Spectre of Greek eurozone exit looms as tour firm plans for drachma comeback
Guardian UK: European elites should be wary of the Greek spring
My proposal for an anthem for Occupiers: (the mic check song?lol)
Quelle surprise !!!: Poor left to rot in Bangkok flooding disaster
I just read about the "Personhood" law in Mississippi on CNN's website
To whoever just got me a star...
Influence industry officially in a funk
Condi Rice's Warmongering Continues: 'Time To Confront The Iranian Regime'
The 60 minutes juxaposition.....did anyone else notice....
If you can torture them "over there" you can torture them over here
Nov 23rd.. the Super Congress Committee of 12 votes on Social Security..
Rap and tweets to fight nationalisation
What to think of this? Occupy Phoenix With AR-15s???? WTF?
Man suing photographer wants wedding recreated, despite divorce
Occupy Wall Street Gets Free Healthcare For Furry Friends
you want to be known as 'job creators'? alright, then. go create some jobs and run a loss.
Instead Of Bringing Guns To Rallies Like Teabaggers, Occupiers Should..................
Instead Of Bringing Guns To Rallies Like Teabaggers, Occupiers Should..................
Teen accused of fatally stabbing grandma, a Chicago cop, after she catches him skipping school
Jack the Cat who was lost then found in NY airport has died.
Occupy Lexingtonky on investing in Kentucky banks, not
What Caused the Oklahoma Earthquakes
Occupy Los Angeles had the vibe of a village - a new community
Occupy Los Angeles had the vibe of a village - a new community
Cain Reveals New Economic Plan; Would Pay Every Woman in Country to Keep Quiet
STIGLITZ: OWS Protests Are An ALARM-The best government that money can buy is no longer good enough.
STIGLITZ: OWS Protests Are An ALARM-The best government that money can buy is no longer good enough.
Visa /Matercard Accepting Payments for Neo Nazi Cult but denies WikiLeaks Donations
A thousand (and ten) words on black bloc tactics
Mike Huckabee Compares Sexual Harassment To Ordering Chicken At Popeyes
My nominee for stupidest remark from FR...
My nominee for stupidest remark from FR...
The GOP’s History of ‘Hostage-Taking’
#Occupy Riverside (CA) reports 20 arrests tonight, via #OccupyLosAngeles on Facebook. eom
Singer Andy Williams has bladder cancer
My opinion is that those horse telepathics are ripping people off.
I've looked at both sides now. Am I done?
Big quake follows increase in Oklahoma rumblings
Post here to say Dem local government types should never move against the Occupy communities
Trumka heads to Ohio before referendum vote
My father of blessed memory hated Joe Paterno because
Cain wants complete control over a woman's body. But he doesn't want to discuss his own past
Japan arrests China fishing boat skipper
why does my state pay for the party primariy elections on either side?
Italy Leads Surge in Sovereign Debt Risk on Berlusconi Concerns
Italy Leads Surge in Sovereign Debt Risk on Berlusconi Concerns
Rise in sales tax as French PM Fillon warns bankruptcy no longer an abstract word
Do you have pictures of anyone whose name is on The Wall in DC?
Gay Air Force Vet Can Sue for Equal Severance
Glaxo Settles Avandia Case for $3 Billion (criminal and civil investigations)
Imagine If War Were Illegal — It Is!
A graphic showing the epicenter of the earthquake relative to the proposed Keystone XL pipeline:
I have to give kudos to Jack Abramoff .
Wow! Guess who's coming to breakfast?!
Two weeks into commercial service, the Boeing 787 already has issues.
Excuse me, please, but I have a question.
Excuse me, please, but I have a question.
Larry Klayman, Conservative Wingnut Lawyer, Gets Reprimanded By Florida Bar, Is Broke
So up is down and down is up ....
Tennessee Principal Suspends Gay Teen for Wearing Make-Up
What with the Khan academy online, homeschooling, charter schools, etc... are there
Family Says Their Son Died at Church's Illegal Boxing Match
Thousands in Conn. enter 2nd week without power
kay bailey hutchinson and newt gingrich both claimed 'annonymous accusations'
School Can't Blot Out Christmas Party Flyers
Diaper legislation generates rash of criticism
Exc. Overview: Reporters Detained, Arrested Across The Country In Occupy Protests
Pakistan trains 8,000 to protect nuclear arsenal
PG&E used wrong tests for years after '74 rupture
The best idea I've seen in terms of how to deal with police @ OWS
Some Disturbing Truths About Rick Perry's Texas
TX High School Suspends Male Cheerleader For Gay On-Campus Kiss Caught On Camera
Al Gore: "...always remember that the will to act is itself a renewable resource.”
Glamour Magazine's Women of the Year
A $1 million bronze statue of St. Ronnie at National Airport? Really?
Russ Feingold lecture, live stream today at 4 pm Pacific time
Vets Heed Occupy Rallying Cry: "For too long, our voices have been silenced, suppressed and ignored"
Looking for feedback on my attempt at an "Occupy" anthem:
CIA Increases Drone Killings of Pakistanis Who “Might be Militants”
Tweekers try to rip off statue of St. Ronnie
9 Wall Street Execs Who Cashed in on the Boom—and the Bust
Can anyone get Facebook right now?
CBS uses CAIN "sexual ASSAULT" = "sexual HARASSMENT"?
Colorado lawmakers plan legislation to create lottery ticket for veterans
Shit's gonna hit the fan this afternoon ! Cain's Accuser to Give Details
Being Black Is Not 'Probable Cause'
Dr Livingstone 'lied in famous account of slave market massacre'
Far right on rise in Europe, says report
Russia warns against any military strike on Iran
I don't think some people get the whole OWS thing at all
Vulnerabilities give hackers ability to open prison cells from afar
Refined Gauge of U.S. Poverty Puts Rate at 16%
How to install Mac OSX Lion on Hackintosh PC using UniBeast bootable USB
flash back to 2003: Inspectors say US intelligence was wrong
Finding Freedom in Handcuffs - By Chris Hedges
Finding Freedom in Handcuffs - By Chris Hedges
D.E.A. Squads Extend Reach of Drug War
D.E.A. Squads Extend Reach of Drug War
Please don't flame me. I want to understand this Keystone XL thing.
U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Begins Journey from California Forest this (last) Weekend
'Tabloid' Subject Says Movie Maker Errol Morris Defamed Her ('Manacled Mormon' story)
Journalism code of ethics distributed by Herman CAin. LOL
charts and graphs fron "The Spirit Level"
Don't ban single-sex education
Dems Poised to Win Big in Ohio
South Africa Bans AXE “Sexy Angels” Ad; Is It Offensive To Christians?
Anyone besides me notice how the stem cell reseach
In Money-making Scheme, Greece to Wed Kim Kardashian for 72 Days/ Andy Borowitz unearths plan
Devil found in detail of Giotto fresco in Italy's Assisi
Devil found in detail of Giotto fresco in Italy's Assisi
Mubarak's Army has detained civilians to cover up their Maspero massacre
When YOUR words come back to bite you in the ass....
Why would bees swarm a dead body?
Dad Calls Deputies a Couple of Big Bullies
Westboro Baptist Church Humiliated in Vegas
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but...
Can you say the 4th allegation against Cain? Twitter posts that just appeared...
Tunisian constitution will make no place for faith
"MF" Global - for once, an appropriately named derivatives broker
France unveils budget cuts, tax hikes in new austerity package
Lindsay Lohan checks in - then out - of jail
Many Americans left behind in the quest for cleaner air
Baba Amr Neighborhood in Homs under seige for 5 days now
Help please. Looking for a graphic contrasting defense and other spending...
Help please. Looking for a graphic contrasting defense and other spending...
Financial Cancer: Our Financial System Is Intrinsically Fraudulent and Unstable
Wall Street has truly enraged the masses
Cops Still on the Hook for Shooting Teen to Death
Herman Cain = The "kiss my ass" arrogance of Bush + indiscretions / race card pandering of Thomas
This Photo Sums It Up Pretty Well
City covertly removes controversial park bench
Occupy Anchorage, week five -- photos
Firing Of Waynesboro Police Officer For Refusing To Be Tasered Revoked
The Awesome Way Folks Everywhere Are Making Wall Street Pay
'Run For Your Lives': Euro Zone Considers Solution of Last Resort
Why Apple's Siri is a disruptive technology:
Ever Wonder What The Top 1% Makes? Here's Your Horrifying Answer
Celebration of Bank Transfer Day in Anchorage
Happy Climate Change Denial Season!
Occupy Bagad! (theater) Benefit for Occupy Portland 11/08 (x-posted to Oregon)
Touched: The Jerry Sandusky Story..
2-Day-Old 'Lucky' Denver Puppy Trapped In Wall Rescued
Why Cain is still in the race.
Why Cain is still in the race.
Juan Cole: Newt’s new Crusade against the Arab Spring
Activists outraged about Memphis-based cat recycling company
3,000 sign whitehouse.gov petition seeking "vapid response," cookies
Barnes & Noble introduces Nook Tablet (live blog)
The Revolution is not going to be Televised
Oklahoma Earthquake and Fracking
Is Pat Buchanan suffering from dementia or was he always a racist?
Sen. Lasee Urges Walker's admin to return $49 million in Obamacare funds
Sen. Lasee Urges Walker's admin to return $49 million in Obamacare funds
Is Gloria Allred getting involved really the best strategy?
Holy shit! How could I have missed this?....... I love you mods.
So next weekend, I am pondering on going to the center of our little GOP
I need help: Non-partisan reports on the disastrous effects of supply side economics!
The US Government has a history of giving disease carrying blankets
A Hidden Toll as States Shift to Contract Workers
North Carolina sterilization program, which targeted women, young girls and blacks
State Dept. Inspector General To Investigate Whether Laws Broken In Keystone Pipeline Review Process
US poverty measure paints bleaker picture
"GOP Study Finds that 1% of Poor Have 95% of Shopping Carts"
Without bus fare, homeless struggle to find, keep jobs
Occupy Dallas - Open letter to police
republicans are a bunch of hot air! Anyone notice how the
Fox not showing Allred's news conference.
Cube rats: details from the Herman Cain accuser's press conference.
Nativist Arizona Sen. Russell Pearce’s Supporters Launch Deceptive Robocall To Thwart Recall
OUTRAGEOUS! After Giving Birth - State Of NC Orders Sterilization For Raped 13 Year Old
Study of the online behavior of right-wing populists in Europe.
"The Journalistic Code Of Ethics"
So does that make it three ... or four women who have accused Cain of sexual improprieties?
Herman "where the white women at" Cain
herman cain on Jimmy Kimmel live 11/7 tonight midnight after Nightline
Posted about Ohio blocking early voting this year, got the following reply from RW'er on FB
Is The U.S. Still The Global Financial Leader?
These vile piglickers will ALWAYS circle the wagons and protect their perverts
Republicans support sexual harassment by a large majority...
Scandal in the Age f Obama (or, the Teflon President)
I will deface your property, shame your family, and scare your lackeys, you f*ing 1%
Tuning in now to CNN to hear Gloria Alred with her allegations about Cain.
Does your senator need a nudge? Senate may vote as early as Wed on bill killing net neutrality
Tests Show Most Store Honey Isn't Honey
More radical RW violence: Georgia Militia Plot Reflects Growing Antigovernment 'Patriot' Movement
Sharon Bialek, the Cain accuser, did not describe sexual harrassment.
MSM Tents At The Michael Jackson Trial vs The Occupy Tents......
Wall St. Firms Have Already Earned More Under Obama Than During Entire Bush Presidency: Report
John Nichols: Ohio GOP Bars Early Voting to Suppress Pro-Labor Turnout
Katrina vanden Heuvel: Stop the Big Bank Payday Predators
BBC: By 1800, Europe's wealth had caught up with China's...
Kuwait, US still talking about troop plan
Just watched Mrs Bialik on the tv
This is why you see so many young faces at OWS protests.
A Brief History of Corporate Whining
Georgia says it won’t drag NATO into war / Won’t fight Russia again, official says
Calling all DUers that are on Facebook to support OWS by posting this article to your wall
Floods approach Bangkok’s rail systems, as northern provinces start cleaning up
Do we need a separate "Occupy" forum???
spot the herman cain latest sex accusation on the liberal m$nbc website
New York Times: Second Accuser Says Bialek's Story Sounds FAMILIAR
When Sharon Bialek's voice cracked during the press Conference...
Zombie Economics Is Winning—Here's How to Kill It (Again)
VOTER ID LAWS will be discussed on C-SPAN tomorrow morning.
Inspector General Launches Investigation Into Keystone XL Approval Process
Morons and losers outside cheering outside the courtroom
Another piece of the Cain puzzle.
The Occupy Movement Occupies a Fancy Breakfast Where Union-Busting Shitbag Gov. Scott Walker...
After today, a truly idiotic remark became even more so.
TPM & WSJ: GOP offers limits on tax deductions, wants Bush tax cuts made permanent, lower corp. rate
5 Most Compelling Reasons To Vote No On Mississippi Amendment 26
Bill would require Pledge of Allegiance in schools
New York Times: Second Accuser Says Bialek's Story Sounds Familiar
Mr Fish 'toon: The Ideal Candidate
Mr Fish 'toon: The Ideal Candidate
CIA Increases Drone Killings of Pakistanis Who “Might be Militants”
Why did Eisenhower wait until his farewell address to warn of the Military–industrial complex?
On Cain, the Kochs and the whacked on GOP governors
I bought something made in America yesterday - Toilet seats sold at Home depot
Germany warns against debating strike on Iran: paper
Dude, you voted for Bush...twice
If you're not rich or you're unemployed, it's your fault because
I find it amusing that not so very many years ago
So an attractive, blonde, conservative Republican woman is accusing Cain of ASSAULT.
The reason the Pentagon has become so powerful is that they
He-heh-heh. Cain ad on DU frontpage. Offended? Not me - good he wasted$$!
Obama aide: All options on table with Iran
Well now, did WallStreet just give away the way to collapse them? Women & youth are key?
CBPP: 6 temporary federal initiatives in 2009/2010 kept almost 7 million people above poverty line
The END TIMES are coming!!! Are you ready?
Naomi Klein is headed back to Zucotti Park.
Oil group pushes tax breaks in TV ads
City Must Tell Newspaper About Cozy Ticket Plan
Can 3-D printing save homeless crabs?
Marines now treat boot camp injuries instead of dismissing them
A few choice quotes from the FReepers re: the new Cain harassment ch
Alleged Herman Cain Sexual Harrassment Story Gets Upgraded To Criminal Sexual Abuse
The Privileges of China’s Elite Include Purified Air
Apple building 171 acre solar panel farm to power NC data center
Tuesday morning on C-SPAN: Voter ID laws and impact on 2012
USAF general: Iraqi air defenses to have two-year ‘gap’
Inequality aversion is a deeply rooted social instinct
What Eats Up 53 Cents Of Every Tax Dollar?
Wall Street Traders Have Profited More Under Obama Than In Eight Years Under Bush
Wanna undo Citizens United w/a Constitutional Ammendment? There's a house party near you Wed night.
Murdoch's paper even spied on the lawyers who represent the family of murdered girl...whose phone
‘Anonymous’ documentary film ‘expected’ in 2012
Planetary Scientists Hope to Bring Back Mars Moondust
Toilet paper fight sparks axe attack
Toilet paper fight sparks axe attack
"Wall Street Sonata".....You won't hear this tune on Corporate Radio
The Chamber of Commerce pricks are running anti-union ads in Florida
Help, please. Looking for a graphic comparing defense costs with the rest of the budget...
Iran says U.S. uses IAEA as "tool"
Toon- Sweeping him under the rug
Cains defense - "I don't want to talk about it"
Is there evidence of extraterrestrial life? Nope, says Obama administration
Studies suggest link between smog, joint disease (rheumatoid arthritis)
Ordinance really gets their goat
'US fears Iran's military can compete with Israel, West'
Hannity On Latest Cain Accuser: "There's Nothing Here. The Lady Didn't Even Work For The Company"
Printed prior to yesterday's quake- Fracking may be causing OK quakes
The Economic Future Looks Dark as the Faux Economic Recovery is Primarily Low-Paying Jobs
The Economic Future Looks Dark as the Faux Economic Recovery is Primarily Low-Paying Jobs
Senate bill would block EPA regulation of coal ash
San Diego judge: Landlords can evict pot dispensaries
Is Tim Cook’s Apple Going To Stop Poisoning China?
MUST-READ: Barry Ritholtz: What really caused the financial crisis (the Big Truth vs. the Big Lie)
Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are right about the charges against Herman Cain (wink-wink)
Shit, if Herman Cain can convince Lindsay Lohan to flash a nipple ring ...
Shit, if Herman Cain can convince Lindsay Lohan to flash a nipple ring ...
Banning Soda in Schools Ineffective
Can you imagine our world if the Republicans get their way?
"4. Mitt Romney set up shell companies in the Cayman Islands and Bermuda to avoid U.S. taxes."
DU members are still number one at the art of polite disagreement
Soda Bans in Schools Have Limited Impact
New formula would reduce Social Security increases
Judge OKs $410M settlement for Bank of America
Dehumanizing Late-Stage Capitalism
Ed Koch to Obama: An Iran attack on Israel is attack on US
Ed Koch to Obama: An Iran attack on Israel is attack on US
The saber rattling on Iran steps up a notch
New (Fourth) Cain Accuser: He put his hand under her skirt "toward my genitals." AND....
New (Fourth) Cain Accuser: He put his hand under her skirt "toward my genitals." AND....
A limited on the success (and present weakness) of OWS.
Oh My - Cameron & Lansley caught lying about NHS and cancer
The Occupy Wall Street protests are open heart surgery for the soul of America.
10 Protest Movements That Changed America
Gingrich defends Cain, says media more focused on gossip than solutions
#Occupy Egypt on Facebook needs your love!
KABOOM! KochCain shit has really
Toronto Zoo to split "gay" penguin couple
Most of the unemployed no longer receive benefits
Wall Street’s resurgent prosperity frustrates its claims, and Obama’s
Wall Street’s resurgent prosperity frustrates its claims, and Obama’s
Proof that The Boston Herald sucks noogies
Conservative Penny Nance is "shocked" by the new Cain accusations.
Sign of grim times: Kids in Nickelsville
Politico: a partial transcript of Cain's accuser's statement.
'It's in Greece's Interest to Reintroduce the Drachma'
George Will says it's good that people are losing their public sector jobs
Why I will vote for Obama (while I hold my nose)
Matt Taibbi: One Last Note on Mike Bloomberg
S&P 500 index was 806 when Obama took office - its 1261 now - the LARGEST GAIN ever
Sid Melton has died...was on Danny Thomas and Green Acres
We are going to have to present the government with an ultimatum:
Is it beneficial to have Gloria Allred as the lawyer for the Cain accuser?
Just a personal note, will not go tomorrow to occupy
Jewish Bagel Bakery tradition kept alive...by two muslim brothers.
In case you have not noticed...distraction mode is on...
fracking is a problem and MUST be STOPPED
fracking is a problem and MUST be STOPPED
Concrete That ‘Eats’ Smog? MoDOT Testing It Out In West County
Gov. Scott Walker creates "The Office of Regulatory Compliance" Office.
2-year-old boy missing in Washington state
Standard time, thankfully, has returned at last!
Standard time, thankfully, has returned at last!
Standard time, thankfully, has returned at last!
Breaking-tornado on the griound in Oklahoma
Traders From Chicago Board Of Trade Dump McDonald’s Applications On Occupy Chicago Protesters
Why is begging by political candidates more acceptable than begging by vagrants?
Why is begging by political candidates more acceptable than begging by vagrants?
Jack the cat dies after getting lost at JFK
Jack the cat dies after getting lost at JFK
Certain rat poisons to be banned
Acetaminophen linked to asthma in new report
Roger Ebert says "Ebert Presents: At the Movies" show in danger of being canceled! He needs help
Meet Mahlon Mitchell: the 33 yo union pres that could beat Scott Walker in Wisconsin Recall
Uh-oh--will the Cain story be drowned out--verdict reach in Jackson murder trial
I'm concerned with some of the OWS pictures I've seen. They're not sending the right message.
I'm concerned with some of the OWS pictures I've seen. They're not sending the right message.
Toon - Hey Pizza Man! Help Me!
Toon - Hey Pizza Man! Help Me!
Bernie Sanders: The Veil of Secrecy at the Fed Has Been Lifted, Now It's Time for Change
It's time to Occupy these Fracking Sites - watch this video
Pres. Obama may delay Keystone pipeline decision til after election -- require enviro risks reduced
Rush Limbaugh: It's Pronounced Sharon 'Buy-A-Lick (Slurp, Slurp)'
I went to Free Repubic so you don't have to. They're in denial
A minuscule tax of one-tenth of one percent (0.1%) on financial transactions...
School District Cancels Classes For Islamic Holiday
White House rolling out programs to help veterans find jobs - Link.....
White House rolling out programs to help veterans find jobs - Link.....
Boehner: no fair calling us servants of the rich
Spanish cemetery warns of evictions for nonpayment
I'm sure most of you have seen this before, but...
Net Neutrality vote coming tomorrow...
Meet Your Average, Right-Wing, Republican Teabagger
CBS 5 Investigates mail order diseases (chicken pox infected lollipops or clothing)
MSNBC:Russia issues stark warning against attack on Iran. Germany rejects US/Israeli military action
"Over 21,000 sign whitehouse.gov petition seeking "vapid response," cookies"
Apple shovels $400m in stock options to top execs
Does anyone think that Herman Cain may have been set up?
PWNED!!!! - The Joke Campaign of Herman Cain - HaHaHaHaHaHa
Cain is history. He physically attacked her.
3 toons- Occupy. Wall. Street.
The idea that Republicans are sabotaging the economy goes mainstream
Strapped county sacks Santa to save $660
Sign my White House petition askin Obama to denounce police brutality
There is a problem with this photo from DENVER
Is The U.S. Really In Decline?
ONLY President Barack Obama has the character and the family values to be president
"Take Petitions Seriously" petition on whitehouse.gov
AJC article: TFA alum and former recruiter: Group's gone from “mostly harmless” to “mostly harmful"
AJC article: TFA alum and former recruiter: Group's gone from “mostly harmless” to “mostly harmful"
'Occupy' protesters mint their own coloring book - w/pics
!AL GORE Congratulates OWS "A Primal Scream Of Democracy"-Calls Wall St "Insane"-Congress "Owned"!
NO TRUTH to the rumor that Cain's new campaign slogan is "America! You want a job, right?"
Preaching Virtue of Spanking, Even as Deaths Fuel Debate
Limo delivered food request for Schuller's wife angers Crystal Cathedral congregants
Powerful photo: the woman who symbolically occupied Woodruff Park (Occupy Atlanta)
4 Accusers and counting.... Who in the Cain Camp Didn't See This Coming?
4 Accusers and counting.... Who in the Cain Camp Didn't See This Coming?
TOM TOMORROW: The parallel primary
Obama's Gallup approval rating amongst liberal Democrats for October 31st-November 6th is 83%.
Obama's Gallup approval rating amongst liberal Democrats for October 31st-November 6th is 83%.
President Clinton was impeached for 'lying' about sex, Herman Cain says mind your own business
D.E.A. Squads Extend Reach of Drug War
Record age wealth gap: 60+ = 170K median net worth, under 35 = 3.6K
"Energy" bracelets powered by placebo effect
Distance Learning: Reflections on Occupy Los Angeles, Nov. 5-6
Issa Wants Feds To Probe ACORN Role In Occupy Wall Street
National Study Finds Widespread Sexual Harassment of Students in Grades 7 to 12
OccupyDallas protesters that were victims of police brutality held without bail
You are a stupid liberal and the OWS protesters want something for nothing..
Fake Tainted Honey From China @ A Store Near You
My sexual harrassment story and what I did with it.
Human males (especially MEN in Congress) should STFU regarding childbirth ...
Cain we get this straight! The woman was sexually assaulted, not harassed.
Wall St. Is Out $60 Billion, and We Can Inflict More Pain..
CNN reporting that the AVERAGE checking account has a $5,200 balance.
Prosecutor to parents: Mailing chickenpox illegal
ALEC EXPOSED: Updates (The Center for Media and Democracy)
ALEC EXPOSED: Updates (The Center for Media and Democracy)
Super Committee is getting bipartisan support for reducing SS and other benefits
The most common way people give up their power
Workers Power article on the Occupy movement
U.S. wool blanket mill reopens!
This can't be true! It just can't be.
popcorn, get your popcorn here: We’ve officially entered the Gloria Allred phase of Cain Scandal
Sheraton Hotels Implement Chinese-style Internet Censorship, Block Alternative News Websites
The Penn State sex abuse mess is going to ruin that school
Listening to McLemore Avenue by Stax band Booker T and the MGs
OK, Walking Dead fans --- do they finally find Sophia this week?
I think I am deep into my Bruckner Phase right now
Please Don't Eat the Daisies on TCM.
Free online streaming of OTR (Old Time Radio) HUGE site -- this link goes to Jimmy Stewart...
Is anyone really playing with a full deck ?
I see Tiger Woods is doing ads for Lasik now...
If you could ask any historical figure (as in "dead") one question...
Reality check. It's 9:48 Eastern. I've had breakfast. I'm not stoned. I'm not drunk.
Geeze. Did everyone set their clocks back to 1914 and sleep in? Helllloooooo!
*Gets out her staple gun and posts the new DU Lounge Smoking policy* PLEASE READ
Just like everything else, there is a silver lining to be found in the Zombie Apocalypse.
For assembly language geeks only - What's your favorite CPU?
For some reason the pottery classes taught by HopeHoops were very popular
The heart of the baddest badass you know would melt when faced with this... guaranteed.
Kid Caught Doing Dishes While Dancing To 'Smooth Criminal'
Moon Face handmade pendant with silver or black or black satin cord
A walrus took his car into the shop as it was running poorly.
I'm voting LuckytheDog as the DU Parent of the Year
We've got an appointment to look at the house!
My son hates the Dallas Cowboys
Happy Birthday Joni, So many great songs
Worried. It seems to be much darker than it should be for 4:45. Apocalypse???
Just got back from the doctor...
I'm thinking of getting a nipple pierced and posting a picture of it on the net just to fuck up all
I'm thinking of getting a nipple pierced and posting a picture of it on the net just to fuck up all
Well I finally got to see a bear today. Crossing the road in front of me and taking off
Trying to stream "Starman" over Netflix for the kids. Keeps buffering.
What happened to the "thread that will never die"? did it die? nt
My genius uncles decided to install a pellet stove in my hoarder grandmother's house. I'm scared!
PHOTO: PARENTS can set a good example, but it's up to KIDS to put wisdom into practice.
A SPECIAL photo for those of you who think that "Chucky" thing in "Child's Play" could NEVER happen.
Watching the circus outside the courthouse in LA!
What is this "We are the 99 Percent" group?
Did Cain assault Murphy Brown?
For the DU Women - I hope you remembered to do this over the weekend...
Do you have a favorite James Bond blunt?
Marie Curie's half life was 33 years.
My sweet dogs always know when I'm sick...
A PSA for those of you who don't know this: Disturb kitty's slumber at your own great personal risk.
Do you have a favorite James Bond stunt?
To quote George Carlin, "Face it. Farts are funny."
Free meal for veterans Friday at Applebee's.
Hitler's plan for New York: The New York Bomber.
Fido's gotta kick the habit.....
big life circle stuff all on the first page of the lounge
Why can't scientist breed a cat with a seal?
For the DU Men - I hope you remembered to do this over the weekend...
Really - just 5 hours in jail. I'm sure that'll teach Lindsay a lesson
PHOTO: The ULTIMATE gift for those who want a burger but don't want to leave the kiddie pool
Eagle forces paraglider to crash land in Himalayas – video
SHIT - GD is ANAL! Be thee ware all that travel here, for there be dragons.
PHOTO: Is it just me, or is SQUIRREL squee like squee on steroids?
So, what should I get pierced to bring the Internet to its knees when I post the pictures?
We're back! Looks like we're getting a new home!
Glen Campbell. Wow. The man can STILL play!
Please check in here if you have not been molested by Hermain Cain
Favorite computer external storage device.
What Caused the Oklahoma Earthquakes
Mud from (PG&E) explosion closes lanes on I-280
Central Asian Security Alliance: Putin, Wen To Include Iran And Pakistan
Greek Leaders Reach Deal to Form a New Government
Chinese firms to increase censorship of online content
India Kudankulam nuclear plant 'safe' - APJ Abdul Kalam
Supporters donate towards Ai Weiwei's tax bill
Rio Earth Summit postponed after clash with Queen's diamond jubilee
Germans given a £5bn tax-cut 'thank you' over eurozone crisis
Southeastern Conference announces Missouri as new member
UN report 'to suggest Iran nuclear weapons work'
French PM Unveils Austerity Measures To Save Extra EUR7B In 2012
Former News Corp. editor gets $2.7 million severance
Revealed:How Obama was playing golf until 20 minutes before Navy SEALs began mission to take out OBL
Journalists close to Berlusconi say he will resign Monday
Israel's public sector declares general strike, paralyzing economy
Prosecutor to parents: Mailing chickenpox illegal
Judge blocks graphic images on cigarette packages
News of the World hired investigators to spy on hacking victims' lawyers
Wall St. Firms Have Already Earned More Under Obama Than During Entire Bush Presidency: Report
Spanish cemetery warns of evictions for nonpayment
News of the World hired investigators to spy on hacking victims' lawyers
French Armed Robbers Steal Thousands of Copies of Modern Warfare 3
"Wall Street Sonata".....You won't hear this tune on Corporate Radio
Cain faces new claim of sexual misconduct (groping)
Texas court stays Wednesday execution as lawyers seek DNA tests (Hank Skinner)
Syrian Troops Escalate Bloody Crackdown in Homs
Defiant Carlos the Jackal, calling himself ‘professional revolutionary’, on trial in France
The "Happy Hollisters" Anybody else read/remember this book series?
Russia: Israeli threat of strikes on Iran 'a mistake'
Michigan AG sues to shut down 2 abortion clinics
Attorneys seek to examine Righthaven CEO(and wife) about company finances
Occupy Wall Street Marchers to Cover Most of Manhattan
Italy 'needs 300bn euro loan to stand still'
Fourth Cain accuser to hold news conference
SB 5 headed for big defeat (Labor is poised for a big victory in Ohio Tuesday)
Please post songs that make you cry..
Archdiocese of Detroit sells downtown warming center, soup kitchen
Republican lawmaker ends hold on Palestinian aid
Anonymous Video Calls For Shutdown Of Iowa Caucuses
Stock Market Watch, November 7, 2011
Condoleezza Rice in Nashville for fundraiser
Liberal Democrats say $25B settlement with banks is insufficient
Employees at Kansas beef packing plant vote in favor of union representation
Herman Cain Blames Media in "Unsubstantiated Personal Attacks"
New Census data raises number of poor to 49 million
Exclusive: OPD Walks Back Claim That Tear Gas Was 'Necessary to Protect Officers' at Occupy Oakland
U.S. Wealth Gap Between Young, Old Is Widest Ever
Sharon Bialek accuses Cain of sexually inappropriate behavior
# # # # # # # NOVEMBER MILESTONES # # # # # # 2nd edition...
Keystone pipeline decision could be delayed until after election
Paul says friendship best way to deal with Iran
Ronald Reagan Statue Vandalized In Newport Beach
Nicaragua election results show lead for Ortega
France cuts frantically as Italy nears debt spiral
IAEA says foreign expertise has brought Iran to threshold of nuclear capability
100s of Seniors Join Occupy Chicago, Protest Cuts to Medicare, Social Security (47 Arrests)
Ex-general Perez Molina wins Guatemala elections
Koch brothers: secretive billionaires with eye on 2012 creating vast database
What is the word or term that means Humankind's longing to be with nature?
Connecticut utility will not meet deadline to restore power to 99% of customers
Jackson doctor convicted in star's 2009 drug death