Stephanopoulos repeats right wing talking point about Bush's surge.
Facebook post gets Detroit-area juror in hot water
I'm glad Obama used this speech to argue for independence from fossil fuels.
The suffering of the survivors - pic
I had a "1984" moment last week...
A thick smoke spews from the summit of Mount Sinabung - pics
I was about to scream at my Cable provider
Rachel loses her audio, MSNBC cuts away.
Luckovich toon: Finally found the WMD
Rachel going through the Bushco justifications for the war in Iraq
The absolute best website for Hurricane tracking...
For those of you who think we should be taking the strategies of the teabaggers, I ask..
Glenn Beck on the smoky eruption of Mount Sinabung in Indonesia:
Did Maddow Just Get Censored...
Lohan Says 'I'm a Different Person Now'
Rev. Bill (BIG HAIR) Keller Is A Good Reason That ALL Churches....
Minn. State Fair Asks Bachmann To Stop Using Logo
I'm confused by this whole 10 Commandments thing and its relationship to forgiveness...
De Ju Vu Moment Remember when we left Vietnam
Never again do I want to hear about Gays "infecting" the military...
There goes Labor Day on the East Coast
Lets just boil it down, Republican ideology is
US Taxpayer money funding mosque development around world
Toy Story 3 officially became the seventh movie ever to reach $1 billion at the worldwide box office
The President doesn't look right
And he had a suspended license and no insurance.
I JUST got a text message from the White House
Murkowski Still Trailing Challenger in Absentee Ballot Count
Boss Made Her a Sex Slave, Homeland Security Worker Says
Those "Pure Michigan" ads are EVERYWHERE!
Freepers taking victory laps over Glenn Beck piece retracted by Huffington Post
Aerial America - - - If you get the Smithsonian Channel, check out this program
Murfreesboro, TN bigots vs. REAL decency
NOVA, Becoming Human, First Steps, Evolutionary arc of humans
It's So Easy to be a Beckered or DittoHeaded,
For Profit Schools: Scams That Leave You "Dumber" and Poorer.
Mandatory Tuesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! & Here's a new fat kitty gif!
Cordova Christians put out welcome mat for new mosque
Sen. Lisa Murkowski Concedes Alaska Republican Primary for Senate - NYTimes link
Illegitimati non carborundom !
Excited about candidates on the ballot in Texas this year.
Excited about candidates on the ballot in Texas this year.
From the pages of unintended consequences.
Rove says it would have been better if Obama had not given a speech tonight but
Lisa Murkowski has conceded to Joe Miller
President Obama, nothing you say or do nice to the GOP will get them to help you!
President Obama, nothing you say or do nice to the GOP will get them to help you!
"...short-changed investments in our own people,..."
The Song Remains the Same (From April 2003)
Thanks to the Government, the Kid Across the Street Might Live
Oakland County, MI, judge denies licensed med-mar patients their medicine
Come up with "truthful" slogans for T-shirts at a Beck rally
We will remain in Iraq for over 4.468 billion years...
anybody else notice the BP spokeswoman's comment during the Emmys???
San Diego Schools Set a New Agenda After Backlash
Snow and rain: fire indices plunge. Is the season over? (DIAL-UP WARNING)
More heartbreak in Kentucky.....
Shots fired outside mosque in Rochester, teens arrested.
Is "drama queen" a homophobic slur?
NOLA Clinic day1 and Big Ed (report from the field)
Gingrich doesn't object to bigot's ground zero church
the dems are down, but even if this is true, I vow, I will still check my boxes and mail it.
NYT editorial: With internal citizenship checks, Border Patrol is 'distorted by mission creep'
(Democratic) Lawmaker: July 2011 too soon to start leaving Afghanistan
Progressives staying home from the polls "in protest?" Completely stupid.
A Trillion-Dollar Catastrophe. Yes, Iraq Was a Headline War
A friendly reminder to Beck and the Tea Baggers from 2009
The best criticism I've ever had on the Internets
The battle over Proposition 19
Remember when Chris Green puked in eighth grade Social Studies Class….
Obama opens 2-day Mideast peace summit
Got a question, why are "date rape" and "rape" categorized differently
"Is a Dream a Lie If It Don't Come True, Or Is It Something Worse?"
Here's a video of the New Left reporters interviewing the RW
Rape probe against WikiLeaks founder reopened
West faces a losing battle for Afghan "human terrain"
Mr. President, you know what you can do with your bushy sucking up.
After Spending $1.288 Billion Dollars On Two LCS Ships, United States Navy Forges Ahead
Troops, families glad to hear end to Iraq combat
Orange Beach AL Testing the Waters As Rumors Flow Faster Than Oil
Sen. Orrin Hatch: ‘I’d Be The First To Stand Up For Their Rights’ To Build A Mosque Near Ground Zero
Another Northrop Grumman/Ingalls Shipbuilding Dud - The USS Makin Island
Iraq to spend $13B on U.S. arms, equipment
Ooga Booga Booga - The Chineese Have Warships With Sailors On Them
Gates warns Iraq commitment isn't over
Lockeed Martin Joyous Over New Potential Arms Sales
Defence spending in a time of austerity
Worries about US data on Iraqis
Bell-Boeing and McDonnell Douglas to Supply Flying Machines For UK Aircraft Carriers
Nightmarish Hospital Visit Capped by Beating, Accident Victim Says
Air Force: Sergeant may have exposed others to HIV
Duh Oh...BP's succesor to Hayward inserts foot in mouth almost immediately.
Am I in an alternate universe? Bush invaded Iraq to provide a stable government in the ME?
Ted Strickland blasts GOP “monkey business” opponent
Special Creation, Divine Providence, and a MESSENGER from Mercury
Obama's Iraq Speech: Ditch "Mission Accomplished" for "Shared Sacrifice"
What Ken Cuccinelli Could Learn From Spider-Man's Uncle
T.Blair still luerves Shrub & war, boozed it up, sez BROWN "strange" & Diana "wild"
Repubs "distorting" the truth about the "surge"..
Are you Evil? Conservatives think so.
Since we most of us will be staying home (according to the media)
Things the President Left Out of His Big Speech
Just saw an amazing History Channel doc on the Dust Bowl........
A gathering of the most ignorant and stupid people in one place!
CIA Makes Happy Faces While Droning Natives
Obama Declares an End to Combat Mission in Iraq
What will happen on November 3rd if Republicans have NOT taken the House?
Holley teens charged with targeting mosque
So what is more important, a speech announcing the ending of a war or
Does anyone here have examples
BP trespasses on and contaminates land belonging to local Ala. bank.
Andy Ostroy: Mission Not Accomplished: The True Cost of the Iraq War
Chain-Smoking Greeks Face Tough Ban
Dear Campaign Managers: Can we retire the term "Money Bomb"?
An Unsanitized Look at the Origins of the Iraq War
Beaten down to the ground by propaganda...
Obama is not on the Ticket, so why should I vote?
Frankenstein cited over monstrous behavior in Ohio
Michael Douglas reveals throat cancer at stage IV
US Navy To Cut Second Fleet To Buy More Ships?
Five fastest growing occupations
Five fastest growing occupations
What do you call a speech by John Boinger (R) Ohio?
US Grapples With Bedbugs, Pesticide Misuse
Agent Orange, The Vietnam 'Gift', Is Gonna Cost The Veterans Administration Billions
Man Already Knows Everything He Needs To Know About Muslims
Tom Tancredo fires opening salvo in this year's 'War On Christmas' rhetoric
Wouldn't it have been cheaper to just buy the oil from Iraq?
US Navy To Cut Second Fleet To Buy More Ships?
Gates says history will judge worth of Iraq war
Ohio court blocks local objections to new Hindu temple.
California's safety-net health insurance premiums rise the maximum
Texas Vows To Reclaim Title Of Most Regressive State From Arizona
Ever heard of Suzette Foster? She claims to have healed herself from near total paralysis.
The Mormon-Christian right alliance
The Mormon-Christian right alliance
How to regret ever having children, By Mark Morford
Glenn Beck's George Washington Whopper
Obama has been clear on his Faith:
In a certain sense, we're lucky the Republicans are so crazy.
"The Great Transition": A visionary report envisions how to reverse Polanyi's "Great Transformation"
Well, let's see what the "Southern Baptists" have to say about Beck
Contracting Out the Occupation - Another False Ending
Bloomberg for Treasury Secretary? (Yes, it's from a gossip rag)
Bloomberg for Treasury Secretary? (Yes, it's from a gossip rag)
How many "lone nuts" does it take to make a party mix...
Ex-VP Dick Cheney Injured in Serious Hunting Accident
Science Proves Bill O'Reilly is a Bigot
Palin Demands Honesty on Iraq from Obama, Not Bush, While Playing the Iraq = 9/11 Terra Card
We have a lot of work to do before November. Adding Angle, Paul, Miller and O'Donnell
President Obama, why isn't someone like me on the Social Security Commission...
in case you don't know: American Politics is Getting All Koch'ed Up
When you are canvassing, this shirt says it all:
Pentagon watchdog misses US$1bn audit
Is George W. Bush a Patriot? I Can Only Remember This Moment.
Workers Rebuilding New Orleans Face Rampant Wage Theft
CNN's "light at the end of the tunnel"..."Employers Stopped firing, not yet hiring." USA! USA! USA!
Anybody ever heard relatives talk about when the first cars appeared in their town?
It seems that conservatives don't want to talk about the Murfreesboro mosque anymore.
It's painful that Obama gave them a pass
Woman seriously burned by substance thrown in face
New Breed of Patent Claim Bedevils Product Makers
I working out again now, but I'm no enthusiast for it.
Dallas judge's ruling saying gay couple could divorce in Texas rejected on appeal
Major screw-up with a new overpass bridge on the 60 out here (Riverside)
Major screw-up with a new overpass bridge on the 60 out here (Riverside)
Some of the United States military's contributions to World Peace (***CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES***)
Second Coming of Christ buys wingnut newspaper back for $1
CEOs lay off thousands, rake in millions
The poodle bites it, the poodle chews it: Let's cherish Bush's integrity and courage, shall we?
Republican Governors Try to Defund Health Care, Pit Teachers Against the Poor
Republican Governors Try to Defund Health Care, Pit Teachers Against the Poor
I dug this up outta the good ol' memory hole to help in the discussion of the pres address tonight
Silicon Valley's dark secret - it's all about age, young inexperienced engineers preferred
Only in Japan, Real Men Go to a Hotel With Virtual Girlfriends
TeaParty Endorsed candidate owes 10K in back taxes, defaulted on her mortgage & unpaid campaign debt
Amusing Beckkkerwood tee shirt..
The President would have done far better to not have mentioned Idiot Son at all last night
Krugman (again): Austerians = Bubble Deniers?
" in Afghanistan he (President Obama) is now repeating the same errors that were made in Iraq"
" in Afghanistan he (President Obama) is now repeating the same errors that were made in Iraq"
Study: Job Growth Is Limited to Really Crappy Jobs
institute of Policy Studies Report: CEOs lay off thousands, rake in millions
Obama's email tonight about Iraq, fwiw
How are East Coast DUers preparing for the effects of Hurricane Earl?
Hope I am not violating a rule, but I want to be sure everyone
Don't blame Katrina. Blame Mr. Go.
Chile Trapped Miners Boon for Pinera as Rating Soars
I'm surprised Obama said "nobody can question Bush's love of our troops
Testing of 2,000 Autistic children -- lead & mercury in blood 50 percent higher than normal.
Official 'I wish Saddam still in power, we never invaded, 5000 brave US Soldiers still alive Thread
I have been thinking about which Democratic Politician Barack Obama most closely resembles in terms
I have been thinking about which Democratic Politician Barack Obama most closely resembles in terms
Bush-Era Iraq War Architects Emerge To Demand ‘Credit’ For Iraq War ‘Success’
Please Help Preserve Net Neutrality!
Tax Jujitsu: Why Democrats Should Propose a "People's Tax Cut"
Colleges angry about sex worker advert
Stephen Colbert Accuses Wikileaks Founder Of ‘Manipulating’ The Public (video)
$1.4 million donor funds California teachers' wish list
BP Tripled Its Ad Budget After Oil Spill
France and its deportation of Roma (Gypsies) -- echoes of the US?
Our FRiends offer enlightened discussion on the Discovery Bldg hostage crisis...
Lehman boss blames US for bank's collapse
Discovery HQ hostage in Maryland
Economic Policy Institute: Top 10 Reasons Not To Raise the Social Security Retirement Age
MSNBC confirming DC gunman's manifesto and identity.
Sarah Palin Profile Reveals Her Facebook Ghostwriter And Spendthrift Ways
Does thimerosal or other mercury exposure increase the risk for autism?
Saudi Official Denies Abuse on Maid Who Had Nails Forced Into Her Body
"...anybody trying to stage unsanctioned political rally would be "beaten on the head" by police..."
Government won't sue Moody's credit rating firm for criminal fraud despite finding evidence!
Koch-Funded Organizations Launch New ‘Rally For Jobs’ Campaign To Protect Big Oil
Recession slams workers' pay (Men's wages are falling faster than women's)
The Republican Party does equal the Democratic Party in one sense
Is it true that 97% of republicans are NOT REALLY CHRISTIANS?
Vanity Fair: Sarah Palin the Sound and the Fury
Noted anti-global-warming scientist reverses course
Former Convicted Felon Jim Traficant Secures Enough Signatures To Appear On Ohio Congressional Ballo
Somebody 'splain' to me how Obama is going to defend Simpson's comments on veterans.
The Artisan: StoneGround Breads
I'm shocked, words fail me....
Help me please. How would you respond to this BS email?
Cat House on the Kings (over 16,000 saved in 16 years by one woman)
Conservatives won't be happy until consuming is back in consumerism.
I have no plan, but if I scare you and lie to you, will you vote for me?
51,289,192 posts since January 2001
Bryan Fischer: All Muslims who are not terrorists PROVES that all Muslims are secretly terrorists
I need a list of facts about what it was like in Iraq before the 2003 invasion
I am on a mission, people. Must DU this poll for Restoring Truthiness rally.
Glenn Beck knows how to look out for Numero Uno.... oh yeah.....
Just contributed to Barbara Boxer's 100,000 Strong for Boxer campaign
More Americans Foregoing Life Insurance
Miami-Dade cop Frank Adams: Colleagues lie
Afghan war unwinnable quagmire, ex-CIA man says
Beat Repubs in Midterm Elections by 'Divide and Conquer' tactics...
Low-wage jobs show fastest growth (this is our future:(..)
The Cruel Irony of Organic Standards
Oakland has laid off 80 cops because of the budget crisis
Hiker accidentally shoots himself in the rear
My ltte printed today-re:Recent Agent Orange decisions by VA
Study shows link between forcing women to carry pregnancies and domestic abuse
LOL My MSNBC cuts to commercial during press briefing
Trumka: "This election is about electing economic patriots, and saying no to corporate traitors."
The Rude Pundit - In Brief: Note to President Obama: Stop Walking the Tightrope
Hey anyone know what's up with
Middle-Aged ‘Young Guns’ Write New Book to Save America
Congressman who sponsored dealer exemption may be investigated over fundraising
Operation Iraqi Freedom is over.....when does Operation Help US Unemployed and homeless start???
Just received a Repug email, not a terrible one, but need help
Did you hear that lying ReTHUG from Discovery on GEM$NBC
My fellow DU friends, it's put up or shut up time.
Tony Blair sucks up to Bush in Book
Overworked and Underpaid? Productivity Increases, But Wage Growth Declines
9/1 17:00 EDT Earl Cat 4 Again - Max Sust 135 941 Mb; Watches & Warnings Cape Fear To Woods Hole, MA
FYI - For Boxer and CSPAN fans
Why Russ Feingold should really be worried
Secret 'Kill Lists' Fly in the Face of US and Int'l Law
What Makes America Great: Layoffs!
I want to stream Randi Rhodes live through Real Player, if possible
I want to stream Randi Rhodes live through Real Player, if possible
Another Hate Crime: Sikh’s Vaguely Muslim Appearance Offends Seattle Man’s Sensitivities
I want to burn any kind of light bulb I want and drive a gas guzzler--all for God
Oh Gawd!! Now Tweety is attacking Obama for using a *gasp* teleprompter!!!
James Lee, the Discovery gunman is dead
Auto sales tumble in August: GM, Ford down over 10%; Toyota, 34%
You gotta catch Capitalism: A Love Story - now on Netflix streaming
Donor funds every teacher's wish listed on website. $1.3M
Should President Obama terminate the Deficit “Cat Food” Commission?
The despicable Alan Simpson does it again---this time he goes after Vets.
Rachel Maddow Is NOT Happy With Obama’s Kind Words For Former President Bush
Mountain Lion Shot in Berkeley's Gourmet Ghetto
Dept of Justice gave Sheriff Joe Arpaio until last Friday to turn over papers
Staff of Virginia Quarterly Rebel in Wake of Editor's Suicide
Would all the small government politicians in states on hurricane watch
Tony Blair reveals that Cheney wanted to go beyond Iraq: "the whole lot, Iraq, Syria, Iran"
What Have Muslims Ever Done For America Anyway?
Note to White House: It's ugly out there. The base actually matters. Do something. Fast.
The Washington Times Set to Sell For a Dollar; Paper Floundered as Donations from Japan Went Missing
Here's a suggestion for all those in Congress who want to keep the tax cuts for millionaires.
Maddow blasts Obama for praising Bush, letting WMD liars ‘get off easy’
We Shall Overcome......literacy.
Poking a Litte Fun at Glenn Beck and the God Squad
I’m going to conduct a very dangerous experiment
Joe Miller Complains about Federal Government, Alaska Swims in Federal Dollars
This is the kind of crap we have to fight to save animals around the world
The True Costs Of The Iraq And Afghanistan Wars
So, let's see...they are going after
Discovery TV gunman reportedly shot; on Web site, allegedly called for end to human reproduction, in
On Iraq: They Got Away With It
It's just a phase you are going through
Newsweek: Why President Obama is no FDR - and the economy is still in the doldrums
lying a nation into war....what greater crime can there be?
Why do all the RW pedophiles seem to score their underage sex partners at church?
The Republicans have no economic plan
(MP3) Another right winger says Mosque=Bad, alludes to Obama=Muslim
Palin Isn't A Mama Grizzly, She's Just A Grizzly
Is there any Democratic Senator that would filibuster any attempt to
Cross post (from another poster) from Editorials forum
Hold John Hagee Accountable To His Own Past Words...
Hilda Solis speaks about infrastructure and green jobs in Labor Day video message
Teabaggers are the sleaziest, most dispicable...
Method to Grade Teachers Provokes Battles
Glenn Beck - Any Ratings Bump on Faux he got from Whitestock is Going Down
Tony Blair continues to praise Bush and suck his ass in his memoirs (Warning: This is gag inducing)
From The Mudflats - Rasmussen Poll -- 44% already for Scott McAdams
Should we (humans) colonize Antarctica?
All those who question Bush's love for the troops and the country, check in.
Bush - Iraq War Lies: You can only forget if you choose to forget.
Two right-wing nutjob acts of violence in as many weeks
Should he do it? Would you go?
Young golfer disqualifies self, gives up medal
Time to Raise Hell About the Catfood Commission - Jane Hamsher/FDL
Mods, can't we put the teaching/teacher posts in the education forum?
'Tis the season. Please read, watch, and sign. (disturbing)
So I'm gassing up my car at Costco a few minutes ago...
Discovery Channel Hq (Silver Springs,MD) evacuated...gunman inside
October 27th, the 'debt setttlement' scam ends (and so do the relentless commercials)
Testing obsession must end this year: Low scores were a hard lesson for Mayor Bloomberg
"Do they want the nylons and other things returned? Do they really want my dirty undergarments?"
The 2011 HumanCar - Solution to sedentary lifestyles driving obesity
East Coast DUers: Start Planning NOW for Earl...
Alan Simpson Again Peddles Lies About Social Security - FDL
Alan Simpson Again Peddles Lies About Social Security - FDL
Economic Policy Institute stresses caution over the use of test scores to judge teacher
AT&T: Net rules must allow 'paid prioritization'
"We're a union school,...and it does not get in the way of having an excellent school.""
Rennie & Daniel Quinn comment on Discovery Channel HQ events:
Not the Bush 'surge', but rather prior completion of ethnic cleansing. calmed Iraq: Satellite images
Health Care Reform and the IRS
Wow! Another Tropical Depression
Uh, Dear President- you might want to review these tapes.
Chris Floyd: "We have met our responsibility!" No, Mister President, we have not.
Darwin candidate: Doctor found dead, lodged in boyfriend's chimney, police say
Please help find this animal abuser (warning: disturbing video)
AT&T Says Net Rules MUST Allow 'Paid Prioritization'
Atlanta has progressive talk radio again!
"Yet no one could doubt President Bush’s support for our troops, or his love of country and . . . .
Bodies, bomb material found in Vallejo home
Kanye interrupts Glenn Beck - pic
Homeland security is being integrated into a bill that oversees our food supply.
No Judge 'Would Allow Alan Simpson To Serve On A Jury If Social Security Were On Trial'
Method to Grade Teachers Provokes Battles
Chevy to dealers: Let Cruze shoppers test-drive competitors
Whisky made from diabetics' urine
Whisky made from diabetics' urine
The "Angry Left" is worse than the Tea Party
McCain: Obama's lack of big wet smoochies to Bush for Iraq "a real lack of generosity of spirit"
AFL-CIO to launch huge effort to turn out the midterm vote
Big Ed is on a major rant about Glen BecKKK
Krugman: The bad decisions of January 2009 will cast a shadow on America for years
Does anyone know where the 3m jobs are that the stimulus created?
McCain ’08 campaign joked with Secret Service: ‘Shoot out Palin's tires’
I have just witnessed my veteran husband cry
Dean Baker: Seven Key Facts About Social Security and the Federal Budget
Democratic Party does not equal Republican Party
American Federation of Teachers President praises Florida's Race to the Top award
Constitution Party Candidate Indicted On Sex Charges With A Minor
So which of my "angry left"positions should I cave in on?
One of Obama's Social Security Slasher Wannabes Threatens Small Town with Nuclear Annihilation
Afghanistan's dirty little secret
Obama Administration Weighs More Tax Cuts to Spur Economy
"the Right cannot afford to have a Social Security system that is perceived to be working"
Signs Village Entrance in Kiryas Joel, NY - Dress modestly Maintain Gender Seperation
Republicans plan DEATH PANELS to cut VA budget
Republicans plan DEATH PANELS to cut VA budget
National Archives says Glenn Beck lied about George Washington speech
When I heard the hostage situation at TLC
I just told a very old friend on Facebook that I was going to put him on ignore
Pearls Before Swine is skewering the decadence of our voting system
Retirees not rolling over in fight to dump 'Million Tit Twit' Simpson
I've finally reached the point where I can't listen to Malloy anymore!
I just watched Glen Becks show for the first time....
The REGRESSIVE tax effects of defaulting on bonds held by SS Trust (but not Chinese bondholders):
US drones will patrol entire southern border
Concerning Private Manning.....
Sarah Palin to the little people who anger her: 'I have the power to destroy you.'
The silence on Obama's failure to prosecute the war crimes of the previous criminal administration
Turn the page on Mister Bush? Never --- by Meteor Blades
I'm disheartened by the lack of respect for teachers
Ran into a couple Republicans in line at the cafeteria today
Can President Obama be trusted to protect Social Security?
New Vanity Fair article field dresses the Moose Mom: secretive, erratic, ill-tempered, a cheapskate
President Obama has my vote and support for 2012
Obama Should Feel 'Uncomfortable' That Conservatives Are Co-opting Gay Rights Issues: Top Dem
Dean Baker Schools Alan Simpson on SS. Thing of beauty :-)
RI teachers who were fired had to assemble and listen to their names read out loud.
Things the President Left Out of his Big Speech
Obama's right wing makeover of the Oval Office!
Blair: Bush world view had 'immense simplicity'
••• Your Glenn Beck Cliff Notes: GLENN BECK IS THE MESSIAH! •••
What about a DU 2010 Midterm Election Working Group Forum
The monthly photo contest is starting its cycle. If you would like to participate as a photographer
With a Category 4 hurricane headed right at the mid Atlantic, where the hell is underpants??
Guess what book I get to read in my 1st semester biology class?
It is time to give August a big goodbye.
Doctor gets stuck in chimney, dies
Why are posters called "OP" and what does it mean? Thank you. nt
So I had to finally deny a guy my couch here....I had to draw a line "super-sponge" couldn't cross
Skinner must have the biggest address book in the world.
If you add a locked thread to your DU journal, then are you asking for trouble?
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!
Biden To Cool His Heels In Mexico For A While
Being washed up on a deserted island means:
OK. I know I kept it WAY too long but I finally got rid of my CRT monitor today.
I've decided to start drinking heavily, and then post my ass off.
Gadget freaks, Apple Keynote will be streamed live today @ 1300Hrs East Coast time
Everything's gonna be alright...
Hard to Handle - 8-6-71, Hollywood Palladium
here's a handy guide for using the esclators in DC
I'm going to have Frito Pie for breakfast
I spent half an hour looking for my cat. I called out but no responce. Finally
Is my avatar better or worse now?
S.C. police say would-be restaurant burglar gets stuck for nearly 7 hours in grease vent
Blue screen of death, where hast thou flown? Seriously, do they
To the extent that our experience of suffering reminds us of what everyone else also endures,
Doctor gets stuck in Lodi again, says "oh Lord" but does not die
Paid $20 for $5 groceries; checker gave me $25 back.
The entire movie Blade Runner as a hallucinatory video collage
Fun Boy Three: The Lunatics Have Taken Over the Asylum (video)
I've been awake all night, and I am finally done!
Doctor gets stuck in Cheney, dies
Yoohoo! Oh Wesley and Heidi...
cocaine. it's a hell of a drug
So I Put Together This "Album" Of My Music, Enjoy!
New vid clip from the Robert Rodriguez film “Machete”...really, really not safe for viewing at work.
Elizabeth Perkins & Pat Sajak were absolutely delightful on Celebrity Jeopardy today.
During the War of the Ring, could we have not simply walked into Mordor?
Tiger Woods' divorce was actually pretty tame (and cheap) compared to the McCourts
This is soo cute! Gee Gee Gee Gee!!!
Jack Torrance seemed like a good guy, too.
Art sandwiched between two turds.
AAAAH!! Save me from teh Lounge.
Muppet Beaker sings Yellow by Coldplay
Family Circus cartoon in need of another caption
Has anyone here worked with AmeriCorps?
Just heard through the grapevine that my best client is dumping me
Really explore the studio space this time. I mean, really...explore the SPACE.
OK. I don't know if you saw what happened in here, but I'm getting too old for this shit.
Any tips on how to stay alert in the morning while on Morphine?
He's the hairy-handed gent who ran amuck in Kent
My grandmother has a visiting nurse come by three times a week,
18 minutes of soothing, trippy ambient synth music...Steve Roach live @ Grace Cathedral, 2007
Did anyone see Rescue Me last night?
GF's Dad speaks not ONE WORD of English!
On TV and in movies, for decades, woman slaps man, about 99% of the time,
Squeee! WARNING! It takes a while to load! Squee!
Home: Ohio has its points. (pics)
Any advice for raising littermates together ?
I know its been out for days but Cee lo Green's single, F*CK YOU is pretty awesome....
After three years, my buddy Jason and I are officially partners
Anybody ever heard relatives talk about when the first cars appeared in their town?
So I'm invited to a welding. How's this outfit look?
So I'm invited to a wedding on the first October weekend
So, I'm trying my hand at making my own earrings.
Am I being overly loyal to my SO?
Sigh...I love autumn but I absolutely loathe winter. September 1 makes me more
NYC man plunges 40 stories, lands on car, survives
Good vibes for Michael Douglas.
Big hugs and good vibes for SalmonChantedEvening
SPEARHEAD! Official video out for new song...
Anyone else get replies to post.
With private contractors replacing the "troops" @10X the cost, I call: BS.
21 soldiers die in Afghanistan
Bush's wars are ending, now we must get back to work at home.
Tax Cuts That Make a Difference
Live stream of President Obama's speech at 8 est.
I always want to hear Obama said
Just so we are clear. Obama literally got elected by trashing Bush and his war...
Ad idea: Let's let Palin, Boehner, Bachmann, Beck, Hannity and Rush Limbaugh win!
New sign in Ozarks: "Voted Obama? Embarrassed yet?"
Obama speaking tonight desktop image
Obama notes rift with predecessor
Department of Get the F*** Out Obama's Speech
Heading to New Orleans next week and will report on various efforts
Hosni Mubarak: A Peace Plan Within Our Grasp
Need an assist from DU research types...
Why Bush should have been left out of the speech
Afghan military intervention justified by a 'great lie'
ANSWER Coalition responds to President Obama's speech on Iraq
WSJ via Huffpo: Tax Cuts Weighed to Spur Economy
14 Nobel Winners Sign Letter Backing Obama Space Plan
U.S. combat mission in Iraq has ended (updated)
Justice Dept. appeals to restart stem cell research
Kerry Provision to Protect Retiree Health Coverage Starts Helping Massachusetts Seniors
Noted anti-global-warming scientist reverses course
Indiana soldier, 26, killed after three weeks in Afghanistan
US Sen. Lisa Murkowski Concedes Republican Primary to Joe Miller
One of Joe Miller's scary views
Grade of his Oval Speech tonight
Obama opens long-shot talks on Mideast peace
Is a new economic package under consideration?
Two months and two days till November elections... who's sitting them out?
Quinnipiac Poll: New York Gov & Sen--Still looking strong for Dems
In Targeting Murkowski, Tea Party Chooses Wisely
A new thought on the "why isn't Bush being persecuted as a war criminal?" question.
Chiles expected to withdraw from governor's race
Former GOP candidate Rees endorses Democrat Boswell for Congress
Public Policy Polling: 62% of AK Reps don't want Palin to run for president; Mittens wins primary
Libertarian run may still be an option for Murkowski
Sarah(strawberries shortcakes) Palin is going to Iowa
Business groups plan Labor Day blitz against Senate Dems, candidates
Obama: US combat in Iraq over, 'time to turn page'
Obama to be in Milwaukee on Labor Day
We may be 'dispirited,' Ari, but we will not go down in November without a fight
Obama blurs the line between Republican and Democrats again!
"So are you, Nancy Pelosi, you scumbag creep"
7 Eleven clerk in turban attacked
Today's Gallup: 47% approval; 45% disapproval
GOP still upset that Obama don't use "Terrorist" in Israel attack
Anyone else see this? Boner plan would increase deficit by $4 trillion over next ten years.
Anyone else see this? Boner plan would increase deficit by $4 trillion over next ten years.
Cities Where Women Outearn Male Counterparts
Everyone who voted for President Obama knew or should have known that he was a gracious person and
Eugene Robinson: Obama's Oval Office speech was good, but the gravitas was great
Strong Exports Lift U.S. Agriculture Sector
Why do the majority of people believe that the Republicans are stronger on defense matters?
Joe Miller information thread (please add to this list)
Allan Lichtman: Obama is in the same path as Reagan was
Birthers Pick Up A Crazed Retired General
On Palin (not) meeting the press - First Read tires of one-way communication, policy to ignore her.
Does anyone here think the cable news networks will leave their continuous "Breaking News"
Stocks Jump as U.S., Chinese Manufacturing Show Growth
Political cartoonist Tony Auth: On Glenn Beck's rally
So now Obama owns *two* wars. Great chess, eh?
NYT: Obama's usual calm clarity and eloquence. We need to hear more of this
Roger Simon's 'A Grim Speech for a Grim War.' He may be on to something here.
Why didn't Pres. Obama give a speech like this?
Chiles to endorse Sink in Florida
Why the stagecraft of this speech tonight was important
Quit acting like when you realized Bush/Cheney wouldn't be prosecuted, that makes it ok
I though the Bush tax cuts automatically expired
It's goingto be harder for repubs to take the House than people think.
Joe Conason: The Truths About Iraq Obama Couldn't Utter
McGrumpy is back. "...The President, I guess, never got that lecture."
Tweety:Is the President moving to the right on foreign policy
Pres. Obama will have been in office 2 years on January 20, 2011!
Big Ed: Sharron Angel is probably going to beat Reed
The GOPers DIVAs singing OFF KEY..Palin Bachmann and Angle are fucking up the National Music Show
Do the Dems have a plan or is it too late?
Chris Matthews attacks President for using Teleprompter during Oval Office address!
We appear to have turned a corner tonight on Bush's war crimes.
Progressive Media Bolstering Republican & FOX News Agenda
(R)asmussen AK-SEN POLL: Miller 50, McAdams 44
If Boehner is going to attack POTUS in front of the American Legion he should atleast be sober
Biden jabs GOP for offering 'no answer' to voters on the economy
Tier 5, Unemployment Extension and the Financial Meltdown: Determining Our Priorities
New Gallup Tracking Poll: Obama 47% (+2) approval 45% (-2) disapproval
"Forget Clapping. How About Not Taking a Dump on Obama?"
Thomas Friedman: President Obama is embarking on something I’ve never seen before
McClatchy: Dems Unlikely to Repeal Tax Cuts for the Rich
I've got to post this or I will fucking explode. The Bush patriot remarks PISSED ME OFF.
Rasmussen Poll--Alaska Senate: Miller 50% McAdams 44%
Kucinich: "I join the President in that celebration."
Feingold decries 'systematic' effort to 'destroy' Obama
We're starting to get as silly as the people who think that Obama is the result of a plot
Do progressives expect Obama and the Dems to do their bidding?
The monthly photo contest is starting its cycle. If you would like to participate as a photographer
Everytime someone polls re: Obama being a Muslim they give an illegitimate concern legitimacy. . .
please.....PLEASE DU this CBS poll on Pres Obama.
I think the GOP has peaked too soon...
Obama, Hurricane Earl is coming.. We need your help...
3 Senators denied renomination--2 republicans and 1 republican turned dem
Is the Left missing an opportunity to make the right look bad?
Quit acting like TONIGHT was when you realized Bush/Cheney wouldn't be prosecuted
Are you going to vote this Fall?/Do you think we'll retain Congress?
I'm sure that it is "very complicated" and that I am "not sophisticated enough" to "fully
If George W. Bush had been a Democrat:
Assuming he had lived, should FDR have been prosecuted for the Japanese internment?
"Obamacare" worked today. Help me spread the word.
Asylum seekers stage breakout protest in Australia
US markets suffer their worst August in almost a decade
Iran to Produce Medical Reactor Fuel Within Year, Atomic Agency Chief Says
Government set to appeal Abdullah Khadr extradition
Judge: GOP group violated campaign laws in 2006 governor's race
California doctor gets stuck in chimney, dies
He's going to do it. He's going to bring peace to the Middle East
He's going to do it. He's going to bring peace to the Middle East
"Catfood commission and BS narratives" - otherwise known as - another false Anti-Dem meme exposed.
Pakistan raid kills 45 militants and their families
Outrage after new delay in Philippine massacre trial
Slovakia Stunned by Rampaging Gunman (Targeting Roma/Gypsies)
Afghan authorities take over largest bank to avoid meltdown
Attorney for WikiLeaks suspect says he's seen no evidence on documents
French court blocks deportation of Roma
Murkowski Concedes Senate Race in Alaska
3 Oxfam workers killed in northeastern Afghanistan
Schundler, Christie label each other as dishonest (New Jersey RttT debacle)
Method to Grade Teachers Provokes Battles
Strict Rules for Regulators on Ties to the Oil Industry
Report: Planned layoffs lowest in a decade
US approves Chinese firm's stake in Morgan Stanley
Official: La. oil command center to shut over rent
Labor Rolls Out Election Sprint
Leader of Pakistan Taliban charged in CIA bombing
Poll Shows Big Leads for Cuomo, Gillibrand in N.Y.
Record number in government anti-poverty programs
White House strongly condemns Hamas attack
Another evacuation ordered as Hurricane Earl approaches U.S.
Iraqis’ Reactions to President Obama’s Speech (from the people who brought you this war)
California school district institutes electronic tracking system for preschool students
In address, Obama pays tribute to George W. Bush
Sweden Reopens Investigation Into Rape Claim Against Julian Assange
Some School Anti-Bullying Programs Push Gay Agenda, Christian Group Says
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange applies for Swedish residency
Botox Maker to Pay $600M to Resolve Investigation
Americans Give GOP Edge on Most Election Issues (USA Today/Gallup poll)
CEOs Who Fired More, Earned More in '09: Stud
Florida voters can’t strip down Obama health-care bill, judge rules
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday September 1
Pakistan will require long-term aid, says Britain's Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg (During Visit)
SEC Says Dodd-Frank Law Lets Agency Chase Overseas Ratings Fraud
Tony Blair memoirs blasted by soldiers families for 'crocodile tears' over Iraq
Six Oregon men settle Boy Scout sex abuse cases
Sweden Reopens WikiLeaks Founder Rape Probe
Blair: Bush world view had 'immense simplicity'
New York mosque pits John Cusack vs. Fox News
US private sector cuts 10,000 jobs in Aug
New York teens charged for harassing Muslim worshipers at mosque
Why has the Huffington Post become so negative on Obama
It All Adds Up: This Was New York’s Hottest Summer
The Street girds for Warren as consumer czar ("pretty clear that she's going to get the nomination")
Illegal immigration to U.S. down almost 67% since 2000, report says
Acid attacker: 'Hey pretty girl, do you want to drink this?'
BP accepts blame for Gulf of Mexico spill after leaked memo reveals engineer misread pressure readin
Two new polls on Ohio governors Race
Dutch release 2 men arrested on flight from Chicago
Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson Agrees to Repay Scholarship Money
Citigroup to hire up to 7,500 in China: report
Native women 'disappear' in Canada
Discovery HQ near Washington evacuated on reports of armed man; gunfire
Afghanistan bomb attacks kill twenty-one US soldiers in 48 hours
Manufacturing picks up in India and China, slips in Europe
Chinese villagers forced to change untypable name
California rejects ban on plastic shopping bags
Obama lobbied to add solar panels to White House
Johan Rockstrom: Let the environment guide our development
The Mad (Republican) Tea Party
Cpt. Paul Watson On Obama, Whales, and BP Oil Spill
Sally Kohn Bucks Beck, Episode 2: Restoring Honor Rally Special
Reuters: Life In A Flooded Pakistani Hamlet
MSNBC w/Cenk - 'What Obama REALLY Should Say In His Primetime Iraq Speech Tonight'
Keith Olbermann And The Beck Wreck
Glenn Beck's "The Blaze" Goes Live!!!
When Will SoccerTackle Homophobia?
Britain:Two Carriers, No Aircraft; May I Borrow an F/A-18?
Zakaria To Cooper: If Obama Was An Elderly White Gentleman He'd Not Be Characterized In This Manner
Ed Schultz: Washington Has Let Down the Poor
Conan Announces Name Of New TBS Show!
Mike Malloy - The Less Than Million Moron March - Part 2 (craziest rant...Mike goes really nuts)
Only Fox News Reports the Truth and Other Media Lies - Sum of Change at The Restoring Honor Rally
Prosecutors Reopen Rape Investigation Against WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange
Adler Ad Blasts Runyan's "Farm"
Poking a Little Fun at Glenn Beck and The God Squad
Keiser Report: Glenn Beck 'Soupy Sales' TV clown!
TYT: Taliban LOVES Opposition To 'Mosque' Near Ground Zero
Rachel Maddow- All credit to Bush administration for wars waste
Interview with Wikileaks Julian Assange about the latest developments - Stockholm 1 Aug 2010
Size Matters: Glenn Beck Rally Draws Widely Varying Crowd Estimates
Some Christian Evangelicals On Defensive Over Partnering With Glenn Beck, a Mormon
Bolton on running for president in 2012: I'm not saying no
Fight Tea Party Voters With Fresh Voters
Paul Begala Takes Ari Fleischer To The Woodshed For His Part In Misleading Americans Into Iraq!
Matt Taibbi: "This Tea Party Movement Is Gonna Kill The Republican Party!"
Weird Liberal Head Show #149: Party Like It's 2010?
Rachel Maddow: War's real effects
Mike Malloy - The Less Than Million Moron March - Part 1 (craziest rant...Mike goes really nuts)
Devastation In Pakistan: Sanjay Gupta's Special On The Enormous Humanitarian Crisis That's Unfolding
MSNBC w/Cenk - HEATED ARGUMENT Against Republican on Social Security
Rachel Maddow - war proponents getting off easy
Oogy: The Dog Only a Family Could Love
Chris Christie Appoints 'Snooki' as New Jersey Education Commissioner
Big grocers take aim at the UFCW
Glenn Beck's Craziest Quotes of All Time
Afghan military intervention justified by a 'great lie'
In Support of Carla Bruni Sarkozy
ANSWER Coalition responds to President Obama's speech on Iraq
Joan Walsh, Salon: "The President praises Bush, Beck in bed with a Catholic hater, deficits new WMD"
Think The Answer is Clear...Look Again..NY Times..Science..
Six American Zeroes: Reason Enough to Support California Prop 19
A Date That Will Live in Oblivion
Obama's Birthplace Hits The Big Five-O: Birfer madness from a kama'aina prespective
No Longer the Republican Party of Mount Rushmore -- Now the Party of Easter Island
Sexual torture in America's prisons
LIFE IN TALIBANISTAN, Part 1 by Pepe Escobar
Die Tageszeitung: Racism under wraps
Die Welt: Right-Wing, Religious and a Danger for Obama
Schrammie: No good deed goes unpunished in Winthrop (WA)
A deserted feeling in working-class America By Harold Meyerson (YOUR UNION AT WORK)
CEOs lay off thousands, rake in millions
Obama’s War on Whistleblowers by Scott Horton
Pirates of Puntland; A tale of Somali Pirates, Ethiopia and the USA
Sen. Bernie Sanders: Hands off Social Security
Obama's speech: The morning after (I agree with all of this)
"We" have become our own worse nightmare.
Sarah Palin the Sound and the Fury
Democrats unlikely to repeal tax cuts for the rich
Best Cartoons Mocking Glenn Beck
Gentle bilby had 'killer' ancestor
Batty Katter (all hat no cattle) not mad about flying foxes
Millions Of Fish, Other Animals Die In Unprecedented Bolivian Cold Wave Lasting Most Of July - AFP
Tasmanian Devil Thought Immune To Epidemic Facial Cancer Euthanized After Tumors Develop - BBC
Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, Others To Underwrite IPO Of Bornean Coal Mining Operator
Acidity @ Ocean Thermal Vents Comparable To Projected Ph By 2100 Destroyed 20 Of 24 Foram Species
Southern Ocean Study Shows W. Antarctic Ice Sheet Likely Collapsed Approx. 125,000 Years Ago - ABC
Reid hopeful for GOP energy votes after elections
Erratic Monsoon Rain Could Mean Up To 50% Crop Losses In Nepal, WFP Says - AFP
Transit systems easier to predict with smart phone apps
Urine-powered fuel cells to offer pee power to people
Carpooling (with bonus Hitler reference!)
What exactly is the radioactive waste we're needing to protect? is my question to google tonight
Global Solar Looks to Answer Solar Dilemma with Stick-On Solar Panels
Should Cardinals bring back LaRussa next year?
Where have you gone, Joe Dimaggio?
UEFA ban vuvuzelas from all European competitions
*snort* Matusz leads Orioles past skidding Red Sox 5-2.
Strasburg to undergo Tommy John surgery Friday
Gonzaga coach Few happy with BYU's move
Between the Legs...Roger Federer 2010
Chelios retires, joins Red Wings' front office
are we drafting tonight or not?
West Coast Conference may have to change its name to the Big H8
For some reason this reminds me of the Red Sox
Sources: Big Ten to reveal alignment
Martin O'Malley throws out the first pitch at an O's game, and now has a message for the Roid
Nike unveils Pro Combat uniform designs
Cardinals Matt Leinart subject of trade rumors
Nobody in the Big Ten besides OSU and UM fans will shed a tear if the game gets moved
Usain Bolt: Tyson Gay hates me
Santos (Colombia) has withdrawn OAS charges against Venezuela re the FARC
S.Vincent and Grenadines President Denounces Foreign Plot.
Tax Free Weekend for Hunters and Campers
Brady Center Fails To Meet Better Business Bureau Standards
Armed Businessman Fires at Would-Be Robbers
A Political Victory For All Gun Owners (California)
Focus On The Family Cites George "Rentboy" Rekers In Anti-Bullying Attack
Anti-Gay Group Sues To Force Brown & Schwarzenegger To Defend Prop 8
Australian school removes the word 'gay' in song about a happy bird
Gay or Straight: I believe we have to learn to be respectful because they are people (Miss Universe)
Ever Notice How the Workplace Is Like the Mafia?
Today in Labor History Sept 1 In Hawaii, some 26,000 sugar workers strike 79 days & win, more
UAW, Teamsters, Longshoremen, Transportation Workers Unite In Global Protest Against UPS Firings
UAW President Says Autoworkers Are Looking To Share In Domestic Industry Gains
Duluth Nurses' Strike May Be Imminent
Economic Report: Joblessness Causing Wage Erosion For Workers Who Still Have Jobs
Harley Squeezes Its Union Workers In Wisconsin
post is not for quality of photo but
Khaled Meshaal Interview: Hamas Chief Weighs In on Eve of Peace Talks
‘Sinner’ singer given 39 lashes by rabbis
Israelis risk jail to smuggle Palestinians
The most awesome video you will see today
Ancient coral reef uncovered in South Pacific
Charles Darwin's evolution experiment on Ascension isle
New Technique Finds Gaseous Metals in Exoplanet Atmospheres
Sea Creatures Hint at Recent Trans-Antarctic Seaway
How The NASA Viking mission found Microbial life on Mars
Letter in protest of House NASA bill is signed by 30 Nobel Laureates, former NASA officials, astrona
Religion is Fair Game for Debate
What have Muslims ever done for America anyway?
I'm confused by this whole 10 Commandments thing and its relationship to forgiveness...
Atheism IS where morality originates
Helping Christians Push Back Against the Gay Agenda in the Classroom
Test yourself: How do you feel when someone is described as 'Christian'?
A friend of mine is looking for a roommate
Anyone know the title of this book?
Has Obama's voice become constricted?
Does thimerosal or other mercury exposure increase the risk for autism?
FDA weighs how to stop abuse of over-the-counter cough and cold drugs
Not all vaccines last a lifetime
Testing of 2,000 Autistic children -- lead & mercury in blood 50 percent higher than normal.