Boehner last week: Driehaus (D-OH) could be a "dead man"
Right wing rhetoric and domestic violence
Since Republicans apparently want to be slavishly obedient to polls,
I want to see this announcement from Homeland Security
Former Bush advisor Dan Senor opts out of Senate run...QUITTER! Go have a beer with Sarah Palin!
I sure hope that the FBI got it right when they put Bruce Ivins away n/t
Sorry Tea-Traitors. We Don't Negotiate with Terrorists.
Hey teabaggers! You're giving aid and comfort to the enemy!
You know---it really is time to tell the Catholic Church to fuck off!
CNN: vaccine contaminated with pig virus
The ratcheting up of threats and violence is serious. Just like the doctor killers.
Kicking a dying man - a tale of US 'care'
It's all about RETHUG violence and incitement on KO
Senate GOP backs off; healthcare ‘fixes’ could pass Thursday
I wonder if Republicanism is a purely congenital disorder
NASHVILLE: Major! Tea Party Protest to ensure State Bills pass
Fuck the anti-choice POS Bart Stupak and his C-Street Gang!
Senate conducts vote marathon on healthcare (check the photo at link)
Holy Moly. Rising Seas Swallow Disputed Island.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
SPLC: Gun Rights Advocates to March Against Phantom Threat
I guess there's no law against it when you're an entertainer.
Columbia University Analysis of RomneyCare (which ObamaCare resembles)
Detroit Metro Times: A planned 'compassion center' could test medical pot law
San Francisco Chronicle: The black commie Nazi did it!
Activist Kevin Olliff enters plea deal, awaits sentencing
Robert Culp, Star in ‘I Spy,’ Dies at 79
Preliminary approval for carrying concealed weapon without permit
Poll: Majority Favor Earlier Bedtime for McCain (Borowitz)
Support TARRYL CLARK for USHoR Minnesota
Here is a lovely threatening post that I found on Timebomb2000
Details about threats to Democrats
GOP: "Don't do anything bad against the Democrats, even though they deserve it"
Song for the times.....Pat Benatar...Invincible.
Re: COUTERgeist's "human rights complaint" (see LBN), *IS* she "human"?!1 n/t
I have been thinking about why Republicans are mad about the health care bill
Marijuana legalization initiative cleared for November ballot
Is Biden going to be presiding in the Senate when they vote on the reconciliation bill?
FBI investigates threats against Democratic House members
How About We Have FCC REFORM.....
I don't understand why the GOP has so many policies to increase the number of poor people
Homophobia fail: OK Senate Mistakenly Strips Hate Crimes Protections For Race and Religion
WTF? The GOP can shut down every hearing? What kind of bullsh!t maneuveur is this???
Fugitive Missing For 38 Years Found Running Chapel
Several posts I've read in various threads convince me that the violent right are TERRORISTS
Robert Culp 1930 - 2010 Rest In Peace
German Senior Citizens Convicted of Kidnapping
Well, here's an indy film you won't see featured at SXSW or Sundance...
Yippee! Pentagon to announce a more "relaxed" discrimination against teh gays & lesbians!
Well, here's an indy film you won't see featured at SXSW or Sundance...
My congressman got death threats last summer and canceled his town halls
Flipping channels looking for comedy; found some...Vitter in Senate w/amendment to repeal health law
"Why don't you do the country a favor and commit suicide" - Terrorist Party to Kosmas (D-FL)
Maybe now that the Dems have passed something all by themselves,
Reresentative. Betsy Markey getting threats
Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! Alan Grayson joins Mike
Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! Alan Grayson joins Mike
An anger management class dropout or a case of terminal stupidity. Man shoots dump truck.
Markey threatened over health care vote
I think we need a list of Beck's advertisers
our congress is still in session debating 10:10 cst
Co-founder of KC and the Sunshine Band arrested on sex charges
Has anyone else looked at the Moderator lists for all the forums?
Check in if you have penned a reply to a thread here, but hit the back
Missouri lawmakers will pray for help with budget
Calif. voters to decide whether to legalize pot
Seriously, what the GOP's doing is no longer 'politics as usual' it's a matter of national security.
When the EFF YOU SEE KAY are we going to start arresting these crazed asshats?
When the EFF YOU SEE KAY are we going to start arresting these crazed asshats?
When so so many of you say "we should not lower ourselves to their level"
Pope directly implicated in Wisconsin mass rape cover-ups
Broadcasted on CB Channel "Democrats are against guns"
Tweety Announces That He'll Apologize To Grayson For Being So Wrong On Reconciliation!
Sarah Palin signals sleeper assassination squads to target Dems...
Senator Patrick Leahy Press Release: Republican Objections Now Stall Even Committee Progress
Harry Reid just now: "We're here for the duration"
There are now Michelle Bachmann ads on Democratic Underground, and I like it.
Parents of Chelsea King (murdered teen, sex offender is suspect) want tougher sex offender laws
I know this has been said before but this is a sure fire way leaveteabaggers stupified
Feds say white supremacists made, sold grenades - One is soldier in the U.S. Army
DU this poll: Half of online voters like health reform?
HCR Mandate. Could it actually by a GOP plan that might be a good idea after all?
Thomas Goldstein: A Hearing to Define "Mainstream" Judicial Views
Sometimes it is not the problem that causes the most damage,
Question regarding HCR and carrying insurance on your kids until they are 26?
Who's listening to Rachel? "Intimination"
I want to turn in (earlier bedtime and all) with a smile --Borowitz on McCain
Are the Senators sleeping tonight?
Obama Wanted to Get Biden a "Big Effing Deal Shirt" - lol
Inside the Minds of the Tea 'Baggers ~ The Delusions of Angry, Ignorant and Misguided People
Via Twitter Senate bill making changes in new U.S. health care law will have to return to House - AP
Coffin Placed on Missouri Democrat's Lawn
Zeppelin's Stairway To Heaven, Whole Lotta Love covered by Mary J Blige
Mr. Perriello in Charlottesville really should sue Mr. Troxel
Rare video of Reagan in the Oval Office
Wife of billionaire grandson of oil tycoon J. Paul Getty wants $300K / month in divorce settlement
Congress is Owned by Banks - Top Senate Democrat: (Durbin) - Bankers "own" the U.S. Congress...
Let's not forget there has already been at least one murder associated
Social Security payout to exceed pay-in this year
Stopping the Spread of Slavery Started As A Republican Idea
Healthcare costs burden more Americans :study
Health Care Question for Informed DUers
Curbing opium trade risks loss of (Afghanistan) support
The American public 'may not' like HCR, but
Senators want data on prescription drug use
With reconciliation now requiring a new House vote, there is no excuse to still omit public option.
Why exactly are Republicans mad about the health reform bill?
Immigration foes, abortion opponents clash in Neb.
"FDR had the New Deal. Truman had the Fair Deal. J-Biden gives us the Big F***ing Deal."
GOP Forces HC Bill Back to House
WTH is a "Bircher Republican?"
Afghan soldiers way below standard, exasperated Marines say
Ominous Voiceover: "Democrat Sen X voted to give Viagra to dangerous sex offenders..."
Vermont students top nation in reading
Discharging gays to draw more scrutiny in military
Media Matters: On health care reform, the Fox News noise machine is cranked to 11
Will Mexican Drug Cartels run political ad's against California's initiative to legalize marijuana
Military Restructures Afghanistan Police Contract-Blackwater-Linked Army Office Stripped of Control
Common Dreams: New TV Ad Campaign Shows Continued Momentum for Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
Jim Marshall, Rock ’n’ Roll Photographer, Dies at 74
US court to rule on Toyota accelerator lawsuits
10 New Haircuts Joe Biden Should Try
Fuck You Gov Perdue - priceless
I think that saying "effing" is exactly the same as saying "fooking"
GOP Leaders Match Up Message to Violent Talk
Wow, the repukes are suddenly looking weak for November, aren't they?
More than just Uganda now, rabid Christian Rightists are helping Kenyan homophobes track gays
Help Shut the Teabaggers UP & Show Dem Support
Military contractors benefit from DADT
Detroit Metro Times: A planned 'compassion center' could test medical pot law
Detroit Metro Times: A planned 'compassion center' could test medical pot law
Philly news: Flash mob violence and the "Hunt and Wreck" game -
Will the gop stopping all business continue now that the bill went back to the house?
And the F/A-18s are starting to fail from overuse just like the F-15s
bin Laden has cut another record; now he covers Lady GaGa's "Love Game"
How 1Gbps fiber came to Cleveland's poorest, free of charge
For those who may not yet know, some of threats have crossed over into action.
Poll Finds Calif. Support Growing For Gay Marriage
Citing restroom safety, opposes Missoula anti-discrimination ordinance
We have never been closer to a public option as we are right now.
Any great facebook groups to join?
No ten count in this match. Keep swinging.
GOP Senators should agree to a pay cut.
1st Network news attacked Peace activists, now it is elementary students for Peace in MN
TN tea party rally demands rejection of health-care law
Now that HCR passed do the polititions that were against it
Now that HCR passed do the polititions that were against it
No longer should we call it the Tea Party. It's the Terrorist Party.
California to offer $10,000 tax credit to homebuyers
Does the Health Reform "Law" include mental health parity?
San Francisco Chronicle: The black commie Nazi did it!
Credit Rating Agencies Dictate Policy to National Governments:
A message to Democratic leaders: the nice guy crap is getting old
For First Time, 50 Percent of Californians Favor Same-sex Marriage
Parts & Parcels - Health Care Reform Animation by Mark Fiore
Republican U.S. Sen. Richard Burr derailed a Senate Armed Services hearing
The T.A.M.I show is now out on DVD. This is actually an important show...
The T.A.M.I show is now out on DVD. This is actually an important show...
Question about jobs bill unemployment extension
Is TPM showing a bias in the OH Senate Race with posts of polling?
Republicans feeling blue as Scott Brown win backfires
Are Ralph Nader and Noam Chomsky still hanging with the teabaggers?
Republican township official joins forces with the Michigan militia
Republican township official joins forces with the Michigan militia
Wars, Occupations and other unsavory things
Media softpedaling right-wing terrorism
How does this HCR bill affect the tax rates of the wealthy?
Why don't we aim at winning in November and put the Repukes on the firing line
Dr. Frankenstein has lost control of the beast
Biden On Big F---ing Deal: Obama Loved It
Other meetings delayed by re-thugs (not related to HCR)
"Hell NO you can't"......Yes we Can.....Yes we CAN
I honestly think the GOP is actively destroying its "momentum" for the mid-terms
We indoctrinate society with war and violence, and then wonder when society gets violent...
Not only a President (instead of a pResident), but he can WRITE and THINK, too!1
NYT Invents "Important Threshold" To Scare Readers About Social Security
Nick giving `Big Help' award to first lady
Gee, that Barry Goldwater was a swell guy, wasn't he?
The Rude Pundit - In Brief: Catholic Molestation and Republican Tantrums: Two Rude What-If's
The Rude Pundit - In Brief: Catholic Molestation and Republican Tantrums: Two Rude What-If's
It is time for us to start calling the teabaggers un-American and unpatriotic
Who are we backing in Arkansas against Blanche Lincoln?
Biden predicts Democratic losses in the fall
You better foam my tall soy latte right.....OR ELSE !!!
When to the total of Stupidity = Violence.
I really don't like this; Petraeus roving around the country giving war speeches like a politician
OFFICIAL EXCUSE-WATCH THREAD: Why we can't have a Public Option this time.
OFFICIAL EXCUSE-WATCH THREAD: Why we can't have a Public Option this time.
Progressives debate 'health care' victory
Greetings From Vermont: No Billboards, Plenty Cocaine
SEC's Porn Problem Was Rampant, According To Reports
YouTube disappears from the web
The Pentagon church and the people
Isn't it a health "law" now; not a bill?
Wine region under attack by Baboons
I beg you DU, read this and take action, let's make some real change.
Morning Joe is doing an Education Special -- without educators!!
X Post From Farm/Rural: Making a little something out of next to nothing
Quinnipiac Poll-Tea Party Could Hurt GOP
Sign-up on AirAmerica's website, ever? Your email address is up for auction.
Wanna see a right-winger all frothy?
Is Rahm Emanuel Providing Cover for Karl Rove and GOP Thugs?
An excellent comment by a Republican commentator (yes, really)
Can marijuana legalization win in California in November?
No leniency for domestic terrorists
Tell GOP To Stop Inciting Racism
The difference between tea braggers and middle eastern terra-ists?
iPhone, Safari, IE8, Firefox all fall on day one of Pwn2Own
More from OH man who berated a Parkinson's victim:"I did not know he was inflicted with Parkinson’s"
This is the definition of Domestic Terrorism:
Big Media call the terrorists terrorists yet?
How much would you pay for sunglasses?
The Christian Right, boldly defending the sanctity of... public restrooms
Thinking About Posting Olbermann Special Comment On Free Republic
Which One Of These Are Not Like The Others
The GOP and Teabaggers should be classified as hate groups
Are the media holding McConnell accountable for shutting down Senate Committees at 2 pm?
FOX Uh huh: "What do they think 1776 was all about and wasn’t there some violence back then?”
Eric, I know you are Jewish and you have gotten threats
New Timothy Egan column in NYTimes..."House of Anger"
What ever happened to
Coffin left on Congressman Russ Carnahan's lawn
BWAHAHAHA: Democratic Spokesman Eric Schultz Sends WHINER/Adulter John Ensign A Special ' GIFT '
I don't expect the health insurance mandate to be reversed in the future
Does Obama's Executive Order now mean that the Hyde Amendment still needs annual affirmation?
Trailblazing paratrooper broke color barrier in secret - WWII 555 Triple Nickle
The Ameican Federation of Labor, or the way back machine...
CNN's Rick Sanchez: Democrats Should 'Be Careful' About Linking Republicans to Threats and Violence
We assassinate and threaten people: Who are we?
To the Sore Losers WHINING about our president and our country -- turnabout is fair play!!
few facebook fans for former Franken foe.
During Bush's entire presidency, we never acted like this.
Hey STUPID Republicans, This isnt about fault, it is simply how it goes when you
Will Proposed Financial Regulatory Overhaul Actually Reform Wall Street?
CBS poll about republicans investigating the White House!!!!
Does the health care law regulate insurance companies' greed?
Thank you for choosing an Oxford "product:"
The RNCC is finally OUTRAGED about the Perriello gas line:
Cantor (LIVE) plays the victim, says he has received threats too
Republicans and TeaParty Activists said nothing about
Military to Revise ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Rules
RWers blaming the dems and the health bill for their violence is like saying
15 Facts About China That Will Blow Your Mind
Are we seeing perfect 2010 campaign ads playing out in the Senate waste of time by repubs?
If you don't do as I say, I'll kill you and your family.
In VT, the repuke candidate for guv leads all 5 dem candidates. In CA Whitman leads Brown
Limited government people... great Jon Stewart quote!
Bush Refused to Negotiate with Iraqi Kidnappers of Americans…Until After They Were Tortured to Death
All threatening calls and letters should go on all media with $1000 reward for turn-ins.
It's been nearly a year since DHS released report on heightened risk of domestic extremist violence
wait a minute. you mean we have to go through all that sturm und drang again?
For the first time in years I have been given Freeper shit re: bumper stickers
Where Shrub's pretzels come from: LIMBO twisting himself into them to argue away incitement charges
So if Democrats voting "yes" are responsible for folks getting mad and targeting Dem Congressmen...
Caesarean Births in U.S. Hit All-Time High
Why aren't the police charging these terrorists?
Final vote at 2:00 PM - House will vote this evening.
Create your own $10,000 photo with Michele and Sarah--for free!
So just what are the rules for expeling a member from Congress
The Rightwingers Hatred needs to be the main focus and
The Rightwingers Hatred needs to be the main focus and
You can not deny children under 18 insurance for any reason ever
OMG! IRS agents kicked in my door and demanded to see my health insurance papers!
So you want to repeal the new healthcare bill?? My email
$100,000 spills from armored car; passers-by pocket most of it so far
In light of my earlier post of Cantor and his "story"
Is there photo of Cantor (R) claim his window was shot??
Talk me down: Many Medicare recipients WILL be hurt by HCR
Yes, I know many here are totally non-violent, totally against guns and totally convinced
No You Can't mash-up (Featuring John Boehner)
Census question. Some data I've only recently found
Tea partiers condemn harassment...
Law Enforcement Appliance Subverts SSL
How The Clintons Fought For Health Care Behind The Scenes
How The Clintons Fought For Health Care Behind The Scenes
I'm sure I am an idiot, but what exactly is being voted on in the Senate...
Pres. Obama on MSNBC 2:10 pm est (n/t)
Repugs lose future health care talking point
Forget who sponsors Beck - who controls Fox?
I want them called on their bull shit
Breaking: Senate passes Reconciliation Bill 56-43... Story developing... n/t
Thank You Lyric for your Mail Carrier Post
Thank You Lyric for your Mail Carrier Post
I've been busy working on my show all night. What's been going on?
Aren't you amazed by the incredibly lopsided asymmetry of it all? Re: violent incidents.
Please help a GA Democratic Candidate for state senate
Pajamas Media Editor: Let's Bring Back Tar And Feathering -- And Maybe More
dear eric cantor. if your office was shot at, you should be more concerned than the democrats.
The President is speaking. CNN and MSNBC is covering it. Fox News is about to Cover Ann Coulter
I told DNC, DSCC, DCCC no more money from me without a public option--should keep my promise?
Holy fucking shit. A birther just called Hartmann!
OpenLeft: Violence and the right
beware the PARLOCKIAN republicans -- expect to see false flag claims of attacks at them
Reconciliation bill passes 56-43
This new Kristallnacht - sponsored by Fox News
Supreme Court stops execution of convicted killer in Texas
Republicans always try to justify by spewing - "BOTH SIDES DO IT"!
Republicans always try to justify by spewing - "BOTH SIDES DO IT"!
"Well, you know, they weren't really shots *at* my office or even *near* my office..."
The Teabagging Terrorists are almost done with their healing process.
Addendum: When fascism comes to America, It'll be wrapped in the Gadsden Flag
Gov. Christie/GOP proposes complete elimination of funding for family planning in NJ....
Folks, the rhetoric from Cantor and Boehner is as good as a "go ahead" order.
Remember Folks: Only twice in history has a new President's party *not* lost seats in Congress
The Tea Party is a White militant group.
I know about riots, and repercussion, Heres how
Social Security payroll deduction stops at...
President to Health Act repeal advocates
Semrau court-martial puts 'soldier's pact' to the test
Nano car bursts into flames, raising safety fears
Look at Eric Cantor's Statements Today Versus his Statements Made Just Yesterday
This may sound like an elementary question, but what were the 2 provisions stripped from the Bill?
How long before the big lie kicks in? "Both partys are guilty of this"
faux news headline: Cantor's Office Attacked
Eric Canor (r) saying it's DEMOCRATS fault for POLITICIZING the threats agains DEMOCRATS
I'll bet a fat man to a skinny mule....
Militia Fun Day is the 19th of April and Hitler's birthday is the 20th
American Kristallnacht: Conservative Hatred Shatters The Peace
Just a ploy and are the Dems are falling for it!
So now the stupid mothefuckers are targeting the Senate Parliamentarian's house
The truth that Cantor and his ilk understand
Video: Elizabeth Warren’s Mission
Can't we just give them Texas?
Protesters to demand B of A freeze foreclosures.
Discovery channel boycott petition ---->
Health bill included **big Republican idea**: individual mandate
Latest GOP smear tactics here.
The text of the letter from Teddy Kennedy to President Obama that was made public during his speech
Stopped and questioned by the Border Patrol 7 times on a trip from San Diego to Phoenix and back
Breaking News: The bullet carved a backwards "B" on Cantor's cheek!
Nine straight nights without Lunesta and counting
I am in a "discussion" with right wingers regarding this piece of shit article...
Taking the Auto Train from Sanford ,FL Lorton , Virginia ...
For those who didn't watch/listen to the Senate HCR Reconciliation vote, Senator Lincoln, against
Pope Allegedly Knew About Wis. Pedophile Priest
Georgia Moving To IMPEACH Their Attorney General For NOT Signing On To HCR Repeal Suit!
Breaking news- Cantor bullet fired from potato gun!
Diary of a Wimpy Health Care Bill by Ross Ann DeMoro, Director, National Nurses United, AFL-CIO
Sen. Bennet Adopts An Insult the "Left" Strategy
Why "terrorists" are being "discovered" in Africa,Yemen, Somalia.
Glenn Greenwald: When presidential sermons collide.
Penguin Books paying for "Game Change" sequel
why the media was so focused on teabagger response to the bill
Can you imagine the Republican justifications in court?
Bwahahahahaha - chortle - bwahahaha...what an assclown....
To the people who have accepted Chris Reichter's apology:
U.S Consulate Blocks Award-Winning Journalist from Coming to Chicago
Unclear on the concept: Freeperland Thread Title
In all seriousness, why has DHS not raised the terrorist threat level?
Oh brilliant - let's allow the Cantor thing dominate the discourse.
Harry Mitchell (D-AZ) got death threats
Photos of Cantor's Office Window
DNC To Cantor: Stop Trying To Distract From The Real Issue On These Threats
David Frum "resigns" from AEI over "Waterloo, Most Crushing Defeat Since 60s" comments on GOP & HCR
Can't we just give them their own state?
What does "shots fired" sound like?
I called Eric Cantor's office at 3:44 PM, this is good......
Health Law Surprise Is Page 1,617 Demanding Which Drugs Work
Did you see McCain on TODAY show?
Scarborough: "I never hear these stories when it's Republicans receiving the threats"
Forget the right wing lying media, it's up to US to spread the word about the threat
Breaking News: George W. Bush is still an asshole
So Cantor says someone shot a bullet through his window
'National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Andy Sere said Perriello is not the victim.'
Midge Costanza, aide to Pres. Carter, ardent feminist and gay rights activist, dies of cancer
Who issues the GOP talking points? I hate to sound conspiratorial,
"Let's Give Thanks to Threatened House Democrats!"
I'm off to get in line for Obama's Iowa City speech!
HELP-Can we start a list of Dem Congressmen that have been Threatened
The Cantor story reminds me of a story that Molly Ivins used to tell about a TX state legislator
Lets be clear, we did NOT get health care reform we got health insurance reform....
Toyota used ‘secret recalls’ for floor mat issues
Toyota used ‘secret recalls’ for floor mat issues
We have a serious case of corporatism in this country.
Healthcare Reform Post-Mortem: What Obama Must Learn from the Victory
Here is how Health Care Reform is Bi-Partisan after all, at least in Spirit (RJ Matson cartoons)
Great phony stories ..... Eric Cantor I am looking at you.
Report: Hazmat incident at Rep. Weiner's district office
Please sign the Courage Campaign's petition re: Employee Nondiscrimination Act:
cops racial remarks after traffic stop caught on dash cam
Please, can somone point me to where I can find Eric Cantor's comments?
I think the enthusiasm of supporters of the Health Act will outmatch the protests of opponents
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Honored At Women's History Month Celebration - pics
I doubt it'll make much difference in the end, but I'm irked by the reporting on Cantor's office
Dylan Ratagan just ran a thirty minute add for the Teabag movement.
Andrew Breitbart is a psychopath.
Republicans ALWAYS play the victim/bully card
Police: Cantor Office Bullet Had Enough Energy To Break Window Pane, Not Enough To Pierce Blinds?
Democrats threatening people too?
Glenn Beck, Eugenics, and History
Ok. So what exactly are we doing here today re this apology?
TPM is OUR Politico, we should do more to support it......
Here is the press release from the Richmond police on Cantor's lies
If my home or business was shot at, the cops would be called IMMEDIATELY!
Indonesia upholds anti-pornography bill
HA HA HA Cantor story already has holes in it...
$$$ Millions Paid To KBR Mechanics For -43 MINUTES- A Month (Mother Jones)
These tea baggers screaming and yelling and posting addresses
The mods still have their work cut out for them
Back from Iowa City speech - with photos
Now we truly know why the GOP opposes health care reform
NY Times: Philadelphia youth instigate violent flash mobs, police get tough
who is this smiling creep republican on tweety...john shadegg??
Zogby on the GOP's totalitarian mindset
Looking back on all of it now, would you have liked to have seen a "trigger" public option?
Members of Congress Receiving Death Threats; Congresswoman Blames Sarah Palin's 'Rhetoric'
It is more likely that a gun rights activist fired at Cantor's office.
It is more likely that a gun rights activist fired at Cantor's office.
Columbus Go Home DC! Roy Beck, Tea Baggers, Undercover Feds, and Comprehensive European Reform!
Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down.' - Steve King R-IA
Eric Cantor, go fuck yourself, YOU are the one using the threat of violence for political gain
U.S. Congressman Cantor: I've Been Threatened Because I'm Jewish
How DARE dems ALLOW themselves to be targeted by our own KKK skinhead shock troops
A post for all Trolls and people shouting "Socialist"
Memo to all posters who are working tirelessly to salvage Cantor's story:
I want to see arrests, and charges under the PATRIOT ACT.
Republicans are playing the "Both Sides" card
Republican commentator David Frum loses job after criticizing GOP health-care strategy
Barbara Boxer mentioned that long-term care is part of the plan
MA ScottBrown voter irate about mandate!
Some talk about the possibility of a public option in new legislation now in Congress.
glen beck says 'democrats WANT some nut to kill them'
Training Them for Prison at An Early Age: A Playground ‘Jail’ for Children Stirs Controversy in NYC
Didn't Tweety say that Obama, Nancy and Harry's reconciliation
Insane: GOP State Legislators Threaten To Impeach Dem Attorney General For Not Suing
Cantor is running back to the mikes to clear up the missundersanding...
Georgia's AG refused the Gov. Sonny Perdue's request to sue
Scientists creating Frankenstein Mosquitoes
Are jazz lovers just seniors who go on jazz-themed cruises?
Iran Nuclear Plant Launch Unrelated To Sanctions: Russia
So how do we get Michelle Bachmann arrested for inciting violence with
If This Domestic Violence That We Are Seeing Happened Under BushCo.........
Protesters in Tbilisi, Georgia demand street named after * be renamed - pics
U.S. bases in Afghanistan say goodbye to Whoppers, DQ(Non-Essential to War Fighting)
Send Glenn BecKKK your used teabags.
Rugged, nude, Über-macho Scott Brown ain't afraid of no steenking Maddow: "And, er, bring her on."
Liberals: Hold your heads high and be proud.
OK, How is this supposed to work?
If you doubt Ratigan is devoted to pushing a "conservative" agenda
Call Me Crazy...Please! Part 2
My letter re:HCR printed today
Newt Gingrinch says Dems must take responsibility
Did the HC reform debate show us all the need for government to bust mega-trusts?
Eric Cantor thinks we'll take anything he says at face value
Genetic testing in light of HCR
Video: Steve King Runs From Dana Bash When Questioned About Inciting Protesters
It's no different than blaming the woman because she dressed provocatively...
What's your opinion about MSNBC playing RW crazies' threats over and over?
Can Freeps jump the shark? "NBC Nightly News incites, foments violence against Sarah Palin"
There WERE DUers enthusiastically defending Backwards B Girl against those "odious attack".
Cindy Sheehan: Whose Streets? (Our Streets between 1pm and 4pm With a Permit)
Tam High students invite Mississippi lesbian to attend prom (Mill Valley, CA)
You Will Never Sleep Through the Night Again - Threat to Dem Kathy Dahlkemper
Didn't Karl Rove break into his own office back in the '80s? Is Cantor doing
Social Security Has a Surplus Not a Deficit
I fear America isn't just going "left" or "right",
I completely believe that Cantor & other Republicans have been victims & condemn it
Congressman Reichert (R-WA) in hospital with head injury
That "What Has Jerry Brown Done To You" Video Is Interesting
Someone should tell Cantor that the GOP doesn't need Dem "help" to make them look bad
Tell the Republican Party to End the Racism (with video) Scary!!
Republicans Plan to Block Unemployment Benefits Again
Yet another Republican posting their hypocrisy on Facebook....
GOP Confronts New Political Reality On Health Care: Repeal ... And Then What?
The Importance of Being Counted (Pop. 842)
NRCC On Perriello: Perriello is Not The Victim -- His Constituents Are
How did Cantor lie about shooting at his office
Coburn Shoots Down Jobless Benefits Extension
Motor Crave:British Engineering Consultants Point to Electromagnetic Interference In Toyota Problems
Jimmy Fallon: 'I'm Just A Bill' Gets The Biden Treatment - video link
Israel PM walks tightrope after US trip
IBM to set world's largest development center in western China
How Did the 'Party of Responsibility' Become the Cheerleaders of Hate and Violence?
On the senate floor right now - "Compel Attendance of Absent Senators".
We are not 'doomed' in the midterms...we are going to kick ass...
Vivid offers OctoMom an out. They pay off her mortgage, if. . . . . .
The party of "no" and the party of "personal responsibility" have become
BWAHAHA! Joe Klein on Hardball just said the Repubs are doubling down on the Koolaid...
I heard earlier today that Bim Laden has a new tape
Meanwhile, in actual history: Pentagon relaxes 'don't ask, don't tell'
Wow! Just how many republicans visit this site?
Dennis Kucinich is a pretty cool guy. He passed health caer and doesn't afraid of anything.
POLL: Elderly HCR haters on Medicare claim to not be on Medicare
Anti-Chavez TV channel owner arrested in Venezuela
Hey, Texas School Board! For my 20,000th post, I give you Thomas Jefferson.
Approaching The Winger Terrorism Situation Locally
An Open Letter to Conservatives (AWESOME!!)
T-Paw pulls out of GOP cattle call
Boy left in tree because of school policy. This is really wierd.
10 Dems warn Kerry: Don't expand offshore drilling in climate change bill
Am I in the Twilight Zone? Rep. Burgess R-TX on the house floor?
US facing surge in rightwing extremists and militias
If your Senator is getting grief for today's Senate vote:
Crime mapping website. Just found it on line.
It's the 21st century, Wisconsin!
Why They Are Called Teabaggers
Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper Gets Threat: “You Will Never Sleep Through The Night Again”
I ask DU: Has the progressive left taken over the government and the country?
It's NOT Cantor's campaign office. Bldg occupied by a political consulting LLC, Marcus & Allen
Palin's Choice Of Violent Graphics Similar To Anti-Abortion Website That Lost In Court
I got to ask Alan Grayson 2 questions!
Senate Republicans hold up jobless benefits
I'm convinced that Cantor or some republican operative shot out his window
Back in the 80's, those of us in the environmental movement knew this moment was inevitable
Back in the 80's, those of us in the environmental movement knew this moment was inevitable
Freeper thinks that Israel would nuke Washington DC!
In the House, the oppo is parading one puke doc after another
Beck on Radio: Democrats are asking "What do we need to do to get these people to KILL US?"
The Tea Party is a White militant group.
The Tea Party is a White militant group.
True or False: Molesting kids is perfectly acceptable in certain situations.
Aren't conservatives supposed to be all about "Christian values"?
Balloon boy's dad gets home detention
A message to Republicans, freepers, teabaggers and other assorted mixed nuts:
Well, here we are- for a brief shining moment- united.
Free speech is one thing. THIS should be a crime in and of itself.
Beck's Sponser's' 800 Numbers Is it Futile to Try?
Call Me Crazy...Please! Part 2
So John King just repeated that Cantor's office was fired upon....
Rep. Reichert (R-Wa), records 'NO' on HCR while hospitalized using tax-paid congressional insurance.
Jesse James Highly Connected to Nazi and White Power Groups
Jesse James Highly Connected to Nazi and White Power Groups
PCIntern "quite probably" victim of attack...
Two New Polls Reveal Scary Beliefs Held by Conservative "Hatriots"
What is up with wanting to dump the 17th amendment all of a sudden?
What is up with wanting to dump the 17th amendment all of a sudden?
LOL: Mich. Governor directs AG to intervene against HIMSELF!
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
Freepers: so fucking stupid it's breathtaking. Freepers: Muslims can't eat with Jews
g.o.p. to it's f***wit base: 'Please don't kill anybody, okay'?
Republicans must be extremely desperate now, w/ Cantor lying about the random bullet that landed
Insurers to reject coverage for children in some cases until 2014.
Condom Maker Ranks States By, Well, Size
Glenn Beck says he wore a bullet-proof vest when FBI warned him of a threat on his life...
Seriously Cantor is no different than that girl who carved a "B" in her face and blamed Dems for it
There is rumbling and disquiet in my personal Freeperland - - - a couple of tiny observations
Folks, the Republicans are in total disarray
China's Female Astronauts: Must Be a Married Mom
WaPo headline: Rep. Cantor: Democrats 'fanning flame' on threats
Google: A bull in China's shop
Biden On 'Big F---ing Deal': Obama Loved It
Atlanta Journal Constitution: "The orange dude lost it"
Harkin: Public option backers eyeing second reconciliation bill
light a candle for where we are going (Neil Young)
Gibbs slams McCain, compares to six-year-old
Fla. Senate passes 'teacher tenure' bill-making it easier to fire teachers
If Eric Cantor's office was REALLY shot at
Obama 4 My Future - Meet Lil Barack - pics
When Less is More: The Case for Teaching Less Math in Schools
Richmond Police Statement On Cantor Office Vandalism
Beck suggests Obama administration "coming after him" and may kill him
Beck suggests Obama administration "coming after him" and may kill him
***Breaking on CNN**: white powder sent to Weiner's office.
***Breaking on CNN**: white powder sent to Weiner's office.
***Breaking on CNN**: white powder sent to Weiner's office.
Binyamin Netanyah humiliated when Obama dumped him for dinner
The REAL Fallout Of Cantor's Lie: The RW Nutbag Crazies Will NOW WANT TO ESCALATE
The Republicans must be desperate. They've called out Gingrich.
Argentines Remember the Disappeared — By Vanishing from Facebook
Another Chance for the Public Option
Anyone know how to get police reports from the cantor bullet situation.
A small observation about the RW rationale for the recent thuggery.
Republicans Turned Off By Size Of Obama's Package
Share the incomprehensible Facebook postings of your "friends" regarding HCR/domestic terror here!
Threats are receiving major coverage on all networks
Do You Know How much the Nuclear Industry Dosed YOU???
To all mail carriers: thank you so much
Founder of the Tea Party movement quote on tax protestors
**Breaking** American Enterprise Institute fires Frum
What if it's not just HFCS that's the problem, but all the corn we're eating?
New details emerge re Cantor’s camp office incident - shots outside office - occurred early in week
Turns out Cantor was caught LYING
I'm calling bullshit on Republicans receiving threats
I'm calling bullshit on Republicans receiving threats
The Angry Republican Mobs: The Next Chapter
Very Awesome Response - From Rep Moran's Aides To Tea Terrorists
I knew it--Discovery Channel really reveals itself
Are conservatives trying to start a second civil war?
THE ONION: Like Hell I'm Going To Let Some Black President Help Me Pay For Dialysis
How much better would America be had the 2000 election not been stolen?
I had a chilling thought: why hasn't our big agriculture been outsourced yet?
President Obama echoed my thoughts today in Iowa (he makes it easy to support him)
President Obama echoed my thoughts today in Iowa (he makes it easy to support him)
No Elected Democrats Ever Egged On Violence. No Liberals Are On TV Inciting On Violence-
Gravity OBVIOUSLY targeted Eric Cantor's office
Whoa, the Quitter has lost HASSELBECK (for now). Over the target map.
Obama snubbed Netanyahu for dinner with Michelle and the girls, Israelis claim
"Terrorism" - Are Fox News, RW Radio and the GOP Engaging In It Or Promoting It?
The Reason Republicans call Obama a Socialist, Hitler, The Anti Christ etc...
My rant to an Ex facebook friend yesterday before "defriending her"....
Social Security and Medicare Reform: Taking on "dirty, wasteful users of government entitlements"
Losing friends right and right over HCR
President Obama visits a bookstore while in Iowa - pics
The day after Obama was elected & Jeb called for a "shadow government" I thought abt starting a blog
Is the US just a modern day version of the ancient Roman Empire?
Dick DeVos launching aviation-themed charter high school - Could it be Amway Air?
"Stupak calls it what it is: "Domestic Terrorism""
They are not "We the People" they are
reporting something to facebook
Gap in health care law's protection for children
Honey Bee Deaths Linked To Pesticides.....
Tweety Just Showed The Clip Of The Congressmen Up On The Balcony Of The Capitol........
Xultar is a sneaky sneaky sneaky bad bad bhhhaaaad ghurl.
What Are Your Thoughts About the Federal Reserve?
Checked out the Eric Cantor story. No windows shot out.
Americans Saying `No' to Toyota After Recalls as Ford Leads Opinion Survey
TARRYL CLARK vs Sarah Palin & Michele Bachmann
Live in L.A.? Want to save Ballona Wetlands from Wall St.? Visit my thread in CA forum.. (link)
Live in L.A.? Want to save Ballona Wetlands from Wall St.? Visit my thread in CA forum.. (link)
Experts: One-third of breast cancer is avoidable
AEI Ordered NOT To Speak To Media Because "They Agreed TOO Much With What Obama Was Trying To Do"
AEI Ordered NOT To Speak To Media Because "They Agreed TOO Much With What Obama Was Trying To Do"
Why would liberal activists be attacking Republican lawmakers over a bill that PASSED?
Health Care Reform and the Political Outlook for Congressional Democrats in 2010
Without the Health Reform Insurance companies would have
They Throw Rocks; We Send Roses! Pelosi Birthday Rose Campaign: over 1,900 so far!!
BREAKING: Clay County, KY Election Officials Found Guilty of Election Fraud, Vote Buying
Obama condemns Cuba's 'clenched fist' repression
The World is Choking on Government Debt
5/09: 'Incredible: RNC ad features someone taking shots at Pelosi, blood running down the screen'
**BREAKING** Obama administration to order lenders to cut mortgage payments for jobless
"GOP Commentator David Frum Loses Job After Criticizing Party"
Ann, you have to be human first before you can lodge a human rights complaint.
Ann, you have to be human first before you can lodge a human rights complaint.
Why are conservatives so violent?
Back and still alive (picture heavy)
Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver brings "Food Revolution" to US
HCR Law of unintended consequences
Eric Cantor blames Democrats for 'fanning flames' on threats.
Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder Finally Explained: Too Many Chemicals
Mandate to buy Auto Insurance the same as Health Care Mandate...
Pope Benedict played DIRECT role in protecting priest who molested over 200 deaf boys
Please help me dispel the myth that all cyclists are socialists
As prices fall, strawberry farmers plow crops under
Let's Stop Trying to Use the "Car Insurance" Analogy to Justify the Insurance Mandate
Tea Party Blogger Hints That Pelosi’s Life Is In Danger, Warns Of ‘A Thousand Little Waco’s’
PROJECT: Collect online evidence of right-wing glee/approval of threats against Democrats.
The signing of the executive order on abortion made me think of Goldwater....
"Why, for decades, what's been called politically impossible is what most of the public has wanted"
Richmond Police Report: Cantor Lies Deliberately, Claim His Campaign Office Was Shot At Is A Lie
Richmond Police Report: Cantor Lies Deliberately, Claim His Campaign Office Was Shot At Is A Lie
A new song, a free MP3 download...
MSNBC Breaking: Republicans yell "I need unguent" and random "Fargo" quotes on House floor
For NotoriousPIG and Venus Rising with love.
I'm thinking of cutting back on everything.
Yes! Tonight I am eating cupcakes. Got a problem with that? LOL!
Dr. DemoTex's new book is out! On Amazon too!
That Staples "Low price" commercial is fucking annoying
LOST fans - explore the island at your leisure in "Just Cause 2"
Important moments in tech support
You can count on me not to judge you for having a head shaped like a football.A big giant football.
There's an F-ing mouse in the wall right next to me.
Black and white in Alabama. "You're my BEST ol' grandpa."
Kill all of the CATS!1 O.K., before I get banned here (
GOP's cow on the tracks "Swing Low Sweet Chariot"
If any of you see me in GD again, please
what do you think of tatooed eyebrows?
R.I.P. Robert Culp..... I guess they come in 4's not 3's.....
CNN: Palin Brokers Partnership of Tea Party & Snake Handlers, Welcomes Joe the Snake Handler
Gammera - Everyone's favorite fire breathing giant turtle
Elevator Etiquette Social Behavior Poll #473-B
Zeppelin's Stairway To Heaven, Whole Lotta Love covered by Mary J Blige
Those Whoppers robin eggs are pretty good.
Adorable... And completely narcissistic.
Ladies! Would you cheat on Sandra Bullock?
Nine straight nights without Lunesta and counting
"Dear Mom and Dad. You went to Paris without me. Welcome home. Fuck you."
A friend of mine has an editorial in the campus paper about responsible drinking.
Do you like the dark fatalistic novels of Thomas Hardy? If so...
I'm getting old and sentimental...
Thats not my name. That not my name.. Thats not my name...
I got my Wanda Sykes I'ma Be Me dvd came in the mail.
A warning to all conservatives radical or not
I love when I am sound asleep and lightening strikes my yard.
The economy is going to get worse here...
I guess I'm old, but I like Ginger Rogers. "Bachelor Mother" up next at TCM. Love it.
Hey, Symarip!!!! Just bought my iPad
Should I be worried - my cat can open doors now
the but tutcher has shifted obsessions, no longer is it cat posteriors
What TV personality died yesterday? I heard Brian Williams mention it but I didn't watch. nt
I was offered a Census Job! I am ecstatic!
Any great facebook groups to join?
I'm videotaping a wedding on Saturday. Tonight, at rehearsal, the groom was TRIPPIN.'
Bart Stupak has an amazing head of hair.
Any elder statesmen out there ever try Falstaff Beer - the original American IPA
Saddened to have just learned of the passing of the legendary singer Johnny Maestro
Whew. Just got back from getting a huge tattoo.
Japanese Foreign exchange student problems
What is this about? A question for... anyone.
Where the fuck is Desmond and Penny and where the fuck is Walter?
My latest boycotting effort will be with the cable channel TLC
It's the regional joke thread!
Why do people feel the need to be so mean on the net?
Jesse "Tiger" James? In addition to the tattooed Nazi, Bullock's hubby had 3 other mistresses
Overused words and phrases that need a long rest.
Vick's VapoRub a chest rub recommended by VA for nail fungus
Automatic shift drivers---are you a one footed driver or a two footed driver?
Breaking: Oranges will no longer be dyed to enhance color
New Russia-US Arms limitation treaty: How long till the RWers accuse Obama
O'Donnell about to show/discuss NO YOU CAN'T video on MSNBC
Administration: Health lawsuit 'without merit'
Did we just pass the Dole plan? Well, if so I am glad we did.
Garrison Keillor: A toast to your health
"Obama Approval Way Ahead of Nearly Everyone Else"
WOW Gates may relax enforcement of DADT, even pending cases.
1st rule of politics: Divide and Conquer. So why is the GOP trying so hard to unite Democrats?
Utah Democrats turn on Matheson
Our Dems are tough and strong now! The Republicans are crying assholes!
Facebook Page to watch out for
Color of Change Petition:Tell the GOP: Stop inciting and supporting hate
The Republican's new theme song.... "No You Can't!"
'Obama found his voice on healthcare' (Guardian UK)
We should call them domestic terrorists
In Today's Installment of "How the Senate Barely Turns" (about the Reconciliation Bill)
The greatest music video ever in the whole earth...universe even!
They're going to get sloppy as they feel the power go to their heads.
Mark my word, someone is going to get hurt because of this right-wing madness
Coffin placed on Rep. Carnahan's Lawn
Police release Frenchman who hacked Obama Twitter page
History lesson because history repeats itself....Meet Alf Landon
You could not have scripted a stupider response by the Republicans to the HCR
Teapartiers...the new black...GOP style
A little sampling of the discussion at Faux ONLINE about the FBI getting involved.
Gail Collins: Brave New Health Care World
Where the hell has Hillary been during the HCR debate? What could be so damn important?
Have you noticed that whenever the repugnant behavior going
They could put the Public Option in the bill now . From Huffington Post:
If the Republicans had acted as grown-ups
Hoyer confident House will re-approve final health bill fixes - they will vote today
Chairman Kerry And President Obama Discuss New U.S.-Russia START Treaty
Politico attempts to kneecap Armey/FreedomWorks
Right-Wing Terrorism Stoked by Conservative Leaders Again (Hypocrisy alert)
"Obama Delivers on His Promise of Change"
BREAKING: Senate will have to return health bill to House
"Treaty to cut US-Russia nukes; signing in 2 weeks"
Do you think we should be bombarding the repug lawmakers in our state to
Well now we know why the right loves their guns so much.
Protesters Bring Coffin To Rep. Carnahan's Home
I met Teabaggers in 2007-8 tabling and they are essentially cowards that run
We are being blamed by the wackos that we are trying to break up the teabagger movement.
Stocks rise on jobs recovery optimism
So would the republicans vote in favor of a public option amendment as a way to entangle the
Rethugs in full retreat mode: Senate GOP backs off; healthcare ‘fixes’ could pass Thursday
Holy Crap! Corker pitch: $10k dinner, $5k meeting
**Flash Back: Senator Barack Obama on his Health Care Proposals, Iowa City 5/07 **
Will Americans Reject the Party of "Hell No?"
Mark these words, if an elected official get hurt or killed, the GOP will not survive.
Final Senate vote scheduled for 2pm according to c-span
Joe Klein: Republican Kamikaze Ride
GOP congressional hopeful Corey Poitier Calls Obama "BuckWheat"
Republicans speaking about the recent violence.
MSNBC: Mitchell with Rep. James Clyburn about threats.
Reconciliation Bill Passes Senate.
Iowa is giving Obama a very Presidential welcome!
Violent threats against 10 Democrats (and growing) vs 1 Republican seems fair and balanced to me
"so after I signed the bill, I looked around..."
Lol... Did I just see a Repeal HCR/Michelle Bachman banner ad on DU?
Obama to repeal-minded Republicans: 'Go for it'
Blanche Lincoln voted NO (on amendments)
Dem AG In Georgia Faces Impeachment Threat For Not Suing Government Over Health Care
Kerry Lauds Senate Passage of Health Insurance Reform
PHOTO Look, I'm sorry, but it IS a big fucking deal
HAHAAHAA! Turn To MSNBC Now! Deafening Cheers For Obama From Iowans!
Ha! GOP Threats to Reconciliation are a Dud
Beware of the "Reichstag Fire" strategy...
What's up with the fainting people at these rallies?
Obama: 11 Point Bump In Gallup In The Last Week!
**Heads Up!: Biden Presiding Over the Senate!**
"Funny" how the MSM is telling us that Repub. leaders "denounce all violence"
"We are not going back....this Country is Moving Forward!" - POTUS
Thank your Senator RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!!!11!!!!
GOP: "We're a party of peace!"
Man, i LOVE this student loan thing. It's so HUGE
Kilmeade wonders if "Democrats are using" threats of violence "to their advantage" (VIDEO)
I have Tivo but it would be better to have free on demand television.
Teabaggers promote hate, commit acts of violence, and then lie, claiming it's all a misunderstanding
MSNBC: Ratigan with Andrew Breitbart
Let's give credit where credit is due, Elisabeth Hasselbeck just called out Sarah Palin. . .
**** Heads Up: Barack Obama Returns to Iowa City! Live, 2pm EDT! ****
Obama stops by independent bookstore in Iowa today
Desktop wallpaper: Boehner's prediction of Armageddon after HCR bill signing...
Weiner just got a substance in a package
What's the Republican game plan?
Obama & Administration: Cat Herders
After whipping "the lunatic fringe of their base into a frenzy," Republicans fear losing control
David Frum and the Closing of the Conservative Mind
TPM: Final House Vote Expected Between 8:30 and 9:30 Tonight
Tom Toles is worth a thousand words
Tell the Congressional leadership to jointly denounce incendiary talk & violence!
SOCIALISM??? SOCIALIST?? The Teabaggers use this shit frequently to describe Obama;....Tthe AUDACITY
Stephene Moore is in for Congress
Ratigan, Ratigan, Ratigan......
Political speech is protected, but incitements of violence are not protected forms of speech.
Anybody but Bob? Bennett may be in big trouble
There are things I hate about the HCR law.
Paul Hickey announces he won't run for governor
Tancredo backs congressional candidate with McCain ties
Cantor lies about office being targeted
Reconciliation Bill Passes in the Senate 56-43!
What does Health Care Reform mean to you?
C-Span Live: House debating Reconciliation bill rule now. Amusing watching R's. Vote about 9PM.
Cantor and 'Fanning The Flames'
The first half hour of tonight's Rachel Maddow show should be required viewing for Congress
PA: Nutter to endorse Williams for governor
"The lunatics committing these crimes don't even know what they're so upset about"
Republicans march on Washington
***HEADS UP*** US House begins final debate on Reconciliation Bill
"Richmond Police Statement On Cantor Office Vandalism"
A Quote that will simply give you the Chills!
CNN's adopts RNC approach w/t Blitzer: "Democrats and Republicans accusing each other of Violence".
Damn it, Obama! Every "Yes We Did!" just means another "Yes We Can!"
W.H.: Obama to be covered under new health market
MSNBC Tamera Hall doing bad reporting! Geeze!
* Wisconsin Governor Tells His AG To Bag Lawsuit Against Reform:
Rep. LaTourette, R, Ohio: The president's summit with Repubs reminded him of Braveheart
Obama administration to order lenders to cut mortgage payments for jobless
Gallup: Everyone likes HCR except old white people who are not even much affected by it
On the other huge reform passed by the Senate today, SAFRA, Kerry paraphrases Biden
WA-Sen: Murray With 11-Point Edge Over Rossi
Boycott the Discovery Channel- sign the petition
"They are not only ignorant. They are proud of it"
A look at Obama's health care overhaul law
Now that they were given the free shot by rapublicans to add public option back in,
Cartoonist Tony Auth nails the GOP!
Kaiser: Updated Health Care Subsidy Calculator
Weiner the Wonder Rep to Bill O "You're making stuff up!"
PHOTOS Well hello Barack Stroud!
The Carnahan Coffin - NOT a threat against the Representative.
Check in if you're really proud of the Dems. in the Senate tonight.
GOP senators warn Obama of using recess appointment for labor board
Scott Brown can no longer justify acts of lunacy. As for McCain...
Scott Brown - The Democrats will stop at nothing
PHOTOS President buys a cure for insomnia
Alan Grayson Announces Bid For Presidency As Sarah Palin's VP!!!!
I just got a call from the RNC
Wilcox rallies crowd for Arpaio indictment
McCaskill Annoyed By GOP Tactics
(Iraq PM) Maliki Aide Warns of Postvote Violence if Sunni Group Wins
City of Fremont prepares for NUMMI closure’s ripple effects
Union workers will serve fans at new Twins ballpark
After Health Vote, Democrats are Threatened
Threats, obscenities hit Stupak office after vote
Bar assault leads to hate-crime verdict
Senate Dems defeat initial GOP attacks on health care 'fixes' bill
Video: Elizabeth Warren’s Mission
Kicking a dying man - a tale of US 'care'
Warned About Abuse, Vatican Failed to Defrock Priest
New Moore Island No More As Island Disappears
AP Sources: U.S.-Israeli Talks End Without Accord
Bee Pollen And Hives Laden With Pesticides,
Coral reef on Lord Howe {Island} bleached by summer
YouTube disappears from the web
NY lawmaker Slaughter receives 'snipers' threat
AZ-based border Minuteman group calls it quits
GOP challenges send health bill back to House
Argentines Remember the Disappeared — By Vanishing from Facebook
(Betsy) Markey (CO-4) threatened amid health care vote
Forest loss slows, as China plants and Brazil preserves
Obama hits the road to sell health care overhaul
U.K. Court Allows Extradition of Lawyer in KBR Bribery Case
FBI Investigating Threats Against Democrats
Bank of America to Reduce Mortgage Balances
Eric Canor (r) saying it's DEMOCRATS fault for POLITICIZING the threats agains DEMOCRATS
CIA prepared birthday cake for double agent who bombed Afghan base
(Ia Gov.) Culver backs Obama plan
(IN-9:) Baron Hill reports death threats in wake of health care vote
Social Security to See Payout Exceed Pay-In
Initial jobless claims drop more than expected
FEC Complaint Filed Against Grayson
Cuban Americans filling planes to homeland
Senate Republicans Hold Up Jobless Benefits
Schauer says he got death threat on health care vote (total of three Dems in MI)
Half of U.S. Home Loan Modifications Default Again
Iowa Democratic congressman Braley receives threats over his support of health care bill
GAMC agreement passed by (Mn) House and Senate (35,000 low-income chronic mental health problems)
Toyota used ‘secret recalls’ for floor mat issues
Palin 'has been vocal about condeming violence,' aide says
Harry Mitchell (D-Ariz) gets death threats over health care vote
BREAKING: Clay County, KY Election Officials Found Guilty of Election Fraud, Vote Buying
Bin Laden Threatens to Kill U.S. Prisoners
US President Barack Obama asks for $2.8bn for Haiti
France, Germany Agree To Involve IMF In Greece Bailout Package
NY congressman gets threatening letter (Weiner)
'Renaissance man' of evolutionary biology wins coveted $1.5M Templeton Prize
Two Indiana congressmen report threat calls to offices
Senate will have to return health bill to House
Rep. Cantor's Richmond Campaign Office Shot at Overnight
RAF catches Russian bombers in UK airspace
Pelosi, Hoyer blame GOP for inciting vandalism, threats
Military Restructures Afghanistan Police Contract, Blackwater-Linked Army Office Stripped of Control
US slave ship replica sails into Old Havana harbor
Ezra: "How does the individual mandate work?"
Pentagon spooks heavy Aussie battler for revealing secrets on WikiLeaks
Revamping of Student Loans Approved by Senate
SEC Probing Two Hedge Funds: Report
Woman 'ogled': airport worker warned over body scanner use
GOP congressman (Issa) calls for hearings into threats against Democrats
Deal reached over World Trade Center site
Franco-German deal reached over Greece's debts
Nearly 300 Congress members declare commitment to 'unbreakable' U.S.-Israel bond
Saudi Arabia announces arrest of 110 Al Qaeda suspects
Gingrich blames Democrats for rising tide of threats, violence
UPDATED 9:30 a.m.: 3 apparently dead in Brownsville medical helicopter crash, sheriff says
Obama dares Republicans to seek healthcare repeal
Obama demands Netanyahu’s peace answers by Saturday
CBS Poll on President Obama being freeped
El Salvador publicly marks Archbishop Romero's killing for first time
Condom sent to Democrat who voted for health care bill
Text Book State Terrorism in Honduras: Death Squad Kills Teacher in Front of Students
Frum Exits Conservative Think Tank
Gates eases ban on gays in the military
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday March 25
McCain, Palin to campaign together in Arizona
Obama administration to order lenders to cut mortgage payments for jobless
Grieving mothers blame baby slings for infant deaths
States shed government jobs as revenue plummets
Divorce attorney says Dennis Hopper is dying
Man who threw money at Parkinson’s patient calls behavior ‘shameful’
Police: Bullet That Hit Cantor Campaign Office Window Was Randomly Fired In Air A Long Way Off
Vatican says media in "ignoble attempt" to smear pope
Warned About Abuse, Vatican Failed to Defrock Priest (who molested as many as 200 deaf boys)
Another US Internet company pulls back in China (Go Daddy)
Si Se Puede- The Immigration Rally on Washington DC Mar 21st 2010
March for America and Immigration Reform Si se puede 3 21 10
Rep. Chris Van Hollen: "It's Time There Be Some Adult Supervision Within The Republican Party!"
Bush torture architect John Yoo shouted down at UVA speech pimping his new book
Two Philadelphia Homeowners Choose Death Over Foreclosure
Countdown: Barney Frank Talks About How He Handles Homophobic And Violent Insults
TYTJames Cameron on Glenn Beck
Michael McDonald (feat. Billy Preston) - What's Goin' On
NYT corrects ACORN story, but damage is done
Healthcare Armageddon for Dummies
Rachel Maddow On The Republican Base's Violent Intimidation Tactics & The GOP's Culpability
We Don't Need This GOP Fascist Tea Party Thang
Nancy Skinner on Fox Business talking about Bank of America's Mortgage Buy Downs
For Rachel Maddow on Her Birthday
Catholics United's Health Care Vigil outside of Capitol building
Rachel Maddow's 'robocall' against Scott Brown's weird lies and smears about her
GLEE: Sue's Corner - Sneaky Gays
HCR protesters grow violent. (including Rove repeating 'birth pangs' defense)
Cantor Lies Through His Teeth About The Shooting & Says It's The Dems Who Are Fanning The Flames
Vatican Had Halted Trial for Accused Priest
New DNC Video DEMOLISHES Mitt Romney
Rachel Maddow & Sherrod Brown on Republican Senatorial POUTRAGE!
BraveNewFilms: Tell the Republican Party to Stop Supporting Tea Party Racism!
Rove: Unsophisticated Tea Partiers Responsible For Unfortunate Incidents
Obama On GOP Running On Repeal: 'Go For It'
Rachel Maddow On Republicans Going Maniacal (Contains Disturbing Phone Calls Stupak Has Received)
Obama Mocks Republican 'Armageddon' Rhetoric (Again)
Fox News' Shep Smith Blames Political Rhetoric For Threats Of Violence
AM760 David Sirota Delivers Petition to Senator Bennett
Columbus Go Home DC! Roy Beck, Tea Baggers, Undercover Feds, and Comprehensive European Reform!
Why are the Republicans calling for a return to slave breaking?
Weiner To O'Reilly- 'You're Making Stuff Up'
Elisabeth Hasselbeck calls out Sarah Palin
TYT: Liberal Blogosphere Pissed at TYT?
9 mind-numbing minutes...Fox anchor defends Coulter to Canadian who says she got what she deserved
TYT: Proof - Glenn Beck = The Joker! (From Batman)
Black Teabagger defends Tea Parties on MSNBC
Great video! TYT: Cenk on MSNBC 'Mixes It Up' on HC Reform & Israel
Rethuglicans Take Credit for 'Home Scare Reform'
The Republican Party Is Turning Into A Cult - time to reprise this great article
Joe Conason: The Right-Wingers Who Cried Wolf
Gene Lyons loves the sound of Republicans whining in the morning
Podcast Recommendation: America's "Empire of Illusion"
Behind Consumer Agency Idea, a Tireless Advocate - Elizabeth Warren
Social Security to See Payout Exceed Pay-In This Year
Journalist Allan Nairn Facing Possible Arrest in Indonesia for Exposing US-Backed Forces Assassinate
Kicking a dying man - a tale of US 'care'
Right-wing death threats rise: Republicans should condemn Rush Limbaugh
Following NFL, GOP Devises New 'Overtime Rules'
The GOP Response to the Intimidation Campaign Against Democrats (TIME)
Lawmakers play with fire by pushing weapons bill
NY Times..Laurie Goodstein:. Pope failed to defrock priest who molested 200 boys
So George Washington was a socialist, too!
Time for 2020 Vision in Washington
I Am Just a Dreamer and You are Just a Dream
America's Year of Living Dangerously
ENOUGH with the Violence-Make your voice Heard
Stewart Lee Udall -- 1920-2010. A Personal Memoir.
Anglophobia on the rise in Israel
"Shallow Throat": Obama, the GOP and "Potomac Fever"
Per the CBO: Not everyone will be insured? Can this be refuted please?
Bill Gates Bets On Next-Gen Nuclear
An open letter to conservatives
Will ABC Let Amanpour Be Amanpour?
New Moore Island No More - DISAPPEARS into the sea!
EPA R&D Chief: Green chemistry will guide US into a sustainable future
Eating less meat and dairy products won’t have major impact on global warming
Coral reef on Lord Howe {Island} bleached by summer
Without Affordable Clean Alternatives, South Africa Turns to Coal
New boreal forest biomass maps produced from radar satellite data
Illegal Fishing Off W. African Nations Hauling In 10 - 22% Of Global Fisheries Output
S. America, Caribbean Nations Brace For Dengue - 146,000 Cases YTD - 2X 2009 Total - AFP
Poisonous Tropical Algae, Native To Queensland, Advancing In Murray River - Now 3% Of Bloom Biomass
Right Whale Dieoff Hits Argentine Patagonia - From 30 To 100+ Deaths Annually Since 2007
Indonesia Has Lost 2.2 Million Hectares Of Mangroves - More Than Half - In Less Than 30 Years
Republican Tactics Prevent Hearings On Expedited Thinning Of Beetle-Killed Forests In Colorado
EPA Releases Public Database on Risk Assessments
Merchant Fleets Can Substantially Cut CO2 Output Up To 40%, Lower Fuel Consumption By Slowing Down
Costs of Fuels To the Electric Power Sector.
Amazing Image Of New "Cryptic Gecko" Species Discovered In Cambodian Forests - Mongabay
Move over predators: Plants can control the food chain too -- from the bottom up
Sarkozy Government Shelves Carbon Tax - France Had Been Only Major Economy Possibly Enacting One
Safer nuclear reactors could result from Los Alamos research
Forest loss slows, as China plants and Brazil preserves
"Continuous And Drastic Reduction" In All NE Antarctic Peninsular Glaciers
Bathing and showering: Under-appreciated sources of water pollution from medicines
CITES Bats 1.000 - Zero New Protections For Any Marine Species, Sole Exception Withdrawn - AFP
Secretary Chu Op-Ed on Small Modular (Nuclear) Reactors in the Wall Street Journal
Sweden considers reversing 30 year decision to phase out nuclear power.
Dust Storm Blots Out Sun Across Nigeria - Result Of Unseasonable Harmattan Winds - AP/USA Today
Why Baseload Is Irrelevant To The Power Discussion
Blueprint for “artificial leaf” mimics Mother Nature
More economical process for making ethanol from non-food sources
UTEP's Tony Barbee heading to Auburn
"GM? We don't need need no stinkin' GM..."
Two Decades Later, New Jersey Teams Play 'Greatest Game Never Played'
Hey Con, where were YOU today????
NHL union gives final blessing to head shot rule
Five schools have teams in both women's and men's Sweet 16
Most egregious call in NCAA Tourney history?
NFL personnel men concerned by marijuana 'epidemic' in draft class
Some Skaters Skip Worlds for Post-Olympic Whirl
El Salvador: UN rights expert hits out against rise in killings of women and girls
Ecuador will not forget China's "mistreatment": president
Hugo Chavez extends Easter to save energy
Caracas running out of water too
Cuba eyes foreign investment to halt sugar decline
Anti-Chavez TV channel owner arrested in Venezuela
IACHR hears case on violence against migrants traveling through Mexico
Text Book State Terrorism in Honduras: Death Squad Kills Teacher in Front of Students
Colombian court slams the brakes on mining corporation
US slave ship replica sails into Old Havana harbor
UPDATE 1-World Bank OKs $1.25 bln for Mexico health insurance
Free Trade Undermining Rights in Peru
Obama condemns Cuba's 'clenched fist' repression
French Personalities Condemn US Blockade of Cuba
Violence, Fraud and Elections:Voting Under the Gun in Colombia
Venezuela has Huge Natural Gas Deposits, but a shortage looms
Anti-Chavez TV channel owner arrested in Venezuela
Latin America forum DUers who have been to Cuba (or lived there) - check in thread.
Assad: It's either peace or war
Petraeus to Ashkenazi: I never said Israeli policy endangers U.S.
Israel 'to defy Barack Obama' over settlements
The fallacy of Netanyahu's worldview (Carlo Strenger)
Obama 'humiliated' Netanyahu at meeting
Community to Rally for Laid-Off Whirlpool Workers
Plumbers help out homeowners (low income seniors and disabled homeowners) on ‘Water’s Off’ day
Next scare tactic: Unions want to take over your 401k
Today in Labor History Mar 25, 146 workers are killed in a fire at New York’s Triangle Shirtwaist
Trumka Condemns Threats and Violence Directed at Health Care Supporters
'Dispute Won’t Harm $3 Billion Aid To Israel'
A Free Solution to the Jobs Crisis: End China’s Currency Manipulation
Obama snubbed Netanyahu for dinner with Michelle and the girls, Israelis claim
Israel Glorifies Its Own Murderers
Discharging gays to draw more scrutiny in military (xpost from GD)
David Robichaud of WBZ fails to apologize for homophobic statement
An Open Letter to Dr. Laura Schlesinger
Vengeance Is Mine, Says the Bishop of Portland
Well, I couldn't get in touch with my parents yesterday. Kept getting an operator recording
Well, I couldn't get in touch with my parents yesterday. Kept getting an operator recording
U.S. Gun Ban as supported by Hillary Clinton
Would-be burglar gets lead instead (Georgia, where it's legal to defend yourself)
Preliminary approval for carrying concealed weapon without permit
MSNBC: Utah, Florida help non-residents pack guns
Arming the Left: Is the time now? --by Charles Southwell
Doonesbury vs. Starbucks gun 'activists.' Day four.
History lesson: 1792 law madated private purchases
MSNBC: 22 minutes for a concealed-weapon permit(Washington State)
Yes, it was chilly out there...
Attention, Aiman fans! Blue_in_CA has a new blog post
Universe May Have Billions More Stars
Bending Gravity, Researchers Capture Star-Birthing Region 10 Billion Light Years Away
Light bends matter, surprising scientists
Hannity and Carlson dislike science
Nancy Pelosi's birthday alert!
my middle sister's phone call last week
Venus in Taurus and a little help please...
Any astrologers have thoughts on the current right wing threats
Israeli settlements buried two-state solution
Not near as many NCAA Basketball post as last week. Did somebody lose?
Diocese punishes homeless charity because its leader supports gay marriage
Warned About The Sexual Abuse Of 200 Deaf Boys, Vatican Failed to Defrock Priest
Catholics cancel Stupak speech over healthcare vote
Russian officials involved in multimillion-dollar bribery scandal with Daimler
Regulated or Not, Nano-Foods Coming to a Store Near You
Decoding an Ancient Therapy-High-Tech Tools Show How Acupuncture Works in Treating Arthritis, Back P
News from the job market front - college graduates
Education suffers from so much test-based accountability
A ‘Jail’ for Children Stirs a Ruckus in Brooklyn
OMG check out this video from a school board candidate
Teachers fear retaliation for complaining to board about Santa Clara County Alternative Schools
About 100 protest University of Nevada, Reno, education department cuts
Fired teachers defend their positions (Central Falls, RI)
Teacher arrested for allegedly teaching drunk
Deliberately punish one who is known to merely resemble a particular criminal.