Teen Chained In Home For 2 Days
California Marijuana Legalization supporters have money to burn
Anybody hear of HR 5471Mandatory Service for 2 years?
Another Strange Race Clyburn Opponent hired Republican OP
Thanks Keith - at last someone speaks
Thanks Keith - at last someone speaks
Multinational Shell Game Hurts Local Business
After 30 tears of being the whipping boys, of the right wing’s election cycle.
MICHIGANDERS.......Reminder: Vote Virg Tomorrow !!!!
It is not tax cuts for the wealthy that creates jobs. Rather, tax increases create jobs.
Jim DeMint Associate, GOP Adviser Calls For Nikki Haley To Release Affair-Related E-Mails - HuffPo
$2M liability for my teeny tiny business- so for only $73M more in coverage, I could drill for oil
Rep. Ryan pushes budget reform, and his party winces
Arne and the Governors, how RTTT is hurting Democrats!
Ethics trials highlight racial tensions in Congress
LA Times - "Proposition 23 backers (Big Oil Companies) sue over ballot language"
George Barisich on Keith Tonight
Colbert: Bush Tax Cut benefits trickle down from rich to poor like Bud Light through a racehorse
Dean Baker: The US economy is not yet on the road to recovery
20/20 Hindsight Apology Tour : Ralph Nader, Ross Perot
Ohio Red Cross giving away new car, or Amish buggy
A Benchmark of Progress, Electrical Grid Fails Iraqis
A Benchmark of Progress, Electrical Grid Fails Iraqis
••• Reid 1% ahead of Angle, but with the GOP enthusiasm advantage, is it enough? •••
The crisis of middle-class America
Is this a bad dream or a bad joke?
Lindsey Graham's worried about Afghanistan and an "unholy alliance between the right and the left"
Not exactly a liberal hot bed on the Immigration issue.....Madison, WI
Not exactly a liberal hot bed on the Immigration issue.....Madison, WI
Stealthy Government Contractor Monitors U.S. Internet Providers, Worked With Wikileaks Informant
More Fundie constitutional "experts".......
Texas Students Could Be Required to Seek Off-Campus Learning Options
Texas Students Could Be Required to Seek Off-Campus Learning Options
Ah the joys of talking with somebody intelligent
Possibly One Of The Best Jobs On The Planet
Have you noticed that Keith's "Special Comments" idea has been
US regulators out of the loop on chemical risk
America's Worst Job Market: What 27.6% Unemployment Looks Like
Mandatory Monday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! Best of Malloy tonight!
Ya Know... Maybe Lindsey Graham Has A Point (Not Really, But Just Go With This...)
The treatment of workers by US corporations has been far more treacherous — than most realize
Why are Repubs so obsessed with extending the Bush taxcuts??
Welcome to Your America: Elderly Man Robs Bank to Get Back Into Jail - FDL
Who sounds more insane, the Republican... or Basil Marceaux?
Boeing And Lockheed Positioning To Dominate Global Arms Market
Attempt at Gulf of Tonkin V2.0 comes off the rails.
Recently Single Al Gore Finally Able To Listen To W.A.S.P. Albums
I never believed this chem-trail thing, but today I
Canadian cops shoot guy for no reason (According to poorly crafted news story)
Descriptive. Sadly spot on. Fitzsimmons cartoon about the Ethics investigations
Descriptive. Sadly spot on. Fitzsimmons cartoon about the Ethics investigations
A night of batpoop wingnut radio...
Looks like even some conservatives are fed up with social conservatism!
LEADERSHIP: Boston mayor to skip GospelFest over Donnie McClurkin appearance
Economic transformation of Welch, West Virginia: from mines to prisons
Kagan confirmation in sight as Senate begins debate on Supreme Court nominee
We Almost Lost Detroit (How the auto bailout became one of Obama’s best talking points)
"Low-level Bush propagandist" Marc Thiessen calls for Wikileaks founder to be kidnapped
Geithner Tells Bankers Not To Fear Financial Reform
Cuccinelli rules Virgina police can check immigration status
How fucking lame is this as a sign of 'progress'?
The Takeaway from 91,000 Leaked Secret Documents on Afghanistan: It's Bad. Very Bad. Time to Go
Doubts on new health law - State's challenge goes ahead
DoD Buzz: Rugged ($1,200) Phones Ready For War
I-75/Riverside work to begin this week, expected to take 3 years
Poll: Support sags for Obama on Afghan war
Analysis: Afghan war enters decisive phase
UAW intensifies pressure on non-unionized companies
Dead Vets’ Families Accuse Insurer of $100 Million Scam
In Kandahar, U.S. tries the lessons of Baghdad
Here are some undeserving work-refusers who should have been allowed to starve
Insurgents attack Kandahar Air Field
Barack Obama is trying to destroy Social Security
Barack Obama is trying to destroy Social Security
Barack Obama is trying to destroy Social Security
Barack Obama is trying to destroy Social Security
Showdown Over State, Teacher Aid Delayed
The Nation: Our Long Hot Summer of (Faux) Racial Tension
The Nation: Our Long Hot Summer of (Faux) Racial Tension
Banking for the People: An Angry Democrat's Challenge to Wall Street
Notice that Joe Scum is following the ReTHUG meme
Breitbart Joins Tea Party at Rally in Philadelphia
Failed Gov. who lacked cojones to finish term says Obama lacks cojones to fix illegal immigration
Failed Gov. who lacked cojones to finish term says Obama lacks cojones to fix illegal immigration
Chomsky: The War in Afghanistan: Echoes of Vietnam
Homes for the hardest of the hard-core homeless
“Independent claims czar” on BP payroll
the only tax increase that will take place is due to george w bu$h*
Investors Business Daily tries to incite violence
AP sources: 3 charges filed against Rep. Waters
Obsessed With the Internet: A Tale From China
Survey: Cadillac Escalade SUV is the car thieves love to steal
It's time for, Stupid Things Dullard Rand Paul has said post
Let's Get to the Truth About Afghanistan
What's with people posting, "There's a lot of folks like that here on DU"?
Add the Alert and protect our children!
Comparing The Two Tea Parties: Then And Now
Lawsuit claims Toyota ignored safety issues
Robert Reich: Fire on the Left
Company: At least 3 shot at Conn. beer distributor
Navy poised to pick builder of new Littoral Combat Ship this summer
Senate Judiciary Committee, Kagan Confirmation now, C-SPAN2
"Many Individual Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere."
"Many Individual Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere."
There is, at the top of the greatest page, the most beautful thread, but one that shows ugliness ...
Computer question: I still have a dial-up connection and this morning...
Clay Bennett TOON on Palin- LOL
"Witnesses said Grace was hit by a chunk of ice about half the size of an SUV"
The next health reform debate: What's an 'unreasonable' insurance premium hike?
So, about "Beck-a-palooza" scheduled for August 28th---
If We Cared About The Women And Children Of The World
Centrist Senate Dems may offer compromise on oil spill liability
Pending Sales of Existing U.S. Homes Unexpectedly Decreased 2.6% in June
Seriously, Sharron Angle is making Sarah Palin look like a Rocket Scientist
Douglas Wilder on MSNBC suggesting that Obama drop Biden has me steamed.
Douglas Wilder on MSNBC calling for Obama to drop Biden pissed me off. nt
Sarah Palin shows how she got through 5 years of college Testin
Commodity ETFs: Toxic, deadly, evil (Next crash dead ahead, bigger than dot-coms, subprimes)
China 'Ready to Lead World on Vacuum Train'
Chicago Public Schools fires 600 teachers and staff
Dan Senor: U.S. respectfully changed name of Afghan war -- so move the "Ground Zero Mosque"
Dan Senor: U.S. respectfully changed name of Afghan war -- so move the "Ground Zero Mosque"
Dan Senor: U.S. respectfully changed name of Afghan war -- so move the "Ground Zero Mosque"
Code of Military Justice (Injustice?)
The right wing push is on to save the tax cuts..
Teabagger-to-English Translator
Police: Officer Baited In Altercation That Injured Him
Donated socks save soldiers' feet
dirt about to break-The Sordid David Rivera Story
Report: Brett Favre tells Vikings he's not returning
Report: Brett Favre tells Vikings he's not returning
Great New Website: www.foxisbias.com
Oilgate! BP and All the President's Men (Except One) Seek to Contain Truth of Leak in the Gulf
Eric Cantor: Extending Bush Tax Cuts Will Result In..(drum roll please)..JOB GROWTH! USA! USA! USA!
Gonna vote for Virg today, baby!
Digby - Why Won't the Democratic Party Take on Paul Ryan?
Consumer Spending, Personal Incomes in U.S. Unexpectedly Stagnated in June
Geithner: Unemployment Could Go Up Before It Comes Down. USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
How would you DUers poll against Sharron Angle in the Nevada race?
Gay rights groups plan August lobbying blitz to repeal ‘Don’t ask'
Woman Accused Of Posing As Boy To Date Girl
So... How's the Wal-Mart At Gettysburg Battlefield Coming Along?
McCain Faces Tough Questions About GOP Push To Repeal 14th Amendment
About the Islam Center near the Twin Towers.
"It's the Age of the Asshole" by Derf
"Goldline is committing suicide to ensure that the American people will have money in the future"
Doocy for dollars! Please come CAPTION the Economic-Fairness Warrior!!!!
CNN seems to be better at human interest stories than detailed news.
Focus on the Family trims workforce again
CNBC: They're promoting the McCain "Stimulus" scandal report!
Angle: The Press Should 'Ask The Questions We Want To Answer' (VIDEO)
Remember when righties said Dems have no ideas?
'enthusiasm gap' what a load ....
Nicolas Sarkozy is an asshole...Part Deux
Nicolas Sarkozy is an asshole...Part Deux
What the HECK is the "Progressive Conservative PAC"??? on Facebook?
Geithner stops short of tax veto threat
The reason it is critically important that Democrats retain the Senate
All I need to know to prove this country is almost beyond fixing......
HEADS UP Live Faux news chat about the "Ground Zero Mosque", no need to log in (Poll needs DU love)
'Just Say Now': Left-Right Coalition Launches Campaign To Legalize Pot
Medical personnel,et al..help me reply to recent editorial re medicare/medicaid
The "Mosque at Ground Zero" is approved by NYC...BUT it turns out
Thanks to WikiLeaker, Afghan War Will End Soon - by Ted Rall
Scott Horton: WikiLeaks - The National-Security State Strikes Back
Afghanistan deployments (Wikileaks) contribute to sliding poll ratings for Pres. Obama
The Rude Pundit - Immigrants and Islam: We're All Rednecks Now (Part 1: Mosquemania)
Will Russia's Heat Wave End Its Global-Warming Doubts?
Republican Party sez: Protect tax cuts for the rich at all costs!!!!
O'Reilly takes victory laps over W.H. Press Corps awarding Thomas seat to Fox Propaganda Ministry©
Left-Right Coalition Launches National Campaign To End Marijuana Prohibition
Harry Reid has slim lead in Nevada
Please stop calling it 'Ground Zero Mosque' we just feed into the Right-Wing Hype
Several dead in CT workplace shooting
So ReTHUG Mike Rogers wants the army private to be charged
Bwaaaaaaaaaaah Cenk just played a little piece of this
The Fonz is now pitching reverse mortgages!!
Golf clubs suffer in recession as membership dwindles
Someone hacked the fox news radio website
WSJ: Do the Rich Need the Rest of America? Duh ---NO---
Web attack uses Google Street View database to determine your location
Will chocolate and bullshit be on the menu when Sarah Palin comes to Hershey, PA?
I think an appreciation thread for Sheriff Joe Arpaio is in order. Here's to you, Joe!
Northern lights could illuminate the sky late Tuesday night
Superman Saves Family From Foreclosure
Park Ride Victim's Father: "She Was Dead" - Critical Condition - Freefall Net not Raised
Really, Mike Rogers? Execute? Does that include your ol' pal "Leaky Pete" Hoekstra?
Police: Officer Baited In Altercation That Injured Him
If we retain the Senate side for 2011, then I want Reid to resign from his Majority Leader position
"Fear!!!!!" "Panic!!!!" "Politics!!!" CNBC~Now More Than Ever
Why the hell is Fucks Gnus always on top of the Google news stack?
Incoming! The Sun is sending a large coronal mass ejection smacking Earth's magnetosphere...
Speaking of repealing the 14th amendment..does anyone know what Michelle Malkin thinks about that?
Chamber of Commerce as a political arm of the GOP?
Chamber of Commerce seeks to weed out climate dissenters
illegal immigrants taking our jobs?
Bowing? That's just WRONG. Holding hands, that's fine. Kissing, also good. But never a bow.
Obama Signs Fair Sentencing Act, Reducing Disparity in Cocaine Penalties
Iran bans music (from Joe.My.God blog)
Iran bans music (from Joe.My.God blog)
Brazil can boost African agriculture. It understands the challenges that African governments will
Colorado tea party music duo splits over politics
Alan Greenspan — Stopped Clock of the U.S. Economy
Dylan Ratigan is tearing Geithner a new one today!
Pending Home Sales–Another Sign Of Housing Depression
Mark Twain musta been prescient...
Is Spirit Airline Publicly Traded?........
Michelle Duggar: I would have another child :O
AP source: Favre tells Vikings he will not return
CREW calls for anti-trust probe of Big Pharma
Sharron Angle: Whackadoodlus Extremus
Pakistan president says US-led war against Taliban is being lost
Congressman Calls For Wikileaks Whistleblower To Be Executed
Vets and Military Families: Pentagon Statements on WikiLeaks Attempt to Deflect From Occupation
The Hill: Amid immigration debate, Democrats battle GOP over Fourteenth Amendment
Unemployment: Direct Government Hiring Could Be The Solution
Reid On Birthright Crowd: 'Taken Leave Of Their Senses Or Their Principles'
ABC whacks Shales over attack on Amanpour
McConnell Echoes Kyl's Call for Hearings on Birthright Citizenship
Why Do Red States Have the Worst "Family Values"?
Want to burn the Confederate Battle flag at a teabagger rally?
To you, who is "deserving" and who is "undeserving"?
The Problem is Civil Obedience -Howard Zinn speech at Johns Hopkins
Nir Rosen on WikiLeaks “I think undermining that war in any way possible is a good thing."
From Bloomberg's statement on religious tolerance in New York City
Congressman Mike Rogers (R-MI) Suggests Death Penalty For Wikileaks Whistleblower
Greta Van Susteren 'Sick' Over Shirley Sherrod-Maxine Waters Mix-Up (VIDEO)
Can you see why some people choose to remain oblivious to
Do you believe that for every action, there is a reaction?
OK, I just got myself caught up and saw the news about Basil Marceaux.
Pew: Sorry, tea party: Voters prefer government projects
Why are the unemployed called the 99'ers?
New threat: Hackers look to take over power plants
Republican Party = Bizarro Party
Prison guards kill man for his rifle to use for RW Revolution - link to story
LOL they just think they are sooo clever
Oi. McConnell Wants a Review of the 14th Amendment
Where are the ads telling people to "tell congress to restore the tax base of......"
A nasty hit piece by Greene on Meek:
Republicans move to block US citizenship for children of illegal aliens
Bizzare belief? Crass political stunt? Antics from someone insane?
Illegal immigrant with past DUI arrests drives drunk and kills missionary near DC
THIS would absolutely be a deal-breaker! The White House had better clear this up
Julian Assange Responds to Increasing US Government Attacks on WikiLeaks
May rate of personal savings at 6.4 percent. Pittiful
Never trust a rich man with a bad rug.....
Nine Dead in Connecticut Labor Dispute (7 Teamsters)
99 Weeks Later, Jobless Have Only Desperation
Beck’s Holocaust comments prompt Fox News meeting
Do you think this video is real?
Huffington Post: Bristol and Levi are off again
BP gusher spilled nearly 5 million barrels of oil.. more than worst case scenario..
Reid and Sanders blast the Dred Scott Republicans
Sharron Angle, sinking in yet another poll (Reid +4, Reuters/Ipsos)
Did you ever think we'd end up with a 4 day week for our schools??
Mayor Bloomberg: "Muslims are as much a part of our city and our country as the people of any faith"
Bond Vigilantes Are Now Deficit Cheerleaders
Toyota’s July Sales: What Happened To The Prius? (sales fell 26%)
#BigotryFail: Plan To Harass Muslims With Dogs At CA Rally Collapses
Pres. Obama freezes bonuses for political appointees
Teabagger-backed CO Senate Candidate Ken Buck Insists Rape, Incest Are No Excuse For An Abortion
SarahPAC -- over $2.5 million raised in 2010 election cycle
Oxycontin Pigboy tosses a bone to birthers on eve of Obama's birthday
'we must restore america to it's judeo-christian heritage' zach wamp gov. wannabe tennesssee
How colleges are supporting the troops-post 9/11 GI Bill
kos: The Dems improving Senate picture
The American Family Association, completely unhinged.......
Lebanon, Israel clash near border; at least 4 dead
Army’s Vaccine Plan: Inject Troops With Gas-Propelled, Electro-Charged DNA
Sharron Angle cannot be for real
Do you watch Faux News? Better think again...
In 2005, the bottom 50% of the US population got 13% of total income. Top 1% got 21%.
Coburn says rich people come to the U.S. to have anchor babies.
Well, the Republicans have lost the last five presidential elections,
Girl mauled by barracuda, recovering
OMG. They built Christian Churches near the site of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building
One Progressive's Nat'l Scheme To Burn Confederate Flags At Tea Party Rallies
One Progressive's Nat'l Scheme To Burn Confederate Flags At Tea Party Rallies
This Modern World - Sparky predicts: Bogus wingnut scandals of the future
Fox host 'astounded' that more Americans support letting some tax cuts expire
Breitbart Releases Bill Cosby Death Tape
Some people would be happy if Teh Gays would just stand silently by and try to blend in.
Meet the woman running against Lacy Clay who plans on being the next Alvin Greene
Right-wing medical group posing as the real thing-against medicare/medicaid/
The federal prop 8 decision will be announced tomorrow
Michael Bloomberg delivers stirring defense of mosque
AZ Sheriff Seeks Donations For Guns To Fight Drug Cartel
Accountability starts at the top. Yeah, talking to you, Obama, Bush, Duncan, Bloomberg, Merriman
Krugman: "...but they’re Very Serious People."
If There Is One Thing Rand Paul Knows It Is American History
"Muslim New Yorkers are every bit as innocent of the crimes of 9/11 as are all other New Yorkers."
Democratic Party to Keep Controversial Superdelegates
I have been a Union Man all my life - a short rant.
Franken doesn't fly first class
Franken doesn't fly first class
Worker owned and operated collectives actually work even in this toxic environment.
A warning to the rich from JFK
This is the only thing I can think to do about Citizens United and the loss of our Democracy
Senators Feinstein, Bayh and Grassley lead the fight against the pot brownies menace!
My new hero! Woman stands up to Target....
Still more proof Sarah Palin is toxic outside her bubble
More employers using phrenology as a way to filter out potential employees
I didn't realize FDR caused The Great Depression.
Basil Marceaux the lunatic candidate for Tennessee governor
Tune in Next Week for The Next Episode of the DC Wasillabillies!
Tune in Next Week for The Next Episode of the DC Wasillabillies!
HFCS lobby caught calling itself Cancer Research Alliance
Obama Drops 2009 Pledge to Withdraw Combat Troops from Iraq
The only change that should be made to Social Sercurity...
The Southern California housing market: a sign of our future?
SB 1070 boycotts cost Arizona dozens of meetings and $15M
Your boss needs to cut your pay by 20% for a year or the company will close
Always Look On The Bright Side
AFL-CIO president urges unions to step up for Dems
Quick Status....How do you feel about supporting Obama in the 2012 election.......
Quick Status....How do you feel about supporting Obama in the 2012 election.......
Wash. Examiner's Owens suggests right-wing violence will be necessary, hopes we "feel threatened"
Is the Gates Foundation involved in bribery?
They won't even be given the option to pay for that coverage with their own money. [Citation Needed]
Chuck Norris: Obama will use domestic assassination program to bump off white Xtian right-wingers
Grover Norquist Testifies at Deficit Commission?
Military dog comes home from Iraq traumatized
Any of you carry pepper spray at times for personal protection?
It's Time to Grow Up: Legalize Cannabis
Before they started trying to block mosques, they tried to block synagogues
Holy Crap...Rachel's first night back tearing up anti-immigrants..
Are your local fundie churches having creationism themed Vacation Bible Schools?
Departing US troops pack millions of items in Iraq
I am sick of hearing "don't blame Bush" whenever the past is brought up
Elizabeth Warren Backed By Coalition Of Academics To Head New Consumer Agency
This year's Gulf 'dead zone' among largest ever.. but not being blamed on BP spill.. yet.
Bristol Palin Breaks Off Engagement to Levi Johnston
Why should insurance cover Viagra and not abortion?
Heinz and Hunt's ketchup appear to be ditching high-fructose corn syrup
Defeated GOP rep unloads on Tea Party and Palin -- GREAT READ!!
Defeated GOP rep unloads on Tea Party and Palin -- GREAT READ!!
Man Faces 16 Yrs. in Prison for Videotaping Gun-Waving Cop
Tomorrow Helen Thomas will be 90 years old
7 Reasons NOT to send your child to college
Are There Any General Election Races Where Both Candidates Are Running To The Left Of Him? Anyone?
If you were a corporate supremacist and you wanted to divide and conquer the American People
The First Step in Crippling Our System of Government Is To Convince
Girl Traces US Presidents' Family Tree, All Related But One (and it ain't who you think)
Cancer cells slurp up fructose, US study finds
Burn the Confederate Flag Day - 12 Sep 10!
Growing threat of diseased trees
Small Business Despairs, Despite Rumors Of A Recovery
What should be done with the rec-unrec system?
What should be done with the rec-unrec system?
Well, the coup d’etat is over, and they won. (Chris Hedges)
How The Charges Against Maxine Waters Were Fabricated Out of Next to Nothing
Looks like the Rooster Rock fire (NW of Bend) just blew up.
No, The Combat Troops Are Not All Leaving Iraq
Mongolian neo-Nazis: Anti-Chinese sentiment fuels rise of ultra-nationalism
Can Jesus Cure PTSD? (t r u t h o u t)
Florida University spends $434,000 taxpayer money on video game teaching abstinence only.
Why is it called the "Pursuit" of Happiness?
Lounge Dance Party: Everybody do the Lurch!
I don't do polls, yet will ask, McCARTNEY or ONO. (The rhetorical ought to be clear.)
The Traveler's Insurance TV ads are getting almost as good as the Geico ads.
My WO-man Chelsea HANDLER has left me for a piece of meat
I'm seeing chests flying through the air. n/t
Picture from last DU meetup (can't remember this DUer's screen name)
Total Eclipse of the Heart: Literal Version - pretty funny
OMG is it humid out this evening here in Fargo!
I have to put stool softener in my ears for the next two nights...
Two bald guys bonding and, um... you know... experimenting with each other.
Hey who here would be grossed out and offended if forced to look at Winston Churchill's dentures?
If this doesn't cheer you up, nothing will!
PHOTO - Dinner is served! Tonight, fusilli with home made meat sauce
Is there any way to share electronic books?
If my 8 week old puppy is 8 pounds, how much will it way fully grown?
Inception is The Matrix done right
Did you ever change your career path...and do you regret it now?
I have been unemployed over a year. Benefits expired.
Chelsea Clinton looks like the Beetlejuice snake
A woman I know very well gave me a CD I hadn't heard and told me to listen to it.
QUESTION about eco-friendlier A/C options-- pls help if you've researched
"Nt or nmt--that is the question."
Damn I can't remember to buy cotton balls, I really need some.
Shoot! Right in the middle of a post, Microsoft takes over and tells me
My ex-girlfriend tells me she likes cute buns...
Video from "Funny or Die" Website: "Wax On, Fuck Off" with Ralph Macchio
My Netflix movies came, so tonight is the 1962 b/w movie Hud.
Whereupon, the fat cat climbed the ladder
Finally realized I'm getting old and its just "there"
I have a very important question that is political in nature!!
I have a very important question that is political in nature!!
Remember long-distance calls in the old days?
Seriously, though, why didn't the "scientists" just drain the Gulf of Mexico?
A very sad thread at Rapture Ready Bulletin Board.
Man claims to have been shot with gun that he then claims the gunpowder had been taken out of...
I am watching the old Burns and Allen show on Netflix, Gracie seemed to be a hoot.
On August 6th, I celebrate my 3 year anniversary on DU. I need to set up the gift registry, STAT!
What US State Is The Furthest South?
We defrosted a corned beef package from last St. Patrick's Day
DUers who use Facebook, I have a small favor to ask. :)
The Lounge is my home...on the net.
so I was diagnosed with a stress fracture to the wrist today
Donald Duck comics online and an interesting theory.
How Many States Share A Border with Canada and Name Them?
The perils of being a 'nice person'
I just ordered pizza with my unemployment money!!!
I wonder if Iron Chef is rigged
How Many States Share A Border with Mexico and Name Them?
Name something wacky you've learned from conspiracy theory websites.
I think I'm in big trouble. I was helping Mrs R
Was gonna wait to do something profound for my 5,000th post, but I guess this'll have to do
So what do you think you were in your past lives?
Has anyone here ever used Martha Stewart laundry detergent?
The mechanic says the battery and charging system are fine, but it keeps not starting
I don't know that I have ever read anything so vile.
Site about War dogs - you can send them packages or adopt one
ladies,we really have come a long way-old ads my mom sent me....
Alex Salmond attacks senator for Megrahi deal 'insinuation'
Corporate campaign fundraising picks up speed
Manufacturing lifts recovery with year of growth
Cuban president: More private enterprise will be allowed
Bill seeks action to curb brutality against women globally
Cuban president: More private enterprise will be allowed
NATO and Russia: Trust, but make military plans
Calif. high court upholds affirmative action ban
BP oil well gushed 4.9 million barrels: US
Judge greenlights health reform suit
Mongolian neo-Nazis: Anti-Chinese sentiment fuels rise of ultra-nationalism
Corporate campaign fundraising picks up speed
US tycoon Sidney Harman buys Newsweek 'for a dollar'
In Venezuela, Rise Of Labor Unions Turns Deadly
U.S. most armed country with 90 guns per 100 people
Boeing And Lockheed Positioning To Dominate Global Arms Market
Arpaio's office investigating alleged threat
Tropical Storm Colin Forms in Atlantic
Protecting Afghan civilians a priority, Petraeus tells troops
Car bomb explodes near Londonderry police station
Mercosur to discuss EU trade, Colombia-Venezuela spat
I-75/Riverside work to begin this week, expected to take 3 years
Officials: 37 gunned down in Pakistan's Karachi
Confirmation on track, Senate starts Kagan debate
BlackBerry maker grants India access to emails, say reports
Army’s Vaccine Plan: Inject Troops With Gas-Propelled, Electro-Charged DNA
Army lawyer asks Supreme Court to stop Guantánamo trial
Turkey summons Israel's ambassador over Barak's remarks on spy chief
Lebanon, Israel clash near border; at least 4 dead
BP oil well gushed 4.9 million barrels: US
Italian group says executions on the rise in Iraq
At least 40 die in Russian wildfires
Spirit Airlines' Next Fee? Talking to a Human
Pakistan president will 'put David Cameron straight' over terror claims
(Canada) YouTube veil video sparks airline safety probe
Berlusconi's political future uncertain
Berlusconi's political future uncertain
Geithner: U.S. unemployment could rise
Sen Feinstein: Senate Vote On Oil Spill Liability Delayed Until Sept.
President Obama signs law eliminating disparities in cocaine cases
Political Ads Off Limits, Goldman Promises
Pipeline Company Offers To Buy Up To 200 Homes In Area Affected By Oil Spill In Michigan River
McCain to let vote on Obama intel chief pick proceed
Music fails to chime with Islamic values, says Iran's supreme leader
Record number of Ill. families on food stamps
Ex-fair director took NY for a ride, officials say
Lawyer petitions Supreme Court about youngest Gitmo detainee
Xe Hires BlackArch as Adviser as Blackwater Founder Sells Firm
Whitman campaign spending hits $99.7 million
Mosque Near Ground Zero Clears Key Hurdle
Taliban suicide squad hits US base in Afghan south
Department Of Justice Gives Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Deadline To Comply With Investigation
Groups file suit over government power to kill American terrorists
Bolivia court upholds seizure of US man's ranch
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday August 3
GOP Rolls Out Agenda Topics for Discussion
GM funds Indiana electric vehicle startup Bright
PTSD Victims Include Military Dogs, Too
Kudos to Tweety on his 'Let Me Finish' today on R's and their extending the Bush tax cuts lies!
'Dangerous Heat' Spreads Across Central U.S.
New Democratic strategy for creating jobs focuses on a boost in manufacturing
Critics Decry `Secret Deal' as AT&T, Google Huddle With FCC
US Congressman calls for Wikileaks whistleblower (Manning) to be executed
BP starts 'static kill' to plug Gulf of Mexico oil well
We're still haunted by Angry White Males-Something about a Dem WH& Congress brings out this ugliness
War against Taliban 'being lost' says Zardari
Mills to remain in governor's race
Peru Bubonic Plague Outbreak Infects 31
Toyota Documents Allegedly Reveal Company Able to Recreate Sudden Acceleration Incidents
Consumer Spending and Incomes in U.S. Stagnate
Nine killed as Qaeda fighters plant flag in Baghdad
ALFA endorsements good for Bright, Raby
Rights Groups File Lawsuit to Allow Challenge to Targeted Killing Without Due Process
Senator Kerry pushes US-Muslim nation exchanges
6 teens drown in Louisiana river; 7th rescued
In letter, Gingrich blasts arrests of missionaries at Dearborn (Arab) festival
How dare he! Robble, robble! Obama! Robble, robble! NO MORE! Robble, robble!
GOP Report Points to Stimulus Money Gone Awry
Gingrich Endorses Smith For Tennessee House Seat
Poll: Wyoming gubernatorial races remain up for grabs
Kitzhaber adds Independent Party nomination to his ballot line
Harry Reid Holds Narrow Edge In Nevada: Reuters - Ipsos Poll
Boehner Hits — Then Praises — Obama Over Iraq Strategy
Kansas Voters shift, but GOP still top party
Charges dropped in alleged airplane groping
Solar Tsunami to Strike Earth Tonight
The e-mail I got said "Chicks Dig Big Peckers," so, ladies, here you go...
Connecticut’s McMahon No.4 All-Time Self-Funder
Dear President Obama, just do what you feel is right but you need
Wikipedia and FBI in logo use row
Hey, Joe! Why are you and the rest of your ilk ignoring Ensign, Vitter to focus on Rangel, Waters?
Hey, Mike Pence on Morning Joe! Sorry! R's are in to the same old 'Tax Cut and Spend' you decry
Didier, Akers join forces, but still vying for Senate nomination
Watchdog Groups Demand a Senate Vote on The DISCLOSE Act Before the August Recess
Bristol Palin Calls It Quits With Fiance (after possibly fathering child by another woman)
Rasmussen Nat'l Survey - 48% Blame Obama for Bad Economy, 47% Blame Bush
For First Time Ever, U.S. Moves to Enforce Labor Rules in Trade Deal
Pa. City Shames Owners Of Blighted Property On Web
President Obama, keep talking.
Joe Madison:The Maxine Waters and Charlie Rangle cases are plans to try and KNOCK off black leaders
Report on Pennsylvania natural gas drilling tallies 1,400 violations
Senate adds cosponsor to Fair Elections Now Act. Now, when will we get a vote, Senator Reid?
Obama will use Reagan playbook for re-election
Queen Meg Spends $99 Million in California Governor's Race
Faith In Obama’s Handling Of Afghan War At Record Low: Poll
Counter-Productive, Foot-Shooting Bigotry
Democratic Party to Keep Controversial Superdelegates
In Historic Move, HHS Encourages LGBT-Inclusive Sexual Education
I LOVE that Obama is meeting with African youth today, BUT am I the only one. . .
...Republican ‘Jobs Plan’ Spends $10 Trillion On Ineffective Tax Cuts For The Rich And Corporations
**** Heads Up: POTUS Holds Town Hall with Young African Leaders 2pm EDT ****
Public Policy Polling: Comparing 2010 and 2006
What is Obama saying about the large coronal mass ejection smacking Earth's magnetosphere today?
Can Someone In The National News Media Ask This Simple Question To A Republican re Tax Cuts
Who's this asshole saying no surge in polling among democrats
BREAKING-Crews pumping mud in hopes of plugging Gulf leak
White House freezes bonuses for political appointees
For First Time Ever, U.S. Moves to Enforce Labor Rules in Trade Deal
White House blasts McCain and Coburn on stimulus spending report
Mitch Miller, Maestro of the Singalong, Dies at 99
Kerry: R's have forced same number of procedural cloture votes from January 2009 through today as
"He is a most improbable president."
Meg Whitman outspends Jerry Brown 86-1
New Washington State Senate Poll: Murray: 49% Rossi: 46%
AFL-CIO's Richard Trumpka: Mid-terms a 'choice between the clean-up crew and the wrecking crew'
"...they're betting on amnesia."
US to Attend Hiroshima Memorial for First Time
WikiLeaks' Cry for Help- Julian Assange wants the Pentagon’s help (reviewing 15,000 reports)
North Carolina Senate Poll: Burr 39% Marshall 37%
Senator Kerry pushes US-Muslim nation exchanges
Do we have a moral obligation to stay in Afghanistan?
Dallas business leaders back the Democrat for Texas governor
Judicial confirmations have nose-dived in the Obama administration
Ok it's time to hold Chris Matthews accountable
Should Harry Reid be replaced as majority leader after 2010?
Another Poll gives Harry Reid lead over Angle
Dump Biden, ex-Va. governor urges Obama
Alleged Shooter: I Killed The Racists
GA Transgender woman gets job back; fired for being trans
Police say gunman among dead in Conn. shooting
Would you sacrifice a second term as President in order to guarantee equal rights for ALL?
Toyota sudden acceleration reports (by its own technicians) date to 2003
"...when you go forward, what do you do? You put it in “D.”
U.S. To Train 3,000 Offshore IT Workers
Euro Bailout Will Lead To Currency Collapse
This Week in Unnecessary Censorship (Feat. A Classic Neil Cavuto Clip)
"We had to make the decision to put 'em on the frickin' ground..... Will this never stop?"
The American Dream - it's a big club and u ain't in it!
Come November, you can get with this, or you can get with that
Rep. Brian Bilbray at a loss for words in responding to Cantor
Rachel Maddow w/ Andrew Bacevich - no difference between Dems & GOP on matters of empire
Deanna Zandt: The Misinformation Problem
Schultz: Obama Should Act Now On The 99ers
Ken Cuccinelli Strikes Again: VA the next AZ?
Deanna Zandt: The Power of Storytelling
Rachel Maddow on UAE banning Blackberry communication; the power of people
MRN: The Bachelorette, Eric Cantor Wants Bush Tax Cut and Fox News Has A Front Seat
(LOL!) BP Exec: I Would Serve Gulf Fish to My Family
WikiLeaks' 1.4GB "Insurance" File: Publicity Stunt Or Safety Net?
Lisa Graves: Cynics of a Constitutional Amendment
Rachel Maddow: Amtrak courts gay customers, FRC loses its mind
Pretty damn prophetic writing by Affleck and Damon
MSNBC: Cenk On GOP Attack On Constitution
Rachel Maddow: Scaring white people
Maine: Call Senators Collins and Snowe Now -- It's an Emergency
Midweek Politics w/David Pakman: Huckabee, End Times, & Should Pastors be Called "Doctor"
President Obama: Ending Combat in Iraq - Speaks to the National Convention of DAV in Atlanta [35:36]
TYT: Paul Craig Roberts explains (slowly) how they are coming to steal your SS money
Ed Schultz: Bush Tax Cuts Absurd and Disgusting
Worst Person In The World .... Rupert Murdoch
Basil Marceaux on Jimmy Kimmel Live
Sharron Angle Wants Media To Be Her Friend
Ken Buck: No abortions, even in cases of rape and incest
Ken Buck: No abortions, even in cases of rape and incest
Sherrif Joe Arpaio calls Tent City a "Concentration Camp"
Fmr. Reagan Assoc. Atty. Gen. Bruce Fein Advocates for Legalizing Marijuana
Fox: Ending Bush Tax Cuts is a class warfare attack from White House on what makes America great
MSNBC: Cenk Vs. (Fmr Reagan Adviser) Art Laffer On GOP Debt, Tax Cuts
WOW! Dan Rather & Rep Grayson-The Federal Reserve: Where Did Our Money Go?
Chris Hedges--How corporations destroyed American democracy
Democracy Now: Ravitch says we will see a massive privatization, particularly inner city.
Tea Partiers Raise Havoc at Colonial Williamsburg, Refuse to Pay Sales Taxes
How to trash a nation- 99 weeks and the Depression scenario
Unemployment Extension Tier 5 Update August 2, 2010: 99ers Planning a Rally
A Public Option for Finance Reform? FINANCE REFORM BILL HELPS 5 BIG BANKS PT3
Recent Colombian Mass Grave Discovery May Be "False-Positives"
Right-Wing Activist Claims Outlawing Same-Sex Marriage Will Boost The Economy
New Evidence About Prisoners Held in Secret CIA Prisons in Poland and Romania
Poll: Arizonans Say Racial Discrimination Is on the Rise
New anti-Health care reform strategy by Repubs - defund sections of the law!!
There They Go Again: Two Senators Continue False and Misleading Attacks on Recovery Act
Commodity ETFs: Toxic, deadly, evil (Next crash dead ahead, bigger than dot-coms, subprimes)
Is Fox News owned by the Saudis?
WikiLeaks: The National-Security State Strikes Back by Scott Horton
ACLU, CCR seek to have Obama enjoined from killing Awlaki without due process
Mayor Bloomberg defends mosque in emotional speech
Rand Paul "No one will apply for dangerous jobs"
Behind the Colombia / Venezuela Tensions
Democratic Party to Keep Controversial Superdelegates
New Rule: Anyone arguing that we are in Afghanistan for women´s rights..
The Right-Wing's Racist Freak Out Over the "Ground Zero" Muslim Center
Health-care law to save Medicare $575 Billion over this decade, report indicates - WaPo
On the Neuroticism of Fox News Viewers
Smoke from the burning forests to the northeast
July 2010 Hottest July Ever For Finland - New Mean, Peak Temperature Records - AFP
Sea Life Census Completed In 2009 Found Gulf Of Mexico Remarkably Biodiverse System - AFP
2010 Already In 2nd Place For Number Of Temperature Records Set In Single Year - WP
Russia: Global Warming Long Held To Be Western Conspiracy, But Medvedev's Sweaty Statement Stunning
Barkwheats: It's A Dog's (Fair Trade) Life (sustainable product/recycled & biodegradable packaging)
Russian Wheat Loss Projections Up To 30% For 2010 - Global Wheat Prices At 2-Year Highs - AFP
Western Aleutians Sea Lion #s Down 45% In 10 Years - NMFS Considering Fishery Closures, Restrictions
N. Greenland Eemian Project Hits Bedrock - Ice Core Will Likely Be Best Record Yet Of 130,000 BPE
"Explosive Growth" Of Box Jellyfish, Mauve Stingers Closes Popular Spanish Beaches - Telegraph
Caithness Energy Offers Oregon Residents $5K Not to Complain About Shepherds Flat Wind Farm Noise
Dead zone as big as Massachusetts along coast of Louisiana and Texas
Buried Secrets - Gas Drilling's Environmental Threat
Report: Favre tells Vikings he's not returning
Bigger Diva: Brett Favre or Albert Haynesworth
I'm going out on a limb here and say that Tebow may just be a good NFL QB.
This is about as close as I could get to a hunting/fishing forum so here it goes
James thanks hometown fans in Ohio in newspaper ad
Report: Brett Favre tells Vikings he's not returning
LOL! Husker media calls the Big 10's kick-off "a classy banquet" . The Big 12? A" backyard BB-Q".
Kurt Warner to appear on "Dancing with the Stars"
Cuban president: More private enterprise will be allowed
Recent Colombian Mass Grave Discovery May Be "False-Positives"
Bolivia court upholds seizure of US man's ranch
Peru Bubonic Plague Outbreak Infects 31
Venezuelan Communists Call for Regional Demilitarization
BP Agrees on $1.9 Billion Colombia Sale to Ecopetrol, Talisman
Colombia: OAS rights commission condemns murder of indigenous leader
Chilean president's brother sentenced to community service
Chilean archbishop criticizes Argentina's same-sex marriage law
Alvaro Uribe: The Turnaround Champion
Firebombs hurled at Venezuela newspaper office
Union chiefs say government meddling in unions is stirring violence
Hugo Boss: What I learned about Hugo Chávez's mental health when I visited Venezuela with Sean Penn.
In Venezuela, Rise Of Labor Unions Turns Deadly
Operation False Positive:Behind the Colombia / Venezuela Tensions
U.N appoints an assassin to investigate assassinations
Gun sales slow down as laws remain intact
Vacaville Couple Sentenced In Accidental Shooting Of Child
9 Killed, 2 Wounded in Shooting at Beer Distributor
The U.S. gun lobby holds Mexico hostage
Trans Woman Ridiculed, Rejected by Hospital
Gay Florida Candidate Gets Aggressive
Your moment of DUH! Scare tactics convinced parents to vote against gay marriage
Man Who Attacked Gay Men Gets Light Sentence - Gays are NOT worthy of justice
The Prop 8 decision will be tomorrow
Alliance Defense Fund Calls For Prayers: Please Jeebus, Let Us Keep Prop 8
OMG...Man Kills Toddler Because He Was "Acting Like A Little Girl"
Watch: DNC Chair Tim Kaine Answers Questions from LGBT Voters
Maryland Pension Fund to Lead Toyota Shareholder Lawsuit Over Auto Recalls
Mondale to keynote Workers Memorial dedication
Today in labor history Aug 3 Author of "Which Side Are You On?" dies, PATCO rejects contract
Five point six million workers added under Social Security tax break
Deadly Israel-Lebanon border clash
Orangutans are more efficient than we are
Here comes the sun storm (big aurora's tonight?)
Tracing Oil Reserves to Their Tiny Origins
Lebanon, Israel clash near border; at least 4 dead
Undersea river discovered flowing on sea bed
Aurora alert - tonight and tomorrow
Android Sales Overtake iPhone in the U.S.
Scientists plan to resurrect aurochs, wild ancestor of modern cows with back-breeding
Rumors in Astrophysics Spread at Light Speed
Worse Than Door-To-Door Proselytizing
XKCD hits one out of the ballpark. (In other news, water is wet.)
Interesting account of ascension that resonated with me on youtube...
Anybody see this in GD? Like WOW!
I got exiled to the 9/11 forum on this one.
Cancer cells slurp up fructose, US study finds
Christian Academics Cite Hostility On Campus
August 2010 Prayer, Light and Healing Requests Thread
Expectation May Affect Placebo Response in Parkinson's Patients
A Question About Dehumidifiers -
Virginia Suit Against Health Care Law Moves Forward
A Snapshot of a Generation May Come Out Blurry
can you die of cancer without knowing you are sick?
More Dietary Supplement Regulation Needed
What a shock! Nitrates and nitrites in prepared meat linked to cancer!!