I heard earlier that we'll have a KO health care repeat tonight
I heard earlier that we'll have a KO health care repeat tonight
I heard earlier that we'll have a KO health care repeat tonight
Erick Erickson Is the New CNN Go-to Bigot, Misogynist and Homophobe
Erick Erickson Is the New CNN Go-to Bigot, Misogynist and Homophobe
Erick Erickson Is the New CNN Go-to Bigot, Misogynist and Homophobe
Things that Don’t Mean Jack Shit
Russia Could Build Extra Soyuz Capsule For Space Tours
16 y/o's getting tattoos. What stoopid tattoo would you bear now had you done this at 16?
Anyone else going to the Rally at GMU tomorrow?
House sidesteps 2 anti-'deem and pass' resolutions
So Now the Fed believes the 'minimum reserve requirements' can be eliminated? LINK
Rachel - the CStreet boys Ensign and Sanford
Keith looks different tonight.
Under Health Reform, Medicaid Would Cover Many Childless Adults: lowest-income, big beneficiaries
Under Health Reform, Medicaid Would Cover Many Childless Adults: lowest-income, big beneficiaries
SFPD dropping 30 cases a day due to drug-lab scandal, training cops to drug test
Conrad drops support for North Dakota provision to avoid controversy
Fired Warehouse Workers to Vacuum-Maker: ‘Clean Up Your Act!’
Question: In the teabagger harassment of the Parkinson's guy,
S.F. sues over PG&E-backed ballot measure
Driver takes on LA Marathon route @ rush hr. Results: faster than runner, slower than wheelchair
Driver takes on LA Marathon route @ rush hr. Results: faster than runner, slower than wheelchair
Driver takes on LA Marathon route @ rush hr. Results: faster than runner, slower than wheelchair
In most circles, left-side criticism of Obama is literally unthinkable. And that's a problem.
'The Great Doubling' helps explain why jobs are so hard to find
'The Great Doubling' helps explain why jobs are so hard to find
So this guy tells me health care 'uncertainty' is killing the economy
Ooppss! The posted House reconciliation bill is already being changed!
Funding primary opponents for right wing Democrats
Two-track economy: 9.7% unemployment, $200K cars
Let's talk about prescription drug costs
Are Toyota electronic flaws with stalling related to sudden acceleration?
The second mouse gets the cheese....
Reconciliation: Increases In Affordability Tax Credits Only Temporary
With this new job law... can I become an indentured servant?
So here we are, screwn, or about to be.
I've got a better immigration overhaul plan: repeal NAFTA.
Obama backs bipartisan approach to immigration reform
American Healthcare Myth #1: Cost controls stifle innovation
American Healthcare Myth #1: Cost controls stifle innovation
The take home is very, very simple: we can delude ourselves that the game can be won (it can't),...
Big developments on an Obama judicial selection here
Extreme Obesity Found in 6.4% of Children, Kaiser Study Finds
Is Jon Stewart Cappin on Glenn Beck?
Mandatory Thursday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
Growing number of obese recruits could make it tougher to field a fit military
Kent Conrad Scores Special Student Loan Deal For North Dakota In Reconciliation Package
There isalready a law that forces us to buy private ins!
Why aren't we taxing Wall Street?
Anyone watch Afghan Star on HBO?
Anyone watch Afghan Star on HBO?
San Francisco asks eateries to trap grease, save sewers
What's the best position to be in association with a bus?
7 Air Travel Perks That Used To Be Free
11 Year Tells Wingers: Mother Taught Me-You Can Have An Opinion-But That Doesn't Mean You're Right
Today At Noon In Times Square: Stand In Solidarity For Choi & Pietrangelo
The Onion captures "bullshit news" of FAUX and CNN.
One of the greatest fears I have is that this HCR bill will be "fixed" later...
Lipinski (D-IL 3rd) Stands Firm Against Senate Bill Providing Federal Funds for Abortion....
ABC News admits paying $200,000 to accused murderer Casey Anthony
How will health care reform impact government workers?
HEADS UP!: Epic Glenn Beck Daily Show Reairing Now!
Wash. State: Walgreens: no new Medicaid patients as of April 16
Wash. State: Walgreens: no new Medicaid patients as of April 16
5 Obama District judicial nominees approved in committee
5 Obama District judicial nominees approved in committee
Retired U.S. General claims Bosnian massacre caused by gays in the Dutch military
What Will Happen to Health Care? from Health Justice
Detroit schools: "gutting special education," "for-profit charters," “a purely market-driven system"
Detroit 2005 article: School closures & background: Bing in from the beginning
Russia: Protests against falling living standards
A reminder of things the "independents" were NOT demanding in exchange for their votes
NJ's Bully Governor Will Not Be "Bullied:" Declares War on Teachers
Court Slaps Prosecutor Who Threatened Child-Porn Charges Over ‘Sexting’
Enron’s Ghosts Capture Health Insurance Reform - FDL
I tripled my life insurance pay out this week.
The one programs I would BEG them to
DUIs increase among troops back from war stationed in Alaska
why the right is so mis-informed
Bliss soldier killed in Iraq vehicle crash
There has been a very slight -but enormous- change in C-span's Washington Journal
There has been a very slight -but enormous- change in C-span's Washington Journal
Little Green Footballs exposes the new KKK (previously known as the GOP).
VA system should start over, official says
(USMC Gen.) Sheehan: Gays weakened European militaries
Access to proper HC can be all that stands between a disabled person returning to work..
Up Or Down. Democratic Party's Party. 3.19.10
(Gen.) Mattis to testify at Hadithah hearing
hypothetical education question..
Another Switcher? Boccieri Holding Presser To Announce Position On Bill
Mods, prepare for a wild weekend
This Week's Adventures in Law Enforcement
Will the voting public be supportive of the current HC bill if it passes and is signed into law?
Hugging banned at a US school.
Nice LTTE in Columbus Dispatch: HCR opponents as "pawn people"
Remember: Things Would Have Been Worse Under McCain!
Portrait of a (military) Sexual Assault
Factbox: Details of final healthcare bill (Reuters) & Wall Street Journal Q & A
3 trips to the doctor, 3 prescriptions, 3 denials by the insurance company
Report details mistakes that cost airman legs
New unmanned spacecraft to launch in April
Eric Cantor’s Office Endorses Mythical ‘New England Journal of Medicine Report’
If this Health Care Bill is so bad why are RETHUGS like
(Kindasleazy) Rice regrets how US prioritized rebuilding in Iraq
(Kindasleazy) Rice regrets how US prioritized rebuilding in Iraq
A U.S. Stumbling Block in Kandahar: Karzai's Brother
Open wide and never stop gasping, By Mark Morford
McClatchy Newspapers spotlight right-wing attacks on 11-year-old boy
To those who think it's just about a win for Obama, it's only a win if the PEOPLE win...
To those who think it's just about a win for Obama, it's only a win if the PEOPLE win...
Small companies with under 30 employees
Small companies with under 30 employees
I just have one thing to say about HCR - Medicare Part "D"
Editorial: National Catholic Reporter backs health bill
Public Transportation - It works.
"Remember the...Oh wait, forget about it." Tom Toles and Texas History Books
Attack ad against health bill uses Democrat's young daughters.
Cracks appear in abortion front against healthcare reform
Hoyer: Democrats have strategy to fight legal challenges to health bill
What's good about Obama..post it here!
Ashford sees abortion epidemic
Chuckles Todd is a poseur...among other things....
Dennis Kucinich: Health Care is a Civil Right
Obama...perfect enemy of the good
It’s Really Quite Simple: Do We Value Each Life in America?
why does the myth continue about the health care reform bill
Doubtful about the "reform" in the health bill...
Cable networks eye Sarah Palin reality show,Palin wants $1 Million And $1.5 Million Per Episode
Did the military play a nasty trick on Dan Choi?
Pakistan Arrests Halt Secret UN Contacts With Taliban
Science briefing: Kindness and social forces
Howard, Bernie, Anthony, and Dennis all say this bill has flaws, but should PASS
Eliot Engel to vote yes for the health care bill.
Investors don't agree with RWers that HCR will kill the economy...
A "Can we all get along?" post
New York labor groups target Arcuri
In my opinion, there are votes in the House already for HCR...
Tobacco Rule Proposed in ’95 to Go Into Effect
Batshit Crazy UDATE: Michele Bachmann's MASTER PLAN to kill HCR - "don't pay taxes"
The teabaggers changed their name right in front of us
its just not the US, Russia, etc. - Mongolia's battle with the bottle
We should have grouped a gang of parkinsons type victims, to face HCR opposers.
We should have grouped a gang of parkinsons type victims, to face HCR opposers.
Don't do it MSNBC. I know you want to, you're showing Boehner in that inset....
Wilson Announces He Will Vote “YES” on Health Care
I wish the MSM would cover the Ensign scandal like they do Massa's
KUCINICH WEEK Peace In Space by Dennis Kucinich & Dr. Carol Rosin CLASSIC KUCINICH
What do you consider fair executive compensation?
Barely Hanging On: Middle Class and Uninsured
MIssouri Senate approves bill for mandated autism insurance coverage
"If You Miss It You Will Die" - Stewart Turns Beck's Anti-Progressive Ranting - Upside-Down
First Bachmann encourages people to break the law
Placerville residents irate over skyrocketing utility bills
LGBTs Join Democratic Interest Groups Tossed Under Health Care Reform Bus
Cindy Sheehan on Democracy Now Today
doc/vid:"Coming Out Under Fire" on linkTV
2fer Bahbwah WAHwah bristles at ALBRIGHT over Fidel. Kirstie bristles at us anti-scientology bigots
Colorado's Religious Right Seeks Extra First Amendment Protections
Most Power Plants still spewing toxic mercury, report says
Blog Report from Camp Out Now : Stop killing civilians
EPA Launches National Study of Hydraulic Fracturing (hooray)
ABC News: As Vote Looms, Closely Watched Insurance Stocks Rally - See no Public Option
So if the health bill fails, just how does that help the country?
Dutch fury over claim gay soldiers to blame for Srebrenica
Ohio Democrat (Rep. John Boccieri) switches to 'yes' on health care
Special-Education Stimulus Funds Widely Used for Other Purposes
Politifact: Health care reform does not increase premiums and boot people out of their coverage
Politifact: Health care reform does not increase premiums and boot people out of their coverage
Has your bank/CU sent letters changing "availability of funds" policy?
Improving Ford, GM need to get quality message across
The Third Front - Sexual Assault in the U. S. Military (16% increase)
Poll shows that Americans really don't know much about the HCR bill, & are split on supporting it
The Rude Pundit - The Vote on Health Care Reform: The End of the Tea Party?
Christiane Amanpour Will Anchor "This Week"
Wouldn't it make sense to at least include an embryonic PO in this bill
So John Roberts is going to have a veto of anything Congress passes?
Iraq Election Result Hit by Fresh Delays
Iraq Election Result Hit by Fresh Delays
Insurance Company Routinely Cancelled Coverage of HIV Patients…and Destroyed Records
Could school bus ads save school budgets?
Sarah Palin Wants to be Paid $1-1.5 Million For a New Reality Series
Can we have FDL added to the list of sites that violate Democratic Underground rules?
The Woodhouse Civil War Over Health: Brothers Trade Barbs in High-Stakes Showdown
State of health care debate: Pundits attack 11-year-old
Westboro Baptist was a no-show in Louisiana....
Government Moves More Toward Treating Addiction as Illness
C&L Video: Michael Steele Says CBO Lied After Citing It Favorably 8 Times In One Speech
Munich diocese faces 'tsunami' of abuse claims
Munich diocese faces 'tsunami' of abuse claims
A tale of two recoveries: The super-rich are spending again, but gloom persists for the rest
Hannity Freedom Concerts A 'Scam,' Blogger Says
Traffic fines soar with fee hikes- generate an estimated $280 million a year
What would the wing nuts be saying if there were 45,000 American deaths annually from terrorism?
The Rude One Bags the Teabaggers....
My Health Insurace Compan STILL Wont let me PAY Them.
If, when someone shits on you, you stand up and cheer and defend the shitter against anyone ........
The myth of (LEFT)|------- (CENTER) --------|(RIGHT) American politics.
to my elected representatives of the right
tech issue with DU: hit PREVIEW and get taken to the main discussion page
Doctors, AARP support new health overhaul bill
Anthony Weiner Smacks Down Peggy Noonan On Health Care (video)
Alan Grayson: What a Movement Looks Like
Alan Grayson: What a Movement Looks Like
Post Passage of the HCR, how easy would it be to "indefinitely postpone" the mandate?
How long will it take for teabaggers to change back into their minutemen costumes after HCR passes?
How long will it take for teabaggers to change back into their minutemen costumes after HCR passes?
Judge Orders Polygraphs From Teen Rape Victims
Time to look at who is really responsible for America's health problems!
If someone beats the crap out of you and you stand up and defend the beater against all ......
If someone beats the crap out of you and you stand up and defend the beater against all ......
The FBI on Facebook: Watching every move you make
I was chatting with a really uninformed Client about the health care
I was chatting with a really uninformed Client about the health care
Tanner-D on C-SPAN just spoke under personal privilege agst another Rep's slander
Well, I did it, I called Michele Bachmann's office
What's this? MSM Coverage?! Protesters prepare for Saturday's antiwar demonstration
Advocates outraged by judge's action-Defendant allowed to marry alleged victim of his abuse
Advocates outraged by judge's action-Defendant allowed to marry alleged victim of his abuse
"Uncle Sam wants YOU to speak English"!
Who Are The Other Dem Congressmen That Support Stupak?......
TV presenter gets death sentence for 'sorcery'
Has Joe Scum mentioned this about his friend Ensign?
American Healthcare - Not what you think....
Facebookers--an important group to join
Strongly worded statement from Middle East peace envoys
MO state rep (Dem) goes after NFL blackout rule
Congressman Grayson: Sunday Vote Will Be The "Triumph Of Hope Over Fear"
NY Times Reporter Confirms Obama Made Deal to Kill Public Option
FACT: You will still need to afford medical treatment after the HCR bill is passed
Ted Phillips: “Thousands of people are living without lights, water or gas”
PROMISES, PROMISES: Obama in Immigration Dance
The "Bad Places to Live" thread...
Ezra Klein: Notes on CBO skepticism
VA Hospital predates Nelson (D-Ne) vote
A song for my fellow progressives who still oppose the "healthcare reform" bill
Casey Anthony Received $200K from ABC News - But is out of Cash, Says Defense
Boeing Completes Design of Shipboard Superlaser
"No Small Victory" - Colbert Shuts Down Matalin Mid-Argument
Is there a means test in the healthcare bill?
Stupak willing to Agree to Hyde Amendent! (THIS WILL SEAL THE DEAL PEOPLE)
Who put the mandate in HCR...?
Who put the mandate in HCR...?
Democratic House and Senate members please stay safe these next two days
Iraq War started March 20, 2003... 7 years later
Switzerland and the Netherlands have universal coverage - via mandate & regulated insurance polices
Critical of boomers? We'll see you in DC on Saturday, ok?
Critical of boomers? We'll see you in DC on Saturday, ok?
Without NASA Russia will shoot down our satellites
Officials warn Justice Clarence Thomas's wife that her advocacy group is violating law
Right now, not every person or entity in politics I trust and admire is on board with this bill...
Right now, not every person or entity in politics I trust and admire is on board with this bill...
Right now, not every person or entity in politics I trust and admire is on board with this bill...
Question: Can we improve on the HCR once it's passed?
Question: Can we improve on the HCR once it's passed?
Question: Can we improve on the HCR once it's passed?
Human evolution exhibit at the Smithsonian - link to a fine article
Human evolution exhibit at the Smithsonian - link to a fine article
Human evolution exhibit at the Smithsonian - link to a fine article
The health care bill is going to pass. I am getting phone calls on my
Anyone else out there think the US has some of the stupidest "self defense" precedents on the books?
Ellen (DeGeneres) presents $30K to Miss. lesbian in prom flap
Ellen (DeGeneres) presents $30K to Miss. lesbian in prom flap
Ellen (DeGeneres) presents $30K to Miss. lesbian in prom flap
I am a life long, loyal Democrat but I sat out Bill Clinton's last election
I am a life long, loyal Democrat but I sat out Bill Clinton's last election
Can you feel it? Do you get that excited feeling, that tingling in your spine?
Were we, in March of 1910 or in March of 2010 .......
Arresting Taliban leaders is a bad thing?? EX UN offical says yes...
Could School Bus Ads Save School Budgets?
Freepers call for armed resistance (I sure hope the authorities are taking notes).
Parents Protest City's Ban on Bake Sales
Police visit wrong house 50+ times
Next time I'm at an Obama event and I see a Republican heckler shoving an elderly woman
The Money Fighting Health Care Reform by Michael Tomasky
Stupak Admits Senate Bill Subject To Hyde Amendment!!!
Women in critical condition after bees attack
What is this DOC FIX the pubs are bitching about? nt
EU food labels may get traffic-light treatment
NLOS-LS Missile ($466,000) Fail Could Impact Navy’s LCS ($580,000+)
NLOS-LS Missile ($466,000) Fail Could Impact Navy’s LCS ($580,000+)
Obama effigy hung at RI school with fired teachers
One Classroom, From Sea to Shining Sea
"Democrats are now selling giveaways to insurance and pharmaceutical exes as a middle-class agenda"
Oh goody! We are not flying MRAPs from Charleston, S.C. to Afghanistan at the moment.
Oh goody! We are not flying MRAPs from Charleston, S.C. to Afghanistan at the moment.
Oh goody! We are not flying MRAPs from Charleston, S.C. to Afghanistan at the moment.
I'm betting that the Health Care Bill will pass
I'm betting that the Health Care Bill will pass
Sam Stein: Reid Promises Separate Vote on Public Option This Year
Sam Stein: Reid Promises Separate Vote on Public Option This Year
Guess what Bush toad is advising Tiger Woods, MLB, Mark McGwire, Green Bay Packers ,etc.
Do it Dems, MAKE HISTORY on Sunday! Let's hand defeat to the anti-reform GOP.
Do it Dems, MAKE HISTORY on Sunday! Let's hand defeat to the anti-reform GOP.
Ins. Bill to cost Caterpillar Tractor $100M first year
Dems: Memo On Medicare Changes Isn't Ours -- It's A GOP 'Hoax'
ENOUGH! If you still stand against the HCR Bill today, then you stand against these Organizations
Some recent news on health insurance companies:
Latvia government has collapsed.
Sweeping new tobacco laws take effect in June
Math-Magical: The Mythic Savings In The Reconciliation Package
Cops raid wrong Brooklyn home...50 times
Have They Decided When Being Too Poor to Afford Mandatory Payments Will Become a Crime?
Would Steve King tell us if it was blasphemy to
Peak Oil by 2014... says Kuwait
Peak Oil by 2014... says Kuwait
So, if HCR passes on Sunday, how long before Orly Taitz is filing nuisance suites to stop it?
Insurance companies will continue to deny coverage to those with pre-existing medical conditions
What is the purpose of the 2014 delay of the PEC ban?
Nancy Skinner to go on O'Reilly tonight to talk about...
Pro-gay provisions stripped from health reform, pressure grows for votes on ENDA, DADT
GOP To Kill Health Bill For Nonexistent Abortion Coverage But Provide Abortion Coverage To GOP Staff
You know the only difference in health insurance co. board rooms BEFORE & AFTER the HCR vote?
Not the most important issue out there...
GOP To Kill Health Bill For Nonexistent Abortion Coverage,but Provide Abortion Coverage To GOP Staff
Principal bans (out of control) hugging at West Sylvan, SW Portland middle school
Who does Faux "news" get to comment on health care reform?
AMA and AARP Announce Support for Revised HCR Bill
Attack tortoise chases dog around pool
Attack tortoise chases dog around pool
Parents getting kids involved in church should agree their child may be molested.
Politico taps Bachmann, King for worst op-ed ever
raASSmessen backs thumpson over Feingold, and pukes over Barrett
I don't remember the last year that I was not involved in a political campaign
"It’s a pity that Obama is only good at strong arming Democrats..."
'The Democrats have been nicer to our own friends than we have,' wail the Republicans.
Are all the O'Donnells on MSNBC related?
Are all the O'Donnells on MSNBC related?
Bush officials reluctant to talk to British panel investigating Iraq war
Bush officials reluctant to talk to British panel investigating Iraq war
Bush officials reluctant to talk to British panel investigating Iraq war
'Lawyer' for U.S. missionaries in Haiti arrested
Will The Insurance Companies Lose Their Anti-Trust Exemption With This Bill?
Blue Dog Jason Altmire(PA - SW) voting No on Health Care
I don't think they'll get the votes to pass this bill
Arizona Drops Children’s Health Program-47,000 low-income children without coverage.
Letter: Lehman Accounting Tricks Possibly Illegal
Demi Moore, Nia Vardalos use Twitter to save Florida man who threatened to commit suicide
Pass the Bill - Kill the Mandate!
Watch TV Ads: “Everywhere” (health care by individual districts)
Has your admiration for Dennis Kucinich increased or decreased over the course of this week?
Has your admiration for Dennis Kucinich increased or decreased over the course of this week?
Two more for the "yes" column, Gary Peters (D-Mich.) and Rep. Scott Murphy (D-NY)
Why Does Corporate Media Ignore That Palin Wants Extreme Christian Government?
10 Things Obama Won't Tell Us (Happy Sunshine Week!)
Discussion on Ensign on Hardball now
On this date 7 years ago Denver had a big blizzard. And we've got a big storm again today....
Toyota Demands ABC Retract Report
On this date 7 years ago Denver had a big blizzard. And we've got a big storm again today....
Surprise! Signing up for mortgage assistance program drops your credit score
Second larger wave of mortgage resets set to swamp the economy
Hey! Health Care Bill Opponents: How Would You Explain Your Position to This 11-Year-Old?
Grayson on Big Ed: No Deals are Being Made. Pelosi is Pressuring Members on the MERITS
Where does your congressional representative stand?
Altmire Decides to Vote 'No' on Health Care Bill
Happy Equinox/Solstice to you all (for tomorrow)
So will Linda McMahon buy the Senate seat being
Happiness Is ... Making More Money Than the Next Guy
Happiness Is ... Making More Money Than the Next Guy
Happiness Is ... Making More Money Than the Next Guy
THE BEST presentation on HCR that I've seen yet
FACEBOOK users pay attention to this one = password-stealing VIRUS ALERT
WARNING: Heavy Freeper content ahead...
SEVEN Dems confirmed YES on HCR Today (5 of them previous NOs)
Parents oppose Philly school webcam spying lawsuit
Messi happy to help those in need
Suspect in brutal attack on nurse in bathroom of midtown bar Social, Mbarek Lafream, breaks silence
Robert Greenwald: Iraq, Thousands Dead, $747.3 Billion Spent
'Lawyer' for US Missionaries in Haiti is Arrested
A fair number of the people who post on this board will be dead before their health care lot in life
Freepers trying to take this poll...
Obama asked if the American People or the private interests will win?
C-span, on March 19 2010: Republicans treat healthcare reform as a gameshow. Literally.
Obama appointee: More killings a sign of success in the drug war..
Dear freepers, if we want any shit out of you, we will simply squeeze your head.
Dear freepers, if we want any shit out of you, we will simply squeeze your head.
"The Invasion of Iraq"...Frontline Reports....Anniversary of Iraq Invasion...
"The Invasion of Iraq"...Frontline Reports....Anniversary of Iraq Invasion...
My goodness - here in Northern WV the anti-reform movement is out in force
Recalling Progressive Change Within the Past Forty Years
Steven Colbert on Glenn Beck's attack on 'Social Justice.'
Reid Promises Separate Public Option Vote in Next Few Months
If you don't agree with ME 100% of the time, you're
When will it be Acknowledged that our Ideology is the Problem? Capitalism vs Corporatism
When will it be Acknowledged that our Ideology is the Problem? Capitalism vs Corporatism
Afghan Bombs Grow, Forcing Troops to Adapt
Bedrooms of America’s Young War Dead
Bedrooms of America’s Young War Dead
Bedrooms of America’s Young War Dead
Mayo Clinic: Health care bill a 'good step forward'
Hannity’s Freedom Charity A 'Huge Scam’: Right Wing Blogger
Hannity’s Freedom Charity A 'Huge Scam’: Right Wing Blogger
Weiner exposes republican "Doc Fix" hoax on house floor.
Weiner exposes republican "Doc Fix" hoax on house floor.
Blair's fight to keep his oil cash secret:
white, black, asian, or other(list)
white, black, asian, or other(list)
Has the moran who tossed dollar bills at Dr. Robert Letcher been identified?
Granny is right. They should be ashamed! n/t
Yelp Lawsuits Allege Review Site Engaged In Extortion
Seeing the right wing hysterical meltdown is enough of a reason to pass this HCR bill
I'm running for Democratic County Committee
Ominously For Ensign, Probe's Focus Appears To Shift To Possible Quid Pro Quo
President Obama, today, on pre-existing conditions
My Congressman, Bart Stupak, Has Neither a Uterus Nor a Brain ..a letter from Michael Moore
Didn't Bachmann call for RWers to cut their wrists if the health insurance reform bill passed, and
Man With Parkinson's Who Was Berated By Tea Partiers: 'I Embody The Controversy'
for DUers who dig Jimi Hendrix
I think part of the frustration many of us feel is due to knowing things could be...
Which helps progressive America more? Buying a Toyota Prius or a UAW built compact
At this point, what's left but to
Smells like desperation...GOP Leadership Pushed Memo Dems Say Is “Hoax”
Boehner told Fox News ... is that redundant? Or something? n/t
A Happy Meal still looks ‘fresh’ on its first birthday
What was that political index showing America's "center" trending rightward?
Yes, Rahm is Totally Vindicated
Christian Right leader: Lesbians in the US are getting Christians in Nigeria killed
In memory of Ted Kennedy, this bill MUST pass....
In memory of Ted Kennedy, this bill MUST pass....
'Birther Queen' Orly Taitz to Run for CA Sec. of State!
Detroit—a model for nationwide assault on public education
Cramer: Health Care Passage 'Will Topple the Stock Market' Because Of Amnesty For Immigrants
The funny thing is that this Republican HCR bill will pass & Dems STILL get beat in '10
If you're the most despised entity, how do you get what you want?
McCain, Lieberman's "Enemy Belligerent" Act Could Set U.S. On Path To Military Dictatorship
"Collared wolves killed during predator control"
We're fast becoming like China- WAGE SLAVES.
Robb's theory on DU and Afghanistan
Was Chris Cillizza always a RW Tool or is this a recent development?
The health care bill and child abuse.
So is it going to be fixed? Or is the fix in?
Mainstream reporters never contradicted Bush’s false WMD history to his face
Bullshit Alert: Now Steve King (R-IA) says it's blasphemy to vote on Sunday.
Nine Major Changes In The Democrats' New Health Reform Bill
2010 will be to the Republicans what 2006 was to the Democrats
Ok, why the sudden need for "insurance welfare", or HCR, whatever you call it?
Here's one to celebrate. Thanks, Democrats.
DU is the BEST place to go on the Internets for HCR discussion
Zero Public Option + One Mandate = Disaster
If we had Single Payer National Healthcare tomorrow, WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
Deadly Traps Target Police Officers In Calif. City
Mandates delayed until 2014, why do you think this is?
Protesters Prepare for Saturday's Antiwar Demonstration
Lt. Dan Choi free; brought to court in leg shackles
Is Kucinich's support of health insurance reform based on wishful thinking and twisted logic?
I hope EVERYBODY entering the Capitol is checked for weapons.
Does everyone really agree that costs will go down?
I don't think I've ever witnessed
Rep. Jason Altmire (D - 4th District PA) will not support HCR
Sign Grayson's PETITION for MEDICARE buy-in . . .
Jon Stewart As Glenn Beck AN ABSOLUTE MUST-SEE
The Dutch government responds to Sheehan's wild accusations about gay links to Srebrenica massacre
Seven Years of Waste, Fraud and Abuse
Seven Years of Waste, Fraud and Abuse
Help! Obama is having everyone call MY CONGRESSMAN for his crap HCR bill!!!
"Demon Pass" is Peggy Nooners little offering this morning.
O.K. Be Pissed At Me, But Read This About My Congressman From CNN
ENOUGH! Putting Some Frequent HCR Myths To A Much Needed Rest
ENOUGH! Putting Some Frequent HCR Myths To A Much Needed Rest
Let Me See if I've Got This Straight
Remember Fulton, New York where we had 55" of snow right after Christmas?
How Many of You are Committed to Working for Improvements to the HCR Bill if it Passes?
Granddaughter of a slave becomes a prominent Federal Judge
Historians speak out against proposed Texas textbook changes
AZ Rep Senate race McCain 48 Hayworth 41 Rasmussen
Nobody, and I mean nobody knows
California Workers Crushed by Toyota by Bob Herbert
Another Crazy Email Forward RE: A License Required to Sell Your HOUSE!
Another Crazy Email Forward RE: A License Required to Sell Your HOUSE!
Pit Bull attacks 76 year old woman
Oh Noes Sarah Palin Got Assaulted By Sam Donaldson’s Wig Maker!
Freepers going ballistic over Sean Hannity's wounded soldier scam
Do you live in a state where the legislature has passed or proposed an opt-out to HCR?
Ellen DeGeneres presents $30,000 scholarship to Mississippi lesbian in prom flap
Mom of octuplets may lose home to foreclosure
Rahm Emanuel's assumption that progressives would support whatever the White House wanted vindicated
Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA): The healthcare bill is a complete surrender to insurance companies
Somebody pinch me. I engaged in what ended up as truly civilized debate. In DU. In the GUNS forum!
Okay, Freepers, let's assume for just a moment that you DO secede...
California Bar Now Investigating Orly Taitz
We confronted John Yoo today at the University of Virginia.
We confronted John Yoo today at the University of Virginia.
Congress Distraught Over Fact That Not All Realize Their Contempt for Americans
To politicians who put the whims of the financial elite ahead of the needs of working families:
Health vote puts Matheson in tight spot
Here's a little head clearing from Amy Goodman/Democracy Now! ---
Fact Sheet: Myths and the Truth About The Health Care Bill by Jane Hamsher
Fact Sheet: Myths and the Truth About The Health Care Bill by Jane Hamsher
And, so it is. The silence is deafening on the Anti-Choice language which should be a DEAL killer
And, so it is. The silence is deafening on the Anti-Choice language which should be a DEAL killer
Rep. Paul Broun Compares Health Care Reform To "The Great War Of Yankee Aggression"
"timeforpeace" (yeah, like they meant that) is no more. Thank you mods!
Time for Rebirth: The US Antiwar Movement is Grieving, Dreaming, Growing
Time for Rebirth: The US Antiwar Movement is Grieving, Dreaming, Growing
Ashcroft Can Be Held Accountable for Post-9/11 Wrongful Detention
What’s the Matter With Democrats?
Our whole economy is now based on who can trick other people out of their money
Handy Health Care Reform Vote Tally on the New York Times website.
Have you sent in your Census yet?
Insurance-rate regulation dropped from latest health bill
"Race may not even exist" - I've heard this a few times
Emotional Freedom Technique Helps Viet Nam Veteran Overcome PTSD
Do you support a mandate to purchase for profit health care insurance without
The Republican meltdown if the healthcare legislation passes, will be epic.
The Republican meltdown if the healthcare legislation passes, will be epic.
The Freepers are calling for a military coup and/or civil war (again)
Church of Scientology hires veteran journalists to investigate St. Pete Times.
Robert Gibbs publicly admits a 4-year delay in implementing the adult preexisting condition rule.
General David Petraeus tipped as Republican 2012 presidential candidate
Thank God for the military aristocracy, that they didn't have DADT...
The Trillion Dollar Wealth Transfer (Health Reform Part 1 of 4)
Do you support UNIONIZED LABOR?
Do you support UNIONIZED LABOR?
This is who I am fighting for...
Taunted Parkinson's Victim has a doctorate in Nuclear Engineering from Cornell. Watch his response:
Taunted Parkinson's Victim has a doctorate in Nuclear Engineering from Cornell. Watch his response:
The rules are changing and congresspeople need to figure this out
You people need to watch this video.
Anyone else going to the Rally at GMU tomorrow?
Florida GOP "Birthers" support Marco Rubio 74% - 8%
The Senate and the House need to write legislation together --it's wasting time to do otherwise
I just watched Tweety with AFP with Tim Phillips. Tweety DID kick ass tonight.
Poll: Most Israelis see Obama as fair and friendly
The President is no different than Bush/McCain & Fox and MSNBC are opposite ends of the spectrum
I was talking to someone about mandates and it was no convincing them
CA-Sen: Field Poll Shows Boxer in a Tough Fight
Clyburn tells Charllie Rose he has 216!
GALLUP: Americans Expect Health Bill to Mainly Help Poor, Uninsured
President Obama to Make Final Pitch for Health Care at George Mason
You know when a conservative says Deem and Pass....
Question: The president will have to sign the bill after the House vote?
It's now an all out bliz for the next 2 days......
Is John Boccieri on his way to flip to YES?
...for an anti-tax group, "they don't know much about taxes."
Well, I can't find a phone mail box that isn't full for a swing vote on HCR.
This poll needs some DU lovin'
The new plan really did fix the problems people here had on the excise tax
Joe Madison: There are currently 40 members UNDECIDED
WH will probably delay signing ceremony until the reconciliation bill passes the Senate
Michael Steele: The CBO is lying!!!
TPMDC Reporters will be reporting LIVE from President Obama's healthcare rally in VA at 11:30ET
Some here think its appropriate to display Obama in effigy
Unofficial "I support HIR Regardless of How Bad it is" Thread
Health Justice is against this reform...
Washington Monthly's Steve Benen: Even More Cover for Pro-Life Dems
Why reform is desperately needed and the benefits to a majority of Americans
Another "Blue Dog" Flips! Boccieri (OH) now YES on health care reform.
Medicare Part D, Medicare Advantage health plan and HR 676
Lincoln Never Quits!!! Obama declares 'I don't quit' in State of Union
Anthony Weiner schooling Peggy Noonan on Morning Joe. And, Mika said she agreed with him!
We are about to take a victory lap!
Murphy yes; and Kaptur leaning yes
Sirota: What's the Matter with Demorcrats?
Does anybody think that Pelosi would have had such a huge smile and scheduled a vote
White House Health Care Talking Points
Must Read from the San Francisco Chronicle: This is Nancy Pelosi's Moment
"BREAKING: Dems offer largest deficit-reduction bill since '93 " (Where's the media?)
Dem whip deadline 2 p.m. today
Tweety failed to clearly debate the president of Americans for Prosperity
Howard Dean: "A lot of important things in this bill that will make it worth passing."
So now that the CBO has determined the "HCR" bill lowers the deficit, we can expect Teabaggers to
KO... The Insurance Companies at war against America! So how the hell do we win? n/t
Just got home from the Rally at GMU. If that does not fire you up
Kaiser poll shows uptick in support for health reform, 46 to 42 in favor.
I really like Adam Smith. Would love to see him in the Senate someday
*** HEDZ UP **** President is speaking at George Mason U!
Does it seem like we were 5votes away 10 yes votes ago. How long are we going to be 5 votes away?
Prospects improving for Democrats - 3 more have committed to voting YES.
Breaking NOW: Stupak on MSNBC in a few minutes
All right, just pass the Damn Bill -- But this Vichy Democrat Shit has to stop
It's shaping up to be a great weekend here in Washington.
Our President has clarified his policy...
Rep. Diaz-Balart (Florida-R) a major jerk on MSNBC
Boom! SEIU To Yank Support For Arcuri, Will Search For Challenger
Wonderful pics of POTUS at George Mason today.
Narcisse won’t file for Democratic primary
Arizona exec. eyes McCain challenge
Two Conservative Dems Swing "Yes"[Huffinfron Poar}
Gallup: Democrats think the HCR bill helps almost everyone...
Will HCR go to 60% after passage?
1955: "Fluorinated Drinking Water is COMMUNISM!"
GOP circulates phony memo (via Politico / Drudge) in order to try to bring down health care bill.
What do you feel about how the admin has treated the young activists whose work elected it?
Okay the REpublicans on MSNBC are killing me.
CBO Was Definitive Word on GOP’s Health Care Reforms
"Progressive" holdouts, how do you respond to the following?:
Michael Smerconish doing Hardball WTF!!!!
Randy Rhodes: The latest GOP talking point is REPARATIONS!!!!!!
More petty bullshit in the house
Afghan TV Gets Illegal Taste of Female Flesh
An open letter to Tavis Smiley
My Rep is on board, how about yours?
When will it be Acknowledged that our Ideology is the Problem? Capitalism vs Corporatism
Keep Track of Expected Votes on the Health Care Bill with NYT's Interactive Whip Count
if your in FL-24 please call Rep. Suzanne M. Kosmas D-FL-24
Reid to introduce PUBLIC OPTION soon
The boy that cried wolf and the republican party.
Ellsworth yes; and Kosmas flips!
Another "Blue Dog" - - Allen Boyd (FL) - - flips from No to Yes on Health Care Bill
BREAKING: Dems appear to reach magic 216 vote number (FauxNews)
AP: End In Sight, Health Care Battle Tilts Obama's Way
How much money is being passed in brown envelopes to the Democrats who are voting "No" to
Democrats Accuse GOP of Distributing ‘Hoax’ Memo - "Opponents...stoop to acts of desperation..."
Dominos: Democratic Health Care Skeptics Fall Into Line For Reform
Omg - deja vu....Remember when O trickled out all those SuperDelegate Endorsements?
NYT Yes 202 Nos 203 (216 needed to pass)
Prediction: Stupak and his 'list' will fall in line and vote for the bill
Scott Murphy (NY) flips from NO to YES.
Despite all those lying about elements of this bill, talking as if it doesn't help anyone,
"Pro-choice female Dems are shuttling in and out of Pelosi's office and they won't say why."
Rep. Broun Deserves an Official Rebuke
Obama and Clinton's 'good rapport'
"Wall Street, Obama Parting Ways"
Michael Moore" "If Stupak were truly pro-life then he'd vote for this bill."
President Obama: "The need is great. The opportunity is here. And the time for reform is now."
Gov. Dean "President Obama is Back. . .in the last 4 weeks he has been a really strong President".
Did progressives win anything in the health reform negotiation process?
Eugene Robinson: ‘Kumbaya’ No More
AN Odd thought... I wonder if Mike Castle could be flipped.on HCR
Reid Promises Separate Public Option Vote In Next Few Months
"Starting this year Americans with pre-existing conditions will be able to purchase health ins."
"Stupak and other pro-life Dems hold a press conference Saturday morning"
Do HCR opponents think we supporters are only motivated by politics?
HCR: Obama Approval Dropping, At Lowest Point Yet
Joe Klein: Right-Wing Nervous Breakdown
"... don't ever, ever call Obama a wimp."
i must admit my secret shame: i am a bully toward my direct reports
Josie's Adventure - Cross-post from Editorials & Other Articles
i think i'm gonna coat myself with baby oil and sit in the bathtub
Why is it that everyone isn't seeing the album for the sheer genius it is???
LeftyFingerPop's daily depression-talk (3/18/2010): everything you do is for naught
I'm in Love with My Super Duper Blender. Her name is Vita-Mix.
Woke up this morning, opened my shades to the back window, and there was a ball...
I have a friend who is stuck in 1989
Would you rather go Hiking in Aguirre Springs or go Dune Boarding at White Sands?
DUDE! i am eating 3 am cheeseburger flavored doritos and they are THE MOTHERFUCKING SHIT!
Holy shit! Colbert just destroyed Mary Matalin!
******************** FELDSPAR APPRECIATION THREAD ********************
The toenail on my big toe just grew an inch over a week.
Would you cheat on someone with Sandra Bullock?
Would you cheat on your significant other with a third person because of Sandra Bullock?
Guys: Would YOU Never Mind The Bollocks?
It's disconcerting to think a state fish and game department codified a Snipe season
i think i'm gonna coat myself with cannabis oil and sit in the hot tub
CNN BREAKING: Minority Leader John Boehner steps down, to be replaced by stripe-assed baboon
Would Robert Pattinson cheat on Sandra Bullock because of YOU?
Did everyone have a fun St Patty's Day?
Biomechanical Hannity takes time out from screwing veterans up the ass to bring you this message:
Going to see Cheap Trick tonight!
I just captured a pic of a ghost that was floating right over me.
New film "Repo Men" getting blasted by critics
So, I lost two sweet sixteen teams last night....
Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation now showing on Netflix, I haven't seen this move in a long time.
Jesus Christ...are we all cool with the sexual innuendos?
Jesus Christ...do you think you can all cool it with the sexual innuendos?
Question from my boss - (I know the lounge would know the answer)
Robert Pattinson has not aged well, this is a shame
I'm seeing the jazz pianist Hiromi tonight
It's midnight, your shift has just ended on the Enterprise, & you have the Holodeck all to yourself
I'm stunted....my ability to trust is stunted, for many reasons.
sick of soup, sick of being indoors, sick of being sick
You know that "Stubborn Donkey" method of arguing?
'Flash Foward' returns tonight!
Don't bother me. I'm concentrating.
Boxes of ipads fly off the shelves
headcold pool... how many boxes of kleenex?
Crap I got Jury Duty next week. Whats a good book to read during Jury Duty?
I really really tried this year, but I am on the bottom of the NCAA brackets again
A couple of teenagers got in a knock down, drag out fight on the bus today
Sometimes, a caption would only spoil the sublime beauty of the moment
*sigh* What has happened to common friendliness and goodwill?
Who sings that song that goes "baby I love you" and then goes "oh baby na na na na na na naaaa"?
Who else here has to unbolt their toilet and clean it in the back yard with a pressure washer?
Bullock's husband's mistress tells people the "W" stands for "white" and the "P" stands for "power"
I'm having my tooth pulled in the morning.
I know someone mentioned this before
BeagleQuest 2010: Our Beagle arrives in April!!!
I thought I was terminally ill Tuesday morning and I was planning on suing Arby's
Where the hell is the Ringworld movie?
TZ is heading up to Jersey in a couple of hours. What music do you think she'll be listening to?
Great news for Rolling Stones fans! (We're talking the REAL Deal here)
Anyone watch Daily Show last night? I am still in awe on how good the first segment was
AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!! *(#!%$@^%^&!!!!!
A project for you Loungers. A challenge, if you will....(involving NARWHALS!)
Why do you keep your windows open so everyone can see into your house?
Friday night C&W for liberals: a song written by Billy Joe Shavers
GREAT same-sex remake of a Taylor Swift video
RANT: I'm sorry, but I will NOT let some anonymous people on a message board affect my self worth.
I have PROOF POSITIVE that HopeHoops is indeed Chuggo!!!
Palin Asking for Over $1M Per Episode for Reality Show, Report Says
Good & Plenty candies. Are they actually GOOD, and are there actually PLENTY?
Court Rules Against Anna Nicole Smith’s Estate
NCAA Tournament Thread -- Day Two
I have PROOF POSITIVE that HopeHoops is indeed Rick Astley!!!
I was unappreciated at The Home Depot today.
Weirdest show ever on PBS! The Natural Hist of the Chicken!
Temps today were in the mid-70's and tomorrow is the first day of spring.
Are you the youngest child in your family? Then sound off!
When I go out for/make BBQ, I look forward most to....
Legal question - need advice if anyone knows
Hey, Du- how many MARXISTS does it take to change a light bub?
One of the world's greatest rock bands, is *NOT* in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!
Baseball is the sport America wants to be. Football is the sport America is.
I'm going to tell you a secret. Don't let it get around too much.
So who "invented" the treated drum track? Bowie or Funkadelic?
I'm guessing the food here probably sucks.
They Are Starting To Regret This
Obama effigy hung at RI school with fired teachers
Does a guy who bashes "the left" on Fox News DESERVE our party's nomination in 2012?
Who will NOT be helped by this reform bill?
Are Toyota electronic flaws with stalling related to sudden acceleration?
Protesters Prepare for Saturday's Antiwar Demonstration
Venezuela Asks for Details of Charges in ETA Case
Indonesia's President: Food, energy security may spark conflict
Glaxo funded backers of 'danger' drug
Retired US general links Srebrenica fall to gays in Dutch army
Hannity Freedom Concerts A 'Scam,' Blogger Says
Ashford sees abortion epidemic
Attack ad against health bill uses Democrat's young daughters.
Cracks appear in abortion front against healthcare reform
Merrill Lynch Warned Regulators About Lehman
Science briefing: Kindness and social forces
Ohio Democrat switches to 'yes' on health care
SEIU To Yank Support For Arcuri (Voting No On HCR) Will Search For Challenger
Progressive Groups, Labor On Hand To Support Obama
US Rep. Lynch faces three challengers
Ex-senator in Colombia gets nine years for ties to paramilitary -US- named terrorist organization)
Baird (Canada) plans to make Toyota papers public (looking into Toyota being charged criminally)
Defense official says Afghan program was authorized (Michael Furlong )
India seeks US investment to form manufacturing hub
Anti-abortion Democrats working on a vote deal with Senate on bill
Court: Fed must disclose bailout records
Detroit Medical Center expected to announce sale to Vanguard Health (a for-profit corp)
Russians Give Message to U.S. Generals in Afghanistan: Bribe the Taliban
Ellen (DeGeneres) presents $30K to Miss. lesbian in prom flap
AARP Statement on Historic Health Insurance Reform Package
EU food labels may get traffic-light treatment
Palin Asking for Over $1M Per Episode for Reality Show, Report Says
A deal is a deal: U.S. will buy prison even if it won’t hold terror suspects
A deal is a deal: U.S. will buy prison even if it won’t hold terror suspects
Colombia campaigner's death sparks investigation call (3rd largest US aid recipient, Colombia)
Dismantling of Saudi-CIA Web site illustrates need for clearer cyberwar policies
President Obama rallies support for final health care votes
Regulators Shut Banks in Delaware, Ohio and Georgia
Rep. Jason Altmire (D - 4th District PA) will not support HCR
Mom of octuplets may lose home to foreclosure
Choi and Pietrangelo Plead Not Guilty
Clinton Calls Israel’s Moves to Ease Tension ‘Useful’
Gas Prices Hit Highest Level Since 2008
US citizen David Headley admits role in Mumbai attacks
World's slums grow despite rapid economy growth: U.N.
Arizona Drops Children’s Health Program
Colombia rejects U.S. extradition request
Heavy rains swamp Haiti’s homeless camps
Venezuela: OK to seek ex-president's extradition
Toyota used its 'game plan' to escape a major early recall (07)
(Condi) Rice regrets how US prioritized rebuilding in Iraq
Pelosi: Dems have 'scrubbed' health bill for Senate passage
States take aim to block healthcare plan
Comcast spent $3.5 million lobbying in 4th quarter
Republicans Plot Ways to Nullify Bill
Judge slams WTC proposed settlement, orders new deal
Federal Reserve Must Disclose Bank Bailout Records
California Bar Now Investigating Orly Taitz
Virginia warns wife of Justice Clarence Thomas her group is violating law
Ashcroft Can Be Held Accountable for Post-9/11 Wrongful Detention
Relax visa norms for Indian professionals: India to US
Sanders drops ("postpones") push for public option
Memogate: 'Document Fix' Memo FAKE? Health Care Memo Spread By Media and GOP Called 'Hoax'
Glenn Beck, (US Rep) Steve King: Health Care Bill Vote (on Sunday) an Affront to God
Bolivian who captured 'Che' wanted for questioning
AMA (& AARP) Supports House Passage of Health System Reform
Malcolm X assassin granted parole in New York
Castro supporters heckle 'Ladies in White' protesters
Senators draft plan to rework U.S. immigration policy
Al Franken radio talks to Greg Palast [Part 1/2] -- June 9, 2004
Fox News Interviews President Obama
Fox's Desperate Final Push to Kill Health Care Reform
Ed Shultz Talks About The Historic Implications Of Healthcare
Hardball: Americans for Prosperity Pres. Tim Phillips called out on ethics, rhetoric and motive
Young Turks: Fruit/Veggies To Replace Movie Theater Popcorn?
Media Matters: What Earthquake? Steve Douchey Erases His Own Show's Reporting
Another Recession is Coming - Jim Rogers CNBC 3-17-2010
Democratic Incrementalism Explained
Comedian Joe Wong at RTCA Dinner
AFL-CIO President Trumka supports the Health Care bill
Democracy Now! Dennis Kucinich and Ralph Nader: A Discussion on Health Care, Politics and Reform
A Mother's Open Appeal to Congressman Lipinski
Bret Baier Interviewing Obama Vs. Bret Baier Interviewing Bush
Jefferson out, Calivin in, Liberalism out, Neoconism in
Tanner: Untrue Total Fabrication This Institution Is Bigger & Better Than Either Political Party
Raging Grannies' Song Slams Citizens United Ruling - "Granny D" Lives On...
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow - Reverend Dr. Welton Gaddy: suspicious of Bart Stupak's audacity
Awesome - Health Reform by the Numbers
TYT: Why The Proposed Financial Reform Sucks
Liberalviewer: Fox News Speaks for Majority on Health Care Reform?
TYT: The Game Of Death - Controversial TV Show (Video)
OUT OF CONTROL: Health Insurance Rates Up 39, 60, Even 70%
Even NUNS Think Bart Stupak Is Full Of Crap
Targeted By Tea Party Brown Shirts: Parkinson's Hero Speaks
Weiner: Not to cloud this debate with facts Medicare For All
Democracy Now! Rep. Alan Grayson’s “Medicare You Can Buy Into Act” Attracts 50 Co-Sponsors
Court Rules Fed Must Disclose Bank Bailout Records
Michael Moore's 'Capitalism: A Love Story' DVD Extra Preview - Union Cab of Madison
ANTHONY WEINER vs Rep. Garrett (R) vs Feisty 'Hot' Local NY Reporter - 'Stop believing the lies..'
GOP Congressmen Admit Most Republicans Think Iraq War Was a Mistake
Obama: Help Me Finish The Fight YES WE CAN!
Rep. Broun (Redneck-GA) Calls The Civil War "The Great War Of Yankee Aggression"
Majority Rules (new from Mark Fiore)
ANTHONY WEINER & HOWARD DEAN vs Peggy Noonan (Morning Joe) - 'Will you stop with your tangent...'
Rachel Maddow : Republican Desperation w/ Howard Dean
The Bullshit News of CNN - the Onion nails it!
John Yoo: President Can Nuke US Cities
Lt Dan Choi speaks out after his arrest - BRILLIANT!
Republican Gets Why Health Care Reform Needed !
THE TEA PARTY & THE CIRCUS - Final Healthcare Reform Protest
Teabaggers harass man with Parkinson's
The Left Assails Dems for 'Demon Pass'
Michael W. McConnell: Matheson on merits (Former Federal Judge defends Obama judicial selection)
Rampant patriotism breaches on America's Right
Time for Rebirth: The US Antiwar Movement is Grieving, Dreaming, Growing
How Many Mexican Drug War Deaths Can We Attribute to U.S. Pot Laws?
Catholic Hospitals Support Health Care Bill
McCain and Lieberman's "Enemy Belligerent" Act Could Set U.S. on Path to Military Dictatorship
Repubs histrionics about an imaginary subterfuge: "deem and pass"
David Sirota: What's the Matter with Demorcrats?
Newsweek: A Third Muslim-World War?
US Bases in Colombia Rattle the Region
Health Care reform Needs Media Reform
'Soul Of A Citizen' Excerpt: Taking Money Out Of Politics: A Grassroots Effort For Clean Elections
Hightower: Two Right-Wing Billionaire Brothers Are Remaking America for Their Own Benefit
Health Care Overhaul Fight Exposes Catholic Rift
Man With Parkinson's Who Was Berated By Tea Partiers: 'I Embody The Controversy' (VIDEO)
Hacker Disables More Than 100 Cars Remotely
Jesus Inc - "The Word of Gawd"
Pete Seeger...Where Have All the Flowers Gone/Progressive Anniversary of Iraq Invasion...
Private Health Insurance costs are unsustainable
Jim Hightower: Two Right-Wing Billionaire Brothers Are Remaking America for Their Own Benefit
Robert Jensen: What White People Fear
Weekend Economists Spring into the IMF March 19-21, 2010
Sheriff Joe Arpaio challenges march in Washington with largest crackdown on undocumented in Arizona
Louis Farrakhan Puts His Anti-Semitism On Full Display; Deepens Conspiracy Theories About Jews
Carroll Quigley: Our Tragedy and Their Hope
Life in the shadow of coal central
Portland based EcoTrust unveils carbon credits from Olympic forest
Petroleum Demand Lessons from the Late 1970s
Estimating Ethanol Yields from CRP Croplands
Most Federal Actions to Protect Endangered Fishes in California Bay-Delta "Scientifically Justified"
Perils of plastics: risks to human health and the environment
BBC: Hydrogen ferry trial considered for Bristol Harbour
Delaware business: Hydrogen station expected in Claymont
GM's hydrogen fuel-cell fleet holds up in crashes
Giving Plastic Solar Cells an Energy Boost
EPA, DOE Announce New Steps to Strengthen ENERGY STAR
EPA Initiates Hydraulic Fracturing Study: Agency seeks input from Science Advisory Board
Increasing Yield from Gasification - A new process can make more fuel from biomass.
Ice almost out at Lake Auburn (global warming, Maine)
Making the UK's energy systems fit for 2050-Generating the Future A report on UK energy systems...
Pesticide chlorpyrifos is linked to childhood developmental delays
CPS OKs new South Texas reactor agreement with NRG
Gators bounced by guy's who believe in Magic Underwear...
Texas finds way to hide from Kentucky
Dayum! The MAC already has two wins in the Big Dance.
World's Strongest Man Competition
Loving my Pitt Panthers - they woke up after a slow start and are on the hunt!
Too funny! Many political messages are on the Yahoo Tourney board.
WVU v. Morgan State on first, 12: 15 edt.
Almost had a heart attack...and broke my hand punching a window
Vin Scully sent to hospital after minor tumble
Nice choke, Supremo! How about them Wake Forest Boys!
Where are MadinMaryland's picks???
Ex-senator in Colombia gets nine years for ties to paramilitary
Google to add Maya, Nahuatl languages to search engine
Heavy rains swamp Haiti’s homeless camps
Judge orders release of 16 more 'false positives' suspects
Venezuela: OK to seek ex-president's extradition
Bogota murder rate on the rise
Ecuador fails to reach financing agreement with China
Supreme Court will not try ex-general in paramilitary case
Colombian ambassador walks out on OAS meeting
Bolivian who captured 'Che' wanted for questioning
Colombia campaigner's death sparks investigation call
Public Transport Strike Scheduled for Monday in Caracas
US Bases in Colombia Rattle the Region
ISRAEL: Activists urge musicians not to perform in Israel
Moussa: Israel has no say in regional security before two-state solution
Quartet urges Israeli settlement freeze
Obama...perfect enemy of the good
Gaza rocket strikes south Israel for fifth time in 24 hours
Report: Obama, Netanyahu to meet in U.S. on Tuesday
Who Will Make Peace When Palestinians Are Divided?
Washington Post: Israel, US agree on 'don't ask don't tell' policy
Think-Tanker Suggests Linkage Between Health Care And Israel Policy
Lieberman on Quartet call: You can't make artificial peace
UC Berkeley students ask for Israel divestment
Bigger Enforcement Hammer Saves Workers’ Lives
Will Obama Pursue Promised New Approach to Trade, or Continue Bush Model?
Today in Labor History Mar 19 claimed its goal was "to preserve and perpetuate individual freedom,"
More than 12,000 Minnesota nurses begin contract negotiations
AFSCME’s GOP First Aid Kit (Glenn Beck tongue depressor, McCain eye drops, more)
AFSCME Leads AFL-CIO in Growth for 2009
Haaretz Poll: Most Israelis see Obama as fair and friendly
Report: Israeli settlers uproot 25 olive trees near Nablus
My, but we have been busy, haven't we?
Hey, do you want to see frantic use of shovels?
I think it's amazing to see someone sacrifice his career for the greater good.
Lt Choi being held incommunicado..
(USMC Gen.) Sheehan: Gays weakened European militaries (xpost from GD)
MEET OTIS McDONALD (Plaintiff in McDonald vs. Chicago)
"Fairbanks gun-rights advocate arrested on weapons charge"
Indiana Governor signs "take your gun to work" bill ...
Killer teen jailed 12 years for murder of chef Daniel Owen (Australia - No guns = No safety)
Eight home invasions in less than a year.
"Anchorage man kills neighbor's Chihuahua with shotgun"
BOOK REVIEW, Chapters 1 & 2 of David Hemenway "Private Guns - Public Health"
Velociraptor's cousin discovered
Scientists find turbulence in Saturn's rings
A tapestry of cold dust (big pic)
Scientifically speaking: Is thought aware of itself ?
Grigoriy Perelman wins Millennium Prize for Resolution of the Poincare Conjecture
Evidence for life on Mars may be staring us in the face (Follow The Sulfur)
Look what I stumbled upon: Vision 2100
winyanstaz says that she will be at the alternate ASAH group this Friday (3/19) at 7pm PDST...
Okay, what the *#$&^@ with this weekend?
Please, emergency light and prayers needed.
Need prayers for my son, please help
A Psychic Prediction Comes Through
Crossroads: How often do you wonder about things that never were?
Blocking a certain protein can reduce cigarette smoke-induced lung inflammation in mice.
hmm ... newer RW talking point about HCR could conceivably disqualify the RWers from HC ...
Selenium Protects Men Against Diabetes, Study Suggests
XPost - Perils of plastics: risks to human health and the environment
Xpost - Pesticide chlorpyrifos is linked to childhood developmental delays
Parents getting kids involved in church should agree their child may be molested.
Johann Hari: The Pope, the Prophet, and the religious support for evil.
EPA to Increase Restrictions on Flea and Tick Products Cautions consumers to use products with ...
What it's Like to be an Atheist (if anyone really cares)
SEC, Fed Alerted By Merrill of Lehman Balance Sheet Games in March 2008
Connections between: UVB, vitamin D, cholesterol ?
Congressman Grayson Demands Release of AIG Emails
"Free Trade can only be imposed by a strong, authoritarian state"
U.S. economy is on a moderate growth path, jobs and consumer price data show
"if banks really accounted for all the losses in the home loan market, they'd all be insolvent. "
Concocting a Cure for Kids With Issues
Science can find little evidence for alternative therapies
Any ESL/ESOL teachers out there?
Susan Jacoby: One Classroom, From Sea to Shining Sea
School Suspensions Lead to Legal Challenge
In Hard Times, Lured Into Trade School and Debt
NYT: School Suspensions Lead to Legal Challenge (North Carolina Supreme Court case)
You reach that moral line, that moral tipping point
Diane Ravitch: How testing and choice are undermining education (video link)
florida expanding jebbie's vouchers/tax credit system
Lunchroom monitor screams "shut-up" at a 1st grader! Should I do anything?
obama's NCLB 2.0: testing in every grade. whoopee!