Easton is going there!!!!! The politics of leaving a war zone
Facebook 'dislike' scam warning
Headline you don't see every day
Headline you don't see every day
The Iraq war was and is a massive disgrace on America
Radio is fun, radio is cool, radio is good for teenagers!
A Dutch City Seeks to End Drug Tourism with Dutch only drug sale policy
The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement has not been ratified yet. 2011 is NOT set in stone
The troops are out of Iraq. Another promise kept.
Msnbc is broadcasting Live from Iraq - CNN interviewing Patterson about the Mosque and faux....
DU! What Will You Do With Your Peace Dividend?
Wisconsin GOP gubernatorial candidate: Take your high-speed rail (and $810 million) and shove it
Mexico City mayor sues Guadalajara bishop over gay marriage remarks
Mexico City mayor sues Guadalajara bishop over gay marriage remarks
Why does MSM give the half-term governor a free ride?
SO simple, the Jevovah Witness tact: SUE MY ASS (if you don't like my mosque)
This Iraq promise kept should allow the President some trust out here
1000 New Combat Troops About to Head to Iraq from Ft. Hood
You HAVE ti listen to the 1090 Forum at the attached link.
How many days since the previous administration declared
How many days since the previous administration declared
Rachel Maddow ROCKS! She is in IRAQ!
"...those who had abused amphetamines had triple the odds of aortic dissection"
End of Iraq War for 7 and half years... I wait this!!!
Truthout will now be the first APP downloaded to my new Pandigital Novell Tablet reader.
Dispatches from Idiot America......
The Dick is going to choke on that
Celebrating, with a little caution
Rachel just called Keith, Rachel.
Yellow Streak Dem Alert: Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn opposes the Islamic Community Ctr nr Gr Zero
Conservative Kathleen Parker on why the mosque must be built
Kathleen Parker on why the mosque must be built-She's a conservative, and she's making sense.
Is the MSNBC coverage re: Iraq being re-run? No more live coverage? Thanks. nt
FACT CHECK: Islam already part of WTC neighborhood
So about those religious nuts that hate the USA.
Can we celebrate for five minutes something positive or
WorldNut Daily drops Coulter from Conservative Conference
Meanwhile, on the O'REILLY FACTOR...
Don't let me down, DUers--give me a reason to feel shitty about the troops leaving Iraq
Stupid or Ignorant: 1/3 Republicans now say Obama is a Muslim (WP)
Rove compares American Muslims to neo-Nazis and skinheads
If you had to choose one of the right wing talking points to become true, which one would you pick?
Now that we have "left" Iraq...will we see any of that money back here at home?
Only once have heard that the 9-11 attackers WEREN'T Muslim Americans...
Guardian UK: The transformation of Latin America is a global advance
No budget? No worries as Schwarzenegger hits Vegas
It is a good thing anytime any of our troops leave any country.
GM continues to ask concessions from union workers: $12/hr to work for new chinese suppliers in US
Oh god, now MSNBC is dragging Chuck Todd's ass in for comment
Wikipedia. "It ended on August 19, 2010"
Removal Of Religious Programming Rumors...
Two notes on the big story tonight
very interesting Cartoon about mosque and 9/11
Where was all the outrage when the media was cutting autoworkers throats with lies?
When last time our President visit Family home? (pic)
Former school principal gets probation for burning wife’s car
Now here's a new one: Mission approves groundbreaking ‘driveway’ tax
Will you work to keep the congress with the Democrats this fall?
The "new" "successful" GM: not only screwing workers, but evading property taxes.
Muslim Victims of September 11th Attack (Not Terrorist)
The day the "Ground Zero Mosque" is planned to open is "9-11-11".
Vote most idiot Bush ADM's famous Iraq war quote
Vote most idiot Bush ADM's famous Iraq war quote
Welcome soldiers and thank you for your service
If you ever run into a returning soldier...
Over the line: Students charge that border guards harrassed them for their political views
If you defend a racist, Sarah Palin, that makes you a racist too.
Watching again the most brutal roast I ever saw
So have we started saving any money yet?
Did the first relief well to kill the DWH miss the mark?
A Washington scandal in perspective (waters.rangel)
Now republicans want to take people's driver's licenses away
Now republicans want to take people's driver's licenses away
Libraries being closed in the UK too...
N.J. State Police Supt. Does The Right Thing
Rendell: All state departments must cut spending by 2 percent
More than one million public workers strike in South Africa
More than one million public workers strike in South Africa
More than one million public workers strike in South Africa
More than one million public workers strike in South Africa
"Ruling Against US Access to Bases Helps Ease Colombia's Isolation"
Should people who purchase organic foods be allotted additional food stamps?
I think this Dean thing is a teachable moment to the netroots.
Britain’s National Health Service saddled with massive debts
The Layoff Kings: The 25 Companies Responsible for 700,000 Lost Jobs
Seattle Police: The Frontline Guard Against Jaywalking
as one who has served during wartime let me say this
Head Teabagger In Charge Dick Armey's goal is to replace GOP leaders with amateurs
New senators want to change way Senate works!
Last US combat brigade exits Iraq
How tall is Rachel Maddow? How tall is Richard Engle?
This should go over well in Michigan
NPR: The Debate Over 'Anchor Babies' And Citizenship
"Operation Iraqi Freedom ends, Operation New Dawn begins" at a price
Theoretically Sufis preach Mutual civility, interaction and cooperation.
Poll: 1 in 5 Americans thinks Obama is a Muslim
Event to commemorate 25th anniversary of Hormel strike
freepers/RW lurkers, be educated about mosques versus Park51 (dial-up warning)
Shirley Sherrod Reconciles with the NAACP
There has never been, or are there plans to build a Mosque at 'Ground Zero'
Rehabed turtles released back into the Gulf
Check if your spouse has teh gay
Who Needs Jobs and Less Traffic Anyway?
World ramps up flood aid to stricken Pakistan
"Mission accomplished"? 57 recruits and soldiers killed, 120 injured by Baghdad suicide bomber
Unintelligent By Design: Louisiana School District Considers Teaching Creationism
NY archbishop seeks to help negotiate location for Islamic center
Republicans may add GLBT Community to their "no" list during midterm elections
Keith and Rachel won't get any credit for this.
Was there ever a mosque AT the WTC before 9-11???
Roadside crosses for fallen Utah police unconstitutional, court rules
Roadside crosses for fallen Utah police unconstitutional, court rules
My eyes almost fell out of my head: Ann Coulter on CBS Early Show calling Obama "this guy"
Another interesting article about the Sufi Muslims and
Telling the Truth: Transit Winning Where it Counts
Democrat Sink holds up vs GOP for Fla. gov
I've been fighting to end the war in Iraq since the summer of 2002.
Nine Years Later, Afghan City is Buzzing But Still Menacing
CNN lieing their dirty asses off about the beginning of the Iraq war
Why Gen. Petraeus Is Going to Be the Last Person to Recognize That Afghanistan Is Totally Lost
Bill Press...Alaska is number one state in receiving stimulus money. Who knew?
Jack Jacobs, military analyst, is on MSNBC unloading on Rummy and Bremer
So, the corporomedia held back on the withdrawl, but has been hammering Obama all the while ...
So, the corporomedia held back on the withdrawl, but has been hammering Obama all the while ...
Today's Republican Party - an editorial cartoon
Dean and Rove will be speaking in the DE area on Oct 25th.
Fundies wrong by 650 million years - now that's creative
Speaking of the first amendment - remember the Dixie Chicks?
Wyclef Jean's Haitian presidential bid goes out of tune
Gasp: US Support Boosts Calls for UN War Crimes Inquiry
'Smart dust' aims to monitor everything
Has Lawrence O'Donnell dyed his hair for his new show?
The Anatomy of a Right-Wing News Headline
Chinese High-Speed Trains Leave Airports in Their Wake
I picked a fine week to be without MSNBC...
Putting the "Ground Zero Mosque" into political perspective
If you had the cash, would you buy the General Motors IPO?
Anatomy Of A Fail: Rise And Fall Of The Tea Party Exchange
2 peas in a pod: Palin endorses Beth Chapman
Why can't there be a spot on DU for solidarity democrats?
Quelle surprise !!!! Another "unexpected" spike in unemployment claims.....
Inspiration for the Lost Boys in Peter Pan?
Killings of Homeless Rise to Highest Level in a Decade
Aug Philly Fed index falls into negative territory
Even my rinky-dink newspaper gets it: "Ground Zero Mosque" is political hype!
Letting Go Of God - Julie Sweeney
Minneapolis PD investigates shot in Franken window
is leaving 50,000 troops in iraq anticlimactic?
Crazy idea .... no company should be allowed to offer health insurance for employees.
52 private security firms operating in Afghanistan
Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers Check In!!
'Shock And Awe': A Playlist for the End of 'Operation Iraqi Freedom'
After All The Crazy----Report: With or without GOP's attacks, "mosque" a long shot
The manufacturing sector in the Philadelphia region contracted for the first time in a year.
Check out these Mama Grizzleys
Shadow Elite: Selling Out Uncle Sam -- Who's Overseeing the Contractors?
Bin Laden's Willing Accomplices
This 'mosque' business has not been handled well
Non-stop black blobs seeping from seafloor — (VIDEO)
Dear Ms. Palin - if you support Dr. Laura's racist N-word tirade then you are a racist too!
Urge Global Aid for Pakistan to Match Haiti Response
GOPers Revise History: Say Dems Have Tax Hike Ticking Time 'Bomb'
Remember our exit from Vietnam?
Vitter's Office Paid For Aide's Trips Home For Court Appearances: Report
that jerk Grover Norquist was on Wash. Journal this a.m. yawn
Republicans and the New York Mosque
People are naturally drawn to controversy thats why good news largely gets overlooked
I don't get this - Arizona voter registration.
Just wanted to remind folks that David Motari is out there.
So... the oil is gone, the Iraq occupation is over, and I believe in magic.
Has Fox covered the Iraqi pull out or the success of the G.M. bail out yet?
Brent Bozell's embarrassingly predictable "censorship" flip-flop
How Many Lives Will WikiLeaks Save?
"you've got to be carefully taught"
New Data: The Economy Is In The Latrine
Concerned Women for America upset that cheating homeschoolers get punished for cheating
Jon Stewart's Fox News Slam Over Political Donation Hypocrisy
The Layoff Kings: The 25 Companies Responsible for 700,000 Lost Jobs
It's not about the mosque -- it's America's war on "the Other"
One more fugging one-dimensional war criminal
Justice For Bear Bear Watch: Dog Shooter Cop Charged
France deporting gypsies... anybody else following this?
HuffPo: New Unemployment Claims SURGE, Hit Highest Level Since November 2009
Julian Assange Wins Sam Adams Award for Integrity
Phony Bigots Posing As Patriots
Activist judges! Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Taking Your Country Back...Way, Way Back.
Because we need a WTF moment: Hair Dye Company Offers Anderson Cooper A Million $ To Leave Gray Town
90% of TV commentators are total morons.
Ann Coulter dropped from right-wing speaking gig for headlining gay Republican event 'HOMOCON'
Would the Democrats be a little better off politically if more southerners were in positions
Other Countries Probing Bush-era Torture — Why Aren't We?
U.S. Ups Pakistan Flood Aid to $150 Million (and we can't help our own or unemployed)
Let us gather around the council fire in praise of Chief Black Eagle.
Ground Zero mosque fear, anger stuns families of 9/11 victims
Outrage over plans to build library next to Sarah Palin
Hypocrisy at the Corner Store.
If Obama wants to suppress democratic turn out even more this fall..
Anybody remember the Weapons of Mass Destruction that were supposedly in Iraq?
The Unemployed/Underemployed Could Use Some Good News For A Change....
This is too good!! Target's "fashion show" on Facebook is getting hammered
Pakistan flood survivors from Ahmadiyya community denied shelter & relief goods
Why do people who defend tax cuts for the wealthy say "Now isn't the time to raise taxes"?
The Hippocratic Oath: Is a prior abortion an acceptable reason to turn away a patient?
Can someone please give the Muslim definition of a mosque ?
Bryan Fischer: The troops died for NOTHING (Because they didn't make Iraq a Christian theocracy)
Bryan Fischer: The troops died for NOTHING (Because they didn't make Iraq a Christian theocracy)
Legal fight on religious grounds cost city $40,000 -- for a $635 tax claim
Jobless Claims Going From Bad To Worse: 500,000
State of Wisconsin settles suit over poor prison health care
I remember the first night of the war
Breaking: Roger Clemens to be indicted for making false statements to Congress.
Another email courtesy of Alan Grayson
100% conservative email addresses available at regan.com
Another reason to hate Warren Buffett
This fucking mosque manufacturoversy is never
Big oil execs to be indicted for lying about not being in the energy task force
Ann Coulter Taking Heat From Conservatives Over HOMOCON
OK-Michael reagan commentary in my paper re:"Boy Scouts or Islam"
The NYC Mosque- A Purposely Manufactured Controversy Created By Desperate Politicians
DU power has made a major impact on this poll. We have raised it from a low twenties to high
Michael Moore: "We can’t keep waiting for the cavalry to come. That’s because we’re the cavalry."
Smarmy Republican Scammed by Smarmier Republicans
Smarmy Republican Scammed by Smarmier Republicans
Check the reunions at Fort Lewis on
Should St Rudy of 9/11 have allowed Kerik to keep an
Last of the Combat Troops Leaving Iraq? – Only in your Dreams: The Colonization of Empire Continues
here's what i think about the mosque/community center at ground zero/wtc site:
Today in Labor History Aug 19 Strikebreakers attacked and beat picketing strikers police watched
Influential Donor May Bolt From GOP Over Anti-Muslim Hysteria
Ted Olson, Former Bush Solicitor General & Husband Of 9/11 Victim, Backs Obama On Ground Zero Mosque
(LOL!!!) Inside The Pew Poll: Most (60%) of those who think Obama is Muslim learned it from media
My shrink stinks more than your shrink. . . Please come CAPTION Dr. Laura!!!
It's the burning issue Australia's leaders dare not confront
Rep. Grayson sizes up his opposition:
Salon misses the point on Jindal...it's not his ethnicity that's determined his "electibility."
Patricia Davis, Steve Reisner on new torture study, new play (GRITtv)
Patricia Davis, Steve Reisner on new torture study, new play (GRITtv)
Tragic Annals of the Stupid - Who knew Photoshop had a new 'endorse' function?
Gawker: Want to See President Obama on a One-Dollar Bill?
Philly Fed Index shows contraction in August, first time since July 2009 (= more job loss)
SPAIN: Bull Turns Tables And Charges Into Spectator Stands, 30 Injured
School Levy and Bond Measures Fail to Pass Nationwide
Howard Dean is more than a little confused
MO Democratic Senate Candidate Robin Carnahan: Extend Bush Tax Cuts For Wealthy
Facebook supporters organize rally for woman accused in Sen. Levin pie attack
Man with hot dogs in pants arrested
Now That They've Ginned Up Hate Against Muslims, They're Focusing on Proving that Obama is a Muslim
Jobless claims jump to nine-month high
Unemployment silver lining: Workplace deaths fall to 1992 levels!
Maybe Dr. Laura should ask Rush Limbaugh how to be a racist and get away with it!
GOP Senate candidate yanks video showing smoldering 9/11 site
Poll: At least 20% of Americans are stupid
AJC....DA: Paper terrorists stealing homes
IRAQ ---I'm NOT Ready To Make Nice --- While The Real Fools Still Reign Supreme.
The assault on US workers’ wages: PRIVATE SECTOR WAGES FELL 6% IN 2009.
Franklin Roosevelt: The Second Bill of Rights
Why Dean is kind of full of crap
Reassign the wealthy's Bush tax cuts to the middle/working classes.
I don't understand the opposition to the Cordoba Initiative(i.e. the misnamed "Ground Zero Mosque").
The Nation: The Lesson of Mosque-Mania: It's Our Values, Stupid
Did Lou Gehrig not die from Lou Gehrig's disease?
California town to charge nonresident drivers fees up to $3000 for car accidents
DFA: Muslims thrown under the bus and elected leaders egged on by the ugliest elements of the RW!
Permit denied for Quran burning... Hahaha
Underwater Gulf oil plume 22 miles long, likely to threaten marine life for months
How to Fail at Understanding Your Rights, By Sarah Palin
Troops gone, US to rely on 7,000 contractors in Iraq: report
"Reload" INDEED: Dr. Laura BLASTED Sarah Palin In 2008: 'Stunned' GOP Chose Her
The Gravest Threat to Your Job Isn't Illegal Immigrants: It's The Robots!
"Ground Zero Mosque" isn't the biggest issue
Everyone loves the word "Stryker"...
New senators want to change way Senate works
Many of the returning soldiers might suffer from PTSD. I pray that our country is responsive to
Is Sarah Palin ghostwriting Orly Taitz' briefs now?
Coulter claims 14th Amendment doesn't guarantee citizenship as a birthright
Senator Kerry visits flood-hit Pakistan
Senator Kerry visits flood-hit Pakistan
If we sit out the November elections, we're screwed
I've immortalized ChickMagic on Grovelbot's Big Board
Howard Dean's Democracy For America Breaks With Him On Mosque Debate ("It's not helping")
18% of Americans believe that Obama is a monster from outer space
18% of Americans believe that Obama is a monster from outer space
Is there such a thing as negative interest rates?
When will the victims of 9/11...
Sticky: "why does DU allow hate-filled anti-Muslim bigots?? Why?"
Dylan Ratigan Just Hit The Nail On The Head...BINGO
Thank You Senator Franken For Introducing Us To The REAL "Muslim Point Guards"
Thank You Senator Franken For Introducing Us To The REAL "Muslim Point Guards"
From the bowels of conservative deep think
Good news for Detroit: Ford and GM cars top the list for customer satisfaction (1st time ever)
Thoughts on Ground Zero "Victory Mosque" Controversy
To N.Y. Muslims, Islamic center near Ground Zero would be more than a mosque
The ad Roy Blunt posted, and then pulled down
Need a Double Order of "Blame the Republicans" Please
Marley T shirt banned at six flags in Montreal - WTF????
Spin control at its worst...Less people died on the job
"Charles Darwin is the father of modern day racism"
Our staunch Saudi allies are considering how to render a man paralyzed on purpose
DOJ Has 60 Days To Appeal Ruling That Declared DOMA Unconstitutional
"Islam is Peace" by George W. Bush
It's always fun to watch the news with my back turned to it and not pay attention.
Saudi Judge to Consider Paralysis as Punishment
That controversial construction project in Manattan - WHAT IS IT?
New Study Identifies Revenues for Doubling of Social Security Payout
New Jersey's $26 billion bond debacle
The definition of racist.....in Teabagese
Assuming the Democrats are in trouble in Nov, what can they do to make it a landslide?
Paychecks to Shrink Because of Higher Health Premiums, U.S. Companies Say
Paychecks to Shrink Because of Higher Health Premiums, U.S. Companies Say
What Google ads have to say about "Cackle of Rads"
Jennifer Aniston responds to O’Reilly:He is ‘insulting women
Those poll respondents don't really believe Obama is Muslim
Dr. Laura BLASTED Sarah Palin In 2008: 'Stunned' GOP Chose Her
Norah O'Donnell looks like she should be on Fox 'news' today.
Fair Game Trailer ("inspired" by the Valerie Plame story)
Fair Game Trailer ("inspired" by the Valerie Plame story)
I'm going to follow the President's lead and not comment on the wisdom of building the mosque...
Imus and Wallace call Pelosi's Park51 remarks McCarthyism; Imus asks, "who's paying for this old bag
Do Islamic center developers have the funds to build?
by what rationale are the remaining troops not 'combat' troops?
Could The Legality Of Google's Cache Kill Righthaven's(DU Suer) Copyright Claims?
Could The Legality Of Google's Cache Kill Righthaven's(DU Suer) Copyright Claims?
AP finally bans the phrase 'Ground Zero mosque'
Prop 8: LGBT Activists Arrested in San Diego Sit-in
Why WikiLeaks Must Be Protected by John Pilger
Wonder if Dr. Dean was concerned about this NYC Imam's closeness to the Bushies?
Difficult economic times ahead, CBO warns
MSNBC Rejects MoveOn's Ad Calling For Target Boycott
If Clemens was indicted for lying to Congress about his steroid use...
My GAWD, that's a big assed storm rolling this way
For those wanting to help our troops remaining in Iraq (and Afghanistan):
Kentucky commandments backers plan appeal optimistic of new Supreme Court
There IS another reason to support the Cordoba House
Did I mention I hate Walmart with a passion?
I was just wondering, how did Kuwait feel about being invaded last night?
Well this is just too good! Coulter gets uninvited to speak at a Teabagger event.
"Six day, six weeks, I doubt six months". Iraq War Quote Thread.
Senator Kerry returns to Kabul for Karzai talks
Gallup: We are succeeding in breaking the worker's spirit
Alan Grayson: Verizon-Google: There’s a Hard Rain Coming-An effort to kill off the open Internet
RIAA wants in on Google/Verizon deal
MarketWatch: Get ready for the bookstore massacre
The link to the video taken at Target
Let me show you how it is done: Howard Dean is wrong this time
Quote of the Day from Jon Stewart
The Muslim community center is being built 24,900 miles from Ground Zero
NBC News should get an award for this.
Cameron Diaz tops list of riskiest celeb searches
As we watched a convoy head for Kuwait, and as we argue about it, we lose sight of the fact that ...
You might be a right-winger, if…
The Six-Figure Fish Tank Catches On
I think one problem we have convincing people of global climate change
How many people will Fox claim attend the Beck rally next weekend?
Poaching Doesn't Rock: Ted Nugent Caught In Illegal Hunt
Poaching Doesn't Rock: Ted Nugent Caught In Illegal Hunt
Tell Xerox to Stop Unionbusting and Shipping Jobs Overseas
A Heartfelt Thank You to the DU Community
I just celebrated the end to Operation Iraqi Freedom with a drink
"A mosque that rejects radicalism is not a symbol of the enemy's victory;
Another reason Gov. Dean should have kept his mouth shut.
SPLC Sues Mississippi Authorities, Hospital for Illegally Taking Immigrant's Newbor
Grassroots Or Astroturf? Signs At 'Mega Mosque' Protest Were Pre-Printed
Does anyone know the latest on Theresa Heinz Kerry and
New Unemployment Claims SURGE, Hit Highest Level Since November 2009
Speech by Feisal Abdul Rauf at the Daniel Pearl Memorial.
50K "support" troops in Iraq. Not a BFD.
Q: How do you keep Sarah Palin from stealing your money?
"give me your tired, your poor. . . ."
Google says YOU want THEM to TELL YOU what to do. Is that true?
The Rude Pundit: Why Glenn Beck Ought to Be Repeatedly Cock-Punched (Latter-Day Saints Edition)
Between Palin and the American Family Association, I believe these people want a pogrom.
Let us give some DU love to this poll on Glen Beck and his rally.
University Of Phoenix Recruiter LIES To Undercover ABC Producer About Job Possibilities
"There will be Muslim point guards" says Senator Al Franken
RE-POST: A Krugman Article you won't find in the New York Times
I am very happy to see that a convoy of armed troops left Iraq today. No, actually, I'm thrilled.
New Study Claims 'Cougars' Do Not Exist
Shareholder files friend-of-court brief, upsets sweetheart settlement between SEC and Citigroup
Return of the BP Cover-Up: US govt won't release data for MONTHS -- Mother Jones
Historians rethink key Soviet role in Japan defeat
After latest government report, Toyota dealers feel vindicated
DU Quiz of the Hour - Who are these people?
Palin Tweets encouragement to Doctor N-Word: "Dr.Laura:don't retreat...reload!"
Orly Taitz Claims That Obama Is Undermining Her Birther Case
Billionaires Who Haven't Taken The Giving Pledge (surprise: includes NutMeg Whitman)
Media nitpicks Dem races while Sen.Richard Burr's at 32% approval in NC and acting DESPERATE!
Grover Norquist: Ground Zero Mosque The 'Monica Lewinsky Ploy' For GOP
Link to article on Sarah Palin's religious beliefs and her code words used
Outrage over plans to build a library next to Sarah Palin
NY Pizza Burger - Burger King - 4 Whoppers 2,520 Calories!
I learned today that 1 in 5 Americans are dumbasses.
This toon pretty much sums up the last 9 years....
Indianapolis UAW auto workers push back against GM & UAW International demands to halve wages
In Illinois, Doctors Refusing to Treat Women Who've Had Abortions
Do Islamic center developers have the funds to build?
Saudi judge looking for hospital to deliberately paralyze a man as punishment
Black Republican: Sarah Palin Doesn't Speak For Us
Teachers Explain Back-To-School Lists
Teachers Explain Back-To-School Lists
Wikileaks Encryption Use Offers 'Legal Challenge'
Do you think that Park 51 should be opened or stopped?
Gainesville church planning ‘Burn the Quran Day’ is denied permit, but plans to do it anyway.
22-mile-long oily plume mapped near BP well site
If I were a Muslim can I pray for the 9/11 victims at Ground Zero in Arabic?
If I were a Muslim can I pray for the 9/11 victims at Ground Zero in Arabic?
Utah’s roadside memorial crosses have to go, court rules
Influential Mosque Opponent Promotes Religious Freedom Abroad For U.S. Government
Feds decide to indict Roger Clemens; torturers & war criminals, not so much.
An Education Lesson Gone Awry...
Pres. Obama should highlight his Iraq withdrawal in every speech. He owns it.
A good man died too soon yesterday - I want people to notice -
Will The Bullies Win Again? Not if Al Franken Can Help It!
Juan Cole: Last US Combat Units withdraw from Iraq
That's great, Mr. President, but the REAL issue now is: Will Democrats allow SS to be GUTTED in Dec?
Fox News Comes Out Of The Closet (Cenk @ Huffington Post)
Sharron Angle Campaigned Against Black Football Jerseys On Religious Grounds: Color is Evil
This is just screaming - Caption me...
Who will stand up to the GOP's war on Islam? by Gene Lyons (salon.com)
I got a feeling that some folks just CANNOT process
Prison for man who stabbed cat
I would not get a DU name with a politician's name in it if I were you.
Another Truly Awful Wingnut Campaign Site
Memo To America's Middle Class: Obama is Just Not That Into You
Beck/Palin rally permit approved - 300,000 expected
"Ground Zero Mosque" Imam Reportedly Eulogized Daniel Pearl, Saying "Today I am a Jew"
'The Tillman Story' hits with force
Native Americans in Arizona Vow to Deport All Non-Native Americans
69, or What Difference Can a Democratic Supermajority Make?
If We as a Nation Block the Islamic Cultural Center from Opening, What Message are We Sending?
Neocon FRED KAGAN Hired by Team Obama
Cat & Mosque - Mark Fiore's latest animated video
Mosques, Muslims and America in Darkness
The 12 Democratic (And 41 GOP) Senators Stifling The Economy
Facebook. Posting I couldn't ignore...
So just how big is the Republican hatelist?
Sorry, but I don't buy the "Obama is a Christian" line either.
What do the people who are against the mosque..
Who Has Most Expensive School Supplies?
Homeowners' Rebellion: Could 62 Million Homes Be Foreclosure-Proof?
Onslow Bay looked at for first N.C. wind farm
Remember This, "Now The Pentagon Tells Bush: Climate Change Will Destroy Us"? --- Here's An Update
Death of the 'McMansion': Era of Huge Homes Is Over
Dean Stands By Mosque Remarks, Charges Liberal Critics With Being Inflexible
Why doesn't Obama come out against extending the Bush taxcuts...
So, that "christian" church that's going to burn Qurans... do they know the Quran contains
Kucinich: 'You can't be in & out at the same time' - The War in Iraq has entered a New Stage of PR
Kucinich: 'You can't be in & out at the same time' - The War in Iraq has entered a New Stage of PR
Time to have a little accountability for the actual professional left.
Maine company says underwater turbine is a success (largest ocean energy power plant ever installed
U.S. Soldiers Punished for Not Attending Christian Concert
President Obama's pollyanish comments on the jobs crisis: The Obama Administration is out of touch.
Trade Deficit At Record High: What Does That Mean?
I declare the recession is over.
Update: The jobs bill money comes to town.
Dean blew it. Imagine acknowledging to blacks in the Civil Rights era
Dean blew it. Imagine acknowledging to blacks in the Civil Rights era
Faux Is Very Dangerous! Their Propaganda War On Islam Is Broadcast Unfiltered ALL OVER THE WORLD
South Pacific, LIVE from Lincoln Center, PBS now.
I just aquired a box set of 90s music.
Stranded In Iowa - Manfred Mann & The New Earth Band
My poor cat is hiding in a closet. There is a fireworks display on outside. Any ideas of how
The Secret of Beer Goggles Discovered
Rusted Root - Faith I Do Believe
IBM creates a 3D map of the world that is 22 microns wide.
Facebook question... block a "public figure" ?
Female French jazz singers, mmm-mmm good.
So today, I had to attend a talk on distributed work models..
Is it me? Do I look like an all-you-can-eat-walking-buffet?
It's been one of those days for me...
My NEWEST Haiku - "She Flatlined My Heart"
How about a new mod for Left 4 Dead?
Medical advice threads and economic realities.
My next door neighbors are playing AC/DC
New Monopoly Properties For A Changing Economy
I went to my local DMV this morning
Airport Fire Destroys $469K Custom Ferrari, Transporter Offers $46K
I'm so busy and stressed out ......playing Frontierville, lady
Does anybody else think we are all in a dream inside of a dream>?
Surprisingly, I'm really looking forward to seeing that new Julia Roberts movie...
Bad Poetry day ....Write yur bad poetry
Ever find and now enjoy an older videogame you never heard of before?
There is baboon on the loose in my town...seriously
hey Forkboy, did youjust donate??
Confession: Yesterday, I screamed a stream of profanities inside a movie theater.
What is the worst color combination for stickies?
"What a storm last night. You should see my Gazebo." - June 30
CNN BREAKING: President Barack Obama Supports Starship's Right To Build This City On Rock And Roll
Thank you to whoever donated for me.
In which pride goeth before a cetera
Picture this. You're watching an Olympic women's basketball game, let's say, USA vs. Croatia.
Thank you for my donor star, anonymous DUer!
Suppose that you interviewed for jobs with two separate companies
How do you deal with fake people?
An Olive Garden is coming to my town!
I tipped just $1 on last night's meal and apologized as I did
George Harrison - Wah-Wah (HQ), from "Concert for Bangladesh"...TURN IT UP.
Post at least three sentences describing yourself, and I will give you a NEW NAME !!!
More Concert For Bangladesh...Leon Russell, "Jumpin' Jack Flash / Youngblood"
"Everybody was kung-fu fighting. those cats were fast as lightning.."
There was a wasp in the house, so I saved him and let him go outside
How do you spell the name of the main Muslim holy book?
A day without sunshine is like.....
Pity Party.....My freshman daughter just left for college.
Depression. UB40 or David Bowie?
Cute little ditty dedicated to repubs
So I was moonlighting at my job as a waiter last night
Anyone here a swimming instructor, or have been one? A question.
Creekdog is cheap apparantly--even the sticky agrees!
Please rate my performance after 25,000 posts at DU.
Please rate my performance after 25,000 posts at DU.
Common TV sitcom plot devices...
QUICK: give me a trivia question everyone should know the answer to but a lot of people don't
New Study Claims 'Cougars' Do Not Exist
Does your husband have TEH GAY?
Why on earth do I lurk on Rapture Ready?
Edible Buildings: Great Idea or Greatest Idea?
Where are the good free games online?
Name a soy-free vegan margarine that doesn't suck
Anyone else having problems making a donation with PayPal?
I sometimes wonder if I deserve the amazing friends I have
I love my hideously ugly cat...
Where should I go for the long weekend.
Deleted scene from Return of the Jedi.
Does anyone else's profession get shit on by the media?
Does anyone else's profession get shit on by the media?
Naked Vacations becoming more popular
Have any of you every gone to a rock or any concert by yourself?
Another dumb hummingbird photo
End of Iraq War for 7 and half years... I wait this!!!
Muslim Victims of September 11th Attack (Not Terrorist)
Challenger Miller Behind Murkowski In Money Race
Independent pledges to spend $2 million in 1st Congressional(MI)
Pulling U.S. Combat troops out of Iraq proves once again that Obama equals Bush
Condemning mosque, Gingrinch echoed Mussolini
Civilians to Take U.S. Lead After Military Leaves Iraq
Republican governors group is said to be avoiding ads for Maes
Chuck Todd just reported that Obama will not comment tonight and goes on vacation...
So, when does Pres. Obama land on an aircraft carrier?
Hey Barack: YOU appointed the commission you're 'defending' us against
For Pete's Sake Democratic Leaders, take a solid position and be proud of it (on the Mosque/Center)
When last time our President visit Family home? (pic)
very interesting Cartoon about mosque and 9/11
Palin supports Angle and will ‘actively help’ her in Nevada
article about Romney here, fwiw
Which of these items were at the top of the Republican agenda in 2008?
NOW a General talking to Rachel says there are 56,000 troops in Iraq...
Well, there has been a "War Of Jenkins' Ear"...what will history call our invasion of Iraq?
Ezra Klein: Obama Tax Plan Supports the Middle Class
People can use a text message to contribute to helping Pakistan - per the State Department
You're right, I do want a pony
Minnesota GOP: Republican women are hotter than Democrats
Blood For Oil Celebration! Halliburton secured large Iraq oil field yesterday!
8/18/10 Obama's Good Day; Out of Iraq & G.M. to buy back stock
How many Republicans would admit to supporting "tiered" citizenship
DNC Raises $11.5M In July, outpaces RNC again.
War in Iraq will be called 'Operation New Dawn' to reflect reduced U.S. role
Checking In on Consumer Credit Defaults
Otter's lead over Allred shrinks in new independent poll (ID)
CSM - Kerry : US committing another $150M to Pakistan relief that SoS Clinton will announce today
Billionaire Offers $1 Million To Flash Obama
Kirbyjon (Yeah you remember him) says The President is a Christian and blames Fox News
Joe Conason: Why do conservatives pretend "racism is dead"?
Pakistan flood survivors from Ahmadiyya community denied shelter & relief goods
(California) State worker furloughs are back on, for now
The Dems can win another landslide in November
Arizona prison officials release more information about fugitives
(Georgia) consulting firm to pay (H-1B) foreign workers $1 million in back wages
Palin leaps (incoherently, via Twitter) to Dr. Laura's defense. "don't retreat...reload!..."
N.J. unemployment jumps from Christie budget cuts (updated)
Foreclosures in state hit Latino homes hardest
Obama approval rating in some state polls conducted month of August...
Remember a couple weeks ago, when instead of talking about
Afghanistan, Africa most at risk for food shortage, UN says
Help end political meddling with curriculum standards!
Keith just said the convoy is 440 troops. nt
More photos of Israeli soldiers with detainees posted to highlight issue
Rachel Maddow on MSNBC: Last 50,000 due out by end of next year...
Polls show more Americans think Obama is a Muslim
Civilians to Take U.S. Lead After Military Leaves Iraq
Florida Weighs Billing BP More Than $1 Billion to Plug Fund Gap
Ezra Klein on: If only Obama had ...
Ground Zero mosque fear, anger stuns families of 9/11 victims
Just heard the increase in job lost is due to Government jobs in states
Influential Mosque Opponent Promotes Religious Freedom Abroad For U.S. Government
Another STUPID ASS Cooperate Democrat
Video: A Backyard Conversation with the President
Initial Claims for Unemployment Insurance Increase to 500,000
(California) State could use federal school funding to help close budget gap
ACLU sues(FBI & CIA) over detention (& Torture) in United Arab Emirates
New Pew National Poll: Obama 47% (-1) approval 41% (-2) disapproval
Have we helped destroy the middle class via our 401ks?
Ann Coulter dropped from right-wing speaking gig for headlining gay Republican event 'HOMOCON'
Small Firms Lagging, With Bulk of Job Losses
Intel Plans to Acquire McAfee for $7.68 Billion
New TIME magazine Poll: Obama 46/45 approval; GOP leads congressional ballot
Obama says he has 'no regrets' over his comments on controversial mosque near ground zero
ACLU sues over detention in United Arab Emirates
Folks I Don't Care If Obama is Christian Muslim Hindu Jewish.....
Cognitive Dissonance In Alaska-sarah, care to address this?
MSNBC: "Troops out of Iraq? Don't bet on it" (I WAS WRONG ABOUT OBAMA)
Medevac industry opposing upgrades wanted by NTSB
Why aren't the people who claim to be so exorcised about the pain the "mosque" may cause 911 victims
So the rethugs keep saying most people are sensitive to the muslim center so what
Quinnipiac Poll--FL : Crist (I) leads Senate race--Sink (D) ahead in Gov race
President to Congress: Put Small Business Assistance to a Vote
3 Iraqis killed, warnings pinned to bodies
Halliburton gets letter of intent for Iraq oil (shares rose 9 cents to close at $28.79 Wednesday)
GOP candidate Dino Rossi clueless: Thinks 1/3 of his state is making over $200,000.
Where is the Live Aid concert for Pakistan?
Congressional candidate Brad Zaun told in '01 to stay away from former girlfriend
Joe Scarborough Takes On Newt Gingrich Mosque Comments: 'It's Deplorable, It Is Sick Politics'
President Obama Pledges To Sign 9/11 Health Bill
Orly Taitz Claims That Obama Is Undermining Her Birther Case
Biden To Attend Event For Shea-Porter, Hodes
Judge: Names of gay-marriage foes must be disclosed
Burqa decision ripples across world
Stocks drop as jobless claims rise unexpectedly
Nearly 1 in 5 Americans Think Obama is Muslim
Muslims Pray Daily at Pentagon's 9/11 Crash Site
Regina Thomas plans write-in vote for Congress but might be ineligible
Shot fired at Al Franken's condo
22 cities in danger of a double-dip recession
BRIEF: Whirlpool To Lay Off Workers In Fort Smith (jobs to Mexico)
Wall Street reform gives regulators power over executive pay
MSNBC Rejects Anti-Target Ad From Liberal Group
American Airlines Flight 24 moved to remote location at San Francisco airport after alleged threat,
Alex Sink introduces running mate Rod Smith (FL Gov)
There Needs to be a Shakeup in The White House.
Declassified Senate Investigation Files Reveal Clandestine Israeli PR Campaign in America
Pakistan's Foreign Minister (to Christiane Amanpour): Main Enemy is Insurgents, Not India
How Exactly Does A President Create Jobs?
Pentagon Takes Aim at China Cyber Threat
Do Islamic center developers have the funds to build?
Court: N.Y. Town's Opposition to Church Violated Federal Law
Martha's Vineyard man hopes to thank Obama with Jackie Robinson photo
Maes Rejects Tancredo's Offer That They Both Drop Out Of CO-GOV
GOP donor: "The past few years in the Republican party has been constant humiliation for Muslims"
Update on House race in California's 3rd District.
DOJ Has 60 Days To Appeal Ruling That Declared DOMA Unconstitutional
Louisiana Republicans Agree: Scrap Birthright Citizenship, 17th Amendment
President Obama makes 4 Recess appointments
The critics cannot rewrite history
Interesting watch media ask everyone with a pulse why so many Americans think Obama is a Muslim
Obama: Social Security 'is not in crisis'
Ras Poll--Maryland Governor: O'Malley-Ehrlich tied
Obama, Courage and Lower Manhattan
Angle: I Haven't Changed My Mind On Phasing Out Social Security
Fox News actions were reprehensible this evening
Disgraceful: WP - Poll: 1 in 5 Americans thinks Obama is a Muslim
Latest Biden gaffe caught on tape
Police looking into damage to senator's (Franken) home
Quinnipiac Poll--New Jersey: Obama and Christie approval ratings
CIA forms new center to combat nukes, WMDs
Louisiana long shot picking up funds
Russia Set For Iran's Nuclear Plant Launch, Top Nuclear Official Says
When Obama gets back from vacation, I want to see some fireworks
White House says Obama is Christian, prays daily
"Every one hour you listen to Glenn Beck reduces your life expectancy by two days"
Howard Dean op-ed defending his opinion on moving the building (updated)
FOX News's $1 million to the GOP, the start of a flood
BP accused of withholding 'critical' spill data
Halliburton gets letter of intent for Iraq oil
A promise has been kept. Where were you and what were you doing when the bombs started to fall...
UN (General Assembly) to meet (Thursday) on Pakistan aid as fears mount for survivors
Franken: Opposition to mosque is “one of the most disgraceful things that I’ve heard.”
Does Bush deserve thanks for yesterday's pullout?
Gene Lyons: Who Will Stand Up to the GOP's War on Islam?
How much will this "Not-a-Mosque" *Controversy factor into the midterms?
Washington Saved Our Economic Hide
Keith just reported that the current combat operation officially continues until August 31st.
Sometimes Democrats just can't help themselves (should have deferred on the Mosque as a local issue)
For all those who say, "I support their constitutional right to build a 'mosque' BUT..."
The Whitehouse should host a giant welcome home parade for
BP told to preserve blowout preventer as evidence
Phone threat against American Airlines flight at San Francisco International Airport
"More than 50,000 troops will remain in Iraq; they will be reclassified as trainers."
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday August 19
U.S. brigades out of Iraq, but not necessarily out of combat
Photos: Pride, young, old, Patty, the President and "hopey changey" flip flops
Sen Feingold speaks out in support of mosque near Ground Zero-("intentional distraction-political")
Auto workers let Obama know just how they feel about his promises:
Given Money, Schools Wait on Rehiring Teachers
BP accused of withholding spill data
Fee hike impact: Not many takers for H-1B work visas
France begins deporting Roma Gypsies
France begins deporting Roma Gypsies
Weekly jobless claims hit nine-month high (500K)
Palin: "we’d be appalled if any public figure of Rahm’s stature ever used the “N-word""
Gainesville Church Will Burn Qurans On 9/11 (despite the burn permit denial.)
Vet kills wife, daughter, himself in Wisconsin
Orly Taitz Appealing Supreme Court Smack Down Of Birther Case
So, if Obama gets the credit for "ending the war in Iraq"...
22-mile-long oily plume found near BP well site
U.S. boosts Pakistan flood aid to $150M - 4 million left homeless, United Nations says
Robin Carnahan, Missouri Senate Candidate, Wants Bush Tax Cuts Extended For Wealthy
Former Baseball Great Roger Clemens to Be Indicted for Perjury: Report
Sorry, but I don't buy the "Obama is an African-American" line.
BREAKING: Gay man among Obama’s recess appointments
NOAA official: Roughly three-quarters of spilled oil still in Gulf
61% of Americans oppose construction of the 'Ground Zero Mosque'....24% think Obama is Muslim
Mama Grizzly 0-for-5 when it comes to endorsements this month.
There's No Such Thing as a "Support" troop.
Ras Poll: Washington Senate--Murray (D) 50% Rossi (R) 46%; Obama 53% approval
Franken calls opposition to mosque nr Ground Zero ‘1 of the most disgraceful things that I’ve heard'
As troops leave, U.S. to double contractors in Iraq
Muslim employee: Disney banned her head scarf
MSNBC Live From Iraq Border as US Combat Troops Depart (PART 1)
Jill And Joe Biden Welcomes Home Second Brigade
Conservative caller tries to defend nannie to Thom Hartmann in a shoot out
Billo The Clown Get Pwnd By A Rick Roll
Don't fuck with the unemployed, don't fuck with the poor and don't fuck with the homeless!
Joan Stallard Interview at Meeting of MoveOn.org Members
Homeless and stranded in Oregon
Weird Liberal Head Show #136: Mission Accomplished
Many Colombians support court's block of military pact with U.S.
CNN: Anderson Cooper 360 on Ground Zero Mosque: It's Geller's Fault!
$33 billion for war while communities can't pay teachers? Srsly?
Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell: US foreign policy dictatorship
Cenk Uygur Exposes Republicans Who Are Destroying The Economy
Caught on Tape: Cop Threatens Rape
Rachel Maddow/NBC News: Last Combat Brigade Out of Iraq
Thom Hartmann and Stephen Moore debate - Don't cut Social Security...Double it!
Midweek Politics: Intelligent, well-spoken Iraq veteran gives fascinating account and opinion
Dontcha love it when the Bull wins?
US Government is Under Satanic Power from Gays
Via TPM: 9-11 Widower Ted Olson: Obama Was Right On Cordoba House
Mike Papantonio on Midweek Politics: Newt Gingrich is a Teabagger in a 3 Piece Suit
Charlie Crist Moving Left: Independent Thanks God For Leaving GOP
Ground Zero Mosque Haters K.O.'d
Egg Recall, Palin Defends Dr. Laura's N-Word Rant, Blunt Campaign Ad & Troops Leave Iraq
Thom Hartmann-Matt Duss from American Progress - Did Operation Iraqi Freedom end on Obama's watch?
A Nation Filled With Stupid, Xenophobic, RETARDS .. America is DOOMED (Warning: EXTREME Anger)
Climate denial: More to deny than ever
Ed Show w/ Cenk: The MSM Should Call Out Fox News (w/ EB of Media Matters & the Director of the DGA)
Glenn Greenwald interviews Howard Dean Part 2
Dick Armey: Let social security be a choice. Let Medicare be voluntary'
The ad Roy Blunt posted, and then pulled down
Howard Dean weighs in on MosqueGate...a real affront to people who lost their lives
Glenn Greenwald interviews Howard Dean Part 1
'The Tillman Story' Director: "Shocking Footage in Film from Lynch Operation People Have Never Seen"
Papantonio: Mosques and Right Wing Crazies
Muslims Pray Daily at Pentagon's 9/11 Crash Site
Ed Show: Cenk w/ Senator Brown (D-OH) On Jobs, Bailout
Muslim Employee: Disney Banned Her Head Scarf
Democratic Response to Glenn Beck's Novel
Declassified Senate investigation files show Israeli manipulation of US media
Ed Show w/ Cenk: Should We Legalize Marijuana?
Rear Admiral Haris: Hurricane Katrina "Pales In Comparison To What Has Happened In Pakistan"
The Great Gulf Coast Oil Disaster Coverup Continues
Civilians to Take U.S. Lead After Military Leaves Iraq.
Russia, Pakistan show need for climate action
Indianapolis workers denounce GM-UAW threats
Hamp still stalled- "It’s like arguing about where to build the bedroom in the renovation of a
The right's latest weapon: 'Zionist editing' on Wikipedia
It's the Beginning of the End for the American Empire - Chalmers Johnson
Forget Donations to GOP, FOX News Still Contributing to Francisco Franco
Even as she leaves her radio show in disgrace, Dr. Laura still doesn't get it
Guardian UK: The transformation of Latin America is a global advance
Mitt Romney's wet noodle economics
Other countries probing Bush-era torture — Why aren't we?
Archbishop Offers to Mediate Islamic Center Controversy.
U.S. Strategy in Pakistan Is Upended by Floods.
U.S. Farmers Wary of Gaining From Russia’s Woes.
Myth of the greedy public-sector workers
Does the US Really Want Better Relations with Hugo Chávez?
Primer: Six Things Happening Right Now With Financial Regulation
New CIA Interrogation Tapes Hint at Legal 'Loophole' Allowing the US to Outsource Torture
DUers must read -- Letter from China: The U.S. embarrassment at the World Expo
Peak Everything: Preface to the paperback edition
GE and partners ready to start work on $500 million wind project
OPEC OK with Low Oil Prices: Raises Barrier for Alternative Fuels"
Help ban national gas drilling in the State of New York
Energy Star program - GAO reveals some obvious flaws
Shelled Marine Life In Gulf Of Maine Changing Rapidly In Face Of Acidification
New (CESM) Computer Model Advances Climate Change Research
We Have Yet to Come Face to Face with the Biggest Cost of the BP Spill
NSIDC - 8/17/10 2010 Update - Currently 649K Square Miles Below 79-00 Avg. - One Month Of Melt To Go
Pachauri Expects No Climate Deal At Cancun Talks
NASA Earth Observatory - Indus River Valley Pakistan - 8/18/09 Vs. 8/17/10
Torrential Rains Drench Jakarta, Other Densely Populated Regions - Rainy Season Due In November
MPA - 50 Best Blogs On Ocean Acidification
Veterans on Tour for Energy Independence
Oil companies forging ahead with pipelines and refineries to process tar-sands oil
Illinois Governor Quinn Signs Solar Ramp-Up Law and Announces Largest Solar Development in U.S.A.
China to Invest $3 Billion in Forests and Alternative Fuel
Massive North Atlantic Garbage Patch Mapped
Study - By 2030, 68% Of BC's Mature Pines Gone, 20% Of Total Timberlands Denuded By Pine Beetle
Meteorologists - After Two Months, Russia's Deadly Heatwave Officially Over - Reuters
60+ Cape Cod Estuaries & Salt Ponds Choking On Algae - Towns Rejected Sewer Systems Decades Ago
Kill ’Em All: How Loggers Use Herbicides
State's largest solar farm dedicated in Wyandot County (Ohio)
Tar Sands Oil Production, An Industrial Bonanza, Poses Major Water Use Challenges
Plagued by the plow: Wild forest buffets beat farm fields as food sources
Record and ridicule: Female cyclists expose sexist idiots online
BP Oil Spill Leaves 22-Mile Underwater Plume Migrating in Gulf of Mexico
Beyond Fossil Fuels - Finding New Ways to Fill the Tank
Your 2010 Iowa State Fair Champions!! (pics, tater)
LeGarrette Blount punches a player on his own team....
OK. Apparently Sarah Palin has been saying there is a "Cackle of Roids" in this forum.
Man injured in fall on Fenway stairwell
LeGarrette Blount throws another punch, this time in Titans camp
For all you Nick Saban Fans/Haters he is photoshopped into endorsing
Happy birthday to the niece of 1gobluedem and LisaM!
Video: NY Jet Cromartie Lists His 8 Kids
BYU. The Notre Dame of The West?
Ok, Big Ten fans and other also...
(Percy)Harvin collapses, taken away in ambulance
Bull goes Crazy and injures 40 in Spain.
Roger Clemens to be indicted for perjury
Bolivia: Former Leader Arrested
Accompaniment needed in Honduras
One for the books:"EU lawmakers urge probe of Colombian intelligence operations"
Three men massacred in Aguan, Honduras
Martinelli trip to Cuba was personal, says Varela
Does the US Really Want Better Relations with Hugo Chávez?
Letter from China: The U.S. embarrassment at the World Expo
Costa Rica wants US anti-drug program for CentAm
Many Colombians support court's block of military pact with U.S.
Former state trooper charged after middle school gun fire
Bank encourages second amendment
JOB: Communications Director, National Labor College
More Workers Worried About Losing Jobs Now Than In 2008
Copper miners are confronted by tanks, helicopters, 426 state troopers and 325 National Guardsmen
American Postal Workers Union Urges Members Not To Take Postal Service Survey
LA Carwash Workers Win Major Victory to End Worker Abuse, Gain Justice on the Job (jail time)
Unions Win Round in 2003 California Grocery Strike
Cincinnati-area gay community under assault
Love and Marriage: Gay Couples Speak Out
The Truth About Public Worker Pensions: Hardly The Lap of Luxury
Glenn Beck to Jobless Workers: Go Work at McDonald’s
BRITAIN: Catholic Adoption Agency Must Serve Gay Couples
Israel to build shelters against bio-chemical bombs
More photos of Israeli soldiers with detainees posted to highlight issue
Declassified Senate Investigation Files Reveal Clandestine Israeli PR Campaign in America
Court holds state responsible for shooting of Palestinian girl
Giant Terror Birds Used Stabbing Beaks to Kill Prey
Double-Whammy Earthquake Caused Tsunami
Study Says Gulf Oil Spill Caused Manhattan-Size Plume
Martian 'mud' volcanoes eyed for life
Focusing on Dark Energy With A Cosmic Lens
Focusing on Dark Energy With A Cosmic Lens
First Israeli, first Vietnamese win Fields Medal
U.S. Soldiers Punished For Not Attending chrisTian Concert
White House says Obama is Christian, prays daily
Letting Go Of God - Julie Sweeney
Why Can’t We Have a Rational Discussion About the Afterlife?
You know that free healthcare clinic Olbermann is spearheading?
For Shallah Kali - Talk about Releasing!
Sex Is Stressful, But Good For You
The Politics of Teen Sex Stats
More evidence links pesticides to hyperactivity
Tai Chi Reported to Ease Fibromyalgia (NYT)