Who knows less about anything: Paulson or Gonzales?
Driving A Hard Bargain: Nelson Says He Would've Opposed His Own Abortion Language
"Be Patient, Dying People. Health-Care Reform Will Happen When It Happens"
So our country really can't walk and chew gum at the same time. Screw HCR, the environment,
Ugly Betty Cancelled!@!!!!!!!@!!!!!
You know - I'm just going to turn it on just before it starts on Cspan. No Spin
So CNN is doing this daily report on "where your tax money is going"
Balls Beer for Health Care Reform
First rule of any plumbers operation: dress up like the Village People.
Mr. President, regarding DADT: Sign the stop loss and dare Congress to reverse it!!
Seriously does anyone believe a word from
O'Keefe and Pals- The Teabuggers
I have a feeling O'Keefe and his gang of Merry Men are going to claim this as their defense.
Enough with Wall Street's faux hindsight outrage. Dammit.
Revealed: See Who Was Paid Off In The AIG Bailout
Imagine what Rethugs would be saying if Moveon.org members tried to break into David Vitter's office
I hope they can track where O'Keefe's equipment got purchased and who bought it
Gary Unmarried is on now. SOTU after.
90 minutes to the SOTU and I feel like I HAVE to watch, but I really don't want to.
Gary Unmarried is on now. Next SOTU.
Matthews characterizes Bob McDonnell giving the rebuttal as Snoopy playing the Red Baron
Matthews characterizes Bob McDonnell giving the rebuttal as Snoopy playing the Red Baron
Excerpts from President Obama's State of the Union Speech
What is the penalty for espionage of somebody sitting on the Homeland Security committee??
Finally! After an entire YEAR's worth of effort, the CULMINATION tonight with the MUCH anticipated
Illegal cab driver jailed for ten years for sex attacks on gay men
Bill to criminalize bestiality advances in Alaska Legislature
What are your thoughts on eminent domain for public projects?
So What Was O'Keefe Looking For?
*Updated X4* The Public Option may live again!
What is the Escort Committee that just exited the room? Thanks. nt
Landrieu phone plot: Men arrested have links to intelligence community
Teabugger Excuse In: "wanted to see how her staff would respond if the phones were inoperative"
Oh My - what a fabulous outfit Michelle Obama
Holy Shite - Breaking on KO - Basel was campaign manager
What's the over under on at least one rethuglican making
c-span showing the House gathering for SOTU
I was neither self-employed nor did any contract work last year. Why did I get a 1040v packet?
How many well-known brave voices have we lost in the past few years?
Prior to the State of the Union Address - pics
...I instruct Mr. Reid to begin using the Nuclear Option to pass bills. "Bi-partisan" is so OVER.
I hope Obama has learned that the Republicans will NEVER work with him
I just don't know if I can stand to watch the SOTU
Caption this pic of Joe Wilson
Girl pulled out alive 15 days after Haiti quake
Wow...the repubs sitting on their hands when there is talk of fieing the banks! I hope idiots are
Have you read the FBI Affadavit?
The NEW Lion of the Senate, Roland Burris D, Illinois
The Repukes are getting PWNED over and over again.
Hey Boehner and Kantor! What the fuck's your plan? Wipe that stupid smile off
Well at least he can SAY "nuclear"
republicans tell tax payers "fuck you" by staying seated while Obama praised their help
the party of no is in fine form tonight.
the party of no is in fine form tonight.
******* OFFICIAL SOTU THREAD #2 *******
He's trying to cut through the noise of the media and the pundits both left and right
HCR. "Let's get it done. Let's get it done". Well, LET' S GET IT DONE!
Survey finds 3 in 4 gay and bisexual men would donate blood
Survey finds 3 in 4 gay and bisexual men would donate blood
FUCK THAT working together bullshit, Mr President!
I thought Stan Dai was making this up, but the place really exists:
Did you see Bohner and Portman? Don't they look like smug pricks
How to fix Social Security and Medicare....?
It's encouraging for those of us to whom it seemed President Obama was being made to heel
******* OFFICIAL SOTU THREAD #3 *******
Could someone please tell Rep Boner it's winter in Ohio
Republickers are applauding nuclear power. They loooove nookuler!
Just more "toying" with the "rough edges", even worse, Repackaged (R) ideas?
The President is psychologically beating up the repubs
Obama's Bitch Slap-Fest continues
And. Now. He. Called. Out. The. Other. Motherfuckers.
One huge major ass-kicking going on here tonight. And about F*#king time.
'I never suggested it woujld be easy.'
"I never suggested the change would be easy, or I could do it alone."
What was with the grumbling when Obama mentioned lobbyists?
How soon will the country implode after DADT is repealed?
"Democratic strategist quite pleased"..."Footage of every Repub sitting going into every 2010 ad."
howard zinn obit from nyt--the hatchet job is starting
Alito is shaking his head at Obama regarding their bonehead decision.
CA legislature takes up the issue of...solitaire
Mr. President, MAKE them suck it!
Public option, waterboarding, PATRIOT Act, Guantanamo Bay, Blackwater.
Before I walked in the door. Just statin' the facts.
Obama is talking to some of the most self centered, power hungry people on earth...
What is Tweety blathering about???
Pat Robertson's servant is about to speak.
This SOTU is targeted to leaning Republicans.
Republicker response. Time to take a piss break!
Am I on drugs, or did McDonnell just refer to 9/11?
Okay, I need a cigarette after this. BRB
Tell me, dear friends... Our president is masterful at calling out the bettter angels of our nature
"My name is Barack Obama, and I AM the President of the United States."
Bob McDonnell on Now for the Right
Okay ... Let's see how long it takes for us Democrats to begin
Stacking A Statehouse Full Of GOP Operatives
The problem for the GOP response is...
The problem for the GOP response is...
Why is Tweety bringing up that he forgot that Obama is black?
Is it just me, or does anyone else think O'Keefe looks like Tim McVeigh?
Anyone care to pull up the quotes from Bob McDonnell criticizing Bush for the Shoe Bomber trial?
This Repub response must have used a Madlib template.
Obama is calling the Republicans out and being funny about it.
Bob McDonnell, speaking where he's speaking, looks like a little kid in a cowboy suit
Message: Red+Blue=Purple ---> Bipartisanship
Republickers should replace the elephant mascot with the hyena.
I think the problem with the Response to the SOTU
Obama tweet - fascinating to watch...
Virginians - Bob McDonnell just proposed offshore oil drilling off the Virginia coast.
Holy crap...did you see the Supreme Courts faces when he mentioned their ruling?
5? ....... 8? ...... 9? ....... 9.5?
Oh,what a coincidence,there's an African american standing behind him.
The GOP is coming out strong with the theatrics
You know what really funny about Bob McDonnell?
The President of ALL OF US is being absolutely BRILLIANT!1 n/t
Was that an Affirmative Action slam followed by a cut to the Black kid?
"Just saying no to everything may be good short term politics, but it's not leadership."
"Just saying no to everything may be good short term politics, but it's not leadership."
CNN link to Pres Obama's transcript.
YOU Want Cooperation And NOT Partisanship?
A call to repeal DADT ...... why did it take so long?
Creigh Deeds must have been a HORRIBLE candidate, worse than Coakley.
Good God Tweety you didn't just say? ...
WTF? Bob McDonnell giving response in front of crowd in the Virginia Capitol?
CNN Flash Poll: 78% had at least somewhat positive response to President's Speech
Discuss the arcane ..... what detail did you hear tonight that made you cheer?
Go ahead and say NO to everything.....
45,000 people dying a year and they are laughing. LAUGHING!
If the Felonius Five v2.0 had any shred of integrity...
Stagecraft: McDonnell has a black woman and an asian man standing behind him
"& if the bill that ends up on my desk does not meet the test of REAL REFORM, I will SEND IT BACK...
Dammit... Got My Hopes Up Again...
The republicans are looking around to see if it's okay to clap....
There are only Republicans in the VA legislature chamber right now
Why on earth would the republicans think it is a good idea to use that setting???
"For an hour I forgot he was black."
CNN flash poll: 78% very or somewhat positive... 21% negative
Obama urges repeal of ban on open gays in military
DU can return to hating Obama tomorrow
For those who missed it... the Chris Matthews vid
What grade do you give the SOTU?
Theories on why Obama wants to be bipartisan?
Theories on why Obama wants to be bipartisan?
Go ahead and say NO to everything.....
The Bobblespeak Translations - State of the Union Address - President Barack Obama
(to Republicans) "If you're going to insist that it take 60 votes to do ANYTHING in this town..."
SOTU Is Beginning Again on C-Span Right Now
Hasn't he gone over his 10 minutes yet.
Daily Kos: Dear Justice Alito:
Iowa Hotel Clerk Fired for not Having Midwest Girl Look
If Dems are no longer 'Wimps" - they need to introduce 5 articles of impeachment
SOTU drinking game - any suggestions?
MSM poll 50% say Obama hit it out of the park
Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
Groan...heres the rebuttal. wheres the remote?
OBAMA: "Remember this - I never suggested that change would be easy, or that I can do it alone."
So the GOP response is out before the speech? Proganda works.
if bu$h* had talked this long i'd be in a coma....this guy is good.
The revolution of non-participation
Wow. Hundreds of threads about Rick Warren a year ago... hardly any about call for DADT repeal?
Am I the only one who sees "STFU" when "SOTU" is written?
Several Democratic campaign ads can be made from these visuals tonight...
E.J. Dionne :Obama shows he's a conciliator--and also willing to fight
Unable to watch the SOTU - did Obama call for MEDICARE FOR ALL?
Surprise surprise Fixed Noise poll
NYT's The Caucus on Tweety "reviewing the speech in almost completely racial terms."
Surprise! surprise! Faux News Poll
Do you think Gietner felt the thousands of daggers being stared
The Rethug response. Wow. What a phony show.
I have never seen a response given in front of a crowd. Have you? nt
So, the pundits are so anti-democrat because they are ....
Republicans Disrespect The Office Of The President
Is it acceptable for SCOTUS members to blow off the State of the Union address?
This SOTU gave me a renewed doubt in my cynicism. That has to be a good thing.
my mom just called me and said"the repubs showed themselves to be the soul-less asses that they are"
One of my favorite lines of the night: "We have a big majority, don't run for the hills"
D.C. judge Janet Albert accuses ex-lover of stalking her
Arianna Huffington can blow me
Neb. woman accused of having sex with young son
The Republican Party is dead to me...
Who looked like the biggest dork tonight....
Next time the banks & insurance companies need a bail out let's make them hold a telethon
"We've won 3 straight elections" ?!?
I -pad. A name for sanitary napkins, or a solution looking for a problem??
I still can't believe they called it an "iPad"...
Effort to deny Tenn. heath plan to smokers dropped
Antidepressants may affect lactation
Theres no point in trying to have a substantive policy discussion tonight
Theres no point in trying to have a substantive policy discussion tonight
Is Hillary Clinton running in 2012?
Ohio trucker was watching porn when rig struck car, killing driver, police say
'Philosophy' poster containing Ten Commandments gets judge back in spotlight
As you prepare to watch Obama's Big Speech tonight, keep this in mind ......
So how is everybody feeling now after the SOTU?
Focus on the Family re:Tebow: $2 Million for 30 seconds of TV propaganda while Haiti is in anguish
William Pitt can eat my shorts.
Hitting IT OUT of the BallPark
Justice Alito, the new Joe Wilson, can't contain himself, never before have I seen that...
Sad but true Twitter stats from State of the Union address
Clinton Suggests She's a One-Term Secretary of State
Was Obama Channeling Aaron Sorkin/President Bartlett tonight?
Transparency International to monitor corruption in Russia, U.S.
"the most reasonable person in the room"
CBS poll: 83% of Speech Watchers Approve of Obama's State of the Union Proposals
Joe Lieberman looks like a dirty old man.
FSC Cigarettes I thought I was dying
Howard Zinn interviews Eddie Vedder
Best Smack Down of the Night: (A Poll)
Zelda Rubinstein, who played psychic in ‘Poltergeist,’ dies at 76
OK .. I was very pleased with Obama's SOU speech tonight - he called the bad guys out.
SEIU President: State Of Our Union Is An American Nightmare For Workers
Tea Party Response to Obama SOTU
Please let me know if you don't support our President
Myth: Tax cuts spur economic growth.
Obama's "Bump" in the Polls from tonight:
A question for DUers who were alive in the '70s. Did you think 13 was the same as 18?
Time to call out the rethugs for arrogance.
'We were sent here to serve our citizens.'
Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) "He sort of took us to the principal's office, didn't he?"
Alito Mouths 'NOT TRUE' At State Of The Union
We Have a Unique Opportunity In the Ohio US Senate Race!!!!
Obama calls for a middle class tax cut--the Repubs sit on their hands--now that's a Super Bowl Ad.
MM: Memo to media: Obama's comments on Supreme Court decision in line with four justices' views
So out of morbid curiosity, I went to Freeperville to see their reactions to Zinn's death...
MJ - Katrina Van den Hueval questioning strategy of freeze during recession
Before the day gets any older: The Republicans are NOT honest brokers.
International conference on Afghanistan kicks off in London
Culture of Truth liveblogged the SOTU
*****UNOFFICIAL SOTU THREAD #2**********
Obama's next speech should eviscerate the Rs about the role and function of government
For two days now Pence has been on whining that
Thank you Mr. President for kicking some ass last night. Now,
Thank you Mr. President for kicking some ass last night. Now,
I said it during Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, and I'm saying it now. Talk is cheap.
International conference on Afghanistan kicks off in London
Who was the blond woman sitting behind Justice Stevens? She almost fell off her seat
"Black. He said Black. Three, gimme a tight push on the Black guy."
Was mysterious jellyfish in sky caused by space satellite reflecting Northern Lights?
Joe Scum is trying to spin on behalf of Alito this morning
Time to attack the attackers when it comes to SCOTUS and the right wing 5
Time to attack the attackers when it comes to SCOTUS and the right wing 5
Republicans- when in power they sell the government, out of power they disable it.
Defense analysts blast military exemption to spending freeze
Tell the GOP--Yes, Tax Cuts can reach a point of Diminishing Returns!
If I was a betting man I'd bet I know what w is doing right now
Clay Bennett toon :Change and Hope
DADT advocate: "Abu Ghraib happened because there are women in the military"
Howard Zinn's Last Thoughts: "this is the time for the resurgence of a national movement"
Separated at birth? YOU DECIDE...
Media Matters: Drudge makes outrageous Supreme Court "INTIMIDATION" claim about Obama's SOTU
Gawker deliciously skewers BREITBART, Matt Pudge, DOLLARD, and O'KEEFE
Oh Jesus here we go again. The President wants me to send him more money to support the DNC.
“New information has come to light about documents" -Bernanke-gate! What’s in those memos?
UN Head Says Afghan Strategy 'Doomed' - Too Militarized and Not Political Enough
Easily the best take-a-way from last night's SOTU.
I have a question, did anyone even pay attention to the Repuke who responded to the SOTU speech?
Wiretapping and other nefarious activities may have been used in the last Dem election losses
one small victory for the little guys...
Eagles' Joe Walsh Threatens To Sue Candidate Walsh - Rock Star Warns Candidate Over Misuse Of Song
Eagles' Joe Walsh Threatens To Sue Candidate Walsh - Rock Star Warns Candidate Over Misuse Of Song
The big losers tonight... I hope... are....
Vege spite spreads (Vegemite goes Halal)
Ford stops production of some vehicles in China with part tied to Toyota recall
Was that "Mean Jean" Schmidt who tied her hair back into a pyscho ponytail?
So, the wingnuts think Obama lacked decorum for speaking out on the SCOTUS decision.
Just say it Barack: MEDICARE FOR ALL!!
He. Called. The. Democrats. Out.
The "media" is spinning like crazy this morning...
Did anyone else notice the thumping every time Obama put his hand on the podium?
Pelosi signals renewed momentum for health care reform
Ok now I'm a bit worried. Feingold trails former WI governor in hypothetical Senate election matchup
The Rude Pundit: The State of the Union Is "What the Fuck Do You Want From Me?"
PETA proposes robotic groundhog
I am disappointed Palin or Bachmann didn't give the Repub Response...
Chuggo sighting on James O'Keefe Facebook
The State of the Union We'd Like to See
Will Obama get a bump in the polls after his SOTU speech?
California School District Bans Dictionary Over 'Oral Sex' Definition
John, Elizabeth Edwards separate after 30 years.
A Memory of Howard Zinn - Daniel Ellsberg
Violence in a single day in Iraq - what you won't hear in the MSM
Is PETA proposing the abolishment of all utilization/exploitation of animals...
"We're working hard out here, this is not a vacation. . . . ."
My Favorite Part Of The Speech
I caught a huge murmur or sounds of disbelief when Obama said no lobbyist
Big Swing-State Tax Win - Yes, It Could Be A Harbinger of Similar Fights Throughout the Country
CBS is going to allow the extremist group Focus on Family to air an ad during the Super Bowl
SOTU Rebuttal: An unofficial transcript
our local newspaper...'Prank or Political Spying'
VP Biden Defends President's Criticism of High Court
I think the Republicans have found a new spokesman.
John Kyl on NPR:"we're not the party of no..."
Is it time for the left to pick up the "Love it or Leave it" banner?
m$nbc has david shuster in new orleans to cover the wiretapper
Jobless Claims in U.S. Declined Last Week to 470,000
I just wrote to the Executive Producer of our local Rush affiliated news show
Hey, if the last year's missteps all all Rahm's fault, who do we give credit to for last night?
Hey, if the last year's missteps all all Rahm's fault, who do we give credit to for last night?
Soldier Marc Hall's Rap Protest Song Against His Stop-Loss Orders Lands Him in Jail
A brainstorm--how to deal with Citizens United v. FEC
The only possible way for Democrats to succeed ...
Remove the Wall Street virus from the economy
Congresswoman Donna Edwards on Thom Hartmann NOW
Inhofe calls Obama a great liar, says ‘most’ of State of the Union speech ‘wasn’t true.’
O'Keefe In His Own Words "I Am A JOURNALIST". Well, Journalists Do Not Pull Pranks.
Do people here actually want Americans to come together as one nation?
Sherrod Brown and the Ohio State Buckeyes are about the only thing
I was meeting with a client today, and for about an hour I forgot that my pants were black.
New study shows we can tell Democrats from Republicans in head shots
couldn't we save BILLIONS if ALL Pentagon $ came from its own tax, like Medicare so people could
Judge orders O'Keefe confined to his parent's basement until next hearing.
Venezuela Forgives Haiti's Debt
I don’t mind if it rains or freezes, long as I got my Bong Hits 4 Jesus
"They Shoot Horses, Don't They?" is a very powerful movie but where are movies like that today?
Who are Obama's sharpest, best-known critics on the left?
Roeder is on the stand now at Dr. Tiller murder trial
Author J.D. Salinger, famous for 'Catcher in the Rye' has died at the age of 91
The media didn't know Strom Thurmond had an out of wedlock daughter with his 15-year old maid?
Wow! The President just called out the Supreme Court right in front of them
IMO the Supreme Court Justices should not be there.
IMO the Supreme Court Justices should not be there.
So Rudy pisses and moans, Bloomburg throws a hissy fit
Any mention of Zinn's passing on cable or network news?
Y'all were supposed to remind me that I was going to quit this for a while.
Y'all were supposed to remind me that I was going to quit this for a while.
Obama: No giving up on changing tone of politics
RECONCILIATION and the Public Option???
A Break From Politics - J. D. Salinger has died...
A Message to you, Rudy (warning-explicit language)
A Message to you, Rudy (warning-explicit language)
Faux News A Bit Ago Said Those Are ALL GOP Operatives
“Watch what we do, not what we say.”
This is why Merikun's view of history scares the shit out of me...
Poll: Campbell leads GOP field, trails Boxer by 4
Turds in the Facebook Fan Page punchbowl: Progressives invade JAMES O'KEEFE Page, Hilarity Ensues
Hackers infiltrate House websites
Morning Joe- "Constitutional Scholar" Obama has no understanding of the Supreme Court decision
California School District reverses its ban on Webster Dictionary.
Fuk republicans, The State Of Union Address was AWESOME
Obama's spending freeze excluding the Pentagon is bullshit
Al-Qaeda Claims Responsibility For Devastating Personal Attack On Illinois Man
Time to get Pelosi to put the articles of impeachment on the floor for all 5 felonius SC judges
Pelosi would back spending freeze if it also applies to defense
Make no mistake: This war is ending, and all of our troops are coming home.
A major official position that Obama could axe as part of his spending freeze and
'Dumb Stunt' meme taking form for what O'Keefe did at Landrieu's office
Do you trust the Iraqi and Afghan governments?
Can anyone point me to a list of earmaks that each congressperson has requested?
ACORN foe tweeted about planned sting of Sen. Landrieu's office (WashPo)
"They Shoot Horses, Don't They?" --a movie that is disturbingly like the present time.
******* OFFICIAL SOTU THREAD #4 *******
I don't want Obama soiled by rubbing elbows with a bunch of wealthy white supremacists.
There is a huge difference between Justice Alito and Joe Wilson...
What Obama Did Politically with the SOTU
OMFG Judd Gregg is an asshole. Did anyone just see that on MSNBC?
Tweety: "I forgot he was black tonight, for an hour"
CBS Won't Let Super Bowl Viewers See GoDaddy's Gay-ish Ad Or
Obama supporters, give a shout!
Breitbart is on MSNBC being interviewed by Schuster
Uh oh. Henry Waxman now a "firebagger"
Great speech. The key though, is how Obama and the Party respond to 59-41.
Hacker cracks 49 House sites, insults Obama
Karzai says western troops could stay in Afghanistan 10 years - AP
Karzai says western troops could stay in Afghanistan 10 years - AP
Commercials in Keith's pod cast of Countdown? OK, then count the pod cast
Hey Tweety: Why was it important for you to "remember he was black" in the first place?
L.A. looking at giving car owners 'the boot' after 3 or 4 unpaid parking tickets
'Catcher in the Rye' author J.D. Salinger dies
Web Sites of 43 U.S. House Members Hacked
Web Sites of 43 U.S. House Members Hacked
Can someone help me out with info on Global Warming?
Cambridge startup preps Android-based competitor to iPad
Dems reach out to Lou Dobbs to build backing for immigration reform
MSNBC’s Matthews: ‘I Forgot He Was Black’
What f#$king ad agency produced the Republican response? They should be blackballed.
Ford earns $2.7B in 2009, first profit in 4 years
On Democracy Now!....The life of Howard Zinn featuring Alice Walker, Noam Chomsky & Naomi Klein
Immigration reform would be good for the economy - Daily Kos
In both rhetoric and deed, Pres. Obama has fundamentally shifted the direction of US foreign policy
It's time to name our national debt.
the real problem with judge alito
Tribute to Howard Zinn with Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein and others on Democracy Now with Amy Goodman
Vandals Loot Churches, Burn Bibles
Will Obama lay the hammer down tonight?
Last year, I paid ONE THIRD of my gross pay in healthcare insurance/flex spending account
Ben Bernanke just reconfirmed for another 4 year term
Question for Alito, Joe Scum et al
To all the people who use "FAIL" as a retort, grow up!
At the World Economic Forum: A session about "Life on Other Planets?" That's surprising.
Tweety was just on Rachel Maddow and i think tried to explain his earlier comment
Tweety was just on Rachel Maddow and i think tried to explain his earlier comment
Well, I didn't watch the speech, I know some of you are excited 'BOUT IT
"There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.”
FauxNews: CBS Considering Airing Gay Dating Site Ad During Super Bowl
If Alito had been in court instead of a State of the Union.
"Polish Superstar" Dog adrift saved from sea
Judge Wynn confirmed 18-1, Judge Diaz 19-0 in committee, others held over
Judge Wynn confirmed 18-1, Judge Diaz 19-0 in committee, others held over
Ya know, despite all of the bull, I'm loving this
Finish this sentence: "For an hour, I forgot Chris Matthews was ____________"
Move the 9/11 trial saz big real estate!
Veterans Administration Hid Suicide Risk, Internal E-Mails Show
Veterans Administration Hid Suicide Risk, Internal E-Mails Show
With all the political wacko stuff coming out of South Carolina lately...
Obama has such great ideas but I'm depressed that the GOP will easily kill all of them.
Howard Zinn yesterday, J.D. Salinger today
Roeder just acted like a typical repug.
Bad Mr. Obama Was Very Very Mean to the Poor Poor Supreme Court (So Was FDR)
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito looked so surprised
What was a military person doing in uniform clapping for the Republican 'rebuttal'?
We The Corporations? I Don't Think So. ( Barbra Streisand)
We The Corporations? I Don't Think So. ( Barbra Streisand)
Just some behind the scenes names/faces and a peek into one enormous lobbying body -
sweet jeezus. how's this for irony?
Time for real Change - Mark Fiore's take on the State of the Union address
Clinton says she's absolutely not interested in running for president. Assholes in the press
ESPN fires Paul Shirley after comments about Haiti
I reserve final judgment until I hear McDonnell's stance on volcano preparedness
Roundup: SOTU Foreign Policy Reactions
Tweety just tried to mop up after his "I forgot he was black" statement.
Radical Inequality Is Literally Killing Us
Senate Democrats ready 'jobs agenda' for next week
Here's the Schuster/Breitbart Yell-Off Video
RW hypocrisy part the 3,478,213th: "Youthful prank." These are the same
There goes the 'but my car was made in the USA' excuse
It's general knowledge that human beings will try to get away with anything if they can do it...
5 Years. 28K posts. Belief in Myth America & Hope We Can Believe In (that might even lead to Change)
Only 5:45:00 left until TDS! Can't wait!
I liked Obama's speech last night. But are we overestimating the positive reactions to it?
Tweety on SOTU and Alito now n/t
Durbin: Democrats would be 'on trial for treason' if they adopted GOP's tactics
how do I find who supports exportation of jobs?
howard zinn's lessons for us all
I've meant to say this for a while: I think Nancy Pelosi is doing a damned good job
Ex-fire official convicted of brutal attack on neighbor's dog, faces 4 years in prison
Jim Hightower | The Supreme Coup "Legal Perversion"
Sandra Day O'Connor not happy with Supreme Court ruling
What if we taxed net worth instead of our current system?
Bigotry Watch: At least they spelled "Muslims" correctly.
Breitbart is on Shuster right now - Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Toyota pedal maker says making redesigned pedals
Judge Orders 25-Year-Old O'Keefe To Live With His Parents
Prop. 8 witness warns of societal upheaval (This is their star witness?)
What was your drinking game word last night? mine was "jobs"..
GM Improves Forecast For 2010 U.S. Sales; January Sales Will Be Up “Double-Digit” Over Year Ago
Some douche from "The Free Enterprise Nation" is whining that gov't workers are paid too much.
Tennessee Firm Exposed Black Workers to More Radioactive Waste than Whites
Why does anyone care what a half-term spokesmodel thinks of the SOTU?
In my daily wiki readings, I covered the terms "magic negro", "xenocentrism", "multiculturalism"
HEADS UP: Mary Landrieu to make statement on phones momentarily on CNN!
To all my fellow OKie DUers...
Daily Kos: Buy America Stokes Stimulus Packages
Turbines turn into headache for Vinalhaven
So, The New York Times, which has hundreds of obits ready, didn't have one for Howard Zinn?
Man Files $30 Million Negligence Lawsuit After Contracting HIV
Bucky: "I forgot Chris Matthews was talking for an hour"
UC official: Outrage over top execs' bonuses is 'utter nonsense' (they are 'pay incentives)
An Unquiet Nation...America's vanishing quiet spaces
YAY! We're gonna finally get high speed rail here in FLORIDA...
Cloture Vote on the Nomination of Ben Bernanke
Cloture Vote on the Nomination of Ben Bernanke
What is a foreign corporation these days?
'Dogs of war' saving lives in Afghanistan - story with pics
What's the big deal about moving the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed from
That Federal income tax payroll tax reduction that went into effect last year...
JamesOKeefe: Govt official concedes no attempt to wiretap
EXACTLY the role a Supreme Court Justice should not occupy.
Has anyone noticed this about their local election ads?
I am sure you know this by now: NOT ONE single Republican had
Mr Fish Toon: Howard Zinn 1922 – 2010
Screw any Republican who is "disappointed in the tone" of the speech
It Doesn't Matter If The O'Keefe Break-In Was A "Prank."
bwahahaha! Not the Onion but should be on there (corporations run for office):
Howard Zinn and Walter Mosley on American History; 2007
How to take the "devil" out of "Mount Diablo"? Rename it after President Ronald Reagan, of course
translation needed, please. Federalese to English
translation needed, please. Federalese to English
The Best comment of the SOTU: Obama looked straight at SCJ Roberts
“I wont donate to help the Haitian people because they are poor.
He. Called. The. Motherfuckers. Out.
It's so weird to see Republicans aghast at Obama tweaking the Supreme Court...
Six Republicans Vote Against Deficit Bill They Sponsored
No Constitutional Right to Dance in the Jefferson Memorial
I Love The Fact That Franken Is Sitting With The Joint Chiefs
Do you think that Keith O will dare name Tweety one of the "worst people in the world"?
Denny’s To Offer Americans Free Original Grand Slam (Feb. 9th)
History buffs: When was the last time a POTUS called out the SCOTUS to their faces?
History buffs: When was the last time a POTUS called out the SCOTUS to their faces?
US scientists step towards nuclear fusion with laser shot
Bollywood gay film touted as India's Brokeback Mountain
Jack Cafferty is floating the Clinton 2012 rumor on CNN right now.
So. Sandra Day O'Connor is dismayed by the Supremes ruling about Corporate "free speech"
Waxman and GOP Make Bipartisan Request for Info From White House on PhRMA Deal
PHOTO: Not true!!!! Not true!!!!1
Tea Party Fundraising Email Shows Obama As Pimp (TPMMuckraker)
Why can't the solution just be simply: open Medicare to anyone to buy into?
11 Democrats (+Sanders) stood up to Bernanke
Do you think Chris Matthews forgot that Bob McDonnell is white?
is there any way to hide an entire DU forum, as in make it go away...
K & R if you think this SOTU is a great speech
Yes, it's Rasmussen. No, I don't think it can completely be discounted
Army Sgt in uniform attending and applauding a clearly political speech?
Birther Orly Taitz Files Another Suit, Considers Running For Office
Citizens Unite to Form Corporation - United States Citizens Inc.
the most innocent o'keefe explanation
Deputy Reunited With Sea Lion He Saved
A Corporation is not a person. It is not alive.
That's it, I am finally fucking done with CNN
Kudos to President Obama in His Announcement of $8 Billion for High Speed Rail.
My favorite picture from the night
Should James O'Keefe and his cronies be subject to "extraordinary rendition" and "interrogation?"
Senate Roll Call Vote On Confirmation of Ben Bernanke
Crazy Andy Breitbart (The New Orly Taitz) Blows Himself Up On Air. Again.
Is Beck really mentally Ill or is it a act?
Rep. Pelosi Says Budget Freeze Should Include Defense
Rep. Pelosi Says Budget Freeze Should Include Defense
Congressman’s Foundation Has Money for Golf Outings, but Not for Scholarships
How The Dubai Financial Collapse Affects You
Limbaugh says he knows what O'Keefe was doing @ Landrieu's office
Freeper brilliance on Obama chastising the SCOTUS
The People's History: The Late, Great Howard Zinn
Jon Kyl (R-tool) was offended -- offended I say -- by Obama's SOTU speech.
SCOTUS -> SCROTUS -> SCROTUM... Worst. Supreme. Court. Ever!
Teabugger O’Keefe Tweets on Pending Charges Despite Gag Order
Teabugger O’Keefe Tweets on Pending Charges Despite Gag Order
One of the Landrieu spies and his "angry penis"
McCain (Asshole-Az.) Says "Mistake" to Repeal Dont Ask, Dont Tell. THANK YOU President Obama
YouTubes of ALITO mouthing "Not true" - including a close up
Is Alex Bennett really the best Sirius Left 146 can get??
Did you forget like Tweety that the President is/was Black tonight?
Did Obama say he would let the Bush tax cuts die?
Major Garrett Accidentally Tweets Link to Vegas Call-Girl Website to His 13,059 Followers
Breaking: Exxon-Mobile to run for U.S. Senate seat from Delaware.
Taking on the five rightwing SCOTUS justices the way he did was bold and risky
Taking on the five rightwing SCOTUS justices the way he did was bold and risky
Mayor Bloomberg Wants Terror Trial Moved
The Official Response. "I'm against it!"
Nuclear Energy???? Clean Coal??? W. T. F?
A Good, Well-Connected High Speed Rail System Would Give A Huge Boost To Property Values
If they can repeat a lie and make it big, we can repeat the truth and make it big.
Can we dump the word “Homeland?”
My mom's friend retired last year, and is collecting unemployment, "Because she deserves it"
Republicans Use Military as a Stage Prop (Yet Again)... And This Time May Break the Law
My Facebook friend is mad that Obama criticized the Supreme Court
Sec. Clinton at Afghanistan Conference: You have to be willing to engage with your enemies
I Don't Like Obama's "Bipartisan Deficit Commission"....
Give to the Congress Information on the State of the Union
Astronauts test sex in space -- but did the earth move?
Obama has been on fire, last night and again today in Tampa!!
"The lumpy Caucasians of American "conservatism" sat there motionless, freezing"
Nuclear, Clean Coal, Drilling and Tax Cuts. It's called taking their ball and running with it.
Ambinder: Pentagon To Announce Some "Don't Ask" Details Next Week
I'm reading Jeff Sharlet's book "The Family" guess what's on page 27..
"Democracy Privatized!"...education blog talks about turning over public functions to “the market”.
I'm sorry but Alito's behavior in NO WAY comes close to Representative Wilson's.
I'm sorry but Alito's behavior in NO WAY comes close to Representative Wilson's.
Single-Payer Health Care Approved By California Senate
Bob Dylan to Perform at the White House
Noam Chomsky and Naomi Klein Respond to Obama’s First State of the Union
Just saw Sandra Day O'Connor interviewed on CNN
MSNBC: David Shuster 'Inappropriate' In James O'Keefe Comments
'Devout Christian' wants California's Mt. Diablo renamed Mt. Reagan
'Devout Christian' wants California's Mt. Diablo renamed Mt. Reagan
Hillary Clinton Says She Won't Serve Eight Years
Ripoff - Sandoz overcharged Medicaid by 60,000%... $600 for $1 pill
Why Apple Is Sticking With AT&T and other tales...
Several dozen House member websites were hacked last night?
NUKES = FAIL, Mr. President, here's 6 reasons why:
Howard Zinn: Very Little Will Change
Head of DC schools says only 1 of 266 fired teachers accused of sex with children.
Head of DC schools says only 1 of 266 fired teachers accused of sex with children.
the *PUBLIC OPTION* is dead, *ONLY* if we allow it to be... do not give up!
Superfast Bullet Trains Are Finally Coming to the U.S.
'Drug Test Beating' Drink Inventor Arrested
Pat Leahy unloads on Alito, on Senate floor
"If a man gives you freedom, it is not freedom. Freedom is something you, you alone, must take."
Out of the 787 BILLION on the stimulus, only about 175 BILLION has been spent..
Enough talk. All we need to do to send a message to the big banks is to
Here's what a courageous State of the Union Address might sound like:
Let's Roll: Nashville Scene Endorses TN Safe Access to Medical Cannabis Act
A very good article on Judge Alito's shameful display at last night SOTUS
John Edwards Made Sex Tape, Abortion Plea, Aide Says
Man, I love it when science refutes bigotry...
Reagan's Surgeon General C. Everett Koop is scaring old folks in a commercial on CNN
What were you doing at age 25?
Social Security blunder in the State of the Union.
Russian 5th-generation fighter to perform maiden flight Jan 29
Russian 5th-generation fighter to perform maiden flight Jan 29
Elizabeth Edwards makes me tear up.
Great College Football Traditions
Now this is a strange music video...
For a change, how's about Obama GIVING some grass roots support?
I am driving down Route 66 tonight on netflix, need a road trip.
OMG, Im watching the "Heavy Metal" homage episode of South Park. Insane!
When does the President's speech start, GD and GDP is already getting heated.
State of the Union Drinking Game
Just turned it on, and i must say our first lady
I come to the DU Lounge because:
Holy shit - ten minutes into speech, Wall Street Journal already says "much of his speech"
The Secret History of the American Empire by John Perkins...
i'm still amazed when trust fund hipsters ooze "authenticity" when they wear ironic tshirts
did anyone here ever have a knuckle sandwich?
if you look at my sigpic long enough
Cops subdue sword-swinging man
best discusssion i have ever read on du
what are some of your favorite masturbation techniques?
An old man walks into his doctors office...
I'm expecting a check that'll spot me enough cash to pick up an iPod Touch
I'm amazed that so many people care about the new Apple stuff.
A update from last night, I did go to Walgreens and buy the Texas snuggie.
I can't wait to get home so I can have a good cry.
My eyeglass are dirty - brillo pads or emery boards to clean 'em?
How to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you...
Finally After All These Years I have Reached 1000 Post!!! Thanks Loungers
Ok, LOL-Cat Caption my new kitty striking a pose.
Ok, LOL-Cat Caption my new kitty striking a pose.
Would this avatar get me banned from DU or just GD?
Remember "The Evolution Of Dance" YouTube video?
If A Hiring Mgr Wants Someone With Experience, But Not A Job Hopper....
A 3D Exploration of Picasso's Guernica
Using an ice bucket as a toilet in your ex-lover's attic.
WTF is a problem with a security certificate?
A golden oldie for Trek fans: William Shatner playing
Foods that aggravate GERD--check in with your experience, strength, and hope.
Looks like James O'Keefe shares a fanbase with Chuggo!
Now THIS is a motorized wheelchair!
"the internet is made of cats"
I was meeting with a client today, and for about an hour I forgot that my pants were black.
During his reply, did you almost forget that Bob McDonnell was white?
6 New Personality Disorders Caused by the Internet
"My God, man! Where do you work?"
DU jazzers: Here's a photo for you...
A tip for the musically deprived www.pandora.com
Dennis Wilson's "Pacific Ocean Blue" was an unrecognized masterpiece
Obama's as good an orator as Reagan was, with the benefit of objective facts and truth
Guess who was seen going into a motel room with Geddy Lee?
If Mitch McConnell wanted to give you a stickey,
Ferrari Falls Ass-End First Off Truck At Dealership
Match Game Story: "Rubby Rob rubbed linseed oil on the school cormorant with a ___ and an ice bucket
Is there anything more exciting than an estate planning seminar?
Is the road to Heaven paved with bad intentions?
Call me a dinosaur, but I will never voluntarily use one of those touch-screen keyboards
LOL TMZ - Rachel Maddow -- Michael Douglas' Son?
Places NOT to stay while traveling.
Zelda Rubinstein, psychic in Poltergeist franchise, as died.
To all the people who use "FAIL" as a retort, grow up!
Question about the "Prayer for Owen Meenie" movie
My Pickles needs some healing vibes
I just heard J.D. Salinger died.
Chuggo sighting on James O'Keefe Facebook
Milli Vanilli was equal to two Terence Trent D'Arbys.
Any shrinks out there. I'd like to know what causes douchetude.
It's apparently again time for Finnish disco lessons with Åke Blomqvist!
Can someone PLEASE fly me to Waikiki by this Saturday???
Stevie Wonder "Talking Book" - isn't this a 'Best of' album???
'Cause it's my birthday, I'll take a little Highway 61.
Al-Qaeda Claims Responsibility For Devastating Personal Attack On Illinois Man
"Boy, when you're dead, they really fix you up."
I think they had to clean this hotel pool out...
If the Rapture happens, who will take care of your pet?
Not. Enough. Posts. Like. This.
Attn: Boston area DUers: Ozzy booksigning NOW at BU
I like a good __________ early in the morning
Yesterday Howard Zinn, today, JD Salinger...
If Mitch McConnell wanted to give you a hickey,
OK, a Toyota Prius thread. Check in if you have one.
Having a bad day, hoping I don't get fired.
Back in the hospital again lipase level over 1000
Back in the hospital again lipase level over 1000
My 13 year old's letter to the president.
What's a good way to extract the audio track from an FLV file?
Any shrinks out there. I'd like to know what causes assholery.
I work in a building that over looks town lake...
Apparently, Jennifer Love Hewitt has lost her mind
Confess: what did you do instead of watching the SOTU?
You help solicited: best animal / animal rescue/ cute pet video links
I -pad. A name for sanitary napkins, or a solution looking for a problem??
Are you currently a member of an underground sub culture?
I still can't believe they called it an "iPad"...
Nose Piercings. Tell me your story.
Depressed . . . maybe you can give me some advice
The meanest, dumbest, nastiest people from my high school are mostly Republican Christians.
Progressive Disengagement And The Movie "Glory"
U.S., Russia close to nuclear deal: report
PELOSI: We Don't Have The Votes On Healthcare
Why does the White House leak SOTU excerpts before the speech?
So what words, phrases, etc. are we drinking to in the SOTU drinking game tonight?
The President ought to mention Howard Zinn in his speech tonight,
Speier's got her eye on attorney general race
Once again I agree with Jack Cafferty. In November vote all the incumbents out
Is the SOTU address live-streaming online anywhere?
For all of you watching Obama's first SOTU tonight...
Those who don't watch the SOTU should STFU...
Katie Couric: Obama didn't eat his pie
They reported on CBS that the Republican leaders have instructed their members to behave themselves.
Obama: "I will not walk away from these Americans. And neither should the people in this chamber."
So called expansion is right. It's about damn time Wasington
Michelle looks absolutely beautiful tonight. NT
The party of no is sitting on their asses and are not reacting to anything.
Remarks of President Barack Obama at the State of the Union Address – As Prepared for Delivery
As a sometime critic I have to say that I like what I hear reg. college
OMG Obama dropped a little Animal House
Did you hear about tonight's GOP rebuttal? They (and Fox News) are setting up a little Presidency.
Begala: Republicans should have put their hands together
I'd Love to Hear Him Remember Teddy
Addressing the blanket filibuster crap; good.
Yeah Budget Cutting Commissions and More Trade Deals and Tax Cuts and Earmark Reform
The Family will NEVER yield. nt
"Obama plays to disaffected audience but most don’t blame him"
Sources: Boozman Will Challenge Lincoln in Arkansas
Waiting for Obama to toot his own horn? He's tooting it tonight finally!
Are all the republicans texting during the speech?
Are you going to watch our President tonight?
"I DON'T QUIT"! YAY, please don't, President Obama!
Goodbye IRAQ......August is coming not SOON ENOUGH
President Obama declares 'I don't quit' in State of Union
Nancy Pelosi looks like she's been holding in a fart. n/t
Now can I bear to listen to the republican response?
"I forgot he was black tonight for an hour." Tweety cracks me up! nt
The GOP side is almost all white dudes in dark suits. They look like undertakers.
Wait, is the President's SOTU speech supposed to contain complete sentences???
Again Mr Prez........ACTION....
"Democrats, we have the majority, it's not time to run for the hills."!!
Wonderful Speech, lots of clapping and standing ovations, but the
"We do not let fear nor division break our spirit"
Already bored with this douche.
JUst Remember..Gov McDonnell's Party SAYS!!!!
This is for jenmito. Something I gave my word yesterday that I would do.
Republican Response: "ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzz"
Bobby Jindal's "Kenneth the page" impersonation was better than McDonnell doing Jack Donaghy.
Did the Luntz Focus Group Slam Obama yet?
CBS News instant poll on SOTU has good news for the Prez
Look at the fuckin CNN.COM page
Why is there never any mention of uncollected taxes contributing to the deficit?
For those without cable (like me!), how is the post speech babble going?
I was depressed, and wasn't going to watch the SOTU
Any pictures of the First Lady tonight? nt
President Obama: there is no such thing as 'clean coal.'
Republicans should really just turn down the opportunity to respond to Obama
Anybody Got A Picture Of The Stone-Faced "Supreme" Court?
What Did You Like Best About The President's SOTU Speech?
The GOP Response - comment by Wiilam Shakespeare:
The Republican response sounds like it was written by a 5th grader.
What the hell: Excerpt from McDonnell's Republican rebuttal
Now That's My President - That's Who I Voted For - And I'm Proud Of It.......
I am not all that familiar with American politics until Bill Clinton came on
Obama says repeal DADT! GOP sits on their hands. nt
CNN's transcript of Pres Obama's SOTU Address
GOP indicates fight on repealing DADT
Is this the first time the SOTU response was done in front of live audience?
Many studies find that a majority of US military want to repeal DADT (Don't Ask, Don't Tell)
Howard Zinn dies at 87. His passing is very sad for our democracy, country and the world
Mitch McConnell: an "in-your-face" speech aimed at Republicans.
High Court is Rare Topic for State of the Union Speeches
Another one of my fav moments tonite was when Obama said The Repugs will say we should cut taxes for
Matthews "Forgot he was black tonight."
I know this will get locked but Saracat is pissing in her knocked up panties.
Resolved: Chris Matthew is a cock.
Skinner, et al, you folks are in serious trouble, you locked my thread,
Gates clapped enthusiastically at point on repealing DADT
CNN Poll: 71% say Obama's Policies will move country in the Right Direction
Poll: 83% of Speech Watchers Approve of Obama's State of the Union Proposals
"So, I'll issue an executive order..."
Another Great White Hope Gets Knocked Out
Full McDonnell Response -- Two Hours Early
Really His Speech Brought Tears To My Eyes - I Just Wonder How Any Elected Official.....
SOTU: Anything Substantially Change Your Mind About The Future?
Here's a transcript of the Republican response.
Just imagine. If no one obstructed the vision President Obama has,
"The State of the Union: Just the policy"
Coons courted for run against Castle
The Repugs Better Watch Out - I Believe The Media Is Setting Them Up For Failure.....
"I Don't Quit!" That says it all. A damn good speech overall, and now it is time ACT, not
Obama Resonates with Swing Voters, says Democracy Corps dial test
White House Official Photos: State of the Union
And he's a Constitutional law expert?
Obama's Stern Rebuke To The Supreme Court
OMG look at what that job is doing to his hair.
Major Garrett of FauxNews links to porn website instead of excerpts of Obama's speech
Evan Bayh campaign rally music
On Faux News right now: Democratic Congressman (NJ) Bill Pascrell, "I'm sick and tired
Joe Klein, Time: "He stuck the needle time and again into the hides of the recalcitrant elephants"
The right-wing response to Obama's SOTU address...
For all of you not watching Obama's first SOTU tonight...
Obama gave one of the best SOTU speeches ever, and on these two points
"Saying no to everything might be good short term politics, but it's not leadership." BOOYA!!
A Truly Unique Opportunity in the Ohio US Senate & Gubernatorial Elections!!!
Obama’s First State of the Union—Full Remarks
Wow, THAT is the guy I voted for!!!
Rude Pundit: "The State of the Union Is 'What the Fuck Do You Want From Me?'"
Bye bye to the tax cuts for the rich!!
IL-SEN POLL: Giannoulias leads Kirk, 42/34.
This GOP Governor is doing from the right what Obama should have done from the left
Greg Sargent's Plumline: Pelosi: Obama's Health Care Appeal 'Very Powerful' and 'Helpful' to Us
SOTU included all of my advice posts except for the "draft". I'm taking credit for high speed rail,
Early Polls Show Positive SOTU Reaction
"He had us before he said hello"
Big Ed:Obama is to meet with rethugs tomorrow for a meeting
I think Christ Matthews has over done it this time
After watching the SOTU, I've determined that Prez Obama is never gonna give us up...
You just have to say thank God this man is the president
Now if you don't think these CRACK POT tea baggers are racist look at this shit
Halperin "May be I'm just dumb".
Krugman: Pretending to be stupid
That 'liberal' MSNBC is sure showing its liberal brand by showing Pres. Obama's townhall.
How pissed do you think Obama was after leaving the chamber last night?
He Gets It And He's Been Playing Chess All Along......
Here is how you can know that Obama's SOTU hit it out of the park.
Justice Alito's 'You lie' moment? (Politico)
More Americans Reliant on Government Healthcare in 2009
I used to get annoyed by "He needs to speak out more!"
Joe Klein: It was a terrific performance...This was Obama at his best.
NAACP applauds Obama's call for jobs bill
Is it Just Me? Or did Obama Call for More Bi-Partisanship Last Night?
Sometimes.. Words *ARE* Actions
Ezra Klein: The Quotable Pelosi
Did I miss a memo? Why no talk of Don't ask Don't tell this morning?
Obama's spending freeze is a horrible mistake
I know this sounds trite but: Actions speak louder than words
Hey Sarah I want this to be the take away moment you dumb idiot
I'm thinking will the corporate money go to Republicans?
Gilbert Baker: I Am Not Running For House
Ayotte poll shows her leading big in primary
Former Rep. Shays says he wants to be governor
Key Senator - Conrad - Defends Reconciliation
The Presidents scolling of the Supreme Court was a GENIUS idea and hears why
Poll: McCain Job Approval At 15-Year Low In AZ
Even Republicans agree with Obama's Bottom Line .
Here's a thought I've had. I think President Obama is once in a generation,
Statement: Sanders on State of the Union
Does anyone have a good set of picture links to the GOP's SOTU response?
SOTU: Interestingly, Obama never said, "The State of the Union is ___________"
The Plumline: Unions, Liberal Groups Urge Dem Leaders to Think Big in Campaign Finance Fight
Anyone noticed who was missing in action from the Supreme Court
Senate backs Bernanke for second term at Fed
Bernie Sanders says Bernanke has the power to lower credit card rates today. Bernanke, just do it!
"It was a confident performance, more defiant than contrite, more conversational than soaring."
Were any of these shit heads watching the same SOTU speech I saw
Greg Sargent's Plumline: Pelosi Signals Momentum for Passing Senate Bill with Fix
Best burn moments of the SOTU?
E. J. Dionne: State of the Union Math Test
Question for the "Medicare for all" folks...
Pelosi: Obama’s Health Care Appeal “Very Powerful” And “Helpful To Us”
Obama says "let me know" if there's a better idea for healthcare. My privilege, Mr. President!
Obama is speaking NOW at a Town Hall Meeting in Tampa, FL
AFL-CIO head: Obama 'finally gets it'
Greg Sargent's Plumline: Sherrod Brown to hand-wringers: Chill out. The Senate will get it done.
Mr. President, with all due respect, you are kicking ass!
SOTU: 48 million Watched, Highest Since 2003
Senate Republicans Who Used To Support PAYGO Now Vote Against It (passed 60-40)
What is the deal with the request from President Obama
Because you're all just DYING to know what Grandma Palin thought about the SOTU.
Heee. It's like last night didn't end
Digging Into The Insta-Polls: Did The SOTU Bring Independents Back To Obama?
I've never seen a more disgusting childish Republican Party
I Made the mistake of watching ANDREA on MSNBC waiting for the Prez.....
Speaker Pelosi: "There is a Path," Crash the Gate!!!
Obama to Congress: extend same-sex benefits
Laugh of the day: Orrin Hatch: Obama "rude" to court
"10.16 pm. Listen to the silence. It's the silence that greets the truth"
Where was all these pissed off Progressives when Clinton was Governing from the center
Obama’s Speech Resonates with Swing Voters
You can tell Plouffe is IN THE HOUSE
Kucinich to Obama: Be ‘bolder’ or ‘we could lose our country’
Cobert King:The President runs the risk of having a progressive Dem run against him in the Primary
That was the best SOTU speech I've ever heard...but these words here:
ACLU on President Obama's call to repeal DADT: "historic first"
What would be the best way to encourage Roberts to resign from the court?
Did anyone find McDonnell's fake SOTU recreation weird last night?
So What Was Substantially New and Good in the SOTU?
Obama Showed What He's Learned & How He'll Govern
Chris Matthews, you are not a joke anymore. You are a racist.
McCain seen mouthing ‘blame it on Bush’ when Obama outlines the problems he inherited.
For Liberals, Obama Saved the Best for Last
Nancy Pelosi putting on her parachute
Just a reminder.While cartigating lobbyists again, Pres.Obama met with
Just a reminder.While cartigating lobbyists again, Pres.Obama met with
The Democrats' task is not to "placate the Left." It is to sell liberalism to the "middle"
Alito and Obama: These two guys have a history
Why didn't someone yell ''single payer'' or ''public option'' when Obama asked for a better idea?
Photos: The State of the Union (Thread #2)
**** President Obama Remarks on the State of the Union, Live! 9pm Eastern ****
The President's very WEAK rebuke of SCOTUS during the SOTU.
Where Clinton Turned Right, Obama Plowed Ahead
How many people are for nuclear power now, but were against it before?
I totally disagree with the Chris Matthews thread here. This man was in the Peace Corps
Lame propaganda even by Drudge standards: WHAT IS SHE UP TO? HILLARY SKIPS STATE OF UNION
Russia ready to rebuild Afghanistan, with Western money
Ozone Hole Healing Could Cause Further Climate Warming
Obama to call for 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repeal, adviser says
Woman found dead 4 days after falling, said ambulance too expensive
Holocaust Day marked at Nazi death camp Auschwitz
Why Tamper with Landrieu's Phone (not wiretapping)
People's History' author Howard Zinn dies at 87 AP
MSNBC’s Matthews: ‘I Forgot He Was Black’
Afghan Tribe Vows to Fight Taliban, for U.S. Aid
Transparency International to monitor corruption in Russia, U.S.
BART pays $1.5M to provide for Grant's daughter (police shooting case)
International conference on Afghanistan kicks off in London
Russian 5th-generation fighter to perform maiden flight Jan 29
Choose reform or recovery, bankers tell world leaders
(UK) Lord Goldsmith reveals meeting with US chiefs helped change his view on Iraq war
Hillary Clinton says she won't serve eight years
John Edwards Made Sex Tape, Abortion Plea, Aide Says
Congresswoman Donna Edwards on Thom Hartmann NOW
Congresswoman Donna Edwards on Thom Hartmann NOW
Major Garrett Accidentally Tweets Link to Vegas Call-Girl Website to His 13,059 Followers
Toyota adds 1 million vehicles to recall
Web Sites of 43 U.S. House Members Hacked
Two lawmakers drop out of Tea Party Convention
Levitating Magnet Coaxes Nuclear Fusion
K&R if you think Obama gave a good state-of-the-union speech!
US man 'detained' in North Korea
Indian companies unfazed by Obama’s anti-outsourcing call
Federal Home Loan Bank Of Seattle Sues Six Financial Institutions
Fallin says suspect worked in her office
Pentagon To Announce Some "Don't Ask" Details Next Week
Superfast Bullet Trains Are Finally Coming to the U.S.
Veterans Administration Hid Suicide Risk, Internal E-Mails Show
Obama to Party: Don’t ‘Run for the Hills’
Afghan cleric shot dead by Western troops; NATO apologizes
Kucinich to Obama: Be ‘bolder’ or ‘we could lose our country’
Republicans Use Military as a Stage Prop (Yet Again)... And This Time May Break the Law
Senate permits gov't to borrow an additional $1.9T
CIA Agent Takes Back Waterboarding Claims
SEC to require disclosure of climate change risks
Defense Rests In Roeder Murder Trial
Senate confirms Bernanke for second term as Federal Reserve chairman
Obama lashes Republican rivals for sowing division
Senate Democrats press smaller jobs legislation
Defense team wants 'Lady al Qaeda' Aafia Siddiqui barred from taking stand
Germany court summons bishop over Holocaust denial
Attorney says O'Keefe didn't bug Landrieu's phones
Waxman Requests Information on White House Deals
Traffickers targeting Haiti’s children, human organs, PM says
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday January 28
Fed Chairman Bernanke Wins Confirmation for Second Term
Ford posts first annual profit in four years - Carmaker says it made $2.7 billion in 2009
Bachmann Is Latest To Pull Out Of Tea Party Convention
Lincoln’s emissions vote riles activists - Group targets her for defeat
After Obama rips lobbyists, K St. insiders get private briefings
Brown tells AP he'll sometimes side with Democrats
Ex-marine accused of murder running for congress in NC
Ex-marine accused of murder running for congress in NC
Time to end tax breaks to firms that outsource jobs: Obama
Obama Hammers Supreme Court in Speech
Iran executes two people over post-election unrest
'Catcher in the Rye' author J.D. Salinger dies
MMR Row Doctor 'Failed In His Duties'
Calif. bill requires witnesses to report crimes
Pelosi: Freeze Pentagon budget, too
Judge Orders 25-Year-Old O'Keefe To Live With His Parents
I shot US abortion doctor to protect children, Scott Roeder tells court
Lawyer: Phone scheme meant to embarrass senator
Sen. Leahy: Court's decision most partisan since Bush v. Gore
I know this is gonna sound like a cliche to you, but you really can't judge a book by its cover.
Sen. Russ Feingold: Samuel Alito behavior 'inappropriate'
Colombia protest over Venezuela 'airspace violation'
Top Republican welcomes Obama's comments on Colombia trade
'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' hearing Tues.
Teabaggers Left Dangling, Bachmann Cancels Tea Party Appearance
GOP predictions for Obama's 1st SOTU
Howard Zinn: You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train
Howard Zinn: On The Stupidity Of War
SOTU: President Obama Calls For Repeal Of DADT This Year
McCain response to Obama: 'Blame it on Bush'
SOTU: No Republicans Stand For Small Business Tax Cut
Rep Edwards Says Amend the Constitution
Casino Jack and the United States of Money: A Look at Corporate Money and Politics 1 of 3
Republicans Sit on Hands as POTUS Calls for Banks to Pay Back Bailout Funds
Eric Cantor Speaks Out Of His Ass On CNN
PBSNewsHour: High Court Ruling Reshapes Campaign Spending Landscape
Countdown - James Galbraith discusses the econ specifics of Obama's first SOTU
Justice Grimaces As Obama Criticizes Court
President Obama's 2010 State Of The Union Address (Full Speech & Transcript)
Democracy Now interviews Michael Moore at the Sundance Film Festival 1 of 5
Chris Matthews Backpedaling Non-Apology 'I'm VERY Proud I Did It'
Max Keiser - Geithner and Obama's Lies are Collusion
Giuliani Vs. Obama: The SOTU Terrorism Speech That Wasn't?
Party of No won't even applaud tax cuts
Murray Hill on Russian TV.....
Blast from the Past: Frank Zappa Testifies at 1985 PMRC Hearing
Obama Could Use Some Steve Jobs Mojo
Nancy Skinner Defends Obama's plan for Wall Street
Nancy Skinner on FBN 1-21-2010
Part 1 of 2: Chomsky discusses Latin America, the Supreme Court, Obama and more. 1.26.10
Superbowl Gay Theme Ad Rejected - Godaddy Out but Pro-Life Ad In
Palin's Take on Obama's Address - Concerned about government "mandation" of health care
Rachel Maddow: Sherrod Brown can't believe the GOP would continue to block the Senate
Evangelist explains 23 Minutes in Hell to Thom Hartmann
Democracy Now: Bush Was Responsible for Destroying Haitian Democracy 1 of 2
A 3D Exploration of Picasso's Guernica
GOP Rep. King defends ACORN videographer James O'Keefe
Chris Matthews reaction to Obama SOTU: I forgot he was black
Andrew Breitbart vs. David Shuster
SOTU: Alito Shakes Head & Mouths "Not True" When Obama Criticizes Campaign Finance Decision
Judd Gregg's Hissy Fit On MSNBC
Rachel Maddow: Political unity continues to elude Obama
Young Turks: Cenk Debates Tea Party Author John O'Hara
President Obama's State of the Union Speech: What to expect
“Casino Jack and the United States of Money”–A Look at Corporate Money and Politics
Thirteen peace activists arrested at die-in outside the White House
Sanders Speech Before Bernanke Confirmation Vote
Obama Tries the 'Jobs' Tack: Unveils His 'iMad'
Rep. John Kline (R-MN aka "Colonel Klink") reveals he is badly out of touch
White House to Dole Out $8 Billion in Rail Grants.
SOTU: Sierra Club Joins Obama's Call to Rescue, Restore, Rebuild w/
What lies in store for Antarctica, the world's last repository?
AlterNet: James Bond Wannabe Part of Right-Wing Plot to Bug Senator's Phones
Obama Emphasizes Bipartisanship: Dems And GOP Unite In Displeasure
HOWARD ZINN – 1922 to 2010 January 28, 2010 (Michael Greenwell)
Rep. Marcy Kaptur: A Lot Of People Think The Head Of The NY Fed Works For The Gov When In Fact..
Gene Lyons and our free speech
Protecting the Middle Class from Financial Predators
Judge Alito's Conduct And The Court's Credibility
TYT State Of The Union Reaction
Foreign Policy Absent From Obama's SOTU Speech
Spending Freeze Must Include Defense
Local union official says Obama should keep campaign pledge to fix NAFTA
Why Tamper with Landrieu's Phone (not wiretapping)
Taxing the Rich Wins in Oregon
Iraq inquiry repeats Blair's mistake (an invasion would be welcomed; neocon arrogance)
Foreign Corporations Begin Lobbying To Influence American Elections
Indian companies unfazed by Obama’s anti-outsourcing call
94% of Oprah's Audience Side with Conan
ESPN Scribe to Haiti: Drop Dead
Limbaugh -- I Don't Even Want To Be Alive Anymore
I Got your REAL State of the Union right here
First lady talks about watching daughters' weight after getting a BMI warning
Tending ‘the Grow’: Marijuana at a crossroads
Howard Zinn's last advice to America: A Broad Coalition for Independence From the Corporations & the
Deadspin: Fox Sports' Charissa Thompson weighs in on the SOTU
Kucinich to Obama: Be ‘bolder’ or ‘we could lose our country’
Thom Hartmann interviews a corporation now running for Congress
AlterNet: Air America Radio, RIP -- It Didn't Have to Be This Way
President Obama, Vice President Biden to Announce $8 Billion for High-Speed Rail Projects
Former Malaysian leader: Jews cause world’s problems
Muslims in the UK: beyond the hype
Hans Blix: 'We do need new reactors in Sweden...I am absolutely convinced of that.'
US DOE NREL plans up to 30% wind for Eastern US:
Brother, can you spare some time? New Haven's time bank turns 1
Far Northern Forests Genetically Unable To Benefit Much From Warming Planet, Study Shows - AFP
China's State Oceanic Admin - Sea Level Rise 2.8 mm/Yr Average Since 1979 - Up 8mm In 2009 Alone
Nile Delta Sea Levels Up 6 Inches In Past Century - Saltwater Intrusion Already Damaging Farmland
Australia Sets Goal Of 5% GHG Cut By 2020 In Absence Of Action By US, China, Others - SMH
Shale Gas Drilling Booms In Pennsylvania, Along With Dozens Of Toxic Spills, Water Contamination
In Australia, New Record High Temps Outnumbered Lows For Past 50 Years - Now 2 Or 3-To-1 Ratio
Times Of London - "There Is Little In Emails To Support Claims Dr. Jones Manipulated Data"
Spruce Beetles Killed 70,000 Acres In Colorado Last Year; Pine Beetles 524,000 Acres
Hemorrhagic Septicemia Discovered For 1st Time In Lake Superior - Hitting Walleye, Pike, Other Fish
Interesting Series Of Himalayan Before & After Glacier Photo Pairs From The Asia Society
New England Biodiversity. Total to date=43,598 species
Gov. Douglas (Republican) smacks Entergy (nuclear power company) for lying under oath
Palin, Rove, Trippi & Beckel React to SOTU - Palin is still unable to speak proper English!
NASA's Prophet Will Give You Nightmares
Clubbing Raccoons, Possums; Running Down Deer With Cars - "Thrill Kill Poaching" Latest Trend
Jones Calls Championships ‘Number One Focus’
Vanderbilt THUMPS Tennessee in the battle of Tennessee.
Man Storms Court to Shake Martin Cilic's Hand
Questions About Gambling on the Superbowl in Vegas
Nation Growing Increasingly Distrustful Of NFL Experts
Lane Kiffin Leaves USC For Dream Job At GameStop
CBS Considering Airing Gay Dating Site Ad During Super Bowl
Danica Patrick to run at least a 12-race NASCAR schedule in 2010
Yankees sign Randy Winn; Johnny Damon apparently out
For Post 1000 -- Phillies will win the World Series in 2010. nt
Hamas clears itself of UN war crimes charges
Harvard Law student detained, deported by Israel
HRW claim Hamas 'did target civilians in Gaza war'
¿Cambio? The Obama Administration in Latin America: A Disappointing Year in Perspective
Central America's Rule of Law: Guatemala Captures Portillo But Honduras Rewards Micheletti
3 Colombian rebels die in clash on Panama border
Venezuelan military helicopter violates Colombian airspace (Spanish)
US to strengthen commercial relations with Colombia: Obama
Amnesty International issues human rights plan for Honduras
Brazil's Lula released from hospital, Davos trip off
Honduran Coup d'Etat a "Win" for the US?
CHILE: Water a Matter of National Security
Ecuador's President Correa Faces Off With Indigenous and Social Movements
Bolivia's ex-prez faces charges in deadly crash
Costa Rica: Blatant Interference by Government into Trade Union Affairs
Holocaust remembrance is a boon for Israeli propaganda -Gideon Levy
Tribune Union Opposes $46 Million in Manager Bonuses
Union Plus Will Match Your Haiti Relief Donation
Author Mark Gilbert Says Obama Needs To Address Banks “Too Big To Fail”
Group faults police labor proposal
Today in Labor History Jan 28 First U.S. unemployment compensation law enacted, in Wisconsin
West Side Resident Shoots Would-Be Robber
Criminal Has Really Bad Day, Ends Day Getting Killed.
A DGU That Wasn't Reported To Police.
Burglary Suspect Shot by Homeowner in Spartanburg County
A socialist perspective on gun-control...
Tory councillor accused of bad taste over gay joke
Ambinder: "Pentagon To Announce Some "Don't Ask" Details Next Week"
Do you make the difference between MSM and Gay?
Republican SOTU Response: A Pictorial
Monarch Butterflies Reveal a Novel Way in Which Animals Sense Earth's Magnetic Field
Challenger - sad anniversary today (1/28)
Levitating Magnet Coaxes Nuclear Fusion
The Moon may have formed in a nuclear explosion
Well...? what's the VIBE on the SOTU, folks...?
Does anyone here have any experience with, or know
Darling to hold secret talks with bankers in Davos
Executive pay should be capped at 20 times average, says union leader
Roubini warns of asset bubbles
Dems can INCREASE debt limit but NOT manage to pass spending freeze.
Senate passes massive increase in the debt limit .
I guess the banks really are broke
In thinking about the disastrous mess that the financial investment industry has
Jon Stewart To Elizabeth Warren: Let's Make Out
Important Grilling of AIG situation non-informant Tim Geithner on C Span
The quiet revolution - psssssst.... MOVE YOUR MONEY!....pass it on.
Antidepressants may affect lactation
Of those you know who have had back fusions
FSC Cigarettes I thought I was dying
Doc who claimed autism/vaccination link "acted unethically", panel finds
Fairtest's response to the SOTU:
Teachers' union fights Fallon school newspaper article that criticizes teacher
'Devout Christian' wants California's Mt. Diablo renamed Mt. Reagan
Atheist Group Blasts Postal Service for Mother Teresa Stamp
Need some help with chocolate truffles.