Democratic Underground

Archives: April 4, 2010

Audacious. . .LOVE??!! HUMANITY??!!!

Audacious. . .LOVE??!! HUMANITY??!!!

5 charged in gang rape of girl, 7, in NJ apartment

Catholic church Admitted Earth Revolves Around 1992

Pillow Fight in Downtown LA (Pershing Square)

Catholic Church Admitted Earth Revolves Around Sun in 1992

Dr. King and the 1968 AFSCME Memphis Sanitation Strike

I got my NRA member shield in the mail today...

Sunday Talk shows

Galileo Vindicated by Catholic Church in 1992 (softer version)

O'Reilly on Palin / CSU Stanislaus issue: "Would you protest Howard Dean? Would you invite Sting?"

Ann Arbor-sterdam

Ann Arbor-sterdam

OK, You win, I'll recant

On drywall, with consideration to the kind from China

I just saw a Sarah Palin look alike at Stop and Shop.

OK, You win, I'll recant

Happy Birthday McKinley Morganfield, wherever you are. (Muddy Waters) -

Ratz's inner circle, who they are, how they don't save him from himself

Happy Birthday McKinley Morganfield, wherever you are. (Muddy Waters) -

Freeps "do the math" on Alan Grayson filing compaint against FL doc, and once again flunk math

Freeps "do the math" on Alan Grayson filing compaint against FL doc, and once again flunk math

NPR - NUMMI Plant Closure Ends Toyota-GM Venture

157,060 registered users and we can disagree over anything, something or nothing

157,060 registered users and we can disagree over anything, something or nothing

Imagine: instead of the more probable death by old age, Fred Phelps is stabbed in his sleep.

Happy Easter from the OVAL Office!

Californians take generally positive view of healthcare reform

Anyone familiar with the phrase "Holger Danske Vagner"?

I knew this would happen and that was why I was unhappy with Code Pink

Violence at anti-mosque protest

AP: Justice Stevens to leave while Obama in office

GOP's new 527- Mike Duncan, Karl Rove & Ed Gillespie involved

I used to enjoy "My Cage"

Wow the pot bill in california is bringing out the nutjobs

Are Teabaggers terrorists?

Is Palin liable?

New name for SCOTUS said to be considered by WH

Braced for it

Alan Keyes: So Batshit Crazy he makes Bachmann seem sane!

Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial (42 years ago today)

Friday news dump item: CBS Exclusive: No Criminal Charges Likely in AIG Collapse

S.Africa far-right leader Eugene Terreblanche murdered: report

A Hoppy Easter to All on DU and best wishes for those of us who will attend family gatherings

Lighting of the Easter Vigil in Afghanistan

Doctors warn against resurgence of H1N1

John Paul Stevens: I will surely retire while Obama's Still President

The Pope vs. Bush and Obama - why the different standards?

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Obama!

Details: White House Easter Egg Roll 2010

Is it easier for the media to cover conservative protests than liberal protests?

Crist wants Feds to investigate the state GOP

Does Medicare benefit the poor?

Crist wants probe of Fla. GOP finances: ‘This thing stinks’

Bayer Beats Out ExxonMobil for Most Toxic Corporate Air Polluter Title

Anyone watching Andrew Sullivan on Fareed Zarkaria's GPS?

Kids at Easter egg hunt find body

Weekly Address: President Obama Extends Holiday Greeting

Happy Easter DU! - pics

A prediction about corporate campaign contributions (C3):

Is this possible??

Mass. grapples with new tea party's future

Most indicted members of militia group are voters

Second "Please chose 1 from the list below" poll

Easter, as viewed by corporate America

unpaid internships may be illegal, employers may using interns just for free labor

Sorry Howard Kurtz

Critics Say Firm Weakens Safety Net as It Fights Jobless Claims

Happy Zombie Jeebus Day!!

FRUM told Mistah KURTZ limbosevic only has 3M listeners/da, is one of most UNpopular

How to bribe the media

How to bribe the media

Imperial Overstretch in Afghanistan: China's Global Shopping Spree v. the US' folly

Sportastic Sports Drinks Give You Big Balls

Don't Run from the Republican Slime Machine. Attack it With Fury.

Talx Corporation - Critics Say Firm Weakens Safety Net as It Fights Jobless Claims

Maybe the Youngstown Diocese should have spent the 10k on something other than anti gay votes

Heads up: John Dean on BookTV!

Happy Peeps Day, everybody...

Happy Easter and a great read from the POCM site.

For your Easter pleasure, here's the Washington Post's Peeps Show IV!

Abuse hotline set up by Catholic Church in Germany melts down on first day as 4,000 people phone in

Here's what should keep Democrats going

New York Denies Indian Point a Water Permit

Palin Family Values

How Do You Post a Long Interview on Youtube?

Two efforts to regulate derivatives: one led by Collin Peterson; the other, by Blanche Lincoln

Protect the working class and poor like they protect the Fed, Banksters, Warcriminals.

An Open Letter to President Obama asks to nominate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for the supreme court.

NTT has successfully demonstrated an optical transmission of 69.1 TB/sec over a single 240km fiber

Too Fat to Fail - Why we need to keep the punishing mandate to buy insurance.

Too Fat to Fail - Why we need to keep the punishing mandate to buy insurance.

Convicted A.L.F. Activist Arrives in Prison

Turns out the Mormons have been secretly disciplining molesters too

Turns out the Mormons have been secretly disciplining molesters too

US human rights record challenged by the Indian Nations

An authoritarian, corporate,...

Tea Toon

The History of Indulgences, How They Work and an Updated Version

Florida doc who posted sign about not wanting Obama supporters has no idea what's in the bill

U.S. Intelligence Agencies Badgering Wiki Leaks in Advance of April 5 Video:

Family Feud: Idaho versus Oregon

It's interesting to read comments posted following stories; this one is incredibly sad

2 children on Easter egg hunt find body in Des Moines park

Aljazeera: The Cult of Apple


Taliban have “reseized control and the momentum in a lot of ways” in Northern Marja

If white: Radical activist. If a minority: Radical and arrrogant.

Two iPad firsts: One used for an Easter Sunday Mass reading and the first mugging.

The Curse of the Computer

Best teabagger ever

I expect a shitload of Teabaggers to be placed on no fly lists.

Since we have shown we don't need gop votes to pass something, let's really make the knuckledraggers

Karzai Threatens to Block NATO's Kandahar Offensive

The E - Bunny Just Came for my teen age son

Easter Mass becomes papal pep rally in Rome

S&P/Case-Shiller home price indices indicate the government-sponsored real estate bounce has ended

Was Jesus executed or "crucified"?

Creating false needs or how you market a product

My company is very aggressively hiring highly technical people. Entry Level $150-200K

1965 All Over Again?- The reach of persistent progressivism.

The Biden's spent Easter in Florida

Sarah Palin is 'pal-in' around with terrorists.

Top Vatican official brought back sexual abuser "with conditions"

Convicted Rapist Accused Of Winking At Victim

Grand Ol' Party of hate

We need to erect billboards too- Here's my revised attempt at an anti-Bachmann sign.(pic)

Remembering Jesus on Easter Sunday: “what you do unto the least of these, you do unto me.”

Pride: In the Name of Love

On this 42nd "anniversary" of Martin's Assassination.....

Must be tough to have to defend this Karzai fellow

Joseph Stigletz: "The Great American Bank Robbery" Part II

Ain't Too Proud to Beg

Trying To Get To Sleep - But These 4 DU Posts Have Kept Me Up & Scared.........

Pope hailed as 'unfailing leader', vatican paper refers to 'vile defamation operation'

Contesting jobless claims becomes a boom industry

FRANK RICH---It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Obama!

Hannity calls his viewers "Tim McVeigh wannabes"

Justice For AC! Trial begins April 5th! Local artist, activist, and street philosopher

Arch Coal Responds to EPA’s Latest Action Against Key Permit for Proposed Spruce No. 1 Mine

Fox's "Faces of the Tea Party" slideshow celebrates "a mixed, diverse group" leaves out the carnies

Friar sings in the suburbs to keep Detroit homeless center running

Rick Perry? A rant to southern lurkers. Stop the insanity.

I would have no problem shooting a chupacabra but

Kristol: ‘Better’ for US to attack Iran than if Israel did

Why Pope Benedict Must Resign by Daniel Maguire, Professor of Moral Theology at Marquette University

Long Wavy Earthquake in Los Angeles, still going on



Huge quake somewhere far from me in SoCal

Probably the Algodones fault south of Mexicali in Baja Ca.

The Obama Coalition + European Social Democracy

The Obama Coalition + European Social Democracy

big earthquake in San Diego just now

Anyone in LA just feel that long rolling earthquake?

Has anyone seen It has All your personal information at hand

teen mothers are an american crisis as TV reality shows reveal BUT

Am I Missing Something Here???

Am I Missing Something Here???

Homeless sleep in the lobby of a former grand hotel, Coconut Grove's Grand Bay

In South Africa Is The ANC Goverment Evil?

Vatican: Recounting of sexual abuse and coverups are now "petty gossip"

So, uh, has there been an earthquake in Southern Cal today?

Are we still outraged over the offshore drilling plan?

Time To Toughen Up.

U.S. and Allied Forces: We Killed Those Pregnant Afghan Women After All

Teabaggers remind me of people with Stockholm syndrome

I am outraged...

30 dead, 200 wounded in 3 bombings in Baghdad today

30 dead, 200 wounded in 3 bombings in Baghdad today

Street View On Google Maps Has Gone 3D!

Today's epic Hershey's vitamins and minerals fail (ALWAYS read the label)

A teenager dosed with gas and set on fire, he was black and on strike in Memphis, 1968

This is chilling.

After the triangle fire was the Coconut Grove (Marta's oldest 1/2 sister survived added Babe's photo

Looking For Profound Change... Without Leaving The Country ???

The free-market bastardization of Adam Smith

More Than 800 Iraqis and Afghans Have Filed for Compensation over Civilian Deaths

Quelle Surprise !!!: Climategate "scandal" made from whole cloth

Ah that was a heck of a quake, and just an aftershock

Ah that was a heck of a quake, and just an aftershock

60 minutes is doing patented genes

Earthquake Animated Map

Right-wingers ignore facts as they rewrite U.S. history

Loss of focus, in a goal oriented society

Advocating violence against America is treasonous, got that GOP? Got that Sarah?

Looting Main Street: How the nation's biggest banks are ripping off American cities

Looting Main Street: How the nation's biggest banks are ripping off American cities

Nixon had notion to use nuclear bomb in Vietnam

It was a 6.9, 26 km ( 16 mi) SSW of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico.

Which Sunday Morning Talkshow should I watch today?

So when unemployment benefits end for many people, will that lead to a "drop" in unemployment?

RIP Martin Luther King Jr. - April 4, 1968.

A Sentimental Journey

are you alone this holiday?

Socialism, is it making a comeback?

Teabaggers, your unemployment check is a socialist document.


Six years ago tomorrow Casey Sheehan died in Iraq

Need good, solid info on Obama's tax cuts

limpballs accuses Obama of Characer assassination. Projection much mush limpballs?

Triangle Fire Chalking Links a Shul to Its Past

13% of American Voters are Teahadists...

Healthy earthquake in San Diego

American youth in crisis

Report: Company slows unemployment claims

Report: Company slows unemployment claims

Report: Company slows unemployment claims

Cut off ALL federal funding to states that are threatening to sue over HCR.

And the aftershocks keep coming. - about 5 or 6 now! Yuma is about

Tea Parties divided over one of their candidates who receives farm subsidies

So Cal Earthquake, right now!

Obama Administration Backs Making Radio Pay Fees

Evangelicals throwing rocks at Haitians during their Vodou ritual for the dead......

Republican Threatens Flibuster If Next Supreme Court Nominee Stands Up ‘For The Little Guy'

Feisty Ahmadinejad mocks U.S., vows to strengthen Iran nuclear program

I am scared.

Does anyone have the scoop on fake author John Avalon?

Kyl: GOP Willing To Filibuster Obama’s Yet-To-Be-Named SCOTUS Nominee

"Early morning, April 4...

China blocks Bob Dylan gigs

What is more credible, an Easter Egg or the Pope?

surge update...Easter Bombings Kill 22 in Baghdad

Nine workers rescued from China mine

RNC Chairman Steele's Newest Aide Misused Baseball Groups' Money

Is there a disconnect by business leaders expecting 'pent-up demand' to explode soon?

The whole crew of Star Trek: First Contact have iPads.

Feeding Robins on Easter

Feeding Robins on Easter

“We walked proudly out the front doors and walked by the neo-Nazis with our heads held high.”

“We walked proudly out the front doors and walked by the neo-Nazis with our heads held high.”

They've gotten brazen follks

They've gotten brazen follks

Mr. President: Why are Americans dying in Afghanistan?

Mr. President: Why are Americans dying in Afghanistan?

Meet The Press 4-4-10

Meet The Press 4-4-10

25 top-earning hedge fund managers earned $25.3 billion overall in 2009

The American Death Wish: no one will do what is necessary, catastrophe will happen.

Tiger Woods fears mistress run-in at Masters return; Security beefed up to 90 guards: report

Sarah Palin. "Can She Save America?" Get your barf bag out.

Not Just Guantanamo: U.S. Torturing Muslim Pre-Trial Detainee in New York City

Legality of Drone Strikes Still in Question

April 2010 War Criminal Appearances

April 2010 War Criminal Appearances

Shopping on Easter

Robert Reich: The Obama Administration's Approach ... Will Do 'Nothing' To Change Wall Street

I Missed The Latest Palinism

Sign the Sarah Palin Petition!

Doctor Against Treating Obama Supporters Admits Not Knowing What’s In Health Reform Bill(Audio)

Yet another anti-government Teabagger Welfare Queen

If You Haven't read Barack's "Audacity of Hope" Yet, You Should.

Is This On MSM YET!? Hannity Incites "Wanna Be Mc Veighs"

Grounded Ship: 3km Oil Spill on Great Barrier Reef -- "High Speed Impact" ...

So now the Beckmeister is claiming that Nazis were actually left-wing liberals?

Is your Easter candy Hershey's/Cadbury? UK employees shocked and awed.

"Some television network has convinced them that America is about to shove her history in the toilet

Scientists Perfecting the First-Ever Nontoxic Chili Grenade

Please chose 1 from the list below

Little publicized report comes out by US on human right abuses in Afghanistan.

How to spot a Republican/GOP'er/Teabagger

"Factory Food"

Easter is now Christmas: The Sequel

Martin Luther King, Jr. Beyond Vietnam -- A Time to Break Silence

My Easter Present.....Look at the tailgate that was in front of me this afternoon

Florida House gives itself a 4% raise instead of a 3% cut in pay.

Anybody see that History Channel show about the 3D Shroud of Turin image?

Senator Smalley Strikes Again: For the Battle-Scarred, Comfort at Leash’s End

The End of the Republican Party

Grow your own - food - in an apartment, anywhere!

My Crazy Idea for Fixing the MSM


••••• "New York Jewish lobby" blamed as criticism rages against Vatican in sex abuse scandal •••••

Lech Walesa fans, I have a Polish president question

Easter mass at 7 am tomorrow.....for realz

Is there a difference between a fist full and a fistful?

Show of hands: How many REALLY had Butler in the final?

Pillow Fight in Downtown LA (Pershing Square)

"KHAAAAAN!", I mean "SPIIIIIIIDERS!" From the box art, I can see why Shatner's screaming.


Some post-modern percussion-based techno-concept music

Another DU Lounge early morning tune thread: Scott Walker-Montague Terrace (in blue)

My male hamster is trying to hump my male praying mantis who is

Do you like sunsets? I photographed a beauty last night.

2010 World Series Champs begin their season

What's everybody got going tomorrow?

This reminds me of that Simpsons episode...

well, fuck me nekkid!

Who's scariest--the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, or the Tooth Fairy?

Bought my daughter a solar mobile for Easter

I found a new old pic of me and my big brother.

weekend LOST anticipation thread

There's a Shirley Temple marathon on AMC

Easter Sunday's just one more day I can't buy bourbon before noon.

Fantasy Baseball League -- Spots Open

Talk about getting an Easter gift/surprise

What's your idea of a "Perfect Day"? I had one of those few-and-far-between days today...

Were there any big hit songs you honest to god thought were novelty records?

I am in my mom's house,for the 1st time in 4 years.

the phrase of the day is "pistol whip the motherfucker with my cellphone until his eyeball pops out"

Bumper sticker I want the most: Grow up.

Had a little situation at the grocery store today.

WTH kind of egg dye color is "denim"?

Leaving Las Vegas: Rearview:A Lifetime Of Struggle Went Into John O'Brien's Most Famous Work"

This is what it was like last night in Salt Lake City...

The Twelve Steps

Who is the Greatest ThreadKiller ot them all ? Speak now or forever hold your

My male boxer puppy is trying to hump my male tabby cat

Admit it. You know you love them.

Weird Easter tradition: baby chicks as Easter gifts

I miss you Dad....happy birthday...

Of These Choices, Which is the Best Name for a Magazine?

Anyone have the link to the DU thread thanking the KS Rep for HCR vote?

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 4/4/10

I just saw the original 'Tron' and all I have to say is...

Does iced tea count as pop?

I'm off to get my medicinal KFC!

Ten Signs Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You

A Peep reenactment of the RNC's recent health care legislation summit

Mass was too long - wah!!

Old Easter joke -- but a classic

Am I weird or is it my family? Dinner conversation.

Lucifer's Testicles

I bought a gas guzzler, I feel guilty but I needed the space for the spawn

Right Now: National Geographic Channel, Cave of the GIANT CRYSTALS!

I feel like a bad person/family member

Okay, so TM is a little late arriving for Easter Dinner.

Great Cover Tunes: CCR - I Heard It Through The Grapevine.

Because It's Easter, Patton Oswalt on Paas

It is rumored...

7:23 p.m. in Switzerland. What's on the menu for Easter dinner where y'all are?

My front yard is not your dog's bathroom

Say Johnnie Depp in "Donnie Brasco" yesterday, and in "Public Enemy" today,

The mama pajama rolled out of bed


Fresh kitteh pics.

was I civil, rude, or a coward?

cruel iPad wallpaper pranks

Maple Bacon ice cream is just wrong

That was one helluva LONG 6.9 quake

Ah, a mere half hour until the Sox smack the Yanks.

I hate when you fall in love with art and can't afford it.

Someone passed this one onto me, so I'm sharing (kitty!)

Look On My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair!

And now, kitty baby picture

Just found out why a chicken coop has 2 doors.

I turn on ESPN 2 for Baseball tonight, and there's Curt Schilling

WVU vs. DUKE, now.

Your Sunday LOLcats (dial-up warning) C'mon Houdini Edition

In the middle of packing....I did not realize I had so many books!

I asked Mr 'pede what was on Nature tonight

Incongruent meals. Post yours

Today someone told me I'm fat.

Has personal, bitter experience prevented you from enjoying a film/show?

REAL BASEBALL!!! Phils open at Nats Monday 1PM!!!!

Peeps brûlée!. . What a great, ( +/or awful) idea!

Did you enjoy the 70 minute review of Star Wars Episode I?

Cooking tips you picked up from others or figured out on your own

For all the atheists, agnostics, and free-thinkers out there

Bacon & cheese sandwiched between two pieces of fried chicken?

Republicans: the Damned Truth and the Truth Be Damned

The Presidents #45: Sarah Palin

The Renewed Relevance Of 'Highway Hypocrites'

A Method to GOP Madness

Your tax dollars -- and your take-home dollars -- will now go to Angela F. Braly

42 years ago today, Martin Luther King was assassinated


Evangelicals throwing rocks at Haitians during their Vodou ritual for the dead......

Census jobs provide short but welcome opportunity

Wasn't the arm-in-arm walk by Dem. Congresspeople through the teabaggers in RESPONSE to what

Happy Easter to my Obama Peeps!

PSST! Hey Obama... Oil Leak In The Great Barrier Reef....

Dems walked to work, and all they got was this outrageous criticism

Check in here if you would LOVE to see Palin run in 2012


Happy Easter Everybody, be careful out there...

Seen this video of Obama playing basketball with Clark Kellogg?

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Obama! - "What a difference winning makes" By FRANK RICH

Will Buy it now Meg outflank Boxer and support the initiative to legalize marijuana in California?

Thank you Mr. President...

Why do Republicans think that it's the rich who pay the most in taxes? I get this BS all the time

Democrats pull in more cash for campaigns than GOP (WaPo)

Tiger Woods fears mistress run-in at Masters return; Security beefed up to 90 guards: report

Feisty Ahmadinejad mocks U.S., vows to strengthen Iran nuclear program

Levada brought back accused priest with conditions

Justice Stevens to leave while Obama in office enters India, to invest $10-mn in next 5 years

Pope urges 'moral conversion' in Easter message

Pope urges 'moral conversion' in Easter message

Four Dead in "Bloodbath" at San Fernando Valley Restaurant

Earthquake Animated Map

U.S. to Delay Chinese Currency Report

Europe has lower GDP per capita than we do. You know why?

Baghdad Suicide Blasts Target Embassies; 32 Dead

Indians to benefit from 30 new parliamentary seats in Canada

Gardez investigation concludes

Republican nightmare: Alan Greenspan (Republican)- "latest job numbers reveal a resurgent economy"

Texas gun case cited in healthcare suit

6.9 Earthquake, Baja

'Long way to go' in taming US joblessness: White House

Four female astronauts rendezvous 50 years after first woman in space

Battle of $50 Bill Splitting Republican Ranks

Call for calm after South Africa murder

Tthese media asses have an exalted opinion of themselves.

Senegal's President Reclaims French Military Bases

Tea Party Groups Make Harry Reid Target No. 1

Fundamental Differences Between RomneyCare And ObamaCare?

Specter hopes Justice Stevens doesn't quit in 2010

Peru announces free health-care for the poor

In Easter Mass, Vatican Defends Benedict

Oil threat to Great Barrier Reef after ship runs aground

U.N. chief shocked by shrinking lake

The Presidents #23: Benjamin Harrison

(Gay former) pro wrestler Chris Klucsaritis aka 'Chris Kanyon' found in apparent suicide

Air Force to launch robotic winged space plane

Abuse protest at Easter Sunday mass

Missing link between humans and apes found - Bunny Attack! - Bunny Attack!

How Teabaggers react when someone suggest cutting war spending.

Peep Microwave Disaster

On Respect for Teabaggers

Teabagger Rap

Filibuster Insanity - If we can't stop it, maybe we should join it!

U2 - Pride (In The Name Of Love) (Rattle and Hum)

Teabonics - the language sweeping across America

Soldier Returns From Iraq To Unrecognizable Wife

Pope Barack

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite 4-4-68

Don't You Find It Strange?

U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking (Rattle and Hum)

To All Teabaggers...

Kids Scared by Easter Bunny

UPDATE: AP - Tea Party Outraged Over Rep. Steve Cohen TYT Interview (w/ Transcript & Captions)

CBS News: Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr (4/4/1968)

Lawmaker Rebukes Aide Who Left Work on Finance Bill to Be Lobbyist

The pagan roots of Easter

Vatican to Relocate to St. Pedophilia's Basilica

Frank Rich: It's A Bird, It's A Plane...

Intelligence Agencies Allegedly Going to Extremes to Suppress Video Confirming Pentagon Massacre Cov

"What it said...What it meant"

When 'We the People' Lost America By Len Hart

Fake anti-Obama interviews "by Phillip Roth" and "John Grisham" published in Italy

No News is Good News

Britons' confidential medical records sent to India: Report

Doctor Against Treating Obama Supporters Admits Not Knowing What’s In Health Reform Bill

Is It Time For Vatican III?

WaPo: former advocate of corporate-based school reform says NCLB and charter schools are FAILURES

Stop allowing anonymous online comments

Did Obama Sandbag His Own Health Care Bill?

GOP denies jobless benefits to thousands

Environmentally friendly pig poo?

Transmission Stalls European Offshore Wind Power

Rescuers enter flooded Chinese mine (153 miners missing)

East Siberian Shelf CH4 Release Upate - Subsea Permafrost Breakdown Far Bigger Than Thought

Oh my God!!!! An earthquake at 3:40 Mountain Time and it was a whopper.

Obama Admin Decreases Protections for Nearly Extinct Delta Smelt:

Bush Administration's Secret Nuclear Deals Will Cost Taxpayers Billions

Another "on time" nuclear project...

If Nuclear Is Superior, Why Won't "Wall Street" Provide All The Necessary Capital?

Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant Denied Water Permit

What happens when nuclear plants go down for weeks at a time?

U.N. chief shocked by shrinking lake

Here's one of the guys that signed the Governors resign letter

Alarm over shortage of nuclear experts

WVU-Duke at 9:12, EDT.

Oops, that dukie is hurt. ;-(

The turning point for me in the Butler-MSU game was...

Oh SH-T!

BUTLER beats Michigan State.

Well, this one's done. I wonder if Butler's defense can perform against Duke?

Why I Have Hated the New York Yankees My Whole Life (Part 1)

New York Yankees are back in Boston to begin defending their World Series title

Looks like Coach K is no longer an (R)!

Russia Offers Venezuela Nuclear Help

Peru announces free health-care for the poor

Ecuador holds big drive to register Colombian refugees

Silvio Rodriguez asks for urgent changes in Cuba, P Milanés insists on the responsibility

Iconic Brazilian Journalist Armando Nogueira Dies

USAID Program Questioned by Dissidents

Brazil Announces 2nd Phase of Giant Infrastructure Plan

Venezuela: Govn't payroll up 26.8 percent since the beginning of nationalizations

Venezuela: Troops take over 38 gas stations in the state of Táchira

A hunger striker exposes Cuba's hidden side

CUBA: Old Havana Reaches Out to Hearing Impaired

Gitmo inmates put aside food for Haiti

Cuban Parliament President Says the US and Europe are Constructing an Opposition in Cuba through Pro

Meshal: All options against Israel are open, including war

Peace talks: Palestinian views

Union apartment workers fighting with Realty Advisory Board over wages agree to strike if deadlocked

Today in Labor History Apr 4 MLK was assassinated in Memphis supporting striking sanitation workers

More than 1,600 apply to haul trash in case of strike

WBAI (New York, NY) is looking for a General Manager

When an OSHA “national” emphasis program isn’t

Palestinian aspirations are clear, but what does Israel want? (Gideon Levy)

Let's play a game

I found out on this trip home that my sister's inlaws (she has been married 10 years) freaked at

The term "hoplophobe" is deemed offensive, but "gun nut" is O.K.?

The term "hoplophobe" is deemed offensive, but "gun nut" is O.K.?

A Nation of Cowards

I got my NRA member shield in the mail today...

from The Waste Land

Iditarod photos

Day after day... alone on the hill

My City does a fine thing every year, they give away mulch, and I took some pictures


Toads' Earthquake Exodus

Rhinos on the brink of extinction

10 Things Everyone Should Know About Concealed Weapons Permit Holders

I'm so excited about this - Window Farms.

Can we get our Californians on here to keep us updated?

Starlight News: Truth or Consequences

Galileo Vindicated by Catholic Church in 1992 (softer version)

For all the atheists, agnostics, and free-thinkers out there

Watched NATGEO: Biblical Plagues

Easter "What If's"

Remembering Jesus on Easter Sunday: “what you do unto the least of these, you do unto me.”

Can Science Explain Heaven?

Is He Risen? Indeed?

Was Jesus executed or "crucified"?

An attempt at explanation...

Today's Sermon On The Blog: Star Trek & The Five Lights

Why do people believe Jesus appears on pancakes, screen doors and trees?

Marathon Runners Should Pick Cherries for Speedy Recovery

Does Medicare Benefit the Poor?

In the state of Texas, a Physician can issue a DNR, "Do Not Resuscitate", W/O...

158,000 Personal Bankruptcies In March, 75% of them Chapter 7

Obama and the banks: is he finally starting to get it?

Another reason to oppose tying teacher pay/tenure/employment to standardized tests

So Jeb Bush is still wreaking havoc on Florida's education system. That family

Gibbons' fund for teachers (gift certificates) draws little interest

Terrible Teacher Bill in Florida is a Big Test For Arne Duncan.

Detroit Demolition-Developers Dictating Education?

How Bill Gates Won the Race to the Top, and Why Every Parent and Teacher Should Boycott Microsoft