Scott Williams SKATES to Nirvana!
Fuck it - who needs the RATpubliCONs any way
The Trail of Dreams encounters the KKK
The Trail of Dreams encounters the KKK
Obama Nominates Scott M. Matheson, Jr. to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
Sex addiction divides mental health experts (L.A. Times)
Tancredo Open to 2012 Run as an Independent
6.4 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Taiwan
E Mail Question to Guests @ Larry King Live / Quickly!
An Abortion question that occurred to me
Exclusive: RNC document mocks donors, plays on 'fear'
What Do You Say To A Kid That Says - "Why Work So Hard For Health Care Uncle........
Joe Stiglitz on the Charlie Rose Show on Bloomberg TV - just starting now
Waiting patiently for Rachel...
Medical Malpractice Survivors Urge Obama To Keep "Tort Reform" out of Health Insurance Bill
Bart Stupak will put 33 million people at danger...
Here's the thing I don't get about Bart Stupak...
Here's the thing I don't get about Bart Stupak...
Guardian UK: Starbucks's guns and lattes policy
Guardian UK: Starbucks's guns and lattes policy
TAPS 100th episode live show at Alcatraz on now!
Town uses reverse 911 system to warn residents about aggressive hawk
Mitch McConnell is up there saying that the Democrats are going to lose
The Democrats should make the Republicans filibuster the fixes to health care
New Tea Party Survey Affirms Overt Partisanship
Fight For The CFPA Is 'A Dispute Between Families And Banks,' Says Elizabeth Warren
Police raid Never Get Busted HQ, Barry Cooper arrested
Republicans would rather that people suffer and die if they can score political points.
'Operation Exodus' Louisiana Sheriff Creates Citizen Militia To Battle Terrorists, Other 'Enemies'
Government still receiving complaints about fixed Toyotas
Dog Warns Owner About Cat in Danger
The first Bush tax cut and the Pharma bill were both passed via reconciliation
Crazy lady ...on CNN right now...
Karl Rove Admits Mistake (sort of) in Advising Bush on Iraq Invasion Response
Has anyone mentioned the Trigger yet, for the Public Option?
Honestly, would you purchase and read a book about:
Honestly, would you purchase and read a book about:
Hoo boy -- Grayson was IMPRESSIVE! They were both pretty low-key in their
The Eloi Book of the Month Club has a new recommendation.
Obama nominates Scott Matheson Jr. to 10th Circuit Court of Appeals
Health Insurance Industry’s $300 Billion Victory Over the Public Option
Elites Rule, Not You: When Bipartisanship Becomes Undemocratic - HuffPo
I bet if the likes of Joe Wilson and John McCain were around when Harry Truman
CSM - "Republicans rage against reconciliation for healthcare reform"
Is another Republican terror incident being downplayed?
Good God, Bachmann is so stupid and crazy it hurts
Craft a truly GOOD bill, keep the *people* at heart as you do it, then jam it through.
What's this "coffee party" I'm hearing about.
China’s Hidden Debt Risks 2012 Crisis, Northwestern’s Shih Says
Give the Republicans this: They're starting to realize that anti-Marriage Equality is bad politics
Sen. Bunning: Blame Sen. Reid for lapse in unemployment benefits
Young People Wait Out the Recession…and Their Youth
Rush Limbaugh's Gaudy Fifth Avenue Penthouse Is Now For Sale
Twenty of Bachmann’s 47 missed votes coincide with media appearances
Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
I think I like this Garry Wills character
Here's a really interesting diagram describing the spread of unemployment in the country.
Brazil rebuffs US pressure for Iran sanctions
Grayson, Bachmann Debate Health Care Reform On 'Larry King Live' (Video)
HEADLINE: AFL-CIO backs R.I. teachers against Obama
Keenan confirmed for 4th Circuit judgeship, Democrats expand control
Overhyped news of the week: "earthquake made days shorter"
Strong earthquake hits Taiwan; injuries reported --- 6.4 magnitude
First Blackwater, Then Xe, and Now Paravant: Still Armed and Dangerous
The Republicans are calling reconciliation the "nuclear option" because they are language softening
3 cousins arrested in San Francisco for shooting BB gun at man who they think is gay
How is the Senate health care reform bill different from Romneycare?
Whooa! Phyllis Bennis ("Ending the War in Afgh") is on with Tavis tonight - Heads up!
The amount of Money in Circulation Has Not Been Reduced Since the 2008 Downturn, Where Is It?
Frank: 'If They Want To Kill Consumer Protection, Let There Be 41 Jim Bunnings Over There'
Well DU, After 2 years Out Of High School I Am Finally Starting College This Week-Criminal Justice!!
Stiglitz: Federal Reserve System Is 'Corrupt'
I know where this is going: the right of corporate persons to bear arms.
Notice that there's a large right-wing faction in the Democratic Party, but the GOP...
Shifting Soil Threatens Homes’ Foundations
Shifting Soil Threatens Homes’ Foundations
An ad campaign that lowers your blood pressure - "Pure Michigan" returns
Are you represented by a highway hypocrite? Click on link below to find out.
Kucinich on hc legislation: "Any kind of a solution within the current framework is bound to fail"
Who are your least favorite members of your state's congressional delegation?
Toyota fix in question amid complaints.
Weiner on President Obama’s Plan to Pass Health Care Reform
17 food makers put on notice by FDA
WTO TRIPS Council considers workshop On public health amendment
Disturbing story of Falluja's birth defects
Vets from Gulf wars, Afghanistan - How are you doing? Do you have support
Darwin Foes Add Warming to Targets
Obama Solution to Stop Outsourcing: Stop Counting Jobs Outsourced (No, Seriously!)
Up Or Down. Bring It Home. 4 March 2010
Why a Strong Dollar Matters to You
$5 Fee to Overthrow the Government
Remember my great pics from the fire lookout last year?
RNC Strategy: Raise Money Through Fear of Socialism
DoD: Expect fewer F-35s if costs keep rising
Captain Chesley Sullenberger has retired
Defense Tech: Is the F-35 Militarily Vital?
Mullen: Force just one tool in winning wars
2 Bragg soldiers killed in Afghanistan
Olympic Athlete, Family Face Deportation
I'm going to change my alarm to that annoying, high-pitched beep, or find a music-only station.
Two Missouri students arrested in cotton ball case
Mississippi: More Abstinence Education Proposed for the State With the Highest Teen Pregnancy Rates
Mississippi: More Abstinence Education Proposed for the State With the Highest Teen Pregnancy Rates
Report: Army denied aid to team under fire
Leader of Congressional Progressive Caucus, Rep. Grijalva, says he may vote against healthcare bill
Afghan Survivors: Women Waved Scarves to Try to Stop NATO Air Attack
How did media cover GOP's 2003 use of reconciliation? They didn't
Better VA care sought for suicidal vets
Boehner's constituents care more about gamesmanship than jobs, healthcare.
NEA And AFT Issue Joint Statement Condemning Central Falls Administrators' Actions
Not Your Father’s Taliban (by Andy Borowitz)
Cool new version of US Debt clock..and I mean ALL debt.
General sounds alarm on U.S. Army training
I just took Zogby Poll-lots of questions about Obama and healthcare...
AIG Employees' Fury On Record Over Bonuses
Individual health insurance policy premiums soaring
Individual health insurance policy premiums soaring
Michele Bachmann Supports The Census
"Kill Bill, Too" (Today's "American Extremists" cartoon)
Tsunami Alert! GOP to Unleash Huge Wave of Robocalls Today Against Health Care Vote
House could vote Thursday on jobs bill
Why didn't Rangel just handle this the same way Vitter did?
if it's not done by recess....if it's not done by christmas...if it's not done by easter
Remember the California State Senator who got a DUI, well there is more, way more
WaPo...Karl Rove's memoir: wacky times at White House
A Bad Week For The GOP On Immigration ask for signatures to Pass Clean Energy and Security Legislation to save troops lives!
We need 50 firm votes for the Public Option now.
Congrats to my rep, Sandy Levin....
Rush Limbaugh's penthouse for sale -- PHOTOS
Sarah Palin shopping reality TV series
Sarah Palin shopping reality TV series
So Zombie Reagan is warning us against Socialized Medicine again.
Mass Loss from Alaskan Glaciers Overestimated?
McCain campaign pushes ties between Hayworth, Abramoff
Has it occurred to anyone in power that when states are making all
More hospital workers fired for being blizzard no-shows...
More hospital workers fired for being blizzard no-shows...
CT Senate Poll: Blumenthal (D) leads Republican Opponents by at least 25
Why the anti-incumbent movement will fail
Shhhhhhhh!!! we'll keep this quiet.......(cartoon)
Wide Stance Republicans: Lawmaker At GAY BAR Before DUI Arrest
Lieberman (R,I) killed the HCR reform on public option, now he is involved with DADT repeal-
Public Option Picks Up 35th Supporter - Thank you Sen Maria Cantwell!!
WSJ columnist calls for return of Robber Barons
Pro- Impeachment (of Obama) LaRouche Democrat wins nomination in 22 CD (DeLay's old seat) in Texas
Darwin Foes Add Warming to Targets
Check out this post from a Kos diarist (relative kicked out of "Christian" school for being gay)
"How would you describe your political ideology?"
Illustrated what "Going It Alone" with Healthcare really means (cartoon)
Sarah Palin and Grabby Entourage "Like Locusts" at Oscar Gift Suite
Which State Has The Highest Percentage of Nutjobs?
Mayor Daley confesses to multiple murders?
AIG Employees' Fury On Record Over Bonuses
Students across U.S. plan to protest education funding cuts
In Alaska where glaciers are melting at a phenomenal rate
Caution: Pregnancy May Be Hazardous to Your Liberty
Stop everything - live car chase on GEM$NBC
"He's the sponsor of the health care, and I am so against that it's not even funny."
Will Obama's hangnail hurt Democrats?
"There's a communist living in the White House"
Man Walks More Than 5,000 Miles for Peace
ths is just a strange small world story
The teevee is citing some poll that says 52% of the country opposes the health ins bill
Pete Stark Not Taking the Gavel of Ways and Means committee
Turkey could recall ambassador to US if resolution passes, Ankara says
Patrick McHenry (NC-R) wants the Gipper's face on $50 bill ("He renewed America's self confidence")
China, Russia Urge More Talks on Iran Nuclear Work as French Say `Time Up'
China, Russia Urge More Talks on Iran Nuclear Work as French Say `Time Up'
***March 4th National Rallies to Save Public Education*** Live Feeds From Protests & Info
Bart Stupak: Abortion Language In Health Care Bill Is A Must
Republican Party's 2010 fundraising strategy: fear
Republican Party's 2010 fundraising strategy: fear
Sarah Palin shopping Alaska reality show with Survivor Producer Mark Burnett
Not sure if anyone here can answer this question.. BUT
What makes a luxury car a Democratic Car? (small joke)
Far right celebrates breakthrough in Dutch polls
Drones Club Meets in San Diego - "Made Locally! Killing Globally!"
David Brooks Insults Me Personally: Tea Partiers are ‘Wal-Mart hippies’
Blanche Lincoln: "I Don't Answer To My Party"
Why Palin was on Leno: She has plans for a TV show, a "docudrama", featuring the Palin family
No Surprise Here: Texas Republicans Want To See Public Acknowledgements of God
Washington Times: Lawmakers blamed for gay marriage law
"A Massive, Toxicological Experiment with Our Children"
Do you believe that evil exists?
DU reminds me of Python's "4 yorkshiremen" sometimes
Church-State Debate Erupts In The States
Which Senator Has a Secret 'Hold' on Gay Nominee Chai Feldblum?
Health Insurance Industry’s $300 Billion Victory Over the Public Option
Health Insurance Industry’s $300 Billion Victory Over the Public Option
Peace Camp - Camp Out Now March 13-22 Washington D.C.
Supporters Of DADT Are Old, Dead, Not Interested Or "Do not remember being asked about this issue”
Man who broke the Bank of England, George Soros, 'at centre of hedge funds plot to cash in on fall o
Afghanistan a Model for Future Crises: NATO
Berks County, PA Tea Party head says census may cause constitutional crisis
Why are TeeV news anchors so fucking stupid?
How Reagan ruined conservatism
Citi's Pandit supports strong consumer protection
Update: has obtained new information that Justice Roberts will NOT resign.
The disingenuous Republicans -- A visual aid on reconciliation
The disingenuous Republicans -- A visual aid on reconciliation
Any commercial pilots on DU? What do you think about DeMint's legislation?
No Early Calls of Victory or Success From Our Man in Af/Pak
Subversives have to get up pretty early to pull one over on South Carolina
All our reps should vote NO unless we have a real Public Option. They should NOT trust the Senate
All our reps should vote NO unless we have a real Public Option. They should NOT trust the Senate
All our reps should vote NO unless we have a real Public Option. They should NOT trust the Senate
DAV Recognizes President Obama for Supporting Veterans Health Care Budget Reform
The terror-ble, horrible, no good, very bad freshwater crisis
Media Putz Rush Limbaugh Calls Nancy Pelosi a Suicide Bomber for Saying Healthcare is More Important
White House releases newest Bo pictures
White House releases newest Bo pictures
White House releases newest Bo pictures
How will the GOP feel once the HC bill is passed and the fixes make it through reconciliation?
How will the GOP feel once the HC bill is passed and the fixes make it through reconciliation?
From Rachel Maddow: Graph comparing 3 bills-2 passed by reconcilliation-and effect on budget
Geezus, Thom. Hang up on this piece of shit wackjob
What happened to the mood of the 70's, you ask? It is here:
Here are the finalists for Arne's money...FL and DC among them.
Obstructionist Bart Stupak is being paid by .......
RECONCILIATION-Who are the actual "crazy" people in American politics?
Have you ever been in an interview where the interviewer was rude or snarky to you?
Have you ever been in an interview where the interviewer was rude or snarky to you?
Immigration Reform and the Democratic Party
The lingering of an absurd American imperial reflex
A preview of Penguin's Upcoming iPad books. They're amazing.
Climate change affects big Antarctica Iceberg. Did it cause a big earthquake? You decide.
UK mulling 'war crimes arrest' curb - Al Jazeera
Threats have been made against Mr Gray for starting a tenant's association
Anti-Gay Lawmaker At Gay Club Before DUI Arrest
NRCC orders 'Project Code Red'
abuse of facts? WSJ editorial on "obamacare"
Because the democrats never HAD a real 60 vote majority..
RNC holding fundraiser for "Young Eagles" Donors at Blackwater facility
Let’s keep our paws off Knut’s balls
Sunlight Foundation: A Brief History of Senate Reconciliation
The Rude Pundit: Slides That Make the Rude Pundit Want to Shove a Powerpoint Up Michael Steele's Ass
The 10 Worst Places For Women To Work (in corporate America)
from the annals of weirdness (and yes it's TX)
Even His Red Squeak Toy Can't Get First Sgt. Gunner, USMC, to Fight
Here's the #1 reason not to allow ANYONE to erode abortion rights, imo:
Peace Action Supports Kucinich Bill to Remove Troops from Afghanistan in 2010
Peace Action Supports Kucinich Bill to Remove Troops from Afghanistan in 2010
Do you think Kucinich & the other 2 liberal House members will vote "Yea" this time on HCR
Internet 'trolls' taint message boards for many
Oh, wait a minute. That didn't happen....
Greenwald throws Nate Silver a 102mph fast-ball up and in
Sheriff's Office Cites Islamic Terror 'Cells' In Bossier Parish
The Right To Openly Carry Guns In Public Places
Over 50 and homeless: Recession's toll rises
House approves $15B jobs bill, 217-201(so basically, Dems approved it)
Thank you, anonymous heart donor family!
The graph Rachel was so excited about
To my Republican Friends who are having legislation "shoved down their throats"
Assistant Treasury Secretary Herbert Allison: Mum's the word on Citi / Treasury relationship
Unions: Still With Obama, but Worried (NYT)
President to host a live Facebook event/ open questions in a few minutes (3:50pm EST 3/4/10)
ABA Blasts Liz Cheney Ad As 'Divisive And Diversionary'
Rick Green Punches His Way Into SCOTX Run-Off!
The "up or down vote" rhetoric turn about by Obama
The "up or down vote" rhetoric turn about by Obama
Interesting Newspaper poll, Your thoughts?
The perfect health care system for the U.S. (3 simple principles):
Even if corporations were not allowed to give a PENNY to politicians, they would have an advantage
'Sovereign Citizens' Claim Immunity From IN, Federal Law
Levin asks for DoJ investigation into Blackwater contract
Kucinich to Force War Debate on House Floor on Wednesday
“No other nation would allow a health system to be run the way we do it. It’s completely insane,”
-- Rep. Anthony Weiner: "Fool me once, shame on me; fool me 290 times, shame on you."
Justice Dept. Reviewing Levin’s Request to Investigate Blackwater for Contract Fraud
Why the KBR $2.8 Bill deal matters-they're in charge of POSTAL SERVICES during midterm elections!
CoffeePartyUSA = GOP Front Group
What happened with the James O'Keefe story?
DU is, for me, a place to ..........
What's lower than becoming a Fox News commentator?
Your Taxes Supporting For-Profit Firms as They Acquire Non-Profit Colleges
McCain desperate, pushes ties between Hayworth, Abramoff-next up, Keating 5!
Leaked documents reveal GOP plan to use scare tactics to raise money
Why you've never really heard the "Moonlight" Sonata.
The Oxford handbook of Internet psychology
May the GOP fall on its sword in November.
As Afghanistan Contracting Surges, Who's Following the Money?
Steele: Leaked RNC presentation 'unfortunate'
Democrats need to turn the republicans arguments against HCR on there head..
Will Others Follow Dutch and Leave Afghanistan?
Will Others Follow Dutch and Leave Afghanistan?
Axis of Earth tilting? Ailes calls WH criticism of Fox News legitimate
Why do people complain about "hit and run posts"? This is a board, not a chat room. A proposal.
We are too intelligent for this sh*t, we need critical thinking.
Palin Writing Book on "American Virtues"
Anybody notice? Palin used teleprompter for her comedy bit on Leno
Rep. Steve King: Because Rep. Frank Is Gay, He Should Oppose Federal Wage Requirements
Rep. Deal (R-GA) pressured by GOP to NOT resign for 3 wks so he can vote against HCR
Interesting Anecdote on shopping
Sarah Palin Will Be Studying Improv - Not At Second City - But.....
NYT: One Oscar category for male and female acting nominees?
Blackwater RNC Fundraiser: RNC Will Hold Fundraising Meeting At Contractor's Compound
Unfortunately-NOT TRUE---John Roberts, Chief Justice---Resignation Rumor
street speaking, and demonstrations.. adopt even more aggressive tactics.
Senate rejects $250 checks for elderly
Treasury should create a new bill to put Reagan on... ..
Do you think the rule allowing any one Senator to put an anonymous hold on legislation or
Liberals grill Obama on health reform
After meeting with McIntyre, gay constituents report no progress
Kerry: Let Gay Men Give Blood. 1983 Ban Called Outdated, Discriminatory
Minn. gov candidate Bakk calls for tax on clothing
A Very Touching Hearing about Childhood Obesity, and I really like our new Surgeon General Benjamin
Senate candidate Marco Rubio (R) denies $130 hair cut: Why so nervous, Marco, baby?
Amy Goodman: Domestic Violence: A Pre-Existing Condition?
U.S. Senate confirms Conley for federal judgeship 99-0
Westboro Baptist Church says it will protest at North Bergen (NY) soldier's funeral
America Deserves A Second Right Wing Cable "News" Outlet to Compete With Fox.
Little-Noticed Subplot In OPR Internal Memo: "Expanding Bush's Power"-By Robert Parry
Stark booted as chair of Ways and Means
Senate rejects $250 checks for elderly
House Passes Resolution Calling Austin Attack ‘Terrorism’
GOP’s Steele in damage control mode after ‘Evil Empire’ presentation
Big Brother’s Money Laundering Fraud Expands…
Nixon is still kicking us around
'Missing Link' Fossil Was Not Human Ancestor as Claimed-forebearer of modern-day lemurs
FDA warns of Salmonella risk from common flavor enhancer
What do we know about Sandy Levin?
San Francisco police commission votes not to arm cops with Tasers
Mexico City becomes the third American capital city to offer marriage equality
The Rise of the Ghetto-Fabulous Party
The Rise of the Ghetto-Fabulous Party
Tweety about to tear Rove a new one
Thoughts on Chile from a dear friend
"Acute lack of tennis" drove Spitzer to prostitutes, according to former aide.
Health Insurance..chipping away at our wellbeing, little by little.
Things that make you go "Hmmmm."
If the GOP really had an alternative plan to health care....
Private school vouchers in Florida can be used at schools teaching creation science.
Father watches over critically beaten girl at hospital
Some Bullet Points From Today's Hearing On Childhood Obesity
Dad Says Facebook Got Daughter Suspended
Today's thread on Reagan brought this to mind...
Who's the Best Late-Night Comedian? Cast Your Vote
Turkey recalls its ambassador after House panel passes genocide resolution
DUer RagingInMiami WON the Sun Sentinel Best of Blogs!
Anatomy of a Rumor: The Story Behind Chief Justice John Roberts’s ‘Retirement’
Cato's health care expert Cannon weighs in on reconciliation -stay classy, cato!
"Our resident psychiatrist...suggests Bunning fits the broad parameters of being mentally unstable."
Closing of Highway Rest Stops Stirs Anger in Arizona (NYT)
Chilling-- 24% of All US Homes w/ Mortgages Underwater(11.3mil homes/$801bil) LINK
(Texas) Cop Walks Into a Bar And...Arrests You. For Having a Drink.
How much money is currently paid out yearly to health insurance companies in premiums?
Health Reform Truth Oozes Out: And It Is Not Just
Loony Bachman gets it wrong already
Loony Bachman gets it wrong already
Landmine groups pressure US to commit to ban
I love following Maddow on twitter because she posts cool stuff like this:
Alan Grayson is about to go Sapphire on Michelle Bachman's ass
Tasers under scrutiny after claims of death and injury (CNN)
Dear God, Hannity should just get on all fours and drink his milk from a saucer stenciled "Fox News"
Is this some Repub email going around?
Is circumcision covered under the health care reform plans?
Naomi Klein: How Socialism Protected Chileans from Earthquake Fall-out
The coming bust of the commercial real estate bubble.
Stupak: 12 Dems ready to oppose health care bill
CNN - "Commentary: Obama, Dems wrong to kill school vouchers" - Obama's Strongly Supports Public Ed
Did any heads roll after 9/11? I mean, was anybody fired for not having done their jobs?
'Operation Exodus': Louisiana Sheriff Taps Locals For Emergency Security Plan
Exploring the openings created by Arctic melting
Murdoch's NYPost: ACORN Vids 'Highly Edited Splice Job'; O'Keefe, Giles, Breitbart 'Buried Truth'
I am so damned SICK of hearing about "competition" in health insurance, as though it were written
Obama to Progressives: 31 Million People--And My Presidency--Are On The Line
Really now, for the good of us all, we need to start again.
Money is not political speech. There is a simple explanation why.
The Wasilla Quitter clan descend on Hollywood free swag suites, picking them clean
MSNBC is interviewing Bob Moore, 81, who is retiring and giving his company to the employees
Rove reveals in new book that at one point Fitzgerald was inclined to indict him in Plame leak case
Rove reveals in new book that at one point Fitzgerald was inclined to indict him in Plame leak case
A man jumps to his death, and people...laugh?
How come Obama didn't push this hard for health care when
Leavinng emotion to the right wing = losing elections
I got a call yesterday from the "Democrat" National Committee. 818-591-8391
Your Taxes Supporting For-Profit Firms as They Acquire Non-Profit Colleges
Senators who voted against extending jobless benefits hail from states devastated by recession
I only got to level 10 and earned 399,954 points with an IQ of 113. What's your score?
MSNBC features Lousiana parish paramilitary for defence against Muslim terrorists...
Liz Cheney says father compelled to protect Americans from Obama's national security decisions
What are your thoughts on the story about the kid directing air traffic in NY?
What are your thoughts on the story about the kid directing air traffic in NY?
John Aravosis: Don't Ask, Don't Tell repeal is in TROUBLE.
Why did the Bunning "filibuster" end in a couple of days and others haven't?
I'm quite used to having opinions on Afghanistan that are unpopular on DU.
Report Discredits Letter Waved About By McCain As Evidence Of Military Opposition To DADT Repeal
So next time there is a GOP president and a Dem Senate
Funny or Die: A Presidential (SNL) Reunion
21 year old godson in the Army at Ft. Gordon, FUBAR, need some advice.
Sources: Lawmaker At Gay Club Before DUI Arrest
Bluedog Senator Maria Cantwell comes through for reconciliation!
I Bought a CD, not a Licensing Agreement
Gay prostitution ring linked to Vatican
Blanche "Don't Answer to My Party" Lincoln ad depicts Democratic-controlled DC as childish spenders
My two bit’s worth on Toyota’s problems. “And forty-two”
Blizzard of bad jobs news to hit Friday
BBC video report on rise in birth defects In Fallujah (after 2004 fighting)
EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts Considering Stepping Down
John Roberts is considering stepping down...according
John Roberts is considering stepping down...according
John Roberts is considering stepping down...according
Help DU: I Am Interested in getting a Tattoo of Political Nature.....
How you going to get 51 votes for healthcare fixes when you can't even get 50 votes to help seniors?
Facebook page, question about illegal immigration: "Shoot illegal immigrants" (Responses)
Our Cruel Legacy in Iraq: Birth Defects in Fallujah’s Children
Are you a gun owner? If not, were you ever a gun owner?
The future of books and literature: 'new not await permission.”
Here is my problem with nuclear power plants
When in the last ten years did any Democrat in the Senate dig in his heels like Bunning did?
******** THANK YOU DU ************
I have a whacky theory to explain all these earthquakes
Blackwater RNC Fundraiser: RNC Will Hold Fundraising Meeting At Contractor's Compound
The Current Senate Health Care Bill
The Current Senate Health Care Bill
On A Scale Of 1 To 10... How Do You Feel About Our Democratic Leaders At This Point In Time ???
Buzzflash needs our financial help........
Buzzflash needs our financial help........
Ben Nelson's abortion restrictions will likely be in the health care bill.
Bart Stupak is a Federal Advisory Board Member of Democrats for Life, What that MEANS
Still More About Central Falls Firings Pt 3: Attack of the Broad (rhymes with "toad") People
"Liberals thumbed their noses at the bill despite Obama's backing."
Here are the finalists for Arne's money...FL and DC among them.
Thousands of college students in the streets in
Here’s why people vote for Republicans
Maternal Mortality Rates Rising in California (shot up 3X over last decade); Most Deaths Preventable
Maternal Mortality Rates Rising in California (shot up 3X over last decade); Most Deaths Preventable
War War War War War War War War War War War War War War. For oil.
Awww, doesn't this just warm your heart? ..... Shitibank wants to thank taxpayers for the bailout
Whole Foods' "Organic" products grown in China!
Teacher suspended for denying Wiccan altar
Couldn't the Senate use the "Nuclear Option" to pass health care?
No Laughing Matter: Michael Pearl & His Chicken Mock Critics
Alan Grayson leads in Republican primary
How is it that people who don't smoke, eat right, & exercise regularly always call in sick at work?
Why $250 checks to SS recipients is a bad idea, and what to do instead
Really - What Happened To Our Schools?.......
How did our country become so greedy?
Popular drink products made in China
My Nephew was outted, and then kicked out of school (by Florida4Obama)
My Nephew was outted, and then kicked out of school (by Florida4Obama)
I recently went to Cuba for the first time
Why don't American's eat more vegetables?
Fallujah birth defects blamed on US weapons
President Obama’s Reprehensible Rhetoric Against Single-Payer
President Obama’s Reprehensible Rhetoric Against Single-Payer
Oppose the Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010 bill
Thomas Friedman's latest apologetic on behalf of the global elite/job killers
Coach proud of players accused of newspaper theft
US wine drinkers file lawsuit over fake Pinot Noir
So Is Tom Brokaw Going To Blame The Ills Of The World On Us Boomers?......
Marine's death came at hands of "Doped-Up Opium-Fueled" Private Contractors
i saw this womanly shape on the bus
I respectfully ask for a Tomato
i see no point in hoping for anything anymore.
It takes a real piece of work to Shit on both Sci-Fi and Cats in less than 24 hours
Anyone else appreciate both Nicholson and Ledger's Joker?
Anyone else watching TRON on HDNET?
What is the difference between Eucalyptus and Robin Williams
I don't get the rules , so sex is not allowed while surfing on DU?
What would happen if we all flushed at the same time?
I think I've found my new motto:
thankyouthankyouthankyou stash of great lakes christmas ale thankyou
Some things just beg not to be invented. I think we have one here.
Deadwood is better than Tombstone
Very Funny Cat video......for the cat people here on DU...
Seismic Activity Global Video Update
Thought provoking PSA-type announcement
I slept through most of the last weekannahaf.
I did not marry my cousin, you fucking village idiots!
I swear this stuff is semi-solid crack...
Help DU: I Am Trying To Find a Tattoo of Political Nature....
Got our Blu-ray of "2012." Seriously bad science, but the SFX were woohoo!!!!
Does Robin Williams have a good/bad/good/bad movie contract?
Am I the only one who ignores his own threads?
Well DU, After 2 years Out Of High School I Am Finally Starting College This Week-Criminal Justice!!
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Poor doggie.
Like rap music? Like the movie Predator? Watch this video!
If you have seen this, we might have to talk about your web-surfing habits.
This is my favorite late winter picture.
I am respectfully asking to be tombstoned
What's the difference between a sex thread and an appropriate mature sensitive discussion?
Does anyone remember Buttrey's stores?
I am Temujin... Barbarian... I fight! I love! I conquer a Barbarian!
Dog Warns Owner About Cat in Danger
Tiger's caddy. Whatta maroon, whatta effin' CRYBABY. "Most difficult time of his life."
The DU Unrec Patrol stands quitely by as ">0" is abolished.
Rick Sanchez locates Taiwan on a map
REAL baseball fans should root for the Nats to win the NL East, NOT the Phillies!
cancelling a MySpace account is like pulling teeth.
In Japan, the hand can be used like a knife. ("Yah!")
I think I have a virus on my comp. Can anybody offer advice?
I have a bunch of naked tree pictures, should I post them.
Five Movies We Fear Tim Burton Will Make
Dogs and Cats are chopped liver , Rats are best !
I have absolutely no idea how I feel about this: China’s dwarf theme park
LMAO - 3rd grade science as taught by Gary Busey
The phrase of the day is "penis and vagina" - replace part of any OP with that phrase.
If your boss asked (in one email) for one thing at the beginning of March and the other for Q2
I'm having a problem identifying two of the birds at my feeders:
Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster anyone ?
Look at me! I can use "penis" and "vagina" in a post too!
I'm having a problem identifying two of the turds at my feeders:
Lemonade was a popular drink...
Heidi told me this is what she got for Wesley as an ordination gift
intrusive capitalism is making the internet suck
Now that I don't have a star, I am being exposed to the ads.
I'm in a place in my life where I'm stuck..
Let's check in with our nerd-girl editor at Merriam Webster:
Two weeks and six days...until
Full moon? This afternoon, DU is like a ride on the fucking elevator in "The Departed."
I sometimes wish conservative arguments were not so easy to shoot holes in
Alien & Predator vs. Freddy & Jason - who would win a tagteam death match
Tommy_Carcetti was just tombstoned
Today's word is "Tommy_Carcetti" - replace one word in any thread title with "Tommy_Carcetti"
There's no such thing as gravity: the Earth sucks.
When I didn't have a star, it was bad enough to be subjected to threads about the band Rush
Real change takes time and happens right before your eyes when you don't even realize it.
I had McNuggets for the first time in years
so those Destination Truth people on the SyFy channel caught a doll open its eyes on camera
Proof that cats rule and dogs drool
Whose the bald liberal with a small goatee that posts videos sometimes?
LynneSin and Tommy Carcetti appreciation thread.
Ugh. This place is filled with hormones. What do you people do all day while I'm at work?!?
Cats are Not Mysterious, and They are Not Standoffish
Well DU, After 2 years Out Of High School I Am Finally Starting College This Week-Criminal Justice!!
PETA Protest in Springfield, MA
So Pickles had 6 teeth removed today. Poor little kitteh. :^( She's doing
Playing a flute to a Humpback Whale
Take a look at all this seaman!
For Tommy C: In before the Pox
For Tommy C: In before the Pox
Naked woman tied to tree spurs 911 call
Let's go to Yosemite! Lotsapix....
Am I wrong to be so upset? (Professional situation)
I was almost hypnotized by the Safeway checker's tales of shoe shopping
Have you ever been in an interview where the interviewer was rude or snarky to you?
Miami man accused of exporting PS2s to fund terrorism
If your pet were in a talking animal movie, who would be the voice actor?
I am thinking of driving to Manhattan tonight , where can I find cheap parking ?
Is it just me, or does Tommy_Carcetti seem to lack social intercourse skills?
CBS Sued Over Penis Surgery On 'The Doctors' TV Show
Oh Goody. "Penis disorder" is listed as a potential side-effect of the meds I'm taking.
I was circumcised as a baby...
Well I finally got my dad approved for nursing home medicaid.
Great Bob Weir Interview...(MNBC financial guru!)
Who do you think deserves the title of "Greatest Composer in all History"
Passenger on Southwest banned from air travel for midflight self-abuse
Perfect Albums: List the albums you have to listen to the entire album to truly appreciate..
The talk about using reconciliation, as if it's proof that Dems are being tough is amusing.
Obama: The new Ronald Reagan trickle-down president?
The Democrats in the Senate and House claim President Obama's timetable is too aggressive. Except
Disabled American Veterans gives Obama a bat to thank him for “going to bat for veterans"
President Obama gets credit for flushing out all the tools
Funny or Die video link: Expresidents advising Obama (mostly old SNL actors)
There seems to be just two possible outcomes to the impending HCR vote:
Photos: "Let's Move! ...... Forward!" (The Obama Presidency, 3/3/10)
"whoa ... we're half way there ... whoa oh ... living on a prayer..."
Got a call from my Army Ranger son. He and his troops saw Obama.
Is it now official DU policy to allow people to call other DUers Che Guevera-worshipping communists?
Call your senator/representative: tell them NO to a mandate & NO bill without a strong PO
Heitkamp Won't Run for North Dakota Senate
GOP’s Deficit Crusade Faces Opposition From Fiscal Hawks
RNC depicts the President as The (Socialist) Joker
I'm still hearing some coward Dem's in the Senate and Congress still wavering on health care
Bachmann will push 2010 census
Clearly, continuing to fight for HCR passage has been bad for Obama's poll numbers
Democrats Hope to Finish Writing Reconciliation Bill This Week
Rep Altmire: The President had some strong words last night....
Senate Moderates Warm to Reconciliation (Roll Call)
11 CORPORATIST so called Dem's willing to KILL health care over abortion
NYT: Link to Interactive Chart of House Dems Who Voted No on Healthcare
another neo con Sen. liar at W.J.'s table this a.m. - how tedious
Does the New Bill do ANYTHING to Help Fix the Economy?
"Obama reasserts Volcker rule"
Bob Cesca: The Tea Party Is All About Race
Freudenthal won't seek a third term
Obama to be interviewed on America's Most Wanted
Leiken changes to commission race |
Stephanie Bell Enters AL-02 Race
Clay Cox jumps into 7th CD race, demands that Don Balfour give up Senate chairmanship
RNC Donors to Gather at Blackwater Compound
If we hold the senate this year might as well kill the filibuster in January
Republicans vote AGAINST preventing Harmful Restraint and Seclusion in Schools
Obama admin using the old strategy of economic blackmail to keep stimulus dollars for globalists
First spark of a jobs recovery
The President & Democrats created a VERY bipartisan bill, it's time for the
"Republicans cast doubts on Senate parliamentarian"
Wow..... So much for objective news reporting.
My response to David Gergen saying Medicare was passed with bipartisan efforts
New Blanche Lincoln ad: "I don't answer to my party" (VIDEO)
Sherrod Brown to GOP: We will bring the PAIN if you filibuster!
Anyone here from TX-22? If so, please vote Republican. No, really.
HUFFPOST: Obama To Meet With Progressives,then Corrupt Dems In Health Care Push
White House sets March 18 goal for House health vote
Senate Panel Approves Johnsen Nomination
Exclusive: 'Wellpoint would be a primary beneficiary' if reform fails, consulting firm says
I really do think that when the HCR act gets signed.. things will start to move
"President Obama is going all in"
Huge news: "Texas SBOE Wingnuts Lose Primary Battles." Great news for School Textbooks.
All In-Don't look now, but Obama is finally living up to his promise.
Ralston Sits Down With Reid's 'Tea Party' Opponent
It's Only A 'Controversy' When Dems Do It
How could I forget that Phil Hartman played Ronald Reagan so well on SNL?
Kerry leads push to repeal blanket ban on gay blood donors
Lets be perfectly clear about this... HCR is not being done via reconciliation
Senators: Lift ban on gay blood donors
Senator Byrd rebuts GOP claims that he opposes reconciliation to pass health care bill sidecar
New report undermines officers’ letter supporting ‘Don’t Ask’
New report undermines officers’ letter supporting ‘Don’t Ask’
U.S. Rep. John Dingell: 'Do whatever it takes' to repair broken system
Ford Discussed Switching Parties with Rove
Health Care Showdown: The White House Takes on Insurers
When did Rep Stupid (D/R - vatican) become Party Whip?
Confused by Obama cozying up to corporate scammers? Read up on the DLC:
In addition to the House undecideds on HCR, who are Stupak's 12?
Harold Ford Discussed Switching Parties with Rove
CPC chairman indicates liberals will support health bill
Giannoulias seeks to blunt damage, says family bank likely to fail
Greg Sargent's Plumline: Bill Clinton Throws His Support to Blanche Lincoln
President Obama presses fellow Dems: Seize moment on health
A Window Into The Republican Mind
I'm calling out (and calling) the Blue Dogs
Any Dem voting against HCR should be kicked home
Howard Dean: 2010 won't be as bad for Dems as people think
McCain Campaign Releases Details of Brown Visit
Grayson Leading In REPUBLICAN Primary
Some jobs just shouldn't have a "Take your kid to work" day.
Dems plan 'pain' for GOP if they drag out health debate
The Real Reason Obama's Plan Doesn't Include A Public Option
"It's heartening to see Obama go all in"
Leaked documents reveal GOP plan to use scare tactics to raise money
Hillary Clinton: Master of Disguise, Diplomacy
.....Then They Panic, Then We Win!
President Obama reads letter from OH woman who lost her health care ... to insurance company execs.
Stupak just on Hardball saying that he wants his amendment retained or he will vote no
Stupak just on Hardball saying that he wants his amendment retained or he will vote no
Screw Republican Revisionist History about the Falklands
New Sharon woman guilty of assaulting officer with stungun
Family facing deportation breakup wins reprieve
Haiti wants more information on foreign aid
China PLA plays down U.S. challenge ahead of defence budget
U.S. stocks relapse as health-care sector weighs
U.S. gets say on which Canadians can fly
Ex-commander in Iraq to give deposition in KBR case
4 convicted in German terror trial
Roadside Bomb Kills Five Amid Iraq Early Voting
UN plans to end DR Congo peacekeeping mission
Yukos case against Russia begins at European court
Nelson (D-Ne) seeks jobs bill funds
US lawmakers challenge US Army decisions on KBR
AIG Employees' Fury On Record Over Bonuses
Birth defects in Fallujah 'on the rise since U.S. operation'
Pakistani workers killed in Afghanistan attack
Citigroup executive Vikram Pandit to back reforms
Yanukovich party seeks law change for Ukraine coalition
US wine drinkers file lawsuit over fake Pinot Noir
Shirin Ebadi warns against Iranian sanctions
Gastric bands may lead to depression as patients can no longer overeat: researchers
Feds weigh expansion of Internet monitoring
Wyoming Gov. Dave Freudenthal won't run for reelection
Senate Panel Approves Johnsen Nomination
Rep. Levin tapped as acting Ways and Means chairman
John Roberts Stepping Down? 'RadarOnline' Claims Supreme Court Chief Justice Considering Quitting
Sources: Lawmaker At Gay Club Before DUI Arrest
Exploring the openings created by Arctic melting
New York governor charged with breaking ethics law
Katrina victims seek to sue greenhouse gas emitters
Second Ways & Means boss ousted; Levin replaces liberal Stark
Afghan survivors describe NATO helicopter assault
Man claiming torture believes British agent was present, court hears
2 Miami women charged with running vast student visa fraud ring
Father watches over critically beaten girl at hospital
UPDATED: NY Gov. Paterson's spokesman quits amid scandal
Pentagon probes Indiana Marine's death in Afghanistan (opium & contractors)
British boy kidnapped in Pakistan for £100,000 ransom
Foodborne Illness Costs US $152 Billion Annually: Study
Admiral Mullen: foreign policy is too dominated by the military
(Illinois) Individual health insurance policy premiums soaring (increases of up to 60%)
Retail Sales Show Strongest Gain Since Before The Recession
Wipro (India IT co) in 7-yr deal with Main Street America
Baltic Sea ice traps passenger and cargo ships
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday March 4
Dick Durbin: Let GOP filibuster
Obama reasserts Volcker rule, Senate bill seen
US agrees to supply Pakistan with jets and bomb kits for raids on tribal regions
Pakistan 'arrests key Taliban leader'
The opportunity Geert Wilders has waited for
House Passes $15 Billion Package For Job Creation
Jobless claims drop, productivity revised higher
Some Dems are wary of Obama's final health push
Energy Department Files to Withdraw Yucca Mountain License Application
(Houston) Judge grants motion declaring death penalty unconstitutional
RNC donors to gather at Blackwater compound
Four Democratic senators aim to halt stimulus wind project
Falluja doctors report rise in birth defects
Louisiana Governor Blanco Blasts Karl Rove For Katrina Comments In Book
U.S. Lawmakers Launch Push To Repeal NAFTA
FDA warns of Salmonella risk from common flavor enhancer
US Congress panel accuses Turkey of Armenian 'genocide'
Shocked Greeks digest cuts, unions call strikes
Exclusive: RNC document mocks donors, plays on 'fear'
US taxpayers hit as TARP takes a new turn
White House to Congress: Don't offend Turkey
Is a voting machine merger too big to stand?
Turkey, on Edge, Watches U.S. Vote on Armenia
Waterboarding Too Dangerous, Internal DoD Memo Reveals
New Mustang V-6 With 305 HP Certified at 31 MPG Highway; Makes History as First Car With 300+ HP and
Brazil rebuffs US, says it will go own way on Iran
In Just Over 12 Hours, Romney Goes From Praising To Attacking Obama On Afghanistan
Rachel Maddow & Sherrod Brown on the GOP HCR desparate, lying, hypocritical death throes
Chile "Looting" - Private Property Is More Important Than Your Life
Kucinich - Food Stamps, Bank Bailout, Health Care
President Obama: Moving Forward on Health Care Reform
Ed Schultz, Anthony Weiner, and Joe Barton (R) - GOP defeated on HCR
Papantonio: We Need a Goldman Sachs Perp Walk
Whole Foods Market "Organic" food made in China !!!!
Rev John Haslett Speaks at VOP Health Care Rally
Young Turks: 7th Grader Suspended For Saying No To Drugs?! (Video)
How Will The End Of Print Journalism Affect Old Loons Who Hoard Newspapers?
Steele does damage control on leaked memos insulting donors
Blanche Lincoln Thinks No Healthcare is 'Answering to Arkansas' - 48th in Nation
How a Bill Becomes a Secret Memo - From Fool House Rock
Rachel Maddow interviews Blanche Lincoln's primary challenger Bill Halter
Max Keiser Report No. 22 -The Economic Elite
TYT: Obama Disses Single-Payer Healthcare Systems
The Solar Bus Goes To Washington
Goldman Sucks: Response to Cleveland Fed Propoganda Video
Training Session For LA Sheriff's 'Operation Exodus'
Grayson vs Bachmann On 'Larry King Live'
TYT: Remember the cheerleader who was gonked out by the flu shot? Yeah, she was faking it
UK Study: Recent spike in paranoia is a legacy of Bush-Blair years.
Medical Malpractice Payments Continue to Fall, Public Citizen Analysis Shows
Eric Alterman: Playing the Fear Card
Rhode Island school nears compromise on mass teacher firings.
“Smoking Gun” Belatedly Revealed to Defense in Blackwater Case
Challenging History: Why the Oppressed Must Tell Their Own Story (Ramzy Baroud)
GOP Opposes Reconciliation, of 'North and South'
The Lawyers Smeared by Liz Cheney
Obama, Congress Wink at Massive Surveillance Abuses
AlterNet: Anti-Pot Propaganda As Stupid As Ever -- Yet Our Alarmist Media Continues to Hype It
Flexible Afghanistan War Objectives: And the Agony Grinds On (Ramzy Baroud)
Obama and the Dems Take Step in Right Direction with Reconciliation
A reminder to how the Republicans play the game (Gene Lyons)
First, Let's Fire All the Teachers!
Was the Buddha Murdered for His Progressive Teachings?
The Deflationist --- How Paul Krugman found politics.
Finding A Cure For The Insidious Cancers Of 'Hope' and 'Faith' (Carolyn Baker)
India Adds IT Jobs Despite Recession
Pacific Pushback: Has the U.S. Empire of Bases Reached Its High-Water Mark?
How the Corporate Lobbyist party cost the Government $10 Billion - Time magazine
Head of the Detroit Board of Education is a Functioning Illiterate
REPASTE.."The Southern Coup" (How We Got Here) Michael Lind
Who are the actual "crazy" people in American politics?
How did media cover GOP's 2003 use of reconciliation? They didn't
The Tea Party Is All About Race
American Family Association Pins SeaWorld Death On Lack Of Christianity: ‘Bible Ignored, Trainer Die
Obama Rewards Another Outsourcer (Honeywell)
Bob Lutz retires (again), calls Chevy Volt his "proudest achievement"
US Official Tells Wind-Powered World Bank to Stop Funding Coal Power Plants
Salazar: Change Water Course Or Face Waetr Crisis
Sea lions have left Oregon's Sea Lions Caves and reappearing at San Francisco's Pier 39
Brisbane's dams fill as floodwaters surge
Saudi Aramco Loses Count - What KSA Says About Haradh vs. What Google Earth Imaging Shows - Oil Drum
New way to control disease-spreading mosquitoes: Make them hold their urine
US Will Support Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Ban, Despite Japan's Opposition - AFP
Department of Energy Files Motion to Withdraw Yucca Mountain License Application
30 Countries Meet in India to Advance Clean Energy, Combat Climate Change Largest International ...
Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future to Hold First Meeting
French Question Seawall Safety, Building Practices In Wake Of At Least 52 Deaths From Massive Waves
Sen. Bernie Sanders on his new 10 million solar roofs bill
Japan Moving Ahead With Plan For Pluthermal- (aka MOX) Fueled Nuclear Plants - AFP
It burns! Stupid things senators are saying about the Kerry, Graham, and Lieberman proposal
Back from the dead: 'Extinct' frog species found alive after 30 years
Graph Of The Day - Methane Fluxes Emerging From E. Siberian Arctic Shelf
Evidence of Increasing Antibiotic Resistance (in microbes in Archived Soils since 1940)
Darwin Foes Add Warming to Targets
Outrage in San Francisco: City Gives 'Organic' Compost to Residents Containing Toxic Sewage Sludge
Sweden to build 2,000 new wind turbines, be 50% renewable by 2020.
Fears of Undersea Methane Leaks Already Coming True
Chicago Trib publishes the ultimate denier smackdown page.
The US Under A Higher Emissions Scenario - Stuart Staniford
‘Fourth generation’ nuclear power a buzz phrase with little behind it
Boston Red Sox pitcher Tim Wakefield tutors Japanese female knuckleball phenom Eri Yoshida
Busy Coyotes make 7 trades at deadline
Maryland Beats Duke, Storms the Court, Storms the Streets.
Huff homers in first ever AB as a Giant...
Huff homers in first ever AB as a Giant...
A pin on Coach K's lapel serves as a symbol of a strong bond, forged through tragedy
Barbados Invites Triple Crowner Bill Turner to Sandy Lane GC
Zito teaches Fielder a lesson...
Maryland played an excellent game against Duke this evening.
162 MLB games: Can we agree not to post everytime your stinkin team wins a game?
The Labor Movement in Haiti: A Personal Reflection
Chile Military Delivers Aid, But 1st Helps Its Own
Guatemala: tops cops busted, death squads exposed
X-Post. RagingInMiami wins Sun Sentinel "Best of Blogs". Connie Mack consulting lawyers.
Honduras: Investigate Attacks on Coup Opponents
Earthquake Exposes Fault Lines in Chilean Politics
Seven U.S. Doctors Trained in Cuba Return From Haiti After Month-Long Service
Mercenaries Circling Haiti by Bill Quigley
List of political killings since coup
Chavez says students are ‘more than numbers’
Washington Post editor rips Dubai chief of police for "outlandish claims" against Mossad
Australian-Israel tensions grow at Parliament House with cancellation of friendship event...
Netanyahu would meet Assad 'any time, any place'
Hamas women rally in Gaza for West Bank shrines
Yossi Sarid / Lieberman will be remembered as a disgrace to Israel
MK: Arabic TV in Israel - an Enemy Within
Britain in law change bid after Israel warrant row
(Avigdor) Lieberman on the way out?
Mideast peace talks could begin as early as Sunday
UK mulling 'war crimes arrest' curb - Al Jazeera
How About A Real Campaign Against Abuses?
A Debate on BDS with Omar Barghouti and Rabbi Arthur Waskow
Gaza’s youth not ‘superfluous’
Today in Labor History Mar 4 TJefferson: “Take not from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.”
Gay iPhone app give proceeds to charity
Withers: NY rep accused of harassment
South Africa school shuts dorm after lesbian kiss spotted
Anti-Gay Lawmaker At Gay Club Before DUI Arrest
Anti-gay GOP CA State Senator Roy Ashburn Arrested for DUI after leaving gay club in State vehicle
John Kerry: Outdated, unnecessary ban on blood donations should be lifted
Ostrich Eggs Used in Stone Age Communication
'Extinct' frog species found again after 30 years
Cooking Potatoes in a Dormant Supervolcano
Anti-science forces are now linking global warming with evolution
NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Speeds Past Data Milestone - 100 Terabits
Any good reference sites for firearms used in the Old West?
Patient accused of shooting Conn. nurse recovering
Pretty space pic- "The Cosmic Bat"
Guardian UK: Starbucks's guns and lattes policy
Daley already in full hissy fit mode
Do you think the second amendment applies to all levels of government, federal, state and local?
So what will your reaction be when the USSC shitcans all of these ridiculous handgun bans?
Strange coincidence--Chicago crime rose after handgun ban. What will happen if the ban ends?
Scientists Report Octopus Imitating Flounder in the Atlantic
The camera was still lying there from when I shot the tulip shoots this morning
Popular Science Puts Entire Scanned Archive Online, Free
The Right To Openly Carry Guns In Public Places
Triggernometry - The "Center Mass" Myth and Ending a Gunfight
At risk of doing the backyard birds to death...
Another Innocent British Family In Despair Over Obscene British Self Defense Laws
Another Innocent British Family In Despair Over Obscene British Self Defense Laws
Remember my photos from the fire lookout 2009 fire season?
I stuck my head in the snake pit regarding this:
Powerful article posted by icymist at
Over $30 bln pumped into Russian banking system during crisis
Funny or Die's Presidential Reunion
Factory Orders Post 1.7 Percent January Rise
Senators Demand Stop Sending Stimulus Dollars Overseas
Obama calls for 'up or down vote' on health care reform
Please Help Recognize Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness Week - Ask Congress link:
S.E.C. Charges Psychic With Securities Fraud
Why a salad costs more than a big mac
Is Conservative Christian Group, No Greater Joy Ministries, Pushing Parents to Beat Kids to Death?
Vatican hit by gay prostitution sex scandal reaching into Pope Benedict's household
Gastric bands may lead to depression as patients can no longer overeat: researchers
Do you believe that evil exists?
KC closing update: school board member threatens to pull his own child out of district school
Grannan: Time for Obama to meet with the Central Falls 93, and gain some compassion – and a clue
DU this poll on private school vouchers!
Central Falls superintendent open to talks
NEA And AFT Issue Joint Statement Condemning Central Falls Administrators' Actions
Day of education protests gets under way
Teachers Feel Ignored In Education Debate
16 Finalists Announced in Phase 1 of Race to the Top Competition