quake Strikes Devastated Haiti

Mother jailed for murdering brain-damaged son

U.S. military contemplates end of rescue phase in Haiti

Morrell (Smithfield) will close Sioux City plant in April (1500 + jobs)

Health Care Comes To Screeching Halt - Sen. Webb: No HCR Votes Until Brown Seated

Officials order evacuations before 3rd SoCal storm

Air France-KLM to charge obese flyers almost double

India outsourcers hiring staff as US demand grows.

Earthquake Survivor Calls iPhone a Life Saver

Obama's nominee to lead TSA withdraws

Wes Clark considering House run

Frank: I Hope Some GOP Senators Will Support Health Care Reform -- Because Without Them, Bill May Be

French aid group MSF accuses US over Haiti delays

Obama failed to probe Gitmo deaths, charity says

Runaway Ohio girl to remain free of Muslim parents

Japan opens clunkers offer to more U.S. cars

AP: GOP's Scott Brown Wins Mass. Senate Seat

Saudi girl, 13, sentenced to 90 lashes after she took a mobile phone to school

Obama now seeks pared down health care bill

Supreme Court reverse for Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal

Erroll Southers Withdraws: TSA Nominee Drops Out Amid 'Political Agenda'

3 weeks after gay marriage law, New Hampshire takes up repeal

Michelle Obama to unveil anti-obesity initiative

Are you Pissed off proggressives? Lets start now on 2010 with these candidates

First Israeli Cabinet minister to visit Abu Dhabi


It's the DEMS Who Finally Find a Weapon of 'Mass. Destruction'

Shell signs Iraq oil field deal!

Received from Alan Grayson:

Love the rhetoric, admire the oratory: where’s the action?

Tiny Steps Toward Basic Services

U.S. Marines Land in Villages on the Edge.

Haiti Violence Fears Lift, U.S. Troops Help Deliver Aid

Elections in Ukraine - Calm before Storm?

The Perils of (DEMOCRATIC) Passivity By David Michael Green

The Massachusetts Lesson: Go Populist Now

NYT Wednesday confirmed reports that it would introduce a "metered model"

Swiss Banker Blows Whistle on Tax Evasion

David Stockman Supports Taxing Banks

Republicans run the country into the ground on purpose.

Mass. voters exemplify the "Stockholm syndrome"

Liberal Bloggers to Obama and Dems: We Told You So

Democrats Boosting Right-Wing Populism

U.S. Troops Patrol Haiti, Filling a Void.

Is It Time For Governor Dean To Return To The DNC Chairmanship?

Why Conservatives Shouldn't Get the Credit For Coakley's Defeat

How Obama Lost His Way

Sen. Sherrod Brown's Recipe to Stop the Economic Hemorrhaging: Fix Our Manufacturing Policies

Dean: 'People Who Blame Others Are Losers'

A Very American Coup; Coming Soon to a Hometown Near You

New Wave of Warlords Bedevils U.S. (Haqqani) - Know your warlords.

Bush Re-Enters Spotlight With Haiti Appeal

The End of the Paved Road

" It's Not Mere Cynicism or Demoralization - More Likely, It's Humiliation and Alienation" /Sirota

From Cynthia McKinney: An unwelcome Katrina redux

Solar-powered Bibles sent to Haiti

Complaint Filed Against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al; International Arrest Warrants Requested

US Corporations, Private Mercenaries and the IMF Rush in to Profit from Haiti's Crisis

"What Massachusetts Got Right" by Robert Scheer on The Nation

Real Communities are Self-Organizing

DAVID STOCKMAN: Taxing Wall Street Down to Size

Obama Finally Gets His Victory For Bipartisanship

Shuffle The Deck, And Bring Howard Dean Back

9,600 bottles Of Water & 42,000 MRE Packets Airdropped By C-17 Into Haiti

Helping Haiti with One Hand and Taking with the Other

Deputy US Commander In Haiti Gives A Progess Report

Howard Dean: The Message Of Massachusetts Election Results Is "We Gotta Be Tougher"

Papantonio: Limbaugh the Hyena

rahm, geithner, frank, webb, axelrod, gates, holder, sebelius, napolitano, orszag, clinton,

Letterman Interviews Spokesperson For The World Food Program

Jane Hamsher, Nate Silver and Matt Kibbe Discuss the Current State of Politics

Keith Olbermann "Apologizes" (Not) to Scott Brown

Best Church of God--Yeast Protest

Belligerent jackass John McCain gets corrected, gets huffy

Paul Nathanson Deposition Video

Brown talks about phone call from Obama

Cadbury chocolate takeover deal

A Year Of Opposition: Fox News' War On The White House

Katherine Young Deposition

Hartmann: Obama's Choice Back off New Dem Corporatist Agenda OR SUPPORT PROGRESSIVE AGENDA

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) MA: Election A Miracle, 'I Believe There Has Been Intervention'

Instant Solutions fo Healthcare, bank fees, and jobs

Salahi Political Theater: Congress Refused Answers To Basic Questions 'Tuxedo?'

TYT: Cenk explains how Brown's win will probably Shock Doctrine the HCR bill

Cool Cool Considerate Men - 1776 (Restored Director's Cut - 1972)

Coakley Concession.

Cenk kills Tim Kaine and the DNC

David Axlerod Asked If It's Time To Hit Reset

TYT Interviews Conservative Hollywood Screenwriter That HATES Avatar!

Scott Brown Introduces His Daughters to the Nation: "Yes, They're Both Available"

Ed Schultz Takes On Robert Gibbs

Hitler Finds Out Scott Brown Won Massachusetts Senate Seat

Fire Tim Kaine/Rahm (& Bring In Dean)? - Cenk @ Huffington Post

Despite Heavy Rains In Some Areas, No End To Australia's Big Dry

Monarch Butterfly Count At Record Lows In Mexican Preserves - Globe & Mail

American Business for Clean Energy

Drumbeat: January 20, 2010

The root hacker

Will Google be the next big player in the wholesale energy market?

Poachers threaten Malaysia's defence of tigers: WWF

Scott Brown's win in Massachusetts will put the chill on climate legislation

NPPRC Press Release Feeds Fox & Friends - "Obama Tracking Icebergs Instead Of Al Qaeda"

Loser: Why the Chevy Volt Will Fizzle

Car Free And Loving it

There is no renaissance of nuclear energy

Himalayan glacier melting fears "unfounded"

31st January deadline COP15 now dropped

Dow Chemical readies easy-to-install solar roofs.

Asian Carp DNA Detected In Lake Michigan At Calumet Harbor Near IL-IN State LIne - NYT

Are Earthquakes one result of oil extraction?

So Many Chickens Coming Home to Roost, and So Quickly, Too

Report: Jerry Porter claims theft of $312,000 in jewelry - FROM HIS CAR!

Heh! --> "Key for 49ers: Having Cardinals' Warner retire"

Pacquiao, Clottey welterweight bout set for March 13 in Arlington

Phillies will repeat as National League Champs in 2010

Vols Fans Want to Name a Building for Lane Kiffin, Specifically a Sewage Center

UF broadcaster busted for child porn

Tim heads to court....

Soccer player who killed fan back on field

I think I'll stay exclusively in the Sports Forum for a while....

Racism in the Obama Era: The All-White Basketball League

NFL Conference Championship Picks (with point spreads)

EU official to PA: Financial support won't continue forever

Obama's lost senate seat is a victory for Netanyahu

Netanyahu turns fire on Abbas as U.S. envoy flies in

The plan for a Jewish homeland in Tasmania

Israel to lavish Nauru, Micronesia leaders

Netanyahu demands Israeli presence in West Bank

Gaza blockade threatens health of 1.4 million, aid agencies warn

Chavez calls games "Poison"!!!

Panama leader's bodyguards arrested over 'kidnap plot'

Israel 'seeks to buy 6th German sub'

Congress grants amnesty to Honduran interim leader, others involved in coup

Arias Won't Mix Words With Micheletti

Israel deports American journalist

Honduras: The Ghost of Pinochet

Zelaya, family to get safe conduct to leave Braz. Embassy and the country on Jan. 27

Israel arrests more suspects for West Bank mosque arson

SEIU Local 509 backs BROWN???

The Cleveland Orchestra is going out on strike.

Today in Labor History Jan 20 ACLU founded & Bruce Springsteen's "My Hometown" topped the charts!

AFL-CIO Demands Wall Street Stop Bankrupting America, Supports Financial Transaction Tax

Which airline is better for labor, US Airways, or United?

Deputies: Wounded NW Harris Co. bank robber had fake gun

Question for moderator krispos42 and others

Anybody want to speculate on how Mass will effect gun laws?

Gunman Who Killed Eight People in Virginia

Firearms and child pornography: are they really equivalent?

watched St Elsewhere tonight where a council man has AIDS

NH looking at a same-sex marriage repeal.

Prop. 8 aid puts Paramount board member on hold (Oakland, CA)

Let me guess...

Anyone feeling optimistic about DADT after last night?

Suppose that an openly pagan food service operation includes...

John McCain's Wife Cindy Joins Campaign For Marriage Equality

3 weeks after gay marriage law, NH takes up repeal

How many nails does the coffin of "but they choose to be gay!!11!" need anyway?

mistakes were made..

still life... savior of busted knuckles



Bohemian waxwings

To go with "UnBird" here's "NotCuteBird" (Warning! Vulture doing what vultures do)


A break in the rain at sunset


Mystery Object Behaves Both Like a Comet and Asteroid

Sign picture I took that I probably won't use if "Signs" wins - do you have one too?

Explained: The Shannon limit

Turning the Pages (Royal Society posts scientific manuscripts online)

How to Make Liquid Magnets

The Decade That Wasn’t

The front page!

Does someone need this?

First comes "Feeling"...then comes "Seeing".....

Matthew message posted on January 11

Dr. Housing Bubble 01/18/10

(Sorry wrong forum should be MN) I got a call last night...

The Diversity Solution

Just found this reference on President Obama numerology and chart -

Tax Wall Street Down to Size.

If you could use a hug, check in here.....

Breakthrough breast cancer therapy reduces mastectomies, saves breast

Face Recognition Ability Inherited Separately from IQ

Fish Oil Given Intravenously to Patients in Intensive Care Has Many Benefits, Study Finds


Right-Wing Activists Rewrite U.S. Textbooks

Want to share your opinions on education?

Among scientists, age brings atheism. Among general population, youths are less religious...

Missed vaccines weaken 'herd immunity' in children

Arroz Con Pollo a la Peruana,

Life is depressing. Would a stand mixer help?

Kraft dinner and tuna and peas casserole