Hardball repeat on now (and I am watching)
California congressman shuts office after AZ shootings (moving to govt bldg)
Man accused of threatening senator's staff
well at least this is cause for a smile.
Brown seeks 5-year extension of California taxes
Brown seeks 5-year extension of California taxes
Tony Blankly just said our history is full of violent rhetoric and violent actions.
GAD a lone bloger on KOS posted
David Koch Refuses to Answer Questions About Citizens United, Secret Right-Wing Meetings
David Koch Refuses to Answer Questions About Citizens United, Secret Right-Wing Meetings
Is anyone tracking the violence of the past week against Dems?
Tea Bag leader on Hardball lying his ass off
The Tea Party and the Tucson Tragedy - Slate
so the RW are HYPOCRITES-call them on it every time
Roger Ailes joins the Spin Cycle
I was enraged at Sarah Palin and I'm sorry...
Tom Delay is a Convicted Felon who has been sentenced to Three years in prison.
Rush Limbaugh is a Circus Geek – He Bites the Heads Off Chickens….
Rush Limbaugh is a Circus Geek – He Bites the Heads Off Chickens….
Heads up -Heroicly outspoken Sheriff Clarence Dupnik will be on Keith Olberman's show
Hubble telescope zeroes in on green blob in space
***Helluva story from Patricia Maisch, hero, Keith show.
Another list, this one from Crooks & Liars.
On the Air, Nothing Has Changed - RollCall
2nd amendment solution right here
A question I posted in April 2010: do you think RW media tries to cause violence on purpose?
Arizona Sheriff Blasts Rush Limbaugh for Spewing 'Irresponsible' Vitriol
Arizona Sheriff Blasts Rush Limbaugh for Spewing 'Irresponsible' Vitriol
Hey Ari Fleischer! Do we still have to watch what we say? You said
The GOP and right wing blames "Hollywood" for America's ills.
Gore Vidal on Michele Bachmann: "She's too stupid to deserve an answer"
Dr. Louise Reiss, Who Helped Ban Atomic Testing, Dies at 90
Flash Flooding in Queensland Kills Eight as Brisbane Braces
Josh just put the kibush on the false equivalency
So do the right wingers who feel Loughner was mentally disturbed, psychotic
Dear Joe Trippi - I don't want to live in your 'free society.'
Somewhere Dick Armey has his cowboy boots up on his desk, smiling.
Of course they're defensive - how would you feel being partly responsible for a rampage...
Fan paid for game tickets in nov, ticket company tried to reneg when prices soared.
I've been searching but can't find the links to what exactly Sheriff
I've been searching but can't find the links to what exactly Sheriff
Pima County Dem Chair: Time Will Prove Loughner To Be A Right-Winger
It's clear that Rachel's gonna hit it out of the park tonight
It's clear that Rachel's gonna hit it out of the park tonight
It's clear that Rachel's gonna hit it out of the park tonight
Just like the suicide bombers in the Middle East, Jared Loughner IS a TERRORIST.
Sen. Rand Paul, the ophthalmologist, has diagnosed Loughner...
Sen. Rand Paul, the ophthalmologist, has diagnosed Loughner...
I wonder how long it will take for Rush and his ilk to start going after Gifford herself
No mattter how hard they spin it the fright wing party
I miss the old days, the days of thoughtful discussions, when each was allowed to speak in peace
Liberal Hunting License bumper stickers still available? Really? (Oh look! Deleted)
Dan Abrams' FAUX apologist site ignores Beck's hypocrisy
The fact that rethugs are going into defense mode at all speaks volumes
Gingrich blasts liberals over Giffords
Heroic Giffords Intern Daniel Hernandez Could Be Asked For Papers Under AZ Immigration Law
Mr. Tom "Convicted Felon" DeLay...guess what?
Photoshops on the internet and post on forum boards do not equal 24 hour non stop right wing noise.
Oh my. Thank you mods FOR THE PIZZA!
Blogger that advocated for someone to take out Pelosi and Keith is "done"
Australia must brace for more deaths: Gillard
Hillary Clinton: "that is not who we are '
Let me expand a little on Mrs. Mainsh actions
The BCS championship football game is being played at the domed University of Phoenix Stadium
I wonder how long it will take for Rush and his ilk to start going after Giffords herself
Tom Delay's appealing. Well, not to ME!1 n/t
Damage control on oreilly factor
Palin does not view rhetoric as a problem
About Tom Delay's 3 year sentence....
Quick question: If a woman on a temporary work visa gives birth in the US
Schlichtemeier trial delayed (crash that killed four motorcyclists DWI)
If you care, Bill Maher's show is back on Friday 1/14.
Let's face it, this weekend is proof that the Sarah Palin's and Rush Limbaugh's of America's .......
And if the victims were Republicans or Teabaggers...........
Rachel is knocking the Reich-wing arguments dead.
"Sarah, you are one class act. God Bless you. Please keep on fighting for the freemdom of as all!"
"Sympbols and metaphors don't kill people, PEOPLE kill people..."
"Sympbols and metaphors don't kill people, PEOPLE kill people..."
From “Dancing with the Stars” to prison – that’s the fate of Tom DeLay
At least Palin Seems to Have Been Silenced.....
Remember folks: guns don't shoot people, Vice Presidents shoot people
deLay remains free pending appeal, could take years
Rush Limbaugh now has a show on The Golf Channel. Premiers tomorrow.
Our Local Fox 25 here in Boston Whitewashed the Incident
Hey Skinner! You still talking to those lawyers?
Republicans spit the word "Librul" like the Nazi's did "Juden"
"Dear sarah, thanks for giving us something wirth watching on T.V. The trip to Nome was great !"
"Dear sarah, thanks for giving us something wirth watching on T.V. The trip to Nome was great !"
Fox News CEO Roger Ailes: Connecting teabaggers or Fox to AZ shootings is "bullshit"
I wondered how Palin was going to spin this tragedy to make herself a victim
Do they listen to themselves? Ever?
Watching Hannity, they are disgusted that the shooting was politicized.
Lawrence? Really? Influenced by music on his IPOD?
Should children be allowed to carry?
Should children be allowed to carry?
They're at it again---creating reality.
I realized my feelings about Palin and the ilk...
It is not about left or right, and/or according to whom?
Rememberr when Beck threatened to poison Nancy Pelosi?
Watching Keith I realize that this is how people should act.
Just a few thoughts, guess I just need to rant tonight
Rachel Maddow said that the pic of Loughner was not his mug shot. n/t
I want to note something about Colonel Badger and his
Another year of 'drill baby, drill'?
Differences between an Internet Tough Guy and a viable threat
Running...to the scene, and away
Daniel Hernandez on Gabby Giffords: "Honey, I don't do handshakes, I do hugs."
"The NRA had a great night ..."
When they talk about left wing terrorists its important to know just what they are...
Ok. What's up with the pink haired guy on Lawrence Odonnell?
Ok. What's up with the pink haired guy on Lawrence Odonnell?
Demand that Congress ban "Mass Murder Weapons."
I live in Az and it's possible to buy weapons and ammo at the swap meet
“Phyllis was conservative, but she voted for Gabby,”
“Phyllis was conservative, but she voted for Gabby,”
Grist: Why Mexico is such a mess
Man is it fun to troll Sarah Palin fans on her facebook page
NYT: Giffords’s opponent, Kelly, "invited contributors to shoot an M-16 with him"
Dana Loesch: "Name a place where concealed carry hasn't reduced crime". David Gergen: "Tuscon"
Dana Loesch: "Name a place where concealed carry hasn't reduced crime". David Gergen: "Tuscon"
Here is a note on guns and firing at targets
Am thinking that there is no solution but to make some States totally Blue and some all Red.
Here's the new fuckwit right wing hero....
Wow.. What a powerful.. from Stewart...
Julia Gillard makes full resource of Australian Defence Force available to
Julia Gillard makes full resource of Australian Defence Force available to
"Our democracy is a light -- a beacon..."
I Have Found The "Liberal Violence" Conservatives Speak Of
Violent language is a symptom of maladjustment
Mandatory Monday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! Mike's back
"Yeah, a buffer. The family had a lot of buffers."
Wow! Something called Patterns from 1956 on TCM, right now, about corporate culture. Is anyone
"I hope you will get a good security company and also a good crisis management team..."
Can someone cite an example of an act of violence against a Republican when they controlled
Don'tcha just love the - Wow. Someone said something so powerful somewhere...
GOP introduces bill to make English Minnesota’s official language
Introducing the 24 Hour Dead Air Channel: The New and Improved "Fixed Noise"
Flashback: Dick Armey - Tea Partiers Are "Attractive Domestic Terrorists" (Video)
Tea Terrorist: "Cutting that Gas line doesn't seem so bad now does it?..What?...Too Soon?
Please DUers, please stop posting that mugshot!
I appreciate the restraint some are showing in not calling out Palin, the tea party & talk radio...
Palin: "execute", "Shoot with accuracy; aim high", "it takes blood, sweat & tears" (Screenshot)
"Those on the Left have done the same thing with their WORDS that the shooter did with his bullets"
Latest casuality of the Clinton impeachment...
Franklin Graham: "...then that person is just as responsible as the person who pulled the trigger."
Let's not forget the story of the booby-trapped mailings
A momentary diversion from, well, you know.
What evidence or facts do we have that the shooter was inspired by the right?
REMINDER: One big reason Jared Loughner could easily refuse treatment ...
The Nation: The Inherent Self-Destruction of Government-vs.-the People Ideology
Here is Jon Stewart's opening from tonight re: Tucson
List the countries with as little government as arch-conservatives and tea partiers would like
Democrats, Republicans plan deep cuts in US state budgets
Guardian UK has some details about Lougher I havent read elsewhere
How dare Bristol move to Arizona!
What should be added to this photo?
Wikileaks Calls for Sarah Palin's Arrest
"Sarah, Keep your eye's on Jesus! It is Very Clear that satan hates Christian's!"
Cuba registers "world's first lung cancer vaccine" in Peru
If Rush really IS watching us..........I just wanna ask...
The theme on Salem Radio today is: The Only Issue Is Sin.
Gabrielle Giffords avatar? Please?
**Background Information: Far-Right Attacks on U.S. Law Enforcement **
The Right could take some advice from the Muslim Community
There is a surveillance video of the entire Gifford massacre
They can spin it way they like. Palin's intention was rifle scope. (with pics)
Saskatchewan court: Marriage officials can't refuse gays
New Jersey moves to curb Steroid use by Police
Shooter's family to make statement
Twitter’s Response to WikiLeaks Subpoena Should Be the Industry Standard
Twitter’s Response to WikiLeaks Subpoena Should Be the Industry Standard
Patrick Kennedy rebuffs Sarah Palin’s words
Broccoli and political violence
Bill Maher makes a relevant point. I f Glen Beck acts off his rocker everyday, why hasn't he been
U.S. Twitter Subpoena For WikiLeaks' Connections Is Harassment, Lawyer Says
Own It, Tea Party - BlueOregon
There ought to be a law: Kill a representative--replace with two of the same party
Assange: WikiLeaks to step up secret spilling
TBogg: Don't Retreat, Revise (and a shout out to DUer liberalmuse for getting there first)
So what if he wasn't a 'Republican'
Well if this isn't ***SO*** like DU ... I can't believe this just happened ...
Despicable disinformation/selective editing example
Don't know if this map made the rounds yet....
Any constitutional law experts here?
Any constitutional law experts here?
It doesn't matter what they say
rw uses violent rhetoric. years people have said stop, before something happens.
Guardian UK: Gabrielle Giffords shooting: Survival factors after gunshot wound to head
Countryfile's Miriam O'Reilly wins BBC ageism claim
More dead birds, flock of ducks found on field in Arizona
DeLay sentenced to 3 years in prison, 10 years probation
Has there been some link made between the shooter and RW media
VP says troops would stay in Afghanistan past 2014 if afghans want them to.
VP says troops would stay in Afghanistan past 2014 if afghans want them to.
why we have professional columnists (he said it better than I) regarding Sipple and Hernandez
"The Right" could have simply said, uh uh not one of ours, next
Brady Wants 'Target' Websites Banned
Media role in incitment to murder?
Rep Gabrielle Giffords 2012 Act Blue re-election account only has $41 in it
Rep Gabrielle Giffords 2012 Act Blue re-election account only has $41 in it
Mr. Fish Toon- Better Ted than Red (funny)
It doesn't take guts or bravery to be part of a thoughtless, angry mob.
Hubble Snaps Sharpest-Ever Photo of Dead Green Quasar
Hubble Snaps Sharpest-Ever Photo of Dead Green Quasar
Tomorrow's Pat Oliphant cartoon
So then what will it take before the ban on assault rifles
Civil Letigation against Sarah, Beck, and Rush possible
WaPo: Will Obama call for political civility in Tucson speech?
I hope the Teabaggers and loony RWS know that heavy prison
i don't buy the 'disturbed' angle
Identifying the violent mentally ill is a challenge, experts say
Loughner's political leanings are irrelevant
Meanwhile, in another region of the bats*** crazy universe
3 things I've decided about the events of last weekend.
I think law enforcement is going to be VERY guarded with respect to the effect
Tips To Prevent Identity Theft..
Bob Woodruff, his recovery from brain injury
Environmental Activist Trial Canceled after Undercover Cop Goes Public
Millions of Jareds walk amongst us.
U.S. watchdog for Afghanistan contracting resigns
Tea Party Express on Arizona tragedy: Send us money
Muslim immigration vs. Catholic immigration in the 19th century
LGBT community seems less surprised, maybe because we're used to words leading to actions
Latest teabagger meme re: Jared Laughner
Silent Surge: A Shocking Act of Political Violence
‘Surely Some Revelation Is at Hand’
Metallic glass tops steel in strength and toughness
Metallic glass tops steel in strength and toughness
Tucson Massacre: The Right's Complicity is their Opposition to Mental Health Parity
New generation of unmanned spy planes is being tested
Texas Tea Party hands out Wet Wipes to Republicans to wash their hands like Pontius "Pilot"
Man gets six life terms for rapes of female sailors
Bill Maher's classic rant on false equivalency
I don't understand why there was evidently no law enforcement at Giffords'
This Modern World: Don't go blaming guns
Right wing assault and battery of America.
I guess I am gullible, but how can the MSM not be destroying Palin over the "Survey Markers" LIE???
US Could Be In Afghanistan After 2014, Says Biden
Tucson Sheriff being slammed for "politicization" of Saturday's
Gov. Brown and a painful budget
Gov. Brown and a painful budget
The Giffords Gun Clip: How A 'Weapon Of Mass Destruction' Became 'The Weapon Of Choice'
The outcry over this incident, to me, is not about the incident per se on some much deeper level.
How About A Lake Of Poo The Size Of Lake Michigan?
Can Tea Parties legally hold their meetings at a church & it not loose it's tax exempt status?
Tucson plans an "angel action" to block Westboro Baptist funeral pickets
One argument against stricter gun control is that the angry and/or ill among us will find other
Why is that picture being spread all over of the shooter?
America's Next Homeless Idol (My Title)
Steven Cates, the only guy to say anything nice about Laughner is on O'Donnell's show.
Why the NY Times Owes Daily Kos An Apology
Right-Wing Media Smear Moulitsas With Doctored Image
I think most Global Warming denial is from Religious people's anger over science and Evolution
Downturn's Ugly Trademark: Steep, Lasting Drop in Wages
A Very Good Question: What Does 'Civility' Mean? Exactly?
Snippets of Revelation-by digby
Snippets of Revelation-by digby
Sarah Palin compared with Anwar al-Awlaki...
In our current political climate, can a (R) be elected WITHOUT using violent rhetoric
Branding - "Gun Safety" not "Gun Control"
Fox News chief tells GOP employees to ‘tone it down’
Fox News chief tells GOP employees to ‘tone it down’
The Limits to Self Making: The Irish (immigrants' treatment in the US equated to free Blacks)
Denver Post media critic: Blaming the media in Giffords' shooting dodges trickier issues
Isn't an act of political violence always mental illness in this country ?
Petition to indict Sarah Palin for accessory to murder
Mad-dog right wing alert: Teh Gays are causing birds to drop dead from the sky
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah the fact that the Wingers are all suggesting
Before Shooting, A Campaign Season Rife With Gun Rhetoric
Before Shooting, A Campaign Season Rife With Gun Rhetoric
Gabrielle Giffords's Pet Charity Receives $18,000 In Seven Hours
Arizona’s gun laws among the most permissive in U.S.
Lone ranger: Tucson's tough-talking sheriff suddenly has national spotlight
3 years for DeLay? Is it enough?
So the Rethugs ensured that the ban on assault rifles and deadly clips
Glass House Falafel Boy: "The hatred spewed on MSNBC is unprecedented in the media"
What the Right Gains From Poisoning Our Political Discourse and Inspiring Violence
CNN's latest "Don't blame Sarah" story
This is a classic example of Glenn Beck fearmongering and blatantly lying
This is a classic example of Glenn Beck fearmongering and blatantly lying
False Equivalency: The New Bludgeon To Silence The Left
When did threatening American citizens with death become "PROTECTED" Free Speech?
When did threatening American citizens with death become "PROTECTED" Free Speech?
a brides gift to her grandmother...
Saludos al día de el uno 1/11/11
WTF is this 'Comforter-in-Chief' crap?
Disappointed in The Daily Show :(
Oh Gawd - now they're writing the President's speech
This says it all about people that watch Fox News - check out this poll
This says it all about people that watch Fox News - check out this poll
Economic Policy Institute Study: Public Employees Earn Less than Private-Sector Workers
Palin update: Facebook fan hopes Osama bin Tweetin' will "send us a message soon!"
Palin update: Facebook fan hopes Osama bin Tweetin' will "send us a message soon!"
Simple Solution from a 13 year old boy
Sheriff Who Blamed Violent Discourse Is New Right-Wing Target
How Many More Dems or Liberals Have to Die...
Tim Pawlenty jabs Sarah Palin over 'crosshairs'
Tim Pawlenty jabs Sarah Palin over 'crosshairs'
Verizon Confirms the iPhone (available next month)
Tell a joke about Bush in a S. Dakota bar and go straight to prison for threatening the president
A Rush listening, FAUX worshipping ex co-worker story
Earthquake tremor in West L.A. Just felt it! nt
Politician Objects to Being Treated 'Like Everybody Else' by the TSA
Springs man charged with threats to kill Obama
Stop Glenn Beck.com: 11 Months (Well Almost) Of Zero Advertisers For Glenn Beck In UK
I wonder what the injured will face
The response of the shooting reminds me once again why I vote Liberal
We can't afford to miss this opportunity!
Freeperland's 'Technical Issues' are quite explicable:
Stages of Genocide: Classification, Symbolization, Dehumanization, Organization...
Has anyone seen this Hillbuzz article?
Loughner's friend on with Lawrence
Just a question.....which would appeal more to a mentally unstable young man...
Violent imagery and language -- and child abuse.
The MSM Misses Point, Provides Cover, And Further Endangers Liberals
Giffords' Dad Says The Whole Teach Party Considered Her an Enemy
The Arizona shooting and the post-Assault Weapon ban
Bug Man's Pity Party...Tom DeLay: 'I Can't Be Remorseful For Something I Don't Think I Did'
Nobel Laureates and hate radio personalities
Rightwing Extremism - Read The April '09 Report Here......
Obama proposes increased defense spending
Obama Eyeing Internet ID for Americans
That was either a little earthquake......or a jet...
"Tell Hershey to Go Fair Trade!"
Giffords Breathing on Her Own, Doctors Say
Hitler was a Leftist. Get over it.
Does anyone have a link to the clip of Limbaugh talking about DU?
I have a question for the Hunters and the gun owners of DU. I really want to know
How Hard Is It to Involuntarily Hospitalize Someone for Psychiatric Problems?
Know that the fish and bird deaths continue..check out this map
Two daughters of one of the victims are speaking on
The flooding of Queensland Australia
School staffer suspended 30 days for sending email blasting tea party
A Simple Suggestion: Make the Media Break It Down
Tacky, Tacky! Tea Party's National PAC Uses Tucson Tragedy To Raise Money
Beck,gun toting pacifist.Unbelievable Screen Shot
Bill Maher Compares Glenn Beck to Arizona Shooter
Bill Maher Compares Glenn Beck to Arizona Shooter
I'm glad mental health care is being taken seriously, but will those who cited it in Tucson shooting
"Heated, Hated Right-Wing Rhetoric" Will Continue Until Left "Get[s] Out Of The Way"
"Heated, Hated Right-Wing Rhetoric" Will Continue Until Left "Get[s] Out Of The Way"
Feds Depict Deliberate Plot WSJ
Why the right-wing media will continue to fan the flames of hate aside from profit.
Is Lockheed Martin Shadowing You?
OK, which one of you is "=8 mrrabbit 8=" ?
Heritage Foundation whines, "It all started when he hit me back!"
Vitriol and Vitriolic speech... a legal term
Vitriol and Vitriolic speech... a legal term
Tea Party Meme RE: Loughner - Satanist...
Tea Party Meme RE: Loughner - Satanist...
Monterey Bay Aquarium Welcomes First Penguin Chick - story with video and pic
I'd like to call DU's attention to something that I'm seeing frequently here in the past few days...
Right-Wing Media Smear Moulitsas With Doctored Image
Leading REPUBLICAN to intro new strict gun control legislation
The question needing asked is was this one of their "2nd Amendment Remedies"?
NPR accuses Republican lawmaker of trying to control public radio stations
Children Become Collateral Damage
For once, they can't completely control the media narrative.....and they don't like it.
The ladies of the view have sold out to the right with barbara leading the charge.
(Giffords) Shooting Suspect Waives Bail and Is Ruled ‘a Danger’
Freep this poll - no go DU this poll.
I'm worried that my rhetoric might not be extreme enough.
Calls for the assassination of elected leaders do not equal calls for justice for war crimes.
Pair of bills in Arizona allows college students and professors to bring guns into classrooms
Bill O'Reilly says he has to have security around him because of what people on the left say
Glock's Secret Path to Profits
Glenn Beck and the Oakland shooter - The Wash Post
What is the use for the right to bear arms?
Doctor: Chance of Gifford's survival 100%
Doctor: Chance of Gifford's survival 100%
Law and Order episode switched out for current events...?
Assange Hearing In UK Today - Summary Of Defense Arguments: "Risk of Illegal Rendition to USA"
Despite Denials, Blackwater Still Working for U.S.
Despite Denials, Blackwater Still Working for U.S.
Boehner asks Obama to Jan. 25 State of the Union
The Right purposely created a climate of DANGER and FEAR in politics, Dems never did that
Woman Denied Transplant Funding May Leave AZ After Being Told Life-Saving
Ex-CIA Agent Arrested for Leaking Information to New York Times Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalist
Ex-CIA Agent Arrested for Leaking Information to New York Times Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalist
Glenn Greenwald: U.S. gov't is seen as one of the greatest threats to privacy and other liberties"
it appears Oklahoma's new GOP governor may have stolen her inaugural address from NPR
Ted Williams, homeless man with golden voice, detained by LAPD at Hollywood hotel
ReTHUGS, Teabaggers and their hacks in the media
Tribalism and the Republican base
Reality check. Only because somebody is batshit crazy, doesn't mean he can't be a right-winger.
Mark my words, this tragedy will be 'Luntzed' and we will be blamed
Mayor critical of village pensions "we just can't afford" - is collecting 4 pensions worth 142k
Just a bit about mental health law.
Obama administration subpoenas Twitter records of WikiLeaks volunteers!
I'm sorry, but I think the left is going overboard with the blame
New Jersey city disbands 120-year-old mounted police unit
To paraphrase the Miracle Whip commercial: "No, I will not tone it down!"
NYT Herbert: A Flood Tide of Murder (getting serious about gun violence)
"The hatred spewed on that cable network is unprecedented
Twelve Carry Guns -- Including Assault Rifle -- Outside Obama Event
The RW spewers of hate have caused more mayhem
The RW spewers of hate have caused more mayhem
So Palin and crew are feeling unjustly blamed for the actions of an extremist.
Westboro Church crazies to protest at funeral of 9 yo killed in AZ
Westboro Church crazies to protest at funeral of 9 yo killed in AZ
Dear Rush, Hannity and Beck please tell your followers not to kill
DING DING DING we have new Freeper/Teabagger spelling/word: DISCRASE
The outside world is Left and Right with only one wing dead.
If it weren't Palin or Beck or Limbaugh, or the thousands of other right wing fomenters of hate . .
I would love a law where all lawmakers have to make threats public
I would love a law where all lawmakers have to make threats public
I would love a law where all lawmakers have to make threats public
Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.) holds Beck, Limbaugh responsible for Arizona shooting
Tucson Citizen News asks, " Will Jesse Kelly Replace Giffords"?
"When are they going to start calling him a terrorist?"
Beck-who once fantasized openly about murdering Michael Moore-frantically trying to recast himself
The cons are again trying to smear and distort the words of Democrats!
SCOTUS marching us to authoritarianism goes on - They could create immunity for prosecutors
WikiLeaks attorneys: Julian Assange could risk rendition to the U.S. or detention in Guantanamo Bay
Suzie Heilman, Who Brought Christina-Taylor to Giffords Event, Screaming Out Christina In Her Sleep
WikiLeaks: Julian Assange 'Faces Execution or Guantánamo Detention'
In the grand scheme of things, death is the only enemy
For those who pray -- and responded
The Exploding Packages - lost in the maelstrom
Now Radio Rush-wanda is protesting being called out by Sheriff Dupnik.
Glock Pistol Sales Jump in Aftermath of Arizona Shootings Amid Ban Concern
MSNBC Video: Palin "at a crossroads" after AZ shootings
Let Us Talk About False Left/Right Equivalency Shall We
Every state has public mental health services. that's right. all of them.
Arizona shootings: Bill would provide 'funeral protection zone'
Summary of Domestic Terrorism Inspired by Right-Wing Extremists (with Links)
Why are all the violent crazies on the right? If both sides
Best Resources on Wikileaks as Organization/Phenomenon
I got rid of my rebel flag today.
I hope Rachel presents a segment on state budget cuts re
I can't find that "Cross hairs" symbol used on any survey map
The real meaning of "progressive" mental health care.
I love the afl--cio "how HCR bill has helped you" blog
Wells Fargo to forgive student loans after death or perm disability
"Hey, Savannah, why did the President make this decision to come (to Tucson)??"
The Shooting: Maybe it's Not the Guns OR the hate Speech
Some idiot conservative told me that blaming Sarah was like blaming Lennon/McCartney
Afghanistan or Arizona? An Atrocious Act By FIDEL CASTRO
"A training ground for anti-gay harassment."
At last, our invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq is showing real results
Kinder Surprise egg seized at U.S. border
"THESE ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES" Conservatives and the media scoff at the victim's own words.
And now for something completely different!!!!
So post-AZ shooting, will we see guns still being worn at rallies?
I have a favor to ask of Church going DUers.
Dear Conservatives and TeaTards: If talk radio can't incite violence,
"If you're in law enforcement and you're not a right wing nut, you get hit by the right wing nuts."
Serious paranoid DILLUSTIONS a new Freeperism
TRUTH comes out: F.R.'s RimJob doesn't want to "go commercial" because it would "invite scrutiny."
Sneak Preview of This Week's Cover of Seattle's Stranger Newspaper
It takes 212 degrees of insanity for a tea pot to boil over
F. Lee Bailey: Paper proves OJ Simpson's innocence
An open letter to Bill O'Reilly:
Glenn Beck fantasizes about murder nothing happens
2008: Another McCain-Palin supporter yells ‘kill him!’ about Obama.
Adult response to: "Everybody Does It!"
My post on Sarah's Facebook page(before it inevitably gets deleted)
Tough times for California's public universities
Maybe that Dem logo should be changed again?
Teabaggers are TRAITORS, not patriots
"Have you no sense of decency..?"
Sales In Glock Pistols Up After Arizona Shootings
Rumsfeld: "We saw a similar rush to judgment w/o facts in Dallas in 1963."
Study: Abortion Decrease Stalls, Major Uptick in Harassment At Clinics
Mental illness has to be addressed in this tragedy...
World teeters at brink of a food crisis
Might be a different world, had the MSM
32 months in prison for throwing fire extinguisher off roof?
32 months in prison for throwing fire extinguisher off roof?
Cindy Jacobs of Generals International: Birds Are Dying Because of DADT Repeal
Why should I Quiet Down - again we'll be proven right
Ailes Tells Fox Anchors to ‘Tone it Down’
Jon Stewart: "worthwhile goal not to conflate our political opponents with our enemies" (VIDEO)
U.S. attorney sues New York City over Medicaid
Court-ordered psych. evaluations in AZ -- some facts
So, at Sarah's next public event, will she be more, or less, nervous when open-carries show up?
Gun site cross-hair images vs. bulls-eye images
It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear - Frank Luntz
My thanks to the moderators and admin.
Ok so we knew there weren't going to be any apologies
Radio hosts: We won’t back down
The role of harsh language in politics
Boeing Celebrates Final Assembly Of 1,000th 767
Chris Christie "popular" in NJ - except that he's not (48% approval, 45% disapproval)
RePost w/ NewSpeak Correction: Conservatives and TeaPERSONS: If talk radio can't
I Fucking Love DU. This isn't the first time I've said that. I feel bad though when DU goes binary
"Jared Laughner Determined To Strike In U.S."...D.H.S. warned of "Lone Wolf Attacks" TWO YEARS AGO
Republicans: 'Now is not the time to point fingers'
Illinois poised to abolish death penalty
Ken Blackwell Whitewashes Slavery Out Of Original Constitution
TV Ad for OJ Simpson's former attorney: "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. Hire The Cochran Firm"
Did they ever talk to the second guy shown in the video...?
Places that should have guns, but don't
Tell Hershey to Have a Heart - Send CEO a Valentine!
Honestly!! ... Should people be allowed to own stuff like this?
VIDEO: Pat Buchanan tells Scarborough he'd advise Palin to tone down the violent rhetoric
Obama's approval rating will probably top 50% again soon.
American Dream Done: WSG--Steep, Lasting Drop in Wages
The Right lives on hatred and anger...
Our political language is violent because we are a violent society.
Glocks...Loughner's weapon of choice..."flying out the doors" of Mesa & Phoenix Glockmeister stores
The Right are such delicate flowers, are they not?
The AZ shootings will inspire teabaggers and the right wing and it will help Palin. Republicans
Ed Rendell on Hannity: "people blaming right wing ideology are making stuff up...."
Great Jewish Bronx Tale, probably posted before but worth reading if you believe in humanity.
Great Jewish Bronx Tale, probably posted before but worth reading if you believe in humanity.
Can I interrupt with two anecdotes on health care costs ?
Let Sheriff Dupnik know you support him
The Rude Pundit - Glenn and Sarah: An Extraordinary Correspondence
Which would be better to push for in light of the recent tragedy?
I think it might have snowed here in the Land of Lincoln last night.
Loughner parents expected to speak. CNN.
UC Berkeley issues statement linking shooting with Arizona immigration law
Had to happen.. I have over 1000 posts and today...
F. Lee Bailey: Paper proves OJ Simpson's innocence
Guardian UK: How the American commuter gets railroaded
Have you ever had a political spat online that got out of control?
Mental-mind Rush said Jared is full support for Democrat
Coming up: Parents of shooting suspect Jared Loughner due to speak to reporters
Heavy Ink Comics Retailer Applauds the Shooting of Gabrielle Giffords
Why some Centrists may be afraid of us.
Matt Taibbi: The Crying Shame of John Boehner
Zogby's polling has many questions about the shooting,politics
Cal Officials raise fines for parking tickets, moving violations
Sooo...I'm one of the lucky ones with insurance...how "Obamacare" saved my family
Dedicated to Georgy-girl W. Bush and dickless Cheney from the American people
Remember "Tanya" and the "SLA?" The last of the left wing "terrorist" threats.
Illinois poised to eliminate death penalty
Anti-Islam, Anti-"Ground Zero Mosque" blogger Pamela Geller to hold pro-Wal-Mart rally
Anti-Islam, Anti-"Ground Zero Mosque" blogger Pamela Geller to hold pro-Wal-Mart rally
LEAKED: Tom Delay's Speech to the Judge at His Sentencing
End of day 2 and not a peep out of Quitterella
Interesting picture of Boehner
Since TV affects our culture so much I suggest a new sitcom called The Glockers.
I just realized that I went to elementary school with Rep. Giffords' husband.
ANybody remember hearing about the fire triangle in grade school ?
On CSPAN radio Jan Brewer just had the unmitigated gall to say of
This Modern World: Don't go blaming guns-The Shooter Could Have Used... Lawn Furniture
If there's nothing "WRONG" with it, then...why...FUCKING...REMOVE it? (Glenn Beck & gun photo)
Attorney for Boy Scouts tells judge 20 years worth of "perversion files" should be kept secret
Pamela Geller sends out incoherent fliers to call for pro-Wal-Mart rally
Lawmakers vote to ban picketing at Tucson funerals
Huffpo: the most Persistent Myth about Unemployment
Bob Herbert: Government movers and shakers are on the side of the millionaires and billionaires
Lawmaker calls for briefing on mental health danger signs
Bill Maher to be on Jay Leno show this evening. n/t
Why the big deal whenever Bin Laden releases a tape?
The rich treated themselves like royalty this holiday season (AP)
The arguement over the violent rhetoric is a smoke screen
Politico on the Liberal Dupnik
Where Did HuffPo Get This Crap?
Gregoire: Benefit hikes for state workers 'budget busters'
Brewing unrest between the social conservatives and libertarians
White Flight From The Democrats
Jeebus everyone! Guns DON'T kill. They are cute...
GOP Representative Wants To Erect Plexiglas Shield Around Congress
The Loughner Alter: A shine to his head stash!
Eliminationism=Genocide (and it's aimed at us Dems)
Sad toon- Why does everyone forget?
Brown strips cell phones from state employees
"Who I wanted to kill was every Democrat in the Senate & House"
At the opening session of the 82nd Texas Legislature - adorable pic
I Sat There And Didn't Say Anything... It Won't Happen Again.
DO NOT REMAIN SILENT (A Call to Peacefully Protest the Tucson Massacre)
Homeland Security Study Warned of Right-Wing Extremism--boehner & rethugs attacked it
Will Palin decide to take a leave, temporary or permanent, from
Execute him, says devastated father of nine-year-old girl killed by Tucson gunman
Since many on DU seem to have information nobody else does can you guys please share it with us all?
Since many on DU seem to have information nobody else does can you guys please share it with us all?
Rush Limbaugh: Jared Loughner Has 'Full Support' Of Democratic Party
Tea Party Express on Arizona tragedy: 'make a contribution right now' (TEXT)
The Great Looting: Homeowners, Pensioners Robbed by Wall Street; Congress MIA
Ezra Klein: If You Read Only One John Kerry Speech Today (video link too)...
Stochastic Terrorism: How the right-wing hate machine works.
VIDEO: The Extreme, Violent Rhetoric Of GOP Lawmakers
Loughner's parents 'devastated,' 'hurting'
1987 Sean Connery "Just like a Wop to bring a knife to a gunfight"
Sheriff Dupnik is going to need bodyguards
DU, its time to throw the HATE Talkers out of a job.
Fox News Warns That Without Angry Rhetoric It Will Have 24 Hours to Fill
Here's the worst that the left wishes on the right, and I'm guilty of it too
How many of you actually think Tom DeLay will see the inside of a prison cell?
Is attempting to intimidate a public servant a crime?
I wonder how terrorists are created, do you suppose it is by listening to the rhetoric of Bin Ladin
Michelle Malkin: The progressives have FORCED OUR HAND!!!1 They asked for it! They got it!!!
Technically not oil you are scarfing down with your tarballs--I mean shrimp
My husband is a judge and this has always been my fear
Hmmm, our FRiends seems to be having a little spat...
Hmmm, our FRiends seems to be having a little spat...
If you're on facebook, support /like Sheriff Dupnik!
Lawmakers to head off picketing at Tucson funerals (related to 9 year old's funeral)
To Sheriff Dupnik: "Keep your damn mouth shut" Bernard Goldberg, right now, on Fox
Deaf prisoner from the District files rights violation lawsuit
GOP sharks sniff blood in the water...Pawlenty: Palin crosshairs "not a device I would have chosen"
So which court-appointed physician has declared Jared Loughner psychotic, schizophrenic or insane?
Re: RW hate talkers... does advertising work?
Fresno Co. Dems' Candlelight Vigil 1/11 from 4:30pm-6:30pm Palm/Shaw..in front of KMJ
On 50th anniversary of JFK speech, a great-nephew (Joseph P. Kennedy III) makes his mark
On 50th anniversary of JFK speech, a great-nephew (Joseph P. Kennedy III) makes his mark
Corporations Win Big Whether Wars Are Won or Lost
Arizona Sheriff Blasts Rush Limbaugh for Spewing 'Irresponsible' Vitriol
Here come my right wing friends. "Delay gets 3 years - what about Rangel?"
So Mooselllini thinks that Bill Ayers was a terrorist because he blew up a fucking TOILET?
Simply one of the best replies to the Right wing hate machine, EVER!
Ode to Sean Hannity, by John Cleese..
Go Rachel!! Gun Massacre review.
Why is Sarah Palin silent all now
Limbaugh: The Democratic Party Supports Alleged AZ Shooter
Ferret bites off sleeping baby’s fingers
Gabby's Six Degrees of Separation: World Nut Daily Strikes
Cenk Uygur: Was Jared Loughner's Act Political?
The Cartoonists respond...day 2
Palm Springs police chief resigns over gay sex sting
I won't support any expansion of the police state!
A poll in my local right wing newspaper needs some DU love...
FReeperland about to go under?
According to CBS News, 58% of those polled in overnight polling do not think shooter was political.
CA Gov Brown strips cell phones from state employees
michellmalkin *dot* com PROOF that we are as bad as them!
Very insightful comment from our intern at work.
WikiLeaks press release on Tucson shootings.
It is NOT the ''Tone'' of the Rhetoric...
Roger Ailes: "I hope the other side does that." -- What other side? Fox News is "fair and balanced"!
Jon Stewart talking liberals down from blaming right wing on Arizona shooting. Says you can't
Are men the new "ball and chain"?
There was plenty of "death" rhetoric aimed at Bush during his presidency
KTAR: Gabrielle Giffords shooting devastates Jared Loughner's parents
This should end all of the false equivalency arguments
We're Arizona shooting victims too, says Tea Party co-founder
The Right Wing == the angry alcoholic bully in the family everyone has to placate
Mrs. Greenspan Didn't Seem Too Happy When The House Sgt. At Arms Backed Up Sheriff Dupnik
Obama Administration Defends Drug Firms in Lawsuit Against Companies Overcharging for Drugs!
Media whitewashes ultra-right in Arizona massacre
My day in the courtroom of Judge John Roll, who lived and died in Arizona’s climate of hate
I just found 2 used gun targets...
This woman nails the violence rhetoric argument
GOP Rep Virginia Foxx: Loughner's Beliefs 'The Liberal Of Liberals'
Jared Loughner's parents gave the following statement
That mugshot of Jared Lee Loughner looks familiar...
Huffington Post Removes Cenk's Blog On Loughner Shootings
OK, so a preplanned & defined assassination plot of a sitting Congresswoman was not "political"
Hate to say it, but everything about the Giffords incident
Any time you hear the false equivalancy crap on your other boards, post this:
Dumbass supposed Reagan quote mushrooming all over winglandia
The disturbed can get their motiviation or instructions from any source.
The disturbed can get their motiviation or instructions from any source.
DU’s top five Topic Forums below. Why don’t you participate?
Another long term "friendship" ended
Debating a RW Receptionist ...
Why can't it be enough that the level of vitriol makes people uncomforatable enough
Dear Sarah Palin: A Giffords Cousin Speaks Out
What Happened To The Wall To Wall Media Blizzard of These 2010 News Stories?
I am really nervous about the President going to Arizona on Wednesday. I almost wish he wouldn't.
I am really nervous about the President going to Arizona on Wednesday. I almost wish he wouldn't.
Could the leaders on the Right at least agree on some basic assassination rules?
The fact that Loughner is insane and disturbed
My editorial on universal health care printed today
Anyone up for a postcard campaign?
"Surveyor" markings... yeah, that's the ticket...
"Surveyor" markings... yeah, that's the ticket...
What I find telling is "ordinary" people on the street who are upset at the shooting
"If FR dies, that’s that." - Jim Robinson
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” - Barack Obama
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” - Barack Obama
Societies that condone their presidents invading nations, murdering innocent people, torturing
Where is Palin??? Consulting with advisors and lawyers on how to cope with backlash, damage control?
Sheriff Dupnik Steps Forward With a 'Back To Basics Message'!
Juan Cole: Sarah Never Does Anything Wrong
To Those Who Want to Claim that Violent Political Rhetoric Has No Consequence
You realize this is going to get worse
Sudden (unsourced) supposed Reagan quote now on every Wingnut blog
Rep Peter King (R-NY) wants to outlaw guns within 1000 feet of elected officals
Ezra Klein: The Speech President Obama Should Be Giving...
If Palin, Beck, etc are concerned that they are getting blamed for the behavior of an extremist,
A Golden Opportunity for the Right: Take the High Road and Condemn Violent Rhetoric
Tom Tomorrow really knows how to sting the delusional and paranoid...
How WikiLeaks Unhinged Washington by Linda Lewis and Coleen Rowley (1-11-11 Consortium News)
Let's make damn sure that mental illness records get input into the NICS background check
Glenn Greenwald: "Why would the White House possibly do anything other than ignore progressives?"
Ghosts of Mississippi prosecutor goes to prison
Have you been down so goddamned long
McCarthy, Lautenberg seek to ban high-capacity ammo magazines
Ashley Turton, Former Hill staffer, found dead in car
Iceland protests to U.S. over Twitter data demand
News Corp to hold 'confidential talks' with government on BSkyB bid
Another year of 'drill baby, drill'?
Sarkozy warns against weak response to terror
U.S. drops charges in alleged Laotian coup plot
Mexico stops rotating tariffs on US truck dispute
Arizona shootings: Obama plans visit to state
Obama Eyeing Internet ID for Americans
U.S. Twitter Subpoena (For WikiLeaks' Connections) Is Harassment, Lawyer Says
U.S. Twitter Subpoena (For WikiLeaks' Connections) Is Harassment, Lawyer Says
Young American Primitive - These Waves
Ok, I'm helping my son collect football cards and things have changed since I collected
The good news is TSA didn't grope my scurviness
Australia floods: Parts of Brisbane evacuated by police
Charges Dropped Against Man Who Stripped at Airport Checkpoint
Pima County Dem Chair: Time Will Prove Loughner To Be A Right-Winger
Banks given go-ahead to pay unlimited bonuses (UK)
Downturn's Ugly Trademark: Steep, Lasting Drop in Wages
Squash soup, beige carpet = lots of time with Oxiclean
If Rush really IS watching us..........I just wanna ask...
Congresswoman raises 2 fingers, gives thumbs-up
Arizona Sheriff Blasts Rush Limbaugh for Spewing 'Irresponsible' Vitriol
Settlement nullifies Jimmy John’s election; union seeks negotiations
Heavy Ink Comics Retailer Applauds the Shooting of Gabrielle Giffords
Plea for calm as Brisbane braces for record deluge
WikiLeaks: Julian Assange 'happy' after extradition hearing
Youtube is forcing me to link my personal e-mail address to a google account.
Tonight is my first night pulling call as a Physician Assistant.
Cindy may be alive today if she had been wearing her seatbelt
I want to create a thread that develops a mild head cold.
Any word on "The Letter" Sherrif Dubnik found at AZ Shooter's home?
"Golden Voiced" Ted Williams Picked Up By Cops Last Night
I took one for the team the other day
Thank you, Oregon Ducks for the fine competition!
I bought a new washing machine!
I want to create a thread that never diets.
Congress Weighs Enhanced Security Plan
BREAKING: Kim Kardashian passes gas. Cross-posted to LBN.
Amy Winehouse reinvents the bikini
Future Sound Of London - Cascade
BREAKING NEWS — Car Explodes in Penrose
This day is creeeeeeping by...
I like thelounge. Here, I'm just a nerd and a social misfit.
New Englanders: ready for the snow?
Planck telescope observes cosmic giants
Assange concerned at murder talk
U.S. poll: rhetoric not to blame for Giffords shooting
Glock Pistol Sales Surge in Aftermath of Arizona Shootings
BREAKING: Kim Kardashian pumps gas. Cross-posted to LBN.
Thai Cabinet approves social welfare package
Police threaten protests over jobs (UK)
Judge upholds Algerian's detention at Guantánamo
Tory MP protests over coalition plan for prisoner votes
I want to create a thread that prays for death...
Deadheads already know this, but...Furthur's New Years Eve show is available on Internet Archive
Iran Sentences Human Rights Lawyer to 11 Years in Jail
China fails on human rights plan: rights group
Serbia wins EU backing for WTO accession
Swiss Village: Pay Pet Tax or We'll Kill Fido
Family reunions. Ever been to one? What makes them special. I went to one last year.
A message for all the Quilters in the Lounge.
Giffords likely shot in front, not back of head
A massage for all the Quakers in the Lounge.
Report: Women at War Suffering More Mental Health Conditions Than Men
Polish cleaning lady reveals the filthy little secrets of her German clientele
A message for all the Quackers in the Lounge.
A message for all the Crackers in the Lounge
Polish cleaning lady reveals the filthy little secrets of her Gerbil clientele.
I want to create a thread that crashes on the sofa and never leaves. n/t
A message for all the Slackers in... ... ... um... A message for Everybody. n/t
U.S. Chamber of Commerce backs health repeal
I want to create a thread that dies and is reborn in a new body
Bill Clinton: Politics must change after Arizona attack
I want to create a thread that dies, has an out of body experience, and comes back to write a best
A Message for all the Ackers in the Lounge.
Director Peter Yates of 'Bullitt' 'Breaking Away' fame has died.
Brazil prepared for global trade war
I want to create a thread that comes back as a Zombie
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Alas... our victories are ALWAYS fleeting and ultimately painful.
MiddleFingerMom really needs to get a life.
A memorandum for all the Quillers in the Lounge.
I want to create a die that never threads.
How do they really get the pretzel in the m&m? Through the head, I think not.
Photo: The look works for Johnny Depp, but on John Mayer, I just see a bearded douche
I'm unwinding with a nice can of Four Loko and ice.
A message for all the Knackers in the Lounge.
China Reportedly Tests Stealth Fighter
"Kim Kardashian pumps" is the phrase for today. Modify a thread title to include "Kim Kardashian
Illinois Poised to Abolish Death Penalty (State Senate Approves Ban)
And the cops said, "Well, duh."
I want to create a thread that protests other threads' funerals...
I want to create a thread that protests other threads' funerals...
Eight years ago today, I joined this little clambake
(Gov) Chafee to Issue Talk Radio Ban
Japan to buy euro debt, Portugal resists bailout
U.S. sees North Korea becoming direct threat, eyes ICBMs
US could be in Afghanistan after 2014, says Biden
Oil Prices Surge As Panel Says US Must Do More To Prevent Offshore Disasters
Bank of America Is the Next Target of a WikiLeaks Megaleak
Lawmakers to head off picketing at Tucson funerals
Facebook fake used dead war hero's photos to flirt
Lucino Pavarotti with Barry White, James Brown, Sting, Eric Clapton, etc etc etc
A man of wealth and taste? Charlie Sheen's new #1 companion is an "award-winning" actress.
Doctor: Giffords able to breath on her own
Do Cats Really Enjoy Cat Toys?
GOP Rep. Wants to Enclose Congress in Plexiglas
Funeral pickets to be met by 'angels'
Friend Of Rep. Shot In Rampage Shares Eerie E-Mail
More Than 100 Dead Birds Found Off Calif. Highway
Bank of China Brings Yuan Trading to the U.S. .
Accused gunman had no party affiliation
Rapist police officer jailed for life
My new tattoo and some residual bruising
Got any simple "magic" tricks?
Wikileaks cannot survive further losses: Assange
Poll: Emanuel expands lead in Chicago
Mrs. V. is in hospital with acute pancreatitis
Evergreen Solar to close new plant at Devens
What "After School Specials" did you watch as a kid?
A message for all the Quitters in the Lounge.
Baghdad's loss is Kurds' gain: Nightclubs head north as alcohol is banned in Iraq's capital
Angry Birds - Most addictive phone game ever????
Protests greet Guantanamo anniversary
Cuba’s Enemy No. 1 Goes on Trial in Texas
TYT: Roger Ebert N-Word Huck Finn Tweet Controversy
MRN: Reflecting on the Loughner Shooting
Sarah Palin & Dan Quayle: Great VP Teaching Moments
Cenk Gives A Speech On Religion - Emperor Has No Clothes Award
Bowling For Columbine - A Brief History of the USA
Toowoomba Flood taking parked cars (in Australia)
The Cowardly, Guilty Far-Right is Running Scared! They KNOW Their Time is Done!
DemocracyNow: Rep. Raul Grijalva "Politics in Arizona Have Become Fueled By Hate," Pt. 1
Ed Schultz Discusses How "Words Do Matter" w/ Al Sharpton - Press/Blankely- StopDomesticTerror.com
Charlie Brooker's Newswipe 25/03/09 - on the media's coverage of mass violence
Alan Grayson: "Sarah Palin Knows She's In The Wrong! That's Why She Took The Map Down"
The west wing - Bible References (Religious nutjob hypocrites get the bible thrown back at them)
WikiLeaks founder vows to fight extradition
No Tears Left ~~ Stephen Stills
Majority Report : 'Liberal' Media Making False Equivalency
The View: Insanity In Tucson,Barbara Walters Says She Is 'Feeling Bad' For Sarah Palin
Bill Maher "He Talked About Treason Tyranny Gold, Who Else Talks About That Besides Glenn Beck?"
Bill Maher "I'm Not Saying He Was A Republican Operative Taking His Orders From Wasilla "
Parts of Brisbane evacuated as flood death toll rises
Olbermann Interviews Sheriff Dupnik
Fox News Claims Left Wing Responsible For Shootings
Anderson Cooper interviews Bill Maher about Giffords shooting - Part 1
Thom Hartmann: Becking of America
Thom Hartmann: The Gabby I knew by Eleanor Clift
Tell Joe Klein that getting out of Afghanistan is not 'stupid'
TAVIS SMILEY | Elizabeth Warren | PBS
Young Turks: Loughner A Liberal According To Tea Party Leader
Thom Hartmann: Have you No Shame Neal Boortz!
Thom Hartmann: Are voices of hate dancing to corporate tune?
TDPS: This actually IS the time to discuss blame in the Gabrielle Giffords shooting
Politico's Jonathan Martin via CBS News: Is Palin Being Blamed For Giffords Attack?
A&E, December 2009: William Shatner's Raw Nerve interview with Oxycontin Pigboy
Arizona: Guns, Hate And Racism!
Cenk TYT commentary: Media Fails On Jared Loughner - False Equivalency
AZ Sheriff Calls Out Rush Limbaugh For Being Irresponsible
'We Find Genocides Boring': Sam Harris on Moral Illusions
Gabrielle Giffords Sworn in by John Boehner
Gerald Celente: Internet nuke bomb waiting to go off
Rachel Maddow On Never Ending American Gun Massacres
U.S. watchdog for Afghanistan contracting resigns
Obama will travel to Tucson this Wednesday
Tweety makes tea bagger Judson Phillips look foolish on hardball
Bodes well for "health care reform"
Why did Sarah Palin have the PAC target graphic taken down right after the Tucson shooting?
Feds to decide what benefits health insurers must cover
Obama administration makes U.S. passport application forms "gender neutral"
What, no "Catcher in the Rye?"
CNN (John King) said the President will visit Tucson on Wednesday
CNN (John King) said the President will visit Tucson on Wednesday
How is "favoriting" the Communist Manifesto suggest his political leaning?
"On the Air, Nothing Has Changed" (Giffords Shooting)
Is there a site with videos/audios of Fox/Limbaugh violent rhetoric????
Hardball: Willfully Ignorant Tea Party Nation Founder Judson Phillips SCHOOLED By Matthews
How can the media say there is NO POLITICAL leaning, when a Politician is targeted?!
Political cartoonist Tony Auth: 'Words don't kill people. People kill people.'
Obama's Iran strategy is working
Photos: "Offering Our Thoughts and Prayers" (The Obama Presidency, Day 721)
Israel PM: Must Be Military Option Against Iran
FLASHBACK: Dems offer to dial back violent rhetoric, GOP says NO!
Kerry Addresses Gridlock and Globalization
Glock gun sales increase after shooting in Arizona
Grijalva takes over Giffords' constituent services work
Bill Clinton: Politics must change - "political differences shouldn't degenerate into demonization"
President Obama to speak at the University of Arizona tomorrow
2012 PPP: Obama easily beats all GOP candidates except Romney in Nevada (who he leads by 1)
Obama is held accountable for shit Rev. Wright says, but we can't hold Palin responsible . . .
Slain girl's father says attack the price of
"We can disagree without being disagreeable" - Barack Obama, 9 Jan, 2008.
FRAME: Let Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, GOP and others express their violent vitriol. It's who they are
Peter King, Leading Republican, To Introduce Strict Gun-Control Legislation
Politico attempts to blame President Obama
Obama proposes increased defense spending
Barbara Walters: I'm felling bad for Sarah Palin
Majority Reportt: Erick Erickson's Armed Dishwash Uprising
Sam Seder: Random Rush - Limbaugh On Giffords Shooting
"let's take a quick stroll down memory lane with ol' Newt"
What should be Obama's theme in his AZ speech?
The American Right WIng just do not get it do they.
Kerry's comments after his speech on the impoact of life being so hard on so many people now
Kerry's comments after his speech on the impoact of life being so hard on so many people now
Tweety: Palin better fix this or she's not going to be a valuable candidate
Your thoughts on what our society and the world in general will be like in 80 years.
PPP: Huckabee top choice of Iowa Republicans for 2012
Loughner was a registered independent and didn't vote in 2010
...will Republicans have the guts and decency to say, "No, I think Rush Limbaugh is wrong?"
TYT: Giffords Shooting - Right Wing Media & Politicians To Blame?
Berlusconi lawyer: Premier immune from prosecution
PPP: Obama Leads 2012 Field by 15-30 Points in New Jersey
Barbara Lawall: We might seriously consider the DEATH PENALTY for the Arizona state
Has Obama excoriated the right-wing media freaks who call for murder
WORDS MATTER -Robert F. Kennedy speaks to a nation-
After shooting, House Dems take small steps in moving gun reform
Obama Justice Department Sides with Drug Makers to Stifle Suits to Enforce Price Discounts
An attempted assassination of a congresswoman and 6 bystanders murdered. An immeasurable tragedy
Bill McKibben: Rewriting the “Tragedy of the Commons”
Nick Turse on the number of U.S. military bases around the globe
For Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, a McKinley moment?
Palin Defends Vitriolic Rhetoric By Citing William F. Buckley's 'Firing Line'
LAT Editorial - Soldier's (Bradley Manning) inhumane imprisonment
Year of Living Dangerously II - Tucson's Day of Terror
ABC needs to rein in the rise of abuse posing as analysis
BBC: Why America's Gun Laws Won't Change
Dem Planning Bill That Would Outlaw Threats to Lawmakers
The Nation: The Inherent Self-Destruction of Government-vs.-the People Ideology
Gene Sperling Thinks Asset Bubbles Are Cool
David Korten: How I came to challenge the legitimacy of the institutions I once served
D.C. home to most cyber-criminals
Shehrbano Taseer: My father's murder must not silence the voices of reason in Pakistan
After election saber-rattling, has violent act sobered (FL Rep) West?
This false equivalency is Bullsh*t - Sam Seder
Calculated Political Lies Are Violence !
Dangerous Right-Wing 'Victimhood'
Wikileaks Calls for Sarah Palin's Arrest
Any word on "The Letter" Sherrif Dubnik found at AZ Shooter's home?
Fox News and the poisoning of American political debate
Fed Pays $78 Billion to US Treasury
Is the Obama Administration Helping Turn America Into a Police State?
Trouble In the House of Google? ... Why We Desperately Need a New (and Better) Google
Virginia Creates Subcommittee To Study Monetary Alternatives In Case Of Terminal Fed "Breakdown"
George Will can't (or won't) connect the dots.
Saying the Deficit Commission released a plan is deceptive.
Transparency in the age of Obama
Barbara Walters: Don't blame Sarah Palin for Tucson, Arizona and Gabrielle Giffords shootings
Nearly 50 Percent Of Mental Health Services Recipients In Giffords' County Were Dropped In 2010
Like it or not, history shows Sheriff Dupnick is right in what he said
Why Is The US Taxpayer Subsidizing Facebook – And The Next Bubble?
Surely Some Revelation Is at Hand
Loughner Grew More Paranoid in Last Year, Friend Says.
GOP want to hang onto their Hate-Speech, contend it had nothing to do with attempted assassination
Obama: 'Honored and humbled' to speak before Valley vets. This was in 2009.
"The Path to Third World Status...." (Open Left)
AlterNet: What the Right Gains From Poisoning Our Political Discourse and Inspiring Violence
1 Gene Lost = 1 Limb Regained? Scientists Demo. Mammalian Regeneration Thru Single Gene Deletion
US Airforce: Questionable artwork on aircraft?
Vt. nuke fights for future but chances are dimming
Video: Deadly Australia floods spark evacuations in Brisbane – ‘A grim and desperate situation’
Exodus from city center as Brisbane flood threat grows
US drivers revive gas guzzler love affair (BBC)
(Pakistan) Fuel crisis hits railways’ freight service
Duke Energy buying Progress energy for $13 billion
Southern California Edison, SunPower sign PPAs for 711MW solar (PV) projects
DOD Must Buy American-Made, Not Chinese, Solar Panels
Brazil to Approve Four New Reactors by the End of 2011.
Brisbane flood to be worst in 118 years – ‘New flood records are being registered across the state'
WV Legislature Cuts Proposals To Set Shale Gas Rules, Compensate For Pooling In Gas Drilling
Norway Projects 5% YOY Drop In Oil, NGL & Condensates In 2011 - Rebound Unlikely
Capesize Freight Rates (Raw Materials Cargo Shipping Rates) Hit Lowest Point Since 2002 - Bloomberg
CIA Began Tracking Climate Impacts In 1990s - Mission Derailed Under Bush Now May Face Budget Cuts
In Johnson Creek (Metro Portland) Coho Salmon Found 15 Miles Upstream After Yrs. Of Restoration Work
Duke Energy-Progress Energy behemoth covets nuclear power amid soaring costs
Wow. Sometimes Where You Park Does Make A Difference (Amazing AU Flood Video)
No One Could Have Predicted This - Argentina Finds Squid Stocks Already Low As Fishing Begins
Farm Bureau Federation Announces Plan To Sue EPA Over Chesapeake Bay Cleanup - NYT
Venezuela’s nuclear program – the alarmists are right
Toyota expands Prius hybrid car brand (BBC)
New Study Says Climate Change Inevitable, Severity Depends on Current Decision-Making
Question for the anti-nuke crowd
100s Of Millions Of Gallons Of Saline, Toxic Drilling Wastewater Dumped In PA Rivers w/o Reporting
McCarthy, Lautenberg seek to ban high-capacity ammo magazines
Sheriff's deputies investigate "firefight" in Palmview (Texas border area)
If someone just happened on this forum and did not know it was a dem site......
Dana Loesch: "Name a place where concealed carry hasn't reduced crime". David Gergen: "Tuscon"
Demand that Congress ban "Mass Murder Weapons."
I don't think guns, per say, are the issue but the culture we live in.
Arizona’s gun laws among the most permissive in U.S.
Armed Giffords hero nearly shot wrong man
The Arizona shooting and the post-Assault Weapon ban
We can't afford to miss this opportunity!
Man shot in head, 2 others wounded in separate shootings
The Arizona shooting and the post-Assault Weapon ban
This Modern World: Don't go blaming guns
Dog shot; reward offered for info
Quick show of hands: Is there anyone in this (guns) forum that believes...
Glock's Secret Path to Profits
NBC: 31 shots fired in Tucson rampage, investigators say
An Assault on Everyone’s Safety
Does anyone know where Lawrence O' Donnell got .22 cents a round?
Glocks...Loughner's weapon of choice..."flying out the doors" of Mesa & Phoenix Glockmeister stores
Glock gun sales increase after shooting in Arizona
Why a ban (or threat of a ban) on high capacity magazines is good for the magazine industry.
"The NRA had a great night ..."
So then what will it take before the ban on assault rifles
Sales In Glock Pistols Up After Arizona Shootings
NYT Points Finger At: "the well-dressed gun lobbyist hanging out just outside their chamber door"
Glock Pistol Sales Surge in Aftermath of Arizona Shootings
Question: Could AZ's heavy RKBA contingent have helped DURING incident?
Christina Green's father speaks:
The Giffords Gun Clip: How A 'Weapon Of Mass Destruction' Became 'The Weapon Of Choice'
NYT Herbert: A Flood Tide of Murder (getting serious about gun violence)
Are chemical and bio weapons covered under 2nd ammendment?
A real way to combat and reduce gun crime
Branding - "Gun Safety" not "Gun Control"
Will talk of a ban fuel another gun buying panic?
I have a question for the Hunters and the gun owners of DU. I really want to know
What is the use for the right to bear arms?
Honestly!! ... Should people be allowed to own stuff like this?
Glock Pistol Sales Jump in Aftermath of Arizona Shootings Amid Ban Concern
Cuba registers "world's first lung cancer vaccine" in Peru
Argentina: agribusinesses accused of enslaving workers
Spanish Civil Guard: ETA computer expert visited Venezuela
Cuba’s Enemy No. 1 Goes on Trial in Texas.
See Cuba for Yourself and Challenge the US Blockade!
OAS says boot Haiti gov't candidate
First round of elections held for Cuba's sixth party congress
Shitty End to an Exciting Game
Referee for BCS Championship Game
Gloat-Free NBA Scores (Monday, January 10)
Good game--- I mean---isn't that what it's all about?
Congrats Auburn. Damn fine game. It's the best BCSEC game I've seen since this scenario started.
Wouldn't it be cool if the two undefeated teams played
I didn't care who won this game until...
Brady Hoke is Michigan's new head football coach
Limbaugh on golf: 'Liberals would have a tough time with this game'
new Ricky Martin video-The Best Thing About Me Is You
Transgender vets want military access for own
Blackbird Deaths Blamed On Don't Ask Don't Tell Repeal
Volleyball coach: church excuse is valid, but not Gay-Straight Alliance
Report: How Arab money is transferred to Israeli Left
Israel extends jail term for Palestinian activist
Israel PM: Must Be Military Option Against Iran
Three rockets fired from Gaza strike Ashkelon region
Cain and Abel story: Will Conservatives ever listen?
Mountain Glacier Melt to Contribute 12 Centimeters to World Sea-Level Increases by 2100
Antimatter caught streaming from thunderstorms on Earth
Planck telescope observes cosmic giants (BBC)
No extra time for US particle lab (BBC) {why we suck, part CXXXVII}
Hubble Zooms in on a Space Oddity
Rocky exoplanet milestone in hunt for Earth-like worlds (BBC)
In Armenia, Scientists Find Oldest Known Winery