Obama Seeks to Expand Arms Exports by Trimming Approval Process
WaPo - "Five myths about the Bush tax cuts" - But Doesn't Calling It A Tea Party Change Things?
Just Doing My Job (Mom, kids rescued from sinking car )
Teabaggers outraged by Michigan Democrats' Trickeration Tactics
My Salute to the VA in Phoenix Arizona by SargeUNN
aaand , the social circuit's next big event- the Levi and Bristol event
Military keeping traumatized soldiers in combat zones
AJC: Atlanta office space remains hard to fill
Michael Moore promotes community ownership of Michigan's classic downtown movie houses
Who here has applied for the high risk pool?
July 2010 TED Talk: Julian Assange: Why the world needs WikiLeaks
US Military Chief Admits to Iran Attack Plan
Coalition of 60 Groups Representing Over 30 Million Americans Launch Campaign to Fight SS cuts
Benny Hinn - Let the Bodies Hit the Floor Remix
Police: US man wearing wig, fake breasts and clown pants arrested after bank robbery
Police: US man wearing wig, fake breasts and clown pants arrested after bank robbery
Bill Kristol: Republicans Should 'Just Shut Up' About Charlie Rangel's Ethics Charges
Arizona's law was never going to solve the problem of illegal immigration. That is not its purpose.
We Are So Too NOT Racist, Also. And Stuff!
(full circle) MIT, the beginning of the internet, now suspected in Wikileaks leak
Treatment of workers by US corps: more treacherous than anyone realizes
Mullen says US has Iran strike plan, just in case
We'll have to become a service economy taking care of each other
Take a look: Anthony Weiner, Peter King, Charles Schumer - members of this Secret Society
Take a look: Anthony Weiner, Peter King, Charles Schumer - members of this Secret Society
Obama's "Plunge to the Bottom" will not improve education
Secrets of the Dead | The Airmen and the Headhunters | The "Wild Men" of Borneo (PBS) Some graphic.
Who would you most like to see lose a Senate seat in 2010?
Support Rep. Charlie Melancon's Oil Spill Tax Relief Act of 2010
Support Rep. Charlie Melancon's Oil Spill Tax Relief Act of 2010
The Free Market Fairy ain't comin'...
Obama needs to chunk bipartisanship and steamroll the Repubs...(just like Bush did)
Dark, Shadowy and Powerful Forces in American History – Part II
Immigrant Maids Flee Lives of Abuse in Kuwait
BP has ruined the lives of thousands of people...
He really did shoot A-bomb photos
congratulations chelsea clinton
What percentage of the GDP would our national debt have to exceed...
How the "Tax Cut" issue can work wonders for the Democratic party
The top two stories on CNN US right now
Hurricane tips?post em here and get em here
NY Times - Krugman - "Tax Cut Truthiness" - Destroys Bush Tax Cut Talking Points!
"India Shining": Half of India’s population lives below the poverty line
"India Shining": Half of India’s population lives below the poverty line
Smoking Guns of US Treasury Monetization
Australia: Labor’s leadership coup starts to unravel amid leaks and counter-leaks
Arlington Scandal Sparks New Safeguards
US Stalls on Trial for Five at Gitmo
Iraq: Gunmen blow up policeman's house, 3 killed
$2.8 Million Approved for GWS (GW1) Research
$2.8 Million Approved for GWS (GW1) Research
Iceland Parliament Poised to Reject Bank Rescue Plan as Insolvencies Loom
Irrigation project aims to help Kandahar thrive again
VA secretary hopes to improve access, outreach to veterans
American and Iraqi Versions Differ in Latest Chapters of War’s Story
For all those who commented on BPs' photoshopped command centre
Should Vanity Candidacies Have Us Worried?
Request: if joey scab mentions Ensign, could someone
Will Obama Fall Into Vietnam Trap in Afghanistan?
How to Dismantle the American Empire Before This Country Goes Under
Senate Committee Grills BP Safety Director: How’s That ‘Culture of Safety’ Working
For Multinationals, U.S. Wages, and Workers, No Longer Key to Profits
Afghanistan and the "Sacrifice Trap"
Overwhelming Number of Americans Want Government Intervention
Air Force is done with ‘Above All’ for motto
Lohan released from jail today 8-2 - on her way to in-house rehab program.
A Benchmark of Progress, Electrical Grid Fails Iraqis
Afghan-born Marine threatened with deportation
Minn. Man (Koua Fong Lee) Convicted In Toyota Crash To Get Hearing Today
Minn. Man (Koua Fong Lee) Convicted In Toyota Crash To Get Hearing Today
California governor Schwarzenegger declares state of fiscal emergency
(Air Force) Audit: Millions spent on unjustified moves
Ban on some Blackberry functions
BP Offering One-Time Payments To Gulf Oil Spill Victims In Attempt To Avoid Lawsuits
BP Offering One-Time Payments To Gulf Oil Spill Victims In Attempt To Avoid Lawsuits
Joel Klein, chancellor of nyc schools, belongs in jail
"My palm isn't large enough to write all my notes down..."
Seeping oil threatens ecosystems in Gulf marshes
Corporate campaign fundraising picks up speed-for rethugs
Bill Kristol: Republicans Should 'Just Shut Up' About Charlie Rangel's Ethics Charges
Witness: 'Cabal' at VA Is Killing Veterans
Captain Paul Watson's speech I shot from Saturday's Sea Shepherd event
What are the people saying about the November election
Elite US cyber-squad Vigilant recruits hackers from DefCon
What's the most basic rule of soccer (association football to the rest of you)?
Trickle down economics explained by Colbert
Dumb Criminal Files: 2 men tried to sell wood blocks as laptops
Have the wheels of justice finally caught up with "Mean Jean" Schmidt?
Bwaaaaaaaaah hahahahahahha- From neocons to crazy- cons
Hmmm , So morality has nothing to do with Politics ?
The crisis of middle-class America
"Tea party" activists drawn to Williamsburg and its portrayal of Founding Fathers
A message from Charles Sherrod
Alan Greenspan: Extending Bush Tax Cuts Without Paying For Them Could Be 'Disastrous'
The world’s governments subsidize the fossil fuel sector far more than they do renewables and biofue
Anyone live in Florence County, I have a questions about some dirty politics at the library.
Michele Bachmann dodges tea party smackdown with sick day
WaPo - Fareed Zakaria - "To deal with the deficit, let the tax cuts expire"
Tucson, AZ: Sun Tran employees going on strike
library faced protests over gay documentary
Screw it. Just repeal the Bush tax cuts for EVERYBODY
When we all fall down it will be too late
Judge blasts Massey Energy for ‘grandstanding’ in Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster investigation
Netherlands says 'enough', troops leave Afghanistan
In an actual shooting war between Colombia and Venezuela, whish country would you back?
For Multinationals, U.S. Wages, and Workers, No Longer Key to Profits
Show Your Support for American Jobs with Yard Signs and Bumper Stickers -- FREE
VetVoice: If You Can't Say Something Nice... (re: VA employment services)
The gop doesn't want you to know what they're doing on their summer vacation
Do you, personally, think it is okay for Democrats to charge their own with malfeasance but ......
Dear Dr. Paul Krugman, This Has All Happened Before
Obama is still repeating the 9/11 lie
Activists plan 'retirement party' as nukes turn 65
Do you think Al Gore is being set up?
Why the Feds Fear Thinkers Like Howard Zinn - By Chris Hedges
East Coast residents. Watch the storm forming in the Atlantic.
Crist Leads in Florida Senate Race
Yet another reason I won't sit out the November elections
eric cantor calls the wealthy the 'job creators'
Body Count: The File. Beck vs. Limbaugh, O'Reilly, and Hannity.
Daniel Ellsberg's WikiLeaks wish list
Heads up - Obama to speak on Iraq withdrawal
Richard Lui joins MSNBC as Day Time Anchor
Israel Goes Teabagger (From Joe.My.God blog)
CEI climate change smoke screen (Hartmann)
Fox News Gets Front Row Seat In White House Briefing Room
Virginia's suit against Obama health insurance reform allowed to go forward
Map of unemployment by state - is this factual?
Map of unemployment by state - is this factual?
The Web's New Gold Mine: Your Secrets
MSNBC.com vote: Has the Iraq War been worth it?
RNC Faltering, Might Lose Coordinating Power as Well
You see our military is really good at killing people and blowing stuff up
Earth to ReTHUGS, Teabaggers, Lady Blah Blah
Breaking - McGramps places 'hold' on
BP Procedure Meant to Permanently Seal Well Is Set to Begin
BP Procedure Meant to Permanently Seal Well Is Set to Begin
Fallout from 'Citizens United' begins: Corprat Cash Floods US Elections
Two Resolutions, One World War
Lansing teachers win right to sue over discipline
Rep Michelle Bachmann votes against act to help Native American police combat rape 'epidemic'
Uni-Tea event looks like they actually almost succeeded in drawing One Teabagger
Look! We're diverse! We're diverse!
As the rhetoric gets wound up for the week's news cycles, there is no doubt that ........
Latin America & Twenty-First Century Socialism: Inventing to Avoid Mistakes
Latin America & Twenty-First Century Socialism: Inventing to Avoid Mistakes
Researcher detained at U.S. border, questioned about Wikileaks
To any DUer who has lived abroad, re: standardized testing...
I was watching the film "The International" last night.......
SEC probes BP potential insider trading, also investigating disclosed drilling risks
Miranda warning rights trimmed bit by bit by high court
Iraqi Oil/Electricity Minister Issues Sadam Hussein style decree banning all labor unions in Iraq!
The Rude Pundit: An Apology to the Woman Without a Nose on the Cover of Time Magazine
The idiot GOP house and senate members know that they can do anything and get away with it!!
District Judge in Virginia area lets their Health Care Law Suit go forward
Detroit moves forward with plan for light-rail project
Memo to media: Health care judge in VA has long GOP roots
List of top party schools by Princeton Review
A.P. talkes Helen THOMAS's seat. Faux moves to front row. Gawker skewers them all.
Report: SEC Probing BP For Potential Insider Trading
Afghanistan: It’s Even Worse Than You Thought
WashPost TV critic smears ABC's Amanpour as possible terrorist sympathizer
'Net Surveillance Contractor that Outed Wikileaks Source Is Ramping Up
'Net Surveillance Contractor that Outed Wikileaks Source Is Ramping Up
A short poem for half-term governor Sarah Palin. Join in the fun!
Witness: 'Cabal' at VA Is Killing Veterans
EPA to Crack Down on Farm Dust
EPA to Crack Down on Farm Dust
I am glad Obama won this dance-off. How about you?
A Police State You'd Better Believe In
Quick Mark your Calendars!! George W. Bush to do first post-presidential interview in November!
Quick Mark your Calendars!! George W. Bush to do first post-presidential interview in November!
MSNBC, Cenk is hosting mid day!!!
No, no, NO...you're doing it all WRONG. You've got to do it with the dog under your arm, damn it.
Cantor Admits Extending Bush Tax Cuts Would ‘Dig The Hole Deeper’ On The Deficit — But
It's Official: Ethics Committee Charges Maxine Waters With Violations
Paul still leading Conway in KY
All hands on dreck. . . . Please come CAPTION Head Wreck!!!
Waters offers strong denial of charges as panel is formed,“I have not violated any House rules"
Brent Wilkes winning at poker to pay off his bail, pending his appeals...
As casualties in Afghanistan rise, Army suicides, drug use set new records
As casualties in Afghanistan rise, Army suicides, drug use set new records
Brent Wilkes winning at poker to pay off his bail, pending his appeals...
george w bu$h* is solely to blame if wealthy folks taxes increase.
Garbage islands threaten China's Three Gorges dam
Blood on whose hands in Afghanistan?
It begins: Corporate Campaign Cash Floods US Elections
Which best describes how Obama compares to Bush?
Accused Fort Hood Shooter.....
High court trims Miranda warning rights bit by bit
House Panel Charges Waters With Ethics Violations
Iran's Ahmadinejad calls for TV debate with Obama
Fun with Editorial Decisions: Dumb Photo Pick
The most frustrating thing about dealing with conservatives.
Protecting us from those Dangerous Terra-ists......of WikiLeaks
Oil company, law enforcement block media access to public sites hit by Michigan oil spill.
The tax cut debate has begun. Now playing...Right wing commercials
The Health Insurance Mandate - Obama's ultimate smoke screen
CNN live just now - AP gets Helen Thomas' seat in White House Briefing Room
TORTURE - TWO PERSPECTIVES Streamed live on Saturday, August 7 at 10am Pacific time
Here is the new medical model, coming to a city near you.
Hey Rachel - I know you're returning tonight
Question about car insurance "settlement" - story here
Was I the only one who thought we would see a major Power Grid, Wind and Solar plan in the works?
Russ Feingold opponent paid for racist "Bell Curve" author.
GM Seeks to Cut Wages in Half at Indianapolis Factory
BecKKK lied today. Gasp. Said that ZINN was a Communist & pals with Communist mentor of OBAMA.
How Corporations Destroyed American Democracy - Chris Hedges.
www.leagueofamericanvoters.com ALL DAY LONG seeing their crap ads on DU
Need info: What exactly was an Eisenhower Republican?
Chihuahua Mix Attacked By Coyote, Saved By Pit Bulls
How to Dismantle the American Empire Before This Country Goes Under
OBAMA re RePUKEs: "They don’t have a single idea that’s different from George Bush’s ideas--not one"
Virginia gets state AG's OK to implement Driving While Brown program
HHS Encourages LGBT-Inclusive Sex Ed
Tweety is getting a teaching lesson
Debate over new Arizona immigration law may heighten racism in state
Gawker: Billionaire (FL) Senate Candidate Treated Chef, Yacht Employees Like Crap
If Pubs win their repeal of the 14th amendment, we ALL could be
Hey, nobody's going to kick my brothers ass but me....
I see Mr. Matthews has the lovely Frank Gaffney on as a guest
A sincere query about the still unratified Equal Rights Amendment
Ridge's firms(shills for shale)to get $900,000 for pushing Marcellus drilling
Thank you , Eleanor Holmes Norton, for shifting Big Ed into neutral.
The Repuke pundits on the MSM defending tax cuts for the rich: LMFAO!
Koran Burning Church Held a "No Homo Mayor Protest" Today
Skidding Toward Fall (Kunstler)
Opposition to Health Care Reform Dwindles
Quick! What movie does this BP guy remind you of???
Breaking: BP says they may not need the relief well.. "static kill" may be enough..
If Jeff Greene wins FL Dem senate nomination--better news for Charlie Crist (PPP)
GOP House Members Are Setting the Stage for Investigations of Obama
Who will play Sarah Palin when "Going Rogue" becomes a major motion picture?
Family thought they were buying a foreclosed property. Bought worthless 2nd mortgage instead
Krugman: Why Is Deflation Bad?
Oil company, law enforcement block media access to public sites hit by Michigan oil spill.
New York Hotel Pioneers Birth Tourism
McCain On Amanpour: Anyone Else Miss Jake Tapper?
Ex-Baseball Star Still Working At 104
Ex-Baseball Star Still Working At 104
So THIS is how Goldman Sachs is gaming the market?
Republicans want to dump the 14th Amendment to get rid of the "thems."
Homeschooler Nick Jonas to Chair Reagan Youth Centenial!
The Obama Education/Health Reasoning Dichotomy
Weiner just smacked Mika on Moaning Joe
Writer Anne Rice Leaves Catholicism In Protest Of Catholic Churches’ Anti-Gay Agenda
Clark County (Nevada, where Las Vegas is) schools ponder an Arizona exodus
Is Joe Hill finally dead? (The Ballad of Joe Hill)
Ok, i don't get this poll - CA, MA, NY, has more conservatives than liberals??
Why We Really Shouldn't Keep the Bush Tax Cut for the Wealthy - Robert Reich/HuffPo
Not something you see every day at the White House
Waters Ethics Case Has Porter Goss (!) Arguing on Other Side - FDL
Why did state teachers unions support Tennessee's Race to the Top application?
Ya know how the Republicans could walk away with the elections
Why does BP play that folksy guitar music with their propaganda commercials?
Sharks being massacred at alarming rates.
Pay attention! Developers/Wall Street are attempting to strip your equity
why we're in our present pickle: 1986 income distribution & taxes v. 2005
Harman Signs Deal to Buy Newsweek From Washington Post Co.
Newsweek Announces Sale To Sidney Harman, Meacham To Step Down
Understanding Energy Policy In One Picture
The way we're headed, we'll all be charged one day for breathing corporate sponsored air
How can Barack Obama look at himself in the mirror?
McCain takes shot at Christiane Amanpour
Have you ever seen on TV a discussion about Afghans where they actually question an Afghan?
UAW Prez says economic populist (Bernero) will beat the wishy-washy DLCer (Dillon) in Michigan
Police: Prison Guard Killed Lawyer, Stole Guns For 'Overthrowing The Federal Govt'
Do you realize that we will be in the heat of the Republican primary 1 year from now?
nashville, tn is inundated with teevee political ads
ESPN announcer askes Black NASCAR crew member to "tap dance for us"..
Krugman - Defining Prosperity Down - says "governing elite just doesn't care"
Playing With Teen Sex Statistics: A Lesson in Lies
My brother got called back to work today
My brother got called back to work today
Some credit card companies squeeze most responsible customers
WaPo - "As deficit commission meets, Obama doesn't rule out new taxes" - OH NOES!
about the BP Disaster... I'm wondering if they 'Frack'd' the Methane Hydrate, to maximize profits.
Dear god sharron angle is stupid.
MI Supreme Court does a U-turn on injuries from vehicle accidents
The Skin Tone Advisory System:
Michael Steele Says He'll Seek Another Term
Are those republicans in Washington "Spoiled"???????????
We need some god damned INFLATION. Period.
Tony Auth Toon -"Gone Nation Building"
Mission Accomplished. I guess.
A President who keeps his word on military deployments
Which costs more: air-conditioned tents in Iraq/Afghanistan or NASA?
Just for fun, based on current world politics; What country is Canada most likely to go to war with?
Some pics of my son, and request for prayers/good thoughts for my brother
Why the top 1% in income should pay 99% of the taxes paid in the country.
Why is M$Greedia saying that Obama said that Rangel should go.
Sarah Palin actually said cojones...
Concerning Those Who Manufacture and Eat Shit
Earthlings. Narrated by Joaquin Phoenix
Conductor Mitch Miller dies at age 99
Conductor Mitch Miller dies at age 99
Head em' off at the pass!! The Christine Amanapour Appreciation Thread.
Obama: US to leave Iraq 'as promised, on schedule'
And so begins the march against Maxine
Administration report sees $8B in Medicare savings
Are any workers TOLD not to hire older people because of medical expenses?
Joe & Mika tried to gang up on Rep. Anthony Weiner on MJ today...
An Alternative Way To Travel (Video)
Stocks start off August with big gains; Dow up 200
Rand Paul: Congress has no business protecting miners
Good news. EPA just announced chemical dispersants no more toxic than oil.
Federal Court Rules Vitaminwater A Scam
TPM: Human Rights Campaign Slams Target And Best Buy For Supporting Anti-Gay Tom Emmer
Why does anyone STILL say Reagan "revitalized the economy?!"
Legal Schnauzer: GOP House Members Are Setting The Stage For Investigations Of Obama
FANTASTIC 'Toon from Truthdig (sorry if repeat)
Women of the Storm - And the Men Who Love Them
Uncle Tom's Cabin quote relevant to corporations and their stranglehold on our government:
Microsoft Quashed Effort to Boost Online Privacy
Dallas could become largest city in Texas to outlaw "marijuana substitutes"
Another Pill That Could Cause a Revolution
Invest 91L now Tropical Depression Four
Invest 91L now Tropical Depression Four
Lady Gaga ignores boycott, plays Phoenix concert.
So it's been over a week now that the wikileaks documents came out
Rep. Cantor Reluctantly Admits Extending Bush Tax Cuts Will Increase Deficits
Rep. Cantor Reluctantly Admits Extending Bush Tax Cuts Will Increase Deficits
Top 12 Racist Politicians of Modern History
Michael Steele Gets Punked By Activist Posing As Donor, Says He Can Beat Norm Coleman For RNC Post
My 12-year-old daughter summed it up nicely.
My [poorly punctuated] response from Target Corp. re: donations to asshats.
Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters investigations seems too convenient.
Money Market Accounts / IRAs: Empty them out or leave them be?
Photographers, head over to the Photography Forum and
digby: The 'struggle' against 'reverse racism' is ahistorical and racist
Tweener "idols" Nick Jonas & Jordin Sparks chair Reagan Youth Committee
Why deflation could be a good thing for Americans
Sen Al Franken: The most important post you’ll read all day (Daily Kos Diary)
A question for those knowledgeable about closed adoptions and the bad old days
Another hoarder dies in "stuff" filled home.
*THIS* is the "Tax Bomb" - your all inclusive primer on the Obama Tax plan
Police: Orlando man, three sons killed by drunken driver who ran red light
It's time for every worker in America to go on strike
Captured: America in Color from 1939-1943
Elizabeth Warren: My Mission Is to Restore America's Great Middle Class
Is Obama Trying to Dismantle Roosevelt's New Deal?
Transgender woman refused medical treatment at public hospital
DU reality check: Social Security does NOT add to the deficit.
Ben Nelson Opposes Elena Kagan, First Democrat To Do So
Did Fox News Argue for the "Right" to Lie in Their "Reporting" in Court?
have you located and looked at the topography map for your area?
Anger is the Other Face of Compassion
Hey Obama! This is TRUE LOVE and it needs to be LEGAL AND RECOGNIZED BY YOU!
This may sound like an absurd Idea, and maybe it is, but here goes
Not just TN and NYC, Delaware also has more poor test scores.
Tennessee students' scores plunge as standards changed.
Tennessee students' scores plunge as standards changed.
If you say that there is no difference between Democrats and Republicans
In the Dog Days of Summer, Obama Delivers a Death Blow to Vulnerable Women
NEW EVIDENCE that Alvin Greene’s “win” in SC was STOLEN!
Cenk Hosting MSNBC Live Monday 8/2 - Friday 8/6 From 3-4pm Eastern, 12-1pm Pacific
William Greider: President Obama Is Leading The Assault on Social Security
Great Toon: "The Fireman And The Arsonist"
VESIcare has the stupidest contraindication in the world
What's your culinary point of view?
"I really want you to taste my biscuits."
I've been thinking about leaving DU
The most important picture ever
Too much vibrato from maestra Sarah BRIGHTMAN on "Alhambra" n/t
Anyone else watch "The Pillars of the Earth?"
How long do you need to be careful? For me it's about 30 hours.
If I Post A Thread and Someone
bedtime stories....how i made cookies for ghw bush
Joy in Mudville, Wherever It May Be
TZ - the Nats kicked the Phil's ass 2 out of 3 times...hope you loved the game!
I'm really disappointed in the lounge.
Aspirin is legal, but crack is not.
Man, I really want a "Free Cascadia" bumper sticker.
Will musical 'albums' live on past the iTunes age?
Lohan released from jail today 8-2 - on her way to in-house rehab program.
Lohan released from jail today 8-2 - on her way to in-house rehab program.
Tobin's daily breakdown thread
Just got done seeing 'The Princess and the Frog'
I'm so fucking angry right now.
FTW: Best 'Demotivational Poster' ever
Anyone heard of a PLAY called "Man of Constant Sorrow?"
I just had 5 stitches put in my leg. Ask me anything.
The allure of 'Shark Week' has always been lost on me
Seriously, when the fuck did DU become full of so many uptight douchebags?
Just so you know - Inception is better the 2nd time around
I am so dense (Mad Men--no spoilers)
Another "Found footage" movie is coming out, this time an Exorcism
I can't WAIT: Justin Bieber's BIOGRAPHY is coming out!
Mad Men: A question (assume spoilers)
I'm leaving for lunch at Culver's!
I am watching Saturday Night Live:Dan Aykroyd on Netflix.
who is this justin beeber? and why is he coming out with something?
Damn you, Safeway Primo Taglio Mozzarella, Prosciutto & Basil Roll...why must you be so delicious?
I can't WAIT: Justin Bieber is coming out!
What's your favorite body part?
I'm helping to organize our high school reunion (40 years!)
Lately, I've been thinking about Tobin's rear end -- wanna see what I'd REALLY like to do to it?
Our own LeftyFingerPop stars in a remake of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds".
If anybody remembers Armadillo World Headquarters
What is your favorite food item?
Boca Burger? Or Morningstar Farms? Other, or neither?
Monday music from the old days to you young people (Get off my lawn!)
How many dumbasses are on the Internet who think they know everything?
Anyway you slice it, doesn't a six-blade razor feel excessive?
I apologize in advance if anyone's offended, but WHENEVER I hear, "SHOW US YOUR TITS"...
You can't get rid of me that easily Seattlians and Washingtonians in general
What were the best years of your life, and why?
A guy I barely know gave me a CD of his music and told me to listen to it
Out of the 83,463 reasons to ride a motorcycle, these are reasons #1 and #2.
True Blood Mid-season Review ** yes spoilers**
Lady Gaga looks very hot in Vanity Fair...
Has a commercial ever turned you off to a product?
Have you seen MiddleFingerMom's "enourmous penis?"
Israel modifies plans to deport migrant worker families
Chile Senator to Sponsor Gay Marriage Bill
Plane crashes in Denali National Park in Alaska
Hiroshima mayor, China activists win 'Asian Nobel'
Iran stoning woman offered asylum by Brazil's president Lula
Woman pleads guilty to defacing murder victim's tribute page
BP Spill May Cost Gulf Coast Homes $56,000 Apiece in Value
Military keeping traumatized soldiers in combat zones
Police: Stolen guns were to be used to overthrow the government
Administration report sees $8B in Medicare savings
High court trims Miranda warning rights bit by bit
SEC Probes BP Potential Insider Trading: Sources
Va. health-care lawsuit to proceed (against Obama plan)
Space station drama as cooling system fails
Rand Paul: Congress has no business protecting miners
Rep. Cantor Reluctantly Admits Extending Bush Tax Cuts Will Increase Deficits
McCain holds up confirmation of new Director of National Intelligence
Study: Rules to curb Afghan civilian casualties led to fewer attacks on U.S. troops
Cuban president: More private enterprise will be allowed
Andrew Breitbart still invited to postponed RNC fundraiser
First lady urges Congress to act on school meals
US judge lets Virginia healthcare challenge proceed
Blasts hit Israeli resort of Eilat
Sarkozy orders plane to rival Air Force One
Alex Salmond denies BP link to Lockerbie bomber release
Bush's tax cuts were pathetic, consider job creation during his entire first term
How Would You Grade the President Poll
Emanuel Lends Meek A Helping Hand
The fact that Jobs have actually been added under Obama, and people continue to say they haven't...
Cuccinelli: Va. police can ask about immigration status
Cape Wind agrees to reduce cost of offshore wind
Obama to confirm plan for US troop withdrawal from Iraq
K Street whines, feels it's being unfairly targeted by bill disclosing lobbying violators
The Washington Post Company Agrees to Sell NEWSWEEK to Sidney Harman
In case you missed it, Sarah Palin resorts to reading GOP talking points FAXes openly on Fox News
President Obama took Sasha and a friend to a WNBA game today.
W - will sit for first interview a week after midterm elections
Immigration memo may be a break for immigrants
NYT poll FL Senate: Crist: 41 Rubio 30 Meek 12 (37-29-16 if Greene)
Another promise fulfilled: Obama to speak with vets on Iraq drawdown
Poll: Dems seem to have advantage in MN Gov race
Enjoying the heck out of watching the fierce Cenk Uygur hosting the 3PM hour on MSNBC
Democrats Will Run Against Bush During Midterms, And Here's Why
Republicans expected to be united in opposition to state aid, teachers (vote today, updated)
PPP: Democratic senate candidates Improving standing in many states
PPP: Democratic senate candidates Improving standing in many states
Political Animal's Quote of the Day from Eric Cantor who admitted tax cuts worsen the deficit
How I see the Governors Races this year
New Report Shows Dramatic SOA Ties to Extrajudicial Killings in Colombia
President Obama: Iraq withdrawal strategy on track
Leaked war files no surprise to Afghans
Mexican Drug Cartel Allegedly Puts a Price on Arizona Sheriff's Head
WP's EJ Dionne: The auto industry lives. Can we admit that government intervention worked?
Doesn't matter what Republicans say, the red is their fault
Palin questioning Obama's man hood AGAIN!!
Fred Thompson on teevee today asking folks to sign his petition to 'Renew the Tax Cuts.'
McCain places hold on Clapper nomination
What could repubs be afraid of?
WH: Facts and Figures on Drawdown in Iraq
Reagan advisor Arthur Laffer makes the most bogus claim ever in favor of Bush's tax cuts for rich
Bill seeks action to curb brutality against women globally
Rove Invents Fantasy World In Which The Bush Tax Cuts Led To The Most Government Revenue Ever
3-months from today is the midterm election
Kendrick Meek supports same sex marriage, Crist "Fine" with Civil Unions
What would you do about the Bush tax cuts?
A Tale of Two Scandals (Rangel and Ensign)
Calif. high court upholds affirmative action ban
Please Consider K&Ring This Post:
Obama Administration In Danger Of Establishing 'New Normal' With Worst Bush-Era Policies, Says ACLU
Tim Kaine, DNC...please don't send me "Mailing Labels," with your Request for Donations, any more!
Jacob Appelbaum, Wikileaks Volunteer, Detained At U.S. Border For Three Hours
To Everyone Who Didn't Make Chelsea's Guest List
Reps Grayson and Edwards: Organizing Shareholders
A little something for John McCain and friends!! Sharon Angle and Tom Coburn!!!
Call The Arizona Republic for the Unemployed!
Penny Nance, CEO of CWA, Talks FCC Indecency with John Stossel
Fight4Change.us Launching on 8/7
I NEED Your Vote!!! Let's REALLY Change Media
Mr T explains why he defends the unemployed
Pap and David Uncover This Week's Buried Stories
This Week: Christiane Amanpour's Interview With Speaker Pelosi
An oldie but a goodie from the election: Freeper Lady Attacks a Billboard
Darcy Burner Interviewed by Sum of Change at Netroots Nation 2010
For my Republican friends who voted against unemployment extension
TYT: TARP Champion: Cut Social Security
Lady GaGa on SB1070 | The Monster Ball Tour in Phoenix
Glenn Beck Compares Himself To Martin Luther King
TYT Network Launches Vlog Channel (w/ Seder, Vloggers From FDL, Think Progress, Kos & Many More!)
John Boehner: A Tale of Ranting, Massive Insurance Contributions, and Getting Cast as Jafar
Unemployment Extentions Senate, HR 4213 Monday August 2 2010 FIGHT for TIER V
"It's the white people, stupid" (Barack the angry negro.) **Blood pressure warning**
"STOP! In the Name of Health" Flash Mob in NYC - Medicare for All!
Ed Schultz: We're 2 Years Away from Bread Lines
Obama Administration In Danger Of Establishing 'New Normal' With Worst Bush-Era Policies, Says ACLU
Petraeus' Rules: Fight Taliban, get to know the locals
Why Stimulus Spending is Essential to Fiscal Responsibility
For Rep. Chris Van Hollen, midterm elections could decide next move.
How to Dismantle the American Empire Before This Country Goes Under
Where Are The Prosecutions? SEC Lets Citi Execs Go Free After $40 Billion Subprime Lie
Frank Rich, the War Diaries and the “Fractionalized Media” (A Critique of Rich)
Bageant, Chomsky featured in film (Ken Smith)
Defining Prosperity Down By Paul Krugman
Buying Health Care, the Individual Mandate, and the Constitution (NEJM)
Chris Hedges: Why the Feds Fear Thinkers Like Howard Zinn
Why We Really Shouldn’t Keep the Bush Tax Cut for the Wealthy
Project Vigilant and the government/corporate destruction of privacy
President Obama calls out Republicans for fighting rebuilding the economy ...
New jobs bill will save or create well over a million jobs - Economic Policy Institute
Senate cutting food stamps to pay for Medicaid and teacher funding
New Report Shows Dramatic SOA Ties to Extrajudicial Killings in Colombia
A Sin and a Shame - Bob Herbert
The Biggest threat to the national debt - the GOP. Economic recovery and increasing employment is
to Cut the Deficit Let the Bush Tax Cuts Expire - Fareed Zacharia - WaPo
Elizabeth Warren: My Mission Is to Restore America's Great Middle Class
Rand Paul: Government should not regulate mine industry
Fox's Megyn Kelly taking center stage
Skidding Toward Fall (James Howard Kunstler)
Why doesn't Washington "Get" Social Security?
"Here Be Dragons" - Ann Jones speaks the truth about Afghanistan
Hummingbird rehab is a fast-paced labor of love
Worth looking after? The dilemma of the dingo
Understanding Energy Policy In One Picture
8/1 - Hundreds Of New Fires Across Russia - Daily Highs @ 95F+ For Much Of Past 3 Weeks - NYT
Popular S. Carolina Beaches Report Hundreds Of Weekend Stings From Jellyfish Bloom
Toxic Oak Processionary Moths Well-Established In UK - Can Cause Fatal Asthma Attacks
Toxic Oak Processionary Moths Well-Established In UK - Can Cause Fatal Asthma Attacks
Tesla Subsidy Vanishing Amid Electric Vehicle Boom
New Solar Conversion Process... 60% Efficient
Massive Garbage Islands Threaten To Shut Locks On 3 Gorges Dam - Masses Dense Enough To Walk On
On “Climate Change” v. “Global Warming”, chaos theory, etc.
Increase In Full-Size SUV Sales Outpaces Overall Auto Sales Growth In US For First 6 Months Of 2010
NASCAR: Elliott Sadler Crash Exposes Pocono Safety Weaknesses (with video)
Redskins' Haynesworth misses third straight conditioning test
Joy in Mudville, Wherever it May Be
Ozzie Guillen: Latino ballplayers at a disadvantage.
Rebels kill three soldiers in raid
Colombian alleges abuse by Venezuelan police
Suspicion in Edwin Valero homicide investigation
Chile Senator to Sponsor Gay Marriage Bill
'Army complicit in Arauca paramilitary crimes' .
Argentina identifies junta victims
While Uruguay Praises Lula Bringing Him to Tears, Colombia Scolds Brazil's President
The Colombia free trade pact is bad policy
Increase in Columbian civilian deaths tied to increase in US aid
The 20 Lies About Chávez' "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised"
Uribe implores Colombian military and police NOT to sleep the next seven nights
Chavez: Defeat Colombian Militarism With Dialogue
New Report Shows Dramatic SOA Ties to Extrajudicial Killings in Colombia
Analysis: In Venezuela, antisemitism is state policy
Lolita Lebrón, crusader for Puerto Rico independence dies
Raul Castro: No reform but Cuba economy control to ease
SAF sues in New York over ‘good cause’ requirement
NRA Protects Second Amendment Rights Of Residents In Public Housing
2 cop-killer bank robbers convicted in Philly, may get death.
Should seized firearms be melted down?
Firing Line - Is the Appleseed Project just a rifle course?
It's Official: "Skins USA" Loses its Gay Male Character
NOM blames gay media for its own bigots
NOM Tour Tracker Interviews Brian Brown (link leads to page with Youtube video)
Cute commercial for wireless headsets
Indiana Hospital Says No Transgender Patients Allowed
DeGeneres fired from Idol because, "There is a limit to what Christian viewers will tolerate..."
Sign HRC petition for Target & Best Buy to "MAKE IT RIGHT"
Led by SEIU, Union Coalition Tries to Unionize Heart of U.S. Economy
For Multinationals, U.S. Wages, and Workers, No Longer Key to Profits
National Conference of State Legislature’s resolution heralds change in way country views trade agre
Bill providing medical treatment to 9-11 rescue workers dies in the House
NYT: The treatment of workers by American corporations has been worse than most realize
Selling my barely used Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM lens
A cute picture my daughter took
Report: At least 3 rockets hit Israeli port
Israel to cooperate with UN probe into flotilla raid
New Gaza leisure projects focus on fun not hardship
Question regarding the Discussion Guidelines
'Al-Manar' glider lands in Israel
Analysis, Spacewalk Preparations Continue After Loss of Cooling Loop
Shields up! Force fields could protect Mars missions
Triceratops was really another Dinosaur
Blast in Gaza wounds 24 Palestinians
Japanese Scientists Create Elastic Water
Physicists Dream Up the Antilaser
Food For Thought: Meat-Based Diet Made Us Smarter
Televangelist Benny Hinn Asks For $2M In Donations
I’m just re-watched, for the nth time, “Ram Dass: Fierce Grace” about Timothy Leary.
Report of this atheists adventure in church!
Akashic Transformations August 2010 Message
Starcodes this Week- Heather Roan Robbins
Once-violent whales now friendly (or, yeah sure non-human species are dumb--riiiiiighhhhht)
well, the big event never happened
It's ALL hitting the fan right now.
~ August 2010 ~ Visionary, Intuition & Dreaming thread...
Cancer cells feed on fructose, study finds