The Six Worst Things About Health Care Reform
Seems everything is a big F---ing deal. An email I got for the weekend activites in my city
So, Mean Jean got a nasty phone call
UPDATED: Ohio Supreme Court stops Brunner depositions
We all make snap judgments about people. We may be aware of it and consciously try
Heinrich Introduces Bill To Help Military Families Extend Health Care Coverage
My un-official unemployment poll for March 2010...
Great discussion on the violence on KOs program
DNA test frees man in prison for 26 years-served more than half his life in prison
Republicans charge that they are victims of threats and violence
Is there a CNN poll showing 2/3 of Americans support the GOP's obstructionist tactics?
As I watch the last 10 minutes of the final HCR vote I am reminded
PLEASE HELP. I am catching hell on facebook because this health care bill passed
PLEASE HELP. I am catching hell on facebook because this health care bill passed
"Bill would fully restore gun rights to some felons"
Sure...The right wing would never
Oh Cantor, Democratic Representatives have not been yelling "liar" "baby killer" from the floor.
The teabaggers in twitter are saying Anti-Israel, Jewish hating progressives fired shots @ Cantor
MarketWatch: The new Capitalist Anarchy and the Lobbyist Bubble
Bill Kristol has all the fucking answers on HCR, just like he had all the fucking answers on Iraq.
Despite Initial Denials, Young GOPers Headed To Blackwater Compound For Fundraiser
"Is your choice of words inciteful or ignorant?"
Let me tell you why I am SO PROUD of the Democrats through this convoluted, seemingly endless voyage
Senate Begins Game Of Chicken With Unemployment Benefits: update
White House, labor to vote-switchers: We won't forget
Reconciliation didn't fix the gap in PEC coverage for children, did it?
"Fresh Air" has great interview of Mark Potok of the SPLC-- teabaggers, Patriots...
Here's a riddle for you! Q: What do you call a Republican who tells the painful but honest truth?
So my browser just fucked over a huge rant I had typed out
The truth is ReTHUGS were terrified that the HCR Bill would pass
The truth is ReTHUGS were terrified that the HCR Bill would pass
‘KopBusters’ Couple Lose Son Over Misdemeanor Pot Charge
Senate Begins Game Of Chicken With Unemployment Benefits:
I'm Feeling Very Giddy About a Repug Washout in.....
wasn't the vote 219 on Sunday? Does anyone know who flipped?
Food Riots or Food Rebellions?
Sonny Perdue to seek lawsuit against health care plan....even if the (black) GA Atty Gen says No
How Does It Feel To Be On The WINNING Team!
Understandably, there have been quite a few questions here today about
David Frum Just Proved That "Conservative Think Tank" Is An Oxymoron !!!
Judge could be Supreme Court contender (Diane Wood)
Schadenfreude alert: David Frum lost his health insurance when he got canned by the AEI..
The Tea Party is a fraud, just another name for the GOP rank-and-file
Senate looks at suicide on Indian reservations
Maricopa County Supervisor Calls for Sheriff Joe's indictment at rally
Man, it seems like a lot of conservatives lack conscience
Heavily Censored Afghan Documents Raise New Questions About Transfers
John Kerry makes move to protect whales
wow, I've tried to stay out of the Facebook mess....
wow, I've tried to stay out of the Facebook mess....
Living in these interesting times, I just want to give a big shout-out to the Internet
Obama's in charge he's got the momentum go ahead and fix Social Security.
Frum was the only "think" in the AEI "think tank"...
This is how I feel about health care bill passing
Any body been able to find an email for Discovery Channel/TLC?
I was just thinking: It took a woman and a man of color to finally pass HCR in America
I was just thinking: It took a woman and a man of color to finally pass HCR in America
UK ministers are exaggerating the terrorist threat, say MPs
Mandatory Thursday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
How on Earth did THIS happen??? (James Baker Gets "Truman Award")
Your next SCOTUS choice (alleged top three contenders)
GOP craziness spreads to the state house; MO rep shouts "LIAR" at a Dem rep
The radical right to lifers ought to target the Republicans, not Dems.
Nevadans--question about Searchlight rally
Well Thank You Congressman Dan Lipinski (D-IL 3rd) For Voting No On Health Care........
Anesthesia may increase Alzheimer's risk (hmmm....)
Something special-one of Ted Kennedy's last speeches on the Senate floor
NJ Giving Over $300 Million in Tax Breaks for New Casino, while cops and teachers to be laid off
There's one positive to Sarah Palin doing a reality show...
Anyone know if Jon Stewart is in re-runs this week?
Democrats need to remind ADVERTISERS on FOX News that THEY TOO will be held to account for violence
Publishing Executive Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Has Died
Did you hear the one about Pres. O leaving B.Netayahu behind so he could eat dinner with his family?
Jason Mattera...hannity show: Interuptus corruptus...wrote book nitpicking moments
Health bill may exempt top Hill staffers
Hitting the Ann Coulter nail on the head
Just in: Democrats had a damn good week in this week's R2000 poll
Don't the voice mail messages that Stupak received prove something?
FDA considers tanning bed ban for under 18
banging my head against the tea bagger wall
Just checked in a regular rural type Alabama person who's travelling for some type of business.
Am I nuts or do the Feds investigate threats/attacks on major Cong. leaders?
Am I nuts or do the Feds investigate threats/attacks on major Cong. leaders?
Rock Photographer Jim Marshall has Died
Rock Photographer Jim Marshall has Died
Thoughts on Frum's firing by AEI
Does the Tea Party movement remind you of the militia movement of the 90s?
Our law is WRONG..not ...if a 'reasonable person would'..but 'if an insane, disburbed person would'
Which two Sente DINOs voted no? Ben Nelson and Joementum?
One of the most amazing things.. which probably would never happen..
David Dreier is saying we are "under martial law rule" on C-SPAN
Conservative KXNT talk radio host: Tea Party Express is really GOP Express
The Somali Pirates' Business Model
220 to 207 Reconciliation Passes
Facebook linked to rise in syphilis
Hearing could result in end of Hadithah case
Sub New Mexico ($2.7 billion dollars) to be commissioned Saturday
NPR Stops Using 'Pro-Life' and 'Pro-Choice' Terms
Gates guarded in assessment of Afghan surge (Oops. Another $33 billion down the rathole.)
Pendleton E-9 killed in Afghanistan
Morning Joe and Fox- no mention of Cantor yet
U.S. electrical grid probed but not yet attacked, says paper
I don't think Ron Paul got this much airtime when he
Very easy and very fair way to fix social security - just apply a flat payroll tax
Very easy and very fair way to fix social security - just apply a flat payroll tax
Spot on analysis on Smirking Chimp...
Senators express concerns over prescription-drug use in military
Washington Journal... taking calls from Repugs and teabaggers only.
Morning Shmuck Running With Cantor's Lies
Wow, Mika looks like she was hit by a bus.
HCR Unconstitutional? I Think Not!
(USMC) Conway Concerned With Gays in Barracks
Transfer cleared by Pope, and so the guy transfered, molests kids again.
Can Partners of Gay Soldiers Get Benefits?
Soldier of Conscience Granted Clemency, Released
Internet Crime Schemes - from Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)
I'm looking at my Mama's WWII 'War RationBook" - book 2
GOP Senate Candidates Say They'll Stay If Thompson Runs (WI Senate)
Why migrant workers are shunning China's factories.
Fixed, passed and delivered.....happy birthday speaker pelosi
Morning Schmo refuses to address him as PRESIDENT Obama, he calls him Barack Obama
Pentagon rebukes general for opposing repeal of 'don’t ask, don’t tell' law
Democrats, President Obama put republicans on their heels
Think you're done, Democrats on Capitol Hill? THINK AGAIN.
Medical marijuana card arrives more than two months after cancer patient died
Hemet Man Uses Boy, Cat Scam To Burglarize Homes
Hemet Man Uses Boy, Cat Scam To Burglarize Homes
Amazing but true: Taco Bell robbed of food
Cougar (from Frontier Airlines) asks, "Who wouldn't like five more inches?"
Turned on C-span from B ball .... Louie Gohmert is batshit crazy
112 Best Free Downloads, Sites, and Services: The Full List
Danziger cleanly sums up another one...
Does the left need the right, and the right the left?
US sees non-OPEC oil output growth ending in 2011
US sees non-OPEC oil output growth ending in 2011
Congress Overhauls Student Loans, Bank Lobbying Defeated, $40 Billion Higher Education Boost
g.o.p. praying for a timmy mcveigh to come forward
"Avatar" Director James Cameron blasts Glenn Beck: "Glenn Beck is a fucking asshole!"
Remember fragging incidents in Vietnam?
My vehicle was keyed today. Do you think it was my Obama/Biden bumpersitcker?
Shredded American flag doused in gasoline sent to Democrats...
Shredded American flag doused in gasoline sent to Democrats...
You know that shit only heats up in the summer
You know that shit only heats up in the summer
Prediction: The Teabag movement will die out as Spring progresses in the east
"DROP DEAD": White Powder Package Sent to Rep. Weiner's Office
Man With Rare Blood Antibody Saves Over 2 Million Babies
Rove: I did not want Cheney as VP
Rove: I did not want Cheney as VP
The original tea party was against the world's largest corporation of the time
The left is going to go nuts-Limbaugh
The cornerstone of a healthy breakfast - pic
Hey Sarah P.!!!! You know that hopey changey thing???
It's going to get worse over the weekend
So is all that Patriot Act Eavesdropping Equipment being used to track down these Threats?
Hope I can get some DU help-Looking for free Aspergers help for my brother in MA
Any Obama job approval poll coming soon?
Singer Johnny Maestro dead at 70
Handling bad PR turns sticky for Nestle
Handling bad PR turns sticky for Nestle
DO NOT take your eyes off the bastids.
Vatican Criticized For Not Defrocking Wis. Priest
What "Repeal" Would Do Away With
A county supervisor in California wants to ban Happy Meal toys
Pentagon Wants $33B More for Afghan War
Okay! Time for bipartisanship - let's get rid of the mandate & keep the rest of the bill.
AND DLC/pro-corporate Dems should WANT THE MANDATE REPEALED because:
Tea Party wants Federal Job Creation
You want your Death Panels - read about this horrible case from DE Blue Cross
FAUX News, complicit in the lies of Eric 'the Clown' Cantor
Obama's Next Move - Fighting Foreclosures
Obama's Next Move - Fighting Foreclosures
Rep. Snyder reports threat over health care vote (assassination threat)
Rep. Snyder reports threat over health care vote (assassination threat)
Time Mag's article on Andrew Breitbart...Politico "something facsinating but deplorable"
Dear Friends, not every bad act in the world is perpetrated by the U.S.
Dear Friends, not every bad act in the world is perpetrated by the U.S.
Palin family portrait. On picture worth a thousand words? Look away, Bristol, look away.
Boehner excuses GOP encouraging threats again...
Confidence Among U.S. Consumers Is Unchanged This Month in Reuters/University of Michigan Index
sarah palin re-teams with ex-running mate Sen. john mccain to boost aging pol's re-election bid
Pit bull dog attacks a Chattanooga police car
Gasoline-Drenched Flag Sent to Betty McCollum Result of Bachmann/Palin-type Rhetoric on Health Care
I had no idea Congresswoman Louise Slaughter was 80!
Bringing Coal Mountain Mud to Chase
Naval battle between UAE and Saudi Arabia raises fears for Gulf security
Thank Senator Hagan (Calling for Climate Change Legislation)
Seattle Times Calls For Medical Marijuana Dispensaries-"Our Law Is Unfairly Restrictive"
N.Korea Vows Nuclear Attacks To Defend Its Regime
Asia Times: Obama Squeezed Between Israel and Iran
Here's a good retort I just saw on Face Book (long but worth it)
Question for DUers who are Legally Minded: When does Tea bagger/Palin conduct shift from free speech
What if today's Republicans got to rewrite the inscription on the Statue of Liberty?
Nuclear waste piles up, and it's costing taxpayers billions
I married a Republican - by twigg
LiveBlog with U.S. Senate Candidate Cal Cunningham Right Now
dear fuckwad freepers Mengerian and Musicman, you're nothing but filthy racist pigs
It's been an impressive couple of weeks.
Post-Vote Poll: Obama Did The Best Job On Health Care Reform
"American Family Association" - state authorities can shoot trespassing feds
Will the Democrats have the courage to make further changes if needed??
Condemned killer hoarded 30 anti-depressants for suicide attempt
“The People should not be afraid of the Government. The Government should be afraid of the People.”
Senate looks at suicide on Indian reservations
Republican Leaders Are To Blame For This Attack On A Man and His Child
Navy wants carrier-based drone by 2018
Palin and McCain together again!
Biodiversity Negotiators Seek To Finalise Draft Access, Benefit-Sharing Regime
So, who's still advertising on Beck? March 25 edition
So, who's still advertising on Beck? March 25 edition
Pollution from Asia Circles Globe at Stratospheric Heights
The President Declared War on the People - Portrait of a Crazy TeaBagger
Did anyone hear about a mortgage cap for underwater mortgages?
When Right-Wing Extremism Moves Mainstream
Treaty to be sealed within hours by Pres. Obama & Russian Pres. Medvedev cuts nuclear weapons by 1/4
Nanny Risks Life, Saves Boy, 5, From Fire
Is Kent Conrad One Big Hypocrite? Concern for ND Was Just an Excuse.
How Much Do Our Children Have to Have
Republicans say Iraq watchdog should be a comptroller general candidate
When Right-Wing Extremism Moves Mainstream
"Liberal media" promoting "average doctor" who is critical of health care reform
Happy Birthday Speaker Pelosi! - pics
Records Tie Strickland Lawyer To Canceled Drug Sting
So, what was this little NRCC Project Code Red? Hmm?
Tea Party organizer sued over Sarah Palin's speaking fees
It Was NOT Cantor's Campaign Office (not even in his congressional district)
What do you want to bet GOPers are now sending hate mail to their own,
Some moron on the Ed Schultz show is upset that the federal governmet
Nunavik on track for warmest winter ever
Breaking News: The RNC is declared to be the worst losers on the planet...
Prostitution Sting Nabs Braves Pitcher
Am I the only one who sees the irony in this Carville email??
Why have the Reich Wingers all gone off the deep end?
So, we're going to see those "Cantor Lied" stories any minute now, right?
So, we're going to see those "Cantor Lied" stories any minute now, right?
Republicans Block TRICARE/VA Amendment that Addresses their Concerns
Breitbart Says Racially Abused Black Lawmakers Deserve Ridicule
Obama DUMPS Binyamin Netanyahu For Dinner
The guy with the bumper sticker who got hit is on Thom's show right now
Bricks thrown through office window at county GOP office
The LA Times is a fairly conservative paper. But...
Behind the hate: Long-time activist runs new anti-gay site
taking bets....wall to wall coverage of palin/mccain today from the m$m
Johnny vs JD ...... who's on top?
TN Man Enraged By Obama Sticker Slams SUV Into Car With 10 Year Old Child Inside
"Jesus Wouldn't Repossess Someone's Car"
IRS Commissioner Debunks GOP Fear-Mongering
Judge rules Dept. of Ed. illegally closed 19 NYC schools
orrin hatch on m$nbc bitching about debt...after 8 years of silence
One of the many reasons I am staunchly and in all cases against the death penalty
NYT: Secularist Allawi's Coalition Leads in Iraq Election
Trans Student Kicked Out of Constance McMillen's Mississippi School
Year by Year Synopsis of HCR - What Happens and When
Guilt and right-wing violence...
SFPD chief in trouble for asserting that Arab Americans could bomb Hall of Justice
South Korea Says Not Clear North Involved In Ship Sinking
Federal Dems: Stop Being Little Wussies- "It Is Your Duty To Grow & Change"
Last time the Republicans 'took over' Washington DC we got
Savannah, Georgia school planning to fire entire staff (then employees may "re-apply")
Kansas City's great teacher purge of 2010 is just beginning.
Relentless, courageous, like a terrier on everybody's pants leg. Alan Grayson fights on.
'Scandal hidden in secret vaults' (pope)
McCain: Sarah Palin is Not Inciting Violence (Oh Please!)
Given recent accusations, is this too hard on the pope?
Breaking: South Korean navy ship sinking after possible torpedo attack. BBC
Any MSM report on Clay County, KY election officials guilty of election fraud?
Jim Hightower: Turning "Texas Education" Into an Oxymoron
I can't wait for tomorrow night's SNL
Despite all the friction and back-biting, Palin is campaigning for McCain.
"...the importance and transformative impact of winning..."
Nigeria Islamic court 'bans Twitter feed'
The wingnut code word for today is "ANGER" as a substitute for "VIOLENCE".
Because some folks have asked: The Impact of Health Care Reform on Older Adults
My Fondest Memories Of Camp OUT NOW
Dems skip prayer breakfast over Republican invited to speak: Randy "Baby Killer" Neugebauer
WP: Cantor's office declines to comment on Police report showing gunfire was random
Would it be better strategically to have a gay or straight person start a DADT repeal in congress?
Most North Carolinians say Reagan doesn't need to go on $50 bill
Are we seeing the first politically GENIUS president ?
FEC Raps Michele Bachmann Campaign for Sloppy Bookkeeping Again
Sen. Tom Coburn holds up Unemployment Benefits --
GOP has gone from the party of Lincoln to...
TPM: Police On Cantor Incident: 'We're Calling It Random Gunfire'
Friday MegaTOON roundup, part 5
Friday MegaTOON roundup, part 7
Health reform foes send Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) a condom and shredded, gasoline-soaked flag
Remember all those hard working Senate staffers who were thanked publically for their work
Staff held Jim Moran back from protesters
Okay, here at work someone just massed emailed a talking point BS from dave camp(r)
anyone listening to this pervert priest supporter? m$nbc
There's only one official poll that counts
“The wars will stop when we nuke them and take their oil.”
Breaking News: Speculation that N. Korea may have sunk a S. Korean ship
shuster reporting cantors' lie
Who here thinks the VA GOP office was bricked by it's own idiots to make Dems look bad?
How do the Police know the shot to Cantor's office happened at 1am?
Rep. Issa downplays threats compares it to anti-war protests
UK, French Newspapers to Charge for Content
Isn't this just special? (Biden's cussing)
Health insurance reform, immigration reform, banking reform, the Trifecta
Someone (who isn't me) should make a Sarah Palin Disaster Campaign Pool
Many sailors on S. Korean torpedoed ship feared dead
The Party of No Class-No Change Strikes Out: Hawking Hate Speech, Cranking Up Violence
Global Warming Making People More Aggressive?
I think I can wrap up this Health Insurance Reform Outrage in one simple line.
sarah's wearing her dominatrix outfit today
Why is John McCain getting free national airtime? n/t
Ugh - M$NBC showing Palin in her black leather dominatrix outfit
There are a couple of also rans on tv.
FAUX doing a "report" on companies showing how much the health care
Prom Cancellation Over Same Sex Couples
MSNBC ran Caribou Barbie's speech in its entirety but cut away as soon as McCain started.
Why didn't Palin ask us how that hopie changie thing is going now?
SMASH WINDOWS! Tea Party Leader Is on Govt. Disability
Bachmann: '100% Of Our Economy Was Private' Before September 2008
Please explain to me why MSNBC just said they are going to bring us Sarah Palin comments live?
Mega Church Crystal Cathedral not paying bills
Seriously Palin is a batshit crazy
One thing you can say about a fund-raising letter from James Carville
When the Tea Baggers yell, "break windows!", we should yell, "Kristallnacht!"
Great quote from Rep. Chet Edwards (D-TX) today on C-SPAN 3
Email to CNN regarding Eric Cantor shooting incident.
GOP's inaction on immigration enables OK lawmakers to make felons out of undocumented children
Republi-Crap Senator blocks Unemloyment Benifits
Election thief, Ken Blackwell has a blog up @ Huff Po. Anyone wish to leave him a comment?
Petition: The 99ers need a Tier V added to Unemployment Benefits
Have you noticed this about tea-baggers...
Congresswoman Sent Condom With Note: “Betty McCollum You’ve Been Dry F***** By The Liberal Party.” P
Today must be suck up to Repukes day on MSNBC
Friday MegaTOON roundup, part 2
Poll: Anti-socialist Tea Party activists want government to create jobs
Friday MegaTOON roundup, part 3
The implosion of their little minds continues...
Been following the FCC's National Broadband Plan?
We Are the Tea Party Movement ...
Proof of why we need a stand-alone law on pre-existing conditions and a PO
Rachel is calling in to Ed's show
Enough is Enough...these rethugs want war here
When Caribou Barbie and Blinkin' Gramps were on TV, I ...
Friday MegaTOON roundup, part 6
What Sort Of Agency Will Be Set Up By The Government To See To The Implemetion Of The Health Care .
Palin: We're the party of hell no, lame-stream media, bites head off dove (I made up last part)
Emailed lies re: HCR & my response with Sen. Grassley's own words
'todd & sarah palin - wonderful great americans' john mccain
Crash Devastates a Kentucky Family
Hatch: I Supported The Unconstitutional Individual Mandate To Derail HillaryCare
The media is purposely devoting all of this time to Palin so they won't
My Democratic primer for a wingnut relative sending Rethug chain e-mails. It's Walmart vs President.
Tell Arlen Specter they found the "MAGIC BULLET" In Cantor's office.
Red light camera revenue not what expected, only breaking even
Turkey Crashes Through Second Story Window
Bartlett: Frum’s Dismissal Shows ‘All That Matters Now Is Absolute Subservient Adherence’
Former Bush economic adviser Bruce Bartlett: GOP is Now Demanding "Absolute Subservience"
Can DU Help Raise $20,000 for Jennifer Brunner (OH) In One Day?
Will Conservative Extremists sign this Health Care Pledge?
JD Hayworth "Health care would not have passed if I were in..
When Pakistan came into existence, why did the government of Pakistan accept refugees from India?
When Pakistan came into existence, why did the government of Pakistan accept refugees from India?
Like fingernails on a chalkboard...
Friday MegaTOON roundup, part 4
Barney Frank: Pass DADT repeal bills now
Albuquerque Schools: 700 Layoffs May Be Needed
Gawsh, Victoria JACKSON is SO whacked even Faux's DOOCY seems halfway "moderate" or SANE!1
I intend to vote against Republican obstructionism this November
BREAKING: AP: Charges Reduced Against O'Keefe In Landrieu Case
Seeking 'turnaround,' Georgia's Beach High School fires all staff
Courts issue key rulings on campaign spending, federal ban can remain in place
Anyone else here who is looking for a job and keeps being approached to sell
She can't even READ her stupid speech...
This Week's Adventures in Law Enforcement
Randi just played a clip of Victoria Jackson being a teabagger
Maddow and Liberal Celebrities Stalk Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown
More Newspeak: Nevada unemployment up despite jobs gain
More Newspeak: Nevada unemployment up despite jobs gain
What's the repub rationale for us being the only country w/o HC?
Reid accidentally votes no on health care
News Alert: Republican National Committee loses bid to raise unlimited funds
alan grayson will be coming up on the ed show
Drone Attacks Are Legit Self-Defense, Says State Dept. Lawyer
Ex-police chief: Mo. city made me stop blacks-also claims he was pressured to meet ticket quotas
'Octomom' says yes to PETA, no to porn- "Don't let your dog or cat become an 'Octomom'
Palin dresses like Emma Peel for McCain stump speech, Freeps "live blog" the blow-by-blow
"Everyone here supporting John McCain, we are all part of that tea party movement"
"Christian" law firm plans to challenge expanded health coverage
Avlon: Hate is cheap political tool
Facebook political discussion has put me in a fighty mood today.
Official member: Evil Gay Conspiracy, By Mark Morford
Breaking - O'Keefe et al have agreed to plead guilty
Rep. Nunes calls Hill aides ‘staff thugs,’ compares Pelosi to Saddam Hussein and Robert Mugabe.
Rep. Nunes calls Hill aides ‘staff thugs,’ compares Pelosi to Saddam Hussein and Robert Mugabe.
Rep. Nunes calls Hill aides ‘staff thugs,’ compares Pelosi to Saddam Hussein and Robert Mugabe.
Just looked at the tv "Glen beck spouting off"
Please DU this Yooper poll about the threats toward Stupak
Lineup for tonight's "Real Time with Bill Maher"
"I wish a panty bomber would come in and just f*&king blow your place up."
Nation's Largest Private Water Utility Joins Lawsuit Against Herbicide Maker
Without destroying the Earth, the Large Hadron Collider might help humans explore the cosmos
Morning Joe ratings beating CNN's American Morning
Morning Joe ratings beating CNN's American Morning
Eyewitness:Thousands March in DC, Call on Obama to End Occupation
Vic Snyder threatened today, harassed earlier
Right winger asks me if intelligence is related to right or left winging. Here's my answer:
James Cameron Blasts Glenn Beck
In case there was any doubt, teabaggies are radicalized hard core right-wing theocratic Republicans
F.R. pisses & moans about being labeled a "hate site" while they post THIS kind of hate-filled shit
Shouldn't we refer to the "tea party" As Armey's Party
Coca-Cola turning off signs for Earth Hour
Today's Republican/Teabaggers hysteria reminds me of an old movie that scared me as a kid:
Today's Republican/Teabaggers hysteria reminds me of an old movie that scared me as a kid:
There is a virtual media blackout on the repuke violence story
1000s march on capitol against healthcare, on White House for peace. Guess which is covered more
McCain sinking in AZ and now could lose Primary
A letter from a relative, "Big government is bad" what are your thoughts about this?
If gays are allowed to serve openly in the military, will their partners be entitled to benefits?
I don't really like Tweety but watch him take this Republican apart in a little bit
Militiaman Who Urged 'Patriots' To Break Windows? He's On Government Disability
Steele Declines To Sign DNC 'Joint Civility Statement' - TPM
Can I get some DU opinions on the words of James Madison regarding "General Welfare"?
Nancy Pelosi Roses - Pics and Video Up on Daily Kos
Either Phil Roe (R-TN) is one lucky doctor, or he is a lying POS
"Earth Hour" is Saturday night at 8:30 pm
"The Republicans claim to be the party of small government."
The office of the presidency is not for sale. -- An email I received about Harry Truman.
Twitter threats against Barack Obama over health reforms
Teabagger Idiots: Tea Party Advocates Who Scorn Socialism Want a Government Job
What is your opinion of right wing radio hosts?
Wasn't the Kennedy-Kassebaum Act supposed to stop pre-existing condition denials?
Avarice, Greed, Envy, Coveting, Vainglory....
Avarice, Greed, Envy, Coveting, Vainglory....
Caption time...oh, you BETCHA it's caption time. Darn tootin.'
Former DOJ Official Picked for 9th Circuit (Obama nominates Mary Murguia)
Anti- Jerry Brown Ads on DU, paid for by Republicans
A Face You'd just love to "smack" : Some Friday PM cyber catharsis
Teacher fired for telling school children to punch classmate in face
Should Dems help teabag candidates win the Repug primaries?
Bill Targeting Gay Films Gets Bashed
Pimpmeister James O'Keefe To Cop A Guilty Plea...
No black holes at LHC yet (live webcam).
Sarah Palin's Reality TeeVee Show Name: 'Northern Ex-Poseur'
I never believed there was such a thing as "Must-See TV"...until Rachel Maddow came along.
... information from an informant that a government facility was a potential bomb target ...
1 in 4 Republicans think Obama may be the anti-Christ, 38% think he's doing things that Hitler did
Who has Palin endorsed that actually won?
HCR = Romneycare - abortion coverage.. Romneycare covers abortions..
Tweety is ripping Todd Harris Republican "spokesman" a new one...
Tweety is ripping Todd Harris Republican "spokesman" a new one...
Tweety is ripping Todd Harris Republican "spokesman" a new one...
Somebody please put a smelly gym sock in this assclown's mouth....
CNN TV: Oh god. Palin is calling McCain a member of the Tea Party.
Can anyone give me the link for the White House info on the Health Reform?
cnn is now exposing eric cantor's lie
Ah one of those days... and I haven't had one
John Lewis on Pettus Bridge, 45 Years Ago Today
Administration Says Drone Strikes Are Legal and Necessary
Soldier who refused Afghan deployment freed early from prison
My Brother is back from his tour in Afghanistan/Iraq
Oklahoma Man Arrested for Twittering Tea Party Death Threats
Oklahoma Man Arrested for Twittering Tea Party Death Threats
New Poll Shows Bill Halter Gaining Momentum on Senator Lincoln
The scene outside Rep. Weiner's office today - pics
This was posted on a friend's facebook
This was posted on a friend's facebook
In Which the Tea-Baggers Healthcare Debate is Synopsized
New GOP monument headed for the National Mall
New GOP monument headed for the National Mall
Senator Blanche Lincoln Slams “Washington Unions,” But She Aggressively Sought Their Backing
Just One Question: Where were all these “freedom-loving” right wingers during the Bush years?
on Democracy Now: Chicago elected school boards replaced with appointed CEOs & bankers?
I am impressed with our Senatorial Candidate, Richard Blumenthal
WOW! Obama/Dems Surging in Polls! Obama has 15 point favorability plus in Research 2000
ANOTHER Blow by the Courts Today to Campaign Finance Reform: Contribution Limits Struck Down
Sacramento Bee Editorial: What hath the GOP unleashed? ("They own what's happening now")
Eric Cantor: We need to move on
Hobbyist shoots Space Photos with Weather Balloon, EBay Camera & Duct Tape
Grayson just called for Cantor to resign, because of his remarks.
Local Radio Host Suspended One Day For Questioning Beck's Sanity
Does anybody else remember the McCain worker who slashed her own face?
Should a twelve-year-old who is one course away from a high school diploma...
Marine General: Gays Will Be Segregated if DADT is Repealed
Reccomend this thread if you're running against Scott Brown
Reccomend this thread if you're running against Scott Brown
How much do you care about states rights?
How long does it take to determine the cause of a sunken ship?
Why I Hope J.D. Hayworth Defeats John McCain in the GOP Senatorial Primary
We'll see if the insurance industry can be ‘reformed'
We'll see if the insurance industry can be ‘reformed'
" I am against Universal Health Care" she said
Interest Rate Alert: U.S. Rates Will Rise
CNN is having a Full-on Fascist Friday - pushing Cantor's lie and spinning polls against Obama.
ADVICE SOUGHT:I just finished attending and recording a teabag-912 project meeting
CNN is so obvious..."both sides are politicizing the violence toward members of Congress"
Monty Python Predicted it All!
Do you ever feel like being politically aware is a burden?
I'm just worried it's going to take a body count to finally put an end to these tea baggers
Educator says (Charter) school fired her for reporting abuse
Chris Floyd takes on Kucinich. "Progressive Front: Well Done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant"
Chris Floyd takes on Kucinich. "Progressive Front: Well Done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant"
Rachel Maddow takes out a full page add in Boston calling out Sen.Brown's bullshit
When the GOP started apologizing to Rush...
Other countries have hate speech laws. Why don't we?
There is a discussion here on DU
High school students protest gay student being allowed to take boyfriend to prom
The Rude Pundit - Bill Donohue: Leave the Child Fuckers Alone
What if Jesus had been tried under Texas law? Would he still be executed?
Covering up American War Crimes, From Baghdad to New York
"I'm gonna park in front of his house and tea party his ass!"
NASA Pays $66 A Person For Snacks
Who thinks there wasn't Secret Service agents among the teabaggers in DC doing surveillance on them?
Who thinks there wasn't Secret Service agents among the teabaggers in DC doing surveillance on them?
Newborn with heart defect is denied insurance coverage
Eric Cantor Directly Threatened by Act of Random Gunfire
Palin is campaigning for Mccain today, despite all the back-biting
Bush wiping hands on Clinton's shirt after shaking hands with Haitian
david frum's wife makes some interesting points about the right wing assholes
david frum's wife makes some interesting points about the right wing assholes
Joe Scum corrected live on air about Cantor's lie
When Rush Limbaugh Incited Violence Against Sen. Daschle, The MSM Was Complicit
When Rush Limbaugh Incited Violence Against Sen. Daschle, The MSM Was Complicit
Sarah Palin's new TV show will be subsidized by Alaskan Tax Payers!
Borowitz: Obama's Obscure Pronunciation of "Nuclear" Breaks with Tradition
Chris Matthews Refuses To Admit He Was Wrong To Ridicule Grayson
Anthony Weiner calls for support of Moneybomb Saturday for Alan Grayson
we know the media is corporate controlled, but what is up with DU?
Is Firing Teachers the Answer?
Man dead. Women dead. Baby dead. Baby shoots Carjacker. Latin dancers wife dead.
14 months and 6 days later, he's already one of the GREATEST presidents in history
Republicans: Violent Losers - Frank Schaeffer/FDL
Support Striking Workers in Mass. Vote in TV Poll
Prodigy, 13, claims age discrimination by UConn
Prodigy, 13, claims age discrimination by UConn
On a happier note - California had a record year - 14 billion bucks worth
How Eli Broad gets his guys into public school systems to exert control. Two examples.
How Eli Broad gets his guys into public school systems to exert control. Two examples.
Greenpeace USA: Obama supports overturning international ban on commercial whaling
Tea baggers are proud of themselves.
Tea baggers are proud of themselves.
Here is your Friday afternoon challenge! Will you be the first to identify what this is?
I'm sorry, but the rhetoric from BOTH sides is over the top, and unproductive.
I have to say , N. Korea is the creepiest country in the world
Question - Who is pulling strings of Rush/Beck/Cantor et al? Fox? Rove?
Timely Repost on this Subject: "How Authoritarian Followers Think"
full-figured women unite against Gretchen Carlson
GE proud sponsor of the RONALD RAYGUN centennial celebration
My violence stricken, child killing city community is asking for solutions
Time for a shout out for Bradblog
CIA paper reveals plans to manipulate European opinion on Afghanistan
Tonight, Ann Coulter attracted 900 Calgarians @ ten bucks each.
I hope Arizona remembers its safe word.
New Harris Poll Of RADICAL Democratic Views.
Obama bumper sticker forces man to ram car.
FL church defends hate sign against gays. AU says IRS should investigate..
Barney Frank: Obama "not being supportive" on DADT repeal
This teabagger "revolution" may just backfire on them
Why is Rush Limbaugh still allowed to broadcast to our Military?
Cantor Office Shooting Update: Cops release artist's sketch of likely shooter!
DU Exclusive: A Conversation with NYTs Bestselling Author JOHN PERKINS
They have finally convinced me - its not about race.
So I am being told that the new HCR bill is already costing companies more money
Chris Hedges: Calling All Rebels
Chris Hedges: Calling All Rebels
A Marine writes about civil war in the USA.
A Marine writes about civil war in the USA.
GE is celebrating the Ronald Reagan Centennial....
Friday MegaTOON roundup, part 1
Should I take my parents to be euthanized now? Or wait for Armageddon?
You know that lady that was supposed to name her baby Megatron? Well shes not gonna do it but
Seems everything is a big F---ing deal. An email I got for the weekend activites in my city
Whew. Just got back from getting a small tattoo.
"I'm not going to ask you to wax the wheels on my Porsche, and I'm not going to ask you to sing
This Thursday is an Angry Thursday for me...
Saddened to have just learned of the passing of my bracket.
Alexander Menshikov vs Mary Hopkin
Saw this on Twitter, made me smile.
Uh-oh! Drinking and posting in LBN
Kirsty MacColl with a great fun song and English/country hit
Not only can you not please all of the people all of the time
Here's a copy of what I posted to the Discovery Channel,, please share your love with them:
this is interesting.... FUCK YEA!!!
Loungers, please post updates to your interesting stories!
May I ask a Facebook question?
In honor of LostInAnomie's birthday, I would like to repost the "Stages of Old Man".
Who wrote "Time," recorded by Hootie and the Blowfish? nt
Bart Simpson has an amazing head of hair.
Ha! My 10,000th post was about how much I overpaid for sunglasses!
Ever heard Swedish hip-hop swing? Check this out!
Pit bull dog attacks a Chattanooga police car
Whatever happened to the dude who played Miles Silverburg on Murphy Brown?
the next one of you that calls me a chihuahua gets the death beam just like funny-boy here...
Adjust your schedules everyone, Banner on MSNBC
Google Chrome just told me this page was in Irish and asked if I wanted to translate it.
Golden Retriever puppies being called to dinner - cuteness. Awww...
What music albums are you looking forward to this year?
damnation, I've been on a horrible computer addiction binge
How ironic is it to be cynical about cynicism?
Pelosi & appal_jack birthdays!
I'm trying to resist my urge to post pics
Ooh I love the taste of power in the morning
For the first time in 22 years, I have a bicycle again
Joey Ramone's Long Lost Son Pwns Teabaggers
'Iron Sky': Not just another 'Nazis living on the moon in 2018' movie.
My little puppy is going through chew toys like there's no tomorrow.
Wyman photoshopped out of Stones' album cover
Police: Man tried to revive dead possum; alcohol involved
Fatboy Slim - Weapon of Choice
Amazing but true: Taco Bell robbed of food
Attention Green Day fans: They're back!!!!
My sister's tale of the mouse that her cat brought in.
I'm turning the big 3-0 today! Any advice for my old ass?
To Olive Garden, pit bulls, chicken recipes, we can add ... the Federal Reserve?
TZ Appreciation Thread!!!!!!!!!!1
Two teabaggers are having a beer after a busy day of throwing bricks at Democrats' offices...
I have a co-worker who always gets her way.
Mr. Gray is officially a celebrity!
This is the sound a doggy makes.
I'm trying to resist my urge to post posts.
as of this post, I've been waiting on hold to speak with customer service
Friday music: Humble Pie, Live: Come On, Everybody- (It might get loud)
Police: Man tried to revive dead possum; alcohol involved
The recent 3-D craze in movies: Awesome or a cover-up for lack of story?
Please don't make fun of me. I love Roxy Music and all who sail/sailed in her.
Hello from San Antonio!! I'm on my way back to the FREE STATE of Maryland!!
Wagons besides the Subaru Outback & Forester?
Learning to drive a stick shift
Oh no! Bullies are after Ahnold's Japanese girlfriend!
Celebrated my third anniversary with an MRI
Before she knew he cheated 4 times, Bullock said she'd hit husband with baseball bat if he cheated
When I drive a standard shift, I work the clutch with my right hand...
Mos Eisley Spaceport: a shit hole
my sister is going to have brain surgery
Name a band you used to like before they changed their sound.
Least favorite mega-popular film?
What does the phrase "sexy farmer" mean to you?
Has anyone here had any experience(s) with
What should be included in an immigration reform bill? I think that may be on the table for later
Pelosi, Secretary Clinton, Rep. Woolsey Remarks at Congressional Women’s History Month Celebration
Have you heard a single Repug condemn the violence without qualification?
Obama appoints new chief for war court at Guantanamo
Does Newt Gingrich actually think he can be President? Seriously?
Looking for resource on Obama's 100 days accomplishments and later.
BREAKING NEWS: House OKs final health reform 'fixes'
Do Democrats need a plan of Action for Easter Recess?
MSNBC: Countdown with Fineman.
"This is What Change Looks Like: Passing Health Care Reform" (photos)
How's That Dopey-Nopey Working Out For TeaPugNutCants?
OMFG! OMFG! this is why I don't own a gun
"I'm Just a Bill" - Updated with inspiration from VP Joe Biden (VIDEO)
Salt Lake Tribune's Pat Bagley perfectly sums it up again...
Eugene Robinson: How Long Can GOP Leaders Ignore Tea Party Death Threats?
Corker pitch: $10k dinner, $5k meeting
Even this f---in retart knows that
Paul Krugman: Going to Extreme
Paul Krugman: Going to Extreme
Joe Conason: So George Washington was a socialist, too!
New poll, Who will benefit more from the health care law's passage in November's elections?
"Police On Cantor Incident: 'We're Calling It Random Gunfire'"
****Heads Up: POTUS, Sec. Clinton & Gates Join Gibbs at Daily Briefing, Live! 10:45am EDT****
U.S., Russia reach agreement on nuclear arms treaty
What do you know - we have a President who can multi-task!
President wins early spin battle
Lawrence O'donnell: "I cried today. I'm in awe"
Obama bumper sticker fuels violent political road rage in Tennessee.
Obama Gets Small Health Care Bounce
Cantor's "campaign office" isn't in his congressional district
McCain, Palin to Campaign Together in Arizona
"At age 19 he had helped organize the first lunch counter sit-in"
Obama is the hardest working president ever
"the big news...the first systematic set of policies to address the problem of negative equity"
So, If *Lawmakers* James Clyburn & Bart Stupak Say The Republicans Are Breaking The Law...
Can someone give me some info concerning the IRS people who will be
MSNBC host - Maddow - denies Senate run (CNN)
McAuliffe appeal spotlights Palin
AR-Sen: Halter Gains Ground on Lincoln, Fares Slightly Better in General
Heard on MSNBC this morning about 3 bricks through the window at Republican
Rob Fisher to challenge Andy Harris for 1st District nomination
Vote Provokes Barrow Primary Talk
HCR, Student Loan Reform and a Major Nuclear Arms Treaty. That's a hell of a Presidential legacy.
Did you hear about this? Breitbart is offering 10K donation if it can be proven that the
MSNBC: Mitchell with Luke Russert
My response to right wing co-worker's comments on facebook
MSM purposely misses the point on violence.
Obama's healthcare win could boost foreign policy
My local right wing nut job Tara Servatius is all up in arms today
Netanyahu And Obama Are At Point Of No Return
'Dispute Won’t Harm $3 Billion Aid To Israel'
Narrowing the intensity gap (Kos)
We Pass Historic HCR, Student Loan Reforms, a Nuke Treaty, and all we got was a lousy Palin!
Is the government coming to confiscate our garden produce?
The Media continues to "Promote" the Violent Teabagging Domestic Terrorism Movement
"Republicans sure do pick strange people as heroes." (Scott Brown)
Bloggers send Nancy Pelosi 2,600 roses for her birthday
Seems like the President might not be the anti-Christ after all
Obama's long-distance healthcare race
Must Read: Bill Maher's New Rule
Flashback to Jan. 20 2010 "The Health Care Bill Is Dead" - Fred Barnes
Will Elizabeth Warren Get Her Chance to Protect American Families?
So I made my first submission to the Urban Dictionary...
GOP wanted to make health care Obama's Waterloo. Democrats made it GOP's Waterloo. Abba reunites!
Happy Birthday, Speaker Pelosi! And, what a way to celebrate it!
Just how far is the right wing going to go?
Chairman Kerry Statement On The New START Treaty
Ruh Roh. Cuban leader applauds US health-care reform bill
Sen. Orrin Hatch reaches a new low in hackery
Look for April to have some McVeigh-like jackass Teabag event happen
The Extreme, Violent Rhetoric Of GOP Lawmakers
sarah puke's website has GUN targets on Dems. What THE FUCK
HAHAHA! MSNBC just reported Cantor was NOT targeted!
Ezra Klein: "The emerging picture...Democrats look a bit better."
FYI-Pointing out violence does not = inciting violence any more than pointing out racism = racism
Which states will gain after census?
Which states will gain after census?
16M low-income Americans receiving public health insurance is a progressive accomplishment
You know who I could see running for President in 2016? Amy Klobuchar.
I dont get Scott Brown (Steve Benen)
How does saying "you ought to change your name to racists" qualify as a "threat"
Obama: "Who the f*** reads this sh*t?" (Pic)
Hillary: "Helen, I've missed you!"
Happy (70th) Birthday, Speaker Pelosi!
The GOP and The Tea Party Crowd are not the same thing
My local right wing nut job Tara Servatius is all up in arms today
"This is, to coin a phrase, sort of a big effin deal. "
Republicans don't want the violence to end
Obama, Medvedev sign off on new nuclear pact.
I am so sick of idiots who don't even know what the hell is going on...
OK folks the race to A Million Facebook members is on
Is there anything on manadatory fees in the bill?
Gingrich Says Democrats ‘Have To Take Some Moral Responsibility’ For Far-Right Death Threats
Great pic from Iowa T-Bagger protest-- "All of these people are idiots"
Skin in the Game: Members of Congress Will Be Covered By "Obamacare"
LAPD officer (USMC Reserve) killed in Afghanistnam.
Bart Stupak Tells Rick Sanchez That Michele Bachmann IS Instigating Violence
Pres. Obama will be to Ronald Reagan as Ronald Reagan was to FDR.
Photos: Trying hard to look more stupid
**Reasons why the "Tea Party" is not a Movement**
PHOTOS Wow, Tucson was rockin' today!
Anti-Chavez TV channel owner arrested in Venezuela
Prodigy, 13, claims age discrimination by UConn
GE proud sponsor of the RONALD RAYGUN centennial celebration
New war-court chief may mean more tribunals at Guantánamo
Bills to OK carrying concealed guns without permits advance (Arizona)
Found: 90% of the distant Universe
Netanyahu leaves U.S. disgraced, isolated and weaker
Hacker gets 20 years for stealing credit card data
Corker pitch: $10k dinner, $5k meeting
AAR buys former aircraft contractor of what was Blackwater
Eurozone Leaders Agree On Bailout Plan For Greece
Eurozone Leaders Agree On Bailout Plan For Greece
Senate looks at suicide on Indian reservations
Arbitrator Rules That American Axle Violated Its UAW Contract By Sending Work To Mexico
Israeli PM gets home support in dispute with US
Pentagon Revamps Afghanistan Deployments
U.K. Conservatives Hope To Surmount Voters' Doubts (support for far-right party)
Administration Says Drone Strikes Are Legal and Necessary
Jean Schmidt tape from threatening black man just ain't right...
In Rare Reversal, Japan Clears Man Convicted of Murder
U.S., Russia sign off on new nukes deal
Officials: Gas Line at Perriello House Was Cut Deliberately
Bombs kill more than 40 in Iraq as country awaits election results
US convicted 403 for international terror since 2001
Death of world's coral reefs could wreak global chaos
Allawi's bloc wins most Iraq seats
Sharp momentum shift back to the Democrats
Biden: Obama is brilliant. I didn't know how good he was until i joined the team
New York Rejects Entergy’s Spinoff of Nuclear Plants (Update1)
President Obama Offers the Russians Rahm to Help Lobby the Duma on Nuke Treaty
Kenya frees American suspected of terrorism links
Rep. Vic Snyder Reports Threat Over Health Care Vote (assassination letter intercepted by Police)
Pentagon programs to bolster Georgian, Baltic forces
Texas representative threatened after voting for health care bill
Congress completes overhaul of health care (Reconciliation Passes in the House)
Iraq: Challenger wins most seats. PM's coalition comes in 2nd, disputes election results
6.2 earthquake hits atacama, chile
Church, deaf students square off on Italian TV
China steams ahead on clean energy
(San Francisco) DA on verge of mass drug-case dismissals
Personal income falls 2.5% in California
Regulators close 2 Georgia banks, 1 in Florida
Christians from political left and right sign 'Civility Covenant'
BART Cop Involved In Grant Shooting Fired
Windows broken at Albemarle County GOP headquarters
JPMorgan, Lehman, UBS Named as Conspirators in Muni Bid-Rigging
Hell No You Can't - 233,813 views
Wapor raises alarm over changes to Peru polling laws
Federal Judge Rebuffs Challenge To DC Gun Laws Passed In Wake Of 2008 Supreme Court Decision
Chile to Bury Remains Of Pinochet Lonquén Victims
RNC Loses in RNC v. FEC Soft Money Challenge
US Air Force biofuel flight test a success
Vegas Strip to go dark for Earth Hour
NKorea vows 'nuclear strikes' in latest threat
Staff clarifies Cantor remark about bullet (say didn't know the bullet was "fired into the air")
U.S. Economy Expands the Most in Six Years, Setting Stage for Job Growth
In Possible Retirement, the Likelihood of an Election-Year Confrontation
Charges reduced in Landrieu office phone caper
AT&T will take $1B non-cash charge for health care
Allawi bloc wins most seats in Iraq election
Chrysler to revive 50 dead dealerships
'Hell is real' billboard could cost Kentucky ($42 million a year) federal transportation fund
Pa. judge refuses to grant woman same-sex divorce
Federal Appeals Court: Seattle Police OK To Taser Pregnant Woman
Texas newborn denied health insurance over pre-existing condition
Texas newborn denied health insurance over pre-existing condition
S.Korean ship sinking with 100 on board, North attack suspected
Transfer cleared by pope, priest molested again
Marine general: Gays would get their own rooms
Jewish group to probe Holocaust soap claim
Road rage, accident centers on Obama bumper sticker
Georgia AG faces impeachment for refusing to file anti-HCR lawsuit
Airport money-raising ban ruled constitutional
Unemployment Benefits Extension Blocked By GOP
Marlin Firearms to Close Next Year
Increasing Eliminationist Rhetoric
Hitler Discovers Republicans Have No Ideas.m4v
Eric Cantor lies via a 'media vehicle' (3:06)
CNN: "House Democrats Under Assault"
Package With White Powder Sent To Congressman Weiner!
Even Teh Animals love Obama!!!1!
Nancy Skinner on MSNBC talking toxic tea parties
TYT: Slamming John McCain's HC BS
House Majority Whip James Clyburn: Republicans Are Aiding And Abetting (Domestic) Terrorism
Thom Hartmann - The Good. The Bad. and the very very Ugly - Did tea baggers cut the gas lines?
Thom Hartmann - Senator Ron Wyden says any state can get around the mandate
Thom Hartmann - Senator Ron Wyden says any state can get around the mandate
Rachel Maddow's campaign commercial in non-race against Scott Brown
Anti-Immigrant Leader Agrees ‘Illegal European Immigration’ ‘Helped Finish Off The Indians’
Tea Party Targets Harry Reid: Thousands Expected At Rally In Nevada On Saturday
Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla., Calls for Eric Cantor's Resignation
Rachel Maddow & Ezra Klein clown Grassley, Romney, & Hatch on their HCR mandate objections
Alan Grayson asks for your help with HR 4789
Obama Bumpersticker Makes TN Man Ram Car Carrying Child
Stupak Agrees With Rick Sanchez: Recent Attacks Against Democrats Is Domestic Terrorism
Taking A Break From The HC Hysteria, Faux Attempts To Ramp Up The Armageddon Fear With Volcano News
McCain laughs, tells Ann Currie it's fine for Palin to use gun imagery directed at Democrats
Heartbreaking Video - I cried -
Histrionic Teabag Nutjob Attacks Rachel Maddow
TYT Reviews CRAZY Voicemails On Congressman's Machine! (w/ Audio)
Me Singing I'm Dreaming of a Free Republic
TYT: Cenk debunks Cantor's 'I'm a victim, too!' shooting story
Republicans Block Bills Ensuring Continuation Of Military Health Care
Media Matters: The Consequences Of Beck's Nightly Hour Of Hate
Thom Hartmann vs Matthew Vadim - Is is all the Dems fault?
"HEALTHCARE REFORM IS DEAD": Pundit Malpractice by FOX News and Others
Unemployed? Kids hungry? Get a job!
Marcy Winograd: Why I'm Running
Reconciliation is finished. Someone call Chris Matthews
Army changes basic training to deal with gamer generation
Ney York Times: U.S. Plans Big Expansion in Effort to Aid Homeowners
Behind the Shady World of Marketing Junk Food to Children
Fox News, Health Care, and the Right-Wing Nervous Breakdown
The Economist: Now what? Barack Obama needs to use a bruising victory to unleash the promise of his
'Soul Of A Citizen': Barack Obama, Vaclav Havel, And When Small Steps Yield Unforeseen Fruits
I. Why We Need Regulation (Worthwhile reading)
Have a Nice World War, Folks - John Pilger
Looking for Medical Miracles in Medieval Manuscripts
When Presidential Sermons Collide
Germany’s Secret Military Assistance to Uzbekistan Revealed
U.S. Bases in Colombia Rattle the Region
Princeton researchers find that high-fructose corn syrup prompts considerably more weight gain
Tea Party Advocates Who Scorn Socialism Want a Government Job
The Right Finds Virtue in Extremism
Local TV news coverage sparks threats to school
Where do Tea-baggers get their screwball ideas? straight from the GOP:
NYT: Memo to Pope Described Transfer of Pedophile Priest
This tax season will be kind to Bank of America and Wells Fargo
Road rage: Camden NJ woman hit with battery
How Bias at the NYT Helped Kill ACORN
Death Squad Kills Teacher in Front of Students
Bill Maher: New Rule: You Can't Use "There Will Be No Cooperation
Tea Party makes tracking political criminals easier for law enforcement, threats and apologies
John Boehner has said their really is "no difference in beliefs between the GOP and tea partiers."
International Campaign Around Venezuela's Elections Has Begun
Gene research reveals fourth human species
Tip to Catholic heirarchy: Being pro-Life should include caring about babies AFTER their born, ie -
Why the President’s Next Big Thing Should Be Jobs (Robert Reich)
The horrible prospect of Supreme Court Justice Cass Sunstein
Economist Who foretold housing bubble says 'beware'
When Right-Wing Extremism Moves Mainstream
Your New Facebook Friend May Be a Federal Agent
Weekend Economists: Going To the Dogs March 26-28, 2010
NPR: How Republicans Learned To Reject Climate Change
NOAA - At Least 19% Of Planet's Reefs Already Dead: Another 15% On Track To Die In Next 20 Yrs
TVA Lawyers Trying To Block Agency Head's Deposition - Business Week
Orchards Wither, Water Supplies Fail As Vietnamese Drought Intensifies
Victoria, Australia - More Than 100 Farmers Vote To Abandon Irrigation
ACS - Researchers Find Little-Known PCB 11 "Pretty Much Everywhere"
Ethiopia's rush to build mega dams sparks protests
SolarAttic Solar Pool Heater Vs. Pool Heat Pumps
Tourism vision turns toxic in California's Imperial Valley
Bill Gates funds next gen Nuclear Power plant
Laser Guidance Adds Power to Wind Turbines
The only country in Europe that ACTUALLY phased out nuclear power plans new reactors.
Japan Blocks Ocean Conservation Measures
White Nose Syndrome Has Killed At Least 1,000,000 Bats In Eastern US Since 2006 Index Cases
Rajendra Pachauri: Climate scientists face 'new form of persecution'
Death of world's coral reefs could wreak global chaos
The path from nuclear power to nuclear weapons proliferation
Gus Johnson is one of the best announcers on TV!
Xavier/K-State! Fuck! Going to Double OT!!
Anyone watching Cornell/Kentucky???
This Xavier-KSU game is Amazing
Heh -- If the World Series was held now Cleveland would play the S.F. Giants
Tennis player Wayne Odesnik fined for HGH import
Eagle's Reid acknowledges he's listening to offers for Donovan McNabb
Wizards' Arenas to spend 30 days in halfway house
In case you missed it...Seattle 2 - 0 Philadelphia
NCAA Hockey Tournament Starts Today
The arrogance of Kansas State is appalling
New Iowa B-Ball Coach gets a parade in downtown Iowa City.
Native Venezuelan embraces life in Frederick County
Magnitude 6.2 earthquake hits Chile
Wapor raises alarm over changes to Peru polling laws
Opportunists Gloria and Emilio Estefan and their "spontaneous" march down Calle 9 in Miami
Mexican novelist Carlos Fuentes visits Puerto Rico, criticizes ban of his novel from schools
Colombian rebels to release 2 hostages, Red Cross says
Accompany the people of the Honduras
Chile to Bury Remains Of Pinochet Lonquén Victims
Cuba Readies for U.S. Tourists With Luxury Hotels
International Campaign Around Venezuela's Elections Has Begun
Damas de Blanco, not going to help change things anytime soon
Royal Bank of Scotland Predicts Venezuela Recession to Continue
Metro Dade County, Organized Crime Bureau (OCB) File on Terrorism
Cuba to vaccinate more than 1.1M against swine flu
Jerusalem, settlements, and the "everybody knows" fallacy
Netanyahu leaves U.S. disgraced, isolated and weaker
Its Either Me or the Settlements: A Marriage on the Rocks?
Netanyahu: I'm not building in Jerusalem for Lieberman and Yishai
A dangerous government By Haaretz Editorial
Israel and Hamas forces 'clash on Gaza border'
'Dispute Won’t Harm $3 Billion Aid To Israel'
The real price of Israel's settlements
Netanyahu And Obama Are At Point Of No Return
Actor Danny Glover’s Family Union Roots Fuel His Activism
UPTE-CWA Members ratify Contract for 10,000 UC Tech Workers
Pipe broke in construction death
Shaw’s Grocery Warehouse Hires Strike-Breakers As Labor Mobilizes Support For Strikers
Today in Labor History Mar 26 Immigration Act bar entry by “paupers, anarchists, criminals, disease
Blanche Lincoln: Takes Working Families’ Money and Runs
Man charged with hitting worker (on meth, urged police to shoot him when he was caught)
Health Care Reform Includes Progressive Tax That Helps All Working Families
Israeli fire kills 2 in southern Gaza
Father: 13-year-old daughter detained for alleged rock throwing
UK Rail Workers Will Launch 4-Day Strike To Protest Job Cuts
Pentagon rebukes general for opposing repeal of 'don’t ask, don’t tell' law (xpost from GD)
Miley Cyrus learns what activism means and the teen taking a date to the prom kicked out of house
Atlanta Gay Men's Chorus hosting the Ga. teen kicked out of home due to prom date.
Georgia Students Protest Decision to Allow Gay Teen at Prom
Guns and the Heathcare Bill ...
Judge takes pity on man who brought a loaded gun to traffic court, sentences him to probation
Okay, Which One of You Shot Up Rep. Eric Cantor's (R-VA) Campaign Office Last Night?
Cops: Deputy fire chief shoots burglar
Downstairs neighbor shot Latin jazz icon Eddie Palimieri's wife because heels 'made her go beserk'
Man dead, wife injured in double shooting
Two arrested in Va. road-rage shooting
Maine man gets 10 years in fatal sex game shooting
Louisiana: Carjack victim shoots suspect to death in 9th Ward
Bills to OK carrying concealed guns without permits advance (Arizona)
BBC article - "Preppers" vs. Zombie Squads (ahem) Survivalists
Been a busy March… Some of the DGUs during the past few weeks…
Doonesbury vs. Starbucks gun 'activists.' Day five.
2-year-old girl in surgery after shooting herself in abdomen
Bloomberg to Obama: Get Going on Taking Guns Away
Jury Acquits Honor Student Of Gun Charge
Police say gunshot death was an accident
16-year-old boy shot and killed in Antioch
Gun Control lobby losing credibility ...
The elitisms of gun control… It is too good for thee, but not for me…
Man tapes camera to helium balloon (gets fantastic photos)
Location, Location, Location...
(USMC Gen.) Conway Concerned With Gays in Barracks (xpost from GD)
NAS scientist, 'Renaissance man' of evolutionary biology wins coveted $1.5M Templeton Prize
Found: 90% of the distant Universe
Gorillas Extinct in Ten Years in Central Africa?
Giant Squid in Suspended Animation
New Australian dinosaur fossil shows that tyrannosaurs's range was global
Astronomers Confirm Einstein's Theory of Relativity and Accelerating Cosmic Expansion
Why we need to go back to Mars
Aliens “They could be staring us in the face and we just don’t recognize them
So, this situation here could probably use some good vibes.
HuffPo Article: Healthcare Reform 2.0
Very interesting: A New Kind of Christianity
Islamic court bans online chat on amputations (as a form of punishment)
What does the Koran say about the Vedas or about the Upanishads...
My orthotics seem to be helping my plantar fasciitis.
Surgeons Transplant New Trachea Into Child Using His Own Stem Cells to Rebuild Airway
Your Fat May Help You Heal: Researcher Extracts Natural Scaffold for Tissue Growth
Will the last tenant to move out please turn out the lights
JP Morgan, Lehman, UBS Alleged as Conspring to Cheat Municipalities on Investments
The mighty are starting to fall.
The Looming Trade War With China
Interest Rate Alert: U.S. Rates Will Rise
Facebook page: Florida Teachers Against Pay-For-Performance Salary/ Pay Scales
Struggling Georgia school firing entire staff
CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT: CCSD Superintendent Rulffes plans to leave at end of contract
Show this poll on merit pay a little teacher love
Look who supports even more taxpayer dollars going into Teach for America
How much will US Dollar decline?