The State of the Union Speech Obama needs to make this year:
Source: O'Brien's staff is sticking point in talks (O'Brien wants severance deals for his staff)
I just googled "Obama to Move Further LEFT" and the only thing that came up was the DU thread
Who here doesn't care about "bipartisanship"?
So the apologist lately have been saying Republicans can pass legislation because
If the White House just understood this one basic fact the country would be vastly improved.
Haitians Dying In Hospital From Lack Of Supplies
Man it sure sucks to get yourself in a mess and have to rely on those horrible credit merchants
Al Franken: Seat Scott Brown now, it wasn't even close
Strategic error in Mass.? Is it really liberal?
We are the Hatfields AND the McCoys,
Can We Get Duer "Bucky's Thing" Out of the ARCHIVES?
World Bank Raises '10 Outlook, Sees Risk Of Double Dip In '11
World Bank Raises '10 Outlook, Sees Risk Of Double Dip In '11
Here's our HCR now...A Bandaid and a bottle of Asprin..."Now go Screw !"
Senator Of Katrina-Ravaged Louisiana Collaborates To Block Climate Action
Prize-winning picture used rented wolf
Brain Size Tied To Video Game Success-gamers have better attention spans and perception
I finally found a song that sums up my feelings about the right wing of this country.
What to do about Healthcare Reform now?
House Liberals To Pelosi: “We Cannot Support The Senate Bill. Period.”
Prop 8 foes sued over trial-tracking Web site
Obama Weighs Shift in Health Plan, Seeking G.O.P. Backing
Fighting foreclosure and homelessness - February 25, 2009
How bad were the broadcast nightly news shows tonight? I missed them but I'm assuming they were
Projection much? Tony Perkins says Obama has "obsession" with abortion and definition of marriage
If Obama says we should gut the HCR bill and keep the good stuff that's already in it, I approve.
Priceless: Divorce Rates Rising Only in States That Ban Same-Sex Marriage
Don't let the GOP have my former seat as well. - email from Robert Wexler
Scott Brown Wins Mass. Race, Giving GOP 41-59 Majority in the Senate.
President Obama Re-Nominates DOJ Nominees
Where can I donate and work to get the Naked Senator-Elect out of office?
Bayh Criticizes 'Ultraliberal' Leanings After GOP Upset
Rightie calls lack of proof that Haitians made pact with devil... wait for it.
All you DUers with fingers in your ears, Listen UP!
A letter to CNN results in US military to help a neglected town near the Earthquake center
I dunno, after all these years (political wise) this song seems to fit right now....
Ever Notice That When Republicans Lose Big Elections, They Don't Panic
Did anyone see the Senator from MI on Rachel Maddow Show just now?
For those who say you are going to "remove the DLC from the party," please try.
Here's a weird phone Caller ID thing that I don't quite understand:
Ron Paul: After ‘CIA coup,’ agency ‘runs military’
Howard Fineman (on Rachel's show) says Congress considering chopping HCR into pieces
I hope DUers are watching Jeremy Scahill and Rachel
The Last U.S. President To Close, Nationalize, Or Let Die... A Major U.S. Corporation Was...
What is a dishonorable discharge?
In the unlikely event you're following the Chinese engineers kidnapped in Afghanistan...
Harry Truman on the importance of voting.
Ever heard of/seen Arabian Sand Kittens?
Did I just hear Woosley Correctly on Olberman? Progressives lining up to pass Senate HCR Bill?
Ed Rendell: Democrats, Stand and FIGHT! Make the Repubs Filibuster!
Conspiracy theory: Dems didn't want to win yesterday?
Obama has NOTHING to worry about in the 2012 Presidential campaign...
Tim Kaine isn't even a good spokesperson for democratic policies
Chris Hayes and KO were talkin
Mr Scahill there is law to prevent them,
Mr Scahill there is law to prevent them,
Mr Scahill there is law to prevent them,
When Tim Kaine's term is over, bring back Howard Dean
Now They Tell People: Brown Record Does Not Match Campaign
So then how many CIA agents and operatives
Dear Mr. President, MOVE LEFT!
Nomination for Countdown's Worst Person tomorrow
Mass. Senate race exposes the contradictions of Obamaism
Yesterday, Jim Cramer said that if Coakley lost the market would rally
So Lets Get To Brass Tacks... If The Democratic Party Moves Further To The Right...
Alan Grayson:Help Stop the Corporate Takeover of Our Democracy
I'd LOVE for the Dems to move Left
Trust Jon Stewart to put the election in perspective
Should we nickname the new guy "Senator McDreamy"?
Should we nickname the new guy "Senator McDreamy"?
I'm watching the documentary - Dr. Teller's Very Large Bomb
2009 Major-League A**hole of the Year -- VOTING
Mr. President, nearly half the country supports marriage equality
Woman Arrested After Visiting Police - wanted to know why news was airing video showing her face
Another case of animal abuse is in the local news - dog fighting. I HATE this sort of thing.
Memo to Obama and Congressional Dems.: MEDICARE FOR ALL!!
Frank Luntz's fake Massachusetts focus group
Frank Luntz's fake Massachusetts focus group
Supreme Court session: the future of our democracy is at stake
Now tell us DLC, just how has corporate America repaid your undying loyalties..
Obama to Propose New Limits on Banks
Let's guess what the "pared down" HCR will have in it!
Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
Scott Brown voters wanted public option.
I think it's important to think about all the people with leukemia.
Strollers recalled after amputations reported
If this is what HCR will be pissed down to(the new "pared-down"version)
SF Mayor Calls Obama Failure to Support Gay Marriage ‘Inexcusable’
Dems: Repeal NAFTA and FT, Outlaw Corporate Personhood, Ban FT reimportation...
Happy 100th birthday, Granny D!
If you are a gov't administrator or engineer and have Smithsonian Ch: System Crash Maxxed Out Grid
There was a national strike today? Huh?
Coakley=Canary in the Coal Mine
Muslim anger over US military 'Jesus' scopes
Jeopardy in a few years from now.
Bank Of China Taking Steps To Rein In Loans
Bank Of China Taking Steps To Rein In Loans
Today's LA Times: The Lessons of Massachusetts? Anger
My take: Everybody's angry. Frustrated. Anxious. Afraid. Looking to place blame.
Is healthcare reform to the left what abortion limits are to the right?
Learn, understand, and know this fact, DLC....
You will know when the economy is turning around when these disappear from the cable...
India still home to largest illiterate population: UNESCO
That's My Governor "Ed Rendell on Racheal"
That's My Governor "Ed Rendell on Racheal"
Right now I'm Jonesin' for President Bartlett!
‘Survivor: Palau’ contestant Jennifer Lyon has died at 37
‘Survivor: Palau’ contestant Jennifer Lyon has died at 37
When does the House/Senate debate The Military Spending Reform Bill?
Brown/Coakley results--The ultimate Rorschach test
CNBC (2/09) - "Rick Santelli on his CNBC mortgage rant: 'We really, really tapped into a nerve'"
I see a Brown/Palin ticket in your future.
Clue to Anderson, the priorities changed Re CNN to break news
1.5% of All Registered Votes does not Equal a Republican Mandate
Obama needs to read up on the Johnson Treatment and then take AF1 to home states of all the Blue Dog
If President Obama Supports Single Payer, Hard Caps On Greenhouse Gases, But Fails, Are We Happy?
If President Obama Supports Single Payer, Hard Caps On Greenhouse Gases, But Fails, Are We Happy?
Another sad casualty of high drug prices and NO PUBLIC OPTION....
The Rude Pundit: Random Observations on Last Night's Massachusetts Knockdown:
Tri-colored male cat defies the genetic odds
I am still asking the same questions I asked 4 years ago.
How Did School Staffers Get Insulin Instead of Flu Vaccine?
Boy and girl rescued week after quake [Video]
If you're knowlegable re banking/credit union regs: what are the implications of this rule change?
marshall Plan for Haiti also being pushed by Prof Paul Collier
It's an estimable first year for our new guy.
McCain's wife, daughter back gay marriage movement
Obama promises - how is he doing?
Ok, so the Taliban are still able to move troops into Kabul and launch open daylight attacks
Ok, so the Taliban are still able to move troops into Kabul and launch open daylight attacks
MSF's Inflatable Hospital (Doctors Without Borders)
Is it time for President Obama to hold a press conference?
Iceland to hold referendum on international debt repayments
The Khalid Sheik Mohamed trial will cost hundreds of millions (mainly for police overtime)
Put a strong public option in there and ram that sh#t through reconciliation
Marine unit headed for Afghanistan now rerouted to Haiti
Basketball league for white Americans targets Augusta
South Koreans told to go home and make babies
Democrats, you have nothing left to lose -- be bold for once.
Democrats, you have nothing left to lose -- be bold for once.
Democrats, you have nothing left to lose -- be bold for once.
Progressive Coalition Warns Congress, Obama Against Deficit Commission
How can the people reject progressive change if they haven't been offered progressive change?
"The Battle for the American Soul Is over and Jay Leno Won" - Joe Bageant
Revisiting Haing Ngor's murder: 'Killing Fields' theory won't die
MSM: Just because people *think* the Senate race was about health care doesn't mean it was
Meg Whitman buys (donates to) her Gubernatorial Campaign
Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses . . .
Survivors speak about the earthquake in Haiti
Sign Grayson petition to SCOTUS to keep limits on Corps
Obama Mocks Self in Radio Address, Spares Conservatives the Trouble
How can some "pared down" insurance regulation bill pass?
The insidious scourge on American news
Sad truth from Prop 8 trial testimony
Focus on the Family to run anti-choice Super Bowl ad
Meanwhile, in Sleazebag Nooz .......
Health care activist to challenge incumbent in WA-02
Health care activist to challenge incumbent in WA-02
Angola abolishes presidential polls in new constitution
It doesn't matter what "signal" you think the Coakley defeat is sending.
If the right to healthcare is not in the US constitution
Sanders expects Brown win to turn Dems against Bernanke
People need to understand just what these tea-baggers really are
Jr. Sen from MA to Dems in Congress: If Dems Push Senate Bill Through, 'They'll Pay for It Dearly'
Oops-'Jesus Guns': Two More Countries Rethink Using Weapons with Secret Bible References
Mass. delegation braces for GOP challenges
I guess its time to scrap off my old bumper sticker.....
Too Much Sitting Shortens Lives, Study Suggests
"Who lost Massachusetts or "Seems like old times in Demland"
"Who lost Massachusetts or "Seems like old times in Demland"
Palin to stump for John McCain..
Who Needs To Hear The Message The Most: Harry Reid
What in the H is Tweety smoking or taking. He is Crazed today.
Haiti's Mass Graves Swell; Doctors Fear More Death
Obama popular with Russians, seen as improving ties
More on the mass murderer in VA.
House OK's deductions for Haiti on '09 taxes
Deep blue state has bright red history
Christiane Amanpour. - Debating torture
Whistleblower Reveals How Insurers Can Game Healthcare Bill
Did people vote for Brown because they don't want health care reform?
N.J. Gov. Chris Christie issues order curbing political donations by unions
Watchdog: Telecoms let FBI read Americans' phone records
Why is it that Rove is considered a genius for relying on the Republican base to win elections but
Progressive Coalition Warns Congress, Obama Against Deficit Commission
House panel: Navy could seek fleet funding help
Research 2000 Poll shows MA voters "wanted stronger, more progressive action on health care reform"
Everything You Need to Know About the Reconciliation Process
Frustration with status quo fuels emotions and turnout
Haiti reporters hassled by Orlando airport director
Brown victory party featured flag calling for a ‘second’ revolution, tea party-inspired civil war.
Hey, Wasn't There Supposed To Be A Big Tea Party Protest Today?
Republican Outlines Plan to Seek Gillibrand’s Senate Seat
For the rest of the year, donate only to individual PROGRESSIVE candidates
Relatives of Americans missing in Haiti angry
Quit thinking in terms of Dem-Puke. Think in terms of Corporatist and Anti-Corporatist.
Pare it down, make it simple: enact a public option for healthcare insurance.
Pres. Obama, send progressives a sign. Rule out the Conrad-Gregg Commission
MSNBC TV: Cindy and Meghan McCain support gay marriage in new ads.
Microsoft's Steve Ballmer Says the Health Care Industry is "Under-automated." My Advice for Workers
Let's go over this one more time...about those health care benefits to Congress members.
From bad to much worse: Highly radioactive water found at Vermont nuke plant
Breaking on CNN - Campaign Finance decision ruling just announced
Obama is going to go for a bill that will reign in Wall Street
SCOTUS FEC Vs. Hillary Movie decision
Luckovich... again nails it... this time, the Dems.
"Someone's gotta put a stop to this thing." The thing is, what thing?
He Hasn't Even Been Seated & They Want Him to Run in 2012 for President?
I love being a raging liberal on Facebook. I've alienated about 80% of my friend's list.
emboldened and energized repuke + dispirited progressives and dems
German dentists develop 'painless' plasma tooth-blaster
Ask Tony Blair a question at 'The Iraq Enquiry' this Friday
I heard today that 60% of profits are used to pay bonusus to
Cindy McCain poses for NOH8 campaign - pic
Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?
The media is trying to paint Scott Brown as some kind of populist hero
Ok, so that a man who posed nude won an election shows that America is sexist...
O’Reilly: It’s so awful when people intrude on your vacation with their cameras.
Exodus to Countryside Reverses Long Trend [in Haiti]
China 'Recovers' From Global Slump
Why didn't Barney Frank run for the seat in the first place?
November was already looking bad. Now it looks disastrous- particularly for progressives
Coakley aides paint portrait of missteps on campaign trail
Obama, Teddy, & the Perils of Governing Without Conviction (M.S. Bellows, HuffPo)
Habitat for Humanity and NYC Team Up for LEED Certified Affordable Housing
The Coakley race, it could happen again.
Conservatives produce the mother of all activiist court rulings
Who is "us" and who is "them"?
God has yet to make a decision on Kurt Warner's retirement
From Daily Kos- Don't call me a prorgessive
House liberals want fix to health bill before vote on Senate bill
Report slams U.S. for building power plant Afghans can't run
I am still seeing a lot of hits being thrown toward "the far left" for unrealistic expectations
As Senate Pres, could Joe Biden make the 51-vote 'Reconciliation' route through the Senate
I wonder what kind of sneak attack we can drum up on the Republicans...
Ron Insana just told Tamryn Hall that the banks haven't recovered enough
Ron Insana just told Tamryn Hall that the banks haven't recovered enough
Is there Hope for the Obama Presidency
The question is: What is it that which you think is most important?
you can CAPTION but you better not touch
President about to speak to the Financial sector - too big to fail - The Volcker Rule
Its a Sunny day in the mountains! OK Flame away!
Rude Pundit:Torture and Murder at Gitmo:A Risky Political Opportunity If Obama Is Willing to Take It
Drat!1 There's ANOTHER one: Harold FORDjr has a look-alike cousin also running against Dems
Toons : Election repercussions
After 8 years with a Drunk in the White House and now we put a Male Stripper in the Senate
AMERICABLOG asks Sen. Feinstein: How about puppies?
Oh...and fuck you Ron Ensana bank shill extraordinare/talking TV head.
Republican pinheads are ungrateful bastards.
OK, fair enough. I'm deleting this.
DU may be causing a serious environmental problem.
I think John Edwards' life was ruined the moment he didn't become VP in 2004
Navy, USDA sign Green Energy Partnership
OK John McCain.. where's the outrage over the SCOTUS ruling today?
MSNBC | Report: Embattled Texas judge should keep job
What's with all the Drama Cow threads attacking OBAMA (alleging cutting Soc.Sec., & more)?!1
Supreme Court Strikes Down Key Campaign-Finance Provision
UNICEF warns that child traffickers are taking thousands of kids
Cuban Musicians Resuming U.S. Performances
Philadelphia Area Manufacturing Grows a Fifth Month as Recovery Takes Hold
Philadelphia Area Manufacturing Grows a Fifth Month as Recovery Takes Hold
Thom Hartmann going through Supreme Court decision NOW!
How does one say, 'FU@K OFF YOU FU@KI!NG FASCIST BASTARD!!!' respectively?
On the positive side: the SCOTUS ruling just made political parties irrelevant.
U.S.: 200,000 undocumented Haitians to seek legal status
U.S.: 200,000 undocumented Haitians to seek legal status
Man, this is what you call keeping your cool!
Glenn Beck says he wants a chastity belt on Brown and compares him with Gary Condit
FOX and GOP Selling Sex: Monica Crowley Fawns over Scott Brown, Brown Shops His Daughters
So will the "I want my country back" teabaggers object to the SCOTUS ruling?
So will the "I want my country back" teabaggers object to the SCOTUS ruling?
1st Steps Towards A Course Correction: Paul Volcker prevails
What's really changed with political contributions after the SCOTUS decision?
What's really changed with political contributions after the SCOTUS decision?
Anyone else see the "Alerts Archive" thing in the forum headers?
Some say, Democrats were taught a lesson. I say, Senate Democrats are happy
Are the majority of the Nation's Corporations basically Republican
A good news story! School bus driver keeps kids safe when intruder gets on bus.
I need to say this again, thanks Crammer, another great call /nt
Clyburn: 'Magic number on healthcare reform is 50, not 60'; measure not dead
anyone else starting to get the feeling that the 2012 candidate (or #2) might have just show up?
Progressive group Accountability Now launches website aimed at defeating Blanche Lincoln
Prop 8 Trial Re-enactment Video Now Available
they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnet
Effectively the Supreme Court is saying corporations should be treated like individuals
So...Are we done here? Get Obama to resign? Give up? Leave the USA?
French braid allows student to return to class
"It's just a damn piece of paper!"
Obama just talked tough about the banks.. I wonder if he'll actually follow through.
Obama will have to reduce social security and I don't blame him
TPM: Dem political operative says people who help elect Dems are pissed at their clients' wussiness
TPM: Dem political operative says people who help elect Dems are pissed at their clients' wussiness
Gay Marriage Ban Backer To Be Hostile Witness (Prop 8 Trial)
Md. State Senators hope to ban employers' credit checks
Bible codes in Afghan army guns
Information about newspaper that claims (without evidence) that Chavez said Haiti quake man-made
Information about newspaper that claims (without evidence) that Chavez said Haiti quake man-made
SCOTUS 5-4 supports corporate sponsored thugs
let's give it up for the mods. last night must have really sucked back there.
2012 AT&T presidential swearing in...
Card Check Forced Unionism Legislation Will Pass- Our Only Hope. The Right Already Has Their Spin
Poll shows support weak for ‘card check’ legislation (From Las Vegas Sun)
Bank of America....I need advice.
Legal Schnauzer: Massachusetts Vote Is A Rejection Of 'Look Forward, Not Backward'
Dems Lincoln and Landrieu conspire with Murkowski to block EPA from regulating greenhouse gases
Dems Lincoln and Landrieu conspire with Murkowski to block EPA from regulating greenhouse gases
Dems Lincoln and Landrieu conspire with Murkowski to block EPA from regulating greenhouse gases
Well, well, well, looky looky who filed a brief in the SCOTUS case
Washington weasels, can we have our party back since you're not using it?
I'm afraid the only way we can begin to deal with our problems is to have a Republican president.
Why are the hacks at M$Greedia blaming Obama for the market drop
Want to try a little Agitprop Political Theater?
Want to try a little Agitprop Political Theater?
Howard Dean tries to reason with a screamer about the meaning of MA
Youngest voters sat out MA special election.
ANY bad news for Democrats would have been spun like we're seeing.
Wall street doesn't like the proposals that Obama just recommended. It must be good then
They're not even trying to hide it
Was Bush's election a referendum on Clinton's centrism?
I don't understand how speech can be equal if I have thirty dollars worth of speech and Exxon
Russia's Navy to build up Baltic Fleet over Polish missile plans
Expect righties to start to steer away from "Ft. Hood was terrorism" soon
Expect righties to start to steer away from "Ft. Hood was terrorism" soon
Hypothetical .... what would be going on right now if John Edwards was President?
Krugman: ‘I’m pretty close to giving up on Obama’
With Foreign Aid Still at a Trickle, Devastated Port-au-Prince General Hospital Struggles
Karl Rove is listed as a notable Alumnus of George Mason Univ. on Wiki
(Conan) O'Brien Speeds Toward NBC Last Show (Friday)
Supreme Ct: Corporations Are Free to Dominate Elections -- Citizens' Movement Emerges to Overrule SC
China's latest scandal is counterfeit condoms
Haiti Pier Opens, Road Laid Into Port-au-Prince
Whee! Now corporations controlled by foreign governments will have the same rights...
So if bin Laden or Hezbollah forms a US corporation... they can fund
Photo surfaces of Senator Softcore Brown touching nearly naked grown daughters
How is Fox News treated like a mainstream news outlet? (rhetorical question)
So Why is the Fed So Desperate to Keep Maiden Lane III Details Secret?
Yay for SCOTUS - Soros, ACORN, unions and Michael Moore can buy
"Stop into your nearest Wal Mart and get your Registered Republican Discount Card!"
Dear Tom Hartmann, can we drop the "find common ground" with teabaggers thing now?
Quote from Sen. Inhofe - classless and clueless
Is now the time for Obama to expand Medicare without a bill?
Does the Democratic Party represent want you want in from a political party?
Suggestion- Start Getting Ready To Support Card Check Legislation Now.
Financial Terrorists - Goldman Sachs Protest - pics
Campaign Finance put in perspective.
If President Obama's next three years are as badly managed as his first
If President Obama's next three years are as badly managed as his first
I'm in a Noam Chomsky State of Mind.....
What I have learned RE: Politics and the Digital Age. (random thought)
"Snooki" from MTV's "Jersey Shore" to appear at car dealership in "Haiti Promotion"
Does the Supreme Court have the power to put a "For Sale" sign on the US to multinational corps?
Poll: "In an election between Scott Brown and the public option, the public option would have won."
Sewage runs, garbage piles up at Haiti quake camps
Supreme Court Decision Creates Political Crisis
Pakistan army backs off commitments to fight U.S. war on terror in their country
Texas Governor Perry running on passing 66 percent majority to raise taxes.
A video I made tonight for those in Haiti, and those working to save people
Does the SCOTUS plan on hearing Orly Tates any time soon?
MA Senate Election: Youth Turnout Was Just 15%, 57% for Older Citizens; Young Voters Favored Coakley
Personhood rights! How about Personhood Responsibilities?
Strategic Defaults and the Foreclosure Crisis
The HUGE deal about today's Supreme Court decision is simple
This is dedicated to every DLC'er in the Senate who allowed Opie Roberts on the Supreme Court.
Why is there a Henry McMaster for governor ad on DU?
between the supreme court ruling and the media, we can call the november elections now
*** All your democratic institutions are belong to us! ***
"ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country"
Mark Fiore Animation: Aid Quake
This is the end of Jacksonian Democracy and a return to time when only freeholders votes mattered
Whcih Extreme Court ruling is worse, this current one on Corporate financing of elections
Could we fight this SCOTUS decision with local legislation?
This just in.. John Edwards admits paternity heads to Haiti!
Robert Scheer: "What Massachusetts Got Right"
This has been one crappy ass week.
*Fight back! Free Speech for People Amendment*
There are only two things I like about Scott Brown
Analysis of 32 MILLION breached passwords shows people use stupid passwords
The main port at Port au Prince is now open for business
Republicans Play Chess, Democrats Glue Their Balls to Their Thighs
Sitting Kills! Experts Say Too Much Sitting Could Be Deadly
I am all for seating Scott Brown now---on one condition
BREAKING NEWS: ***Democrats will CONTINUE hitting republicans fist with their faces****
palin & brown = american idol politics
We will now find out just where the American public stand. The financial reforms that are being
How's that "corporations can donate at will" exactly work now?
Don "Moose" Lewis announces All-American Basketball Alliance...for whites only
Scott Brown Democatic scapegoat
How to fight the excessive power from Corporations
Market drops after Obama's speech.
Why I'm willing to cut some slack over the aid situation in Haiti
How long until General Electric is running for the Presidency?
Surprise! Dianne Feinstein sez “slow down” on health reform, forget climate change!
Clinton ends US visa ban on Tariq Ramadan
Muslim scholar Ramadan, once denied visa to teach at Notre Dame, now welcome
'The public interest requires nothing less.'
(Video) Chavez: Haiti Earthquake Caused by U.S. Weapon Test
NASCAR team steps up for Haiti
Supreme Court introduces the American people to the real bosses.
Accessorizing the Christian soldier/combining church and snake
So How Long Before Obama Stops Allowing Himself To Be Threatened & Blackmailed By Dems?
Jerry Brown is now acting governor in California
Edwards, Sanford Regain Media Spotlight
Idea: As Credit Union *members*, can we petition them to buy ads to shut down corporate personhood?
The Roberts SCOTUS went out its way to make today's ruling possible
Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad, 118 U.S. 394 is the REAL problem
Photo I took 9-25-2005 - In front of the White House. Our work still has just begun.
Photo I took 9-25-2005 - In front of the White House. Our work still has just begun.
So, with the Supreme Courts ruling that Corporations can
Passenger jet lands when religious item mistaken as bomb
Why does Jim Cramer still have a job? The butt-sniffing corporate lackey swore that Brown's election
Calif. high court strikes down medical pot limits
howie dean up on m$nbc right now n/t
Shumer: We will regret the day this decision was issued.
Proposal: The DU Phonebank Support Group
RNC holding their annual retreat in Hawaii this year??
So, it looks like the health bill's going to be pulled and passed piecemeal, like some folks wanted
New basketball league open to whites only, . . . .
Identification of Corporate Sposorship
What the SCOTUS decision means to the IMMEDIATE future
CNBS having "Conniption Fit" over Obama's Banking Regs
Maybe this Supreme Court ruling will energize the Democratic base and get people more concerned
A lesson for Massachusetts Democrats from this one nutjob in Texas
My FOURTH E-mail from CBN re: Pat Robertson(these people don't give up!)
Mitch Landrieu big front runner in the election for New Orleans Mayor
Yeah, I know. Some of you will have a fit about my posting this.
Since Pelosi says she doesn't have the votes to pass the Senate HCR bill, does
Aid Finally Getting Through: Confusion on the ground led to bottleneck of supplies in Haiti
The West Wing Rerun today was about replacing a supreme court justice
How about we make investment income subject to Social Security and Medicare taxes and using the
well that didn't take long. Freepwads already turning on Brown.
SoCal folks watch out, street floods
anyone heard the term 'activist judges' in the last year?
Today's Headline: Supreme Court attempts to kill democracy.
So Scott Brownstain campaigned in an old pickup truck, but owns 5 houses and 12 cars?
Brady Campaign: Obama Abject Failure on Guns
RW Militia Nutjob/Rapist caught red handed: "Uh... I'm holding this grenade launcher for my friend"
OK..bear with me-can someone give me a Cliff notes version on the Social Security ruling?
It's not that hard to understand - here's the scoop:
FDIC Chief Got Bank of America Loans While Working On Its Rescue
Anchorage: Call for a timeout on (Shell) drilling in the Arctic Ocean's Chukchi Sea
Cadbury CEO to reap $19M on takeover
Venezuela's Chavez Forms Socialist Supermarket Group
National Enquirer thinks of Pulitzer (for coverage of Edwards)
What's it gonna be America, now that the Felonious Five have destroyed any illusion of democracy?
Two NYPD Cops Suspended After Beating Handcuffed Suspect, video
Today's ruling makes even a guy like Alan Grayson vulnerable to corporations with their billions.
Chavez foes call voting district changes unfair
Prayer ritual item (Jewish prayer boxes) mistaken for bomb, jet lands in Philly
In light of the recent Supreme Court decision, American politicians should sport this nifty get up:
"Oath Keeepers" leader (Teabagger offshoot) arrested for child rape and weapons
Used Car Dealer Sues Customer for Paying Stated Price
We need to elect Democrats with a real spine.
Grayson's emergency petition to SCOTUS:
Vanity Fair reviews the Creation Museum
Why are Republicans Objecting to So Many of Obama’s Nominations of Women?
Chavez eyes more versatile role with A's
The Scotus Decision may be a great opportunity
The Supreme Court Ruling Increases the Importance of the Democratic Base. Or Not
New York Times to begin charging Web readers in 2011
Corporations say " No elections in 2012"
When it rains it pours .... not talking Cali weather .... well that too ...
The conflicting visions of the corporate elite (and their tools in Washington)
CA Storms leave water officials hopeful
In jurisdictions with mandatory voting, is it mandatory as soon as one reaches voting age?
The SCOTUS decision is ironic. It overturns a 1907 REPUBLICAN law.
I think the SOTU speech next week needs to be a tough, no holds barred indictment
Blue Dog Democrat Pleased With Brown’s Win
Does anybody have a good explanation for precisely what the SCOTUS ruling does?
So now that coporations are "persons," can they run for office?
Does American not want HEALTH CARE REFORM?
Ohio police: Driver has corpse in back seat
We here in Maryland know exactly what the people of Massachusetts are doing.
Half of U.S. States Have Run Out of Money for Unemployment Insurance
Can someone clarify the SCOTUS ruling for me? Does this mean we're going back to the rules that
Scott Brown's Wife Music VIDEO: Gail Huff's RACY 'Girl With The Curious Hand'
Shannyn Moore taking names and kicking ass today
So I Guess The Money That Sen. Bernie Sanders Secured Is Out Too - Huh?....nt
Citizens United will be as infamous as Plessy vs. Ferguson, Dredd Scott,
If my corporation "divorces" me.. I want HALF!
Brown's going to be a real pip, but maybe a treasure chest of political missteps
Scott Brown robocalls praise McCain
Sorry for posting this but can you all make comments?
Chávez Struggles to Tame Black-Market Dollar Strength
South Carolina opening faith based prison dorm
CT-Gov: Dems Continue to Hold Down Lead
Pence ally downplays talk of Senate run
Democrats will be doomed if they give up on health care reform now
Screw it all!! Get your Golden Calf © here and start worshipping
DAILYKOS: Pelosi Is Going For Reconciliation On Health Reform!
Artur Davis blasts rival for health care support
If a corporation, as a "person", can make unlimited political contributions...
Obama blasts Court decision on campaign finance - View from the Top
Protest in San Francisco demanding funding for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund
83 year old brutally beats 99 year old over parking space
Walmart is donating $600,000 to Haitian Relief. The Walton family is worth $82 billion.
'Oath Keepers' Leader Arrested for Child Rape; Cops Find Stolen Grenade Launcher In His House
Barney Franks will be a guest on Tweety's show (for those who like Barney and
Barney Franks will be a guest on Tweety's show (for those who like Barney and
Danziger Toon "We thought you were dead!"
CA-Sen: Boxer With Solid Leads But Campbell Asserts Himself; SSP Moves to Likely D
Inscribed over the Supreme Court
The world bank is behind the cancellation of Haitian debt
Dennis Kucinich: I Will Continue To Fight For Single-Payer
We just got the most anti-democratic decision out of SCOTUS in a long time
"Justice"Thomas goes where even "Scalito" won't go
CNN: Brown tips Senate balance of power to GOP
While I applaud Pres. Obama for recommending action to be taken against the banks,
What would happen if Republicans had %100 of Congressional seats?
Too bad some of these corporations didn't have "DNRs" in effect in September of 2008
Too bad some of these corporations didn't have "DNRs" in effect in September of 2008
WOW! Google has really increased the speed of their indexing engine tremendously!
Pelosi: House lacks votes to OK Senate health bill
It's time to invoke the Nuclear Option - destroy filibuster as it is today.
Announcing my run for PRESIDENT!!
"Help elect Republicans to Senate, just like F**k You from Minneapolis, who donated $1"
If money is speech then why don't my dollar bills talk to me?
"James Bopp, Jr. : The Man Who Took Down Campaign Finance Reform" mother jones:
Readying the leaves... on some of the horrific logistics
Readying the leaves... on some of the horrific logistics
The Longest 20 Seconds of Her Life
Crush injuries can be deceptively dangerous
How Corporate Money Will Reshape Politics By THE EDITORS
We may only have 1 chance left to save America from collapse: Tax ACCUMULATED super-wealth.
??? does the supreme court ruling go into effect immediately???
Sen. Arlen Specter tells Bachmann to "act like a lady"
Outreach to non-al-Qaeda Taliban included in new State Dept. 'Strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan'
Cancer patients may be denied a possible cure, simply because there is no money to be made?
What does it mean to petition the government for redress of grievances?
tweety loves scott brown almost as much as he loves sarah palin
Something very interesting on TPM... dems are relieved?
Cindy McCain: Gay Marriage is OK
2 ways to take action TODAY against SCOTUS ruling:
2 ways to take action TODAY against SCOTUS ruling:
Not Having A Mortgage Doesn't Stop Bank Of America From Foreclosing
Economic Recovery? Ummm...maybe not...
Soulless, That's the Only Way I Can Think of to Describe Them
Partisan Politics is the Real Pre-Existing Condition
Welcome to the Gilded Age, folks
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United Corporations of America...
Naomi Klein: how corporate branding has taken over America.
5 Jokes About The Eagerness Of Certain Democratic Members Of Congress To Abandon HCR - David Rees
Want to blame someone? Look in the fucking mirror.
Supreme Court Upholds User Tax On Speech.
While DUs Liberals battle DLCers, the SCOTUS takes away the power of BOTH:
Howard Zinn on Obama's 1st Year:
Dems Consider New Laws in Response to Supreme Court Campaign Finance Decision
Rahm Emmanuel is NOT a douchebag!
Mass relocation for Haiti homeless
Barney Frank was excellent just now on Hardball - Catch the replay if you can
Reduce Health Costs--Ban Pharma Ads
What a week, and it's only Thursday.
Do "We the People" need to file as a corporation? Serious question.
All the rights people, with none of the responsibilities
The Right might want to hold off on gloating over Air America's demise
Will Obama change his SOTU speech to address the SCOTUS ruling?
Will Obama change his SOTU speech to address the SCOTUS ruling?
Does the USSC ruling on political speech & $$$ apply to foreign corporations?
OK, want to latch on something stupid Chavez said? Stick with the Playstation thing.
Any evidence liberals sat out the MA election?
I think Progressives can take heart from the Scott Brown win. No, I'm serious
Question: Can I marry a corporation? They seem to have good health care....
I need an intelligent link explaining the error of "corporate personhood"
WOW, Thom Hartmann just made a GREAT point
Question: Will gay corporations ever get the right to marry?
If Coakley supported a single payer system, would she have won?
With Supreme Court decision, window for change will not only close but be bricked over in 2010
I Will Continue To Fight For Single-Payer
So...according to the SCOTUS, money has the freedom of speech!
AF chief: F-35 testing, acquisition will slow
"Citizens United" is the Mirror Image of DRED SCOTT: Properties Are People, it claims
Hmm real bank breakup coming? Internationally?
I say, let's call him Senator Treasure Trail - why NOT.
For Dogs, It's 'Survival of the Cutest'
Let's protest at Alito and Roberts' Offices
Leaving 5 year old home alone while running errands - not a good idea
Dean on health care: "Settle For What We Can Get"
CA Supremes: Pot growing limits, bans UNCONSTITUTIONAL
Company to STOP inscribing bible passages on rifle sights
COURIC just said Senator TreasureTrail rode a wave of "anger" JUST LIKE Obama!1
White House: Obama's "plate full". Move health care to "back burner" to "let dust settle"
If corporations are "persons".....
Young Voters Were No-Shows in Massachusetts
Here is a view of the Navy Ship Comfort from the Mexican Navy Ship Huasteco
The way to fix it is by making government smaller.
Food for Thought: How Anonymous Is Your Internet Presence?
Does the recent SCOTUS decision return us to the days of FDR, Truman and JFK?
Elizabeth Edwards: "My marriage shouldn't be on anybody's radar screen except mine."
The United States of Suckers: AIG Owes Retention Payouts to Many Ex-Employees
Let's rename the Health Bill and call it The Ted Kennedy Health Insurance Rescue Package
Feingold: Statement in response to the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. FEC
So Air America is finally dead.
So Air America is finally dead.
Poll: Most Americans want more GOP support on health care:
You gotta see this photo of 7 yr old Haitian pulled yesterday from rubble.
We heard the tea-baggers would be the death of the GOP - yet they're
We heard the tea-baggers would be the death of the GOP - yet they're
Bloomie's delves into outlet business
I don't have to tell you things are bad...
I don't have to tell you things are bad...
email from Alan Grayson: Saving Democracy
Alan Grayson: Saving Our Democracy
The Angry American Public and Two Much Needed Reforms.
Here is a small look into the logistics of this
Keith Olbermann has a special comment tonight
Bugs Inside: What Happens When the Microbes That Keep Us Healthy Disappear?
Did anyone get this text message from Obama
Supreme Court decision could unseat Barbara Boxer
Scott Baio's Michelle Obama tweet sparks death threats
U.S. troops sit down in Haiti! A bright light of reason in troubled relief effort...
1/21/2010: It's Official, Democracy is Dead
If we are going to have Commissions on "Entitlements" I DEMAND a Commission on Miltary Spending
Cadavers Made to Blink with Artificial Muscles
The SCOTUS now represents a more dangerous threat to the US than Al-Qaeda
So now the Pharma companies can donate a billion dollars each to the candidates of their choice.
Dear Mr. President and Mr. Majority Leader, You underestimate the people's anger.
Supporters of today's SCOTUS ruling owe this man a debt of gratitude:
Obituary to an unknown neighbor
Cornel West's Note to Obama on his first yr in office (BBC)
Game Over. Canada here I come. Democracy is dead, Fascism Rules
Some Senate Dems want Climate Change debate pushed back to NEXT year.
Networks should list 2 largest donors on screen under the names of all congresscritters NASCAR-style
To RW sheep: NOW do you see social issues were bait while SC was set up for PRO-FASCIST rulings
Corporate Personhood Should Be Banned, Once and For All by Ralph Nader
A link for those "far lefties" who feel disenfranchised right now...
Killer Funnel-Web Spiders Invade Sydney Australia (bite can kill you in 2 hours)
Best way to deal with SSI and the budget deficit....
Obama getting high marks for his banking reforms
Krugman: Obama Wasn’t The One We’ve Been Waiting For
Krugman: Obama Wasn’t The One We’ve Been Waiting For
How many here feel that they would rather the money going to Haiti went to the US?
Air America is filing for bankruptcy and ceasing live broadcasts
I bet that I'd like Paul Krugman if I met him in person.
Ignoring gays, eroding his base - Salon
NOW,...Kill THIS mutant monster Republican HCR Bill,...And then...
NOW,...Kill THIS mutant monster Republican HCR Bill,...And then...
NOW,...Kill THIS mutant monster Republican HCR Bill,...And then...
Congress Must Respond (Possibly With a Constitutional Amendment)
NZ army to remove Bible citations from armaments
My proposal for circumventing the SCOTUS and stopping legalized bribery: Conflict of interest rules.
Honduras ex-leader Zelaya offered safe passage
California Storm: 4 Feet of Snow, Pressure Record?
There was no limit to what we could have done
ICRC reports that the flow of aide is now there
Full frontal sexism: A woman who posed nude like Scott Brown did couldn't have won a Senate seat
How to Cut Social Security in 7 Easy Steps (It's later than you think)
Remember when I used to think that guy was crazy?
Air America Filing For Bankruptcy, Ceasing Live Broadcasts -- their statement:
Russian bombers fly patrols over Pacific
Kucinich: "I Will Continue To Fight For Single-Payer"
Say hello to my little friend.
This type of misinformation does our movement a disservice .
What did the Supreme Court just do to our democracy?
Here it is: the late Senator Ted Kennedy's Medicare for All Act
A very brief thumbnail history of Haiti, going back to 1804
Why does HCR need to be one huge bill?
Well! CBS refuses to let fan group digitize old, public domain Jack Benny content
You all know what the popular definition of insanity is...
You all know what the popular definition of insanity is...
WaPo Breaking: Pelosi rejects Senate HC bill - says votes not there.
Every single person who says "start over" is in total denial. Every single one.
I just have to say this. My best friend who loved Obama
Exclusive: Kucinich shreds Democrats for betraying promise of change
Filed for unemployment almost two weeks ago. Got my monetary
Protest the SCOTUS ruling -- please make this your Facebook status
Why We Lost In Massachusetts. (And what to Do About It) UD w/ Poll link.
My unsubscribe message to
Paragraph that I would love to see in the SOTU speech next week
WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Press 1 for English. Press 2 to disconnect until you learn t
Where's the $2,400 limit? Corporations now have greater free speech rights than individuals.
Any Doctors in the House in the CT area?
So the bank apologist on CNBC say that what Obama is proposing is doomsday for the
Rachel Maddow should run for MA Senate in 2012
Tea Party 'Hero' Arrested For Rape, Stolen Grenade Launcher Discovered
Man, things can sure turn to shit in a hurry, huh?
Man, things can sure turn to shit in a hurry, huh?
DCCC: your membership has expired. ME: my trust in the Democratic Party has expired.
God spoke to me last night, and he told me this:
GOP Is Overjoyed At The Unprecedented Influence Corporations Will Now Have In Federal Campaigns
Rep. Alan Grayson comments on SCOTUS ruling.
Move to Amend the Constitution
Larisa Alexandrovna: SCOTUS RULING = Powell Memo Goal = Fall of Democracy
Alaska's New Senator Mark Begich
SCOTUS: Corporations=People, Spending=Speech
I think the Supreme Court just defined a new movement for us
Not Possible to OVERSTATE how Bad the SCOTUS decision is
Do UNDERSTAND THIS: Citizens United did NOT lift limits on contributions for YOU and ME
Hugo Chavez says US 'weapon' caused Haiti quake
The Stock Market is Now Illegal
in light of today's SC ruling:The 14 Defining Characteristics of Fascism"
The Bush/Prescott Fascist Family: The gift that never stops corporations.
Hugh Hewitt echoes Hugo Chavez: Obama is ‘invading Haiti.’
How long before the SCOTUS rules that you have to pay a huge fee in order to vote?
I call for IMPEACHING the Supreme Court Members who voted for this decision
I pledge allegiance to the corporations...
I fear we are still doing the same things Dean warned about in 2004.
I haven't given up yet, but I'm getting close to the edge.
Screaming in the Windstorm - my reply to's recent email
Screaming in the Windstorm - my reply to's recent email
Over? Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Obama Cuts Deal To Reduce Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid (HELLO. THIS is NOT a Democrat!)
I am heartbroken to discover the ACLU wrote an amicus brief in support
I am a Liberal First and Then a Democrat After That.
Spitzer just told Ratigan that now Obama is listening to Volker, and not Geithner,
who in the fuck do republicans want to take their country back from???
Obama today agreed to create the Social Security Commission....
Obama today agreed to create the Social Security Commission....
Ralph Nader: Corporate Personhood Should Be Banned, Once and For All
'Thank you, Martha! Thank you for running the worst campaign ever!'
NASCAR team steps up for Haiti
All you DUers with fingers in your ears, Listen UP!
Obama Needs to Put His Dukes Up ... FIGHT, DAMN IT!
Some of us who know cars said the Toyota unintended acceleration problem was not due to floor mats
Thom Hartmann on SCOTUS "This is OBSCENE" -- SIGN the motion to amend the Constitution
Stocks slide as Obama calls for tougher bank rules - AP
Court: No Limits To Medical Marijuana Amounts (Calif)
If the House passed the Senate HCR bill...
I really want Obama to find the right direction.
Chicago Univ. Law Professor makes charges against Bush/Cheney at The Hague!
Concerned about corporations buying elections? Then quit funding corps... with your money.
why does HuffPost have a new article every week about Obama's foreclosure program failing
The media acts as if there's only Democrats running in November
To What End Will Obama/Emanuel Use The Current Crisis?
To What End Will Obama/Emanuel Use The Current Crisis?
How do you get a leopard to change its spots?
Cindy McCain Joins Campaign in Favor of Gay Marriage
OK, so House Dem caucus meets tomorrow at 9:00 am
What career path does Rahm Emmanuel take now?
"Is health-care reform stabilizing?"
On Olberman: Response to Lieberman's complaint about systemic failures and human errors with the
Line from the movie "Speed": "You ain't too bright man, but you've got
Cheney is really winning the torture argument with some liberals now?
Al Franken: Seat Scott Brown now, it wasn't even close
What Folks who Read Financial Stuff are saying about Mass Mis-Election!
70 years & a year long legislative process = jamming it through
Howard Dean coming up on Chris Matthews nt
Poll: Mass. Voters Protested Against Weak Wall Street, Health Care Policies
Krugman: House Democrats need to be told to pass the Senate bill
Hawaii election to fill Neil Abercrombie's rep seat is next.
Tell the Dems: It's time to fight for working families! LINK :
Thought Experiment- Hillary Clinton in the MA Race Instead Of Coakley
Rate Obama's first year as President
Poll: Rate your first year in the Presidency of Barack Obama
John McCain urges Krolicki to battle for Harry Reid’s Senate seat
Romanoff Stays In Senate Race, Blasts "Pay To Play" Politics
Berg begins campaign for US House
How are we going to pull out 2012
Backlash growing against the progressive Reps?
NY-01: New SUSA Poll Shows a Dogfight, But Almost No Young Voters in Sample
NYT: Obama to Propose Limits on Risks Taken by Banks
Coakley Breaks Kerry's Concession Record (BradBlog)
Poll: O'Malley leads Ehrlich by 9
Should Orrex be kicked out of the United Lounge of DU for flagrant Region Bashing?
Have you ever been bashed in the region?
I'm this close to having my taxes finished:
This is what a vanity post looks like
Obama to Propose New Rules on Proprietary Trading
Can you please help a Houstonian out? This website asks to boycott Houston because of gay mayor.
Stupak: Senate health plan will fail in House
Photos: The Obama Presidency, January, 20th 2010
Obama's interview with George Stephanopoulos
SoS Clinton to deliver major policy address on Internet freedom, LIVE at 9: 30 am (ET)
I Think Robert Gibbs Is The New Tony SnowJob
Hooray for me! I got two, count 'em, two posts on the Greatest page!
McCain: Dems' Health Care Plan "Hopefully Is Dead"
I'm issuing an open challenge to the President of the United States.
Does Howard Fineman look better now that he's stopped dying his hair?
Faust and Marguerite (Thomas Edison)
Palin to campaign for Bachmann in her run for 3rd term
I have netflix now, any interesting movies to see.
Obama, Clinton Clear Two Banned Muslim Scholars For U.S. Entry
My SO presented me with pepper spray in a leather holster tonight
Watching Auditions at the Met, better than 'politics' at the moment.
An exercise -- What would you say to convince a non-ideological Independent to support Democrats?
Congratulate me! I fixed myself a healthy Chicken Caesar Salad for dinner
'John Locke' from LOST on West Wing, Bravo, NOW.
The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 1/21/10
Ever heard of/seen Arabian Sand Kittens?
Here are some of my favorite ideas for new band names
Fuunniest comic strip about "Avatar" I've seen so far...
Becaus of the SCOTUS decision, Dems should just pass he Senate HCR
We can make history here at DU!
Why did you people not tell me 'The Middle' was so bad?
Maybe some good news for a change...Obama may actually start to go after Big Banks
Look Brown is a idiot but this in my opinion is a little picky
"Are Dems Walking Back From The Brink On Health Care?"
Deliver the letter, the sooner the better...The Marvelettes, "Please Mr. Postman"
Obama wants $1.35b more in school grants
Fellow PROBAMAS, here's what you can do right now!
The Supremes, "You Can't Hurry Love" on The Ed Sullivan Show
Bruce Springsteen with Darlene Love - A Fine Fine Boy - Madison Square Garden, NYC - 2009
So if Justice Stevens decides to retire after this term, will the Rethugs go for filibuster
Nat'l Do-Not-Call registry (anti-telemarketers): This is on the level,isn't it?
Uh-oh! I think we have a problem here!!
Is your head bigger than a beach ball?
You might be sitting on a diamond mine and not even know it.
Match Game Story: "Harry Headbanger dropped 16 hits of acid, and ___ soldering iron and a Labrador."
Match Game Story: "Harry Headbanger dropped 16 hits of acid, and ___ soldering iron and a Labrador."
7 Bullshit Police Myths Everyone Believes
Sad to say, a lot of the features that made FDR a great president, made him a lousy husband &father
To be effective you cannot be angry. So I'm going for a smoke
"Obama to Propose New Limits on Banks"
TPM: After Caucus Meeting, House Dems Still Don't Have A Plan
And the hits keep on comin'...Martha & The Vandellas, "Heat Wave"
Recipe: "Pulled-Pork Macaroni and Cheese with Caramelized Onions and Four Cheeses"
**** President Announces Financial Reform Live!****
This sucks. I'm never going to hear the end of it about John Edwards...
Did anybody else just see this in GD?
Republicans Massachusetts Victory Is a Potential Gift to Democrats
Heidi Montag Tries To Move Her Face, Can't (VIDEO)
The Daily Beast: Time to Run the Fat Cats Out of Town
Good MORNING, DU...let's greet the day with the classic sounds of Fontella Bass, "Rescue Me"
Just got word that I will be at the Town Hall Friday with the President
******This Thread Is More Important Than All The Rest!!!******
Some funny stuff from my EMail In Box....
Harpoon rolls out a limited edition oyster beer
Man tells police he paid for sex, didn't get
Hail to the Chief! (John Stewart about Brown's election)
Hail to the Chief! (John Stewart about Brown's election)
Wow, does anyone else feel like "Government of the People, By the people, For the People" exists??
96 - 65 - 34 - 3 - -28 - -59 - -90 - -121 ...
The Manic-Depressive Style in American Politics
Loyalty is for Kings and Despots Not Presidents!
Always wanted a ragtop: you're doing it wrong
Breaking: Supreme Court Rolls Back Campaign Spending Limits
Dems must pass public financing of federal campaigns. If not now, when?
Obama expected to propose new limits on the size and risk taken by the country's biggest banks
Hillary Clinton: Internet Freedom Is Crucial
Any "Flight of the Conchords" fans here?
Is this really going to be the new talking point from the RW????
A one-foot-out-the-door Conan gives NBC a $1.5 million, 60 second spanking. Don't mess with CoCo.
Speaking of RW tools on Facebook
Obama's move on the banks essentially kills the big banks, I would NEVER want to be in his shoes...
Supreme Court Justices need to have their activities reigned in.
Jim(CRAZY)Cramer:The health care companies have been predicting for 4 months HCR would die
"We're in no rush" - Nancy Pelosi (posted under GDP:Frustration sub-forum)
We are offically in the deep stuff here.. SCOTUS ruling scares the bejeebus out of me
LOL, Gibbs WILL Appear on Ed's Show Again Tonight
Ian McCullough is still alive and singing.
Obama's Spokespersons look like "Whipped Dogs ...Beaten Into Submission!"
The only reason the "don't jam through" comments make sense
New Kids On The Block vs. New Order
Running Dry: Belgium's Looming Beer Crisis
A year ago today, Susan Boyle took to the stage in Glasgow...
Rate President Obama's 1st year..CNN quick vote.
Kids in the Hall vs. Whitest Kids U Know
Mexican Spaghetti vs Italian Tacos
Krugman: You can't do health reform in pieces
Would a newborn be diagnosed with asthma, or would some other descriptor be used?
"You could take Steve Jobs, chase him with a bear, and he'd figure this out better than NBC did"
Who would you vote for in 2012?
The World Bids Farewell to Obama
To cheer WilliamPitt up I just sent him the new 'Chia Pubes'
OK GO + marching band + ghillie suits = pretty damn cool video
True agendas are being exposed here now
What's the 'P' for in Scott P. Brown?
DEMs: it's time to kick Judas Joe Lieberman to the curb - NOW.
Josh Marshall: Is It Really Over?
AMC greenlights 'Walking Dead,' 'Killing'
Questions to those touting Obama is a one termer
Obscene bathroom graffiti comes to life (NSFW!)
Anybody else think Obama's relatively high approval rating is a hindrance
Today's overly-obvious, why-didn't- anyone-think-of-this-before invention...
Bill Clinton shouldn't have endorsed Coakley in the Primary
Can we get a leadership that leads?
I can't imagine the "Ass Kicking" we would be getting if the GOP had 59-41 in the Senate!!!
1994 Health Care Failure Redux!!!
WaPo Breaking: Pelosi rejects Senate version of health-care bill
Yay! I found a mental health professional who doesn't suck!
Here is what the "kill the bill if it isn't everything I want" crowd looks like
Can a Chinese company now come in and purchase a Senator or two.
TPM: Results of House Dem caucus meeting
The media outlets are celebrating that there's not going to be HCR
Here's a new game. I copied 8 screen names right under mine and then looked at them and wrote
The Internet, Mom, and Apple Pie.
I need to be "talked down" or something about today's SCOTUS ruling
Howard Fineman on Rachel last night said:
HCR is not going down because of House progressives
Will the GOP buy time for an infomercial during the SOTU speech or will they
With the new court ruling we should just rename the Capitol the Pepsi Dome
Pelosi, Schumer comments on health care (updated)
I think we need to give Joe Lieberman one more chance on Health Care!!
Inside Tiger Woods Sex Rehab Center...
The republicans' goal was to stop health care reform. They won. But they
Concerning presidential demeanor, a question:
Kerry, who was ahead on campaign finance reform, pushed to filibuster Alito's confirmation
Corps will buy up all cable time 24/7, leaving us only the net and old fashion pamphlets. The net
My fellow Americans, House Representatives and Senators,
Hendrik Hertzberg: One Year: Beware of Sudden Downdrafts
Ya know, Devo really was miles ahead of everything elese
Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell to give official GOP response to SOTU address
House panel to hold hearing on campaign finance decision
DAMN Randy sounds like she's almost in tears talking about the ruling
Can Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid revive and pass HCR on their own?
Obama's First Year: By the Numbers
Should I say I told you so. Well 2 weeks ago I said we will lose 42 seats in the House and 6 Senates
Which one of Bush's moves will prove to be more harmful to our nation
Most days you eat the bear .................sometimes the bear eats you......
Citizens United Decision: ‘A Rejection Of The Common Sense Of The American People’
Poll suggests we would have done better Tuesday if we had a public option
Wheeee.... A tornado watch is up for the metro Phoenix area!
"We've lashed ourselves to congress. It's been like having Bernie Madoff in the Cabinet"
When will KFC paint their ad on the Supreme Court building?
I need some help. He left me for her.
OK Californians, don't be greedy!
Citizens United Campaign Funds Ruling Leaves Democrats Reeling
Salon on the "Volcker Rule"..."If President Obama wants a battle with Wall Street, he's got one"
Wonder if the Tea Baggers are going to protest the Supreme Court ruling
A return to sanity in banking-Obama bank plan is a response that fits the crisis
Conan and Zucker’s first clash
How to fix the mess we’re in, economic and political. Two policy steps:
Bottom Line...Republicans suck...
I Hate To Say This But Listening To Gibbs On Ed's & Keith's Shows Tonight......
Maybe it's time to start setting up FOQNE's
It's disgusting how politicians run scared and worried about not being re-elected
Volcker Returns to Center Stage
The "filibuster-proof majority" was always an illusion. We might be better off without it.
Dean To Dems: Give Up On Comprehensive Health Care Reform For Now, Settle For What We Can Get
Heads Up! Robert Burns Night 1-25! Enjoy Haggis!!!!
Throwback Pepsi is soooooo good!
It's coming down in buckets here. How about some rain songs?
In light of the SCOTUS decision today, politicians need to wear logos of corps they are owned by
If Democrats abandon health-care reform...the lesson will be that they can't govern.
HuffPo showing Obama some love today
Obama, you may go down in flames but stand firm.
Loser argument: We can't do [_____] because Republicans will say [_____]
It's kinda like the Corporations want an all out war with us
I put both plain white mushrooms and marinated mushrooms in my lunch salad
Hinchey, Sanders and other reactions to Obama's bank reform proposal
Populism and today's SCOTUS ruling
Ezra Klein: Can Democrats Govern?
Do u think Mandates will ever pass the senate again in our lifetime?
Kerry, Democrats make Haiti's orphans a priority
Tea Party 'Hero' Arrested For Rape, Stolen Grenade Launcher Discovered
US Stocks Slide On Obama Bank Regulations; DJIA Down 189
Obama blames Massachusetts Senate loss on middle-class economic pain
House Dems Formulate Draft of Pared-Down Bill - Without Individual Mandate
Obama uses that "bipartisan" word again. He's like "Cool Hand Luke"
Anyone still think that Obama is playing "Chess"?
Tri-colored male cat defies the genetic odds
Looking for Suggestions For Gourmet Tuna Salad
Blanche Lincoln backing Murkowski's Bid to Block EPA Greenhouse Gas Rules
My son, who is 15, has just began to engage in Beatlemania.
Josh Marshall: Health Care Reform is both dead and not dead
White House: Let's Let 'Dust Settle' On Health Care
No Question: Poll Results - Here is what Obama voters who voted Brown said/wanted
Kerry, Alongside Brown: 'I Would Think' Scott Wouldn't Want People Denied Insurance For Preexisting
Obama now has an historic opportunity to craft HCR reform on his terms
I'ma ask Bank Of America to marry me; she has a great personality, built nice & has good health care
How depressed are you? SCOTUS decision, Brown, etc.
Ah, Great. Another Closed-Door Meeting Between Obama Admin and Top Bankers
Congress should change the law so that only registered voters can donate to political campaigns
Kucinich Denounces Supreme Court Decision in Citizens United Case
We need to grow up about adultery, it is costing us real public servents
I had a heart attack last Sunday
UK Olympian Suffers Major Wardrobe Malfunction on Bobsled Track
Obama Cuts Deal that Will Reduce Social Security, Medicare and all Entitlements
President Bill Clinton as Wimp ? Did anyone feel that way at the time?
Talk me out of it: Obama as wimp?
CBS News poll: Obama approval rises from 46% to 50%
My God! Do the Democrats ever learn???
French Accents vs British Accents
What about a constitutional amendment
I was going to take my Obama sticker off my car after the One Year Anniversary...
Brown's problem with teabaggers on this side of the election begins
Anyone else feel like maybe you did drink the koolaid?
The Clinton years were the best and turning point for the US
It's always been about the Supreme Court
John Edwards admits fathering Hunter’s child
My cat is on the way to the crematorium...
fundraising letter from Obama looks like he still doesn't get it.
This is what the Dems learned from the MA election. Now more cuts to Medicare and SS
How come no one talks about cutting military spending to reduce the deficit?
Senator Spector and CRAZY EYES get into a argument
Obama: SCOTUS ruling a "major victory for big oil, Wall Street banks, health insurance companies."
Obama's a bit boxed in on HCR now
Leading Health Care Group To Democrats: Get It Done. Now!
Krugman: Rejecting the Senate bill is "The Underpants Gnomes Theory Of Reform"
Which republican senator or house rep will scream at Obama during the State of the Union address?
I hope the President keeps doing what he's doing and ignores all the idiotic bullshit
How far left do we need to go?
Krugman: I’m pretty close to giving up on Mr. Obama
Rate Obama's first year as President.
What’s the most interesting, yet completely useless fact you know?
Air America Media is ceasing live programming operations as of this afternoon
Don't forget tonight Keith O has a Special Commentary on the Court ruling
Women - What's your take on terms of 'Endearment'?
Women - What's your take on terms of 'Endearment'?
Laurel and Hardy jailed on drug charges
Poll Shouts The Message Massachusetts Voters Were Sending
Wash. state jobless rate jumps to 9.5 percent
Joe Malone (R) is "seriously considering" run for Congress in Mass.
U.S. Patriot missiles to be deployed near Russian border: Polish DM
Haiti reporters hassled by Sanford airport director
UN climate deadline turns out to be 'flexible'
US prepares Gitmo for 1000s of Haitian migrants
Mich. Unemployment Drops To 14.6%
Mich. Unemployment Drops To 14.6%
US Secretary Gates to press Pakistan on militant fight
Pakistani army: No new offensive for 6-12 months
Obama popular with Russians, seen as improving ties
Proposal Set to Curb Bank Giants
Edwards admits fathering child with mistress
US State Department 'not foreign policy arm of Google'
Web Access Is New Clinton Doctrine
Auschwitz death camp sign returned
Passenger arrested after airline bomb threat: FBI
Running Dry: Belgium's Looming Beer Crisis
MA Senate Election: Youth Turnout Was Just 15%, 57% for Older Citizens; Young Voters Favored Coakley
Rwandan genocide suspect arrested in France
Exclusive: Kucinich shreds Democrats for betraying promise of change
Leading Indicators Increase 1.1% in Sign U.S. Economy to Continue Growing
China 'becomes world's second largest economy'
NBC: Conan O'Brien reaches $45M exit deal
(Video) Chavez: Haiti Earthquake Caused by U.S. Weapon Test
Afghan villagers say civilians killed in raid
(Wash. state) Pot bills go up in smoke as House panel stops both
Russia's Navy to build up Baltic Fleet over Polish missile plans
United Health Group's 4Q profit rises 30 percent
Jobless claims surge in the latest week (482K)
Campaign Finance Law to be Overhauled as Supreme Court Rules in Citizens United v. Federal Election
Cindy McCain endorse gay marriage movement
Haiti's elite hold nation's future in their hands
Haiti pier opens, road laid into Port-au-Prince
Congress working on tax deduction for Haiti donors
Russian bombers fly patrols over Pacific
Senator John Kerry calls for quick seating of Scott Brown
Dems join effort to block global warming rules
ICRC reports help is reaching the people of Haiti
Calif. high court strikes down medical pot limits
Jack Straw tells Iraq inquiry he could have stopped Britain joining invasion
$13.4 Billion Earnings in Record Year for Goldman Sachs
Pelosi says House cannot pass Senate's health-care bill without changes (Everything Is On The Table)
No snow at Olympic site leaves VANOC scrambling
Senate schedules civil unions vote
New Virginia Governor to Deliver GOP Response to State of the Union
Haiti to relocate 400,000 homeless outside capital
Bloomsbury USA faces another race row over book cover
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday January 21
Honduras ex-leader Manuel Zelaya offered safe passage
Sending Message To Obama, Democrats Join Effort To Block Regulation Of Heat-trapping Gases
Haiti elderly suffer with help just a mile away
Muslim anger over military 'Jesus' scopes
US commander to tighten Afghan night raid rules
Judge: Ex-Detroit mayor owes $300K within 90 days
Obama to Propose Limits on Risks Taken by Banks
Man in custody after firing shots at Texas Capitol
China teen seen as hero for killing local official
Clinton warns hackers of consequences
It's Reconciliation (Pelosi is set to announce the House will go the reconciliation route on HCR)
'Tefillin' Prompts Scare On Plane
Geithner has reservations on US bank limits
House Liberals To Pelosi: “We Cannot Support The Senate Bill. Period.”
Pa. jobless rate up, jobs at most scarce in decade
Air America Ceasing Live Programming This Afternoon
2.3M Toyotas recalled as new accelerator fault cited
Trijicon: No more Bible references on rifle scopes
MSNBC Breaking Supreme Court Frees Firms from Decades of limits on campaign spending
US Senate Votes Down Measure Seeking To End TARP
Couple claims Bank of America seized the wrong house
IMF urges 'Marshall Plan' for Haiti
More bias in US against Muslims than other faiths
More bias in US against Muslims than other faiths
Amanda Knox could face slander case over police claims
Obama: grading his first year’s economic performance/Ed Harrison Credit WriteDown News"
Intelligence on WMD 'taken out of context', Iraq inquiry hears
Democrats boosting Right-Wing Populism, by Norman Solomon
Democrats Amend Health Bill, To Add 'Universal Castration'
Robert Fisk: The tree-lined bunkers that could change the face of the Middle East
Progressives Warn Congress Against Deficit Commission
Inspector general cites 'egregious breakdown' in FBI oversight
Feds move to keep big snakes off planes, out of US !
At SEC, the system can be deaf to whistleblowing
Eric Boehlert: Come back, Bob Woodward. Save us from "Game Change" journalism
'Shadow Elite': Do You Know Whose Agenda You're Being Sold?
Whistleblower reveals how insurers can game healthcare bill
Dear President Obama: Time to Stop Letting Corporations Write the Health Care Bill
Howard Zinn: Obama at One: Little Surprising in Absence of Progressive Social Movement
Fractured Narrative: Haitian Calm, American Cynicism
Message to Pundits: Massachusetts Vote Really a Referendum on Massachusetts Voters!
The "Dishonorable" German Girls
Don't Ridicule the Tea Baggers -- Recruit Them
'Tefillin Plane Scare' Raises Concerns for Ash Wednesday
On Scott Brown and the independent vote
Afghan Government Corruption Thrives While the People Starve
The Supremes rule corporations have RIGHT of Freedom of speech. Fascism begins in America.
China teen seen as hero for killing local official
Both Parties Seek Ways to Channel Populist Ire.
Robert Reich: What Scott Brown's Victory Really Means
Does the SCOTUS decision on corporate money mean that Siegeleman
Corporate Personhood Should Be Banned, Once and For All
Kucinich Denounces Supreme Court Decision in Citizens United Case
The White House Should Also Announce An Antitrust Investigation Into Major Banks
"The great issue before the American people today is the control of government and industry by
Campaign Launched to Amend Constitution, Overturning Today's Supreme Court Decision
Mr. President, you worry me. You said: the same thing that swept you into office last year...
God Help Us, We’re All Teabaggers Now
Scott Brown did not win, Obama lost because Democrats betrayed their own base
What Did Harold Ford Do at Merrill Lynch? (Mother Jones)
BBC News: Campaign funding free-for-all
Reorganizing and Fighting Back
Smoking Crack in Hell's Kitchen
The Real Reasons Coakley Lost To Brown
Peggy Noonan & Donny Deutsch: Scott Brown Looks Like An American
The American President - The Speech
Thom Hartmann - It's all about the Republicans vs. the phony Democrats?
Reason & Emotion (1943) -- Describes GOP scare tactics quite well.
Howard Dean to Tweety: 'when I was DNC chair, we won these elections'
RT "Keiser Report" Markets! Finance! Scandal! – Debtors Revolt!
Children's Dental Clinic Pays 24 Million Dollar Settlement For Abusing Kids For Profit
OSAMA BIN LADEN - Meet His Production Team a CIA/Hollywood MindF%$k
If we are going down - Let's go down fighting
New England's Oldest Elm Tree Cut Down
Bon Scott was right - It's Criminal. There oughta be a law
CNN & AJ English: 8 Days Later 1,000s Of Injured Are Still Dying! Where Are The Medical Supplies?
Another Miracle in Haiti: 3 Week Old Baby Rescued After 8 Days!
Congresswoman Kaptur: Isn't It time For Congress To Finally Hold Wall Street Accountable
Corporate futures: Trailer for the *original* Rollerball
AlJazeeraEnglish: US ends political campaign spending limits
Corrupt Government Forces Afghans To Spend More Than 1/3 Of Income On Bribes
Scott Brown After The Election - Health Care for Everyone
MSF (Doctors Without Borders) Haiti Inflatable Hospital Tent Setup
Sheldon Whitehouse on the Supreme Court's decision in the Citizen's United case
Walsh: 'Obama Gave the Republicans Marching Orders & Rope to Hang Him'
Former Bush Speechwriter Attacks Amanpour For Pointing Out BUSH Techniques Were Used By Khmer Rouge
Dean on BBC's Newsnight about MA, on healthcare.
TYT: Fox News Celebrates Brown Win - What Obama & Dems Should Do Next
Tea Party "Hero" brags he wants 2B Domestic Terrorist (arrested for rape, stolen grenade launcher)
The Christian Fundamentalist flap over John Lennon's Jesus remark.
Thom Hartmann - Caller says Mass. Senate election all Thom's fault
Cenk On Russia Today!Obama talks tough as Goldman announces profits
Hartmann: Corps Can Now Drop Money Bombs to BUY, BLACKMAIL OR DESTROY POLITICIANS
TYT: Dems: You Have The Majority, Start Acting Like It
Damaged Pier Reopened & Road Repaired At Port In Haiti, Aid Finally Getting Through
Scott Brown Victory Attributed to Endorsement by Herman's Hermits
Operation Rescue President Cannot Explain How Health Care Bill Funds Abortion
Senator-Elect Scott Brown's Wife Gail's Racy Music Video
Faux News Propaganda: Glenn BecKKK Shows A Preview Of His Upcoming Documentary "Live Free Or Die"
Photo of the wakes of offshore wind turbines, and discussion of effects on efficiency
Oil Tank Ablaze in Cushing After Lightning Strike
China Refines Record Oil Volumes as Economy Recovers
I just put street tires and a kickstand on my Gary Fisher frame.
Green Government: Navy, USDA commit to energy partnership
TOD campfire: Solar Hot Water Heating
Tree-Sitters Shut Down Infamous Mountaintop Removal Operation; TVA Cops Strike Again
N. Pacific Basin Showing Acidification To Half-Mile Down - 15-Yr. Drop Of 0.026 Ph In Upper Waters
ICE optimized for Ethanol achieves comparable mpg to gasoline - using a 30% blend - EPA study.
Vital Ag Areas In Chile's Semi-Arid Chico Norte Region Haven't Had Rain For Year
Catalyst Offers New Hope for Capturing CO2 on the Cheap
What is the worst outcome in energy development?
Trexa platform lets you develop your own damn electric vehicle!
Much Of UAE, Including Dubai, At Risk Of Inundation Even From One-Meter Sea Level Rise
19 Million American Commute 45 Minutes One-Way; 3% Of US "Extreme" Commuters - 90 Min. One-Way
Sorghum cultivation can provide ethanol and food, say Indian scientists
We may receive half our yearly rain budget in the next 48 hours.
What is the most important energy priority for the US?
Breaking: High Levels of Radioactive Material Found in Water Outside Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant
Climate Denial Industry Blowing Hot Air On Himalayan Glaciers
'Relieved' - A Democratic Senate staffer tells it like it is [TPM]
We lose a Seat in MA, the Badgers are playing like shit against Michigan. Which one do you think...
Dan Fitzgerald; coach guided Gonzaga team to prominence
God has yet to make a decision on Kurt Warner's retirement
Papelbon and Red Sox close a one-year deal for $9.35m
It’s only puppet love for Wade Phillips
Jeremy Shockey, Robert Meachum
Crosby, Ovechkin renew rivalry Thursday
Iran's humanitarian aid arrives in Haiti
Robert Fisk: The tree-lined bunkers that could change the face of the Middle East
Ex-FBI Agent Says He Was Fired for Contacts With Israel Lobby AIPAC
Israel Stops Issuing Work Visas to Aid Agencies
Hamas rep: We're ready to cancel charter
U.S. Hospital Ship Reaches Haiti; Military Role Grows
Israel's compassion in Haiti can't hide our ugly face in Gaza
Chavez nationalizes French-owned retailer
Nelson Valdés on rescue priorities in Haiti
Haiti needs water, not occupation
OAS to hold extraordinary assembly on aid plans for Haiti
Bashing Israel for saving Haitians
Caregivers not part of layoff plans
IAM's Union Of The Unemployed Uses Social Media To Unite Jobless For Social Change
Today in Labor History Jan 21, 600 police attack picketing longshoremen in Charleston, S.C. (2000)
New York Nuclear Power Plant Strike Deadline Approaches
The Right to Arms: The Criminology of Guns
A contradictory point of view...
In Washington, the best defense is self-defense
hardworking person who was not quick to anger
Children Speak for Same-Sex Marriage
Trial: Prop. 8 supporters show some churches opposed ban
Prop. 8 opponents seek to show link between religion, anti-gay discrimination [Updated]
Gay “Glee” character to find love next season
12 Senators Send Ugandan President Letter on Homosexuality Bill
Federal worker sues (in federal court) for same-sex spouse benefits.
Senate Committee Okays Constitutional Ban on Gay Marriage (Indiana)
Can Vanessa Williams be a senator now, please? I love her.
Gay Marriage ban backer to be hostile witness (Read the comments about our 'defender')
Please post to this piece of shit site to protest bigotry
Best of 2009 ... if it's not too late (pic hheavy)
Maybe shivvvvering....but no longer hungry
Europe's biggest space company developing space based solar power
Private Space Stations Edge Closer to Reality (Bigelow)
NASA pics of the Dunes of Mars...
can someone tell me y the carbon in co2 can't just be extracted as a solid?
Twisted Physics: Scientists Create Light Knots
Uranus may be packed with diamonds
I know you guys don't like to venture into GD...
Finished the Chakra Balancing Project and it is up on You Tube!
Gen Re paying $92.2M to settle charges
Anybody else notice ... Senator StapleDick gets elected ...
We're More Strict With Our Poor Than With Our Banks
China Property Bubble Will Not Destabilize China's Economy
Can someone refresh my memory please. Name of web site that
"Better Off Deadbeat" - an interesting tactic to fight the banksters and other corporate parasites..
WTC being rebuilt with Chinese glass
Another interesting read regarding Chicago's brief in Mcdonald V Chicago
Hope for MS pill after cladribine and fingolimod trials
Foreign Languages Fade in Class--Except Chinese
Prop. 8 opponents seek to show link between religion, anti-gay discrimination [Updated]
Greeks battle over religious symbols
How do you like your pot roast? Share your recipes here.
Let's play the C&B version of "Chopped"
Making your own mayonnaise? Does anybody do this?