Democratic Underground

Archives: August 21, 2010

Insiders give big to keep McCollum (R) afloat (Publix, Blue Cross, Big Sugar and more)

Iran broadcasts missile launch on state television

Sharron Angle.....DEVIL WORSHIPPER !!!!

For-profit flippen group finds way around ban on for-profit charter school management in nyc

OK, I'm confused......Again

Bill O'Reilly in the Red Sox booth on NESN

Can I give away my 'stickies'? dc

Adult website operator among Rand Paul donors

I didn't donate tonight because of Skinner's thread, I did because of my friends (and enemies) here

This will be a fascinating program with Rachel Madow

Strange statement heard at car crash scene

DeLay Won't Rule Out Return to Politics

Since the concept of "land" is getting batted about the term "Land LORD"?

DU hasn't listened to ME before and *won't* now

Obama's Pledge to Close Down Guantanamo is 'Not Even Close'

I have learned more from Rachel Maddow's on the ground reports

Gawker: Anti-Ground Zero Mosque Country Song

France expels Gypsies to Romania for second day

BANK BUST FRIDAY UPDATE !!!!!! California Screamin'

Fascism – does anyone have a Palin pic wrapped in a flag and bearing a cross ?

Swiftboat funder, architect donates $2 mil to "American Crossroads" for Reid, Carnahan attack ads

THANK YOU to the kind and generous DU'er who donated for me-- this means so much to me.

Thanks for the star

I heard a Republican this morning say one reason the

Bull leaps into Spain bullring stands, 40 hurt

RW Insanity: The Stupid, IT BURNS!!!

Samurai Deli

So I'm sitting at home on a Friday night, and I'm kind of depressed.

Evangelist leads 'disinformation campaign' on Obama: Religion professor (USA Today)

Mandatory Friday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! TGIF!

I would like to meet a Muslim cleric with my inlaws

Young, obese girls taken from filthy, bug-ridden home

Monsanto abandons GM canola in S Africa

Teachers asked to 'unfriend' students on Facebook

British Air Traffic Control: Beware of Giant Vulture at 35,000 Feet

On Obama's Christianity: Whatever...

I just want to say thank you to the kind soul who gave me a star.

I love you guys!

Why don't more DUers contribute monthly through PayPal?

higher hopes for our children? no. but they are more cynical than we are!

Narcolepsy from a vaccine?

CNN just declared the Pakistan flooding "the most under-reported story of the week."

"AFGHANISTAN Task Force 373, the Secret Killers – Part 1"

Freeper "super7man" on Sharron Angle ad he spotted on DU: "I'll try and get it to come back"

Brutality anger hits Aurora

Today I found out out my brother-in-law is a birther

Fuck! A close friend for the last 25 years just committed suicide.

Serious Question About Foundations

duplicate,please delete!

NYC imam's goodwill tour comes amid mosque furor

Now, why don't he write?

Why I will vote in November

Colbert to Welcome Home Iraq Troops With Specials.

Missouri state rep: Young Democrats hold key to 2010 elections

Family, U.S. offer differing versions of deadly Afghan raid

The Iraq Legacy: Tell It Like It Is

The Iraq Legacy: Tell It Like It Is

AFP: Attacks kill NATO soldiers, over a dozen Afghans

Drones Surge, Special Ops Strike in Petraeus Campaign Plan

Iraq: What Will Last 50,000 U.S. Troops Do?

Iran fuels first nuclear reactor

Naval Academy College Ranking Announced

Homeowners Association Spends $300,000 In Legal Fees Over A Pick-Up Truck

Killing the Wrong People in Afghanistan

FOX News #2 shareholder donated to NY mosque

Consumer organizations want action against Enterprise for renting recalled cars

Does PTSD affect our veterans?

Do people really KNOW what conservative & liberal means?

Israel and the anti-Muslim blow-up By MJ Rosenberg

I want to thank the person that gave me a star

Job interview - questions:

Caption Meg

A parallel war

Obama Chides Republicans on Corporate Campaign Cash

Obama Chides Republicans on Corporate Campaign Cash

Hate Map

Johann Hari: The management consultancy scam

I find it ironic ...

I've discovered what's wrong with republican extremists!

I've discovered what's wrong with republican extremists!

BG Group shares rise on bid reports

NOAA Claims Scientists Reviewed Controversial Report; The Scientists Say Otherwise

My American friend who told me in 2004 that Obama would be President

Blagojevich Sees 'Triumphant' Political Comeback

a creepy rant

LA Times: U.S. restaurants starved for business

LA Times: U.S. restaurants starved for business

The Health Care 'Free Market' at work

List of talking points for the Nov. midterms

Who needs Wikileaks when you have Republicans?

THANK YOU, FRIEND, for my star.

Poland's religious right digs in heels over divisive cross

A general question: How many recs/unrecs are we allowed...

The Party of the Establishment

Economic forecaster: ‘Greatest Depression’ coming

Looks like a hung parliament in Australia

Looks like a hung parliament in Australia

I've got a great idea to provide the out-of-work fishermen in the Gulf new employment!

Someone give Angle the haymaker already

Someone give Angle the haymaker already

Someone give Angle the haymaker already

Unemployment Breakdown August 2010 (map)

Unemployment Breakdown August 2010 (map)

Unemployment Breakdown August 2010 (map)

Man with hot dogs in pants arrested

Slimy Meg uses Big Dog "untrustworthy" quote to slime Jerry Brown

Why aren't the nut jobs proposing a "free market" solution to "Obama's Mosque"?

Significant Reason To Donate To DU #23:

The last 24hrs of Police Misconduct news reports from the InjusticeNews Twitter feed

ShoreBank of Chicago, Seven Others Shuttered as 2010 Failures Climb to 118

ShoreBank of Chicago, Seven Others Shuttered as 2010 Failures Climb to 118

ShoreBank of Chicago, Seven Others Shuttered as 2010 Failures Climb to 118

My first child just left for college

My first child just left for college

"the AFL-CIO is the largest women's organization in the country"

Man Scrawls World’s Biggest Message with a GPS ‘Pen’

This is good!

How many people realize that the Military Academies all have mosques...

Suicides Increase among Long-Term Unemployed…and Border Patrol Agents


It is unfortunately not a hoax. Wikileaks founder urged to turn himself in over rape allegations

Sweden withdraws warrant for WikiLeaks founder

AP: Warrant Withdrawn On Wikileaks Assange Rape Charge (Now With Link)

I just gave a star to a random starless person.

Los Angeles wants new contracts to include 'value-added' data as part of teacher evals.

Pamela Geller, 'Queen Of Muslim Bashers,' At Center Of N.Y. 'Mosque' Debate - HuffPo

The Numbers Michael Steele Doesn't Want You To See

Breaking - Prosecution withdraws rape charges

Sweden leads Europe in reports of rape, but conviction rate is among lowest

sorry, dupe!

A Childhood Memory Haunts The Present - my first WTF! moment

Mississippi Shrimpers Refuse to Trawl, Fearing Oil, Dispersants

Warrant for the arrest of Wikileaks founder Assange dropped: report

Fischer: US Failed to Make Iraq a Christian Nation, So Our Soldiers Died For Nothing

Wikileak's Julian Assange Charged with Rape

"We thought he had weapons of mass destruction..."

"We thought he had weapons of mass destruction..."

Here's my donation pledge, since the credit card thingy wouldn't work

Summation of CEO responses to lack of hiring, 25 words or less: It Must Really Suck To Be You

Wikileaks founder accused of rape

The baby landed on its noggin. . . . Please come CAPTION Head Wreck!!!!

Whats with the RW stickies???

What ailin' Palin? . . . Please come CAPTION Alaska's Cheese Cake!!!

Prosecutors: Rape Claims against Assange BOGUS! Arrest Warrants Withdrawn against WikiLeaks Founder

(Jesus) Christ Demands More Money

A major victory for President Obama as Iran moves ahead with nuclear power

News Corp’s number-two shareholder funded ‘terror mosque’ planner

add for MN Governor.....yikes....

New DNC ad features the Shrub with one of the countless stupid things he's said.

NYTimes: The Six-Figure Fish Tank Catches On

Sweden withdraws arrest warrant for WikiLeaks founder

Listen...I live in Scandinavia now and the WikiLeaks Story is getting NO play here

Mansion squatters in Seattle

High-tech carts will tell on Cleveland residents who don't recycle ... and they face $100 fine

I just gotta say....

I just gotta say....

Julian Assange is a very brave man and should be admired

Quick! Let's have more threads about the (dropped!) rape charges against the Wikileaks guy

The Great and Powerful Karnak predicts that we will reach 1000 donors by 1:00 PM EDT. That is all.

10 Shameless Right-Wing Tributes to Ayn Rand That Should Make Any Sane Person Blush

GOP candidate in Conn. hammers Democrat on honesty

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange 'Wanted for Rape'! Arrest warrant issued. A CIA Operation?

US military support for troubled states: a dangerous doctrine returns

US spending $16,000 for Ground Zero imam's Mideast tour

Stop "Wall Street" Whitman!

Stop "Wall Street" Whitman!

How large self-insured businesses will be cutting health benefits

How large self-insured businesses will be cutting health benefits

'Flagrant Islamophobia' in the EU

It's like playing with a shark's food during a feeding frenzy

Arrest warrant withdrawn for Assange

Netroots Nation conference replayed on FSTV this weekend...

Netroots Nation conference replayed on FSTV this weekend...

The GOP Mosque gambit worked

Income Inequality and Financial Crises

Which is more dangerous, Faux News or the Republican Party ?

Dell India becomes No. 1, topples HP

Use this to become informed about hatred.....

It would be funny if no one donates after 999.

How do we know which members are moderators?

14-year-old Dutch sailor begins her voyage around the world

Some good news for a change

The charges were dropped. n/t

Which chess move did Assange use to get the false charges dropped?

We don't blame the animal when a tiger or bear attacks a trainer;

Murdoch's NY Post hates 'The Tillman Story' 'cause Pat Tillman's mom is a 'George W Bush hater'

four to go and counting....


A new nickname for the queen of idiocy

Iraq is simply US's 21st century Philippines


Who orchestrated the Wikileaks Rape Charge?

Who orchestrated the Wikileaks Rape Charge?

Who orchestrated the Wikileaks Rape Charge?

Farmer's market conundrum.

Farmer's market conundrum.

Rape charges against Wikileaks Founder DROPPED!

AFL-CIO Protests Saddam-like Iraqi Labor Order

Media Matters: Incendiary rant exposes Dr. Laura (again)

Unusual Airport in New Zealand: Planes have to wait for trains to pass at this airport!

sellitman's pic adorn the top of DU

AP: Chamber emerges as formidable political force

How rude is it to get a PM from a member who does not allow replies?

We did it!

We did it!

Keith Olbermann is killing me right now

To WiFi Gypsies.

Chamber (Of Commerce) Emerges As Formidable Political Force - MSNBC

Chamber (Of Commerce) Emerges As Formidable Political Force - MSNBC

how should americans deal with the emerging anti-islam movement on the right?

We ARE going to reach our goal this fund drive. Let's talk.

I will be the Dick Clark of DU and host this thread as a countdown to DU victory.

Fallout of Hate Is Spreading Across America from 9/11 Site by Joshua Holland

CA marijuana Prop 19 still leading in poll, despite the banquet of bullshit served by opponents

Pot heads, your gunna like this one.

Why do I find myself defending Islam?....

Oops posted in wrong area about troop withdraw this early morn. However....

My favourite Shakespearean insult is 'taffeta punk'.

985. i like that number. it is so close to the 1000.

WikiLeaks founder Assange wanted in Sweden for rape

No. 2 shareholder of Fox News' parent company has funded Park51 planner

Where Men Win Glory

Looks like the fund drive doesn't need to be extended after all.

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Survey Of Spouses Leaked, Condemned As ‘Insulting And Derogatory’

Question for today...

Gulf Oil Spill Bound BP, Feds Together - AP

Shorter Krugman: The beatings will continue until moral improves

"miraculous and unprecedented turn-around"

What's That Sticky Waving its Arms? Hurry Before it Scuttles Away.

Fascinating read on how The Oil Plume is being studied: with MULTIMEDIA links

FUTURE OF DU: PROGRESSIVE Democratic Underground or DLC Chamber of Comment?

Lest we forget - they hate him for being a Christian, too

Lest we forget - they hate him for being a Christian, too

The Cubs are on national television. Why?...........n/t

An unfortunate fact..... Alan Grayson speaks out

Americans puffed up in self righteous indignation

Palin asks on Facebook - Does anyone seriously believe that Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a racist?

Were You Born on the Wrong Continent?

Check out this TARGET boycott video.

Nine lives, sixth sense: Cat at veterinary clinic seeks out ailing cats

What I can't understand about the "anchor babies" rhetoric.

Vuvuzelas make it into Oxford dictionary

High-tech carts will tell on Cleveland residents who don't recycle

join my FB group "Free Gas for life for families of soldiers killed in Iraq."

Millionaire calls personal assistant instead of 911 after car crash, leaving 23 y/o victim to drown

The Future Just Got Brighter

Why don't we snooker the Freepers into buying the mosque property?

Alberto Gonzales: Changing the 14th Amendment won't solve our immigration crisis

AP: WWII warplane raised from California reservoir

Rock band drummer rushed to ER. No health insurance

Those Damned Liberal Elitists!

This made my day -- hope it inspires you, too.

Sarah Palin can't sell tickets . . .

Dumbass Award of the day.

The New War of the Christian Crusaders – By David Rosen

The Best Colleges In America .. And The Amount Of Debt They Leave Students In (UPenn #1)

In search of the truth...

Ex lawmaker Ted Klaudt says state misused federal funds

Fiorina to Muslims: "Bridge divides and encourage understanding. Withdraw and find someplace else."

Rocker Urbani from the band Anew Revolution

Limbaugh has left the building, or at least NYC

NY candidate: Prison dorms for welfare recipients

WikiLeaks founder charged with rape, molestation in Sweden

Rand Paul & Jack Conway now TIED!! Great news

What crimes will Assange be accused of next?

Does anyone know if that AH Ben Quayle has a chance to win in Az?

Does anyone know if that AH Ben Quayle has a chance to win in Az?

Dr. Frank N. Furter/ Orly Taitz

Let's shoot the messenger: FOX news.

A few pics to caption :)

Toon: Dr. Laura and Mrs. Hyde

Toon: Dr. Laura and Mrs. Hyde

Toon: Dr. Laura and Mrs. Hyde

anyone at DU familiar with the British "Carry On...." movies???

You are not here....

I am SO glad Skinner was wrong!

Agency battles fleecing of military families


LA Times: U.S. restaurants starved for business

FUNDIE NUTJOB email: "Democrats that knew Obama was not eligible, go to federal prison for 25 years"

WTF??? Japan man 'kept dead mother in a backpack'

Things That Make You Go Hmm: "Some sources in Swedish media claimed the women did not report..."

Grayson slams mosque ‘distraction’: Talk about admin that ‘let’ 9/11 happen instead

Grayson slams mosque ‘distraction’: Talk about admin that ‘let’ 9/11 happen instead

reframing: we should talk about the OBAMA tax cuts. stop talking about shrub's tax cuts.

I donated today,and I can't really afford to.

Iran loads fuel to power up Bushehr nuclear reactor

Damn! Gawker on GQ's Scarborough piece The Psychosexual Longings of a Stodgy Newsman

Shirley Sherrod to meet with agriculture secretary to discuss new job offer

Tell Congress: No NRA EXEMPTION from campaign disclosure act!!

U.S. Soldiers Punished for Not Attending Christian Concert!

A pic for those complaining about a mosque 2 blocks from ground 0

Random Zen Droppings from MineralMan

Journalism Warning Labels

Monthly medication prevents fleas and mosquitos from harming dogs.

Why is there such a prevalence of center right governments in Europe these days?

Skinner is wrong! As usual :)

Skinner is wrong! As usual :)

I'd like to donate some stars and stickies...

Australia is Having its Election Today and Voting is Compulsory.

Australia is Having its Election Today and Voting is Compulsory.

Australia is Having its Election Today and Voting is Compulsory.

No Punishment for Deadly, Toxic Oil Spills or War Crimes, But a Baseball Player Faces Prison for Ste

In Western PA MIGHT want to check your Eggs.

Religion prof Stephen Prothero rebuts Graham's "disinformation" on Obama, Islam (Must See)

Here's a shoutout to NanceGreggs and JeffR

Why I donated, and will continue to lurk...

Amazing story about the best man in the NFL -- Tony Richardson of the NY Jets.

Bear with me-my ltte thanking the docs who saved my life

Northern France beaches closed after crocodile spotted lurking in English Channel

Facing our first genuine Teabagger

Looks like CA might get a late summer after all

What is up with all these "online public schools" I'm hearing commercials for.

This is HOW the Mosque Issue SHOULD be handled by the Democratic Party:

Astronomer Jack Horkheimer dies- the Star Hustler/Star Gazer

Check about 7 minutes into this video by Michael Moore...

If you take the time to think back, the people opposing the Islamic Center in NYC

Needed: a new economic Joseph Stiglitz

Night club bans fat girls

US museum slams Romania for 'anti-Semitic' coin

Wikileaks: "First Major 'Dirty Tricks' Attempt Against Us"

Wikileaks: "First Major 'Dirty Tricks' Attempt Against Us"

$100 an hour? WTF?

The world according to Facebook

The world according to Facebook

Village Voice: The Tillman Story Sets the Record Straight

Peruvian hallucinogen ayahuasca draws tourists seeking transforming experience

Dancing Grannies for Medicare

Dancing Grannies for Medicare

Toon: Things I didn't know

Mississippi Shrimpers Refuse to Trawl, Fearing Oil, Dispersants

CA insurance companies fight anti-recission rules.

What the low life scumbag bacteria Beck and Palin are really doing!

OK, we all know why Olbermann reads Thurber on Fridays. We get it. Now, can he stop?


This new Pat Tillman movie has the potential to be a back breaking straw

The Muslim seed is passed through the father.

Tropical Depression #6

Woo-hoo! 1000 donations - a day early!

Grayson slams mosque ‘distraction’: Talk about admin that ‘let’ 9/11 happen instead

How do we continue to be duped by the right wing corporate machine

Question: if I donate a star, does it also say that they donated to the 3rd quarter fund drive?

Frank Rich: How Fox Betrayed Petraeus

MoveOn not really worried about right wing competition

MoveOn not really worried about right wing competition

MoveOn not really worried about right wing competition

Are You Employed?

People are poor because they have no land.

Shouldn't the GOP be paying Fox?


"Peter Pan" Connection to 75-Year-Old Mystery of Mummified Fetuses Found In California?

So, did Skinner say that, if DU doesn't get 1000 donations, God will take him away?

At what point does an airport search step over the line? TSA agents go thru woman's checks

Opt Out! For all parents of high school aged kids!

Know your BFEE: Spying on America Isn’t Just Business, It’s Tradition.

Know your BFEE: Spying on America Isn’t Just Business, It’s Tradition.

The Lumberjack and The Beaver: A Political Fable

The Salmonella-In-Eggs Situation Gets Worse

Report on bear attack near Yellowstone-no clear reason, lightweight mainly vegan bear eats person

Here is the FAQ sheet from the Cordoba Initative website attemptining to answer most questions:

A tragic crisis of enormous magnitude is facing black boys and men in America.

A tragic crisis of enormous magnitude is facing black boys and men in America.

I think John Lennon knew the teabaggers when he wrote this song

CNN’s Crowley blames Obama for persistence of Muslim myth

Bed Bug Infestation is Scaring Millions of Americans!

Democrats hold financial advantage over GOP

Starless in Florida! pls help. TIA! nt

NPR: Americans Rethinking Home Ownership

YO Skinner you/we made the goal, congratulations, the lights stay on for 3 more months

I just had a thought about the rec/unrec feature:

WikiRape? How convenient.

China tries in vain to keep bellies buttoned up

"Go Veg, Young Man!"

Economic Forecaster: ‘Greatest Depression’ Coming - RawStory

Can anyone explain to me why we haven't built a power plant

Do you REALLY want to take back your country? Here's how...

Bob Herbert: We desperately need a campaign of nation-building in the U.S., not in Afghanistan

Seniors Already Seeing Lower Prescription Drug Costs

US Chamber: Equal Pay “a Fetish for Money,” Women Should “Choose the Right Partner at Home”

This is Activism! Thanks to DU I got more than ONE THOUSAND views of my youtube channel!

This is Activism! Thanks to DU I got more than ONE THOUSAND views of my youtube channel!

"Code Pink Tells Gold Star Mom: Your Son Deserved to Die"

NOAA's Peer Reviewers: "Dude, We Never Reviewed the Report"

Viruses May Cause More Cancer than Previously Thought

Limbaugh: Conservatives ‘Far More Likely’ to Be Ignorant

Top Expert: Geology is "Fractured", Relief Wells May Fail ... BP is Using a "Cloak of Silence"

Obama is the best we're going to be able to do. Other forces are in control.

How bad does it have to get ?

A rare sighting

A Dozen Duggars Sick with the Chickenpox

Advocate: Obama & advisers have misjudged gay issues from day one. Now, activists are seething.

Pac-Man Hacked Onto a Touch-Screen Voting Machine Without Breaking 'Tamper-Evident' Seals

DoD Buzz: Dems Face Doom in House

Why I'm not donating to DU this time.

President Obama warns of 'corporate takeover' of democracy

Why the Corrupt Few Wreak So Much Death, Destruction, and Suffering on the Rest of us

Nail Salon Charges More for Overweight Customers

Nail Salon Charges More for Overweight Customers

Woman approached me in store and asked for a dollar to buy a drink

What To Kill a Mockingbird Means to Me by Morris Dees

Is the war on Iraq really over?

As A Liberal, I Believe The Government Should Have A Significant, Proactive Role In Providing For


Who's that about to get punched??? n/t

Stevie Nicks-Blue Lamp

Cassius Marcellus Coolidge

The first Manhattan is coming on real nice.

Best. Song. Ever.

I'll have you know

19 years later, this monologue is just as timely as ever

Is there a thread somewhere regarding spare stars? n/t

So we're having an identity crisis today

One of my favorite Nick Drake songs - "Northern Sky" (featured in the movie "Serendipity")

So I'm sitting at home on a Friday night, and I'm kind of depressed.

Helter Skelter...performed on the ukelele!

How did Blofeld die? (If he did)

Hi everyone, I'm helping my Mom this week.

Samurai Deli

Rodrigo Y Gabriela

Must.. not.. kill.. Man-Cub..

Kitten Wearing a Tiny Hat Eats a Tiny Ice Cream Cone

If historical events had Facebook statuses--

The marijuana is starting to take effect nt

So, how is everyone doing this fine Friday night, I spent the day herding cows.

OH, MY NOSE! Maureen "Marcia Brady" McCormick on The Dating Game, 1971

Making something go from bad to much worse - funny (text, not video)

"Be Thankful for What You've Got"

This Sunday, the part of SalmonChantedEvening will be played by lizziegrace.

The rest of my teeth are gone and new dentures put in

Let's have the courage to be honest here, OK?

Cave Girl


Look into my eyes.......

Neil Young offers a lesson in calmly dealing with your critics

"Down on the Farm" by Camel - a little fun in a nice pleasant song.

My first child just left for college

No sound but the wind

YOU are Lassie, and Timmy has just fallen down the old well! WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

What was so bad about George Lazenby as 007?

Cute Video Du Jour: Kittens, Ferrets, and a Paperbag

Ok so answer me this: What is the worst lie a family member has told about U?

BREAKING: Actress Jessica Alba reportedly thrilled that DU made 1000 donations goal a day early


Logic trap broken.

basketball jones

GORN 10 The Reunion


Has anybody heard from Philboy lately?

Little Richard thread! Post your favourites

Has anybody heard from taturguy lately?


New York round or Chicago deep dish?

This is my 29,999th post. What should my 30,000th post be?

Which Tombstoners do you wish would return?


Music to Start Your Day - Perez Prado

A MUST-SEE clip for Zappa fans: "Black Napkins," 10/12/76...with the Mike Douglas Orchestra!

Need help. Fleetwood Mac video

Band of Horses - The Funeral

Crosby Stills & Nash - Southern Cross

The Iowa State Fair

Trouble in the Fields.....

Poetry Lovers, Your Opinion....

anyone at DU familiar with the British "Carry On...." movies???

"Bed Intruder" song inspired by TV news report debuts at #89 on Billboard Hot 100

This may get me pizza'd, but I'm going over to that OTHER Underground site.


I think my Akita is addicted to nuts

All roads lead to.................Wellfleet, Massachusetts?


my cats did not try to wake me up this morning.

most annoying new commercial

I was cleaning out mom and dad's attic today and I found newspapers from

Coordinate, people, COORDINATE!!!

Bluegrass fans, check out Punch Brothers w/Chris Thiele's "Rye Whiskey"

YouTube - Cee Lo Green cuts right through the intricacies of love with his new song, "Fuck You"

Fuck. A very close friend for the last 25 years just committed suicide.

Paul just took Bailey to the emergency vet


Would I be an idiot to try "Magic Jack" as a second phone source?nt

Pic of my Fursona,finally done.

Which DU'r do you like the best?

Let's get this serious crap outta the way!!!

List an item of junk food that you really like...

I've got to say I am getting very tired of hanging out with such scoundrels and hooligans

To WiFi Gypsies.

This is pretty funny; Cat loves him some boxes....(Video)

Just your average note from your daughter on summer vacation......NOT

Watch the BP ROV Under Sea Cams...Thread # 36

Are kids learning much in the way of grammar?

So what are some manageable ways to avoid bed bugs when traveling?

What is your incidental music?

I need a cute kitteh thread. Please post what you have! Thanks.

Are you willing to donate money to help launch the new Boojatta Message Board?

Nazareth VS. J. Geils Band VS. John Lennon - Does LOVE hurt, stink, or is it all you need?

Was your summer vacation this exciting?

HEY MUSIC FANS! Help us get a musical monument to New Orleans...

Biden to Dems: GOP offers more of the past, but 'on steroids'

DSCC Planning Ads For Carnahan, Conway

Didier wants promises from Rossi about taxes, abortion

Crist donors not flocking to Rubio

Hundreds of millions in Katrina funds remain unspent

Believe it or not

A Rip Your Face Off Election

Teachers asked to 'unfriend' students on Facebook

Troubled contractor agrees to pay fines

Guestworker Group Exposes Forced Labor in Tennessee

Dell India becomes No. 1, topples HP

Haiti council: Wyclef Jean can't run for president

Former Reagan chief of staff Ken Duberstein says Obama statement on NYC mosque "appropriate"

Evangelist leads 'disinformation campaign' on Obama: Religion professor

It Takes a Congress

Poll: Nearly 6 in 10 oppose war in Afghanistan

Joe Biden, the VP needs to say more

"Winning agreement to at least restart the direct talks makes good on an Obama campaign promise"

Rains batter China anew; 50,000 evacuated in flood (area vital lifeline for N Korea's world trade)

America, a Walking Dead Zombie Economy

Breaking News Last US Combat Troops Leave Iraq Today

Nick Clegg backs tax on university graduates

Mississippi Shrimpers Refuse to Trawl, Fearing Oil, Dispersants

China (People's Liberation Army) to send more relief materials to flood-hit Pakistan

Julian Assange charged with rape and molestation in Sweden?

Despite His Anti-Government Rhetoric, Gov. McDonnell’s Budget Surplus Results From Government Assist

The chart that makes the case for more stimulus.

Nevada Broadcasters cancels Harry Reid-Sharron Angle debate

Sweden withdraws warrant for WikiLeaks founder

Cyberactivists unblock Wikileaks for Thai Netizens

Blackwater Reaches Deal on U.S. Export Violations

Grayson slams mosque ‘distraction’: Talk about admin that ‘let’ 9/11 happen instead

A major victory for President Obama as Iran moves ahead with nuclear power amibitions...

Sweden drops rape accusation against founder of WikiLeaks

Amnesty International Urges Saudi Arabia Not to Deliberately Paralyze Man as Punishment

Meg Whitman says she would defend Proposition 8

China to restrict knife sales ahead of Asian Games

Guantanamo Judge Says Sees No Torture of Canadian

Some want Obama to go away, and then are pissed when he leaves...

Democratic National Committee raised $11.5 million in July (nearly twice the RNC)


Objecting to and fighting to stop a cultural center from being built=patriotism and free speech

Sorry, dupe.

Just where is the sense of priority? International Security is a Democratic issue.

Adult website operator among Rand Paul donors

Massachusetts sheriff threatens to turn away federal detainees

So f'n true!

Death toll from Pakistan flooding tops 1,500 as risk of diseases rises

U.S. Inaction Lets Look-Alike Tubes Kill Patients

Only 50% Of GOP Supports Extending Bush Tax Cuts For Wealthy

Pakistan flood aid from Islamic extremists

Somehow, Joe Biden fails to mention Robin Carnahan

Obama and news conferences

U.S. anti-Islam protest seen as lift for extremists

More tough economic times forecast by CBO

NYT: After Iraq, Troops Fill Base Towns

WashPost Op-Ed: Martin Luther King, Jr. Tells Us Why the Mosque Must Be Built

Sweden Withdraws Warrant for WikiLeaks Founder (Saying Rape Suspicion Unfounded)

The Independent UK's Front Page Today (Image & Article): "Obama And The Fight For America's Soul"

Wikileaks' Assange accused of rape in Sweden

Obama urges Republicans to name political donors

Pakistan thanks world for opening wallets (India will "be privileged" to assist Pakistan's recovery)

Chamber of Commerce, Other Groups Skirt Letter of Law in Reporting Political Ads

Michelle Obama Portrait Debuts at Smithsonian

Robert Reich points out that the CEO involved in the egg recall is a serial offender

Health Insurers Lobbying To Make Profits Seem Smaller Than They Are

Summer Reading: Obama Buys Books

Harold Dow, Veteran CBS News Correspondent, Dies

Van Gogh painting stolen in Cairo

Cuban-American politicians against loosening travel, aid rules

CEO: No need to invest right now

Toyota cited throttle issues in '07 (saved more than $100 million by deterring U.S. safety officials

FBI tracked desegregation suit against (Bear) Bryant

Yesterday I was in the Social Security office to get a work history print out

Why is the White House messaging so terrible?

Obama: 'We cannot allow the corporate takeover of our democracy"

Iran prepares to start up first nuclear reactor

Australian election so far:- Labor may be able to form minority government

GOP governor candidate: Turn prisons into welfare dorms

Michael Moore praises suspected WikiLeaks source

Michael Moore praises suspected WikiLeaks source

$90 copay on a $110 prescription

Papantonio: Cenk and Pap Go After BP

Nancy Skinner Fox News 082010 Health Care Democratic Messaging

History of environmental, labor, cruelty, safety & immigration violations at Iowa egg recall farm

Keith Olbermann Countdown: How Muslim is The President ?

West Wing Week: WH Creates Own Message of Progress

Fox News downplays Quayle's 'broken moral compass'


Swedish prosecutors office: Assange is wanted on rape and molestation - issued an arrest warrant

Weird Liberal Head Show #138: We Are Winning

Wikileaks Julian Assange wanted for rape in Sweden


Real News: Prominent Canadian Civil Rights Lawyer, "Beware of Coming Police State"

F*CK the Tea Party, MIA Style

Response to comments of Peter Schiff viewers, Free Market, Corporations and Trends

Glenn Beck and Peter Schiff fa Brains on the unemployment!!! HELP WANTED

Mike Malloy - George W. Bush Compendium Of Death

Come On People! 1 of 5

CNN: Wikileaks Julian Assange wanted for rape & molestation - ''Charges Have No Basis'' [11:59]

Do We Really Want To Relive --- THE REPUBLICAN MESS!?!?

PAC-MAN on a voting machine

Man invents machine to convert plastic into oil

Ari Fleischer using the term "Operation Iraqi Liberation" (OIL)

Ed Show w/ Cenk: Bill O'Reilly Fail On Muslims

CNN: Charge Against Wikileaks Founder Dropped

Minnesota Under Attack From Sharia Law?

Linda McMahon WARNS: Ending Bush Tax Cuts for the Have Mores will be a BIG DIG for small business!

Joe Biden :Tea Party Republicans On Steroids

Declassified documents proves Israel manipulates the US and its media

Worst Person In The World! - Ted Nugent - August 20, 2010

Lilith Fair 2010 DC - Sarah McLachlan "Angel" - Justice Through Music - JTMP.ORG

Fishermen find oil and dispersants on Mississippi shrimping and oyster grounds

Conservatives -- America's Traitors by Old Fart Rants

Weekly Address: No Corporate Takeover of Our Democracy

Keiser Report No.70

Keith Olbermann Debates Howard Dean Part 1

Keith Olbermann Debates Howard Dean Part 2

HEALING THE PLANET (what the world needs right now)

'Iraq Exit: Rebranding the Occupation!'

New Bans Prohibit Video Taping Cops

Pakistan Flood Relief Update: Doctors Without Borders Providing Fresh Water in Mingora, Swat Valley

Rush Limbaugh: Unemployment Welfare

Obama:GOP Enabling Corporate Takeover Of US Democracy

Ed Show: Cenk On Glenn Beck's MLK Rally

Check out this TARGET protest, Fan-Fricking-Fabulous!

Changing Times Final Small

Big Choices

Mike Malloy - Pulling Out From The Crime Scene

"...and now we're headed for the greatest depression."

Bacteria and Phytoplankton Affect the Weather

Poetic Justice: Most Americans Think 'Franklin Graham' is Black

Commentary: Lies and election season lunacy

Your tax dollars are being used to train foreign IT workers to take your jobs

Why are we so willing to repeat history's mistakes?

99er Responds To Glenn Beck: 'You Couldn't Get More American Than Me'

The Iraq Legacy: Tell It Like It Is

AlterNet: Fallout of Hate Is Spreading Across America from 9/11 Site

Attention TV networks: Pam Geller is lying to your viewers (MediaMatters)

William Rivers Pitt: Mosques, Muslims and America in Darkness

It's Unanimous! GOP Says No To Unemployment Benefits, Yes To Tax Cuts For The Rich

Auerback: Which Party Poses the Real Risk to Social Security’s Future?

Missouri state rep: Young Democrats hold key to 2010 elections

Republican Strategy for Victory: Stall Economic Recovery

the biggest factor contibuting to the Deficit, the Bush tax cuts. _CBPP

10 Republican Lies About the Bush Tax Cuts - ( Crooks and Liars )

The US blogger on a mission to halt 'Islamic takeover'

Friday Talking Points (135) -- The Sky Is Falling!

America, a Walking Dead Zombie Economy

Trapped at Ground Zero (Ramzy Baroud)

Here is the FAQ sheet from the Cordoba Initative website attemptining to answer most questions:

Weekend Economists' Hair-Raising Adventures August 20-22, 2010

I Think I Am Finally Old Enough To Understand "Hair"

Republican Jobs Plan: Bigger Tax Cuts For The Rich - (this is on TOP of the Bush tax cuts)

Extending Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest would add $3.8 Trillion to deficit.

Real Americans, Please Stand Up. Dick Cavett

Vacation Special -- Excerpt from "The Witch of Hebron" (James Howard Kunstler)

Here's a Surprise! British "Greens" Actually Show Concern for the Environment.

As Quebec bathes in electricity, money goes down the drain

Rwanda Harnesses Energy from Exploding Lake

NW Passage Open?

Shaq races Tyson Gay

Gators cap costs Razorbacks correspondent her job

Cromartie blames 'Hard Knocks' producers for kid-naming trouble

Am I bad person because seeing an Andy Roddick meltdown makes me happy?

ESPN's Jay Mariotti Arrested on Felony Charge

The Cubs are on national television. Why?...........n/t

Possible Flaw Could Turn Clemens Case, Expert Says

HEY CONDEM! A DUer's brother-in-law won the chili cook-off at the Iowa State Fair.

Tim Tebow's sports style: Is it a reflection of brute force that we see too often everywhere?

The Mountain West Conference Facebook feed (humor)

Obama names Aponte El Salvador ambassador in recess appointment

Colombia captures top suspected Venezuelan trafficker

Berlin to Host Cuba Solidarity Events

Mario Diaz Balart on CSPAN WJ 8/20/10

Brazil and Venezuela: Two Turning Point Elections this Fall

Venezuela Court Revokes Ban On Violent Photos In Newspapers

Fighting "street guns" in Charleston, W. Va.

Why Does the Gun Lobby have so much control over Congress?

Leaders: Make peace with gays in military

GM, Toyota Boost South African Wages 10% to End Strike

Today in Labor History Aug 21 Slave revolt led by Nat Turner begins 60 whites dead

Labor trying to mobilize the jobless to vote this fall

Today in Labor History Aug 20 Federal employees became the first workers to enjoy the 8-hour workday

Atlantic City Tropicana Dealers Reach First UAW Contract

AFA-CWA Says Mediation Board Decision Means Union Vote For 20,000 Flight Attendants

CWA Reaches Agreement With AT&T In Connecticut

UAW Chevy Wins Big at Brickyard (NASCAR), Nonunion Toyota Eats Exhaust

Toyota moving 32 to full-time

Sticks and stones

Toyota job details available soon in Mississippi

Workplace Deaths In U.S. At Lowest Level Since 1992

AP: Mower accident kills Lincoln, Ne. man

Attempting to not wander all over the place

Trouble at the Watering Hole

Road trip!

Never been into photojournalism, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do

They say, "always bring your camera".

The US blogger on a mission to halt 'Islamic takeover'

Jordan Valley is a microcosm of Israel's colonisation

J Street Statement on Direct Talks

Israel and the anti-Muslim blow-up By MJ Rosenberg

Two young women at Greek Festival

Homeless Gazans seize Hamas government building

Israel says Iranian reactor use 'totally unacceptable'

Mystery of Beer Goggles Solved

Harvard says psychology professor (author of book on right and wrong) fabricated data

The Largest temple in India, is that of a Goddess!

Anyone here interested in "open theism??"

Starcodes this Week - Heather Roan Robbins

The Secret History of Consciousness

What do you think of those Zero Point healing wands?

What Is Your Life About?

Need some info from DUers

Even Low Tobacco Smoke Exposure Is Risky