Teacher suspended for Facebook Photos Bachelorette Party Settles $10,000
Spike Lee expressed 'much love' to Keith for yesterday's special comment!
We'll Be Greeted as Liberators UPDATE: 59 die in suicide attack on Iraq army recruitment centre
There would be pie in the sky...if only...
Were it not for the mosque-arade (thanks Jon Stewart)
Emily's list launches anti-Palin site...
Dr Laura Schlessinger retiring from the radio business ..
Dr Laura Schlessinger retiring from the radio business ..
Struggling economy keeps bankruptcy courts busy
Will Anyone Be Punished For Citibank’s $40 Billion Subprime Lie?
Bill Gross for President! Gross calls for massive mortgage refinance.
"Dr" Laura announcing that she's not doing radio anymore to exercise 1st Amendment
Amazing graphic map shows how unemployment has spread from Jan. 2007-May 2010
Amazing graphic map shows how unemployment has spread from Jan. 2007-May 2010
My father, a WWII and Korea veteran, passed away ten years ago this evening.
Barney Frank: "Abolish" Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Mosque-Issippi Burning - By Amy Goodman
Immigrants "Give us your poor....
That Orly Taites sticky is freaking perfect
The Right Wing Unleashed: Deport U.S. Citizen Children?
Carnahan Campaign Office Broken Into, Small Fire Set... FOX KTVI St. Louis
TURNING POINT: Dr Laura canning, or being canned, her own show
The Dr Laura BS - about her first amendment rights
Blago wouldn't have been able to get away with this if he was in Guantanamo.
Turns out "Fitzmas" Fitzgerald ain't all that great at the whole US Attorneying thing
Have you ever been friended on FB by people you have never met and do not know?
More Data: Rick Perry (R-TXslouch), dimson wannabe, Is Still a Slouch
Plastic Surgeon Was Texting in Car Before Fatal Crash
Double standard... all the way. WOAH it's a double standard all the way across the media!
Arizona shelves idea of changing immigration law
Pro-Religion, "Solid" Constitutional GOP is against the Mosque!
DOJ Foot-Dragging On Prison Rape Unites Left-Right Coalition
Chevron Now Trying to Buy Journalists. Seems Big Oil is Getting Desperate.
Repukes Discuss Their Brand New Ideas For America
FDA Gives Final Approval of New Emergency Contraception Option...
Bluegal's Tweet of the Week: "We've been building ground zeroes near Iraqui mosques since 2003"
Why doesn't the righties just buy the "Ground Zero" mosque building?
Denying 1st amendment rights for the community center in NYC
So since the "country" has decided to value investment over work...
The sticky above, about not talking to the police, is worth watching!!!
Has anyone ever applied for FEMA disaster money?
The sticky above, about not talking to the police, is worth watching!!!
rove group airs TV ads in CO, OH
Mandatory Tuesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! & I've got a new kitty gif!
Carnahan Campaign Office Broken Into, Small Fire Set
A simple view on having a Mosque near the 9/11 site from a Christian guy
Not really sure if this needs its own thread... But WHOEVER put up the Dr. Laura Sticky
Woman uses bears to defend grow-op
Missouri man sentenced for threatening Obama
Democrat Murray, GOP's Rossi Advance in WA Primary
Democrat Murray, GOP's Rossi Advance in WA Primary
College Student Loans Forgiveness........
Dr Laura learns that having the right to say a word doesn't mean you ought to use it.
Besides George W. Bush and John Kerry, Who Received the Most Votes Nationwide in the 2004 Election?
Dr. Laura to end her radio show
Dr. Laura to end her radio show
Parents Television Council makes good point about cable choice and racist jokes
Many Blagojevich jurors disappointed... lack of a "smoking gun"
One Word For Anyone Spectating Beck-a-Palooza in DC on the 28th
One Word For Anyone Spectating Beck-a-Palooza in DC on the 28th
One Word For Anyone Spectating Beck-a-Palooza in DC on the 28th
One Word For Anyone Spectating Beck-a-Palooza in DC on the 28th
One Word For Anyone Spectating Beck-a-Palooza in DC on the 28th
One Word For Anyone Spectating Beck-a-Palooza in DC on the 28th
One Word For Anyone Spectating Beck-a-Palooza in DC on the 28th
One Word For Anyone Spectating Beck-a-Palooza in DC on the 28th
One Word For Anyone Spectating Beck-a-Palooza in DC on the 28th
One Word For Anyone Spectating Beck-a-Palooza in DC on the 28th
One Word For Anyone Spectating Beck-a-Palooza in DC on the 28th
I have a friend who has "Sales" in her home....
In a world where vengeance is a sacrament, everyone loses
Fitzsimmons 'toon - Sayin' a mouthful about marriage - gay marriage and not so gay
NYT: Given Money for Rehiring ($10 billion), Schools Wait and See
Obama: Any candidate promising fast recovery from recession "is just looking for your vote"
whoever gave me the star: thank you, very kind. n/t
The Colbert Report was so funny tonight....
Glenn Greenwald in New York Times: Who Has Moral Courage?
I'm angry. Ted Kennedy had it right.
Check in here and share your first drafts of . . . .
Have you reached or are close to maxing out your HC insurance?
Social media accounts of elected officials
I want to have Cenk's baby. There can't be enough of his seed spread on this earth
Ontario Teachers Union calls for moratorium on high-stakes tests
You know why News Corps got to spend $1M on the GOP?
States Not Using Fed Money To Rehire Teachers
9/11 Suspect Was Detained and Taped in Morocco
Race to Nowhere: The dark side of america's achievement culture
Pollyanna, stop whining! - Setting Pessimists Straight
In Iraq, cemetery is symbol of militia's vow to fight if U.S. forces delay exit
In Iraq, cemetery is symbol of militia's vow to fight if U.S. forces delay exit
Drones, laser beams, ships, START treaties: This is the new missile defense
Old-Style Coal Plants Expanding
FOX News Leads the Charge to Rid the World of “Crazy People” by Supporting a Crazy War Against Iran
Gen. Petraeus's Nation-Building Media Tour
G.M. Recall for Seat Belts Affects 243,000 Crossovers
Everyone know that an American mercenary company protects the Saudi ruling family from its citizens?
Today's e-mail to Morning SCAB over yesterday's saturation mosque-ing of OBAMA
Corpwhore.com: The Anatomy of Quitting A Shitty Job
Whenever a righty brings up the Muslim Cultural Center mess..you just say
Whenever a righty brings up the Muslim Cultural Center mess..you just say
Camp Carroll (Korea) to be home of Army’s biggest combat motor pool
Fed won't file charges in school laptop spy case
So the IRS code lets the states determine what marriage is for tax purposes...
'8 Days' To Strike Iranian Nuclear Site, Says Former UN Envoy John Bolton
Appeal rejected in (KBR) electrocution of Pa. soldier
Army Spy Planes Not Used to Track New York Bomb Suspect
Luckovich 'toon on the mosque non-story.
Sign this pledge - Democracy For America - fight lobbying, corporate influence
OK - 2 Peter Schiff threads in the Video forum - One says he is full of shit,
Brett Favre is now out of Retirement.....LOL!!
Prosecutor: No Charges in Webcam Spy Scandal
Obama Admin: No More Regulatory Shortcuts for Deepwater Drilling Projects
In Mott’s Strike, More Than Pay at Stake
Deceptive Economic Statistics: While the economists lied the US economy died
Come to AZ! Private prison industry needs you! 11 million a month paid to private prison industry
Come to AZ! Private prison industry needs you! 11 million a month paid to private prison industry
Hon Hai to Boost China Work Force to One Million This Year (won't take down suicide nets)
‘Shadow RNC’ Unveils Obstructionist GOP Agenda Proposal: ‘Stop,’ ‘End,’ And ‘Block’ Progressive Poli
Thank God global warming is a hoax By Mark Morford
Palin for Profit? Not so much.
Even if the Dems keep Congress, it won't last forever...
The Republican Muslim guy Rachel Maddow had on her show last night?
Unemployment hits your wallet for a long time
About-Face: More States Accept Stimulus Funds
Drawings for the 'new' Ground Zero Memorial.
Is this something the US and Israeli Military has done before?
A question about Jury Duty fairness
'No Reason to Discriminate Against Gay Partnerships'
Satisfaction, at Last - Rolling Stones, Communism
San Francisco Chronicle: Foreclosures in state hit Latino homes hardest
San Francisco Chronicle: Foreclosures in state hit Latino homes hardest
Ted Nugent, all-around asshole
Pelosi supports probe of mosque opponents
Pentagon blocks 400 million dollar missile defense contract
'facing a barrage of criticism for going off message by wading into nyc mosque debate...
And what about those 60 that died on 9/11? I am
Flooding in NW Washington DC and suburbs
MSHA: Massey didn't report accidents at W.Va. mine, 20+ times
Have conservatives seemed especially cranky lately?
The ground zero strip club & the great mosque hoax
WikiLeaks: US Army willing to discuss Afghan files
Let's Play "Shape that City!!"
"I'm sure that they probably said that about Thomas Jefferson ...George Washington...Benjamin Frankl
How many homes have you purchased?
Question about a legal/criminal justice wording
There's a deranged guest on CSPAN WJ now (9 am est). His name is Dick Armey.
Work's resident Hannitized Teabagger sounded off yesterday...
Teabonics: The most ridiculous - and misspelled - tea party protest signs...
John Oliver, Daily Show VIDEO: "You can build a Catholic Church next to a playground. Should you?"
Pressure worries stall relief well for damaged Gulf of Mexico oil well
DC EXCLUSIVE: Palin supports Angle and will ‘actively help’ her in Nevada
U.S. may sue Arizona's Sheriff Arpaio
Dems Strike Back Against Americans For Prosperity
Electric Cars and National Security
The liberal case for regressive taxation (VAT).
Only 1 in 5 Americans say they follow news about mosque
Only 1 in 5 Americans say they follow news about mosque
Only 1 in 5 Americans say they follow news about mosque
Prez O 'presser' Columbus, OH msnbc NOW
Rolls Eyes - Elmhurst is looking to make it illegal
Stewart:'This is America-Louie-They got terror babies? Guess what we got-motherfucker? Hero Babies!'
3rd gang member executed for 1993 murders of Houston teens
Nancy Pelosi, house speaker, wants investigation into "Ground Zero mosque" opposition funding
Listening To The President Field Questions In Ohio Now......
What are the chances Dems will lose their Congresssional majorities based on this
Polling: Are the polling companies reaching the wireless phones?
Kenyan arrested by Tanzania police over 'albino sale' (BBC)
Understanding America's Class System Honk if you love caviar
US probes Transocean over ties to Burmese drug lords
Palin is 0 for 5 so far in August
It's the Beginning of the End for the American Empire
that scummy neo con John Bolton has opened his mouth again
Russia launches inquiry into Pavlovsk seed bank after Twitter campaign
From skid row to riches to an early grave
Why not ask 'what are acceptable cuts in defense spending' instead of Social Security?
Las Vegas Review-Journal Thinks Suing Sites Over Copyright Will Mean More People Link To It
Sacramento Bee: Young and old apply as McDonald's serves up jobs
House Lawmakers Holding Recess Hearing on Oil Spill
How many TRILLIONS for these invasions?
Another Gutbuster: The NY Pizza Burger
Awesome New York Street Art --- George W. Bush Hangs Out in the East Village
He gives oblivion a bad name. . . . Please come CAPTION Head Wreck!!!!
Willingham: The huge problem with the LA Times teachers project
Today's TX Police Bldg Shooter - His only complaint - Fear Govt Would ban guns
Thank God Global Warming is a Hoax - by Mark Morford
Pelosi: Let's Probe Conservative Opposition To Cordoba House (AUDIO)
"Vanity posts", one of the stranger characteristics of Freepville, in my opinion
chuck todd...'everthing seems to be gummed up in the west wing'
Seattle's Judge Judy Suspended over Courtroom Insults
Seattle's Judge Judy Suspended over Courtroom Insults
Lesbian Mary Cheney Backs Antigay Candidate ......
Erik Prince "needs a break from America",,,,
The Right's Latest Weapon: 'Zionist Editing' On Wikipedia
We Need NASCAR for Politicians: Make them wear costumes with their corporate logos
I need some encouragement... my in-laws turned against Obama...
Dr. Laura at stage two of the seven stages of the death of her show: DENIAL. It's the left's fault!
Republicants can go fuck themselves....
Frank: Obama admin 'dumb' to predict no higher than 8% unemployment
WaPo: How the fight over tax breaks affects your bottom line
Dr. Laura Schlessenger to End Radio Show
same event, different headlines
BREAKING: Park 51 project tells NY Gov. no, thanks on moving
Oakland County Exec L. Brooks Patterson (R) slams gun-toting 'zealots'
Exclusive: Mary Cheney gave $500 to anti-gay-marriage Senate hopeful
WND DROPS Ann Coulter As Keynote Speaker Over Speech To Gay Republicans
Toon: The Fear Mongering never ends
Why carry a firearm in public view unless you are a cop ?
Per Wired Magazine via MSNBC: The Web is Dead.
Though Leery of Washington, Alaska Feasts on Its Dollars
dear rod blagojevich, you are a convicted federal felon
Ever hear of the pipe bomb detonated in a Florida mosque? Me neither
Cenk Uygur and Nancy Pelosi hit upon the important part of the mosque thing
Cenk Uygur and Nancy Pelosi hit upon the important part of the mosque thing
Iraqi teen, Muslim group say assault was racially motivated (story that KO cited tonight)
Asterix McDonalds' binge sparks Gallic outcry
Weapons of Mosque Distraction -- Don't Eat the Synthetic Red Meat
This is what Obama gets for equivocating
The Phony Right Wing Outrage over Obama cutting Food Stamps
The Phony Right Wing Outrage over Obama cutting Food Stamps
Joan Walsh, Salon: Dr. Laura's pity party
Most affluent New Yorkers claim most gov't special ed reimbursement $ - for private schools
Ain't this some shit...Georgie to the rescue?
Famed Investor Bill Gross Calls For Massive Taxpayer-Backed Mortgage Refinance Initiative
Jim Hightower: Corporate America Speaking Out
DIY Bin Laden Hunter Now Wants To Bring Death From Above
Defeat the Right in THREE MINUTES!
The Democratic Caucus will be a good bit more liberal next year.
Duncan declares war on teachers
Scientists Tussle Over Gulf Oil Tally
The 48 Million-Year-Old Fungus That Controls Ants Like Zombies
What's your neighborhood's mass transit score?
Bed bugs found at Times Square theater
Ted Olson, who is a 9/11 widower, defends Cordoba House.
A few other items on or near "THE SACRED GROUND"
British Boy Can't Fall Asleep Without Fear of Dying
Freeper "Kickass Conservative".."First they came for Dr. Laura. Next they'll come for Free Republic"
It looks like we've found the DUMBEST member of congress...
Did you know I once won the Congressional Medal of Honor?
Gitmo Continues to Hold Detainees Cleared in 2004
Linda McMahon on Lance Cade: I might have met him once
U.S. schools chief endorses release of teacher data
Las Vegas First Among Most Stressful U.S. Cities
Dr. Laura - Shut Up and Talk!!!
“Don’t try to save money on clothes or groceries, because whatever you save, is just that much more
In my email today: INTERESTING FACTS
In my email today: INTERESTING FACTS
Next Step to Plugging Gulf Well Is Still in Limbo.
AUDIO CLIP: Howard Stern calls Dr. Laura an asshole, schools her on 1st Amendment
Religious Right Pushed Law that Keeps Gov from Messing with Islamic Center
Please donate today, if you can
Why is it that when I post someone invariably tries to pick a fight with me?
V.P. Biden to speak at Senator Steven's funeral today. I have not
V.P. Biden to speak at Senator Steven's funeral today. I have not
Candidate: Islam is against everything America stands for
I Can't Believe I'm Going To Say This, But I'm Starting To Respect Ted Olson
Mosque Furor Endangers US Troops-By Robert Parry
Fox 'News' latest propaganda campaign: Build a CHURCH, not a mosque, 'at Ground Zero'
10 Young Right-Wingers Being Prepped to Take Over the Conservative Movement
Conservative Group WND Cancels Ann Coulter As Keynote Speaker Over Speech To Gay Republicans
The United States of America......Land of low wages?
Beware the Power of the Dark Side (insanity from Sharron Angle)
Scientists: Toxic organisms, oil found on Gulf floor – Dispersed oil entering critical fish habitats
Just so you know, I'm going to quit eating Vegetables so I can regain my Vegetarian ways
39 year old book store appeals to customers for 'influx of cash'
I have met three men who have been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor:
Though Leery of Washington, Alaska Feasts on Its Dollars
Where do you find out stuff like this--the REAL reasons governments get into wars?
We ‘lost’ the Afghanistan War: See reality and start talking
Celeb doctor was tweeting about dog before fatal crash
Rep. Kucinich Challenges Petraeus’ Media Strategy to Delay Troop Withdrawal
Graphic shows the spread of unemployment from Jan 2007-May 2010
What the University of Georgia report on the Gulf oil spill really said...
"The Secret" author Rhonda Byrne's new book pimps "attractive force of love that moves all money"
"The Secret" author Rhonda Byrne's new book pimps "attractive force of love that moves all money"
Does anyone have any VIDEO of Bush smooching Prince Abdullah?
This Governor Brought to You By …
This is what I think is going on in the country today.
Greg Palast on THE Mosque for BuzzFlash: Why Not Ban All Churches From Oklahoma Because McVeigh Was
'You're a (expletive) for Tasing an injured person'
Did Nixon sabotage peace in 1968? LBJ thought so
Ground Zero proposed Mosque splitting the Republicans.
Atlantic Wire: Why Isn't the World Donating More to Pakistan?
Gay-baiting Coulter gets caught up in ‘homoconflict’
Gay-baiting Coulter gets caught up in ‘homoconflict’
First it the 14th amendment NOW they want to get rid of the 17th amendment.
The kind of thing you would not see if McCain had won in 2008
Poll: 59% of Rhode Island Voters Support Marriage Equality
Can anyone explain why Dick Armey is as omnipresent
why not be like the founding fathers wanted and be
"I think this economy is down because we built too many houses"
Alameda fire chief gases up his vehicles on city's dime
Leading Republicans Decry the Prop 8 ruling from last week...
One Day on a Desert Island - Tom the Dancing Bug Comic
Seriously. Is anyone's life so freakin' self-important that they feel compelled to do this???
Robert Redford sent me an email supporting Barbara Boxer as environmentalist
China may build bus-train hybrid that rolls over cars
So now that Muslims are the hated du jour, does that mean Hispanics are okay again?
10 year old boy allegedly brings gun onto a bus, tries to mug someone.
The biggest threat from losing the 2010 elections? Losing almost every election after that.
Dodd Reverses Position, Suggests Warren May Not Be Qualified To Head Consumer Bureau
Hey-do you want to join "The 300"? (tea party groups)
If the Americans leave, which we don't think they will, we'll make it a burial site for our parents
The DNC has so dirtied our fight against people like Ben Nelson, Baucus, Lincoln, Landrieu
Where's the Ground Zero Terror Mosque? 39 Experts Explain!
Democrats' letter to Fox News denounces News Corp. donation to Republicans
L.A. fuming over Obama traffic, demands investigation
Great Quote..from a great woman..something to think about....
Did DU forgo the email donation solicitations this time?
Pakistan floods: Before and after from outer space
DU Mortgage Debtors: What effect would a 4.5% rate have on your situation?
The Bidens have arrived, along with the Dodds. Beautiful church...n/t
Youth Unemployment Line Circles the Globe
Doctors Group Wins Partial Victory against Grilled Chicken Restaurants
Dick Armey is on TDS w/J Stewart tonight..
The President (and others) have painted us into a tragic political corner.
How do you move the "Mosque" off the front page?
How do you move the "Mosque" off the front page?
Only George Bush can pull the crazies back from the brink of a fascist abyss.
Ground Zero for Tolerance - By Robert Scheer
Former Guv tells AFL-CIO members CT Senator "sold you out" on Medicare during remarks in Hartford.
Avaaz (international MoveOn-type group) has established a fund for Pakistan aid.
I am listening to Mike Malloy now & he just said he was the
Winning hearts & minds: Reid loses support AND respect of Las Vegas Muslims
5:00pm MST - Faux: Bad, bad Mexican illegals, CNN: Still talking about the Islamic center
JD Salinger's Toilet For Sale on Ebay
JD Salinger's Toilet For Sale on Ebay
If you're not watching Cenk Uugur on MSNBC at 6 this week, you should be.
MSNBC Breaking - all combat troops exiting Iraq. Watch on NBC or MSNBC. Rachel's there, too. nt
The Dems and Prez need to lose the next elections....
BREAKING NBC/MSNBC SIMULCAST: Troops leaving Iraq - KO anchoring MSNBC BREAKING coverage...
So David Gregory was in Afghanistan on Sunday
Will Lady cackling Blah Blah be speaking at the Stevens
Ah immigration... still there simmering
Those stations that refuse to cover the troop withdrawal know that they had better not say anything
Nothing on CNN or NYT websites about the withdrawal...
When We Can’t Afford to Be Sick: Access to Healthcare Drops Along with Economy
Fox News Refuses To Discuss GOP Donation
"That's why I'm voting TEA PARTY!"
I would just like to remind people
GOPer Trailing by 23% in District McCain Won 61-35
Daily Kos: IA Workers' Victory Shows Need For Labor Law Reform
Egg recall tied to salmonella grows to 380 million
America Supports ALL Faiths - pic
Fuck the DU. I've had it with this shit of people coming in here and HOPING we lose in November!
My Neighbor Posted This on FB: Something Is Wrong With This Statement
FACTCHECK: Islam already part of WTC neighborhood.
Congratulations President Obama and Our Troops
a really important issue...here's the "official record"
Rasmussen poll: Jones (R) 52% - Jesus (D) 45%
Children Full of Life- Award winning Documentary on a Japanese teacher
Just watching rerun of last night's Daily Show. Saw Rep from Texas Louie Gohmert
It is very emotional for me watching this draw down of troops. My heart aches for the fallen heroes
For An Alternative Angle, Al Jazeera English Are Covering The Withdrawal Too (Link To Live Stream)
First Obama wants to build a mosque RIGHT where we were attacked on 9/11.
A Krugman article you won't find in the New York Times
What did we accomplish in Iraq?
Just wow! In 1 week America went from hatin' migrant Mexicans to hatin' Muslims pushing mosques.
Expensive Fitzmas if you ask me
Goodbye Iraq: Last US Combat Brigade Heads Home
Donating through your phone company.
Hey, Doesn't Judge Vaughn's Stay Get Lifted Today @ 5:00 pm PDT?
People with exposure to the Gulf spill are getting very sick.
Seen the Morons With Signs page yet? LOL!
Here was Obama's Plan for Ending the War in Iraq
on leaving Iraq....editorial cartoon
MarketWatch: Is there anyone the right doesn't hate?
So the last of the combat brigade is leaving Iraq
Alan Grayson: What Should I Tell the President?
CNN Poll: Opposition to occupations reaches new high
Two very different views of the "Ground Zero Mosque"!
Sarah Palin: Fine-tuning the English language with a crowbar
Sen. Feingold speaks out in support of mosque near Ground Zero
Jeb Bush's 'Shadow Government' brainchild ramps up the pre-election obstructionism campaign.
It's the first day of school here.
It appears that the government gave the withdrawal story to NBC (MSNBC).
Military Deaths in Afghanistan under Obama Top Those under Bush
Rocker Ted Nugent pleads no contest to deer baiting
Dear Rest-of-America: Take This Map, It's Why You're Wrong About the "Ground Zero Mosque"
Iraq Combat Troop Withdrawal Live On MSNBC
I suppose many of the education bashers have a point....
the vapid arrogance of reality teevee 'stars'
Very cool site: The Proceedings of the Old Bailey, 1674-1913
The war is over if you want it.
Dr. Laura ENDING Radio Show After N-Word Rant (Video) Included
Wow. I knew freerepublic was bad, but fucking hell some of these people are monsters.
Fox News Corporation Created and is Sponsoring the Counter MLK Gathering.
Pink Underwear dude refuses to comply with fed. subpoena. Raw Story.
More Big Lies: “Obama's Recession” and “60 Votes Don’t Mean (Squat)"
I taught several generations of EMTs
Minn. GOP on Dem women: ‘Who let the dogs out?’
Face it, we've an accepted Caste System in America
Hallowed Ground: The Last Full Measure of Depravity: Developers Push For Gettysburg Casino
The Rude Pundit: You Hate America If You Are Against Park 51
Iris Scanners (to) Create the Most Secure City in the World. Welcome, Big Brother
Democratic governors want disclaimer on Fox News
OFFICIAL Combat Troops Leaving Iraq Thread (follow along on MSNBC)
OFFICIAL Combat Troops Leaving Iraq Thread (follow along on MSNBC)
Wuerker TOON "Don't touch this Hallowed Ground!
ANOTHER domestic terrorist attack this morning. Where is the media?!?!?!?
LMAO!!!!! Tea party Exchange FAILS in Dayton Ohio!!!!
Minnesota GOP: Republican women are hotter than Democrats
one heck of an inspiraton to injured troops: Faith, the 2-legged dog
"Piper Bill" Millin - the bagpiper of Sword Beach on D-Day has died
Word is out via The Hill. Kaine is better than Dean was. He stays win or not.
62 People Injured Applying for Government Subsidized Housing
We invaded Iraq and stole their oil - mission accomplished. Now Afghanistan...
Great resource for sustainable living/green living
Can anyone explain to me why Tallahasee is the capitol of Florida?
Can anyone explain to me why Tallahasee is the capitol of Florida?
What city is the best for a progressive to live in ?
What city is the best for a progressive to live in ?
What city is the best for a progressive to live in ?
Man learns courts secretly changed his name
Fired Teacher Delivered Baby Early to Beat Insurance Cut-Off
What do you give the Obama administration credit for
A few suggestions for improving education in this country.
Durring economic hard times, Americans have 2-5 times the decrease in health care access--
Should a pregnant woman be permitted to "terminate" her pregnancy by early birth?
Myth of the greedy public-sector workers
I am exhausted with life and people, and quite frankly, I do sometimes wish that
Does anyone know if PNAC is still active?I am researching for future column...
I wish there were an Atheist Learning Center near the holy ground zero
"So where's our money, the money that is supposed to put people to work and rebuild the economy?"
parallels between now and Gilded Age of 1800's ?
American Airlines adds another fee!
Bill Gross Calls For Massive Taxpayer-Backed Mortgage Refinance (GOOD!!)
DLC vs. Dean: who wins elections?
Oakland teen accidentally shoots self to death
DICK Armey on TDS, will Stewart lob softballs? nt
Why we can't see eye to eye on "Ground Zero Mosque"
Howard Dean: "mosque" should move
It's Time for Truce in the "War on Terror" so the Real War on Terror Can Begin Before It's Too Late
Pay, benefits make military towns affluent
How can ANYONE with an IQ over 75 not see what a cackling idiot that Sarah Palin is
How can ANYONE with an IQ over 75 not see what a cackling idiot that Sarah Palin is
OK, not enough jobs to go around, so let's raise the retirement age?
Howard Dean: "mosque" should move
UGLY PAST: HuffPo looks back at Dr. Laura exercising her 1st Amendment rights
Palin Tweets RE: "A cackle of rads who want 2 crucify other women." CACKLE OF RADS???
Palin Tweets RE: "A cackle of rads who want 2 crucify other women." CACKLE OF RADS???
So Obama Supporters, how do we apply for the subsidies to get Health Insurance?
So, are people saying there are NO bad teachers?
My business is dead. I'm broke. I lost my star. I can't donate to DU.
What are your "acceptable" cuts to Social Security?
Can someone verify the following John Oliver quote?
It's been 20 years since we won the Cold War. When do we get our Peace Dividend?
Could you provide documentation that your ancestors came here legally?
Opt out of Social Security payments - can you do that?
Toyota crash investigation concludes DRIVER ERROR in majority of crashes
Obama's Ben's Chili Bowl dinner partner seems to be in trouble.
Ted Olson, Former Bush Solicitor General And Husband Of 9/11 Victim, Backs Obama On Mosque
Ted Olson, Former Bush Solicitor General And Husband Of 9/11 Victim, Backs Obama On Mosque
Taser loses first liability suit (Product Liability)
Some things are simply not negotiable.
“It’s newfound business that the retailers didn’t have a year or two ago”
The Not-So-Secret Political Lives of Stupid People
Our monthly premium with health insurance reform: $878.00, with a $2500 deductible
Millions of children in immediate risk of disease and starvation
Woman Kicked Out of Cafe for Public Breast Feeding Sues
I’m not going to slander a 9/11 victim’s family
Anyone ask the Lenape Native American tribe about the 'mosque'?
This is how "THEY" will cut Social Security:
WOW! Check out these BEFORE and AFTER satellite photos of Pakistan...(Dialup Warning)
WOW! Check out these BEFORE and AFTER satellite photos of Pakistan...(Dialup Warning)
They shouldn't build that mosque near Ground Zero because a clear majority of Americans oppose it.
No way does Obama deserve his current approval rating
I Spoke with my Publisher Today! Thanks Skinner and DU!
If you don't rate teachers by how well their students learn what they are teaching them, then how do
The president's education leader has endorsed the public humiliation of teachers.
Grateful Dead with Pigpen, It Hurts Me Too, Copenhagen 1972
Who is that handsome rogue up there?
I didn't know it was gonna be a hit -- I swear to god I didn't know it was going to be a hit.
FREE THE BLAGO!!1!! The Duck says so!!
To the RW business whores who export our job and profits
Facebook brings out the best in people.
The beautiful girl look out of the car window is my sweetie but gone to heaven now.
Road Report: The high roller strikes again.
Has anyone heard from Elshiva lately? n/t
A guy with 2,384 facebook friends walks into a bar to see his bartender facebook friend.
I currently have 784 best friends.
Something upset me here a lot yesterday, and I fucking need to talk about it.
I want to let my cat catch the laser light she enjoys chasing so much. How do I do that? nt
Paul and I got a ticket to ride! Where should we go?
Fuck Me, Ray Bradbury - Rachel Bloom
Have you ever been friended on FB by people you have never met and do not know?
Thinking about your life at 5am
If a dangerous lunatic who was at the controls is removed and a skilled pilot steps in, then ...
For some reason I'm thinking Stephanie Miller is proud to be liberal. nt
Chucky Todd had a stripes refrence.
The very first Power Ballad...who did it?
Lady BlahBlah cancels gig at Moran Theater...really.
My NEWEST Haiku, "I Leave The Seat Up"
My NEWEST Haiku - "So I Lack Nuance?"
Kesha--err, sorry--Ke$ha explained:
My teachers in school always said I need to set goals for myself
If you think Iron Maiden is overrated, you're a fucking idiot.
The new "Rolling Stone" cover blurs the line between "art" and "just fucking disgusting."
I wasn't going to say anything, but I have been seriously lifting weights for 2 years now.
Rolling Stone VIDEO - Complete Waters / Gilmour reunion set for crowd of 200, July 2010
Let's put it on the table. Who is your favorite Canadian poet of all time?
recovering alcoholics in Red Areas...who attend AA
Bedbug Panic Grips NYC Multiplexes!
There was a guy at the bus stop today with a dog
Thanks for the star anonymous donor.
Q: "why don't you bring some beer out on the boat w/ you when you fish?"
Next version of Ubuntu Linux to be named "Natty Narwhal"
Bill Corbett, Kevin Murphy and Michael J. Nelson give it the business in the old MST3K style.
Why do people here seem to hate on Wilford Brimley?
Interesting bit on tonight's episode of Make it or Break it (re: health care)
Can anyone help me find this photo on the Internet? I found it yesterday and today I can't find it
I want to have Cenk's baby. There can't be enough of his seed spread on this earth
Why is it that when I post someone invariably tries to pick a fight with me?
Natalie Portman makes out with Mila Kunis in upcoming movie (with pic)
Has anyone seen the current Paul McCartney concert?
The phrase of the day is "cackle of rads." Change any thread title to include that phrase.
Thank you for my star, who ever you are. Thank you very much, generous person!
The Turbo Entabulator: Zero emission, 100 MPG transport?
So I'm going out drinking with trumad tonight.
Hawkeye-X's day 3 in Mexico. HOT and HUMID as heck
It's been a week since a good friend had died
For the first time in 4 years, I met a DUer in real life today.
Why Is Brett Favor Still In The News...
I'm coming out here on DU. I'm a dog trapped in a man's body.
Cute and weird, my favorite combination (video).
A bit of afternoon cuteness (dial-up alert) ...
Post something unique about yourself.
To whoever posted the sticky of the 'Weighted Companion Cube' - you rock!
what did you have for dinner/supper/whatever you call end of day meal?
Which planet do you think would be the easiest to terraform and move to?
Are you and your DU persona, one and the same?
I don't want to "call out" any DUers, so should just I alert the Mods to the lima bean hate thread?
I'm starting the very first DU 'Cackle of Rads' - who wants to join up with me
Can you be addicted to DU? When you know too much of it isn't good for you, but
I'm getting tired of the upper classes laying the blame on
Can anyone recommend a good book on the Medici's?
A request for good vibes, thoughts, prayers for a friend who probably won't pull through...
"Cackle Of Rads"??? - Hey, Sarah! Learn English or go back where you came from!
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
OK who did the "Hey Boehner! I don't drink with YOU!!!" sticky?
With Liam Neson now out as Lincoln in Spielberg's Biopic, who should replace him?
Today's my last day I'll be in my 40's
Top Ten Sports Songs of All Time
If you live on a lake/ocean, how many months out of the year can you comfortably go in the water?
Plastic Surgeon Was Texting in Car Before Fatal Crash
MiddleFingerMom is in ICU - vibes?
List The Food Items That You Hate
GOP nominee Coats courts tea party in Senate bid
Binnie goes negative against Ayotte
With Quayle hurting, Moak takes frontrunner position in District 3(AZ)
Poll shows Traylor could force Vitter into run-off
'Bribe' is the wrong term to use....
Herbert: Afghanistan War is unwinnable sinkhole; we need a campaign of nation-building...for the U.S
Poll: Paul Ahead By Five In KY-SEN
Critics say Obama's message becoming 'incoherent'
Pence: "I don't think that we should engage in personal attacks against either POTUS or Dems."
a NYT article about Imam Feisal and plans for the Commnity Center -written last December
Michelle Obama to enter campaign fray - stump for Democrats
Pelosi: NYC mosque a 'ginned up' controversy by GOP; wants investigation into funding of opposition
White House: US to support UN inquiry in Myanmar
GOP Committee falsely pins incumbant title on Elaine Marshall
I just saw the President .... Columbus, Ohio
8 out of 10 Democrats who the Cook report just downgraded are Blue Dogs
Dr. Laura is quitting her show!
Is the corporate media talking down the economy?
AP-GFK Poll: Obama approval 49%
If you're not listening to the president now, you don't know what you're missing
Joe Conason: Courage and Lower Manhattan
Given Money, Schools Wait on Rehiring Teachers
Robert Reich: Mitt Romney’s Wet-Noodle Economics (Ouch!)
The White House's case to voters on the economy
Use of Government Property to Relocate NYC Mosque Raises Serious Legal Questions AU
Poll: NY State Voters Oppose Muslim Center -- But Back Right To Build It
Time to rebuild the World Trade Center and fill that hole in the ground
"Who's going to give me a dollar when Republicans are comparing Muslims in general to Nazis?"
I wonder if Clinton had gone thru this in '94 when we lost congress and his approval rating
Conservative Economic Hysteria In 1993 And Today
Veterans wanted dead, not alive, ombudsman charges
Blago found guilty on 1 of 24 counts (lesser)
Paul Krugman despairs at the state of the economics profession
US weighs easing of Cuba travel restrictions
Obama's favorability rating trounce all GOP rivals...
David Corn: Elizabeth Warren or Bust!
Slow ticket sales force Palin appearance to smaller room
PHOTOS: President Obama arrives in Miami Beach for a fundraiser for Florida Dems
Let's demand that Glenn Beck move his 8/28 rally because it's "insensitive" for a group of racists
Arizona shelves idea of changing immigration law
U.S. may sue Arizona's Sheriff Arpaio for not cooperating in investigation
Dr. Laura Calls It Quits After N-Word Flap
Re Reagan: "a helpful walk down memory lane"
Man alleges police used excessive force in LoDo incident
"All they have to offer is cynicism and fear, all they know is how to pit us against each other"
Obama "Justice" Department lets DeLay dance away
After Labor Day, The Mosque Story Will Be History
Mexican court upholds adoption by gay couples
Ted Olsen widower: Obama is RIGHT about the muslim center
Fighting corruption is key to U.S. support, U.S. Sen. John Kerry tells Afghan president
Judge in Norfolk denies request in Blackwater case
Anti-US protest blocks highway in east Afghanistan
War comes home: Day-by-day, services honor fallen
Why do the Repukes want us talking about Mosques? Because Obama just ended Bush's War
U.S. Official Visits Lebanon for Talks on Iran Sanctions, Daily Star Says
Pakistani floods could further hurt unstable nation as military focuses on aid
Thailand Blocking WikiLeaks -- Official (Emergency Powers Used to Block Domestic Access)
How is a President refusing to accept rhetoric that suggest we're in a holy war not his job?
Sarkozy immigration policy called 'racist'
Collapsing Marsh Dwarfs BP Oil Blowout as Ecological Disaster
Iraq's Allawi says to intensify talks with Sadrists
Democrats divided over proposed New York City mosque
Bloomberg visits Philly to endorse Sestak
Tapes show interrogation of 9/11 suspect Binalshibh, US says
Gay Marriage Opponents Turn To CA's Poorest County for Prop 8 Appeal
Obama Admin: No More Regulatory Shortcuts for Deepwater Drilling Projects
CNN proves own complicity in mosque drama, live
Breaking: 50,000 Soldiers Miss Convoy.
North Korean plane 'crashes in China'
Immigration officials targeting criminals, employers of illegal immigrants
U.S. may sue Arizona's Sheriff Arpaio for not cooperating in investigation
Makeshift Taliban prison found in southern Afghanistan
Philippines suspends 11 police in torture probe
"Barack Obama......The Unnecessary Fall"..John Judis (New Republic and Carnegie Endowment for Peace)
Latest China landslide leaves at least 67 missing (Roads, power and telecommunications severed)
Rove on Obama: "He did real damage to America's standing in the world" by supporting Mosque.
Court: Lying about Medal of Honor is no Crime
Dates or oil? Iraq's farmers fear gold rush
Dodd Reverses Position, Suggests Warren May Not Be Qualified To Head Consumer Bureau
Why is MSNBC the only network caring the Troops leaving Iraq
Grand Jury Focuses On N.C. Man Tied To Jihad Magazine
Democrats see good news in primary results
'India represents fear and terror in Kashmir'
Pakistan Militants Attack Cops Amid Flood Chaos
(KBR)Appeal in Pa. soldier's electrocution is rejected
Mosque developer says he won't relocate
Working America, Labor Group, To Mobilize Unemployed Voters
U.N. Sounds Alarm on Aid for Pakistan (Pic Heavy)
Some Republican leaders urge candidates not to focus on Ground Zero mosque issue
Moussaoui case over? No appeal to be filed.
WikiLeaks: Pentagon Ready to Discuss Afghan Files
Rachel Maddow To Receive Cronkite Faith & Freedom Award
L.A. fuming over Obama traffic, demands investigation
Neb. AG won't defend law on abortion screenings
Roger Simon's "One-Term President" article was SATIRE. The media is taking it seriously.
Toronto bans kite flying in city park
Kidnapped Mexican mayor is found dead
President Obama comes to Seattle to kick some Republican ass!
Verizon Plans to Let Customers Watch Live TV on IPads
Nancy Pelosi: Who's funding the mosque opposition?
President Obama: 'no regrets' on Islamic Center,I was not sent to Washington
Okay... it was the mosque thing
Two Palin-backed candidates lose
Warren sits down with big bank lobbyists
Breaking: U.S. ending combat operations in Iraq
Russia Defends Iran Nuclear Plant Ahead Of Launch
The most overmedicated state in the U.S. is West Virginia
LAPD chief vows 'long-term' investigation of babies found dead in L.A. basement (since 1930)
Afghan, Tajik and Pakistani Leaders Meet in Russia (for business deals and diplomacy)
Rocker (?) Ted Nugent pleads no contest to California deer hunting violations
Peruvian Court Revokes Berenson’s Parole.
Ted Olson, Former Bush Solicitor General And Husband Of 9/11 Victim, Backs Obama On 'Ground Zero Mos
Pakistan floods: Saudi Arabia pledges $100m ( & Second wave of flooding has hit southern provinces)
GM Files For Landmark IPO to Repay Bailout
Egg recall tied to salmonella grows to 380 million
Democratic Governors Association calls on Fox to make disclaimers
Glenn Beck's plans for rally on a hallowed date and spot spurs countermarches
Supervision order for 11-year-old boys convicted of attempting to rape girl, 8
Nearly One Million Children in U.S. Potentially Misdiagnosed With ADHD, Study Finds
Does Obama play the strategy board game "Go"?
Mississippi fishermen call for resignation of Dept. of Marine Resources director
WikiLeaks: US Army willing to discuss Afghan files
Scientists dispute White House claim that spilled BP oil has vanished
Iowa GOP condemns candidate's anti-gay comments
TRENDING: DGA calls for Fox News to run disclaimer
DNC Paid For Nelson Ads After Health Care Vote
9/11 family member Ted Olson breaks from the GOP on NYC mosque: Obama ‘was right about this.’
'No regrets' on mosque issue, Obama says
Oooops. Big progressive hero Howard Dean Comes Out AGAINST Cordoba House
GOP Prepares to Ratchet Up Attacks on Obama
Feds: No charges in Pa. school laptop-spying case
$250K bond set for woman in pie attack on Sen. Levin
Gingrich went too far, says Buchanan
Colombian court blocks military agreement with U.S.
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday August 18
MSNBC BREAKING NEWS: Iraq war is officially over
Good riddance Dr. Laura you racist!!!!!!
Conservative group criticizes U.S. colleges for curricula failings
Safety regulators subpoena 'black box' data from Toyota truck involved in fatal crash
Obama: Social Security won't be privatized
Dr. Laura says she's ending her radio show
Peru court revokes parole for US 'rebel' Lori Berenson
U.S. ending combat operations in Iraq 'NOW'
How did President "nationalize" an issue driven by national politicians and covered 24/7 by national
Blackwater Founder Moves to Abu Dhabi, Records Say
US military denies Wikileaks talks
Obama says economy coming back slowly but surely
Texas district uninvites "controversial" author to Teen Lit Fest; other authors withdraw in support
On CNN, John Roberts just said another mosque is 2 blocks from proposed mosque site by Ground Zero
CQ Political Wire: Forecast Says GOP Takeover More Likely
Obama seems burned out by his job at present.
Howard Dean: NYC Mosque a "Real Affront"
Behold, the power of Palin! Joe Miller, endorsed by Sarah, not gaining any traction in ALASKA(!) Sen
Egg Recall: Are your eggs on the list?
Pakistan flood waters to remain for weeks
Venezuela bans violent photos in newspaper
Chavez signs law barring Venezuela brokers from fx, govt debt
Living with the Taliban - Afghanistan conflict
Blagojevich Claims Federal Gov't. Persecution
Worst Person In The World ..... Limpy and Glen Wreck
Thom Hartmann - How would lowering the voting age to 16 change America?
Talibunny mouths off to her number 1 fan, Fair & Balanced Greta Von Xenu, about Obama mosque remarks
Tom DeLay appears on CNN for his requisite victory laps. Wolf asks HOW THRILLED ARE YOU RIGHT NOW?
Peter Schiff is a lying asshole!
AP: 9/11 Victim's Mother Supports Islamic Center
Final response to Peter Schiff degrading the unemployed.
Sally Kern: Taking a Stand Against Freedom
Yes We Canberra - Old Spice parody
Lilith Fair 2010 - Indigo Girls w/ Sarah MacLachlan "Love's Recovery - Justice Through Music
Mike Malloy - All Religious Leaders Are Nuts
Ed Show: Cenk Slams Obama-Hitler BS w/ Jonathan Alter
Weird Liberal Head Show #135: Fox News Loves the GOP
Lilith Fair 2010 - Indigo Girls and Friends "Closer To Fine" - Justice Through Music
Ted Olson On Mosque: 'I Think Probably The President Was Right About This'
Dr. Laura on Larry King Live: I want to regain my 1st Amendment rights
Ted Olson, Whose Wife Was Killed on 9/11, on WTC Islamic Center: The President is Right
Mike Malloy - We Are Building Ground Zeros Everywhere
85% of Americans That Republicans Couldn't Give a Fuck About
Liz Cheney's group, Keep America Safe, wants you to remember 9/11 by opposing Mosque
Chris Hayes examines how crazy Pam Geller can tell Harry Reid what to think
TYT: Ed Show: Cenk lays into Faux news
Why We Should Replace Democracy with Christian Dictator
Ed Show: Cenk Vs Halperin On 'Professional Left', Lays Into Dowd!
Thom Hartmann - A crazy alert!...A showdown between Starbucks, a professor and the police.
Will Anyone Be Punished for Citibank's $40 Billion Subprime Lie?
Right Wingers Seek to Bar Muslims From Monopoly's 'New York Avenue'
U.S. still holds detainee Pentagon wanted freed in 2004
You know what? Let the terrorists win - FP's Daniel W. Drezner
Rogue contractors profiteer from US military expenditure with impunity because officials lack....
N.C. Man Tied To Jihad Magazine Faces Charges
Unprecedented floods or India’s water war?
Polls, Reporting on "Ground Zero Mosque" May Mislead
Public Theft and the End of Empire
Officials: Karzai Blindsided U.S. Embassy With Contractor-Ban Announcement
US oil speculators fined for $100-a-barrel "vanity trade"
Everything Is A Lie: The Deliberate Intent To Deceive People Is At An All Time High
‘Shadow RNC’ Unveils Obstructionist GOP Agenda Proposal: ‘Stop,’ ‘End,’ And ‘Block’ Progressive Poli
Former FBI Agent Says Oswald Didn't Kill Kennedy
Ground Zero Mosque On The Move?
a NYT article about Imam Feisal and his plan for the center written last December
Toxic oil levels found in key Gulf breeding zone, scientists say
Internet “Comment” Sections Poison Public Debate
How the "ground zero mosque" fear mongering began
Religious tolerance, then and now
America behind bars: The time is ripe for prison reform
Should Progressives View Robert Gibbs' Rebuke as a Triumph?
Analysis: Why is the world not responding as Pakistan drowns?
"Is the U.S. turning a corner on high-speed rail?"
Cheap Labor: U.S. Competes With India For Call Center Jobs
IBM is India's second largest pvt sector employer
Mississippi fishermen call for resignation of Dept. of Marine Resources director
How 1997 ruling might thwart Prop. 8 appeal
A License to Steal by Scott Horton
With Friends Like These, Who Needs Glenn Beck? (Tim Wise)
The heart of the wolf recovery problem -- science
Oregon timber plans in doubt after appeals court says logging road runoff is pollution
Toxic levels of oil found in gulf area crucial to fish
Coral Bleaching Gathers Force, Speed In Indonesian Waters - Water Temps At 93F
Las Vegas Rates Of Salmonella 4X Caseload In Previous Years
If this keeps up, we'll all be working for China...
Weather blocker: jet stream stops and causes disasters
July 2010 Atmospheric CO2 Content 390.09 ppm - July 2009 387.74; July 2008 386.38
Stockholm Environment Institute Outlines Plan to Cut UK's Transportation Emissions by 76%
Largest U.S. Ocean Device Generating Electricity (Maine)
Most misleading headline ever: Scots make biofuel from whiskey
Doltapalooza - Woodwork Erupts With GOP Candidates Denying Global Warming, Belittling Science
Anyone else think Grovelbot would like more from the Sports Forum?
Patience, forumites. Patience.
Jim Thome ties Foxx, Mantle, Musial, Robinson and Babe Ruth in walk-off HRs
Chipper Jones...Hall of Fame, yes or no....discuss.
Brett Favre is now out of Retirement.....LOL!!
Venezuela bans violent photos in newspaper
Cuban Specialists Lead Study of Disabled People in Guayaquil, Ecuador
Drum beat: Washington Fines British Bank Involved in Financial Transactions with Cuba
Deteriorated purchasing power strikes the whole labor (Venezuela)
Sorry, you must see this ####ing headline: "How Muslims cope in touchy-feely Cuba"
Cuban dissidents arrive in exile at Madrid
Lefty Dilma Rousseff way out in front in Brazil
Colombia: congressman takes case against Uribe to World Court
Former DAS official gets 8-year prison sentence
Peru court revokes parole for US 'rebel' Lori Berenson
Employee opens fire on suspects during robbery
Gun-toting soccer moms a scary thought in D.C. area, but not out west
Crime victim persecuted for being gun owner
Bryan Convenience Store Clerk Speaks Out After Robbery
10 year old boy allegedly brings gun onto a bus, tries to mug someone.
SAF sues Chicago again; CeaseFire exec reveals anti-gun mindset
Neighbor praised as 'hero' for shooting alleged thief
Finland reviews its gun laws after mass shootings
For those who confuse the UK with the rest of Europe, as far as gun laws go...
City yields, allows guns at annual Ford Arts, Beats & Eats festival in suburban Detroit
L. Brooks Patterson slams gun 'zealots,' but Granholm says change in state law unlikely
Why carry a firearm in public view unless you are a cop ?
Grammy Award Winner Steve Earle drops Diet Dr Pepper from his Contract Requirements to Support RWDSU
The Public Pension Outrage and Alan Greenspan's Pension
Today in Labor History Aug 18 Radio station WEVD, named for Eugene V. Debs, goes on the air in NYC
Duluth nurses vote Wednesday whether to authorize strike
In Mott’s Strike, More Than Pay at Stake
In Focus: Chris Colfer's Journey From "Social Llama" to Glee
A Video By "The Thinking Atheist"
World Net Daily Dumps Ann Coulter Over GOProud Homocon Appearance
German court rules for gay inheritance tax equity
Clock now ticking on DOMA appeals
Miss. lesbian student sues over exclusion from yearbook
Richard Socarides - Sooner Obama changes his answer the better off he will be...
Hindu and Muslim Gay Couple from UK and India get married
Cut off your nose to spite your face? Log Cabin Republicans Endorse Anti-Marriage AG Candidate
Facebook photos innocent, says Israeli soldier
French NGO says Hamas seized equipment, medical files
Amin al-Hindi, 70, Former Palestinian Intelligence Chief, Dies
Elementary Particles Star in New 'Dance Movie'
Eclipsing Pulsar Promises Clues to Crushed Matter
'Mitochondrial Eve': Mother of All Modern Humans Lived 200,000 Years Ago
Mars Farming Gets Green Thumbs-Up
Astronaut Muscles Waste in Space: Safety for Future Mars Missions Questioned
The basic rules of arithmetic may be broken
The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet
Capitalism as Monstrous Religion
Rachel Maddow to receive 2010 Faith & Freedom Award.
Losing Hope: the final attachment by Lauren Gorgo
Orientalism in "Eat, Pray, Love."
There's a surprise for OneGrassRoot
Liberation Angel needs protection
Incident last Friday night, and do you join random Facebook groups?
Women beer drinkers 'increase psoriasis risk' (BBC)
Drug firms hiding negative research are unfit to experiment on people