La Meow is on hardball and he is sooooo stupid
The Rise and Fall of Desirée Rogers
The Rise and Fall of Desirée Rogers
They got us coming and going. New York Cabbies cheating their passengers out of big bucks
GOP leader's skinny-dip confession stuns Utah; paid woman $150,000 to keep quiet
Unhappy with Suzanne Kosmas' throwing PO and liberal Dems under the bus? There's a Democratic alt:
BANK BUST FRIDAY update !!!! Latecomers to happy hour !
So, doesn't the willful partisan ignorance of the Texas Board of Education make it pretty clear
So, doesn't the willful partisan ignorance of the Texas Board of Education make it pretty clear
Bill Moyers: Ask the Chamber of Commerce: Why Is Too Much Not Enough?
Guardian UK: In Kansas City, school's out
Antiabortion religious leaders urge lawmakers to pass Senate health bill
Juanita Goggins Dead: Once-Revered South Carolina Lawmaker Freezes To Death Alone
From his very first national speech at the 2004 DNC. Obama signaled post-partisanship
I used to think the Democratic Party was not as bad as the Republican Party
Lawrence O'Donnell is tearing Rove a new one
Lawrence O'Donnell is tearing Rove a new one
Mei Lan - newly appointed global ambasssador for Earth Hour - pic
US Department of Education to upgrade its arsenal of learning... with shotguns
Hey, can we get the Betty White fb-Guy to take on
Toyota should be forced to open their black boxes to public scrutiny
Doubling of maternal deaths in U.S. 'scandalous,' rights group says
Family sues cops for approaching son without probable cause and Tasing him; son later died
Can't you just feel the Trickle Down yet? Cash strapped towns are making overdue books jailable
Reid's wife undergoes surgery after traffic crash
Welcome to America, Sucker: How Get-Rich-Quick Crime Came to Define an Era
7 Accused In Medicaid, Food Stamp Fraud
Ted Olson joins RNC's legal team in campaign finance case
Pope's diocese accused of accepting abuse priest
I know nothing about the source blog but a Muslim & Latino alliance is intriguing, common ground
Tea Party Avoids Divisive Social Issues
Dan Riehl: "Isn't It Time To Euthanize Reid's Wife?"
Colorable Claims: Why Is Banking Less Accountable Than Baseball? - OpenLeft
Bacon makes me see things, too
SEC Watch: Top NYTCo Execs’ Wages Soar
Militant anti-choicer arrested for making terrorist threats against Elton John
Mandatory Friday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! TGIF!! Best of Malloy tonight
Mandatory Friday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! TGIF!! Best of Malloy tonight
whats the current polling on how many/percentage want a public option? thanks
"Otherwise it is merely wires and lights in a box"
Would-be Cabinet secretary named to deficit panel
Has anyone seen the US Chamber of Commerce anti-HCR bill on TV?
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and John Hagee Share Stage as Biden Arrives in Israel
We Need To Take A Firm Stand Against This
Mo'nique's Oscar is a Victory and a Setback - Editorial comments by Julianne Malveaux
Why The US Occupation Makes Iraqi Women Miss Saddam
A New Breed of Guard Dog Attacks Bedbugs
American Extremists: "Oratory hallelujah"
Toyota driver hits Canton Walgreens (Ohio)
Geithner Says U.S. to Recover Faster, Stronger Than Others
"Republicans Turned Off By The Size Of Obama's Package"
Australian unions contract out recruitment of members
Australian unions contract out recruitment of members
Here Is What I Just Received From My Congressman - Lipinski (D - IL 3rd) On HCR - Help Me Answer Him
Bart Stupak: Democratic Leaders Are 'Ignoring Me'
North Carolina legislator regrets 'reply all,' but not the message
Suspected (military) suicides increased in February
VA investigating medical record breach
Unemployment rate for young vets hit 21.1%
Bragg soldier faces more assault, theft charges
Sometimes, I wonder if whale and dolphin beachings are their form of non-violent protest
Chuck Todd Can't Bother to Challenge John Boehner on Lies or Ethics Hypocrisy
I.R.S. Says Its Audits of Wealthy Are Rising
Lance corporal killed in Helmand province
104 Hornets grounded after cracks discovered
Pentagon propaganda: Marjah: Ups and downs are lessons for future
9yr old girl has urges to kill her mother..
Air Force warns of increased launch costs
The Anti-Defamation League: Administration's Dressing Down of Israel is a 'Gross Overraction'
Reps Took the Public Option Pledge:
Future unclear for widely-praised Afghan militias
Up Or Down. Democratic Party's Party. 13.3.10
Life-Enabling Molecules Spotted in Orion Nebula
Texas Standards 'A Debacle For Public Education'
The Democrats' scam becomes more transparent-By Glenn Greenwald
Mississippi teen Constance McMillen's Daddy Supports Her
South Florida immigrants prepare for D.C. rally
Bill Maher just gave all teachers a great pat on the back and A-1 support
Bulk Orders Boosted Romney's Book
Adding Insult to Injury: After Deep Union Concessions, Mercury Marine Execs Snag Bonuses
DUers a conference report vote, does Gramm-Leach-Bliley's CR vote...
Is it time that we end our "special" relationship with Israel?
Killer App -- Drones Are Lynchpin of Obama's War on Terror
Despite Repub Myth: "Most Americans want health care reform"
The Nose Cutters (Bigoted Responses To Gay Rights) - FDL
Federal IT Purchasers Win Worst Open Government Award for Not Saving E-Mails
Appeals court upholds West Sacramento gang injunction
The ball is in the Democrats' court...
The ball is in the Democrats' court...
serious question: what has this administration done FOR unions?
Ivory and bluefin tuna top agenda at UN wildlife summit
Guardian UK: Scientologists try to block 'intolerant' German feature film
No eliminating of the anti-trust exemption...
Does Obama even want a public option?
Utah Legislature: Charter schools get boost in funding, seat on board
It's On!!! - House Budget Committee Schedules Markup For 3:00 p.m. Eastern, Monday - OpenLeft
NYT: Findings on Lehman Take Even Experts by Surprise
Obama chooses 1st young appeals court nominee
The Republican candidate to fill Murtha's seat is a teabagger.
How 'Bankquakes' Shake People from Their Homes
Tax Refunds To Be Delayed in Some States
A long time ago, congressmen were respectable
The Country is Getting Mugged-By BILL MOYERS
Indict Lehman Brothers (and Geithner?): They Lied
Kissinger hospitalized in South Korea
The Unlikeliest Conspiracy-Monger: Colorado Public TV
Ice tour denies snubbing Johnny Weir over sexual orientation
Swap of President Obama's portrait causes flap in Oklahoma House
What do the Democrats stand for? "Senators resist Obama over projects in health bill"
this is weird..hundreds of starlings
The left's answer to Tea Parties? A cup of joe
Sharif Mobley, Alleged NJ Al Qaeda Terrorist, Worked At Five Nuclear Plants Before Arrest
F.C.C. Plan to Widen Internet Access in U.S. Sets Up Battle
Colorado middle school shooter heard voices, was placed on mental health hold
The Murphy Report - the Catholic church's abuse of children
Ah, the recovery. Four dollars for a hot house tomato at grocery store
Army Fast Tracks GPS Mortar Round
Which is the biggest Bait & Switch of the millenium: "WMD in Iraq" or the "Public Option"?
Obama's defunding of NASA points to the agency's true intent.
What will happen if health care legislation is defeated?
C-SPAN @ 2:09 re-airing of Hoyer vs. Cantor debate... for those who may have missed
How do you feel about your dem congress critters?
Redwood City Schools:140 employees get pink slips, Pasadena schools receive 164 layoff notices
What actual Democrat, preferably a liberal one, will primary Obama in 2012?
HCR passing is FAR from a sure thing..-
Most Americans want health care reform
Tomorrow on Face The Nation, the candidacy of Murray Hill, Inc will be discussed.
Okay, Just for Laughs, Presenting the Craziest Conspiracy about Obama Yet
Who's paying for all the right wings ads on Facebook?
Student Loan Overhaul Taking Filibuster-Proof Route To Overcome Corporate Opposition
More Democrats come out against health care bill
Wow, the delivery guys have turbocharged bikes now, or what?
IRS visits Sacramento carwash in pursuit of 4 cents
A Reminder to America - George Wallace at the Schoolhouse Door
Army Suicides Grow, but This Soldier Was Saved
Army Suicides Grow, but This Soldier Was Saved
Doris Haddock is Dead at 100: Walked for Campaign Finance Reform
Honest, honey, I'll pull out. You can trust me.
Pfizer: 'Too Big To Nail': Making a mockery of the FDA at great public health risk
Someone made a facebook page in support of the anti-lesbian school board...
Uh oh. Time to resign Mr. Garn. Cheryl Maher says Kevin Garn lied about hot tub contact
Forbes: Crisis Hits Only Low Income Earners
Could Lehman be Ernst & Young's Enron?
Could Lehman be Ernst & Young's Enron?
"Reworded Subject Line to lure others in. Omg! Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Don't forget to spring back your clocks tonight.
Senator holds up bill compensating furloughed Transportation workers
The Bogus $100 Billion Medicare / Medicaid Fraud Claim: The Real Problem is Profiteering
Heads up: CNN announced a lengthy report on the Detroit Public Schools will air during the 4pm ET hr
File this tidbit of info in your 'weekly Friday layoffs' drawer...
"It's my money and I want it now!"
Blue Dogs advocate three years of spending cuts (nonsecurity discretionary spending)
Which of these two organizations has a better chance of becoming a federal agency?
Sen. Reid's Wife Leaves Hospital's Intensive Care
Sen. Reid's Wife Leaves Hospital's Intensive Care
Sen. Reid's Wife Leaves Hospital's Intensive Care
The little organic seed company that's taking on Monsanto (with some help)
The little organic seed company that's taking on Monsanto (with some help)
Anybody Else See These Horseshit "come back to the catholic church" commercials?
I just realized something about the current financial state of families...
Sex scandal has reached the Pope - he penned letter directing priests to keep abuse cases silent
Kucinich's Entire Approach ("Fix it later, are you kidding?" ) Has Repeatedly Been Proven False.
Finally! Some Democrats with a spine!! Hooray!!
51 votes in the senate for the public option
Did Democrats ever support the public option?
Folks supporting our Afghanistan assaults don't really care about these people
Folks supporting our Afghanistan assaults don't really care about these people
Worker ID card proposed for everybody-part of a comprehensive immigration bill
The Catholic Church: 50 Years of Sex Crimes Against Children
SCREW Rahm!-The current plan is for the House to take a dive (Pelosi Should Call The Bluff & Add PO)
More Afghan Civilians Killed By US, NATO Forces Than Insurgents During Operation Moshtara
Johnny Weir Is Not 'Family Friendly' Enough For Stars On Ice
Socialist Equality Party (Australia) Statement of Principles
Pa. school webcam spying suit could be settled
Corporate entity becomes ‘candidate’, kicks off bid for Congress
Only on Fox: Easy Application Exam? No Drug Testing? Come Work for the U.S. Census
If our country were invaded would you go out and vote for the guy holed up in the invaders embassy?
Bad teachers, bad schools, bad grades, bad, bad, bad, bad.........
Is health care a privilege, a right, or a responsibility?
An old guy in a hot tub with an under-aged girl... isn't that called a honeymoon in Utah?
Afghan human rights group calls on NATO to help protect Afghan civilians from the Taliban
F.C.C. Plan to Widen Internet Access in U.S. Sets Up Battle
Where can I find info Re the senate health care bill
Where can I find info Re the senate health care bill
Some Palestinian Jordanians Lose Citizenship
Walmart fires Michigan man for using medical marijuana - video
Child abuse claims sweep Catholic Church in Europe
Child abuse claims sweep Catholic Church in Europe
How many days would you allow to pass before checking on a family member locked in their room?
Health Insurance Competition Vanishing: Study Shows
World of Warcraft and Women MMO game players
YouTube video triggers insurance fraud charges, shows car was damaged in street race
How the media even manipulates which homicide victims we care about
Sign up as fan of Murray Hill, Inc. for president on facebook.
Do you know how many repubs have voted for health care legislation?
ABC Evening News is going to air a piece on the Texas school textbook fundy influence
Lesbian sgt. discharged after police tell military
New round of foreclosures threatens housing market
How cool is it that the IBEW is suing Goldman Sachs?
What do you think Clinton will do next?
It's time to bombard CNN with emails and phone calls!
One of my theories on the economic times we live in.
One of my theories on the economic times we live in.
Who is most responsible for no Public Option in Bill?
What's the Optimal Level of Unemployment Benefits?
What's the Optimal Level of Unemployment Benefits?
Hey Dems, Obama, and the others that calls themselves a D.
Apple ipad: bad battery? No prob. Send it back with a $100
The Bad Actors in the Democratic Party
The Bad Actors in the Democratic Party
The Bad Actors in the Democratic Party
Heads up, Denver! (and surrounding areas)
Washington Tries to Hit Fidel; Fidel Saves Reagan!
When Kucinich promised to push for a floor vote on single payer, did you believe him?
Grayson: Palin knows about politics in Central Florida; from her porch she can see Winter Park
Texas Education Board Approves Conservative Curriculum Changes By Far-Right
The Fight for a Socialist Alternative - A socialist program for the working class
I went to a Coffee Party today in Ohio
MoveON has recieved it's marching orders . (and they can kiss my behind)
Viewpoints: Taxes pay government to lobby itself
Hillary and Bill should sit Obama down and give him a
More lies from Rove's book (Dallas Morning News- Wayne Slater)
So, Rove is "proud" of waterboarding. I can't think of any other instance of such a blatant and
When uninsured Americans learn about the mandate, the outcry will lead to the PO being passed
Ever Get The Feeling That Obama Planned On Being a One Term...
With no public option we will be working and fighting for heatlh legislation for the next 30 years
Frank Rich: The New Rove-Cheney Assault on Reality
CNN - "Activists picket health insurance executives" Led By Howard Dean!
UTAH's Garn resigns from assembly after hot tub scandal
Do the Republicans suffer from a lack of responsibility? I was just watching Bill Maher and they
The public option's fate was pre-determined by a deal with the for-profit hospital industry.
The public option's fate was pre-determined by a deal with the for-profit hospital industry.
Oh, Hell No, As Prom Offers Flood In For Mississippi Students
Oh, Hell No, As Prom Offers Flood In For Mississippi Students
This Is How Sick THEY Are: "Isn't It Time To Euthanize Reid's Wife?"
There was "contact" between Rep. Garn and the 15 year old, she was "in love" and the Church knew.
N.C. teacher writes 'loser' on 11 y/o girl's assignments
A picture that pretty much says it all
An active Tea Partier was arrested with a stockpile of weapons and explosives in Cincinnati
An active Tea Partier was arrested with a stockpile of weapons and explosives in Cincinnati
Col. Larry Wilkerson Calls Rove Coward on Countdown: "I've got something else to say about Mr. Rove"
Have a problem with your Toyota expect to have a complete background check done on you?
"Kucinich's entire approach has repeatedly been proven false."
Quel Surprise! David Gregory Socializes With Liz Cheney
Liberal Groups in The Veal Pen hard at work to destroy a True Progressive
Washington Monthly catches Kucinich cherry picking his information
Woud you like some food with your MSG?
AlterNet: Why Are We Afraid to Tax the Super-Rich?
Does manated age-rated insurance violate civil rights laws?
There is a reason that Congressman Grayson has remained a supporter of the current health bill
The difference b/w Un/Rec total = Less than Zero and Un/Rec total = Zero
Awwwwwww, We All Hurt Bart Stupak's Feelings
Awwwwwww, We All Hurt Bart Stupak's Feelings
It's a damn shame the democrats in congress....
Obama spearheads nationwide assault on public schools
Glenn Beck Denounces "Born In The USA" as Anti-American
A physician on Medicare for all and LBJ
To the "where were these hot teachers when I was 14?" crowd: some psychological background
Sent to me by my dad: "Slowly, Americans are regaining their lost wealth"
Employers Rapidly Shifting Health Care Costs to Workers
Besides being private institutions, what is the main difference between charter and public schools?
Does the Senate bill have opt out by individual states ?
Georgetown Prof Michael Eric Dyson to speak at Conservative Fresno State 3/14 7pm
Was the Great Wall Street Banker Bailout all just a huge SCAM?
Is Rahm Emanuel “Obama’s brain?”
any thoughts about a "Coffee Party" forum or group?
Do you believe the Republicans can be against the health-care reform bill in public while secretly
'The Times Botched the Story', Author Says About ACORN 'Pimp' Hoax on 'Democracy Now!'
3 things and I'm going to have a beer
The words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance are an appeal to patriotism, not religion
PG&E customer refuses to take smart meter, locks up old meter
London at centre of Lehman Brothers 'accounting gimmick'
Taking a stand has never produced any meaningful political change
How will the SCOTUS rule on mandated insurance coverage?
How will the SCOTUS rule on mandated insurance coverage?
Democracy requires that we know the names of those opposed to the public option.
Officer Loses Bid To Overturn Discipline
Huge victory predicted tomorrow for Socialists in France
Liberté ! égalité ! fraternité ! ......... Socialists rising in France
Obama to overhaul No Child Left Behind
Jesus, Hitler and an Asshole walked into a bar...
Obama spearheads nationwide assault on public schools
Big Factory Food Strikes Again
Nelson Restrictions Most Likely Outcome of Reconciliation Process
We have 51 for Public Option in the Senate.
Teachers, Are You With Obama On His And duncan's Education Policy?
The flip-flopping and dishonesty of Democrats re: HCR
You thought the right wing went batshit over Avatar? They're fulminating over "Green Zone"
We apologise for these images but they speak of the plight of Zimbabwe's starving
Three actions by the President that put me solidly in his corner
It looks like I am going to be getting on the Lung Transplant List....
The WPA put 8,000,000 men & women to work. They built 1,164 public schools, 5800 libraries,
What Do You think About "The Coffee Party"?
Chilling NYT Story: Does a shootout actually happen if the newspapers print nothing about it?
LTTE: How public schools are being dismantled
Great! It's Conservative Asshole night on Real Time with Bill Maher!
Great! It's Conservative Asshole night on Real Time with Bill Maher!
Great! It's Conservative Asshole night on Real Time with Bill Maher!
Healthy livestock, Sick People
Healthy livestock, Sick People
If we can't get a public option now with overwhelming public support we the people will never get
Justice for Debbie Almontaser?
Justice for Debbie Almontaser?
Catholic hospitals support health care bill
Democratic leadership is playing us for fools. Killing the public option.
Democratic leadership is playing us for fools. Killing the public option.
You'd think we never had a good school system?
I've been seeing a lot of anger against Democrats in general on DU lately...
I've been seeing a lot of anger against Democrats in general on DU lately...
Five myths about the war in Afghanistan
Police spot gay marriage license thru window, notify miliary, woman discharged from army
Kucinich: "I have a responsibility to take a stand here on behalf of those who want a public option"
Dog returns home after being snatched by bird
Anyone have a link to a working stream of MSNBC...
Russian family commits suicide after being denied asylum in UK
Keith Olbermann's Father has died
Entire Graduating Class of Urban Prep Charter Academy Accepted to College
Haunting footage of man who was 'tormented to death'
Do you remember people smoking in businesses? Do you remember ashtrays in elevators and banks?
CIA spiked baguettes with LSD, new evidence suggests
CIA spiked baguettes with LSD, new evidence suggests
Who allowed private groups enough power to take over Detroit public schools?
Nato Accused of ‘covered up’ botched night raid in Afghanistan that killed five
Is it conceivable that a progressive Democrat might challenge President Obama
The New Poor: In Hard Times, Lured Into Trade School and Debt
If Grayson's 64 co-sponsors for a Medicare Buy In were SERIOUS, & not just seeking POLITICAL COVER :
If Kucinich really wants to make a point, he should give up his access to health insurance
If Kucinich really wants to make a point, he should give up his access to health insurance
Utah GOP chair warns outside groups
AP Interview: Kerry: Energy bill more about jobs
Grayson ads attack frontrunner Paul
Michigan Building and Construction Trades Council Endorses Andy Dillon for Governor
"SEIU Warns Dems: If You Don’t Back Reform, We Won’t Back You"
Patrick aide could run for House
Without the Public Option, this would be acceptable in the HRC bill to me...
The House has to pass the Senate bill, right? And the Senate bill doesn't have the Public Option...
Homer Simpson was truly a man ahead of his time...
Mexican ambassador excited for Michelle Obama trip
No change in polling on health care according to PPP
Is it safe to say that we won't know the full impact of the HC bill until 2020 or so?
My Reconciliation Confusion......
terrible tommy trying to work some poll "magic"
A simple question about Health Care Reform, can I choose to NOT use my employer's insurance?
Obama doubles number of economists on FOMC
It's only a "dream" if we choose it to be
In arm-twisting for health care votes, Obama should build on pledge to reduce abortions
A simple test of the President's honesty and courage
This poll needs some correcting
Senate Abortion Restrictions Are Sufficient, Catholic Group Says (NYT)
NYT to Senate: Pick Your Side--The Banks or the American People
OMG! I always suspected that Matt Drudge and Ann Coulter were the same!
Obama's Pollster Joel Beneson: Most Americans want health care reform (WaPo Op-Ed)
FACT: Universal health care tends to cut the abortion rate (WaPo Op-Ed)
Is The Opposition Running Out Of Steam?
So, O is in the bag with Insurance or he wants to get re-elected? WHY?
Minority cops object to Obama portrayal in union newspaper
Weekly Address: Obama wants to overhaul No Child Left Behind (TRANSCRIPT and VIDEO)
Regarding the "student loan" bombshell contained in the HCR bill, why are the Conservatives
"Conservatives" should all move to Haiti. It would be their dreamland.
There is a simple solution for "denial of coverage" without mandates
PRO-LIFE GROUP urges Congress to PASS health care reform
Does Jesus warning about serving two masters apply to Congress?
FREE! Karl Rove banner ad pimping his new book for your web site!
Are Democrats looking better for 2010?
Obama appoints Goodwin Liu, 39, "an unabashed liberal legal", to the federal appeals court
By present-day political commentary standards, LBJ's passing the Civil Rights Act would be a failure
Obama Nasa plans 'catastrophic' say Moon astronauts
Big guns coming out for Sunday Shows (Gibbs, Axelrod, Durbin, Clyburn, Wasserman-Schultz, VanHollen)
After health care reform, what do you want to see next?
Republicans Turned Off by Size of Obama's Package
Obama chooses 1st young appeals court nominee
Nate Silver: Lame Excuses on Public Option, but no "Scam"
Obama doesn't get enough credit for his Supreme Court appointment
Obama Acts Like Reagan 1981, the Union-Buster
Butler University in Indy REJECTS Chief Justice Roberts as commencement speaker. Go Dawgs!
which of the following bills would Obama VETO if put on his desk?
Republicans are scared to their very core right now. Petrified ! It is plain as day.
Obama blatantly breaks campaign promise to renegotiate NAFTA
Excellent side-by-side comparison of the health bills
David Byrne and Fatboy Slim's "Here Lies Love" due out 4/6/2010
A band I rediscovered recently: The Ocean Blue
I knew I knew I knew I knew I knew,
Standing in the Shadows of Love
I finally broke down and bought it
I finally broke down and bought it
O.K., music suggestions!1 Classical (BIZET) or BROADWAY or BEEGEES?!1 n/t
Kicking, squealing gucci little piggy
Hi All.....Long Time No See....
The Waterboys - "Fisherman's Blues"
still time to vote in the scifi/fantasy cage matches!
I lit out from reno, I was trailed by twenty hounds.
I've been on youtube for the last 45 minutes or so,
We Need To Take A Firm Stand Against This
Okay, so don't kill me for this poll, but I'm listening to Kenny G
YouTube: 12 year old kid performs Free Bird
YouTube: Old Mill High School Steel Drum Band performs Free Bird
Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Initiative
Is this normal: When you are losing your parents, and they are dying...
Do you think less of anyone who engages in shoe-string sex?
Oh, HELL. Only 8 MONTHS until Daylight Standard Time and I haven't even STARTED gift shopping
YouTube: MIKE HUCKABEE performs Free Bird. Ronnie, Steve, Allen, Leon, Billy roll over in grave.
Dawn "Mary Ann" Wells: Melanie Griffith & Kelsey Grammer should play Howells in "Gilligan" remake
Oh shit...Sunday starts daylight saving time.
The incidental music from the video game "Plants And Zombies" keeps running through my head.
'Your Mom is so Berkeley...' hilarious Facebook fan page
This is why I'm hot. This is why I'm hot.
What do you think happened after the end of "They Live"?
The Lounge Plane crashes in the mountains somewhere. How do we decide who gets eaten first?
I am currently inside a police cordon. Send pizza and cola.
I am currently inside a cordon bleu. Send pizza and crudite.
Coast to Coast AM Fans: Did Art Bell ever quit smoking?
Do you think less of anyone who engages in string theory sex?
YouTube: Siamese cat performs Free Bird
Alright. Garfield Minus Garfield Plus Garfield.
Showtime, lovers! Enjoy the love
PHOTO: BwahaHAAAAAA! An oblivious Jay Leno gets a steaming hot serving of CoCo.
'Logorama' winner of 2010 Oscar Best Short Film (adult language)
someday when we meet up yonder
The sore throat is turning into a cold or flu or something
BTW...THIS is what the Religous Crazies (Muslim variety) are all hooting and barking about
Take away the right to say "Fuck time" and you take away the right to fuck time
Name something overly marinated.
Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones at 6 EST on Spike, then Revenge of the Sith at 9.
When you buy chips, cookies, or snacks in FUN PAKS, do you actually HAVE fun once you get them home?
Do we set our clocks back 6 hours or 12 hours tonight?
If your local police chief asked you to, would you join a real-life "Mod Squad"?
man, my psyche has taken a beating last few days. i just feel like crawling under a rock.
How many clocks do you need to change tonight?
I've got a sleeping cat sprawled out on my lap
The Clean House show on the style channel is outrageous today.
When you start a thread, do you click on the word "Post" or on the little pencil?
I just visited GD to Beef up my Ignore List !
My GMail theme is freaking awesome!
If your local mercenary leader asked you to join a real-life "A-Team," would you?
BREAKING: San Jose (CA) man arrested for literally "springing forward" on Daylight Savings Time Eve
HELP! My bicycle is accelerating uncontrollably!
Does anyone have info on Japanese tea bowls?
A friend of mine who I almost dated just got married.
Do you think that you're aging gracefully?
Which one of Dr. Strange's Tales of WTFery is his true masterpiece?
What drink do you most frequently order in bars?
Do you think less of anyone who engages in no-strings sex?
Abramoff, DeLay appear in new DNC ad
Clinton slams Israel on housing announcement
Regulators shut banks in NY, Florida, Louisiana
SEC Watch: Top NYTCo Execs’ Wages Soar
CIA spiked baguettes with LSD, new evidence suggests
South Florida immigrants prepare for D.C. rally
Texas board would tilt textbooks to the right
HEALTH: U.S. AIDS Fund Flat-Lining, Groups Complain
US avoids anti-abortion debate at UN meeting
Afghan leader to allow foreign election monitors
Doris Haddock is Dead at 100: Walked for Campaign Finance Reform
Senate bill would reduce sentencing disparities in crack, powder cocaine cases
Unemployment rate for young veterans hits 21.1 percent
Toyota slapped with Orange County lawsuit
Campaign stunt launches a corporate 'candidate' for Congress
Bosnia Court Indicts Serb For Srebrenica Massacre
Appeals court upholds conviction in Miss. killings
Holocaust monument in Poland vandalized
Racial disparities in sentencing rise after guidelines loosened
First 'JihadJane,' now Colorado woman held in death plot
2 months after Haiti quake, still no shelter for legions of quake survivors as rains approach
Federal Panel Finds Bias in Ouster of Principal
FEMA's Sale Of Katrina Trailers Sparks Criticism
Activists picket health insurance executives
Study finds median wealth for single black women at $5
Explosions across Afghanistan's Kandahar; 30 dead
Campaign stunt launches a corporate 'candidate' for Congress
Insider Warned About Lehman Accounting
Utah GOP leader resigns after hot tub confession
Former U.S. Secretary Kissinger hospitalized for minor stomach trouble
Theodore Olbermann Dead: Keith Olbermann's Father Dies
Apple COO gets $22 mn reward as Jobs stand-in
Red shirts handing out cash to 'find democracy' (Thailand)
Lesbian sgt. discharged after police tell military
Pope under fire for transfer, letter on sex abuse
Health Care Storm: The Committee to Rethink Reform
Jihad Jane accused of terrorism
Sorry Beck Jesus Preached Social Justice
Anti Homophobia Public Service Announcement
It's The Corporate Power Stupid!
President's Weekly Address: OVERHAUL
Here is the FUTURE of the Democratic Party 51 votes for public option if House goes first
Don McLeroy: The Creationist in Charge of Education in Texas
TFF Interview Jeff Roby,
Rachel Maddow - The Nation's Chris Hayes, on the path to the Public Option
Dylan Ratigan joined by Eliot Spitzer Explains Lehman Brothers Report
TYT Interviews: Lesson For Obama - Organizing 101 (w/ The Nation's Ari Melber)
Thom Hartmann - Investigative journalist Greg Palast on bloodsucking vulture corporations
Meg Whitman refuses to talk to press during her own Press Conference
Sen. McCaskill supports P.O. via Reconciliation, BUT assures you it "won't pass the House"
Thank You from Constance McMillen (Lesbian student denied prom in Mississippi)
Obama Calls for an Educational Overhaul
Young Turks: Republican Strategist Hammered Over WMD Lies - Now Says He Was Ambushed By MSNBC!!
Bill Maher - NEW RULES.. Great One - Enjoy While It Lasts!
Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandals
Glenn Beck Attacks Patriotic American Musicans: Woody Guthrie, Bruce Springsteen & The Beatles
To Rally the Masses on Health Care Reform, Obama Channels John Belushi
Rep. Alan Grayson: HR 4789 and The Public Option: The Way Forward
Palace intrigue undermines Team Obama By Edward Luce
David Brooks gets one right (even broken clocks are right for two minutes out of the day)
Hilary Threatens Israel: We'll Send Jimmy Carter to Build Your Settlements
Church Abuse Scandal in Germany Edges Closer to Pope
Wall Street Reform That Will Prevent The Next Financial Crisis - Senator Ted Kaufman
Beck Boobie: "keep the Govm'nt outa my health - ........oh-h-h-h-h-h shit!-"
“Santa Claus Conquers the Martians”
FDL Book Salon Welcomes Yves Smith, ECONned:
China's new generation picky about factory jobs
Gap in world view of Democrats, Republicans
The Budget Reconciliation Process: House and Senate Procedures
Friday Talking Points (115) -- Git 'Er Done!
The Tonton Macoutes: The Central Nervous System of Haiti’s Reign of Terror
If Democrats ignore health-care polls, midterms will be costly
Real patriots believe in the principles of America
Clinton rebukes Israel over East Jerusalem plans, cites damage to bilateral ties.
Welcome to America, Sucker: How Get-Rich-Quick Crime Came to Define an Era
2010 Rosemary Award for Worst Open Government Performance (3-12-10 National Security Archive)
Obesity: The killer combination of salt, fat and sugar
Mercury News interview: Energy Secretary Steven Chu
PPM Installs Solar at Port of West Sacramento - Installation Size: 637 kW
AWEA Statement on Nebraska Wind Power Integration Study
China's oil demand increase 'astonishing', says IEA
AgriLife scientists do groundwork for genetic mapping of algae biofuel species
Secretary Salazar Releases New “State of the Birds” Report Showing Climate Change Threatens...
Tropicana: Trying to Make a Greener Orange Juice
UNFI To Adopt Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology At Its Sarasota FL Distribution Center
FuelCell Energy Awarded $2.1 Million for Fuel Cell...Renewable Hydrogen Fueling Station in CA
Japan aims its home fuel cells at Europe
You Can't Make This Up: Sheffield Wind Turbine Blade Failure Apparently NOT Caused By UFO.
Renewable energy: forecasts show EU on track to meet 20% (by 2020) target
Reuters: Honda drives toward home solar hydrogen refueling
U.S. Navy Awards $200 Million Contract for Solar PV Power Plants in Southwest
Mother Earth News: 2010 Best Green Cars
CNN: Evidence Big Pharma Owns The U.S. Government
After 13 years, 28 ton Vermont Wind Turbine Crashes. Not To Worry. Future Turbines Will Be Bigger.
Riding on the Space Shuttle Is Safer Than Taking a Bath.
School wind turbine collapses and crushes contractor's van.
When did hanging on the rim become legal?
Larry Johnson signs with Redskins
The JR Chess Report (March 13): Jobava, Efimenko & M. Socko lead in Rijeka; Amber Rapid/Blind begins
Hillary Clinton’s Honduran Disgrace
Coca-Cola Co. Denies Involvement in Murder and Rape, Blames "U.S. Judicial System"
US report criticizes corruption and abuse in Colombia
South Florida immigrants prepare for D.C. rally
Chile's indigenous Mapuche speak out online
MEXICO: Consumers on the Offensive
RIGHTS-GUATEMALA: 'Our Lives Are Cut Short at a Stroke'
Women seek political place of jailed menfolk
The Tonton Macoutes: The Central Nervous System of Haiti’s Reign of Terror
Mexico defends army courts after US rights report
US Southern Command sees no Venezuela-FARC link
The Accusation that Links Chávez with ETA and the FARC is Fraudulent
Another put-down for Hillary, this time from Ecuador's Correa
Quartet condemns Israel: Unilateral action cannot prejudge talks' outcome
Jewish extremists to model Bar Refaeli: Don't marry DiCaprio
Frankfurter Rundschau: Blatant Conquest
Clinton Slams Israel's Settlement Plans: 'Deeply Negative Signal'
TIBI: Israeli extremism exposed
The Anti-Defamation League: Administration's Dressing Down of Israel is a 'Gross Overraction'
Federal Panel Finds Bias in Ouster of Principal
Some Palestinian Jordanians Lose Citizenship
Is it time that we end our "special" relationship with Israel?
Holocaust monument in Poland vandalized
Things you won't see on the national news about guns.
Things you never see in the mainstream media
Alton officer kills pit bull that attacked him (Nasty evil gun may have saved his life)
Some essays on gun ownership are quite thoughtful. This one, welll....
Cop, drunk and off-duty, left loaded gun on sidewalk...
Posted in wrong forum - self delete - should have gone to bed. Link posted for the curious.
As you all enjoy your crocuses and daffodils,
Electrical signals transmitted via spin waves
What's this fuss about true randomness?
Why Syzygy, can you read this?
I completed my Hypnotherapy training
I'm an impatient grumpypuss lately on GD DU. Return to the ASAH happy circle!
Article written by Caddell & Schoen in Wash Post bears scrutiny. Seems "old boy network"
Video France24: Catholic Church: Sex abuse scandals
The Catholic Church: 50 Years of Sex Crimes Against Children
Church Sex Abuse Scandal 'Has Now Reached' The Pope: AP
Fla. woman dies during religious fast
The Sham Recovery, by Robert Reich
Mississippi Man Spots Jesus Among The Nuts
Look Who Uses the "R" Word! Bagged Teachers Talk (Video link)
Bought the Diane Ravitch book today
This picture was on the front page of the KC Star yesterday and I was so touched by it