Democratic Underground

Archives: August 29, 2010

An idea whose time has come? Don't ask - don't tell policy at schools that receive federal funding.

How Beck has been restoring honor to America.

NY Times: One new bank in 2010, it's in a double-wide

more stuff on Beck's Civil Rights opinions

Gov Manchin WINS today's West Virginia Democratic Primary for U.S. Senate.

Re-enactors keep memory of black Civil War troops

For those of you wondering about Beck's ranting about a new "Black Robed Regiment" today...

What a speech in Washington!

Show Me the Judges

About this "Restoring Honor" rally...

Sharron Angle continues to Bring Teh Crazy

NatGeoTV is showing


Manchin wins Democratic Senate primary in W.Va.

Holy F*cking damn. KKK T-shirts available for kids(warning-pictures)

Glen Beck is challenging YOU to step it up.

250,000 protesting the war on April 24th, 1971. I was there,

Many thousands of Poor and Homeless added to Becks Munichesque Rally attracted to FREE BEER/FOOD...

palin (R-who else?) "Two score and seven years ago..."

"Look, everyone! It's a Jewish American, a Native American, and a Protestant settler's descendant!"

" event that...felt like the Jerry Lewis Telethon, minus the comic stylings of Shecky Greene. "

The Media Has Made a Mockery of the Real News by Giving Credence to Glenn Beck's Rally

Proud Sarah Palin hopes MLK would have been proud of rally like his very proud niece Alveda King

Michele Bachmann: A million people came

Gimme a GZ Mosque thread...a Terror Baby thread...anything but Beck!!!!!


Dance of the tropical storms

I think the takeaway is that we're supposed to return to the guilded age

So now we are scared that Beck had a rally?

The speech Beck would have given, IF he were honest

Martin Luther King Had a Dream and Glenn Beck Was Not in It

PHOTO: I wonder if Solemn Crucifix Man was on tour during 8 years of Bush-Cheney...

Fox News Saturday, starring The Verklempt Elmer Gantry

Reclaim the Dream' rally

Can anyone give a recap of how the Beck event went

If you know a Hispanic in Dade, Broward, Palm Beach or Orange Counties tell them that Rick Scott

3 hours ago this was the all Beck site.

3 hours ago this was the all Beck site.

Conservative Economist: 'Find the Unemployed and Hire Them'

"Two score and seven years ago..."

EPA Surrenders to NRA on Gun Control Issue

Shooting the Schlessinger

Good news everyone!

Good news everyone!

I'm a Racist Idiot, And All I Got Was This Stupid T-Shirt

GINORMOUS "Impeach Obama" Rally In San Diego today!

Flashback Poll: 70% of Americans believe Saddam, 9-11 link

Kane County Deputy shot/killed

NY Times - "The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party" - This Revolution Is Brought To You By...

Hey Sarah... fire the speech writer!

Perspective: "Tens of thousands" go see a team in last place, 6 times a week, just two miles away.

The Apalachicola (FL) Vietnam War Memorial

Beck to get Academy Award!

Hyper-nationalism. How will it end...(I'm just bummed about this)

Judge Elijah dogged by rumors he is Muslim

Judge Elijah dogged by rumors he is Muslim

The Wholepakaloozas tour?

Gawker - I'm a Racist Idiot, And All I Got Was This Stupid T-Shirt

Jackie Chan: "I won’t hate Filipino people as a result" of bus hostage incident

Dispersant container found in Bayou Caddy marsh,Hancock County, MS

Freeper "Mean Maryjean" gets PISSED OFF over CNN covering Katrina instead of the Beck circle-jerk

A question about the NOAA Hurricane Tracking Maps;

Right Wing Disappointment...

Newest number

Newest number

Folks, we need a MAJOR effort to counter this article

VIDEO FLASHBACK: Spiritual & Political Messiah Glenn Beck's on-air sexual harassment of Dina Sansing

VIDEO FLASHBACK: Spiritual & Political Messiah Glenn Beck's on-air sexual harassment of Dina Sansing

Great suppression weather today for the fires burning in Oregon! (DIAL-UP WARNING)

Obama gave his Dem Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech 8/28/08 - MLK Dream Speech anniversary

Just a snapshot: 55 dogs and 78 cats

Crowd photos from August 28, 1963 March on Washington

John "The Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon" Hagee one of Beck's crown jewels at rally

Afghan graft prosecutor 'fired'

Japanese Tea Party?

Ella Lois Gilmore....1927-August 29th 2005.... NOLA Katrina Victim...

Billionaire Funder and Fox News Collude in Glenn Beck’s Affront to MLK’s “I Have A Dream"

A U.S. 'legacy of waste' in Iraq

"Restoring honor": new racist phrase?


Racist Far Right Group Praised by NY Anti-Mosque Organizers Riots in UK

I caught a subliminal message yesterday morning...

I caught a subliminal message yesterday morning...

Glenn Beck vs. Martin Luther King Jr.

OK, maybe Ticketmaster isn't so bad after all.......

Stewart RIPS Glenn Beck's Civil Rights Rally: 'I Have A Scheme' (VIDEO)

Taliban fighters, some disguised as American soldiers, attack two U.S. bases

There is NOTHING wrong with the Beck Heads being white.

ABC This Week: Education (This Panel Sucks)

You guys panic too much

Has Our Honor Been Restored Yet, Glenn Beck?

The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party

Disability cut off notices... are on..

Glenn Beck parting the reflection pool during his BeckapaLOSEa...

The Tea Party Whistle Blower

Newspapers:Numbers on attendance at the Beck party ranging today from

I am tired of seeing Glen Beck's Face on the DU Homepage

CNN: As the American home shrinks, say goodbye to the McMansion

Are artists and Left responsible for Beck? Not flame bait.

Read Frank Rich today.

An interesting observation this week.

Albert Pujols honored at Glenn Beck's Washington rally

If you go to court...please do leave your meth bag at home!

I'm a Racist Idiot, And All I Got Was This Stupid T-Shirt (pic from Beck's white power rally)

Obama, Steep Learning Curve in Time of War

Why Isn't Dennis Van Roekel Ever On These Sunday Talk Shows??

Nixon reincarnates as a four year old Korean girl...

"What made us, you know, sit there at the john vomiting for four hours?"

Lest We Not Forget What Jerry Falwell Said 5 Years Ago About Katrina

Great discussion with Tamron Hall and Melissa Harris Lacewell

Hawaiian DUers or tourists, is there or is there not a Shinto shrine near Pearl Harbor?

BP to admit $1m-a-week advertising spree

They're all sheep ----

The fairness doctrine?

AP: Whitman: Nurses' suffrage rally is `a distraction'

Just How Big Were The 'Throngs'?

NBC should keep it this way - Brian Williams is better as MTP host than newscaster,

What was the attendance like at UCF at the Democrat rally yesterday?

So they hated us for our freedom

Man fires pepper spray on protesters outside Marine's funeral

Perspective........55 Million American Adults do not believe in Evolution.........

Re: Verizon, Google, and Net Neutrality...Now Cisco and Microsoft are holding talks...

Two very sad stories in latest news...

OK I need help with my rebuttal of this editorial-"Cutting Money"

40th Anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium march Photo Heavy

The GOP's internal warfare

surge update: 7 US troops killed in latest Afghanistan fighting

The ONGOING Gulf Oil Spill Disaster


First Australian Aboriginal MP elected for Liberals (BBC)

Mclaughlin group omen

does anyone have solid resources on NAFTA,CAFTA,and job exportation?

Mother Jones: Is A Double-Dip Recession—Or Worse—Finally Here?

DOJ Approves Controversial Voter Verification Law:

Anyone else faintly chilled at the numbers of people at the Beck rally?

How Bush and Blair plotted in secret to stop Brown

Mormon Mosque Lovers Evil...scream, scream, run, run fast

The Beck Rally was VERY well-attended

What got knocked out of the top of the nooz for the Verklempt Elmer Gantry that is Glenn Beckkk?

Being a conservative is like being a kid hiding under the covers because of a monster in the closet

Why do authority figures so often wear silly hats?

I get so utterly nauseated when I see CONSERVATIVES invoking social movement leaders like MLK

The continuing adventures of Chris Christie, or, another pass the buck Puke misses out on the cash

Head Wreck prances across the stage of self-congratulation. . . . Please come CAPTION!!!

What I sent the local radio T-Bagger about the BecKKK vanity circus

Tax burden in USA. Question.

Thousands flee Indonesia volcano on Sumatra

A more appropriate comparison than "Nazi"?

Ten weeks....

Is it moral that we do better than most?

Glenn Beck has been in the vanguard of social change for nearly 20 years.

Mr. President, may Louisiana tax oil and gas like the other states? It could really help us.

Man fires pepper spray on protesters outside Marine's funeral

John Nichols: Sorry Glenn Beck, But King's "Dream" is on the March in Detroit

When does health care reform go into effect?

When does health care reform go into effect?

Hawks Box in Obama on Afghan War

Final score: SEVEN points for us. ONE for BecKKK's megalo-vanity circus

Why can't we give Beck his props?

I did not know Karl Rove was on Stephan Colbert's show.

Glenn Beck - I Have a Hate speech

Now Beck is trying to change the fact that he called The President a racist..

"And if that didn't work we've got 'Reclaiming the New Deal' on deck"

Martin Luther King, Jr. | I Have a Dream (Video)

Dear Glenn Beck,

Prosecutor moving on, but mystery of Skidmore bully’s murder remains

The fact that a head case like Beck is anybody says a lot about just how F'd this country is

Where were all those "open carry" people at yesterday's Whitestock?

Sunday Talk Shows

What State is the most known state promoting hate?

What State is the most known state promoting hate?

Good or bad if Democrats lose House and Senate in November??

That's the 'god' they Worship!!

We must draw the line somewhere.

Deepwater Horizon fears resurface as rigs probe for oil under Arctic ice

Whitestock - the perfect name for yesterday's Becktoxic meeting of the "minds"

Can anyone update me on how the Million Moran March went yesterday??

Arne, Michelle and Randi on ABC this morning - video

Palingenesis- "A Theory Of Fascism"

Obama's speech in NOLA just began

Obama's speech in NOLA just began

Kansas media ignores Koch story

Israeli Education Ministry Approves New 'whites-only' Settlement School

I wonder what the mortgage delinquency rate is in Florida these days...

For the fourth year in a row the NFL's only international game will be in London.

Do Asians get married?

Boycott FOX News Advertisers

Freeper "bert" wants to know why "black guy in chief" didn't attend Beck rally and "honor his kind"

On occassion of my 1000th post!!!!!!....i luv you guys!

They all float down here

As we study our descent into hell


Boycotting FOX News

The language of violence used against.....

I was looking at voter demographic information from prior elections

GOPTEAPARTY on unemployment benefits,

The rise and fall of American Apparel

Beck: People don't recognize 'Obama's version of Christianity'

Great moments in Republican History: Hoover orders troops to attack Veterans

A FB posting regarding the Million Moran March

why are we lending out all this cheap $ to fat cat wall st corporations, when they sit on it

WaPo:Among Democrats, economic pressures are changing tax-cut dynamics

It's ok for Beck to say "no signs", but let someone else say it and it's censorship!!

There are few things more ridiculous then a bunch of Old White People claiming the legacy of MLK

New film, Conviction, tells the true story of a wrongful conviction and the Innocence Project.

May I recommend this book?

It's a culture clash and it's largely urban versus suburban versus rural

Glenn Beck: "Reclaim the Civil Rights Movement". Please explain, you racist motherfucker.

Why I REFUSE to vote for Joe Sestak

Are all corporations evil?

Are all corporations evil?

Congress may sneak through Internet ‘kill switch’ in defense bill

While Entire Governments Don't Come Cheap, This One is Almost Within Grasp of the Rich

Massachusetts 'Shark' a Hoax

Olbermann Should Do a Demo Too

The Third Wave

Obama’s Old Deal - Newsweek

Bill Clinton could soon be an unusually important (private) Adviser

Belgian cardinal encouraged victim of sex abuse by priest to REMAIN SILENT

Good Toon, Pitt. Post-Gazette. Beck is a rotten egg.

Robert Reich: Is Wall Street Preventing Democrats from Telling Their Story?

Jobs, Justice and Peace Rally on August 28; Leaders come out in force to support the American worke

If I were a strategist for the cabal bent on taking control of what was once called our democracy

Reuters - "FTC Closes Fake iTunes Reviews Case" - Could The Same Tactics Be Used In Politics?

Covert Operations The billionaire (Koch) brothers who are waging a war against Obama.

••• Tea Party & other vids - STAND UP FOR PATRIOTISM! & stop pickin' on us fascists! •••

You know that free healthcare clinic tour going on?

On Beck 'welcoming home' Vietnam veterans

Do Democrats believe that taxcuts are the best way to spur the economy?

Recent OUTRAGE on "Make It or Break It":

Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor' Rally: What Do You Think Now?

Tony Auth Toon; Kickin' Beck

[Beck] 'Restoring Honor' transcript text?

now, this TOON is going to piss off the repubs and t-baggers

now, this TOON is going to piss off the repubs and t-baggers

Too much tea party racism As protesters call Dem leaders "nigger" and "faggot," it's time for Republ

The Mystery of Weird Racist T-Shirt Guy (Updated) - Gawker

Heads up - Pres Obama's interview with Brian Williams

47 Hours from now

Anti-Gay Protesters Pepper Sprayed at Marine's Funeral

Conservatively, there was at least 1.5 million people

Mr President you are an American born Christian - Brian the hack WIlliams

Why has Glenn Beck replaced Ronald McDonald in Central PA?

So I am channel surfing during commercials this morning....

Something to think about.. who are you really mad at?

I wish the Obama hatingTeabaggers could hear the chants of

Liberal Media? Yeah right... Beck = 85K and lots of press, Gays 200K and almost no press

My Fellow Americans...The Bush speech that never happened.

"How Wall Street Rolled Obama"

Does anyone remember that online Optician


Isn't it about time to throw a few virgins into the volcano?

Here's the sole reason I'm grateful for....

First tests for stem cell therapy are near

Something else we need to reclaim

A simple law re: Military spending would create a massive stimulus

KA-POW!!!!!! KING vs. BECK

Raw Economic Populism would win every election for the Dems yet

Dear Beck Followers, Your President Is An African American. Get The Fuck Over It.

Nobody Likes an Asshole Neighbor

Arson in Tennessee--Civil Rights Deja Vu

Are our personal migrations partly to blame?

Are our personal migrations partly to blame?

Are our personal migrations partly to blame?

I've had my shower, but I still feel dirty.

Culinary confusion

What I tell white folks here in the South that don't understand Obama...

What I tell white folks here in the South that don't understand Obama...

U.S. birth rate hits lowest point in a century

Our message this election should be, The Republican thirst for war.

The Great American Stupid

The WIMPY BECK....jus like Swaggeret and Bakker...crying like babies... what a shtick...the unmanly

My suggestion to the media lurking here

Dangers of Microwave Popcorn

"Spice" - the Marijuana substitute. The great experiment?

Beckapalooza toons

How Tea Partiers Think - "I'm Tired!"

NYT: Obama let Gates 'set a slow pace in overturning' DADT (Fierce!)

How Do Low Taxes Create Jobs When Wages Are Deductible Expenses?

Pentagon’s New Enemy: Wind Turbines

8/28 The right wing shows their hand for the future. It is called the Sect of Beck

A Catchy Name "Whitestock" for the Beck Cluster Fuck Post photos

My husband's boss is a Becker-Head.

My only concern regarding Beck & his enabler, Fixed News...

The Koch brothers have a 'pawn' in the middle class teabaggers.

The Koch brothers have a 'pawn' in the middle class teabaggers.

If the Democrats screw this up....

Cops: Neighbor demands $150 to return missing dog

Just watched some of the highlights of Glenn Beck's Whitestock, including Caribou Barbie's speech.

What Are You Talking About?

(((PICS))) "Reclaim the Dream" - August 28, 2010

Clear those throats and have a sip of water. It's time for the Sunday Singalong at DU

Did Beck's Underlying Message Sound Familiar? should

What if the rich, powerful get what they WANT?? Billionaire's Tea Party today. Revolution tomorrow.

Video of pepper spray attack on Phelps family

Video of pepper spray attack on Phelps family

At least my (Swiss) newspaper shows a picture of the counter-protest rally:

The rec/unrec thing. People really care if strangers on an internet message board recommend or

Wright criticizes those who think Obama is Muslim

Principles or Pragmatism? Who's Doing What?

The actual basis for Teabag ideology...

I mean in history, Patty, before they changed the water.

The BecKKK Rally. Place your estimates on the crowd.

Withdraw the Last Combat Politicians from Washington

It is, once again, time to re-read Asimov's Foundation "Trilogy"

Propaganda is to democracy what violence is to totalitarianism.

Zandi: today's rich are more sensitive to tax increases

We The ________________

On "Face the Nation". "The (SS) Trust Fund is empty". Unchallenged

"Tea Party Rocks Primaries"--------Matt Taibbi

BP warning clean-up crews that a 200-foot, 2-mile oil slick is about to hit Grand Isle

BP warning clean-up crews that a 200-foot, 2-mile oil slick is about to hit Grand Isle


A Klan rally on the steps of the Lincoln memorial

I didn't read this entire thing, because it's just too fucking weird

My mother in law - "We need to take our country back"

Glenn Beck outs himself as evil

Glenn Beck outs himself as evil

Good news! The war on drugs must be over.

2 simple charts showing income shift from 1979 to 2007.

Sun City's age police hunts down young as economy forces families to move in with grandparents

Something new to fear: Drapesgate

Man caught selling marijuana to pay for police academy

Does this fucking douchebag....

Women in Washington, your seats are at risk

America's Top Military Chief: Debt is Main Threat to U.S. National Security

The sinister side to the Beck rally's feel-good rhetoric.

Ten Reasons Why Gay Marriage Is Wrong

Frankly I find all this angst and handwringing about the rec/unrec option rather funny,

The more I learn about Margaret Thatcher, the more contemptible she becomes......

Is FIVE YEARS all it takes to forget Hurricane Katrina?

On the 5th Anniversary, I Visit New Orleans and the Gulf Coast

Public Backs Ending Tax Cuts for Rich, and More

Here's Why Dennis Van Roekel Isn't On The Sunday Talk Show Circuit:

Many millions of Americans are simply delusional

More U.S. businesses abandon outsourcing overseas

'Wall Street is poised for a Great Offensive against political and social infrastructure of the US.'

In my opinion, Glenn Beck's rally was a huge failure.

Charlie Crist supports constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage

Oh, look, it's Captain Stupid....

Attn teabagers who went to Beck's "Whitestock" Rally (pix)

Oh, Yeah. There Were Protesters at BecKKK's Soreloserpalooza 2010... (Dialup Warning)

Beck's God-Fest spooks some freepers (Beck=LDS, "not Christian")

Blast from the Past: What happens when Obama is elected?

I wonder if I could asked a's about Beck.

Ultimately we are going to end up having to fight these people.

Teach for America gets 5% from sales at GAP, Banana Republic, or Old Navy.

I bought something made in America this week

Had a craving for Hummus. Went to Publix. Was in checkout line, and saw this

Arizona Police Say Gunman Kills 5, Then Self

Arizona Police Say Gunman Kills 5, Then Self

So please explain the problems social security faces (as it is now) to me.

I don't know about any of you, but I can't stand the "unrec" option

Lest We Not Forget Where Bush Was 5 Years Ago Today

Lest We Not Forget Where Bush Was 5 Years Ago Today

If democrats can't pass a reinstatement of the Bush middle class tax cuts

Top 5 Social Security Myths Debunked! Tell them to keep their hands off SS!

Michele Bachmann: A million people came

Newsweek Study: If GOP policies were adopted, we'd be much worse off economically!

Jeff Greenfield on CBS: yeah, Glenn Beck is pretty much Martin Luther King Jr.

The "Civility" section of DU's Rules. Read it, if you haven't...and if you have, read it again.

Tropical Storm Earl now a hurricane

The myth of the compromise of civil unions

"Beware That New Credit-Card Offer "

Video: I have a dream that some day democrats will fight back!

Death by a Thousand Cuts - My Personal Story of the Every Day American Struggle

The faces of teachers fired in Chicago to be replaced with TFA, other novices.

One Million Homeless Children in America’s Schools


Murphy's Law: the one that supersedes all others. Even Alito can't overturn it.

burning man participants?

I just won Facebook

So, I watched the ScyFy Original movie tonight, just for laughs.

Just got home from the kitchen

These are a few of my favorite things...

Can you tell that one of the singers in this band is a girl?

Man-cub single handedly repelled a raccoon invasion.

Accept releases their first new album in 14 years, but without vocalist Udo Dirkschneider...

"ways that" vs. "ways in which"

Classic Ad: A Love Letter to De Soto

Is it true that No Republicans smoke pot?

Sean Connery is 80. Shaken, not stirred; he's the best.

There Ain't No Good Chain Gang

so they're re-making Arthur.

cell phone sunset

PSA video - How to Open a Beer Bottle With a Countertop

Dolly Parton Vs Jay Z - Jolene Is Mine

Jolene (Devendra's 80's Remix)

I would like to wish a happy late Sunday night to all our DU friends on the west coast. n/t

true AND false e-mail spam

Gov't Mule & Dana Fuchs, "Ball and Chain"

I saw "Paranormal Activity" last night (minor spoiler)

Jolene Remix #1

Just got back from visiting my 92 year mother at the nursing home.

On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair...

The Drunkest Guys Ever Caught On Video

Women in metal

the unlikeliest..and singer..Freddie Fender

Rise and shine! Good morning to all you DUers in Europe! n/t

It takes a village. Period.

Gov't Mule - "Piece of My Heart" with the un-be-friggin-LIEVABLE Dana Fuchs.

ok ...which one do you prefer???? me.. I love them all

Lady Gaga Kidnaps Commissioner Gordon

The Blue Jays are wearing their throwback uniforms today...

Should I really give a Fuckkk?

Oh, what we do for our cats

When people piss and moan and whine, it makes me want to do what upsets them 24-fucking-SEVEN.

I brought home a cup decaf from BK this morning for the Missus...

Saw a guy at the filling station buy a bag of herbal "incense"

LaRussa And Pujols were at BecKKK's Teabagapalooza?

Honk if you thought Pat Benatar was hot! She rocked a black pantsuit.

I know that people's eyes glaze over when you talk about dreams, but I have a doozy for you

Happy first day of Spring to all our Canadian DU friends! n/t

50 Cent responds to taking out his Grandma's garbage: "I’m rich fuck this I’m going home"

Edgar Winter: "Tobacco Road," live 1972. Ronnie Montrose on guitar!

Something I heard on the radio today concerning DWI.

Not exactly "borrowed time" - how about "borrowed cranking amps"?

My middle daughter (senior) is taking German, French, and Latin this year.

Sometimes I feel, SOMETIMES I feel, like I've been TIED to the whippin post

My Mom's Banks Overcharged her w/3 Bounced Checks Even Though She Had Funds in Her Account

WARNING unless you have an iron stomach

I was a witness to domestic violence last night

PBS tonight- Mystery Inspector Lewis - Joanna Lumley guest stars

I wanna be

All you DMB HATERS! The band rocks your face off and you all are gonna hafta

What is the schlockiest, cheesiest, kitschiest pop hit of all time?

My poem: Winning at Solitaire

Your Sunday LOLcats (dial-up warning) Dopey Dopey Doh Edition

In World War II, couldn't we have just disabled the battleship Musashi instead of sinking it?

Terms of Endearment for Loved Ones (human, animal, plant) that make no sense...


K&R if you think this rally had more attendees than the Glenn Beck rally!

Beck lifts from Obama 2008 stump speech


Five hundred thousand people protest anti War in DC, 1971

AK-SEN POLL: Miller 47, McAdams 39. Miller 38, Murkowski 34, McAdams 22.

Reclaim the Dream' rally

Obama the Alien Threat By Jonathan Alter, Newsweek

CNN: HUD Secretary Donovan says FHA to roll out refinancing plan to help underwater borrowers

Any UK people here? Does the UK think the USA is insane?

I support the Hoover, Obama Administration in it's response to the economic crisis

Think Progress: Political Rally or Not? We Report, You Decide.

Why do you think the Democrats are quiet on Beck's call to restore honor?

When Congress reconvenes, it should propose:

ok now that president obama vacation is over, and beck and

Glenn Beck regrets calling Obama a ‘racist’

Obamas thank WWII veteran before he travel to NOLA

VIDEO: President Obama's interview with Brian Williams

Rob Redding: If there's a heaven Glen Beck won't get a reserve

"that the mood of the day would be fellowship and the spirit one of brotherhood."

GOP plans wave of White House probes

President Obama speaking LIVE on CNN at Xavier University in New Orleans. Photos!

Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred

Tier 5 Unemployment Extension A Big Need After Unemployment Claims

Obama says he ignored Beck rally

Movements Are About Something Real

Why all the Glenn Beck threads???

wtf????? Beck's D.C. rally draws 500,000 to honor heroes

Roger Ebert's pro gay marriage article

A little late, but a little tribute to mark the 2nd anniversary of Obama's 2008 acceptance speech

Alaska GOP Senate Candidate Joe Miller Suggests Medicare And Social Security Are Unconstitutional

CNN: dems need 60 votes to end Bush tax cuts

What could Obama have really done to save the midterms? Not much!

Glenn Beck to Chris Wallace: 'I Have No Desire to be President of the United States'

Obama ignored "Whitestock"..."can't spend all my time with birth certificate plastered on forehead."

Beck: People don't recognize 'Obama's version of Christianity' ("liberation theology")

Congress may sneak through Internet ‘kill switch’ in defense bill

Northwest flight attendants union sues Delta over alleged contract violations

Special Forces Ratchet Up Fight Against Taliban

A U.S. 'legacy of waste' in Iraq

Get out of Afghanistan: Wilkie

Financier’s Largess Shows G.O.P.’s Wall St. Support

Climber’s body found in Alberta Rockies 20 years later

Guards open fire during 'major riot' at California prison

Graft-Fighting Prosecutor Fired in Afghanistan

Afghan militants in US uniforms storm 2 NATO bases

Police kill 2 suicide bombers (attempting to enter office of provincial governor) in W. Afghanistan

Honduras a deadly place for journalists

John Howard's gun legacy: - 200 lives saved a year

(Six militants, including a) Top Punjabi Taliban commander shot dead in NW Pakistan

19 killed in Chechnya shootout targeting Chechen president

Kenya should 'clarify' on world court: Annan

Graft-Fighting Prosecutor Fired in Afghanistan

Jobs, Justice and Peace Rally on August 28; Leaders come out in force to support the American worke

Jobs, Justice and Peace Rally on August 28; Leaders come out in force to support the American worke

Man fires pepper spray on protesters outside Marine's funeral

Obama marks Katrina anniversary - calls flooding "shameful" & praises progress toward rebuilding NO

U.S. birth rate falls for second year in midst of recession

Joe Manchin, John Raese win West Virginia senate primaries

Millions at risk as crops fail in central Africa

(Cargill) Company recalls ground beef after E. coli reports

Afghanistan election: five campaigners for female candidate shot dead

6 US troops killed in latest Afghanistan fighting

Bush put pressure on Blair to keep Brown out of office

English Defence League rally in Bradford leads to 13 arrests

Bolivia finishes rescue of 12 pink river dolphins

Beck Regrets Calling Obama a 'Racist,' Rules Out 2012 Run with Palin.

UN hopes science review eases climate scepticism

Cause of voting machine fire still mystery

Thousands flee Indonesia volcano

Fire at Tenn. Mosque Building Site Ruled Arson

German Banker underfire for "racist" Jewish remark

Chile Miners Must Move Tons of Rocks in Own Rescue

Mumps Vaccine Coverage Should Be Improved, Study Finds

I SUGGEST that we who feel the need to criticise Obama's administration

U.S. Wary of Example Set by Tribunal Case

Meek within 9 points of Crist

Stabbed cabbie out of work, worries about feeding family

Venezuelans protest against unchecked violence

Glenn Beck Rally Attracts Estimated 87,000

Report: 100 Russian skinheads attack concertgoers

Education secretary says schools have been lying to children and parents

U.S. wasted billions in rebuilding Iraq

Deficit Cost Declines Give Obama Stimulus Clinton Couldn’t Get

John Kerry Testimony - The Last Man to Die for a Mistake - Vietnam War Hearing Part 2 (1971)

Katrina Story: The Day The Laughter Stopped

AJ English: Brave Young Afghan Candidates Campaign Parliamentary Elections Amid Atmosphere Of Fear

Weird Liberal Head Show #146: I Burn a Conservative...

Glenn Beck 'Restoring Honor' Rally (VIDEO): Attendees Talk Illegal Immigration, Gun Rights For Terro

Rev Frederick Haynes - At Sharpton's 8/28 March/Rally

Original Tea Partiers Turned on Native Americans

Teabagger Rally: Astroturf Coal "Org" supporter against Unions


Ed Show w/ Cenk: Stephanie Miller on Mehlman, Gay Rights

Katie from Denver and Sarah from DC - Interview at Beck's 828 Rally

40th Anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium march


Michigan Teachers Unions Sue the State

Ed Show w/ Cenk: Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Incited By Right Wingers


Hostile Teabaggers attack me as I ask questions at Glenn Beck Rally

Hostile Teabaggers attack me as I ask questions at Glenn Beck Rally - PART 2

Gay Protest Signs (funny)

Economic Hitmen


Interview With Man Wearing Protect White Cracker Babies T-Shirt

Miller: Social Security and Medicare are unconstitutional

Al Jazeera English Reports From Al Sharpton's 47th Anniversary Commemoration Of MLK Jr's Speech

Chilean miners' ordeal 'caused by greed and graft'

Miliband: Britain was slow to act against US torture

Waiting for Mr. Obama (NYT)

In the Tax Debate: A Blast of Fresh New Air

I Had a Nightmare

" Advocates Baffled By DOJ Approval of Controversial Voter Verification Law" (GA Voter Verification)

Why We Need a Second Stimulus

Apocalyptic views hinder constructive political debate

"The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party" --Invisible Hands / Frank Rich

Glenn Beck’s Sheep

Why has Glenn Beck replaced Ronald McDonald in Central PA?

The making of Glenn Beck, the un-sanitized version!

Glenn Beck vs. Christ the Liberator

Third Person Once Removed

Obama/Williams interview video

Glenn Beck vs. Christ the Liberator

Party Down

Peter, Paul & Mary’s cease-and-desist to NOM: Stop playing “This Land Is Your Land”

May the best economic policy win

LA Times Hit the nail dead on the head Becks the "Know Nothing Movement"

Glen Beck dismisses non-religious Americans in rally

Civil rights' new 'owner': Glenn Beck

The Dream vs. The Nightmare: An unabridged, unapologetic, and uncalled for essay by Aaron M. Gipson

Losing the zero sum game – They’re mooching off your slice of the pie

Republicans plan McCarthyite persecutions

Judge orders EPA not to destroy records UP wants

Greenpeace Videos

# Of Fires In NE Brazil, Amazon Basin Double YOY - Upcoming Elections = No Enforcement vs. Ranchers

After Years Of Drought, Floods Devastate Crops In Chad, Niger - 10 Million Face Food Shortage

28 Cities In NE United States Set New Average Temp Records For March-August, 2010

Cargill To "Engage" Indonesian Supplier After Audit Confirms Primary Forest Destruction

Nitric Oxide In Runoff Causes Deformities, Reproductive Failure In Water Organisms Even @ Low Levels

Forests, Alpine Regions, Coastlines - Report Details What Will Happen To Tasmania As Climate Warms

After Disastrous Summer (Loss Of 25% Of Grain Crops) - Will Russia Change On Climate Policy?

Windmills will NOT reduce carbon dioxide emissions!

After Being Banned In 2001 As Habitual Violator, DeCoster Used Front Business To Run Egg Operations

Solar bonus generates a mega-load of energy (50-megawatt milestone 18 months before expected).

Klamath Basin's water worries extend to wells

January Deadline For Maricopa County - Clean Air Or Face Up To $2 Billion In Lost Hwy Money

Climate-Related Security Predictions Coming True in Pakistan

For the fourth year in a row the NFL's only international game will be in London.

I biked the Hotter n' Hell 100 miler today.

For the fourth year in a row the NFL's only international game will be in London.

Bolivia finishes rescue of 12 pink river dolphins

Cuban-Americans protest Cuban musical group at "Che" Supper Club

Honduras a deadly place for journalists

Five years later, no accountability for post-Katrina gun grab

Shooting at walmart

EPA Surrenders to NRA on Gun Control Issue

Bill Aims To Allow Concealed Carry In Workplace Parking Lots

More gun news from Australia

John Howard's gun legacy: - 200 lives saved a year

Dear Rachel -- do you honestly believe that you are qualified to address the issue of extremism?

I need help on 'gay marriage' argument

Japan calls for transparent labor rules in China

Japan calls for transparent labor rules in China

NLRB sets hearing on charges of unfair labor practices against Spectrum Healthcare

Daycare Company Fires More Pro-Union Employees

Newspapers reach tentative accords with last of 14 unions

The Return of LIUNA: What This Really Means for the Building Trade Unions of the AFL-CIO

LA Times: Century City janitors' strike spotlights workers' plight

NYT: Are Working Conditions Really Getting Less Dangerous for Hispanic Laborers?

For the young, unemployment hits record

(1,300) Minnesota nurses’ union: Duluth strike ‘imminent’

Today in Labor History Aug 28 MLK "I have a dream" organizers included Rustin AFL-CIO Reuther UAW

study in rust, part 2

Today in Labor History Aug 29 Dancers Lusty Lady Club vote 57-15 to be represented by SEIU Local 790

Allied Waste Teamsters Strike Over Unfair Labor Practices

Victory for workers! Agreement reached at Johnson Controls in Mexico

NY Taxi Union Battles Anti-Muslim Hatred after Cab Driver Stabbed

Retirees Rally to Say ‘Hands Off Social Security’

Strike affecting Coke deliveries despite contingency plan

Media. Stuff in my computer room.

W Post: Trumka shows how Palin sells

Workers Who Win South Can Change The Nation

Do any of you have solid facts on NAFTA,CAFTA and shipping of industry overseas?

Israeli Education Ministry Approves New 'whites-only' Settlement School

53 theater figures vow not to perform in settlements

Israel 'Planning Strike On Hezbollah Sites In Syria'

Erekat: Israeli Religious Figure Urging Genocide Of Palestinians

Shas spiritual leader: Abbas and Palestinians should perish from this world

Mesmerizing Time-Lapse Shows Every Asteroid Discovered Since 1980 (VIDEO)

Double meteorite strike 'caused dinosaur extinction' (BBC)

Psychology Secrets: Most Psychology Studies Are College Student Biased

The Largest Hailstone Ever Recorded In The United States

Missed opportunity...Buddhism and the Japanese Internment

Glad I decided not to play my drinking game


Remembrances of Lives Past

All this birthday talk has me wondering, do any of your friends have bdays

OK, I have to ask... Is anyone else feeling especially weepy/emotional lately?

The Healing Codes!

Test could predict which mothers will need Caesareans (BBC)