Silence on the crisis in Pakistan?
Yesterday, two things happened
Senate passes Feingold-Collins Resolution for Genocide Prevention
"As it was for most of this country's history, so it can be again" (per Countdown)
Silence on the crisis in Pakistan?
So the NBC/Wall Street Poll shows that
California Sees Incomes Decline For First Time Since World War II
Peru's Amazonian Indians to launch political party
What will it mean when I leave this country for Canada?
When the cops came in a little kid was pointing at the window
Please STOP with the gibbs business. The whining has to stop!
The latest job numbers are out -- and they're not good.
Clark Newhall: Medicare for all will put me out of business!! Please do it!!
Here's an Employment Paradox for you
New Poll Numbers! Public hates both parties People are "mad as hell"
American Family Association Calls For Ban On Building ANY Mosques In America
I wish I had an employee/flunky who would take a hit like that for me. Oops forgot to say GIBBS!1 n
Iraq Veterans Against the War Calls for Prosecution of Bush Administration Officials for War Crimes
ACLU takes on two (wealthy) Detroit suburbs over medical marijuana ordinances
Ah memories, of the physical readiness test
$220,000 settlement to woman whose non-cancerous breasts were removed
Gibbs is an asscarrot! ...and it's not even Friday yet.
Global warming, war, shitcanned economy, ratfucking, teabaggers, and the topic of the week is
Rachel: one way to energize your base is fear.
Is ANYONE else planning to show up at Glenn Beck's ironically named "Restoring Honor"
More Oil Washes Up In Gulf Shores
Jonathan Hopkins = Stud (latest DADT victim)
borrowers forcing lenders to accept 10 cents on the dollar
Insider Speaks Out On 'Professional Left' Rift
Another movie headed for the trashbin of history
Texas Sues BP…But Not over Oil Spill
Iraqi Army Chief: We Need US Military Until 2020
Banker at center of Rep. Maxine Waters case had lavish lifestyle, arrests on drug/sex assault charge
Which Ticket Would You Vote For?
Is the whole Financialized economy based on deception and fraud? .... Now the life insurers.....
GOP resurrects ugly piece of history
Crack sentence reform is still burdened by racism
Why Obama Is Still the Favorite in 2012
Only a 0.54% chance of GOP takeover
Breakthrough in Hydrogen Generation Technology From Water
Jon Stewart is skewering ReTHUGS
AC360 is starting off with the anchor baby/terrorist BS on CNN
How should I react to your third-party vote, and why?
could Obama be playing chess with US?
what is the difference between Kagan/Sotomayor and Breyer/Ginsburg?
Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
From the "This will not end well" file...
Wow, God is really punishing California for legalizing same-sex marriage
Wow, God is really punishing California for legalizing same-sex marriage
Anderson Cooper has done a good job destroying this
Political Top Chef special guest (Spoiler)
Please sign the Petition to free the mother of 3, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui. Kidnapped, & imprisoned by US
Please sign the Petition to free the mother of 3, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui. Kidnapped, & imprisoned by US
Breaking: Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association is bigoted human garbage.
Justin Coussoule...who is this guy?...Runing against John Boehner
I gained a little insight into rightwing nativism today.
Dean Baker: The media want us to beat up school teachers and firefighters not Wall Street tycoons
Black farmers ask why some get aid and they wait
Please HAZE me, bro...Woman at center of Rand Paul's Aqua Buddha stunt "wasn't forced"
Tomorrow between 9 and 12 pacific (12 and 3 eastern) Walker will announce his decision on a stay
Tomorrow between 9 and 12 pacific (12 and 3 eastern) Walker will announce his decision on a stay
Administration Sends Fifth Bill to BP
The image at the top of the page ...
What is a decent living wage, in your opinion?
from cnn.. One of about every 12 babies born in the U.S. in 2008 was the offspring of unauthorized
This Net Neutrality thing has me really worried
Police "outgunned"?...not if they are buying their stuff from this site!
Ben (son of Dan) Quayle's new ad: Obama worst president in history
Anne Rice on her leaving the Christian *faith* - coming up on Nightline
Britain: Health inequalities widest since records began in 1921
Chris Rodda: No, Mr. Beck, That Wasn't 'Some Professor' - That Was Me
Procter & Gamble asked to change bare-bottom bear ads
LOL. "Melon Michaelangelo's" This you gotta see.
What Righthaven is doing is a complete violation of the DMCA takedown rules, and should be dismissed
Far-right party emerges as power broker behind new Netherlands government
"K Street lobbyists don't cause corporate favoring legislation. . . "
Gay Rights Supporter Punched in Stomach at an Anti Gay Rally
New Blood, Old Blood: Who Left and Who Stayed in New Orleans
New Blood, Old Blood: Who Left and Who Stayed in New Orleans
Michigan: stimulus funds pledged to community colleges go to for-profit institutions
Rand Paul forced me to spay and neuter puppies
"Banks are borrowing from the gov't for free, then lending to another arm of gov't at interest"
Pearl River Mayor James Lavigne invokes the KKK to attack a resident of his district
"The only explanation can be the link to climate change" (Monsoon season in Pakistan)
Military: Kandahar ops to last through fall
DoD schools have a 78% failure rate
I think a trillion dollars a year on the 'defense' budget is a low ball number
Extremist Media Steps Up Attacks on Workers, Unions
So Harry Reid is making immigration about RACE?
NYT: Debts Rise, and Go Unpaid, as Bust Erodes Home Equity
NYT: Debts Rise, and Go Unpaid, as Bust Erodes Home Equity
VA care for women too restrictive, group says
Colombia, Venezuela to reconcile against stealthy infiltration
Sent to arrest the cursing flight attendant: 100s of officers, helicopter, swat team
Situation Room Scaremongering: CNN's Social Security crisis
Sent to arrest the cursing flight attendant: 100s of officers, helicopter, swat team
Welcome to the Horrible Future
America discards 40% of the food it makes, while a billion in the world go hungry.
Felons get to keep Morgan Stanley bonuses
Blackwater guards indicted for (Afghan) murder
Robert Gibbs Should ALREADY HAVE BEEN FIRED. Here's why:
Serial Denial and the Permanent War System
U.S. big guns resound through Afghanistan's Pech River Valley
Best comments yet about the "damage being done to the social fabric of this nation".
With Arab Opinion Like This, Obama Needs Media Advice
Motivational posters for Republicans
G-D help us, the Republican plan revealed!
Bobby Jindal and Pete Domenici wouldn't be citizens under the Rethugs 14th amendment plan
Citizens United Frees Corporations to Spend on Elections, But Increases Scrutiny
Are the Afghanistan and Iraq occupations worse than Vietnam?
Californians' income sees 1st decline since WWII
Robert Reich: America's Biggest Jobs Program -- the U.S. Military
Australia: Labor pledges new assault on the jobless and welfare recipients
I am an Atheist and about these Mosques.......
Rachel shows why having openly gay people in places of power matters
Barack Obama hearts Grover Norquist, not Jane Hamsher.
The fate of mass transit in an age of deficit hysteria
Parents, students dig deeper to pay for college
Former President Clinton asks supporters to make his birthday wish come true
Are Republicans becoming a regional party?
Foreclosure Activity Up 4% In July To 325,299
Foreclosure Activity Up 4% In July To 325,299
George Michael faces drug charges
Gibb's statement might be the opening salvo in the Obama Admin taking out SS & other programs
Gibb's statement might be the opening salvo in the Obama Admin taking out SS & other programs
Gibb's statement might be the opening salvo in the Obama Admin taking out SS & other programs
A Fictitious Journey Inside the Mind of Rush Limbaugh’s Wedding Photographer
The cleverest wealth transfer yet...
Glenn Greenwald - How propagandists function: Exhibit A
Residents Who Live Near Public Transportation Live Healthier, Longer Lives, Study Finds
Just another Canadian really CHEESED OFF!! about his health care
Please help me reply to Gov Cornyn's column in my paper RE: taxes
Poligraft: See the Corruption Behind the News
Judge to rule on stay Thursday in Prop. 8 case
Ground zero mosque from a truly Christian and American point of view
Situation update #1 on Penn. nuke plant event (long)
Texas state Rep. Riddle's 'terrorist baby' plot questioned on CNN
In other news, Mosque a few blocks from ground zero
9 Signs That Your Town, State, or Country Is Broke
President Obama has famously distanced himself from friends and insiders who cast him in a bad light
Similarities in Robert Gibbs, Helen Thomas, General McChrystal train wrecks.
If you want to watch the DADT part of Rachel's show last night
War of Words between Jet Blue flight attendant and passengers
South Carolina has a nuke plant event
Where's the scofflaw who refused to obey the directions of the flight attendant?
Where's the scofflaw who refused to obey the directions of the flight attendant?
Newspaper Blocked From Publishing Photo of Murder Suspect
So...has Dick Cheney found a new heart yet, or is he still in cold storage?
Drug-resistant 'superbug' found in hospitals in London and Nottingham
Who's more evil - Dick Cheney or Grover Norquist?
Another "unexpected" rise in unemployment claims
What exactly would Gibbs be fired for? Accurately presenting the President's views?
Robert Reich: Only US Jobs Program is US Military & Obama Asked Congress to Hike Defense Spending
In 2008, we the people gave Obama a dollar
Why are white people so scared?
PIC: Robert Gibbs new job: Fox News
China has a coal plant event (17 killed)
Righthaven sues casual blogger because of LVRJ story posted by a commenter
Stealing a Nation (documentary)
DADT will be repealed soon - yes or no?
Iran TV airs 'confession' from woman facing stoning
What's the deal with Obama and Social Security?
I realize that I should have cooled off by now.... (Gibbs insult)
while we're all in kind of a funky mood-can you go to one of my local papers?
"We have no desire to make anybody look like a blithering idiot, but we do love it when they do."
Couric/Lauer make more than Brian Williams; Keith = ShepSmith. Dave
Flim-Flam Ryan: Butterscotch sundaes for the rich, broccoli for the poor
Pothead in denial, Rand, people like you are the reason
Why vote for an Administration that ridicules you?
Have the dems ever ginned up a controversy from nothing?
Make no mistake! This is the Obama Administration's opening salvo in a war on Liberal Democrats
Y'know, Kucinich is kind of naieve...
Protest against SB1070 outside MLB meeting leads to five arrests (no All-Star game in AZ)
School trashing good furniture in budget crunch
School trashing good furniture in budget crunch
Call the waahmbulance: McVeigh pal, Terry Nichols, continues to make demands for special treatment
Judge denies man's petition to change name to Boomer the Dog
Project Gutenberg on quest to digitize 1 billion books
Wasserman Schultz Eyes Leadership Ladder
Kind of funny that the Obama people classify their base as needing to be drug tested
NOAA Opens Waters Off Florida to Fin Fishing
Tea Party Tax Return from "Toothpaste for Dinner"
John McCain has bent with the wind in his Arizona primary. Will he snap upright again?
ok , for the love of JESUS CHRIST Saviour of mankind
so much for profilers - Suspected serial killer arrested as attempts to leave for Israel..
Resource link project: Anyone want to help?
Krugman takes issue with the TImes' kid-glove treatment of Flim-Flam Ryan
Florida AG proposed tougher curbs against illegals
Arizona immigration law protesters arrested at major league baseball owners meeting
Is this a new bumpersticker....
Americans More Unhappy With Republicans Than Democrats
(Graphic) Opinion on Same Sex Marriage in Dramatic Shift Since 1988
(Graphic) Opinion on Same Sex Marriage in Dramatic Shift Since 1988
A testament to medical inflation
Decomposed body ID'd as missing Malibu Woman..
is the united states too diverse in its political ideas to function?
Maddow: "If DADT is going to end, the President could stop enforcement of that policy. Why isn't he?
Last night we watched a movie that caused us to think wistfully of might have been and might yet be.
Iraq's Army Chief of Staff says U.S. troops must stay until 2020!
Israeli identified as man held in stabbings probe
Most High Earners Wouldn't See Big Bill From Tax Rise
Heatwave may rekindle Chernobyl's curse
Grayson troubles me on the Google/Verison Deal
We must not allow churches to be built within a 10 block radius of schools
We must not allow churches to be built within a 10 block radius of schools
The Coming Military Offensive Against the July 2011 Timetable
New company allows college students to place bets on their grades
Va. seeks U.S. OK for troopers in immigration cases
Va. seeks U.S. OK for troopers in immigration cases
Jobs picture dims as unemployment claims rise
Look who's proposing Constitutional amendments.
I think that Obama has tolerated some pretty inartful comments himself.
Send in the clones. . . . Please come CAPTION the barf brigade!!!
Pat Tillman's Father To Army Investigator: 'F--- You... And Yours
Nation's smallest national park unveiled in Somerville, Mass. Features Mummified Squirrel
On The Fence - DU's Greatest List of All
Fox News first to report Same-Sex Marriage
(EDIT: Judge Walke lifts stay on gay marriage effective Aug 18). Please allow me to congratulate
(EDIT: Judge Walke lifts stay on gay marriage effective Aug 18). Please allow me to congratulate
(EDIT: Judge Walke lifts stay on gay marriage effective Aug 18). Please allow me to congratulate
(EDIT: Judge Walke lifts stay on gay marriage effective Aug 18). Please allow me to congratulate
(EDIT: Judge Walke lifts stay on gay marriage effective Aug 18). Please allow me to congratulate
Bubye Gibbs issue - thankfully we'll have weddings in
Who will be GOP Public Enemy #1 in 2012? Ron Paul.
Guardian UK: Markets dive as depression fears grow
Huckabee on changing the Constitution
Vatican Rejects Resignations Of 2 Dublin Bishops Involved in Child Sex-Abuse Coverup
Judge lifts the stay! Same-sex marriages can resume on August 18th CNN reports!
Sheriff Joe in the news - grand jury documents open in his investigations
Jon Stewart on Bush Tax Cuts: "The deficit wants to ********* your mother" (VIDEO)
Top Detroit cop had affair with current girlfriend of fired police chief
Has Kucinich Made A Statement On gibbs' comment?
Don't let Gibbs distract from the danger on the right, please
Greenpeace Launches Three-Month Ship Expedition to Investigate Oil Disaster Impacts to Gulf
30,000 show up for section 8 housing applications in small Georgia city
The Far-Right's Anti-Mosque Mania Spreads from Ground Zero to Across the U.S.,
Breaking: MSNBC reports stay is in effect until August 18th. Then Marriages will resume
Proper way to cite the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Use the following form exactly:
My Gay Brothers and Sisters out there...I have an important announcement....
I think I'll skip this restaurant
**Live Stream outside San Francisco Courthouse**
. . . . "Confederate flags go up."
False memories easily implanted
A mostly correct rule of life in general:
Here's what the Gibbs controversy kept off the main page here.
That sure was a bad idea to bail out GM, wasn't it?
Is the enthusiasm gap being blown out of proportion?
Is anyone challenging FL's Amendment 2 using Perry v. Schwarzenegger as precedence???
Fox "News" home page screenshot...I agree, a guy who smiles and hugs this much shouldn't be blamed
Vatican still shoveling manure on Irish-Catholic child sex abuse scandal.
SOS Clinton Asks Text "SWAT" to 50555 - $10.00 Pakistan
Same-Sex Couples Lining Up at (San Francisco) City Hall Awaiting Prop. 8 Ruling
If politics is a game,what might game theory say about democratic politics?
US Stands By 2011 Troop Withdrawal Despite Iraqi Officer's Plea
Khadr trial real-time twitter info
Attention Red State LGBT couples: Start getting married!
I Want My :facepalm: Smiley, Dammit!
Dad sentenced for groping nurse on way to delivery
A legal question regarding the standing issue for the Prop 8 case
NH Legislator resigns after "dead Palin" comment on Facebook
Proof the Turks using chemical weapons against the PKK.
Palin endorses Brian Murphy for MD Governor (R) over former governor Bob Erlich (R).
"I've been to a lot of funerals, and this damn sure isn't a funeral,"
As of August 18, All Existing Marriages are Cancelled!
Working The Truth at the Diner
Link to stay decision on Proposition 8
Conservative Students stopped from singing National Anthem at Lincoln Memorial
I heard an interesting assertion on C-span this morning concerning Lobbying
Calif. nurse on death row dies of natural causes
30,000 show up for Section 8 vouchers in Atlanta, leaving 62 injured.
Colbert Mocks Newt Gingrich's Lack Of Morals (VIDEO)
The Professional Left in action
Karate Lessons Will Beat the Sissy Right Out of Your Son
Hmmm ... Elizabeth Warren seen leaving White House grounds.
Interesting billboards on bible alley.
Florida attorney general proposes immigration legislation
In case anyone else missed it, new liberal talk station in Atlanta
How to Put a Stop to Corporate-Funded Government Before It Gets Totally Out of Hand
Sovereign citizens spin history, reject government
Dan Maes, Republican Nominee for Governor: Bike Sharing == U.N. Control
Ford says it is bringing more jobs back to U.S. plants than it agreed to
facebook argument over extension of unemployment....
Ethanol--proposal for increasing content in gasoline
Diocese offers birth control insurance, but warns employees not to use it...
Suspected serial killer (Mich, OH, VA) arrested in Atlanta trying to board flight to Tel Aviv
Chrysler invests $27 million into Etobicoke plant
The Slow, Whining Death of British Christianity
Facebook falsehoods Tom White (D-Ne) on Lee Terry (R-Ne)
Someone today suggested we make a Professional Left logo. Here is my entry
The Lie About Liberal Hollywood
Freeper meltdown re: Prop 8 stay decision
BP Ties Compensation Fund to Its Continued Profitable Drilling in the Gulf
Wow.....The Nazi ambitions come streaming out
WA-Sen: "She ought to be shot." - Woman at Rossi Rally on Patty Murray
British press: Bayou boaters have gone from Bubba Gumps to 'Spillionaires'
Hitchens: 'We're all dying, with me it's accelerated'
Breaking News - Jurors deadlocked on 22 counts
The legal argument against gays and lesbians getting married
(Link addedPriceless Plant Collection in Peril (TAKE E ACTION: SAVE THE SEED BANK FROM DESTRUCTION!)
Hey !!! - I Got An E-Mail From The President Of The United States !!!
Some job-screening tactics challenged as illegal
For book-lovers & especially librarians
Armey’s FreedomWorks called the Tea Party “a hostile takeover of the Republican Party”
Another technical question about the prop 8 case
Stop Tax Dollars From Paying for Forced Labor! (Tennessee)
Um... Why Don't We Do For Small Business Loans, What We Did For Student Loans ???
Sneaky Dems have Lame Duck Agenda???
Free Speech TV & Co-Founder Jon Stout to Receive 2010 Professional Freedom & Responsibility Award
To change to peso or not - that is the question.
Free Trade deals are killing our economy,
what would you ask a teabagger candidate for the record/
Math ends debate over President Obama vacations
The Rude Pundit: Photos That Make the Rude Pundit Slap His Forehead and Down a Vicodin
cat lovers-1 oz HEIRLOOM CATNIP
Please help us fight this Teabagging Talibornagain bigot.
I loved Kucinich, but I didn't vote for him.
Israeli identified as man held in stabbings probe
Danziger Toon: Wake Up, Morans!
Imagine a world where there is a huge muslim middle class in
The Dodd v. Warren Soap Opera... 'Chris Dodd, Top Democrat, Fights Against Elizabeth Warren' /HuffPo
The Dodd v. Warren Soap Opera... 'Chris Dodd, Top Democrat, Fights Against Elizabeth Warren' /HuffPo
I have given this whole 'Professional Left' thing a little thought
Here's to all the weddings that will take place on August 18th
Official Opinion Received in DC, Direct from WaPo: Gibbs is a 'truth-teller'
my LTTE printed today re:disregard for troops/suicide,and the willingness to blame
After 23 months and some odd days, I finally have a job again.
My Letter to my Congressman regarding Robert Gibbs
Bob Cavnar: "the well is not dead or 'static'" and pressure is building on the wellhead
"I welcome their hatred." -Franklin Delano Roosevelt
A simple "professional left" test:
The Professional Left---Let's name names.
Whats your opinion of Chuck Todd?
Posts by Ben Quayle (as Brock Landers) on
Thank you SO much to who ever gave me my star!
(Update!) Tell Fox: Union Members ARE Rocket Scientists
Krugman calls Gibbs "stupid" - twice.
I am so mad that we went into 2009 with SO MUCH momentum behind us and then wasted it!
Ohio Bans Use of Public Funds for Offshore Outsourcing
Desperate In Atlanta (And How Many Other Places?)
Article: Post-Anti-Americanism in Europe
Jeremy Scahill: Kucinich Makes a Serious Push to Ban Govt. Assassinations of US Citizens
Seniors still have no idea about what the new health care law gives them.
We've just got to have Obama II.... a second term
Republicans love the constitution, hate the constitution, love babies, hate babies.
Is there enough time to get the Democratic Base and Mainstream Democrats Engaged for the Mid-Terms?
Is there enough time to get the Democratic Base and Mainstream Democrats Engaged for the Mid-Terms?
Nouriel Roubini: U.S. financial "reform" law is "not sufficient to stop the next financial crisis"
You guys and your "trickle down" heat waves.
Exclusive: Ground Zero Mosque Goes Green
Dan Quayle's kid is also stupid.
Jon Stewart: Boehner's Stance On The Economy Is 'Profoundly Retarded' (VIDEO)
Glenn Beck does not oppose gay marriage
The professional left changed millions of lives
Wow, former head of Carlyle group
Anyone know this answer? How much more would an iPad cost if built in the USA?
Anyone know this answer? How much more would an iPad cost if built in the USA?
DU Member Never Cry Wolf has passed away
Will a depression ever be declared by the administration ?
Should Robert Gibbs Be Fired, Resign, Keep His Job?
If I hear one more time that the "Corporate Tax Rate" in the US is 35%, I think I might just lose it
The real Professional Left -people who have made social justice their life's work
So why isn't Obama stopping the loss of LGBT members of the military?
I think we should have a fund drive to fight those RJ Fuckers.
Massive fish kills in Gulf as government opens areas to fishing---Obama admin. appears incompetent
If you really want to punish Gibbs, here's what you do...
Is Obama a Professional Liberal?
Is Obama a Professional Liberal?
Spectacular Meteor Shower and Rare Planet Alignment Coincide
A letter to the Catfood Commission--and the response
Man punches out dad of autistic kid who was being 'noisy' in Olive Garden
BREAKING Prop 8: Walker says no stay on gay marriage
Tillman Father to Army So-Called Investigator: "F**k You and Yours"
As I slowly and seductively removed my sexy outfit - Ben Quayle
The spin that Gibbs' comments were aimed at a small group of liberal elites
WSJ/NBC Poll: Voter Opinion of Republican Party Falls to All-Time Low
The HCO for which I work wants employee suggestions on how to lower costs
Boy, 4, kills himself with dad's gun
Righthaven sues Democratic Underground website over R-J posting
Gibbs' defenders' favorite strawman
Is Political Conservatism a Mild Form of Insanity? - Article in Psychology Today Magazine
Obama mortgages the Gulf of Mexico to BP
Oh hell yes - my Brothers and Sister - oh hell YES!!!
Oh hell yes - my Brothers and Sister - oh hell YES!!!
President Obama: "Please Commit to Vote in 2010"
Firefighter cited after confronting man who didn’t remove hat during national anthem
Mosque near Ground Zero being developed as planned
If Lt Col Fehrenbach is fired this week or early next both he and we were lied to
Why doesn't Congress come up with a Small Business Creation
Prop. 8 appellants don't even have standing to appeal, judge writes
Time Reporter Who Wrote Horrifying Afghan War Cover Story-"Benefited Materially From The Invastion"
I'm trying to understand to thought process that drives this WH
ACTION ALERT: Support Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach & LGBT service members!
Jesu, Ed, no president can create jobs. The business community needs to invest.
President Barack Obama has lost the most trusted man in the Hispanic media.
USF says government tried to squelch their oil plume findings
For those of you who are silly enough to think there are any actual "far leftists" on DU--
Raw Story...US Judge: OK to extract confessions by threatening suspects with rape
UPDATE: General Motors To Invest $500M In Mexico Plant
The Fox News audience is old and it's going to die soon.
The jet blue fight attendent is HIV pos....
Question: I am curious about a remark made by Aravosis in response to the Gibbs public meltdown.
The "professional left" message boiled down
Interesting point I'd never heard before: The Salem Hypothesis
Dr. Laura's N-Word Rant: Radio Host Apologizes For Offensive Language (AUDIO)
Eleanor Roosevelt was a woodchuck
20 Worst-Paying College Degrees in 2010
20 Worst-Paying College Degrees in 2010
It is money raising season... and I got the obligatory call
Iraqi army not ready to take over until 2020 ..isn't that special?
Florida's 1st District Appeals Court gets "$48 million 'Taj Mahal"
The internet left fringe needs to get out of their pajamas, realize governing is hard.
How to Prove Your Citizenship after the GOOPers Win
I will vote for Democrats in November
Social Security--very, very popular. I mean REALLY popular.
Al Gore: 'The United States Government as a Whole Has Failed Us' on Global Warming
Here's a Silver Bullet to Eliminate Illegitimate Corporate Interference Ads (Citizens United)
Dedicated to Gibbs From the Left"They don't really Care About Us"
What? Barbara Boxer polling behind Carly Fiorino in CA?
Are there any driving laws you'd like to see changed?
Paul Krugman: In The Matter Of Robert L. Gibbs
Yeah, but what about the one seems to care! Who can eat at a time like this?
The theory of relativity is a liberal conspiracy?
Has anyone here actually had "pieces left behind"?
VIDEO - Take a look at what this Australian saw when they looked up at their bedroom ceiling...
Why can Apple make such cool stuff, and make such shitty incomprehensible interfaces and software?
Anyone else get emails about Federal grants?
I want this to happen to the RIAA!
Cat parents, a question about 12.5 oz. cans of cat food... how do you keep the food
Is Netflix streaming flaking out for anyone else tonight or is it just me?
Jon Bon Jovi & Luciano Pavarotti - Let It Rain
Would you like to be... in a platypus' beaver... with me?
Here's what I find hysterical about the irate flight attendant story
LOL. "Melon Michaelangelo's" This you gotta see.
Whatever man. Here's something you weren't expecting. Thubs up or thumbs down?
Rand Paul forced me to spay and neuter puppies
"My picker is broken." Meaning one's SO-picker. Aargh, I hate that expression!
Molly's back with more babies!!!! (the owl)
If you're into R&B & Soul, check out Eli "Paperboy" Reed!
Your worst nightmare has come true. Waldo has just finished Philosophy 101...
I don't know about you, but whenever I see little teeny-tiny pricks, they make me giggle and say AWW
What constitutes a sex thread?
The Flying Burrito Brothers - Six Days on the Road
I've decided to clean my house, so I'm reading through my backlog of newspapers
Unfortunate entryway to gulf souvenir shop (pic)
don't want to spoil the cache thread
I'm ALWAYS running late. Anyone else? (be back on later)
Not that I am an enabler. But...
Safety instructions THAT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!
Why? Why why why-why-why? Why'd they do it?!?!?!?!?
Did you ever want to change your name when you were a kid? My youngest has
Freedom of Speech (the Adorability Factor)...
Holy Crap! The worlds smallest sculptures.
If American Idol was for actual singers, like Ms. Evancho, and not shitty shitbags, I'd watch it.
my life is officially over in two weeks
my life is officially over in two weeks
This meeting of Chuggo Youth will now come (on, fuckin' guy) to order
Progressive or open internet alternative to Google email
This is for all of you RW SOBs crusing this board
So after months of being unemployed I get a job, and then:
Should I get Droid 2 or Droid X?
I bought Wells Banana Bread beer tonight, ask me mostly anything
iPhone users have more sex than Android users
unsub. unsub. unsub. unsub. UNSUB. UNSUB! UNSUB!!!!
August 12, 1968:Led Zeppelin's 1st rehersal.
But will my great grandson want my iPod?
Ok this is probably dumb, but can someone explain a flat universe to me?
I'm watching James Bond trying to keep a nuclear bomb from going off in an air base.
It is too serious in here, so I will tell my syphilis story.
Does this mean a watermelon can grow in your stomach?
Are you sometimes/often/usually unaware of your surroundings?
I could use some thoughts on a project for work...
Oh crap! I have made HUGH FOE PAS in GD!!
Help with Electrical Plug Conversion
Just found out this morning that my client sent me a RUBBER CHECK.
Live from New York...It's Saturday MUFFIN! :D
I just replaced the thingamajig in the whatdoyoucallit on the gizmo that controls my shower.
Ever serve on a library board?
This Robert Shaw scene from Jaws about the Indianapolis still gives me chills
the GAY BAR is open! - in honor of the night! congrats and thank you california!
James Cameron talks Avatar 2 and Avatar 3
Anyone know a good way to get the taste of gasoline out of your mouth?
Last Night I Was Jumped From Behind, Robbed, Beaten, Ended Up In The Hospital
The indignities that cats put up with
This is my 10,000th post on DU. Ask me anything!
grand baby 6 weeks trying to crawl.
When would you use these "smilies"?
The Cache Thread: Needs some lime green trim
As a follow-up to the "suicide thread", I would like to make a separate OP to call attention...
Do you know anyone who has committed suicide?
Is it me, or do these two look remarkably similar?
SF / Bay Area DUers -- time to get together!
So much for the media saying the President is a negative in campaigning for democrats
The Professional Left and Right
Daily Kos: "We Got So Many Things Done So Quick, People Forgot!"
Is this where I can find the Professional Centrists?
Serious question - what is the end game?
I would like to say that I am glad that HCR paid of for someone
GOP-sponsored poll says Zaun leads Boswell
Paul apologizes for Fancy Farm beer flub
Obama To Sign Manufacturing Bill
’99ers Waiting on Tier 5 Unemployment Extension Need to Know Why Businesses Aren’t Hiring
U.S. black farmers ask why some get aid and they wait
China offers tax break to blunt India’s edge in outsourcing
The press doesn’t get Robert Gibbs
Judge orders Wells Fargo to pay $203 million in overdraft fee suit
Fast-fading US recovery now looks even weaker
NYT: G.M. Turnaround Continues With Strong Quarter
Obama’s choice wins in Colo. vote
"If anyone can't see (Bush's) love for our nations troops, they must be dead.."
Dear Penthouse, I’m just a Republican Candidate who went to a well-endowed ..
Obama On His Mind: McCain Still Campaigning Against '08 Rival
'That Kind Of Talk Is Dangerous'
Krugman calls out NYT piece hyping Paul Ryan
Will Palin get the R nomination in 2012 ?
McCain is now officially creeping me out.
Police Official In Reid Ad Slams Angle: She's Promoting 'Armed Resistance' (VIDEO)
Ugandan rebels said to kill 255 in central Africa
Is this really possible this quickly? In La., signs of regrowth seen in oiled marshes
Australia not asked to charge Wikileaks chief Julian Assange
Republicans' tax policy: "If it's for millionaires, it's good." (with chart)
Thank You Rachel Maddow For Being A Part Of....
Afghanistan Money Probe Hits Close to the President (The net is tightening on Karzai)
The South Rises Again - and Skews National Polls
Colombia, Venezuela to reconcile against stealthy infiltration
The Press to Michelle Obama -- Be More Like Laura Bush!
AK-Sen: Teabagger candidate using fake poll numbers?
Jon Stewart on Crossfire. Gibbs on Professional Lefts and Rights.
The First Wave of Weary White House Aides Heads for the Exits
Gulf of Mexico `Dead Zone' Grows as Spill Impact Is Studied
Magnitude 6.9 quake hits Ecuador: USGS
Angle won't attend tea party rally
Robert Gibbs did something else no one has been able to do:
U.N. warns of second wave of Pakistani flood deaths
Here's giving Obama a little credit re: the jobs bill.
Foreclosures Surge As Obama's Approval Rate Drops
One day, Achilles was challenged to a race by a tortoise.
U.S. bailouts benefited foreign firms, report says
Howard Dean and Dennis Kucinich
Man arrested at Atlanta airport in stabbings spree
The coming bloodbath in GOP state parties.
'Game of chicken' coming in Congress over Bush tax cuts
Prop 8 judge will issue ruling regarding a stay of the decision on Thursday morning
Media Matters: MSNBC is not the left's Fox News
Rachel Maddow Challenges Obama On Don't Ask, Don't Tell: 'Stand Up For What Is Right' (VIDEO)
Ezra Klein: The Bush Tax Plan vs. The Obama Tax Plan
Al Gore: 'The United States Government as a Whole Has Failed Us' on Global Warming
GOP stalwart puts money on Brown
Massachusetts: Lewis Enters Open-Seat Race As Independent
From the NBC/WSJ poll, so much for Obama's Katrina
Republicans are now worse than Bush
Iraqi general says planned US troop pull-out 'too soon'
Another Billboard in the Heartland Links President Obama to Hitler
Savannah Guthrie Tweets: Elizabeth Warren just left the White House grounds
What is/are your Goal(s) as a Political Activist and are you achieving it/them?
Who can we blame for job losses?
GOP plan to extend tax cuts for rich adds $36 billion to deficit, panel finds
Yes We Can video- we need to fight the obstructionists
American Indians' civil rights focus of gathering
Prop 8 Judge to Issue Ruling Thursday on Starting Same-Sex Weddings Again
Hayworth suggests McCain would be worse than Obama
GM Posts $1.33B Profit in Sign of Growing Strength
Lugar expects to seek 7th Senate term in 2012
Fed aid extended to jobless homeowners
AFSCME support helps boost Dayton to victory
Normal for Dems to run ads praising Bush?
Elizabeth Warren Spotted At White House
John McCain has bent with the wind in his Arizona primary. Will he snap upright again?
Clicktivism is ruining leftist activism
Minnick(D) to help Vernon Baker's(Medal of Honor) Widow Attend Burial(Arlington)
'Ground Zero Mosque' Imam Was A Bush-Era Partner For Mideast Peace
New jobless claims rise to highest level since February
It's Fair To Be Critical, But To Say "There's No Difference Between Obama and Bush"
When the left start taking hits I turn to JFK's "Liberal Definition"
Mitrice Richardson's Remains Found
Kansas GOP Candidate Removes Tweet Attacking Indian-American Challenger As An ‘Evil’ ‘Turban Topper’
Judge orders identities of commenters(bloggers) be revealed
Fidel Castro address to Cuban National Assembly w/Q&A on CSPAN now. (10:05 am)
Tibetan Writer’s Intellectual Journey Leads to Trial
New York's jobless 99ers channel anger in Wall Street protest, demand unemployment extension
Savannah Guthrie tweet re Elizabeth Warren: No decisions imminent, says WH official
Just as I thought, get ready for a cluster Fxxk
Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani (Iranian woman facing stoning) 'confesses' to murder on Iran state TV
Rand Paul Not a Kidnapper "In a Legal Sense," Accuser Says
98% of incumbents have won this year. Is the Political Tsunami really just a ripple?
Paul Krugman: Gibbs' "professional left" comments unprofessional, unfair and stupid
Durbin undergoes surgery to remove stomach tumor
Some in the "professional left" mimic the main stream media.
Robert Gibbs appreciation thread: I support Robert Gibbs!
San Francisco: a free market in parking begins
Florida Court Upholds Right Of Pregnant Woman To Determine Medical Care
Officer off Gitmo jury for agreeing with Obama
Is MoveOn sitting out the 2010 election?
The Nation: Afghan Women Have Already Been Abandoned
China examines milk powder 'premature puberty' reports
Why is Newt often called an intellectual?
The ACLU praised the Obama administration for ending Bush's torture policies
Former Rep. Tancredo has no intention of quitting Colo. governor's race
French arrest cyber-crime suspect for U.S.
Politico comes to Gibbs' defense
Howard Dean: "I've said I'm supporting the president in 2012."
US heat wave just preview of future: study
Judge: Calif. gay marriages can resume Aug. 18
WikiLeaks preparing to release more Afghan files
Postdoctoral Researchers in California Ratify Labor Deal
Angle won't attend tea party rally
Dell shareholders reject union proposals
Obama just emailed me - I should "commit to vote in 2010"...BHO,
Kucinich Calls for Party Unity
Buck: Republicans are also to blame for 'mess' in Washington
GM CEO Whitacre says will step down Sept. 1
Many Americans don't want government to push fast Internet (American selfishness marches on)
Many Americans don't want government to push fast Internet (American selfishness marches on)
I'm pissed about socialised medicare in Australia and here's why
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday August 12
Obama Effigy Replaced by Hillary and Bush
US Senate passes $600m Mexico border bill
Two men were trying to get to the top of a cliff.
Man Arrested in Serial Stabbing Case
Tamil migrant ship not boarded: military
US: Firms must spell out workers' benefit rights
Democrats Blast Ben Quayle As The 'Son Of The Worst Vice President EVER'
US broadband plan 'not a priority' finds survey
Wedding Bells To Ring Proposition 8 Stay LIFTED By Judge Vaughn Walker
BP agrees to pay record $50.6m fine for Texas explosion
UK Markets dive as depression fears grow/Trouble Abroad Adds to Worries for U.S. Recovery
Not happy with Obama on the economy? Let's see how other countries are doing:
BP Links Compensation With Continued Oil Production In The Gulf
Dems getting heat from left over food cuts
Ben Quayle admits writing for 'Dirty Scottsdale' Web site
In La., signs of regrowth seen in oiled marshes
Why is there greater demand for Gibbs resignation than for Boehner's defeat?
Serious Question: What are the chances Obama will choose to not seek re-election?
Kerry op-ed on the Republican attacks on the 14th amendment
Glaxo's anti-seizure drug may cause meningitis: FDA
Holy Mackeral! Obama puts Employee Free Choice Act back on the table.
False and fundamentally dishonest framing: "Gibbs meant the 'just like Bush' types."
Alito refers 'birther' attorney Taitz's request to Supreme Court
Rep. Kucinich Won't Challenge Obama in Primary
OBAMA: WARREN is a champion...., she, among others, is a strong contender for this position'
GOP plan to extend tax cuts for rich adds $36 billion to deficit, panel finds
Lesbian cadet quits West Point, cites 'don't ask'
Do my fellow DUers give the Obama administration credit for saving the Auto Industry?
Target back in liberals' cross hairs over political contribution
Gibbs' attack video against Howard Dean
BP May Not Need to Finish Drilling Relief Well, Allen Says
BP May Not Need to Finish Drilling Relief Well, Allen Says
Only a fourth of troops surveyed on gays respond
ACLU chief: "If there has been change in the civil liberties context, I frankly don't see it."
AP Exclusive: Aid workers' last moments (before Taliban murdered them)
Limpy The Hut Ties Jet Blue Guy To Obama
Evil Inequality In the Works for the Web
Brit Admiral explains the British Military Industrial Complex to John Cleese (humor)
Congressman Alan Grayson: Obama Administration suffering from Stockholm Syndrome
Olbermann: Angle Shuts Out Hispanics
Covering Congress from DC or from Afar, Netroots Nation Training
WOW, Republican Cop backs Harry Reid
Hot Topix with Michele Bachmann
Glenn Beck was for the bailouts before he was against them!
Christian Lady Protests Gay Marriage in NC, Comments on Blacks
S.3706 is good for America GOP's can't fight this Bill. Here's why
EXCLUSIVE: Obama Boardwalk Fair Game at The Jersey Shore Replaced with Clinton and Bush
The Spawn of Dan Quayle...Meet BIG BAD BEN!
ACLU Says Obama Enshrining Bush-Era Policies - Democracy NOW!
AC360: Fareed Zakaria Discusses The Muslim Community Center & Why He Returned The ADL Award
Jane Hamsher & Glenn Greenwald Discuss Fallout From Gibbs' "Professional Left" Comments
Liberal Caught at Rand Paul Rally, GOP Destroyed Economy and the Ground Zero Mosque Song!
Young Turks: Rep Pence: Job Saving Bill Is A 'Handout'
Build CONCENTRATION CAMPS says GOP candidate
Reagan Budget Director: GOP Destroyed the Economy
Haiti's Next President? Wyclef Jean Discusses His Credentials With Al Jazeera English's Riz Khan
Rachel Maddow: DADT vs. The Right to Serve (Parts 1, 2, 3, 4)
Midweek Politics: Tony Perkins' #2 flunkie smacked down on Prop 8 & gay parenting by actual academic
Gagged for 6 Years National Security Letter Plaintiff Finally Free To Speak
Sarah Palin rolls her eyes at a teacher, and then denies it.'s Jane Hamsher on Dem. Reaction to Robert Gibbs'
In the mood for a good cry--- I mean a damn good cry?
AC360: Bruce Feiler SCHOOLS Insane Pastor Who'd Just "Disparaged 1Billion Muslims" Live On CNN Int.
Nancy Skinner with Megyn Kelly Fox News discussing states trying to block health care 080310
Kucinich's Reply To Gibbs: "The Criticism Is Really A Measure Of Hopes That Have Not Been Realized"
Grover Norquist Testifies to the Obama Deficit Commission
Ed Schultz: Robert Gibbs Drips Arrogance
Afghanistan Special Oops Report
Target of FBI Gag Order to Speak Freely After 6 Years..Raw Story
Gulf Oil Spill's Worst-Hit Victims (Hint: You Can't See Them)
Dramatic Compromise Offered by Opponents of Ground Zero's Cordoba House
Pakistan TV blocked over Zardari shoe-throwing
Planned destabilisation or social chaos? Venezuela murder mystery
New Yorker: The Empty Chamber (article about the Senate)
Warning: Racism Is Bad for Your Health
Unemployment Extension: 99ers Rally to Call for Tier 5
WTF! GOP Goes WWF! But Even $25 Million Can't Buy a Lot of Love
Fast-fading US recovery now looks even weaker
(Nevada) State Democratic Party fighting R-J copyright lawsuit (Las Vegas Sun | 5 August)
Mosque Mania: Anti-Muslim Fears and the Far Right
Religion & Using fear to control "White" America.
America's Biggest Jobs Program -- the U.S. Military
Global Weirding: Extreme Climate Events Dominate Summer
Computer science breakthrough: The end of P = NP?
Clicktivism is ruining leftist activism
Seized: Inside the Brutal World of America's Kidnapping Capital
As Netroots Rage at Gibbs, Long-Term Jobless Left Behind
Eric Alterman: Newt Gingrich Is Crazier Than You Think
Pakistan floods strand the poor while rich go to higher ground
Operation False Positive: Behind the Colombia / Venezuela Tensions
Waters And Rangel: Conspiracy Or Abuse Of Power? [OPINION]
New York's Jobless 99er's Channel Anger in Wall Street Protest
How propagandists function: Exhibit A
US oil spills hit support for Canada mega-pipeline
The fate of mass transit in an age of deficit hysteria
Canada: Canadian Solar to Proceed with 200 MW Module Assembly Plant (FIT = jobs)
China Solar Projects Draw Interest From 50 Companies (none from US)
Hyundai Heavy inks US$700 million to build solar power plants in Arizona
Heres a short video showing how the Aussies do it
U.S. firm's landmark solar deal with China starts off with a bang, then fizzles (US co. screwed)
Feed-in Tariffs Responsible for Three-Quarters of World’s Solar PV (everywhere but US)
Iran ready to launch Bushehr nuclear power plant: official
Spanish Solar Manufacturer to Locate U.S. Headquarters to Surprise, Arizona
The World’s Greenest Cities, Then and Now
Bangladesh to shut {natural} gas stations amid power crisis (BBC)
Ford to build solar energy system to power production of electric and hybrid vehicles
Atlantis Unveils Largest, Most Powerful Tidal Turbine (UK)
10 indicators of a human footprint on climate change
Sorry if this has been posted already, but everyone should see this.
Why didnt the O's Hire Showalter months ago?
I'm so happy about the Prop 8 ruling that I ALMOST don't care...
Here it is. Who will win the darts championships...
Rob Dibble amazed by Women at a baseball game...
The New Jersey Nets to change their team name in 2012 when they move to Brooklyn
Travel Warning for Colombia (U.S. State Department, June 25, 2010)
Planned destabilisation or social chaos? Venezuela murder mystery
Haiti quake was caused by previously unknown fault
Colombian court postpones decision on military pact with U.S.
for those of you who won't be traveling to Colombia due to travel warning, an alternative
Seismic Activity in Guatemala Continues
Bolivian protests prompt U.S. travel alert
Heads up LatAm DUsers, Fidel Castro's address to CNA on CSPAN now (10:05)
Operation False Positive: Behind the Colombia / Venezuela Tensions
Wyclef Jean on NPR ATC August 9 (Wyclef refers to Wyclef in 3rd person, again)
Strong explosion rocks Colombia radio station
Why can anti-gun people not just shut up and mind their own business?
Girl loads rifle to spook burglars
Today in Labor History Aug 12 Coal company guards kill 7, wound 40 miners, NAFTA was concluded &more
Fox says unions couldn't build an Iphone
I just watched "Prop 8 the Mormon Proposition"
HomoQuotable - Jonathan Rauch: Walker uses the Constitution to put compromise out of bounds
Minister targeted for performing legal gay marriages
ACTION ALERT: Support Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach & LGBT service members!
A dispatch from transgender camp for kids.
Longest Kiss Attempt Rescheduled to September
Wash. Signatures Back in Court
Judge to rule on stay Thursday in Prop. 8 case
A record breaking kiss for LGBT rights
Judge Walker’s Ruling Extending Stay Until August 18— What Does It Mean and What Happens Next?
Any DUers getting Married. I'll be in the Bay Area 8/15- 8/26..invite me
We (Almost) Have Marriage Equality -- Ari Ezra Waldman
LGBT attorneys: What do I need to know about the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal?
Question regarding Fall Seasonal Contest
Guerilla - is what he called it
How Mom showed us a good time in Key West tonight
Homeless Take On Israeli Forces
Lebanon PM: UN must probe claims of Israeli complicity in Hariri murder
Giant Ultraviolet Rings Found in Resurrected Galaxies
NGC 4696: a cosmic question mark
Strange pulsar found by volunteer army
Spectacular VISTA of the Tarantula (new space image)
Arctic "Rosetta Stone": New Discovery Provides Snapshot of Earth Billions of Years Ago
"The First Trillionth of a Second of Time"
New Monkey Sports Bushy Red Beard
How 250 Years of Progress Gave Us the Most Complicated Clock Ever
The Slow, Whining Death of British Christianity
Netanyahu rejects peace talks based on 1967 borders
Enjoy life, take a big bite every day
Maybe some ASAP peeps can help?
Sjogren's / sicca / dry mouth - something that might help a little...
For the Week of August 12, 2010&Saturn,Uranus,Pluto aspects
What would you do today if you were brave?
Have I told you all how much I LUV ricochetastroman lately?
Debunking the '3 times more likely to be the victim' myth -- reprise
Doctor finds plant growing inside man's lung
Me and my elderly Mom participated in a H1N1 study and just got back the results.