Democratic Underground

Archives: January 5, 2010

blah blah test

Rapist's unhappy that he has to share cell with Christian

Avatar and conservative christians - my friend will be on Ron Reagan's show tonight at 7:35pm

Regarding Ms Appollo...

Regarding Ms Appollo...

Regarding Ms Appollo...

US Push Feeds Yemen's Gun Culture

New study: Sound levees pay for themselves

Shirtless Tiger

Josh Wilson, Newark Passengers Sing "Hey Jude" While Stuck in Airport (VIDEO)

As Dog Racing Drops, Greyhound Adoption Need Rises

But Bush/But Repubs...

U.S. to Yemen: The United States considers national sovereignty inviolable

Demint vs Southers

Levee statistics point up their importance to nation's economy

Grayson To Cheney: Who Wrote Your Book's Intro -- Mephistopheles?

Al-Qaeda in 'Sahara Emirate'

Conservative talker Melanie Morgan ailing, resigns from radio show

I'm about to start the biggest DU fight ever!

Japan Capsule Hotel Room, 6.5 ft. long X 5 ft. wide, $640 a month = a "relatively affordable option"

CIA Blast Blamed on Double Agent (Dr. Hammam Khalil Abu Mallal al-Balawi from Jordan)

CIA Blast Blamed on Double Agent (Dr. Hammam Khalil Abu Mallal al-Balawi from Jordan)

U.S. Manufacturing Grows at Fastest Pace Since 2006 Amid Worldwide Rebound

Limbaugh endorses socialized medicine

Heh - KO just called Cheney a "traitor"

"people, for the most part, aren't born depressed" I can't say enough what that means

Wolffe on Madow about bomber 'conspiracy'

Finally, an Excuse for Pregnant Women to Eat Bacon and Eggs

New tactic promoted by the right wingnuts: NULLIFICATION

New tactic promoted by the right wingnuts: NULLIFICATION

Jon Walker: How To Build The Best Health Reform Bill In Conference

We CAN AFFORD healthcare for all.....But we CAN NOT afford phony "reform"!!!

U.S., China locked in trade disputes

VIDEO & TRANSCRIPT: Olbermann - Cheney By His Own Terms A "Traitor To The United States Of America"

I think if you are going to stop supporting the Democrats, it's up to you to become an hero.

I think if you are going to stop supporting the Democrats, it's up to you to become an hero.

Taxing High-Cost Health Plans: Voodoo Economics for the Punditocracy?

Taxing High-Cost Health Plans: Voodoo Economics for the Punditocracy?

I think if you are going to stop supporting the Democrats, it's up to you to become an hero.

Westboro Baptist Church Protesting in Concord NH

‘N-Word’ Sign Dogs Would-Be Tea Party Leader

KO just said that perhaps the info on underwear bomber

3rd state dinner crasher identified as Carlos Allen, a party promoter who likes famous people

3rd state dinner crasher identified as Carlos Allen, a party promoter who likes famous people

3rd state dinner crasher identified as Carlos Allen, a party promoter who likes famous people

3rd state dinner crasher identified as Carlos Allen, a party promoter who likes famous people

Please read this if you think we should unite with the teabaggers

Politico: right, center, or Left?

Politico: right, center, or Left?

Politico: right, center, or Left?

Politico: right, center, or Left?

Politico: right, center, or Left?


Sat 1/16 at 1pm in South Minneapolis: FORECLOSE THE WAR, NOT PEOPLE’S HOMES!

Which Du'er would you most like to see tombstoned?

Come on FARGO! You can do it. A few more feet. Not too much. You can DO it!

If most politicians are out of touch elitists, and they get corrupted as soon as they get to DC ....

If most politicians are out of touch elitists, and they get corrupted as soon as they get to DC ....

oil 200 operation

Army Times-Surge in Casualties Predicted in Afghanistan: "Hundreds of U.S. casualties each month"

Mandatory Monday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! Mike's back!

A question on culture

“Tracey Ullman’s State of the Union” to Feature Maddow Impression By Ullman

As Afghan War Escalates, Military Expert Predicts 300-500 U.S. Troop Casualties Per Month

Conservative talker Melanie Morgan ailing, resigns from radio show

Conservative talker Melanie Morgan ailing, resigns from radio show

Attention San Diego County DUers

GDP Is Misleading Measure of Wealth, Says Top Economist

San Jose Mercury News editorial: 'Uganda anti-gay legislation should be condemned'

Health Care Reform: Socialist style

Keith Olberman calls Cheney a traitor to this country

Total Recall

Les Echos, France: A New Century Dawns for the Automobile Industry

NBC anchor Brian Williams mocks, belittles bloggers

Need video from Iraq, Afghanistan & East Africa for grant application/video project on refugees

AlterNet: Right-Wing Think Tank: Stupid, Drunk Brits Should Foot Their Own Medical Bills

the Illinois Primary Elections for 2010 are less than a month away.

"The Socialist Party and the Working Class" by Eugene Debs

Can we get something straight? The 9/11 terrorists did NOT come from Canada

Letter by 120 clergy from 19 faiths calls for marriage equality in New Jersey

Seriously, If you're going to be a racist

Whoa. KO guest just called Brit Hume a faggot.

I must be a "liberal" because...

Oklahoma: Homo-hating Sally Kern now turns to heterosexuals and divorce

Malawi gay couple 'beaten in prison'

Anyone see Eliot Spitzer on the Ed Show?

Gay son prevented from donating blood to dying mother

Jon Stewart is back.

Where does this weather forecast come from?

GOP Hanging Their Hopes on Teapartiers, Equates To MoveOn

Caught on Tape: Man Leads Cops on High-Speed Chase... While

Noam Chomsky documentary "Manufacturing Consent" now on Hulu (link)

Plane Terror Proves: Republicans Fail On "National Security", Hate The Middle Class

Class Act: Newark NJ Mayor Cory Booker responds to senior citizen's Tweet, shovels driveway

Sunday Funnies Postage Stamps Coming in 2010 for Calvin & Hobbes et al.

Just Ask Him!

Alan Grayson: Who Wrote The Introduction To Cheney's Book -- Mephistopheles?


The Iceland referendum - that's how democracy works

Haha! JoeyS just changed the subject to Tiger....

Hell Freezes Over: Rush Limbaugh Loves Union Hospitals and Socialized Medicine (SEIU)

Republican behavior on HCR is more blood on their hands.

CIA Afghan base bomber was triple agent

Fred Phelps: "God Hates Gaga"

If the underpants bomber was indeed an intentional slip-up in security...

How Obama Can Create Jobs and Decrease Unemployment

Amish prove clean living pays off

Is Domestic Violence ever acceptable? Swing it again, Elin!

Politicians, especially Republicans, should be grateful that food stamps exist

Well it appears ABC has completely dropped the mask of NOT being neocon propagandists.

Tweety is accusing Politico of acting like Cheney's stenographer

'Orchard of Fighters' Grows out of Poverty and Mistrust in Yemen

Tea Party or S-H-I-T For Brains Party?

Tea Party or S-H-I-T For Brains Party?

Are Flight 253 passenger Kurt Haskell's & Richard Wolffe's (on KO) comments related?

New scanners break child porn laws (in England)

Patent Office Loses $100 Million in Last-Minute Congressional Budget Change

100 metric tons of diesel spill into rivers from CNPC pipeline

100 metric tons of diesel spill into rivers from CNPC pipeline

The decisive step in the destruction of America as we knew it was opposed by only one US politician

Bankruptcies Up 32% in 2009

How long has it been since you donated to the DNC

Who can resist Alan Grayson's natural smile? He's commenting on Cheney's upcoming book

There is no fitting insult for this thing of a person. Seriously there is not.

"I'm just an idiotic left-wing blogger, so what do I know."

Is It Racist To Hate Obama? ROFL video from RedState

Rasmussen phone poll: Mass.-Senate. PARODY.

K&R if you plan to give money to Democrats!

Lithuania shuts Soviet-era nuclear plant

R.I.P. 44,789 Americans last year

Outsource ALL CEO's and corporate "board" members.

I've had my head in the sand..... Tell me

Fox doesn't just screw up their news graphics:

So this guy got really drunk and put marbles in his scrotum.

Why doesn't Saudi Arabia police the middle east?

How are the unemployed doing with their heating bills?

How are the unemployed doing with their heating bills?

The Next Quagmire

Rush Holt (D-N.J.) Blasts Cheney on Terrorism

Where is Dylan Ratigan?

If they have to do nationatlity profiling,leave Cuba out of it.

Plane Terror Proves: Republicans Fail On "National Security", Hate The Middle Class

Joan Rivers grounded in Costa Rica

an update on the Dark Ages

Is Obama afraid of BushCheney and their moles?

What is gramps doing in Iraq

What is the official case name for the corporate campaign finance case

GOP National Congressional Campaign Committee to Steele: Sit Down and Shut Up

Are We Scared Enough Yet?-2001 Redux? Anthrax Scares Follow Terror Plot

Rush Limbaugh Loves Socialized Medicine

Michael Steele PREDICTS The GOP WILL NOT Take Over The House Of Rep. In 2010

The Rude Pundit: It Shouldn't Surprise Us that Some Ex-Gitmo Detainees Want to Fuck Us Up

David Brooks, NYT - it's class warfare, but pitted in terms of education versus ignorance

NYT's C.I.A. Is Sharing Data With Climate Scientists

NATO Official Blasts U.S. Spy Work In Afghanistan

NATO Official Blasts U.S. Spy Work In Afghanistan

Iran Bars Contacts With 60 Organizations

Terror. Terror. Terror.

Lindsey Graham Censured Again

There's a guy in a bar staring at his drink when ....

Pot's surprising supporters - "Soccer moms" would back legalization over safety concerns (Calif)

Man jumps over guard rail after fender bender and falls to his death

Man jumps over guard rail after fender bender and falls to his death

Third party crasher at WH denies being there.

Cheney's Rogue's

Who should I contact about an advert on DU?

Is Cheney a traitor?

How Reaganism/Corporatism Became Enshrined As Our Core Federal Economic Policy

Cillizza: Is the Massachusetts Senate race getting closer?

Oops. Dupe

Here's A Nugget From The Streambed...

Michele Bachmann, who never misses an opportunity to mug for a camera

They kicked me Out!! Just because I'm a leftist!!

Yet another reason to use public transit in Chicago......

Yet another reason to use public transit in Chicago......

Americans’ job satisfaction falls to record low.

This needs to stop running the policies of the United States.

Data mining your college records? (States Embrace Student-Data Tracking, With Prodding From W House)

Data mining your college records? (States Embrace Student-Data Tracking, With Prodding From W House)

Gov. Paterson has 200 troopers in his "security detail"?!?!?!

The most ridiculous corporate sponsorship yet!

How do we get young people to come out and vote in 2010?

Bomb squad called to Greenville, SC airport.

"It's not too late to take back America"

Forget the Big Killer Drone Aircrafts now they have a micro version too

Forget the Big Killer Drone Aircrafts now they have a micro version too

I have decided there are really only two kinds of Republicans, The Rich and the Stupid.

Mr Gibbs, you told Helen Thomas that you'd deal

Response if someone said this to you?

NASA telescope detects 5 sizzling exoplanets

The decline of the left...

It's fun to watch right-wingers self-destruct.


Why Torture The Undie Bomber & Not The Shoe Bomber?

This Mayor Can Really Shovel It

Chertoff Exploits Detroit Plane Bomb to Stir up Business for Client

Just got a call from the DSCC . . .

Ron Paul fires at Cheney

Is it safe to say that 85% of America's vast wealth is no longer in circulation?

ESPN to Unveil 3-D Television Network in 2010

Battle to save tigers intensifies with only 3,200 left on Earth

Silicon Valley's Worst Office Glut in 5 Years Means Real-Estate Bloodbath

"Obama Commits to Declassification, Begins Shift in Classification Programs" (The National Security

3fer: Teabag spells N-word. HUME/O'Loofah Xtianity. & Lou DOBBS makes a threat.

The Idiocy of Profiling

Tell House progressives: Keep fighting for real health care reform. (Credo Action petition)

Why The Political Deck In Arizona Might Be Stacked Against John McCain

05JAN2010: health care reform: start again with a "what's good for the goose" approach...

OK, This Is the Pinnacle of Corporate Crony-Socialism for Wall Street

So.. Chuck Todd & Savannah Guthrie will be cohosting

Pelosi to speak on health care in a few moments-CSPAN....

BREAKING MSNBC: Royal Air cargo plane crashed

GOP chief: Republicans 'screwed up' after Reagan

Hannity "loves" it when Republicans admit mistakes, "because that's the first step to getting well"

Pending home sales plunge 16 percent in Nov., far more than expected

Failin Quiters little money laundering gig...

NJ Senate to vote Thursday on Marraige Equality

Run Rahm, Run!

Mr. Hume, this is what forgiveness is

NYT: Study Says Women With Mate Get Heavier

NYT: Study Says Women With Mate Get Heavier

Bachmann Challenger Nabs EMILY's List Endorsement

Petition against tax on so-called "Cadillac Plans," etc:

Homeowners Forced To Buy Flood Insurance After FEMA Redraws Maps

Underwear bomber acted alone.

IRS to regulate tax firms

Anybody wonder who's really behind all these

Pelosi speaking, she is saying:

DeLauro: Full Speed Ahead To Health Care Reform

A Perfect Example Of Not Knowing When To STFU

Good job, George, you fucking speck of a human being.

The next step is NOT strip searches...

H1N1 vaccine is now widely available, and anyone can get it.

Why is M$Greedia whipping up this Fear fear fear hysteria

Former Campbell Co. (Tn) deputy arrested on 16 sex charges

Obama was wrong?

Poll: Should America attack Yemen & give up civil rights in answer to a guy who roasted his weenie

Grist: Lessons on the food system from the ammonia-hamburger fiasco

Obama is the DEVIL.

TSA Takes Boy's Play-Doh Before Flight

Americans United Warns Louisiana Education Board Not To Adopt Review Policy That Favors Creationism

My Small Claims court experience (Health Care Fees)

Lotsa talk about it, but do you really think it could happen? Do you REALLY think .......

Man attempting 1M free throws for veterans

TSA: Hazardous Material Shuts Bakersfield Airport (Calif)

CIA reportedly "went dark" and ordered Blackwater to murder 9/11 suspect

Texan ultrarightists move to put mark on national textbooks, now that CA is too broke to buy them

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers develop explosives detector

DON'T GIVE UP ON HEALTHCARE REFORM! - Petition for the Public Option. Sign NOW.

Greenwald congratulates White House for standing up to political pressure

Buzz Grows for Petraeus for President in 2012

City Selects Company for New Voting Machines

NYC Auction Features Skull-Turned-Ballot Box From Yale's Mysterious Skull & Bones Society

Steele: GOP ’screwed up’ after Reagan, won’t win in 2010

Obama, Bush's Responses to the last two attempted bombings.

Thanks, Mike


Letter to President Obama Re: The "Lesser of two evils"

New Jersey nuke plant has an event - cause: ice

Factory Orders in U.S. Increase More Than Forecast

After the Underwear Bomber, Republicans Have Shown Their True Color: Weakness

Sally Quinn is on MSNBC and she's upset about breaches of national security,

REPORT: Challenges To Constitutionality Of Health Reform Funded By Health Industry

RON PAUL: " CHENEY Has Caused a Lot Of TROUBLE For The U.S., So Its Best He NOT Be So Critical "

Post 9/11 Terrorism Bush Failed To Protect Us Against

File-sharing student fights fine

The Clintonites were wrong -The "new economy" was an illusion.

Crazy Michelle Bachmann posits perfect Republican Stategy

My country has gone insane.

So I was listening to a RW radio babbler, he said that Obama wasn't doing what the people want...

NYC's Heroin How-To Handbook Not A Hit

NYC's Heroin How-To Handbook Not A Hit

Why I hate retail sales--a lesson for all buyers.

Why I hate retail sales--a lesson for all buyers.

Hopping mad because the NRA is bugging me when I'm sick!

I like this guy!

This is not like the Bush years, at least: Obama Says Government Knew of 'Other Red Flags'

This is not like the Bush years, at least: Obama Says Government Knew of 'Other Red Flags'

Will Rahm Emanuel run for the office of Mayor of Chicago?

CIA reportedly ordered Blackwater to murder 9/11 suspect

Obama about to speak after security meeting

On Ed: Sen Dorgan not running for reelection to senate

Honey= suspicious material at airport

REPORT: Challenges To Constitutionality Of Health Reform Funded By Health Industry Money

Latino theater director quits the limelight to help poor people grow food at home

I want a new Party...

"Republican officials have to realize Michael Steele is a hopeless embarrassment..."

Michelle Bachman-Learning to Love the Census

Perhaps a nice reminder: Spencer Tracy, 1967, with wisdom for now.

I like the fact that "teabaggers" has become part of the common language

Labor’s Agenda Set to Move to the Front Burner

Memo to Fox & Friends: No "heads roll{ed}" after Bush-era terrorist attacks

T-mobile now offers "Equipment Financing"

I have to say, I don't think I have ever heard so much blaming of a non-person in my life.

OMFG - soft drink bottles full of honey

Dem front-runner for MI governor expected to drop out

Governator's Mandatory Fuloughs Shot Down by Courts

Tweety STFU

Identity Politics v. Class Politics

(MSNBC TV) Shit. Wide-open election in North Dakota. Dorgan to not seek re-election.

Why It's Bad News That the Health Care Conference Committee Will Be Held In Secret

Sweatshirt Sparks School Controversy

Shock Doctrine in Virginia: $2.3 billion in budget cuts target education, state workers

Greenwald - Civilian trials and the so-called "rule of law"

Fat people kicked off dating website

Let's put the Presidents committment to the working class to the test..

H1N1 vaccine is now widely available, and anyone can get it.

Dutch Christian schools start teaching respect and empathy for gays

Internet Trolls are harmless malcontents, right?

Internet Trolls are harmless malcontents, right?

T...T...Terror !!!! Another airport evacuation in paranoid nation !!!!

Nebraska Wins Big in Health Care Bill; California, New York, Florida Lose (and So Do Unions)

Yet Another Reason to Boycott Whole Foods

Urgent: Sign the letter telling Judge Vaughn Walker to televise the Prop 8 trial

This Modern World: Underpants of mass destruction -By Tom Tomorrow

US House Leaders Back Off Public Health Insurance Option

Idaho man who set co-worker ablaze gets probation

Kenosha woman found chained in filth; relatives charged

'Avatar': Why do conservatives hate the most popular movie in years?

We'll have flying cars in five years...

Once again Hartmann nailed it today in one of his show's segments -

White House is investigating whether intel was intentionally withheld re: Flight 253 bomber

1982 Oscar Winning Short Film: " If You LOVE This Planet "

must see video

Stop using "Win" and "Fail" as complete sentences

Air America: Tea Partiers Bring Guns To Their Own Meetings Now (VIDEO)

I’m a Democrat because…

Explosives planted on man to test airport security

Reposting an old journal coumn I wrote in honor of my Grandmother who passed today.

"...remove the oligarchy from the gene pool..."

Best Buy Optimization Is A Big Stupid Annoying Waste Of Money - The Consumerist

Struggle of 100 years ago offers a lesson for today

Attorneys General Challenging Constitutionality Of Health Reform Awash In Cash From Health Industry

Arizona's Charter Schools are considered "public". . BUT

State Board Accuses Octuplet Doctor of Negligence

Should multi-level marketing be outlawed?

Why Are We So Blind to the True Horrors of War?

Youtube's Censoring My Videos

help help I am getting emails from the local TV station meteoroligist asking me why I dont support

Hersh: Cheney ‘Left A Stay Behind’ In Obama’s Government,

Avatar: The (Conservative) Critics Rave

What is Dick Cheney really doing?

Cheney is attacking Obama in an attempt to save his own ass.

C-SPAN CEO Asks Democrats To Televise Healthcare Negotiations

How Terahertz Waves (Body Scan Imaging Tech, eg) Tear Apart DNA

Woman has horrible growth excreting from her face (Warning:Very graphic)

Is Obama's Problem That He Just Doesn't Want to Deal with Conflict?

The Washington Post isn't fit to line a birdcage

How Bad Will it Get Before they Decide Helping the Homeowners is a Good Idea?

Brit Hume's comment regarding Tiger, very enlightening

Why don't we use dogs to check for explosives in airports?

This was placed in Jim Demint's Wikipedia entry

ripped off?

Stalwart of Sarpy Dems dies at 80

OH SNAP! Pelosi On Obama: 'There Were A Number Of Things He Was For On The Campaign Trail'

Extended cold snap could kill invasive iguanas

TOON: This Modern World on the Underpants Bomber

Columbia Journalism Review: Report Card - Obama Administration On Transparency

Are DUers watching KO

Department of Homeland Security budget is almost $60B. I'm sorry, our lives are not worth that.

Killing Organizers in Honduras

Alabama's Economy is Imploding Under Bob Riley

Change- Hell Yes - Change

I need to tell you all something

BREAKING.... There's a suspicious package at the airport!

Janet Jenkins Seeks Public Help To Locate Missing Child ("ex-gay" partner abducted child)

Byron Dorgan Retiring (With Initial Analysis) - FDL

Has Toles been reading DU?

Rahm Emanuel Reportedly Considering Run For Chicago Mayor

If marijuana is fully legalized, a new industry will be born.

Airport security is a scam. The TSA are the lead actors in this kabuki theatre.

For all our hand wringing, I think we are witnessing the destruction of the Republican Party.

Mary Daly, radical feminist theologian, dead at 81

Corporate quotes

Sorry, but I'm going to defend the GOP on something

"It felt cool to kill...."

The heartache of bipolar disorder - An HBO documentary airing tomorrow

Woman Stabbed In Early New Years Day Anti-Gay Attack

A Family Tree Uprooted by a 60-Year-Old Secret

Need advice on injecting heroin? NYC can help!

Mother Of Nine Says She Was Sterilized Against Her Will

Severe Unemployment Worsens In Cities


Bob Barker Donates $5,000,000 to Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

Obama Losing Dems Support Over Health Care Reform? Don't Believe It!

Pelosi just flushed public option.

DU this NPR Poll - Was Brit Hume Right To Say What He Did?

I know, know. Susan Boyle is so overdone. But in 2009, that was a very nice moment.

Pensioners burn books for warmth

New FL GOP (Tea Party) Head...

Andrew Breitbart gets humiliated by the White House

Anyone else think Rush Limbaugh's "chest pain" story has a balloon boy flavor?

Ed Schultz just called for the NBA to tell players that they cannot own guns.

Lady Gaga pours drink over man who accuses her of being a hermaphrodite

Stat Geek: The countries with the richest and poorest rich people (and the richest poor people)

They Sure Knew How To Say It Back Then, Didn't They ???

05JAN2010: I challenge EVERY AMERICAN to cancel their health insurance TODAY!

"Lifelong Republican, voted McCain, now i'm inspired by Obama"

A warning to Bank of America credit card holders.

"What's yer Goddam problem, Jackpine?"

Europe is freezing; so are China, Japan et al

Does anyone here use "live feed" or "live bookmarks" in firefox...

The Democrats' Authoritarian Health "Reform" Bill: "represents an historic defeat for liberalism"

They Won! Repost - They're Winning - Private insurance companies push for 'individual mandate'

All Together Now: Shut Up You Lefties About The Senate Health Care Bill!

Battle Continues Over Catholic Takeover of Hospitals in Denver

Welcome to Orwell’s world

People arent getting it, so I will make it the subject. We need a pot test, BEFORE we legalize.

A New Political Axis

FEDS: Kentucky Election Officials Manipulated Elections for DECADES...

Here's A Thousand Words For Ya !!! - Most Of Them Swear...

PETA features Michelle Obama in new anti-fur ad - WH says image is used without her permission

Ralph Nader tells us: Health care reform "weak"; Tea Partiers "nothing"; Obama a "corporatist" ...

My fire lookout slide shows are finished and posted (this is some awesome stuff).

Copyright holder baulks at 'gay' Sherlock Holmes film

Bob Herbert, New York Times: "This is a society in deep, deep trouble ...."

Tea Party Boils Over

Teabaggers Now Have Surpassed GOP as "Party of Choice" on the Right

An old friend will be interviewed on Ron Reagan's show tonight 7:35 ET!

Does anyone here know where to get

Holy crap - why didn't anyone tell me about the band "Gossip"?

Mayer Hawthorne - Green Eyed Love (Waajeed Remix)

Texas will beat Alabama by 3 . . . God told me so

Mayer Hawthorne - Green Eyed Love (Official Video)

Forest Mighty Black - Rebirth

My dog just ate a rabbit at the dog park.

Snakes on a Plane is on!

you had me at bacon...

Charlotte and Lucky

De-friending someone off of Facebook/Myspace

Reenlistment Update 1

I'm about to start the biggest DU fight ever!

I was mean to some DUers in GD/GDP and I was thinking I'm gonna be nicer

Sky's bright, the traffic light, now and then a truck

I got yelled at by an usher today at the movies...

I know it's past Christmas...


Best makeup music.

Punditty reveal presidential voting record, challenges other pundits to do the same (humor)

Shuffle Dozen

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 1/5/09

hey everyone. anyone have any cool desktop backgrounds?

I'm having a hard time figuring out which version of this song I like best

Double Post

History Lesson Part II

Good morning Lounge

Anyone use a mutual bank?

Did you guys note Google today?

paperbackswap is my favorite site right now

Mayer Hawthorne -Little Boxes

Something we can all strive for when we grow up to age 90

Ed Harris - You'll Never Leave My Heart

Does anyone have info on the illegal slaughtering of animals in Miami-Dade County, FL?

The very best part of "It's Complicated" (NO spoilers here)

This is funny......

I thought that Avatar was pretty mediocre.

The Greatest Snow Penis

Another Matrix question

PSA: Airline food really IS gross.

R.I.P. Willie Mitchell (owned Hi Records, produced Al Green's biggest hits)

"Jeannie, don't do that." Major Nelson, you LIVE WITH a GENIE who looks like BARBARA EDEN.

OK. That's it! I'm hiring a private eye.

n the past couple weeks I haven't noticed any posts by...UNDERPANTS

I saw an hilarious movie last night called "In the Loop"

An old DUI story for the Lounge:

"...we will Marry when I see U in Heaven my Wifey..."

A most odd and mysterious thing happened to me yesterday...

Lets all really try to have a great afternoon today 1-5-2010

Let me guess. "Progressive" Insurance is named that because

Check out this comic! (Warning: NSFW)

Help!!! I need one more goal for my 2010 Long Range Plan.

Abe Vigoda Status

Chocolate chunk

Has anyone seen a worse football team than the ...

Yes you can rent the place BUT ..

Alert! Sex Thread in GD

My latest ltte and attempt at humor

How much tin foil are you wearing?

Which do you think makes up a larger portion of the population?

well I went and did it, signed up for a one-day, 32 mile hike

My cousin came down to Texas to escape the cold, she is visiting with my Aunt.

My cousin came down to Texas to escape the cold, she is visiting with my Aunt.

I'm in love with my leaf blower

Wired names Kevin Conroy as best Batman of all time!

Woo hoo! The new Iron Man 2 trailer!

Woo hoo! The new Iron Man 2 trailer!

I'm a politician now! Yea!

Just how big a geek are you?

You're a rag-trade girl, you're the queen of porn You're the easiest lay on the White House lawn

How come nobody has ever made a movie about Emperor Norton I?

Study Says Women With Mate Get Heavier

A merry twelfth day of Christmas to the Lounge!

Anyone been on seroquel?

Where is your bed from? do you like it?

Catholic church says animals have souls, many Protestant churches don't agree.

How much does it cost to make your own calendars?

Post a scary picture

Here it is! The best set anyone played this year! (EXILE ON MAIN STREET)

My cable company just added Fox News in HD.

What music are you listening to to start 2010?

What is the Canadian movie about the Quebec woman in Toronto

Joan Rivers grounded in Costa Rica

Let's find Republican Anagrams!

US Rep. Abercrombie of Hawaii To Resign In Feb To Run For Governor.

Yemen, the joke is on you ...

Louisiana Democrats use formaldehyde worries against Vitter

Johnson Puts $250,000 Into US Senate Race

Ted Ankrum Set to File for 10th Congressional District

On the 45% not turning out in 2010

New punk band killer name: Doomsday Underpants

Amish man found drunk, asleep in moving buggy

President Obama, Biden, top advisors to meet regarding Detroit terror attack

Business Lobbyists Yearn For The Days When Elaine Chao Ran The Labor Department

Joan Rivers bumped off flight in Costa Rica when Continental gate agent finds passport suspicious

Here we go again with the President getting death threats

Chafee taps his checkbook

RNC Funding Northern Mariana Islands

Doug Schoen The Fox News Democratic Wanker Of The Decade

It is about time the republicans take Cheney to task..Paul takes aim at Cheney

what is Obama's "transparecy" website? Someting .org or .com


Bring It On: Van Hollen Dares GOP To Make 2010 Elections About Obama

Why Obama won't win the nomination. Oh, sorry, 2010. Why the Democrats

Time's Tumulty reports C-Span's Brian Lamb has written Congress to open healthcare deliberations

Under Obama the winners are investment bankers insurance companies and the military

DOD Announces Casualties 05-Jan-10

Krugman: 30-40% chance of return to recession in late 2010 ("joining Feldstein & Stiglitz")

Florida gop chairman - Steele/Crist ally - to resign post

NRCC Pushes Back Against "stupid" Steele Over 2010 Pessimism, GOP Operatives Furious

Auto Industry Stabilizes as Ford, Toyota Post U.S. Sales Gains

U.S. halting transfer of Guantanamo detainees to Yemen

This just shows how limited a President's power really is. I give Obama credit for trying at least

The FBI got 'usable, actionable' intel from terrorism suspect-without torture

malloy says undie bomber was another pnac/cheney inside job.

Chip reid from cbs...

Why is DC gunning for the WH Social Secretary?

REPORT: Challenges To Constitutionality Of Health Reform Funded By Health Industry Money

The Good Kind of Failure

2K10 Democrat Marching Orders: The Republican Brand is SHIT

Steele Calls GOP Platform "One Of The Best" Political Documents In 25 Years, "Honest Injun On That"

For the fountain pen aficianados.. more than you ever thought you'd want to know about ink

***Hedz up! POTUS set to speak live****

Pelosi tells C-SPAN: 'There has never been a more open process'

More Info On Inauguration Threat ......

Help kill a right wing blog story on Yahoo prasing Palin

So...I wonder if Republicans have ever given Democrats enticements for their vote......there is an

Why are Republicans screaming that Obama hasn't fulfilled any campaign promises? Did he promise

November Party Committee Fundraising Roundup

Obama On Airline Security: 'The System Has Failed" - 'I will not tolerate it'

Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., won't run for another term this year:

OK, I was a fan but Chris Matthews is becoming annoying

DU: Let's Help. List a few purity litmus tests for The Florida Tea Party.

ALOT can happen in 11 months

Welcome to Orwell’s World

Wexler To Pitch Obama Policies To Skeptical Israelis In New Nonprofit Role

When predicting 2010 elections one is also predicting the economy

Question for DUers: Have Republicans had any midnight meetings like the Dems had with Harry Reid?

WH: Putting It All in Perspective

"Obama will meet Tuesday ... with House and Senate leaders to discuss health care reform."

C-SPAN Challenges Congress to Open Health Care Talks to TV Coverage

FL GOP Chair just resigned admist "Civil War"

My top 5 reasons for not going to a movie theater...

DU Unrec Bot

Sirota -- Secret negotiations over HCR are bad news

Dorgan was a progressive populist champion on many issues over the years

Obama was and still is the best person for the job. On the issues:

I knew it. The GOP has formed a shadow government and are planning a terrorist attack

The anatomy of the 'Cadillac Tax' (or, it doesn't eat babies)

Let's not forget the Obama administrations credit card reform act goes in effect in Feb.

House GOP seizes on C-SPAN's call for cameras in healthcare negotiations

PETA features Michelle Obama in new anti-fur ad without her consent

I wanted change, and the health care bill represents that change


Native American Caucus head demands Steele apologize for 'racist' comment

Tactically, would it be smart Politics to bring up Immigration Reform this year

We wanted a better bill. We are angry and disappointed in the result. Period.

Gallup: Economic Confidence Improving - Americans more optimistic than any time in past two years.

So "The Karate Kid" is being "remade".

Ladies and gentlemen, the number 1 band of the decade: The Beatles!

Top 5 grossing movies of all time Worldwide (in Billions of dollars)

Johnny Cash - "Ring of Fire" remix

S.D. college students protest at governor's office

Court records reveal trouble at Turkey Point

Iowa Prosecutor Case Is Settled

Al-Qaeda in 'Sahara Emirate'

Hell Freezes Over: Rush Limbaugh Loves Union Hospitals and Socialized Medicine (SEIU)

Conservative talker Melanie Morgan ailing, resigns from radio show

Iraq has filed case against Blackwater: PM

Alan Grayson: Who Wrote The Introduction To Cheney's Book -- Mephistopheles?

Alan Grayson: Who Wrote The Introduction To Cheney's Book -- Mephistopheles?

Crazy Michelle Bachmann posits perfect Republican Stategy

AP Sources: Bomber at CIA Base Was a Double Agent

Obama to Meet with Security Team

Latino theater director quits the limelight to help poor people grow food at home

US Public Pensions Face $2,000bn Shortfall

A Third Uninvited Guest Got Into White House Dinner

U.S. Spy Effort In Afghanistan "Ignorant": U.S. Report

Jessica Lynch Foundation donates to (WVU Children's) hospital

Iceland plans vote on bank payout

Iceland plans vote on bank payout

Islamic states condemn attack on Danish cartoonist

Jordanian Double-Agent Behind CIA Attack

Bomber who killed CIA operatives in Afghanistan was triple agent

Former Arrow Trucking workers launch class action suit

Turkmenistan, Iran set to open new gas pipeline

Michigan Selects Domino's CEO Brandon as New AD

Party chief(Steele): Republicans 'screwed up' after Reagan

C.I.A. Revives Data-Sharing Program With Environmental Scientists

AP: 2009 Bankruptcies Total 1.4 million, Up 32 Pct

Meehan's strong fundraising start in Pa. 7th

Taiwan Bans Some U.S. Beef Imports

Florida GOP Chairman Greer to resign

Trash to gas: Landfill energy projects increasing

FDA finds roaches, listeria at airline caterer

Opponents on immigration reform gear up for forthcoming battle

Buzz Grows for Petraeus for President in 2012

Socialite daughter of New York Jets owner has died

Canadian family's golden retriever, Angel, saves 11-year-old owner from cougar attack

Schwarzenegger Girds for Deficit Fight as Borrowing Costs Soar

Dems Intend to Bypass GOP on Health Compromise

Mass arrests reported in Sunni areas in Iraq

Interior Secretary Pushes to Complete Cape Wind Project

Flight 253 terror suspect raised no suspicion in Amsterdam

Hazardous Substance Prompts Closure Of California Airport

Octuplets mother's Beverly Hills fertility doctor accused of gross negligence by state

Independence Church Raided, Man Arrested on Federal Weapons Charges

Ill. candidate Hynes goes after Quinn on early-release issue

Judge Lifts Some Limits on Tobacco Ads and Labels

.Pentagon calls spy critique "irregular"

S.C. first lady’s memoir to be released next month

President Obama: Airline attack was preventable

Yemen shows frictions with US over terror fight

Iraq Approves 4 Oil Contracts

No More Guantanamo Detainees Sent to Yemen for Now, Gibbs Says

Indiana Chosen for Electric Car Plant (Norwegian Think's new hatchback called City)

Greer Announces Resignation As Florida GOP Chair -- And Slams Right-Wing Critics On His Way Out

Spain chides Cuba over MEP's trip

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday January 5

UN cuts Somalia food relief over Islamist threat

Ford, Nissan U.S. Auto Sales Exceed Estimates in Sign of Industry Recovery

Iraq inquiry: British firms 'did pretty well' out of overthrowing Saddam

Morgan Freeman replaces Cronkite on CBS voiceover

1,000 people homeless on Solomons after tsunami

Colombian FARC rebels, al-Qaeda joining forces to smuggle cocaine into Europe, says DEA

Gibbs: We've Gained Useful Intelligence From Would-Be Bomber

US House Leaders Back Off Public Health Insurance Option

Byron Dorgan will not seek re-election

Slovak Air Security Test Goes Very Wrong

Cuba Calls US Screening Rules "Anti-Terrorist Paranoia"

Report: Apple Tablet Coming in January

Karzai hits out over Afghan deaths

Unmarried couples caught in Malaysian hotel raids

Nestle buys Kraft pizzas, says no interest in Cadbury (Kraft, on the other hand)

GM to Fire Up Battery Plant This Week, a First for U.S. Automakers

U.S. Chamber pressures Japan over clunker plan

Bolivia refuses to be U.S. slave: VP

Bolivia refuses to be U.S. slave: VP

C-SPAN: Health care talks should be televised

Saudi Student Detained in Amsterdam Airport for Two Days

Yemen in the crosshairs

Deepa Kumar on Islamophobia and the War on Afghanistan

Hard times at the Washington Post

Yemen, the joke is on you ...

Confusion reigns as US security is stepped up

Turncoat Parker Griffith to Switch to Family Guy's Peter Griffin

Afghan 'Dirty War' Escalates

Pakistan worried U.S. buildup in Afghanistan will send militants across border

Graham censured again by county party in S.C.

A visual illustration of the last decade, from the New York Times.

Americans' job satisfaction falls to record low

Buddha Gets the Last Laugh on Brit Hume

After this 60-year feeding frenzy, Earth itself has become disposable

17,000 potentially harmful chemicals kept secret (disclosure could harm profits)

Cat 'Yusuf' Stevens Returns, With 'Buddha And The Schlocklate Fox'

Abandon False Hope ... And Get Some Real Hope

Dave Lindorff: Why are Only Republican AGs Threatening to Go to Court to Fight Health Care 'Reform'?

New scanners break child porn laws

Tek Nath Rizal's 2009 Book "Torture, Killing Me Slowly" Delivers the Coup de Grace by Cheryl Welsh

"The Lion Lets Loose".....Charlie Rose interview with Paul Volker on Wall St. Reforms.

Banjos Playing Through the Broken Glass

Here’s some quality, independent media that’s worth your time

EPA, Arch Coal Seek to End Permit Dispute.

Do we need to say our prayers?

Bob Herbert has it right: opportunities squandered.

The Devil Votes Red

Scapegoats and scaremongers

For F.D.R. Sleuths, New Focus on an Odd Spot

Eugene Robinson: A Designation Cuba Doesn’t Deserve

Welcome to Orwell’s World

I'm the Guy Who Cut Your Health Benefits. Trust Me.

What *Really* Happened in Copenhagen?

How Conservatives Get Their Point Of View Taught In Schools (Outrage of the day)

'Um, Pathetic' (title of the essay), Hendrik Hertzberg, the New Yorker)

Spooks are struggling in Afghanistan

Lindorff: Children Executed in Afghanistan

Chris Hedges: FULL VIDEO: "Empire of Illusion: End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle”

Mother Jones: Tempest in the Tea Party

Hersh: Cheney ‘Left A Stay Behind’ In Obama’s Government, Can ‘Still Control Policy Up To A Point’

RFK Jr. / Karl Frisch — The Dangers of Glenn Beck - PT. 1/3 (Jan. 4, 2010)

Papantonio: Jim DeMint Aids Terrorism

CBS News: Fears & Concerns For The U.S. Future

Utility Companies Wind Scam

Michael Steele "Brother is still here"

2.0 and the Ancient Art of Community Organizing

New Media and Organizing Disconnected Communities

Chris Matthews: Politico is a news conduit for Dick Cheney

House Democratic Leaders Respond to Questions Regarding C-SPANs Letter on Health Care Coverage

Alan Grayson: Who's Doing The Introduction To Cheney's Book? Is it Mephistopheles? Maybe It's Satan?

Red State Update On Climategate

Boom! Chris Matthews Questions Why The Politico is Seemingly Dick Cheney's Mouthpiece

Graphic guide to injecting heroin causes controversy in New York

TYT's Take On Fox News (BH) Giving Tiger Woods Religious Advice

Olbermann: Cheney "Is, By His Own Terms...Morally, If Not Legally, A TRAITOR To U.S."

Tim Wise: On White Privilege (Clip)

Pres. Obama on Aviation Security at Press Conference Today

Countdown: BREAKING - Wolffe Says WH Investigating If Bomber A Deliberate Intel Failure

What's Behind MANDATORY Private Health Insurance

OH SNAP! Pelosi On Obama: 'There Were A Number Of Things He Was For On The Campaign Trail'

The Collusion of Government and Big Business Spells the Death of Democracy

Thom Hartmann - How long is it going to be before they ask us to bend over and spread em?

Large (100 MW) solar farm proposed north of Reno

Peak oil review - Jan 4

Drumbeat: January 5, 2010

NASA/Goddard - AQUA/AIRS Troposphere CO2 Concentration Animation 2002-2008 - VERY Cool Graphic

KDHE Warns Against Eating Fish From Arkansas River In Wichita - PCB, Mercury Concerns

"Dramatic Weather Shift" Over Greenland, N. Pole Sending Arctic Chill Way South - Herald-Tribune

Primordial fear: Funnel web in the nappy bag

Thousands of dead octopuses wash up on Portugal beach

Meltdown A Global Warming Journey by Paul Rose

2000 - 2009 Hottest Decade On Record For Australia - Reuters

"I Would LIke To Express Our Satisfaction With The Outcome" - KSA Lead Climate Rep. On Copenhagen

Illinois: New coal-fired power plant fuels debate

C.I.A. Is Sharing Data With Climate Scientists

$55m (world’s largest) carbon dioxide recovery plant opens (in the Middle East)

Secret ship confronts whalers

Two Wampanoag tribes fighting Cape Wind on ritual/spiritual grounds

'Avatar': Why do conservatives hate the most popular movie in years?

Can China Build its Economy on Wind Power Alone?

Report: Number of cars in the U.S. dropped by four million in 2009

The Saints WILL NOT LOSE next weekend

Huh, two players pull guns on each other and now the Wizards want me to see a game for $10

So is Boise State going to kick some Texas Christians asses tonight?

Yuck >>

The Frogs are in their Nike Pro Combat Unis!

Beltre agrees to terms with Red Sox

Mike Leach ... To NFL's Oakland Raiders?

Bitterboy4--- OMG--- Oh this is great ---and I mean great stuff.

Brian Billick to the Bills?

Saints and Chargers...

Congratulations to the Second team in the NCAA to finish 14-0!

Congratulations Boise State! 2009 National Champions!

Congratulations Boise State!! Champions of the Cupcake Bowl!!

Alright! Matt Holliday will return to the Cardinals!

Hey LisaM and 1gobluedem! Worthless Repuke to be Michigan AD!

Upset!! College of Charleston stuns No. 9 University of Dean Smith...

Mexico Is On the Brink of Its Third Revolution

Bolivia refuses to be U.S. slave: VP

Argentines who earned medical degrees in Cuba open doctor’s office

No additional travel security for Cuban Americans returning from Cuba (all others get 3rd degree)

War crimes fears force Israelis to cancel UK trip

Israel To Redistribute Gas Masks, Simulate Bio-Attack

Iraq to sue Israel over destroyed reactor

Are Israel and apartheid South Africa really different?

Bibles, not bullets!

Interesting court ruling on a case involving concealed carry ...

Virginia Gun control opponents hope to reshape handgun laws

Red Pine principal won't be punished in BB gun incident ...

Economic Report: Fewer Miners Died On The Job In 2009

Today in Labor History Jan 5 Ford raised wages to keep the unions out!

United Steel Workers Hail Trade Penalties Against China

DeMint: If TSA Workers Join Union, They’ll Let Terrorists In

W Post: For unions, a messy bargain (health care)

Up in the Air, With Nowhere to Go. What’s Your Lay-Off Story?

EDITORIAL: The forgotten virtue of firearms ...

PRESS ADVISORY: Risky Verizon-Frontier Merger Hinges on Tax Break: Customers, Taxpayers Stand to Los

Winning a Sit-in

The Liberal Guncast

Year in Review: In Memoriam-A number of notable GLBT community members passed away in 2009

NY Times reports that New Jersey's change in governance endangers the gay marriage bill

HIV positive man charged with "possession of a harmful biological substance."

HRC Launches “Buying for Equality” iPhone App - equips pro-equality shoppers with rankings

Janet Jenkins Seeks Public Help To Locate Missing Child ("ex-gay" partner abducted child)

Courage Campaign email- do you think Prop 8 fed court challenge should be televised?

We had him in the sports forum---you guy's had him here...

Ugandan tabloid prints list of 'tycoons who bankroll homos'

NJ Senate to vote on gay marriage bill

When Fear Makes Us Superhuman

I see why some of you are so fond of black and white.

A forgotten favorite

Yesterday and today

A change from the winter scenes - for a minute, anyway.

"Strawberry" Crab

Runaway Anti-Matter Production Makes for a Spectacular Stellar Explosion

If you enjoy things of beauty on a large scale...

Intermediate Black Hole Implicated in Star's Death

Hubble telescope shows earliest photo of universe

Where Did the Time Go? Do Not Ask the Brain

A mixed bag of pics for fun.

A Guide to the Cosmos, in Words and Images Dazzling and True

Amazon explorers uncover signs of a real El Dorado

"Galaxy History Revealed in This Colorful Hubble View"

Exotic stars may mimic big bang

An interesting thought... blowing up a black hole?

After this 60-year feeding frenzy, Earth itself has become disposable

U.S. manufacturing activity accelerates

Ben Bernanke Looks In Mirror, Sees Barney Frank

Divergent Views on Signs of Life in the Economy

Mature Capitalist Economies Trend Towards Stagnation Triggering Financial Innovations

Bernanke in Atlanta By MIKE WHITNEY

dream interpretation, anyone?

Funny Synchronicity

MorningGlow -- question for ya!

Krugman Sees 30-40% Chance of U.S. Recession in 2010

A Theosophical Approach To 2012

A post about losing things...and calling them back :)

Tobacco = Death

Natural compound blocks hepatitis C infection

Study: Special diets don't help with Autism

Running shoes may cause damage to knees, hips and ankles

NY1 Online: Full Exclusive Interview With Schools Chancellor Joel Klein

Tulsa school employees take bags of pennies to board members' homes


"I've been in detention for years - and I'm a teacher"

Chinese academia ghost-writing 'widespread'

R Crumb insists that he produced a graphic version of Genesis

Americans United Warns Louisiana Education Board Not To Adopt Review Policy That Favors Creationism

A merry twelfth day of Christmas to R/T

A question for Christians: how do you reconcile Biblical inconsistencies?

Blue Bunny ice cream...

can you steam orzo?

I forgot to mention ..... after I did that 5 lbs of shrimp New Year's Eve crustacean orgy ....

Julia Child's Kitchen Wisdom on PBS

Does anybody here subscribe or regularly read Bon Appetit?

The Best Vegetable You’ve Never Tried

Has anyone else been buying South American fruit this year?

flavoring suggestions for a pork and cabbage soup?