Democratic Underground

Archives: September 20, 2010

Do right wingnuts have hate schedules?

Republicans divided on what should replace Obama's health care overhaul

Gee whiz, the Beav(er Cleaver) raises money for St. Bernadette

prediction: teabagger sugar daddy sweeps in and pays all of o'donnells debts...all is forgiven

Right-wing reaction: Factbox: Immigration backlash spreads in Europe (Sweden the latest)

So O'Donnel engaged in ahem witchcraft as a young lass

Re: Lesbian vampire, Rachel Madcow. she does not have a "bull neck"

Tom Tomorrow: Sentients Want To Know..

Suffocating the Poor: A Modern Parable

DCCC gives two new candidates Red to Blue status

Nothing at all wrong with witches. They can surprise you.

10-2-10 from Orlando to meet up with Augusta, GA NAACP to ride their bus in

Car Bombings Kill Dozens In Worst Iraq Violence Since 'End Of Combat Mission'

The RW nutjobs won't give two shits CO dabbled in witchcraft

Wal-Mart & Underwear Economics-There is no Santa Claus.

More soporific than a somnolent legislatosaurus ..

DU this poll- Should the Bush-era tax cuts be allowed to expire at the end of the year?

USA Today - "California's pollution law challenged by oil interests" - Our Post Citizen United World

self-delete nt



'Asian unicorn' spotted for first time in a decade

Banned Books Week -- this guy equates a rape scene in YA literature to soft porn.

Huge fire south-west of SLC...

A protester for the ages

Israeli and West Bank women risk jail for day at the beach

BP's blown-out oil well that caused worst spill in U.S. history is "effectively dead,"

Does anyone know what a QDRO is, and why it might be denied?


Christine ODonell picks campaign song

Tea Party War Cry: I'm Mad and I Don't Want to Hear Your 'Facts'

Tea Party War Cry: I'm Mad and I Don't Want to Hear Your 'Facts'

Where is Cuba headed?

FDA to consider approval of modified salmon !

Did Christine O'Donnell use witchcraft to win the primary.? I want the Attorney General to

Hilary Clinton, drug warrior: Plan Colombia for Mexico

Ms. O'Donnell's 15 minutes of fame will include an appearance on Dancing With The Stars

Statewide education strike (university of california system): 10/7

23 Things they don't Tell you about capitalism

Olmert: To further peace, US will give citizenship to 100,000 Palestinian refugees

UK troops leave Helmand's Sangin

Did anyone watch Jimmy Carter on 60 Minutes tonight?

I'm pissed off at people who prey on elderly folks.

Tea with Frankenstein: Please, No Masturbation - David Michael Green

History News Network: In History-Islamophobia and Anti-Catholicism—Two Sides of the Same Coin

u of california admin recommends increasing their benefits while cutting their workers' bennies

Have you noticed ??

A good example of what we are up against.

A good example of what we are up against.

cap and trade bill

Tea Party vs. Enviros: Who's the Bigger Terror Threat?

Jim Swire meets Lockerbie bomber Megrahi in Libya

How bad was it?

Welcome to Armageddon, USA: A Tour of America’s Most Toxic Town

Religious Search Engines Keep Wandering Minds Out of the Gutter

Hey, mods, hey DU big shots - Let us keep the Donkey Smilies!!!!

Wisdom of the Terrorist’s Son

Just had a funny Tea-Party call here at work

Zogby is Polling on JEBtm 2012

nine years of war (so far) & all i got was this lousy economy.

local editorial on Warren Appointment...

WashPost -American "kill team" murdered afghan civilians for sport

Is the notion of bipartisanship finally dead?

Do you feel the momentum has shifted?

Yep! The morning shows are acting like there is no problem with Christine O'Donnell. Instead

Yep! The morning shows are acting like there is no problem with Christine O'Donnell. Instead

Monday Morning Teabaggery

"If I Were King"... Freudian Slip By Palin?

Al Franken and Christine O'Donnell on Politically Correct...

Rumsfeld's Known and Unknown coming in January

Never be your beast of burden...

Where do the RW callers to Liberal radio get their orders from these days?

electoral-vote site now does 2 graphs - with and without Rasmussen polls

I'm sorry but this just needed a thread of its own.

The Poverty Nation Washington Built

Hurricane Igor heading for Canada

November election will define Obama presidency

In book, more of Breyer's dissents on originalism

In book, more of Breyer's dissents on originalism

forget the witchcraft BS: Here's the way to fight O'Donnell: (DSCC) ad

Make O'Donnell the face of the Teabag party and....

Make O'Donnell the face of the Teabag party and....

My 15 y/o niece begged me to talk her mom into not moving back to the US

WTF! Richie Rich trying to get a leg up in the event they get voted into something?

Do you feel your freedom of speech is stifled??

I found this O'Donnell tidbit interesting - is she a 'cohabiter"

Two religious factions take shape in Tea Party

Newt Gingrich, unhinged

Christine O'Donnell big ass lie as per witchcraft, "I was in high school..."

Just so you know if we're gonna win Delaware it's not because as a kid she dabbled in witchcraft

* Response of the day: O'Donnell shoots back: "If I were a witch, Rove would be a supporter."

* Response of the day: O'Donnell shoots back: "If I were a witch, Rove would be a supporter."

* Response of the day: O'Donnell shoots back: "If I were a witch, Rove would be a supporter."

Isn't it just like a criminal pug to blame someone else when the beans are spilled?

University Group Raises Concerns About BP Oil Spill Contaminants in Livestock Feed

Another misspelling to add to the lexicon

Woman's car lost after police move vehicles for security near Obama speech

Virginia set to execute first woman in nearly a century

music to get us going... Rally October 2, 2010

Political Celebrity does not a politician make....

Report: Los Angeles spent $70 million in stimulus funds to create 7.76 jobs

Spirit of Frank Zappa returns to Baltimore

Recession officially ended

Dupe, pls. delete. nt

Monday Toons 2: More Tea madness

Toon: The last 1400 years....


NYT: "The New Unemployables: Workers Over 50

When you exclude Rasmussen's bias....

So what's next after the teabillies?

World Food Day is coming October 16th...

In Wake of Ballot Initiatives, Questions About the National Organization for Marriage’s Funding

Invasion of the mind snatchers

"Someone you know needs this book!"

Wacky Steve King (R-Iowa) threatening boner...

Shouldn't the Dems push line Tea Party just a more extreme version of Repub Party?

Please fire whoever chose the new logo

Please fire whoever chose the new logo

You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in witchcraft once.

WTF? O'Donnell Did NOT Actually Recieve Her Bachelor's Degree Until THIS YEAR!

the democrats....More House Democrats stressing independence from Pelosi, Obama

Salon: The GOP wants to "erase the last two years and return to the good old days of George W. Bush"

Why do we need mousey little reporters sticking their nose into town hall meetings?


Does the poverty rate include people here illegally?

The Week's Best Late-Night Jokes


Albany charter schools: "a second school system that is almost entirely segregated."

NYT: Obama Aides Weigh Bid to Tie the G.O.P. to the Tea Party (As Golden Opportunity Slips Away)

Talking about teachers pensions.................

Sen. Boxer unapologetic for reputation as a fighter

Miller Helps Prove Murkowski's Point

Gulf Seafood Buyer: “I Don’t Want to Hurt Nobody”

Rep. Weiner is beating up on the Saudis on MSNBC right now.

Baby Russert is so cute. .

Iraqi prisons: New order, same abuses -- torture, rape, extortion.

Monday Toons 3: Tax Madness

WSJ on "Productivity"... "Businesses were able to squeeze work forces, but that wasn't sustainable"

Obama on CNBC - LIVE - Investing in America

DeMint Credits Fox News With Recent Tea Party Victories

Homebuilders' Confidence Stuck At 18-Month Low

We got a call this morning from the local Dumbfuckistanian Embassy

look what religion has done to these american women

Ruling rejects NJ district's 24-hour conduct code

Newsweek’s lame attempt to spin john boehner as a pragmatist

Dems Who Voted Down 2007 Immigration Reform Are Undecided on DREAM Act

So how do we fight back? And who are we fighting?

stew recipe. i want thick, flavorful stew and i need a good recipe.

What's your favorite forum on DU?

Ask Jeeves 10 Unanswerable questions.

What's your least favorite forum on DU?

Paul Krugman: The Angry Rich

MSNBC Poll: "Does it feel to you like the recession has ended?"

Somehow I thought he would live in something, well, funkier....

awww-Tea Party Patriots were nice enough to send me some info on 912


Blazing bridge fire over Harlem River halts Metro-North rail traffic

Our party's "roots"

Russ Feingold - I Don't Believe Any of the Polls on the WS Senate Race But...

Des Moines Register slams Grassley in editorial

"Maher used his first show of the season to remind O’Donnell that “I made you,” "

UK Proposes All Paychecks Go to the State First

Is Christine O'Donnell a Manchurian candidate

The Recession's Been Over for More Than a Year. Can't You Tell?

The Recession's Been Over for More Than a Year. Can't You Tell?

States playing fast and loose with teachers' jobs money

RW Whiner in the Krugman blog comments section: 'The current crisis was caused by Krugmanism'.

Let's Party

Former Hearst-Davies mansion for sale at $95 million

Gawker: The War on Christmas 2010 Starts Now

Harlem Village Academy: touted by Bloomberg, 75% teacher turnover

Flashback: Franken debates sex with Senate hopeful O’Donnell

I didn't see the President's Town Hall when it first came on

Bait-and-Switch in Afghanistan -- Petraeus' Latest Power Play

Family values

O'Donnell's new shows

Iz the Children learnin'?

Key Dems may back DREAM Act

TRAILER: Fire From The Heartland: Joe.My.God says " Definitely watch the clip, folks."

TRAILER: Fire From The Heartland: Joe.My.God says " Definitely watch the clip, folks."

TRAILER: Fire From The Heartland: Joe.My.God says " Definitely watch the clip, folks."

TRAILER: Fire From The Heartland: Joe.My.God says " Definitely watch the clip, folks."

The Strange Sexual Obsessions Driving the Tea Party Movement

"Raising Sextuplets" reality show dad arrested

the quitter to the witch

Did Christine O'Donnell have sex with Bill Maher?

TMZ: security has been told if there is a breach ... Sarah is a "higher priority than Bristol."

Tea Party Leader Dick Armey: Social Security Is A Corrupt ‘Ponzi Scheme’

The next tea party targets

Senseless Attacks

City may curb sales of sugary beverages

Vegas Hotel: The Tea Party Convention Is Canceled

Court Denies Burris Request to Stop Election

Quadruple Amputee Swims the Channel Between Britain & France at 2x the Speed his Team Expected!

Knights Of Columbus Donate More To Fight Gay Marriage Than Fight Hunger

Hip-Hop, Teabagger style...

Marty "I was liberal in the Sixties" Peretz questions 1st Amendment rights for U.S. Muslims.

UAW: The Choice is ours

FBI: Man arrested in Wrigleyville bomb plot

Oooh oooh let's not piss our opponents off, oooh oooh let's be nice.

Tea Party-backed GOP governor hopeful Carl Paladino fighting for $1.4 million tax break

The recession is dead! Long live the recession!

Good news!! The Recession is OVER !!!! Says so, right here:

I am a values voter

The Democratic Party has announced that they're changing the logo AGAIN (hee-hee-ho-ho)

Real Christine...(pic)

Stevie Wonder to UN: Ease copyrights for the blind

Stevie Wonder to UN: Ease copyrights for the blind

Ben Stein and fellow sub-super-richies are crying about having their temporary tax break taken away

Some surprising tea party numbers

Something very important to ponder this week----

Levin: Defense bill may fall off schedule if procedural vote fails

Levin: Defense bill may fall off schedule if procedural vote fails

Why is a thread asking whether or not Christine O'Donnell slept with Bill Maher

Why is a thread asking whether or not Christine O'Donnell slept with Bill Maher

Email from OfA regarding McCain

Buyers of foreclosed homes from Wells Fargo may not have a clear title to the property

Buyers of foreclosed homes from Wells Fargo may not have a clear title to the property

Conservative groups running issue ads with corporate money: how to hang this albatross around the G

I say it every time I see her. Mercifully, I don't see her that often.

Rep. Giffords:Arizona ranks #2 for poverty. If you need help

Tax Cuts Cost Money; Health Care Reform Replenishes

A couple of positives regarding the rise of Palin and O'Donnell:

Q: But WHAT will conservatives do for people who can't afford health care? A: Uh...

'She turned me into a newt!'

Tea Party Furious At Murkowski Write-In, But O'Donnell Did It In '06

RW: O'Donnell's Witchcraft A Youthful Indescretion; Obama's Still An Anticolonial Kenyan From Age 2

Here's my take on the average American's thought process regarding the economy.

UK Hotel ousts guests after Online bad review

UK Hotel ousts guests after Online bad review

UK Hotel ousts guests after Online bad review

Leonard Skinner, Accidental Rock 'n Roll Icon

Is anyone watching Oprah's special on the US education system?

Is anyone watching Oprah's special on the US education system?

called for a political poll

Megyn Kelly's anti-intellectualism is astounding.

Zogby: Democrats go from trailing Republicans by 6% to leading by 1%

Lisa goes rogue - The Mudflats

I'M SHOCKED, just completely taken by surprise: "Fiorina affirms tax cuts for all, even the wealthy"

Lieberman Organizing Against Obama On Bush Tax Cuts

A new sign at Dove (Quran burner) Church that we can all support

Yes, I make mistakes. No, I am not afraid to learn from them.

I'm rich; tax me more

Judge contradicts Rush: 'I'm not Davy Crockett'

Dow tops 10,700 in afternoon trading

Bad News for Feingold

Bad News for Feingold

Hey CNN, The TeaParty IS The GOP. Give the Democrats equal time!

BTW, even the mega-rich would get tax relief for their 1st $250,000...

Many veterans with PTSD struggle to find supportive employment

Surely life in the western world as we have known it will cease if junior's tax cuts for the wealthy

In Which Mr. Deling Responds to Someone Who Might Be Professor Todd Henderson

republicans + sharia = you can't outlaw gay sex

City puts cost of Quran-burning security at $200,000, sends bill to church

Causing the housing bubble? Fannie and Freddie have an airtight alibi

A TV ad for Jason Altmire (D) from W. PA has a line "he voted against health care" (making the

A TV ad for Jason Altmire (D) from W. PA has a line "he voted against health care" (making the

If a Tea Party member actually gets elected to Congress, will they refuse the benefits?

Divorce Insurance: Get Unhitched, Get a Pay-Out

Obama calls for repeal of Don't Ask/Don't Tell

Yoga poses dangers to genuine Christian faith: Theologian (Palin does Yoga)

Dear Ebay, please take all of your Hong Kong listings and

I saw a black cat hanging around O'Donnell in some old news footage

The Corporate Fascists Are Coming For Our Food Supply And They Must Be Stopped

The Corporate Fascists Are Coming For Our Food Supply And They Must Be Stopped

Obama to rich: I'd love to give you another tax break, but right now we can't afford to

My coworkers are loudly singing the praises of Wally World at this precise moment.

My coworkers are loudly singing the praises of Wally World at this precise moment.

So the NEBR declared the recession over

Somewhere I heard about a drug program for low-income elderly.

Big Brother Is Watching

Magical BEANs: New Nano-Sized Particles Could Provide Mega-Sized Data Storage

President Obama addresses critics at CNBC Town Hall Meeting (Video)

I'm now completely convinced we have only stupid people in GA gov't!

Christine O'Donnell "Clearly a Criminal"

Teachers Back-To-School Night No-Shows

Pretty sad when Jamie Kennedy is the Voice of Reason against a Senator Candidate

FYI-New HC provisions take effect this Thursday.

Bill Maher said to Christine O'donnell: "Thank you for the underwear."

Report: FDA won’t allow food to be labeled free of genetic modification

Gallup poll "shock" part two: Dems lead generic

"Republican Gomorrah" Max Blumenthal

DADT repeal. Call Sen. McCain

Why is it the only people who seem to have any first-hand "knowledge" of Satanism are rightwingers?

Yanno what's totally fucking hilarious?

By the Numbers, Public Workers Defy Anti-Government Stereotypes

Points of political convergence

Let Us All Pray That This Happens To The Teabaggers before the..

Let Us All Pray That This Happens To The Teabaggers before the..

Let Us All Pray That This Happens To The Teabaggers before the..

If the Republicans were in power, how would they frame the tax cuts?

Check in if you're unemployed, 45+ and have therefore started your own business.

Defendants fight back against Righthaven copyright lawsuits(DU & EFF)

Where do they find these people?....AK Sen. candidate calls unemployment benefits "unconstitutional"

Where do they find these people?....AK Sen. candidate calls unemployment benefits "unconstitutional"

Can we hit the Repubs harder on calling this a "tax increase"?

New Congress will consider impeachment

my biggest disappoint is that auditable voting machine paper trails were not made mandatory

Heightened Security for Palin Appearance, if there is a breach, Sarah is a "higher priority

Heightened Security for Palin Appearance, if there is a breach, Sarah is a "higher priority

Truthout: University Group Raises Concerns About BP Oil Spill Contaminants in Livestock Feed

West Virginia jobless fund faces insolvency

Joe Scarborough offered a stirring denunciation of the "professional left" and "far right" today

So what will the Iraq and Afghanistan War Memorials look like?

Glenn Beck's psychosis is just plain pathetic

DCCC Outraised NRCC By $1.7 Million in August

Scalia: Constitution Does Not Protect Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination (& women)

Reduced immunity and disease

Fox News has a Christine O’Donnell problem

Michael Moore: Ground Zero McDonald’s Killed More People Than 9/11 Hijackers

I mean this as an unqualified compliment of the president

Get away from my french fries, Mrs. Obama - Glenn Beck

O'Donnell won't get more than 40% in Delaware in a General Election...


OK Kendrick, ya got me, my money and my vote

"Secret Out-of-State Oil Industry Memo: Prop. 23" - Targets Environmental "Fanatics" Nationwide

The death of the 401K?

Senate Dems Vow Tax Cut Vote Before Election -- Even If It Fails, 'We Win'

Hurricane Karl has left close to a million displaced

"Chicago Sun-Times" readers take on tax cuts for the rich, again!

Is the recession over for you?

FBI Placed Left-Wing Activists On Terrorism Watch List Without Cause

Before the Music Dies

Medical Marijuana Growers Join Teamsters Union

Hasselbeck: Examining O'Donnell's past means you have to "open up" Obama & Rev. Wright again too

I don't like how Obama laughed at that exhausted supporter.


Anti-Dem Propaganda Watch #17 - "Shock Waves for Stocks If GOP Wins Congress"

If your eyes are still dry after seeing this...

The Fucking Balls on These People: Billionaire To The Rest Of Us: “suck it in and cope.”

Check in if you're unemployed, 40+ and have NEVER started a business

Gawker: Tea Party Queen Does Not Deny Being a Teen Witch

Harlem Village Academy Retained Only 4 Full-Time Teachers While Losing 75%

wasilla, alaska?

Nita Lowey rival wrote anti-integration, racially charged essay

People arrested for feeding homeless and refusing to turn over cell phone camera to cops

Told my wife that if I lost my job...

Booted gal's rent-fight nightmare

The Tube-Sock Holocaust

Christine O'Donnell said gays suffer from `identity disorder,' reporter says

Christine O'Donnell said gays suffer from `identity disorder,' reporter says

The Knights of Columbus Spends More Fighting Gays than Supporting Food Banks

BBC cameras capture rare glimpse of mountain tigers

Will Durst Is Mad - I Mean REALLY MAD!!!

CBC's Don Newman gets to the heart of Fox News and 'Fox News North'

Corporatizing the Boston Common

UNCUT: Lady Gaga's Portland Speech

Oprah Welcomes the Deformers

The politics of fear

Paul Krugman: The Angry Rich

I don't earn 250K/year

Bruni denies Michelle Obama likened White House life to 'hell'

Photoshoppers...please can you put O'Donnels face on this image for me?

New Animated feature explains Health Care Reform

New Animated feature explains Health Care Reform

Who is "60 Plus", the org airing smear ads against Alan Grayson?

An Open Invitation to the MSM: Come Help Expose the Memphis Election Melt-Down

Why does it always take a Bill Mahr or someone to point out the other candidates' wacky pasts?

Monday Toons 1: Tea madness reigns

If we get our asses kicked in November, it will prove

Call the Whaaabulance!

O'Donnell Aide: Obama Is a Secret Muslim

Here's what is going to happen with Rasmussen (and most of us already know this)

New Congress will consider impeachment: The Browns

FOX HEADLINE: O'Donnell No Witchcraft Since High School

These Are Not The Droids You Are Looking For

"She wiggled her nose and made those campaign funds disappear."

Gingrich: Obama's Hawaiian birth "had nothing to do about anything except his mind." HUH?

Muslims voted for Bush by the same margin as born-again evangelicals did...

Fascinating comparison of wealth in US vs Japan

So I ****really**** think this guy is an asshole....I found this on FB (just to warn you FB haters)

We just had a good shaker here.

Leonard Skinner, "Lynyrd Skynyrd" inspiration, dies at 77

Using Scalia's reasoning regarding interpreting the Constitution by originalism

Bill Maher: “I’m going to show a clip every week.” (of O'Donnell)

Dead zones cause by excessive nitrogen runoff more damaging than BP oil spill

Dead zones cause by excessive nitrogen runoff more damaging than BP oil spill

instead of tax cuts for the rich, RAISE their taxes to equal Wall St. ransom of our economy

For the Unemployed Over 50, Fears of Never Working Again

THIS IS WHY DEMS IN TROUBLE: 31 Blue Dogs tell Pelosi not to end tax cuts for rich

GOP nominee for WV U.S. Senate seat stands by opposition to minimum wage laws

Top Five Things You Should Know About Elizabeth Warren

How someone in the top 1% of earners can believe he's just an 'average Joe'

Post Obama's Town Hall, CNBC Hosts Do NOT Get The Reaction They Expect From Business Roundtable Exec

what change did this woman expect that she didn't get?

How would you rate the early pioneers who settled this country?

Fred Thompson’s Cheerleader Child-Bride Wants You Guys To Be Nice

I'm NOT Worried About the TEABAGGERS

I don't want to be rich

Well that was a waste of white sheets. Cuomo leads with 54% in New York and that's with Rasmussen.

Who Is Responsible for the Progressive "Enthusiasm Gap?" by David Sirota

East side Detroit residents say fire not a “natural disaster”

Uh-oh. Terrorist fist bump?

••• Stop picking on Christine Odometer I mean O'Donnell! (video rich) •••

Forget noisy kids in restaurants; let's talk wild hellions run amok in HOTELS

I (Heart) The Magistrate.

So, who's definitely going to the 10.02.10 One Nation Working Together rally in DC?

my ltte on poverty printed today

Lady Gaga , "If you don't like it, go home,"

An Inconvenient Superman: Davis Guggenheim's New Film Hijacks School Reform

Sad day, my 13 year old dog passed in his sleep last night.

"'Jobs, jobs, jobs _only_ is a Right-Wing market-based solution to poverty, and no more effective

DU Vietnam Vets: Have you ever visited the Vietnam Memorial in DC?

YeeHaw !!!!! Alan Grayson Petitions FL Supreme Court - Foreclosures

NYT: Disappointed Supporters Question Obama

More Rush: Malignant Narcisscism

X post: Burning 'Twilight'


It's a beautiful day. sends me about 15 job openings each day

Judy Garland and Peggy Lee together.

When I started posting here, it was to get away from high school cliquey bullshit.

Do you really think that will remove the comment?

Sakalabbats! Monster Tree

I cried.

"It Wasn't Him, Charlie, It was You."

My beautiful babies.

Omar & The Howlers - CCR's "Born On The Bayou," live

"Hey Marge...remember when we used to make out to this hymn?"

L.A. DU'ers, A Atlas V rocket will launch from Vandenberg A.F.B tomorrow night!

I LOVE me some Cake!

And now for something completely different- a chill pill just 4 u.

The Catfather...

Y'know, even though I should KNOW better... sometimes I feel like a Nathan's hotdog...

It MUST be jelly... 'cause jam don't shake like that!!!!!

Everyone get up and dance, Bette Midler

A song and video for tonight's lounge.

I'm not kidding about this... double the size... DOUBLE THE SIZE...

A large number of DU'rs are looking at the Lounge tonight and doing this;

NARWHALS!!!!!!! is the Lounge this fine evening?

The Church of What??!!??

Tech question: Why does DU display Greenwich Mean Time and not my local time zone.

My email lists have been snatched...should I do something?

They've been treating a buddy of mine for congestive heart failure.

Nothing surprises me anymore, usually.

Nothing surprises me anymore, usually.

Botanical mathematical scientifical speculational assertion.

"Top of the World, Ma!"

Andy Whitfield's Cancer Returns Forcing His Withdrawal From "Spartacus"

Song to start this week-Faces, with Rod and Woodie, live 1971 - Bad N Ruin...

Betcha wish you had one of these in the crook of YOUR arm.

Lucy Ponders A LolCat. (pic)

I'm bored. Anybody got ideas about how to start a commotion in the Lounge?


Yeah! The Top 10 Conservative Idiots is back!

World Food Day is coming October 16th...


What is the word for that thingie, like a long sash, that choir members wear

I told you I'd shoot. Why didn't you listen?

Tears of Rage - The Band

What's for dinner tonight?

She's back!1 The oldest -person -in-the -world- named-

Message to: A very small number of people -- you know who you are.

For those who didn't quite get their questions answered on the 'big thread'...

What DU has taught me

Watching this Viagra ad and thinking it is just plain wrong

Admit it. You KNOW if they had opposable thumbs...

Snatch. Try to see it from their perspective.

Trying to lose weight/get in shape? Motivational trainers can be of enormous help. CAN be.

I want to thank you all

You know, this is really good stuff...

Well it's been a week...

What do you think of this bottle of wine

Ok so who pissed off Skinner?

For the Lounge, my favorite Peggy Lee song, I think it fits tonight.

Actually, they BOTH have...

Philly Eagles fans in a lather over who should be the QB...after 2 whole games!


I had a wish come true today.

Fever by Peggy Lee, lots of fever in this video.

OK, listen to me...

Life During Wartime

ABBA - The Visitors, 1997 Hot Tracks Remix (mp3)

Extremely funny video game tutorial

WHOOOOO! DO FREE BIRD NEXT! A slightly terrifying YouTube karaoke version of "Sweet Home Alabama"...

Leonard Skinner, Namesake of Rock Band, Dies


...sounds dirty but it's not

Kitten massage therapy

If you like clever music videos and doggies, you'll love this!

Mad Men is creeping me out this season

Mad Men is creeping me out this season

Oktoberfest 2010: The Women

THIS Is What Happens When You Don't Take A Nap!

PSA: Please use hallucenogenics SAFELY.

Surviving the worst break-up of your life.

Man, they really are getting desperate in the casino biz.....

Can you name who this hunk is?

Can you name who this hunk is?

I really fucking love Chex Mix, how about you guys?

"Queen Says no to pot smoking FBI members."

"Freeway to Stairbird"

Saw a neat demonstration this afternoon

I've got a post in GD about poverty and jobs. Would love to have my Loungey friends

Happy 44th Birthday Nuno!

I am just sitting here waiting for a stomach virus to make me sick.

I look as though I had a lip injection...on one side only!...

Is Mayor Bloomberg going to 'cross the floor'

Woohoo!!!! J.J. Abrams Is Now Pitching the New Locke–Ben Linus Show

Wanna cause your cat to lose a HUGE chunk of "cattitude"?

Give 3 items from your Bucket List...

Why does fucking FLORIDA have TWO NHL Franchises

Skittles' pillow...

A Great Congressional Race to Support! Bill Hedrick(CA44)

Monday, September 20. William Shakespeare's Thought For The Day:

A question for someone in UK

Swampland: "Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Showdown Looming in Senate (Summary)

Know why I love McDonalds?

stew recipe. i want thick, flavorful stew and i need a good recipe.

O'Donnell assures voters that "there's been no witchcraft since (high school)"

The Tea Party movement has two defining traits: status anxiety and anarchism.

anyone watching the new HBO series "Boardwalk Empire"?

How should we interpret this story??

Abercrombie rolls to victory in Dem Primary for Governor in HA

Joe(black eagle)Madison: We(African Americans) cannot sit out these midterm elections

Rick Scott is only airing campaign commercials after midnight

No True Blood this week, so I will just have to post pics of Eric

"Obama is anti-business"

Beck excites conservatives, mocks Michelle Obama

DE Senate: DSCC on attack against O'Donnell in DE

No Excuse for Holding Middle Class Tax Cuts Hostage (White House Blog)

New Poll--LA Senate: Vitter 44% Melancon 35% Hayes (L) 2% Others 4%

The President Should Speak at both The One America Rally and the Stewart Rally

NBER: The Recession Ended in June, 2009

O'Donnell Campaign Operated Without A Treasurer, Despite FEC Rules

Re O'Donnell's witchcraft past, didn't Palin also have a link to witchcraft?

O'Donnell to roll out a set of endorsements next week...

Governor Manchin opens up wide lead in WV senate race poll-50% to 43%-GOP senate takeover hopes dead

4 dems against Pelosi

I fear a Rubio win :(

Court To Hear Arizona Immigration Appeal Nov. 1


Obama to Tea KKK Partier's: What would you DO

(R)asmussen Poll--MD Gov--O'Malley 50% Ehrlich 47%

Why does fucking CAROLINA have an NHL Franchise

Mac users have second computer - usually a PC

DU Grouphug....

(R)asmussen Poll NY Gov: Cuomo 54% Paladino 38%

FREE Christine O'Donnell images!

McConnell's Tax Argument Deems Obama A 'Small Business'

Game on? Senate Dems move towards vote on middle class tax cuts

Statements from Kerry and Pelosi on Elizabeth Warren's appointment to the CFPB

What has DU taught you?

Attention, pundits: Please justify your assertions

CO Senate: DSCC Up With 3 Ads Against Buck

PA Senate Poll: Toomey 45% Sestak 36%

Facebook, so much to do and so little time to do it in!

My daughter made first violin, 7th chair as a freshman!

Elisabeth Hasselbeck using O'Donnell's witchcraft to attack Obama over Rev. Wright. . .

For the Unemployed Over 50, Fears of Never Working Again (updated)

Robert Kuttner: Fair Elections Now Act will likely be voted out of House committee next week

For republicons,teabagger etc...

Who Will The Dems Choose To Fight For-the 98.1% OR The 1.9% Of Americans???

Cantor's Confused Case

I wish my taxes were going up at the end of they year

DE-Sen: O'Donnell calls being gay an 'identity disorder'

(R)asmussen Poll--RI Governor: Chafee (I) 33% Caprio (D) 30% Robitaille (R) 23%

Could phone hacking be the downfall of Rupert Murdoch?

Do You have Time-Warner Cable?

Jerry Brown's baffling campaign and the do-nothing governor's race

Obama To Tea Party: 'Identify, Specifically, What Would You Do?'

Krugman: Have You Left No Sense Of Decency?

How do we keep the House? Right now it looks like we are

Vegas Hotel: The Tea Party Convention Is Canceled

Recession pain still real, despite end, Obama says


The Cook Political Report Moves AK SEN from Solid Republican to Likely Republican

TX Governor: Houston Chronicle endorses Democrat Bill White for Governor

U.S. Snubs Border Gov. Conference

DE-Sen: Watchdog: Christine O'Donnell "Clearly a Criminal"


Complaint: O'Donnell paid rent with campaign funds (AP)

Gallup Latest Generic Ballot Shows Virtual Tie: Dems 46%, R's 45%. R's Losing Strength.

Since the Repugs are suddenly so visible...Newt, for example...I've gotta ask.

People with names that make you giggle

Must Read from Paul Krugman: The Angry Rich

I have Wednesday and Thursday off..... think I may do mushrooms

GOP New Plan-Same As The Old Plan That Caused "THE GREAT BUSH RECESSION"

"Republican Leaders Say Repeal of Health-Care Law Tops Their Priorities"

My deceased father's spirit seems to be "stuck" (?) in our former home

Corker Booed By Workers At GM Plant Ceremony, Takes Credit For Saving Industry... He Opposed Saving

I'm TIRED of defending you Mr.President

The Stagnating Labor Market, 1: Dropping Out Of The Labor Force

**** Heads Up: President Obama Speaks at CNBC Town Hall Discussion on Jobs, 12pm EDT ****

Public Policy Polling (PPP) hints that West Virginia senate poll out tomorrow won't be great news

Report: Reid moving Senate towards vote on Obama tax cut plan

Public Policy Polling (PPP): Boxer up by 8 in California

CT-Sen: Blumenthal comes out with killer ad


People don't like Republicans

Breaking: Democratic surge leads them into lead in weekly Gallup Congressional Vote Poll-46% to 45%

I want to believe in Obama, but I'm afraid he's going to make fun of me for belieiving in him

I do have to laugh at watching Bill Clinton give Democrats pointers on how to win a midterm election

Dylan Ratigan "I consider myself a conservative."..color me shocked

Senate math should probably assume that Lieberman switches

Senate math should probably assume that Lieberman switches

Snowe hints she's a 'no' on DADT vote tomorrow

X-posted POLL: "'Jobs, jobs, jobs _only_ is a Right-Wing market-based solution to poverty, and

Republicans are proposing to increase the deficit by about $4 trillion in extending Bush's tax cuts

Clinton: Lots of jobs, not enough skill

OMG! CNBC Whorefest on right now....Santelli, Kudrow, etal "Free Market" asshats talking

The Hour Long Build Up Before, The 2 Min. Horror Intro & Even The Host Tried To Set Him Up. BUT....

"A party that nominates O'Donnell is a party unfit to govern."

Despite 'End' Of Combat, U.S. Assists In Iraqi Raid

Hurricane Karl Leaves 6 Dead, 8 Missing in Mexico

Mexico border newspaper seeks truce with cartels

CDC reports vaccination rates remain high

As November nears, voters turn backs on both parties

Utah wildfire forces evacuation of more than 1,000 homes

Olmert: To further peace, US will give citizenship to 100,000 Palestinian refugees

Uneven progress of UN Millennium Development Goals

For the Unemployed Over 50, Fears of Never Working Again

6 abducted police found slain in Mexican state

TNK's Fridman Aims to Buy BP Oil Fields in Push Beyond Russia

Judge invalidates regulation allowing more piers on Lake Tahoe

Obama to headline DNC fundraiser Monday (& CNBC-sponsored town-hall meeting Tuesday at the Newseum)

Government could seek foreign investors for GM

Tea Party Victory Opens Rift Between Moderate and Conservative Republicans

Joe Miller Says Unemployment Benefits Are Unconstitutional

The Recession Is OVER, Says Economic Panel

Classes canceled, residents displaced in hurricane-hit areas of Mexico

DNC raises nearly $11 million; awaiting RNC numbers

International Internet Treaty proposed by Europe

President Obama to tell Iran at UN: door open to engagement

Train crash kills 10 in central India, injures 50

GMAC stops some evictions, foreclosed home sales

Mormon-Owned Paper Stands With Immigrants

Iraq finds missing artifacts in premier's storage

UNCUT: Lady Gaga's Portland Speech


Opposition Sees Gains After Afghan Voting

Generic Ballot Virtually Tied: Democrats 46%, Republicans 45%-Republicans losing strength in Sept

Tea party, GOP accused of trying to purge voters

(Colin) Powell says illegal immigrants do his home repairs

NBER Business Cycle Dating Committee Announces Trough Date

Wall Street’s Engines of Profit Are Slowing Down

Obama Aides Weigh Bid to Tie the G.O.P. to the Tea Party

Liberal Democrat conference: Nick Clegg warned over 'dictatorship' risk

Stocks rally to 4-month highs

House may adjourn by end of week

Obama Says It Would Be `Irresponsible' to Extend Tax Cuts for Wealthiest

The Mood of Voters: Men Are Fuming, Women Despairing

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday September 20

Report: FBI tailed Iowa groups (before the 2008 Republican National Convention)

Post-U.S. invasion economic strategy ‘complete shambles’, says Iraq Central Bank official

Imperial County, Prop. 8 lawyers' briefs attack Judge Walker

Ally's GMAC Mortgage Halts Home Foreclosures in 23 States

Union Protests Morgan Stanley's Role in Advocating Social Security Cuts

Righthaven judge: Review-Journal ‘implied license’ defense may have merit

Grayson Calls on Florida Supreme Court to Halt Foreclosures

US senators warn insurers on premium increases

US senators warn insurers on premium increases

Ozone layer 'is no longer disappearing and will return to full strength by 2048', says UN report

CREW Calls for Federal Criminal Investigation into Christine O’Donnell for Campaign Finance Fraud

Medical marijuana growers join Teamsters union

Steve King wants a 'blood oath' from Boehner

Longest Post-War Recession Ended in June 2009: NBER

Rumsfeld to 'pull no punches' in new book

55 Dems Sign Letter To Obama Opposing Social Security Cuts, Privatization

Blue Cross to refund $155M under health reform law

Jim Swire meets Lockerbie bomber Megrahi in Libya

GOP to unveil new ‘Contract with America’ Thursday

Officials: US drones kill 6 militants in Pakistan

Health insurers drop coverage for children ahead of new rules

PG&E releases list of 100 riskiest natural gas pipelines

2 dead in shooting at Army base in Texas

2 dead in shooting at Army base in Texas

Anyone here watching RUBICON .... on AMC?

FBI Placed Left-Wing Activists On Terrorism Watch List Without Cause

Time For A Short Story


September 21 Is "Peace One Day" - The Annual Day Of Global Ceasefire & Non-Violence

Music Video: Christine O'Donnell- I Touch Myself

President Obama Interview with Joe Madison , Part 1

Takedown of NOM's Misleading Iowa Ad

Environment - Picher, Oklahoma

David Pakman: Orly Taitz can't answer "Where was Obama born"

Ed Schultz: Conservatives Gather for Psycho Summit

Minerals Could Make Afghanistan the New Congo

TNGA: Democrat Matthews Criticizes Senator Sticky-Fingers Ketron For Pinching Per Diem

S01E04: H.R. 1751, the DREAM Act

TNGA: Senator Sticky-Fingers Ketron Rationalizes Taking Per Diem

Christine O'Donnell and Jerry Falwell talk God with Bill Maher Pt 2

MRV: Christine O'Donnell Witchcraft and Progressivism in Chicago

Ethanol: Toxic Train Cars Forum

Christine O'Donnell and Jerry Falwell talk God with Bill Maher Pt 1

Are You Ready For Some Teabaggin'?

Sebelius On Repeal

These unda-dog canndidits who are showin' the rest of the country, this, these TEA PARTY AMERICANS..

Christian Movie: How the Atheist Stole Christmas

U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold speaks to thousands at the Barrymore Theater

Karl Rove Hand Picks His Next Ken Blackwell Clone in California -

Fire From The Heartland Trailer

Weird Liberal Head Show #168: GOP Civil War?

Rachel Maddow: Christine O'Donnell prays away teh Ghey

Politically Incorrect: Christine O'donnell, Clive Barker, Sophie B. Hawkins, Wil Shriner Pt 1&2

MSNBC w/ Cenk: Rich Tax Cuts - Obama Is Right (w/ Congressman Andrews)

Fishermen and local officials reveal suspicions over fish kills (Compilation)

Obama In CNBC's Lions' Den: Irresponsible To Give Tax Cuts To The Rich, They Wouldn't Spend It

Papantonio: The Palin Crazy Card

TYT: Cenk - It's CRAZY To Vote For Republicans

The United States of America Has Gone Mad - Democracy NOW!

Young Turks: School Bus Bullies Confronted By Dad Debate

Rachel Maddow - Lesbian Vampire?

President Obama smacks hedge fund manager

Richard Dawkins' speech at protest the pope march

TYT: Is this a Democrat?

The day after the Swedish election: MASSIVE Demonstrations in Stockholm Against Rising Far-Right

Conservatives respond to Christine O'Dabbler's Satanic Altar

Cured: A Cannabis Story (A film by David Triplett)

Thank you anonymous DU Donor!!

Newsweek’s Howard Fineman to Join The Huffington Post

As November nears, voters turn backs on both parties

One Decade Down, One Decade Wasted

IE9 has Google Chrome on the run

E.J. Dionne:Why not extend Obama's stimulus tax cuts?

Chris Hedges: Wisdom of the Terrorist’s Son

How Right-Wing Billionaires and Business Propaganda Got Us into the Economic Mess of the Century

The Right's New Left

Christine Pelosi: Deadly Priorities: Why Did PG&E Spend Millions on Politics, Instead of Pipelines?

This Country Just Can't Deal With Reality Anymore

Masturbators Choose O’Donnell Over Palin

Conclusive Proof That Christine O'Donnell Is STILL a Witch

Robert Reich (HuffPo) - "The Defining Issue: Who Should Get the Tax Cut?"

Republicans have found the perfect spokesman for a substance-free election.

Sen Graham “tar sands less carbon intensive than oil we find in CA...blends in with natural habitat

Pastor who threatened to burn Korans told to pay police bill

Frank Schaeffer: Obama Will Triumph, So Will America

Colin Powell Tells Moderate GOP to “Come Out,” Back DREAM Act

Op/Ed: Tea Party nominees are Evangelical nuts with no economic solutions

Obama Advisers Weigh Ad Assault Against the G.O.P.

Ben Goldacre: Pope's anti-condom message is sabotage in fight against Aids

Health reform puts women in harm’s way

Aren’t We Clever? ... "America’s Republicans turned “climate change” into a four-letter word "

Let's Get Real About the November Election

The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. 380

Drumbeat from the weekend...

Drumbeat: September 20, 2010

Peak oil review - Sept 20

XPOST: Aren’t We Clever? ... "America’s Republicans turned “climate change” into a four-letter word

SunRun Solar Finance Company Accused of Working to Undermine PACE Program

Large numbers of deformed fish found downstream of Alberta oil sands processing plants

Climate change enlightenment was fun while it lasted. But now it's dead

"Yellow Dirt": Radioactive reservation

Slushie 2.0 -- I Can Haz Mimimum?

The most extreme hole in golf


Moday Night Madness animated cartoon >>

Bears 27, Cowboys 20

That guy who plays qb for the Vikes throws 3 ints.

Reid: Kolb will start on Sunday

Don'cha think that maple bats should be banned?

This is a hoot: Freepers claiming the NRA is infiltrated by leftists

More Texans carry guns

Man shoots mother's surgeon, his mother, and himself

Matt from in another amazing takedown of a NOM commercial

Pray for Me Sarah...

New Associated Press Poll Shows Majority Support Marriage Equality

Obama callls for repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell - call MCain!

Prop 8 lawyers file appeal against gay marriage ruling

Top 50 Favorite Gay Films

E! Co- Host Jokes Adam Lambert Would Enjoy Getting Raped in Prison

One of my goofy little city

Info on posting in Photography forums

Island Life

Stuck in the middle

Mushrooms close up.

'Largest flotilla yet' en-route to Gaza

Latino Fest Lexington Ky

Against the Stream

Israeli and West Bank women risk jail for day at the beach

PA court: Sale of Palestinian land to Israelis is punishable by death

Where I Live

'Israel mulls deal to extend freeze for Pollard's release'

Israeli and West Bank women risk jail for day at the beach

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Prelims! Finals will be posted next Friday.

Robotics breakthrough: Scientists make artificial skin

NASA Boss Cleared in Ethics Inquiry

Deleting a gene creates super-smart mice...and maybe humans too

Genocide Wiped Out Native American Population

Gorgeous Aurora Over Norway

Today in Labor History Sept 19, 400,000 union members marched to protest Reagan administration

So-called "free trade" and "free market"

Company Announcements on Friday Suggest Potential Job Growth in Future

Teamster women march in downtown Minneapolis (pick on Wall St. etc.)

Today in Labor History Sept 20 "The Jungle"—published on this day in 1906 exploitation of workers

Unions in France vs. the unions in America

New Spider Catches Attention in Giant Web

The War on Christmas: The Movie

The Pastor & The 11 Year-Old

Toon: The last 1400 years....


Less popular than atheists?

For those that fear they might have 'picked' the wrong religion.

I have an intriguing (I hope) concept to throw "out there"

More fun from Pharyngula: Which books were banned in Nazi Germany?

What do believers and non-believers think about this?

Getting bored just laying around!!

stella, Stella, STELLA . . . . . Get Ready for an AWESOME BIRTHDAY PARTY

greetings from the freshly communicative

Need some help... Shame on me for not paying attention in class...

Common cold virus may make kids fat

Seasonal flu shot linked to reduced heart attack rate

Seasonal flu shot linked to reduced heart attack rate

Study: Increase in Seizures Seen in Kids With H1N1 Flu