Democratic Underground

Archives: March 10, 2010

Obama backs Giannoulias for U.S. Senate

Can anyone who's following HCR closer than I tell me if my HSA is still safe?

For Those who Wish to Follow Health Care Reform: Where should we be looking?

If Congress passed a health care reform bill that included single payer option would Obama veto it?

SALON: 'In Between Waterboarding-Detainee Could Be Slammed Into Wall-Crammed Into A Small Box'

A swelling tide of money: U.S. Chamber of Commerce Grows into a Political Force

U.S. serial killer Rodney Alcala won 'The Dating Game'

Voting is like driving a car

UN human rights investigators call on Obama to prosecute terror suspects in civilian court

The Governor of California

Racist Rush Limbaugh At It Again: Paterson Gets to Play “Massa”

anyone watching Countdown? "you gonna show me tickle fights?"

Oregon Activists Hope Fair Tax On The Rich Movement Will Spread

Oregon Activists Hope Fair Tax On The Rich Movement Will Spread

Flanders: Working Families, Unions Losing Patience With Dems (VIDEO)

Holy Cow! Massa is INSANE

The extent of the right wing corporate media's influence is so great and has persisted for so long

School district suspends iPod rewards

Israel rebuffs Biden by announcing new settlement construction

Scott McClellan coming on KO to deal with that lying

Actor political activist Will Geer's birthday (in case you missed this he was blacklisted)

Seven held in Ireland over Swedish cartoonist 'plot'

Clean Energy and Mass Transit Far More Popular than Nuke Plants and Oil Drilling

Did Starbucks lie about security measures for gun related problems?

Only worthy response to all the Dennis bashing threads

Fox News accuses Obama judicial nominee of "supporting (a) serial killer"

I don't care. I support Massa 100%.

Legend of Meteorology Passes Away

Perhaps One Nugget Out Of The Massa Mess... (Did He Speak The Truth Here ???)

John Roberts: Scene At Obama's State Of Union Was 'Very Troubling'

Charter Schools Program - Funding since 2000:

Senate To Take Up Unemployment Insurance Extension- Could Head to President’s Desk This Week

This film is rated TGFF - Too Gay for Florida

Memo to Patients: Don't Get Admitted to The Hospital on a Weekend

Memo to Patients: Don't Get Admitted to The Hospital on a Weekend

Michigan jobless rate dips to 14.3%

Stupak Gets A Primary Challenge From The Left

SF Bay Guardian awarded half of SF Weekly's ad revenue

22 y/o died of thirst in major U.K. teaching hospital, called police to beg for water

Patients' medical records go online without consent

Sony PS3 game God of War III. Here comes the poutrage to generate the sales.

Sacramento airport pot patient jailed after felony conviction

Sacramento airport pot patient jailed after felony conviction

op-ed by John Cory

Trial Spotlights Pentagon Use of Unapproved Antipsychotics for Post-Traumatic Stress

Superintendent accidentally fires gun during class

Dems To White House: Enough With The Health Care Timelines Already

Pat Fitzgerald Chose Not to Consult with Margolis on Rove Indictment

Chris Hayes hosting Maddow!

Please debunk this email from mother-in-law? (tea bagger)

Wheel of Fortune Promo, Pat Sajak says,"The White House has named me Game Show Czar"

Pass Health Reform NOW! Get Rush Limbaugh to LEAVE THE COUNTRY!!!

The Sky is Falling - on John Bolton

Signs point to active tornado season

Rep. Dennis Kucinich is absolutely ineffective.

The Rise and Fall of a Female Captain Bligh

Itawamba, Mississippi Lesbian Fights to Take Girlfriend to Prom

Federal appeals court allows family to sue SF police for fatally shooting unarmed man

Please comment: Do you think the crazy acting politicians really believe what they say?

Obama moving to limit recreational fishing access? Fearmongering - and link to the report

égalité. igualidad. Gleichheit. uguaglianza. equality.

Mandatory Tuesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

Bart Stupak reminds me of Bart Simpson

GREAT to see Eric Massa on Glenn Beck show!

9th Circuit candidate's career marked by rapid ascent, wide-ranging roles (Goodwin Liu)

"No One Would Listen"

Oops! Schwarzenegger will not attend Calif. GOP convention

Oops! Schwarzenegger will not attend Calif. GOP convention

"Christian" hysteria and bigotry here in Sheboygan county.

Let's hash through this hypothetical scenario for a moment

Does the Oscar statue look too masculine?

We need to pass HCR for Teddy

We need to pass HCR for Teddy

Businesses to fight health bill with huge ad campaign

FAIR: Meacham to PBS Would Send the Wrong Message

Flattened an anti- income taxer tonight...

Liz Cheney's former teacher criticizes her attacks against DOJ lawyers

Liz Cheney's former teacher criticizes her attacks against DOJ lawyers

Well, it's about damn time!

Grammar question

Excellent Q&A article on how the budget reconciliation process will likely play out, re HCR

Pittsburgh officials shift blame for steelworker’s death to paramedics

Big props to Eric Massa going on Beck today

News flash: murder victims are not equal

Rodny Alcala (serial killer) recommended for Death Penalty by jury in Los Angeles

Funds sought for missing persons database

Health care "reform"—the delusion of "regulation"

I would advise physicians to get on board with HCR if they are not. Medical tourism is going to

CoC Funds Huge Expensive Ad Campaign Against Health Care Legislation

Insulators Made Into Conductors: Transformed Into Materials That Could Dissipate Heat

Up Or Down. Govern. 10 March 2010

Today's "American Extremists" cartoon (re: Glenn Beck's "extreme goal" comment)

How many high income public schools have been labeled "failures"?

If it weren't so awful it'd be funny: Vermont Yankee robot is stuck in leaking pipe

IBM CEO's pay hit $21.2 million in 2009

Facing Mass Lay-Offs, Whirlpool Workers Choose to Fight Company

Stanford considers bringing ROTC back

Should "hellafuck" be banned?

Obama Plan To Modify Second Mortgages Has Yet To Help One Homeowner Updated: 03- 5-10 04:49 PM

Another Prius speeds out of control, N.Y. police say

Citibank exposes 600,000 customers' Social Security numbers

Lejeune water probe: Did Marine Corps hide benzene data?

Lejeune water probe: Did Marine Corps hide benzene data?

Wow, Heckuva Job arne!

Potemkin update: 1-star: Marjah strategy has been effective

F-35 update: SASC Should Drill Carter On JSF

Who's Limbaugh shitting? He was probably planning on retiring in 5yrs.

Someone must have given permission to go after Liz Cheney. What she did was nothing new for her.

Creationist-Cum-McCarthy Supporter OUSTED by TX Republicans!

HCR Reconcilitation PO Thread (Another expected supporter)

Supreme Court Takes ‘Informational Privacy’ Case

So is the 'drip, drip, drip' of Senators stating that they support public

Morning Joka - Joe brings up Gary Condit

Drowning Out the Sound of Cash - Citizen's United Decision

Where was the M$M when...

CREDO's CEO arrested for the public optionShare

CREDO's CEO arrested for the public optionShare

Is it true? We will get the CBO score for the President's HC proposal today or tomorrow?

From Andy Borowitz to Politicians:

Cold Winter in U.S.? The Big Picture for North America '09-'10

Obama Plan To Modify Second Mortgages Has Yet To Help One Homeowner

Dupe - self delete

Immigration fuels growth in visible minority population (Vancouver to be majority minority)

So if mandatory insurance passes?

So if mandatory insurance passes?

Remarkable Climate Change Testimony From 1988

Rep. Eliot Engel (D): Fix health bill or lose my vote

Army seeks answers for Afghan civilian deaths

Dennis Kucinich: Peace is Possible with a New Direction

Howard Dean On Maddow Show About Health Insurance Cos.: "They Really Are A Heartless Industry"

Rec if you have lost a lot of respect for Markos Moulitsas.

Bottled Wind Could Be as Constant as Coal

Todd Palin's Iron Dog Team Sponsored By Venezuela-Owned Lubricant Brand

Flint family hopes to get answers from Toyota (by court order)

Doris "Granny D" Haddock has died.

IBM invents Earth-friendly plastic made from plants

a 'Non-categorized event. in Russia - brown, pink & yellow snowfall

Exit Strategies for Afghanistan and Iraq - Tom Hayden/The Nation

Jobless aid, tax breaks clear Senate hurdle

German Catholics to investigate abuse charges - Choir

DK: Peace is Possible with a New Direction

Amy Goodman: Rachel Corrie’s (Posthumous) Day in Court

WTF I just called Bart Stupak's office and the first thing I was asked was were I

Puplic Option Letter...Contact Kay Hagan (NC) and Urge her to SIGN!

Chile Earthquake Aerial Pictures

Supposedly only a third of the Stimulus Money has gone out, but we need more quickly

Let's See an "Up or Down" Vote!!!

Slovakia plans to remove Romani children from their families

A Same-Old GOP Budget: Rich Pay Less, Everyone Else Pays More

A Same-Old GOP Budget: Rich Pay Less, Everyone Else Pays More

Florida Unemployment Rate Hits 11.9%

Rove Speaks: It’s Everybody Else’s Fault

A very misleading headline..a lie..

Number of millionaires in America increased 16 percent in 2009.

Green homes face a red light

Iran President Ahmadinejad attacks US during Afghanistan visit

Here Is One Job That Was Created

I know that I'm late to the game, but can someone just beat Tom Delay with a stick?

Another Prius speeds out of control and crashes today, N.Y. police say

Navy has fired 6 commanders since January, including "Horrible Holly" aka "Female Captain Bligh"

Navy has fired 6 commanders since January, including "Horrible Holly" aka "Female Captain Bligh"

Despite denials in 2006, Rove reveals he was a target in Plame investigation and close to indictment

Today's the day for the Afghanistan Debate - Message and Video from Dennis K.

Isnt it time to attack the real enemy. Washington consensus/REagan conventional wisdoms?

NH Liquor Enforcement Chief (GOPer) called "unprofessional"

Howie Klein (Down with Tyranny) on Conservative Closet Queens and Eric Massa

Hey, perhaps being anti-choice IS detrimental to one's survival after all!

The Plight of the Pretty Girl

*You call that having sex? By Mark Morford

*You call that having sex? By Mark Morford

Medicare for all- Simple Public Option Bill - 4 pages

U.S. Sales Tax rates hit record high

The Revolution Will Be Televised

Chief justice unsettled by Obama's criticism of Supreme Court

Troop Pay Raise only 1.7%?

Gawker's suggestions for shower curtains in the H.of Representatives' shower room

Toyota recalls all 2000-2003 Tundras with potential corrosion, dropping gas tank, spare tire issues

Naji Hamdan's Nightmare








Slovakia plans to remove Romani children from their families

Who did Massa share his apartment with?

Something good about old vegetables

No Child Left Behind Has Left US Schools with Legacy of “Institutionalized Fraud”

Oops - Bushco hid torture from Brits?

FABULOUS Article!!!

Tenn. coal ash spill seeping into other states

Shows with gays could lose Florida tax credit - not a joke

A view from the right on the govt & health care - Insurance co's are the good guys (from facebook)

Markos: Kucinich is completely Reprehensible; Run a Primary Challenger Against Him.

What are the chances Grayson's HR 4789 makes it out of Committee?

Health Care Reform Bill Must Eliminate Gender Discrimination

Officer Who Got 149 MPH Ticket Gets Job Back

China's Car Sales Growth Is Absolutely Massive

Could you tell me if I am within my rights to do this?

Breaking News: All schools in Minneapolis remain under lockdown

Breaking News: All schools in Minneapolis remain under lockdown

Putting it in perspective - what the bailouts look like (large image)

10,000 Turn Out In DC To Attack Insurance Co. Profits; Network News Ignores Them

Brazil, with Rare WTO Approval, Threatens U.S. with Trade Sanctions

Act Blue link to contribute to Stupak challenger Connie Saltonstall

Kucinich up now in House debate re: withdrawl of troops from Afghanistan

Iran does what the U.S. won't: begins criminal trials for those accused of torture

Republicans demand to know why Christian Right leader, Tony Perkins, was uninvited from event

Rahel Maddow show wasted a segment..

Flu's mood symptoms not related to viral infection

House Democrats ban earmarks to corporations

The Rude Pundit: Why Glenn Beck Ought to Be Repeatedly Cock-Punched (Massa Edition)

Jobless aid, tax breaks clear Senate hurdle

Reminder: Daylight Saving Time Starts THIS Sunday At 2am - Set Your Clocks AHEAD One Hour

Bakersfield College set to install solar panels

Student Loan Reform: What's It Doing in the Health Care Debate?

Corey Haim is dead at 38

Could/Should DU have a "jobs link" for those of us who have openings at our place of employment?

Several days ago, I said I would stand by Eric Massa until I no longer could.

Vital Voices, Avon, & the State Dept. launch the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Women

Daily Kos---Firedoglake--- Gee DU---who's next?

There is a thread on LBN titled "Economists trim 2011 US growth forecast"

Netanyahu to Biden: We didn't seek to embarrass you over East Jerusalem construction

China - please explain how HH Dali Lama is using "distorted facts" and "obstinate lies."

Does the Air Force need a new nuclear armed cruise missile? Does this fit with reducing the arsenal?

Damn, Tell it Patrick Kennedy!

Jim Hightower: Democrats pass a do-nothing trickle-down Republican "jobs" bill ....

MP: Palin should listen to her mother

Kucinich Remembers “Granny D”

Nothing but pride seeing Rep. Kucinich lead Democratic response to President's Afghanistan policy

Self-delete Duplicate

Don't you write your memoirs after your career?

Trial in Gaza death of Rachel Corrie begins...

Bottled Wind Could Be as Constant as Coal

I'm surprised. Usually it is "Hate Obama" day around here.

ACTION ITEM: Help Grayson push HR 4789 to a floor vote!

Homeowners claim bank prefers FDIC bailout over house payments

Insurance Company Ejected From Medicare Program For Denying Medication To Seniors

Harry Reid Pledges Filibuster Reform

Newsweek: Has Obama Hit Bottom?

Toyotas aren't the only cars which had sudden acceleration incidents

Wife of Rep. Conyers sentenced to 37 months in prison (for bribery)

Turn on CSpan 1 and watch Grayson condemn

Video catches backdraft that injured 4 Chicago firefighters

Rep Ginny Brown-Waite R-Florida

What Repugs Ae Concerned With

Drug addiction: moral failing or illness or a combination of both?

If you aren't living pay check to pay check don't tell people that are what we can and can't afford

LIVE C-SPAN link to debate on Kucinich's Afghanistan resolution

ANOTHER article on Emanuel (NYT) - says he didn't write WP articles, only doing what he's told

Dean: I'm going to fight for a public option until we get one (and the bat is back)

"Hickenlooper Starts Out Ahead" (50-39 lead in Colorado Gov. race)

Crime lab fallout: Drug defendants go free

DU techies help! Need to download a zipped file off the

DU techies help! Need to download a zipped file off the

"If Obama were a (R) we'd hear never-ending..stories about markets.. in favor of President"

Federal pay ahead of private industry in more than 8 out of 10 occupations

Afghanistan Res Debate NOW on the Cspan!

Obama tax refunds, help me burn freeper

Mach 6 Cruise Missile, Ready for Prime Time?

Radio Boss Issues Bizarre Memo Banning 119 Words From the Air

Connie Saltonstall (Bart Stupak's primary challenger) has her ActBlue page up.

Connie Saltonstall (Bart Stupak's primary challenger) has her ActBlue page up.

Some anti "the sky is falling news"

3 Navy dogs died after being neglected by contractors training them to detect explosives

3 Navy dogs died after being neglected by contractors training them to detect explosives

Sebelius And Health Care Exec Clash At AHIP Conference

Being Irrational About Pi

School bus driver drunk while taking kids from school

Graduates rally for embattled school (RI)

Churches call on Obama to abandon "Plan Colombia"

Dodge relents...will allow FL high school to keep using a Ram logo (edit: for a price)

Why isn't Kucinich asking for immediate withdraw from Iraq?

Why isn't Kucinich asking for immediate withdraw from Iraq?

Matt Taibbi: A Way Out for Obama

Accountability, or how to bully teachers like a third grader.

'God' Helps with Personal Decisions, Most Americans Say

Obama's approval of firing teachers: "no plan at all, all it does is change the teachers"

Obama's approval of firing teachers: "no plan at all, all it does is change the teachers"

Raging Grannies Flip Bird At Supreme Court Five

Bachmann Calls for a Repeal of the Separation of Church and State

I haven't seen anything from Margaret and Helen for a while

BofA to End Debit Overdraft Fees

Does tofu create a taste for blood?

The “public option” and the wheelbarrow parable (Part 2)

Insurance question...

Latest RW disinformation email, RE: SOCIAL SECURITY, DEBUNKED

How do we ever get Public Campaign Financing started in this country? Unless

Roberts: Scene at State of Union `very troubling'

Geithner vows to continue financial stabilization

Passing the Private Insurance Industry and Big Pharma Protection Act ensures A Republican Congress

Passing the Private Insurance Industry and Big Pharma Protection Act ensures A Republican Congress

In response to arne duncan's statement that Katrina was the "best thing" to happen to NO schools:

Grayson will be on the "back half" of Ed's show talking about his Medicare for

Glenn Beck lost another one...

If your were writing about an historical event that shaped your life, what would it be?

Is anyone here on the no-fly list???

Utilities - Gas/oil companies reducing production - we reduced usage they raise prices

I finally figured out why mechanics can make so much money

LIMPBRAIN: Now Says He WON'T MOVE To Costa Rica - Will Just Go There To Use Its Public Health System

'3000 Bombers' Set for Pakistan

"All those in favor of building this decadent monument to excess say aye!"

For the last time, if you DO NOT support the war in Afghanistan

Please Justice Roberts.... Resign

Please Justice Roberts.... Resign

12 Killed in US Drone Strikes in Pakistan

Workers trapped after bridge gets stuck in up position

Why are all the ReTHUGS against Dennis

Chicago police to expand use of Tasers

Here’s my problem with Facebook and Twitter.

Sex-offender (charter school) teacher guilty of three (indecent) assaults (one on 8 year old)

Go ahead and "Primary" Dennis Kucinich.

Female WWII aviators honored with gold medal

Anthony Weiner: Sarah Palin’s trip to Canada

Panera Bread to post calories on menus at company stores

Calif. Central Valley unemployment rates: 16.6% to 21.7%

Weird news of the day: Energizer USB battery charger contains backdoor

Atlantic: Massa's shipmates allege inappropriate behavior by Massa

What worked for the Soviet military doesn't work for health insurance reform

Study: Law officers struggle to adjust after war

Drug cuts cholesterol without side effects

Tickle games, sexting underage pages, dirty diapers, flying to Argentina for a fling...

Palin, Bachman, Blago, Massa... Just how many nuts are serving in elected office??

Question for the "put car in Neutral" crowd

Rush Limbaugh races to inject racial joke about Paterson into Massa Mess

Whites in U.S. Edge Toward Minority Status

Whites in U.S. Edge Toward Minority Status

If the public option passes, will Obama veto it?

Ex-Edwards Aide Ordered to Jail Over Sex Tape-NC Judge Sends Andrew Young & Wife to Jail

Anyone watching these ladies on Ed Schultz's show right now?

BREAKING - Gov. McDonnell separates from AG, issues order against discrimination

Orrin Hatch (R-UT) & Jeff Sessions (R-AL) team with Roberts to DEMAND that Obama LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE

Circular firing squad now forming. Apply within.

Spence Says U.S. Recovery Will Take ‘Several Years’

Calif. park: 1st condor egg in 100 years

BofA to end overdraft fees on ALL debit card purchases (this summer).

Something that should have bipartisan support. If we get a PO or an expanded medicare

Concerning the Health Insurance Mandate, I just don't see it happening

I was at the hospital today getting an ultra sound of my heart...

Woman Robs 11 People, Gets $6

No hungry dogs: New pantry to help people afford pets

Bill Nelson becomes 41st Senator for Public Option via Reconciliation

Keith Olbermann:Ventura Low Way

Ginny explains how the Prius works and why things like, "just turn the key off" aren't helpful.

What are we really talking about with all these hot and heavy posts about Kucinich?

Congressman Patrick Kennedy on the House Floor: ‘No press!’ (VIDEO)

Congressman Patrick Kennedy on the House Floor: ‘No press!’ (VIDEO)

Those bastards from the future have sabotaged the collider again.

Sea lions to be killed to save salmon

Any word on KO's Dad?

Joe Wilson on KKKarl's book: Courage and Consequence: Less Memoir Than Hoax

I think WE have to make sure Grayson's HR 4789 sees the light of day:

Rest In Peace Granny D

Chief exorcist Father Amorth says Devil is in the Vatican

BREAKING: Supreme Court Chief Justice verbally attacks Commander In Chief while nation is at war

Ted Kennedy - "The Cause of My Life" On The Need For HCR Now

DU History Teachers, looking for recommendations for

DU History Teachers, looking for recommendations for

DU History Teachers, looking for recommendations for

Kansas wants to add a 10 cent sales tax on every can of soda

MASSA's ramblings about his 24 yrs of Navy service are distortions, besides other distortions

Monsanto's Mutant justice: two Supemes have conflict of interest

Funny Diane Sawyer and ABCs investigation of the

"I'm not gonna answer that...ask my wife, my friends, the 10,000 sailors I served with in the Navy"

Soldier’s gutsy move under Taliban attack

Soldier’s gutsy move under Taliban attack

Paul Ryan's massive tax hikes for the poor to pay for tax cuts for the very richest 1%

Runaway Toyota Prius (it bugs me when people so quickly mock the driver as an idiot)

This guy is a "survivalist"....

The Chavez Challenge: Caracas' Nuclear Ambitions and Terrorist Ties must not be Ignored

Stupak gets a primary challenger

If Private Health Insurance Companies Are Evil, Why Are You Forcing Me to Be a Customer?

Women Air Force Service Pilots (WASP) given Congressional Gold Medal - pics

Somebody explain this to me: Enemy Belligerent

Welcome to Republicanistan

When I see Nora O'donnell on my TV talking about "tools of the right", I ______

Markos Moulitsas calls Dennis Kucinich "little prick"

You have to give it too this ass hole on the Daily Show,,,

Harry Reid Slams Supreme Court Justices John Roberts, Anthony Kennedy

Job's Job's Job's !!!!!!

Hazmat Crews at Alamo HEB (grocery store)

Toyota recalling ALL 2000 to 2003 Tundras

For the nth time... There can be no primary challenge to Dennis Kucinich....

Gibbs Fires Back At Chief Justice Roberts Over Obama Criticism

Daily Mail: Vaccines 'are making our dogs sick as vets cash in'

Daily Mail: Vaccines 'are making our dogs sick as vets cash in'

Dear Dumbass Massa: If you are tickling someone NOT related directly to you - it's SEXUALLY related

The dance the government and the banks have been doing is about to get interesting

I hadn't really been following the developments in the Eric Massa story until this morning...

DFA email: Dean brings back the bat for a public option.

Black-market buttock enhancement cosmetic surgeries hospitalize six women

HHS Sec. Sebelius Sends Letter to Insurance Co. CEOs, Calls on Executives to Justify Premium Hikes

'Miracle' baby elephant

Boy is this true "Creating the new economy"

People, Dennis Kucinich has no primary opponent and since it

You gotta love the creativity of some scam artists

China Plans High-Speed Rail line to Europe

Granny D Appreciation Thread

How many people here currently have insurance but can't afford medical treatment?

Supreme Court Justice Roberts Fibbed in Alabama, and YouTube Proves It

the Gov. of Utah is religiously insane

Alexander (R-Tn): I Will Use ‘Every Right And Privilege I Have As A Senator’

Did you know hat DU and other blogs can be charged

Rush Limbaugh declares war on sea turtles - they inconvenience him!

Let me kill the myth about the NHS - it saved my life and I am forever grateful.

Anyone else have a HUGE increase in insurance premiums recently?

Utah Governor Signs Controversial Law Charging Women and Girls With Murder for Miscarriages

Hi - Skye Grayson here. My Daddy is Congressman Alan Grayson.

Tea Partiers Should Be Picketing the Corporations That Dominate Our Lives

Birther Orly Taitz is going to run for Secretary of State in California

'JihadJane' Charged With Recruiting Terrorists Online

RW fueling new, quickly spreading lie: Obama intends to outlaw FISHING all over America.

Runaway Prius driver: Brakes were 'almost burned'

There's evidence that Dennis Kucinich is a right-wing politician

The Real Targets of the GOP's ACORN Smear Campaigns: Verifiable Truth, American Democracy

"He who controls redistricting can control Congress." ~ Karl Rove

Why are healthcare costs one-sixth of our entire economy ??


Brother Wrongfully Detained and Deported

Obama Defies Pessimists as Rising Economy Converges With Stocks

Can't we get rid of Ben Nelson? Today's vote...

Fireworks as Stewart interviews Marc Thiessen

Fireworks as Stewart interviews Marc Thiessen

The Financial Crisis: The Worst Is Yet To Come

Re moving money out of "too big to fail" banks ... Credit Union rates higher . . .

"Beck is crazy"

Candy Crowley Says Patrick Kennedy Went Off Today On The Press Because.....

*PUBLIC OPTION* is about to become a reality -- join the fight, and never give up!

*PUBLIC OPTION* is about to become a reality -- join the fight, and never give up!

*PUBLIC OPTION* is about to become a reality -- join the fight, and never give up!

Obama to privatize NASA launches, end moon mission

Evolution Fucked Your Shit Up: The World’s 50 Freakiest Animals

Are there any DU'ers here, anymore who support us OUT OF AFGHANISTAN/IRAQ?


The Great Prostate Mistake

Anyone else get the Michael Reagan push poll?

If you just found out you had two, three maybe five good years to live...

Toyota Reaches Out

"They fired us all."

Another Reason I Will ONLY Drive Manual Transmission Vehicles

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and first lady Michelle Obama - pics

Cheap whores in the Senate.

Cheap whores in the Senate.

Fake Prius acceleration

Chrysler recalls 300 Kokomo workers

Dennis Kucinich's acomplishments in 14 years in congress

Remember when this was cool?

TX Board of Education debates new social studies curriculum that could affect textbooks nationwide

TX Board of Education debates new social studies curriculum that could affect textbooks nationwide

Porn: Good for us?

I just met a National Guardsman just back from Afghanistan that told me he was a

PBS to Replace Moyers, NOW With Newsweek Editor, Jon Meacham?

In paying for sex changes, Cuba breaks from past

New Solid Evidence U.S. Government is winning the war in Afghanistan!

The liberal case against Dennis Kucinich

I hope Rassmussen is really wrong. Presidential daily Tracking Poll is really bad

Dennis Kucinich is a dissident

Discovery of 'Fat' Taste Could Hold the Key to Reducing Obesity

Please sign Alan Grayson's 'We Want Medicare' petition here's the link

DU, you were there for me during my greatest sorrow.

Monica Conyers Gets 3 Years in Prison

"Jihad Jane" - something about this whole story smells fishy...

"Jihad Jane" - something about this whole story smells fishy...

All Terrorists Look Alike

All Terrorists Look Alike

JIHAD JANE Undermines RIGHT-WING Calls For Profiling Based On MYTHS That All Terrorists Look Alike

If insurance costs more than $250/adult/month or $600/family/month, it is a ripoff

Some Pro-Mandate People Have Gone too Far

R.I.P. Granny D

Fuck this guy and fuck those who "honored" him tonight.

Fuck this guy and fuck those who "honored" him tonight.

Fuck this guy and fuck those who "honored" him tonight.

Prius is a "Top Pick" in the Consumer Reports April 2010 "Automobile Issue"

More proof debunking the "calorie is a calorie" BS.

Holy Cripe! I worked with this teacher! Arrested for sex with middle school student.

Who has sent President Obama a message of disappointment regarding the lack of prosecution of

Howard Stern takes me from sheer delight to utter comtempt

One reason the public option or lack thereof isn't making a difference to me right now

WH: So That’s Why They’re Raising Rates So Much …

On KO: Rush will leave the country if health care reform passes! PASS IT NOW!

How many Dennis Kucinich bashing threads are enough?

Digby has a little advice for Gaithner (and others in the administration)

Should DEMOCRATS who act like DEMOCRATS be bashed on DEMOCRATIC Underground?

Are You Angry? Tell The Democratic Leadership!

Stale Cupcakes

A man is trying to give to charity...

Dennis Kucinich absolutely believes in everything he says and does..

PHOTO Friends?

Foreclosure-prevention plan failing. Geithner blamed. Kucinich proposes reducing mortgage principals

The Opposite of Corporatism

Another Kucinich thread.

Melancon files Vitter ethics complaint

Cornyn Not Done Recruiting In WA

Vander Plaats over Branstad in three county straw polls

Delaware: Michele Rollins May Run For Castle's Seat

Democrat Brenda Short files in 3rd District congressional race

RALPH REED PLOTS HIS COMEBACK (will announce whether or not he is running for Congress at 11am)

AP-GfK Poll: Obama more popular than Congress

Flint family hopes to get answers from Toyota (by court order)

Grayson Speaks or Me too

My response to my republican brother and the "Genius Teacher"

Chris Dodd: Show us, for once, that Congress works for us--not the banks and payday loan companies

Fun Poll: Should RushBo move to Costa Rica?

If the PO would prove the government 'can't do anything right', why aren't the Repubs promoting it?

Woolsey retreats from public option demand for health care

Missing--my post about how Kucinich was the DLC's biggest enemy, along with proof of their attacks

GD:P = General Discussion: Propaganda?

Letting the good or perfect be the enemy of adequate is not wise, neither is doing nothing

Griffith Moves to Distance Himself From Rangel Donations

Define Your Ideal Political Movement

Sessions To Campaign for Barela in New Mexico

While I do not agree with everything Dennis Kucinich says...

Ralph Reed Expected to Pass on Georgia House Race

Slightly OT but funny nontheless---Woolsey

Slightly OT but funny nontheless---Woolsey

Landry Announces in Louisiana, More Candidates on the Way

Roberts is just looking for an excuse to quit!

Should Progressives be "more" concerned about the Deficit?

Gibbs Fires Back At Chief Justice Roberts Over Obama Criticism (Re: SOTU Rebuke of Citizens United)

Since we're talking about Dennis, get your Dennis Kucinich desktop wallpaper today!

I would support a primary challenge to my congressperson if she voted against the HCR bill

I'm optimistic that this new bill will lower premiums by about $2,500 per year

Todd Palin’s Snowmobile Team Tied to “Dictator” Hugo Chavez

WP: Republicans work to split Democrats, block health-care bill

Do you know why the criticism of Kucinich has lasted 2 days?

I might have some differences with Dennis Kucinich, but I'm not going to badmouth him.

Kucinich has a funny name - let's break it down

Israel Embarrasses Vice President Biden, Sparks Rebuke From U.S.

Krugman's thorough smack down of Paul Ryan's bogus "Roadmap for America’s Future"

Obama’s Health-Care Push Challenged By Business Group (Chamber of Commerce at it again)

Woolsey: Public Option Too Potent to Ignore

'Tax Extenders' Package Passes Senate

Text of AIPAC Letter to Congress

And for my 20,000th post, let me point out that IF a Public Option DOES somehow pass,

Connie Saltonstall is challenging Bart Stupak in the democratic primary - ActBlue link is up

Obama speaking LIVE on Healthcare in Missouri. LIVE on HUFFPO link below.

Howard Dean: I'm going to fight for a public option until we get one

Say the Senate does vote for the PO via reconciliation. Are we sure that fix will pass the House/

Watch President Obama Speak on HCR, here:

The state-based single payer strategy

The Hill: Dems Expect CBO Score on Health Reform Today or Tomorrow

Liz Cheney is a terrorist loving hack

2016 Hypothetical Presidential poll

Ezra Klein: The State-Based Single Payer Strategy

Question on health care costs. The price gouging of medicines.

List of the 41 Senators who have signed onto the public option via reconciliation. Need 9 more!

So now its Nacy Pelosi's fault that Massa allegelly gropped male staffers

W. PA TV stations have a blizzard of ads against HCR. "Call Jason Altmire and thank him for

GOP Senators Unite Behind Strategy To Bleed Reconciliation To Death

ROFLMAO Yot gotta read this article about Massa's appearance on BECK!

GOP Senators Unite Behind Strategy To Bleed Reconciliation To Death. Biden best start limbering up.

Democrats set to unveil $100B jobs legislation

HCR: Not Exactly the Waterloo They Were Looking For

Justice Roberts just needs to grow up..

AFLCIO: New Legislation Would Create 1 Million Jobs

Senate passes $149 billion for jobless aid, tax breaks

Greg Sargent's Plumline: Lefty Groups to Vulnerable Dems: Hang tight, the air cover is coming!

The Repub on the Ed Show....

Kildee Breaks From Stupak Over Senate Abortion Language

Reid promises filibuster reform - "Next Congress, we are going to take a look at it."

"Obama Defies Pessimists as Rising Economy Converges With Stocks"

TPM: High-Living Pay-Day Lender CEO Tied to Bid to Weaken Financial Reform

Study says 'Cash for clunkers' impact was underestimated

Bob Herbert: The Source of Obama’s Trouble

Jobless rates rise in 30 states

Nancy Pelosi says she has the votes to pass HCR!

The majestic petulance of John Roberts, By Glenn Greenwald

Have you heard of Bart Stupak?

The Republicans want to investigate Pelosi over Massa. So lets investigate McConnell over Ensign

"Slaughter Solution?" Boner Uses Lawmaker's Name to Hit Health Care.

Cenk from the TYT thinks the signing of the Dem's on the public option is smoke and mirrors

OMG!!!! How excited should I get? I am freaking out: Senator Nelson of Florida said YES!

Sanders: Obama Has Tragically Lost The Youth, Antagonized Unions

The Nation: Obama should listen to Kucinich

Ed Schultz: I've caved, we've gotta suck it up and pass the Senate bill in the House


Have you ever rejected an anthology?

Was Mark Harmon in CHiP's?

Was Mark Harmon in CHiP's?

Ezra Klein: 'The Public Option Act'

Widdle Wabbit

God schooling Adam ~

In the town where I was born,

Everyone has their breaking point, I guess

Would somebody PLEASE get this verdammt cat off my desk??

I had the weirdest dream...

Just finished installing new energy efficient lighting throughout my house. What do you all think?

New York now has an official condom. Really...

I still love Lyric.

Three minutes and forty-nine seconds of awesomeness: REGEN!

Cue The Who

I'm lusting for Gary Oldman and the fact that he's a republican makes me lust for him even more

How do you grope someone in a non-sexual manner?

PSA: Unless a rabid earwig is gnawing on your brain, DON'T spend 10 minutes digging in your ear

I found some IMAX movies on netflex.

Are you about out of toilet paper?

Who else scrambles eggs in the microwave?

Ronnie James Dio Featuring Yngwie Malmsteen - Dream On.

Food Wars Buffalo (Travel Channel) - The right chicken wing won (spoilers)

Good morning Lounge

"Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! he chortled in his joy."

Rachel or Keith?

I love this game - Word Jong! (I have it on my Iphone)

The high holy days of basketball are upon us.

People in GD need to quit using "IMHO" when they just mean "IMO."

Did you know Girl Scouts are possible terrorists?

RIP my beloved iPOD: 2005-2010

One of our city employees died last week. He was the heart of the town

Three word thread.

It's 106 miles to Chicago,

Damn, We just lost a Corey

A Japanese folk Tale: How Yogodayu won a battle.

A Japanese folk Tale: How Yogodayu won a battle.

Thoughts on Neil Diamond?

Megan Barnes Driving While Shaving! Fla. Woman Arrested After Crash, Grooming "Bikini Area" Say Cops

Granny D Appreciation Thread


Videos Of My Band Up On You Tube

If Farrah was snub because she was a "televsion actress" then why was Michael Jackson included?

Republicans turned off by size of Obama's package

Kucinich, who voted against a public option, accuses the President of being against it.

FB ettiquette...

I still love bacon.

"We are unable to find the switch to turn the lift off, can't stop the dancing chickens."

Bahbwah WAHwah just had her "Chinatown" moment: "My daughter, my sister..."

What did you think of "Taking Woodstock"?

Symarip emerges from out of nowhere for the first time in years....

I still love Midlo.

'dya ever notice ....

Say something nice about Corey Haim

Nomah retires a Red Sox

Got a live one here...

My son officially became an Eagle Scout last night

What colour is the sky

Death Duel of the Day

A thought I had about the whole no government funding of abortions.

Corey Haim found dead

Name something that has a hint of Tommy_Carcetti

I don't care about celebrities. Period.

I like Kucinich.. but I have to say this.

Here's my new song:

I was simply dumbfounded

Restaurateur, chef, businessman, innovator...

Kucinich would have voted against FDR's Social Security plan and Medicare

Corey Feldman found alive.

How much do you have saved for retirement?

LOST I know I'm late for the talk back (possible spoilers)

What happened to NARWHAL? Susan Boyle?

A company probably run by Deadheads

filthy: 5000 naked people

I saw Dennis Kucinich on Ed's show tonight: he was very lame

My sister got a job!!!!

The Nestle Crunch Hotline

Family tells me Philadelphia doesn't have snow plows, they mount plows on garbage trucks

Sarah Palin- 2012!!!

Sometimes I'm so fast on my feet it's scary.

Facebook members: Join "Can this Pit Bull get more fans than Michael Vick?"

Man tricked into talking about his penis.

How many watched Lost from the beginning or watched the show on dvd or from hulu.

Describe the most EXPENSIVE meal you've paid for that was also the most DISAPPOINTING.

Coming soon..."Crimson White and Indigo," a DVD/3-CD set of Grateful Dead in Philadelphia, 7/7/89

How come pets don't laugh when you tickle them?

I'm With CoCo UPDATE: Letterman is kicking Leno's weasel ass 6 days after his triumphant "return."

I would like some ice cream.

Someone needs to drag Lindsey Lohan's butt to Corey Haim's funeral

"TruthIsAll's got a book coming out." - x

wOrd AsSoCiaTion ThReAD!! first word: milk

Don't pee in my Wheaties

So has spring arrived at your house.

So one of my heroes, Todd Rundgren, did A Wizard, A True Star

Dad is finally getting out of the hospital...

Bruce Davis, Academy mouthpiece, wraps ANOTHER insult around the Academy's Official Farrah Apology©

In honor of Sky Masterson, post some old country songs that you love.

Sometimes the FAIL blog mislabels something that could never be a "fail"

Kos just said he thinks Kucinich should be primaried.

Hope Sandoval (w/JMC) - Sometimes Always

Fellow science nerds: Who remembers "Connections" with James Burke on PBS?

I am now a webcomic author.

My gentleman friend, Jason, is having his jaw worked on next week

Justin Bieber Claims Allegiance to “Crips” Street Gang

The Niacin "flush" - is the equivalent of what?

Congratulations, me, on my 12,000th post!

Why would Kucinich oppose Sanders' state single payer provision?

Why would Kucinich oppose Sanders' state single payer provision?

Could you be a good cult leader?

Is it more fun to hate on stuff people like than to say what you like?


Who Is The Best Classical Pianist Ever?

How do you detect bullshit?

Name something slightly underrated/not fully appreciated

Anybody want to help with a sports headline?

Dammit Pandora

Cuberats: What do you have decorating the walls of your cube? Other interesting items lying about?

Police: Woman Crashes Car While Shaving Bikini Area

Can somebody explain the Schroedinger's Wave to me?

What would happen if they outlawed Porn?

Anyone ever take a long break from working out and lifting weights?

Lounge tickle fight!

Teach US a phrase in another Languge!

How come PF Changs doesn't get the same contempt from some DUers that Olive Garden does?

Possibly the most screwed-up juxtaposition of banner and content in WWW history

GD is reduced to discussing tickling

Nominate Jerry Garcia to the California Hall Of Fame!

I got a job!

Help. The "v" in my computer keyboard doesn't work. I need a new verb to replace

Name something massively overrated.

You know, I still think DU is awesome, but I miss the old names:

What are some things that live up to their hype?

Music Recommendations Thread - a chance for all to participate

Some Advice For Hard Times: In My Position I See A Lot of Resumes.

Massa Says He Tickled Staffer ‘Until He Couldn’t Breathe’

Ex-Edwards Aide Ordered to Jail Over Sex Tape-NC Judge Sends Andrew Young & Wife to Jail

NAFTA pullout bill fails to scare Ottawa

Pa. woman accused of recruiting jihadists online

Sacramento airport pot patient jailed after felony conviction

Ex-MI5 chief says US 'concealed suspect mistreatment'

RALPH REED PLOTS HIS COMEBACK (will announce whether or not he is running for Congress at 11am)

Militants Attack British Aid Agency Office

Obama Plan To Modify Second Mortgages Has Yet To Help One Homeowner Updated: 03- 5-10 04:49 PM

Dubai issues 16 more int'l warrants for Hamas murder suspects

Biden Condemns Israel's East Jerusalem Housing Plan

Pittsburgh officials shift blame for steelworker’s death to paramedics

N.H. campaign-finance activist 'Granny D' Haddock dies at 100

Churches call on Obama to abandon "Plan Colombia"

Groups jockey for role in Haiti revival

Obama Plan To Modify Second Mortgages Has Yet To Help One Homeowner Updated: 03- 5-10 04:49 PM

Another Prius speeds out of control, N.Y. police say

Runaway Prius driver: Brakes were 'almost burned'

Spanish hostage in Africa freed

Obama Plan To Modify Second Mortgages Has Yet To Help One Homeowner

Iran's Ahmadinejad attacks US for Afghan 'double game'

Toyota exec says sales increased 50 percent from March 2009

European Union urges U.S. to join in action against speculators

Gates: Early pullout reliant on 'conditions' in Afghanistan

Girl, 3, shoots herself

AP-GfK Poll: Obama more popular than Congress

Israeli minister apologizes to Biden over homes plan

Whites in U.S. Edge Toward Minority Status

Dispute over candidate disqualifications could mar Iraqi vote's legitimacy

Chile's Bachelet still popular after quake - poll

FBI indicts Colombo crime family members in extortion in World Trade Center demolition

Economists trim 2011 US growth forecast

Toyota to fix more Tundras for rust problems

Bank of America to End Most Overdraft Fees

Ex-MI5 chief says US 'concealed suspect mistreatment'

Obama using 'bounty hunters' to root out fraud

U.S. House to vote on pullout from Afghanistan

Pakistan officials: Suspected US missiles kill 4

Ex-Detroit councilwoman gets 3 years for bribes

Contractors divert Somalia aid, UN report says

In paying for sex changes, Cuba breaks from past

Rush Limbaugh races to inject racial joke about Paterson into Massa Mess

Ex-Christian Coalition head Ralph Reed won’t run for Congress

Ohio State shooter complained bosses were unfair

House Democrats Ban Earmarks to Corporations

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday March 10

Flu Shots in Children Help People of All Ages

Scientists to review climate body

China's exports up 46% in February

Indian cos in hiring mode, may add 1 million jobs in FY11

Obama holds bipartisan meeting to push climate bill

Unemployment rises in 30 states in January

A Consumer Bill Gives Exemption on Payday Loans

(Senator) Grassley: Getting GOP support to close Gitmo a 'longshot'

Doris 'Granny D' Haddock Dies At 100

Silicon Valley employers' seasonal cuts push jobless rate to 12.4%

Obama Defies Pessimists as Rising Economy Converges With Stocks

Swedish papers publish Prophet Muhammad drawing

Once-revered SC lawmaker (Juanita Goggins) freezes to death alone

Bill Nelson comes out for public option, now 41 (Actually 44) Senators in favor with 50 in sight

Pelosi says House has votes for healthcare if vote were held today

Gibbs Fires Back At Chief Justice Roberts Over Obama Criticism

GM CEO Says On Track For Pre-June Loan Repayment ($8 billion in debt to the US, Canada)

Panel Releases Proposal to Set U.S. Education Standards

US aid group attacked in NW Pakistan; 6 dead

LHC to shut down for a year to address safety concerns

Bill Halter, Blanche Lincoln's Primary Opponent, Promises Never To Become A Lobbyist

Harry Reid Pledges Filibuster Reform

(Virginia) Governor issues directive against discrimination

Chief justice unsettled by Obama's criticism of Supreme Court

Stimulus Bucks to Start Flying

Corey Haim Found Dead

Female WWII pilots to receive medals

Grayson introduces Public Option Act

AP Health Care Poll: Only FOUR PERCENT Of Americans Don't Want Any Reform

43% have less than $10k for retirement

Bank of America to End Overdraft Fees on Debit Purchases

UN expert slams US for not looking into torture claims

IBM invents Earth-friendly plastic made from plants

105,000 Tattoos PT 2: Iraqi Artist Wafaa Bilal Commemorates Dead Iraqis & Americans

105,000 Tattoos PT. 1: Iraqi Artist Wafaa Bilal Commemorate Dead Iraqis & Americans

Dennis Kucinich: Peace is Possible with a New Direction

Massa: Dems targeted me over healthcare

Massa: Dems targeted me over healthcare

Roots of Rahm-Massa tensions (from 2006 campaign)

DC Citizens' Arrest of Insurance Companies - One of Three

Single payer fight moves to states

Rep. Degette: 40 Pro-Choice Reps to vote NO on Senate HC bill if Stupak language included

Howard Dean Joins Pro Health Care Reform Protesters Who Surround Ritz Carlton

The Al Franken Show welcomes author, Molly Ivins [Part1/4] -- July 12, 2004

Walter Cronkite was RIGHT. 9/11

Papantonio: Market Rally Won't Last

11 Yr Old Marcelas Owens Discusses His Mother's Death and Lobbying Congress for Health Care Reform

Beck: The Census Is The Government’s Attempt To ‘Increase Slavery’

HD Healthcare Reform Rally DC - Yesterday at DuPont Circle - Part 1

Papantonio: GOP Mocks Own Donors in Document

Dr. Dean on Reconciliation: "(Medicare Buy-In/Public Option) Should Be Done. It's Smart Politics."

Thom Hartmann - A reenactment of the Psycho

Papantonio: Goldman Sachs Caused Greek Economic Collapse

HD Healthcare Reform Rally DC - Yesterday at DuPont Circle - Part 2

TYT: Congressman Kucinich Slams Obama & Healthcare Bill

Clashes at the headquarters of Total

Jesse Ventura Explains Why WTC7 Is The Key To 9/11 Being An Inside Job!

Part 5 of 5: Congressman Steney Hoyer Speech at Economic Empowerment Meeting

Kucinich: This Debate Today Congress Will Have Chance Reflect On Our Responsibility Being @ War

Harman: Grievous Risks With Our National Security Accelerate Afghan Withdrawal

O-SPAN / Rep. Seeks Retroactive Immunity For Anyone Who Hit On First Lady Last Night

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - Harry Markopolos, March 8, 2010

Rep. Grayson Introduces Bill Which Allows Anyone To Buy Into Medicare At Cost

Granny D - a life well-lived

Now Here's a DEM Senate Candidate with Fire in his belly

Rachel Maddow: Massa Visit Makes Glenn Beck Look Stupid(er)

Dead Peasants Insurance

Husbands and Husbands

Congressman Kennedy's passionate speech about Afghanistan and the press

Dennis Kucinich To Force Debate On Afghanistan War Tomorrow

Larry King: Are You Gay? Congressman Massa "I'm Not Gonna Answer That!"

Fight Back: A Message from Cynthia Nixon

Olbermann Responds (on Dkos) After Jesse Ventura Claimed MSNBC Tried To Shut Him Up In TYT Interview

Why the Maoists want Arundhati Roy

It's The Corporate Power Stupid!

Waterboarding for dummies

Billionaires and Mega-Corporations Behind Immense Land Grab in Africa

Robert Scheer: An Oscar for America’s Hubris

Bob Barr: Cheney to lawyers: “drop dead”

The Pentagon shooter, insurrectionism, and right-wing bloggers

A One-Track Senate

Some of our neighbors are our greatest danger

Land Grabbing in Latin America

Granny D: How a Small Group of Dedicated People Might Actually Do Something

Eric Massa Inspires Glenn Beck to Join the Navy

How The Democrats Can Reclaim The Youth Vote

Long Ago and Far Away

Wendell Potter Says "Take The Deal," Kucinich Says "No Way"

Holland considers assisted suicide for anyone over 70

The Lies of "Conservatism" and the "Center" are Immoral

Michelle Alexander: "The New Jim Crow"

Massa Ruins Glenn Beck's Day; Admits to Groping "Tickle Fight" with Staffer

Be afraid! Be very afraid! The IMF is getting involved in preparing to 'help' with climate crisis!

Freak snow falls in Spain strands 6,000

The future of fusion

Action needed to save climate, create jobs

Sunlabob, Power to the Poor (VIDEO)

Protecting Taxpayers from a Financial Meltdown

China Village Pioneers Biogas Project (VIDEO)

2010 Draft U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report

DR Congo ring may be giant 'impact crater'

Obama's policies are like nuclear accidents

Climate Change Denier - proving his case?

Are you fucking stupid?

Obama Plan To Modify Second Mortgages Has Yet To Help One Homeowner

Drumbeat: March 10, 2010

China 'not suitable' for wind power generation

World crude oil production may peak a decade earlier than some predict (2014)

No! Chinese Environment Continuing To Deteriorate, Officials Say - PRC May Miss Energy Goals - AFP

Funding Cuts By Harper Gov. Mean Ellesmere Island Climate Research Station Closing Down - G&M

Freak Snowstorm Hits Pyrenees With Meter Of Snow - Most In Nearly 50 Yrs - Thousands Stranded - AFP

Chytrid Fungus Infection & El Nino May Have Killed Golden Toad, Not Climate Breakdown - AFP

DNA Study Shows Rapid Climate Shift Main Cause Of Musk Ox Decline, Not Human Hunting Pressure - AFP

Life After Growth--Managing our Way to a Desirable Future by Richard Heinberg

The Lithium Chase

Climatologist Stephen Schneider - "You Know It's Going To Happen - They Shoot Abortion Doctors Here"

Unusually Warm Weather Leaves Lake Superior With 27% Ice Cover - 60% Normal For Late February

NoMix toilets get thumbs-up in 7 European countries

Fuel-injection System That Delivers 64 Miles Per Gallon


U.N. secretary-general asks world's leading science academies to review work of its climate change p recommended by a guest on Michio Kaku's radio show

Leading the charge on local renewable energy

Secretary Chu Announces Up To $154 Million for NRG Energy's Carbon Capture and Storage Project ...

Don't call it waste wood; call it woody biomass

Google adds bike lane with latest mapping feature

Prehistoric Response to Global Warming Informs Human Planning Today

Possible Seasonal Turn Here For Arctic Sea Ice?

SMU-UT Study Shows 'Plausible' Connection Between DFW Quakes and Saltwater Injection Well

Three million dollar 187 Ton Wind Turbine Crashes From 200 Feet, Waking the Neighbor Across the....

DNA of extinct birds extracted from ancient eggshell

Nuclear energy is a viable alternative to fossil fuels.

Cotton is the fabric of your lights . . . your iPod . . . your MP3 player . . . your cell phone . .

Debating the Nuclear Waste Problem

Who will the UConn women beat , um, I mean, meet in the National Championship game?

I don't care. I support Massa 100%.

RIP Willie Davis

Nomar: A dream to retire with Red Sox

Stupid thieving Libertarian

Seattle Mariners trade Milton Bradley

Kemp, Loney to Marlins in blockbuster MLB trade

Derek Anderson

2010 Season - "Hide your Beagle, Vick is still an Eagle"

Do you know how you spell uncomfortable? Conversation about homosexuality on Sports Talk Radio.

Browns acquire QB Seneca Wallace from Seahawks; release Derek Anderson

Top 10 Most Cowardly Programs in College Football

Calling all Venezuela history buffs

Chile's Bachelet still popular after quake - poll

Cuba builds hurricane resistant tele towers

Churches call on Obama to abandon "Plan Colombia"

‘Aruba tax paradise for American defense’

Have y'all seen the thread on US teachers being fired and schools being closed?

In paying for sex changes, Cuba breaks from past

Land Grabbing in Latin America

Venezuelan Social Investment Exceeded $330 Billion

When Israelis degrade Israel by humiliating Joe Biden

Dubai issues 16 more int'l warrants for Hamas murder suspects

Why Israel jailed me for ‘talking too much’

Middle East Women Ahead But Not Home

Bold new Gaza play skewers Fatah and Hamas

Young Israeli Arab leader: Like Ajami director, I don't represent Israel

An Eviction Stirs Old Ghosts in a Contested City

Netanyahu and Pastor Hagee’s Lovefest on Eve of Biden’s Arrival in Israel

Israel Embarrasses Vice President Biden, Sparks Rebuke From U.S.

The Hebronisation of Jerusalem

David Kimche Dies; Israeli Spy Involved In Iran-Contra Scandal

Jewish lobbying sways EU against support of Goldstone Gaza report

Joe Biden attacks Israeli plan for East Jerusalem homes

Israel 'to unveil plans to build nuclear power plant'

Amy Goodman: Rachel Corrie’s (Posthumous) Day in Court

Israeli minister apologizes to Biden over homes plan

Today in Labor History Mar 9 "Slovak strike" begins on this date and continues for nearly 16 months

NYC Inspections Focused More On Union Sites, Even Though They're Safer Than Non-Union

Supreme Court Will Decide NASA Employee Privacy Issue

Fired Westin Workers in Providence, RI Win Their Jobs Back After NLRB Action

Labor Activists Discuss Future of Single-Payer Health Care

Per the Federal Reserve: Corp savings in the recent auto restructuring:

The Socialist Roots of International Women’s Day

(Vote for) Labour Video of the Year

Today in Labor History Mar 10 Show of force by Irish-American strikers at the St. Patrick’s Day para

‘Gaza Hungers for Justice’: Hundreds Demonstrate as Friends of IDF Hold Lavish Dinner in Manhattan

please DU this ridiculous poll.....

Nice online Progressive Insurance Ad

Wish me luck.

Should 'Hellafuck if I know' be a valid scientific quantification?

Pristine DNA discovered in fossilized eggshells

People who don't "believe" in hellafuck?

Cyanobacteria gave the entire planet O2 needed for life but...

Insulators Made Into Conductors

Mummy, can I have some more carrion soup?

Better Than Apollo: The Space Program We Almost Had

According to ABC News there is a Wii Controller that looks like a Black Handgun

Hypocrisy, Chicago style

Mass. Court says trigger lock laws constitutional, 2A does not apply to states

Remington Shotguns for the Department of Education

Girl, 3, shoots herself

Late afternoon on Danforth Avenue


ATF seizes 30 toy guns ....

8-Year-Old Girl Critical After Lithonia Dog Attack (Guns aren't only for self-defense)

Ohio Supreme Court to hear case involving Cleveland gun law...


Hawk dining on one of my birds I faithful feed & water.

Until we know for sure what the theme is, let me entertain you

Bringing back the Moa?

old (25 years or so) slide brought back to

Homeowner Shoots Intruder Overnight

Eerie Sounds of Saturn's Radio Emissions

LHC to shut down for a year to address design faults

The 'New' NASA Will Look Back at Earth

Big planetary events going on now and MARS IS GOING FORWARD!

I put another You Tube clearing video up

All pain and no gain as sterling's weakness fails to boost exports suggests we honor Bob Dole for today's HCR

I am modifying my original Five Rules for Financial Fulfillment to

Florida Housing Market Headed for a Recovery.......

Flu's mood symptoms not related to viral infection

European Leaders Call for Crackdown on Derivatives

Credit unions upped small business lending by 11% in 2009; big banks dropped by 15%

check it out: Rep. Grayson Introduces Bill Which Allows Anyone To Buy Into Medicare At Cost

The oncologist in your garden

Homeopathy vs Science - a Metaphor

Church abuse scandal reaches pope's brother

Hail Satan! (Funny church sign)

Financial Times: Tax move by Brazil risks US trade war

Is it legal to buy drugs from Canada?

Caravaggio Rises.

Chief exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth says Devil is in the Vatican

'God' Helps with Personal Decisions, Most Americans Say

Pilgrim Non Grata in Mecca

Flu Shots in Children Can Help Community

It's contagious! Teachers in KC being forced out now too.

Question re: Charter Schools v. LEA innovative, autonomous schools and D.C. Autonomous Schools.

Teacher acquitted of assault and then fired

US Dept Of Ed Buying remington shotguns (I guess they got serious about class disclipline)

Last Bell - Suspended in Seattle - We Stood Up to Unfair Testing

Common Core Standards - available for comment!

newsWEAK article

question for teachers:

Graduates rally for embattled school (Central Falls, RI)

The Great Prostate Mistake