Democratic Underground

Archives: August 6, 2010

Prop 8 - Charlie Rose tonight

This has been a Great Week, Prop 8 overturned, and Kagan Confirmed!!

"This decision could redefine the word marriage"

Holy Shite Keith's imaginary interview

Conn. shooter told 911 he 'handled the problem'

So the idiot son of an idiot borrows two cute little kids specifically to mislead

How will the Kagan confirmation negatively effect Obama?

Planets Align for the Perseid Meteor Shower

Whitman's new East LA office greeted with protesters

Political: Obama pledges labor support

"The Hypocrite Caucus of the Republican Party. Like Newt Gingrich."

"Libertarian Conservative" is just a way of saying "I want the govt out of my life but in yours"

Back in April, I posted about a man imprisoned for a fatal car crash

Dark and Powerful Forces in History: Part III – Why they Are So Prevalent

Hanging dummy causes controversy

Fuck this guy

The Bomb: Howard Zinn's last call to rebel against war

The new class warfare: Private vs. public worker

Building an Islamic center over a building decimated by Osama Bin Laden is the same thing as

Ex-foster child gets $30M in Calif sex abuse case

Home Video Claims to Show AZ Police Enforcing Illegal-Immigration Law at Traffic Stop

Yippe. Stephen Harper is down to 29% in the polls. Liberals up to 28 %. This is wonderful

ADL Chairman's Triangulated Letter to the Editor (NY Times)

Father held since 2005 freed after murder charges dropped

BwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahPete Hoekstra - bubye

I am resorting to a bit of a nuclear option myself, day 32

Scientists Sceptical of Government Claims that BP's Spill Doesn't Threaten Gulf

Scientists Sceptical of Government Claims that BP's Spill Doesn't Threaten Gulf

Kellogg Brown & Root's toxic fire pits in war zones

Tin foil hat time.

I was at dinner tonight at Maggiano's - probably the last time EVER I go there.

Failed Governor who caved under pressure at mid-term says Obama's "over -- in over his head"

The Jewish case for the ground zero mosque by Rabbi Arthur Waskow

Reid sets up September votes on small-business bill

Black screen; soft swoosh of waves breaking on a beach with an overlay of seabirds

Democrats now dominate the US 4th Circuit as the Senate confirms Judge Wynn

Where conservatives can relocate if they don't wanna coexist with gay couples

Tennessee DUers how is Basil doing?

Christina Romer, Obama's Cheif Economic Adviser, Resigning

Steve Wozniak warns that Google may become the 'Microsoft of the Future.' you think Moslems and Christians have nothing in common?

Mandatory Thursday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

for the cats-CATNIP

On disagreement with mods/admins decisions

Prop 8 Ruling Exposes Democrats' Weak Support For LGBT Community

Naomi Campbell, raising monkeys, and rooftop gardens - Somewhere Ted Koppel weeps.

Letter from Detroit: Where's the Urban President?

More info on the net neutrality issue

The dirty 15: GAO finds deceptive practices at 15 for-profit colleges

do you see Ben Nelson pulling a Jim Jeffords?

Ohio arrest warrant issued for Michele Bachmann's $10,000 donor-on-the-lam

GJPD Pepper Spray Investigation Complete

Are you happy?

Target gave money IN SUPPORT of Prop 8

New Tea Party report from Chicago

Cool picture from a pro-gay marriage rally in Salt Lake City

Senate Stalls Again On Settlements To Black Farmers, Native Americans

Fort Lauderdale FL cop charged w/false arrest & battery

Fire update

George W Bush / Cheney = GOPers hugh Problemas ..The Void of "Leadership" has resulted in a vacuum

Sean Penn questions Wyclef's bid to run Haiti

Tea Party exposes diabolical U.N. plot

This November will people

Right wing activists and bloggers made group to silence liberals on news site, even made enemy list

Today I augmented my length with a 2X extender (I'm talking telephoto lens)

pressing question

James Carville - "Obama played his cards right on BP" - CNN Buries Article. Coincidence?

South African reserve’s last rhino butchered for her horn

Obama now looks like Cheney's puppet, according to polling in Arab nations.

Feds indict dealers of data for fake credit history reports

Isn't it interesting how nobody on DU is coming down on Alan Grayson today...

AP Exclusive: New al-Qaida leader knows US well

Short and to the point: Guns or butter. Teachers or food. (repost)

Scotland’s budget review proposes mass layoffs, end to universal benefits

Can we talk?

Pakistani militants expand abroad, starting in Bangladesh

Tin Foil Story Time! GS, ABACUS, and the Collapse of Bear Stearns

Tin Foil Story Time! GS, ABACUS, and the Collapse of Bear Stearns

Tin Foil Story Time! GS, ABACUS, and the Collapse of Bear Stearns

(MIC) Lobbyist charged with making illegal campaign donations

Pentagon may change rules for covering Guantanamo trials

A Short Handbook for Successful Embezzlement

digg "bury brigades"

The Difference in the Storm: Calming Relations between London and Washington

Robert Koehler: The Next War

Robert Koehler: The Next War

Will a new charter school make the grade? Flurry of new charter approvals raises questions

VIDEO - Jon Stewart on Killing of 9/11 First Responders Bill: "Did I mention that I give up?"

Have a kleenex ready and go to CrooksandLiars

Teamsters launch memorial fund (Hartford Distributors shooting in Manchester & memorial service info

Jujitsu! Dems Will Attempt To Turn Tables On GOP Over Ethics Scandals

I find it truly disgusting that David Cameron is discussing

Best MoJo segment EVER!

Karzai suggests oversight of anti-corruption work

Going Vertical: F-22 Raptor ($355 million dollars) Versus F-15 Eagle ($29.9 million dollars)

Combat Vets Face More Unemployment

Military’s casualty notification system often frustratingly uneven for families

Police smash 70yr stroke victim drivers window and kick open his windscreen because

Report: Al-Qaida in Pakistan gravest threat

Forced U.S. military extensions to end

Dan Senor is a fucking idiot

Kentucky Fried Kandahar

WikiLeaks Will NOT Be Bullied

AP Exclusive: Bush Hid Gitmo Detainees

"mcconnell need to tell any one that vote for her will not get a committee chairmentship next year"

Colbert: Fox News Can't Tell Black People Apart (VIDEO)

Republicans may block 2011 defense budget bill

E-9 to face adultery, misuse of position charges at Dec. trial

Social Security and Medicare still face serious financial challenges, annual review says

Sarah Palin Re Prop 8 Ruling - "Prays To God" Judges Don't "Thwart The Will Of The People."

State (CT) Backs Sub Base Projects

College campuses with the most liberal and conservative students....according to Princeton Review

131,000 Jobs Lost In July, Unemployment Rate Steady at 9.5%

New ad quotes McCain admitting to lying in past

What the GOP Calls "The Economy" Isn't Really the Economy

Maddow interview of Ted Olson and David Boise Prop 8

Racist wing nut who was threatening his neighbors and Sen. Cantwell arrested

AWESOME Rap Battle: Wikileaks Vs The Pentagon (Video)

More Cop-on-Dog Violence

On the "Ground Zero 'Mosque'" have we forgotten the 2004 Republican convention?

It's the Jobs stupid

Fox propaganda machine does it again with Mizzou's proposition C

Former Negro League Star Still Working At 104

There are people making news stories out of a person who is not elected to any office taking a trip

Quelle Surprise !!: June employment figures revised about 100,000 !!!

2fer: Bufoon BLITZER. & easy to show INGRAHAM's stupidity- now O'LOOFAH does it (after COLBERT)

Driver in fatal Toyota crash is freed from prison - Will be no retrial

Target Apologizes For Political Donation To Group Supporting Anti-Gay Candidate

Any DUers watched that Anderson Cooper interview

Pentagon demands return of leaked documents

Dallas: UT Southwestern faculty let unsupervised resident doctors operate at Parkland

My former neighbors are less batshit crazy than I thought they were

Google Has Rough News Day

Summers Neglected to Pass On Romer's Analysis of a Bigger Stimulus

Once upon a time, back when America had a strong middle class, it also had a strong union movement

Awesome pic (not much else I can say to describe it - see the description)

DU this POLL pleeze!

What is a billion dollars?

Just got to vent! Tweety is an insufferable asshole!!!!

Call it what it is: Fox/GOP are unlikeable and lazy!

Call it what it is: Fox/GOP are unlikeable and lazy!

terrorist Rush Limbaugh says gays are being used as a battering ram against the Constitution

Dong Feng 21D, Chinese Missile, Could Shift Pacific Power Balance

Dong Feng 21D, Chinese Missile, Could Shift Pacific Power Balance

Study: Tea Party doesn't like Democrats, but becoming wary of GOP, too

Limbaugh - Federal judiciary now run by leftist nutjobs," "this is tyranny"

Limbaugh - Federal judiciary now run by leftist nutjobs," "this is tyranny"

Man in the News | Vaughn R. Walker Conservative Jurist, With Independent Streak

Yanno, that chipmunk avatar that's in common use here, as a matter of art and not politics, is .....

You know Hitler was a Christian....

My Next Door Neighbor Just Told Me Ted Olson has always been a liberal

"My children don't look Hispanic"

So has the Dick left the hospital yet?

So has the Dick left the hospital yet?

So has the Dick left the hospital yet?

Romer To Leave White House

Vietnam--Not worth the Life of a Single American Boy---

More Grim News on Jobs Front

DU word of the day: GLASNOST

Remember the 'Liberal Hawks' Who Got Us into the Iraq Disaster? They've Joined the Neocons on Iran

My partner was talking to a conservative friend the other day...

What a whacko this Cuccinelli guy is

The Rude Pundit: Why Glenn Beck Needs to Be Repeatedly Cock-Punched (Class Warfare Edition)

If you think slavery was a good deal for the slaves, think again.

OMan live on GEM$NBC

Friday Toons, part 2

Muscle flexing in Iran (want to see some Iranian body builders?)

Don Henley Wins Copyright Suit Against DeVore

Gay marriage makes the world shrug, By Mark Morford

Feds Can’t Find Oil But Satellite Photos Show BP Gulf Oil Spill Covering 12,000 Square Miles

Advisory Panels Say Military Benefits Unsustainable

LOL! The Bad Reporter Strikes Again

I hate the anti-gay marriage people more than any other conservative movement.

Under NYC School Deform, bureaucrats rise 70% while school budgets cut 12%

"Freeping" Polls, "Undugging" Dig, Rigged Elections

"Freeping" Polls, "Undugging" Dig, Rigged Elections

Friday Toons, part 5

Friday Toons, part 5

Goldman Sachs: Banking on hunger

Friday Toons, part 4

Friday Toons, part 4

Breitbart wants "closure"? Tell it to ACORN

Friday Toons, part 3

Tom The Dancing Bug: The Republican Plan To Commemorate Ground Zero

Rachel will be on Andrea Mitchell today

Russia "Gets" Climate Change

Saudi Blackberry service resumes (BBC)

Saudi Blackberry service resumes (BBC)

We added 12,000 new jobs. (All other numbers are spincompetence.)

Google and Verizon make deal to screw users that don't use a Google platform (Android).

I just had a meeting with a brand new client/ proud republican.

WTFFFF???????? Elvis D Presley

WTFFFF???????? Elvis D Presley

'They're Not Fighting Special Interests, They're Fighting Us'

The Iraqis who have been harmed by the war in Iraq, my sincere apology

Granholm: Limbaugh’s Attack On American-Made Electric Vehicles Are ‘Un-American’

Granholm: Limbaugh’s Attack On American-Made Electric Vehicles Are ‘Un-American’

Pentagon can’t account for $8.57 billion in Iraqi funds

Oh my God! Taxes go up at the end of this year!!11!

What BP and the US Government Don't Want You to Know.

Rethugs blocking unemployment benefits have helped kill this man.

self delete, wrong phrasing, will try again.

Watch out for this "charlatan"...

Does anyone know the ratio of volatile elements in oil? THAT, is what evaporated.

Glenn Beck's final swan dive off the deep end: President Obama reminds him of Lucifer

New term of derision. NEO-Confabulators.

Alan Keyes: Slavery "guaranteed shelter, guaranteed clothing"

How can we continue to let China, treat their people like shit and pollute....

"I miss Bush". Every binge drinker pines for the drunk phase, over the hangover.

"I miss Bush". Every binge drinker pines for the drunk phase, over the hangover.

"I miss Bush". Every binge drinker pines for the drunk phase, over the hangover.

Pentagon to Troops: Taliban Can Read WikiLeaks, You Can’t

From neocons to crazy-cons

Dems to keep the Congress

Is Google a Little Bit Evil?

White supremacist targets seat on Rialto, Calif., school board

a gay judge would be biased, but a straight one wouldn't is based in the idea that gays are tainted

Question for those insisting on forcing rape victims to keep rapists baby.

Hungry for Genetically Engineered Fish?

Hungry for Genetically Engineered Fish?

Hungry for Genetically Engineered Fish?

The Happiest Place on Earth.

Obama confident no 'double-dip' recession coming

Produce for the people, by the people

Angle To Headline Event Promoted By Anti-Medicare, HIV-Denying

Campaign 2010: GOP Strategy Should Be, Silence is Golden

Toyota put an innocent man in jail for 2 years

"...GWB was not perfect but at least he was a grown up and a man. How I miss leadership..."

The right (once again) is trying to goad the Obamas into decreasing their security

The World Will Run Out of IP Addresses Next Year

Private citizens can collect money to do what the watchdogs in Gov. will not do.

Barack Obama supports rights for people with disabilities BUT....

Gay Marriage Foes Want to Impeach Judge Who Overturned Prop 8

If abortion has to leave healthcare coverage, so should this.....

Gay marriage ruling may loom over midterm elections

I am engaged to Johnny Bravo and Space Ghost

NATO Forces in Afghanistan Can't Deny They Killed Civilians in Sangin Anymore

BP collecting millions in government stimulus funds for California power plant

"Pants on fire" Palin gets caught lying -- TWICE!!

Breitbart hires racist sexual "expert" and inventor (who cured cancer) to smear Sherrod

don't tell me america's economy isn't a planned economy. all economies are planned.

birther Lt Col charged--Lakin enters plea tomorrow **update :)

Bill Clinton to rally for Meek in Florida

First test tube baby is a mom - Hooray for Science!!!

Yes! General Motors to build new car, create 400 jobs!!!

Conservatives are censoring the website Digg

Conservatives are censoring the website Digg

Moms Losing Mortgages: The Government Investigates

OOPS! Murdoch's Sun newspaper backed the wrong Russian donkey, owner claims

Cops: Man charged after referring to Conn. rampage

Banksters as vampires and wraiths

CO GOP gubernatorial candidate: If elected, I'll fire 4000 state employees...2000 "just like that"

Chris Coons gaining on Mike Castle in Delaware Senate Race

BP may drill a new production well in oil spill reservoir.

Election’s Choice: A Vote for the Wrecking Crew or Clean Up Crew

The UNIVERSAL BANKLTD,NICOSIA says they are holding 4 MILLION Euros for ME!

thugs are so funny...Steele unveils 'fire Pelosi' bus tour as RNC gathers

BP says it might drill again in spill reservoir

4 found dead in trash filled home

Romer says stronger job growth needed to cut jobless rate

I am sick and tired of hearing how the RW is Sooo motivated to vote this fall,

Modesto meat company recalls 1M lbs of ground beef

I heard Sean Hannity ranting about this yesterday: Michelle Obama's Spain Trip Controversy

The Smog of War

Democrats calling for money

So The Dems Are Pulling Dirty Tricks On The Cons? Oh The Poutrage!

If there was anyone that should read (Prop 8) opinion it would be this son of an interracial couple

Palin: "Mr. President, publish your proposals, and we’ll duke it out." (He already DID, Quitter)

Judge permits retrial in Abramoff associate's corruption case

Judge permits retrial in Abramoff associate's corruption case

Pentagon to Troops: Taliban Can Read WikiLeaks, You Can’t

Unhinged Fundies: "Aberrant" sexual behavior of the Left disqualifies them from public office

We need a 3 party system: Democratic, Republican & Whoreicrats

Operation Downfall: The planned invasion of Japan

Man who 'shushed' trooper sues over being Tasered

Does DU no longer refresh after you post something?

Will Fundraising Be the Best Indicator of Which Incumbents Are in Real Trouble?

Historic Victory for Northern Rockies Wolves Gray wolves regain federal protections under Endanger

Historic Victory for Northern Rockies Wolves Gray wolves regain federal protections under Endanger

Historic Victory for Northern Rockies Wolves Gray wolves regain federal protections under Endanger

Breaking News: Michelle Obama should have stayed at a Motel 6...

Why do they want to build that so close to where a terrorist attack happened?

Will same-sex marriages be allowed today in Calif.?

Will same-sex marriages be allowed today in Calif.?

We lost 96,000 jobs.

The “Shadow GOP,” Hiding in Plain Sight

Pat Buchanan: Judge Walker Struck Down Prop 8 Because He's Gay

Sharron Angle opposes "making sexual orientation a protected minority in civil rights laws"

The Summer of Recovery... Unemployment.. Senate goes on Vacation

The "real" reason Republicans hate Barack Obama?

A suggestion to decrease unemployment.

Republican National Committee members question proposed 2012 primary change

Bill Clinton's Haiti Reconstruction Commission and others that claim to look out for the poor

GOP Obstruction Against Judges Reaches New Low

Ok. I would really like to start making more calls to my "representatives" however,

Frat Boys Gone Wild!

People or things that you wish George Bush would be in his next life.

I would like to apologize for the Rape of Nanking

Check in if you're tired of Alan Grayson's net neutrality position being distorted on DU

Fox uses nun's death to advance false attacks against Democrats

Speaker Pelosi's Office - for those who doubted the last set of graphs

Obama threatens Iran. Warmongering we can believe in!

ANIMATION: Arizona's new anti-illegal immigrant state flag

A short list of cops who never should have been in uniform in the first place...

NY Times: Exotic Deals Put Denver Schools Deeper in Debt

"BP Republicans": Effective meme for the Dems this fall?

Kerry: FCC Only Shot at Net Neutrality - FDL

The 3 District Judges approved last night...

American Citizens Incorporated - Let's Do This!

Tweety is going for Ensign and Vitter today

“The Economic Bill of Rights”

Dan Meas proves that Sharron Angle has NOTHING on teabagery nuttiness

HP CEO Quits After Harrassment Charges

Disgusting t-shirt I saw today.

Japan has apologized over and over.

How many gay animals have you married since Prop 8 was overturned?

Boomers Take Up the Plow and Open Small Farms

Karl Rove to go into thin air -- will guesthost Rush Limbaugh's show Monday

China - Ginormous Bus Straddles Road, Drives Above Cars

Google-Verizon Deal: The End of The Internet as We Know It

King (R-asshat) compares Democrats to man who sent Christ to death

King (R-asshat) compares Democrats to man who sent Christ to death

*Oops* I duped the Pentagon Mosque story

Strange Fruit: Anniversary Of A Lynching

Make It In America, People!

IMF Document Illustrates Plan To Raise Global Currency - RawStory

IMF Document Illustrates Plan To Raise Global Currency - RawStory

Once you go "pac" you never go back.

Once you go "pac" you never go back.

Tom Toles, I'm fire retardant

Since the Pacific War (ironic name!) is on the DUgenda today, about kamikazes...

John Cory: Shadow On Stone (America To Take Part In Hiroshima Commemoration For First Time GRAPHIC)

John Cory: Shadow On Stone (America To Take Part In Hiroshima Commemoration For First Time GRAPHIC)

My Reflections on the 5th Anniversary of Camp Casey by Cindy Sheehan

Spill investigators want to find undersea evidence/crime scene

From Fires in Russia to Flooding in Asia, Extreme Weather Taking Its Toll

Documentary on gov't debt features Claymation Obama "repeatedly landing blows on Reagan"

My sympathy to the Japanese people for the horror experienced in Hirsohima/Nagasaki

Gulf states order Blackberry users to cover their phones in a tiny burqa

Lincoln calls for repeal of section of health law

The real story about the oiltastrophe will be hard to find out

Canadian Wind Turbine Kills 10 Birds and Bats a Day

Canadian Wind Turbine Kills 10 Birds and Bats a Day

Proof that we rapidly learn to accept just about any horror:

Proof that we rapidly learn to accept just about any horror:

No Smoking Gun in House Ethics Committee Report Against Waters. But the damage has been done!

Sharron Angle is a Christian Reconstructionist

Are We In a Recession or Not? by Matt Taibbi

Amber Alert in and/or around Clairton PA

Congressman survives race-focused TN primary

The Helen Thomas Haters never stop, do they?

And the Most Inspiring Good News Story of the Year Is...

Happy Talk That Oil is "Evaporating Rapidly" So, What the Hell is This?

Why don't more journalists and bloggers write about this...

How Jehovah's Witnesses helped kill Prop 8

Ann Coulter To Headline 'Homocon' Event For Gay Republican Group GOProud

Army 'birther' charged with disobeying orders

Holy "S"! Liz Cheney filling in for Hannity & the Rover filling in

Court backs Minnesotan, throws out 'expressive' permits at parks

Where the hell do you think the jobs will come from?

I know I'm behind the curve on this, but just saw the movie Crash last night for 1st time.

I know I'm behind the curve on this, but just saw the movie Crash last night for 1st time.

IMO, Gingrich is going for it. He's all over the 'news' and talk shows

Ann Coulter To Headline 'Homocon' Event For Gay Conservatives

Ann Coulter To Headline 'Homocon' Event For Gay Conservatives

Jerry Brown files motion against Prop 8 Stay!

PREDICTION: *IF* the GOPigs manage to take the House/Senate..

Sarah Palin’s political strength fails another test in Kansas primary

Prop 8 LttE - Copy and send to your local newspaper!!!

Setting the Stage for Investigations of Obama

Bus accident victim is the son of a Republican candidate

Paul Krugman:The Flimflam Man, The Ryan plan is a fraud that makes no useful contribution

Giant ice 'island' breaks off Greenland glacier

Poll from the NY Daily News: Will you watch "Sarah Palin's (reality show) Alaska"?

Poll from the NY Daily News: Will you watch "Sarah Palin's (reality show) Alaska"?

If we ASSUME (yes, yes,I know) that most Americans are not satisfied with the status quo,

Fox News' latest ethics dilemma: Liz Cheney to guest-host Hannity

Al Frankens moment of backsliding with picture

"Vaughn Walker should have recused himself" - what idiotic horseshit

Friday Toons: Rights edition

So, is it just assumed that if you make too big a deal about "morals" that you have skeletons

9 years ago today, August 6, 2001, "Bin Laden determined to strike in US"

9 years ago today, August 6, 2001, "Bin Laden determined to strike in US"

Massive Censorship Of Digg Uncovered

They will keep doing this and doing this and doing this and doing

Remember me posting about the importance of downballot races and NOT to ignore them ..... ?

Obama Could've Become A Hero This Week... 'Obama's Position On Gay Marriage Sustainable?' - PlumLine Why did no one object to the "Pentagon mosque"?

11 year old charged in father's murder

Move On's way of fighting corporate money for influencing elections

Canada's top soldier says this is the "last gasp" of the Aghanistan insurgency.

Canada's top soldier says this is the "last gasp" of the Aghanistan insurgency.

A human face on the fallout of Toyota's recalls: Are there more Koua Fong Lees?

About a month before my mom passed on, we went out for a ride…

NYT: Bennet Helped Future Wall Street PAC Contributors Fleece Denver Schools

Let gays begin marrying, Schwarzenegger urges

Japan wants us to apologize for the bomb - they should at least acknowledge their atrocities

Japan wants us to apologize for the bomb - they should at least acknowledge their atrocities

Japan wants us to apologize for the bomb - they should at least acknowledge their atrocities

Opponents of Prop 19 (legalized cannabis) rely on fear, not facts

The GOP's Disturbing Shift to the Right on Race

How can a call center employee artificially enhance amount of calls made?

How can a call center employee artificially enhance amount of calls made?

The oceans are empty, the skies tinged yellow by evaporating oil and toxic dispersant devoid of...

“Independent claims czar” on BP payroll

Sarah Palin's Alaska' gets Nov. 14 start date from TLC-Guest Kate Gosselin & Brood

Canada's PM Harper: Economy too fragile for election

Usain Bolt versus Tyson Gay at last - in Stockholm

Re: Hiroshima, Nanjing, Dresden, Coventry, Warsaw, Leningrad et al:

Source List and Detailed Death Tolls for the Twentieth Century & Persecutions through history

oil bubbling up from the sand

oil bubbling up from the sand

oil bubbling up from the sand

US economy sheds 131,000 jobs in July

FDA: Chemical dispersants used in gulf oil spill don't hurt seafood safety

Landrieu floats plan to lift drilling ban, create shared spill liability fund

Landrieu floats plan to lift drilling ban, create shared spill liability fund

My response to comment about H8 overturning on NPR just now. EDIT

POLL: US Officials say chemicals used in Gulf oil spill not a threat to seafood . . .!!

POLL: US Officials say chemicals used in Gulf oil spill not a threat to seafood . . .!!

Wa-Po, school deform supporter, owns Kaplan Inc: guilty of fraudulent biz practices

US jobless claims, bankruptcies rise

Maybe I'm a little behind the curve, but it just dawned on me why the US Gov hates Wikileaks

Senate sends 5 judicial nominations back to White House including Goodwin Liu

Poachers have butchered the last adult rhinoceros at a South African game reserve

Currently, There Are Only Two Methods For Creating Jobs In This Economy

People upset news showed Guy who saved sister from rapist

NBC Hopes "Outsourcing" Is In With TV Audiences

So if you are the parent of a teenaged daughter who has a date with Levi

Bureaucrats gone mad in Oregon

SCOTUS: It looks to me like the ladies have it

Murdoch's Sunday Times faces $250,000 payout over Jimi Hendrix CD

Camden preparing to close its libraries, destroy books

To those on the fence: During the Last Year and a Half my resting blood pressure went from 145/90 to

What's your take on the verdict in the 'birther' doctor being court-martialed?

Healthy profits, few jobs -The Economist

Giant ice island breaks off Greenland

"They can build a mosque in New York when we can build a church in Saudi Arabia!!!"

Maloney, Frank Seek Meeting With Obama to Discuss Elizabeth Warren CFPB Nomination - FDL

Suit: Police Taser 'heavy man' unable to fit into squad car

Michigan Serial Killer Reportedly Targeting Black Men

Florida Art Institute grad spent $70K on degree, got hired, then fired, now working as a stripper

In case anyone was wondering Grayson is 100% for net neutrality

Food stamps or teachers? Congress takes from one to pay for the other.

Save Sakineh's life

So can we just say that there IS NO RECOVERY?

'The people who are always wrong about fucking everything maintain power. '

Oregon girl not bitter after lemonade stir

Treatment of Giuliani's Shoplifting Daughter Shocks the (NY) Post

US Schools Face Perfect Storm

THIS... Is How You LEAD !!! - 'Jerry Brown Files Motion To Resume Gay Marriage' - HuffPo

I heard a local business news person say that the lapse of the Bush tax cuts

I you have the stomach go over to Huffington Post AND

Force women to bear rapists’ babies, say multiple GOP candidates

Sincere Thank You To Ichabod Crain's Banshee Widow.

Armed teens say cow kill was self-defense

Senate Dem leaders want to soften tax provision in health law

Hey! How did my reply to deleted sub-thread end up out here?

New Program to Help Corporations "Take Advantage of Low Labor Costs" Abroad

Another great Wuerker TOON

Another great Wuerker TOON

Fannie Mae: Home Prices To Decline Into Next Year

Fannie Mae: Home Prices To Decline Into Next Year

29 Marines exercise their 1st Amendment Rights.

why all the unrecs on my Al Franken post was I not suppose to post it?

'Scientists criticize White House minimization of Gulf disaster'

Mysterious tunnel discovered under Mexican ruins

Mysterious tunnel discovered under Mexican ruins

Mysterious tunnel discovered under Mexican ruins

Sharron Angle has to be the nuttiest candiate for senate. Ever.

Japanese military murdered between 3 to 10 million people during WWII

Hi, DU! Ready for your Friday Afternoon Challenge Question?

Ben Nelson And Blanche Lincoln Vote To Permanently Extend Bush Tax Cuts

Family Values, Tea Party Style

Eugene Robinson: A judge's mighty arguments for marriage equality

Mom Suing After Wet T-Shirt Leads to Arrest at Fla. Splash Park

Mom Suing After Wet T-Shirt Leads to Arrest at Fla. Splash Park

Cop Saves 12 Baby Ducks

Yoko Ono opposes parole for John Lennon's killer

Oh, this is sure to work. Detroit removing principals, reassigning half the teachers...

So please tell me again: What's the war about?

If you were the President of the US what you do just to piss off the RW Tea Party types?

Never-Seen Photo's: Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Life Magazine)

Churchill Ordered UFO Cover-Up, Archives Show

Churchill Ordered UFO Cover-Up, Archives Show

Take millions out of the hands of the drug cartels: legalize Marijuana

would you say that people who identify as democrats are

I dumped a quart of oil on my driveway & it evaporated!

NYT: What collapsing empire looks like...

Tell Me Again ... What's the War About?

No one interested in the butcher job the media is doing on Michelle?

Where Did the Carter White House's Solar Panels Go?

Japan has my sincere apology for dropping the bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima

Traditional Chinese medicine is NOT harmless.

IWW: Squeezed Baristas Shut Down 15th and Douglas Starbucks to Protest Cutbacks

First you're told to fight to put the Democrats back in power.

Sympathy for Christopher Hitchens

Huge March on Washington planned for October 2, 2010 demanding jobs and changes we voted for!

Mildred Bailey - Trust in Me

Etta James - Trust in Me

Post the one thing you're sure would get you banned from DU. I'll start ... Here goes... get ready..

Handbag Help

I won't call for eight years. December 24, 2004. Christmas Eve. I promise.

Who's missing from DU that you're starting to notice?

Ratdog @ The Tower, Philadelphia, 3/30/08: "Stella Blue"

I finally understand sign language.

Levon Helm Band - "The Genetic Method / Chest Fever," live at Red Rocks June 13, 2009

WANNA SEE MY "O"-FACE ?!?!?!?!?

World's Greatest Airshow is over

I just realized I can no longer eat bad food at night. I'm gaining too much weigh. I know about

Deep Purple w/ London Symphony Orchestra & Ronnie James Dio - "Smoke On The Water"

So you think you know all there is to know about Texas and its history, eh?

Just saw Primus and Gogol Bordello live

I'm bored. Somebody talk to me, please...

pressing question

Palin/Marceaux 2012

Futurama just ran the best cat episode ever.

The "MK4" Deep Purple (Bolin / Coverdale / Hughes / Lord / Paice): "Highway Star" live

Rainbow featuring Ronnie James Dio - "Long Live Rock And Roll," live in Munich 1977

Why should I have spring fever when I know it isn't spring?

Update on my Dad: He's in a coma.

The pre-synth ZZ Top, "Jesus Just Left Chicago," live 1980, Rockpalast TV Germany

Anyone have asbestos undergarments to loan....

I speak tonight... for the dignity of man.

Q: Do TIGERS like catnip??

Anyone here ever gotten those patches of light colored skin over their eyes...just below

Sunflower and tomato

Gary Moore - Thin Lizzy's "The Boys Are Back In Town," live in Dublin

Ginger root fans-two great things from one recipe...

Celebrity political donations

Anyone got advice on Exterior Solar Screens?

Just saw the P90X infomercial for the second time

My new vintage pinball machine

happy birthday to a great american

"For my money, I don't know if it gets any better than when he sings When a Man Loves a Woman"

in case you were wondering what happens when Superman can't find a phone booth

Dr. Dre vs. Gustav Holst

Buddy Guy with Carlos Santana - "Stormy Monday," from "Blues at Montreux 2004"

politicians they all lie - they have hugely disappointed me and the people n/t

Rela life transformer? Hahaha!

I'm watching my first real-time Facebook divorce

Rain makes corn and corn makes whiskey Whiskey makes my baby a little ..FRISKY.. Rains a good thing

Help re Hotels in St Louis

I saw a bumper sticker that left me howling with laughter.

Why does Geoff Peterson sound like Sulu?

Yanno, that chipmunk avatar that's in common use here, as a matter of art and not politics, is .....

My latest work. Entitled: HOME

House o' Parche


Roman Polanski's THE TENANT

A Fond Farewell - Elliott Smith

Some pretty pictures for your Friday

DU FIRST - a Delete Sub-thread makes the Greatest Page on DU

Summertime at the Elephant Sanctuary

Another dumb computer question...

It's happening

Have you ever made love to an Ape ?

I don't remember my first lunchbox, butI still have my first toolbox

Paul Rodgers w/ Brian May - Free's "All Right Now" from the "Paul Rodgers Live In Glasgow" DVD

which are better truck and suv tires:

'Adolf Hitler's' parents lose custody

Heavy Metal Kittehs

Ultimate clothing fail

"Inception" ending opinions (****SPOILER alert****)

Pain is tiring. Gout attack hit me 2 days ago

Thanks to everyone who has posted in my dog thread

Dad died this morning.

I think I need to get a dog

Pics from my July 15th gig (and THANK YOU for your help getting these posted, Kali)

Did you cry, even a drop, when you watched Peter Jackson's 2005 remake of KING KONG?

birther Lt Col charged--Lakin enters plea tomorrow **update :)

Corporate Money Aids Centers Linked to Lawmakers

Social Security and Medicare still face serious financial challenges, annual review says

China takes more aid money for aids and malaria than African countries

Russia, Crippled by Drought, Bans Grain Exports

Senate approves jobs bill to stop teacher layoffs

Prosecutor Won't Re-Try Lee, Now Free Man

Churchill ordered UFO cover-up, National Archives show

US ambassador attends 65th anniversary of Hiroshima bombing

Will a new charter school make the grade? Flurry of new charter approvals raises questions

Cuba rejects inclusion on U.S. list of terror sponsors

U.S., U.N. attending Hiroshima memorial boosts nuke-free world hopes

Drop in legal Mexican visitors hurts Southern Arizona


Pentagon threatens to 'compel' WikiLeaks to hand over Afghan war data

Senate Approves $600 Million Border Bill

Ailing vets sue over smoke from trash fires in Iraq, Afghanistan 'You'd cough up black stuff"

Romer, key Obama economic aide, resigning

Supreme dust up: Franken apologizes to McConnell

NYT: Bennet Helped Future Wall Street PAC Contributors Fleece Denver Schools

Army 'birther' charged with disobeying orders

Treasurys gain on payrolls; Fed action seen as more likely (yields at record lows)

Obama 'asks Shiite cleric to help settle Iraq impasse'

Woman held during G20 protest to launch class-action lawsuit

Senate confirms new fed prosecutor in S.F.

President Obama calls for movement on small-business bill

No gay adoptions, says GOP's Angle

Jobs bill brings some hope to teachers

Yorktown Refinery to cease most operations; more than 300 employees affected

IRS to stay at new Austin site after plane crash

View of Obama dims in Arab world

Wheat Shortage May Mean Higher Grocery Bills

US job losses are double expected figure

Muscovites struggle to breathe as acrid smoke grips city

Swedish Web hosting firm confirms WikiLeaks link

Ex-mayor in New Jersey gets two years in prison (Democrat from Hoboken)

Omar Khadr deserves credit for ‘illegal punishment' if convicted, lawyer says

BP says it's leaving open the option of future drilling in Gulf reservoir

Climate talks in danger of unravelling as China and US clash

Digg investigates claims of conservative 'censorship'

Barry Bonds given March 2011 trial date

Some manufacturing heads back to USA

Fredericton to hold 1st gay pride parade

Germany to compensate Afghan families for Kunduz strike

Women gather to denounce Sharron Angle comments

Ex-Pakistan spy chief: Afghanistan war 'lost cause'

Nonfarm payrolls drop 131,000 in July

US Supreme Court won't block Canadian's Guantanamo trial

US jobs data expected to underline fears for recovery

BP Fires 10,000 Cleanup Workers

Sean Penn questions Wyclef's bid to run Haiti

1 million pounds of ground beef recalled

Canada hit with first monthly jobs loss of 2010

AP Exclusive: CIA whisked detainees from Gitmo

Gay Marriage Judge's Personal Life Debated

School construction chief blasted in a state report (for promoting the use of union labor)

Saddam Hussein deputy Tariq Aziz calls for US forces to stay in Iraq

Obama to raise $1 million for struggling Senate candidate

Mexico prison riot leaves 14 dead

Binnie Under Fire From Conservative Group

Hickenlooper taps CSU-Pueblo's president as gubernatorial running mate

Accusations Of Illegal Tactics Fly In Connecticut Republican Primary

Haley's taxes filed late

A list of countries considering BlackBerry bans over security concerns

Geithner making shit up again - this time about Medicare

Obama Gets More Stimulus, in Slices

Mason-Dixon Poll: Dem and GOP primary results from Florida

Russia fires pose nuclear threat, death toll hits 50

Japan tanker was damaged in a terror attack, UAE says

So it's lets go after the Judge from the rethugs

Senate Approves Sweeping Child Nutrition Bill

Top U.S. court refuses to halt Khadr Guantanamo trial

Delete (Moved)

Can We Get Rid Of Larry Summers...

Krugman: Tax Cuts And The Economy

"The Place for Politics" struck again yesterday.

Take action. Save the internet!

How to hold our own in the midterms: Attack, Attack, Attack

Hoekstra silent on endorsement after Mich. vote

Gulf spill investigators eye undersea evidence


Urban fox hunt video was hoax aimed at the media, say film-makers

PAUL KRUGMAN: The Flimflam Man or 'The Audacity of Dopes'

US Border Security Bill skews field for Indian IT cos

Interesting: Afghanistan the "cradle of empires"

U.S. Secret Service speaks with carnival operator of Barack Obama game

The Hill: Reid Sets Up Votes on Small Business Bill

Company fined $720,000 for worker trapped in frozen soybeans

President Obama selects veteran investigator as CIA watchdog, David Buckley

No hope for a true recovery unless Obama dumps his Wall St. economics advisors

Jeb Bush to join Bill McCollum on campaign trail

Companies hire at slow pace for 3rd straight month

Bill Press unloads on Scott Brown

KY Senate Poll: Paul 41% Conway 31%

Joe Conason: Democrats deserve credit -- not blame -- on ethics

Shelby Blocks Non-Controversial Fed Nominee

GOP cautiously confident of big gains this fall

Political Idiots.

Hewlett-Packard says CEO Mark Hurd resigned after a company investigation into sexual harassment.

Hiroshima Atomic Bomb 65th Anniversary: US Joins Memorial For First Time

If we lose birthright citizenship, all our other rights are in danger too.

Prove me wrong!

The Senate has screwed up BIG time on the black farmers money

GI Bill: Closing the Tuition Gap

Dem senator floats compromise on tax cuts

Obama selects veteran investigator as CIA watchdog

Pakistan floods affect 12 million people

Elaine Marshall, Senate Candidate: I Haven't Decided Whether I Want Obama To Campaign With Me

Poll shows California governor's race still tight

Jerry Brown urges judge to allow same-sex marriages to resume while opponents wait on appeal

Republicans are the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked...

Tampa best start stocking up on teabags, racially-loaded props. They just "won" 2012 GOP convention.

So when James Carville pooped all over president Obama

Think Progress: Is McCain now ‘waving a white flag to al Qaeda’?

'Birther' Army Doctor Charged With Disobeying Orders

I thought the rethug party hate Government jobs

Freed Toyota Driver: My Children Don't Know Me

US Senate confirms James Clapper as US spy chief

Dean predicts demise of insurance mandate

Battle Looms Over Huge Costs of Public Pensions

McConnell scolds Franken for making faces from dais during his speech

Jerry Brown Files Motion To Resume Gay Marriage

EPI: “Make it in America” bills will advance U.S. manufacturing

Guess tomorrow's July jobs number

When Will GOP Hit the Shoals of Reality?

Who wants to hug me!? My multi-term bubba, GOP C-Street Congressman has BEEN DEFEATED!!! (Zach Wamp)

Pakistan floods: Storms ground US supply helicopters

K&R if you like president Obama!

Al-Qaeda in Pakistan is top threat, says US report

Ezra Klein: What you really need to do, if you want to help small business

Eugene Robinson: The Judge Who Slew Prop. 8

Senate Leaves for Break, Plans to Take Up Small Business Bill After Recess

Something to ponder for the "no difference" crowd

US attends Hiroshima bomb memorial for first time

Think Progress: Howard Dean Launches Misguided Attack On Health Reform

Tracking Your car? Cops Need a Warrant, Says Judge

The Afghanistan and Iraq war policy will unravel this country, this economy and this administration.

Zardari claims win in terror row with UK

WH: President Obama Pushes "Made in America" to Boost Recovery

Steele: Pelosi 'in the back of the bus'

Unless the President I VOTED for renounces ANY and ALL policies that discriminate against ANY

Chemical dispersants used in gulf oil spill don't hurt seafood safety, FDA says

The Official List of Issues That The Left Wanted Obama To Do In 18 Months

Dear President Obama.....

Those of you who are married do realize that you are subsidized by singles

Camden preparing to close its libraries, destroy books

Museum of Tolerance backer: No to WTC mosque

9 Mercs Killed in Afghanistan

Obama's August Surprise? A Mortgage Rescue in Every Pot

Joan Baez- With God on our side (Bob Dylan cover)

Lilith Fair 2010 Press Conference - Justice Through Music

Thom Hartmann - Were You Born on the Wrong Continent?

MSNBC: Republican Congressman - We Should've Executed Pentagon Papers Leaker Daniel Ellsberg

Why We Need Social Security

Olbermann: Net Neutrality Imperiled as Congress, FCC, President Hide

Countdown Segment :Sharron Angle "Interview"

Corporate Spending Figures Heavily in 2010 Elections ('Citizens United')

Ed Schultz: No Time to Play Politics

Tea Party: Bike-Sharing Conspiracy?

The - Americans Want to Work Act S.3706 99ers STOP THE GOP BULLIES

Old Spice Guy Hates America!

Sharron Angle: Just Too Extreme

The Top Vlog: Stupid Sarah Palin Thing of the Week (HuffPo's Bob Cesca)

Young Turks: Full Body Scanner Images Being Stored

The Richest Man in the World: A parable about structural unemployment and a basic income

Palin Worship Clip: I pride myself on choices quitting as Governor halfway through term

Net Neutrality Could Just Go Away.

Radiation Risk: Fires head for Chernobyl

Crazy Santa Cruz Public Comments

Wikileaks Post Encrypted 1.4GB Insurance File - CIA Might Assassinate Julian Assange?

Christians Respond: We Live in a Secular Dictatorship

Wikileaks: BIG Mysterious Encrypted File Posted on WikiLeaks [ insurance.aes256 1.4GB]

Proper Removal of republican Bumper Stickers

Sharron Angle's Top 5 Wacky Ideas

Christopher Hitchens Interview w/Anderson Cooper on God, Cancer, Aethism

Midweek Politics: Racist Voicemail, and why does Whoopi Goldberg always defend racists and rapists?

S.3706 ( Tier 5 bill) What Happens NOW ! Aug 6, 2010

MSNBC: Cenk Vs. Anti-Gay Bishop!

Kiss Your Proposition 8 Goodbye!

Last Hiroshima bomber: "I'd do it again"

How Not to Track

Thom Hartmann - Is it time to pay reparations to gays?

What is going down at the Arizona Gov's Office?

Farmers' Compensation Isn't Reparation or Revenge

What is Congressman Blunt hiding?

Rachel Maddow:GOP embraces abortion extremists

MSNBC: Barack Obama Vs. Hillary Clinton (Cenk)

A Message to John Boehner: Teachers Aren't "Special Interests"

Distilling Republican Behavior To Its Purest Form

New Left Media Rattles Breitbart - Can't Answer Basic Questions

Quayle 'BUSTED' By Mailer -'We Are Going To Raise Our Family Here...' - Leno

Glenn Beck says 'damn Planet of the Apes' regarding Obama video clip

Living Colour: Voting PSA

Awesome *Must See* Rap Battle: WIKILEAKS Vs THE PENTAGON

Russia: Heat also rises for parched Kremlin

To quote John Stewart, "I give up"! School lunch programs payed by cutting food stamps.

In Colombia, A Cemetery Full of Questions

Xenophobia: Fear-Mongering for American Votes

US lawmaker challenges targeted killing

How Large Should The Stimulus Be?

The Music-Copyright Enforcers

The Palestinian Authority: Redundant but Dangerous Language (Ramzy Baroud)

The alleged political benefits of moderation

Why Muslims Should Rethink Palestine (Ramzy Baroud)

Beware Rich Political Saviors (Joel S. Hirschhorn)

Greens face a battle in California

The '99ers' Share Their Stories

Is Sharron Angle demon possessed?

The Enthusiasm Gap and You

Electric cars could make toll roads inevitable

BOOK REVIEW: Start-Up Nation - The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle. By Dan Senor and Saul Singer

Dean Baker: Crazy Economists Are Still Defending The Wall Street Bailout As The Recession Gets Worse

David Sirota: The Stadium-Mob Mentality

The rich want a better world? Try paying fair wages and tax

Matt Taibbi: Wall Street's Big Win

McConnell grew increasingly angry as Franken made fun of him before a crowded public gallery and Sen

"Why has He Fallen Short?" (Frank Rich reviews Alter's Book on Obama's first 18 Months) Must Read!

Massive Censorship Of Digg Uncovered

Stuttering Eric Cantor tap dances as fast as he can, dodging questions about Bush Tax Cuts & deficit

Krispy Kreme Burger Sweeps the Nation

Krispy Kreme Burger Sweeps the Nation

How CNN went from breaking records to yesterday's news (Independent)

Senate passes Jobs and Medicaid bill but Republicans deny poor food stamps

The Flimflam Man (Paul Ryan of Wisconsin)

Weekend Economists Dog Days of Summer, August 6-8, 2010

The fantasy of a vast upper middle class

the busy 2010 Atlantic hurricane season continues

Drumbeat: August 6, 2010

Judge orders protections reinstated for gray wolf

Poop-powered cars in UK

DIY Datsun EV Does the Quarter in 10.4 Seconds

Czech Republic Revitalizing Brownfields with Solar

Colleges Investing Heavily in Solar

Reid Says Renewable-Energy Funds Will Be Restored

DOE Extends Renewable Energy Loan Guarantee Program

Kyocera to Start Production at New Solar Cell Plant (expands capacity to 600 MW per year)

For the Love of PETE: Stanford University Reveals Groundbreaking Solar Technology

BP wrote me a letter

Crayola puts solar farm online Thursday, gets approval for expansion (stimulus $$$ PA)

California Energy Commission committee recommends 392-megawatt solar project

New Brunswick nuclear plant another year behind schedule

IMS: Solar (capacity) Will Exceed 100 GW in 5 Years

Toxic Algae Destroys Shark Brains

Save The River Calls for a Halt on Wind Energy Development Due to Environmental Concerns

German Solar Market May Extend Growth in 2011, Phoenix Says

GM plants 'established in the wild' (BBC)

Poll: Americans Skeptical about Climate Change

O's Manager has Best Winning % in Baseball.

Stephen Strasburg ready to rejoin Nats

15 will get you 20, apologies to Jimmy Buffet

Favre had his ankle surgery in LATE MAY???

Anyone else get an e-mail from about A-hole's 600th? My reply...

Barry Bonds perjury trial set for March 21, 2011

*snort* The Rockies lose to the WORST team in the Natinal League...

Controversial call costs Marlins in loss

Bama #1 in USA Today/ Coaches poll.


Crimes against journalists not being punished in Honduras

Peace monument to be sculpted from paramilitary weapons .

This is also our heritage

Cuba rejects inclusion on U.S. list of terror sponsors

A touching take on Cuba and its racial problems - Havanatimes

Xpost from LBN: Sean Penn questions Wyclef's bid to run Haiti

Scotch Shortage Pleases Chavez as Tipplers Blame Currency

Employees of British owned mine in Peru confirm company coordinated attacks on protesters in 2005

Uribe's Colombia: The dark side of a country transformed

uribistas erect immunity bubble around their messiah

In Colombia, A Cemetery Full of Questions

Hotels spring up as Colombia grows safer for tourists

Delete ... Duplicate

Armed homeowner stops 3 early morning (armed) intruders

The NRA spent over $13 million to defeat Democrats in 2008!!

Two different views on Concealed Carry, one British, one American ...

Case of "road rage" in Austin, TX brings "castle doctrine" into question.

The Second Amendment and Non-Violent Felons

U.S. most armed country with 90 guns per 100 people ...

Target CEO: Sorry for $150K Donation

Fiorina Opposed to Prop. 8 Ruling

Who At Target Donated To Yes On 8?

Target's Promised 'Review Process' For Political Donations Has A Lot Of Anti-Gay Ground To Cover

U.S. Senate Candidate (Democrat) Accused of Homophobia By Julie Bolcer

Truth in a political cartoon

Hospital Responds to Discrimination Trans Flap

Will The GOP Turn Prop 8 Into A Midterm Election Wedge Issue?

Stephen Colbert On Prop 8 Overturn One of his all-time best! Required viewing.

Wow. Two Gays I actually can't stand!

NOM now declaring their protests "Private Parties" to screen-out Pro-Equality protesters

Prop 8 judge to receive stay arguments today

Profile of Judge Walker in today's NYT:

Gay Marriage: The Tide is Turning And There's No Going Back

Four Times Married Drug Addict Objects To Overturn Of Proposition 8

Maryland Home Care Providers Win First Contract Rights

Ford says deals bring back (2,000) jobs

131,000 Jobs Lost in July

Law Student Union Summer Inspires Next Generation of Labor Lawyers

A drunk (?) threatened my life because Rush had him pissed

Casual Why Not Should Others Post More Often?

Filoli Woodside, California

One more of the Diva!

The Diva of Del Mar!

Who will speak up for Israeli citizens' right to free speech?

The Palestinian Authority: Redundant but Dangerous Language (Ramzy Baroud)

Israeli rabbis clamp down on burka

Cool story on paper folding

Neanderthal's Cozy Bedroom Unearthed

Pretty Space Pic of the Day

Pi record set

Is complete knowledge an oxymoron?

If this isn't pretty good evidence that reincarnation is real, I don't know what is...

I gotta tell you all THANK YOU!!!!

"The Great Understanding"

The breakthrough has happened...

Groundbreaking non-radiation lung imaging system

Thirty Million Women Will Gain From Health Reform Law, Including About 15 Million Uninsured

A Little Adversity Bodes Well for Those With Chronic Back Pain, Study Suggests