Democratic Underground

Archives: March 22, 2010

WaPo..Republicans rally Tea Party activists to oppose the health-care legislation

Tihardt STFU

Another Republican Poutrage comming...

If this goes well, my two daughters will remember this day for the rest of their lives.

The American people HAVE spoken

Capital gains tax cuts for Teabaggers! CHART INCLUDED!

Success breeds success!

Question About All This Anxiety (Read Frustration & Disappointment) Over The Bill

When is the vote

So when's the damned vote?

Both political parties are corporations

TV presenter gets death sentence for 'sorcery'

TV presenter gets death sentence for 'sorcery'

Rep Kline is a joke and never meets with constituants

every time I hear a repub whine about "back room" deals I think of Nick Smith

What'd the guy from NJ say that got all the Rethugs upset?

Do people really not know how the government works?

"The American people want us to start over!" Whaaaa!

I love Debbie Wasserman Shultz!

I love Debbie Wasserman Shultz!

The GOP secret memo on talking points on health care reform

Cirque du So-What says 'GoodBuy' to DU

Cirque du So-What says 'GoodBuy' to DU

Cirque du So-What says 'GoodBuy' to DU

Independent UK: A health debate outsiders find hard to understand

Freepers Send Supak 30 Silver Coins

The Hyde Amendment is NOT what we normally consider a "law"

Republicans form a last, final, picket fence to keep health care from passing

Republicans form a last, final, picket fence to keep health care from passing

Enormity means EVIL, not large

Where can I find the actual bill they're voting on?

Where can I find the actual bill they're voting on?

Salon - "Catholic healthcare scoreboard: Nuns and laity 2, bishops 0"



Manitoba truckers stuck when winter ice roads melt

Health care bill - companies who hire temporary workers

Kick 'em while they're down...

Democrats For Life of America Proud to Be a Part of Healthcare Reform

Does anybody have a pic of the teabaggers spelling NO with their bodies?

Does the HCR legislation have a severability clause?

Boycott GE

Deal made with China on IT info disclosure (by Japan)

Lets list their "buzz words" Socialist, communism, fraud

Can you get your head around the degree of devotion paid to corporate health - ?

Any Peeps Out Of The Senate ???

Um. Fellas ... this doesn't mean we have universal health care.

I don't care what anybody says, I like Luke Russert

think there is nothing to worry about with the fringe elements?

Well, the bill won't have a public option and the bill will not allow federally funded

What will the political ramifications of passing the HCR be?

What are insurance premiums, if nothing but taxation without the possibility of coverage?

"We knew, WE KNEW," then *WHY* I'm talking to you House Reps did you PUT US THROUGH THIS?!1 n/t

Just got back from dinner. Did we win?

Is anyone else concerned that there will be violence, in the near future, as a result of this

Tiger Woods gives first interview since crash: Pretty amazing.

Mike Pence

Mike Pence

When does the actual vote start?

Waterloo, Waterloo, Where will you, Meet your Waterloo?

They couldn't have been more wrong...

undercover boss is being delayed.

Allen Boyd (D) getting booed by the GOP.

I have been watching the longest 'novela', ever, all day today...

"Fear and uncertainty", Mr Cantor?

Hey folks..we haven't won anything yet...they haven't voted..

Now they are saying 10PM Est for the final vote...Argh!

How long is Lungren going to keep this "inquiry" shit going?

Rep. Dan Lungren R a-hole California on MSNBC

What's the objection to asking for unanimous conset to revise & extend?

What's the objection to asking for unanimous conset to revise & extend?

Boehner and Pelosi closing speeches coming up....

For a good LOL, check out DeMint's Facebook page...

Clyburn Says GOP Acted "Despicably" - Politico

Damn, want to see some long faces? Turn on fox news once

When the pukes have the floor, click on this link:

Hey Cantor!!!! I fundamentally object to paying your salary.

Ann Coulter, Keith Olbermann and Bill Maher ALL AGREE on one thing...

Is this where Boner goes out into the house to hand out checks to people to not vote

Yes we can

Up pops the boner. nt

Up pops the boner. nt

"Both sides would do well by remembering the dignity of the house"

Real Time With Bill Maher New Rules 3/19 - Texans with books, John Edwards sex tape

Barely a year to plan invading/conquering Iraq. But we have to settle for "a start" on HCR???

My most fantastic tinfoil hat theory EVER!!!!

If Boehner gets around to crying, will his tears be orange too?

If Boehner gets around to crying, will his tears be orange too?

Thanks to C Street ratfuck Stupak and his posturing, the GOP gets a talking point to use against us

Is it me or does Boner have Vaporub underneath his eyes for crocodile tears?

We're un-Amurkin.

Boehner is freaking out!

Wow, the room just changed to this weird orange glow

John Boehner ain't nothing but a tall in shape oompa loompa

Have they read it or not? Some said yes and then Boehner said no . . .

Boner... want some...

Boner... want some...

The Boner is starting to erupt!

If the Republicans had to have someone in their leadership named Cantor

Here comes boner...

A cautionary note on the Boehner Strategy...

Break out the Viagra

Watching the Boner Fail

My hunch is that FOX News is bummed because they had expected to

Boner's Up !!!

Boner's Up !!!

Will Congresswoman Bachman set herself on fire?

Hey Boner, sit down, shaddup alraedy!

I was with him till he brought Moses into the discussion

Boehner is just a horrible speaker, ain't he?

These guys (GOP) really are DICKS.

Boner's up on CSPAN.

I just got chills seeing the people stand and cheer at Pelosi's arrival! nt

Good for small business good for America. End Republican Dog-Eat-Dog-istan!


Plouffe pisses off Rove by "denigrating" Bush's stuffed codpiece action hero landing on USS Lincoln

Plouffe pisses off Rove by "denigrating" Bush's stuffed codpiece action hero landing on USS Lincoln

Fuck You Dan Lungren, you piece of shit....

Al Franken's compaint about health care being ignored..

I have never used the "mute" button so many times in one day

I have never used the "mute" button so many times in one day

I have never used the "mute" button so many times in one day

Hey, someone check me on this: Monitter looks like it's running Pro HCR.

Sincere, serious question: Are there any 'good' Republicans in the House? Those

I've never seen Boehner so angry. I hate his guts, but he's speaking from his heart right now.

And here comes Boehner the Obstructionist.

Did Boehner just say he wanted to "return comedy to this chamber"?

I'm watching the "debate" on C-SPAN.

I'm watching the "debate" on C-SPAN.

Health Care Reform- or as KKKarl Röve called it this morning, 800 times:

Freeps, like Patty Duke with a hot dog, go out of control: "WOW is BOHNER HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Go get them Nancy!

Was that booing when Pelosi thanked the President?

Commrads! Our conversion to Socialism is almost complete!

When the GOP tried to win in 06 and 08 they used the lie that

"removal of the anti-trust exemption"??

Luke (Lucky Sperm Club) Russert is just overwhelmingly inept.

NY Times: In Health Reform, Boons for Hospitals and Drug Makers

Here come the votes.

So which idiot republican state will sue to stop health care first?

Is Boehner drunk???

Is Boehner drunk???

David Dreier and Louise Slaughter Dust Up Over Reconciliation

I hope they edit out Ms. Pelosi's mistake tonight....

Obama wont sign bill tonight

Demise Of Coral, Salamander Show Impact Of Web-Internet Fuels Illegal Wildlife Trade

Demise Of Coral, Salamander Show Impact Of Web-Internet Fuels Illegal Wildlife Trade

Might I remind Mr. Boehner of the Hon.John Conyers

This is so damn slow!!!!

Under my current insurance plan, women pay $100+ more/month


need 7 more votes to go out of 17

216! First one down!

Is health-care reform constitutional? If so, can the federal government make you buy a Chevy?


just to break away from the House for a moment: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution on ABC

Hey BONER if something's too heavy it ain't your HEART it's too much TANNING CREAM!1 n/t

Anybody else having trouble breathing?

7 more AYE votes to go!!!!


It's official: The Party of Nay.

219 For, 210 Against, 2 Not Voted...

FIREWORKS!1 for the Speaker Nancy AND the ELECTED President of the United States!1

Dems finish voting, it's 219 AYE, 210 NAY, 2 NV's

Dems finish voting, it's 219 AYE, 210 NAY, 2 NV's

All the grandstanding you see now

Not one Republican voted "Yea"

Let's VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!1 Let's GOoooo!1 n/t

Let's VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!1 Let's GOoooo!1 n/t

Let's VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!1 Let's GOoooo!1 n/t

Let's VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!1 Let's GOoooo!1 n/t


Obama has fixed healthcare and finally insured all Americans!

It wasn't everything I wanted but I'll take it happily. Now, back to work.

Thank you Democratic Underground..

This really is fascinating's as good as it gets.

John Boner's official picture

Communist nazi socialism here we come!!!!!!!!!!!

President Obama SHOULD issue an executive order the day after the first abortion EO

Still Bitching about Abortion?

When this passes (and it better pass or you can kiss the Obama

When this passes (and it better pass or you can kiss the Obama


All y'all hatin Pelosi need to step off from here on out. She rocked this mutha.

Crazy ignorance Roe v. Wade came before Congress???? REally?

Embarrassing to be from Michigan

ABORTION FEES? Obviously the asshat hasn't read the bill

Ladies, lets all line up tongiht to the closest ab doctor

Who kidnapped Bart Stupak and is on the House floor? nt

Rep. Stupak to GOP: "Go Cheney yourselves."

Is that Stupak?

who here has been under the bus?

I'm so embarrassed to ask this, but is this THE vote right now? I'm not sure

I would like to dedicate this post to Glenn Beck and the teabaggers:


I have never wanted to punch someone through the screen as badly as I do right now.

WHY DO the news readers TALK OVER DEMOCRATS when they have the mike?

Well, look at Mr. Stupak

Here's A Tweet You Might Like...

Whether you are for or against the bill, it has to feel good to see Republican's humilated...

Cspan taking calls..anyone want to give them a holler?

Boehner to GOP lawmakers: 'Behave like grown-ups' if healthcare bill is passed

I have two questions

Does anybody know how my rep voted? Brad Sherman, CA Dem, but he

House floor getting cranky, testy, and loud.

I sent MSNBC an email commending and thanking them for the coverage today

never mind - please delete

Who shouted "BABY KILLER!" at Stupak?

This may cost us dearly, but we have done the right thing.

When are these yo yo's gonna get the damn fact that this is a

15 minutes we will know for sure

Teddy, Harry, Hubert, and FDR are smiling tonight

Computer Glitch Delete


And up to the podium came a woman...and Boehner went limp.

Will this bill reduce the $809.80 per month that I pay for health insurance?


The historic moment...

So, what time is everyone heading over to their local Death Panel?

So, what time is everyone heading over to their local Death Panel?

Someone yelled "BABY KILLER" at Stupack while he was speaking


When are we all .....

Freeps react to House passing HCR: "They all deserve to burn in tragic fires"

Health Care reform passes

I just realized that suddenly there is an opportunity for more change right now.

"The Stripper and the Steelworker" is supposed to be on MSNBC...

Republican called Stupak "Baby Killer"...CNN nt

Reconciliation Bill Has Passed

Fired Up, Ready to Go - Yes we Can and


That's it Folks!

MSNBC wont shut up! made me go to CNN : (

I can haz Health Care

Someone has to ask it - what kind of deal did he get?

does HCR go to the senate now?

Thank God it Passed. n/t

How many times will faux news use the word

Let's Have A Big DU Shout Out To Scott Brown!!!

here is the proof

The bill passed!

Does the Senate vote after this or not?

David Corn on Twitter: "Shouting baby-killer on House floor, good career move for a GOPer? Discuss"

You guys watching Stupak stand up to the GOP and their bullshit?

Reconciliation just passed 217 votes

Anybody know who voted for the Reconciliation bill but not the Senate bill?

Conservative blogger calls for Assassination

Democratic Votes against Health Care Reform

For Teddy

Pelosi: "The Bill Is Passed"

“Baby Killer”


Why would 33 Democrats and all the Republicans vote against the reconciliation bill?

Why would 33 Democrats and all the Republicans vote against the reconciliation bill?

Is CSPAN locking up for anybody else?

Obama about to address the nation - link to live web feed

Howard Dean's been say'n all along that they could pass it-

Tweet from Barack Obama: "yes We Can"

Today and tomorrow's drinking game phrase of the day: "Law of the land"

Today and tomorrow's drinking game phrase of the day: "Law of the land"

Please don't let Stupak become some kind of healthcare reform hero now!

Imagine how liberals would feel if the GOP privatized social security in 2005

Rush's facebook page is getting some love tonight. After all, he is moving... right? nt

Web site tribute to Keith Olbermann's dad

To all of my friends here who will be affected by this bill, I haz a happy on for you all tonight

Republicans really should have supported the health care bill

So... If We Get The Next Vote, Do They Run This Over To The WH Tonight ???

It PASSED! It PASSED! Just Now! I shake my fanny in your face....

Hmmm, that was Brave of Mr. Stupak.

FreeRepublic just imploded!

cnn: House passes health care reform,the most sweeping social legislation in more than four decades

link for content of HCR bill?

Obama and Biden on the passage of HCR

I voted for Obama and agree with John Boehner, we must give the minority party more consideration.

Next week would be a perfect time for the Senate...

Nathan Deal just resigned.

Nathan Deal just resigned.

I got an email from Michael Steele!


After hearing John Boehner this evening, I want to share my private & personal word for Republicans.

So how long until the teabaggers pull another Oklahoma City cause they didn't get their way?

"After all, who speaks COBOL these days?"

HuffPost has video of the "baby killer" outburst:

Can States really "Opt Out" of the HCR laws?

President Obama and Joe Biden

So, there is life after Massachusetts!

Hold your nose and start war-caching FR. The Freepers are calling for revolution

The Constitutionality of Mandates to Purchase Health Insurance

Obama went from 46% to 50% on Gallup in 2 days.... PRIOR to passage

99.9% of FreeRepublic denizens are all bark and no bite

I can tell you firsthand: the uninsured do NOT get equal treatment.

And when we lift a glass to celebrate the triumph of truth and justice, how should we drink?


Once this HCR is on the books, Dems should not fear acting in a partisan way for the American People

Did A House Member Shout 'Baby Killer' At Stupak? (VIDEO) - TPM (Some Clues Here)

K&R for the dream that didn't die

This one from Massachusetts says "Up yours, Scot Brown!"

If my history is correct, Congress passed a watered down civil rights bill in 1957,

Quick! We can still stop Obama's socialist Soviet healthcare takeover!

CSPAN host asked HCR opponent caller Joseph, "What specifically are you opposed to?"

Congratulations DU: Americans are now financial serfs

"Folks, lock and load." - Freeper

John Boehner steps up to Superglue his place in history. As a loser.

Why 2014?

Is it too early to tell Joe Lieberman to go perform a sexual act upon himself?

We have to thank Glenn Beck and the Teabaggers...

We have to thank Glenn Beck and the Teabaggers...

Well, God's pissed...

Utility Giant, Texas Oil Companies Fight Back With California Voter Initiatives

More schadenfreudelicious freeper tears, post vote!

Thank Senator Edward Kennedy!

A second Health Care Reform Act?

Ooo, ooo... Since HCR passed, does that mean that Limpbags is still moving to Costa Rica?

MSNBC poll, how will you be affected?

MSNBC poll, how will you be affected?


What kind of healthcare reform did you want?

Look at Biden, so much emotion in that face...

"A life is a life" except when it happens to be in a country we decide to invade & occupy.

The bipartisan in me suggests..

Important News for Rush Limbaugh!

"We don't throw the first punch, but we'll throw the last" - Barack Obama, October 6, 2008.

I hope you all realize the real reason the GOP unaminously opposes HCR...

34 dems better be looking for a new job

Rep James Clyburn "I consider this the civil rights act of the 21st century"


Politically speaking, this closes the "enthusiasm gap"

No dispersions, but Henry Waxman is a little guy


what 34 DINOs need to be primaried?

I can't wait for Dick Cheney to open his mouth tomorrow.

Rep Alan Grayson: A Near-Death Experience, and On From Here

I am grateful

Teddy's smiling down at us...

Will Rush Limbaugh Keep HIs Promise to Leave the Country

Nancy Pelosi is my new She-ro

Here are the names of the 34 un-democratic traitors

Here are the names of the 34 un-democratic traitors

Here are the names of the 34 un-democratic traitors

We need to show some love and appreciation for Nancy Pelosi

"The health care bill, ObamaCare, is dead with not the slightest prospect of resurrection."- 1/20/10

Don't let it rest on the President's desk: ROCK THE HOUSE!

And now, we must GRIND SALT IN THEIR WOUNDS!!!

When will FreeRepublic be shutdown for the violence they are advocating against America?

Seeing how the Republibots are always trying to get Reagan's mug on legal tender...

Phyllis Schlafly opposes health care reform because she's "pro life".

Before November, Are There Any More Major Reforms That Can Be Passed?

Before November, Are There Any More Major Reforms That Can Be Passed?

MSNBC trailer "Nanacy Pelosi"

Attack Of The Facebook Whiners

So the Freepers are now buzzing about the Attorney General of Florida...

World Nut Daily calls tonight "Bloody Sunday"...

The Democrats had now better go on the offensive from here on out, and control not only

So rumor has it that it was Radanovich who yelled "baby killer" during Stupak's speech

Question. I am on a medicaid plan that doesn't give adults dental care. Will there

Republicans Name Lawmakers to Deficit Commission

GOP voted against reconciliation = they own the "backroom deals."

This is the worst thing to happen since Clinton's penis!!! Armageddon is here!


We'll still probably lose seats in November.....


(Unconfirmed) Rohrbacher has shouted "Baby Killer" to Stupak

Why are the majority of conservatives calling in to CSPAN incapable of

Guess the Morning Joe guests tomorrow morning...

Some interesting implications of Health Insurance Reform..

Glenn Beck just imploded!

Alan Grayson: A Near-Death Experience, and On From Here

Oh, this is just TOO good. On the conservative American Spectator website:

Coal company to tunnel beneath state park

A salute to John Dingell's father on this historic night: A photo of FDR signing SocSec into law


Boehner's speech was so phony and forced.

For Joe LIEberscum, FUCK YOU ASSHOLE, back to obscurity

Isn't it ironic that a black man had to come in and clean up what white people ruined and squandered

The MSM's kid glove treatment of Republicans continues

How long until we never hear of the "Teabagger Movement" again?

Which Dems voted no?

Michael Steele: "Cats and together"

So....does this mean there are NO pro-choice 'Pugs left in the House?

What happens when the mandate gets to the Supreme Court?

"America doesn't quit. *I* don't quit!" - Barack Obama, January, 2010, State of the Union

Safety "fracas" hurts used-Toyota prices (their title)

This is a great picture on the DNC's homepage

Why Do We Not Know Who Yelled 'Baby Killer' Yet?

Begin the countdown: only 1826 days until Limbaugh flees the country to

The Tea Baggers yelling racial and ethnic slurs. Disgusting

Liberal organization buys TV time against Bachmann

BTW, do you think Scott Brown's star is shining a little less brightly tonight?

The Monster in Our Midst

My daughter won't be kicked off our insurance for graduating early!!

These Democrats signed their political death warrants for supporting HCR...

E.J. Dionne:Yes, they made history

The other cool thing about how this was handled: Repubs have ONLY ONE choice in rhetoric now.

When I think of Jim Robinson and FreeRepublic, I think of....


Barack Obama’s plan to overhaul No Child Left Behind

Who Yelled "BABY KILLER"

So, now that we know Pelosi faced down Emmanuel for a full HCR bill...

Toon...If Housepets were Libertarians

Ezra Klein: A bill becomes a law

French TV contestants made to inflict 'torture': the Game of Death

Schumer Signals UAFA Inclusion

What do you think of this picture?

MSNBC Leading Paragraph

I know it's immaterial, but Pelosi is fucking horrible at giving speeches.

The Tea-baggers did to Healthcare Reform, what the KKK did

I would hope that ALL women and minorities realize what the republican party now stands for

A very well-written explanation of the new Texas textbook laws

U.S. Embasies penetrted by drug lords (The Independent, UK)

Michael Moore: The Great Thing About the Health Care Law That Has Passed? It Will Save Republican

Michael Moore: The Great Thing About the Health Care Law That Has Passed? It Will Save Republican

Boehner's speech is a disgrace, and I'm glad he was just OWNED by the Chair.

He's not in a Rush to leave

Capitalist stranglehold on the healthcare system still must be smashed

One thing I really don't understand

If the Congressman was man enough to say it, he should be man enough to own it.

A toast for this Historical passage of the Healthcare bill

Two words for Obama: Signing Statements

Thank you, Senator DeMint!

Pelosi's email contact page - send her a little note of congratulations:

Anyone check to see what our good friends at Fox are saying?

Oh SNAP! Marsha Blackburn is pwn3d!

I woke up in tears....Tears of joy!

What now? Financial reform, job creation, climate change?

"Today is the death of freedom as a cause for celebration," -guess who said it last night

Obama's Normandy

Reality dawns on Gov. McDonnell's transportation pixie dust (*snort*)

When did religion make it back into politics?

Afghan poppy harvest is next challenge for U.S. Marines

I am not celebrating the health bill yet

Who's the lady wearing an green blazer with orange scarf?

So, when does Rush Limbaugh leave the U.S.?

Anyone else notice that Pat Buchanan went home early

Seriously - WAS John Boehner DRUNK tonight?

Critics: Time to bail on Navy JSF

Excuse my shallowness, but one of my greatest satisfactions in the passing of this bill is

My Sister in law has lost it

Despite my dislike of this HCR bill -- I want to offer

Anyone watching Morning Shmo? What did he just say about..

For better or worse, I am convinced that NO HCR bill would have passed if we waited

Republicans Pissed at Size of Obama's Pkg

Well lookie lookie it's Cornyn who crawled out first

Rep. Alan Grayson's first interview since the vote at 8:20 a.m. ET

This HCR bill will be the greatest boon to employment freedom in history

Last Haditha defendant seeks to dismiss charges

It's raining in SC.

Photo of the famous John Boehner Memorial in Ypsilanti

FREEPERS, maybe now you can afford to have them teefs fixed

FREEPERS, maybe now you can afford to have them teefs fixed

58 of the 59 Senators who were ready to pass a bill with MC Buy In before WH pressured Reid to cave

Not Breaking: Teabaggers Don't Just Hate African Americans and Gays

OK now we need to get it done

Sign the Official Bon Voyage card to Rush, who promised to move out of USA.

It's Schadenfreude Day at Democratic Underground!

I didn't watch Rove yesterday but I just saw a clip

I didn't watch Rove yesterday but I just saw a clip

I would like to take a moment to thank our sponsors.

The Office Repug Was at it BIGGIE This AM

The Stupak Democrat's insult my President.

Final Comments on Health Reform Passage

TX Attorney General is planning to file suit against HCR

A woman's place really IS in the House!

A woman's place really IS in the House!

The Republican's contribution to HCR

Rich Sanchez's twitter followers suspect Rep. Gohmert for "BABY KILLER!" shout.

If the DLC passed civil rights reform

I listened to the coverage yesterday - where was Kucinich, and Grayson?

Gay-Rights Protesters Stage Sit-In at Nancy Pelosi's Office, March 18

We disgrace Moses????????????????/

How much is the fine for not buying health insurance?

My right wing co-workers are losing their minds

The Rethugs have really boxed themselves in. The worst case scenario for the HCR bill?

"Next they are going to adjust the Louisiana Purchase!" a puke from KS just said that


UPDATE: Rep Gohmert (TX) may be one who yelled, "Baby Killer". Joe Barton will not say.

The Great Thing About the Health Care Law That Has Passed? It Will Save Republican Lives, Too

Health insurance question for TODAY'S system...

So for all the posturing, all the money and votes for one issue, ....

Jaw-dropping stupidity on live teevee

Previous Republican Quotes

Did Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) Yell "Baby Killer"?

Good ol' conservative La Crosse Wisconsin on health care passing......

Good ol' conservative La Crosse Wisconsin on health care passing......

Lesson of the day: how much health care you deserve depends on your income

HCR Bill passage from a political standpoint

So what should we put in Rush's bon voyage gift basket?

"There's no success like failure and failure's no success at all..."

the media memo this a.m........democrats will pay in november.

I Haven't Had So Much Fun Listening To C-Span Since Impeachment

If you think this one was nasty,, just wait,,,

Losin our American freedoms: the sad story

Losin our American freedoms: the sad story

Newt Gingrich Says Civil Rights Legislation ‘Destroyed’ Democrats, LBJ

Some suggestions on further mobilization this year, now that HCR is passed.

Boner should be ecstatic about HCR!

Waiting Rot Limpballs to leave the country now.

Waiting Rot Limpballs to leave the country now.

mcCain repulsed by health care bill ‘euphoria’....anything that repulses mccain!!!!

What a bunch of Donna Downers

What is a CHC? Clue: It's not free for everyone.

When a right winger gets in your face about this Health Care Bill just ask them

in January, we lost Teddy's seat because the Democrats in congress had no spine

Fear strikes out - Krugman

Can we at least celebrate this one liberal aspect of HCR

Jesus, I hate John Boehner....n/t

Jesus, I hate John Boehner....n/t

Wait, why did 2 Republicans not vote?

A 2nd Twithead tweets Obama death threats. And the day is still young!

What a great day

So, the minority party claims to speak for "a majority of the American people"

I don't know about you, but I'm going to celebrate by having a federally funded abortion.

Morning Joe Scum is orgasmic this morning

It's over (we say it's over) Fuck You John Boehner and Mitch McConnell

It's over (we say it's over) Fuck You John Boehner and Mitch McConnell

I propose the immediate deportation of John Boehner, just because...

Sometimes the Fates are unkind. A co-worker of mine who is a Bob Jones U graduate got a job in

Are we socialists yet?

For those attorney generals who believe the healthcare bill is unconstitutional, Federal Law

The GOP has never had to defend any of the lies that they've made about health reform. Before now.

Non-profit plan and single payer provision to be signed into law

I need help finding C-SPAN video of negotiations between Stupak and the White House

4 Years is 1,460 Days

The only leopards that change their spots are those who encounter the contents of paint cans

Someone need to tell WallStreet this HCR thing is supposed

GRAYSON: "I was that 10-year-old boy. And I haven't forgotten."

Between now and 2014, how can we prevent HCR from being repealed?

Between now and 2014, how can we prevent HCR from being repealed?

In all the GOP-Morning Joe-MSNBC Teabagger handwringing, I didn't hear a word about...

Three out of four Texas reps voted yes for HCR.

David Frum: Health care is the GOP's Waterloo


who were the dems that voted AGAINST the hcr?

Don't Get Cocky about HCR Passing - by Steven D

For Ted

For Ted

Good Job Boehnie

Dems aren't baby killers, but Rethugs have proven to be ADULT KILLERS.

Porno Pete's Americans for Truth About Homosexuality labeled a Hate Site by SPLC

I called my pubie congresscritter's offices (all)

Wal-Mart Expresses Sympathy For Terminally Ill Worker ... And Then Fires Him

What now ? (HCR)

You guys don't get it do you?

You kids get your health care reform off my lawn !!!!

Should an encumbent that is opposed to gay marriage be primaried?

A question on what is/isn't in "the bill".

We did it. We have taken the first of many steps...

Enjoy, It is a day that the lord hath made.

Will HCR allow us to control other things?!?

Pro-life Group Strips Stupak of Award

The Beginning (animated cartoon)

Will Rush Limbaugh Keep HIs Promise to Leave the Country

The Party of Cruelty

NOW is the time for Dems and Responsible Journalists to put OXY-Rush & FOX News ON NOTICE!

The car Insurance analogy is a correct one

Anthony Weiner: Putting pressure on the Senate

Is Kelo the leading case which eventually gets mandates upheld as constitutional?

somebody tell Shuster the word is 'epithet', not 'epitaph'...

BWAHAHAHAHAAAA...McCain "congratulates" Ted Kennedy on HCR bill & it's salt in the freepers' wounds

I was very happy to see the House Democrats starting to act like Democrats yesterday -

I am not a person or American Citizen apparantly

Dem "Nay" voters in the House. Do they have primaries?

Time to get to work. Let's review there areas where there's near universal agreement at DU:

health care. he fixed it. - pic

OK, Health Care is done, now what about the other 84% of the economy?

A spy unsettles US-India ties

Who here has a concern troll account at freepville?

A black man with a foreign Muslim father and Muslim sounding name could never be elected president.

A black man with a foreign Muslim father and Muslim sounding name could never be elected president.

Is it me, or is DU super-buggy today?

Is it me, or is DU super-buggy today?

Great (short) Rude Pundit post this morning:

Fla. Senate panel OKs (car) tags with corporate logos - not a joke

Fla. Senate panel OKs (car) tags with corporate logos - not a joke

Howard Stern: "I think history will prove this a good thing"

Public Option and Single Payer : Question

Can hospitals receiving federal money still prescribe Emergency Contraception to rape victims

Policing thought in America: (re: Huffington Post)

Mandate Fines...

Mandate Fines...

Mandate Fines...

GOP Rep. Nunes Excuses Racist, Homophobic Tea Partier Slurs As A Response To ‘Totalitarian Tactics’

DU this poll!

Repeal 'health' insurer anti-trust exemption as a stand alone bill.

HC Bill Critics: I hope you're writing congress right fucking now....

How the Health Care Overhaul Could Affect You - Graphic -

Aren't you glad that the Chamber of Commerce pissed away all that money on anti-HCR ads?

Salon: 10 most courageous and 10 most cowardly House Dems

Self -delete

Bush term 1: Attack on U.S.; two unfunded wars; tax cuts for super-rich; $1.2 tril drug bill...

Another brick through a window ...

The Ultimate Irony: HCR vs. Student Loan Program

fair & balanced? you tell me

REPUB: "It's Waterloo All Right --- Ours"

Political realities.

Ed Schultz is sticking it to Fox News, RW Radio, and teabaggers on his radio show.

Supreme Court

Lest we forget what else we got yesterday - House boosts college aid for students in need

...and Tweety said that there's no way it can be done via reconciliation...

...and Tweety said that there's no way it can be done via reconciliation...

Dems, Obama, Pelosi and Reid

Is Kelo the leading case which eventually gets mandates upheld as constitutional?

I'm worried about the Teabaggers re: immigration reform/debate

Funny response to right-wing email....

Funny response to right-wing email....

health reform bill toons

Good Bye Limbaugh, have fun in the socialist hell hole of Costa Rica.

Dammit, I should have bought stock in Kleenex

Just some thoughts and questions about mandates. . .help out please. . .

When all is said and done, I think Nancy will deserve more of the credit

Odd: Republicans will now fight fixing the HC bill?

Refusing to buy insurance because you don't like the mandate

In the "So our children have better lives" Department...

The Rude Pundit - Celebrating the Passage of a Flawed But Necessary Bill, Part 1: Taunting

Deal Resigns From House Right After Voting "No" (to run for governor)

Question: Can you enter The Exchange if your employer offers junk insurance?

There weren't many war protesters in 1991

NYT: Health bill will not create the thing insurers fear the most

Every paycheck I pay Federal tax which mostly goes to Private Corporations.

Sizing up the Supreme Court after Justice John Paul Stevens retires (Kennedy to be senior Justice)

Joe Watkins: "At the end of the day..."

ATTENTION: DU needed on this MSNBC poll... currently undergoing level 5 freeping...

They said they were leaving... the question is where to?

America Just Grew Up A Little More (Mary Lyon -- From The Left)

America Just Grew Up A Little More (Mary Lyon -- From The Left)

So Far Today - Stock market: Health companies pull stocks higher

McCain repulsed by ‘euphoria’

So I turn Fux on this morning and

GOP Mascot?

Finally a cure for a ravenous appetite

WP: Law professor Goodwin Liu may be test case for Obama judicial picks

Say thank you to Big Ed Schultz thread

Pro-single-payer doctors: Health bill leaves 23 million uninsured

An idea to get rid of Stupak - and his ilk - and send a message to the Democratic party

Health Reform: People with religious objections can opt out

Insuranance stocks up (surprise!). . . . What about Futures Contracts on the American Middle Class?

FOX Nation can't hide its gigantic defeat boner

Grassroots idea start a "Send Rush to Costa Rica" fundraising drive for your House/Senate faves!

Slowpoke TOON "Freedom to be Screwed"

dangggg, My brother is pitching a fit....

Why aren't Republicans jumping with glee right now?

I wish I had the cash to send one of these to all the GOP House members

Whip Counts and why we cannot get some really liberal progress

So is HCR good for the people and bad for insurance companies? A picture.

U.S. states launch lawsuits against healthcare plan

Congress / the BA gave Nat'l HC to the Iraqi people.

MSNBC: Health Reform & You: Who pays? Who benefits? and...

What Has MoveOn Moved On To?

I will not accede to calling them "tea partiers" as they wish we would. They are "tea baggers."

Miss Teen USA South Carolina – Famous Historical Figures and Such

"Nancy, we hardly knew ya. . ."

double post

Question for Apple users.

Wow! SF-bashing and sexism in one sentence!

Wow! SF-bashing and sexism in one sentence!

Why? are these men so crazed about abortion?

As we were told after the Iraq war Resolution passed in 2002

Attention Utah DU'ers (and non-Utahns)

A little trip down memory lane, when nearly all of DU cheered and applauded this:

Just the beginning...

In this thread, we post our stories of Republican meltdowns since the health care vote.

"A historic first step": L.A. Times Editorial

Limbaugh on Dems in Congress: "we need to defeat these bastards. We need to wipe them out."

Whatever ideological credibility "small government" types had in America

"The question is no longer whether government should do it; it's whether it's doing it well enough."

K&R if you want to thank Dennis Kucinich for his vote for health care reform!

It is good to see

Financial Reform Mark-up on CSPAN at 5:00 pm EST.

Update: Writer Peter Watts May Serve 2 Years for Failing to Promptly Obey Customs Officer

Potential Boehner dilemma

HCR and SCOTUS : Longer-Term Implications

People equating health insurance to car insurance are hedging dangerously close

So, why the HELL hasn't Obama signed the HCR bill yet? When is he going to?

Milbank says the 'baby killer' slur on Stupak seems to have come from the TX delegation.

The Deatha Panels came to recruit me today

Limbaugh on Dems in Congress: "we need to defeat these bastards. We need to wipe them out."

DU this Fux News HRC poll, make their heads explode!

Meanwhile, In Colombia.....U.S. Military Bases Expanding:

I had a VERY interesting talk yesterday about the HCR bill --

Could you get behind loosening the AMA's grip and allowing more foreign doctors?

Rep. Neugebauer said it.

The Washington Times now wants Obama IMPEACHED...

The Washington Times now wants Obama IMPEACHED...

What Exactly Are The $500-b In Medicare Cuts That the Rs Say Are in HCR?

GE brings you St. Ronald Reagan "A Legacy of Progress"

David Frum - How GOP can rebound from its 'Waterloo'

I Heard it Through the Grapevine...This Vintage You Can Wear

Tonight Ronald Reagan is turning in his grave

Congressman Stupak, now that you have been a victim of their hate..

Did we ever figure out who yelled "baby killer" at Stupak last night?

Here's another choice one from FReeperville.

FDL Statement on the Passage of the Health Care Bill

I swear, the FBI needs to go COINTELPRO on these teabaggers

Sorry, folks, but Obama LOST this weekend...

Wow Tweety really fucked up here.

May orange be forever known as the official color of defeat..

So when is the Drugster leaving the country?

Help Rush Limbaugh honor his promise

Faux News Poll: Is Health Care a Victory for America?

Faux News Poll: Is Health Care a Victory for America?

So, if the MANDATE is challenged in court and is declared

Does this bill put the needs and interests of poor and working class families first?

Ring-wing response to video threatens Obama judicial nominee

The Sushi Bandit Says "Goodby" to DU

Ten immediate benefits of HCR

Ten immediate benefits of HCR

You want to know what is really driving the Republicans stark raving mad? Its two words

Crooks and Liars: 10 Immediate Benefits of HCR

Keith Olbermann back on Countdown tonight

So I have a question...

So "YES" or "NO" - do you support the HCR bill that was just passed by the house

Is it ok with you that people market Assault Weapons in our Progressive home?

Is it ok with you that people market Assault Weapons in our Progressive home?


RWer says Bart Stupak is 'worse than George Tiller'

Panhandling: Public nuisance or making a living?

Obama Plans to Sign Health Overhaul Bill on Tuesday

Honest question: Where do freeptards and baggers get this 'death panel' hysteria?

Texas Rep. Neugebauer: 'I Exclaimed The Phrase 'It's A Baby Killer''

Change is scary, I get it

I don't get the obsession with fetuses by those who call themselves "pro life"

I don't get the obsession with fetuses by those who call themselves "pro life"

Today's Trivia Question....has Michele Bachmann filled out her Census Form yet?

An interesting "calculator:" What Does the Health Care Bill Mean To Me?

An interesting "calculator:" What Does the Health Care Bill Mean To Me?

Vienna Boy's choir apology as reports of 'merciless discipline' grow

xpost Stupak opponent stays in race, vows to fight for single payer system

An Open Letter to Republicans: The Bill Will Save Your Lives, Too-by Michael Moore

since health insurance industry wrote health care reform, will employers of illegals...

Pull my finger. No, that would have been a pre-existing condition YESTERDAY!

digby: Democracy

Breaking News: The GOP is Yesterday's Garbage

FYI: Not Finished Yet

Utah will sue to stop health reform

Utah will sue to stop health reform

Neugebauer a birther to yell baby killer

Let's ruin the fox-news push-poll on healthcare.

Link to the list of Grayson's Co-Sponsors (80!) on his Medicare Buy In proposal:

CNBC is harping about raising the capital gains tax!

Hillary praises the strong resolve of President Obama at AIPAC

Rush Limbaugh........said every Democrat that voted for

deleted n/t

Shep is destroying Steele. Questions armeggedon. Firing Pelosi. etc.

Shouldn't John Boehner's "Hell no!" from last night be his "Dean scream"?

While Giving Obsessive Coverage to the Tea Parties, Media Ignored Larger Antiwar Rally

BOHICA... congrats on your FUBAR victory -- you certainly made HISTORY (but you'll deeply regret it)

Little Luke Russert bought Nudiebagger's b.s. story that he was calling the bill a baby killer

Trish Regan of CNBC spreads BS on MSNBC

Oh, and the market crash that was going to occur due to the HCR vote? The DOW is up 61 points.

Who Is Randy ‘Baby Killer’ Neugebauer?

Palin, March 19th: Obama "without the experience" to "get policy through."

It is becoming increasing apparent that change will only come from activity at the local level.

Blanche Lincoln Vows to Vote No on Reconciliation in Senate

Clyburn: Neugebauer Should Apologize To House For 'Baby Killer' Shout

As in states where gay marriage has become legal, many people will be surprised 2 weeks from now

Boehner... "shame on us?" No shame on YOU!

have the little boys of Costa Rica been spared from lard ass?

Memo to the Republicans:

Documents of Auschwitz death camp doctors found

Rush, You "Effing" Pig...This IS the Will of the People

NEW Health Care Law: What You Get & When You Get It

You Realize Anti-HCR Has Little or Nothing To Do With Abortion

Randy Naugerbauer (R.Texas) is the "Baby Killer!" shouter.

Randy Naugerbauer (R.Texas) is the "Baby Killer!" shouter.

I've welcomed each RW I've encountered today as Good day, Comrade

Tiny minds unite and replace "democratic" with "democrat".

So, ... House GOPers knew who shouted "Baby killer" but, when asked, refused to ID him.

Mandate + No Cost Control = Monkey Wrench in the works?

Check-in here if you're pumped about the coming benefits in 2014! :D

There will always be people who slip through the cracks

I stayed up way too late watching the votes last night, and I just realized

The Morning After bill

Sarah Palin: A Fool who removed all doubt...

Does anybody know anything about tax credits for furnaces

Access to affordable medical treatment for all is up NEXT.

Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin redux

Keep on saying NO ReTHUGS

The 34 DEMS Who Voted NO On Health Care Reform

Majority of voters angry with GOP obstructionism

Majority of voters angry with GOP obstructionism

At least Obama and the Dems done something big!

Ratigan to discuss why Conservatives and RETHUGS

Ratigan to discuss why Conservatives and RETHUGS

Who is your corporate sponsor?

Am I correct in thinking I saw that Reid has some PO thing going on

If you didn't support the Iraq war you supported Saddam Hussein

Is there a list of the 32 or so republican lites anyplace

Keep it up

Dan Lipinski is my hero.

So how does my partner get insurance?

Health care passes, Dow up, healthcare insurance and pharma companies lift stocks

If you can't stop the bill, just have another Bush v. Gore (Balkinization)

Another Gulf War Syndrome?

You know, it's really too bad we couldn't get immigration and social security 'reform' going on

So, what is El Shitbo going to do after immigration reform?

Senator Kerry lends support to immigration marchers

Good nickname for Orly Taitz..

El Fatso reneges on moving to Costa Rica!

El Fatso reneges on moving to Costa Rica!

SURPRISE! "Fair & Balanced" Fox "News" poll on HCR has something negative in every option

I remember the last time public figures started yelling "Baby Killer!"

Now that HCR is at the threshold of final passage,

Glenn Beck Is Upset On Twitter!

again.....not ONE fucking republican vote....NOT ONE

Teabaggers, please MOVE to this LIBERTARIAN PARADISE!!

Do you think that there are 51 non-corporatist in the Senate?

Reducing Medicare payments to hospitals?

Sean is getting flooded by HCR supporters. Time to own these RW shows!!!

I hope the tide has turned from Reagan's union busting in 1981.

A Revealing Graphic:

NRA's idea of "American Values."

TRW forms 6th joint venture in China, for airbag parts


Geithner Says Bank Overhaul Must Protect Consumers

White House email on health care: "One Sentence, Three Lies"

Michele Bachmann spells America wrong!

David Frum says GOP lost big and that Rush wants both parties to fail.

Bumper Sticker slogan to Republicans and their teabaggie pals: You lost. GET OVER IT!

My RW coworker just said Cleaver shouldn't have put himself in that position so he could be spit on

Quick question: is termination of "pre-existing conditions" exclusions

If certain states are against HCR and think it is unconstitutional...

Well, historic HCR has passed. Not w/o major obstructionism by the corporatists

Video: Plouffe Smacks Down Rove

Bill Clinton PR Inc. serves up photo-op for Liar War Criminal

In case you missed it, TWO American historic moments on March 21st

In case you missed it, TWO American historic moments on March 21st

Agent Orange

Denial is a river in Egypt: Who Wrongly Predicted Health Care Reform's Death

A break from the madness from Cute Overload....

Repuke who shouted "baby killer" at Stupak identified: Randy Neugebauer, R-TX

Repuke who shouted "baby killer" at Stupak identified: Randy Neugebauer, R-TX

McCain is using the "lame" option to fight HCR

McCain is using the "lame" option to fight HCR

NUMMI suppliers preparing to shut down

Confirmed: Virginia suing to block health care reform

I love the net

KO Returns to Countdown Tonight, Special Comment on Health Care

Anybody else nervous about the crazies?

Chase: Two-Thirds of WaMu Mortgages Impaired [sorry, this appears to be old story]

Two items from Wichita...

Please DU this Florida Today (USA Today) "Iraq worth fighting?" poll(over half say yes, disgusting!)

Didn't this HCR bill start out as the Senate Finance Committee's Bill?

Stewart Udall was also responsible for integrating the Washington Redskins.

The TBaggers now know what it feels like.

OK time to move on and fight over something else, what will it be?

Fred Barnes has Dewey Defeats Truman moment..

the Auschwitz album

Christian Right group says make them mad one more time and they'll start blowing stuff up

Constitution: Article VI vs. Amendment X

Affordable Health Care For America Act Section-by-Section Analysis

What does HCR mean for Medicare?

Gingrey is defending his red-blooded teabaggers

Prediction: In the next 3 weeks, each of these will happen

2 disruptive members of Glenn Beck’s “912 Project" arrested Sunday in the House.

What the Health Care Bill does for you calculator

Can we as a DU community do something for the DU'ers who can't afford the now mandated insurance?

One silver lining at least. November is looking a lot less like a potential disaster

Senate panel passes bank reform on party-line vote

Against It: A Look At The 34 Dems Who Voted No On Health Care Reform

Obama surges in the polls over the weekend. Approval now at 50 to 43%

Obama surges in the polls over the weekend. Approval now at 50 to 43%

Brainstorm. Death reality show. People with pre-existing conditions, ask for help.

So about Chris Matthews

I think we all mis-read the Rush Limbaugh quote.....

Damn. Lotta Long Commercials on Hate Radio Today.

There's a new sheriff in town

British inquiry into Iraq war turns toward Bush, officials: report

Michael Moore: The Great Thing About the Health Care Law...It Will Save Republican Lives, Too

I Hope Bill Kristol is right

States Look Beyond Borders to Collect Owed Taxes

Dow finishes up following health care vote - paging Jim Cramer

HEy dumbass Beck, I can Name them ALL can you?

Help Rush Limbaugh Remember to Leave the Country

FR PR: try the ER DR's OR, MR!

Can someone explain the "waterloo" analogy to the HC bill?

As distasteful as it may be, we have to back up Stupak and others who came around...

K&R if you love Ed Schultz and believe he deserved to cover this on MSNBC

Weak tea? Partiers fear fallout

This was really more of a Battle of Stalingrad than Waterloo.

I'm watching Glen Beck's show for the first time today...

Injustice Prevails: ACORN says it will disband

Injustice Prevails: ACORN says it will disband

Thought on an Abortion ban

Strong earthquake off Southern Philippines

The scam repeal

If I were a RW 'believer' in 'God's Will', which I"m not in any way, shape, or form,

An Open Letter to Republicans ^ Michael Moore

Is this beer a stab at the Obama administration?

Fox Noise's Shepard Smith Takes Michael Steele to Task for GOP's Dangerous Rhetoric

Neugenbauer LOVES him some Iraq War, So, who's really a "babykiller"?

Apparently, Rush is having an on-air conniption fit.

Hard part's over, now more reform, such as Jobs,

Hard part's over, now more reform, such as Jobs,

Sorry I was at work during the day- Have they ruled out the need for elections this year?

Well, the "Health Bill" is Gonna be Law

My email to Rob Bishop-R(evolting) Utah

Standing Up for the Public Option by Andrew Romanoff, candidate for U.S. Senate from Colorado

Buyer interest in Toyota tanks

Are Republicans flipping the hell out?

Ivory bids fall on poaching fears

Ivory bids fall on poaching fears

Aren't the Attorney General lawsuits from the same handbook as Birther tactics?

'Government hands off my Obamacare!'

UNHINGED: "Baby killer" shouter steps forward, highlights internal GOP dilemma

Viacom secretly uploading own content to YouTube then demanding it be removed

Mrs. Ted Kennedy to be on CNN at 7 pm PST

I've come back.

please, for the love of reason, stop the nonsense about how abortion rights were sold out

Freepers... Deal a Blow to Socialized Medicine!

On the Antagonism of the Right

No Constitutional Problems with HCR

No Constitutional Problems with HCR

Why didn't Neuegebauer shout out "Baby killer!" during the vote on the Iraq War Resolution?

Gotta admit, love her or hate her, Nancy gets shit done....

Financial reform bill sent to Senate

Hey you loser tea baggers.....

I have some questions about this healthcare reform...

Halliburton, KBR Drop Court Appeal in Rape Case

Seriously, what will HCR mean for my wife and me?

Jimi's Belly-Button Window

1,082 homeless in Olympia, WA on notice: Clear out!

Ah the glory of American Made NOT

Losin' It: Repugs are going Bat Guano crazy......

Hey Jeremy? Where you at man. Come back. Its been over a month!

Nancy Pelosi did an incredible job and it's her b'day this week. Is anyone up for sending her roses?

Statement From Vicki Kennedy

Michael Moore's take on Stupak's change of Mind. I never get enough emails from Michael

GRAYSON: "The Fed's balance sheet is a cartoon version of what's actually inside,"

I hope everybody knows we need to defend Stupak

One of Ed Shultz's headlines

Outside of mandates (which you can opt out of) HCR is regulation of an industry

I'm taking the test for a Census job today.

Last night I was re-energized for the 2010 elections

Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria

*Gasp* not a single republican vote! :(

Tea Bagger RESULTS!!!- Bill Owens (D-NY 23rd) voted.......

Anti-Reform Chamber Won't Be Helping GOP With Calls To Repeal Health Care

"Palin, Beck to Alaska 'fringe': Please, no violence"

Ten immediate benefits of HCR

Rep Ciro Rodriguez Called “Wetback” By Anti-Reform Protestor

Rep Ciro Rodriguez Called “Wetback” By Anti-Reform Protestor

Details on the mandate I haven't seen discussed here:

This local douche on TV news tonight in a "how will this HCR affect you"

Labor’s Lens (A Few Beautiful Photos from the Last Few Months)

Is there precedent for the federal government fining you for not buying a product

Colbert & Stewart to lay off all their comedy writers for the next 30 days.

Congratulations on the victory. Will you ask your representatives to enact these GLBT provisions?

ABC: SCOTUS Battle Quietly Brews, Contentious Hearing for Lower Court Nominee to Foreshadow

From a Republican..this is Waterloo.."ours" ,David Frum

F*ckin CNN Story On Acorn Disbanding

Alaskan repugs hate the federal government, oh wait.

andy roth of the club for growth is a stark raving loon

So both side have been yakking about this Health Care Bill soon to become law

Don'tcha just love the "conservative" freak out?

I just convinced a group of my acquaintances...

Can anybody post a list of the Senate reconciliation fixes?

Wait, why is the signing ceremony tomorrow? Isn't the senate vote needed first?

WTF! Chuckles Todd talking over Axelrod in 'interview'...

Gov. Gregoire of Washington: My attorney general does not represent me

Halliburton, KBR drop court appeal in rape case

How the People in My District Got Stupak to Change His Mind -- and Thus Saved the Health Care Bill

Vicki Kennedy on CNN (7:10 pm est) n/t

check out this hilarious headline

Keith Olbermann: Special Comment: March Madness Hotlist

The wingers are going apeshit now. Fuming in their basements and counting their ammo

Congratulations John King, USA and Thank You Vicki Kennedy

Can they arrest you for not paying the fine if you don't purchase insurance?

"The end of America as you know it"

Time to let the Republicans really filibuster against something popular.

'hell no you can't'.....the funniest line of the year so far

The top 2% are doing better than ever

Did anyone just see Chuckles Todd reporting on ACORN ?

Michelle Obama (voiced by actress Angela Bassett) Appears On "The Simpsons" (VIDEO)

Do you realize the Republicans are responsible for the bad parts of the bill?

Sehr Gut !!!: A victory for social welfare in Germany

Two protesters arrested in House gallery are members of Glenn Beck offshoot

Student can’t sue over ‘Ave Maria’ ban

Hillarity from the Survivalist board

Here's my thanks to the hardest worker on HCR:

Hey idiot media - it's a racial or anti-gay "epithet", not an "epitaph"

Health Care Industry Stock Prices... POST HR 3590

'Yes we can' set our own course as a party . . . and arrive on our own initiative

Two Large Unions Pull Support from Ohio Democrat Who Opposed Health Care Bill

The car Insurance analogy is a correct one

Glen Beck: "I got hit with the red rubber ball to the face a lot as a kid..."

rush: "We need to defeat these bastards," ... "We need to wipe them out.

g.o.p. mission accomplished: ACORN disbanding amid money woes

More Fundy Meltdown: Fed. Gov't Should Be Shot for Trespassing On States' Rights

Do you think this person actually believes this...

In honor of the Repubs' Waterloo moment...

Do you speak American? Discrimination against accented workers is on the rise.

OK, I don't get it: why are most faces of anti-abortion mostly....

This post isn't about how good or bad this bill^H^H^H^Hlaw is. It's tangentially related, though.

Now, when do richie rich tax cuts expire?

LOL Jim Demint's Facebook page is being spammed with Waterloo videos

A child of mine has lost his way,

Please Thanks Reps Michaud and Pingree by unfreeping this poll

victory! and health industry stocks lead the way...

Mormon Church And Boy Scouts Sued In Massive Molestation Cover Up

May I suggest that NO ONE buys the mandated insurance and uses the free clinics Bernie Sanders put

How batshit crazy do you have to be for Dick Armey to throw you under the bus?

We are not done. In a new email Alan Grayson keeps the pressure on.

I do hope this bill helps more people then it hurts

Sedgwick County Demoratic Party Headquarters was Vandalized last night. Repukes SUCK

Where was the right-wing outrage over the cost of the pending invasions?

Where was the right-wing outrage over the cost of the pending invasions?

I just defriended another "friend" on Facebook

I've been thinking - what if the GOP had played ball?

Congressman Dan Lipinski (D-IL 3rd) Votes No & Comes Down On The Wrong Side Of History.....

I walked by a huge newstand today in Orlando and every paper said---Victory for Obama.

Republicans at work are going nuts

So do we have to buy Limpballs ticket for him too? Poor Costa Rica.

Looks like Bill Maher was right after all...

ACORN disbanding.

Stewart Udall, RIP: Panhandling in Yosemite

U.S. Army Burn Pit Victim Dies after Battle with Leukemia

Union President: At least 62 DFAS workers to be fired for bad credit ratings

I think I know why the Repubs love the abortion issue...

U.S. Reform rabbis suggest welcoming interfaith couples

Robert Reich on What It All Means...

Orange alert

Remember, they're not people with "different opinions," but psychotic bullies enraged at defiance

How Liberals learned to be helpless


Nancy Skinner's latest blog post - A Brave New World


The CA Governor vote: Repub Poizner says CA's fiscal problems due to "Liberal failure".

Schneily’s long road leads to a new leg

Unintended consequences of no pre-existing conditions?

How many "events" can fit on the head of a pin? Likely constitutional challenge to HCR

If you set the bar low enough, anything's a victory.

It is unreal that Obama caved in to Stupak instead of throwing us progressives a bone. nt

Turning back Reagan: The first major expansion of the social safety net since the sixties

Whole Foods - organic assholes?

Local government claim there's no alternative to budget cuts. But their numbers don't add up.

Hear that sound? It's the sound of the right wing gearing up to go ape shit......

My friend's 82 year old mother was crying hysterically this morning

My friend's 82 year old mother was crying hysterically this morning

Sorry all, but it's not unConstitutional.

The Transition Away from Employer-Based Healthcare...

Freepers amp up the racism

BTW, and before it's forgotten...Where did the GOP get that hoax memo they gave to media outlets?

Chris Hedges: The Health Care Hindenburg Has Landed

Congressman Neugebauer(R), Texas

Canadian university to Ann Coulter: Your hateful rhetoric won’t fly here, watch your mouth

Cost of War on Terror: U.S. spent $1 trillion, the enemy spent about $100

List of Labor Unions with contact information

Ari Fleischer quits PR job-his legacy was so bad it harmed Tiger’s rehabilitation.

I'll Probably Get NOTHING out of this Flawed Health Care Legislation. Nothing. Not a Thing.

I'll Probably Get NOTHING out of this Flawed Health Care Legislation. Nothing. Not a Thing.

Perhaps we should have let single payer get a vote first

Perhaps we should have let single payer get a vote first

"Debbie does Dallas, but prefers Plano"

Fringe v Fringe

Nancy Pelosi appreciation thread

Nancy Pelosi appreciation thread

FACTBOX: US healthcare bill would provide immediate benefits

Would you pitch in for a one-way ticket to Costa Rica for Rush if he agreed to stay the fuck there?

My right wing co-workers are losing their minds

Geography of the Vote

Is Texas about to Execute an Innocent Man?

Ga. Supremes overturn pain-and-suffering caps

Anyone seen the Baader-Meinhoff Complex?

Teabaggers: More radical and extreme than John Birch society

Lie: (Not Myth, Lie) We just didn't have the vote count for a public option.

Lie: (Not Myth, Lie) We just didn't have the vote count for a public option.

When HCR is challenged could we see a 9-0 or 8-1 decision by the SCOTUS for/against the law

I just love this photo... check out the lady cop's smile

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: A False Promise of Reform

ACORN and the Right Wing Assault on Poor People.

ACORN and the Right Wing Assault on Poor People.

Working MSNBC live feed (after so many other internet links are dead)

John McCain: Sucking off the government health care tit for 73 years.

John McCain: Sucking off the government health care tit for 73 years.

Seaweed to Tackle Rising Tide of Obesity

Seems like the Repubs took her by the word (pic)

McCain whines "you Dems get off my lawn", Reid replies "we don't need it, you useless old fraud"

I just got the bill for an ER visit and one night's stay in a non-profit hospital... $6000

Help me debunk these two claims:

Big Pharma Wins Big:

Big Pharma Wins Big:

The Electronic Police State, 2010

I spend a lot of time at another forum, and

New Rule: If you are going to USE a word on tv, at least know the pronunciation

This CNN poll flipped from just two days ago: For or against HC reform?

The ugly right wing reaction to the House vote gets personal and violent for a friend of mine

The ugly right wing reaction to the House vote gets personal and violent for a friend of mine

Are the FEMA CAMPS ready for our domestic terrorists yet?

Physicians for a National Health Program (PHNP) Leaders Statement on Health Bill Passage

I think I am going to Tell all my republican friends that it's too bad they

Should Obama repeal the Hyde Amendment?

Why I am sad about the HCR bill.

Charter School "Resource officer" maces 33 students & two employees

True Colors

I'm Still confused about Medicare and HCR ?

Luke Russert should work for FAUX.

Alan Grayson Live on TYT at 4:05pm PT/7:05pm ET Talking HC Reform & More!

Would You Work for a Company That's In The Same Bldg. As....Fox News?

While everyone is cheering and high fiving, stop a second and think about women .......

Doonesbury. Yesterday teabaggers, today Starbucks gun asses… er, 'activists.'

This is blowing my mind


Why is MSNBC not available on Satellite radio?

NO one is buying forced to buy insurance

So what does the Public Option support of 45+ Senators mean NOW?

Union President: At least 62 DFAS workers to be fired for bad credit ratings

Massive Change in US Student Loans Slipped in to Bill

Here's My Weekend Update (Feingold, Willie Nelson, Kohl, Etc.) (Long)

Riverbend one teacher used Baghdad Burning for her lesson plans.

Substantive Criticism of the Bill that just (sadly) passed

So, DU - How’s that Hopey-Changey Thing Working Out for Ya?

Dear Rush - Happy Moving Day! Please pack quickly and get the

A victory for outrageously hilarious memes

Vegetarian activists try in-your-face tactics

Dow Rallies to Highest 2010 Close After Health Care Vote

My wife has MS. I'm celebrating the passage of this bill.

Ohio judge forces rape victims to take polygraph tests

Ohio judge forces rape victims to take polygraph tests

Ann Coulter Threatened With Criminal Charges In Canada

So 9 states are going to challenge the HCR legislation saying it is unConstitutional. Aren't they

Beck criticizes John Lewis for comparing himself to civil rights activists: "How dare you!"

Overheard in the parking lot this morning as I dropped my youngest son off at school:

Over 200,000 March for Immigration Reform

Arundhati Roy on Obama’s Wars, India and Why Democracy Is “The Biggest Scam in the World”

What happens next in the Senate: fairly good run down from the Wash. Post

Princeton researchers find that high-fructose corn syrup prompts considerably more weight gain

I am self employed so I buy my own insurance

A Promise to the American People.

Women will die because of the abortion non-funding stipulation. Mark my

BREAKING: ACORN Announces Intentions to 'Bring Operations to a Close'

Yesterday's bill got exactly as many Republican votes as Single Payer would've

Chomsky: Health Bill Sustains The System’s Core Ills

Now We Work for the 2010 Progressive Takeover - Lets Get the Public Option We Need!

Anyone Else Fed Up With The "Ritalin Culture"




Keene, NH standing in solidarity with DC, March 20. No media coverage. (Dial-up warning)

Keene, NH standing in solidarity with DC, March 20. No media coverage. (Dial-up warning)

Hey Wolf, how bout some analysis of danger to GOP for no votes

TPM: Pro-Life Donnelly Is A Yes

The Kinks - "Waterloo Sunset"

"communist dictators will haunt America for generations"

"this flawed healthcare bill" and Frau Blucher - coincidence?

Bobby Rush ........ YES!!!

Credit to Organizing for America

Congress (and the Republicans especially) should be ashamed of the quality of debate.

Do you support passage of the HCR bill with Obama's EO on abortion?

Got to turn off MSNBC. Seems like we only get to hear the Republicans talking on the floor!

With the passage of this bill, Sarah Palin's children cannot be denied health insurance for any

Where the heck is Rachel tonight?

Paul Ryan is FULL of SHIT!

I have a bucket dilemma....

Are 'Babies' the New Penguins?

oh. Go Climb a tree.

So cute!

Fox News banner:" OBAMA-CARE BACKLASH. Already?

Is anyone else nervous about the Republican vote to recommit? Supposedly they might just offer up

Repub Congresswoman from Washington is an orchardist.

Very disappointed in Lawrence O'Donnell tonight.... he's generally great....

Over 200,000 March for Immigration Reform

Can someone please explain to me why the pukes keep saying that there is federal funding of abortion

Lawrence O'Donnell should drape a cape over Schuster's shoulders at the end of the night!

Make the bad men stop talking!

Internet Nostalgia Thread!

Unconstitutional? How?

shhhh. Be vewy qwiet

They had people threatening to shoot anyone

Is cantor trying to sound strong and forceful...

Does somebody get a bonus everytime they say flawed? n/t

Ezra: "Hollow reconciliation threats."

So when is ANTHONY WEINER and ALAN GRAYSON going to speak on the Floor? (TiVo is wating and ready)

Anybody knows how much longer? Vote already!

Sweet! The tanning salon tax is aimed squarely at Boehner!! He'll be paying for 90%

Boehner talks about bipartisanship?

After next election, no more Boener

Taking bets on Boner crying when he speaks?

We had a lot of damage here in NJ with last week's storm. I'd say we lost as many as 5%

As usual Boehner lies over and over.

As usual Boehner lies over and over.

Yosemite! Photos coming)

Old Folks Boogie

Practice for the Celebration of the passing of The Bill. Post your Happy Dance here.

I rented the movie the hangover. Is it anygood?

Boehner is giving every comedian the choicest nuggets they'll get all year

Boner up now! Everyone get out the hankies! He has a "heavy heart"

They're frightened because you effing lie to them!!

This vision came to me after watching a video of the Kennedy assasination


Boehner asks for a roll call. Not satisfied with an electronic vote.

Michelle Obama was featured on tonight's Simpsons episode.

Oompa just got the smackdown!

OK, so I always wanted a boner thread...

CNN is like Debbie Downer-ville

ODing on people at school functions bragging about their kids

My date last night went a lot better than I expected.

Hannity: "this hour" -- is when America turned "completely towards socialsm" (VIDEO)

'Dead Of Night'

How in God's name have "the people spoken"??? What is this bizarre reference?

I haven't figured out where Boehner and his vigilantes deemed

Nancy! Nancy! Nancy!

Do you like tacos?

Boener sucks

Pelosi states that the bill has over 200 Republican amendments.

If you leave me now, you'll take away the biggest part of me.

Anyone else vacillate between being outgoing and reserved? Bold and shy?

Obama on the verge of securing KEY# 7

I've never been to Spain

The cars I've owned:

Good morning Lounge

I am not thrilled about the final product, but

Wow! Total polar opposite speeches. One filled with hope and kindness and the other...

Ram it through? Ram it through?

Tom Jones vs. Engelbert Humperdinck

Live footage of Eric Cantor

Music To Watch Girls By

Moloko - The Time is Now vs Sia - Breathe Me

Ever wonder what happened to the kool kids in school?

Sorry to be less than gentle, but WHY is Levin making our introductions?

Why don't all of the Republicans get the vote cast right away?

How orange is Boehner tonight?

There it is~~~


The Truth


Kiss The Sky

Shot in the Back of the Head


Soul Glo

Not a single Republican

why is the tally so slow?

Cher vs Bette Midler

We had'em all the way!!!! nt

Cold Pillow

Delete---voted in.

YES!!!!!! 216! Yes We DID!

Where are the Dem votes?


Fly Like An Eagle vs Hotel California



Question for Apple users.

President Obama, ya done good. It's been a long haul. Now sign this bill!

The Most Epic Cat Fights of All Time.

Bad poll

What is interesting that Boehner wanted the votes on the record with a roll call.

30 days in the Hole

Bodhisattva vs Ramblin' Man

Question for Apple users.

Bi-partisan opposition to the bill?

I was in the House gallery last night for the vote!

Dear Republican Party, You are cordially invited to

I just downloaded a free EReader onto my phone, and downloaded "Dracula" for free.

Insincere apology.

I Heard it Through the Grapevine...This Vintage You Can Wear

I Heard it Through the Grapevine...This Vintage You Can Wear

Allman Brothers vs Lynyrd Skynyrd

My 6 week old niece has been wretching in stomach pain...

Port wine is very strong

Uh oh

Crap, it's the Stupak amendment. The Pro life dems better not vote for it. nt

For the generation of boys (like me) who refuse to grow up

Favorite Rock-N-Roll Song featuring Oregon

Showtime, lovers! Enjoy the love

DU always cracks me up

Boy, do I have a treat for you... Iron Butterfly...

Okay, I've been busy for the last couple of months, what have I missed here in The Lounge?

Question About Posting Picture

I'm a girl. I had to think a little on this one. (Joke)


The T.A.M.I. Show is officially out on DVD.

My latest Podcast is ready for you. Went diggin' in the crates this time


This LMN movie sucks

WTF is going on? who is this ASSHOLE?

Question for people who mainly listen to Rap.

A Facebook page for everyone's best friend from back in the day:

You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet Vs Pinball Wizard

More GOP grandstanding - ugh.

Michigan fugitive found in Pennsylvania bar in hospital gown

Iron Butterfly or Iron Maiden

We Ain't Got Nothin Yet- featuring an organ

I know what I like...

MiddleFingerMom is quite the ladies' man.


Great nickname for Orly Taitz

OH!! OH!! OH!! I almost forgot about this place (was reminded St Patty's Day).

The Dream Fulfilled

CSpan just announced that OUR PRESIDENT will speak tonite

Will someone please shoot that thing off of Stupak's head?

FYI: Roll Call is Up.

Good nickname for Orly Taitz..

The Replacements - Maybelline (Chuck Berry), 1981

This is why they made a deal with Stupack

Did the pukes just boo Obama?

Pretty classic. Repigs applaud Stupak. Then he disses them and they boo him...

The Replacements - Hey Good Lookin' (Hank Williams), 1981

I ordered my kiddo (okay, he's 41) a Kindle tonight

Michael Bay has pictures of John Malkovich and Frances McDormand in a three way with a goat.

OMG, can this get any stranger?

William Shatner/Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds....bwahahahahah!

Charlotte Vs. Maxell headphones

OK, one more. ... ... ... SPERM... it's ALWAYS funny!!!

So, like I was tellin' y'all.....

Now that the bill is passed, the abortion party is at my house! Woo hoo!

Rush vs. Led Zeppelin

Stupak is telling the Rethugs to shut up, wow.

where can we find how reps voted?

216+ x 2

What does "your order has shipped" mean?

Votes are up ... who were the 34?

Come on!!! Kiss Bart Stupak!!! You KNOW you want to!!!

Not sure if Stupak still lives at "C Street"

@barackobama .....

has anybody ever 'toured' their old neighborhoods with Google street view?

Happy Kazakh New Year!

Link to roll call

Gibbs tweet:

"Can we as a DU community do something for the DU'ers who can't _________ "

************OFFICIAL HEALTH CARE VOTE THREAD #2********* Reconciliation Bill

Rush, don't let the door hit you on your way out.

When John Boehner cries, are his tears orange?!?

20 Dems voted for this Motion to recommit? WTF?

CSPAN: Dems promoting Universal Human Rights. Love it, and

Jobycom vs. Roadkill

Does America have a literacy problem?

Not Luke Russert again? Geesh

That Rick Roll song versus The dumbass Rush song about fighting trees.

What do you call it when John Boehner drinks a fifth of vodka?

I've just posted a Spring poem in the Writer's Group...

Luke Russert said someone called Stupak "A baby killer."

Sukiyaki versus Sukiyaki

Why do some people like to watch boxing? Or bare knuckle fighting?

This motion to recommit could still kill the bill

GOP member yells "BABY KILLER" at Stupak

CNN reporting that a Repuglican shouted "Baby Killer" while Stupak was speaking.

Styles for men's eyeglasses?

For those of you thinking 'I wonder what used cat litter tastes like'

Caption this picture

WHEN President Obama signs the bill

A break from the madness from Cute Overload....

Roll Call Vote for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act:


PHOTO Anyone need a new desktop background photo thingie?

HR 4872 Reconciliation passes the House. 217 now.

YESSS!!! Finally I can take a deep breath...

The Duke of Welling ---- er,President Obama is about to speak soon

And here we finally are

Motion to recommit fails. Sorry, Rethugs!

Obama coming up

Check out my redneck hoopty (pics)

Is this mainly about letting Stupak getting one last media moment?

Wouldn't it be a Clever Strategy if Dems Proposed Public Option during the November elections?


I must say, Congratulations to the American People and then Congrats to President

Fox Noise right-wing puppets' heads are exploding!

Four More Years! Four More Years!

Doobie Brothers vs The Eagles

**** HEADS UP!!! POTUS Speaks on the Passage of the House Vote, LIVE!!!! ****


Because I'm superficial...

Monday night lounge music - Delaney & Bonney & Friends "Poor Elijah"...

Another speech for the ages. Yea, I love my President, finally one to love!

Ok, with Stupak's last appearance, this just got popcorn worthy

Favorite Rock-n-Roll song featuring an organ.

This is what change looks like.

That's right Lounge: it's RUMOR time.

FOXGOPRUSHHANNITYBECK couldn't keep the Black man from getting elected or passing health care

Who wants to join me in a toast? And what are you drinking?

I believe Republicans are pushing Right-Wingers to do something

President Obama: We did not fear the future, we shaped it.

How nice to be with all of you tonight. You're great company! nt

John Bonner has done the impossible. Made me enthusiastic about the bill.

President Obama: Health care bill a victory for Americans

Post your pooch pics here!

Favorite Rock-n-Roll song featuring an orgasm.

Good Job, James Clyburn. They elected a good Majority Whip for the job.

I think it is time for SNL to revisit their "Obama hasn't done anything" skit...

They (R) are BOOING our President...

Healthcare Bill passage creates huge business opportunity for small business

Michael Steele wants Nancy fired. He's tremendously upset.

Statement from Vicki Kennedy

Um, gentlemen......

Hope You're Feeling Better - Santana

Just to say that I reported that earlier threat to the FBI website.


Is he waiting for the Senate reconciliation to sign it?

lol! Big Eddie FINALLY gets a clue!!!

The map of the World has changed.

Alan Grayson and Medicare Buy-in

MSNBC: Ed Schultz hosting with Karen Finney, Political Analyst

"He's all our President, he did something very special".....on Fox!

Michael Moore: "Obama, you're on a roll. Don't stop now!

Luke Russert explaining why he shouldn't be a pundit.

They are not the "party of no"... they are the "party of hell no"

On Thursday, Obama was 46%-48% approval/disapproval at Gallup

Stupak ain't no douche no more.

The turning point...

Really sucky news, the health care bill actually DIED two months ago....

"Barack Obama will go down in history as one of America’s finest presidents"

So is Scott Brown still going to be the Republican darling?

My first time on FR since the Massachusetts special election, and I see laughable junk like this:

I have a soft spot for Dingell. He's making the case. I hope some

Weiner on MSNBC......

YES WE CAN!!!!!!

The Celebration will NOT be Televised!

POTUS and VPOTUS when it hit 216 (IMAGE)

Roger Ebert: History is watching the Republican Party shrink in its rear-view mirror.

Republicans Are After Speaker Pelosi

So who voted for reconciliation but not for the Senate bill?

"No, no, we will still make this Obama's Waterloo. We will kill this bill."

Who is this Ed Shultz guy?

White House email contact page link - email President Obama and say howdy!

"Being a woman will no longer be a pre-existing medical condition"

No death panels, no rationing of care, no govt between you and your doctor

Do they have the 50 votes in the Senate


OK, who were the 34?

So will the signing be a ceremony

Favorite rock song that features a Marching Band

Health care reform passes, Freepers flirt with calling for domestic terrorism



Sign a Farewell Card to Rush

Dear TMZ,

Congratulations Mr. President and Madam Speaker!

Reactions to the Health Care Vote


It's time for a song!

"Nobody even knows what's IN THIS BILL!!!"

PHOTO Congratulations, tough guy!

Yes we did!!!

Bill Frist is surprisingly non-hysterical about this bill.

Hey Sarah...

President Obama hitting road this week to sell health benefits

So, let's look at the list. What's next?

"Note to S.P. from Wasilla, AK" - by a college buddy of mine on Facebook:

So, who goes off to the death panels first?

You know who else is probably happy tonight? Martha Coakley

Democrats Rock! From the DNC:

For those who were worried about the welfare of Rep. Stupak after his actions tonight...

One thing we know: The 'Party of No' prefers the status quo


It was PALIN that started the rumor that bill would cut care for Veterans.

The WOOHOO Thread!

Poll: Will Tonight's Events Change the Way the MSM Talks about the President?

"Barack Obama put his presidency on the line for an accomplishment of historic proportions"

Just give them somethin' to talk about...

The Consequences Of A Bad Bet

"Obama to sign health care bill Tuesday"

OMFG! Geraldo Rivera is supporting the new bill on his show!

question about the pre-existing conditions part

White House: Reform Begins

Fear Strikes Out, By PAUL KRUGMAN

A really great site for Rush Limbaugh to check out!

"Results Are All That Matter"

"My waterloo napoleon did surrender"

"...first landmark piece of reform that passed over the unanimous opposition of one major party..."

Not Over Yet: Senate Must Finalize Health Care

Can we get the queen

Death panels, death panels, death panels, death panels.

(Is this true or a scare tactic?) Democrats' Plan Will NOT Protect Military Health Plans

Massive Republican failure day!

Senate GOP skeptical of chances to take down healthcare reform

Health Care Reform Passes - Democrats Get Their Act Together

Dont Miss a Tax Credit with the Recovery Act Savings Tool!

OK. What's next?

"Obama plans blitz to boost public opinion of health-care effort"

Republicans: Scared As All Living Hell Right Now. TeaBaggers = REPUBLICANS

Transcript of President Obama's Speech Last Night

Sign a Farewell Card to Rush per the DCCC

Tell teabaggers that if they want to repeal HCR

so now the world has witnessed how loathsome the Repugs are


Damnit!!! I can't get this damned song out of my head this morning!!!

This Morning Joe dick loves to say that Obama never ran anything and voted present all the time

Our Financial Security: Which Bank Outrage is a Phony?

What happens to the healthcare bill now?

PHOTOS: Celebration.

Even though this bill leaves a lot on the table this one item makes it worth it.

Glenn Beck is having an awesome meltdown

Socialism: Day One

Rev Jesse Jackson:The Tea Partiers will benefit from the heath care reform

Radanovich tweets: I didn't shout 'baby killer'

Ten Most Courageous and Ten Most Cowardly Congress Peep List

Repeal What?

"I think people are realizing the sky didn't fall" (re: HCR and investors)

How the Health Care Overhaul Could Affect You

The debate over this bill fully exposed the disastrous situation of health care in our country.

Celebrating Racism as part of the rich American Tapestry

Republican lawmakers stir up the 'tea party' crowd - ugliness and epithets (Milbank)

"end of paying for quantity of treatment, and the beginning of paying for quality of treatment"

Why I have mixed, but on balance positive, feelings about the passage of the Health Care Bill.

"Among the big winners are the branded phama companies; the big losers are American consumers"

Dumb it down!!

Vietnam Vet or Democratic Congressman? You decide...

So it took Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi to make more progress on health care than in 45 years

Whatever Happened To 'Country First'?

Great Photo of White House team from last night!

Howard Fineman MSNBC - "and like the long distance runners of Kenya"

Howard Fineman MSNBC - "and like the long distance runners of Kenya"

Unconfirmed: GOP Rep Radanovich yelled "baby killer"

E. J. Dionne: Yes, They Made History

Jesse Jackson just told Contessa Brewer (msnbc) that he feels sorry for the teabaggers.

Remember that last big bill that Republicans were crying about?

TX Congressman admits to being "Baby Killer" screamer

Moving on to obstructing financial reform

I'm Clapping, But Is This Reform?

What historic reform of the U.S. health care system looks like, in six points

Conservatives Thrown into Cold, Lightless Depths

Can I now say this freely?

A 'Thank You' From President Obama

"I woke up this morning, Feeling alright ...."

Pittsburgh Post Gazette Editorial: Altmire's "vote of weakness".

"Hell, no you can't"

C'mon - Vote in their Poll. Yes that one. David Frum (!)

White House Talking Points: Health Reform Takes Effect “Immediately"

"Karzai holds peace talks with insurgents"

You know what's great? Democrats don't look like wimps today

Question about the GOP's anti-health care reform lawsuit

Apology thread for those who thought Obama was "all talk, no action"

Obama has Question for Republicans: How's That Dopey-Nopey thing working out for ya?

McCain said Democrats have not heard end of debate..

Jeffrey Toobin: Health Care: Here to Stay

What HCR Means for Employers.

What HCR Means for Employers.

The GOP's plan "Recon. Bill Should Not be Allowed because it would extend Social Security."

Dangit, can't find video of Stupak's last speech anywhere

Stupak opponent stays in race, vows to fight for single payer system

MSNBC: Shuster with Armstrong Williams

Why We have no Interest in the Media magnifying the TeaBaggers....

Patient's letter 'inspired Obama health reform push'

WH: Tax Returns Are Up 10% - Find Out If You Qualify for Recovery Act Tax Credits

Ok. I'm gonna watch Dylan Ratigan with an open mind.

The President Who Put It All On The Line

When will the bill signing be held?

Dear Newt, "Get a Grip"

Mystery Solved: How Pelosi and the WH got Loretta Sanchez' vote...

Make No Mistake...I Have High Respect for Barack Obama

34 traitors should be kicked out of the party.

ABC News Brian Ross Reports on Twitter Assassination Calls

What would be the effect on Boehner if he was put in additional situations

Why is the media still harping on HCR and ignoring the real story of the day?

Mitt Romney's response to passing of HCR (this is good)

OH SHIT!!! Obama put Stupak on the floor to reject the Repubs last ditch effort.

GOPers opposed to wasting taxpayer dollars line up to waste taxpayer dollars on frivolous lawsuits

The funniest part of news coverage on the HCR

America is now a civilised nation

In order for the vehement critics of health care reform to be vindicated

RW predicting Rep win in Nov "With all the eggs we got from TBs what could go wrong let's count now"

States are lining up for court battle of health care reform

Craziest post I have seen today - HCR-Birther segue

Many Presidents all the way back to Teddy R have tried to reform health care

California: Simon Backing Campbell For GOP Senate Nomination

Health Care Bill Enhances Whistleblower Protections

PHOTOS The President and VP tonight

Oregon AFSCME endorses Kitzhaber

legislator from the Iron Range decided that Rybak and Kelliher have too much of a lead.

Both Lincoln and (Ben) Nelson to vote against Reconciliation Bill (shocker!)

Regarding the episode last nite by the dimwads leaving wanted posters in seats of Democrats.

GOP's Joseph Malone Launches Congressional Run

Majority Opposed Doesn't Tell Full Story

Landrieu is on board with reconciliation. Bayh "likely a yes vote".

Landrieu is on board with reconciliation. Bayh "likely a yes vote".

Bayh may help fund 'like-minded' Dems' war chests

Obama praises committee vote on Wall St. rules

Be Part Of History!

Signing Ceremony, Tuesday 11:15am, Dept of Interior....

Well I showed up for my first 'Death Panel' committee meeting

White House fires back at Rove over e-mails sent during healthcare push

Gallup Daily Approval Obama 50 - 43 Seven point jump BEFORE passage

THE Best Political Selling Point of the HCR Bill Is....

President Obama Praises Committee Vote on Wall St. Rules

Seen These folks are really sick.

The Republicans said that people didn't want health reform!!!!!!

"One of the big improvements made in the reconciliation that the actuarial value"

Sorry to be a Downer: "Stocks Rise for Health-Care Sector due to Passage of Reform Bill"


House Passes Largest Investment in College Aid in U.S. History

"Baby Killer" shout came from Rep. Randy Neugebauer, R-Lubbock, TX

Photos: "another stone firmly laid in the foundation of the American Dream." (The Obama Presidency.)

Joe Conason: Why Boehner is angry -- and Republicans should worry

When is it safe to break out the Marxist/Socialist/Nazi Gear we've had under wraps for the last year

Suggestion: If you don't really know how the HCR bill works, or what it will do, READ here!

What Republicans Will Be Saying about Health Care in 2012 (Cartoon)

PHOTO The President tonight, at the moment the bill passed

Cao Compares Abortion To Slavery

Obama to take Health Care Reform Fight to Waterloo, IA!!!

So, does this mean I can haz Medicaid now?

Just watching Boehner's meltdown made my Epic C-SPAN viewing...

How many here were waiting for Bohner to drop an F-bomb last night,

So, starting Tuesday, no denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions?

Rep. Woolsey will introduce new public option bill tomorrow

Did Jimmy Carter miss an opportunity for health care?

Kaiser: Reconciliation Bill Changes to Private Insurance

Poor freepers just can't agree on who is to blame...

Keep the Change...

Why are the Republicans sueing to prevent people from getting healthcare?

So how's that "Hopey-Changey thing" workin' for ya? Ya sure this

Can We Get Something Straight?

Obama love thread.

I hate Republicans with every fiber of my being.

Beck criticizes John Lewis for "comparing" himself to civil rights activists: "How dare you!"

Question: Any advice on discussing HCR with friends, family, etc?

Question for my fellow DUers who fought HCR for some of the right

Ezra Klein: Will insurers raise rates before health-care reform?

The Biggest Losers thread

PHOTOS While you're waiting....a few 'morons with signs'

Ed Shultz: Obama sets the table for the greatest first term president ever.

Andrea Mitchel first presses WH person if bill restricts abortion, then asks the opposite

Colombian journalist gunned down

The Sushi Bandit Says "Goodby" to DU

“Baby Killer”


Pro-life Group Strips Stupak of Award

Democrats counter Republicans' pre-redistricting push

U.S. Firms Feel Shut Out in China

'Netanyahu seeks US bombs for Iran attack'

Broad coalition packs Mall to urge overhaul of immigration laws

Vegetarian activists try in-your-face tactics

(U.S. Supreme) Court rejects new challenge from Gitmo detainees

EMI Holds License Talks With Rivals

WRAPUP 2-Chinese media launches new attack on Google

Russian Diplomat Sees U.S. Arms Pact In Days: Report

High court stays out of Mass. abortion clinic case

Geithner: Financial reform must shield consumers

US slams jamming of Ethiopia’s VOA radio

North Korea to put US citizen on trial for illegal entry

Pakistan foils plot to bomb Western targets

Pakistan seeks court backing to probe scientist AQ Khan

Obama Plans to Sign Health Overhaul Bill on Tuesday

Obama Plans to Sign Health Overhaul Bill on Tuesday

U.S.-Pakistan seek to move beyond mistrust

What's Awesome! How Dems are doing something that no one is paying attention to, but should!

(ex Bush advisor Dan) Senor (NY) Senate Run On Tap

LaHood to meet with Toyota execs in Japan

Philippine generals dismiss rumors of coup plot

Bricks shatter glass at NY Democratic offices

Record Air Pollution in Hong Kong

Clinton chides, reassures Israel in AIPAC speech

House passes increased college aid for students in need; ends reliance on private lenders

Neugebauer shouted 'baby killer'


California stands to gain most from health bill

Beijing-bound Karzai seeks China help in peace push

Judge hears lesbian teen's suit to force prom

Republican Nathan Deal of Georgia resigns

Union President: At least 62 DFAS workers to be fired for bad credit ratings

Osama Bin Laden's Teen Daughter Allowed to Leave Iran

Cuccinelli says Va. will sue over health-care bill

US reviewing contractors' role in intel gathering

First kidney transplant involving different blood types performed in Israel

Neb. to join health care (reform) lawsuit

4 Western businessmen plead guilty to bribery charges in China

Clinton chides, reassures Israel in AIPAC speech

Karzai holds peace talks with insurgent faction

Iowans to hear from Obama (where he proposed his reform plan in 2007)

Tax refunds up 10% due to stimulus - White House

US firm wins UK tank-making deal

13 die in Afghanistan amid calls for peace talks with insurgents

Gates says reviewing contractors' role in intel gathering

Opponents of Gay Marriage Ban Must Release Memos

The Secret Service Is Investigating a Conservative's Obama Assassination Tweets

Rep. Giffords' Tucson office vandalized after health care vote

Senate panel passes bank reform on party-line vote

Frustrations await Bush, Clinton visit to Haiti

Bachmann introduces bill to repeal health care reform

Chamber Won’t Push for Health Repeal

China's sandstorms blast Beijing with dust, sand

Nelson (D-Ne) to vote no on (HCR) companion

Halliburton, KBR drop court appeal in rape case

States Launch Lawsuits Against Healthcare Plan

Senate Preparing to Take Up Reconciliation Bill

Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas) admits shouting 'baby killer'

High court stays out of Mass. abortion clinic case

McCain repulsed by health care bill ‘euphoria’

Google Pulls Search Engine Out Of China

Sebelius: Public will embrace health care reform

Supreme Court Again Rejects Injunction in Asian Carp Case

Obama pay czar to "look back" at Wall Street pay (seek to renegotiate pay not in "public interest")

Poll finds Schwarzenegger's rating at new low

(Senator) Grassley: White House Staff Should Enroll in Exchanges

BREAKING: House Passes Historic Health Care Reform Bill (219-212)

Real Time with Bill Maher: Overtime March 19

Musical Interlude for the GOP (kinda Waterloo themed)

Yippie for the AHIP!

Waterloo Stonewall Jackson

Rep. John Lewis: Give health care a chance.

GOP Rep: Dems Laying 'Cornerstone Of Their Socialist Utopia'

Bill Maher blasts racist Repubs over HRC (& interviews Kucinich)

Republican calls Stupak "baby killer"

Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an EARTHSHATTERING KABOOM.

C-SPAN: Health Care Bill Passes House

David Frum: Republicans made bad judgements

Democrats honor Sen. Kennedy before health care vote

Frum: GOP's Health Care Loss Not Worth Potential Midterm Gains

GOP To Kill Health Bill For Nonexistent Abortion Coverage,But Provide Abortion Coverage To GOP Staff

FLASHBACK: Pelosi Pledges To Spend 'Whatever Time It Takes' To Pass Health Care Reform

Obama on Passage: 'Will Not Fix Everything That Ails System But Moves Decisively in Right Direction'

Pelosi: With The Passing Of This Bill Being A Woman Will No Longer Be A Pre-Existing Condition Pt1

Special Dedication to Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC)

NEW RULES - Real Time With Bill Maher - March 19 2010 - while it lasts!

The Turning Point (PART 1)

Elisabeth Hasselbeck attempts to justify teabagger racism & homophobia

Stupak stands up for health care reform, announces opposition to Republican motion to recommit

I'm a LOSER Baby!

Health Care Passage Reactions on MSNBC, CNN, Fox News

FBI HELLO!!!!!!!

ObamaCare Opponents Probably Cant Spell Communism and Socialism Says CNNs Roland Martin

Grow the Hope Response to the Passage of Health Care 03/21/2010

Obama- "This is what change looks like" Health Care Reform

Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) explains the truth about the FMAP Fix (aka Louisiana Purchase)

Immigration Reform Rally DC 200,000 people

'Waterloo' - Oh C'mon. It's the only day it's really relevant!

Boehner's passionate HCR floor speech which accomplished jack squat in the final vote. EPIC FAIL!

This one goes out to my rep., Eric Cantor (R)

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka: Historic Step for Health Care

CAMP OUT NOW on the MAll in DC

Sen Bob Corker (R-TN) lamenting the bipartisanship that existed under Bush.


Angry Teabaggers protest Health Care Reform at US Capitol 3/21/10

Senator Kennedy at the 1980 Democratic National Convention

Tom Delay 'sickened' by the House vote

2,555 Days too many-Minneapolis Iraq Peace march

Who Made Health Care Happen?

Obama addresses Iran on the occasion of the Persian New Year

Rachel Maddow highlights David Vitter's GOP-backfiring-hoax antics. Hilarity ensues.

"The Harder They Come"


I'M WALKIN' HERE! Jon Voight & Michele Bachmann's EPIC FAIL HCR rally, 3/20/10. EPIC FAIL!

Conservative media: zero credibility (this time on health care reform)

Rep. Alan Grayson on Palin:

Repost of Elisabeth Hasselbeck explaining teabagger racism/homophobia

GOP'er Boehner goes berserk on House floor yells ''Hell No You Can't!'' & ''Hell No You Haven't''

TYT: General - Gays In Military Leads To Genocide (Video)

TYT: Fox News President's Surprising Admission - Obama Is Right (Video)

Congresswoman Bachmann's Insurance is Good Enough for Her.

Remember this: Chris Matthews debates Alan Grayson about reconciliation--

Stupak Demands Finally Met: Obama Must Get Tattoo of Hyde Amendment On His Hide

Boehner just showed his lack of intelligence

The Misinformed Tea Party Movement (Bruce Bartlett, former Reagan/Bush advisor)

Boehner lack of knowledge - Part deux

Health bill brings Democrats back to Life

US Human Rights Record Challenged

AlterNet: The Future of Drug Reform Is Bright

Tax Cuts for the Rich, Pay Cuts for the Poorer

Healthcare triumph a credit to Nancy Pelosi's savvy--Kornacki/Salon

The GOP's newfound defense of "consent of the governed"

Beyond the GOP Lies -- Slurs and Insults From the Right-Roots


Get Ready. Up Next: Financial Reform

Chris Hedges: The Health Care Hindenburg Has Landed

Rochelle Riley: Haters couldn't stop historic day

Jane Mayer: Counterfactual-A curious history of the C.I.A.’s secret interrogation program.

Historic Health Care Reform bill passes, Repunks continue their tantrum.

Health Care Reform: 8 Positive Changes

America's Pipe Dream

Iran's "China card" - - IP pipeline: When will China join?

And the conservative freak-out begins

The HCR bill just passed is similar to a Republican proposal from 93 --

Why Boehner is angry -- and Republicans should worry (Joe Conason)

Newsweek: Six billion dollars later, the Afghan National Police can't begin to do their jobs

Wellpoint: You Will Never Find a More Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy

What If Reconciliation Fails? (Washington Independent- 3/22/10)

The Party of Cruelty (James Howard Kunstler)

Cantina Tolteca -- pissing away them Kokopelli blues (Joe Bageant)

Through tears, Tea Party activists vow to keep fighting health care reform

Glenn Beck: How dare John Lewis compare himself to .... John Lewis?

Watch the Monkey!

Racist Teabaggers Exhibit Beck & Palin's Real Positions

Religious Fanatics Threaten Atheist Philip Pullman With Death

Q&A with Chef Dan Barber: Can organic farming feed the world?

Melbourne's String Of 100 Days At 20C+ Longest In 150 Years Of Weather Records

New alloys key to efficient energy and lighting

Migratory Monarch Butterfly Population Lowest On Record - Mexican Habitat Down To 1.92 Hectares

E-waste trade ban won't end environmental threat-Crude recycling methods...contaminate air, water...

Explained: Climate sensitivity-If we double the Earth’s greenhouse gases, how much will the temp...

On the Reality of LENR and the Mythology of Cold Fusion

Peak oil review - Mar 22

Drumbeat from the weekend...

Drumbeat: March 22, 2010

Hong Kong Air Pollution Hits New Record High - 2X That Of Prior Record - 12-14X WHO Max Recommended

EPA Report - Streams @ Surface Coal Mining Sites Up To 50X Legal Toxic Limits - "No Comment" From KY

Non-OPEC Oil Production Hits the Wall

New 'smart' roof reads the thermometer, saves energy in hot and cold climates

UN Panel Rejects Any Limitations On Trade In Corals For Jewelry Markets - Reuters

International Paper Ships Wood To SE From Known Gypsy-Moth Areas. Don't Worry! They'll Inspect!!

Chitwan Park Struggles With Invasive S. American Vine - 20% Of Park Already Covered

N. China Dust Storms Reach HK, Taiwan As Beijing Air Quality Hits 2nd-Worst Level - WP

(The Scotsman) Drought, refugees, revolution and war – military prepares for climate doomsday

1970 - 2004 - Average Decline In High Arctic Species' Populations 26% - Mongabay

TX Elected Officials Calling For More Money, Tougher Regulation Of Gas Drilling In Populated Areas

UN Blockage Of Bluefin Ban = End Of Species, But Japanese PM Happy - Prices Won't Go Up!

50 Million People Short Of Water In SW China Drought - 1 Million Hectares Cropland Out Of Production

Science News - Up To 87 Different Pesticides & Metabolites Found In Beeswax Sampling Study

The Secret of Sea Level Rise: It Will Vary Greatly by Region

How to cool the planet proactively (geoengineering)

'Cold fusion' moves closer to mainstream acceptance

How Will Tree Diseases React to Climate Change?

Upton back in the news

Pacman Jones to the 49er's.

The Big Ten leads all conferences with three in the Sweet Sixteen? Is that right?

MSNBC: Tiger Woods

Golden State Warriors announce they're for sale

Ali Farokhmanesh and ESPN

Raúl Rivero - Fascist

Oscar Elías Biscet - Fascist

Top Public Health Priority Programs Consolidate in Cuba’s Largest Province

US, Cuban officials discuss Haiti quake assistance

LTTE: Cuba embargo only hurts US interests

Bolivia: general who captured Che Guevara questioned in destablization plot

Bolivia: prison party over for García Meza

Racial discrimination continues to plague Panama

The big lies against Cuba

Learn from Cuba's health system, (Australia) PM told

Total launches natural gas exploration project in Bolivia

Haiti’s Queen of song

Thirsty Peruvians harvesting fog with nets

Something we overlooked in November:"Yoani Sánchez: a few cards short of a full deck"

Big Dawg and Bush-to-pee-on visit Haiti (photos)

Researchers investigate mysterious stone spheres in Costa Rica

American Imperialism and the Inter American Press Association (IAPA)

Venezuela ratifies agreements with foreign oil firms

Fareed Zakaria: Bibi’s Bluster

House rental in Israel: Arabs need not apply

'Pitchfork remained on ground during purported attack'

2nd Nablus teenager succumbs to wounds

Clinton Holds Line On Israeli Settlements In Addressing AIPAC

Statement of AFSCME President Gerald W. McEntee on tonight's vote in the U.S. House of Representativ

Grievance Handling For Stewards and Representatives - Free Webinar

Pakistan hotel workers end 25-day sit-in, hunger strike/global dairy workers' conference/more

IBEW on Health Care Victory

Holt Baker: Broken Immigration System Benefits Corporations

Working America on Historic Health Care Vote

'Netanyahu seeks US bombs for Iran attack'

Use the language that will win back marriage in CA and win marriage in the nation (75 study summary)

I am a coward

The California Legal List, AR and AK variants

BNY Mellon Fires Employee, Says Looking At Photos of Troops In Iraq/A-stan Is Direct Threat

Gun Owners Rejoice: Military Grade Corrosion Prevention is Here

Man Kills Motorist, Self in Apparent Road Rage

Query for CHL instructors regarding flash mobs

Healthcare now, new AW ban next!!!!!! Go Obama!!!

No prelims yet? Will they be bumped to the coming weekend? (Maybe HCR furor will die down somewhat

Adieu, l'hiver...

Earth Album lets you see (Flikr) photos posted of any(?) place on the planet. Plus kid#2

8 texture & pattern studies

How to build a CA legal AR or AK pattern rifle

Suprises in the Garden


Seattle area biotech jobs

Britain's rarest wildflower the ghost orchid returns from the dead after 23 years

Researchers Turn Mosquitoes Into Flying Vaccinators

Hayabusa Sets Sights on Planet Earth for June Return (from Asteroid Landing)

stupid dogwoods

Life Without Water And The Habitable Zone

Cool animation showing the expansion of the International Space Station from 1998 to 2010.

What are your thoughts on the passage of the HCR bill?

Some locals focus on spirituality, not religion

Pope Forgives Molested Children

The Spiritual Path of Karate

What if Mary had said No

In defense of the Catholic child abuse

Nanotech robots deliver gene therapy through blood

Is medical marijana covered in HCR?

Health Overhaul: Immediate Change, Long Term Steps

Hubby's second cardio version will be done on Wednesday...

When drug makers' profits outweigh penalties

Is it ok to give my Podiatrist a token gift?

HFCS Prompts Considerably More Weight Gain, Researchers Find

HCR is increasing is a list.

Shortage of skilled workers as baby boomers retire predicted

I doubt I will come back to this site since it does nothing but

Mafioso running charter schools?

Principal, teacher clash on cheating

Educator: 'Race to the Top's' 10 false assumptions

Charter School "Resource officer" maces 33 students & two employees

Something nice happened

Filmmakers offer an inside look at NYC's 'rubber rooms'