Democratic Underground

Archives: March 7, 2010

Christiane Amanpour, ABC's 'This Week' In Talks

The original Too Big to Fail

The 28th Amendment..Fact AND Fiction..

Pet care after the rapture!!

"It's Safe to Assume We Execute Innocent People"

"It's Safe to Assume We Execute Innocent People"

"It's Safe to Assume We Execute Innocent People"

Gov. Paterson makes photo op underneath a belching dog & Paris Hilton


Bob Corker is a piece of sh*t

Something I want to get off my chest: Being crass about the Armenian Genocide when I was in college

A story you will NOT read in the paper - cops disarms man with knife

so, with unlimited corporatehood donations

Great line

I know some will have something negative to say about it but, one heart attack or stroke and you

Ninety-nine percent of the world's scientists are wrong.

This is bullshit. Our nation's defenders fighting and dying to put criminals in power in Afghanistan

U.S. enriches firms doing business with Iran

Well, Duh

Well, Duh

'Spy Chips' Hidden In 2.6 Million Trashbins Aim To Tax Those Who Toss Too Much

Watch the Iraq Elections Today

Alcatraz Island Going Green

Who votes Republican in the big cities?

Colorado Governer Bill Ritter is in the hospital after a bikecycle accident

Colorado Governer Bill Ritter is in the hospital after a bikecycle accident

The sky is falling.

The sky is falling.

The sky is falling.

Karl Rove Once Got His Ass Kicked By A Little Girl… Really

Muslim students reject Obama's visit - w/ pictures

Paramedics hail 'hero' boy from Arizona bus crash - story with pic

i guess next week we'll have rove all over the teevee selling his bullshit

McCaskill hammers GOP on spending 'hypocrisy'

Parker Griffith sticks foot in mouth

ok, is there some RW BS going around re BO dissing Churchill?

Virginia Attorney General Tells Colleges to Back Off on Gay Rights Policies

Denver DUers - watching KBDI?

Cablevision-ABC Feud: Deadline Looms, Millions Of New Yorkers May Miss Academy Awards

The astrology of the Pentagon shooting


Bachmann’s health care statements rate ‘false’ at Politifact

Bachmann’s health care statements rate ‘false’ at Politifact

Finance capital and the Greek debt crisis

I don't think many here actually care about Stupak & his amendment

Could someone explain WHY Harold Ford is thought of as having an opinion

HCR Reconciliation Thread (Another yes in the definite column) We have the votes in theory!!!!

We need public works programs

Sunday TV News Shows

I just read a really dumb remark, not at FR, but here.

Today's "American Extremists" cartoon: "Trial balloons"

Today's "American Extremists" cartoon: "Trial balloons"

Can anyone explain to me why SNL is still on the air?

Was a conservative California legislator cruising gay bars?

Reporting political activity by a religious organization??

Up Or Down. Bring It Home. 7 March 2010

How to solve the economic crisis

How to solve the economic crisis

Torture memos resemble Clarence Thomas' way of thinking

Cover-up exposed in post-Katrina police killings

I googled myself for kicks (hey, get your mind out of the gutter!) - memory lane...

45 years ago, Bloody Sunday and....

Iran's Ahmadinejad: Sept. 11 attacks a 'big lie'

Iran's Ahmadinejad: Sept. 11 attacks a 'big lie'

Many are busing in to Selma today March 7th 2010 -

Indiana prosecutor gives up attempt to prosecute for DVD kiosks

The perfect solution to the financial crisis

Wouldn't state control of everything actually be "bigger government"?

Second Nominee For 2nd Circuit? State, federal judges questioned about Yale in-house attorney

Iran's Ahmadinejad: Sept. 11 attacks a 'big lie'

Tennessee CEO compares Michelle Obama to chimpanzee

Te perfect solution to the financial crisis

Squid Ink Cuisine (Not sure I would try this looks interesting..)

City Considering Outsourcing 911 Calls

Carnahan goes on the attack, as she kicks her Senate campaign in gear

Carnahan goes on the attack, as she kicks her Senate campaign in gear

People upset that newspaper confuses entertainment with news.

The Oath Keepers: The Militant and Armed Side of the Tea Party Movement (Mother Jones)

TOON: Sunday's Doonesbury - "It's Gross" (Could Swear Trudeau Has Been Reading DU)

Check out my new ride.

Exclusive: Famed NYT reporter tells Michael Moore capitalism driving humanity’s downfall

Afghan president gets an earful in seized town

"Spiritual Mapping"

Keeping It Real In The Workplace..AGAIN

Right wing talking point - Government is Broken is the main event on Face the Nation today

Right wing talking point - Government is Broken is the main event on Face the Nation today



Police: Dodge parents trade sex with 14-year-old daughter for car payments

Should Political Pundits have term limits?

As Metaphor For Health Care, Jobs, Financial Reform, Etc...

666 C Street

Sean Penn what a good man; his work in Haiti CBS Sunday morning videos

Watching Romney on CSPAN right now

California's Charter Schools Earn a Failing Grade on Civil Rights

Please do it right or don't start it at all President Obama!

A History of Reconciliation

E.J. Dionne has just destroyed

E.J. Dionne has just destroyed

We are now seeing the two-party duopoly engaging in Kabuki theater to deny us health care reform

Michael Foot, RIP... and some words to live by...

CNN's Fareed Zakaria is interviewing the car bomber Bush put in charge of Iraq

WP - Why it's so hard for Toyota to find out what's wrong

guns - 8 kids shot by a kid with a gun - none dead

guns - 8 kids shot by a kid with a gun - none dead

How food and water are driving a 21st-century African land grab

Sebelius: Bid for GOP support delayed health care

Sebelius: Bid for GOP support delayed health care

John Cory: I Am Angry

Frank Rich On SNL

Aw Crap... HCR Just Got Knocked Off The News... Or Soon Will Be...

Name a political front in which the public is not being screwed.

Were Bush, Cheney and ReTHUGS ever interested

High school students make phony Facebook page for their principal; police apprehend them in class

That RETHUG hack Candy Crawley

Crash blamed on motorist shaving privates

Great Read: Promoting the General Welfare; Government Has A Purpose - FDL

Man in Chicken Suit Shot With Pellet Gun

more on the spiritual mappers

more on the spiritual mappers

Calif. Senate debate focuses on support for Israel

Can you imagine a Democratic administration getting away with this?

I need your help DUers!!!

I know it's redundant, but man are freepers stupid fucks

There was just a police chase outside my house.

The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare

The Japanese love-affair with bikes

American Al Qaeda leader, Adam Gadahn, captured

Top home-school texts dismiss Darwin, evolution

It's funny; I have a lot of sympathy for John Walker Lindh and very

"State of the Union With Candy Crowley" sucks

Scofflaws owe big fines

Reid's sneaky 'Tea Party' candidate

Lousiana Sheriff Arming Citizens (Forming a Posse)?

OMG! They're GONE!!

U.S. coming to accept that we are largely powerless to control what happens in Iraq

Tea party patriots: all-jokes edition

(Q) What would we be if we had no government and no regulations?

I started watching Meet the Press when I was five years old. I

N.J. NASCAR fan Dennis Zeglin shot parrot that annoyed him while watching a race on TV

ELIZABETH WARREN: I am afraid. I'm afraid because of what I see in the real economy.

YouTube adds video captions for deaf

France finally acknowledges its war children, The offspring of German soldiers and French women born

Tell Congress: Stop Outsourcing Our Security to Blackwater and Private Mercenaries

Tell Congress: Stop Outsourcing Our Security to Blackwater and Private Mercenaries

I Am Angry

FRANK RICH: The Up-or-Down Vote on Obama’s Presidency

We are merely chained to a wall in a cave watching reflected shadows dance

This Adam Gadahn fellow appears to have a convoluted early life

See those ads on Sun news 'bout us needing 'investing advisers?'

Freepers are idiots. We already charged him with treason long ago. That charge isn't disappearing.

I know I thought he was much more a populist

Obama’s health care pitch to Dems: Trust me

Republican Lawmaker Demands Recall of Car That Drove Him to Gay Club !

Obama not firing Rahm tells you what Obama thinks of you

Federal court awards bullied student $800,000 ... to be paid by the school district

Federal court awards bullied student $800,000 ... to be paid by the school district

Tea And Sympathy For The Devil

Best place to send money to Chile?

Database can crack missing person cases — if used

Never thought I'd ever post a piece at DU written by Nolan fucking Finley

Long time no see late night DUers. Temporary use of net tonight.

March 20, 2003

FLASHBACK: In 2000, Time Warner blacked out ABC over disputes with Disney (including in NYC)

Swiss voters ax measure allowing lawyers for abused animals

Have You Hugged You Pi Today?

Have You Hugged You Pi Today?

Gibraltar court to rule on gay age of consent

N.J. win-win solution: Fighting childhood obesity and supporting local farmers

I am having trouble with the u-tube posts not downloading all at

Bob Corker sucks

DU AdBots

ACLU News Release on New York Times ad and copy of ad.

Senator Patrick Leahy on health care reform

Senator Patrick Leahy on health care reform

State GOP lawmakers want to cut Meth Program that has a 77 percent success rate

In what order to read Vonnegut has always been a good question - but this isn't about Vonnegut

Another conservative lie: "We are for small business"

...we have the wolf by the ears, and we can neither hold him nor safely let him go.

Amazing Libertarian Health Care Awakening! One vote at a time.

The "Free" Market: The Ultimate Welfare Queen

Teachers should not be scapegoats for problems they can't control

DeLay: People are unemployed because they want to be

Someone tell me that we are not collectively boned

Fuckwit Sarah Palin tries to justify her 5th grade behavior....

The votes are coming in, Iceland tells international bankers to piss off

What is the best way to fight the for profit insurance companies

Researchers: AIDS virus can hide in bone marrow

Unrest in Democratic Party plays out in Emanuel controversy

D.C. first U.S. city to give out free female condoms in AIDS battle

Water Practically Flies Off 'Near Perfect' Hydrophobic Surface That Refuses to Get Wet

California Bans Import of Frogs and Turtles for Food

March 7, 2010=45th anniversary of the Selma voting rights demonstration known as Bloody Sunday

Timeline: Government Under Attack

Warren: "I am afraid of what I see in the real economy."

NCLB and the Bush/Reagan Great Rec(DEPR)ession (People Cost Money)

Tom Delay: People Are Unemployed Because They Want To Be, Bunning Was "Brave"

Since smoking is bad, should Duke University change its name?

Since smoking is bad, should Duke University change its name?

"Kill the bill" is nothing but hot air.

Al Qaida Capture: Not Gadahn afterall

"CORRECTION: Every article about George W. Bush ever written by Dana Milbank was wrong.."

With Travel Expenses, Some in Congress Keep the Change

Durbin to insurance companies: 'Party's over'

Presidential Job Approval Dropping ; Democratic Party Affiliation Dropping

From last year's Oscars, Dustin Lance Black's acceptance speech

Anti-gay group wants killer whale stoned to death

Most of the Senate HC Bill are Republican added pages?

We will not get health care reform until upwards of 60% of the population has none

Why Is Barack Obama Writing GOP Talking Points? by John Nichols

Next Weekend we "Spring Forward"

When you pay your INCOME taxes this year, never forget that about HALF goes to WAR.

George Stephanopoulos Spreads FEAR FEAR FEAR and MORE FEAR!

White House Seizes On Goldman Sachs Report Of Health Premiums Rising

Today's "Non Sequitur" -- Wiley gets it: The way to get *EFFECTIVE* financial reform!

Coffee Party movement now over 95,000 strong on facebook alone.

St. Charles County may ban 'fake pot'

'Iran Developing Massive Launch Site'

The Tyranny of Willful Ignorance - A LTE taking on the Tea Party Phenomenon

Home school texts often replace science with religious opinions

Thanks Mods!

Department of Defense: The Biggest Corporation of All

The way to shut up Stupak and the GOP is to introduce a sweeping prenatal health care bill.

Brawl breaks out behind anchor during live news broadcast. Funniest thing I've ever seen

Lucifer: “I’m With Beck, 100%!”

No Oscars for Cablevision Subscribers tonight

Kathy Griffin Skewers Sarah Palin During Comedy Show In Alaska. Escorted Onto Stage By Levi Johnston

I'm over him. Next...

Bans on Same-Sex Marriage May Affect Mental Health

Ashburn dodges gay question

Promoting hate has consequences. When will Republicans learn that?

Sooooo ................ Sarah was part of the right-wing Fraser Institute's 'influential speakers

This country is being forced toward fascism

Just wanna say if anyone can save the Dems ass in Nov, its Tom Delay and Jon Kyl!

Fresno Bee: What Killed the Fresno Metropolitan Museum?

Fresno Bee: What Killed the Fresno Metropolitan Museum?

Here's Why The Employment Situation Is Now Way Stronger Than Anyone Realizes

Here's Why The Employment Situation Is Now Way Stronger Than Anyone Realizes

It has been several years since I first heard the term "outrage fatigue". It was in the

Defectors Say Church of Scientology Hides Abuse

One in 31 U.S. Adults are Behind Bars, on Parole or Probation

Rahm "may be forced to resign"?

The SNL opening sucked last night

Right, I think it's time we declare the American Dream dead

I won't be able to afford Health Care if rates keep going up.

St. Pete Times Daniel Ruth rips FL legislator who wants to end teacher tenure...

Who Broke America’s Jobs Machine?: Why creeping consolidation is crushing American livelihoods

When was the last treason trial?

I can't begin to imagine what it would be like to grow up a gay Mormon

The $100,000 question: How much pay is too much for a federal employee?

Crazy health care surprise... glad I have insurance

President Obama: “We will continue with the responsible removal of U.S. forces from Iraq,”

AIG: "Taxpayers deserve to lose a trillion dollars over this thing for the way they have behaved."

YES! Mr. Fish does it again

Adam Gadahn arrested in Pakistan? If true, this is significant.

(California) Officials Allow Sex Offender to Live Near School

(California) Officials Allow Sex Offender to Live Near School

GRAPHIC: This is bipartisan education reform:

Obama's health care pitch to Democrats: Trust me

Are DU'ers, as a body, more easily offended than most groups you've encountered?

Are DU'ers, as a body, more easily offended than most groups you've encountered?

Mass. Health Insurers Want Significant Rate Hikes (up to 32%!)

You have been given a magic wand:

4 that are, but shouldn't be anywhere near our government

Maybe health insurance IS the problem.

Sociologist Neil Howe on Millennials and more (fun videos!)

Methane frozen beneath Arctic seabed destabilising, scientists warn

Yesterday, Adam Gadahn lauded Ft. Hood killer, urged Muslims to attack, today he's captured

Open war over Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama's master of the dark arts

People don't understand that it isn't the schools or the teachers that...

Sinead O'Connor: I'd help Jesus to burn down the Vatican

Anyone else see the Dubai assassination video on YouTube? (NOT graphic)

What about a Bush/Cheney ticket in 2012. And I dont mean Georgie and Dickie.

This is good stuff: A book review of "The Mythbusters of Psychology" by Harriet Hall

Why Is Barack Obama Writing GOP Talking Points?

Independents are not "Centrists"

Change machine seems broken - I followed the instructions and

Why we will never see a public option and why Social Security and Medicare will be "privatized" too.

Which factor is most responsible for health care inflation in the USA?

ACLU places full-page ad in NYT morphing Obama into Bush over 9/11 trials

Join me in a hearty "FUCK YOU PHILLIP MORRIS" as I celebrate 6 months of being smoke-free

Mitt Romney: Obama Health Care Plan NOT Like Massachusetts Plan

One of these recordings is not of a clucking chicken

Do you think there was a way George H.W. Bush could have won in 1992?

A discussion about posting links on DU

Home school, Evolution and kids in college

Another suicide

Snow season is slowly retreating; Tornado season is fast approaching

It's Not a Health Care Bill. It's An Insurance Bill.

PBS showing "FEMA Camps" -- holy shit!

Name Sarah Palin's Reality TV show

LTTE from a Florida teacher: I teach at the "Central Falls HS" of Miami, Florida.

LTTE from a Florida teacher: I teach at the "Central Falls HS" of Miami, Florida.

Too Much Sex? No Such Thing -- Why Sex Addiction Is Total B.S.

FBI Confirms Investigations Into Post-Katrina Violence Widening

If you don't know you better ask somebody.

Hey white middle class American! Don't act so shocked.

Just a reminder...if we get stomped this fall, it will be the CENTRISTS' fault

Missing Child

My wife is breaking a big national story about anti-choice organizations here in MA

From "Fired Up and Ready to Go" to "Tired Out and Staying Home" - HuffPo

From "Fired Up and Ready to Go" to "Tired Out and Staying Home" - HuffPo

The “public option” and the wheelbarrow parable - Kip Sullivan JD

What is going on with this book, Kubrick's NAPOLEON?

Four Score And Seven Years Ago: 1923

Nice Lochs!

Nice Locks! (Pt. 2)

Nice Locks :

Nice lox

Nice LOx!

The Ultimate Earworm

Nice Lockes!

Nice Locks!

Nice Loch Locks

I was just offered two dream jobs in one day, and I wasn't even looking for work.

I'm going to get flamed for this, but it has to be said.

He had a thousand ideas, you might have heard his name

Yennek - Serena X (Carl Craig Inner Zone Mix)

After shutting my piehole for a week, my head is as big as a melon

Old Twilight Zone... taxes on a million dollars from the genie?

Hello from my new iPhone!

I propose we change our National Anthem to "O Fortuna"

As a lifelong Jimi fan, I'm sorry...his "Sunshine Of Your Love" sucks, always has, always will

Holy Crap!!!

John Frusciante has to be one of the most under appreciated...

Echo & The Bunnymen - The Killing Moon

I propose that everyone allow ME to choose the new National Anthem.

Catching up on my pre-Oscar movie watching....

WTF? Dirty Harry on Netflix Instant is 4:3 pan and scan.

What's that song in the NBC commercial? (mp3 download)

Do people still give 2 weeks notice when quitting a job?

In Memoriam

That damn Kennedy assassination really ruined that balmy day.

Scapegoating Animals

Sparklehorse's Mark Linkous dead

Fact: We live in a world where George Carlin is dead yet...


Vampire Weekend SUCKS!

Instant Netflix movie for this Saturday night "Drop Dead Fred".

Should I smack the security guard in my bank or pity him?

So Now I DON'T Generally Watch The Oscars... BUT WHAT IS ALL THIS

I propose we commission Sarah Palin to write a new National Anthem

This is a very good idea, the sooner it catches on here, the better.

Online after a week offline in Berkshire County MA!

Artisanal toast.

Free Cowboy Hats!

The Coolest Guy in the World 2

Toyota Simulator

I have a red hand.

My mother's courtyard

OK I'm dense - how in the heck do you send a tweet to someone?

Please suggest something for me to watch from Netflix's watch instantly

Hurt Locket or Avatar? Which will win the Oscar?


inertia as opposed to what ...

Anything You Can Do

Why does Bone China weigh lighter than other kinds of porcelain?

What the fuck is a "medical pizza"?

Cops: Parents traded sex with daughter, 14, for car payments

Tell me if this is a completely unfounded fear. RE: bi-sexual woman I'm dating

Anyone else fly a homebuilt airplane?

Breathtaking time lapse musical videos of the Milky Way and earth scenes

Blue Velvet's beloved Frank Booth or beloved former President of the United States George W. Bush?

Had to call my cable company tech support today

Squid Ink Cuisine (Not sure I would try this looks interesting..)

Why does Motorola use a blinking orange light for "Normal" on a cable modem

tie you down pretend you're madonna

Does anyone know where this came from?

I hate hospitals

Check out my new ride.

Whats the catch ? There must be one , this is too good to be true

need some lawyerly type help

Post a picture of your grave.

My Mother's Story. Posted Earlier (People Cost Money)

Wasn't Alice supposed to be a little girl ?

Where is the airbag sensor located?

More ideas for new sports:

Please Help Choose the Theme for the March Photo Contest

I think this is the secret dream of every delivery guy

Dancing Cats

I've lost 20 pounds on my diet. Ask me anything!! I found it hard to be on

Your Sunday LOLcats (dial-up warning) Captain Obvious Edition

Submitted my tax return. Got a HUGE refund! Thank you, President Obama!

A picture of my Great-Grandparents and kids when they arrived in New York.

Can anyone explain to me why SNL is still on the air?

Mind blowing Japanese fashion courtesy of 6%DokiDoki Girls

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 3/07/10

Saltines, Ritz, Oyster Crackers, Cheez-Its...your favorite cracker snack?

My Hulu recommendation for today

Post a pic of you with your pet.

Happy Birthday BeachBaby!!

Barack Obama is only second to Michael Jackson when it comes to FB fans.

WENDELL POTTER on health reform bill: "There is a lot of new oversight of the insurance industry"

Major milestone in Iraq today--I hope President Obama acknowledges it publicly

If Reform Fails - NYT Editorial

The Hill: Lieberman, Levin Take Lead on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Repeal Bill

Any future campaign against Republicans in presidential campaigns

On passing health reform, Orrin Hatch is still whining and lying

Is this a "subliminal" message supporting Palin?

President Obama Congratulates Iraqis on Vote

What has Blanche Lincoln done for Arkansas?

The new political lexicon

Like Iceland, employers are going to refuse to continue pay for or offer med ins.

George Will on "This Week" is being an idiot again.

WH Blog: More Evidence of an Urgent Problem - Slams insurance companies for premium increases

Why Is Barack Obama Writing GOP Talking Points?

Why Is Barack Obama Writing GOP Talking Points?

The Cadillac tax is on high cost policies, not on high benefit policies.

Reconciling With the Past

Why hasn't the admin completely broken with the Nixon/Reagan/Bush/Bish Latin American policies?

President Obama after Iraqi elections: By the end of August, our combat mission will end.

All "RomneyCare" plans cover abortion. Is this enough to sink his 2012 presidential aspirations?

Would you trade an item that will decrease chance to crit but increase your chance to hit?

Is it time to call for a boycott of Tennessee? The comments re: Michelle were only the latest

Is it time to call for a boycott of Tennessee? The comments re: Michelle were only the latest

Lewis remembers 'Bloody Sunday' march, beatings

Sparklehorse’s Mark Linkous Takes Own Life

Question About Friendship

Two original "NO" votes - Baird (WA) and Altmire (PA) - might be warming to health care reform bill.

why hasn't a Medicare expansion been directly pushed again?

Krugman: our creditworthiness is based on perceived responsibility of the political elite

Political cartoonist Tony Auth on Reconciliation...

Here is what I don't get

Here is what I don't get

Obama's war policy bears more fruit. American al Qaeda spokesman (Adam Gadahn) arrested in Pakistan

Obama’s health care pitch to Dems: Trust me

A Warning To Heed

Support for President's health care reform efforts

Matthew Dowd is the host of ABC Sunday News "This Week"? Are you friggin' kidding me?

Sens. McConnell and Hatch try to distance themselves from RNC ad, but make excuses

Sens. McConnell and Hatch try to distance themselves from RNC ad, but make excuses

Lucy's football pitch to Charlie Brown: Trust me

Is Harold Ford Stupid...

SHAMEFULL...CEO compares first lady to Tarzan's Cheeta

Frank Rich: "To galvanize the nation, Obama needs to articulate a substantive belief system"

If it was good enough for God to write on the palm of his hand it was good enough for me


Alternate version of the movie 2012:

We must be getting close to the finish line

If Reform Fails

How to tell if you have a gambling addiction

Mojo Nixon and Skid Roper: "I Hate Banks".

Question for anyone familiar with migraines: do you get a "warning sign" before they hit?

Time to post your artwork

They're happy because thay eat LARD

Crash blamed on motorist shaving her private parts

Don't honk at Old People!!

a RACCOON came in through my cat door

E-cigaretts now available at 7-11 for about 20 bucks

It's time for Oscar tonight (looking forward to Baldwin/Martin). The best movie you saw this year?

Forest Gump

"What Are You Reading, DU?" March 2010 Edition

Happy Birthday Lelapin (LadyoftheRabbits) and ZombieNixon

On the top floor of the Acme Building

okay you Cannabis Connoisseurs...

*****Official Oscar Thread*****

"Jane Hamsher calls for the resignation of Rep Lynn Woolsey as co-chair of the [CPC]"

Post a picture of you and your SO at your wedding or prom or good date

Iran's Ahmadinejad: Sept. 11 Attacks a 'Big Lie'

Mark Begich open to reconciliation for health reform--that makes 50 without any maybes

Handling of abuse case riles day care

Open war over Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama's master of the dark arts

Paterson Rewards Redemption With a Pardon

Gunmen kill Pakistani Taliban leader in northwest

Infighting between militant groups claims over a dozen lives in N. Afghanistan

STIMULUS WATCH: Less stimulus for minority firms

Iraq parliamentary election hit by insurgent attacks

US-Colombia military accord challenged in Bogota court

How food and water are driving a 21st-century African land grab

Venezuela ends spat with Spain over ETA links

40th Anniversary of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty

Parents of Pentagon shooter warned authorities

Mitt Romney: Obama Health Care Plan NOT Like Massachusetts Plan

Officers: Pakistan arrests American-born al-Qaida

India-US to sign key trade, investment pact on March 17

Switzerland referendum on providing lawyers for animals

Democratic activists channel anger into Arkansas Senate race

Glover: Help Ohio plant, shun Hugo Boss at Oscars (take $3 hr cut in pay or we leave the USA)

ABC goes dark for New York Cablevision subscribers

Toyota could start new U.S. plant in June 2011: report

RNC Fallout: 'Ashamed' donor closes checkbook

Reporter: More than 200 dead in Nigeria violence

US troops withdrawing en masse from Haiti

Toyota disputes critic who blames electronics

Kansas City Wants To Close Half Its Public Schools

Support for Democrats in Iowa fades as anti-incumbent sentiment grows

Part 1 of 5: Congressman Steney Hoyer Speech at Economic Empowerment Meeting

Has SNL Lost its Political Mojo?

Iraqis determined to vote

Brazil says that’s too hot to Paris Hilton beer ad

Obama Weekly Address Mar. 6, 2010 Health Insurance

Iraq war film is Oscar favourite

Crazy Saudi

If it was good enough for God to write on the palm of his hand it was good enough for me

The Decline: The Geography of a Recession

Can the U.S. Government Assassinate Me? U.S. Citizens Abroad Subject to Assassination

Holy %$&@, I got Turk of the Week (with Rachel Maddow)

TYT: Obama Caves in Again

5 Minutes with Michael Moore

CEO Under Fire for 'Obama Chimp' Email

America is waiting - David Byrne & Brian Eno

Everything has killed more people than pot

Despedimento Del Angelito-Farewell to the Littlest Angel

California OneCare

Commemoration of Bloody Sunday

Michael Moore Attacks: Democrats Haven't Done Job - Spineless Weasels

Building blocks of a new movement

Anthem a boon to Obama's healthcare efforts

If Reform Fails (NYT)

By Pulling ABC from Cablevision, Disney Seeks to Win an Oscar

LA TImes: Students are channeling their anger

Frank Ahrens: Why it's so hard for Toyota to find out what's wrong

Socialized Medicine Saved Me

Banking on private prisons in the fleecing of small-town America

Economist Lewis Black Tells It Like It Is

To the Honorable Dennis Kucinich

The Pen: The Democratic Party's Plan To THROW The Next Couple Elections, And What We Must Do

Open war over Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama's master of the dark arts

E Wash scientists study biochar for energy

China to move ahead on clean energy "combustible ice" (Oh great! They're burning methane hydrates!)

Even Shell’s CEO Expects Electric Cars to Dominate

Changing the future of wind power: 10 MW floating wind turbine prototype

Wind power the best kind of mirage - NY Times Recites Wind Integration Myths By Michael Goggin

Scientists Propose a More Efficient Way to Make Ethanol

Growing low-oxygen zones in oceans worry scientists

14 Yrs After Discovery Of High % Of Metastatic Cancers In Sea Lions, Researchers Still Looking - NYT

Despite Record Rains In Some Areas, Melbourne Water Storage Still 65% Below Capacity

Arctic Methane On The Move? - Good Short Summary Of Recent Papers By RealClimate

Small gains 'could slash emissions'

Corporate Capture And The Questions That Never Got Asked At Copenhagen

Organic annual money system

Business vs. clean energy: Ohioans pulled 2 ways

Hydrogen highway inches closer (in Canada)

Yesterday's Weather

Energy investor (Richard Nourse) to erect wind turbines near factories

Another "Free Energy"/"Zero Point Energy"/"Perpetual motion device" scam

Breakthrough Producing Hydrogen from Water + Sunlight (60% Efficiency!)

National Parks to Install Solar from South Pacific to N.Y. City

Fueling the future: Fuel cells show promise

GOP's Latest Litmus Test - Denial Of Climate Shift Evidence, Denial Of Science

SunPods Announces SOILS™, the First Photovoltaic Array System Designed Specifically for Landfills

Save the rainforest by driving on biogas, says the CLA


While We Consider, China Constructs

Dayum! 53-26 at halftime. What a clinic being run by Duke.

162 MLB Games: I expect to see 3 threads for every game and every team.

Jets Trade Kerry Rhodes to Arizona Cardinals

Upton celebrates new contract with a Grand Slam Homerun.

I'm watching the replay of the Marquette-ND game on ESPN rewind...

The JR Chess Report (March 6): Ivan Sokolov wins Reykjavik Open on tiebreaks

Want A Tim Tebow Autograph? That’ll Be $160

Clinton's Latin American clangers

Clinton's Latin American clangers

Cuba Will Increase Medical Assistance to Chile

Hillary Clinton Visits Guatemala & Honduras

Venezuela ends spat with Spain over ETA links

Cuba-Trained MDs Posted All Over Haiti

Latin America's path to independence

Illegal mining destroys environment in Southern Venezuela

Michael Isikoff : New Details of Elaborate Dubai Assassination Emerge

Quiet revolution that is freezing Palestinians out of Jerusalem

Only Path to Peace Is an Armistice Now

Arab director of Oscar film sparks Israeli outrage

On the Road to Victory, 4th Young Trade Unionists Meeting Proves to be a hit

Today in Labor History Mar 6 President Carter invoked the Taft-Hartley law, he did little to enforc

UMD hosts ‘Writing Trades Women into History’ March 9

Today in Labor History Mar 7 "Ford march, police opened fire with machine guns, 4 dead 60 wounded

Adding oxygen to booze speeds sobriety

Bugging bugs: Learning to speak microbe

MIT researchers discover new way of producing electricity

Protein Shown to Be Natural Inhibitor of Aging in Fruit Fly Model

Lip reading mobile promises end to noisy phone calls


me and my first beagle, sandy

It was a clear day

Fair warning.

More tools

Here's the funny thing happening on the way to the March Photo contest


A different kind of moon...

alfredo has mentioned stacks a few times recently.

Zero tolerance--5 yo expelled for making gun with hand and pointing at ground

Question about Article II Section II of the Constitution

Western Washington is having an early spring.

guns - 8 kids shot by a kid with a gun - none dead

Orange tipped toy guns.... A good idea gone bad. (Bad guys painting real guns to look like toys)

March Photo Contest, help me chose the theme

New breathing technique I thought I'd share.....

The Stealth Bailouts By MIKE WHITNEY

US {consumer} borrowing saw unexpected rise in January (BBC)

Organic annual money system

National debt to be higher than White House forecast, CBO says

Electromagnetic pulses provide pain relief for osteoarthritis


Christian textbooks

Defectors Say Church of Scientology Hides Abuse

Extra small condoms for 12 year-old boys go on sale in Switzerland

Hundreds flee new religious violence in Nigeria

Organic annual money system

State School Superintendent Warns of Massive Teacher Cuts if Education Budget is Cut (IL)

Teachers should not be scapegoats for problems they can't control

Schools get the blame, and bear the federal consequences, for all society's ills

An Angry Mother’s Take on The Firing of Central Falls’ Teachers

Teaching Self-Control Skills to Children Reduces Classroom Problems

US ed secretary's visit to Ala. school draws ire