The last 24hrs of Police Misconduct news reports from the InjusticeNews Twitter feed
Russia To Activate Reactor At Iran's Nuclear Plant On Aug. 21
I'm so sick of hearing about the profess left..the far left..whatever
Olbermann reading Thurber - what do you think?
Trader Joe's sells cheap tomatoes through slave labor?...
Wisc. Catholic Diocese Will Fire Employees Using State-Mandated Birth Control Services
Hannity came down on a Libertarian on the side of "INTERPRETATION" of the Constitution instead of
Muslims: Now they aren't people (According to a conservative)
Presidents vacationing on the beach through the ages (yes they did)
Some translation to what Engel (Richard) is saying
Private prisons, charter schools--invest to make money!
Like father, like son? Quayle stumbles in Arizona
How the Google/Verizon proposal could kill the internet in 5 years
Boy mauled a 2nd time by same dog; dog to be put down
Sacramento 'crash tax' gets boos from insurers, businesses
Check it out. Guess what Jan Brewers' private prison company calls itself?
Pakistan flood crisis raises fears of country's collapse
NFL player marries his stalker
Mandatory Friday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! TGIF!! Best of
Roaches can't stand sunlight: Klein (NYC) reverses course on kicking autistic kids to the curb
The "Distorters Without Borders"
I Want Corporations Out of My Business!
OMG. Help me post a comeback for this crap:
Hey, "Dr." Laura: I will always "demonize whites hating blacks".
Mr. Gibbs, flag waver for the right.
400K sent DADT survey. 150K respond by the deadline. I can assume the rest don't much give a shit.
Wheat the new gold in time of plenty for US farmers
Obama supports the Mosque near GZ...
Why do wingnuts always start race wars (well skirmishes at least)?
Fox News Ignores Laura Schlessinger’s Racist ‘N-Word’ Tirade
Federal appeals court in NY rules against ACORN
German journalist Götz Aly denounces pension system
Does anyone like their Ipad today???
Pat Tillmans father says " Fuck You" to army investigator
My Friday night drunken Twitter Rant - 120 Characters at a time ;)
Mom 'groped' by Donald Duck sues Disney
3 states see surge in IDs for illegal immigrants
The Accountablity Project - My E-mail From The DNC.......
"We all know what McCain looks like when he's really mad and this ain't it."
Businesses offering discounts to Tea Party members
New private university signals drive to privatise higher education in Britain
U.S. soldiers' mission shows Afghan war's uncertainties
Man fights off polar bear using ancient inuit technique; A.K.A. punching it in the face
Pentagon Papers leaker Ellsberg testifies at Iraq war protester's trial
A reason for optimism in diagnosing, treating TBI
Why Germany Is a Nation in Conflict
Guantánamo: A Prison That Stains US Moral Authority
Rachel doing more on the PRIVATE prisons in AZ
So, New Yorkers, how do you feel about David Paterson brining Shariah Law to the Big Apple?
Did anyone here honestly believe Dr Laura wasn't a wingnut BEFORE this incident?
Commentary: America will lose when we win in Afghanistan
Just look what one person can do (homeless story)
Man pleads not guilty in Calif. freeway shootout (Intercepted enroute to shoot up the ACLU)
Is anyone else having trouble getting on YouTube this morning?
If bedbugs can make it there, they'll make it anywhere......
Republican government employees
Who would you support in a 2012 presidential primary?
Protesters denounce Google plan for 'two-tier internet'
Things you'd like to see on TV
Moonset over the Newberry Volcano rim last night - 8/12/10 (DIAL-UP WARNING)
Imports Hit Second-Quarter GDP Growth
F.D.A. Approves 5-Day Emergency Contraceptive
The Conservative Scorpion & the Liberal Story...
Just signed up to volunteer at free clinic in NO
Sharon Angle supports social security privatization because...Chile's done it!
Sometimes little things matter: "Grassy Knoll"
We're killing the planet while turning the US into a third world kleptocracy!
Violence Haunts Iraq's Youngest Victims Of War
Afghans protest against civilian deaths
No Double Standards in Cutting Defense Fat
Virginia politicians plan JFCOM counterattack
Glenn Greenwald: "The 'Mosque' Opposition Is Like the New Black Panther 'Scandal...'"
Glenn Greenwald: "The 'Mosque' Opposition Is Like the New Black Panther 'Scandal...'"
Republicans quiet as church mice about hot summer
"The issue I can sense brewing on hate sites is 'These Muslims are celebrating on September 11'"
The RW loons are in full-on FREAK-THE-FUCK-OUT mode.
U.S. withdrawal from Iraq: Ending or outsourcing the war?
FDA OKs new, five-day emergency contraceptive
Explaining Net Neutrality in a Way Tea Partiers Can Understand...
Good News... 'Laborers' International Union Expected To Rejoin AFL-CIO' - HuffPo
Ollie North: Mid-Summer Madness
Gibbs wants progessives to hold Obama accountable while simultaneously smearing everyone who's tried
Pawlenty at bottom of CNN presidential poll
YES! Magazine: My Tiny, Free House
4 hours of conversations with HOWARD ZINN on "This Is Hell!" - 10am EDT - stream link
Rush Limbaugh Claims Democrats Are Keeping Black People Out of Power
Latin America debates marijuana law
Happy Ramadan: McCain Joins Anti-Mosque Campaign
The Dems have themselves to blame
52 Percent of Vacationers Traveling to U.S. Cities This Summer Will Use Local Public Transit Service
Embrace the left, Mr. President...
Judge: Roseville Galleria visitors can talk to strangers
Afghans blame civilian deaths on U.S. despite spike from insurgent violence
It's amazing that dittoheads think the Washington Post is a liberal paper. Bull
WikiLeaks says it won't be threatened by Pentagon
Senator Bernie Sanders: Name Elizabeth Warren to Consumer Post
friends-"Their Side" is busy...latest propaganda meeting released:
Is chronic long-term high unemployment being "built" into this economy ?
Gallup survey: In U.S., Confidence in Newspapers, TV News Remains a Rarity
LAT: Prop. 8 backers ask for permanent hold on same-sex marriage ruling
Olbermann Blasts Dr. Laura: 'Genuine, Blind Ignorant Racism' (VIDEO) Not The "N" Word
75 Years Ago Today Social Security Became Law
Bristol Palin, Levi Johnston Agree on Custody
Road Trip !!! - 'Free Admission: National Park Service Waives Fees This Weekend'
Oh, the humanity! Hindenburg omen in stock market
Guess Who Else Disagrees With Google’s Net Neutrality Plan? Google In 2006
Laborers' International Union Expected To Rejoin AFL-CIO
I do not believe what You believe.
Five Dead N*ggers vs. Eleven Uttered N*ggers: A Racial Scorecard
Holey shit....a caller on C-span just said what I wanted to say
Demoralized socialist wonders who she can give her dreams to
Speaking of idiots.... meet Dan Fanelli
How should we react to your Obama primary challenge vote?
President Obama's approval hits personal all-time low in Gallup tracking
Ever seen Democrats demonizing a small minority to whip up their base like Republibaggers do?
Will Medicare checks in the mail help Democrats?
Will The WikiLeaks Saga End The Near 40 Year U.S. Involvement In Afghani Conflict?
My brain has been attacked by a fringe nut zombie
"The member has been escorted from the building with extreme prejudice."
Sacred artifacts returned to Northern Calif tribe
Sex Offender Hired As A BP Cleanup Subcontractor Now Accused Of Rape
Isiah Thomas protests gay marriage ban
Bachmann crosses line-Compares herself to Paul Wellstone
Court says Roseville mall's chat policy illegal
my advice to the Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh talk radio types
Democrats urge Alvin Greene to drop Senate bid after indictment
Female Gulf War Veterans send a Letter to CNN: (asking to report the truth)
Why doesn't the President get credit for controlling oil spill??
what is the official consensus here on abortion?
Received notice that marijuana collective is opening in my neighborhood
If it were being done to you, you'd understand in a heartbeat
Nixon's backers make last stand over Watergate
Bottom of the anti-mosque barrel
Michael Moore: Profits Up at GM! And You're Still Unemployed
Aren't the teabaggers walking around with The Constitution in their pockets, waving it while spewing
So---what does it take to really piss us off?
A toggle-switch with whiskers. . . . Please come CAPTION Head Wreck, The Gnat!!!
FDA OKs new "morning-after" pill
Remedial Reading For Republicans
Remedial Reading For Republicans
Floods affect 20m people - Pakistan PM Gilani
"Call it the National Defense Full Employment Act"
Wow. I finally listened to "Dr." Laura. I don't think I lack a "sense of humor" to be offended.
Wow. The Ring of Fire is really on fire today (earthquakes)
Take this job and shove it! (Which politician is on the verge of going "Jet Blue"?)
"Freedom From Want."-Stop the Plot Against Seniors by Alan Grayson
Narco-blogger beats Mexico drug war news blackout
According to FEMA, Palau is probably the safest place to live
Roger Ebert on Christopher Hitchens
Haiti: Wyclef Jean for president?
Haiti: Wyclef Jean for president?
Chernobyl: The Gift That Never Stops Giving
Chernobyl: The Gift That Never Stops Giving
Obama urges tourism to aid Gulf economy post-spill
Oh, Those? Pay No Attention to the Other Mosques Near the World Trade Center
Al Gore Is Worse Than Charles Manson
Federal Aid To States Signed Into Law
Federal Aid To States Signed Into Law
Rupert Murdoch 'to launch US digital newspaper'
Haiti- Rape in the Camps: Lacking Security, Women Organize to Protect Themselves
Bum's gold rush for creditable guy
Neil Young to play Gulf Coast tour
Jeremy Scahill gave a speech yesterday that is well worth listening to
Obama defends right to build mosque near 9/11 site
WMO: Unprecedented sequence of extreme weather events is consistent with climate change
Letter Carriers Honor Vigilant (HERO) Residents & slide show
DU opinion poll on foreign policy.
OK, imagine you've claimed a business bankruptcy. Are these personal expenses excessive?
LA Times: Economic fears rise as disappointing figures pile up
JetBlue flight attendant wants his old job back
Boehner Is Wrong. Americans Don’t Support Social Security Cuts
GPS seen as threat to privacy (query by a finance company to put GPS devices in vehicles it finances
NYT: No Reveling for Democrats, Despite Achievements
Obama: Oil stopped, but Gulf job far from done
Obama: Oil stopped, but Gulf job far from done
America’s biggest — and only major — jobs program is the U.S. military - by: Robert Reich
Rep. Waters: Ethics case is about access for those who are not heard by decision makers
Was it excessive? You make the call: Staff Tackles and Chokes Deaf Shopper for Shoplifting
US plans $60b arms sale to Saudis
If You Are A Registered Democrat In South Carolina, Do You Vote For Alvin Greene ?
Will Obama Fix the S. Korea Free Trade Agreement?
Local Fox station just ran the "church is gonna burn Korans on 9-11" story
Fla. bear cub with jar stuck on head is freed
Fla. bear cub with jar stuck on head is freed
Guardian UK: US cities face up to massive cuts
Guardian UK: US cities face up to massive cuts
Question for DUers - Is Lady Blah Blah the first governor
Question for DUers - Is Lady Blah Blah the first governor
Huffington Post: Steve Parker: Is NHTSA Working for Toyota or To Find the Truth?
Huffington Post: Steve Parker: Is NHTSA Working for Toyota or To Find the Truth?
Over at the exploding heads site (FR) they know nothing about the mosque at the Pentagon
OK... I've Decided... Elizabeth Warren Is My Last Straw !!!
New and hilarious entry in the Urban Dictionary: Gohmert (v)
The Muslim population country by country.
Playing the CFPB Nomination Game (Elizabeth Warren) - FDL
Ethicists Charge Doctor With Trying to Prevent Homosexuality in the Womb
Now Obama is clarifying he is not commenting on the "wisdom" of putting mosque near Ground Zero
Doesn't anyone believe Ken Lay's death was very 'convenient'?
Whitman's $13 million check brings her personal campaign contribution to $104 million
Mr. Blair about your book signing: Dedication Suggestions......
Robert Reich: Forget a Double-Dip, We're Still in One Long Big Dipper
Obama needs to have a welcoming event for the ground zero mosque in the next few weeks
In short, I AM the Democratic Party and I am finding it impossible to vote for a Democrat
Group: Prop 19 Would Mean Pot-Smoking at Work
We need more folks like George W. Norris...
We need more folks like George W. Norris...
We need more folks like George W. Norris...
Which movie remake would Rep. Ghomert (R-Insane) best be cast in?
Good For A Laugh: Right-Wing Bloggers Choose 25 Worst Figures In American History
Please Don’t Shoot the Messenger
Please Don’t Shoot the Messenger
Terrorist sockeye salmon are crossing our borders!
Stallone disses Norris (I think)
My Frustration with the Average American Voter
Drudge Headline "AS-SALAMU ALAYKUM"
Don't ever tell me that the Teabaggers AREN'T fucking idiots
Someone give me some tips on how to defend against Laffer!
Anybody seen Stephanie around?
Fellow Dems, if you aren't watching Ed Schultz's show on MSNBC, start doing so now....
LAT: More college students mentally ill
Which has given you the most problems: Businesses or Governments?
Local indigent clinic,and How Barton is now taking credit for financing he opposed
Federal Housing Authority Now Insures Mortgages for Luxury Manhattan Condos
Construction SCABS working on White House???
Construction SCABS working on White House???
How much do you allow the media to influence your decision on adopting a certain breed of dog ?
The Battle for Health Care rages on. . Who's watching?
Please sign this True Majority petition to stop bailouts to Big Oil and BP
Gallop: U.S. Approval of Labor Unions Remains Near Record Low
"UNTIL Christians can build CHURCHES...
Economic “Recovery?” Not for You and Me
Economic “Recovery?” Not for You and Me
Monks Fight Louisiana Funeral Industry over Right to Build Coffins
I thought the BASS store was closing...
Eid-al-fitr in the US will be September 10th this year
Legal Schanuzer: At Least One Victim Of Bush Justice Department Has Received Some Justice
I bet you bottom dollar that they would never pull this stunt in the well to do neighborhoods
Jennifer Aniston Shoots Back at Bill O'Reilly Over Motherhood
Tomorrow on MSNBC 12p (est)- Discussion on state of U.S. education system
Obama is already backing down on his New York mosque statement because of right-wing Repub attacks
I'd like to know how a family with kids can make it in today's economy?
Pharaoh had ritual sex in front of the masses, why not the President?!1
After selling Nissans for years my Son in Law bought a.....
The most reassuring image I've seen all week.
women lends homeless man her American Express platinum credit card to buy cigarettes
Dear Teabagger, When You Cheer State Workers Getting Laid Off, Please Do The Following
Dear Teabagger, When You Cheer State Workers Getting Laid Off, Please Do The Following
ACLU Report: Obama Enshrining Bush-Era Torture Policies
You are all now 'Strangers in strange land"
I wish they'd stop calling the 9-11 attack site 'ground zero'
Just got an offer for a CitiBank Platinum MasterCard - 24.99% interest!!!!
Vince McMahon demands that attacks against WWE (death machine) stop!
Laura Schlessinger Gets Away With the N-Bomb, But Janet Jackson & CBS Were Fined. Are You OK This?
In Case You Missed This... Yarmuth (D-KY) Critical Of White House Economic Team
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is not a new problem...
NY Times: Free Parking Comes at a Price
Grayson: Stop the Plot Against Seniors
"Liberal criticism of Obama is out of tough-love" Robert Kuttner in Boston Globe.
Let's say, strictly for the sake of argument, that you're a god-damned idiot...
So the DNC just sent me this letter asking for money...
Woodhuck honors to Kucinich, who will not challegne Obama in the primary.
So what did Muslims ever do for America?
Regarding Medicare Cost Cutting > This bears repeating: A Prescription for Ruin
My email to President Obama, fwiw
Bust a Nut wiih Beck! . . . Please come CAPTION Head Wreck!!!!
Michael Moore: Profits Up At GM! And You're Still Unemployed
Professional (Professorial) word salad
I realize that I don't always exactly level with you people. And there's a reason for that.
How Much Do Your Favorite TV Stars Get Paid?
My beautiful, dear is such a pleasure...
Child Plays Dead on Google Street View, Horrifies a Nation
Eagles 28-Jaguars 27...Redskins 42-Bills 17...
Post here if you're the kind of person who periodically doesn't mind the inherent weirdness of
Been around the world and I can't find my baby.....
Comedy Central Roast of Pamela Anderson - Bea Arthur
Race horses sometimes have funny names.
My horoscope from Friday, August 13, 2010 (from the Colorado Daily):
I will admit it, I miss Captain Jack and Torchwood.
Blind Faith ~ Can't Find My Way Home
A new poem: A Song of Alzheimer's
Archie Bell & The Drells -- Tighten Up
or if you prefer...Tighten Up - Archie Bell and the Drells
Back from the tavern...just gotta say one thing...
do not post here unless you have direct personal experience
Tomorrow I am only going to post happy, harmless, non-controversial stuff, like Smurfs video clips.
Another reason to love the Prius!
MASH (the movie) on AMC now, EDT.
I'm reminded of this Dick FAR too often... even here.
Buffalo Springfield - Mr. Soul
Expand your vocabulary at this website.
Performer dressed as Tin Man stabs man in Times Square
Performer dressed as Tin Man stabs man in Times Square
Sorry, Lounge. I found a new love
YouTube: "Cooking With Dog - How to Make Omurice (Chicken Rice Wrapped with Fried Egg)"
OMG - They're really HUNGRY in Buffalo...
Friday evening, this is my good friend Whiskey. Whiskey, this is Friday evening.
Ewwww! I have to drive back to denver on wendsday
This is no dream! This is really happening!
My sister raised $625.00 for the colorado aids walk today
I'm not asking Michael Cera to do King Lear, but stretch a *little* will ya FFS.
Today's earworm: "Jar of Hearts" (Who do you think you are?) - Christina PERRI
My best shoplifting tale from working the graveyard shift, at an open 24, years ago.
Yes, I do make fun of Texas quite a bit, but...
Good morning! How is everyone today?
I finally did something I should have done years ago: I entered the Bulwer-Lytton contest
Huh. So THAT'S what the hangover from drinking half a bottle of whiskey feels like.
I just watched a clip from the feel-good movie of the summer!
If I could nominate THE Prototypical Rock Song, it would be SMOKE ON THE WATER
What did I Miss In The Lounge Last Night?
I rescued the last 10 years of a man's business records today.
My latest Haiku - "Jack Shit, I Know Him"
I've been ripping my CD collection, and am almost done. I had 14 CDs I'd never opened.
OK, for my only Dr. Laura post-- Does anyone remember the "Frasier" episode where...
Will you marry — oops! There goes $9,000 ring
Warning! Dr. Laura's chest is much better than her big mouth!
Tomorrow I will be taking my Mother's ashes to the old farm she grew up on.
Off to Traverse City on Wednesday. Yes, the land of Michael Moore and Mario Batali and many others.
Has anyone ever been an egg donor?
OK I need some Lounge hugs and vibes.
What's your favorite line from "The Birdcage" ?
When you walk out of a store and the alarm goes you stop?
There is absolutely NOTHING in this life more dangerous than a narwhal with a library card...
Renée Zellweger was in Dazed and Confused?
Saw "Hellraiser" last night, for the first time in more than a decade.
Coming soon to a theatre near you!!!! (there will be no spoilers in the OP)
I seriously cannot take the bitterness anymore, it is not healthy. I'm leaving DU.
So I'm getting married tomorrow and my car breaks down
Went and saw "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" today. So awesome. So very awesome.
Heading to the Outer Banks and need information
Some old Friday Night Music - "Into The Mystic" - Van Morrison,
Instrumental Songs that you like. Post them here.
Robert Gibbs, Elizabeth Warren, and the 2010 Election
First Amendment - Religion and Expression
Here is video of Obama supporting the GZ Mosque. He does a shout out to those of no faith too.
Current GOP/TP crazy actually makes W look like a "compassionate conservative" because he didn't
It's Wall Street Corporate Liberals Who Are Undermining Democrats' Election Prospects
Did George Bush ever take a vacation to elevate anyone but himself?
In new ad, Melancon slams Vitter's 'serious sin' (VIDEO)
Obama to visit New Orleans for Hurricane Katrina anniversary
Caribou Barbie is utterly clueless. She just tweeted... "Will Obama express US lingering pain..."
Support for the Muslim Community Center demonstrates why Obama is a PRAGMATIST...
Obama Defense of "Ground Zero Mosque" Less Risky Than it Seems (Nate Silver)
Fox News Poll Regarding the Mosque reveals that...
President Obama talk on CNN now
Washington Post Publishes Pack of Social Security ‘Falsehoods’ by GOP Wonk Paul Ryan
One of the finest moments of Obama's presidency (Sargent)
Cargo ship with hundreds of asylum seekers docks in Canada
Presidents take vacations — press doesn't
NYT: Detroit Goes From Gloom to Economic Bright Spot
Stabbing Suspect To Return To Mich.
should we allow a Palestinian delegation to come to D.C.?
"Desecration" and the Islamic Center
Mark my word you will get tired of seeing this guy being interviewed by end of next week
Newt: "GZ mosque is a political statement of radical islamist triumph over world trade center"
TPM's Josh Marshall Slams Politico for attempting to create a fake controversy
the Media needs find the story..
I support Obama, except for his timidity at times
I support Obama, except for his timidity at times
Obama throws support behind controversial Islamic center
CNN came up with a reason to post the pic of Obama in his swim trunks. Serious reporting.
There were several very busy Middle Eastern food stands at Ground Zero when I went there
Obama, from today: Government should treat 'everyone equal, regardless'
Greenwald: This is one of the most impressive and commendable things Obama has done...
Obama family enjoy short vacation in Florida (pic)
Obama is a terrorist sympathizer
Obama: Social Security privatization 'up there' on GOP's 'to-do list'
My Belkin wireless router has decided it doesn't know my computer anymore
Better sit down for this one. Ted Stevens was assassinated??
I am very proud of my president today. He stood up for all of us when he stood up for the mosque.
PHOTO: President Obama arrives at Tyndall Air Force Base, Panama City, FL
(Jerry) Brown urges appellate court to allow marriages
Goldman Sachs Chief Blankfein Reaps $6.1 Million From Options
LOL @sarapalinusa is having a twitter meltdown over Obama's mosque comments
Greenpeace, Poland agree on Europe's last primeval forest
I'm lovin' the new newspeak about "optics" our corporomedia has latched onto.How about you?
Churches should be banned in parts of Atlanta, Buffalo,
Peru battles rabid vampire bats after 500 people bitten
What? What? What? Fox News Agree with Obama...
Oh, the humanity! Hindenburg omen in stock market
High Point #3 of the Obama administration, as I see it
South Asian superbug claims first fatality
Would a Payroll Tax Holiday Stimulate the Lame Duck?
Lazio, GOPers respond on Obama mosque speech
oh no... Obama family play golf together..(PIC)
FL-SEN POLL: Meek crushing Greene by 14; Rubio edging out Crist
Laborers' International Union Expected To Rejoin AFL-CIO
Judges Divided Over Rising GPS Surveillance
US settles with defense contractor
When folks claim the WH picks more fights with progressives than conservatives, it would also seem
Feds offer $100,000 reward in white powder letter case
Goldman CEO, others get millions from options
It's disgusting the way Republicans are 'milking' 9/11 for all it's worth
Obama Strongly Backs Islam Center Near 9/11 Site
US museum exhibit to focus on endangered plants
New York Conservative Party Planning Anti-'Ground Zero' Mosque TV Ad Campaign
UPDATE: Swiss Regulators Halt Start Of Transocean $1B Dividend
Obama claims GOP trying to destroy Social Security
So Scarborough goes on THE TODAY SHOW and claims that Malia joining POTUS & FLOTUS. . .
Judge Revokes Approval of Modified Sugar Beets
Baseball Player Hit By Stray Bullet At World Championship Tournament
Stephanie Miller, comedienne and radio show host, says she is gay
US contractor investigated for overcharging(Louis Berger Grp. managing over $1B in recons.contracts)
Obamas arrive in Gulf as work continues on relief well
Karzai Asks Obama For Review Of Afghanistan War.
(ella) F.D.A. Approves 5-Day Emergency Contraceptive
Cholera confirmed in Pakistani flood disaster (up to 36,000 others have similar symptoms)
Gov. Bob Riley, Attorney General Troy King trade jabs over BP lawsuits
Haiti earthquake caused by new fault line
Al-Qaida Leader in Yemen Surrenders
FDR library and museum exhibit marks signing of Social Security Act
WikiLeaks says it won't be threatened by Pentagon
DNC Video on the 75th Anniversary: Tell Republicans to Keep their Hands off Social Security
Re: Dr. Laura...So what if some black people use the "N"-word, does that make it right?
Maricopa County officials will aid feds in Arpaio investigation
Dr. Laura-is it ok for a man to call you "bitch" because some women wear "Rich Bitch" t-shirts?
Crist backs Obama on controversial Islamic center. Greene: "President Obama has this all wrong..."
BP letter defends handling of emissions release
India outsourcers angered by US job visa hike
Impact of Pakistan floods as bad as 1947 partition, says prime minister (20million homeless)
Seven shot, four dead outside Buffalo restaurant in US
Obama Says Mosque Remarks Were Not Endorsement
Pakistan in confusion over India's ($5 million) offer for flood aid
Tylenol linked to asthma in teens
Government workers' compensation may be more than area cities can afford
Obama played his cards right on BP
President Obama Backs Mosque Near Ground Zero
Judges Reject Interrogation Evidence in Gitmo Cases
Dr. David Kelly ("suicide") death inquest may be reopened (Spokesman for Attorney General says)
Obama urges tourism to aid Gulf economy post-spill
Genetically engineered salmon under FDA consideration
Obama Claims GOP Trying to Destroy Social Security
Obama: I will protect Social Security with everything i've got
MediaMatters : The Big Picture 8/13/2010
Lilith Fair 2010 DC - Lissie "Everywhere I Go" - Justice Through Music Project
Transgendered people demand rights
Thousands rally for jobs in LA
Fireside Friday: Return of Internment Camps
Nancy Skinner - Tucker Carlson - Megyn Kelly Fox News_reopening rape case against Al Gore 070110
Ceding Populism to the Right: Glenn Beck & Democrats
Pakistan Floods Hit Afghan refugees
Rachel Maddow: INCarceration - incompetence, graft in Gov. Brewer's Arizonia PRIVATE prisons
Taking It To Mr Club For Growth-This is how you do it
Dr Laura Schlessinger Worst Person In The World!!!
Countdown: Wendell Potter - Insurance Cos. Say Lobbyists Should Count as Medical Costs!
Maddow: Attention Deficit Disorder - GOP's plan to extend tax cuts for the rich - hilarious graph!
How much has Obama achieved in office?
Pres. Obama: "Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else..."
The Main Street Brigade Presents: A Sheriff Warren Wrap
Lilith Fair 2010 DC - Lissie "Catching a Tiger" - Justice Through Music Project
In defense of $26 billion jobs bill
Michael Reagan - MORE COWBELL. Actually, he wants more outrage over NH Dem's Palin remarks.
Rachel Maddow: USAID importance to US geopolitics
Mexico Debates Legalizing Marijuana: "Radical Prohibition Strategies Have Never Worked"
The Party of NO, is it working? Does saying no to everything help the Republican Party?
MSNBC Keith Olbermann: Right Wing Tries To Twist Michelle Obama's Vacation
MSNBC Keith Olbermann: Worst Person In The World! - Brent Bozell
President Obama Celebrating Ramadan at the White House!
President Obama Weekly Address: Honoring Social Security, Not Privatizing It
Circular firing batshit crazy candidate endorses another. Angle hearts Bachmann.
SAVE us, Sharron Angle! You're our only hope! Let's mirror Chile's failed Social Security system!
The Young Turks: (R) Wants Illegal Immigrant Camps
Louie Gohmert FLIPS OUT When Anderson Cooper Asks Him for Evidence of ''Terrorist Baby'' Plot
MSNBC: Social Security Rant by Cenk Uygur
MSNBC: Social Security Rant by Cenk Uygur
MSNBC Keith Olbermann: Worst Person In The World! - Dr Laura N-Word Rant
Olbermann Blasts Dr. Laura — But NOT For N-Word Rant
The Young Turks: Glenn Beck vs. Bill O'Reilly on Gay Marriage and Abortion
The Young Turks: Glenn Beck vs. Bill O'Reilly on Gay Marriage and Abortion
Watch Luke Skywalker Become a Jedi Knight in This Deleted Star Wars Scene
Tea Party/GOP want to kill Soc. Security & Unemployment - Rachel Maddow
Growing your own food, a 'Homegrown Revolution'
Grayson: "Politico Is Part Of A Permanent Government That Was Established Under Bush Administration"
The Young Turks: Dr Laura N-Word Rant
Young Turks: White Couple Won't Sell Home To Black Couple
Young Turks: Conservapedia Proves The Right Hates Science
MSNBC: Cenk Vs Conservative On 14th Amendment, Immigration
MSNBC Keith Olbermann: Fundamentalist Christians Are No Better Than Fundamentalist Muslims
"75 Years Ago Today FDR Signed Social Security Into Law" Pres Obama Weekly Address
Pakistan flood crisis raises fears of country's collapse
GOP Finally Finds Case of Abuse of Unemployment Benefits
$600M border bill unlikely to spur immigration reform
How Private Prison Corporations Hope Arizona's SB1070 Will Lead to Internment Camps
Danny Schechter Dissects Wall Street in "Plunder: The Crime of Our Time"
The Horrific Derivatives Bubble That Could One Day Destroy The Entire World Financial System
Judges Divided Over Rising GPS Surveillance
Tale of Ansel Adams Negatives Grows Hazy
Globe Editorial: ... and avoid crackpot theories, too (on Gohmert)
The Coming Tax War: How Letting the Bush Tax Cuts Expire Could End the Economic Crisis
The Seductions Of Clicking: How The Internet Can Make It Harder To Act
Robert Reich: Scrap Bush tax cut for very wealthy
Sole survivor of Afghan attack on health workers tells story
Friday Talking Points (134) -- Some Reality For Gibbs
What the Tea Parties Really Want: A Return to "White Man's Country"
Canada's medical profession: the 1st to issue official policy to curb organ trafficking
Federal trans-formation (Obama on LGBT, or at least T, rights) (Boston Phoenix)
Auschwitz-Birkenau's uncertain future
Detroit Goes From Gloom to Economic Bright Spot (GAWD I love this as a Detroiter).
SIROTA: corporate Democrats days are numbered
Anderson Cooper Stuns GOP Rep. On 'Terror Babies'
The meat industry feels the heat as the sustainable-food movement gains force
Pebble Mine Critics Take Up Arms
Wind vs. Coal: The Fight for a Mountaintop
Science of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction, Edmond Storms
James Whitlock: Ump's ordeal shows sad state of sports
Absolute GREAT read on the "comeback" of Bernie Kosar.
Six more Cuban prisoners to leave for Spain - Church
Ambassador William Brownfield leaves Colombia .
Colombia looks past Washington
Fidel Castro's Reflections: The Giant with Seven-League Boots, Part I
Hannah Bell posted an article about Wyclef Jean that might interest Haiti watchers:
Chavez is right, Uribe is not .
Colombian ex-president to teach at Georgetown U
Land Ownership at the Crux of Haiti’s Stalled Reconstruction (plan Clinton)
So I was trolling DU and found this on Reporters Without Borders ...
Howard Berman acceded to pressure to bring the travel provisions to the Foreign Affairs Committee
Paraguay leader says 'renewed' by cancer treatment
In Venezuela, Rise Of Labor Unions Turns Deadly
US opposes Seoul’s bid to sell old rifles
I think this thread shows just how far down on the list gun control really is with Democrats
Baseball Player Hit By Stray Bullet At World Championship Tournament
Man kills himself at Burbank shooting range
"I didn't even hear the shot." ...
Teachers, profs win pay disputes
Today in Labor History Aug 13 Government-sponsored blacklist to discredit leaders of the labor movem
Sparrows Point up for sale, company mum, workers bracing for layoffs
Gay porn past won’t strip Fla. cop of certification
Might Mean Something, Might Not
Karate Lessons Will Butch Up Your Nellie Son, Says Florida Martial Arts Academy (sick)
Four African LGBT Organizations Worth Supporting -- The Advocate
Rank-and-file union members rally at City Hall
99ers Rally For Unemployment Extension
News Analysis: The president's relationship with the LGBT community...
Hundreds Of California SEIU Caregivers Protest Firings Of 37 Workers At Piedmont Gardens
GM Posts $1.3 Billion Profit - UAW Says Auto Workers Are An Enormous Part Of GM Turnaround
Neil Patrick Harris and partner David Burtka expecting twins this fall
Illinois Job Seekers Get Protection From Discriminatory Use Of Credit Scores
Today in Labor History Aug 14 FDR Created the most successful anti-poverty program in U.S. history
Sunrise San Antonio, with suprise visitor
Time can be elusive? Maybe anyway . . .
Because we don't have enough lily pictures! LOL!
Am I wearing out my (Florida) welcome?
VW Bug - oh yeah! It's been around!
A stroll down Bay Street on a broiling day (8 photos)
U.S.: PA to announce renewal of direct talks 'within days'
Narratives Under Siege (5): There’s Something in the Water: The Poisoning of Life in the Gaza Strip
3 Reasons Israel will/won't attack Iran
Open Data Starts Paying Off on Alzheimer’s
Animation of giant iceberg leaving Greenland
Neptune 'dead zones' hold more rocks than asteroid belt
What Do The Scriptures Say About Conservative Politics?
Talk about community, a Delightful little story
Starcoddes this Weed = Heather Roan Robbins
Matthew's Message for August is up
I caught someone I volunteer with in (another) lie today.
So I noticed that the order of the day seems to be instant manifesting.
Dog-sized rats sniff out TB in patients
Brittany Murphy, Michael Jackson, Heath Legder... America's fatal addiction to prescription drugs
Ontario cancels vitamin D testing for all