If You Haven't Seen Sharon Angle's Answers On The "Government Is Not God PAC" Questionnaire...
Olbermann Is Off The Sunday Night Football
Immigration enforcement union took a no-confidence vote in its leadership
2 different things to talk about, Prop 8 Decision, and Executive performance
What does the WSJ think of the jobs report - first page of Google news *LOL*
DU friends living in Arizona: Hire people with Mexican surnames, please
Students raised in foster care
Why people must vote for Andrew Romanoff: Report: Bennet-backed pension deal costs millions
I am resorting to a bit of a nuclear option myself, day 33
I am resorting to a bit of a nuclear option myself, day 33
Fareed Zakaria Returns Anti-Defamation League Award Over Ground Zero Mosque
Fareed Zakaria Returns Anti-Defamation League Award Over Ground Zero Mosque
Fareed Zakaria Returns Anti-Defamation League Award Over Ground Zero Mosque
another palin endorsement fail in tennessee
Dr. Dean on Rachel show GREAT predictions about '10,
Proposition 8: Long road to the Supreme Court
I just got 11 out of 11 on the Pew Political News IQ test...
CO Amendments 60 and 61 and Proposition 101: chances for passage?
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia narrowly avoids Palace Coup?
Senate raises H-1B fees to fund border security
How "inside" information accidentally gets "leaked"--one example from 2 years ago
Newt's well of hate: "Sharia is coming, sharia is coming," yells our psycho Paul Revere
Muslim group Minhaj ul-Quran runs 'anti-terrorism' camp
'Handgun of the Year' Used for Mass Shooting of the Week
'Handgun of the Year' Used for Mass Shooting of the Week
How many kids in your neighborhood deserve to die for the atrocities committed by the US?
Now THIS Is A Powerful Ad--Let's Get This One On TV Too
Now THIS Is A Powerful Ad--Let's Get This One On TV Too
May I ask what some would call a stupid question?
Obama opposes gay marriage and Schwarzenegger supports it....
Obama opposes gay marriage and Schwarzenegger supports it....
About that NYT hit job on Michael Bennet
About that NYT hit job on Michael Bennet
Note: 911 is not able to give rides to the liquor store
Hiroshima Atom Bomb Impact documentary movie (9:30 long)
Explain something to me about gay marriage.
Wingnut Gays call COULTERgeist "the rightwing Judy GARLAND"
Saw John Baird on the news tonight in Canada. He didn't sneer at all. Is he on botox?
The crisis of middle-class America
In canada they are building prison cells even though the crime rate is falling.
Aren't Cops Just Model Citizens?
Cop on Dog violence continues unabated
No work in the US? Move to India
Mandatory Friday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! TGIF!!
Obama defends education initiative
Obama not yet as unpopular in the Arab world as Cheney/Chimpy, but getting there.
Baby Declared Dead Revives Inside Coffin
Crist: Senate GOP Caucus 'Would Have To Do Better' For My Vote"
Published on Friday, August 6, 2010 by Foreign Policy in Focus Blackwater: Can't Stop, Won't Stop
DoD to troops: Tell buddies about stop-loss pay
Experts Hit Wiki-Based News on UAVs
Ramifications of Hiroshima bombing linger
Tricare prices set for gray-area retirees
Germany to accept two Gitmo prisoners
Disgraced HP CEO to get nearly $28m in cash, stock
In Shakeup, Incoming Spill Claims Czar Will Drop BP’s Contractor
Disgraced HP CEO to get nearly $28 million
"Torture: Perspectives & Consequences for the Torturer" - 1:00pm EDT, Noon CDT, 11:00am MDT, & 10:00
So, I'm walking out of the soopermarket and some guy sticks a petition under my nose...
Fox uses nun's death to advance false attacks against Democrats
Lurking wingnuts: I shouldn't have to explain this to you, but I will.
Pakistan in need of humanitarian aid
Dutch woman held after dead babies found in suitcases
Milwaukee blog poster nails Republicans
Dems: No, GOP won't take the House
A Financial Bright Spot for Democrats
Anti-torture Protest at the Fed Courthouse in Minneapolis; Fasting, orange Jumpsuits and Condi
Serial Adulterer Gingrich Makes Mistake of Leaving Comments Open on his “Defense of Marriage” Post
Texas City Workers: Chemicals Spewed From Broken Pipe ‘Like Water From a Fire Hydrant’
Obama's Facebook feed, as imagined by Slate writers. Pretty funny.
US and British Ambassadors to Tajikstan pay off World Cup bet (PIC)
Digg investigates claims of conservative 'censorship'
The Tin Foil Hat Brigade is all over WJ this morning
When the war criminal of a Dick croaks I will remind DUers that
When the war criminal of a Dick croaks I will remind DUers that
"We're all about religious freedom, but"
Limbaugh: Media Giving Michelle Obama Vacation Pass Because Of 'Slave Past'
Serial Adulterer Newt Gingrich
After four years, court lifts ban on new bike infrastructure in San Francisco
Commentary: How Christianity failed Anne Rice (amen)
A bad case of SWF - Rebecca Mansour - Palin's FB/Twitter ghostwriter going off the deep end..
Rand Paul never got a degree from Baylor and never corrected the record
Sesame Street: Grover discusses What Is Marriage?
Which scenario makes it seem more like Al Qaeda got what it wanted with 9/11?
Giant Ice Island Breaks Off Greenland
He meant what he said, he said what he meant, Fox News stood by him, 1,000 percent
A big week for "judicial activism"
Greed, Stupidity, Decline: Eight Numbers Reveal America’s Plight
nyc's joel klein takes classrooms from autistic kids to make more room for charter school kids
Even George Effing Junior Smirky Chimpy Bush didn't oppose Islam on septembertheeleventh
Valley Meat Beef Recall Prompted By E. Coli Outbreak, 1 Million Pounds May Be Affected
Mike Luckovich is a sarcastic one
HP CEO to get $28 million as reward for laying off workers, sexual harassment, falsifying reports
Andrew Bacevich(“Washington Rules: America’s Path to Permanent War") is live online now. Streaming
Comcast's homepage is headlining a "news" story about Snooki calling out Obama
'The View' host Elisabeth Hasselbeck's lesbian theory: Older women just couldn't get a man
United States hands over control of all combat duties to Iraqi security forces
surge update: Taliban Kill 10 on Medical Aid Mission in Afghanistan
Remember how H1N1 flu was going to destroy human civilization because Obama wouldn't act NOW!!!
William Greider: The AIG Bailout Scandal
"Sacred marriage" and "evil abortion"
New poll: Meek making a comeback.. leads Greene 33%-29%..
Bob Altemeyer's - The Authoritarians
Palin "out-Diva'd" by Gosselin-- (may the eyerolls commence....)
Prison Guard who killed for rifle to overthrow govt - 15 guns found at home
Diploma mills whining that coming regulation will eat into their profits
Clinton Opens New Shelter in Haiti
Digg 'Patriots' Attempt to Bury Sites, Including ScienceBlogs
Digg 'Patriots' Attempt to Bury Sites, Including ScienceBlogs
ADL's Foxman: "I would have expected you to reach out to me before coming to judgment."
When states are polite enough to formally secede before fighting their ex-sibling states...
Union-Busting Cons Have No Shame! Their Full-Scale Attack on First Responders
Cops: Man charged after referring to Conn. rampage
Is this what corporations have come to....."safety nets?"
CNN host returns ADL award over group's opposition to Ground Zero mosque
Updated: Are You One Of These 341 Names On “Digg Patriots” Hit List?
Updated: Are You One Of These 341 Names On “Digg Patriots” Hit List?
Tonight, we are all Name removed (0 posts)
Milwaukee teachers fight for Viagra drug coverage
Please start collecting Congressional "District Update" and other Bullshit
Eta Carinae, three million suns worth
Which polls are showing people no longer believe Republicans want to continue Bush's economic
"The oil is dispersing naturally" has been Rush Limbaugh's talking point
white serial killer targeting black men in Flint Michigan
Teabaggers to attack teachers.
Rand Paul A Member Of Right-Wing Doctors Group That Pushes Conspiracy Theories
new cop movie The Other Guys with Will Ferrell is very liberal..
Despite scandral, disgraced HP ex-CEO to get exit package worth $28 million
Anyone watching Kentucky fried politics on C-SPAN?
Republicans block 2 Bay Area Judicial nominees
Sean Penn slams Wyclef's Haiti presidency bid
"a free gram of pot per shift"! Where do I sign up??
Liquor regulators may help oversee D.C. medical marijuana program
Liquor regulators may help oversee D.C. medical marijuana program
Fake immigration agents deport woman
Pentagon: return our "stolen" docs, or else
Stand our ground on human rights in America
Japan has stepped into Russia's shoes re: heat and death
DUers please watch the Anne RIce interview
We must insist on a "living wage" for producers of imported goods to improve labor conditions here
WikiLeaks to Publish New Documents Despite US Threats
GOP Rep. Comes Clean: We Don’t Need to Bash Gays Because We Have Immigrants!
Appeal for support for Iran hunger strikers
Quick report from the local "Sharon Angle/Doctor's Tea Party" event.
Family of man hit by train suing railroad, canoe company
Fiorina's COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED stance - Permanently Extend the Bush Tax Cuts For The Have Mores
Store manager throws hot coffee in intruder's face
"therapeutic, technological, consumerist militarism".
Times is tough brother! They are swimming in dumpsters on NYC's Park Avenue
Come on people Angle is so stupid that it's obvious she is a plant.
Natl Org for Marriage sham rallies'em in Atlanta. THOUSANDS attend [not]
Fox News Online Poll Shows 71% View Anti-Gay Marriage Prop 8 as Unconstitutional
The myth of the Social Security system's financial shortfall
Meet ‘Digg Patriots’ Next Recruit: Dilberto
CNN host returns ADL award over stance on Islamic center
Thank you Secret Service and indeed, tough for me to say, thank you Larry Johnson.
Cutest summer vaca pic ever - Sasha Obama
Thanx fly, for suggesting I post this subpost as a standalone, originally posted
Steele's racially insensitive comment shows how out of touch he is
"our retouching has been overzealous"
Seven dangerous new computer hacks (and one silly one) that will change the future
capitalism commodifies all it touches: environmental disaster as fashion shoot background
more record "cold" temperature records tied/fall in southern california!
Defense budget cuts to pay for teacher bailout
Serious Question About Fannie and Fredie...
Serious Question About Fannie and Fredie...
Just because, Shakira - I'll stand by you - Live - Enjoy
Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan - pics
Why is our government acting so indifferent towards WikiLeaks?
One thing I think we all can agree on, regarding the A-bomb and Hiroshima/Nagasaki
Court throws out 'expressive' permits at parks
Court throws out 'expressive' permits at parks
Foreclosure Mills: America's Newest Housing Nightmare (dupe)
The Bombs of August by Howard Zinn
OK I have had it with these sick bastards just read these comments
Do people realize that gay people actually 'procreate'?
Steele touts record of success at RNC (Seriously!)
How To Talk To A Wingnut 2 Great Moments
A Comment on The Hill site story about Franken and decorum
1 Million Fish Dead in Bolivian Ecological Disaster
Drift smoke made for a difficult day and a spectacular sunset (DIAL UP CAVEAT)
Glenn Beck Conspiracy Theory Generator (Sorry if it's been posted!)
What the Heck Are US Marines Doing in Costa Rica? Obama's Tilt to the Right on Latin America
In Case You Missed This... 'The Dubious Senate Testimony Of Jeff Sessions' - Joe Conason
Bats Facing Regional Extinction in Northeastern US from Rapidly Spreading White-Nose Syndrome
"Wall Street's Big Win" - Matt Taibbi
If BP qualifies for $10 billion cleanup tax break, should it get one?
Jesu, has anyone seen any of that Real Housewives DC program?
Levi Johnston May Yet Spill Palin Secrets
Foreclosure Mills: America's Newest Housing Nightmare
Italian Vogue runs controversial Oil Spill inspired editorial
What the hell did H.L. Mencken know anyway?
Obama and the US military, tools of fascist corporate imperialism?
Cancer patients quit life-extending drugs in recession
About 23 Christians arrested, 3 executed
When will the Japanese apologize for the Sulong massacre?
Oh god, Kent Jones desk looks like MINE!!!!
Rush Limbaugh suggests George W Bush would beat Obama....
ABC's George Stephanopoulos Touts Possible Gloom for GOP
ABC's George Stephanopoulos Touts Possible Gloom for GOP
TIME: The Moderate Imam Behind the 'Ground Zero Mosque'
Separated at Birth? Or Conjoined by FOX News? ... Which public figures do YOU get mixed up?
Soft Toilet Paper Really Hard on Boreal Forests, and Birds:
Is There A Coup In The Maine Tea Party?
Homeless dying on streets, don't want help
K&R to call on Abe Foxman to resign as ADL chair, & on ADL to go back to opposing ALL prejudice
Who do you think the Rethugs will run for their presidential candidate in 2012?
I'm going to get flamed for this, but Newt Gingrich is just sexy.
What can I write to my House Rep. (R) who is Brand new an pi**ing me off
Rachel's guest Thursday peddled some wacko theory...
Should bush tax cuts for wealthy be extended? DU this poll!
Serial Adulterer Newt Gingrich Makes Mistake of Leaving Comments Open w/his Defense of Marriage Post
Nuke U: How the University of California Is Helping to Blow Up the World
m$nbc 'who's paying for their great adventure in spain and is it too expensive'
My daughter is at Lollapalooza
Tony Judt, Historian of Europe, Critic of Israel, Public Intellectual, Dead of ALS at 62
Watergate Becomes Sore Point at Nixon Library
Gay Marriage, Polygamy and the "slippery slope"
Joan Walsh on Beck's racist rant: "It's like the damn Planet of the Apes!"..
White House official: Obama "expected to renominate" Goodwin Liu
White House official: Obama "expected to renominate" Goodwin Liu
Greenpeace to start three-month expedition to study Gulf ecosystem and marine life
Cartoon On Bartcop (Hate Is Hate):
It's time to tell the American people the truth about this economy.
Just a question on unemployment insurance . . . another "entitlement" according to GOP ....
Hugh Hefner: "Women Are Sex Objects"
How Many Iraqis Did We "Liberate" From Life on Earth?
Important Reading for Public Employees with Pensions
Hiroshima, was it right? Was it wrong? We'll never know.
The Best High School Valedictorian Speech
quick! this is new to me!! Do I double-down? or quit while I'm ahead?
Purging the Sins of the Father - One Man’s Mission of Peace and Tolerance
Jewish vigil supporting Muslim cultural center in Lower Manhattan
'Just Not True': White House Accused of Spinning Report
Artificial Bee Eye Gives Insight Into Insects’ Visual World
Making autistic children move so a charter can expand in their building. Not a good thing to do.
A Muslim victim of 9/11: 'Build your mosque somewhere else'
Two very idiotic bumper stickers as seen in two different locations:
Jewish vigil supporting Muslim cultural center in Lower Manhattan
I think the interesting question about Hiroshima is not whether it can be justified or not,
Did you know anyone like Dennis? He died in Nam age 19
Lawsuit challenges airport full-body scanners
17 Year Old from Wealthy Family charged in Central Park Armed Robbery Spree
OMG...My GOP company last night asked me "Why do you watch Colbert if you are a dem"
Mittens, in necktie, drives his pick-up. It's real 'cause it's got scratches. Really.
The Crime of the Century: What BP and the US Government Don't Want You to Know
Kucinich Measure Would Bar Targeted Killings of US Citizens
"Stop dancing on the hot plate, Mr. President. Take a stand, or don't, on gay marriage"
Did Japan offer to surrender previous to the bombs or not?
There was a time when the stupid and the ignorant knew their places.
Uninsured, she refuses chopper after heart started twice (original story & update)
Reason to beam - A number of homeowners with solar panels pays about $16 a month
RNC Pushes Back Presidential Primaries
"Why Has He Fallen Short?"-by Frank Rich
Fidel Castro will be delivering an important speech today
Transportation choices attract young professionals
Army Chaplain Tries to Cure PTSD With Jesus
Army Chaplain Tries to Cure PTSD With Jesus
Intriguing. Dolphins. Love them!
Why aren't more people Democrats?
Why did no one object to the "Pentagon mosque"?
Newsweek: Have American Workers Had Enough? Employees are tired and disillusioned with employers
Pix From The Russian Wildfires... (Dial-Up Warning)
US Bank and their crooked overdraft fees can suck on it!
The Advocate: NO Change (Obama reaffirms opposition to same-gender marriage on historic day)
Shepard Fairey mural in San Diego gay neighborhood vandalized
Man Accused of Squirting Semen on Female Shoppers
The Static Universe, Hilton Ratcliffe
Mall implements 'youth escort policy'
Tell the DNC what you think of today's Democratic Party via this link!
10 Murdered on Medical Aid Trip in Afghanistan, Including 6 Americans
Resolved: Eating Animals Is Indefensible
An Open Letter to Frightened Married Heterosexuals
How about cutting in half what we give to Egypt every year...
I have had my fun, if I don't get well no more...Lightnin' Hopkins, "Goin' Down Slow"
She said, MUDDY WATERS, another mule is kickin' in your stall..."Long Distance Call" live
Humankind's ONLY contribution/invention to the universe: 1) Dogs. 2) Music. (Order is reversible) n/
HOLY SHIT!!! Thanks mods!!! n/t
Hey underpants - how's the gout? Gone yet?
Home town news: "Urinal blown up at ball field bathroom"
"And my youth I pray to keep...Heaven send Hell away, no one sings like you anymore..."
Life is just a lie with an 'f' in it, and death is definite.
I've been replaced with a salmon.
this is the late night lounge with no Divinyls video......?
A little classic Focus for a Friday night
This is just wrong on sooooo many levels.
"The Other Guys" ***No spoilers***
Leads? I'll get the boys at the crime lab on it.
Buying used stuff through Amazon...
Can anyone tell me what these are used for?
I know we ALL get brainfarts, BUT (bun intended)...
Should addresses be changed to coordinates?
And you can send me dead flowers every morning
"Made love to an Ape" is the phrase of the day. Modify a thread title to include
From GD: Is there such a thing as a "Sensible Narwhal"??
Some laid-back Saturday afternoon music...Willie Nelson with Ray Charles, "Seven Spanish Angels"
why do people hate kid rock so much?
Dog Whisperer - Rehabilitating aggressive dogs on now....
IMHO, the SINGLE GREATEST Led Zeppelin song of ALL TIME, "Still Of The Night." Enjoy.
I have it opened in another tab - what is the best way to save the whole thing?
Just bought a Canon Digital Rebel XTi 10.1MP...
My Grandmother won't let her puppy out in the back yard to potty
Whippin' Post...on ukelele. The solo brings a whole new meaning to the word "INTENSITY."
HEY, isn't that Jim Morrison? The Cult, "Love Removal Machine," live on Whistle Test, 1987
Took my sweet abandoned munchkin cat to the vet today...results are mixed
just saw 'The Other Guys' - hint - don't hurry out of the theater
Justin Bieber to Star in 3D Movie About His Life
What was your take on the movie THE BOOK OF ELI?
Post your current desktop configuration . . .
Skinner invited me to his home. When I saw this, I politely but swiftly got the fuck out of there.
Proof that you've been slipped a little something.
Math/physics people -- help me out!
I'll be gone for a few days (my birthday is Monday) - here is a gift and a wish for the lounge...
Is Goodwill a good place to go to look for '70s themed clothes?
We cancelled our satellite service yesterday
Dog on Lawn Mower too busy to talk, but says "hi y'all!"
Tesla had the right idea: Shock Everything!
Beer 101: American wheat ale...
Sometimes, when I accidentally upset people in GD, I feel a little bad at first.
Deep Purple - "Perfect Strangers" (the "official music video")
Why does the Father of the bride "give her away" , but the father of the groom doesn't do the same ?
I think someone is reading posts from many years ago I made.
Life on Gilligan's island isn't that bad
Do you remember...your first car?
Anyone here ever take a train trip?
Why do the most right wing posters seem to always have Roman or Greek names?
Worst hangover of your life? Where were you? What caused it?
Home alone while the boys go fishing
My cruise group is having a 70s themed party a week from Thursday...
Wish me luck. I'm starting a diet again. This time it will be low carbohydrate but not as strict as
Has your cat EVER entered a plea of "Guilty"?
I missed something - when did the DUZYs go away, and why?
Weird stuff your cat likes to eat.
**Friday Night Picture Thread**
Is anybody else sick of summer?
Pentagon to Troops: Taliban Can Read WikiLeaks, You Can’t
Pentagon to Troops: Taliban Can Read WikiLeaks, You Can’t
Greens face a battle in California
Immigration enforcement union took a no-confidence vote in its leadership
In The End, Few Bills Break Through Senate Gridlock
Food stamps or teachers? Congress takes from one to pay for the other.
HP CEO resigns after sex harassment investigation
Regulators close small Chicago bank
Target Apologizes For Political Donation
Wildfires could spread to region irradiated by Chernobyl disaster
Incident in Oil Shipping Lane Is Called an Attack
About 23 Christians arrested, 3 executed
US faces ‘anaemic recovery’, says Stiglitz
Companies hesitant to hire for 3rd straight month
Democrats get little boost from stimulus
Foreign medical workers among 10 killed in Afghanistan
Democrats invoke Bush to get support from voters for midterm elections
Vander Plaats Rules Out Independent Bids, Wants Justices Ousted
Mexico Supreme Court upholds gay marriage law
Gaza aid flotilla to set sail from Lebanon with all-women crew
Cuba tries armed men tied to US anti-Castro group
Charge for permission to enter US
Russian troops dig canal to bar fire from (main) atom site
Museum of Tolerance backer: No to WTC mosque
6 Americans on medical mission killed in Afghanistan
Romer's Departure Raises Questions And Concerns About White House's Economic Team
K&R if you like Resident Evil!
White supremacist running for Calif. school board
Clinton: Donors still holding out on Haiti pledges
13 stabbings, 5 deaths raise fears in Flint, Michigan
Iranian facing stoning speaks: 'It's because I'm a woman'
Appeals court limits use of GPS to track suspects
Meek campaign claims dead heat with Greene in Florida
Idaho building industry group endorses Minnick
Judge orders US to keep protecting 'endangered' wolves
Kagan celebrates with Obama, to be sworn Saturday
Obama: Healthcare law gave Medicare 'sounder financial footing'
Dean: Individual Mandate Will Be Removed From Health Care Reform By 2014
House Dems want meeting with Obama to urge Warren nod
Clarifying FBI's electronic reach must be cautious
Big Ed needs to get that gray stuff between his ears headed in the right direction.
Target CEO Apologizes For Company's Support Of Tom Emmer
Schwarzenegger: let gays and lesbians marry now
Saudis reach Blackberry data deal
Conservative Group Accused of Censoring Stories on Digg
States should not be left to flounder or else we will lose Nov election
Michigan oil spill caused by 5-foot tear in pipeline
Police Targets in Violence Across Iraq
No need to do the election year gay bashing-because-GOP is getting their hate on for brown people
Foreign diplomats leave Moscow amid fires and smog
Dems unconcerned White skipping Obama visit
Motivation of the Week for the fall Congressional elections:
Massive ice island breaks off Greenland (100 square miles)
The weird thing we ask of voters.
Sharron Angle: I would refuse money from company that supports gay rights
Required reading if you want to understand the Senate, and...
Why the Obama administration is stuck strongly defending DOMA -- and it's not politics.
Gulf oil spill: White House accused of spinning report
Huge ice island breaks from Greenland glacier
1974- 36 years ago on this dark night in the Whitehouse a decision was made
1974- 36 years ago on this dark night in the Whitehouse a decision was made
The media keeps asking the rethugs what's there plan they already showed what that is
President Obama: Healthcare law gave Medicare 'sounder financial footing'
GOP cash woes threaten fall gains
Tony Judt, Chronicler of History, Is Dead at 62
UN sees wartime rape as big challenge
It is possible to plan on voting for Democrats in both '10 and '12
Condo sale by U.S. Senate hopeful raises questions, experts say (Jeff Greene/Florida)
Mass grave threatens Uribe's legacy
Iraq forces take over from last U.S. combat brigade
The man who made the iPhone 4 is out
Kagan takes oath, prepares for several high-profile cases
Kagan takes oath, prepares for several high-profile cases
GOP blocking two of Obama's nominees to the Federal bench because there to liberal
HHS Awards $159.1 Million to Support Health Care Workforce Training
President Obama Highlights Benefits to Seniors Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
AP Interview: WikiLeaks to publish new documents
Obama Said to Consider Easing U.S. Travel Restrictions to Cuba
Indian IT industry slams US move to hike visa fee
Colombia accuses Chavez of "crimes against humanity"
Fareed Zakaria Returns Anti-Defamation League Award Over Ground Zero Mosque
US-Vietnam nuke deal will likely allow enrichment
Not happy with Obama? Let's talk about where we would be if McSame and Wolf Shooter had won:
No matter our disagreements with the President, why are we so afraid to say this...
Vitter: GOP candidate is a ploy
Despite Safety Nets Foxconn Staffer Falls to Death
Fidel Castro warns of nuclear war between US and Iran
Ahmadinejad: 9/11 terror attacks death toll was exaggerated
Donna Shalala Detained at Ben-Gurion
Americans among 10 killed in northern Afghanistan
Cindy Sheehan's Historic August 6, 2005 Trip to Crawford, TX
The 2010 Presidential Citizen's Medal
MSNBC: Cenk Debates Mosque Near Ground Zero
Talking Democracy Blues-Leon Rosselson
Rachel Maddow: Issue by issue dissection of GOP's embarrassing 2010 strategy
Kettle, meet pot UPDATE - Fiorina says she'd vote NO for Kagan because she has zero experience
MSNBC Hosted By Cenk: Angle, Rangel & Dr. Phil Backs Warren
Worst Person In The World .... Glenn Beck,Again !
Unemployment Extension Fight4Change News
Rachel Maddow - The Taliban's New Code of Conduct
Michael Bennet's Big Bet Gone Bad at Denver Public Schools
Andrew Romanoff on The Ed Show
Elena Kagan Sworn In As Justice Of The Supreme Court
Joe Bageant:: Willing Prisoners
Did the Founding Fathers make a mistake?
Rachel Maddow KicksThe Snot Out Of Billo The Clown
Fox News Misreports Obama Gay Marriage Amendment Stance
Police Begin "Guns Drawn" Raids on Organic Food Stores in California
If you try to film a cop in Sweden..... (WARNING: Graphic Video)
MSNBC Hosted By Cenk: Did TARP Work?
Jimmy Kimmel - Limbaugh's Obama Birthday remarks as crazy as getting cap off a bottle of Oxycontin
Gov. Eliot Spitzer's Former Madam Is Running for Governor
NATO Can't Deny They Killed Civilians in Sangin Anymore
Fareed Zakaria responds to ADL
Restrepo (Sebastian Junger embedded with Troops: Afghanistan)
Liberals Agree to Consider Right-Wing Objections to 'Future Judge Vaughn Walkers'
Bush and Cheney declaring a neverending War On Terror to turn themselves into unaccountable dictator
The Quiet Revolution: Venezuelans experiment with participatory democracy
In States Where "Gun Ed" Is Prevalent, Comprehensive Sex Ed Is Nowhere to Be Found
Secretary of State Clinton: Now That the Wedding Is Over, Could You Respond to Requests From America
Gulf oil spill: White House accused of spinning report
Raj Patel: We Have Yet to See the Biggest Costs of the BP Spill
Three-Card Monte at Gitmo by Scott Horton
Romania sets up commission to rule on anti-Semitic state coin
Has Incoming Colombian President Santos Inherited a "Captured State"?
Citing Massive Russian Fires, NeoCons Claim Reagan Won The 'Hot War'
"Fidel Castro was not part of the diplomacy that ended the missile crisis. "
Did Ann Coulter Get Tired of Ann Coulter, Too? (Very funny article)
John Perkins:Reject U.S. Corporatocracy Ambitions in Venezuela, Iran, against Wikileaks, and ...
Do Republicans Hate Small Business?
Gen. Clark praises Harry Reid, defends Reid's 'war is lost' comment.
US Navy is Costa Rica - Militarization of South America
The Republican plan to wreck the economy and then blame the Dems. Will it work?
Conservative Group Accused of Censoring Stories on Digg
Tier V & COBRA Extension: Rally Planned On Wall Street
In The End, Few Bills Break Through Senate Gridlock
Friday Talking Points (133) -- The Silly Season Begins
Autorank:Turkish deep state versus civilians – as we speak
Los Zetas and the Gun Laws that Help Them Thrive
Huge ice sheet breaks from Greenland glacier (BBC)
'Aged' Biochar Lowers Nitrogen Emissions from Soil, Study Finds
Nuclear Energy Loses Cost Advantage (NYT): UPDATE
There was a pretty clear shot of the ice yesterday
Oops, significant 'error' found in EPA's calculation of GHG emissions for Ethanol
Fish Oils Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Flatulent Cows
Watermelons Tapped For Ethanol (20% of watermellons are rejected, left in field)
If Nuke Power is so wonderful then...
Referee of Seattle's Super Bowl loss admits errors
Our Long National Nightmare is Over...Albert Haynesworth has Passed the Conditioning Test. n/t
Quality Road 2-5 Morning Line Favorite For Today's Whitney @ The Spa
Urban Meyer Closes Practices, Citing 'Scumbags' and 'Internet People'
A Bad Movie Is Getting a Sequel - Isiah Thomas is back with the Knicks...
Karen Sypher relationship with divorce lawyer 'more than business'
Blue Jays prospect hits two home runs, including one on his first ever pitch
First Practice of Season in the Books (for the Buckeyes)
Just a small reminder about the two greatest players in the 90's...
Lexington KY sprinter, Tyson Gay, stuns Usain Bolt in 100
Surprise announcement: Hugo sends FM to Santos inauguration
Paraguayan President Diagnosed With Cancer
Despite Aguan "Land Agreement", Continued Repression in Honduran African Palm Oil Plantations
Has Incoming Colombian President Santos Inherited a "Captured State"?
FARC attack leaves 15,000 without power
Cuba tries armed men tied to US anti-Castro group
Obama Said to Consider Easing U.S. Travel Restrictions to Cuba
Colombia accuses Chavez of "crimes against humanity"
John Perkins:Reject U.S. Corporatocracy Ambitions in Venezuela, Iran, against Wikileaks, and ...
El Jefe's 12 minute speech today on youtube - Fidel en espanol
What the Heck are U.S. Marines Doing in Costa Rica? Obama's Tilt to the Right on Latin America
Uribe successor Santos vows to govern without "rearview mirror"
Stand Your Ground' works -- for criminals
Houston's Packing Heat According to State Data (Texas)
Birmingham man's fatal shooting by woman declared justified
'Handgun of the Year' Used for Mass Shooting of the Week
ABC Nightline on grassroots gun rights groups.
Rich Lowry (ASSHAT): Gay marriage and the world according to Judge Walker
Has anyone seen On the Road with Austin and Santino?
Hahaha. . .well, at least a bit of comic relief after this historic week.
AP: Harley could leave Milwaukee
Labor joke for the week: The Interview
Today in labor history Aug 7 Eugene Debs and three other trade unionists arrested for Pullman Strike
Today in Labor History Aug 6 IWW (Wobbies) a leader in the effort against World War I
California Nurses.. QUEEN MEG videos. Totally hilarious!
Republican Leaders Boehner, Cantor Trash Workers
Oakland Nurses End 5-Day Strike, Some Lose Jobs
To win in November, unions will build “people power”
UAW workers cheer president but job woes persist
Half (mostly Black and Latino) Wages? Bring Out the Rat, Say NY Movers
Teamsters Union Local 773 members vote to end strike against Hercules Cement
Readying for Tough Bargaining, Members Stoke the Fires at Verizon
ILWU Files Labor Rights Complaint Against Costa Rica
AFSCME: Whitman’s $100 Million Finances ‘Outright Lie’
Today in Labor History Aug 5 Reagan fired 13,000 federal air traffic controllers PATCO & FMLA effect
Big Coal backing Rand Paul, GOP
Crazy Economists Are Still Defending The Wall Street Bailout As The Recession Gets Worse
Teck says strike shuts down Coal Mountain mine
2 groups set to contest Luisita ‘sham’ deal at SC
U.S. files labor rights complaint against Guatemala
Gaza aid flotilla to set sail from Lebanon with all-women crew
Gaza power plant shuts down for lack of fuel
Hiroshima mayor, China activists win 'Asian Nobel' (cross-post from Monday's LBN)
Seeing a Stellar Explosion in 3D
First Ever Realtime Lightshow of Krypton Atom Electrons
NASA Images Show Continuing Mexico Quake Deformation
Panoramic view of the WR 22 and Eta Carinae regions of the Carina Nebula
Stephen Hawking's Warning: Abandon Earth—Or Face Extinction
Hamas leaders in Syria urge West Bank operatives to kidnap Israeli settlers
Please note: I am using a new username: No longer RICOCHETASTROMAN, now I am RICOCHET21
I said in Rick's thread that nothing big happened, as far as I could tell, today. I was wrong.
Please help me send healing!!!!!!
Germ theory denialism explained
It's already August. This year's influenza vaccine will be available