Democratic Stuff ( 10% off everything sale
Did Boy Scouts Keep "Perversion Files?"
KO is playing some of the attacks on Obama
Militia Probe Included Undercover Agent
Advice on setting up a paypal collection
Blumenthal Blasts Conn Humane Society Board Practices, Says Hurt Animals And Staff
Teacher Jaimie Escalante has died
Rachel's got more CStreet Family Bizniz tonight
Obama did go after jobs first he was just given to small a stimulus package.
Georgia congressman David Scott says he's received death threats
Militia Probe Included Undercover Agent
Amy Goodman: The Obscenity of War
Italian church to stop cover-up
Swift Boat vet offers Crist a race-tinged endorsement
Ohio has 2nd chance at federal education cash
Is it OK to discuss clause 32 of Project X in public yet?
Is it OK to discuss clause 32 of Project X in public yet?
Government Workers Are Great, So Lay Off
Majority of D.A.s in state oppose Obama nominee
What is wrong with this fucking Brown jagoff? Maddow is not running for office you fucking stalker.
Medical Society Files Lawsuit to Block Health Care Overhaul - guess who?
Lobbying pays off as drug industry hits jackpot with health overhaul
She said it with a straight face
Who Is The Fucking Idiot On larry king?
Senator Hatch: Goodwin liu "a controversial nominee" because his views "appear to be pretty liberal"
1 killed, 8 wounded in D.C. shooting
Tea Partiers Root and Loesch Say Get Rid of Social Security
Is the fact that virtually no mainstream news media is covering Willow Palin's alleged
"Bill O’Reilly just has the lovely and brillint Dr. Monica Crowley on"
How's that Parenty Hoody thing going for you Sarah.....
Glenn Beck fill in calls tanning salon tax "racist"
Spring 2010: “This has been the best (legislative) session Jeb Bush has ever had.”
Letterman's Top Ten: Number 2 If you can't spend donor's money at a
Mandatory Tuesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
Obama: "I will continue to reach out to Republicans... & incorporate their ideas" Kill the Mandate!
Obama Expects U.N. Sanctions on Iran to Be Approved Soon
The teabagger mentality, neatly summed up
I fear that Maryland will join New Jersey and Virginia in the governor's mansion
George Hutchins and CONSERVATIVE CAPITALIZATION strikes again!
I saw a bumper sticker disturbed me,
the president of the tea party on letterman
RNC Sex-Club Flap Only Tip Of Fundraising Iceberg
Anyone expecting the Pope to express regret or contrition...
Anyone expecting the Pope to express regret or contrition...
Letterman was gentle with this teaparty lady who is misguided - likes palin, beck, jim demiint n/t
Palin's secret CSU (Cal state university) speaking fee sparks outcry
Here's an anti HCR poll you can have fun with (warning: FB related)
Awesome idea for bumper sticker for Nov.: Be willing to invest in America what we spent for Iraq.
Who knew? Steele is actually a great suporter of the arts
Health Care Reform Weekly Web Chat
Hightower on court ruling to disclose bailout details.
Hightower on court ruling to disclose bailout details.
New Mexico body parts pile up in Kansas City, KS
Anyone know the origin of the word Hutaree?
I'm dissapointed: there aren't any death panels
Could this be the origin of the huge/hugh confusion?
Judge Invalidates Human Gene Patent
Judge Invalidates Human Gene Patent
Declining Progressivity in US Taxes
Tell me this is not a B Movie scene where the gangsters just beat the rap and are outside the court
Does anyone remember this classic?
Stormfront Forum Member Daniel Cowart Pleads Guilty to Terrorist Plot
Mysterious whale die-off is largest on record
Won't this HCR bill create jobs in the health insurance industry?
Weird: Clone of DU's Front Page Found on a British Government National Health Service (NHS) Website
Media Ignoring Labor Union Successes
SEIU's attack on union democracy
US tech coalition calls for new online privacy law
MO Dem announces on the House floor that she is a rape survivor
Media Matters: Right-Wing Media Machine Is Distorting The Views Of NLRB Appointee Craig Becker
Catholic Child Abuse and Confession
Germany Celebrates The world's oldest still-operating suspended monorail
Right Wing Violence -- time to freak out about it, or let them hang themselves with their own ropes?
Going to the Supreme Court: Dad of fallen Marine vs. Westboro Baptist Church
World Leaders Popularity Chart World Survey
86-Year-Old Woman Named Ill. Veteran Of The Month
Majority of young women (in the UK) in university
A question about a possible "protest" ...
I was looking through the want ads today. Can someone help me? I need a job...
WTF??? Did you hear Andy Card on Joe Scum?
Gallup Poll on vandalism and threats = 138%
IMO one thing that may hurt Democrats
Please educate me: Does the catholic church have some sort of special immunity?
Breast cancer genes can't be patented, federal court rules
Senator Johnny Isakson back in hospital
Global Warming Activist, Journalist, Perish in Antarctica
Westmoreland Man Jailed For Barking At Police Dog
Tavis Smiley’s PBS special “MLK: A Call to Conscience”- MLK’s Televised Challenge to Obama
How Is The Job Situation In Your Area
xpost - Every day should be Connie Saltonstall Day!
U.S. Government To Save Billions By Cutting Wasteful Senator Program
Under fire, Blue Cross Blue Shield agrees to insure Texas newborn who was denied coverage
The Tea Party is a distraction
"Students must now turn to Uncle Sam and the American taxpayer for their student loan"
LL Cool J: Fox News Is ‘Misrepresenting’ One Of His Old Interviews To Promote Sarah Palin’s New Show
The fastest way to real reform
The Militias' YouTube Strategy
Are GOP Congresspeople Subject to Ethics Violations?
Salazar: 'Cap And Trade' Not In The Lexicon Anymore
“Well, Ronald Reagan wasn’t very smart either” (But he was a Great Man)
Dirty, Dangerous and Expensive: Truth About Nuclear Power
Notice that there won't be any off-shore drilling anywhere off south Florida
Someone correct me if I am wrong but States can prevent drilling right?
Bondage-bar scandal has Rove's attention
Who Is The Fucking Idiot On larry king?
December 13, 1636 - Foundation Day of the American Mlitia
The Export Land Model (Or, why do we really need to start fucking up our offshore areas for oil?)
The Export Land Model (Or, why do we really need to start fucking up our offshore areas for oil?)
All I can think about when I see Palin in leather
Major flooding forecast for a third of U.S.
MSNBC: Tiger bought his gf a Subway sandwich for dinner...
Republican candidates scramble to bring Tea Party into GOP fold
Repubs: Healthcare bill was no good because there was no "bi-partisanship"..
Report: By 2020, more senior citizens to be homeless
NPR NEWS-RNC Sex-Club Flap Only Tip Of Fundraising Iceberg
NATO to Expect Local 'Political Leaders' to Direct Next Assault on Kandahar - “This is not Fallujah"
The Rude Pundit - Right Wing Vs. Left Wing Violence: Conservatives Desperately Try to Justify
U.S. Government To Save Billions By Cutting Wasteful Senator Program
has Obama made any announcements on green/alternative energy?
What is with all the haters today?
Controversy over Arctic conference
I KNEW I could be president between 2001 and 2009, but not now...
The RNC is spending more money than it's raising.
Youngstown congressman cancels meeting when protesters appear
Any auto mechanic types on here?
Coming to a coastal vista near you... (Dial-up warning)
Molly's 5th egg is about to hatch!
DFAS workers who were slated to lose jobs because of credit problems get a reprieve
Blame The Gays: "Child Molesting Priests Weren’t Pedophiles Because Most Boys Were Post Pubescent"
German brewery wins right to market 'F**king Hell beer'
Bill Donohue (yes, the anti-gay Catholic League guy): Al-qaeda treated better than the Pope
FL gubernatorial candidate blames teachers' unions for FL not winning Arne's money.
Immigration Officials Set Deportation Quotas, Shifting Focus from Dangerous Illegal Immigrants
The Dynamics of Complex Civilisations
I need the link on how healthcare reform benefits states/Cong. Districts
I need the link on how healthcare reform benefits states/Cong. Districts
I've never seen a baby cry with Obama
MIT Study: Magnetic manipulation of the sense of morality
7 Medical Myths Even Doctors Believe
Debate Planners Can't Find Anyone to Argue Health Reform Is Unconstitutional
Why do we need to drill for oil in our already faltering oceans? n/t
Hutaroo Wedding Picture: The bride was armed and dangerous
National Flood Insurance Expired Sunday, Right Before Epic Rainfall
If an oil deposit the size of Saudi Arabia's Ghawar (~170 Billion barrels) were to be discovered
Life and Death at Suicide High
Life and Death at Suicide High
Suppose Congress Leaders Were Told Calif +4 Other States Would Default on Obligations this Monday?
China Secretly Executed Thousands in 2009
Congressman Fattah (D-PA) "Americans Favor Nuclear Energy" pushing for support on Clean Energy Act
Calling Afghanistan what it is: A drug war
Agree or Disagree - As dissapointing as Obama has been, he's still better than any Republican
Supreme Court: Sixth Amendment obligation to inform a defendant about immigration consequences
BREAKING BIG: Christian Terrorist Suspects Have ALL Requested Public Defenders!!!
Blow out the candles; party’s over for mansion’s tax break
Teabagger leaders advocate elimination of Social Security
We did not get a census form. Anyone else?
What the "drill baby drill" crowd believes
What Jesus reads when he's naked. By Mark Morford
Eastern floods scatter residents as worst awaits
Chamber To Spend $50M On Anti-Health Care Reform Campaign
Emotional freeper "JerseyDvl" encourages, motivates Teabaggers with the reassuring words of Ghandi
Mayors make their rounds, meals in tow
Lawmakers (Kansas) approve sovereignty statement
(New York) City Will Stop Paying the Poor for Good Behavior
On China’s Hainan Island, the Boom Is Deafening
On China’s Hainan Island, the Boom Is Deafening
update #4 (not good) on Vt. nuke plant event
Ban ALL foreign government lobbying and political donations.
Did I miss it? What happened to Grayson's public option bill?
What happenss when you put a token in place
On Cesar (March 31st) Chavez Day, Rediscover Cesar Chavez
Anatomy of the 10 Daily, 'Unvetted' Letters the President Reads Every Day
Wow. An email a friend of mine recently received (shout warning - posted as received)
Drill, Baby, Drill! Obama OKs Virginia Offshore Drilling
Have you noticed that the Republican politicians against HCR are just about promoting Single Payer?
Is There Now Reason to Support Obama Policies - and HIM?
Indicted Michigan Militia nutbags featured guns prominently in their wedding.
Break out the Water hoses, Teargas, batons and dogs! (radical rant)
Democrats: The party of action
Patients Out of Time: A compassionate, science-based educational forum
Palin's 'Real American Stories' is (no surprise) a fraud
The growth of deep poverty after "welfare reform"
South Africa compensates Zimbabwe farmers
Complaints about Obama drive 11 percent surge in Rep. Tiahrt's (R) office spending
Sean Hannity / Pope Bendict poll - who's gonna fall ?
Banking and Jobs: Inseparable Issues
Will they drill for oil off of the northeast coasts?
Rage on the Right - Southern Poverty Law Center
And the beat goes on...If Alan Grayson does not tire of writing...I don't tire of sharing it here.
And the beat goes on...If Alan Grayson does not tire of writing...I don't tire of sharing it here.
Scott Browns Campaign Office says no idea of source for Maddow Campaign
Obama vs. the Teabaggers: The war between the Center Right and the Far Right
A simple question on oil drilling
Charter Schools Fight For Equal Funding, Though Critics See Evidence Of Abuse
Dumping pregnant dog lands man in jail
Scientists Reverse Alzheimer's-Like Memory Loss in Fruit Flies
Should We Go Onto Repug Sites and F**k with their Heads?
and I might add, STAY OUT OF CALIFORNIA!
Heh, just lost a FB acquaintance over challenging a political bs thingie
Lurking Teaballers try this "Small Government" challenge. Challenge your friends as well..
Progressivism is the tent city just outside the big tent.
"The Authoritarians" required reading to understand the teabaggers
So will VA get any tax revenue when federal govt allows drilling off our coast?
When I wanted to talk about oil, no one gave a shit. But now that
I got an e-mail from "friends" and it upset me so much I want to send a good response
Will Sarah Palin's Alaska show feature how she turned the Lakes in Wasilla into cesspools?
DU this poll for Alan Grayson please!
DU this poll for Alan Grayson please!
Offshore drilling and Pres. Obama's stance
Hutaree Militia Included Undercover Agent
Feds To Remove Toxic Ships From Suisun Bay
C-SPAN Caller: 'Too Many Black People' Phone In
A 'Special' Message From Sean Hannity and The Freedom Alliance
Drill all you want, it won't make a difference...
One possible reason why we get inspired and they get angry
Slain Marine's dad getting help with court costs
There was a guy demonstrating at a college a few weeks ago
Does anybody think that the Democratic Party should be called the Democrat Party
Health Insurance Corporations Already Finding Ways to Game the System
couldn't we save MORE oil, by banning plastic garbage?
Boston "classic rock" station sponsors crackpot right wing fundraiser
Boston "classic rock" station sponsors crackpot right wing fundraiser
Use the debate over the war supplemental to talk about the human cost of the war!
Use the debate over the war supplemental to talk about the human cost of the war!
LAT: Obama to announce drilling tomorrow
Hey Sarah, how's that fakey-folksy thing working out for ya?
US family finds traces of slave-trade past in Cuba
US family finds traces of slave-trade past in Cuba
New RW Meme Says An Email Exists Proving That MA Ds Asked Maddow To Run Against Brown
My recent confession attempt at The Shrine of "Divine Mercy"
HCR: The Good News and the Bad News
Tea Party Film Festival Looking for Conservative Movie Makers to Compete for Cash Prizes
Tea Party Film Festival Looking for Conservative Movie Makers to Compete for Cash Prizes
Repubs Rally 'Round Wife Beater
"Hello, this is Charter Schools, my name is John. How can I help you today?"
Rightwing XXX-tremist ----Schwing-nuts ---Log grabbing Republicans....Jon Stewart in a tickled fit
Barbara Bush released from Houston hospital
New credit report rules kick in Friday, Ads must include free option
Wednesday TOON roundup, part 4
Wednesday TOON roundup, part 4
a BIG request of democratic office holders...
Dylan Ratigan is all over the concept of peak oil.
Congress to Obama on Israel: Do what we say, not what we do
Congress to Obama on Israel: Do what we say, not what we do
Man who leaped to death from Empire State Building ID'd
DNC:For some reason, the RNC wants to focus on expense reports for another day
CIA Realizes It's Been Using Black Highlighters All These Years
Ron Reagan and cross-eyed Christie are on Tweety
I know RI is small and all but
So, we still want to be a consumer-driven economy buying doodads that
Boeing Complains About Losing Health Care Tax Break Despite Being One Of Least Taxed Big Corporation
Man Saves 2 lives & Dies a HERO with over $700,000 in Medical Bills
Ohioans increasingly turn to foodbanks - 1.4 Million, 18% jump since 2006
Does anyone use a computer that is not made of any plastic?
The drilling would be in the area of a proposed National Marine Sanctuary
Rachel Maddow announces her candidacy to replace Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts!
Regular mammograms...or not? New study says yes.
WTI CRUDE FUTURE (USD/bbl.) 83.610 +1.24
Looking for work? Healthy? No dependents? A huge tip for you:
In loving memory of Fire_Medic_Dave
Teachers, parents, students flood Legislature in opposition to tenure bill
Obama: Troop move to Mexican border under consideration
Please vote for this school to get a $250K grant
Yikes!!! Obama said he was AGAINST Liquid Coal during the campaign.
SoCal schools drop parental OK for medical leaves
Iraq's Election: Can This Deadlock Be Broken?
Iran nuclear scientist Shahram Amiri 'defects to US'
And ABC chooses to quote the "energy expert"
The Little Boy who Cried Wolf (Updated)
Ne. Senators try to curb animal fights
Santa Clara moves toward hotel tax for 49ers stadium deal
Sean Hannity and Freedom Alliance 'Scam' Facing FTC Complaint and Possible IRS Investigation
How many sell-outs to the right will happen before President Obama loses the support of his base.
Maybe its a good thing that Obama is opening drilling rights.
Wednesday TOON roundup, part 5
The President I knocked on doors for
The President I knocked on doors for
Wednesday TOON roundup, part 2
Wednesday TOON roundup, part 3
MO lawmaker's challenger: her husband
Are Teabaggers the Dumbest People in America?
Obama Administration Kicks Out Bush Wiretap Lawsuit:
TOONS: Really letting the Pope and Church have it
The Banksters are an internationally despised lot......
Boehner criticizes Obama's offshore drilling plan
Fox News drops LL Cool J from Palin's new show
Hilarious spot-on comment on the Strip Club flap.
Any unemployed accountants in the Santa Barbara area?
Firm that worked for PG&E named to investigate SmartMeters
NH GOP consultant calls Obama "dictator"
U.S. Government To Save Billions By Cutting Wasteful Senator Program
why? beacause of heathcare...because he's trying to extend healthcare to his citizens...
Appeals Court Upholds $20,000 Fine Against Orly Taitz
Colbert on Boehner 's tan: "He looks like he tried to replace the core of a nuclear reactor"
Dr. King’s Televised Challenge to Obama: Tavis Smiley's Anti-War MLK
Ross DUHthat & Bill Donohue blame Catholic sex abuse scandal on hippies and gays
WaPo: At U.S. dinner tables, food may be a fraud
New Jersey MS patient gets five years in prison for growing his own medical cannabis (17 plants)
A Du-er asked this question earlier - And it is an important one:
What Makes Chechen Women So Dangerous?
"Offshore Florida oil: Not much there, there " From a recent report...not much oil off Florida.
Using Outdated Quotes from Colin Powell, Obama Justice Department Files Brief to Support DADT
Another big win for the Blue States!
True/False: Republicans will support cap-and-trade in exchange for oil exploration
Do you think this student loan bill will create jobs?
Well, I think it’s remarkable that Obama saved as much Social Security as he did!
15 yr old sold her 7yr sister for sex..
Marine's father ordered to pay Westboro hate church's legal fees.
Keith is right, if we are the instigators, where are the Left-wing militias?
Can someone explain to me why getting more oil from domestic sources would drive cost down?
Is there a DU/Democratic Underground group/site on FaceBook?
The False Recovery--More Delusion
Female Senators Say Women Politicians Have Fewer Affairs Because They’re Too Busy Doing Their Jobs
Did you ever think that the Off-Shore Drilling is a trap?
Congratulations to Margarita Triminio and thousands of others - pics
'Wire,' 'Treme' writer David Mills dies
Doctor Screws-Up Operation then Drops Patient Off in Front of Another Hospital
David Frum refutes Rove's suggestion that Harriet Miers was finished off by her pro-life commitment
If Only: Family Research Council Dubs Obama "First Gay President"due to
Wow! Sara Palin's new show is gonna be so unique
Exposing the dirty money behind fake climate science
My god I wish Ed and the rest LOOKED at history
Does Obama really think that his new "drill, baby, drill" stance will win over that demographic?
This is the moderator appreciation thread.
53 Glenn Beck Fans Get Tricked by Fake Parking Sign, Have Vehicles Towed
Inquiry: Climate data not manipulated
A Kohler woman said her Toyota Camry accelerated into a wall, after she had the recommended repairs
NSA Wiretap Program Declared Illegal
Dozens Of Cars Towed At Glenn Beck Event
Dozens Of Cars Towed At Glenn Beck Event
If Fox News could profit more from programming for liberal/strong/smart people, would they switch?
Fox cuts LL Cool J segment from Palin's New Show
Wire,' 'Treme' writer David Mills dies
Illegal Immigrant Likely Killed Arizona Rancher
Like LL Cool J, Toby Keith was unaware of his inclusion in Sarah Palin's show
Beware This Bogus Talking Point - "wave" of announcements of corporate losses. "
DRILL, baby, DRILL! Obama to Set Plan on Offshore Drilling
How Many are filling out and returning their Census?
How Many are filling out and returning their Census?
Bush-ordered wiretaps illegal, judge says
FBI Releases Files Kept in Room Filled with Secrets
Federal Judge rejects Obama Administration "state secrets" claim against civil liberties lawsuit.
Not much reaction to oil drilling here
My wife wound up in the ER today.
SCOTUS: Defendants entitled to immigration advice
If we need to incorporate Tea Bagger ideas - let's kill the mandate, not Drill Baby Drill! WTF!!!!!
Three years, that's all, three years
New Codes Make Shopping Easier-Your Phone Can Now Scan Product Information
Mom of teen charged with bullying blames victim
US Women Priests weigh in on church pedophile scandal
Flip-O-Meter on Pres. Obama's Support for Offshore Drilling
Indie Filmmakers Sue Thousands of BitTorrent Users
Indie Filmmakers Sue Thousands of BitTorrent Users
Justice Department recants nearly every major claim against Abu Zubaydah
Cleaning up at my Dad's house....
Oil Drilling - Like - "Fucking For Virginity" - NOT "Change©" I Voted For - by paradox
How much money will WE get for OUR oil that Obama wants to drill? Simple question.
Stand back! This may get ugly---
Have You Done Your Census Yet?
Police: Tenn. man rams car with Obama sticker
Police: Tenn. man rams car with Obama sticker
Yet another thread about offshore drilling
Home Video Captures Gunshots as Police Shoot, Kill Woman
Is Michael Steele trying to undermine the Racist Party?
A disturbing anecdotal presence within my dental practice:
School boys 11-18 who were executed finally recieved an apology-FEB 24,2010.
Calling Afghanistan what it is: A drug war By Alfred W. McCoy
28th Amendment - what IS this code for
28th Amendment - what IS this code for
ABC Series ‘V’: Invading, Fascist Lizards Arrive With ‘Universal Health Care’ and ‘Message of Hope’
Soul of a Citizen saved my soul during the long nightmare
"It's the redistribution of the poverty that's killing me"
Who's behind the Republican Tea Party? Money and Organizations:
One benefit (for me) of the HCR bill the President signed
MAMA SAID KNOCK YOU OUT! LL Cool J calls out FOX NEWS for misrepresenting that Palin interviewed him
Anyone hear Hartmann jump the shark yesterday?
Wednesday TOON roundup, part 1- Polling!
Wednesday TOON roundup, part 1- Polling!
Fucking Hell Yes - OK Boehner, DUers got one better than you
Family Research Council Asks Members To Stop Donating To RNC
Question of the Day: Do we really need a Republican Party? And if so, WHY?
If I ran the DNC... my political ad for this fall
FOX NEWS calls jailed militia / domestic terrorists "CAPTURED WARRIORS"
Yes, big insurance can still use rescission to reject your insurance claims! - Huff Po
Offshore drilling! I don't like it! F***!
Yale student jumps from the Empire State Building
Obama's playing chess. Now I don't think it's a very good game
Hutaree anger stoked by phony baloney email
Frozen Dog Found Chained To Tree (Children Spot Dog While Walking To School)
LL Cool J BETRAYED By Fox News and Sarah Palin
Subway riders question NYPD’s ‘ridiculous’ show of force
This teacher definitely gets it.
Do you think we'll see a repeat of Ruby Ridge or Waco soon?
Obama Goes After McCain Over Offshore Oil Drilling - June 18, 2008
Environmental Activists: Obama drill plan is betrayal.."all so the oil industry can make a.. profit"
RNC Tries to Deflect Attn from Lesbian Bondage Sex Story
Update on 30-day Extension of Jobless Benefits
Heads UP: Think You Can Exceed The Speed Limit By 5 To 10 MPH? Maybe Not
Big Pharma Wins Big With Health Care Reform Bill
Big Pharma Wins Big With Health Care Reform Bill
Candidate Obama on Off-Shore Drilling: "It would have long-term consequences for our coastlines ..
Obama's Offshore Drilling A Disaster for Wildlife & Climate (defenders of wildlife)
So what if Bush said Drill, Baby, Drill? What would you be saying?
Obama education plan boosts privatization, victimizes teachers
Have you ever learned from a public school teacher who was drastically underpaid ...
“Our President Is Deceiving the American Public” Daniel Ellsberg
Movies Rebooting the 1980's Including Red Dawn
US man rams car with Obama sticker
Got challenged tonight on the road per Sarah's "hopey changey" instructions
why I think a living wage doesn't cause unemployment or excessive inflation
We are holding 100% of them accountable! Even the kids who are terminally ill have to take the test
Opening Offshore Oil Drilling Off Coast of North Carolina Will NOT BE POPULAR
Title of Ann Coulter's lecture at UCLA today: "Why Liberals are Wrong About Everything"
Should religion be tax exempt?
America is broken and the hatred grows.
Germany: Who is behind the neo-Nazi march in Duisburg?
How I went from "left wing" to "far left crazy"
Thank you, CODEPINK, for pulling the mask off the Turdmaggot
Disappointed but at least Obama kept the West Coast ban in place
How many DU Catholics have been demoralized by the church scandals?
9/11 Mother Demands Obama Try Terrorist Plotters In Civilian Court (VIDEO)
Interesting Discussion on Diane Rehm Today: Rise of Militias and Hate Groups in the U.S.
Second annual Motorcycle and Scooter group public service announcement
The war of all against all -- and the knowledge of a better world
N.J. teen sold stepsister, 7, for party sex
N.J. teen sold stepsister, 7, for party sex
Outrage in Florida. Duncan has no comment. Will drastically effect teachers.
Obama, 2008: "This is a proposal that would only worsen our addiction to oil"
Is there still room in the Democratic Party for those who advocate for these Liberal Issues?
Is this possible? Make all public schools public charter schools?
x-post:Tea Party Express coming to Bettendorf Iowa
We have to take down the liars and hate speakers through some sort of legislation.
Amy Goodman: The Obscenity of War
First Lady Michelle Obama Hosts the Spring Garden Planting at the White House Kitchen Garden - pics
Court OKs Repeated Tasering of Pregnant Woman
How much do you have saved in your IRA?
I would sacrifice my life and my entire life savings for each of my Facebook friends.
Please, some lyric help needed.
What golf cliches will commentators avoid when Tiger plays next week?
53 Cars towed from Glen Beck event at UCF in Orlando
Bronc to breakfast, that's what.
Woman gets 6 months for fake-breasts heist
LOL, cute little kid pic i ran into!
I was looking through the want ads today. Can someone help me? I need a job...
I am currently fighting a cold. I am currently losing the fight.
Let the Death Panels Commence!
anyone here ever work in the Federal Govt?
Anyone got a little 'you-know-what' that I can borrow?
If you were on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
You never give me your money ----Beatles
Want to get some head in Kansas City?
A quote for the times from a friend of mine:
No more sleep for me tonight. 3-4 fire trucks, over half a dozen cop cars outside
Check out the picture in the thread in GDP.
Robin Hood Trailer. Just found it online.
Peeps Show IV, the Peeps Diorama contest from WaPo!
CONFESS!!!!!!!! What is your hidden talent!!!
...and Jerry Mathers as The Beaver, OR ...and Antonio Fargas as Huggy Bear?
MSNBC: Tiger bought his gf a Subway sandwich for dinner...
Scariest Discussion Topic in the Lounge right now:
German brewery wins right to market 'F**king Hell beer'
The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 3/31/10
Great-grandmother and Champion Powerlifter
I woke up this Morning, and my computer screen was upside down!
Huffington Post's idea of Sports News
Any auto mechanic types on here?
CONFESS!!!!!!!! What is your hidden talent!!!
LOST spoiler. I think I just figured something big out about what Smokey is doing
Whatever happened to dead time (TV) at the top of the hour?
Molly's 5th egg is about to hatch!
Threads crying out loud to be remade
C-SPAN Caller: 'Too Many Black People' Phone In
Holy CRAP, what a COOL video. "Beyonce Irreplaceable on iPhone by Korean Girl"
Westmoreland Man Jailed For Barking At Police Dog
I can't go back into GD. So many stories just breaking my heart.
has anyone tried "legal herbal smoke"?What was your opinion
Do you get worked up at all over sports? (Arsenal v. Barca spoilers)
"I don't know what it is, I can't get this Omish guy to fax me his references"
U.S. Government To Save Billions By Cutting Wasteful Senator Program
Worst musical act named after an asshole talk radio host.
Forgive me for asking, but who the fuck is Jesse James?
Us Magazine posts the photo that's GUARANTEED to heal the Bullock - James rift...
i can't bring myself to read rainbow bridge threads.
Musical acts that used the word "Head" in its name, what are your faves?
DU Musicians: What if you did "Can't buy me love" to the style of Mike Nesmith's "We are awake"?
so right after my ex signs over the car to me
Mike Nesmith - Magnetic South (1970)
Does anyone here watch Breaking Bad?
Does anyone here watch Breaking Bad?
Now, THIS is why Al Gore invented the interwebs!
Anyone else having problems with Twitter
Stinky stupid question guy strikes again.
Suggestions on how to deal with people at gym who don't wipe down machines after use?
I wonder if Lovecraft was thinking of Montesano, Washington, when he imagined Innsmouth.
Greatest musical act named after a GOURD.
You know that flat faced little homewrecker that everyone
DU is A Little Over 600K Posts Away from 50 Million Posts
Well, it's been a crappy month.
So I watched "Capitalism: A Love Story" last night...
For The Big Bang Theory fans in the house! BEST EPISODE EVER!
PSA: Dr. Strange isn't the Lounge's biggest Rush fan--Its Symarip
New 7-Eleven in our neighborhood; guess who was its first customer?
I have music of my own in my head, but I can't sing and can't play musical instruments
Fun story: When I taught in Japan, my students converted my name into Kanji (i.e. word pictures)
Started watching that "new" "Star Trek" last night...shut it off after about 20 minutes.
The poem I didn't read tonight at the open mic...
Keeping kitty cats safe, your tax dollars at work...
Has anyone here ever owned a Mazda Protege?
I saw a sea otter last night! I can't recall seeing one in that cove before. :^D
It's the DOUCHEPOCALYPSE! Heidi Montag & Spencer Pratt give themselves "true native-American names"
I have this friend who has a problem and I don't know where else to turn
Who is better? Chuggo or Rush?
Greatest musical act named after a FRUIT.
Best Dancing in a TV Commercial
OK, fess up. Who else wears their sox inside out?
Do you sleep with the TV off, or on? Why?
Favorite euphemism for tombstoning?
Why do we watch Star Trek movies?
Caption the Hutaree mommy-bride and her little raison de mariage
Has a Rush fan ever lectured you on why you should like their music?
So about the new Star Trek movie...
Hi. My name is William, and I am addicted to Law & Order
Which musical artist's catalogs aren't bad, but just OK?
OMG. All is lost. I found a library book in the freezer.
Who is the most hated and despised DUer in the lounge?
No amount of understanding will ever help you 'get' this painting.
Movies crying out loud to be remade
I saw reported ONE time a few days ago that a new poll showed Dems. erased "enthusiasm gap"
"Selective Health Reform Studies Misleading Young Adults"
Biden fans, Facebook users - come join!
The Presidents #11: James Polk
The Presidents #12: Zachary Taylor
No amount of understanding will ever help you 'get' this painting.
NYT editorial: Enforcing School Standards, at Last
Everyday Should Be Connie Staltonstall Day!
If the feds can prosecute those teens for bullying that girl
"For a look outside presidential bubble, Obama reads 10 personal letters each day."
"For a look outside presidential bubble, Obama reads 10 personal letters each day."
So, Republicans want to take their ball and go home? I say we help them out - I HAVE A PLAN!
"RNC and lesbian bondage are now tattooed on the American brain"
****Heads Up: POTUS Speaks on Energy Security, Live 11am EDT! ****
Pat Sajak should stick to entertaining old folk via a washed up and pointless game show.
Political cartoonist Tony Auth: 'What's Next?'
see, its not off shore drilling...
Tea Party President was on Letterman tonite
so let the oil barons and Obama drill for oil offshore because
Is the spring back in President Obama's step?
POLL: Democrats Gain in Ohio. Fisher, Brunner up over Portman. Strickland up over Kasich.
Are we still on track to have all troops out of Iraq in August 2010?
Daily Kos Diary: Conference Call: Browner, Salazar On Obama Energy Plan
So apparently, we really DO need to have a Presidential primary in 2012.
Nutburger Birther Doctor Dumps Career
I Just Finished David Plouffe's 'The Audacity to Win' (Spoiler Alert)
How important is the offshore drilling decision to you?
Sallie Mae, who processes student loans out of INDIA, stabbing Americans in the back AGAIN.
John Shadegg (R - AZ): (teabaggers) feel that they are in the minority and being shut out
So when McCain wanted to do it, it was "the same Washington politics that has prevented us...
The wife and I are going on vacation this week.
Specter wins endorsement from AFL-CIO
Retiring Ark. congressman Marion Berry backing former chief of staff's congressional bid
Ray McKinney making second bid for Barrow's congressional seat
Poll: Bill McCollum widens lead on Alex Sink in governor's race
Barack Obama 10/08: "explore new ways to get more oil, and that includes off-shore drilling."
**Heads Up: FLOTUS Conducts Opening Session of WH Flexibility Forum, 1:15pm EDT**
Big announcement coming from Hutchison
"China agrees to discuss sanctions against Iran"
The Plumline: Pelosi Statement on Drilling
ADP Employment Data Casts Doubt On Jobs Rebound (23,000 jobs lost in March)
"Obama's act of vision and courage is a momentous moment and brings to mind FDR"
Now that climate change is in focus, here's something else that's bound to be an issue
Mark Kirk Backs Off "Repeal" Charge
The more Obama succeeds, the greater danger he'll be in.
Obama is doing very well with Democrats.
Go to MSNBC! Ron Reagan is kicking ass n/t
Comparing us to them. "The President knows something we don't know"
Question for those filled with shock and outrage
WTF is UP with Obama? New Nuke Subsidies and Offshore Oil Drilling?
Anybody know where I can buy more Obama/Biden bumper stickers?
Gibbs is a good guy, but Burton is a lot better than him in front of a camera
What is the LA Times trying to say with this? And they wonder why nobody buys papers anymore
Half a million people marched on Washington last week. They didn't get news coverage.
This is what President Obama said...
The Presidents #14: Franklin Pierce
Political Animal: Dems Need to Keep Their Foot on the Gas
Steele has spent more than he has raised at RNC
The Presidents #13: Millard Fillmore
a cop should not be in charge of the US drug dept.
Florida GOP Leaders Offered Ousted RPOF Chairman Jim Greer 'Hush Money?'
"Kerry’s Office: Drilling Will Help Get 60 Votes For Climate Legislation"
Developing: Judge Walker Declares NSA Wiretap Illegal
Fun fact: Obama up two-points in Gallup's poll.
"the White House is betting that they'll force Republicans into a corner"
University of Wyo. cancels William Ayers speech
Journalists’ E-Mails Hacked in China
UK 'Climategate' inquiry largely clears scientists
EXCLUSIVE: Iran Nuclear Scientist Defects to U.S. In CIA 'Intelligence Coup'
President Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time
Inquiry: Climate data not manipulated
Banks to lose billions in student loan revamp
Is the European Union Exporting Torture Devices?
China Secretly Executed Thousands in 2009
Colombia's FARC rebels release captive held 12 years
Pakistani MPs abandon US visit over body scanning
Another member of Christian militia Hutaree arrested (9)
Clinton to co-chair Haiti rebuilding authority
Police: Tenn. man rams car with Obama sticker
Hotel ordered to reinstate workers
Consumers slowly show signs of springing back
Obama's offshore drilling policy is actually a triangulating stroke of political genius
Jesse James enters treatment facility
Is this whole new drilling exploration thing going to make a difference anywhere except in politics?
C-SPAN Caller: 'Too Many Black People' Phone In
Government set to unveil offshore drilling plan
WTF? US Launches Nuke-Capable Missilein Exercise with Saudis
Volcker Optimistic for Financial Revamping This Year
.New suicide blasts shake Russia
Nine killed by twin bombings in Russia's Dagestan
After overhaul passage, Republicans turn their ire toward Pelosi
Ford, Microsoft align to recharge cars
Palin Left Alaska With Debts Equal to 70 Percent of Its GDP
Exxon Sues U.S. for Oil Dumping
How do you feel about President Obama's support for offshore drilling?
Sounds like a plan: "protecting sensitive areas in the Arctic...Alaska’s Bristol Bay"
Obama takes care in sizing up 'tea party' movement
Obama to Permit Oil Drilling Off Virginia
US family finds traces of slave-trade past in Cuba
Charity defends Christian-only hiring
Wire,' 'Treme' writer David Mills dies
I have failed to appreciate Obama's brilliance.
Anyone a member of a Left Wing Militia???
Kay Bailey Hutchison to stay in the Senate
Dozens Of Cars Towed At Glenn Beck Event
RNC cancels Young Eagles events
For what it's worth- The President fully explains his plans and the rationale behind them
Senator Chuck Hagel and John G. Stumpf Nominated to Chevron Board of Directors
Democrats Gain in Ohio (Gov/Sen)
Plant closing to cost 400 jobs (employed 7,700 people at its peak)
For a look outside presidential bubble, Obama reads 10 personal letters each day
U.S. Says Weapons From Iran Sent to Afghanistan
Pakistani general: Al Qaida-Taliban haven to be cleared by June
US Navy plane crashes in Arabian Sea
Wiretap of Islamic Group Ruled Illegal
Flood insurance program expires - again
California should seek to block healthcare plan, Whitman says
(Rapper) LL Cool J: Fox News 'misrepresenting' Sarah Palin's new show
Chechen rebels say responsible for Moscow bombings
White House denies Obama has ignored immigration overhaul
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday March 31
Allawi says Iraq at risk as (Shiite) coalitions talk merger
Big Ed: The Fairness Doctrine needs to be seriously looked at
University of Wyo. cancels William Ayers speech
US test-fires Trident missile in drill with Saudis
Palin, Fox News, LL Cool J tangle over phantom interview
Obama Closes Loophole That Allowed Drilling In Rockies Without Environmental Review
Army chief: I won’t discharge gay personnel
One dead, five injured in Washington, D.C. mass shooting
I Trust President Obama On The Oil Thing
Prosecutor: 46 guns seized from Ind. man in militia plot
Tony Perkins (Family Research Council) urges conservatives to stop giving money to RNC
Breaking: Judge Walker Grants Summary Judgement Finding Govt Liable Under FISA
Former Florida GOP chairman under criminal investigation
Man crashes car into 737 aircraft in Nigeria
i tend towards a critical view but...
Wall Street is driving up oil prices
U.S. attorney: Hutaree member shot (his own) cat to prepare for attack
Bill O'Reilly to Pay Court Costs of Fallen Marine's Father (who sued Westboro Baptist Church)
Teacher Jaimie Escalante has died
U.S. stock futures move deeper into red after ADP report
Fuel efficiency rules to spur advanced vehicles
Reinstating middle class tax cuts scheduled to expire without upper bracket cuts needs strategy.
Abortion bill clears Round 1 (prohibit almost all abortions starting 20 weeks after fertilization)
Barack Obama has a Nelson "Mandela-like temperament"
Obama announces drilling expansion for climate push
Urgent assistance needed with a domestic matter
Blanche Lincoln Suddenly Stands With Obama??
Jaime Escalante On Being A Teacher
The Census: Communist Counting Plot?
Riz Khan - Impact of the Gaza war on Israel
RNC Big Tent Includes Strippers
Nancy Skinner on Fox Business talking about Chamber of Commerce's Healthcare Repeal Efforts
Policing for Profit - The Abuse of Civil Asset Forfeiture
Thom Hartmann vs Elizabeth Ames Jones - Why do Texas politicians suck up to Big Oil?
Health Care Reform: A Historic Victory
TYT: Lobbyist Wrote Financial Reform BIll
Dems: HC bill momentum for 2012
AP Interview: Obama Dishes on White House Food
Uh oh!! Rachel Maddow & Eric Williams bring the hammer down on the Family/C street sweetheart deals
Sarah Palin's New Reality Show
Senator Bill Nelson's Office Action in Support of Dan Choi and Jim Pietrangelo - Queer Rising
TYT: Racist C-SPAN Caller - Too Many Black People! (Video)
Sarah Palin's New TLC Show About Alaska
Histrionic Teahadist Leader Explains HCR... (the hidden parts) LOL
Dick Cheney Takes a Hit...from a Right-Winger
United States France: Both leaders reaffirm ties, ...
RT interview with the Oath Keepers leader
Olbermann w/ Michael Musto: Was GOP's Nightclub Visit Actually In Support of the Arts?
Rachel Maddow desperately begs Scott Brown to stop lying about her
TYT: Sarah Palin's funny Obama mistake
Grayson Is FURIOUS About The Death Threats To His 5YR Old Son, Goes BALLISTIC On Teahad Apologist
You're a Pain ! - Palin Parody of "You're So Vain !"
Thom Hartmann - Is America failing because we don't have enough socialism?
Wow! Read Simon Jenkins' article in the Guardian:
Forget 'Repeal and Replace,' GOP To Run On 'Rinse and Repeat'
Kos: Teabaggers: No one saw nuthin'!
Not Throwing Stones: A Protestant Remembers The Best Of The Catholic Church
Is the European Union Exporting Torture Devices?
Is the European Union Exporting Torture Devices?
Israel lobby presses Congress to soften Obama's tough stance on Netanyahu
Obama and Dems Put a Stop to the Republicans' Kickback Cash Cow in the College Loan Industry
Robert Scheer: Sarah Palin, Neocon Messiah
Sallie Mae Gobbles Government Money at Expense of Students and Colleges
Magnets 'can modify our morality'
GOP wary of health law repeal push in fall races
Exposing the dirty money behind fake climate science
Eric Boehlert: What If Fox News Actually Wants Mob Violence?
Ideology trumps experience in Federal Election Commissioner’s rise
Grayson, decries death threat on his 5 yr old son. Really GOP, is there no limit to your depravity?
Journalists play the Access Sweepstakes
Alfred W. McCoy: Can Anyone Pacify the World's Number One Narco-State?
Oath Keepers and the Age of Treason - Rise of the RW Militia Inside American Military and Police
Surprise! Republicans Suddenly Oppose Offshore Oil Drilling
Amnesty International Convenes International Human Rights Leaders in New Orleans for 2010 Annual Mee
To Sinead O'Connor, the pope's apology for sex abuse in Ireland seems hollow
Garrison Keillor: The old America is fading
Share More Dark Truths From Guantanamo as Five Innocent Men Released
Joe Conason: Hannity's charity vows to rebut fraud charges -- someday
GOP's Complaining Has Turned Unheatly
Making Voting Systems Open Source Could Forever Change Election Technology
'Begin by breaking up the banks', by Larry Elliot in the Guardian.
Best Political Cartoons of 2010 (So Far)
Our Government Is Planning to Stay at War for the Next 80 Years -- Anyone Got a Problem with That?
Greenpeace Report... Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine
Return of the paranoid style in American politics
Two Forest Biomass Initiative pilot projects receive stimulus loans and grants
NYTimes: India, Finland, and US Agree to Reprocess Nuclear Fuel in India.
Obama to permit oil exploration off Virginia coast
Families of 153 trapped Chinese miners fight for hope
New Path To Solar Energy Via Solid-State Photovoltaics
Inquiry: Climate data not manipulated
Toxic Levels Of Parathion, Cyhalothrin, More Discovered On Tons Of Vegetables Sold, Seized In China
Yay! We're Saved! Boston Local TV Weatherman CRUSHES Climate "Scientists" W. Amazing Data!!
Model Predicts Shifts in Carbon Absorption by Forest Canopies
Geoengineers get the fear - Researchers fail to come up with clear guidelines ...
5 Yrs After Crash, Scientists Cross Fingers For Ice-Measurement Satellite Launch 8 April - Guardian
German film offers answers to Gore climate concerns (bad headline)
Tahoe-Area Bears Breaking Hibernation Early, Breaking Into Homes In Search Of Food - Sac Bee
That Didn't Take Long - Spanish Cops Arrest 9 In Alleged Carbon-Trading Tax Fraud - Reuters
California Sea Otter Populations Down For Third Straight Year
Al Gore to Speak at Duke on April 8 (Happy Birthday Al)
Campaign launched to gather 500,000 signatures in support of capping CO2 at 350 ppm
Britain brandishes olive branch to restart global climate change talks
Solar, Wind Power Groups Becoming Prominent Washington Lobbying Forces
Faltering (2,000) Ganges Dolphins Pounded By Pesticides, Sewage, Contaminants In Remaining Range
In White Nose Syndrome Caves, Dead Bats Carpet Floors; Index Cases Confirmed In Tennesee 2/16 - NS
Greenpeace Case Study: The Koch-funded “ClimateGate” Echo Chamber
Low Cost Gas Engine Innovation Doubles Fuel Economy - Australian company, Revetec, claims
New Climate Central projection map shows local and national retreat of freezing temperatures in Marc
NRC Report Recommends Ways to Regulate and Improve Fuel Economy of Tractor-Trailers, Buses, Work...
Does anyone understand the oil business?
Lovelock: 'We can't save the planet' [BBC]
Nissan Leaf US pricing official: as low as $25,280
Environmentalists attack Obama plan to allow oil drilling off Florida's coasts
Armed with information, people make poor choices, study finds
New Silicon fab process for making Solar panels
Cato Institute sets John Stossel straight on "Nuclear Corporate Welfare"
Jesus' Favorite QB Meets with the Pats
San Francisco executive endorses Cowboys' RB approach
Not so fast, Duke haters: These overachievers are worth rooting for.
Cuban Province to Set up Modern Telephone Plant
FBI Questions American Travelers To Cuba
Chicago: Direct from Cuba, a rare opportunity to hear Cuban student leaders speak
Cuban Proposal to Help Haiti and Chile Approved
Red Cross confirms FARC will deliver remains of Mayor Guevara on Thursday (Spanish)
Bolivian president seeks inroads into opposition stronghold to consolidate power
Chevron Wins Arbitration Claim Against the Government of Ecuador
Cuba: Real Commitment to Human Rights
US family finds traces of slave-trade past in Cuba
More than 25,000 Chernobyl victims treated in Cuba
HAITI: Looking More and More Like a War Zone
Arab MKs join 10,000 protestors to mark Land Day
U.S. seeks 4-month E. J'lem building freeze in exchange for direct talks
Israel lobby presses Congress to soften Obama's tough stance on Netanyahu
The plague of darkness has struck modern Israelites
Goldberg: Obama wants Livni in coalition
Take A Stands With Our Brothers and Sisters In Pennsylvania
Judge: Covanta, SEMASS violated workers’ rights (including withholding nearly $1 million in bonuses)
Terrorist attack on Moscow subway: unions respond
Steel labor case could set precedent
Jobs Forum In Oregon Looks At Financial Transaction Tax To Create Jobs
Nurses At Temple University Hospital In Pennsylvania To Hit Picket Lines
Employers lock out window cleaners after workers raise safety questions
Legal Challenge to SMWIA/UTU SMART Merger Rejected By Federal Court
Labor Secretary Hilda Solis Comes to Chicago Thursday April first
Today in Labor History Mar 31 Cesar Chavez born, FDR signs legislation establishing the CCC, more
Israeli leak suspect held in secret house arrest
Hamas releases footage of 'Gaza clashes'
Settlers try to stop new Palestinian city
Gay advocates assail Obama’s Justice Department
Minn. man trapped, shot ex with kids in car
Unexpected Flight Delay -> Hotel Stay -> Criminal Prosecution for Gun Possession
Spring is here, and a happy Pre-Easter week to all - especially to CC from my "shovel and rake"bird
I wonder if this is a message for me
Rachel is talking particle physics tonight! Wow...
Ever wonder how they test aircraft wings?
Clear-Winged Woolly Bat Sings Like No Other
Terrifying Sea "Critter" Hauled from Ocean's Depths- comments are INANE, but then it IS Fox "News"
Written Language of Ancient Scotland Discovered
A slow mind may nurture more creative ideas
Another sample of presidential handwriting.
A new message from Matthew is up for those who are interested.
Dealing with people that just don't "get it"
You have to be ready for what is forming astrologically
Did anyone lose their faith due to the prevalence of evil?
Jesus an atheist could love - No more crosses
Case proves need for health reform - lte from a physician
Jaw Bone Grown from Adult Stem Cells
Risks Seen in Cholesterol Drug Use in Healthy People
Interview with Andrew Maguire & Adrian Douglas
Men - What is your opinion on male circumcision?
Any idea what is up with Jefferson Lines/Greyhound (buses)?
Susceptibility to Autism Tied to Genes
Fraud on the Street by Robert Reich
SHORTER WORK TIME -- An approach to Unemployment and the Economy
Toon: Just you wait, Florida...
Angry New Orleans Parents Not Nearly So Thankful for Katrina as Duncan
Parents weigh in on florida legislation: "Insanity"
NYT Editorial: Enforcing School Standards, at Last
WSWS: Obama education plan boosts privatization, victimizes teachers