Where Dr. King Once Stood, Tea Party Claims His Mantle
Where Dr. King Once Stood, Tea Party Claims His Mantle
Ultimate Thumb in the Eye: Where Dr. King Once Stood, Tea Party Claims His Mantle (NYT)
Details about the orwellian warrantless GPS police monitoring 9th Circuit ruling today
Tomorrow is the Horse Shit of the Apocalypse...
But it's a really good deal......really.
Brewer Condemns U.S. State Dept. Report to UN Human Rights
Everything You Need to Know About Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor' Rally Tomorrow
Everything You Need to Know About Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor' Rally Tomorrow
bear with me-local editorial re:Sarah Palin
Mike Luckovich on the Beck Rally
Got a phone survey tonight about Isaiah 53...
Eugene Robinson on Beck's event: an exercise in self-aggrandizement on a Napoleonic scale..
Which Progressive leader could convince you to hop a bus to D.C. for a rally? n/t
Sarah Palin's Speaking Contract: $75K And Bendy Straws
Gender-segregated light rail in Jerusalem?
Gender-segregated light rail in Jerusalem?
Gender-segregated light rail in Jerusalem?
Well, it's another Friday, and you know what that means... (W/Injustice Cats)
Brian Williams is now running his special on MSNBC
Teamsters Union Protests Coca Cola’s Labor Practices, as Company Shutters Plants
That sick fuck Glen Beck on Katrina and 9/11 victims
Ladies, if you're drinking when you get raped (and murdered)...might be your fault.
If Mexicans looked like Canadians......
Justice Dept signs off on United-Continental deal
Lonesome Rhodes and His Tea Party Buddies
Sometimes we forget that there are many, many generous and decent Americans
Mandatory Friday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! TGIF!
La Russa, Pujols will appear at Beck rally
La Russa, Pujols will appear at Beck rally
Here's a video about U.S.A. soldiers with post war stress you might like to see...from the CBC TV.
Here's a video about U.S.A. soldiers with post war stress you might like to see...from the CBC TV.
Can I be honest about Beck's ego trip tomorrow?
For those who watch Mad Men....
Hey Ladies, Want a Raise? Wash Your Vagina -- Women's Day Magazine's Ultra-Sexist Ad
Man wins right to fly "don't tread on me" flag in covenant controlled community
John Mayer calls HuffPost 'the internet Death Star'
Austrian Newspaper Reports Changes in Cuban Economic Policies
You know what gets me about the Convention Center?
Recycling center to be closed in order to make room for gas pumps...
Healthcare: What is China's Status? For Example, Compare and Contrast Healthcare in China and Cuba.
Healthcare: What is China's Status? For Example, Compare and Contrast Healthcare in China and Cuba.
Lord I Pray That Glen Beck...........
My Five Children Go to Public School (Alan Grayson)
Companies boycotting Alberta oilsands, jesus this pisses me off....
Among Democrats, economic pressures are changing tax-cut dynamics
8-28-10: National "GLENN BECK DOESN'T SPEAK FOR ME" Day
Has anyone heard whether Obama is going to appoint Elizabeth Warren?
What the hell is with Glen Beck??
Another freakin' foot found on the west coast.
Steep Drop Seen in Circumcisions in U.S.
It takes more than one sex scandal to bring down a diaper wearing Louisiana politician
NY's Congressional Delegation comes out for Mott's workers
Christians being led with a ring in their nose to D.C. Beck rant , by non-Christian organizers.
Meet the Koch brothers, the greasy corporate wheels driving the machine.
Example Set by First Military Tribunal Case Has U.S. Wary
Racism accusations fly on eve of Glenn Beck rally
Media coverage of the massive anti-war marches compared to the Beckfest today
IIRC, there was not this much advance publicity for Dr. King's speech
King's legacy debated before Beck march
From Beckapalooza: "Politics is about people. This is about us."
Bahrain has imposed a ban on press from publishing anything about a terror network discovered there
What's the over/under on minorities at the Glenn Beck rally?
LA Times: Presbyterians censure minister for same-sex marriages
This Beck thing, just what is it - protest, call for justice, sales pitch, or just a picnic?
Rent-This-Missile Ad Agency Donates Two 'Missiles' To Protest Against Manhattan Mosque
If anyone would like to help me in a rebuttal to a letter writer in the newspaper that
Job opening for John Boehner in Britain?
Beck Rallies In Washington Undercut Church-State Separation, Watchdog Group Charges
ACLU: MLK and the Myth of Reverse Racism
Teabaggers already starting to gather for Beckkk rally
Our litigious society has destroyed common sense and humanitarianism in America
I guess I'm "racist" like the NAACP
You think Beck will use a chalkboard on the memorial steps?
George Carlin words still ring true today and they describe what
VOTE for your favorite heroes and villains in Congress
8/28/10 - What a day to be selling "I'm With Stupid" shirts in DC.
Predict the Pox News crowd estimate for today's Moron March.....
Donna Smith (of 'SiCKO'): Two-Faced Corporate Personhood: Elected and Convicted
US police find kilo of cocaine hidden inside mailed chunk of bologna; homeowner arrested
Democrats better target Florida with laser like precision this November. A Dem could become gov!
The Lonesome Rhodes Beck Restoring Honor Rally
SHOCK: Beck's non-political rally already steeped in politics
Was it just a coincidence that TCM played "A Face In The Crowd" last night?
Why is discussing politics taboo?
I'm missing out on the Million Moron March today
"The Manchurian President" (SPOILERS for the movie Manchurian Candidate)
In 1963 there were way more white faces at MLK's event than there will be Black faces at Beck's. . .
"The tea has been thrown overboard"
How much torture are you ready to subject yourself to today?
Do you think Beckenstein will show up?
The great chess game of the Middle East
Plans for the mosque near Ground Zero took a big step forward yesterday.
Here's how dense the teabag crowd is.
Dear President Obama...Sincerely, Parents Across America
How many tea baggers will Faux Newz say will be at Beck's "I Have a Scheme" speech tomorrow?
Dear Mr Beck: Let me tell you about White Privilege
Is it unprecedented for a cable news channel to sponsor a political rally?
Washington Journal: Ralph (why are you not in prison) Reed on defending Beck, racism, and Jesus.
Playing into the hands of the rabid right
It's difficult to end a bad habit of thought or action while you are practicing self-deception ...
Sadly the innanity isn't limited to FOX
The Wonders of Deregulation: Even less competition in the cards for the airline biz
Pictures from the racist event in DC..
The incomparable Gawker is "credentialed" to cover the BecKKK-PALIN clown-fest tomorrow!1
compare and contrast with footage of today's beck event
Do you suppose Bin Laden is watching C-Span and
Michael Douglas has throat cancer
Tropical Storm Earl and the Carolinas
How Martin Luther King fits into Glenn Beck's blackboard
Vitter Attorneys Pressured Louisiana Newspapers To Soften Coverage Of His Violent Aide
"Civil Rights Moment"...........
Fish Kills Worry Gulf Scientists, Fishers, Environmentalists
Head Wreck is "Going for the gold!!!" . . . Please come CAPTION!!!!
Have we over-rated the Beck rally?
The only "Mother of a Soldier" Glen Beck can get just happens to be Sarah Palin
The only "Mother of a Soldier" Glen Beck can get just happens to be Sarah Palin
As Palin talks of MLK, anyone see an African American face in the crowd?
Political race and culture war in America
Im walking to the beckapalooza
Imagine if the tea party was black (ephphatha-poetry)
What do you all think of the stagecrafting at the Beck rally?
Is this just an absurd ploy to repair the tea party's racist image?
How much should the Department of Defense budget be cut ?
Live on FOX: Ben Stein complaining about calorie counts on vending machines
You know, every time the Daily Show takes a vacation, some really wild news breaks.
EPA Surrenders to NRA on Gun Control Issue
C-SPAN is covering Glenn Beck's Lincoln Memorial Rally LIVE 10am Saturday
“I say on the air all time, ‘if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’ ”
Would someone please translate this bat shit crazy
It's amazing how the fundies have taken over the tea party!
Is it just me, or does the Tea taste kind of weak this morning?
I have a brilliant Idea. Build a prison just for Celebrities.
Even Before Recession, 14 Million Kids 'Underinsured': Study
The fact that so many people believe what beck is spewing
Mr. Obama Breaks Promise on Medical Marijuana...
Glenn Beck's Amateur Hour has premiered...
Glenn Beck is NOT Martin Luther King Jr.
I don't understand. That makes no sense, Mom.
Glen Beck (and others like him) are good for one thing: Uniting us
Five Years Later, Bush Efforts To Block Medicaid Relief Have A Lasting Impact On The Gulf
Zen and the art of protecting the planet - Thich Nhat Hahn
Was MLK "African and Irish"? At Beck's Lincoln Mem. Rally, that's what
Body of Las Vegas woman found in clutter at home
Conway sends e-mail to fundraise, demand Simpson be fired
Beck on Crowd Size - ROFL - HAH 300,00 - 500,000
Isn't there another gathering besides this self-absorbed Beck one?
First speaker Indian, second Black who is going to be next?
I must be watching the wrong stream?
Is Glenn Beck a psychotic split personality who's mind is made up of tee vee shows?
That Google search thingy up on the top right has been there for years
Wow! It took a whole 51 minutes for the USA USA USA chanting.
The pinched mouths and dangerous eyes on those white folks as they watch the parade of tokens
Jessie Jackson's rally featuring him on the word network. n/t
Becker has forgotten his blackboard and lost his wah,I mean way.
The "Wink, Wink" Shit at the Lincoln Memorial
Trotting out Military Meat for the Chickenhawk Orgy
Difference between Glenn Beck and Martin Luther King
Dad who pulled driver from burning car honored
Just had a marketing research call
BecKKK WEPT !1 Finally we HAVE it people!1 Somebody collect a tear in a relic bottle!1
What are the chances Beck says something that basically ends his career today?
Whew. Makes even Texas look good.
25,000 people line up for 9,000 free backpacks filled with school supplies
Can anyone tell me why Beck is staging this freak show?
The Frightening Prospect of Seeing Beck and Palin Use Big Media to Rewrite Civil Rights History
Just wait.. Beck is gonna fly a remote control plane into a replica of the twin towers
Did Beck have acid dropped in his morning coffee ???
Either Beck Has Pulled A Fast One On His Followers Or On Us......
This is nothing but an republican party convention held outdoors
Tea baggers Depend on Socialist Communist DC Metro to get to Rally
What Beck's definition of "Restoring Honor"?
Rep. Grayson is displeased w. Alan Simpson.
Liar! He did NOT put $20 in a basket at church. Mormons do NOT pass a basket.
Anyone else find it weird to tell a group of people to act as individuals?
Good thing I didn't decide to play a drinking game for every time Beck said Gawd
BBC's Mark Thompson takes aim at Murdoch empire
I think I can see the scars on his skull from his last operation.
Ok, Mr. Beck, what next? I think this rally may be the high point
The Religion of "Bat Shit Crazy"
The longer you sit, the earlier you die
Don't ever say that you weren't warned...
What the hell is the president doing remaining on vacation while a major disaster is imminent?
Have They Sung "We Shall Overcome" Yet........
Three Stooges on IFC, Beck on C-SPAN!!!!!
I think this is a shameless attempt to
This Fall, when Tea Party candidates sweep the Congressional Elections....
Bloody Nora - they have started on the bagpipes
Glenn Beck Inc. money machine.
OK, that was the creepiest shit I have ever seen. By damn, I thought
"Amazing Grace"... I'm in tears.
Colbert VIDEO: "8/28 is also the birthday of Jason Priestly. You don't see his panties in a bunch."
Activists fight Beck for King legacy
25,000 people line up for 9,000 free backpacks filled with school supplies
I cant wait for the Tea Bagger Revolution...
'Baggers r clearing out FAST! & here's who that Jo Dee MESSINA is.
Interesting headline from the AP
New right-wing anti-Obama talking point:"He's cutting hazard pay"
Washington Post duh headline of the current decade....
I had to turn it off. My "gawd bless" container was overflowing and it was making a mess.
Someone tell me why CNN & MSNBC bother to cover a Faux News sponsored event
Bagpipes??? Really??? this is the climax Beck???
BEHOLD! the great white messiah returns to restore our honor!
So where's the other rally, CSPAN?
For someone who didn't know today was the anniversary of MLK's speech, he sure brings up MLK a lot.
Restoring Honor or Begging Forgiveness ?
In honor of Glenn Beck's Rally, I've decided to go door knocking this afternoon
Will Louisiana send David Vitter and his diaper fetish back to Washington as a US Senator?
Will Louisiana send David Vitter and his diaper fetish back to Washington as a US Senator?
It's really really hard to fuck up "Amazing Grace" - but he's DONE it!1
It's really really hard to fuck up "Amazing Grace" - but he's DONE it!1
Newton was a racist slave owner
Crowd size 500,000 to 1 million, so sayeth Freerepulikkk
the adolph hitler of the US. Sorry, but this guy is just NUTS and has a following.
"Anyone that is not teaching to kill another man." Beck. Oops
Essay Contest: The Economy will Recover in 2011 Because ___________
Meanwhile on the other side of the Pond.. R/W English Defense League rally turns violent..
Wow! There is a good turnout at Beck's rally and here is a picture to prove it!
And the pissed off freeptards and Tea Baggers are filing out of the "rally"
m$nbc dot com "D.C. buzzing with Beck supporters'
General Betraus and his McChrystall Meth Suck
Anybody Got a Cross & a Few Extra Nails Lying Around?......
Probably the Best of Tea-bagger Hypocrisy in Shining Colors
Albert Pujols just won Becks's "HOPE" award...
Beck is right: America has been wandering in the dark
So what networks are covering this BeckofLoserthon Affair?
I don't care what anyone says... I still like Beck
The only thing missing was Ashton Kutcher rolling on the floor laughing.
The only thing missing was Ashton Kutcher rolling on the floor laughing.
So CSPAN now has a revival meeting on from Americansforprosperity.
So CSPAN now has a revival meeting on from Americansforprosperity.
"too many pigs for the teats" - A. Lincoln
Beck is wearing a bullet proof vest.
I think I've figured out the reason for the BecKKKapaloosa today
Repeal HCR, or else your school funding will be slashed
A rant against the Islamaphobia in our country...
I guess we have to give Beck some credit. He didn't preach
I guess we have to give Beck some credit. He didn't preach
My Special Awesome Crappy Animated Toon - In Honor of Today!
I say let's honor Glenn Beck!!!
Yet another WTF moment while talking to a RW friend
Beck had a bullet proof vest on
It is now time for me to write my book.
FDA Approves Depressant Drug For The Annoyingly Cheerful
Is this Freeper Saturday on C-Span or something? Did I miss an announcement?
When you Crappapalooza watchers are done finished watching...
Paul Krugman: Keeping Bush Tax Cuts For Rich Like Giving 120,000 People $3 Million Each
Nosirree-No, Glenn, You CANNOT Have it Back!
Beck is an Atheist's dream come true.
Anyone brave enough to see what FR is saying about the event?
so reading all the posts, this rally seems to have been patterned after AA meetings
CNN is in love with The Fox News Party...
The PLAN the PLAN! Beckkkerwoods Beware!
Would DUers who watched summarize the BecKKKapaooza ...
Natl. LGBT Bar meeting: "Real Change: LGBT Issues and the Obama Administration."
Sorry, but Tina Fey does a much better Palin than Palin
My Facebook Banner for Today....
All of Houstons Voting Machines Burn to the Ground!
With apologies to Joseph Conrad, I'm posting tonight from "The Heart of Darkness".
why has it been so easy for the far right to adopt mlk as one of their own
Dick Armey: "Liberal critics can’t match level of rigor in serious, scholarly Beck's documentation"
Interesting comments from an attendee at the Beck rally: works for gov't as SWAT officer.
"There's over a thousand people here!!!!"
OMG this Brian Williams show about Katrina
"If you don't like the way he is running the country, then you can leave"
did anyone notice that when beck said we should "look to god"
200,000 rally on the National Mall
A hypothesis about Tea Party character: similar to 4-7 yo child stage of development (Piaget)
What 'miracle' happened at the BECKapaLOSEa? I can't wait to hear about it!
Hey, a year from now, no one is going to remember what went on in DC today
Hey, a year from now, no one is going to remember what went on in DC today
Beck is speaking, and its on Cspan, and I have one thing to say
Listen jackass MLK would never
Is there an official National Park Service estimate of the Beck-a-thon today?
Alveda King's doctorate is Honorary (for her politics), not earned.
QUIZ!! "Christianity is the foundation of our national morality"
I hereby dub today's event the "Million Moran March".
Creation of the Country of Beckistan
Palin: "Really appreciating our military here today is reflected I think that sentiment"
ProgressiveAlaska has posted a spot-on satire re the Beck/Palin rally today
Tweets from the Restoring Honor Rally
Folk's....When Do the Liberals Own the Conversation....
Glen Beck's tally on Politifact
Was Glenn Beck Wearing Body Armor at Today's Event?
Glen Beck: “America today begins to turn back to God.”
The Saddest Thing I've Seen All Day
Insurgents wearing US Army uniforms attack 2 NATO bases in east Afghanistan
Thank Peter, Paul & Mary for their support of marriage equality!
Glenn Beck toons... (pic heavy)
Link to USA Today short article on Sharpton's rally:
Just my opinion, but am thinking Beck is doing his "thang" today because
How Much Gold Did Beck Sell Today???
Attendee: "Of course it’s political"
If Glenn feels the need to "reclaim civil rights" . . .
Al Sharpton on the Conservative Whitewashing of Dr. King's Legacy
Glenn Beck compares ABC report to Nazi propaganda
It WAS a political rally....here's proof...
Does Beck handing out medals and diplomas remind anyone of the Wizard of Oz?
Army: Soldiers plotted to kill Afghan civilians
Anyone here against Public Education
Why are MLK's children, grandchildren, and other relatives allowing that one niece
We can not create jobs by outsourcing them. We must withdraw from the greed trade agreements
DC Noozradio (WTOP 103.5FM) reports scores of Beck ralliers sticken by heat and given medical aid
John Sherffius on Beckkkapalooza
CNN finds the one African American at rally who likes Beck
How to reduce the Deficit! Cut "Sen.Trash Mouth's" Government Pension.
Medical use of marijuana is costing some their jobs...
The sun's going down in DC and many teabaggers are still in town
The sun's going down in DC and many teabaggers are still in town
Will Progressives & Dems ever be proactive?
Katrina hit the Gulf Coast on Aug. 29, 2005, eventually killing 1,836
I don't have the tv on - how many tens of followers are at the Nürnberg oops I mean Beck Rally?
Paris Hilton just got pinched in Vegas for possession of Bolivian Marching Powder
Sharpton's 'Reclaim the Dream' event brings thousands to honor MLK
Sharpton's 'Reclaim the Dream' event brings thousands to honor MLK
Sharpton's 'Reclaim the Dream' event brings thousands to honor MLK
Washington Post says it all; Glenn Beck rally draws "thousands"
Beck's rally today reminds me of back in the day in 1926
And if these teabaggers were all alive in 1963 where do you think they would be?
So what honor did Beck hope to restore today?
So what honor did Beck hope to restore today?
Tomorrow most of the discussions will be about Katrina
I must let off some steam about this Beck rally of filth!!!!!!...
Hawaii wins the US World Series little league championship
Black Robed Vita-Meat-A Vegemin
DUers we can do this better than Beckapalooza! Come to DC for the march on Oct 2nd!!!
What are the reports from Sharpton's Rally?
Glenn Beck "take back America/ I have a scheme" rally pics here ...
VIDEO - Grifter Glenn Beck Thanks God for $600,000 Donation at 'Restoring Our Honor' Rally
Just got this 'shared' with me on facebook...
Where the hell is the "DONATE" button?
Picture showing the crowd size in Beck Rally
Ya know, if we'd really been in the ball, we would have served a free breakfast at Beck's rally,
Beck's rally was about one thing only, Restoring WHITE to America
Socialism for the rich or socialism for the good of all: that's the choice.
Socialism for the rich or socialism for the good of all: that's the choice.
flustered a Democratic organizer tonight...
So what was the miracle that Beck promised?
Does the low post count of our friend ...
Without reasonable suspicion or probable cause, can police follow your car 24/7? (9th Cir. case)
Remember when Beck used his little fake voice to mock Malia and Sasha ?
how does one find out how much Beck gives to charity?
The real deal; accept no imitations: Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.
Why is it the ones who say "freedom isn't free" who are the first to dodge...
I can not watch Katrina anniversary coverage
How do YOU want the government out of YOUR life?
Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan: 1,200 People Approved So Far
Remembering Katrina, five years ago (Big Picture)
Can one man make a difference?
Media Matters: Glenn Beck’s Not So Well Known Racist Moments
Japanese Officials Reveal Execution Chambers (NYT)
Someone help me out, what do teabaggers mean when they say they want to "take the country back"?
CBS says 87K people at Beck rally. They only showed African-American speakers (except for Beck and
We live in a Land where we can Worship Who, What, When and Where We Want To.
So how surprised do you think the crowd was that this was a sermon?
So how surprised do you think the crowd was that this was a sermon?
How many showed up to Becks rally
Alan Colmes Website: Public Ego Masturbation By Beck Pretty Much A Bust
A day in the life of Joe Republican's cousin, Joe Teabagger
Awwwww.....Signs are Banned from Today's Tea Bagger Rally....
Alleged robber's family files suit They contend deadly force wasn't needed to stop him.
So I watched some of Beck's rally ...
Beck sets religious tone for rally: "It has everything to do with God almighty" (WP)
Body of Las Vegas woman found in clutter at home
I have a comment about Becks rally
On burning books and family history (Warning graphic photos)
new group of editorials in one of my papers=feel free to comment/rate
"List of RW Groups getting Major Grants from Koch Family Foundations"--(Jim Hightower)
Barely a peep about Beckapalooza over at FR. I think they're in shock!
Bob Herbert on Glenn Beck:America Is Better Than This
Bishop of Saint Augustine, Jacksonville Writes to Local Paper Re: Dove World's 9/11 Qu'ran Bonfire
The left needs to get off its ass and mobilize NOW...
In all seriousness. Watch this video I found of Goebbels and the first speech given by hitler
What are the five things that you can do next to accomplish your political goals?
Glenn Beck: "America has been both terribly good and terribly BAD!"
Glenn Beck: "America has been both terribly good and terribly BAD!"
What the HELL is he babbling about???
Bill Gates backed 9 of 12 of the RTTT winners. $250,000 each to help draft their proposals.
Is it just me or do the people in the crowd
At least one sign made it past the PR bosses.
Jim Hightower: Wall Street Bankers Pull Off Another Regulatory Heist
Now I'm Thinking That The One Thing That Would Piss Beck Off The Most Is......
Mace sprayed at Kansas funeral protesters
Why not threads about Al Sharpton's Rally?
The Glen Beck diversion has worked
Unfiltered crowd picture of the big teabragger rally
The Rude Pundit is twittering beckanazi event...hilarity ensues
How many teabaggers are 'officially' showing up today?
Dear Skinner, PLEASE (re)post this video!
For those bummed about today: Not Beck's "theology," but "All You Need Is Love."
my freeper brother sent me a +photo+ of a hispanic guy
Court allows agents to secretly put GPS trackers on cars
I am particularly fond of Eisenhower.
Dem voter turnout in Florida primaries only 19.7 percent
Presidential pretzels and anger of the GLBT community.
Is the administration economic team Delusional?
Lizz Winstead's comment on Beck referring to himself as "Everyman"
Ultimate MLK vs. Beck Infographic:
Ultimate MLK vs. Beck Infographic:
Ultimate MLK vs. Beck Infographic:
Ultimate MLK vs. Beck Infographic:
Ultimate MLK vs. Beck Infographic:
Anyone else watching the real rally
OMG! Glenn Beck's Rally Is Driving The Left INSANE!!!!
Another Human foot found on Puget Sound beach
This fucking shit pisses me off! Where the hell is OUR rally? Why
Treasury Admits Program for Struggling Homeowners Just a Ploy to Enrich Big Banks
KATRINA Five years later: Tell us your stories!
"You idiotic Beckerhead. Mercury is Retrograde." - Ronald Reagan's Dead Republicon Astrologer*
News Reports are saying "Tens of thousands" showed up for Beck-O-Rama - know what that means?
Living in New Orleans After Katrina (Graphic Essay)
Gulf Chemist: Mercenaries Hired By BP Are Now Applying Toxic Dispersant - at Night
Okay, I've Read Posts Here About People Losing Their Disability Already!
I knew they were going to freak out when we got our first black president...
Arne Duncan addressing the (Sharpton) rally NOW. C-span1. n/t
Do you ever feel like progressives are drowning?
Frank Rich:The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party
Frank Rich:The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party
How are you doing in this economy?
How are you doing in this economy?
"I Have a HATE" drama speech by Beck falls short,The tone is to Divide us. That is the mission, goal
You rescue a bunch of your neighbors in a flood, go straight to prison (you're Muslim)
MEDIA BIAS---Do I Have It Right??? Please Give Me Your Opinion
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on Vietnam War
Obscene: What A Falling Off Was There
NYT - Paris Hilton was arrested for cocaine - in Vegas
You Know Those Small Photos That Make It Look Like Moranpalooza 2010 Had A HUGE Attendance....?
A description of teacher training days that made me laugh and cry.
Bush'd again? New Orleans, Mr. O and Mr. Go
An excellent essay on the American political spectrum from another message board.
6 signs that youve made it to the middle class
"When Fascism Comes To America It Will Be Wrapped In The Flag And Carrying A Cross."
I stood at the cash register and cried (30 year old memories came rushing back)
I stood at the cash register and cried (30 year old memories came rushing back)
What Happens When A Liberal Black Man Goes To Glenn Beck's "I Have A Dream, Too" Speech?!?
Impressed by Beck's attendance? I got some pictures for you. . .
Motherless whale on the run from Coast Guard
Hospital Beats Man Misidentified For Surgery When He Tried To Leave
While you are fighting mad about SS, could you remember the other SS fight--affecting many DUers?
We Are Cornered: There's No Way Out Without A Fight
If lower taxes on the rich help create jobs...then WHERE ARE OUR FUCKING JOBS?
I took two more IQ tests today.
Rachel commented on war with 'god'
It's Friday, and you know what that means - It's PUI time!!!
BTW, I started a cat thread in GD
Compliment with an insult, the defining of a person.
The "Who's Who of Extreme Frisbee"
I saw a woman today who was from the middle-east
You Make Me Love You, Baby, With A Little L
what was the first inkling you had that the world was not quite right?
Morricone - On Earth as it is in Heaven
Video: Insane 100-mph Crash Caught On Tape
The ocean is a desert with its life underground...
I don't think that man should sleep alone
Let's slow it down....All This Love - El Debarge
Special Lady - Ray, Goodman and Brown
With respect to Mr Scorpio....Don't Disturb This Groove
OK - one more - Gimme Shelter from Live Earth 2007
OK - one more - Gimme Shelter from Live Earth 2007
I bet when this movie scene was shown in the theater, there wasn't a peep in the house
Adding someone to "Ignore" is almost like cleaning the cat box, but better
Our dog's mission in life - kill all our azelia bushes. We had 4 small
Should I continue to go "over there"?
"It does disturb me. But I'll rise above it, I'm a professional, right?"
'Ghost train' hunter killed by train in North Carolina
During a dream last night, I created a new culinary disaster - Platypus a l'Orange
Who wrote the ad they keep playing on teevee for the "Marmaduke" movie?
abbeyco can post her music choices in the Lounge anytime she wants
My LATEST Haiku - "Hold The Chicken"
"Lady Ga Ga Will Get Waxed" - I sort of assumed she already was!
Chrysler sure knew how to build them in 1953...
Young at Heart: a 30-minute documentary well worth watching.
WEATABIX! My eldest daughter loves them. They're hard to find. I've got the link.
6 Companies That Make Money Solving Problems (They Made Up)
Here is my nephew and grandnephew.
Remember when Itchy and Scratchy were replaced with this?
This youtube video has over 200 million views -Charlie bit me again.
Damn, this is the car I really really want and Honda won't sell it in the U.S.
I'd just like to say a few words about the upcoming NBA season
Jesus Christ. It is only 7 am, and I almost get into a fight at the convenience gas station.
You people are some of the most... uh.... some of the best..well, what I mean is that you people are
I was at the county fair today...
had a HUGE black bear here last night...couldn't find my shepps
So the dogs are standing on the porch, staring out intently
Montreal, 2 and a half years on - ask me anything!
DU is divided between the "Screamers" and "Conversationalists" right now, isn't it?
I went to my Mother's nursing home for the last time, to pick up her things and to thank everyone.
Need some help in a YouTube search for a PSA from the 1970's. Anybody?
Art BELL scared the crap out of me last night!1
Are you honest to a fault? If yes, which fault?
CNN BREAKING - Gung Hay Fat Choy...Next Glenn Beck Rally To Reclaim 'Corrupted' Chinese New Year
LFP: here's question #2 on the DUIQ test. What is wrong with this picturte?
So, Doug the scorpion has been kicked out.
I knew a hooker once named minnie mizzola
I'm organizing a DU meetup...please try to attend.
Is the sexual revolution over?
OK Canucks - where are they all???
It's Peter O'Toole Day on TCM! :)
Yo, Skinner. SERIOUS COMMENT HERE! Can you make the OP field about six characters longer?
The movie FARGO remade with the cast of HAPPY DAYS. Who goes into the wood chipper?
Paris Hilton arrested on cocaine charge
This morning whilst awaiting my turn to purchase a breakfast burrito
Men: Socks with Sandals - Yeah or Nay
I haven't had a social life since I quit drinking in March.
Recommendation time: John Oliver's standup special "Terrifying Times"
Cats I Want To Throttle and My Upcoming Nuptials
TRIVIA question: Why is "Feelin' Groovy" called "The 59th Street Bridge Song"?
Very mediocre high school football player thinks he's getting a Div. I scholarship
In World War II, couldn't we have just disabled the battleship Yamato instead of sinking it?
Bought new furniture: cat repellent question.
does any one remember this from Mad magazine???
LFP, that thread is too long. Let's start over.
Bush Leadership on Katrina Preferred to Obama on Spill
WTF? La Russa, Pujols to join Palin in Washington rally
Former NJ Ed. Commissioner: I Didn't Lie To Gov. Christie
HHS announces expansion of rural hospital demonstration project
"There isn't enough shame in the world for Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. "
America is better than Glenn Beck....an ignorant, divisive, pathetic figure (Herbert)
What do you think the pundits think/feel?
DOD identifies US casualties 23 Aug-25 Aug
Chicken Little....the sequel in 3D
Glenn Beck’s ‘I Have a Dream Speech’
Today, Why do America people are so dumb??? because of...
Republicans Very Likely To Overtake House Of Representatives, Analysis Shows
The number of people at the Beckalooza will be bigger than (Poll)
I am so fucking SICK of hearing the talking point that the Stimulus created NO jobs - Facts,anyone?
Obama administration eases stance on deportations
Shhh --- Hawaii is beating Texas in Little League --- Shhh
Senate Democrats go negative early (and often)
Krugman: Nobody Could Have Predicted
What happened to Organizing for America? Why is Obama not on TV like he used to be?
We have been here before.. Amy Semple McPherson
Are these BP promo commercials working for them?
More than $1.8 billion in federal funds to support the rebuilding of New Orleans’ schools
Glenn Beck's Great Whiteout -- AKA "Whitestock"
You know the definition of chutzpah?
Plan to release illegal immigrants on path to residency comes amid ICE push to deport criminals
Free posters if you're participating in anti-Beck Moron March rallies
Sarah Palin at Glenn Beck's Rally: 'Dr. King Would Be So Proud'
Under the radar - Draft Daniels for President campaign heating up.
Actual Count: 87,000 attended Beck's "Whitestock" rally today. (CBS)
If and when the Repubs take back the House: We will only have ourselves to blame!!!
Justice Department approves United and Continental airlines merger
Climate-related Security Predictions Coming True in Pakistan
(Top British Tory MP Comes Out) Minister leaves wife ‘to come to terms with his homosexuality’
ICE: 370 illegal immigrants arrested in 10 states
Guard troops to deploy to Arizona border on Monday
Judge Rejects $6.1 Million in 9/11 Case Legal Fees
The great chess game of the Middle East
Admin. official: FDA to inspect large egg farms
Real-estate agent, client found naked in Naperville home
Fidel Castro: Osama bin Laden is a US agent
Chemical leak sickens dozens at Las Vegas pool
Feds probing post-Katrina 'shoot looters' claim
Hilton arrested for alleged cocaine possession
State waiver for overseas ballot denied
Lula's Hand-Picked Successor Widens Lead in Poll
"Canadian Idol" terror suspect in court
(Anti-Islam) English Defence League demonstration in Bradford sees minor clashes
US right claims spirit of Martin Luther King at Lincoln Memorial rally
UAW's King, Jesse Jackson lead Detroit march for jobs
President Obama marks formal end of US combat in Iraq
U.S. doubles helicopters for Pakistan flood relief ("astronomical natural disaster") - Pic Heavy
Democrats file complaint with IRS, accuse conservative group of tax code violations
Brewer condemns report to UN mentioning Ariz. law
North Korea threatens nuclear "holy war" if attacked
Report: Hundreds of defects in Enbridge oil pipeline
Graft-Fighting Prosecutor Is Dismissed in Afghanistan (by Karzai, who is “stalling and stalling")
PBS Frontline Black Money Pt 1 of 6
PBS Frontline Black Money Pt 2 of 6
PBS Frontline Black Money Pt 3 of 6
PBS Frontline Black Money Pt 4 of 6
PBS Frontline Black Money Pt 5 of 6
Mike Malloy - The Swearing Machine
For Perspective: March on Washington (August 28, 1963)
Weird Liberal Head Show #145: Victory and the Beckoning
Weekly Presidential Address: Iraq War
Canadian Idol Terrorism Suspect
PBS Frontline Black Money Pt 6 of 6
One more victory for the unemployed. Thank you viewers of this channel.
Weekly Address: The End of Combat Operations in Iraq
I Have A Dream, Oh You Betcha I Do Part 2
Ed Show w/ Cenk: Alan Simpson's Farm Screwing Social Security
Alan Simpson and the 'lesser people'
Let's Kill Fox News! by Old Fart Rants
Sharpton speaks at "Reclaim the Dream" rally
Anti War Protestors Plan Ahead And Are Denied
Is The Teaching Of Religion To Children Child Abuse?
I Have A Dream, Oh You Betcha I Do Part 1
Maddow: Mr. Go keeps trying to kill New Orleans
FUCK GLENN BECK -- Spitting in the Face of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Let me finish..Chris Matthews comments on Becks hate fest
Ed Show :Beck's Teabagger Revival With Director Brave New Films
Ed Show w/ Cenk & Jonathan Alter: GOP Falling Off A Cliff
Who's the real Glenn Beck? Faux Civil Rights Icon of Fox Shock Jock?
Crying ‘free speech’, armed Obama protester’s arrest at Alaska State Fair sparks outrage
Ed Show w/ Cenk: GOP is the Party Of Hate
Al Jazeera English Do A Good Breakdown Of BecKKK's Schtick: Including "Oligarhy", Stewart & Colbert
Climate-related Security Predictions Coming True in Pakistan
"Covert Operations" - the greasy corporate wheels behind the Libertarian machine (New Yorker Mag.)
Momentous day in East L.A. Forty years after the Chicano Moratorium, Latino political power
Matt Taibbi: Tea Party Rocks Primaries
Wikileaks CIA Release -" Say What?
King & Beck: Tracing the Trajectories
The "Beckoning" is an episode of South Park
Media Priorities and the Kochtopus
Financier’s Largess Shows G.O.P.’s Wall St. Support
Treating Underinsurance and a comment
DOD identifies US casualties 23 Aug-25 Aug
Iran bans pet ads, brands dogs 'unclean'
Democrats Should be Saying "Ich Bin Ein Progressive"
Why He Was In Memphis: Martin Luther King died fighting for labor and a living wage.
FBI data: Hate crimes against Muslims rare
When Politics Means the End of the World (as we know it)
Detroit Symphony musicians appeal for support as contract deadline approaches
UN labels France Roma expulsions 'racist'
America’s mental illness epidemic: It turns out that the drugs are the problem
Seniors Unite Against Simpson And Obama
Glenn Beck does remind us of the Civil Rights Era -- that is, the people who hated Dr. King
Screwing with Social Security is political suicide!
Friday Talking Points (136) -- Girding For Battle
From the Secret Files of Charlie K**h
State Regulators Back TEP Plans for 10 New Renewable Power Projects (AZ)
World's Largest Solar Cell Manufacturing Plant Underway (3.4 GW per year capacity - Taiwan)
Fertilizer Chemicals Linked To (Aquatic) Animal Developmental Woes
Anti-whaling NGOs warn of 'contaminated' whale meat (BBC)
Independent Panel to Issue Recommendations for Improving U.N. (IPCC) Reports
ORNL graphite foam technology licensed to LED North America
1,000-Megawatt Plant in Calif. Marks New Milestone in Solar Expansion
China Set to Leapfrog the U.S. in Clean Car Production (like everything else)
Go Reds, as if we needed another reason to hate St. Louis
Leaked Tampa Bay Rays Docs Make Case for Revenue-Sharing, New Ballpark(Will leaks impactrevsharing?)
Stephen Strasburg pledges to return in top form.
Richard Petty inducted in Randleman High School Hall of Fame
Japan vs. Hawaii for Little League Title.
Kobe said he wouldn't leave team to chase a ring (but that's just him)
Chargers Vincent Jackson prepared to sit out 2010 season
UNMATCHED---Chris Evert and Martina Navratilova
Demonstrators ask for more wage, clash with police in Honduras
Los Aldeanos y Silvito actuarán en Miami
"Venezuelan Government: 'Most Important” Drug Seizure in Four Years'"
Lula's Hand-Picked Successor Widens Lead in Poll
Radio/TV Marti in Miami (Cuban-directed propaganda) takes more money than you knew to run.
Fidel post with 99 recs in Late Breaking News!
The New York Slimes lie about Iraq death toll, then lie about Venezuela!
American Gun Shows supplying guns to Mexican drug cartels?!
EPA Denies Petition Calling for Lead Ammunition Ban
(Top British Tory MP Comes Out) Minister leaves wife ‘to come to terms with his homosexuality’
IOWA: Haters Step Up Campaign To Oust Pro-Marriage Supreme Court Judges
Things you may not know about David Yost (Blue Power Ranger)
Same-sex marriage gains GOP support
Workers say Sky Chef is dragging its feet in contract talks
Mediators call Duluth hospitals and nurses back to bargaining table
Omahan dies after worksite fall
Seventeen Michigan Krogers could face strike action
Coke Cancels Health Care For Employees Who Have Paid Their Premiums
Any union organizers in South Florida?
Image Wizards and OpenCamp Vibrant Photo contest
friday night sunset in San Antonio
Hamas: PA can't give up Jerusalem in direct Mideast peace talks
A laser can turn your wall into a protozoa aquarium
This mysterious cosmic eye is two galaxies in one
It's difficult to end a bad habit of thought or action while you are practicing self-deception ...
Priest impregnates Pennsylvania teenager (allegedly)
This, because I'm evil, cracks me up.
If human life begins at conception, then when does the life of a human clone begin?
Swiped from GD: The MoJo article on the situation with the oil spill.
If You're in a Contemplative Mood this weekend...
Motherless baby whale on the run from the Coast Guard
Starcodes this Week - Heather Roan Robbins
Astrologically speaking, does it surprise you to know that...
Please join me in celebrating METTA's birthday! (Saturday, August 28th)
Lighter fare: post your standing in your birth order here.