RAW STORY: Former senator, engineers offer ‘proof’ of 9/11 controlled demolitions
If the crazy preacher was able to get the "Ground Zero Mosque" moved - would the right wing wackos
NFL players give owners a finger in solidarity
The REAL job creators are the people who spend their money...
Koran inscribed on clay tablets goes into kiln ... will there be protests?
Rachel and Keith versus msnbc ads for the others who are NOT very good
Rachel and Keith versus msnbc ads for the others who are NOT very good
Rachel and Keith versus msnbc ads for the others who are NOT very good
Two questions, re:Koran/Bible burning
Justice Sotomayor does not attribute Brown v. Board to the court: “the Constitution did it"
Today in infrastructure: Water main fails in downtown Reno; sinkhole swallows truck
Republican Congressman Talks Government Shutdown
Anyone watching History Channel... 9/11 Conspiracies - Fact or Fiction??
San Bruno explosion: Families fear worst
San Bruno explosion: Families fear worst
Re: Media attention to pastor. I was listening to a CBC program on the radio. They
Police State: Sheriffs Want Access to Medical Records of Drug Users
Hey, closed- minded Racist Fools!! Welcome To The Future ...........
Wolf union employees agree to pay and benefit cuts
More proof that Palin can NEVER resist the bait, can NEVER STFU, always must have the last word
More proof that Palin can NEVER resist the bait, can NEVER STFU, always must have the last word
Sacramento interfaith leaders plan 9/11 'blessing of peace' on Quran
Sharron Angle: Fox News is part of my new $1 million fundraising "push"
Let’s Ground U.S. Airways’ Union Buster
Are we endangering Muslim people in the U.S. and around the world?
What could possibly go wrong? (NYC duel demos tomorrow)
Mirror Image (ed cartoon with Fundies)
Mirror Image (ed cartoon with Fundies)
Dates to mark on your calendars regarding Congress, DADT, DOMA, & Prop8, etc
Dates to mark on your calendars regarding Congress, DADT, DOMA, & Prop8, etc
What disgusted me about the Bush / Blair response to 9/11.
Claim Jumper Restaurant chain, Files for Bankruptcy
Wisconsin teen shoots cow with arrow...
‘The Night Before 9/11': a Holiday Poem
Mediaite.com: Fox News Had It Right
Wow: Jim Demint endorses Christine O'Donnell over Mike Castle for DE-Sen Republican primary.
Why Millions March in France, but Not in the US
Los Angeles Unveils Teacher Evaluation Plan
Mandatory Friday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! TGIF! & here's a new kitty gif
How Open Data is used against the Poor
We want to see Steve King debate wth Matt Campbell
Anti-Dem Propraganda Watch #13 - "Obama Speaks Out for Muslims"- Fox News At It Again
If It’s San Bruno That’s Burning And Not The Koran...
Can't Muslims simply turn their hate & mistrust onto the Pub Party & it's
Can't Muslims simply turn their hate & mistrust onto the Pub Party & it's
This cartoon says it all (re: the Mosque)
Prediction: Tea party will preserve Dem majority
Monterey sea otters killed by toxic algae
Osama bin Laden challenged by former comrade
Can I get a DU consensus review on Chelsea Handler?
Can I get a DU consensus review on Chelsea Handler?
Funny or ironic? The nutball pastor in Fl Graduated in same school
Religious tolerance is the price you pay for religious freedom.
Wife of Rep. Conyers begins federal prison sentence
Mods...can we PLEASE have a moratorium on threads that call, directly or indirectly, for DU purges?
Obama rejects Clinton comment on Mexico
How D.U. looked on 9/11 (old threads from the archives)
"Papa, Don't Do It" Daughter of Pastor Jones pleads.........
As a strong Obama supporter I do have to vent about this
You know, sometimes we have to accept differences. And even embrace them. Like this.
Glenn Greenwald: The Pastor & Cheap, Selective Concern For "Blood-Spilling"
Vacancies Strain White House’s Goals for Economy
Honduras: Police Officer Sentenced for Stabbing Transgender Sex Worker
Justin Carl Moose, the American Rightwing “Christian Counterpart to Osama Bin Laden”
Petraeus spin on roadside bombs belied
China cancels Japan talks, warns on undersea gas bed dispute
Our intern's testimony helped overturn DADT!
Arctic Oil: The Good News and the Bad News
Shall we pause to remember another September 11th...?
Anti-Dem Propraganda Watch #12 - "Obama: Voter anger could hurt Dems in elections"- No Quote!
There is something on Fox now about 9/11 and it is a recording
Have any of you read "A New Way Forward: Rethinking U.S. Stragety in Afghanistan"?
Doubts over China's 'wonder weapon'
A song about the undocumented workers who died in the WTC on 9/11
Obama: Mission Accomplished Again
The Associated Press does a Faux Noise Edit On Henry The K
Iraq to pay $400 million to Americans tortured by Saddam during the 90's
Why Peaceniks Should Care About the Afghanistan Study Group Report
Good toon to send to the shrub lovers
I listen to KPOJ radio in Oregon all the time, stream it.
Jindal again refuses to endorse diaper Dave Vitter for Senate
Obama has until tomorrow (Sunday) to make recess appointment of Elizabeth Warren
Well now, lookie here! Dick Blumenthal lead over McMahon growing bigger!
Obama: taxes scheduled to rise, substantially
Senate to vote on DREAM Act pre-November?
Michelle and Laura in Shanksville. Cold and breezy. C-Span.
Tropical Storm Igor and soon to be Tropical Storm Julia
DADT Judge Lauded as No-Nonsense and Scholarly (NYT)
Government Consumption Growth is DOWN under Obama
The neocons at the Washington Times are fucking crazy
If the Republicans in Congress had jobs outside of Congress...
Mike Malloy - Tea Party Candidate: Masturbation & Adultery Are The Same
Sha Zukang, China's Top U.N. Diplomat, Goes On Drunken Rant Against Americans
Fox uses map of body parts to justify Mosque (Community Center) faux outrage
In Iraq, a search for four prisoners who escaped maximum-security US prison
(12) US soldiers charged with murdering civilians in Afghanistan war
9/11 Did Not Discriminate … So Why Must We?
"Too many Mutha *uckers, *uckin with my shit"
VP Joe Biden attends a memorial service commemorating the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks-pics
"Tinfoil Hat Time"- Q.: Why are Beck And Palin having a gathering WAY off the contiguous US???
Afghanistan: Individual experiences may vary
Afghanistan: Individual experiences may vary
Catholics in England were considered outlaws for nearly 300 years
This 9/11, Let’s All Take Responsibility for Ending a Summer of Hate
Sacramento Bee: University of California targets pension benefits
Prez O at Pentagon, c-span, now.
The Real ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ Was on the 17th Floor of the World Trade Center’s South Tower
Roger Ebert is going to do a new tv show about movies on PBS in January
Michelle speaking now. c-span.
Blackwater targets Dems, bastards!
Teabagger deductive syllogisms
Fox News thinks you're all idiots
One of the saddest things about the years since 9/11 is the way the worldwide support for the USA ..
As U.S. debates, metro Detroiters push for peace
As U.S. debates, metro Detroiters push for peace
Sarah Palin kicks off her 2012 Presidential campaign..(pics)
Michigan Heathens to Read Evil Red Book -- Aloud!
Deficit Commission's Rumored Deal Would Pit Middle-Class Seniors Against the Poor
Tea Partiers just can't keep that racist impulse under wraps forever
MICHAEL MOORE email just now: If That 'Mosque' ISN'T Built, This Is No Longer America
City Disavows Pastor’s Talk of Burning Koran
The poison that was dropped in the Gulf to hide the oil.....
The poison that was dropped in the Gulf to hide the oil.....
Defense Dept officials are negotiating to buy & destroy10,000 copies of Afghan War Memoir
Dave Zirin: NFL Opener Becomes Site of Solidarity
Michael Moore: If the 'Mosque' Isn't Built, This Is No Longer America
MSNBC replaying 9/11/01 Today Show coverage 9 am EDT
NY Times: Back-to-School Shoppers Focus on Necessities
NY Times: Back-to-School Shoppers Focus on Necessities
Austin man killed wife, lived with her body for 25 days, police say
Four dead in Megabus double-decker crash near Syracuse
Robert Fisk: Nine years, two wars, hundreds of thousands dead – and nothing learnt
Anyone else still wondering about the cell phone calls from the planes?
Why I don't believe in "reform": from former TFAer, KIPP teacher and admin, and charter school admin
So, how's the investigation into the 9/11 insider-trading/ put options going?
Calif. gas line rupture sparks safety questions
SF Weekly: Gay Blood Not Welcome in San Bruno Relief Effort
Microsoft employees hold funeral parade for iPhone, Blackberry
On Rachel show, 'Income Growth Rates,' '48 - '05. Dramatic.
2 year old Luke Pavlenishzili offers a rose to New York firefighter Joe Huber - pic
Canada's prince of pot sentenced to five years in jail in US.
Hey, It Worked for Terry Jones....
Not long after 9/11 we surendered to terror
An email sent to DU on 9/20/01...
When the second plane hit, I knew ...
Worldwide Campaign to raise awareness of Building 7
I'm going to burn a Koran today.
"One of the best answers of his presidency"
A recent thread about a failed water main in Reno has just given me an idea:
Happy 9/11, Cheney and Rumsfeld! A gift much greater than you could have ever hoped for.
A deer caught in the headlights of truth
Health insurance went up 19.6% for me, how about for you ?
Defense Department spends $500 million to strike up the bands
So, how's the investigation into the Anthrax attacks coming along?
Insurance Exec: Investing in Workers Pays Off (never had a layoff or a strike)
Should there be a new, Independent Investigation of 911?
Should there be a new, Independent Investigation of 911?
Should there be a new, Independent Investigation of 911?
Self-labeled ‘Christian counterpart of Osama bin Laden’ arrested over threatening post
WTF is with the Tuesday Front Page?
A good response to the 9/11 intolerance
Does anyone have a link to footage of that CIA spook receiving a fatal beatdown...
Will Political Gamesmanship Be Our Downfall?
Sport meets politics at the US Open
Just curious...Why wasn't Roselin Carter with Michelle Obama and Laura Bush?
Muslims and Islam Were Part of Twin Towers’ Life
Why wasn't Friday's pro-mosque rally in NYC big news?
Great message to progressives from dinner tonight "Don't agonize, organize!"
At least a potato's not a spud. . . .Please come CAPTION Sean Hannity!!!
Not donating this cycle? Then please donate to help California pass Prop 19 (cannabis legalization)
God God, is this THE day to unplug the TV, and log out of Facebook, or what?
Improbabilities and Coincidences Around 9/11
New Republican 2010 campaign T-shirts are out!
Ex-911 Operator Sues County For $10.5 Million
The worst scenario developing in Florida..Meek and Crist's split votes will allow for Rubio to slip.
"Climate Zombies" and the GOP's Anti-Science Syndrome
'Green' jobs no longer golden in stimulus
A Little music for the 9/11 anniversary.
I'm off to the first anti-Beck/Palin rally on the Park Strip
Open Letter to Condolezza Rice -- Looking back: April 9, 2004
My first phone call after the towers fell.
Maybe this is insensitive to ask this today - but - do you think the govt was responsible for 9/11?
All-European Day of (Worker) Action on Sept. 29
We have to kill it, in order to save it.
One sure way to shut the Right's anti-Muslim indignation up. . .
H.R. 3149: The Equal Employment for All Act - Stop Pre-Employment Credit Checks
H.R. 3149: The Equal Employment for All Act - Stop Pre-Employment Credit Checks
U.S. poverty on track to post record gain on Obama's watch
U.S. poverty on track to post record gain on Obama's watch
Quran only book saved from ... burning of Univ. library
English Prison Offers Profit to Investors if Released Prisoners are not Rearrested
What's all this fuss I hear about burning crayons?
Obama Hints At Procedural Compromise On Bush Tax Cuts, Says GOP's Holding 'Middle Class Hostage'
Sorry, but Nate Silver is wrong on LA-02
Michael Moore: Burn, Baby, Burn !!!
Herb Quells Cows' Methane-Laden Belches
PG&E consumer watchdog killed in SF gas pipeline explosion
Did you know today was 9/11 ??
America's Mayor© celebrates 9/11 by going on Fox and slamming the Mosque with Hannity
1 in 10 kids now lives with grandparents
9 years out, and Osama still not formally charged.
To the rest of the country: Muslim and Arab Americans are just that, Americans...
Fuck You Terry Jones You Pillock..
wingers HATE hyphenated group identity until -- THEY want to single a group out.
Permanent War and the New Security State
Permanent War and the New Security State
India emerges as center for counterfeit drugs (WP)
I am wearing the hijab today to protest the recent Islamaphobia and
US poverty on track to post record gain in 2009
What were you doing that morning,nine years ago?
Pastor Terry Jones: 'We will not burn the Quran — not today, not ever'
I noticed every flag was at half staff today...is that because of 9/11
Honoring the Flight 93 Passengers
US marks 9/11 anniversary amid Koran-burning row
What is Jack Conway's plan to keeping nut Rand Paul out of the US Senate?
WHY are all of our "Days of Rememberance" always focused on BAD events?
Take Action to defend IWW Starbucks Baristas in Omaha (please make a call or two)
Meg, Clinton, CNN, and factcheck.org all wrong on Jerry Brown's record
Charges Expected Against Cop Who Watered Marijuana Plant
Charges Expected Against Cop Who Watered Marijuana Plant
"Bush Sr. Apologizes To Son For Funding Bin Laden In '80s"
'40-Year-Old Virgin' actor: I stabbed girlfriend 20 times by mistake
N Y State lottey using 911 to advertise mega-millions!
Police arrest man, then give him bike
I don't expect this will be a fertile topic for discussion, but I think it is
Dan Abrams To Write Book Proving That Women Are Better Than Men.
Forgive me if you've heard this one.
Forgive me if you've heard this one.
George W. Bush and the Tinhorn Terrorist Folks by digby
How the U.S. Stepped Into bin Laden's 9/11 Terrorist Trap & Bankrupted America
Thilo Sarrazin and the preparations for a new right-wing party in Germany
Some thoughts about nutbar Terry Jones
Republican Nightmare: Putting Elizabeth Warren to Work Now - Simon Johnson/HuffPo
In Case You Missed This... 'The United States of Inequality' - Timothy Noah/Slate
If the bush tax cuts to the wealthy are so good, ....
Is it fair to call anti-Park51-mosque zealotry attempts at 'ethnic cleansing'?
Former madam Heidi Fleiss has GOP DA arrested again
President Obama: "We gather here to remember on hallowed ground..."
How many Korans have been burned as a result of
Karzai and others tell us what we can't even think about
'Green' jobs no longer golden in stimulus
NY Times Muslim prayer room on the 17th floor of the south tower.
"The Self-Inflicted Wounds of 9/11"
N.Y.T. SHOCKING EXPOSE: Boehner "Bound to Lobbyists." I REFUSE to believe this! I REFUSE!
N.Y.T. SHOCKING EXPOSE: Boehner "Bound to Lobbyists." I REFUSE to believe this! I REFUSE!
American Society of Civil Engineers: The Report Card on America's Failing Infrastructure
On This 9/11 Let us all fight to repeal the 'Patriot Act'
What's in a Twinkie? Kids' favorite food deconstructed
what was obl's cia stage name?
Should Glenn Beck burn copies of the movie "Taxi Driver"?
Should Glenn Beck burn copies of the movie "Taxi Driver"?
Tax rates under $250K should be permanent ?
Tax rates under $250K should be permanent ?
On the Justice of Roosting Chickens
Senate Judiciary Committee schedules hearing next week on judicial nominee Susan Carney
I waited for this moonset for a long time (DIAL-UP WARNING)
Portraits from Idiot America: $225 to meet & greet Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck on 9/11
I wish all of you peace, love, happiness, and wonder on this day.
The Terrorists Have Won Up to This Point
Nine years after 9/11, a photo provides some peace
It was the people falling that really gut-punched me.
A Refresher: "The Case for a Guaranteed Minimum Income"
An appropriate hymn for tonight: how lovely is thy dwelling place...
A couple of my new toons, and a repeat
THANK GOOD I don't have cable.
Message from my pastor ... sigh ...
Message from my pastor ... sigh ...
has anyone gone through registering a car purchased in Mexico in California?
Reno-area Christian church presents gift of flowers to Muslim center
German Identity, Long Dormant, Reasserts Itself
Meet The Army's New $13 Million Dollar Helicopter
The major unanswered question from September 11, 2001... Did george ever finish My Pet Goat?
Anyone see more RWers reaction to the unconstitutional verdict on DADT?
Anyone see more RWers reaction to the unconstitutional verdict on DADT?
The 3,000-Mile Oil Change Is Pretty Much History (NYT)
FURTHER proof that Teabaggers are NOT racist fucks, just patriotic 'murcans who LOVE their FREEDOMS.
Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor
We're hitting Afghanistan with all we've got
Did this really happen to our country? (Beeler Cartoon)
It is worth 0.2% to them to see you Destroyed
It is worth 0.2% to them to see you Destroyed
does anyone working at a bank branch know ANYTHING?
I think that any splinter group off of the Democrats would self-destruct after noot too long.
2 Muslims travel 13,000 miles across America, find an embracing nation
Self-labeled ‘Christian counterpart of Osama bin Laden’ allegedly planned clinic bombing
Self-labeled ‘Christian counterpart of Osama bin Laden’ allegedly planned clinic bombing
My experience looking for an apartment
Somebody didn't get their pony....
Bulletin: Frank Luntz is "bothered tremendously that we've become such an angry country"
President Bush, on 9/11 : " But the day ended on a relatively humorous note..."
A microphone is a guided weapon in the hands of those who spread hatred.
A microphone is a guided weapon in the hands of those who spread hatred.
"The Burning Platform: The AGE OF MAMMON!"
90 Year Old Man Batters Wife to Death with Hammer after Argument about Health Care
How far we've come in our online communications...
Bloodshot eyes always mean you've been smoking pot?
another mass murder in US - man kills 5 today
Where we were on 9/11/2001: the "remarkable tableau" that's led to mosque-free zones & Koran-burning
I went to a rally tonight for Single Payer Health Care.
don't women of laura bu$hs* age normally have a few wrinkles?
9/11, just too fucking surreal
Why is Oil Giant BP Helping Develop California Schools Environmental Curriculum?
"Racism and bigotry is okay if it saves lives"
My 9/11 dinner with Bush and Rumsfeld
i love the schools today.... sittin here on a saturday and call up all kid's classes, grades
America has lost its fucking mind
How does the Right's hatred for Muslims differ from the Nazi's hatred of Jews?
An amusing scene from today's anti-Palin/Beck rally in Anchorage
GOP Dirty Election Tricks in Texas
What If The Economy Doesn't Improve By 2012?
The Consequences of Allowing Oneself to Be Taken for Granted
Our house was robbed and ransacked yesterday. Some thoughts:
Atheist billboard has fundie undies in a knot in Oklahoma
Is there anyone else who has never had a meal ruined by a screaming child in a restaurant?
On This 9/11 - We Are SO Lucky To Have THIS MAN As President
Should restaurants prohibit "out of control" screaming children?
NY Observer: Untangling the Bizarre CIA Links to the Ground Zero Mosque
Opinions on supporting so called.., "Blue Dogs"
So if 9/11 was just a sorry band of men, why are we still in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan,
Quick question about tax breaks and job creation
Data explodes "Chicago turnaround miracle myth" that Arne took to DC and the nation.
I'm wondering if it is really worth it to go back to work...
Thanks to DU for Maintaining an Open Website
The front page just hiccupped back to Sept. 7 again.
Our Universe is truly a wondrously beautiful place (pics)
Family to recieve 1.5 million dollar settlement in Poling case.
You may want to know that I'm being paid by the ACLU
I bought NHL 11 today. Wanna know the best part?
Okay this is funny. I had a bill for electricity for $200 last month. I thought it was high but
For those who've been concerned about the well-being of LeftyFingerPop's pet chicken, Sheila...
"When you keep your ears down, no one can see you"
Re: LeftyFingerPop... I have 4 words of wisdom for you that I can't repeat often enough...
Snakes and snails and puppydog tails...
Albert? Albert? ..... Allllllbertttttt? .... Albert? ...... Albert? ......
Friday Night College Football Thread
Roger Ebert is going to do a new tv show about movies on PBS
I jumped on my couch like that no-talent asshole douchebag Tom Cruise, but got no $20M movie deal
Stock Tip. Apparently danish owned Lego is doing really well. It seems
The Beatles-While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Is it me or is MiddleFingerMom's dots are just as bad as sniffa's L's?
Jimi Hendrix and His Science Fiction Bookshelf
Talked to my sis in Christchurch, NZ
I made a big boo-boo at work yesterday
How often do you cry Leonardo words from out a silk trombone?
How many of you have seen the picture of the guy holding the GIGANTIMUNDOUS goldfish in a lake?
I don't think the Dukes of Hazzard would have been the same if Tazers had been available in the 70s.
singing Hey Lolly lolly just a doing my thing
You can never have too much bacon.
Gimme a little drink, from your lovin' cup.
Jesus! The radio scanner is hopping tonight!
I wish the D.O.T. would quit picking on me
8 Things You Didn’t Know About Dreams
I guess everybody but me knows that they call this Patriot Day now
Oh yeah, the Swing Wing commercial! Let's give the kids whiplash! MUST SEE! (or see again!)
Astronomy Picture of the Day : Star Streams and the Sunflower Galaxy
Wow, did I ever get a freebee last night........
I finally cured my dog of humping my leg.
what part of a dog is your favorite????
This is going to get fun I think.
"Too many Mutha *uckers, *uckin with my shit"
Recently, I've faced my mortality calmly, but NOBODY faces death with more courage than a lobster..
And a mountain sunrise in Glacier National Park
So I just went to the bank, and...
Question for people who cook. I have this friend who made gravy in a pot a couple moths ago and...
Nothing like a J.S. Bach concerto for a lazy saturday
What was your weirdest recurring childhood dream?
Douchebag says WHAT? Vote in CNN's poll RE: "Nearby diners speaking loudly on cell phones"
is puppy chow good for adult dogs?
I'm in Echo, Utah and it's 32 degrees here right now
Do people still use coin purses?
Just started watching "The Crying Game"...wow, the actress playing "Dill" is very talented!
Ich habe Hunger, Hunger, Hunger, habe Durst .
Went to Blockbuster yesterday. Place was dead.
Should all of today's threads be moved to the September 11 forum?
In honor of Bella's birthday - (dial-up warning)
What's your favorite tailgater food?
I think WilliamPitt is my favorite writer of all time.
Is Catwoman still around? Haven't seen her in a while...
Sometimes, the best reaction is no reaction at all.
One of the most beautiful pieces of work ever made by the
OMG Chick Halloween tracts have become fucking lame...
YouTube: "Baby fox licking ice cream"...three and a half minutes of non-stop licking.
The multiple blade razor is the biggest scam perpetrated on the US Consumer.
A thought for many, in my view of things.
What's the deal with people who eat at ethnic food restaurants?
Is MiddleFingerMom a man or a woman?
Now that my English homework is done, the poetry is showing up again...
Time to come clean DU. I have a sock
What's all this fuss I hear about burning crayons?
Let's all hop into the way back machine
Would you say I have a plethora of pinatas?
Flashback to 1985: Marillion's "Kayleigh"...
Anyone remember Judi Bari? Court case today telling FBI not
Very cool YouTube clip: 9 month old kitten and 120 pound wolf-malamute-shepherd-husky mix
Just back from HEB, they have real Dr.Pepper with sugar.
Time to hit the ol golf course
did teens in the 50's, 60's knife fight?
Sorry to throw something serious into the Lounge, but I'm weeping right now.
Today's College Football Tailgate Thread
Our Universe is truly a beautiful place (pics)
Anyone ever watch that show hoarders on A & E?
This is waht I want to be on Halloween
Zombies, Vampires, Werewolves, Demons, or Wacked-Out Axe Murderers?
Gratuitous Ashley Greene Saturday Photo Poll
I think Clint Eastwood is my favorite actor of all time.
Saw The Zombies and Argent tonight. Colin Blunstone is a Giant. What a voice.
What were you doing when you first heard about the attack 9 yrs ago today?
White House announces $20M for rural hospital records
Does anyone post more polls than Rasmussen?
Washington Post uses Obama's answer as their 9/11 editorial
More Republican (Roy Blunt and Mike Crapo) hypocrisy on the stimulus
Giving the gop What It Wants On Taxes Isn't 'Middle Ground'
"major good news from the Obama administration"
Schwarzenegger with a nice jab at Palin...
Was there, or will there be, a prime time news conference?
Vacancies Strain White House’s Goals for Economy
***** Heads Up: America Remembers 9/11 *****
A no-brainer, Dems! Make R's and Conservadems vote now against extension of middle-class tax cuts!
David Vitter afraid to debate Charlie Melancon
President Obama's speech today at the Pentagon.
September 11 Memorial: a tale of two universes
September 11 Memorial: a tale of two universes
President Obama greets volunteers in DC, helps paint
City Tries to Disown Pastor Who Planned to Burn Koran
Interview with Pastor Jones' Daughter
GOP insiders skeptical of landslide predictions
First ladies remember victims of Flight 93 (video)
Remember When It Was A Day Of Remembrance?
NYT News Analysis: "Tax Cuts May Prove Better for Politicians Than for Economy"
Funny Steve King (R) exchange with opponent Matt Campbell (D)
Van Hollen would consider another year's tax cuts for the rich
Jonathan Cohn: Does Obamacare Bend the Curve?
Hey blue dogs, thinking of supporting tax cuts for the wealthy --some advice
"Stupid people get elected when smart people don't vote"
Elaine Marshall drops 11 pts ?
Wow- These Economic Forecasts Are Flipping Ominous
Dear President Obama...enough with the "strong hints." Please just appoint Ms. Warren.
Frank Rich: Time For This Big Dog to Bite Back
Micheal Moore.. I am sorry but you are totally out to lunch on this one
Don't give them the keys back? John Stewart interviews Tim Kane
Lt. Dan Choi: Repealing DADT -- It's Your Turn President Obama
NYT: GOP Leader is Tightly Bound to Lobbyists
"We do not allow ourselves to be defined by fear"
Why elections matter, in one graph
Why is the Left of 2010 harder on President Obama than the left of 1994 was on President Clinton?
Final seal of BP oil well to begin ('bottom kill')
Castro `Amused' at How Remark on Cuban Economic Model Was Interpreted
(Fla) Horizon Bank becomes year's 119th bank failure
2 Sides on Charter Schools Add Cash to N.Y. Races
25 slain in Mexican city; 85 escape border prison
Why Afghanistan has reacted so sharply to threat of Quran burning
LAPD officer who fatally shot day laborer was accused of using improper deadly force in 2008 shootin
Americans OK Allowing Tax Cuts for Wealthy to Expire
Iran cancels planned US hiker's release
Obama rejects Clinton comment on Mexico
Pastor who planned 9/11 Quran burning arrives in NYC
Vacancies Strain White House’s Goals for Economy
Honduras: Police Officer Sentenced for Stabbing Transgender Sex Worker
Kevin Rudd confirmed as Foreign Minister
U.S. and Cuba discuss alliance to save sharks
German Identity, Long Dormant, Reasserts Itself
Washington Mayor in Hard Fight to Keep Job
Pastor who planned to burn Quran on way to NYC
Obama: U.S. not at war with Islam; 'sorry band of men' hit us on 9/11
'Green' jobs no longer golden in stimulus
Ex-bishop in Belgian abuse scandal goes to hiding
Pentagon Eases Some Rules on Guantánamo Coverage
Toyota is dealt another legal setback (conspiracy to hide and destroy evidence in product liability)
Preisident Obama Remembers Sept. 11, Calls for Unity
Massive Iceberg Crashes Into Island, Splits in Two
Advertise on NYTimes.com Health Care Weighs Heavy in Ohio Race
Sept. 11 bereaved families group: We support efforts to build NYC Islamic center
Al-Qaeda fighters swell Taliban ranks
End of Ramadan Celebrations Canceled, Downgraded
U.S.: Newly revealed 'covert' Iran facility not nuclear
Police clash with protesters in northern Greece
Obama visits hallowed 9/11 ground at Pentagon
State police: Gunman kills 5, then himself in rural Breathitt County in eastern Kentucky
Man ignites Koran near Ground Zero, apparently prompted by Florida Pastor Terry Jones
Scientists Find Thick Layer Of Oil On Seafloor
Saudi diplomat seeking asylum: 'My life is in danger'
BREAKING: Terry Jones: 'We will not burn the Quran'
France slams Fidel Castro's 'holocaust' charge on gypsy migrant expulsions
ACLU sues California for allowing school districts to charge fees
Palin-Beck 9/11 event draws fans, foes
Number of Families in Homeless Shelters Rises
Chamber of Commerce Accused of Tax Fraud
How would 9/11/01 have been different if Obama had been president?
A G.O.P. Leader Bound to Lobbyists
U.S. Sees Heightened Threat in Mexico
Colombian paramilitaries extradited to the U.S., where cases are sealed
Logic police arrest homeless man for begging the question.
JFK's "Health Care" Speech From Madison Square Garden (May 20, 1962) (Pt. 2)
Big Time Crime- Smothers Brothers Song about Wall St Fat Cat
Obama: Our Muslim Soldiers Are 'Just US,' NOT Them and Us
'Clinton committed to US interventionism, militarism abroad'
Rachel Maddow- Picking a president- Mind the income gap.
Weekly Address: A Day That Tested Our Country
JFK's "Health Care" Speech From Madison Square Garden (May 20, 1962) (Pt. 1)
Bush: Of course we're after Saddam Hussein, I mean uh, bin Laden...he's isolated!
Al Jazeera Exclusive: Taliban In Northern Afghanistan Being Swelled By Influx Of Foreign Fighters
Confessions of a Walmart Hit Man~
Weird Liberal Head Show #159: 9/11 and 9/12
Rumsfeld: The correction for a low threat assessment, I suppose, is an attack
The bullhorn speech, Ground Zero, September 14, 2001
Fox News: Have you bought your doom bunker yet?
The RealNews: Peter Dale Scott on the Continuity of Government
Rachel Maddow Show: obama, we are Not at war with Islam
Look at $ Income for 50 years: GOP's for the Rich; Dems for US all
Bush: After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad
Solar Panel once installed on White House returns home to DC - JTMP.ORG - PART 2
Rachel Maddow- Free press confounds man who can buy anything
Mike Malloy - Masturbation & Adultery Are The Same (incredible explicit rant)
Solar Panel once installed on White House returns home to DC - JTMP.ORG - PART 3
President Bush at Mosque - Islam religion of Peace
TYT Interviews: Cenk w/ Daily Kos Founder Markos Moulitsas on 'The American Taliban'
Rachel Maddow- ODonnell further embarrasses herself with cheap gay baiting
Bush - What Did Iraq Have To Do with What?
The Republicans are anti-American
President Obama - 9/11 A Day of Remembrance
Papantonio: Sorry GOP - You Can't Cure Crazy
MSNBC: Cenk Vs. Religious Radicals on 9/11 Quran Burning
Jon Stewart Teaches MSNBC How To Lie Like Faux Noise
Randall Terry Doesn't Care About 9/11 Victims
Rachel Maddow: Why Elections Matter, In One Graph
911 Ground Zero Mosque Projections
Lynn Westmoreland says shut down government, halt VA payments
Keiser Report-The Warfare Bankrupt States Of America
Solar Panel once installed on White House returns home to DC - JTMP.ORG - PART 1
When Deepak Chopra speaks, this is what I hear
Alan Grayson's New Ad: 'Briefcase II'
In Arkansas, A Palestinian-American Muslim Builds A Synagogue For Free/Jewish Vigil For Park51 In NY
Citizens vs CCTV: State 'spying' sparks mass protests in EU
Kucinich: 911 Truth and Reconciliation
An oldie but goodie: Reagan: Media Myth and Reality
Taxes: What People Forget About Reagan
Chamber of Commerce Accused of Tax Fraud.
Pastor Terry Jones: I Won't Even Listen to a Burning Bush
Friday Talking Points (138) -- "Candidate" Obama Returns
Robert Fisk: Nine years, two wars, hundreds of thousands dead – and nothing learnt
My 10-Mile Diet ... in a Global Food System
"Obama's Finally Ready to Rumble" ----(Eric Alterman)
Marie Tillman: Serving on September 11
Pay for War using Bush Tax Cuts for Rich
John Maynard Keynes, the GOP's latest whipping boy
G.O.P. Leader Is Tightly Bound to Lobbyists
Right Wingers Demonstrate Against Mosque Near '7/11'
Pastor Terry Jones is a product of America's free market in religion
. Boehner's Special Lobbyists Ties
NPR: The Quran-Burning Coverage Conundrum
For your reading pleasure and hopefully humor..
Why Robert Rubin and Citibank Execs Should Be in Deep Trouble
Misreporting Polls: Republican’s “Historic” Lead Over Democrats
"The Sooner Rahm Leaves, the Better for Obama" (Ari Berman)
Michael Moore: If the 'Mosque' Isn't Built, This Is No Longer America
Misreporting Venezuela's economy
If Obama names Elizabeth Warren, the Democratic base erupts like a volcano and votes
British Columbia expertise helps clean oil-fouled turtles in Gulf of Mexico
Pinnacles National Monument announces seventh California condor release
Freshwater turtles face 'bleak future' (BBC)
Tennessee Giving Extra $2,500 to Electric Vehicle Buyers (on top of fed $7,500 credit)
Bulgarian Government Announces Plan for New Nuclear Reactors With or Without Foreign Investors.
Oerlikon Solar Launches €0.50 per Watt Thin Film Line (Spain)
Pacific sockeye salmon return in record numbers
Is anyone going to the coal ash hearing in Chicago Thursday?
Death Toll In California Dangerous Natural Gas Explosion Limited to Four People.
German Military Braces for Scarcity After ‘Peak Oil’
Cellulosic ethanol is a false hope.
"Climate Zombies" and the GOP's Anti-Science Syndrome
Nuclear waste shipping on Great Lakes protested
The Most Stupid Goalkeeper Ever // Funny Penalty
And the Giants tie the Padres in the...
36-24. Is there still some cheese needed for that WHINE from the hurricane fans??
Call for the ages against Miami Hurricanes remembered
Heh He---James Madison just beat Virginia Tech...
Can we come up with something other than NC for National Championship Game?
Colombian paramilitaries extradited to the U.S., where cases are sealed
Venezuela's Chavez Admits Not Funding Opposition-Led Regions
Paramilitary accountant assassinated .
U.S. and Cuba discuss alliance to save sharks
Honduras: Police Officer Sentenced for Stabbing Transgender Sex Worker
More than 4,500 Venezuela inmates on hunger strike
Jeffrey Goldberg says Fidel is trying to wiggle out of his statement
Misreporting Venezuela's economy
Official: Chile's Bachelet frontrunner for UN post
The "New Penitentiary Culture": US Designs for Colombian Jails
Nikolas Kozloff on the Brazilian Election
Miami radio show: The Sugar King of Havana - The rise and fall of Julio Lobo
Venezuelan Private Gas Company Workers Demand Nationalization
Brazil rescues workers in slave-like conditions
NRA Challenges Constitutionality Of Federal Handgun Ban For Law Abiding 18-20 Year-Olds
Tories shoot down Liberal, NDP gun registry concession (Canada)
Let's remember our own religious extremists: Jerry Falwell's remarks about 9/11
Saudi diplomat seeking asylum: 'My life is in danger' (gay and friends with Jews)
I Give A Damn. Do YOU? - A must see video for anyone with gay friends and family
Palestinian authority will never recognise Israel as a Jewish state
Today in Labor History Sept 11, 75,000 coal miners end a 10 wk strike win 8 hr day & more
First Detailed Image of Dust Disc around Young Star
Confessions of a Buddhist Atheist
"Third Eye" video -- Female rapper Kellee Maize
can i get some love please...?
FACT CHECK: Obama's Tone Shifts on Bending the Health Care Cost Curve
Misfolded Neural Proteins Linked to Autism Disorders
DHA, gene expression, protein folding and cancer