Democratic Underground

Archives: March 9, 2010

Feds: Calif. man ran student visa fraud ring

Attention Idiot Palin Posters!

New White House Program Will Pay Homeowners To Sell At A Loss

Earthquakes . . . Talk me down here . . .

GOPer Campaigns On 'Fulfilling Bush's Vision' On Social Security

Jesse Ventura live on The Young Turks right now

Glenn Beck's arrangement w/ Special Operations Warrior Found. raises questions they refuse2 address

Sometimes Our Opinions Do Matter: Another Post about Meg Whitman Reminded Me.

Sometimes Our Opinions Do Matter: Another Post about Meg Whitman Reminded Me.

(Illinois) House bans legislative scholarships

Holy Shite - Ken Star coming up on KO

Results from my e-mail to the MO Budget committee about cuts to services for abused women & children

High Court (written by Sotomayor) Finds Lawyers and Their Advice Covered by Bankruptcy Reform Law

Marcy Kaptur is anti-abortion (or "pro-life"). I wonder why people are surpised by that?

Got dirt on Meg Whitman? Share it on a wiki!



Former Missouri (GOP) House speaker agrees to testify before grand jury

Maine bill would ban importation of firewood

Media Matters SHOCKER.. Rove book full of FALSEHOODS.. Is there ANYTHING left for us to believe in?

Cleaver: Obama doesn't have the votes to pass health care reform

I must have been in a hole....(re: Karl Rove and Howard Dean)

WHO Really Paid BART STUPAK'S Rent?


Karl "John McCain's Illegitimate Black Baby" Rove: I did not pull dirty tricks

Lets open the flood gates to "Good Paying Jobs"

Sign of the times: in foreclosure, to be auctioned next week

The Stupak Dirty Dozen

Kenneth Starr is on "Countdown" to slam Liz Cheney for her

Did DU bug out temporarily for anyone else?

Special Edition of The Rachel Maddow Show: "To Health In A Handbasket"

Beacon Hill (MA) Roll Call: House approves ban on cutting vocal cords of cats, dogs

The Foreclosure Crisis hits California Wine Country

Right-wing message to the sick and poor: We got ours, and you can suck it

New poll spells potential trouble for Democrats: "If held today, this would be a 'change' election"

Lost Hendrix Album Surprises Critics

Japanese city rejects to host US military base

FDIC wants pension funds to buy failed banks.

Right wingers all abuzz: Dan Rather says “Obama” “Articulate” And “Watermelons” In Same Anecdote

Massa Recalls Sexual Misconduct Allegation From Navy Days: Rep Massa-Bate

Hey remember that buddie I had for 35 years that became disengaged at the election theft in 2004?

Organization involved in male prostitution ring claims right to force women to give birth

Dr. Michael Burry (inventor of the credit default swap on MBS): Fraud is Integral

A Step BACKWARD For Women's Health Care?

Some Points about James Cameron since it is apparently OK to discuss this in GD

The Car-puccino: A Car That Runs on Coffee

Earthquake moved city of Concepcion 10 feet westward...

Grief goes viral

Grief goes viral

A Camel is Bigger than a Golf Ball, and a Golf Ball is Bigger than the Eye of a Needle

Sen. George LeMieux works to build his own political brand

How long until economic recovery?

Cheney's "Defense Lawyer" Liz Cheney "Feeding Statements To His Preferred Media Conduit, Politico"

Aftermath: World Without Oil - NatGeo Channel NOW. Repeat at 1am eastern.

'Faith healing' parents sentenced (what about parents with no health care??)

Rodney Alcala: Once, a winning bachelor on "The Dating Game." Now, a convicted serial killer.

Democrats Start to Make Moves for Delahunt's Seat

Democrats Start to Make Moves for Delahunt's Seat

Texas Man Gets 35 Years For Marijuana Possession-Prosecutor Wanted To Put Him Away For 99 Years!

High school students! Question.....

Discounts off prescription drugs. Here's the link & they are GOOD!

Dwight Drake drops out of SC Governor's race

Creeped me out.

Alabama Supreme Court upholds ban on sale of sex toys (Less dildos = more morality)

Indiana: Rep. Burton's Poll Gives Him Big Lead

The Rightwing Witch Hunt Against ACORN

I'd say a campaign's in trouble (CRIST) when the issue is male BACK HAIR

New Zealand woman sells souls to highest bidder

EADS grounds $40bn US air tanker bid

Things in Afghanistan appear to be taking a turn for the worse...(photo evidence)

European Monetary Fund idea wins support in Germany

Sheriff's sargeant sentenced to 1.5 years in prison for punching handcuffed, seated suspect

Was Homeland Security right about violence?

Report from today's FAKE 'Patriots for a Moral Utah' news conference

Told you tornadoes would be huge in numbers this year. OK had one today

Rachel Maddow nails the Health Companies to the Door.

Mandatory Monday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

Mandatory Monday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

Psychopaths must be accompanied in the elevator.

Encourage all your teabagger acquaintences to throw away their census forms

Is it right for the M$M to ignor the fact Oscars failed to mention Farrah Faucett who

"Look to God, and then to Fox News"

Is it good or bad for the people??

QUESTION: Didn't Kucinich vote against the bill that HAD the public option?

Kucinich on now on The Lawrence O'Donnell Show (aka Countdown).

The Modern Political Rationale

Underwater Church Reappears (Great pics at the link!)

Bless the multi-millionaires.

The Enemy Belligerent Interrogation, Detention and Prosecution Act of 2010

Group of Psuedo Patriots GOPP..all wrapped up RedWhite &Blue while suckling the NEED for GREED TIT

America NEEDS single-payor health...right now!

America NEEDS single-payor health...right now!

The Young Traficant

JFK was the first President to cut taxes on the rich...

If we DO lose the whole megillah in 2012, here's what we SHOULD do...but our leaders won't do it.

Canada: Conservatives initiate anti-working-class austerity drive

In Jury Selection for Hate Crime, a Struggle to Find Tolerance (Marcelo Lucero case)

US: Georgia legislators prepare deep budget cuts

antigay state senator admits he's gay!



Can drinking holy cow urine cure ailments?

The politics of identity

Where is my Milk from?

Up Or Down. Govern. 8 March 2010

Russia's Public Chamber asks Moscow to drop Stalin poster plans

This Modern World: Welcome to Glox News! (XLNT!)

God's Law or Man's Law?

If we can't pass true "Reform" split the bill and pass the regulatory components

Detroit Schools board sues Robert Bobb over private compensation

Speaking of breast milk...Woman charged with breast milk assault

Study: Solar, wind project viable in N.C.

Goldman Sachs sued by big pension fund over pay

Why didn't JOY BEHAR ask Anne Coulter about calling Helen Thomas 'an old Arab'?

Rent boys at the Vatican

Senate to take up unemployment insurance extension today

Waterboarding for dummies

Waterboarding for dummies

Palin Crossed Border For Canadian Health Care

Joe Biden still has one foot in the Senate; may be key to healthcare

This has really bad idea written all over it.

Falls Lake cleanup will be costly, contentious

I briefly turn on Morning Schmo and Mika Mouse is showing part of the President's speech

Pi. For All

"Look on the bright side...We've forged a consensus!"

Is this the choices...the Senate Health Insurance Bill...

How many zeros in a billion???

How many zeros in a billion???

Anonymous senior official: White House "increasingly convinced" it cannot try KSM on civilian court

Backdoor (malware) found in Energizer Duo USB battery charger software

Female WWII pilots get their due

'Al-Qaeda 7' smear campaign is an assault on American values

'Al-Qaeda 7' smear campaign is an assault on American values

So say you successfully blow up the health insurance industry.

So say you successfully blow up the health insurance industry.

An observation: we are eager to believe the absolute worst about

Disappearing Civil Liberties Mug

Pat Buchanan: "But what we're talking about is Eric Massa"

P&G recalls 2 Pringles flavors

The Lie of "Conservatism" is Immoral

Betty White Confirms She’s Headed To ‘Saturday Night Live’

VA to automate Agent Orange claims process

VA to automate Agent Orange claims process

Paedophile priest left unmolested by Church and state

I ask Greta: What's SANTORUM's income & source. AND why do you call him "Senator"?!1

Framing funeral protesters case in terms of religious exercise

Do you take this person as your lawfully wedded spouse? I DO!!!!!

Why is eBay logo in Whitman ad?

How Reagan's Propaganda Succeeded-By Robert Parry (A Special Report of Declassified Docs)

Japan confirms Cold War-era secret nuclear pacts with US

Failed Banks May Get Pension-Fund Backing as FDIC Seeks Cash

Obesity risk lower in women who had 2 or more drinks a day, study finds

can we let the disgruntled all vote anarcho-communist and be done with the hand wringing already?

can we let the disgruntled all vote anarcho-communist and be done with the hand wringing already?

Toyota: What a Reeling

Poisonous Snake found in Maine

Poisonous Snake found in Maine

The World According to Ronald Reagan

what is stopping the economic recovery? big oil

signed into law: Utah: if you have a miscarriage it is now against the law

D.C. to be first U.S. city to give away free female condoms to fight HIV/AIDS

After Telling Women, Gays How To Live, Oklahoma GOP Outraged At ‘Government Intervention’ In Divorce

Stanley Fish is the David Broder of academics

FDL: Health Care Whip Count Stands At 194-191


Who Understands All That the Federal Reserve is???

Are Posters Who Are Paid to Post by Political Entities, by Their Nature, Trolls?

The 82nd Annual Academy Awards: Hollywood celebrates itself, undeservedly

Dear Dennis Kucinich, Please Give Up Your Health Care, Voluntarily Contract A Deadly Disease And

Army Times: Soldier sues, says Hurt Locker based on him

The Casino Opens Up

Funny toon.....Signs of the times

Fundie Janet Porter Prays For Control of Media, Wants "to make CBS ~ Christian Broadcasting System"

US keeps secret anti-Taliban militia on a bright leash

WSJ Still Hearts Phil Gramm

NOT "The Onion"...CNN Video - "Palin: God wrote on his hand, too"

The health care reform legislation is lousy. I support it.

A weak Public Option will become a strong Public option quickly.

Anyone else have student-loan woes?

Anyone else have student-loan woes?

"Privatize the Profits but Socialize the Costs" - Republican Mantra.

Women injected with bathroom caulking.

Breaking News: Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere

Bonus Of Passing HCR

Yeah, blame Nader for 2000.

Protesters Plan ‘Citizens Arrests’ of Health Insurers’ Leaders in D.C.

Wow! David Corn just ripped some guy a new one!

Inner City Housing Alternatives Growing Attractive for Young Professionals

Before-and-After Pictures: Underwater Church Reappears

Before-and-After Pictures: Underwater Church Reappears

Fiction of Marja as City Was U.S. Information War

"Assessing the chance of House passage of health care reform"

Colorado debating limits on payday loans.

Tuesday TOON Roundup 3

"PowerPoint is evil" author to monitor stimulus spending

Canadian MPs put seal meat on parliament's menu in rebuff to EU

Is there a discussion on Fred Phelps going on here?

The Colors of Warka: Paintings by Iraqi Women

Republicans vow to overturn the HCR Bill shouldn't progressives be helping them?

Do you think it would be rather Weird if I tried to sell my Soul on Ebay?

Tuesday TOON Roundup 4

Sell! Buy! Rebel! 'Capitalism: A Love Story' Is Out Today on DVD (...and what is up with Wal-Mart?)!

Death of the Colorado River

Palin admits that she did, in fact, go to Canada to get their "bad Marxist death panely" health care

POLL..Do you believe customers should be allowed to bring guns into Starbucks?

Freeps sip moose-flavored Kool-Aid: "Help Sarah Palin get the Left all wee-weed up"

looks like Oklahoma got the first tornado of the Spring

Fellow Dems, we only have one trump card in 2010 - and that is GOTV

A conversation with Dr. Cornel West

Yes she can

India has trouble with it's religiously insane too

Iraq Postpones Announcing Initial Election Results

Physicists Find Way to See Through Paint, Paper, and Other Opaque Materials

Top Two Posts on DKOS Rec-list about Kucinich

Go ahead and pass it and fix it later...

The FOX Nation Wants President Obama DEAD!

Scrap the corporate whealth reform bill ... what about this:

I have been thinking about that cheerleader who said she lied about the vaccine reaction

Gas pipeline probe uncovers shipwrecks in Baltic Sea

Howard Dean’s Democracy For America: Culture Of Activism vs. Culture of Incumbency

Afraid of the upcoming blood bath in Nov?

Tuesday TOON Roundup 5

Glenn Beck's remaining advertisers are utter nut jobs

So are the Progressive Caucus, Obama, Wendel Potter and the Unions Health Insurance shills or....

The Health Care System will be less privatized if HCR passes

FDL Launches “Students, Not Banks” Campaign

"How can...Congress, who receive fairly decent health care, tell 47 million uninsured Americans"

You are not the God of me!

Porn Star Got Free Tix To KU-KSU Game

ID Card for Workers Is at Center of Immigration Plan

Amazon kills affiliate program in Colorado

Rush is threatening to leave the country if health care reform passes?

Miami has dozens of Fidel Castros

So, what will happen to your pets AFTER you've been raptured up to Heaven?

So, what will happen to your pets AFTER you've been raptured up to Heaven?

If you saw "the Hurt Locker", there's no way you'd consider it a pro-war film

Gareth Porter Claims Marjah Offensive was Media Missinformation

Tuesday TOON Roundup 2

Unintended Acceleration: A note on what to do from some experts..

Congressman Dan Lipinski (D-3rd) Illinois Is Undecided How He'll Vote On HCR Bill.......

The Health Care System will be less privatized if HCR passes


Letterman's Extortionist pleads guilty to $2M Grand Theft

HCR Public Option Reconciliation Thread (Another expected signee)

As Chamber Builds Up Political Operation, Treasury Officials Express Frustration With Group’s....

The mighty metropolis of Marjah (Marjeh), Helmand, Afghanistan.. From Google Earth..

Somewhere in America, some kind of bullshit is happening...

I'm with Stupid

$1,115 (email from White House)

Palast Hunts The Vulture (+ some info on Waters' Stop Vulture Funds bill)

Prosecutor puts ousted Balt Mayor Dixon's XBox on eBay - what do you think about this?

CNN has someone on there telling the truth. Past CEO from Cigna.

Toyota to Recall Prius Models Including One in Runaway Incident

Pope's brother linked to new claims of child abuse by clergy

You can post all the splinterist threats that you want on DU if you disguies them as warnings.

Detroit wants to save itself by shrinking

Detroit wants to save itself by shrinking

David Shuster MSNBC about too

Consumer Reports endorses the Health Care Reform Bill

Fun in the drug store's parking lot today...

Keep In Mind: Kucinich Voted AGAINST The Public Option

Somebody explain to me how Single Payer would have passed the Senate?

For the first time in a decade, I won't be attending precinct

I saw Glenn Beck at lunch today

Why is a simple story about an employee killing another..national news?

Rush says he'll leave the country if Health Care Reform Passes!

Nader. Obama. Kucinich.

Ken Starr blasts Liz Cheney's 'ill-conceived' ad targeting Justice Dept. attorneys

Glenn Greenwald: High standards at The Washington Post

About Massa...

That damn Clenis strikes again...

Boy who lost mom takes health-care story to D.C.

FBI expresses concern over America's Supply Chain

U.S. herpes rates remain high - CDC

White House: 1,115

More LOL's from Pundit Kitchen - lots of pics

Limbaugh to leave the country if the HCR passes

It is all I can do not to cry while reading this

Los Angeles considers deactivating 10 rescue ambulances during nighttime hours (to save $ of course)

The Truth Blurts

I just don't get it...When dictators take over the first to go

Bwahahaha! Rush Vows To Leave the U.S. for COSTA RICA (a country with a Public Option LOL)

Pope’s brother: I slapped pupils in the face

Steele: I'll resort to anything if it's not illegal

Surprise: Dem Lincoln opposes fast-track health bill ..... Not!

I keep reading about this so-called "Blood Bath" of 2010 and here's my 2 cents...

I keep hearing on the news about hundreds of protesters at a Health Care Summit

Here Is How It Works

Shuster says Massa allegedly groped multiple male staffers

Gov Crist insinuates that GOP senate rival paid for back wax with GOP credit card

Tuesday TOON Roundup 1

Having to tie yourself in knots to defend a person is pathetic.

Bank of America wrongly repossessed woman's home and stole her parrot!

"If they get hold of me, they'll behead me."

Background Links regarding Breakdown of an Anti-Science, Science Teacher

34 Of 41 Senate Republicans Have Used Reconciliation To Pass Major Domestic Policy Legislation

Cleaver: Obama doesn't have the votes to pass health care reform (yet)

Fact-checking Stupak on abortion

Judge sends Youngs to jail for contempt

Rep. Massa details a salty exchange with Rahm Emanuel

Stop Mountain-Top Removal, or plow "The McCain Belt" into the ground?

all this talk of jeff bridges

Inmates train wild horses for public auction

Exclusive: Websites like DRUDGE Can Spread VIRUSES, ‘Non-Partisan’ Techie Warned Senate

If this bill was a republican bill a few years back I have no doubt most here would oppose it

God Bless Jessie Ventura

I'm done being lectured about what's best for "the Party."

My List Of People That President Obama Can Get Rid Of:

Death Row inmate overdosed on his medicine. In stable condition, execution set for 16th

How does Our Senate Bill compare to the (old proposed) "National Health Insurance Partnership Act"?

NM job seekers don't have to disclose crime record

Roubini Global Economics: Unemployment will rise to around 10.8% in first quarter 2011

Energizer battery charger contains backdoor for Remote Access

Dems Failed To Force Repubs To Vote On The Record Showing Their Hypocrisy...


I heard some economic nooz on the radio that I cannot defend or refute ..... gas prices

Toyota to upgrade event data recorders

N.J. NAACP files ethics complaint against Sens. Lesniak and Bateman

International appeals for calm follow sectarian slaughter

Tweety and Biden

Colorado Catholic School Boots Student With Lesbian Mothers

Tax Incentive to Cut Gay TV, Film Characters

Representatives Introduce Animal Rights Legislation

If Health Insurance Companies really wanted the Senate Bill...

Todd Palin's Iron Dog team sponsored by Venezuela-owned Citgo's

damned if the republicans haven't played yet another brilliant political strategy....

How many abortions did the Iraq war pay for?

Ohio man gets 5 years for giving wife AIDS

OK 2012 - President Sarah Palin - what do you do?

Eric Massa on Beck: "I own this misbehavior"

The Source of Obama’s Trouble By BOB HERBERT

The Wisdom Of Lewis Black

Is the Palin Canadian health-care story true?

LIMBAUGH Vows To FLEE The Country IF Health Care Passes

Does anybody here actually understand that Obama can't wave a

Advertising Leads People to View Luxuries as Necessities

Advertising Leads People to View Luxuries as Necessities

Accused David Letterman blackmailer Robert Halderman will plead guilty to $2M revenge plot

We need to revolutionize health care by providing Bernie Sanders type clinics everywhere.

Toyota Responds to Inaccurate Reports of Future Prius Recall for Floormat Entrapment

Okla. conservatives debate divorce legislation (therapy sessions for couples considering divorce)

LOL Beck apologizing to audience for wasting their time

Rep. McNerney To Switch Vote To 'No' On Health Care

How many of you have bad debt

Kucinich War in Afghanistan Privileged Resolution/UPDATE-Action Alert

Bleedin' ==^&$#(*!! == CNN

Trenton Op-Ed: Obama has it all wrong re: black & Latino kids mired in worst-performing schools

Former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura claims gov’t involved in 9/11

Pass Health Care NOW. Rush says he will leave the country if we do!

A Campaign Promise Dies: Obama and Military Commissions

Eric Massa was a RETHUG until 2004

Is there a warrenty on Roofs? We got ours totally replaced in 2008

Groups protest decision not to re-enroll child of lesbians

Teacher-Student Sex Penalties May Stiffen

The new Republican party slogan

Massa under investigation for allegedly groping male staffers

The Honest Debate at DU

God Hates Oklahoma

I get it Kooch and ideally I agree with all of your goals

NBC denies adding laugh track for Sarah Palin

Another day, another shooting in public

The Woe is Toyota report: Runaway Prius on the San Diego Freeway

If you could end the war in Afghanistan by making one phone call fires Colorado marketers over new tax laws..

Are Veterans Being Given Deadly Cocktails to Treat PTSD?

How Reagan's Propaganda Succeeded

The Aristocracy of the Democratic Party

Fellow DUers: Won't you chuckle with me over my credit card statement?

What if this Phobia that Dems who support HCR with a Public Option are Doomed is simply a Lie?

Hey, fellow DUers: Won't you chuckle with me over my Chase statement?

Who Has the Courage to Declare the Source of All Corruption in the World Today???

Traders bet on higher gasoline prices

Kenneth Starr: The Cheneys Are "SHAMEFUL"

New Zealanders have an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

'The Cove' to become the basis of a new TV series

What If? "The Enemy WITHIN" is the Problem with our Democratic Party?

Massa: WaPo now reports multiple incidents of male groping.

Health Care: Yeah, I am VERY concerned with Mitch McConnell's heartfelt advice to us.

Defaulted Loans May Haunt Seniors

Class war kills more people than military war.

Educating for Democracy: Obama Flogs Teachers to Teach Better

Pope's brother: I ignored physical abuse reports

Did Anybody Just See Kucinich On Ed's Show?........

BecKKK doing MASSA for the hour. 5mins counting. "I'm not a congressman anymore."

Since Obama has signaled he is willing to give away anything and everything to get this one victory

Has there ever been a more loathsome family than the Cheneys?

How to make $$$: Drive a Toyota, step on the gas, call 911, sue Toyota

Is Facebook down?

Breaking! Three more Senators Signal their Support for Public Option Under Reconciliation!!

Fiction of Marjah as City Was US Information War

Um, excuse me, I'd like something to be pointed out

THIS is a great commercial opportunity for the Toyota Prius!

THIS is a great commercial opportunity for the Toyota Prius!

Medicare Advantage Company Ejected From Program For First Time

Racist Rush: "So, David Paterson will become the massa..."

Detroit School Board sues Bobb for illegal payments from Broad Foundation.

Dennis Kucinich

Alzheimer's 'Epidemic' Hitting Minorities Hardest

12 perfect shipwrecks found in baltic sea, oldest 800 years

What Patients Deserve to Know: Even Casinos Post The Odds

Fuck You Karl Rove

Dems Hold Slight Advantage in 2010 Election Preferences

Glenn Beck: God Hates Justice (leave your church if it promotes Christ's teachings)

Inequality: The Root Source of Sickness

Inequality: The Root Source of Sickness

If I discovered someone I kinda-barely knew in real life was a frequent poster on DU, I would

Right Wing's latest hero under investigation for groping staffers

The FOX Nation Wants President Obama DEAD!

Quick easy way to diagnose the Toyota acceleration problem

Okay... so I overdrafted today.

Girl, 14, charged in vicious group murders

So Limpballs would leave the country if health care passes?

Use GOOGLE at Your Own Risk - 25 Surprising Things...

US Millionaires' Ranks Rose 16% in 2009, Study Says

Ratcheting up the anti-Social Security/anti-Medicare propaganda

Meanwhile in Pennsylvania...

Labor On Dems Who Block Health Reform: We'll 'Take Them Out'

Orly Taitz Slings Mud at Republican Opponent for Secretary of State

Eric Massa: Rahm Emanuel Is The 'Son Of The Devil's Spawn,' Lobbied Me In Shower - Huff Post

Almost all social problems have the same root cause

Almost all social problems have the same root cause

"Mexicans Are Filthy Stinking Animals"- Teabaggers: That's Really Not Racism

Now wackadoos can buy Survival Seeds for future "Crisis Gardens" ...

Newspaper: PA man dies from static electricity fire at gas station

The Purging of the Party.

Congrats and Best Wishes! One pic is worth 10,000 words!

Former Texas GOP chairman Tom Pauken blasts Bush, Rove in new book

Warning! Grover Norquist is Hazardous to Your Health

Why do some people think the 1950's were so fabulous?

A simple political lesson on Dennis Kucinuch

The 2003 Oscars: Where Michael Moore Dared ...(was booed denouncing Iraq war)

OK, adamant opposers of the current iteration of health care reform

Why do you hate The Constitution!!??

Democratic health care kabuki

Now, That's A Headline

Banning of book "Nickel and Dimed" - Tea Partiers to Storm School Board Meeting

Runaway Toyota Prius stopped by US highway patrol

Boy sprouts founder had secret talks with NAZIs

Why not call it what it is: Health Insurance Reform.

Massa Says He Tickled Staffer ‘Until He Couldn’t Breathe’

..."But it "brings in" 30 Million Americans to Health Care Coverage..."

My health insurance premiums are way too low and my co-pays and deductible aren't high enough.

Waterboarding for dummies - deeply disturbing.

LA sushi bars busted for serving whale

A Detention Bill You Ought to Read More Carefully

Rush Limbaugh will leave country if dems pass HCR

DiFi and Big Water - Westlands Water Goes Rogue

We don't NEED to PASS the Senate Bill to get Communtiy Health Centers.

Our parrot rescue made national news today!

Baton Rouge judges rules it is ok to give taxpayer money to charter schools.

Does the Congressional Progressive Caucus care about its "public option" principles?

I'm lukewarm on Kucinich, but for the love of reason

Seriously. DU used to be a place for informed discussion.

Is America over?

What does 'affordable' mean? (re: Health Insurance)

Hot Shot thread - A Jimmy Carter Appreciation thread

Limbaugh Vows to Leave US Over Health Care

PETA Likens SeaWorld To 'Whale Prison'

I don't want Democrats Defeated - I want better Democrats ELECTED

Detroit Settles Perfume Allergy Case for $100,000

I tire of the argument that the left are the ones that do all/the most work for the party.

ABC Evening news just showed the video of the out of control Prius

Hard drive evolution could hit Microsoft XP users

Capitalism: A Love Story - Now Available At Wal-Mart

Can we stop treating Sarah Palin as a joke?

New York Considers Legislation to Ban Salt in Restaurants(in the preparation of restaurant food)

Glenn Beck Urges Listeners to Leave Churches That Preach Social Justice

why couldn't communities just open health clinics and hire MDs?

Two Florida charter schools in financial crisis. Taxpayer money is paying their debt.

Two Florida charter schools in financial crisis. Taxpayer money is paying their debt.

A Health Care Bill or An Insurance Bill? What is the President Pushing? This Poll Will Be Educating.

What does the world look like after a big Republican win in November?

Dennis Kucinich is a patriot

Kucinich: You're building on sand- You're building on a foundation of privatization of health care

"Kucinich's Health Reform Dissents Merit Consideration" / The NATION

Pink Floyd takes record company EMI to court

So the Census mailed a form to let me know they are mailing next week???

Do you think some people are faking the acceleration accidents for money?

Maybe Toyota should strip out all the fancy high-tech stuff and go back to 2003 or so

If this health care bill is going to be so great for insurance companies why a re they fighting

It's time to realize that TPTB are "culling the herd"

If the Senate health insurance bill passes how much will premiums, co-pays and deductibles be and

I blame the fucking media for every fucking fuck up in this country.

If a person has stated on several occasions that marriage is between a man and a woman,

If a person has stated on several occasions that marriage is between a man and a woman,

Teacher raises concern over school district tattoo ban

Do you think the assassination of President Kennedy affects us today?

Why a Big Mac Costs Less than a Salad

Right Wing NEWSMAX: Americans strongly prefer Obama and/or Bill Clinton -- to Bush

Mayor plans to relocate poor residents to “downsize” Detroit

Fatima LaRose aka Jihad Jane.

School’s Shake-Up Is Embraced by the President: "tough love" from Obama

Let's all give best wishes to one of our greatest DU'ers---H20 Man--more surgery.

Kucinich: "...a Government of the Lobbyists, by the Lobbyists, for the Special Interest Groups..."

Politics Daily: Obama's New Health Pitch: Families, Businesses Would Get Benefits This Year

Universal health care would cost U.S. less

Who is Jonathan Chait?

AP: Stupak: Health Bill Abortion Fight Can Be Resolved

Packard heir slams GOP Senate candidate, former Hewlett-Packard chief Fiorina

Kucinich voted against the House bill that included the public option

President Obama made several statements about health care reform and a public option last summer

A personal story that proves that Dennis Kucinich is a self-absorbed prick

Poizner reversed strong support for abortion rights

Fisher and Brunner Only Dems to Qualify for Senate Ballot

Lincoln's Approval Ratings Falling

Members of Congress who vote against health care reform should lose their seats.

I like my politicians like I like my women...

Massa has become the rightwings favorite darling

Democracy Corps Poll (Striking differences between likely and unlikely voters)

Eugene Robinson: Liz Cheney’s Shameless Smear

Eugene Robinson: Liz Cheney’s Shameless Smear

What health care reform could reasonably look like- and how it could be sold

It hardly seems fair that only Minnesotans are asked to disapprove of

"Joe Biden still has one foot in the Senate; may be key to healthcare."

Cornyn Makes Clear NRSC Won’t Play In Florida Primary

I am A-Ok with the Democrats..

For the Dennis Kucinich Chowder & Marching Society

For the Dennis Kucinich Chowder & Marching Society

The health care bill is a huge improvement over the status quo

The Whip Count (as of 3/9 am.)

The Whip Count (as of 3/9 am.)

Cities Where The Recession Is Easing ,,even some good news for hardhit Calif. housing

Defaulted Loans May Haunt better watch what is in those bills!

Rep. Woolsey: Day after health care bill is passed, I will introduce bill calling for public option.

you can't eat astroturf

Senate To Take Up Unemployment Extension Today

"Progressives lost sight that this would be a HUGE progressive win"

Unlikely voters so disappointed in Obama, they overwhelmingly approve of his job performance

Some of these politicians are AMAZING!!! when they get inPOLITICAL trouble

Watt endorses Lewis for U.S. Senate

Another Democrat Passes on North Dakota Senate

Ohio Republicans Crack Birther Jokes

David Shuster: There more stuff to drop about Massa

Dodd makes it 37 Senators supporting a public option via reconciliation

Watching President Obama speak about healthcare yesterday two things came to mind:

Judge kills off Filegate suits, 14 years on

Dean and 500 Followers March for Health Care Reform

Labor On Dems Who Block Health Reform: We'll 'Take Them Out'

Yes people, Dennis Kucinich does have health insurace. What is your point?

It's Kucinich Night On DU! Yay!!

A little bit of luck. Why not. We deserve it

Markos: White House coddles conservaDems, blasts critics as 'ideologues', 'idiots', or worse

Dennis Kucincih would repeal NAFTA. For those of you that support NAFTA, here is some news

Does Dennis Kucinich Speak For You? (Binary Poll)

Dennis Speaks For Me

Massa under investigation for allegedly groping male staffers

Crist Trails Rubio by 32 Points. Only path to victory is to run as an independent or even a Democrat

The pressure is working! Blanche Lincoln rethinks position on health bill (AP)

Stupak 'optimistic' abortion language can be resolved

I honestly don't think Obama really supports Health Care Reform

Kerry: It's Past Time We Listened to Our Troops and Repealed 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Obama needs to begin the Katrina Hurricane investigation. We're talking some crazy stuff...

This teacher is truly a genius!

Krugman: "I’m impressed by the passion of this guy Obama who’s campaigning for reform."

Packard: Fiorina almost destroyed HP

Glenn Beck Urges Listeners to Leave Churches That Preach Social Justice

Limbaugh vows to flee the country if health care passes.

Limbaugh vows to flee the country if health care passes.

Obama Inaction On Faith-Based Initiative Is Deeply Disappointing

Transparency? Bipartisanship?? Senate votes 100-0 to highlight spending

Ram It Through Mr. President

Ram It Through Mr. President

Rather Uses “Obama,” “Articulate” And “Watermelons” In Same Anecdote

House liberals force vote on pullout from Afghanistan

Official MoveOn Ballot: Vote Today

Insurance Industry's Final Ad Blitz: We "do not deserve to be vilified for political purposes."

Two years later, still no financial industry regulations or oversight

More Connie Saltonstall news (she's challenging Bart in the primary)

HCR bill not enough reform to get the support of U.S. Rep. Michael Arcuri (NY-24)

The Unpardonable Absence of a Democratic "Attack Machine"

The Unpardonable Absence of a Democratic "Attack Machine"

Public Option as it currently stands in the bill..

Unions marching in support of health reform against AHIP

Right-winger tells Fox News he's going to assassinate Michelle Obama

Huffpo's Sam Stein: Labor On Dems Who Block Health Reform: We'll 'Take Them Out'

Huffpo's Sam Stein: Labor On Dems Who Block Health Reform: We'll 'Take Them Out'

Michigan's Stupak challenged for Democratic nomination

Blanche Lincoln: Reconciliation Is A No-Go

Several Dem Reps Ponder Becoming Pseudo Republicans.

Why is it that Hating on Kucinich is so Good but Criticizing Obama is so Bad?

What has Dennis actually accomplished in his 13 years

A Letter To Michael Moore

GAZPACHO. A sassy blend of intricate flavors or a poor excuse for a friggin' meal?



NOW on PBS (est) first recorded Rock + Roll concert.

Oh Millie! You make me cry. You sound like my mother. She was a

Oh, why don't you just grow a pair.

Some effin' nobody sues Tarantino for $1M+ over "Kill Bill" he stole his "treatment"...

*sigh* ...and this is goodbye

Goodbye JMM

Girl Nauseous for Two Years Due to Wrong Glasses

was my landlord just hitting on me?

Any accountants in the 'house' tonight?

BREAKING-Dorgan, Tester, and Akaka sign on to public option-making 40!

New links at DU?


I think Rahm Just Fucked Glenn Beck.

Obama completely turned the health care fight around

Anybody here a fan Dorothea Lange, she was such a great photographer.

Do you remember these photographs?

I have been looking at the shoes on the person, very strange.

Do you have a pornographic memory?


Without Netflix instant watch I would not have spent 90 minutes watching Jason Goes to Hell.

working overnight tours....

What's the Cheesy position on Human Vegan Breast Milk?

What's the Vegan position on Human Breast Milk Cheese?

When I get pregnant, I'm dropping out of my PhD program. Why? BID-NESS!

Me and Loretta, we don't talk much more,

Joe's Garage

How long have you been posting at the DU?

Tell me about Oliver Queen.

"How the hell did you people get on this show?"

No way out

Jesus - now for lease......

So if Jack Bauer solves everything in 24 hours, are there other guys dedicated to other time spans?

Facebook users - Do you play Jungle Jewels?

Thank you, NPR!

Good morning Lounge

Do you have a pornographic fantasy?

Check this out, on line auction for human breast milk.

Take a last name and change it to its actual meaning

Profound thought of the day.....

Hailstorms in the San Ramon hills!

Where is my Milk from?

Happyy Easter everyone, not for this baby.

Did anyone else (besides me) thoroughly enjoy last night's Big Bang?

Time for another weather check-in thread.

Sally's Song - Amy Lee version

If you do this, you are an insensitive, ill-mannered, self-absorbed clod

Wal-mart stench

Tell me about Queen Latifah.

Woman charged in breast milk assault on jailer

Grammar question

Even with all the advances in digital technology

Will you be the key?

Just remember who we are.

Empty, meaningless sex.

Geddy Lee discusses the future of breastfeeding narwhals at Olive Garden! Video here!

You know whats worse than Breast Milk Cheese?

I took the "Which Beatle are You?" quiz on Facebook.

Omigod! Dennis Kucinich killed Kenny!

I have THE worst and most embarassing earworm ever, but I'm not saying what it is.

Did anyone else (besides me) thoroughly enjoy last night's Big Bang Theory?

Do you think it would be rather Weird if I tried to sell my Soul on Ebay?

Since we're talking about people making cheese, how about that Mark Harmon?

Do you believe in the god of the bible?

a day like today makes me appreciate how awsome it is to have an office w/ a window I can open

Milk-a-holic Lindsey Lohan sues E-Trade over ad

One of the saddest scenes ever put on film , do you agree ?

Forest Gump deserves a straight up-or-down vote

I took BeachBaby shopping today.

Tonight--the West Virginia Mountaineers face UConn for the Big East championship.

Dennis Kucinich was responsible for the music, lyrics and instrumentations of this song:

The dude is shocked by what he finds in the next room

Dennis Kucinich shot JR! OMG!!!!


Lolita Davidovich is going to single-handedly destroy healthcare!

I hate Word 2007 worse than Wonder Woman hates furries.

I need advice on the best earphones on the market...durability is the most important

Why does Facebook randomly suggest people...

Australian woman died after 'head was cut off during freak lawnmower accident'

For soldiers, Hurt Locker sets off explosions of laughter

Irish Lunch today! Corned Beef, Cabbage and Potatoes!

So my class was watching the Zapruder film today...

"Are we going to Addis Ababa, Mr. Luthor?"

Yoko Kucinich broke up the Beatles!

What;s with all the Irish posts? Is today St. Patrick's Day?

The Repubs hate for Obama is rooted in deep-seated fear.

The Repubs hate for Obama is rooted in deep-seated fear.

I'd like to thank the Academy for my Best Supporting Actor award in a Tale of WTFery.

Have you ever rejected an apology?

I'm not ready for Spring

Faith 'n Begonias!

Breaking News: Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere

making fun of Family Circus must end now

LOST needs a new theme song

Does a zorse count as a mixed animal?

Second life 2.0 Beta has web on a prim. Can WOW do this?

Video clip from the documentary on the making of Breast Milk Cheese:

My heart healed, but now it's aching again. I'm really sad tonight.

Betty White Confirms She’s Headed To ‘Saturday Night Live’

Photos: "Rama Jama! Yella Hamma!....." (The Obama Presidency, Day 413)

Two mayonnaise polls in one day? That's absurd! And yet, we must answer th great quarry of the ages

Let's talk about Mayonaise.

I generally don't do this, but vibes for a friend?

What's for dinner tonight?

What's better? The Senate bill with Obama changes, or doing nothing?

This is why I'm hot. This is why I'm hot.

Lindsay Lohan Sues Over "Milkaholic" E*Trade Ad

Let's talk about mayonnaise

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 3/09/10

now I know why Midlo loves her Franzia

So all in all, is Vladamir Putin a bad guy?

John Bigbootie has a LinkedIn page. Hire him!

Calling all linguists and linguists wannabes...

I need advice on the best earworms on the market...durability is the most important

Scariest movies you've seen as an adult, and why they were so scary?

Life with the world's largest rodent

Interesting sky/cloud photo

anyone here familiar with getting legal help...and how do you file for COBRA?

Which TV show would you want a spot on?

Brooms, Water Create Unexpected Disney Art

MrCoffee vs. flvegan in a death cage match--who wins?

Do you stickle?

Kucinich Doesn't Speak For Me.

OK, seriously, Dennis Kucinich. Enough's enough.

How many DUer's realize that Dennis Kucinich ALREADY voted against the Public Option?

"Worse than nothing" = utter drivel.

Tell me about Dairy Queen.

Robert Pattinson vs. Mark Harmon in a death cage match--who wins?

Irish DUers - what is a shelele, a shamrock and blarney? Italian DUers - What is a mook?

I believe that teh Lounge has created a new diet.

OK dream interpreters, give this one your best shot

I got the most disturbing letter from Conde Nast about my lapsed magazine subscription

So what did people in Ireland eat before Potatoes?

Tell me about Queen.

Let's talk about Mustard!

Tron Legacy Trailer #2 In Full HD Goodness

Guy Nauseous for Two Hours Due to Wrong Thread about cheese made from... to drop Colorado affiliates in response to tax law

John Kerry: He's happy

High court to rule on federal background probes

Fiction of Marja as City Was U.S. Information War

Failed Banks May Get Pension-Fund Backing as FDIC Seeks Cash

The Car-puccino: A Car That Runs on Coffee

Critz wins Dem nomination for Murtha seat

U.S. government knows of no al Qaida arrest in Pakistan

Shooting reported at Dallas bank

Analysis finds uneasy mix in auto industry and regulation


MIT’s levered wheelchair extends freedom to Third World

Newsom orders layoffs for 15,000 S.F. workers but plans to hire back most on part-time basis

LA sushi bars busted for serving whale

IBM CEO's pay hit $21.2 million in 2009

Gunmen release three terrorists from (Pakistan) police station

Obama still wants US trial for some Gtmo detainees

Health care coverage doesn't guarantee access, Ann Arbor research center finds

US keeps secret anti-Taliban militia on a bright leash

Orly Taitz Slings Mud at Republican Opponent for Secretary of State

Judicial Watch Obtains Top Secret Memo Detailing Closed Congressional Hearings On Enhanced Interroga

Former Texas GOP chairman Tom Pauken blasts Bush, Rove in new book

Freed from Haiti, missionary returns 'with mixed emotions'

Report: Blackwater documents show failings

US lifts web sanctions on Cuba, Iran and Sudan

Senate to take up unemployment insurance extension

Letter on Muslim radical roils GOP Senate race

Hard drive evolution could hit Microsoft XP users

Accused David Letterman blackmailer Robert Halderman will plead guilty to $2M revenge plot

Judge sends Youngs to jail for contempt

China and India Join Climate Accord

Massa under investigation for allegedly groping male staffers

Rep. McNerney To Switch Vote To 'No' On Health Care

9/11 suspects should face civilian court, UN envoys say

Lindsay Lohan Sues Over "Milkaholic" E*Trade Ad

Wife of driver in runaway Prius says dealer refused to inspect the car

Limbaugh Vows to Leave US Over Health Care

Health Care Activists Protest in Downtown DC


Biden Pledges U.S. Commitment To Israeli Security

Two NATO Soldiers Killed in Eastern Afghanistan

Education officials may scrap 13 state Regents exams


New York City's mayor plans 'soda tax'

Greece asks US to help crackdown on speculators

George Bush to David Cameron: don't derail Northern Ireland peace process

Momentum for Armenian genocide measure is fading

Stupak: Health bill abortion fight can be resolved

Lifelock Settles withFTC over Deceptive Ads

New poll spells potential trouble for Democrats

CA police help slow runaway (94 mph) Toyota Prius to stop

Job Openings in U.S. Climb for Second Month as Employers Gain Confidence

Officials: Bali bombing mastermind may be dead

Michigan's Stupak challenged for Democratic nomination

Scope of salmonella-tainted flavouring recall will continue to grow

H-1B applications to be accepted from April one

Senate to take up unemployment insurance extension

Police confirm one OSU employee dead, two taken to hospital after shooting

Prosecutors reveal terrorism charges against 'Jihad Jane' (U.S. citizen)

Japan confirms Cold War-era 'secret' pacts with US

Report condemns Honduras violence

Al Franken Radio show interviews Jon Stewart of the Daily Show [Part1] -- April 1, 2004

Rise Above Plastics

President Obama At Pennsylvania Health Reform Rally Part 1/4

!!Vatican In Alleged Sex Scandal!!(A GENTLEMEN OF HIS HOLINESS)

Al Franken's The Oy Yoy Yoy Show June 25, 2004 with guest Al's dog

Stiglitz: The Fed Is Corrupt And Dominated By Big Banks

Hypocrit Sen. Roy Ashburn Out - vows to not change vote patterns

Countdown - Ken Starr decries CheneyCo's shameless attacks on detainee defense attorneys

CNN: Conservatives Call BS On Liz Cheney!

MIke Papantonio: The Elite vs. The American People

Thom Hartmann vs Wayne Root - Payday lenders - necessary evil or loan sharks?

Lynn Says Icelanders Should Tell U.K. to `Take A Hike'

Hear Us Roar on March 20!

Government Death Panels? No! Private Insurance Life Panels!

Howard Dean at Dupont Circle Health Care Rally 3/09/2010

Larry king Live Interviews Jesse Ventura pt.1

Blood On Their Hands: Vote for HC Reform Now

Cheney & Cheney - The Despicables

Thom Hartmann - Tax incentives for anti-gay movies?

Edward Kimmel at Washington DC Health Care Rally 3/09/2010

Bilionaires for Wealthcare at Health Care Rally at Dupont Circle in DC 3/09/2010

Ratigan: Liz Cheney UnAmerican, Sarah Palin Healthcare hypocrite crosses the border as a kid..

Oscars - Ric O'Barry's Text

Dumb Fundamentalist Christian DESTROYED

First Same-Sex Marriage in DC

Kucinich: If You Listen To The President You'd Think He's For The Public Opition BUT HE'S NOT!

Jesse Ventura Interviewed by TYT on Conspiracies & The MSM (w/ Transcript)

Happy International Women's Day

Incompetent McCarthyism and Shared Beliefs

The Untouchable Budget; Defense Department, Inc.

Scott Horton: Incompetent McCarthyism and Shared Beliefs

Solidarity with Striking Mineworkers in Cananea, Mexico

Bail out our schools

Liz Cheney: Samuel Adams Should Be Barred From Selling Beer

For a ‘Living Wage’ America, Cap the Top

Perpetual Fraud (Jim Miles)

Calling All Rebels

"Irritable Male Syndrome," the end of the economy, and what might come next

Waterboarding for dummies

Roundup Kills More Than Weeds

A resurgence for business of death

Consumer Reports: Consumers Can't Wait Any Longer...

A rebuttal for the crook they call the 'hammer'

The Wrong Kind of Green

IBM CEO's pay hit $21.2 million in 2009

Oliie North: Not so Fast on DADT

Can anyone help me debunk this?

'Are Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar “Quiverfull”?' - from No Longer Quivering

Our Dirty Little Secret: Who's Really Poor in America?

"The Hurt Locker": When Great Art Meets Lousy Politics

Living in the Limelight

Super Wealthy Deathly Afraid Estate Tax Would Reduce Deficit

Is the Massachusetts Healthcare Expirment "Obamacare 1.0"?

Europe bars Wall Street banks from government bond sales

Surviving Without a Safety Net

Six Reasons Barack Obama is Still the Odds-on Favorite in 2012

Collapse of the American Empire: swift, silent, certain

Mexico May Soon Be Producing a Domestic Line of Next-Generation Vehicles

Food, water should be free for all

Humans driving extinction faster than species can evolve, say experts

The Real Surprise About West Coast Hypoxic Zones - How Quickly They've Become "New Normal"

The DOE announced awards totaling $40 million for Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP)

Black Carbon May Be Bigger Player In Loss Of Himalayan Glaciers Than Previously Thought

Drumbeat: March 9, 2010

Fires, Insects, Saltwater Intrusion 40 Miles Into Mekong Delta - Vietnamese Drought Begins To Bite

60% Of Syria In Worst Drought In Decades; 1 Million Displaced, Farmers Irrigating With Filthy Water

Utah State Senate Refuses To Support Even Voluntary GHG Emission Trading Plan

Self-Delete - Double-Post

"Climate Change" vs "Climate Disruption"

Insect that fights Japanese knotweed to be released

Offshore wind farm construction - more pictures

Does Climate Change Promote Invasive Species? - article in Harvard Magazine

Insulation from Mushrooms?

CBS: How America Could Get Rich by Going Green

George Monbiot: The Unpersuadables: When Facts Are Not Enough

Solar Industry Learns Lessons in Spanish Sun

First Solar Signs Contract with PG&E for 300 MW Photovoltaic Solar Power Project

Wanted: an eco prophet--People are drifting into a lethal slumber on climate change. ...

SA Nuclear Plan Falters as PBMR Chief Quits

The Pathology Of Positive Thinking - Energy Bulletin

Charging while driving becoming a reality

Nissan announces 56,000 pre-orders for Leaf EV - in the US alone

Massive Australian Floods Will Last Months, Cost Hundreds Of Millions In Cleanup Costs - SMH

Xtreme Power: A Super-Battery For Hawaiian Wind Farms

Don’t buy Obama’s greenwashing of nuclear power

Dodgers* owners payed ZERO income tax from 2004-2009..

OMG! FINALLY some good news from the state of Maryland!

Mark May of ESPN reporting that the tOSU shooter has been identified as...

Whiny Coach of the week award goes to----

Frank Herzog Retires

Best college basketball player that never played in the NCAA Tourney?

Sooo Happy UNC and Uconn wont be going to the Tourney this year!

Condem's wish to come true! Notre Dame, aka America's Team to enter Big 10!!!!

Dumbest MLB Idea yet: Selig, committee considering radical realignment plan

I'm a Big Ten Guy, but the best Basketball Tournament Starts Now - Big East

Athletes you would have liked to follow during their prime

Zelaya appointed to Petrocaribe

The Tea Party: "We’re not Cuba. We’re the USA. - USA! USA! USA!”

Report condemns Honduras violence

Lower half of South America, from the Falklands to the Pacific, shifted to the west

Chile's Social Earthquake

Brazil's Petrobras to invest $44 billion in 2010

Bolivia, our beacon of hope


X-post: How Reagan's Propaganda Succeeded

Poverty in Venezuela fell from 70% in 1996 to 23% in 2009

Bolivian President Donates Half Pay to Victims

For the first time in the history of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, a preemptive request to withdraw

J'lem deputy mayor endorses Jewish presence in Sheikh Jarrah

US anti-Semitism envoy slams UN ‘double standards’ on Israel

Biden Condemns Israel's East Jerusalem Housing Plan

No equality before the law

Mitchell to Israel, PA: Annapolis accord non-binding

DC same-sex couples to begin getting married today

Kudos to the Post! - Wash Post subscribers in uproar over pic of men kissing

Ruling on gay Air Force major creates dilemma (You MUST read the comment!)

Shows with gay characters could lose Florida tax credits

Archbishop defends decision on lesbians’ children

Once again

Earthquakes - talk me down here . . .

For Iran, Enriching Uranium Only Gets Easier

Legend of Meteorology Passes Away

South American Cities Moved in Chile Quake

Large Hadron Collider could "open door to new physics by yearend"

All of Life’s Ingredients Found in Orion Nebula

Half of Earth's life may lie below land, sea

An Ooooh-Aaaah Pic from NASA Casseopia Mosaic:

Japan to launch solar sail spacecraft May 18

Cool poster: The Deadly Genomes

Unselfish Molecules May Have Helped Give Birth to the Genetic Material of Life

Brain Jacking Parasites - Three examples

China's fourth space center to be completed by 2015

Knife-Wielding Attacker Shot Dead

Man shoots grandson. When will it end?

Should Virginia "force" elementary students to learn gun safety?...

Daley calls for new state laws on guns

Three-year-old girl dies after accidentally shooting herself

Curb appeal(?)

Man Killed and Girl Hurt in Shooting Outside a Grocery Store

Using a room's lights for wireless broadband

Is our students learning?

Unruly passenger

Another gun-free zone shooting - Ohio State University

Gun goes off in Middle Ga. classroom

A break from the gungeon norm... and a question.

People who don't "believe" in evolution?

Culled Out [The Administration could prohibit fishing in nation's waterways]

The Singularity and attendant scientific advancement

It looks like big changes are coming...


Robert Rubin: Why Won't He Go Away? (Dean Baker)

Study finds elevated levels of cobalt and chromium in offspring of patients with metal-on-metal hip

Doctor Leads Quest for Safer Ways to Care for Patients

Europe: Yanks Go Home (And Take Your Banks With You)

We're so good at medical studies that most of them are wrong

Around 80% of Russians satisfied with living standards

On the Thom Hartmann show this afternoon a caller referred to some

Shinto's ties to Japanese culture extend beyond boundaries

Public Pension Funds Are Adding Risk to Raise Returns

Catholic school in Colorado discriminating against child of lesbian parents

God's Law or Man's Law?

Hello Padre! (in a lighter mood)

'Hella' Proposed as Official Big Number

Looks like FDIC needs YOUR retirement money.

Second Life's virtual money can become real-life cash

Gallo, union disagree on return to the right table

Our local is sending a statement of support to the local in Central Falls

Duncan and Bennett on CNN

Diane Ravitch: Why I Changed My Mind About School Reform

The Insidious Nature of Green's Sunday Times Article

California confronts troubled's just so frustrating

What’s wrong with this picture?