Democratic Underground

Archives: November 12, 2011

Missing baby Lisa Erwin turns one year old today

Missing baby Lisa Erwin turns one year old today

"This is not the time to abandon the poor.". -- An impassioned plea.

"This is not the time to abandon the poor.". -- An impassioned plea.

Judge Skewers SEC Citibank Action As "Just For Show"


Update Shows Donnelly, Dariao, Quezada, Tawil Won (all D's)

Wyden Will Place Hold on Internet Censorship Legislation!

Democracy Now has an Incredible Show Tonight! Naomi Klein...and Fracking and Foreclosures & MORE!

Feds: All Commodity Traders To Be Audited

Said on the TeeVee

I just watched Conan O'Brien officiating a gay wedding in NYC last week.

Did you know that good old JoePa is in the college football hall of fame?

Committee to protect Journalists

NYT: Chinese Flock to U.S. Envoy, but Leaders Are Ruffled

Occupy Santa Rosa, CA has 80-100 tents set up outside city hall.

Dutch Right-wing party proposes returning to guilder, abandoning the euro

Penn State, Happy Valley, & the Good Citizens of Omelas

Hawaiian Telecom Union Strikes over contract concessions

Asia-Pacific Leaders Deal with Global Economic Trouble at APEC Conference

Veterans...all of them...

US Designates Sites For Future Oil Drilling

Last Show of the Season at 10 pm EST - Bill Maher - with Barney Frank

Why the Washington Post won’t fire Jennifer Rubin

Welcome aboard General Powell, for recognizing

Can people occupy the Super Committee until the rich are taxed?

Veterans protesting in front of Obama campaign headquarters in Oakland.

Just wanted to thank the wonderful DUer who gave me a star.

Most are not "Keyboard Warriors", Not in this instance.

Rules for Revolutions--Gene Sharp

On NPR this eve: GOP waiting for someone better, like Jeb Bush.

Occupy Wall Street plans NYSE shutdown

Eight SEC employees disciplined over failures in Madoff fraud case

Eight SEC employees disciplined over failures in Madoff fraud case

Are there any sociologists on our boards.

in Case You Missed This... From Danziger...

Barney Frank on Maher "Palin was right we do have death panels - for large financial institutions"

Remember this by Corey Feldman?

NBC (@tvnooz) reports that after shots were fired near White House, wild police chase began.

On another matter that is dangerously close to going down the black hole

I wonder if escaping the clutches of the right wing by feeling fellowship with the 99%

My Mom is a veteran

Veterans Day

incident discussing Penn State today


UK backs bid (US- led) to overturn ban on cluster bombs

Oakland is going to be hot tonight, better brew some coffee

innovative, money free, write-in campaigns, for local elections:

A headline from Argentina today...

I think ALL football (both Pro and College) should voluntarily be called OFF this weekend

Occupy Oakland live stream...

Occupy Oakland live stream...

Occupy St. Louis curfew time is right now. Occupiers waiting for cops.

Democrats dominated local elections in Connecticut.

Tea Party Plans Premeditated Felony

So what is going on in Sandusky's mind now he has been exposed? What is he saying

Mandatory Friday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! TGIF!

Romney Tells Vets Today He Wants To Privatize Their Health Care

Heads up,, will be going live

Heads up,, will be going live

Friends say Scott Olsen released from hospital

Jokes about conservatives rapists, misogynists and pedophiles.

Correction to my beloved Rachel, NO, veterans day is THANKGIVING FOR PEACE

I'm a veteran. One of the rights that veterans...

The Wrath of Rand - Inside the Callousness of the Republican Presidential Field

Public Radio Host Uses Penn State Case to Debate Gays’ Fitness as Parents

Ex-Marine hurt in Oakland protests out of hospital

Birthright citizenship and children separated from their undocumented parents

How would you feel if the situation was reversed right now?

How would you feel if the situation was reversed right now?

Rachel exposing what a financial scam Newt's campaign is. He should

National Geographic Photo Contest 2011

National Geographic Photo Contest 2011

ST LOUIS currently on UStream

Many police cars, and a garbage truck assembling at Occupy St. Louis.

What is OWS about? It is partly about the commons

BREAKING: Shots fired from an AK-47 at the White House

Dealing with Republican ass-hats and high blood pressure. Is there a link?

Dealing with Republican ass-hats and high blood pressure. Is there a link?

SANDUSKY'S OUT ON BAIL - NO BOND?? I am pissed!!!!

OWS St. Louis is ON. Live video link here. Confrontation live?

Next on the plate... Portland live on USTREAM

Why Don't You Say What You Really Think

LIVE Occupy Portland standoff right now! VIDEO

LIVE Occupy Portland standoff right now! VIDEO

US leads plan to end global ban on cluster bombs.

BREAKING Occupy St Louis has lost the restraining order

Who is Mrs. Sandusky and what does she know?

Who is Mrs. Sandusky and what does she know?

OMG Glenn Beck's Daily Show Rip Off---SO BAAAD!

Zynga Pressures Employees to Give Back Stock Ahead of IPO

Protesters hit by car press for driver's arrest (Oakland)

I dare say that every person on the Penn State Board of Trustees knew about this long ago and . . .

Just my 2 cents about the Penn State matter....

Judge JUDY the GOPers ...If she moderates a Debate...all them GOPers would fail her withering STARE

Not all Veterans are treated the same...

Republican/Democratic Senators introduce bill to end overtime pay for computer and web workers!

Richard Nixon's long-secret Grand Jury testimony released over the objection of Obama Administration

Protective order filed against Sandusky on behalf of all of his grandchildren

Comment on the debates from the Left Coast Sports Babe

Paul and I want to adopt. We're doing classes, etc. Yet people like this can get a child...

Maher: Perry’s Gaffe Was Not Forgetting Agencies To Cut, It’s That He Wants To Cut Agencies - VIDEO

Amendment 28 - Declaration of Hysterical Non-competency.

Up with Chris Hayes -Standards of Justice:

In other News, Francisco Blake Mora died today (GRAPHIC)

I Am Sick Of Hearing The Words Penn State, Paterno and Sandusky

Why does Bill Maher keep defending Herman Cain???

Sandusky's home is surrounded by the local grade school

The right wing in the USA used to spread fear about the UN and One World Government.

Answers to the Friday Afternoon Challenge!

Rick Perry's Third Agency

Here's what my friend, a 2000 PSU grad, has to say...

Siri, Read My Mind: Did Hackers Just Build a Brain-Powered iPhone?

Siri, Read My Mind: Did Hackers Just Build a Brain-Powered iPhone?

Democrats Propose Scrapping Bush Tax Cuts Debate

Centre Daily Times -- Police find no link between Gricar, Sandusky

Gene Sharp on nonviolent action

Color me stupid - but, why does Penn State owe more than $1 Billion?

U.S. demands Iran respond in days to nuclear report

Fukushima: They Knew - by Greg Palast

Let's have a debate...

San Jose job fair this weekend ... for jobs in India

"I don't need government making MY healthcare decisions..."

NRA Blocks Effort to Prevent Military Suicides

A fantastic manualof civil resistance (disguised as a scholarly study )

Anybody Here Wonder How The Conversation Went When McQueary Met Sandusky After The Incident In The..

Help stop voter suppression. Koch brothers behind it.

Where is Victim #2?

Please let Newtered Gingrich be the nominee!

Exhibition celebrates work of President Obama's mother

Simple advice for sexual harassment

"America'a Child Death Shame"

Czech Republic says higher radiation not coming from them

Husker fans to wear blue ribbons at Penn St game to highlight the plight of child abuse victims

GOP Attempt to Overturn FCC's Net Neutrality Rules Fails in Senate

The 8 clowns are going to debate national security and foreign policy tonight

US CEOs meet with China president

Occupy Dallas Big Win ---- How Being Pushed Off-A-Ledge Is A FELONY

Illegal? Better if you're Irish (article from 2007 is still relevant today)

to wisconsin - please recall gov walker

"'re a socialist whore. I don't want anything to do with you."

"'re a socialist whore. I don't want anything to do with you."

*Oh! Tammy Duckworth running against Joe Walsh! Rachel show

You know, reading that Sandusky investigative report was hard. Real hard

OWS it is about to accelerate in the United States.

Guantánamo: the most expensive prison on earth

Guantánamo: the most expensive prison on earth

Democrats compete to face Snowe

Bankers Blast Batali’s Attack; Others Say ‘Leave Mario Alone!’

New Australian law bans cigarette pack brands

Herman Cain caught joking about Anita Hill

Action Comics #1 may sell for $2 Million

Action Comics #1 may sell for $2 Million

Romney’s Prospects Force Republicans to Choose

Fukushima: They Knew

U.S. demands Iran respond in days to nuclear report

Sugar Daddies of the Tea Party

FBI targeted activists Carlos Montes goes to court Nov. 14: Call-in Day Monday

Penn State Officials, Including Paterno, Could Face Civil Lawsuits

Penn State Officials, Including Paterno, Could Face Civil Lawsuits

Reggie Love, Obama's Body Man, Reportedly Plans To Leave The White House

It is 100% clear to me that McQueary was worried about HIS career and nothing else.

Enforcement of texting ban is rare

Commentary: The GOP says “adios” to the Latino swing voter

Super Committee Democrats Propose Scrapping Bush Tax Cut Debate In Exchange For Billions In Revenue

Miss Represntation is on RIGHT NOW -- OWN channel

New York Town, Unable to Trust Regulators, Tested Air Pollution Itself

On November 11, 12:30 a.m. 6 people were arrested, including 2 who have been arrested previously.

a Week of Progressive activities in Conservative Central Valley, Fresno CA 11/12-11/22

Prosecutors: Man killed nurse, stole her rings and used them to propose to his girlfriend

What would happen if Sandusky was found not guilty?

Ad By Crossroads, Karl Rove's Outfit, Yanked Off Air For Being False

Guest Shout

NATO's Secret Armies- Europe's Dirty Little Terrorism Secret (Gladio, Etc.)

These May Be The Droids Farmers Are Looking For

More problems for Rick Perry...

Advertising Fail

Homeless Man Slashes Tires In Hopes of Going to Prison for Medical Relief

Homeless woman's domestic-violence case outrages advocates

Relic to promote motherhood in Russia

Yes! Texas History Education Standards Receive Dismal Reviews In Recent Report

Holy crap, if you need proof of the typical Fox News viewer's racism.

Meet the shot-callers behind Oakland's authorities.

Republicans appear to be losing the white working-class voter. Who is going to vote for them?

Is the economy to blame for increased popularity of violent porn?

Occupy Homes: New Coalition Links Homeowners, Activists in Direct Action to Halt Foreclosures

Conn power company feels so bad about the storm power outage that they are wanting a rate hike

Conn power company feels so bad about the storm power outage that they are wanting a rate hike

We Need To Take Action That Will Get Attention

We Need To Take Action That Will Get Attention

Penn State Has Exemption From Disclosure Law

I wonder how Karen Kraushaar got outed and not the other woman who signed a settlement.

DNC: Retired General Slams Romney Plan to Privatize Veterans Care

#Occupy Oakland are being given eviction notices. Please post Quan's phone numbers here

Caterpillar to add 300 jobs in Decatur, East Peoria

Occupy Christmas.

Religious Right Reacts To DOMA Repeal Vote

Religious Right Reacts To DOMA Repeal Vote

Want more info about OWS? Check out

Italy crisis: Lower house approves austerity law

Bankers Boycotting Mario Batali Over Hitler 'Metaphor'

It’s Not About Paterno. It’s About the Kids

Squeeze me, could you give me a minute

Squeeze me, could you give me a minute

‘Wall Street Wives’ Says It Has Landed Kenneth Starr’s Wife

MF Global employees learn through the media that they've been F'ed

"We (heart) Joe. Thank you"

It is time to harass to Democrats on this "Super committee" for

Government is not the enemy. Not always. Don’t believe that right-wing malarkey.

Russian Mars probe failing and falling

OWS reporters and attendees, your rights as photographers

Morgan Hill Students Lose Lawsuit Over Right To Wear Flag

Morgan Hill Students Lose Lawsuit Over Right To Wear Flag

I got this POS response from the White House re a petition to keep 6-day mail delivery.

Toon: If Perry were Pres in 1942....

On this Veteran's Day, one of Molly Ivins' best columns ever:

On this Veteran's Day, one of Molly Ivins' best columns ever:

On this Veteran's Day, one of Molly Ivins' best columns ever:

Who would'a thought? A former secretary of state who supports OWS.

White House circulated plan to replace Chu

Ivo Cardile, 7, Walks Thanks To Father's Invention (VIDEO)

Kudos to Mark May, one of the commentators on the ESPN college football halftime show......

Conservatives Plot to Burn, Shred, and Sabotage Scott Walker Recall Effort

New Rules: Bill Maher Uses A Christmas Carol To Slam The GOP’s Holiday Hypocrisy - VIDEO

If your dog eats $1,000 how do you get it back? Pour peroxide down it's throat of course. Duh.

Should the 99% be TIME's Person of the Year 2011? - Vote yes / no

Bernie Sanders is coming up on Ring of Fire with Bobby Kennedy and Sam Seder

For what it's worth

For what it's worth

Cain loses serious endorsement: American Mustache Institute

Toon: Trickle Down Fact

By watching the News and Movies: Don't visit homes with Basements

By watching the News and Movies: Don't visit homes with Basements

Sandusky Home Borders Elementary-School Grounds; Administrative Action Taken

Whose streets? Oakland’s shadow government presses City Hall to end the occupation

Please . . .

McQueary will not go to jail, for one simple reason.

if it turns out that McQueary was also a victim, would that soften your view?

Missoula voters say corporations are not people, ask for constitutional amendment

Did anyone see this quote attributed to Karl Marx during the 2008 banking crisis?

State trooper, visiting nurse save motorist’s life on I-65

State trooper, visiting nurse save motorist’s life on I-65

This again proves another set of rules for the 1%

does Joe P get a severance package of any type with his firing

Did the Post Office stop Saturday Deliveries?

Did the Post Office stop Saturday Deliveries?

Paul Krugman Blog- Vouchers For Veterans

Saturday morning music thread!

Saturday morning music thread!

Mexico's top Cabinet secretary dies in crash

kark rove is a professional lying sack of shit.

Just dawned on me this morning

Anyone else watching this fabulous documentary on The redwood forest

Corner stores try selling healthy food. Will it work?

Why don't we just be honest about political power in this country - auction it openly.

So...the "old Boomer Has Beens" have their last say. "Joan Baez at Foley Square!"

While Rome burns...

Penn State Loses to Nebraska - no game ball for Cardinal JoPa - boo hoo hoo

The Missouri GOP is sinking, sinking fast

Friend With Benefits

Friend With Benefits

Friend With Benefits

Crowds In Rome Jubilant Over Berlusconi's Departure - Reuters

Gordon Gekko, from the 1987 movie "Wall Street"

The Supreme Court and health reform: A guide

Incredible wildlife photography... wait, what? Those are pencil drawings?

On Campus, a Law Enforcement System to Itself

Fannie and Freddie guarantee about $5 trillion in mortgages.

Arab League Votes to Suspend Syria Over Crackdown

Watch: Gabrielle Giffords Talks to Diane Sawyer in First TV Interview - Monday 10 p.m. Eastern

Veterans join Occupy protest as St Paul's canon shows support

Notes from Inside a Burst Bubble: On the Ground In State College, PA

"Ohio poll worker charged with biting voter's nose"

Does anyone know the name of the judge that granted Sandusky bail?

Independent UK: Courts step in to save vulnerable from cuts

Though this sounds like a good idea, I can see the potential for abuse:

Protest Planet: How a Neoliberal Shell Game Created an Age of Activism

It's very simple:

Penn State, My Final Loss of Faith (Brilliant Wash Post Blog Post)

And the Most Energy-Efficient State Is? Check to see where your state stands

Bill Press Doesnt see difference Between Herman Cain and Jerry Sandusky

If you won't watch tonight's Repube Debate- at LEAST LOOK at this cartoon.

I'll tell you something about harassment:

Paterno is a staunch Republican - does it matter?

Talk about gentrification.

Did God call Cain to be president?

Democrats Prepared to Extend Bush Tax Cuts. Join me Live!!

In Occupy Portland - there is a determined minority that ONLY seeks violence

Navy ship named for civil rights leader Evers

Via Facebook: #OccupyLosAngeles' food system receives disproportionate scrutiny

NYT: Charity founded by Jerry Sandusky Paid Him $456,000

Well Ok Then... Anybody Wanna Caption This ???

I saw a disgusting bumper sticker yesterday

I saw a disgusting bumper sticker yesterday

Bye Bye Berlusconi

Bill O’Reilly’s ‘Lincoln’ book banned from Ford’s Theatre because of ‘mistakes’

Camera catches "man" swinging cat by tail - cat ok - man identified

the republican party in a nutshell

Sickened by the Penn State fiasco

Poll: Obama disapproval rating on economy at record high

Did I just see an ad where Realtors

Some perspective on McQuery

Italy crisis: Silvio Berlusconi resigns as PM

Yale Bans Sex Week: Does Being a Porn Star Disqualify One from Sex Education?

The Sherrice Iverson murder in 1997 (appropriate to remind people at this time)

Women And The Arab Spring "It is matter of universal human rights."

Heads Up! There's going to be another Republican debate Saturday November 12th from 8-9 PM ET

Occupy ALEC -- Scottsdale AZ - ALEC's State & National Policy Summit 11/30-12/2

Former Rep Joe Sestak (D-PA) just compared treatment of Paterno to death of Gaddafi

Do you really need a T-shirt to be part of the Occupy movement?

Let's Swim to the Moon

"Just like with the victims, PSU players need to move forward..."

My first and probably only comment on the Penn State scandal - This is what scares me the most

Billions Wasted on Billing

The New Progressive Movement

Ad By Crossroads, Karl Rove's Outfit, Yanked Off Air For Being False (UPDATE)

Occupy Movement Worries China - SFGate

Former military man takes on Scott Walker in a speech...

#OccupyDenver facing total and permanent eviction, please call these numbers:

10,000 + PSU Students hold Candlelight Vigil For Sexual Abuse Victims ..

"James Murdoch arrested over phone-hacking claims." (?)

"James Murdoch arrested over phone-hacking claims." (?)

Grilled banker... YESSSSS..!

For the First Time in the History of Humanity....God Watched a Football Game.

Today we began our adoption journey...

A good friend of mine works in what you might consider the sex industry

Chicago principals say no to Rahm's "merit pay" scheme

He's not running for President, he's scamming conservatives.

Does anyone else think....

One of America's finest writers ever wouldn't have been surprised by the Sandusky conspiracy..

“You have no rights” - worthwhile reading

Ex-porn star reading to LA students causes stir

Map shows how hard it is to escape McDonald’s

ATLAS SHRUGGED DVD Recalled Because Of Ideological Error

ATLAS SHRUGGED DVD Recalled Because Of Ideological Error

ATLAS SHRUGGED DVD Recalled Because Of Ideological Error

Has Frank Miller always been this much of an asshole?

Why not an Occupy Congress political party?

Tuned in to the Penn/Neb game for five minutes...makes me sick.

I think it's best for Penn State to play today

I think it's best for Penn State to play today

TIME Person Of The Year: Vote For The 99% - They And Anonymous Are Leading Poll

Yeah, fracking causes earthquakes, but $o what? Socio-economic impact wins...

Yeah, fracking causes earthquakes, but $o what? Socio-economic impact wins...

It’s Official: Wall Street Firms May Legally Steal From Their Customers

Did FL state senator, J. D. Alexander, threaten USF student about his future?

TOON: Secrets of the Supercommittee!

Other things God needs Herman Cain to do

5 Reasons Progressives Should Treat Ron Paul with Extreme Caution

Maybe, just maybe the world is changing for the better...

Small stand you can take

How Romney grew rich by plundering companies

VOTE! "Who Should Be TIME's Person of the Year 2011?" Occupy!

The reason I don't like football is because I went to a football mad high school..

What is different about Bill Clinton vs. Herman Cain concerning their alleged sexual misconduct?

OMG. Check out this column by Jay Paterno:

Jerry Sandusky was released from jail without putting up one penny..

Jerry Sandusky was released from jail without putting up one penny..

Last night at St Louis ( OWS eviction)

Last night at St Louis ( OWS eviction)

Last night at St Louis ( OWS eviction)

Ten Ways the Occupy Movement Changes Everything

Get a blow job, and they impeach you. Steal from millions, and nothing happens to you.

An Open Letter to Occupy Oakland from the Oakland Police Officers’ Association

BofA Dumps $75 Trillion In Derivatives on U.S. Taxpayers

DU is by far my single most concentrated information source..

Three Debate Gaffes that were worse than Perry's 'mind freeze' gaffe.

Three Debate Gaffes that were worse than Perry's 'mind freeze' gaffe.

Could you just IMAGINE what it would be like on DU right now if NASCAR were substituted for Penn St?

Cain announces he was called by GOD!! Freepers swoon...

BREAKING - Bombshell Emails 'Devastating' for James Murdoch

The U.S. will become a post industrial neo-3rd-world country by 2032.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, We are trying to change the world..."

White privilege (pic) (edited)

NY, DE, PA, NJ DUers

Here's the deal... Had I witnessed a huge man ass-raping a 10 year old boy, I'd have risked my life


A direct attack on the net and social media by powers that be

Wow. The banks really are scared.

Last night Bill Maher said it was a waste of money to get a degree in art

Last night Bill Maher said it was a waste of money to get a degree in art

Why is Sandusky free on bail?

Why do you think liberal Democrats approve of President Obama more than the rest?

Every member of parliament investigating Murdoch phone hacking have had private eyes following them

If you want to be enraged at Penn State's obvious coverup, go ahead.

Knowing since 2008 that 'certain' IPod Nanos could overheat, Apple launches replacement program

I got this unacceptable response from the White House re a petition to keep 6-day mail delivery.

Universities and Sports--Should they be separated?

new teen fad - inserting alcohol rectally (butt chugging) or by alcohol soaked tampon

Papers to be filed Monday afternoon to recall #WI Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald.

Incredible wildlife photography... wait, what? Those are pencil drawings?

Here's the official newest addition to the Reublican dictionary:

DMT: Near Death and Mystical Experiences, “Alien Abductions”, and its Role in Everyday Life

George H. W. Bush Endorsed Jerry Sandusky's charity.

I gotta say it's been a long time since I've laughed as hard as I have in the last 2 or 3 days here.





Snow white

Even the livestock is happier since Kali relaxed the "No Women Visitors in the Bunkhouse" rule.

Art Appreciation 101: "Still Life with Bottoms":

"Road Less Traveled"/"Schmoad Less Traveled"... MiddleFingerMom didn't care and just hung a Louie.

One of the purest singing voices in the world.

Eleven . . . Time Zones?

I'm having a mild party for one

License plate seen recently in Virginia: PMS NRA

eleven, eleven, eleven

Perhaps my biggest disappointment

One of my nursing home friends passed away today, she was Army nurse in WWII.

Got "Live" if you want it.

what it has most the harmfully being to intellectualness of humanity nowatodays?

how do you feel about the lounge?

Oscar and Felix singing "You're So Vain"

Whenever I hear someone say, "the most beautiful woman's voice EVER", I think of this woman --

Working steam engine made of glass.

She said yes...

Does anyone know anything about ducks?

Did you hear there's a German woman about to come out and tell her story about Cain?

zombies worst nightmare

Jumping sundogs over thunderclouds

Tired of being called a Luddite, MiddleFingerMom finally got him one o' them newfangled cellphones.

Funny saying...

This poor guy ends up blowing himself.

Five minutes of gorgeous dolphin dancing.

Okay, let's have some Saturday morning fun (technically, I still have 19 minutes local time)

Feelings. Nothing more than feelings. Trying to forget my... feelings of love!!!

PHOTO: "Human Centipede III," performed exclusively by CATS.

Happy 11:11:11 p.m. CST on 11,11,11 A.D.

Stomach Flu sucks.

Does abscess make the heart go into infective endocarditis?

I got a brand new show starting at 3PM EST

Does absinthe make the liver grow darker?

Squeeze me, could you give me a minute

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush? NO!

OUCH! I've got a thread topic coming out of my ass - OUCH!

Buddy says..say cheese

What kind of maniac are you?

Linky? No, Slinky:

Nebraska beat Penn State, 17-14

It's Happy Hour!!! How about a squee cocktail?


James Bond must have a really screwed-up personal life

She said yes...

"The Bank Dick"..W.C. Fields..TCM 8 PM..One of his best...n/t

I want graywarrior to create a thread that never dies.

How do you get to Carnegie Hall?

Favorite breakfast beverage

PHOTO: "HEY! Why don't you just take a PICTURE! It'll LAST LONGER!"

Show Kitten some love, will ya?


Favorite dinner beverage

PHOTO: LOVED MiddleFingerMom's Chinese food dinner party, but the fried rice was a little "off."

Winter's almost here - how are your wipers?

Winter's almost here - how are your wipers?

PICS from my Hawaiian cruise: Dawn coming up over Diamond Head. (Dial-up Warning)

Dogs absolutely make the heart grow fonder.

Should DU 3 have a ranking system for posters rather than a simple ignore?

Only in GD: Discussing the advantages/disadvantages of "butt-chugging"

My eldest daughter is going to spend next semester in Budapest.

Saturday, November 12. The Weekend Edition of William Shakespeare's Thought For The Day.

Bears guarding pot plants, reporter loses it


I've noticed the Lounge posts have improved SIGNIFICANTLY since we were told how much we suck.

Favorite lunch beverage.

FINALLY: A photo of Skinner and EarlG at the DU Office.....

Item Response Theory

Victorian houses

What Your "Drink" Says About You on a Date

HELP! Need Help With Setting Up a Christmas Tree

***** ***** ****** *********LUTEFISK APPRECIATION THREAD***** ****** ******* *******

Today's College Football Thread

OK, I'll be Andy Rooney: Potato chip bags

k im scared to put my pic up but here..lets see pics

U.S. Works to Counter Electronic Spy Risks

Chinese ratings agency threatens US with new debt downgrade

Obama observes Veterans Day with Arlington rites

Mexico's top Cabinet secretary dies in crash

NBC (@tvnooz) reports that after shots were fired near White House, wild police chase began.

Mexico's top Cabinet secretary dies in crash

Penn State Officials, Including Paterno, Could Face Civil Lawsuits

Eviction notices at Occupy Oakland distributed

Shots Fired Near White House: Report

Egyptian pyramid closes briefly over 11/11/11 rumour mill

Ex-ambassador calls U.S. pipeline delay 'catastrophic'

Alaskan villages recovering from massive storm

Hamilton County commissioners' private meeting discusses Occupy Chattanooga

Italian deputies pass austerity package

Victims of Fort Hood shooting sue the Army for $750 million

Arab League suspends Syria, demands end to killing

Islamist kills 7, himself in Kazakhstan

Iran explosion at Tehran military base

Labor unions, Occupy Wall Street plan ‘day of action’ urging lawmakers to invest

1st look at Japan nuke plant: rubble amid progress

Batteries in Electric Cars Examined After Chevy Volt Fire

State Senate Dem leader opposes photo ID proposal

Russian Orthodox patriarch begins Syria peacemaking bid

Arab League to impose sanctions on Syria

Mitt Romney: Maybe Veterans' Health Care Should Be Privatized

U.S., Indonesia sign pact to boost commercial ties

Putin: we have lost Russia's trust

Conservatives Plot to Burn, Shred, and Sabotage Scott Walker Recall Effort

SEC Disciplined Employees for Misconduct in Madoff Case

Penn State Games Lose Sponsorship Deals

Clinton declares "America's Pacific century"

Anti-Wall Street protesters dig in against police

Oakland police union calls for end to "Occupy" camp

Obama seeks to hitch U.S. economy to Asian growth

Berlusconi resigns amid jeering, celebrations

Goldman Faces Lawsuits Over $15.8 Billion in Mortgages

Kidnapped Baseball Player Ramos Found Alive in Venezuela

Crowds attack diplomatic missions in Syria-residents

It'd be fun if, occasionally, the mods would look the other way when an obvious troll comes calling

Obama: Penn State abuse cause for 'soul-searching'

Mystery Radiation Detected 'Across Europe'

Sandusky "Victim 1" called hero for speaking out

Ex-Marine hurt in Oakland protests out of hospital

Cain says God persuaded him to run for president

Rail supporters get back on track with Amtrak victory

And now we come to the end of the story of Pickles, who went for a final time to the vet today.

Cars torched, hate messages found in Jewish neighborhood

Can someone explain the Olive Garden thing to me?

Does absence make the heart grow fonder?