Democratic Underground

Archives: March 3, 2010

Profiting From Recession, Payday Lenders Spend Big To Fight Regulation

Not Alice's Tea Party

Former Texas GOP chairman: Bush ‘was a lousy president of the United States.’

I just read this in The Guardian: Republicans v secular America

MORE (Democrat) St. Patrick's Day Items On Sale Now!

Surf, Sand and Smith & Wesson at San Francisco's Baker Beach

Orange officials sue couple who removed their lawn

Orange officials sue couple who removed their lawn

AR-Sen: Punch the hippies, bring out the politicians! by kos

The Gaza Blockade: DIME Bomb Cover Up?

If the teabagger-led republicans take over the House and Senate in November, it won't last long;

This isn't any big deal in the whole scheme of things, but it REALLY pisses me off!

Tech companies eye proposals on use of independent contractors

Google "Boehner Asshole"

Is a Health Care Reform Bill better than none?

Michael Jackson kids play with stun gun purchased off the net

House Communications Subcommittee Has "No Plans" to Bring Back Fairness Doctrine

Sad if True: Report: Body found in Chelsea King case

Larry King Live will have Jerry Brown on tonight, 8 Central

Turn on your TV right now for chilling proof that some people have too damn much money

TX Primaries- Polls just closed at 7PM CST, but the early results do not suggest anti-incumbent mood

Re: Bunning's "agreement" (Amendment)

Anthony Weiner coming up on KO with Lawrence

Mitt Romney Warns Dave Lettermen to Be Careful What He Says About Sarah Palin

Larry Fink’s $12 Trillion Shadow

Why Even Bother?

Get Ready for a Mass Citizens’ Arrest of Health Insurance Companies

Say one thing for the Chileans

Durbin speechifyiung now on Senate floor...

Thanks for the bug squash, mods!

Sick to Death of this Courteous Dem Line of Dialogue: "I don't question his passion or sincerity."

'Don't tell Michelle,' Obama says

Dylan Ratigan Goes Off On Tea Party Guest, Kicks Him Off Show: 'You're Offensive' (VIDEO)

Trial Witness: KY Election Officials Used E-Voting Machines to Flip Votes; Changed Party Affils

Law me, Miz Blank, PLEASE don't go on TV with that gay woman!

It's official. I am (at least temporarily) not full of shit.

Bob Dylan & "the mortality of an entire culture, a moral stance, an understanding of the world"

Washington Post reports on culture war in Mexico over gay marriage: notice parallels w/US?

If Bunning Is So Against Deficits, Is He Going To Refuse His BIG FAT Senate Pension?

IBM layoffs blamed on offshoring

I think Senators should give back all their pay and benefits...

Sarah Palin on Leno's late Show tonight - Notice for those who want to experience it first hand

Medical Marijuana Advocates File Lawsuit Challenging L.A. Dispensary Ordinance

'HCR Obstruction by Amendment' Remember Rick Santorum? On Fox's

Oil deals vital to Iraq PM's campaign

Ex-mayor of Houston wins Democratic primary for Texas governor

Rachel is battening down the Hatch

There is a deity: Kinky FRIEDMAN has lost in Democratic primary!1

Cats. Should they be outlawed?

Homeschooling: German Family Gets Political Asylum in U.S.

DNC email- Are you represented in Congress by a Highway Hypocrite?

Mandatory Tuesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

Clip of Ebert appearance on Oprah. Awesome. 1/2 way through is a demo of his new computer voice.

Turd Blossom admits to error on Iraq as Bush strategist!

Sen. Jim Bunning has now placed a blanket hold on all Pres Obama's executive-branch appointments

Sen. Jim Bunning has now placed a blanket hold on all Pres Obama's executive-branch appointments

In book, Romney blasts Obama over U.S. image

Canadian Immigration Minister pulled gay rights from citizenship guide, documents show

The Picture

Local Media +1 -- Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels gets caught doing what comes naturally to him...

Simple way to empower students to cause havoc on schools:

Convicted and Escaped Murderer Caught after Drunk Driving in Police Station Parking Lot

Unemployment Benefits: Why Doesn't Anyone Point Out How LITTLE $ It Actually Is?

Louisville Courier-Journal: Bunning's true colors

I just turned on Letterman

Representative Anthony Weiner went on Fox and called their BS!

Jim Bunning is now officially a RINO.

Jim Bunning is now officially a RINO.

letterman - mitt romney and leno - sarah palin and each has a medal winner - is the rw out in force

Arizona residents slam their "cold-blooded, jackbooted" senator, John Kyl

Malali Joya is an angry woman

Malali Joya is an angry woman

democrats stand up and be counted

Kay Bailey Hutchison gives up on the Texas governorship. Shucks. I wanted her to go Home.

Dave said, "Prez went for his annual check-up. CHEENEE went for his annual AUTOPSY" n/t

German court orders stored telecoms data deletion

FYI - CSPAN3 covering President's revised HC plan at 1:45 today.

Rangel has testy meeting with Pelosi, is told he has to quit perch on top of House Ways and Means

Cleric's 600 page fatwa condemns martyrs to hellfire

HCR Reconciliation Thread (expected sign ups) We Still Do Not Have The Votes

In U.S., Canada Places First in Image Contest; Iran Last

New York Times calls on Governor Paterson to Resign (unless...)

"Any benefit from used tea bags?" - A gardening thread so filled with political metaphor

"Any benefit from used tea bags?" - A gardening thread so filled with political metaphor

GOP plans to stick fingers in ears over Pentagon study on DADT and say "Lalala I can't hear you!"

What would be worse?

What would be worse?

A Job Finding Question

If you need 51 votes to pass the public option because you can't trust Biden...

Ratigan/Williams interview

Senators to unveil DADT repeal bill

Baby torture: ‘Monster’ in Tavares admits to torturing 2-month-old girl, officials say

FR on Palin's Leno appearance: she is causing "nervous presidential urine."

FR on Palin's Leno appearance: she is causing "nervous presidential urine."

Anatomy Of A Smear: Cheney Attacks DOJ Attorneys As Terrorist-Friendly (VIDEO)

And another DoD Fuck You to Vietnam veterans

Bunning ends filibuster, but 205,000 people won't get a check this week

Poll For Small Business Owners and Presidents, CEOs, and VPs of Small Businesses

Airstrikes kill fewer Afghans, but more dying on ground

Profiting From Recession, Payday Lenders Spend Big to Fight Regulation

Today's get Fuzzy

The Independent: Blair warned in 2000 Iraq war was illegal

Bunning’s Blockade Became a Conservative Rallying Cry

On Iraq SOFA Renegotiations

Bunning to Head to Cooperstown to Halt Induction of 2010 Hall of Fame Class

Get a Homeland Security Degree and Start working in any of over 3.6 million jobs!

Get a Homeland Security Degree and Start working in any of over 3.6 million jobs!

Up Or Down. Time To Deliver 3 March 2010

Blanche Lincoln’s Primary Challenger Raises $1M in 36 Hours

Good point in LTTE: Reform requires the public option

all it took to break Bunning's filibuster was the WILL to stay up late....

Constituents Confront GOP Rep. Myrick Over Muslim-Bashing At Tense Town Hall

GOP dismisses study of bias against gays in the military as biased

just turned on leno, she's so full of shit

Women and children first? Maybe

Ex-Intel Committee Chair Blasts GOP Successor for Killing Torture Probe

Sierra Club ad blasts Blanche Lincoln for 'Big Oil Bailout'


The Party of "Lincoln" rejects the first black President.

Army foresees "perpetual turbulence" in cyberspace

Michael Bennet to unveil reforms targeting filibuster, lobbying

If you're not on the offensive, you are on the defensive.

Outrageous revisionism: Breitbart's Big Government compares ACORN to Ku Klux Klan

"Laisser le Riff-Raff mangent de la brioche!"

78-19, the bill has passed and unemployment benefits will be restored ...

Gen. Petraeus tells Charlotte crowd to expect 'hard year' in Afghanistan

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' President calls for breaking up the TBTF's!

D*mn, Keith has fallen to 3rd behind Nancy Grace??? oh my.....

Jerry Brown's Campaign Site is Awesome

Brothel Owner running for New York Governor (as a republican - go figure!)

Brothel Owner running for New York Governor (as a republican - go figure!)

One thing that never gets mentioned in the Health Care debate is Workman's Comp

Sarah Palin Commiserates with Leno About Being Ridiculed on the Internet

The lastest (DoD) Fuck You to military dependents

When the Democrats lose big in November...

Mr. Fish TOON: "The Addict Should Quit"

Words ending in, ist and ism seem to mostly divide Humankind.

Study shows steep rise of poverty in Germany

US teachers more interested in reform than money

Taxpayer Bailout of Nuclear Companies: Sign the Petition

You gotta see this picture of Roberts:

You gotta see this picture of Roberts:

AlterNet: What Makes Someone a Bubble Baron?

How come whenever you come to a parting of the ways with somebody,

Had a great discussion yesterday with our 16 yr. old son about American imperialism.

Chrysler passes Honda and Nissan in USA February sales, comes in 2nd in Canada

Robert Byrd: Make Them Filibuster

thanks for letting me share...

thanks for letting me share...

PlanetSolar unveils world's largest solar boat

(Virginia) State may have pushed LGBT policy change

Here's a list of the Repukes who voted no on the Unemployment Extension.

Bill Halter's Resume

Nuclear projects face financial obstacles

Question about the cost of health care reform

Senate Republicans have begun a campaign to cast doubt on the Senate Parliamentarian they appointed

Utah Abortion Bill Could Punish Women for Miscarriages, Domestic Violence

Hockey fans, can we agree that it would have been better if Iginla had scored?

The poor riot when they are ignored and starved.

Starbucks Gun Debate Arrives In Seattle

'Smoking killed me': Pensioner issues final warning... on the back of his funeral hearse

DK on Washington Journal.

Nader to Dodd: Stand up to special banking interests

Sarah Palin: Newspapers That I Won’t Talk to Won’t Let Me Talk to Them

Ethiopia famine aid 'spent on weapons'

Blackwater Investigation Tainted?

Today it starts. . . . . . . . GOOD!

Down the AfPak Rabbit Hole

Down the AfPak Rabbit Hole

Time for a Broad Based Anti-War Movement: Can the Right and Left Work Together to Oppose War and Emp

South Africa black-owned farms 'failing'

digby: Teabag Poster Boys

Chrysler passes Honda and Nissan in USA February sales

Fox News Question Of The Day

Bill Halter isn't the only progressive that needs our support: Updated list of 2010 candidates

There is no excuse for any sickness or pain in America today according to the GOPers.

The EPA's Coal Ash Whitewash

Strike or nothing changes. NOTHING changes.

Looking forward to the president indicating today how he'll brush past the Senate filibuster rule

Looking forward to the president indicating today how he'll brush past the Senate filibuster rule

Our local Fox station is spending 15 mins promoting the Tea Party

The Ratchet Effect

Liberal groups raise $1 million for Lincoln challenger

its time we told mich the witch McConnell and jon bone ya boehner enough

Jerry Brown has 1,142,371 followers on Twitter

Glenn Thrush (R - Politico) ...

The Onion gets a Boehner

Al Franken is a better Senator than Comedian.

34 senators have signed on in support of the public option......

IMO up until the moment a Bill is signed by the President we should

Christie doesn't mind rocket fuel being in N.J. drinking water

Consumer protection agency an urgent need: Soros

Boycott all Whirlpool appliances and tell them about it here.

Ameriquest 2010 mortgage class action lawsuit settlement likely the first of many:

Gay politicos prep for 'I do' in D.C.

Gay politicos prep for 'I do' in D.C.

Report: Local Marine Killed in Afghanistan by U.S. Contractor

The Truth About Teabagging from Newsweek's "The Gaggle"

City of Immigrants Fills Jail Cells With Its Own (Central Falls)

I must be wrong'cause KERRY did it: He met with SwiftBOT /a-hole T.Boone PICKENS

good time to make more phone calls

TPM: Inside 'Bunning-Gate': How The Democrats Brought Bunning Around

70% Of The Elderly Aren't Retiring Because They Can't Afford To Anymore

***Breaking on CNN: Another Chile earthquake with Tsunami warning.***

WSJ claims that Milton Friedman saved hundreds of thousands of Chile earthquake victims

Breaking......Rangel Has Stepped Down....

Would a general strike threaten corporate personhood?

Would a general strike threaten corporate personhood?

Earthquakes can lead to more earthquakes, scientists suggest

Dennis Kucinich on C-SPAN 3, here...

A nation of mushrooms ......

How would Bunning, Boner, McConnell, Bachmann, CANTor, react to or deal with..

The New GOP Is Even Crazier and More Radical Than Bush and Co.

POTUS speaking on Health care now.

Despite deaths, Army awards $2.8 billion contract to KBR

US Postal Service moves to cut 50,000 jobs

Can anyone point me in the direction of refuting MLK being a Republican? Another FB war

Obama administration plans to close International Labor Comparisons office

Rahm Emanuel: Obama's Chief Of Sabotage

Saudi Arabia Faulted for Feudal Justice

Tapes indicate child directed planes at NY airport

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repeal moves closer

This next week or so will be the final chance for a Public Option

The Rude Pundit: The Dogs Will Eat You Because They Are Dogs

What is Ratigans problem?

Where Are We With The Public Option Reconciliation Letter In The Senate?......

Frist and Bunning Join Call for Up or Down Vote

How Sweet Is It That Repubs Are Gonna Get FUCKED UP Using Their Very Own "Up Or Down Vote!" Mantra?

I've had more than a few negative things to say about Nancy Pelosi since she became Speaker.....

U.S Started A War Of Aggression Against Afghanistan Over 30 Years Ago

Will Liz Cheney Attack Rudy Giuliani's Firm For Representing 'Terrorist Detainees'?

Despite 935 documented lies, Rove book insists Iraq war was justified

It's ok Teabaggers, while you whine, piss, and moan; the rest will carry the weight of our nation.

"Don't Ask Don't Tell" Perpetuates All Bigotry, Not Just Homophobia

Rachel Maddow TwitterSlams Orin Hatch

Breaking: Explosion at Detroit elementary school

Obama gave a very good speech - no surprises

Lathrop (CA) employee gives up job so co-worker can keep hers

Tired of debunking Global Cooling Nonsense?

Bunning's amendment has just been defeated

Rush Limbaugh's Gaudy Fifth Avenue Penthouse Is Now For Sale

LOL !!! - Blanche Lincoln Attacks Bill Halter for Not Supporting Public Option Strongly Enough - FDL

New MSNBC Live Stream, here...

New MSNBC Live Stream, here...

Can Torture Victims Sue Their Tormentors?

YOO Confesses: Torture "Policy Choices Made By President Bush"

Good for Big Ed - he just prevented a "caller" from inserting a phony anecdote

Frank: 'If They Want To Kill Consumer Protection, Let There Be 41 Jim Bunnings

anti-choice rightwinger republican state senator arrested for DUI

Taxpayer Money Being Funneled Through The Chamber Of Commerce To Kill Health Reform?


Sen. Byrd calls proposed Democratic changes to filibuster rules 'misguided'

Is Taxpayer Money Being Funneled Through The Chamber Of Commerce To Kill Health Reform?

PG & E agrees local rates are unfair

Mr Fish Toon on the American Health "Care" System

NPR today

'Tom Tomorrow' Covers ACORN 'Pimp' Hoax, Depicts NYT Public Editor Clark Hoyt as a Weasel

Godspeed to you, Capt. Sully Sullenberg!

New Orleans Police Officer Pleads Guilty in Post-Katrina Killing Cover-Up

Is it true that SCHIP was created by the reconciliation process in 1997?

Yet another reason to be a FIEND FOR THE BEAN !!!!

2 dead, 6 injured when 26-foot wave hits cruise ship in Mediterranean off France

Angela Merkel says 'nein' to Greece

Did you know that there are approximately 90,000 people in the USA over a hundred years old?

Please send good vibes and healing light out to my sister-in-law...

If you know someone who wants to teach in Florida give them some advice: RUN AWAY!

Democratic senators speak out against $450-million stimulus funding for Chinese-built turbines

Happy Birthday Senator Feingold....

Is the City of Orange in Southern California part of a "desert"?

Would it have been any harder to have gotten to a vote with real health CARE reform?

Cops: Parents Trade Daughter For Car Payments

Diversity policy voted down in tense meeting

Army announces no bonuses for KBR, poor performance - Army awards KBR more work in Iraq today

Army announces no bonuses for KBR, poor performance - Army awards KBR more work in Iraq today

Diversity policy voted down in tense meeting

More icky stuff about Paterson. It's getting hard to keep up.

Who just watched Stupak on Matthews' show?

The $6000 dog

The House Armed Services Committee - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Working Group hearing.

*The truth about your immense weirdness, By Mark Morford

Does Rep. Sue Myrick think that Islam is a “terminal disease”?

The culmination of a corporatist government aiding and abetting the Wall Street banksters and

'Smoking killed me' sign placed on hearse, grave

Big Tobacco Prostitutes and the Distortion of American Justice

Smithsonian turns down suit worn by OJ Simpson

Germany's Catholic Church hit by increasing number of sex abuse claims - now a monastery

Fire chief of tiny district to lose $186,370 job but get $300,000 severance

Ever notice how the human element is disappearing form the way we use to do business

Too sweet 3/3/10 Fox News' Megyn Kelly

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) Will 'Absolutely' Push For Public Option Via Separate Legislation

Woman charged with killing husband is lobbyist for a domestic violence group

Wednesday TOON roundup, part 3

Same-sex marriage becomes legal in D.C. - story with pics

Attempt to put Reagan on the $50 bill

The Good News From The TX Primaries: Anti-Science McElroy Booted Off TX Board of Ed

Hookay, what did Obama say about health care today, or did he?

Hookay, what did Obama say about health care today, or did he?

Want to hear me post about some good news, for a change? :)

"This isn't about us doing a favor for Gays and Lesbians; this is about America being America."

LOL!!! - Third Graders Running RNC Insult Own Donors - By Kos

E Erickson AC360: "(folks) collecting unemploy. benefits are using them to go on "a little vacation"

Medical marijuana advocates sue Los Angeles

Pete Stark (D-CA-Atheist) Tapped To Replace Rangel

This Is The Best The GOP's Got? (pssst, politico gets exclusive docs...)

President Obama just sent me an email so can I go visit him @ the W.H.?

Yeah, that's right. Bash Texas all you want. At least when a celebrity runs in THIS state

Obama wrong, Weingarten right

Ed: "Easter is the new Christmas when it comes to health care". nt

Well, that worked out well again. "Coburn SPURNS health care compromise"

WOW... Pete Stark to Chair House Ways and Means Committee, Replacing Rangel - FDL

"O wants Dems to pass ... using SPECIAL procedures to override Repug opposition" - Chip Reid, CBS

All of you disgruntled HCR people, here's your chance to kill the bill.

Fake pilot arrested moments before take-off

Exclusive: GOP To Unleash Huge Wave Of Robocalls Warning Of Dem Plot To “Ram” Health Reform Through

CA state senator (R-Naturally) arrested for suspected DUI

Major Karmic event hits one of my MIL's LDS neighbors

"Hurt Locker" producers sued days before Oscars

Link to the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Hearing Today

Archdiocese of Baltimore to close 64 schools including one high school, Cardinal Gibbons

I've confirmed 4 of my newphews teachers told him he could pass the 10th grade with D's,...

Towson U. fires instructor for racial slur

DA drops charges against cops caught on video beating up unarmed college student

Eric Massa's statement is that he has terminal cancer

South Carolina charges for the right to be a Subversive...

How best to thank my amazing coworkers? Our crew have the hardest jobs ...

New SPLC Report: "Patriot" Groups, Militias Surge in Number in Past Year

Wednesday TOON roundup, part 1

Lieberman Announces New Legislation to Repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Conviction tossed over hearing-impaired juror

Republican says she was asked to change party affiliation to serve as 'Democratic' precinct official

Limbaugh is an acronym: Lying, Ignorant, Malevolent, Bloated. Arrogant, Ugly, Goat-Humper.

After a lull in building, business is picking up

Wednesday TOON roundup, part 4

Wednesday TOON roundup, part 5

Somebody wanna tell me why "spending has to be cut"?

Wal-Mart will pay $11.7 million to settle discrimination suit

Maybe we should close down police departments in high-crime areas.

"The majority of the House has spoken..."

Well, at least something has changed (Today's "American Extremists" cartoon)

NPR's Maura Liasson and Lamar Alexander

Poverty Formula Revised: New Method Doubles Number Of Elderly Poor

Senator Whitehouse at the Press Conference Today: It's time for Republicans to accept reality.

I saw a driver studying as she drove on the freeway today

Texans go with the Crazy they know

The Republican candidate for 2012 Presidential election will be...

How about the Democrats use the regular process to pass the health care fixes and dare

Petraeus Predicts 'A Hard Year' of War in Afghanistan

$53 for 1 pair of surgical gloves

GPS instructions nearly costs woman her life.

A sobering look at race relations -- through the lens of a small town in the south.

GOP Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) Wants To Put Reagan On $50 Bill

As Afghanistan Contracting Surges, Who's Following The Money?

Orwellian propaganda: Fox uses '05 Obama objection to the Republican NUCLEAR OPTION to cry hypocrisy

I'm stupid.

In Corporate Fascist America the Only Protected Speech Will Be Corporate Speech

New rules for troops hit by IED blasts

Economists: Another Financial Crisis on the Way: Nobel Winners Call for Stronger Financial Reforms

Did Lawrence Eagleberger have a stroke?

Presidential Reunion - SNL Style!

Florida Nurse Fired Over Decades Old Nightclub Drag Act

Alan Grayson, Michelle Bachmann To Debate Health Care On Larry King Live

LAPD apologizes to Robert Kennedy's family

LAPD apologizes to Robert Kennedy's family

Self defense moves saved woman attacked by killer of Chelsea King. Learn how to save yourself!

American Family Association: Stone To Death Killer Whale Who Killed Trainer

Building a Better Teacher

Court Rules Zombies Allowed to Roam the Streets

Did you work in the last election to help...

Giannoulias predicts family bank will fail

Hulu losing `Daily Show,' `Colbert Report'

Bullet-Hit Baby Survives Family Massacre (Global Warming Suicide Pact)

Realistically, How Can The USA Ever Cut The Defense Budget?

Wednesday TOON roundup, part 2

Puritans on the rampage:

I'm just a few miles west of DC. Is my marriage doomed?

WP: It was a "sad, desperate" decision to fire all of R. I. school's teachers.

Save The Wolves

So I completely shut a teabagger down on a campus bus...

American Family Association: Stone To Death Killer Whale Who Killed Trainer

Exclusive: RNC document mocks donors, plays on 'fear'

it's just agonizing to watch Obama contorting himself into a pretzel for bipartisanship

Help Homeless in Downtown LA- with one mouse click

Michael Moore: ‘Democrats are a bunch of wusses…It’s disgusting… I’m sick of them’

Fight For The CFPA Is 'A Dispute Between Families And Banks,' Says Elizabeth Warren

74 year old babysitter fights like hell to protect child from sexual assault

Gay couples line up for marriage licences in US capital

Romney: Sarah Palin is qualified for president

DU this poll on private school vouchers

HuffPo: John Edwards INDICTED? Grand Jury Set To Indict Edwards, National Enquirer Reports

Rush Limbaugh's hideous NY apartment is up for sale

Rush Limbaugh's hideous NY apartment is up for sale

How Kucinich Resolution Will Help End Afghan War

Maddow's show is addicting and informative...

Army awards lucrative Iraq contract to KBR

Former Treasury Sec/Goldman Sachs Chairman Robert Rubin: 'Virtually Nobody' Saw Crisis Coming

Male Frogs Turned Into Females By Pesticide Atrazine

Al Qaeda's Pakistan Lair Captured

One of the best and brightest satirical bloggers has died. RIP Jon Swift.

When I see how incompetently our Cities are being operated,

Remember my name!!!

WTF?! Is Qwest in some kind of cahoots with the Post Office?

Whatever You Think of Rahm Emanuel-- That's Probably What You'd Think of Obama . . .

Stupak is a sack of crap (IMHO)

Perdue, poultry farm sued for polluting Chesapeake Bay

Our country is broken:

Will Grant Surrender $50 Bill To Reagan?

How Milton Friedman Saved Chile

3 LA teachers suspended for honoring O.J. Simpson, Dennis Rodman and RuPaul

More things you may not know about the Central Falls situation: Pt. 1

Who has the list of 34 (?) Senators that have signed up to support the PO?? nt

SC may gut programs for 26,000 disabled residents

Should Arne Duncan be fired.

I just noticed something new on the rec/unrec feature...

Is the Republican Party destroying American democracy?

I'll be losing my job today DU. I'm so upset, I've been vomiting.

Video: I Do

Saddest Dental Office Story so far...

Based on this 2009 report from the RI Commissioner's office re Central Falls High school

Some little known facts about the Central Falls, RI school firing incident

Dean's Story. Please read this - it's a matter of life and death.

Keep jobs in Cleveland.Call Hugo Boss

New Heroine Sparks a Movement

Sate Sen. Roy Ashburn (R-CA) arrested on DUI charges

Wow...I despise Mittens Romney even more than I realized!

Elizabeth Warren: "My second choice is no agency at all & plenty of blood & teeth left on the floor"

How about an International Sovereignty Resolution Tribunal to resolve the Falklands/Malivinas

Bill Halter isn't the only progressive that needs our support: Updated list of 2010 candidates

BigPharma, the Orgasmatron and restless vagina syndrome

Yes or no? If HCR passes, we pay NOW but no benefits until 2013 ???

US Not Part of Cluster Bomb Ban

Still more things you may not know about the Central Falls situation: Pt. 2

The Picture ***GRAPHIC***

Dobbs, Beck, Palin, Bachmann Share Blame For Rise in Right-Wing Extremism, Says Activist Group

So what do YOU plan to do about it?

OK, one more question for small business owners here

Michael Moore: 2nd crash will make '08 look like coming attractions

Michael Moore: 2nd crash will make '08 look like coming attractions

Michael Moore: 2nd crash will make '08 look like coming attractions

Civil Liberties Board Goes Vacant Under Obama

Labor Notes: "I've Never seen this much anger at the Democrats from union people"

I've been watching the DC traffic cameras. No sign of mass straight-marriage collapse yet

The "buy a green card" program was so corrupt it had to be shut down, but John Kerry wants it again

The "buy a green card" program was so corrupt it had to be shut down, but John Kerry wants it again

There are some very important facts about Central Falls everyone needs to note

100 Percent of Fish in U.S. Streams Contaminated with Mercury

Michael Moore: ‘Democrats are a bunch of wusses…It’s disgusting… I’m sick of them’

KBR's new contract worth $2.8 Billion or about 3% cost of HC Reform for a year

How desperate can they get? Snowstorm's now responsible for predicted February Job Loss...

How desperate can they get? Snowstorm's now responsible for predicted February Job Loss...

Obama approves of closing R. I. school with 7% math proficiency. Praises school with 4% proficiency.

Obama’s Ronald Reagan Moment

More on the F-35 changes

More on the F-35 changes

Kent Conrad Explains How “Extremists” On The Left Are Crippling The Senate - FDL

Why Jimmy Carter lost in 1980--and why Obama should take note.

Would our school system be better overall if we took the problem kids out of the system?

Public education and cultural attitudes in the US

Child clears airliners for take-off at JFK (FAA not amused)

If You Like Elizabeth Warren, George Soros, Joseph Stiglitz... Go Here:

Gorillaz cool new video: Stylo

Post some tunes that would work for the upcoming Thor movie

Damn! just got out of GD!

DU Government employees, Sound off!

Man survives peeing on power line, dies in crash.

If I casually say in a conversation that I like to practice having children...

Fart Wind and Fire is the greatest group in all of music.

How many DU women chew tobacco?

Will YOU take the STAKE CHALLENGE??!!!!

Awesome! My favorite romantic comedy show* that was cancelled** years ago is on in reruns

Hard to believe VU's 'Stephanie Says' is a new song

Robot Unicorn Attack.

Will posting about something good that might happen jinx it?

Kate of "Jon and Kate" to be on Dancing with the STARS - crazy quote

One conference presentation... one run-through... 14 minutes FLAT!

Whiskey is good.

Rum is great!

How Long Do You Think It Is Good To Walk Your Dog?

Do you ever feel like you could cry for no reason at all?

Good Night!

Bourbon, the teetotallers might abhor,

I just turned on Letterman

Pedigree Dogs ad shot 1000 FPS using the Phantom camera!

Girlfriend's ex-husband is harassing her by phone . . . what to do?

Tom Green Auditions for Public Enemy

Why do people obsess over shows like LOST?


This will waste a little of your time.

Okay, I really don't get some of the people over at GD.

Newlywed couple spend 1st night in jail

Only crotch sniffers enjoy the taste of unsweet tea.

In the 19th century, many people sniffed crotches and enjoyed it.

Where on DU are instructions how to do different size fonts, etc? nt

What good is Tommy_Carcetti for, honestly, really?

The 14 Funniest Police Composite Sketches (HuffPo)

Today's Epic Fail.....

Nei Hao!

Anyone see the movie "Waltz With Bashir"?

I had a revelation today... Post the first 5 on your ipod

The dogs keep stealing my black winter crocs because


Is sweet tea an acquired taste? And if one didn't have access to it as a kid,

NBC's "Parenthood". Wow! It is absolutely

Naughty coins from Ancient Rome (warning naughty pictures on ancient coins)

Finally! Somebody speaks up in the lounge....the pilot lounge that is

USA!!... USA!!... USA!!... USA!!... USA!!

Great John Boehner article in the Onion

A nation of mushrooms ......

Happiness is a warm __________ .

Are you married to your Polar Bear first cousin?

I am sitting here working while listening to the soundtrack to AVATAR-

Psst! Hey Cool Kids, This Could Be The Next Big Thing: Venmo

Temple of The Dog - Hunger Strike

I Bought a Whirley Pop Yesterday

I Bought a Whirley Pop Yesterday

Is there any kind of cuisine that Coca-Cola does not go well with?

This is awesome. gets SNL stars (former and present) to do a presidential reunion!

Okay, let's just put it to a vote:

because I finally got a haircut, lets have a mid-week picture thread

Pancakes for dinner

Animal Rights group demands that Knut the Polar Bear be castrated (he's dating his 1st cousin)

MineralMan's Open School Prank Thread

Some folks just should not be in band

Mass. newlywed couple spend 1st night in jail

I keep a backyard flock of about 40 chickens, about 7 or 8

3/16/10: MST3K DVD Set XVII - Crawling Eye, Beatniks, Final Sacrifice, Blood Waters Of Dr. Z

Average Testicle Size (by the numbers)

I don't think Jim Bunning should have made the cut for the Hall of Fame

Scott Williams SKATES to Nirvana!

Most Preposterous Premise for a Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer Film

Name something you like (band, movie, show, book, team, place) that you feel obligated to defend...

The Female Orgasm: By the Numbers

From the author of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies comes Abraham Lincoln:Vampire Hunter

How come whenever you come to a parting of the ways with somebody,

I am happy that Bill White won for the Democratic Primary for Governor today.

The size of a grapefruit?

The Starbucks barista refused to give me extra whipped cream, so I shot him.

Stay away from your F1 key

When Skinner convinced me to join DU, he did it by promising that I could eat one of you each year.

In the 19th century, many people married their first cousins.

What's your favorite strain?

Whats your Soundtrack for today?

Worst Job ... Greeter at WalMart or that #2 guy in Al Qaeda?

CaliforniaPeggy said the 'F' word!

MORE FOOD PHOTOS! Today's photo shoot at my client's Japanese restaurant. SUSHI is served!

Found my fix for Curling Withdrawal on the Nintendo Wii

TRUE CONFESSION: I was a teenage band geek.

Trade in your Bible for PORN!!1!!

Ok who's been pouring rocks down my garbage disposal?

OK - should we adopt the beagle?

Dogs are better than cats.

SAKE anyone?

Who would you cast in Gilligan's Island?

So I had lap band surgery last week

hola lounge! i just posted a short 8 min doc featuring DU's own La Lioness Priyanka

Hey, Loungotechnoholics. What inkjets are least bad for ink costs?

Here's the DEAL! m/t

Hutchison’s Senate Departure Stays Fluid

Schwarz forming exploratory committee

Shafer Decides Against Georgia Race, Others Set to Join

Republican state Sen. Bill Hardiman to run for Vern Ehlers' Congressional seat

Injunction halts further plea deals with British defense contractor BAE Systems

The Dems. should make an ad with video clips of all of the Repubs. who were against

GOP's concern trolling getting a bit desperate (on health care reform)

Zuckerman says he will not run for Senate (NY).

Ezra: "The chairman of the Budget Committee explains the reconciliation process."

TPM: NBC News reporting Charlie Rangel Gives Up His Gavel

Sen. Jack Reed prepared to fight for a Consumer Financial Protection Agency

Hey, Bunning, where were you when the R's passed the unpaid for Medicare prescription drug bill?

Northern VA Dems 2-0 Since McDonnell Victory

CNN - "Commentary: Obama, Dems wrong to kill school vouchers" - Pro-Public Education?

Ky. candidates spar over fillibuster

Letterman Show: As usual Romney is full of shit about the Teabaggers.

Lieberman To Introduce DADT Repeal Bill - 11 Democratic Co-Sponsors, No Repubs.

Republicans appear to be setting government up to fail.

Labor "Still With Obama, but Worried"

Democrats plan to keep talking about Bunning

Unemployment Extension Passes 78-19; POTUS signs it into law.

When does the President speak today on HCR?

Landrieu Changes Position, Wants to Move Forward Using Reconciliation

Finally, a bill to repeal DADT

It's Official(er), "Harkin: Reconciliation is a go."

Politico: Charlie Rangel Holds Onto Gavel Despite News Reports Otherwise

Top US general miss-steps

Guess who signed on yesterday as Senate cosponsor of Fair Elections Now Act?

Sherrod Brown "will push for public option in separate bill if not included in existing package."

Obama: Finishing health reform is a test of leadership

Obama: Finishing health reform is a test of leadership

Cantor derides Obama's concessions to GOP on healthcare as 'political cover'

Sec. Solis indicates positive news on Craig Becker nomination coming

You'd think that the GOP would love Obama's so-called "nuclear option"

Funny or Die uses SNL "Presidents" to push for Financial Reform:

GA-Gov: Barnes Narrowly Leads All Republicans

Ezra Klein: Pieces Falling Into Place for Healthcare Reform

O'Donnell Considering Congressional Run

Senators to introduce repeal of 'Don't ask, don't tell' tomorrow

dead face Pence and smirking Hensarling were at W.J.s table this a.m.

dead face Pence and smirking Hensarling were at W.J.s table this a.m.

This is a moment where we should not criticize Blue Dogs but tell them we got their backs

**** Heads Up: POTUS Speaks on Moving Forward With Health Insurance Reform, Live 1:45pm EST ****

Obama demands 'up-or-down' vote on health care

OFA runs full-page ad in 'USA Today', "You Fight, We'll Fight!"

Who is funding "Public Notice" and why the big secret?

The GOP's Fake Solution for People With Pre-Existing Conditions

President Obama has tenacity

Excerpts from the President's Statement on the Way Forward

House Dem To Colleagues: Show Spine!

The more I think about it, the more I think this adoption of Republican ideas in HCR is a good idea

Massa Won't Run For Second Term

Politico Exclusive: RNC document mocks donors, plays on 'fear'

DVR alert!: Grayson v. Bachmann on Larry King Tonight! (3/3)

Call, call, call, call, call

President's Remarks on The Way Foward - Text

McClatchy-Ipsos poll, Obama approval 53% and most Americans see Washington as broken

Well done Mr. President. Now....Do what you say you will do

Obama lays out Volcker rule specifics for Congress

Health Care: Obama Adopts A Good Idea From The GOP

What is wrong with the Senate Finance Committee health care bill? (The Baucus Bill.)

Teachers are the management, students are the workers.

The media is spinning President Obama's HCR proposal today as the "last stand" as if it is over.

The P.I.G.S. - Did I hear Congressman Ryan (R) right just now on Hardball?


In Healthcare Remarks Obama Rejects Both the Left and the Right

The House Undecideds ... Names and Numbers

Will Grijalva Join the Party of "No"?

Ezra Klein: Did Republicans Use Reconciliation for Significantly Bipartisan Bills?

As a DUES PAYING MEMBER of the NEA/IEA (Illinois Education Association) since 1999

"Abortion Still Threatens Health Overhaul Effort"

"Abortion Still Threatens Health Overhaul Effort"

Garrison Keillor on President Obama

Planned Parenthood statement on final stages of health care reform

Photos: "Oh the places you'll go." (The Obama Presidency, 3/2/10)

I'm sorry, but I don't remember Che Guevara being on the Democratic ticket in 2008. (pic heavy!!!)

How will you feel once the healthcare bill is passed and the fix makes it through reconciliation?

Is it time to re-convene the Constitutional Congress?

'Government takeover of healthcare?' $100 billion a year bill compared to $2.5 trillion yearly cost?

Reid extended corporate tax breaks for another year; which is

medical exam question!@

Judd Gregg Has No Idea What He's Talking About (to put it politely)

Dems: Emanuel's "gut instincts" trump Obama's

Woodland cheese shoplifter gets 7 years 8 months in prison

Venezuela economy shrinks 5.8% in the fourth quarter

Bullet-Hit Baby Survives Family Massacre (Global Warming Suicide Pact)

Pakistan army takes control of al-Qaeda cave network on Afghan border

Obama to Say Democrats Will Use Reconciliation to Pass Senate HCR Fix-If Not Given Up Or Down Vote

Merkley calls consumer protection plan inadequate

Hutchison concedes to Perry (TX Gov)

N.Y. Sen. Gillibrand: Paterson should resign

Optional training for students on F-1 visa in US extended to 29 mths

Guatemala arrests national police chief, drug czar

Uganda landslide leaves 80 dead, 400 missing

Mortimer Zuckerman announces he will not run for the Senate

Common Weedkiller Turns Male Frogs Into Females

Bunning’s Blockade Became a Conservative Rallying Cry

NY Gov. Paterson mum as scandal claims top cop

Same-sex marriage becomes legal in DC

'Smoking killed me' sign placed on hearse, grave

"Hurt Locker" producers sued days before Oscars

Under Fire, Rangel Appears to Be Losing Grip of Committee

Under Fire, Rangel Appears to Be Losing Grip of Committee

Aborigines to discuss nuclear proposal on tribal land

NY state police head retires abruptly amidst possible scandal

US teachers more interested in reform than money

Australian economy ends 2009 with strong growth

PlanetSolar unveils world's largest solar boat

Mudslides Bury Villages in Eastern Uganda

N.Y. Rep. Charles Rangel Steps Down as Ways and Means Chairman

Senate Votes To Extend Jobless Benefits


Reid's Office: Bunning Holding All Obama Nominees

Perdue, poultry farm sued for polluting Chesapeake Bay

Greece backs new round of tax rises and spending cuts

‘Miracle on the Hudson’ hero retiring

Gov't still hearing complaints about fixed Toyotas

Norway expels Iranian diplomat in Tehran response

Dobbs, Beck, Palin, Bachmann Share Blame For Rise in Right-Wing Extremism, Says Activist Group

Despite deaths, Army awards $2.8 billion contract to KBR

As Democrats seek to push through health bill, Obama reaches out to Republicans

U.S. Said to Tell Hedge Funds to Save Euro Records

Same-Sex Couples Line Up as DC Gay Marriage Law Takes Effect

California Senator Arrested On Suspicion Of DUI

Flooding makes Havana's Malecon a giant puddle

Exclusive: RNC document mocks donors, plays on 'fear'

Fight For The CFPA Is 'A Dispute Between Families And Banks,' Says Elizabeth Warren

Services sectors show best growth in two years

Economists: Another Financial Crisis on the Way: Nobel Winners Call for Stronger Financial Reforms

Exclusive: GOP To Unleash Huge Wave Of Robocalls Warning Of Dem Plot To “Ram” Health Reform Through

Congressman Patrick McHenry wants Ronald Reagan's face put on $50 bill

Triple Suicide Attack Kills Dozens in Iraq

Solis hints of recess appointment for labor board

Senator (Lieberman) introduces bill to repeal 'don't ask, don't tell' policy

Senator (Lieberman) introduces bill to repeal 'don't ask, don't tell' policy

No Fix? Trouble with Some Repaired Toyotas

Dinosaurs Arose at Least 10 Million Years Earlier Than Thought

AZ may criminalize presence of illegal immigrants

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday March 3

(UK) Gay weddings to be allowed in church

Last daughter of Mexican revolutionary Zapata dies

Hutchinson concedes to Perry

JFK air traffic controller let not one, but TWO kids direct planes: officials

Rangel: I've Asked For 'Leave Of Absence' As Ways And Means Chair

Iraq expects to approve Maysan oilfield deal (with China) soon

("Fox News") Exclusive: Unknown DOJ Lawyers Identified

SEC accuses Miami couple of running $135M Ponzi scheme

Obama on Path Ahead for HCR ("I don't know how this plays politically, but I know it's right.")

Consumer Agency Within Fed Seen as Victory for Banking Industry

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repeal moves closer

More private tuition vouchers on tap, as public schools face cuts

Spanish police arrest masterminds of 'massive' botnet

All eyes on far-right Geert Wilders as Dutch go to the polls

Harkin: Reconciliation is a go

Dem Source: Massa Won't Run (NY-29)

Gov't still hearing complaints about fixed Toyotas

Proposal would put Ronald Reagan's face on the $50 bill

Obama Signs Extension of U.S. Unemployment Benefits

Va. General Assembly approves bill allowing handguns in bars

Giant waves hit cruise ship; 2 passengers killed

Strong Chile aftershock (5.9) spurs panic, evacuations

Venezuela Owes $12 Billion for Seizures, Chamber Says

Romney accuses Obama of wrongly apologizing for US

Pelosi picks fellow Californian(Pete Stark) to take gavel after Rangel bows out

Federal Grand Jury Set to Indict John Edwards, Report Claims

Racist incidents, protests spread at UC campuses

JFK tower allowed a kid to direct air traffic

Rove admits to error on Iraq as Bush strategist

Cal Cunningham: You want to filibuster?

Senator Shaheen: Because Of One Senator Digging In His Heels I FEEL SICK!

Elizabeth Warren Introduces COP's February Report

Fixing the Country, Starting in Arizona 2

Anthony Weiner checks in on Countdown - wholly owned subsidiary and Faux & Fiends stories

Put Yoo in Prison

Rachel Maddow: Epic take-down of Sen. Orrin Hatch and the Washington Post

Tammy Rostov (Small Business Owner) Speaks at VOP Health Care Rally

I Do

Rachel Maddow interviews the Bernie Madoff whistleblower

D.C. Gay Couple: 'Equality and Justice for All'

Oprah Winfrey Show - Roger Ebert with his new "voice"

Reagan, Clinton, Ford, Bush I and Bush II Explain it all to Obama

Corporations Are Killing Us

Fixing the Country, Starting in Arizona 1

Judd Gregg for reconciliation before he was against it.

Gay Marriage now Legal in DC

New Heroine Sparks a Movement

Maddow battens down the Hatch!

Leno, Sarah Palin and Blago

Dylan Ratigan: Just Cut His Microphone! He Has No Interest In Answering My Questions

16 Year-Old Debunks Anti-Same Sex Marriage Arguements

Amy Goodman: Domestic Violence: A Pre-Existing Condition?

Jim Bunning's Latest Plan: Unemployment Benefits To Be Paid By The Unemployed

Why Every Aspect of Dems' Handling of Wall St. Overhaul Seems Headed for Disaster

Some Tea Partiers are in the wrong party, say Greens

Scholar's School Reform U-Turn Shakes Up Debate

Israeli army nixes raid after Facebook leak

Amy Goodman: Domestic Violence: A Pre-Existing Condition?

Disastrous wars are crippling our nation; when will Americans say "enough is enough?"

Americans Afraid to Fight the Powers That Be

Coffee Party up to over 64,000 on Facebook now

Arriba Allende! Instituted the Chilean building codes.

The lawyers smeared by Liz Cheney

Chile's Socialist Rebar by Naomi Klein

It was announced that the Census Bureau, with the BLS, will produce an alternative measure of povert

Michael Moore Talks To TYT About 'Capitalism: A Love Story' & More

The teacher, the dentist, and the numbers (Kerr | ProJo | re: Central Falls)

Entering the Scary "Lacuna" of American Politics

Hightower at his best: Goldman Sachs Authors a Greek Tragedy

With Friends Like These

Detroit homes sell for $1 amid mortgage and car industry crisis

Ayn Rand's Excellent Proposal

Were short warm periods typical for transitions between interglacial and glacial epochs?

Ancient corals hold new hope for reefs

A Warning on Europe’s Forests

US Senate's top climate sceptic accused of waging 'McCarthyite witch-hunt'

Climate scientist (Phil Jones) admits sending 'awful emails' but denies perverting peer review

Global Climate Change: As Arctic Melts, Bering Strait Is Next Panama Canal

NASA Satellite Image Time Series Reveals Spread Of W. Virginia Mountaintop Removal

Why Houston, the "Petro Metro", is embracing electric cars

Indonesian Pres. Promises To "Cut Red Tape" For More Mining, Roads, Power Gen In Protected Forests

6%+ Of Endangered Indian Rhinos In Nepal's Royal Chitwan Park Poached Since 2008

2/10 Update - Double-Dip Arctic Oscillation; Sea Ice Area 409,000 Square Miles Below 1979-2000 Avg.

Ice Off Labrador & Newfoundland Lowest In 40 Years - Icebreakers Docked, Only 500 Harp Seals Seen

Chemicals that eased one environmental problem may worsen another

Wind vs. Natural Gas

Study: Wind energy keeps Iowa power costs down

Cyber bullying rises as climate data are questioned

Cyber bullying rises as climate data are questioned

Michael Moore: There's Going to be a Second Crash (And Glenn Beck Can F--k Off) Video & Transcript

Alabama set to visit White House

Giants/Mariners fans: first radio broadcast from Spring Training today

Sunflower Showdown isn't on my TV tonight.

It's a big day for International Friendlies

Hank Rosenstein, Player in First N.B.A. Game, Dies at 89

Report: Expansion would add money to Big Ten

Turn on your TV right now for chilling proof that some people have too damn much money

Red Sox win!

Yankee fan fits the mold. - Gov. Patterson

x-post from GD: How Milton Friedman Saved Chile

Venezuela economy shrinks 5.8% in the fourth quarter

Flooding makes Havana's Malecon a giant puddle

Honduras After the Coup: Fear and Defiance

Judge murdered in Colombia

Appeals Court to Decide if Oil Giant Will Face Charges in U.S. for Massive Environmental Pollution

Coca-Cola Sued in U.S. by Guatemalans Over Anti-Union Violence

Chan Chan

Achievements of the Venezuelan government in 2009

The Gaza Blockade: DIME Bomb Cover Up?

Why Palestinians Riot Over Jewish Heritage Sites

Hezbollah ups security after Hamas Dubai slaying

Israel to approve 30,000 housing units on occupied land

Hamas aide: Assassinated leader smuggled weapons

'Arabs may have targeted Mabhouh'

Israeli army nixes raid after Facebook leak

From South Africa to Israel: personal stories of apartheid

Third Time: Jewish Forces Raze Synagogue

Dubai Police Chief Says He Knows an Israeli When He Sees One

Insane phone call w Whirlpool jobs to Mexico fiasco

Today in Labor History Mar 3 The largest recorded slave auction in U.S. history took place

At national meeting, labor leaders criticize Obama administration

Central Falls teachers offer alternative plan, file unfair labor charges

Obama Solution to Stop Outsourcing: Stop Counting Jobs Outsourced (No, Seriously!)

A Queer Black Mobile Homecoming

Senators to unveil DADT repeal bill

SCOTUS Will Not Stop D.C. Gay Marriage Law

For gay couples in DC, political reality meets real life

Tiny victory for French transgender community

Meet D.C.'s Beautiful First Gay Couple With a Marriage License

Gates said soldiers must be shielded from DADT debate

Get counted! Why the Census is crucial to gays

Rosa Parks didn’t ‘move to the front of the bus to support sodomy

Common Weedkiller Turns Male Frogs Into Females

Non-NRA firearm training?

Starbucks Gun Debate Arrives In Seattle

ISU study proves conclusively that violent video game play makes more aggressive kids

Thankyou to everyone for your kind words. I hope you will accept this

Against all odds - Life begins again - 2010 version


Illinois Dems at it again


Show me how much YOU are missing summer. (It snowed AGAIN today)

Greenhouse at Night

ARGH!! Is there any way to directly download from a Canon Rebel to a computer?

Starbucks Statement on Gun Carry in their stores

Savor this pic

Personal miracles? New blog post!

Anyone in Montana?

Question, I think I missed the discussion, but will PC return?

I think I understand the fox message -- darkness/light

Cleveland’s Cooperative Model

Larry Kudlow defends Jim Bunning!

SEC to charge Goldman Sachs with Fraud

SHOCKING STUDY RESULTS! -- Tots don't get their words worth from language DVD

Texas A&M University (Project GreenVax) to manfacture plant based vaccines.

Group Suing Fish Oil Industry Over PCBs

Bible Ignored -- Murdering Whales Must Be Stoned To Death

S.C. Pastor Exposes 'Practical Atheists' among Christians

Atheist Bibles-For-Porn Swap Riles Campus

Singularity, Know Thyself

Scholar’s School Reform U-Turn Shakes Up Debate

More From Central Falls

Another bread thread