Democratic Underground

Archives: January 10, 2011

We prohibited Alcohol and that worked so well that we


It's about healthcare.

Why can't we start with universal free mental health care?

But they're just so shocked, shocked I tell ya...

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill (BAN shoulderthingsthatgoup!)

The Right will have a new enemy. Patricia Wraight (sp?) was just on Faux talking to Shepard Smith.

I emailed Mike Papantonio and encouraged him to bring a case against Palin

Isn't What Happened in Arizona Media-Fed Bigoted White ChristianTerrorism?

Sad Sweet Story: AZ Man killed credited with saving wife's life

Whom will hate radio blame

FBI harasses Dakota activist...

Looks like the government surgeons who have dealt

Shep Smith interview on FOX

And instead of the situation calmng down, fear is taking over

A SHOUT OUT to the heroic 61 yr old Patricia Maisch whose courage saved many lives.

2008: Secret Service blamed Palin for spike in threats against Obama

Jared Loughner has ties to racist rightwing group....

Has anyone ever seen the graphic portraying the left and the right?

Kyl: Arizona Sheriff's Remarks Inappropriate

Kyl: Arizona Sheriff's Remarks Inappropriate

No More Shootings No More Hate

Guardian UK: Gabrielle Giffords shooting reignites row over rightwing rhetoric in US

SPLC Hatewatch Blog: Who is Jared Lee Loughner?

Does FOX charge their advertisers for airing their commercials?

Sarah Palin's show in Alaska CANCELLED!! They threw

If the assault weapon ban was still in place....

The Right's Political Tactics

Possible Racist and Anti-Immigrant Tie to Alleged Arizona Assassin

BREAKING: More Dead Birds fall from the Sky

Shooter Loughner's comments about "illiteracy" are thinly disguised racism

Maybe I am wrong about Boehner but.......

The Domestic Terror Attack in Arizona: A Turning Point For the Administration?

"The Shooting of Gabrielle Giffords" by Frank Schaeffer

So How Many Golf Courses And Tanning Beds Will Boner Be Seen At This Week..

Save all tape, recordings, and screen shots

Did Sarah Palin put a hit out on someone or not?

Ok fox fews sunday repeat

Iceland summons US envoy over demand for MP's Twitter details

Me Luuuuvs Da TBogg !!! - LOL !!!

I wonder what Hannity and Rush will have to say tomorrow. Will they continue their vitriol?

I had to look up that movie from 2006 "Death of a President"

Delete Please

"We either live together, or we die together"

The massacre and Health Care (scary thought)

The massacre and Health Care (scary thought)

WHOA!! Did you see the look on the Congressman's face on CNN?

Just A Video To Share....

"Liberalism is Satanism" and other crazy Tea Party rants

The Flag, flying in the dark, rain, snow, etc on a house always reminds me there is a person

Why was the DU Greatest Discussion Threads Sorted by Recommendations Censored?

Right Wing Museum Shooter - Republicans/Pundits Warned the Left Back Then Too

Try this argument for those that insist that violent rhetoric does not lead to violence.

Try this argument for those that insist that violent rhetoric does not lead to violence.

It's more than words the hate talkers's the atmosphere they created...

Why on the weekends does MSNBC leave us with the choice of CNN or Fox which both suck hard?

That POS palin is a coward

David Gargoyle upset about the right being blamed for vitriolic rhetoric

Well Somebody should post this

Rep. Robert Brady: "It's not a wake-up call, it's a four-alarmer,"

Rep. Robert Brady: "It's not a wake-up call, it's a four-alarmer,"

Shooting could tame tough political rhetoric

Unlock and Unload

For those who said Jan Brewer was "shaken up" at her press conference

From Mudflats and Light a Virtual Candle

It's the hit dog that always yelps..

I think this Tucson massacre may have finished Sarah Palin

Does Keith Olbermann Owe Jon Stewart an Apology?

House To Hold Bipartisan Caucus Meeting For Post-Shooting Safety Info

Authorities charge man, 22, with assassination try

Some good news this weekend

The more I learn about GIFFORDS the more I love being a Dem n/t

This poll needs help: Tucson: Did political rhetoric play a role?

Pennsylvania Democrat to introduce legislation to protect lawmakers

More than anything, Sarah Palin is just plain STUPID!!

The "Palin mentality" kills!

Why hasn't Boehner cried about Giffords?

Sarah Palin: "I don't believe in coincidences"

We Spent Billions on TSA Overnight..So How About a Billion on Security For Congressional REP'S

Right Wing Insurrectionist Violence

GREAT timing! Freeper thinks Palin's "candidacy should be announced sometime this week"

Petition to indict Sarah Palin for inciting violence

What the right is really afraid of

What the right is really afraid of

Good dog....did you know Obama started this killing spree with all his violent talk?

Did Sarah Palin put a hit out on someone or not?

Whoppi talks about Tea Party tactics

Peter Werbe discussing the tragic shootings on his live radio program now

SPLC Hatewatch Blog: Who is Jared Lee Loughner?

Sarah Palin is a terrorist.

I don't want to silence anyone. I just want them to quit making death threats

TLC Axes Palin.....Let's See If FAUXnews Does The Same

My rough draft for my editorial on universal health!

Today is 01/09/11

I wish someone would make a video collage of all the hate in pictures and video of hate from the

President Bill Clinton: "we must all assume responsibility for our words"

robert fisk`s journalism and 'the words of power'

It just doesn't matter that they haven't yet found a connection between Loughner & the Right Wing

This is interesting... its possible a misspelling of Loughner's name led to the shooting

Right wingers saying that left wing 'hate talk' is dangerous, but their talk is not to blame.

The party that "believes", espouses, preaches...

The four goals of AM talk radio tomorrow

CHICAGO TRIBUNE BREAKING: Danny Davis receives "Danny Davis is next" email today

Yesterday's Tragedy - by Raul Grijalva

Poor Misunderstood Media

The one fact that Palin cannot run away from is after this happened, the first thing many people

9/11/08: Palin discusses the "tough decisions of where we go, and even who we target"

FYI: HUEY LONG Symposium right now C-Span(2)

Shooting sparks discussion of incendiary political talk

Shooting sparks discussion of incendiary political talk

Remember this one? Allen West's pick for chief of staff.

Remember this one? Allen West's pick for chief of staff.

Praying for Palin


MSNBC Video: From Dateline, Christina Taylor Green's parents interviewed by Lester Holt

Busy Tea Party beavers have trotted out a 2004 DLC map

The four goals of AM talk radio tomorrow

School district in heavy debt pays $200+k to lobbying firm

Oh shut the fuck up already, Gergen

The corporate media is as culpable as anyone else re: the Giffords tragedy...

Asking "why?" without the blame game (Effects of militant political rhetoric)

The InterTubes have a very long memory: Palin Twitter uses term: "Bulls Eye"

It's more than Palin. It's about the failure of the news media as a whole.

The "Lone Wolf" Right Wing Ideology Strikes Again

Has the shooter been confirmed as a teabagger?

Heavy snow here in Atlanta. (pics)

Both sides do it (Some lovely rush quotes)

Tucson billboard: "Rush Limbaugh Straight Shooter"

Tucson billboard: "Rush Limbaugh Straight Shooter"

Would this be constitutional?

Who here remembers "The Anarchists' Cookbook"?

Thoughts from Gryphen at The Immoral Minority - "No Tweets of Sarah Palin's Alaska Tonight"

Dupont to Buy Danisco for $5.8 Billion to Add Enzymes

Dupont to Buy Danisco for $5.8 Billion to Add Enzymes

Rep. Davis Receives Threatening Email -- "Danny Davis is next" threatening email reportedly warns

Well, it looks like the right's going ALL-IN, defending Palin's 'crosshair' tactics...

Three Bullets to the Head - How a gunman in Wisconsin managed to shoot himself over and over again

So why hasn't the nutter been charged with the murder of the little baby doll girl?

••• Loughner is a leftist???? He called abortion murder ••••

Proof that members of congress encouraged the hate was when they hung over the balcony of the

Space flight by Giffords' husband may be in doubt

Congresswoman Giffords' husband releases statement on tragedy

Giffords took question from Loughner at event three years ago (AP)

Giffords took question from Loughner at event three years ago (AP)

2 Lawmakers to Carry Guns in Home Districts - Dem Shuler

If it was Republican Politican that was shot

be mindful...

Poll on whether Palin has responsibility in what happened

Jared Lee Loughner is a registered Republican (updated - not true)

Republicans have the solution to all the hateful speech.. It MUST stop or at least be toned down..

Who are Loughner's parents, what do they do, and have they commented at all? nt

Insurrectionism Timeline of rightwing eliminationist rhetoric & actual violent acts over last 2 yrs

Beware of the Westboro Baptists

How to prove someone really can't see in the future

I already know what Rush and Beck will say later.

Interesting article on Gabrielle Giffords written during the primaries

A 9 year old didn't have to die because of Right -wing hatred, but she did.

There's a thread in the Editorials forum that should go to the front page...

Would we like it if President Obama Directly blamed Sarah Palin for causing the Giffords shooting.

Statement from U.S. Navy Captain Mark Kelly (Gabby's husband)

Please sign this petition against inciting violence

Who's the most horrible person in America?

I bet Vincent Bugliosi Could Get a Guilty Verdict for

Here We Go, The Official Spin Begins

Yahoo Comment Way Over the Top

Well, I guess I won't be buying a laptop from this guy...

There It Is On Morning Schmoe, How Dare We Mention Sarah!

An now the R's are afraid of retaliation

The Tucson shootings: A warning to the American people

Those little crosshairs are just mapspots? Really?

Man attempts suicide in Romanian parliament

Turn on morning joe, they're talking to a neurosurgeon and shes giving good info

In Southern Sudan, a Jubilant Vote on Secession

Hero blasts the right!

Joe Scum asks Buchanan whether it is time for Palin and Bachmann

Will "political violence" increase in America over the next 5 years ?

I hope Sarah Palin and her ilk see the face of that adorable

Wow Harold Ford actually reminded them about Rand Paul's

Will Tom Delay Spend A Single Night In Jail?

Terror Accusations, But Perjury Charges

My son's response to a Person in NZ It broke my heart

Can Obama direct an investigation of the media inciting this violence?

David Horsey: Extreme words have deadly consequences

Well said E.J.Dionne

Words of Wisdom from Twitter:

Morning Schmo: At first I was angry

About Gabrielle Giffords

Regardless if Loughner was inspired by the teabaggers or not...

US Empire of Bases 2.0

Federal murder charges filed in Giffords shooting case

Climate of Hate, By PAUL KRUGMAN

Palin's show cancelled...let's see - half term governor, half a season TV program,

"My Daughter was Crying Last Night"


LA Times Editorial: Bradley Manning Conditions "Indefensible"

Ex-CIA Officer Arrested in Continuing Obama Attack on Alleged Leakers

Digby: Right-Wing Keeps Denying the Consequences of Its Violent Rhetoric

From that "other" website...

From that "other" website...

Rep Danny Davis receives threat - says that he is next

Shadegg on MJ talking about how his staff is sometime scared in town meetings

Bowl game is big business with patriotic fervor

You've got to be taught

Unibomber lawyer to defend Giffords shooter.

Somali Islamist group bans handshakes between different sexes

People say the dumbest things when talking about a tragedy

Republican chickens come home to roost in Tucson

Loughner's mother is Jewish?

This hate from the right goes back 50 years. Check this out:

Palin's Facebook mods remove criticism but leave one celebrating the murder of a 9 year-old:

Reconstruction Rhetoric and Tactics

Bill kristol on cspan callers blaming the President


Is it over? Unfortunately, maybe not.

Anyone recall any republican being shot in the last 100 years or so?

How the Right Will Twist and Exploit the Giffords Shooting

WBC does it again

Open Thread for Listing ANY Republican Figures Willing to Condemn Right Wing Violent Talk and Images

Snow is ruining Governor Brownback's inauguration

If Congress would like to give a tribute to the victims of the Tuscon massacre, they can start by

It will be harder for one side to cool the rhetoric

Stephanie Miller is going nuts right now

Vitriolic rhetoric can't spread without help.

"Goldman's Facebook Deal is worse than Toxic Mortgages"

Listening to Shep Smith interview the 61 year old woman

Strickland bans owning wild animals

Sarah Palin's stock takes a nosedive...

Despite Media Headlines, Pentagon Spending is Up, not Down

Can we please post locations in subject lines?

Brokaw went there on Morning Joe

Louisiana governor bans fake bath salts

The very fact that Palin removed these photos from her PAC’s website within an hour and a half ...

Many people don't even know what happened.

Daily Kos reflects

Ariz. rampage suspect may seek Unabomber lawyer

Chart shows explosion of lock and load politics

Any doubt the Right has been promoting voilent confrontation

Congress Woman Giffords a strong woman.

Sheriff Dupnik just put little chuckie todd in his place in an interview. He told him he stands by

Stephanie Miller started her radio show today practically in tears.

Brokaw was on Today Show, I'm paraphrasing

So, wonder what Sean Hannity is telling Hasselbeck to say today??

'Humor writer' names Olbermann a 'target' after Giffords shooting

I got this from a Freeper today...Can you help me with it?

No cites needed. It's as plain as the nose on your face,Those who eagerly!desire WAR have NO problem

••• Prayers recited for Gabrielle Giffords at graves of Biblical figures in Israel •••

Maybe the real lesson to take from this tragedy

Loughner Won't Speak to Investigators

Was Savannah feeling too guilty to be with chuckie today?

After Tucson: Why Are the Mentally Ill Still Bearing Arms?

Teaparty Spokesman lying about Obama on the BBC

Thousands Of Egyptian Muslims Show Up As ‘Human Shields’ To Defend Coptic Christians From Terrorism

" I will fight for you".. Let's hit them hard",

My RW boss is shocked - SHOCKED I tell ya!!!

Look at this, are you really afraid of all of these mental illnesses?

Look at this, are you really afraid of all of these mental illnesses?

Fuckie Todd is off and running

Major media has a troubled past.

Professor: I Called 911 on Loughner in Class

NYTimes: U.S. Cites Evidence of Assassination Plot

"...a pot-smoking loner..." (AP spin)

touring musician friend of mine in Tuscon yesterday...

Fox News: The No. 1 Name in Murder Fantasies

You're right: Both sides do "it" in keeping with that meme:

Loughner and Milwaukee man's "grammar" site

Anyone listening to MSNBC and the nutter from McMoose camp?

Horses or Zebras? Phone a Friend? Poll the Audience?

JUSTICE DEFERRED: Army deploys soldiers accused of felonies, leaving victims, judges, to wait for co

So I'm listening to Sirus XM Patriot (XM 166) is deflecting blame to the LEFT

"What threatened the right the most was losing control of the national political narrative"

Impotent Rage is a Factor

On Crazies, Artists, Violence, and Gentrification

Moment of silence at 11:00 a.m. EST for those killed and wounded in Arizona.

Moment of silence at 11:00 a.m. EST for those killed and wounded in Arizona.

Some good came out of the shooting..

I just have to say that Neil Boortz is the worst kind of prick.

A closed captioned newscast gave a great spelling on the name of Ohio's new governor.

Texas legislature to consider requiring college faculty to boost graduation rates

With belated sanctimony

CNN just said the shooter could be considered liberal because he smoked pot

So will the RW apologize to Janet Napolitano this time for attacking her?

Question: if Giffords' opponent had won the election ....

The prosecution of Jared Lee Loughner is not enough!

The prosecution of Jared Lee Loughner is not enough!

"both sides need to tone it down"

"both sides need to tone it down"

failin quitter, the shit phoenix.

Ultimate punishment in Arizona for Jared Lee Loughner's crimes would be to legally change his...

Patriot Act, a Nazi law: Ex-CIA official

Patricia Maisch - talks about what happened.

Andy Borowitz's column makes you laugh for a litte while.

Is it true that Giffords didn't vote for Pelosi as minority leader?

There's One Huge State Budget Crisis That Everyone Is Refusing To Talk About

Rev. Anne Howard, HuffPo: Elegy for Christina Taylor Green 9/11/01 -- 1/8/11

Walters, The View: Giving "Crosshairs" Palin a total walk...

People, including a 9 year old , were murdered, yet the media story has become Palin's reputation

From ‘Job Killing’ To ‘Death Panels,’ Republicans Have Numbed Us To The Imagery Of Their Rhetoric

Was Matt Lauer trying to diminish the significance that political vitriol has on murderers?

Was Matt Lauer trying to diminish the significance that political vitriol has on murderers?

Boortz is saying the cross hairs are surveyors marks.

time for the 'lamestream media' to turn on ms palin

I've got to say that the frightened classmate

I've got to say that the frightened classmate

A vigil was held yesterday at Harvey Milk Plaza in San Francisco for victims of AZ shooting - pics

So what will you do with your anger and your pain following this tragedy?

MSNBC's Chris Jansing just lost it on the return from the moment of silence.

MSNBC's Chris Jansing just lost it on the return from the moment of silence.

WARNING all 637,000 @wikileaks followers are a target of US gov subpoena against Twitter

You Want A Correlation?

Sarah Palin's Alaska cancelled for "having no reality whatsoever"

While the debate rages on about Jared's political ties

Tucson Citizen (newspaper) opinion: The Rhetoric of Violence

I grew up in an era of church bombings, political intimidation, and murder.

DO NOT BE SILENT (A Call for Protest)

Don't forget Dr. George Tiller was also targeted the same way.

The reason the dems have a difficult time winning any debate or argument, you have people

Do You Know What Message They Are Sending Out By Denying any Fault?

Andy Borowitz reports about Chaos at Fox News about how to scale down the hate speech

Dear Right-Wingers: You Are All Muslims Now (Rude Pundit)

New GOP logo

Example of why the fringe right is effective

Congrats Tea Partiers, you got your wish!

Prosecution cut short at DeLay sentencing hearing

I heard Cokie Roberts' comments on NPR this AM regarding the shooter.

Based on what you now know, to what extent were Loughner's actions politically motivated

The "It's Both Sides" argument

Chaffetz (R) Utah...his repsonse? Carry his gun more often.

Both sides?Bulls**

Does the UN Charter need a "Second Amendment"?

"Got ammo" shirts targeting Democrats

ObamaCare: repealed during the March hostage event?

Phillies former manager Dallas Green's grief: 'My princess is gone' (girl slained in AZ)

and the spin continues, from keith's tweeter feed

Inexplicable Edits on Sarah Palin's Facebook Page

WAPO editorial cartoonist...share

"She's a that's okay"

Defending the hate...

HUH.. What What What What WHAT Palin said that....

A look inside the mind of erad3 (most-likely Jared Loughner)

A look inside the mind of erad3 (most-likely Jared Loughner)

LA Times: Arizona's us-versus-them brand of politics

MSNBC continues 'both sides are responsible' lies.

How is "Repuke" any different from "Ni***r"?

Sarah is misunderstood...cut her some slack..

Loughner's Republican voter registration

what are liberals doing after OUR democrat is shot? i am seeing peaceful and thoughtful

What's killing the Xmas Trees? Is it the End of Days?

"They don't need a week off! People get shot in this country every day!"

Once upon a time, my wife asked me about running for local office...

Once upon a time, my wife asked me about running for local office...

Cartoon Idea

Cartoon Idea

More Cartoonists respond:

Sarah & her icehead advisors are digging themselves in deeper

Palin gets her pass:

I think that there's mounting evidence that Lougner's motive was

Crosshairs "speaks" - hiding behind Beck...

Tea Party Leader: Left's Reaction To Shooting 'Sinks To The Level Of Evil'

Hey Sarah, At Least Stand By Your Free Speech

Fox News Warns That Without Angry Rhetoric It Will Have 24 Hours to Fill

Last nite I heard the phrase "both sides of the aisle" half a dozen times in 1/2 hour...

Brady Campaign statement on Giffords shooting

Meme of the Day 110110

Internet Postings by Jared (erad3) "All aboard with the empty NASA Space Shuttles!"....

Harry Reid said the Tea Party will disappear, how prophetic

'Unabomber' Lawyer Will Represent Alleged Giffords Shooter Jared Lee Loughner

Gifford shooting: "Police 'actively pursuing' second person in Tucson shooting" (1/9/11)

Beck is feeling the heat

Just another example of the Right's eliminationist rhetoric

3/10 Boehner: Rep Driehaus would be a "dead man" in Cincinnati if he voted for the legislation

Glenn Greenwald: Government-Created Climate Of Fear (Re: WikiLeaks)

The Secret Service needs to watch Obama like a hawk...

Jared Loughner’s Possible Mental Illness

Instead of "toning down", how about just OWNING up?

I was raised to apologize and mean it when I did something wrong

Apology - Reconsideration

Wyoming State Legislation Tries to Criminalize Government Health Care

Self-deleted by member

Jim David Adkisson

Jim David Adkisson

Well, I have a question about this shooting incident. . .

Remember when Repukes let this ban run-out?

As predicted on DU, Limbaugh is spinning like a top.

Oxycontin Pigsnout just invoked Wellstone in his Arizona rant

Oxycontin Pigsnout just invoked Wellstone in his Arizona rant

In 1996, Charles Colson shocked conservatism by talk of violence

Giffords' condition - no change - which is good

Ironic, that the DINO pro gun crowd loves the Republican headed Xtreme Court

One Walmart refused Loughner ammo because of behavior

Both sides are, in fact, not "just as bad,"

Should I start calling it the 'Arizona Teabagger Massacre'?

A weather report from Jan. 10th, 2031.

Anyone concerned about retaliation from a left wing nut job?

Gifford's 2010 Opponent's campaign event: "Help Remove her from office, shoot an M16"

Hey, Wad of Fuck Palin....

Beck to Palin: "Look into protection for your family...attempt on you could bring the republic down"

Emotional Regrouping Break

Pelosi warns right of inciting "violence" — Sept 2009

Question for DUers - can we time the rise of the RW goons

Question for DUers - can we time the rise of the RW goons

Quiz: When did the first revolutionary talk come out of Republicans in earnest?

Palin Double Dares: No peace if she's accused of inciting violence

We are Number 8 in the world for murders by firearms (per capita)!

DU thread from '08 re: calls for violence against left

from ATS, erad3 (Jared) on the Bible

By definition, anyone who kills in cold blood has a mental illness

my idea for more "safety" at town halls

Oh great. Now he's an occultist

has anybody else wondered

Is there any difference between "Repuke" and "Libtard"

California budget: State workers may get 10% pay cut

The sheriff did not name right wing radio. It was a blanket statement.

People push back on Right Wing and media denial, even in little ways.

They Won't Take Responsibility, The Violence Serves To Intimidate

Man up Sarah Palin

Listening tomorrow - whom do you recommend?

beck & limbaugh mock Nancy Pelosi and her concerns over violence

I'm going to say something nice about Boner....don't faint.

They All Have Been Warned about Their Rhetoric

US, Venezuela evict ambassadors in diplomatic spat

US, Venezuela evict ambassadors in diplomatic spat

Something new on how bad it's getting....

It's the eliminationist rhetoric, stupid! Say it with me....

NRA statement on Giffords shooting

A History Of Violence: The Right Wing's Attacks On Freedom In America

Tombstone at time of OKCorral gunfight had stronger Gun Control than AZ today.

Another Mystery Missile Launch? - Corpus Christi Jan 2011

Woops, delete - duplicate post

Ret. Col.: Loughner Cried "You're Hurting Me!"

Americans Against The Tea Party>>>

Americans Against The Tea Party>>>

Has anyone blamed the victim yet?

Disinformation is being spread out about the shooter's background.

Mrs. Greenspan giving Beck and Palin free air time

Where Did You Get the Idea that Tea Baggers are Responsible for Violence?

Mother Jones Interview with Loughner friend

9-11-01 - 01-9-11

Bringing the Bush Six to justice

Like a Rock....only dumber - Virginia Fox's latest trash talk / Ignorance on Parade

Allen West's Campaign Paraphrased White Nationalist?

AZ Secretary of State website lists Jared Loughner as a registered Republican

AZ Secretary of State website lists Jared Loughner as a registered Republican

If Republicans didn't use words like "death panel", "death tax", "job killer", and other phrases...

Number 3 in the world for percent of murders by Guns! NUMBER 3!!!!

A simple question: If Jared was a leftist,

C.Y.A. / Spin Cycle: "Glenn Beck Emails Sarah Palin About Arizona Shooting"

After years of demonizing the left with every form of vitriol

I detest the Blue Dogs and think they undermine our party. BUT

Thom Hartmann is reading from World Nut Daily......

HEY RUSH, if you're looking in FUCK YOU, you DRUG ADDLED FUCKSTICK

Interesting timing: New Fears Over Sarah Palin's Stalker

Regulate this! Even Insane Serial Killer Rapists Deserve a Gun!

2006: Ann Coulter suggested poisoning Supreme Court Justice

In 1992, Bill Clinton condemned Sister Souljah

Appease them use logic, facts, talk to them, reason with them, that's what many of you said

What did Olbermann say about Hillary Clinton that he apologized for?

Messages of thanks to Sheriff Dupnik

Violent rhetoric against a Democratic 1994.

SCREEN SHOT: Have you taken a look at Palin's Facebook page this morning?

Is NOW the time to replace RUSH LIMBAUGH on Armed Forces Radio?

They have solved mystery of the bird deaths in Arkansas!!

"A crazy idea. Please help!" Sing Down Westboro Hate In Tucson

"Crocodile Tears" Boehner didn't have any tears for Rep. Giffords...

Giffords Sent Email On Eve Of Shooting Calling For Toned Down Rhetoric

Giffords Sent Email On Eve Of Shooting Calling For Toned Down Rhetoric

DU is slowing down.....noticeably......but that's ok we are getting our points across

Dennis Prager: I warned y'all what would happen if we tolerate gay marriage! (NOT about Arizona)

After Lecturing D.C. On His ‘Prudent Fiscal Decisions,’ Perry’s Deficit More Than Twice What He Thou

Re: "the guy was mentally ill, so RW hate speech has nothing to do with this"

Email I just received from Courage Campaign: Demand Issa hold hearings on violent rhetoric

Tyra's bashing pot smoking mothers.

Was out of town and away from the news when the madness occurred

Carolyn McCarthy D-NY Readies Gun Control Bill

Are you happy now?--the Crazies are after Sarah!1!

Christopher Hitchen in VF: Predicting gun violence from followers of Beck and his ilk

Does anyone have a link to Churck and Savannah on Morning Joe mocking Giffords

An interesting omission from Sarah.

Hey 'Pubs, how's that shoe fit on the other foot?

What if QUITTING pot ('stopping his meds') was the problem?

Even MSNBC is spreading the phony "skull altar shrine" b.s.

ex-Congressional aide, found dead in burning car

The right wing is outraged when they are associated with fascism

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz needs to go get a job - I will NOT shut up

For the artistic amoung us

If you would like to send Sheriff Dupnik words of encouragement, this is the website.

If you would like to send Sheriff Dupnik words of encouragement, this is the website.

Palin's InTrade numbers tank after shooting

A note to Matt Lauer: 9 year old Christina Taylor Green is the victim of political violence

We need a change of pace, anyone want to argue about Gettysburg?

We need a change of pace, anyone want to argue about Gettysburg?

NYT's columnist: "A Right to Glocks?"

Difference between Dems and Republicans: We Patrol Our Own

Hannity: Liberals "exploiting a terrible tragedy, advancing a left-wing narrative"

For Rush, Michelle and Bradley, Right wing threats & attacks since 2008 (props to my2sense)

The Bug Man sentenced to 3 years in prison...

Independent UK: The fruits of political extremism

DeLay sentenced to 3 years in prison

Just announced on MSNBC that DeLay got 3 years!

Media Matters Calls On Murdoch To Rein In Beck, Palin

This Isn't The First Time, This Just Involved A Member Of Congress

Swiss Village Threatens To Kill Dogs If Owners Don't Pay Tax

Hey Kids! Who's ready for Dancing With The Stars, Prison Edition?

Hey Kids! Who's ready for Dancing With The Stars, Prison Edition?

Check in here if you're not running for Vice President.

Do these people have amnesia?

Do these people have amnesia?

Velvet Revolution compiles EXTENSIVE list of Right Wing terror

Velvet Revolution compiles EXTENSIVE list of Right Wing terror

Michelle Malkin highlights DU as example of progressives' “climate of hate”

Tom Delay sentenced to 3 years in prison....just reported on MSNBC.

The man is mentally unstable, that's a fact.

Regarding the supposed blockade at the parent's home

Have we completely forgotten the anthrax attacks on Democrats?

Guns don't kill people.

Guns don't kill people.


Bill Hicks Debunks The Whole "Pot Smoking Liberal" Spin

What is causing people to snap in 21st c. USA?

Self Delete

Instapundit: Sarah Palin is the victim ("the target"), not the source of the problem

Clarence Dupnik is truly America's Sheriff

To Michelle Malkin & the other RW Wackos that are reading DU today....

A request for the Youtube-savy among us

"Crosshairs" still on Facebook, supporter says they're "needed to target these liberal areas"

Jan Brewer speaking now on CSPAN and CNN websites.



Az Shooting New Attempt to Hinder Marijuana Legalization movement?

Limbaugh's closing remark: "Radical Conservative is an oxymoron...simply an impossibility"

Rep. Trent Franks spreading his "evil" meme

The real change should come from Congress.

Palin's "Cross Hairs" even more blatantly irresponsible in the context of time

Does anyone have a link to the transcripts from ISS (space station) today?

m$nbc: loughners parents barricaded in home won't allow FBI in

m$nbc: loughners parents barricaded in home won't allow FBI in

The RW talk shows want it both ways.

"We both do it" will be used to push GOP austerity agenda through

Giffords Sent Email On Eve Of Shooting Calling For Toned Down Rhetoric

Looking around, I note that several conservative sites are

Jared Loughner's behavior recorded by college classmate in June e-mails

Jared Loughner's behavior recorded by college classmate in June e-mails

Stephanopoulos : "First attack on a Congressperson in 30 years!"

Paul Begala to right wing: Why so defensive about Arizona shooting?

Paul Begala to right wing: Why so defensive about Arizona shooting?

TPM:Person who allegedly made threat against Sen. bennett has been arressted

UAW made vehicles are named North American Car / Truck of the Year

Keith Olbermann Targeted by RW Blogger

Right wing has enlisted the mentally ill as an enforcement arm.

Patricia Maisch, a business owner, wanted to thank Gifford for voting for economic stimulus package.

After Loughner apparently gave up drugs and booze, "his theories got worse," Tierney says.

Is it time to start doing airport type security at town hall meeting?

There *was* political violence, from the left, 30+ years ago

Gingrich Pushing Bill To Allow States To File Bankruptcy Allowing Them To Renege On Pensions

Wingunts always scream about taxes being too high and demanding tax cuts

Sarah Palin is going to Hell.

Is there any comment from Joe Biden on this epidemic of right wing terrorism?

After Lecturing D.C. On His ‘Prudent Fiscal Decisions,’ Perry’s Deficit Double What He Thought

They Do Not Deny It

Funded by Big Corporate Money Billionaires Not Wanting to Pay their fair share of taxes

You have got to hear Scott Kelly's words from the Space Station

Bristol to Mom: You are a paid member of the lame stream media...

How many "lone wolves" does it take

Saturday's Story Should Also Be One Of Courage And Bravery

Saturday's Story Should Also Be One Of Courage And Bravery

Sorry Republicans, you can't have it both ways. Either

For all the anti-FED people on here....

The teabag Republican Party is now a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION!!!

"What? We didn't pull the trigger"

The Rovian inspired attack ads led to the real time attack IMHO.

KENYA: Evangelical Leaders Tell Museum To Hide Bones Proving Human Evolution

Simple Sarah Photoshop fun

Billy Sipple and why it matters that Daniel Hernandez is gay

Now more than ever we need a good old fashion protest in DC and other major points

In Arizona shooting, Europe sees an America gripped by doubt, pessimism

Did Brewer omit little Christina's name

Liberal Hunting License (for Limbaugh and Malkin, et al)

Was Michael Jackson a Zombie?

Federal Agents arrest man in threats to Michael Bennet's staff (D-Co)

Two former representatives on Palin's Target list come forward about Death Threats

Nothing says peaceful, Jesus loving patriotism like gun worship at political events

Last week in an Economics class (Loughner related, IMO)

AZ State Repub Jack Harper blames Sheriff Dupnik for Giffords Shooting

I apologize for asking others to do my work for me,

Great melt predicted by end of century

glenn beck says an attack on palin could 'bring down the republic'

Just How Bad Will Kasich Be For Ohio? 5 Hours Into His Term, He's Already Signed This POS

Once again, it's the last thing anyone mentions

Michelle Malkin reacts to tragedy in Tuscon. And Tucscon.

To all who listened to Rush this morning... yes some of us were brave

Finally someone is callng out the media and Sarah and company. Chris Matthews is doing a

Anonymous posters versus high profile party leaders and party "pundits"

Tom DeLay to 3 years in prison-breaking everywhere on DU!!!

The Cult of Palin

What if Palin's hit map used a bloody knife or a noose instead of crosshairs?

The Party of Personal Responsibility Strikes Again.

Rawandan Genocide graphic - VS - Sarah Palin graphic

Rawandan Genocide graphic - VS - Sarah Palin graphic

Court date set for man who threatened Senator Bennet's staff

Tom DeLay: 3 Years in Jail

"This rifle is for those people with the union."

We are the Party of legalizing pot, they are the party of legalizing guns

You know what I don't get about yesterday's attack?

SCREEN SHOT: I'm guessing this woman receives orders to post on Facebook from her dog...

Dem leader: Alleged shooter sought 'Second Amendment remedy'

Booking mug shot of the shooter.

from ATS, erad3 (Jared) on Iraq Invasion and Geneva Convention

What Constitutional rights did the Tucson shooting victims have?

I was listening to an ad on Sirius radio for a Sirius Left program ...

Can we all here at least come together to dance on the grave of Tom Delay's freedom?

Loughner obsessed with the Constitution

Excellent Extensive Account of Bystanders Reactions in Subdueing Shooter

MSNBC and even Faux news devote wall-to-wall coverage to Tuscon tragedy while CNN talks about snow

I can't believe that the sick Tucson Tea Party left this YouTube page up.

"After Loughner gave up pot and booze, he got worse"

"After Loughner gave up pot and booze, he got worse"

I see the manifestation of a problem here

Is there a source that tracks actual and threats of violance against politicians?

Cindy Jacobs: God Is Killing All Those Birds Because Of The Repeal Of DADT

Cindy Jacobs: God Is Killing All Those Birds Because Of The Repeal Of DADT

Alter: Not fair to blame Palin. It IS fair to blame both sides.

Exposing White Terrorism in the USA

Who else cannot wait for Keith and Rachel tonight?

My favorite congressman on the hateful rhetoric

SCREEN SHOT: Palin's "We Love You Sarah" Facebook Goon Squad© quickly becoming OUTNUMBERED

The Scientific Case for Masturbation

CNN works hard to elevate Rush Limbaugh's comments today.

Does Violent Political Rhetoric Fuel Support for Political Violence?

Here are a couple more lists of RW outrages.

Moment of slience

on the radio today I heard someone from one of the vigils in Tucson last night

Kazynsky a hero of the left?

How do you cope with your anger towards the opposition?

Random image generator epic fail, from Glenn Beck's website

Michael Jackson's doctor purchased 255 vials of anesthetic Propofol

Michael Jackson's doctor purchased 255 vials of anesthetic Propofol

Freepers: Tom DeLay "a political prisoner," sentencing "is asking for a civil war"

The only thruthful media

Writer for lead conservative publication suggests government behind Giffords assassination attempt

Glenn Beck reaches out to Sarah Palin

How many here have a license or permit or whatever your state requires to carry a firearm?

I try not to hate. It's wrong and counterproductive. But sometimes I can't help myself.

I try not to hate. It's wrong and counterproductive. But sometimes I can't help myself.

Those of us who lived the 60' today a horrible flashback?

Those of us who lived the 60' today a horrible flashback?

Glenn Becks pleads for end to violence on his website, next to a photo of him with a gun

One prediction that the violent behavior may spread to the left. (First shot in a class war.)

Pigboy just called DU "insane" and asked how Bush and Palin are still alive

YES. TWEETY just confronted the leader of the Tea Party

Loughner may have tried to stalk classmate that helped get him kicked out


Tom "The Hammer" Delay sentenced to 3 years in prison, and 10 years

"Fox News Comments" (Just how stupid are fox news viewers?)

Michael Collins: Death Panels, Palin’s Targets, and Political Assassination

Hannity is correct, Repubs don't try to politicize tragedies, THEY JUST TRY ...

Thoughts on the last few days and events.

Thoughts on the last few days and events.

The evolution of killer Jared Lee Loughner

This image has been all over the right wing blogosphere

The tragedy is going to present a big problem for the GOP because

Over the past three days I've seen A LOT of attacks on DU, from within and without

Over the past three days I've seen A LOT of attacks on DU, from within and without

Tea Party Leaders Strike Back at Left Over Giffords Incident - FDL

Thanks to DU: When the Pupil is Ready the Teacher Will Appear

Instead of main-stream media, how about we call it the med-stream mania?

Loughner was a registered Independent. Link provided.

Rep. Giffords gave "thumbs up sign" to doctors

Gov. Brewer is speaking now.

Is this appropriate? Should all those who called for...

Cleaver: "The Hostility Is Here - People May Want To Deny It - It's Real, And If We Don't Stop It...

Wow. Ed Shultz --great debate.

Let’s not make a false pretense of balance: it’s coming, overwhelmingly, from the right (Krugman)

Democrats on Palin's Crosshairs Received Death Threats

Interview with John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

The Memo's being Followed On Faux: "Obviously A Far Left Anarchist" & "Probably Anti-Semitic"

Simply amazing, the failure rate by the Grand Old Party is now unrivaled.

More needs to be done to help mentally disturbed people

Freedom of Speech - A slight tangent on the Vile Rhetoric

Der Spiegel: 'Political Radicalization in US Unworthy of a Democratic State'

So let me get this straight, the Republican defense of this is

New York Can Publish Teachers' Performance Reports With Names, Judge Says

Which one of these is not like the others?

Fuck Man...

Grayson on Eddie

So, are the hatemongers digging in their heels, defending their hateful rhetoric?

If the Left's political rhetoric is the same as the Right, Where's Our FOX News & Clear Channel?

Statement from Scott Kelly, brother-in-law of Congresswoman Giffords (large photo appended)

Dem posted map with targets in 2008? What say you?

Damn... It Just Keeps Getting More Depressing...

George W has blood on his hands for this too.

Another in a long list of "isolated incidents"

Slowpoke TOON: Violent Spin

Violent rhetoric - It's been going on forever...

For those who missed it - video of Tweety spanking the ignorant head of the Tea Baggers

Should Taxpayers Get Receipts?

Suspect in Texas serial rapes is prison employee

Are you happy, GOP?

It's time to take a stand…

Spotted this on facebook

LA Times: Jerry Brown's shakeup of California Board of Education...

So… Let me get this straight

Jared Loughner's behavior never reported to mental health authorities: official

"All of this has been pure politics-disguised as compassion & concern for a congresswoman"

IT Question. Wife's netbook came with a 30 day trial of McAfee.

Ahmadinejad to Honor Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church

Ahmadinejad to Honor Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church

good news: Ford to hire 7,000 workers in the US!

I had someone at work talk about the liberal hate radio. What would be liberal hate radio?

Personal Responsibility - The cowards do not understand the concept

"Buffy, the Lefty Slayer"

David Gergen warning the LEFT about making accusations

RW blogger is owner of

Why doesn't Palin just apologize? Seriously. All she has to say

When refrigerators tweet and washing machines text

Bone-chilling prescience from Matt Taibbi

Bone-chilling prescience from Matt Taibbi

Barbara Walters said she "feels sorry" for Pontius Palin.

DO NOT BE SILENT (A Call to Protest the Tucson Massacre)

Democratic Congressman Says He Will Introduce Bill To Ban “Crosshairs” Maps

Light-bulb moment for me: Beck, Rush, Hannity, et al MUST now alter their language.

Did anyone just watch Ed Rendel on 60 Minutes right now pitching a fit

No future for Palin.

Jim Moran: Giffords was fearful because "Palin put her in the crosshairs."

David Gergen yesterday - "malfeance" of democrats stirred up people

Treat violent rhetoric the same as racist rhetoric. Shut it down.

Hannity: "Conservatives don't race out to exploit political tragedy like we've seen here"

Rest in Peace Dorwan Stoddard

Does the rhetoric on DU pass the non-violent, non-vitriolic smell test?

best pithy quotes I've seen

The Mug Shot

The Mug Shot

Time to silence

Tweety is devouring the Tea Party leader about the US

The media is nervous.

Conservatives push back; NOTE: they mention Dem Underground

Rep. Giffords' husband releases statement

David Gergen, No time for finger pointing - B.S.

To Limbaugh, who called sites like DU 'insane' and wondered how Bush and Palin can still be alive...

Fineman just made a big booboo on Tweeties' show...

Democrats or the left do not have the right to be aggrieved about anything.

BOTH SIDES DO IT..., please show me the posts here on DU

A nine year old girl wanted to learn about her country's

Bradley Smith of Politico calls DU comments today "vile"...

So how long before the NRA holds a rally

The Rude Pundit - Dear Right-Wingers: You Are All Muslims Now

Some things YOU can do to stop the Hate Radio. Action needed

What you sow, you shall reap....... (a photo tour of the RIPENED FRUIT of RW propaganda) :

What you sow, you shall reap....... (a photo tour of the RIPENED FRUIT of RW propaganda) :

David Frum On Tucson Tragedy: Let’s Blame Pot Rather Than Easy Access To Guns

Maybe FBI will stop spying, targeting and prosecuting Peace and Anti War activists

Look at these Tea Party signs, and tell me they aren't threats

Right wing accuse progressive group of using Tucson shooting for fundraising

They're Praying She Doesn't Wake Up

This may not be the best time to say this, but

For those of you who didn't go through Giffords' high school.


Think the local teabaggers will be very happy with me?

Palin Followers Obviously Misinterpreted those Surveryor's Marks

Why Doesn't the Republican Party Repudiate or Admonish Palin?

Nope, Rush ain't toning it down at all

Neiwert's 2009 book, "The Eliminationists", surely would have included the AZ shooting.

87 year old Bob Dole back in Walter Reed med center. Not looking good Prayers for him

Has any RW politician come out and declared this a terrorist act?

They are reaching so hard to find an "equivalency" that they'll hit Proxima Centauri by next week

Hostile Intent: Right-Wing Media Doth Protest Too Much

NYT: "it is legitimate to hold Republicans & their most virulent supporters in media responsible"

NYT: "it is legitimate to hold Republicans & their most virulent supporters in media responsible"

Ed: "I reject the claim that the Left is just as bad as the Right".

Pope: Sex education attack on religion

In Arizona shooting, Europe sees an America gripped by doubt, pessimism


Remember those "Hutaree" Nut jobs?

Jared Lee Loughner's mug shot (**WARNING: NOT FOR THE TIMID**)

Florida Professor Arrested for Having a "Suspicious" Bagel on a Plane

Family Members of Loughner blockade themselves in Their house

"Both sides need to tone it down!" Who're you trying to kid?

Surprise, surprise. Barnacle just told Buchanan that Palin's staff should quit lying to the public.

I'm sick of the pass the RW is getting. In my part of the country

Please do not refer to Palin as Lady Blah Blah. It's usage immediately evokes the name of LBGTQ

Jared Lee Loughner was not a "teabagger," but that hardly matters

on FOX (of all places) "I think the extreme right has gone too far."

“Rhetoric” gunman Jared Loughner might have heard on Friday’s “Glenn Beck”

Looking for credible evidence of shooters political views.

Bristol Palin moves into new house in Arizona

Bristol Palin moves into new house in Arizona

When asked to raise 2 fingers Gabby gave her husband the peace sign

"Bob, is it hard pretending to be this stupid?"

Welcome Back, Senator Lieberman...

Protesting Too Much? Right-Wing Attacks on Sheriff Dupnik Are Tacit Confession

Voices on the Left Called Bush and Cheney War Criminals Who Should Be Brought To Justice

So Loughner bought the gun in November...

CNN (and Fox, PBS) all POINTEDLY OMIT Ayn Rand when reporting authors of Loughner's favorite books:

Pres Obama aims to prosecute whistle blowers but not war criminals.

Right Wing Hate Groups increased by 80% after Obama Election - and the Media Doesn't Care

John Boehner cries when his fucking soup is cold! He weeps uncontrollably ...

Major Richard D. Winters (Band of Brothers) passed away

Fake IDs got cops into pot dispensaries, hearing told

I triple dog dare anyone to find postings on DU that advocate the death of any Republican politician

I doubt we will be able to do much about keeping guns out of the

Lougher was a Limbaugh fan

Andrew Sullivan destroys Howie Kurtz over his comments on the "blame Sarah" crowd.

Trotsky on the impotence of assassination (and why terrorism is stupid too)

The media are accomplices in Republican manipulation...

Nihilism, Watch for it

Amazing. We are witnessing a battle to control nullify and control what

Is using dehumanizing terms like Repuke, Repug, or Rethug acceptable to you?

Lets Get This Straight: "There Is NO Leftist Equivalent"

Can anyone name a liberal, progressive or 'left' pundit who's called for violence?

We're not bemoaning the lack of Civility - We're staring at actual Violence

Shameless: Jim Hoft Falls For Fake Facebook Profile In Attempt To Link Loughner To Obama

Good morning, Sarah Palin. Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life.

Good morning, Sarah Palin. Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life.

As demographics will inevitably extinguish the GOP at polls, what have they got left BUT violence?

•••••• Arrest Sarah Palin. All who agree, check in here. ••••••

This post by EarlG deserves an OP of its own. Peddlers of False Equivalence -- read this.

VW makes push for U.S.with new Passat

Loughner had graffiti arrest Oct 2008 - street signs said letters meant Christian

Rahmbo's platform: cut pension benefits for current employees, not just new hires

Sarah Palin on 'Crosshairs' Controversy: 'I Hate Violence'

Morning Joe Made An Amazing Point This Morning

Jared Loughner's mugshot. Good lord.

Weapon in rampage was banned under Clinton-era law

David Frum Asks Important Question: ‘Did Pot Trigger Giffords Shooting?’

Bristol Palin Calls Her Mother Out On Twitter

The Cartoonists respond...

Malkin and Limbaugh have mentioned DU today...pointedly. Say "Hi!" here.

DeLay's face at his sentencing

Apparently Republicans want us to believe that words have no power to affect people.

WOW! You know how we've been hearing how the shooter spoke to Giffords in 2007? He got owned by her

People with guns don't kill people.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaah -Sheriff Dupnik Blasts Rush Limbaugh for Spewing 'Irresponsible' Vitriol

I'm pinching myself. I'm pinching myself really HARD!!!!!

American politics and values

Printed Word Version: 'On the Mindless Menace of Violence' - RFK

A small piece of advice (from a guy with a lot of scars because he failed to follow this advice)

What's in Your Food? You Might Be Surprised.

Sarah didn't pull the trigger.

Professor Bill Quigley: Two Unasked Question in Tucson Mass Murder

Professor Bill Quigley: Two Unasked Question in Tucson Mass Murder

Both sides do it: Remember Olbermann saying we should kill righties?

THE WRATH OF FOOLS: An Open Letter To the Far Right

UNDENIABLE Proof that Palin KNEW it was a bullseye target

Exclusive: America has ‘reached the point of no return,’ Reagan budget director warns

Gabrielle Giffords Wrote Email Calling For 'Centrism And Moderation' On Eve Of Shooting

Gabrielle Giffords Wrote Email Calling For 'Centrism And Moderation' On Eve Of Shooting

Check in here if you're not running for Vice President.

Where to Begin?

"We never, ever, ever intended for it to be gunsights"


Higher Ground

Higher Ground

RW said they would constantly attack us, make us fearful to speak out. Media complicit.

Tea Party Express Fundraises Off Giffords Shooting: 'Tea Party Won't Be Silenced'


dinner on a cold night

Swan Song (for a nation) - Rae & Christian

Awards you've received in your life. For me - the only one I can think

French bridegroom and best man seized and killed in Niger

Chinese prison-made goods enter Canada: report

Toxic tower damaged on 9/11 finally coming down

I never knew that there was a Muzak version of "Rehab"

I think Ptah needs a little time out.

I'm a member of another forum, and we're talking about changing site hosts

Boehner: Public Service Comes with Risk

Fourteen killed in Tunisia unemployment protests

I found my exercise bicycle online.

It's Monday Morning...and all I have to say is This...

Star Trek 5 is on SyFy...


Scott’s picks for DCA and DEP are a sign of change to come

A tech question...

There's something nice about finding out that someone you had a crush on

Ya know what chaps my pedantic ass?

Nothing is sweeter then Michael Vick getting punked. You dirt bag, scum bag, douche bag, shit bag.

Woman, 61, helped subdue gunman

Flash floods kill 4 in water-weary NE Australia

Less worried about layoffs, jobholders spend more

"The" Talk (Pt 3) -- why Grandma may be the wrong person to give it.

Private guards at National Archives not trained for emergencies, watchdog says

The economy -- making EVERYONE more cautious (and responsible):

At Beijing talks, Defense Secretary Gates falls short of goals

Why all the negativity about comb-overs? MFM has one... I think you'll agree it's barely noticeable

Tunisia ups weekend riot death toll to 14

Thai government welcomes 'peaceful' red-shirt rally

(UK) Environmental activists demand inquiry into undercover officer's role

Just saw on tv, they are talking about that guy.

Was Michael Jackson a Zombie?

Write my facebook status.

This one's goin' out to Tom DeLay!

Iceland Summons U.S. Envoy Over Demand for MP's Twitter Details (WikiLeaks)

DU cooks, please help. I am making PB fudge for YoungerGreenKid's bday and it

A rare photograph of Kali and family at home... ... ... home on the range.

Arizona shooting: 'Does she have any enemies?' 'Yeah. The whole Tea Party'

Stock market plunge sparks protests in Bangladesh

A dog and its dumb human

Giffords Shooting in Arizona May Cool U.S. Political Rhetoric, Hurt Palin

Well, THIS is a cool gadget.

Church of hate thanks God for Ariz. deaths, will picket funerals

Docs Optimistic, but Giffords In for Long Recovery

Blind Man Finishes Disney Marathon Race

Gabrielle Giffords is Subscribed to the Shooters Youtube Channel.

DeWine to fight health overhaul

Fidel Castro foe finally going on trial in US

Abramoff Cohorts Offered Immunity To Testify Against DeLay At Sentencing

What afterschool activities did you do as a kid? Me, highland dancing, basketball,

Reggae Baby - The Power of Bob Marley

Supreme Court Rejects Appeal Filed By Birther Queen Orly Taitz

High Court Turns Away Appeal From 'Birther' Leader

Israel slams criticism of hotel demolition (Arab Neighborhood)

Both sides are, in fact, not "just as bad,"

Seriously, why can't I have a pet Sloth

Cuban exile decried in symbolic tribunal

Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.): Tea Party Must Look At Their Own Behavior (& Palin Should Shut Up)

Pope: Sex education attack on religion

Talk Radio Hosts Reject Blame in Shooting

Tom Delay sentenced to 3 years in prison

Being snowed in without any more Turtles candy is a very serious thing

Talk Radio Hosts in Arizona Reject Blame in Shooting

Republican Tom DeLay sentenced to three years in prison

Gabriele Giffords Condition Unchanged

Spain's Basque separatists Eta call 'permanent truce'

Man arrested in threats to Bennet staffers

Lib Dems not giving up, says Nick Clegg

Sarah Palin Staffer: Giffords attack nothing to do with ex-gov

Ashley Turton, Congressional Affairs Director, Found Dead In Burning Car: Politico

Former soldier found dead at Fort Hood memorial wall

DeLay Sentenced to 3 Years in Money Laundering Case

Huge turnout again on 2nd day of south Sudan vote

Arnold Fields, watchdog over Afghan reconstruction, resigns amid congressional pressure

Jewish folk singer Debbie Friedman, 59, dies in California

Look who is eleven today!!

Council to hold retreat at resort outside county

I've been using the onscreen keyboard for a few weeks

Missing Chinese human rights lawyer describes being tortured by police

Gabrielle Giffords Shooting: Gunman Linked to Grammar 'Judge'

Basque Group Calls for Permanent Ceasefire

'Inland tsunami' hits Queensland towns

US Will Respond To Chinese Military Build-up

Smoking population dying out

‘Humor writer’ names Olbermann a ‘target’ after Giffords shooting

I found this uncredited and uncaptioned picture online and it looks like...

Shot US lawmaker responsive but still critical

AZ shooting suspect not cooperating, sheriff says (& lawyer who defended McVeigh has taken his case)

"Creep" by Radiohead -- WTF... were those guys BAKED when they wrote that or what?

Assange Due in UK Court Over Swedish Extradition

If Skittles were a sweet-sounding pretty little songbird... THIS is where she'd live.

(CA Gov Jerry) Brown spares K-12 education from deep spending cuts

Suspect Bought Bullets Hours Before Rampage (first Walmart turned him away)

Prof. Called 911 on Loughner after Class "Rant"

"Fuck you" Sign language performance

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday, January 10, 2011

is anyone else having trouble with all that has been going on?

A Bowling Shot to remember..actually quite odd.

Obama welcomes vote on Southern Sudan independence

Do you want to see Ptah in chaps?

In wake of Arizona rampage, two lawmakers say they will carry firearms in home states

Ever won a lottery or a door prize? Me I was at a highland dancing competition and I won a

Ford plans to hire 7,000 workers by 2012

Harper blames Dupnik for Giffords shooting

Harper blames Dupnik for Giffords shooting

FBI: Family of suspect in Giffords shooting blocking access to house

I'm going to have to call into work tomorrow

The Les Paul and Mary Ford at Home TV show, from 1955...they do a great song,

Suspect in Giffords shooting had prior graffiti arrest

Sexy feelings

Sheriff Dupnik: People In Media Make Money Off 'Keeping The Public Very Angry'

I want to create a thread with a slow, lingering death.

E-mail to lawmakers investigated (“we will shed blood again”)

Clyburn: Incendiary political talk has come home to roost

Palin's Other Arizona 'Targets' (recieved death threats)

Ariz. Shooter Loughner Not Linked to Hate Groups

NASA’s Kepler mission discovers rocky planet (only 1.4 times size of Earth)

Chevy Volt wins top honor at Detroit show

Okay, DU ladies: Anyone here buy Pajama Jeans?

Major Dick Winters of 'Band of Brothers' inspiration dies at age 92

Frightening, twisted shrine in Arizona killer Jared Lee Loughner's yard

Exclusive: Loughner Friend Explains Alleged Gunman's Grudge Against Giffords

Judge sentences Tom DeLay to 3 years in prison

Patricia Maisch (61) Hailed as Hero for Disarming Arizona Shooting Gunman


I want to create a thread that dies immediately.

Are there ANY women's jeans that are 100% cotton??!!

Ashley Turton, Former Hill Staffer, Dies in Car Fired (Wife of WH Liaison to House)

Fox News CEO Roger Ailes: Fox And 'The Other Side' Need To Tone Down Rhetoric

'Serious questions' about after green trial collapse

Question for Doc Martin fans (TV show, not the shoes)--and possible spoiler for newbies, I suppose

Falklands warship turned away by Brazil

Dick Winters, of 'Band of Brothers' fame, dies

I'm going to New York this weekend!

Jan. 8, 1996 East Coast blizzard: Politicians' response (contrast with Dec 2010 blizzard)

Bowling for Columbine - The difference between Canada and the USA (gun deaths/shootings)

Disposable Heroes of Hihoprisy-Satanic Reverses

Olbermann, July 2010: Palin is like bin Laden...they both make loud, angry, incoherent, boring tapes

True News: Gabrielle Giffords, Jared Loughner and Madness


A Mother's Anguish - Arizona Shooting - Roxanna Greene Interview 1-9-11

TYT: School Segregation Lawsuit? (black kids assigned to lower level classes)

Uncle Jay Explains: Jan. 10, 2011

FACTS About the Arizona Shooter (Right-Wingers Are In DENIAL)

TYT: Republican Against Health Insurance for Children

In Memoriam - The Tucson Victims

Golden Slumbers

TERRORISM: ETA declares a permanent ceasefire

Witness: 'I Was Able to Grab the Magazine'


Thom Hartmann: We are Addicted to a War Economy

Tucson, Arizona ~ Dan Fogelberg

Thom Hartmann: Conversations with Great Minds with Professor Clarence B. Jones, Pt 1

Thom Hartmann: Conversations with Great Minds with Professor Clarence B. Jones, Pt 2

TDPS: Should you have to buy 2 airlines ticket if you're overweight?

Permanent Bases Objective in Afghan War?

SHOOTINGS : 'An increasingly violent political discourse in the US'

War or Peace: Resident Ed Williams on the Camden, NJ Police Layoffs

War or Peace: Resident Ed Williams on the Camden, NJ Police Layoffs

Tragedy in Tucson: Don't Blame the Right

Patricia Maisch, 61 Year Old Woman Who Grabbed Gun Clip Tells Faux: "Extreme Right Has Gone Too far"

Megyn Kelly Debates Sheriff Clarence Dupnik About His Comments On Arizona Shooting

Young Turks: Reform? 59% Increase In Health Insurance Costs!

911 Tapes: Witnesses Report Tucson Shooting

Evangelical prophet: Birds Are Dying Because of DADT Repeal

Fox cuts feed from Giffords vigil after Palin is criticized

S02E01- Transparency Provisions of the New House Rules

Majority Report : Rep. Steve Farley (D-AZ) on the Gabrielle Giffords Shooting

How Liberals Respond to Their 'Enemies'

Oh the Humanity! A Gun!

GOP conference calls Obama Hitler, calls for bloody battle

Tea Party Leader: Loughner "Obviously A Far Left Anarchist" And "Probably Anti-Semitic"

I Hope They Stay Angry

Joyce Kaufman: Radio Talker's Hate Rewarded by Allen West

TYT: Taxpayers Spending 1 Billion Dollars on Georgia Prisons

Sheriff Dupnik Points Directly At Sarah Palin!

Matt Lauer dismisses the role of politics in shooting that killed 9 year old girl

Every War Is A Lie

Return of the Dummies Calls on Sarah Palin to Renounce her Crosshairs Poster

Papantonio: Tea Party Terrorists Given Free Pass by Mainstream Media

Fox News outdid themselves this time

Rob Redding :Obama will be the next one going to the hospital

"Durbin: Time to tone down political rhetoric"

Majority Report: Hiring Bill Daley Is Simply Business As Usual

Why did right wingers blame Kos for the murders? Because Tea Party bosses instructed them to.

The Villagers on CNN Want to Make Sure No One Blames Palin for Arizona Assassination Attempt

Sarah Palin blamed by the US Secret Service over death threats against Barack Obama

Arizona Massacre - Sarah Palin Guilty! by Old Fart Rants

Did the shooter have a FB page? And he admired Sarah Palin? I'm hearing this was just a rumor.

Secret Service: Sarah Palins rhetoric during Campaign of 08 blamed for increase in threats to Obama

Secretary Clinton Calls Tucson Shooter Jared Loughner an 'Extremist'

Any info at all on why Jared Loughner did not get treatment for his mental health issues?

Romney Watch: Trip to Middle East

"Gibbs Departure Offers Opportunity To Fix White House Press Relations"--Dan Froomkin

Paul Krugman: Climate of Hate

Opposite of a Slow News Day: "Biden makes unannounced visit to Afghanistan"

The Palin spin begins

"High court turns away appeal from 'birther' leader" (Taitz)

*********Obama and Sarkozy Press Conf 12:55PM********

Rand Paul's Bill Frist Moment

****** A Moment of Silence ****** (11am EST)

Obama's people strongly hinting Obama will appease the GOP on cutting Social Security

A media that knows what it doesn’t know, and doesn’t know what it chooses

Sargent: "I hope Giffords shooting gets folks to stop rewarding incendiary rhetoric"

"Obama may be able to remind voters of what they like best about him: his sensible demeanor."

"Gabrielle Giffords Wrote Email Calling For 'Centrism And Moderation' On Eve Of Shooting"

Bone-chilling prescience from Matt Taibbi

Photos: "We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love"

Call of Duty

Tucson Hero Blasts Right Wing ON FOX - Jaw Dropping!

Wife of WH Staffer Found Dead

Hannity in classic defense mode on Tucson shooting and links to Republican hate rhetoric

Will the GLBT"S movement forward be put on hold for the next two years?

TPM: Tom Delay Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

Ed Shultz: I'm not ready to blame the rightwing just yet on the incident

Why did Fox falsely claim to have a DHS memo linking Loughner to American Renaissance?

Firm With Checkered Record Hired For Afghan Work

Obama called for support

"The responsibility for maintaining a civil dialogue starts in every home and w/every individual."

Obama talks to families affected by Tucson tragedy

"Gather your armies" - This video was posted last summer. In case

Its started and I was wondering how long it would take..

"As a Father, I’m Spending A Lot of Time Just Thinking About the Families”

The World From The Hill: Appropriators Support For Israel Missile Defense

Do you think it's odd that the House will not be in session for a few days?

Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.

Bill Kristol: Criticism of Palin is "McCarthyism...attempt to exploit this tragedy is distasteful"

Petraeus says Taliban weaker in Afghan south

Astronaut Scott Kelly's statement from space

False Equivalency Watch

Rate the President's overall job performance in his first 2 years with your own letter grade

I say we give the right a dose of their own medicine.

Everybody is speculating this idiot is SICK with no evidence

Suddenly to protect Sarah Palin years of American Conservative "thought" are swept away.

Gingrich blasts liberals over Giffords

Does anybody else (who remembers Clinton's Presidency)

The push back by Rightwing Media picks up...

"Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest"? Henry II didn't

"A senior Republican senator, speaking anonymously in order to freely discuss the tragedy"

Glenn Beck's website (screenshot)

Something is wrong with Arizona when a disturbed person can buy a handgun legally

Media Matters Calls On Murdoch To Rein In Beck, Palin

I'll admit it: i'm a little disappointed that this lunatic can't be connected to republicans

Beck says America's fate depends on Palin hiring security

Dedicated to All The Right-Wing Nuts in AZ

Study: Spacing babies close may raise autism risk

Charles Manson never killed anyone.

Automatic Glock in action

Caption Fun! Sarah Palin photo

Senator Reid on Social Security

Giffords shooting: an act of political violence in a polarised country

Chilling Message Sent Through the Left Will be Boon to the Violence-as-a-second-language Right

Bowing to Pressure From Tuscon Tragedy, Palin Replaces Map of Cross-Hairs with Her 'Short Hairs'

Tea party in the Sonora: For the future of G.O.P. governance, look to Arizona ( from July 2010)

E.J. Dionne:Gabby Giffords, a tragic prophet

Was Saturday's rampage really unimaginable?

Zero Hour for Social Security

Tomgram: Nick Turse, The Pentagon's Planet of Bases

In the US, where hate rules at the ballot box, this tragedy has been coming for a long time

Credo's powerful, well-written petition calling out Sarah Palin

Jared Got a Gun (James Howard Kunstler)

"Gibbs Departure Offers Opportunity To Fix White House Press Relations"--Dan Froomkin

Let Obama’s Reagan Revolution Begin

Naked Capitalism

America has ‘reached the point of no return,’ Reagan budget director warns

Arizona shooting: Wild west politics

"Fox News: The No. 1 Name in Murder Fantasies"

Inexplicable Edits on Sarah Palin's Facebook Page

Sheriff Dupnik is right about Arizona

The Vitriol in Our National Bloodstream

No connections

It's Not a Game: Sarah Palin and the Madness of March

Lawsuit Won For Woman Arrested For Bringing Gun to Church

Limbaugh's head needs to roll... or, fire Rush and fix the radio.

It's Not Sarah Palin's Fault

The Paycheck Data CEOs Don’t Want Us to See

Weighing the Consequences of Political Rhetoric

Suspect Bought Bullets (@Walmart) hours before Rampage

In Arizona shooting, Europe sees an America gripped by doubt, pessimism

Exclusive: David Koch Refuses To Answer Questions About Citizens United, Secret Right-Wing Meetings

James Voss: What Happened When Fundamentalist Christians Tried to "Cure" Me of Homosexuality

Media Matters Calls On Murdoch To Rein In Beck, Palin

Resolution for Congress to stop Hate Rhetoric, disinformation and Demonization of those who disagree

Right wing threats & attacks since 2008.

Le Monde: Shoot the messenger

Transgender category introduced in Nepal census

The Gifford Shooting: The Debate and the Meta-Debate

Chris Hedges: Even Lost Wars Make Corporations Rich

‘Stop picking on Social Security,’ Reid declares

Death Panels, Palin's Targets, and Political Assassination

Economists foretell of U.S. decline, China's ascension

‘Humor writer’ names Olbermann a ‘target’ after Giffords shooting

Spinning Unemployment in a Collapsing Empire

HELEN THOMAS: Privatizing Social Security Again?

Dear Baggers, Dear Sarah Palin, etc. Please let me clarify: I am NOT "holding you responsible..."

EXCLUSIVE! Loughner Defense Attorney to Blame Palin, Talk Radio on Shooting

Climate of Hate - By PAUL KRUGMAN

Peak oil review - Jan 10

Drumbeat from the weekend and today...

Ford unveils 2012 Focus Electric (video)

Farmed Salmon Have Higher Concentrations Of PDBE, Chlordane, PCB, More Than Wild-Caught Cousins

Forest Fire Count Up YOY In Madagascar - Dry Year + Illegal Clearance Combine For Bad Burning Season

December 2010 Atmospheric CO2 Concentration 389.69; 12/09 - 387.26; 12/08 - 385.54

Video: Australia flood crisis worsens

Increasing Flood Risk May Make 1,000,000 UK Homes Uninsurable - Telegraph

Floods threaten Australia’s Great Barrier Reef

Flash floods hit Australia’s third largest city, Brisbane

UK Trial Of Climate Protestors Collapses After Undercover Cop Reveals Provocateur Role

GOP looks to lift ban on new nuclear plants

Anyone fancy a flutter for Northeast Canada?

Anyone fancy a flutter for Northeast Canada?

Emotions and tradition clash over gun-control proposal in Switzerland

Ironic, that the DINO pro gun crowd loves the Republican headed Xtreme Court

Ironic, that the DINO pro gun crowd loves the Republican headed Xtreme Court

Amendment II Democrats website down until further notice

Why You Will NOT See Any National Gun-Control Bills Passed.

Better background checks?

Carrying a gun does not ensure safety

What Constitutional rights did the Tucson shooting victims have?

Regulate this! Even Insane Serial Killer Rapists Deserve a Gun!

Carolyn McCarthy D-NY Readies Gun Control Bill

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill in response to AZ shooting

A Right to Bear Glocks?

McCarthy, Lautenberg seek to ban high-capacity ammo magazines


Cost of 2nd Amendment Freedoms

NYT's columnist: "A Right to Glocks?"

If the assault weapon ban was still in place....

Wonder how much the NRA spent trying to defeat Gifford?

Lawsuit Won For Woman Arrested For Bringing Gun to Church

Number 3 in the world for percent of murders by Guns! NUMBER 3!!!!

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill (BAN shoulderthingsthatgoup!)

Are the anti's going to be given a pass?

Guns don't kill people.

We prohibited Alcohol and that worked so well that we

Anyone watching the freethefive Posada trial?

Fidel Castro foe finally going on trial in US

Cuba's #3 says to Cubans "Get to work"

Chavez condemns OAS 'interference' in Venezuela

Colombia Urges US Trade Pact But Human Rights Fester

Journalist gets death threats from Armed Forces lieutenant colonel

Cuban exile decried in symbolic tribunal

Falklands warship turned away by Brazil

Venezuela: Human Rights Watch

The JR Chess Report (January 9): Results of the first events of 2011

Gloat-Free NBA Scores (Sunday, January 9)

Prime Real Estate. The Eagles' Trophy Cabinet...

Marshawn Lynch touchdown run set to Mario music

Home field advantage does a big HERP DERP this year.

Hold the phone! There's a chance that Seattle can host the NFC championship.

Hey bartender, I'll have a...

Beagleless for the rest of the playoffs.

Serious as a Quack Attack.....

NFL elite 8, who's your Super Bowl Champion?

A song for Gabrielle Giffords (mp3)

Opting out of marrying same-sex couples unconstitutional, Sask. court rules

Daniel Hernandez, Gay Intern for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Credited With Saving Her Life

Lover of Murdered Journalist: I'm Not Gay (Graphic description not for the faint of heart)

Shameless Gay Teen the Anti-Kurt

New Hampshire legislator files two bills that would repeal marriage equality

Israel slams criticism of hotel demolition (Arab Neighborhood)

Hamas asks Gaza groups to stop attacking Israel

God is Funny

The King James Bible at 400