As public sours on war, republican senator backs Afghan pullout deadline
The truth is a powerful weapon.
NYT: U.S. Anti-Islam Protest Seen as Lift for Extremists
Opponents of "Mosque" played Springsteens Born in the USA ?
I was surfing through Justin.TV and came across the Conservative Channel
Tier 5 We Won't Die OUT the Republicans in November
Watching the HBO documentary 12th and Delaware.
Do Teabaggers think about what they oppose? Doesn't Shariah law ban abortions
WikiLeaks founder says he's been targeted by smear campaign
wall street journal = one trick ponies
It's time for Angelina Jolie to smack down her drama queen father again!
UPDATED: Fox News Scrubbing Wikipedia Entry on $1 Mil. Donation
MI Gov. Granholm calls out Armey and Ryan for wanting to ‘effectively dismantle’ social safety net
Whimsical. What does this mean?
Interesting Bush transcript from a few days after 9/11
GOPs election strategy 2002 - 9/11, 2004 - 9/11, 2006 - 9/11, 2008 - Not the Black Guy!, 2010 - 9/11
GOPs election strategy 2002 - 9/11, 2004 - 9/11, 2006 - 9/11, 2008 - Not the Black Guy!, 2010 - 9/11
Gulf Claims Chief Says No-Sue Rule Was His Idea
What if funding the war in Afghanistan required quarterly fund-raising drives?
"If they had a single good idea, we wouldn't be talking about brown people."
I'm thinking if Target thought they could get away with it...
I'm thinking if Target thought they could get away with it...
thank you for the star ppssst! nt
Whatever happened to sacrifice during a time of war. Surely the people
Now even playing gay can get you gay bashed.
Iran is going to take away our freedoms!!!!
Beck: The Unrec feature is something the Nazi's would have come up with.
Paul Krugman: Now That’s Rich (Bush Tax Cuts)
ya know, one of the TV show I like most is The Undercover Boss.
Fox's Johnson: New York Muslims should "give up their rights" in order to be "good neighbors"
Q: Did LBJ and John Kerry ever meet?
Protest at Ft. Hood is now live 11:30pm. Sign up & ask questions.
Can someone reccomend a good biography of LBJ?
Inalienable rights - do Americans have them or not?
Tom The Dancing Bug--"Lucky Ducky And The Deficit Hawk"
Highway jam enters its 9th day, spans 100km
Dream I had about a classic song Obama sent to Rahm, Tim, Robert, Lawrence,
For Angry Dragon, a little on derivatives
Follow up Q: What do you think LBJ did in the years between the presidency and his death?
Thousands strain Fort Hood's mental health system
Juvenile Justice Military Style
Juvenile Justice Military Style
I Have An Honest Question For Historians
I Have An Honest Question For Historians
"Sir, I say this with all due respect - you are a fucking moron."
Taliban birthplace next target for U.S. troops
Realignment to affect 12K airmen, 650 planes
Navy relieves Bahrain network CO
I have a bad feeling about this:
The lack of Diversity on FAUX news....
Are cages to blame for egg recall?
In Nicaragua, a return of the contras?
WHAT THE F**K! We can bail the banks out to the tune of TRILLIONS, but --
(RW meme:) Iraq: Progress but vulnerability
The Erosion of America's Middle Class
Gerald Celente: The Recession is Heading Toward Depression
Spinning the US Failure in Iraq
Krugman - History Does Not Lie - Unless It Is Being Invented by Republicans
Iraqi bishop says U.S. betrayed country, Christians suffer most
The New Normal: A Lot Like Now Only Worse
What You Will Not Hear About Iraq
What You Will Not Hear About Iraq
Best response to anti-Muslims “All y’all dumb motherfuckers don’t even know my opinion on shit.
I'm home from my 7 day cruise to the Mexican Riveria. Ask me anything!
Housing Fades as a Means to Build Wealth, Analysts Say
Petraeus on Afghanistan troop surge: "It gets harder before it gets easier." USA! USA! USA! USA!
In Japan town where dolphins are both playmates and game, mayor defends hunts
Frank Luntz contributing on the Huffington Post
Quotes from the Ft. Hood protesters' live feed...
Scary fanatics like Newt Gingrich turn Ground Zero mosque debate into ugly, stupid spectacle
Armey To Republicans: ‘We’ll Replace You’
Can governors just call out the Nat'l Guard to handle problem situations?
freeze watch in Idaho, possible record lows! yay winter is coming just as so cal heats up nt
Combat brigades in Iraq under different name
Combat brigades in Iraq under different name
Ky. Libraries to Benefit From Stimulus Money
Flashback: In 2006 joint appearance, Beck appeared to call Imam Rauf a "good Muslim"
A lesson for our Democratic leaders
Since 1981, the mission of government has largely been to assure the nation's wealth is further
New York police try to shut down gay bar
New York police try to shut down gay bar
Another POS from Ingalls Shipbuilding: (USS) Makin Island suffers engineering casualty
Marijuana-guarding bears were "docile and content"
(Nutbag) Steve King: ‘He’s his own man’
I have a suggestion for the admins re: alerts
Christian Right Bigots Are Hiding the Truth -- Early Christians Condoned Gay Marriage
Where is the surgeon general and has she made any comment on egggate?
Where is the surgeon general and has she made any comment on egggate?
Where is the surgeon general and has she made any comment on egggate?
Where is the surgeon general and has she made any comment on egggate?
Where is the surgeon general and has she made any comment on egggate?
Fisherman Forced To Sign Waiver Making Them and NOT BP Liable For Contaminated BP Gulf Oil Spill Sea
Fisherman Forced To Sign Waiver Making Them and NOT BP Liable For Contaminated BP Gulf Oil Spill Sea
monday am...m$nbc anchor just said that julian assange faces sex charges in sweden
Jeff Merkley shows Dems how it's done on "mosque"
How do you steal (the easy part) and then sell a famous painting?
If the Bush tax cuts get extended for the very rich-our country no longer works as a Democracy
To the wonderful person who gave me a star, you are too kind, thank you!
CNN: 10 things Obama must do in 10 weeks
Minneapolis Police will pay $165,000 to zombies for false arrest!!
BP sends letters with no checks to hundreds of oil spill claimants
CNN's pre-midterm advice for Obama: "Channel Ronald Reagan," and catapult the propaganda
NYT: Housing Fades as a Means to Build Wealth, Analysts Say
The Rude Pundit - In Brief: Oklahoma City Must Not Have Hallowed Ground
Housing Slide in U.S. May Drag Economy Into Recession as Foreclosures Rise
Arizona's Republican Government now cheating children
I would donate a piece of my art for a DU fundraiser.
Sec'y Napolitano on the Diane Rehm show this a.m. (Mon.). Repellent performance...
Sorry, I'm now convinced that this story taken from the site is bogus.
Michelle Obama, Laura Bush Plan Joint 9/11 Anniversary Event
FLASHBACK: In 2006 Joint Appearance, Beck Appeared To Call Imam Rauf A "Good Muslim"(Video)
How a Lunatic, Racist Blogger Is Fanning Hate Against Muslims -- With the Help of Our Dumb Media
Johanns: "a fresh opportunity for bipartisanship"
What I did on my Summer "Vacation":
The Rise and Fall of Predatory Governments.
Ellsberg, Assange. Some parallels. Some ruminations.
Lots of truth over at Wonkette today
Escape From Deepwater Horizon ( 60 Minutes Interview) Updated
Escape From Deepwater Horizon ( 60 Minutes Interview) Updated
Is Your Favorite Wingnut Blogger on the Take?
Thom Hartmann and Dennis Kucinich
Thom Hartmann and Dennis Kucinich
Shots Fired at Al Franken’s Condo
Groundless Hatred Is The Real Enemy - cultural center rally pics
Going Nowhere: Traffic Jam Enters Ninth Day
Handmade 'grassroots' Sep. 12th D.C. Tea Party Signs popping up in my neighborhood.
SeaWorld fined $75,000 after whale trainer's death
Are protest signs now being "Sponsored by...."
How the Defense Industry is Hosing Obama and the Taxpayer ... Again
A walk down memory lane with St. Ronnie
Keeping Bush Tax Cuts For Rich Like Giving 120,000 People 3 Million Each
Felony dismissed for N. Ky. teacher who allegedly beat his son over hopscotch
NYT: New Orleans’s Storm Defenses Nearly Ready, but Mistrusted
Japanese program to recruit foreign nurses struggles as its elderly population swells.
So What's A Florida Democrat To Do
If I had a Time Machine I might well go back to the Planners of the Cordoba Center
To whoever donated a donor star to me, thank you. Thank you very much!
"and then I could not see to see" . . . Please come CAPTION Head Wreck!!!!
Back to School and Lying to the Public!
Back to School and Lying to the Public!
The Vapid Mrs. Greenspan: "Looks like a really fun race"
Check out Rand Wafles - New site
Philly Requiring Bloggers to Pay $300 for a Business License
Poll: 1 out of 5 Americans Do Not Believe Obama Exists! ‘Existers’ Movement Gathers Steam
Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter
Suggestion for democratic (small d) polling on DU
Call the Republicans on playing "mind games" with America
Iran unveils ‘ambassador of death’ drone
Beaverton's 'Crash the Tea Party' teacher resigns as his dismissal loomed
National Black Police Assn. supports California's marijuana legalization initiative Readers Advocate Shooting Liberals As "The Only Known Cure"
Things that make you laugh out loud, even when you're alone in the room.
Short answer to the wingnuts' Islamophobia
Gulf of Mexico Still in Crisis Four Months After BP Explosion
For those on FaceBook- Tulsa TV station poll on the "mosque". Interesting replies..
200-fold boost in fuel cell efficiency advances 'personalized energy systems'
Why is GEM$NBC only showing clips from the anti-mosque side
Why is GEM$NBC only showing clips from the anti-mosque side
Dude Looks For A Payday: Levi Johnston files letter allowing him to accept campaign donations
That's a big fish, you've got there
Media Matters to run ad on Fox News touting News Corp's $1 million donation to GOP
Rand vs. Ron? Cordoba House Drives Wedge Through The Paul Family
Defending (2008) Obama on Social Security
Oil spill investigators focus on communication
40 Bizarre Statistics That Reveal The Horrifying Truth About The Collapse Of The U.S. Economy
So you are coming to the 8/28 Glenn Beck March on Washington? - visitors guide...
The Constitution of the frightened States of America
CA: AG Suing TV Tax Attorney Roni Deutch For $34M
I had to write a LTTE regarding a political cartoon
Wrestling with rights. . . Please come CAPTION Laura Ingraham!!!
If 62 Million Mortgage Holders Unite, Our Nation could become foreclosure proof
Feel good story for your Monday: Toddler walks two blocks to reach medical help for her father
Thought from another thread: unemployment and the retirement age
8 hostages dead in botched Philippines hostage rescue
To the DUer that gave me the star........
Director James Cameron calls climate change skeptics ‘swine’
I take McConnel at his word that he's not a crack-selling
The dirty little secret about Google Android (Interesting article on Net Neutrality killing, Google)
Since "The Truth Wins" is now an acceptable source...
Salon: Meg Whitman's NY shout-out: Did she just tell Californians that Wall Street wants her to win?
Dem argument against the Mosque Haters
Driveway Tax Coming in Mission, Kansas
Question about Social Security cap
Palm Center Releases Detailed Report On Great Costs Of DADT To America
Palm Center Releases Detailed Report On Great Costs Of DADT To America
Media Matters to run ad on Fox News touting News Corp's $1 million donation to GOP.
Rwandan Rebels Raped at Least 179 Women in Congo, Humanitarian Officials Say
We are close to being out of Iraq
Dylan Ratigan actually said something today that really resonated with me...
Dylan Ratigan actually said something today that really resonated with me...
Trapped Chilean Miners Face Psychological Challenges-4 months to rescue?
Celebrity chef Art Smith weds longtime partner.
After 40 years of assault. After eight years spent cutting scuttle holes in the hull.
RNC has just $5m for final push (and we're concerned about losing?)
BP sends letters with no checks to hundreds of oil spill claimants
BP sends letters with no checks to hundreds of oil spill claimants
Ron Paul, on the "Ground Zero mosque" controversy
Power to the people & the Internet:Charges filed against that off duty cop that shot dog in dog park
Sacrificial Lamb scheduled to bring fried chicken & 'tater saled when GOP lands on its ASS in Nov.
US court halts government funding of stem cell research
"Don't Dishoner My Son's Grave" -- Mosque Protest
This mosque imbroglio should give the Coultergeist whiplash.
Why won't the GOP say 'no' to extremism?
I must not think bad thoughts...
Auto union joins labor, green groups on climate bill push
American WWII soldier to be inducted into France's Legion of Honor
CBS Reporter Harold Dow Died of Asthma Attack while Driving
More Teanomics: Failor Happens At Groud Zero
The Economy Is Getting Worse and Worse -- And No One's Doing a Thing About It
gop twits tweet forecast of lost jobs from drilling ban
On this day, 40 years ago... The Sterling Hall Bombing
US News & WOrld Report: Are Toyota Black Boxes Reliable?
The Myth of the "Powerful" Teachers' Union
National heat records set in 2010 - remember there is no climate change
BP audit revealed problems with Deepwater Horizon
When it comes to John McCain Dems and Repubs alike
Any DUers watching the storming of the hijacked bus in Manila
Glenn Beck Rally Attendees Warned Of Dangers Of DC Metro (MOCKERS ahead! EEEK!)
Republicans can't raise money now, perhaps this is their way of
So I've been gone a week - what's happening with the lawsuit against DU from RightHaven?
Why is Myrtle Beach so much more popular as a tourist destination than some of the beaches around
Judge stops federal funding of embryonic stem cell research
DEVELOPING: "Ground Zero Mosque" brought to you by DC Lobbyist firm, ties to "King Birther" Gaffney
Spectacular! Canine Lifeguards to the rescue in Italy
TX-17 GOP Nominee Bill Flores Repeatedly Refuses To Support John Boehner
TX-17 GOP Nominee Bill Flores Repeatedly Refuses To Support John Boehner
Man Accused Of Racially Charged Bus Attack
Introducing the Judge that just blocked federal funding of embryonic stem cell research
More 'progress' in Fearless Leader's Bolivarian Venezuela
“John Boehner and the Republican leadership wouldn't know a new idea if they tripped on it,”
Former Sea World employee speaks out about killer whale attack - Larry King tonight
Something that really irritates me about these pundits..
News tidbits that are "totally shocking" <--- extreme sarcasm
Glenn Beck Rally Attendees Warned Of Dangers Of DC Metro
A friendly FUCK YOU from the Have Mores: "U.S. business wants hearings on Bush-era tax cuts"
Why Are Progressives Being Thrown Under The Bus ?
Fox News Gets Slammed In New 20th Century Fox Movie, 'Vampires Suck'
I think we should have a Japanese-style "sage" feature on DU to let posts sink when you reply.
Connecting the dots on right-wing "non-profit" propaganda tanks
The WORST Playground Fails Of All Time
And Now, A Message From Congressman Grayson - digby
EPA posted this on facebook tonight:
Medical Marijuana Helping Budget Deficit, Colorado Gov. Says - HuffPo
Sarah and Tawd show their nasty side again...
BP believed well to be breached, with flow surging “into the ROCK FORMATION” from ‘top kill’
BP believed well to be breached, with flow surging “into the ROCK FORMATION” from ‘top kill’
My Pandigital Novell 7 arrives today.
Cannabis electric car to be made in Canada
Mosque vs. Gay Marriage on Courage-O-Meter
How come you can't speak Amurkan?
breaking...federal judge has blocked federal funding of stem cell research
Getting a RW-er away from Fox News for a week does wonders
Things that make you say: "Hm-m-m?"
Why isn't the GOP and Dems scared of the AARP in this Social Security fix?
this IS "General Discussion", right?
How much do you need to donate to DU to view without ads?
Retrial for Blagojevich could be early next year
US needs John Putnam Thatcher's financial advice
Bernanke Must Raise Benchmark Rate 2 Points, Rajan Says
The host on MN Public Radio always called it the "Islamic Cultural Center" today, so why here at DU
The host on MN Public Radio always called it the "Islamic Cultural Center" today, so why here at DU
GM building new plant in Mexico on bailout dollars
Political lessons from the egg recall.
Political lessons from the egg recall.
What's Gotten Into Joe Scarborough?
Sufi is to Islam as the United Church of Christ is to Christianity.
San Francisco newscaster Dave McElhatton dies
Woman caught on video tossing cat into trash bin.
On Hardball, anti-Cordoba House protester couldn't tell Chris Matthews
Oh lord, just got a robo call from Meg Whitman
My ltte was printed today-thanking my docs and encouraging national health care
We could actually KICK ASS in this election, if our party's leadership wanted to
Federal prosecutors exploring criminal charges against Wikileaks
Have women truly achieved equality?
What people eat, where they eat, what people drink, why people don't recycle? What is WRONG with US?
What people eat, where they eat, what people drink, why people don't recycle? What is WRONG with US?
Obama - "born a muslim" / Homosexuals - "Gay by choice"
For sale: Conservative bloggers and (possibly) Mike Huckbaee
Do-Gooders Get Voted Off Island First: People Don't Really Like Unselfish Colleagues
A 10-Year Treasury Note is paying 2.6%. What does this mean?
Bwahaha! Michelle Malkin is an "Anchor Baby"!!!
Philly requiring bloggers to pay a $300 Business License Fee if they show any profit
Indian Tech Industry Lobbies Against Further Visa Fees
Indian Tech Industry Lobbies Against Further Visa Fees
Could 62 Million Homes be Foreclosure-Proof ?
When Wall Street Rules, We Get Wall Street Rules
'The people behind the mosque project were "the same people who took down the twin towers"'
'The people behind the mosque project were "the same people who took down the twin towers"'
You can tell the most important and meaningful topics on GD by the number of replies they get..
Fascinating: Christian Right Bigots Are Hiding the Truth -- Early Christians Condoned Gay Marriage
Obama's latest assault on Social Security
"Training Iraqi forces"... am I missing something?
Read This Hell-Raising Fund-Raising Email From Alan Grayson:
Religious crazy people win in court; stop stem cell research
Do you have a story of changing someone's mind from a conservative/Republican position ?
Michael Moore: Profits Are Way Up at General Motors ... So Why Aren't They Hiring?
The Tea Party Could Bring Fascism to America
Karzai on "This Week": Our private military contractors are "terroristic groups at nighttime."
Dick Cavett: Real Americans, Please Stand Up
AFGHANISTAN Task Force 42 and Task Force 121, the Other Secret Killers – Part 3
What Are The Ten Best Countries In The World?
what if Obama had flown onto an aircraft carrier in a flight suit declaring an end to iraq war
Wait, I thought the combat in Iraq is over and they are withdrawing combat troops
New "Laser" Weapon Debuts in LA County Jail
Right Wing Nut Jobs began anti-Islamic Hatred in Shanksville.
Calling "hogwash" on Rick Warren (and Obama's?) concept of marriage
A blast from the past--fundie Muslim "freedom fighers" == the Founding Fathers
Center for Biological Diversity: Gulf Oil - "What we saw firsthand was horrific."
Can we please scare voters by running hyperbolic ads regarding Social Security?
Al Qaeda is to Islam as the Ku Klux Klan is to Christian Protestantism.
Republican Bloggers Getting Payola
'Ground Zero mosque'? America needs a reality check. Really
This is what i get for helping a right wingers dog
Company Owned By David Koch Lobbied Against Designation of Formaldehyde as Carcinogen
Barbaric Bear Baiting in SC [Defenseless bear attacked by dogs for "training'] - Sign the petition!
Naomi Wolf: Banks Siding Against the Customer in Fraud Cases
Alan Grayson: The President Got the Message
Ron Paul breaks with GOP on mosque:
Harry Shearer's movie, "The Big Uneasy" opens one night only, in theaters nationwide on 8/30
JOIN US: The War on Christmas!
Raising the Social Security Cap: Policy and Politics
The dick must be close to croaking
Toon: If I could find a Job...
Why Almost Anybody Can Be a CEO
Cancer patients 'lacking painkillers'
On the news, they always speak of the "farm" where the eggs came from
Zappos is offering a free lifetime overnight shipping membership until tomorrow.
America's State Religion: Horse'sAss-ism
"I would have been the last to know had my partner been killed"
Musical interlude: "Jump you f*****s!" (A song for wall street)
We assume the President can do something about the "corporate takeover"...
Brad Pitt's Death Penalty Jibe Over BP Spill
I have three other healthy kids. Please send me $8000 so I can adopt a baby from China!
Obamas lead Americans exhibition {at National Portrait Gallery} (BBC)
Has anyone seen that recent pic of the Muslims praying at the concentration camp?
Candidate Stays on Ballot Though He's Moved to New State
"Let me tie your hands and see how well you do your job"
I don't care about any Mosque, one way or another but I do care about America
Jeb Bush: Democrats focusing on my brother "is a loser issue. They have a big L on their foreheads."
3 dead, 4 wounded in shootout in central Virginia
What Is It About 20-Somethings? Why are so many people in their 20s taking so long to grow up?
Facing Budget Gaps, Cities Sell Parking, Airports, Zoo fire sale prices
From student to teacher in 5 weeks...TFA recruits play bigger role.
Disgrace - Obama’s increasingly absurd gay marriage position
Michael Ian Black's Tirade Against a Racist Obama-Hater During Set
U.S. Occupation of Iraq More Than Doubles Poverty, Sickness - Leaves Country A Disaster
Calling out a Bull Shit Sticky posted above, Why does Skinner allow this crap?
California Pot Initiative (Prop. 19) Still Leading In Latest Poll
Nail Salon Charges More For Overweight Customers
Breaking: How to Stop Unrec Trolls
Breaking: How to Stop Unrec Trolls
A Life Lesson During An Economical Crisis.
Housing Fades as a Means to Build Wealth, Analysts Say
Florida Man to Plead Guilty to $880 Million Grocery-Business Ponzi Scheme
The Jobless Effect: Is the Real Unemployment Rate 16.5%, 22%, or. .
Apple patent looks to lock up jailbreakers
All right! Who made the Bush Harvey Oswald sticky?
If you had to leave the USA, where would you go?
You what really pisses me off? When even "progressive" talk hosts miss the obvious question.
Paladino: "welfare recipients...get employment training and take lessons in "personal hygiene."
We ALL Lost: "The American public has no idea just how terrible we've made conditions in Iraq"
Are the people of America being held hostage?
The Campaign Against Julian Assange
All Hail The True Blood Stickie
Anyone have any evidence at all that U.S. troops are still engaged in combat in Iraq?
OK, my neighbor won't recycle. What to do?
DU 2011 CALENDAR - Final Round ***dial-up warning***
Quote Of The Day - Carl Paladino: The poor should be housed in prisons
Harry Reid uses Sharron Angle to blast Sharron Angle
Egg recall drives worried customers to farmers markets
Angry Ron Paul Defends Ground Zero Mosque
How sophisticated/crude/EFFECTIVE are your "protective parenting" skills?
Hugs Not Drugs!!!! Are you responsible for getting your kids hooked on hugs?
Is that Jesus up there on that sticky?
Tarja Turunen, Opera Rock Show, Miskolc, Hungary...cover of Whitesnake's "Still Of The Night"
It's nice to know America still builds rockets
I went to a beer & ice cream tasting yesterday
Car sauna,..a game for only mature adults!
David Lee Roth now looks like Ted Levine from Silence of the Lambs.
Does anyone use the word "may" to ask permission in RL?
Who else is reading the top headline on DU's front page and immediately thinking this:
I'm home from my 7 day cruise to the Mexican Riveria. Ask me anything!
Does anyone use the word "prithee" to ask permission in RL?
New Website Offers Hope For The Hopeless
You know, in the subject line where you have the option to
"What's the French for 'fait accompli'?"
What's the matter with tuna? I opened a very small can recently and it was so fishy and tinny I
Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren finalize divorce
Just saw the first clip promo for the next Venture Brothers next season..
Blue Oyster Cult's "The Siege And Investiture of Baron Von Frankenstein's Castle At Weisseria"
Once I ran to you, now I run from you...
"Another exit on the freeway...another bridge I cannot bear to cross alone..."
I need a good cause to plug for when I make my annual donation sticky
So I am thinking of buying a sleeper sofa, but sometimes those things aren't
The Economy may suck, but at least it's still "Good vibrations" for certain products...
12/21/12. If I'm still alive that day, it will be my birthday.
OK so which mod banned KaptKrunch?
The client I'm meeting today is either serious, or is blowing smoke up my middle ground.
Classic movie most in need of a remake, a little shaking up...Samuel L. Jackson style?
The Walking Dead coming to AMC in October "trailer"
Any coin experts (or semi-experts) here?
Dammit, Facebook seems to be down, and I want to go to Facebook
paint fumes... paint fumes... PAINT FUMES
Sunflower goes down, jalepenos thrive
a radical, a liberal, fanatical, criminal
Does anyone have a link to the SNL clip of Belushi in the graveyard or Bad News Bees?
Need suggestions for appropriate TV shows/films for 3 and 4 year old girls
Who can resist laughing babies?
Do you ever think of your online posts as a part of your legacy?
Bad enough that my stupid shithead of a cat loves to vomit on the carpet
Hey Orrex: Here's something from James Cameron I think you will actually like!
Can't even remember if it's been 3 or 4 years since I quit smoking.
Did you learn the metric system when you were in elementary school?
Jolene, Jolene, Joelene, JOOOOOLEEEENNE
What do you think of the color pink?
"Strange Things Happen" Stewart Copeland's sort of autobiography - GOOD READ
True Blood recap! We now know what everyone is! *spoilers*
Anyone seen the movie Ghost Writer starring Pierce Brosnan and Ewan McGregor? Was it any good?
BTW , last week I went into the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the first time ever
So my daughter started college today. Surprise! Her room-mate is a rabid republican...
Hey, My 2007 Yaris just turned over 100,000 miles
Mesdames et Messieurs, M. Louis Armstrong - La Vie En Rose
Shit, forgot to ask for a fork when I grabbed my take-out.
in Dallas, temperatures in the "mid-90's" considered a "cold front"
In my failed attempt to find my baseball glove I found a buried treasure...
Russia in color, a century ago (Big Picture)
This is my (cigarette) quit date... not going so well
Question on the music of the sixties...
My dogs appear to be in a literal pissing contest -
DU 2011 CALENDAR - Final Round
Who is Simon Max? - Obama and the "Professional Left"
Simon Max - Obama and the "Professional Left"
'My interview with Obama on his Christianity and the 'Muslim issue'
SPIN METER: Republicans hot, cold on Constitution
Salon: Obama needs to find the guy who made all things seem possible in 2008...within himself
Three new polls on FL Senate and Governor primaries
The second BIGGEST contributor to FOX NEWS is a Muslim
Daily Kos highlights toss-up Governor races
Krugman: Bush Tax Cuts, Now That's Rich
So let this be the message from left to right, from Democrat to Republican
OH SHIT!! Rob Redding will be on XM radio 6 days a week starting 8-29-10
Obama Plans Major Speech on Iraq Aug. 31 to Mark Troop Drawdown
New credit card rules protect consumers from abuse
Watchdogs to WHCA: Reconsider Fox News' front-row seat
First Lady Michelle Obama, Laura Bush, to appear together at 9/11 memorial ceremony
E. J. Dionne: Forget the ‘Party of No,’ Dems Need to Run Against Extremism
WSJ: Protests, Rhetoric Feed Jihadists' Fire
Political cartoonist Tony Auth: Where is George W. Bush now that we need him?
Shots Fired at Al Franken’s Condo
Scary fanatics like Newt Gingrich turn Ground Zero mosque debate into ugly, stupid spectacle
PALINdrome: reads the same backward as forward
RNC Committeewoman: Obama Told Muslims That He Was A Muslim
How a Lunatic, Racist Blogger Is Fanning Hate Against Muslims -- With the Help of Our Dumb Media
Vice President Biden to tout auto industry success on Midwest swing
Teamsters say Coca-Cola Enterprises workers will vote Oct. 7 on union representation
phase of federal law restricting credit card fees, interest rates begins
Obama stem cell regulations temporarily blocked
July RNC fundraising: absolutely anemic
Pope's UK visit to involve strict rules for pilgrims
Pope's UK visit to involve strict rules for pilgrims
"Obama wants the government to take over Social Security. That's why I'm voting Tea Party"
Barack Obama Elementary School.
Rain batters China; 250,000 evacuated in flood (along border with North Korea)
Brad Pitt's Death Penalty Jibe Over BP Spill
AP SPIN METER: Republicans hot, cold on Constitution
Facing Afghan mistrust, al-Qaeda fighters take limited role in insurgency
Spanish al-Qaeda hostages freed (in North Africa)
New Mexico governor in Cuba, may seek release of U.S. contractor
BP Hopes To Fix Pipeline Quickly
China traffic jam stretches 'nine days, 100km'
Wikileaks says Australian intelligence services warned of 'dirty tricks'
Far from Ground Zero, other plans for mosques run into vehement opposition
Israel says Iranian reactor use 'totally unacceptable'
UK public 'shaming world politicians' over Pakistan aid/UK Public Donates £29m ($40m) To Pakistan
AIG repaying nearly $4 billion in federal loans
My phone rang tonight, it was a right-wing pollster.
Time to Snap On the Chin Strap
Blackwater founder gives statements in fraud suit
Army Anti-Discrimination Officials Pressured Soldiers Not to File Discrimination Complaints
SeaWorld fined $75,000 for safety violations(Trainer's Death)
Fire Cripples Long Island Rail Road Service
RNC Committeewoman: Obama Told Muslims That He Was A Muslim
FDA commissioner says agency needs more authority
RW + GOP thought all D presidents since FDR were illegitimate
APNewsBreak: Hagel backing Pa.'s Sestak for Senate
Feinberg Says BP Gulf Oil Spill Victims May Be Able to Sue Some Companies
Former Swedish chief prosecutor demands explanation for ("Bizarre") arrest order
Fox News reports former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel has endorsed Joe Sestak for Senate in PA
Heavy rain causes floods in India
NLRB judge rules against Times Union (“engaged in certain unfair labor practices” must rehire 11)
The republicans seem to be running to the elections on only 3 things:
The republicans seem to be running to the elections on only 3 things:
Ammonia leak update: Worker describes seeing 60-foot plume of white gas
Republican National Committee spent $900K of $5.5M on an insurance payment: campaign reports
Colorado Tea Partiers Angry At Tancredo: You Spoiled Our Party
In break with Reid, Durbin backs mosque
Meek headed for a BLOWOUT!!!!!!!!!
Report: Former BLM manager took oil company gifts
US help warms hearts of Pakistan community
Stalling Problems Could Affect 1.2 Million Toyotas (control module’s circuit boards)
Ex-Marine guilty of killing Lauterbach (woman Marine).
Pakistanis Tell of Motive in Taliban Leader’s Arrest
"Ground Zero Mosque" Foes Bankrolled By Feds
(At least 26) Deaths in Pakistan Mosque (Suicide) Attack
Anne Frank tree falls over in wind, heavy rain
Anne Frank tree falls over in wind, heavy rain
Woods, Nordegren confirm they have divorced
(Funeral) Protester likely to face no charges
Democrats Outraise Republicans in July, Have More Cash on Hand
Calif. Man Gets 20-Year Sentence in Anthrax Hoax
(CA) State sues TV's 'tax lady' for alleged swindles (Roni Deutch)
Large fish kill found at mouth of Mississippi River Gulf outlet
PPP: FL Senate--sneak preview of tomorrows GE numbers (good news for Rubio?)
US admits human rights shortcomings in UN report
Covert Operations:The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama.
Germany Plans Major Restructuring of Military
Anti-Government Sovereign Citizens Taking Foreclosed Homes Using Phony Deeds, Authorities Say
Allan Grayson:The republicans hate the President because he's black
Glenn Beck: WE are going to reclaim the Martin Luther King DREAM
U.S. district court rules against stem cell policy
Worldwide, Muslims bemused by mosque controversy
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday August 23
Group wants SC bear hunters to call off their dogs
Pickens urged Bush to take Iraq’s oil
U.S. Drone Strike Kills 20 People in Pakistan (3 Children)
Some 200 women gang-raped near Congo UN base
Some 200 women gang-raped near Congo UN base
Racism, Republican Party, Tea Party
General Ray Odierno - We still have a little bit of terrorism that operates here in Iraq
CNN: How Much Oil Is Left In The Gulf?
The Ground Zero Mosque Circle Jerk
CNN: Almost All Exxon Valdez Cleanup Crew Dead!!!
Dick Armey - I am not gonna take Democrat Party position on Republican candidates as gospel truth
Dan Choi PWNS Man Who Created Don't Ask Don't Tell
Peter Schiff wants the dollar to collapse, then he will say I was right!
Olbermann Blast CNN For Giving Franklin Graham A Platform To Spew Hate
Congressman credits Obsessed ROV watchers for forcing action
Atheist Church August 22, 2010 Ground Zero Mosque
New Commercial For the Unemployed
Fox News co-owner funded Ground Zero Mosque
Lilith Fair 2010 DC Sarah McLachlan "Loving You is Easy" -Justice Through Music
The Tillman Story - Review by What The Flick?!
Palin Robocall for Joe Miller...He's got the BACKBONE to confront Obama's RADICAL agenda, you betcha
COMMERCIAL: A Very Special Message From Fox News
Prof. Gopin: Actions that Accompany Negotiations
Miss USA and a Stripper on the Ground Zero Mosque
Fool in RW&B Hard Hat is 'fed up' w/ Muslims smiling and laughing
Midweek Politics: White couple denies house to black couple, snake oil salesmen on INSP channel
Lilith Fair 2010 DC - Sarah McLachlan "The World is on Fire" - Justice Through Music
Prof. Gopin: Denying Emotion President's Harvard Education Getting in his Way
Weird Liberal Head Show #140: Conservatives- Surrender!
Pass the Tier -5 Unemployment Extension
Rachel Maddow & Richard Engel on the MASSIVE continuing US presence in Iraq
Demonstration of Sickness- "Rally Against Ground Zero Mosque"
Howard Dean: Name one thing that you could hope for from the Republicans if they should win
Mildly Relevant News: Miss USA and a Stripper on the Ground Zero Mosque
Thom Hartmann - Should Fox News be in Guantanamo for supporting terrorism?
Ed Show w/ Cenk: DFA On Islamic Center Near Ground Zero
“All y’all dumb motherfuckers don’t even know my opinion on shit.”
Blunt Staffers Kick Out Seniors
Carl Paladino said he would transform some New York prisons into dormitories for welfare recipients
Ed Show w/ Cenk: Dr. Laura Racist Debate
Al Jazeera English: New Yorkers Rally Over Islamic Cultural Center Plan (Fair & Balanced, For Real)
Michio Kaku: UFOs Are Real - MSNBC Dylan Ratigan Show
Fareed Zakaria: The Cordoba Community Center's Imam Follows A Liberal Form Of Islam Hated By AlQaeda
"They're not conservatives. They're anarchists.": Rep. Alan Grayson: What's at Stake in 2010
AJE: John Pilger Gives Probably The Best Description Of What's Really Going On In Iraq You'll Hear
Counterpoint: Land and Sovereignty by Charlie Glass
Before the Protests Tommorrow at Fort Hood
MURFREESBORO, TENN: Far from Ground Zero, other plans for mosques run into vehement opposition
'Ground Zero mosque'? America needs a reality check. Really.
False Charges Ricochet in the War on WikiLeaks by Scott Horton
Ron Paul : Stop Your Demagogy About The NYC Mosque!
Anti-American Religious Group Is Building Houses of Worship Near Ground Zero; They Must Be Stopped!
And the first major payout from the BP Oil Spill Fund goes to...realtors
The GOP's Long, Hot, Racist Summer
Political Killings in Colombia
The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama.
In Case of Emergency: What Not to Do
Stopping Oil Tests----The Alaskan Inuits win one. Whoot!
Food And Farming: The Hub Of Planetary Transformation (Carolyn Baker)
What I Did On Summer Vacation (James Howard Kunstler)
U.S. Execs "Extremely Worried" about China Pay Hikes
Scant Progress in Effort to Solve Old Racial Killings
No justice in partisan fight over judges
Redistribution of Wealth and the Tier V Unemployment Extension
Voluntary Simplicity: Outwardly Simple, Inwardly Rich
Senator Jeff Merkley shows Dems how it's done on "mosque"
U.S. Judges Sound Off on Bank Settlements
Frank Rich's Excellent OPED about the "Ground Zero Mosque"
The blessings of liberty by Joan McCarter at Daily Kos
The Economy Is Getting Worse and Worse -- And No One's Doing a Thing About It
B.C. Forest Fires Give Calgary Worst Air Quality In Seven Years
UK Govt. Seeking Expert Input On Peak Oil - Refusing To Provide Documents Under FOIA - Guardian
BBC - Fresh Outbreak Of Dutch Elm Disease Threatens Remaining Fragments Of UK's English Elm Forests
Survey Of 500 Large UK Companies Show Vast Majority Do Not Measure Carbon Output
NZ glacier sheds 50m tonnes of ice
80% Of Tasmanian Devils Dead From Communicable Cancer; Loggers Doing Their Bit, Too
In GOM, Fish & Shrimp "Jubilees" Now Taking Place In Hypoxic Open Water Rather Than On Shore
3-Year UN Investigation Exonerates Shell For Nigerian Pollution (Shell Paid For Investigation, btw)
China's nine-day traffic jam stretches 100km
Putin & His Climate Doubts Bluntly Slapped Down By Scientist On Arctic Visit
Ophiocordyceps - Deadly Fungus - Has Been Turning Insects Into Zombies For 10s Of Millions Of Years
Current Drought & Cold, Complex Of Weather Factors Threaten Bolivian Food Security Now And In Future
Tybee Island, GA Sets New Record For Jellyfish Stings Among Beachgoers - Up 8X In Four Yrs @ 10,792
When Technology (Users) Fail - Grand Canyon Hikers Summon Rangers 3x - Water "Tasted Salty"
Nothing But Toxic Blue-Green Summers Ahead For Great Lakes, Ohio Waterways - Scientists
Study measures Atlantic plastic accumulation (BBC)
ECOSMART: Natural way to deal with insect pests of all for pets and children...and the
UN Carbon Trading Scheme: $2.7 Billion Market Could Be 'Biggest Environmental Scandal In History'
Chernobyl species decline linked to DNA (BBC)
Mars technology creates self-dusting solar panels (BBC)
Comparing this weekend's arctic image with 2007
TVA Has Lost $50 Million Cutting Brown's Ferry Output - Tennessee River Too Hot To Cool Plant
If Favre had run instead of thrown the ball against many yards would he have gained?
Inkster DQ'd for rule violation
ND mascots. The Leprechaun or Clashmore Mike?
Red Sox Claim Johnny Damon Off Waivers
Pirates owners pocket revenue sharing.
Brett Favre meets Patrick Willis and Takeo Spikes
Brady no fan of Jets, 'Hard Knocks'
Red Sox fans....did you expect this from Buchholz? Wow!
Huskers intend to make a statement
Czech Republic Offers to Take in Some Released Cuban Dissidents
Venezuela, more deadly than Iraq, wonders why
New Mexico governor in Cuba, may seek release of U.S. contractor
Supplies sent down to trapped miners
Colombia Rebels Ask Unasur to Mediate Conflict With Santos
Political Killings in Colombia
Attended a Gunshow for the first time on a long time...interesting...
Congressional candidate robbed at gunpoint in Florida
Jared Diamond ("Guns, Germs and Steel"): "Disarm the populace...
Jon Stewart admits error, praises Charlton Heston
Catholics For Equality Launches
The Right To Love: An American Family
I'm speaking to you as an American, Mr. Obama
"Would you want to be adopted by a pair of faggots or lesbians?"
Rep. Lee Terry (R-Ne) Doubles Down in Support of Tax Loopholes for Companies That Send Jobs Overseas
Today in labor history Aug 23, 13 Black soldiers were sentenced to death and 40 to life & much more
American Airlines learns Tuesday if TWU members approved or rejected contracts
Kaiser charged with criminal breach of federal labor law
The 2011 Calendar - final round is up
Counterpoint: Land and Sovereignty by Charlie Glass
Israel mulls deporting migrant kids
Gaza Mall Seeks to Make Statement of Resolve
Photos: Honeycomb Clouds "Communicate," Rain in Unison
New type of chlorophyll identified
Another news flash from Jupiter
Dinosaur bones found in Canadian sewer tunnel
If the rain outside is dreadful, just remember the rain could be worse...
Alien hunters 'should look for artificial intelligence'
Closing in on the Goddess Particle
Childhood religion versus current religion in the US
Just found out a lot of my ancestors were Jewish.....
Artificial way to grow stem cells discovered
Bottled Teas May Not Deliver on Antioxidants
Probiotics, how much is enough to create an effect? 13 billion seems