Democratic Underground

Archives: January 21, 2011

Cohen says shows like trutv's Conspiracy is stuff, that produces OKC and Tucson

O'Reilly and Miller - openly stupid and racist (edited transcript)

Message from Congressman Jay Inslee re: Health Care Repeal Vote

Want to repeal Health Care? Give up your Fed Health Insurance.

John, please move from the distractions. Where are the jobs? Did you lie to the American people?

From Biden - Promises Kept

From Biden - Promises Kept

An embarrassed France backpedals from its support of Tunisia's Ben Ali

SUPER-sized DU 10th Anniversary Celebration..."Wayback Machine" screenshot from February 16, 2001

Huffpo: DADT Cost Almost $200 Million In Five Years: GAO Report

Huffpo: DADT Cost Almost $200 Million In Five Years: GAO Report

Huffpo: DADT Cost Almost $200 Million In Five Years: GAO Report

Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan called for jury duty

The case against Blair: 15 charges that have yet to be answered

KO to discuss attached subject on countdown.......

Screenshots - May 4, 2006 - 2nd greatest thread

The Ambassador's Book, Stanford and WikiLeaks

Issa said he was a member of Nixon's elite Republican Guard at the World Series

Todd Palin sex scandal article in NY Daily News

Woman who fell into fountain faces theft charges, has criminal record

Boehner On What Spending Cuts The House GOP Plans To Enact: ‘You’re Asking Me?’

Watch Jon Stewart's Daily Show Invitation for Glenn Beck

Policing the rush to charter schools

Representatvie 'Gabby' Giffords and 'Health Care-2011'

Bill Black: Still Banking on Fraud

Bill Black: Still Banking on Fraud

RIP Jerold Solovy, a towering figure and reformer among IL's legal lions

OK..just got off work/brain dead.. WTF happened with the healthcare bill?

Fox News Abruptly Cuts Away From Giffords Vigil As Mourner Says ‘And I Say to You, Sarah Palin’

Does anyone know what this is? Someone asked me and I don't know:

Now it's Fred Phelps vs Hollywood!

Ohio Governor, John Kasich, declares MLK day on March 17th.

Dear Governor Palin,

COLORADO: Catholic Diocese Launches 12-Step Program For Homosexuals

Mei Xiang & Tian Tian stay in DC for 5 more years - panda pics

The Onion News Network premieres on IFC on Friday January 21st at 10pm ET

Watching the PBS series on NASA this evening

Did Bristol deliberately start false rumor about Levi and Tripp?

Investigation Into Frosh GOP Rep Rivera Expands

The 20 Best Nicknames in the Big Mafia Bust

What causes charlie horses? And how did they get that name?

One the Eve of the Citizens United Decision - Some Train Wreck Responses to a Train Wreck Decision

"The republicans have a health care plan - it's called get sick & die" - dems are missing a great

Warning to the rest of you- here's how Texas is saving money(update)

Mandatory Thursday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

Eugene Robinson: The GOP's rude awakening on health-care repeal

Satellite Launches Into Orbit - video

Call their bluff!!

In Tucson Shooting Fallout, Rightbloggers Find a New Public Enemy #1: Paul Krugman

fwiw (RAYGUN's Alzheimer's) a connected DC wingnut back then told a visitor

OK, I'll admit it. I like Michael Steele.

OK, I'll admit it. I like Michael Steele.

Sorry Rachel

Sorry Rachel

Down memory lane and my journal

Upcoming GOP primary race to say "There you go again" first?

Ah white supremacists MIGHT be involved

The Bad Daddy Factor

The Bad Daddy Factor

(Rep. Gabrielle) Giffords taken outside for first time since shooting

Apple under fire for pollution and poisoned Chinese workers

Chavez says he won't give up decree powers

Obama Replaces Volcker with GE CEO Immelt - to help burnish pro-business credentials

This could be why I keep having relatives refuse to speak to me...

Gates Foundation cooks data to support its pre-determined conclusions on teacher evals

Colbert just had a SCATHING segment about John F Kennedy vs FOX "News"

Colbert just had a SCATHING segment about John F Kennedy vs FOX "News"

Talk About Going Undercover: U.K. Cops Slept With Targets Of Their Spying

Talk About Going Undercover: U.K. Cops Slept With Targets Of Their Spying

NYC Dept of Ed wants to spend $1BILLION on technology & $3.4 BILLION on construction in 2012

Fuck! I can't find my glasses!

Sorry mods, I know this is against the rules, but.....

T + 21. Hey Julian; we're waiting. Bank of America?

Toon: Don't Worry!

Bonuses for Bankers, Bankruptcy for Public Services

(mostly) pro-socialism article from a business magazine

After Health Care Repeal, GOP Targets Abortion

Boeing cutting 1,100 jobs from U.S. plants

The reunion for Carlina White - kidnapped as a baby

Village Voice: NYPD Cops' Training Included an Anti-Muslim Horror Flick

Iran nuclear talks under way in Istanbul

It's a funny thing, terror....

The Arts as Social Research - a fascinating lecture

Oil Good, Democracy Kaput

Obama & GE sittin' in a tree: Obama names GE's Immelt head of new economic panel

Karem Hughes - STFU

Another chance for Palin to play victim..

Mr. Holder, now that you have the Mafia under wraps, do you suppose you might have some time

Karzai, Afghan parliament set for clash in constitutional crisis

How the Power of Myth Keeps Us Mired in War

How the Power of Myth Keeps Us Mired in War

Can we have a remembrance thread for all we've lost here on DU?

In the Sights of the American Dream

Bank of America CEO on CNBC: Consumer is 'healing and moving forward'

So, Mitch McConnell and friends are assuring the American people that "Oh, yes, there WILL

Goldman Sachs’ Elite 475 Reap Billions in Personal Profits

Architects of Gulf War (I) reflect on its aftermath

Police Seize Large Amount Of Weapons From Blogger Who Praised Gifffords Shooting:‘1 Down 534 to go"

Breakthrough after U.S. warns China on North Korea

Most Frugal Cities of 2010... Top 20

Florida Tomato Pickers Finally Win Long Struggle for Penny-a-Pound Pay Raise

Get this to Rachel. Damn it. I think it's a potentially transformative article.

Original, longer Beck video link: Shoot them in the head.

Is there anybody in the GOP presidential candidate field who is qualified to be commander in chief?

Senator Claire McCaskill (D): a conversation with bloggers in Kansas City

Senator Claire McCaskill (D): a conversation with bloggers in Kansas City

David Sirota: Is America Too Corrupt to Keep Up?

Health Insurance Companies Invest Government Medicare Payments before Using Them

"When I stand up my chair smells like a cat shelter" - Colbert translates Limbaugh (4:01)

For Today's OOPS File: Substantial Piece of Refueling Boom Falls Off EADS Tanker

"An escort did an illegal sexual act on me during her paid service to me''

Marines kill Afghan tribal leader after thrown rock breaks nose of U.S. commander Col. Paul Kennedy

Solved: Dead Birds Mystery In Dacono (CO) (2nd poisoning by USDA)

Taliban order strict phone blackout in Afghan north

Friday Toons, part 2 -Republicans....always good for a laugh

First woman named to be a product chief at a Detroit automaker

Is the USDA Engaged in a Chicken-for-Beef-Swap?

Preibus' Republican National Committee: Subsidiary of David Koch's Americans for Prosperity?

joel klein slams teacher pensions, collects $34K/year forever for 8 years' work.

Toronto's new green roof law a first for North America

(Delusional) Palin Putting Out Presidential Feelers in Iowa

This is America -

Free lunch, car cleaning, onsite health care, free laundry, climbing wall - best 15 places to work

Free lunch, car cleaning, onsite health care, free laundry, climbing wall - best 15 places to work

Apple's Tim Cook profiled as "most powerful gay man in Silicon Valley"

Apple's Tim Cook profiled as "most powerful gay man in Silicon Valley"

all yours...

In another nod to gays, feds tackling housing bias

He laughed while he was torturing me

FAA Notice to Airmen -- During testing, the GPS signal may be unreliable or unavailable.

Blackwater Founder Trains Somalis

Friday Toons, part 3

Wow. Watch this if you haven't seen it already!

Learn the Golden Rule and memorize it well...

Friday Toons, part 4

Making cheese from Icelandic sheep

War, Violence, and Spiritual Death

My daughter is on-hold to talk to Stephanie Miller!

Friday Toons, part 1- Health Care Kabuki

Can you help me?

A Supreme Conflict of Interest (petition)

National Enquirer: Todd Palin Sex Scandal...

Don't pee in my Wheaties

What's this MOTHER FUCKER smiling about

"We have no evidence of any braking"...Iggy Pop drummer Alex Kirst dies in hit-and-run

I can't take this call right now, my phone's in a crocodile. Please leave a message at the tone....

John Boehner -- The Speaker

So... what ever happened to the "rules change" vote in the senate?

Breaking: FBI Interrogated Gulet Mohamed Without Counsel at DC Airport

Elisabeth Hasselbeck seems to have forgotten that she called Palin's crosshairs ad "despicable"

Why The Pa. Abortion Doc's Case Is About Poverty, Not Roe v. Wade

Filibuster Reform Watch 2011

Promises Kept

Promises Kept

Special Health Care for Congress: Lawmakers Health Care Perks

OMG! Putin "Pleasure Palace" pics!

How Could I lose you? You were never mine.

House GOP moves to end public financing of campaigns

Aurora police searching for Moron

MTV Worried 'Skins' May Violate Child Pornography Laws

Cheney Praises Obama For Coming Around

The Empire Strikes Back (here we go again)

FBI looks into bid rigging at courthouse auctions

Colbert on Mika on Palin Fatigue

The right-wing hate industry needs to be attacked as savagely as the videogame industry was

Why are Republicans pushing guns onto the college campuses?

Tony Blair wanted a 'gung-ho' approach to Saddam a year before Iraq invasion

Will Repubs tie debt-ceiling vote with heathcare repeal?

New report quantifies just how much a car commute crushes your soul

Organ trafficking: no myth

Organ trafficking: no myth

Bernice King Declines SCLC Presidency

Do you want to watch something that will instill hope?

darn - Crisco has modified soybean in it

darn - Crisco has modified soybean in it

Defunding USAID Is a bad idea

Assange Biopic Headed for the Big Screen — Wikileaks: The Movie

Navy Reports a ‘Breakthrough’ for Its Superlaser

Montel Williams Health Master

DU Co-Founder Skinner's TYT Interview Transcript

Michelle "batshit crazy" Bachmann considering a 2012 Presidential bid

They just cut away from the price is right for a special report: Giffords just left the hospital

Giffords leaves Tucson for Texas rehab center

Let Repug SHUT down the Govt. during War over HCR



Can we blame Janet Napolitano?

Did the Poor Cause the Crisis?

Lawrence O Pressing Reps to Encourage Bachmann to run for POTUS

HELP! I can't decipher this court ruling. "Constitution is Void"???

WTF.....Now Bachman (heading to Iowa) and Palin might both be running for president!

Mr. President: The Fight for the Middle Class Isn’t in Washington

Dean Baker: Now There's Even a 'Progressive' Plan to Gut Social Security

A Healthier Walmart?

"If you absolutely believe that 100 percent of your students will go to college, they will"


When Tragedy Strikes, Pundits Leap Into Action - From Ruben Bolling's Tom the Dancing Bug

When Tragedy Strikes, Pundits Leap Into Action - From Ruben Bolling's Tom the Dancing Bug

Lawsuit: Federal Prisoners With "Unpopular Political Beliefs" Isolated, Abused

Star Tribune: Franken makes a Tea Party friend

Could we get a donut hole in SS?

So bad, it's bad: Steampunk Palin

Sometimes things go horribly wrong

If a great society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.

Does anybody else hope that the Randall Terry thing is a lib-rul plot?

Healthy Insanity

The GOP's rude awakening on health-care repeal

Common Cause asks probe of Scalia, Thomas ties to Kochs

The big catch that might just get away

Vigorous Debate on American Exceptionalism to be aired Monday on Russia Today

Paranoia Over Legal Status Of WikiLeaks Breeds New Generation Of Scams In The US

Rediscovered "Spider-Man" comic promotes... Planned Parenthood!

Esquire's State of the Union - One interesting proposal

OMG 2nd grade sex acts ... teacher does NOTHING ?!

The Bedbug: The Pest That Will Not Die!

Sole U.S. producer of lethal injection drug quits market

Chipotle fires hundreds, draws protest

Gov. Patrick (D-MA) proposes raising retirement age for public pensions from 55 to 60

"Not Waste, but a Vast New Energy Resource"

"Movement for the People Summit" live on C-SPAN3 -

Lol of the day: Hubert Blackman Says Hooker Did Not Spend Enough Time With Him, Sues For $1.8M

"Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind"

College student files suit for $1.8M saying Las Vegas hooker didn't spend enough time with him

The Republicans are "lethal fools." And the Democrats are too afraid to say it.

BIden about to speak at the House Democrats Retreat

Unions see sharp membership declines again

Non paid writer for Huff Post fired for helping union protest of bankers yesterday (UPDATE petition)

Non paid writer for Huff Post fired for helping union protest of bankers yesterday (UPDATE petition)

Non paid writer for Huff Post fired for helping union protest of bankers yesterday (UPDATE petition)

FAA warns of ongoing GPS issues in southeastern US

Skinner: Why not repost your "Seven Days Underground"

What older features of DU do you miss?


George H W Bush admits that he invaded Iraq for oil

Option for states to declare bankruptcy...

Confronted by blogger, Santorum fails to differentiate between little girl, dish of cells

Paul Ryan Tapped To Deliver GOP State Of The Union Response

Obama names Jack Welch accolyte and GE CEO, Jeff Immelt, to top job on his economic team.

"Teahadists" -- will it catch on?

NYC Votes to Change Taxi Driver Dress Code

Philly man wins release from prison after more than four decades

Idaho Lawmakers Cite Founder Of Neo-Confederate Hate Group To Justify Plan To Nullify Health Reform

Plans being drawn up to let states go bankrupt

If you don't like my politics, blame my dad.

Sorry Tea Partiers -- The GOP Only Cares About Their Corporate Paymasters and Wealthy Elites Like

Women get no help in arrest of alleged car thief. Detroit is so bad off these women

Was there one person on any of these deficit panels or in the deficit hawkish

good riddanance joe...liar-man

Immelt: Deregulation "unlocks productivity and speed"; "we should be executing" deficit report

Remember the 'Mystery Rocket' near L A a few weeks ago.

Anybody catching this guest on MSNBC railing that nothing actually was

Are verbal "contracts" binding?

Bonus Payments to City Retirees Are Drawing Ire

French official says Afghan withdrawal needed

Don't you leave me, Christina-Taylor Green. Don't you die on me

"America must brace itself for turbulence"

Arguing with a "libertarian" What would a Ron Paul America look like?

Tony Blair's promise to George Bush: count on us on Iraq war

GOP’s State Of The Union Responder Would Set Higher Tax Rates On Middle-Class Than Millionaires

Seattle area cops responsible for (innocent) man's brain injury

Brilliant freeps find the smoking gun: Hawaii Law: Child born prior 1967 must have Christian name

Staff of New (R-SC) Gov has proven they deserve their higher salaries in two days!

Cop vs John Williams, hard of hearing with pocketknife, didn't have time to comply b4 shot/killed

Susan Hileman on Christina Taylor Green - 'I'm so sorry that I couldn't bring her home.'

Facebook Raises $1.5 Billion At $50 Billion Valuation

2 Suns? Twin Stars could be visible fr Earth by 2012

delete - it was live

There is no such thing as an unbiased opinion

‘You’re Going to Have to Shoot Them in the Head,’ Beck Said of Democratic Leaders

Beck's call to violence: "Shoot them in the head"

Graffiti Threatening Governor Brown Turns Up In 2 Places In SoCal

Why democrats on the national, state, regional, county, and city level lose elections

Health Secretary Sebelius: ‘There is no taxpayer funding for abortion’

Megyn Kelly and the Nazi question: when -- and who -- can use the word?

Poll we never see: Would you prefer cuts in SS and Medicare benefits or ending the wars?

john ashcroft is coming to my city to talk about character

UPI: Ted Kennedy Jr. may run in 2012 for the seat being vacated by Lieberman

Doctor: Transfer of Giffords to Houston flawless

We shouldn't even hear the words "Social Security"

We shouldn't even hear the words "Social Security"

Toxic Waste Nuclear Sludge Chew Bars actually toxic; Candy bars contained lead, yanked from shelves

This Modern World

Howard Dean "accomplish real change and reelect President Obama in 2012"

A One-Way Trip to Mars: It is Time for NASA to GO.... or go away


My Prediction on Jeff Immelt: "Increase or Eliminate the H1B Visa Quota"

All Praise Saint Sarah! "our first female combat soldier" YEP,really

House Republicans offer own healthcare legislation

I am so frustrated and feel so impotent

America's Mayor© ascends to throne of King of Making No Fucking Sense© RE: "blood libel"

Willie Mays talks to students at Polo Grounds site - story with pics

Vermont governor wants state single-payer system by 2014

Moron: Decides Eating M&Ms More Important Than Robbing Bank

Leaving Tucson Giffords responded very well to Applause - Smiling

Doctor conference at Houston on Giffords

Republican Mayor: The Stimulus Package ‘Worked,’ It’s ‘Unfair’ For House GOP To Attack It

Vivian Maier: A life's lost work seen for first time (BBC) {fascinating story!}

Oh, that precocious Lil' Ricky Sanatorium...First he links men + dogs, now it's slavery + abortion.

**BBC World News, Blair 'regrets' re Iraq. Pope v Berlusconi behavior.

Racy 'Skins' prompts Parents Television Council to call for investigation

Bipartisan praise for Joe Lieberman BY GLENN GREENWALD

This is a Howard Dean appreciation thread.

Not-so-Good Samaritans stuck in pile of irony

Police alarmed over graffiti claiming Calif. Gov. Brown to be killed on Valentine’s Day

Joe Lieberman Insists Iraq Was Developing WMDs Despite No Evidence

A Trillion Dollars a Year to the Richest 1%: They didn't work harder than the rest of us.

Do you agree that the American political right is the furthest right in the Western World?

Largest rocket ever launched from the west coast puts new spy satellite in orbit

Florida governor demands education reform yet doesn't attend conference

ND's Congressman Broun comments on SOTU seating

ND's Congressman Broun comments on SOTU seating

Sen. Sanders Blasts GE's Immelt on Jobs

I remembered this quote I learned in high school and looked it up today

Barton's editorial on "obamacare" in my paper today

Help with Healthcare Poll

What do you think Q4 GDP will be for 2010?

Catch "Hardball" on the repeat if you didn't already see it and

Is there or is there not a very convenient out for those who want Obama primaried, which goes some-

Is there or is there not a very convenient out for those who want Obama primaried, which goes some-

The GOP has decided

Michele Bachmann to deliver her own State of the Union rebuttal

WOW! A batshit crazy rebuttal to the S.O.T.U. @ WOW! USA! USA! USA! USA!

Freshman Missouri lawmaker loves lobbyists and 'all the free food and stuff you get'

Freshman Missouri lawmaker loves lobbyists and 'all the free food and stuff you get'

Shot congresswoman's GOP foe: Can I run again yet?

Chuck Todd: House GOP not focused on jobs

Families Reject Blair Apology Over Iraq Dead

Glenn Beck Target Frances Fox Piven Who Now Gets Death Threats

Guess who's coming to dinner...

James O'Keefe and friends plead guilty in Mary Landrieu office caper

Confronted by blogger, Santorum fails to differentiate between little girl, dish of cells

Confronted by blogger, Santorum fails to differentiate between little girl, dish of cells

Tweety is tearing Bachmann a new one

Have dentists' business fallen off drastically? Reason I ask is

Have dentists' business fallen off drastically? Reason I ask is

Palin to be prosecuted for inciting violence if she visits Australia, attorney says

Goldman Sachs thread,

TIRR Doc: "She looks spectacular (Giffords)

10 Indicted in $20M Real Estate Scam

Beck, June '10: 'You're Gonna Have to Shoot Them in the Head'; Byron Williams Cited Becks June Shows

Bachmann approaches Iowa with trail of misstatements

Lieberman has said he won't rule out a position in the Obama Administration

My editorial on the new faces on the House Vet committee printed today

AP: Manson follower Krenwinkel denied parole

Former Chicago police Cmdr. Jon Burge sentenced to 4 1/2 years in Club Fed

On Congressman Cohen and Total states

At what point will Obama's bipartisanship raise the question "Why do we even have two parties?"

HOLY SHIT!!!! Increasing concerns GOP will shut down entire fed govt to stop health care reform

what happens when a chiropractor "adjusts" your neck?

If Bachmann is the Republican nominee in 2012, how many states will Obama win?

Bachmann, Minn. Pub Radio, text + audio:

Here is the issue with getting rid of UNREC......

Rick Santorum Compared An African American To A Fetus

GOP approval ratings plummet as they ignore the economy

Was talk radio heavily anti-MLK last week?

Was talk radio heavily anti-MLK last week?

According to a fellow student, Sarah Palin has opened doors for other women...

$3.17 a gallon today when I filled up here in West Michigan. Remember as fuel goes up

Very ominous and shocking development in Canadian media regulations. A boon to the hard Right.

Very ominous and shocking development in Canadian media regulations. A boon to the hard Right.

LOL. Apparently there's going to be a Dancing with the Stars response to the President's address.

And the next American President will be …

Obama's new economic advisory board head, GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, shipped manufacturing jobs overseas

Enfield library cancels screening of "Sicko"under pressure from council and mayor

If forced - who would you vote for US President: Michelle Bachman or Sarah Palin

Does anyone have a COMPREHENSIVE list of incidents of right-wing violence?

Why didn't lawrence O'Donnell,..

Let's Get the Facts Straight About Public Employee Pensions

Confronted by blogger, Santorum fails to differentiate between little girl, dish of cells

Two Suns? Twin Stars Could Be Visible From Earth By 2012

My Prediction---- Rep. Gabby Giffords will Speak at 2012 Dem. Convention

Rupert Murdoch set to arrive in UK with News Corp mired in crisis

Open season on senior citizens - now public pensions targeted

for all those that think teachers have it gravy

Anyone else get the feeling the United States is going in the dumper?

Palin Sex Scandal Brewing....

Obama's new Jobs Advisor Immelt in 2009: "India Will Be A Centerpiece in Our (GE's) Growth"

Jeffrey Immelt's job-creation record = Dramatic drop in American employees over past five years

Call to ACTION! Ignore Sarah Palin week!!!

Internet Armageddon all my fault: Google chief

After Firmly Standing By What He Said, Steve Cohen 'Apologizes'. Hopefully It'll Keep J Street Happy

Happy 10th, DU! Can you believe the @#$! we have all been through together?

Obama Releases Interrogation Memos, Says C.I.A. Operatives Won’t Be Prosecuted

Hey!! Has anyone heard that Glen Beck said "Shoot them in the head"?!?

Rocky Times Ahead: Are You Ready?

Sooooooooo how long can the Republicans in the house..

States may be allowed to declare bankruptcy

Just The Same Old Dumb

"Shoot Those Leftist Bastards Dead"

Fellow DUers.. How did you find this place?

UPDATE: Sis atlast is doing better, looks like they got all the malignancy.

Only 11.9% of workers in a union

Only 11.9% of workers in a union

It is easier to get a gun than mental health care

AT&T Donates $377,500 to The Tea Party

AT&T Donates $377,500 to The Tea Party

A common misconception that many people have with doctor, dentist and veterinarian relationships

Glenn Beck says he fears another 'Reichstag moment.' An American expat's view from Germany

Sincere question for VN/WW2 vets on DU- were suicides as prevalent then?

The Big Lie Lie: Digby On Why Jon Stewart Is Wrong About Referencing Goebbels

Bachmann Takes The Lead!

Bachmann Takes The Lead!

Mall security cameras...

Mall security cameras...

Palin to be prosecuted for inciting violence if she visits Australia

Common Cause asks DOJ to look into Scalia + Thomas misconduct in Citizens United Case

Common Cause asks DOJ to look into Scalia + Thomas misconduct in Citizens United Case

It's official now. I'm a crippled up, useless fuck.

Gap between rich & poor in NYC widest ever: Top 1% takes 44% of income

Passenger punches flight attendant over blocked aisle

How Can the Richest 1 Percent Be Winning This Brutal Class War Against 99% of Us?

Seymour Hersh book to reveal how 8 or 9 neoconservative radicals ovethrew the American government,

German intelligence to open books on Nazi past

Transcript & Captioned Video: Skinner Interview w/ Cenk of TYT For DU 10th Anniversary

Brewer and the AZ legislature have their gov't hands on Medicaid...

Bachmann To Give Her Own State Of The Union Rebuttal

Basically, We the people, have lost

So, Jon Stewart chastises Rep Steve Cohen

President Obama Appoints a REPUBLICAN to Head his Jobs Initiative

Glenn Beck Campaign Leads to Death Threats For 78 Year Old New York Professor

Were The Russians Right To Have Invaded Afghanistan?

Best protest sign EVER!!

What would you think about using DU for brainstorming sessions

Here's someone who just followed me on Twitter who has no interest in "toning it down"...

Will anyone here miss the "Un-Recommend" -- ???

Manning placed on suicide watch -- against his doctor's advice.

Missile launcher found discarded in dumpster

Why is there more income tax coming out of my check?

I'm issuing a $10 Million Dollar "Challenge for Charity" to Glenn Beck and/or Rush Limbaugh

Only 33 of the 75 Progressive Caucus members signed the Social Security letter to Obama.

'Steampunk Palin' Comic More Insane Than You Imagined

When I voted for Barack Obama in 2008, in a way, I thought I was voting for JFK.

Billionaire declares that government workers are a "privileged new ruling class" that must be fought

OK, folks. Ready for this Friday's Afternoon Challenge? The City Envisioned.

Lawyers condemn "abuse" of suspected WikiLeaker Bradley Manning (1-21-11 Ewen MacAskill/Guardian)

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

Does anyone know anything about permanent disability?

Sports Fans - Pop Quiz... Football... Who was the first...

Saw "The Jackie robinson Story" today. Got me to wondering

MiddleFingerMom may SOUND happy... but he's suffered a tragic... TRAGIC loss.

Hu is President of China.

You ever get that idea to just say what the fuck?

Actual air temp in Fargo right now: -20F

If you did not get your first choice on your DU user name, what was it?

My Blackberry Is Not Working

Tankmarine: Your argument is invalid

Overheard in the Deep South: "Dayum... you are just one big ol' bag o' sexy!!!"

Wolf Moon (photo)

I think the Mods have it in for me

self delete nt

Bay Wind Quartet - Lost Memories Rediscovered

P n e u m o n o u l t r a m i c r o s c o p i c s i l i c o v o l c a n o c o n i o s i s

Fuck! I can't find my asses!

Fuck! I can't find my glasses!

Foamation, makers of the foam Cheese Head, brings in extra staff to keep up with surge in orders

(MSNBC) Police: Fatal stabbing blamed on fart jokes

Rihanna's new look. Too much, needs more, just enough?

Everyone is forgetting the upcoming Super Bowl event!

The mutual forced ignore lists aren't working in DU3!

Prince Fielder Explains Complexities Of Salary Arbitration Using Cheeseburgers

MiddleFingerMom and two of his buddies have taken up "art" photography.

Oh, God. TMZ got their hands on the new "Octomom" video.

Metro's Greatest Hits

PHOTOS: If this were Palin, she'd be in her copter, linin' it up in her crosshairs. (dialup caveat)

Healthy Insanity

Can sleeping with your pets make you sick?

Fatwa on Road Kill

Funny Betty White video clip

Oral sex in class? Uh, whatever. But in *second grade*?!

PIC: Netflix thinks the Chappelle Show is racist?

hey lounge! got a new tune to share (and a radiohead cover) =)


I've just started blogging

OK, the cable company will be here between 8:30 and 11 am, it is now 10:25.

SQUEE!!!! Kitty burps are ADORABLE!!!!!

Those of you who have eaten at a Joe's Crab Shack - how is it?

What is the name of that exercise guy who still wears his early 80's hairdo and gym outfit?

Panflute Flowchart

Guitar solo thread redux...the anti soloist, Steve Jones and the Sex Pistols live,

Hey Jude flowchart

So, What's Was The Point of Fantasy Island? To Teach You A Lesson?

I THOUGHT there was a bustle in my hedgerow, but it was just those crab cakes I had for lunch.

Suicide is never the answer

Harry Chapin's Taxi

The REAL reason Einstein came up with an answer for EVERYTHING!!!

I don't want to hear ANYBODY claim that you all weren't warned about the evils of circumcision.

I just baked Christmas cookies - Ask me anything!

Vsm upi trsf yjod? nt

Is Skinner a criminal?

Kyo wa watashi no tanjoubi desu... (Yeah, its my birthday..)

Cat Story - If it is not true it should be.

So, why do they call those painful muscle cramps "Charlie Horses"?

Gonna go to the place that's the best...Kentucky Headhunters, "Spirit In The Sky"

Its so easy to understand.

Tucson memorial speakers 'scoff at Jesus': Franklin Graham

Bird Deaths Linked To Poison

"Don't ask, don't tell" cost tops $50,000 per expulsion, study finds

Haiti aid hinges on credible elections: U.S.

Ford Motor Credit to close Henderson office, leaving 200 jobless

Celebrated novelist, Duke professor Reynolds Price dead at 77

Tony Blair to reappear before Iraq inquiry-BBC

'Don't ask, don't tell' cost tops $50,000 per expulsion, study finds

Is MTV's Skins Child Pornography?

"Don't ask, don't tell" cost tops $50,000 per expulsion, study finds

Do you ever clink on Locked posts to see why they were locked??

OK. Really needin some serious help here. I thought I'd listen to some state songs

"Circumcision" is the word for today. Modify a thread title to include "circumcision".

Stimulus kept millions out of poverty

Giffords goes outside for physical therapy

Tony Blair at Iraq inquiry - live

Iran nuclear talks under way in Istanbul

South Korea rescues Samho Jewelry crew from pirates

AP-GfK Poll: Obama popular but doubts on progress

Obama Says Paul Volcker Stepping Down as Adviser

Tony Blair wanted a 'gung-ho' approach to Saddam a year before Iraq invasion

Common Cause asks DOJ to look into Scalia + Thomas misconduct in Citizens United Case

Confronted by blogger, Santorum fails to differentiate between little girl, dish of cells

Doctor: Giffords felt sunshine from hospital deck

(British) PM's impartiality (re competition inquiry) in doubt after Xmas date with Murdoch executive

Bank of America Posts 4th-Quarter Loss of $1.2 Billion

Wikileaks 'thriller': Assange biopic optioned

Rep. Steve Cohen apologizes for Nazi comments

New take on the old "What would you take with you to a deserted island" question

(Former Murdoch Employee) Andy Coulson resigns as David Cameron's director of communications

Poll Finds Wariness About Cutting Entitlements

Toxic Waste Nuclear Sludge Chew Bars actually toxic; Candy bars contained lead, yanked from shelves

5,000 rally in Jordan 'bread and freedom' demo

Contributions mount for House GOP chairmen

Facebook raises $1.5 billion from investors

Giffords Arrives In Texas For Rehab - (pics)

Obama Plans $42 Billion Cut in Iraq and Afghanistan War Costs

Looks like I missed something in "Black Swan"

Need a small favor...

Path Is Sought for States to Escape Debt Burdens

Muslim Girl Back on Basketball Court After Being Benched for Wearing Headscarf

HUD Offers Latest Obama Administration Attempt To Strengthen LGBT Rights Through Regulation

CNN Poll of Polls: Obama approval at 52 percent

Bachmann making Iowa speech

Meet Chase No Face, the heroic, seriously disfigured kitty

Florida firm guilty of mislabeling haddock

Next up for House Rules: ending taxpayer funding for presidential campaigns

Woman receives 'rare' voice box transplant

Chavez says he won't give up decree powers

AP sources: EPA expected to OK more auto ethanol

Zimbabwe mulls treason charges against former opposition politicians named in WikiLeaks cables

Tony Blair's note told President Bush 'count on us'/Blair discussed regime change with Bush (Dec 01)

Bin Laden message warns France to pull out of Afghanistan

Giffords leaves Tucson for Texas rehab center

H-Post Editor Bows to Bankers and CUTS TIES to Reporter Who Helped Expose Them

Three dead as Albanian protesters clash with police

Any great stories about your ancestors? Family legends?

A Path Is Sought for States to Escape Their Debt Burdens

Bye Bye Blackbird: USDA acknowledges a hand in one mass bird death

Grade school teacher tells student "go shoot yourself"

Lawyers condemn 'abuse' of suspected WikiLeaker Bradley Manning

Anti-abortion protest at Sultana High prompts extra police support

CHP investigating death threats to Jerry Brown

Agents Canvass Northwest In Search of Bomb Making Parts

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday, January 21, 2011

Obama Taps GE’s Immelt to Head Economic Adviser Panel

Santa Barbara seeks to turn the tables on the homeless

WikiLeaks points to US meddling in Haiti

10,000 Cattle Dead In Vietnam

I think my cat needs an intervention. (pic)

School Board votes to put the Ten Commandments back up

LOLcat Bible, Genesis 1. Boreded Ceiling Cat makinkgz Urf n stuffs

Tea Party Rep Hurt Wants To Keep His Government Health-care

Will Republicans Defund Finance Reform?

NBA JAM Wii- Palin/McCain vs Obama Biden

REP. SANDY ADAMS: She Thinks She Deserves Better Health Care Than You

Impromptu Robert Foster performance at the Free Julian Assange Rally in Melbourne on 10 Dec. 2010


President Obama on the 50th Anniversary of JFK's Inauguration

Has Obama Assumed the Position of Salesman-in-Chief to China? 1 of 2

WikiLeaks: Why It Matters. Why It Doesn't?

MP's tie too loud for Parliament

MP's tie too loud for Parliament

Majority Report: Joe 'YOU Lie!' Wilson & Sarah Palin

Wall Street's Derivatives Scam

Thom Hartmann: Bribery of US Government

Young Turks: Obama's GOP Talking Point On Regulations & Jobs

Symphony of Science - 'The Big Beginning' (ft. Hawking, Sagan, Dawkins, Shears, Tyson)

Frank Gaffney vs. Suhail Khan on His Alleged Muslim Brotherhood Links

TYT: Cenk Rips 'Muslim Law Taking Over US' Nonsense From Rep. Gohmert

Ed Schultz Attacks the GOP's Healthcare Diversion

Two Killers That Need To Go

Keith Olbermann: Prejudice Of Alabama Governor With Maysoon Zayid

Rachel Maddow- Extremists considered in bomb investigation

Thom Hartmann: Attractive woman seeks well-endowed corporation for marriage

DADT Cost $193 Million To Enforce From 2004-2009

Michele Bachmann uses some form of sign language to explain why it is urgent for her to go to Iowa

Cenk TYT commentary: Former Senators become lobbyists

MRN: Cyber Sex With Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Senator Bernie Sanders, Health Care Reform Will Not Be Repealed

Mike Malloy - Glenn Beck Ask Listeners To Shoot Progressives In The Head

Van Jones: The economic injustice of plastic

Thom Hartmann: Call the White House to save Social security!

Thom Hartmann: Right-wingers ask for reparations for the rich?

Banned Superbowl video: Jesus hates Obama

Rachel Maddow Interviews Michael Steele And His Bad Record

I Love You Rachel Maddow by Marc Black, interpretation by Blake Farber

The ED Show: Limbaugh Mocks Chinese Leader's Speech , Al Sharpton Responds

I don't think you've read it, sweetheart.

TDPS: David Pakman recieves "porno patdown" from TSA at airport, records some video

DHS offers some tips for spotting a terrorist at a hotel

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka: America Cannot Afford A Lost Decade

Fifty Years After Eisenhower's Farewell Address, A Look at "Prophets of War"

"I Don't Snuff My Own Seed": 2006 Radio Ad Featuring Herman Cain

Majority Report: Americans Trust Republicans to Protect Social Security

Political Posturing or Personal Preference? Some Lawmakers Reject Health Insurance

Politifact: Cantor's claim that the Affordable Care Act is 'job killer.' False.

Law enforcement official: MLK parade bomb unprecedentedly dangerous, "worst device...I've ever seen"

"Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798"

Eugene Robinson: Somebody change the subject. Quick!

"Goodbye Enthusiasm Gap"

Investigation Into Freshman GOP Rep Rivera Expands

I need a memory refresher; were the rethugs,

Volcker takes aim at long-term investments

What the fuck is up with all this abortion shit in the news and trying to tie Obama to it

The reality behind failin Palin

Words/Actions Do Have Consequences

Howard Dean: The State of the Progressive Movement

WaPo: Bank, health insurers, big business contributions mount for House GOP chairmen

After reading this it appears some democrats are ready to punk out on health care reform

The Hill: House Dems launch 'Drive for 25' to win back majority in 2012

How likely do you think this is? Ron Paul getting the nomination in 2012.

When did a "response" to the State of the Union address become institutionalized?

With more jobs coming in 2011, it may finally feel like recovery

Has Jeff Immelt Changed His Mind Since Calling Obama Anti-Business?

How can anyone be getting ready to vote for this asshole

Political cartoonist Mike Luckovich nails the GOP House

WH special SOTU website

Republican Mayor: The Stimulus Package ‘Worked,’ It’s ‘Unfair’ For House GOP To Attack It

Republican Mayor: The Stimulus Package ‘Worked,’ It’s ‘Unfair’ For House GOP To Attack It

Rep. Paul Ryan To Give GOP Response To The State of the Union

The Plumline: House liberals urge Obama to draw hard line: "Hands off Social Security!"

Our pathetic MSM's latest "controversy": Did he dye his hair?

The President is doing VERY WELL in key states for 2012

What the American public will lose when healthcare is repealed

Bachmann To Give Her Own State Of The Union Rebuttal

Anti-business Obama puts another CEO in charge of America (Wonkette)


Do we have to wait 30 years for human rights in China?

freepers flip out as Sasha Obama speaks Chinese.

Link to MoveOn petition to Obama to support Social Security - Please sign if

Enquirer reporting potential Todd Palin sex scandal with massage therapist busted for prostitution?

GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt to head new White House jobs Panel...Obama thinks you're stupid

Donald Trump 2012?

AP: House to vote on abolishing presidential campaign matching fund next week

GAO: Discharging gays cost Pentagon $200 million (AP via WaPo)

Predictions for 2011

The GOP's war against the poor and sick

If Web Admins were Governments...

GOP Wants 'Rigorous' Oversight Of Consumer Agency

Birthers Exploit Zodiac Changes to Mount New Attack on Obama

Let Aristide Return!

Greed and Insanity on the "Streets": The Psychopaths Are Everywhere

Daley gets Distinguished Service Award U.S.Conference of Mayors

Ohio Drug Distributor Supplies Texas' Lethal Drugs - Paid to Kill

Bill Black: Still Banking on Fraud

Glenn Beck says he fears another 'Reichstag moment.' An American expat's view from Germany

Generalizing Tunisia: Context Overrides Story (Ramzy Baroud)

Beat Your Daisy Cutters Into Daisies (Mickey Z.)

Tea Partyers don't actually care about "liberty"

Should GE's Jeffrey Immelt Really Be Leading Our Job Creation Strategy?

Libyans are just as hungry as Tunisians

Preibus' RNC: A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of David Koch's Americans for Prosperity?

Dylan Ratigan vs. Eric Alterman of the Nation Mag. (New Book, "Kabuki Democracy")

Defense Attorney Files Complaint Alleging Mistreatment of Bradley Manning

Facebook Fights U.S. Pressure Over WikiLeaks

Vanishing of the Bees Builds Buzz Around What's Killing Off Honey Bees

The Final Solution to the Conservative Question

America must brace itself for turbulence

Cheney is alive because of wealth redistribution, socialized medicine and government-run health care

Poll Finds Wariness About Cutting Entitlements

What Are the Odds?

The 'demographic timebomb' defused

What about Howard Dean for Democratic nominee in 2012? We need a Democrat in the race, don't you

Exclusive: ‘Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit,’ Sanders tells Raw

Compromised Government and Military Sites for Sale

Nothing for Something

Salon: "What not to do after you fall into a fountain" (Sarah! Pay attention to this.)

The Ultimate Oxymoron: Industrial Civilization And Mental Health (Carolyn Baker)

Mental Illness, Tucson and the Urgent Need for Universal Care

Dems Growing Convinced That GOP Will Try To Force Shutdown Over Health Care Funds

Weekend Economists: The Day After Tomorrow January 21-23, 2011

How Can the Richest 1 Percent Be Winning This Brutal Class War Against 99% of Us?

Senate Offices Told to Avoid WikiLeaks

Chrysler to work on hydraulic hybrid Technology for minivans a venture with EPA

Solar plant begins generating electricity for TVA this week (AP/Tennessean)

New Melt Record for Greenland Ice Sheet

United States' New Energy Economy Hindered by Significant Division Between the Old and the New

X-post, A Growing Solution: Vertical Farming

Franken rethinks position on nuclear power (after discussion with Al Gore)

New melt record for Greenland ice sheet

Inhofe, Upton launch "all out push" to block federal and state climate rules

John Michael Greer identifies the beginning of catabolic collapse in the USA

What is WWF doing to combat this crime? (rhinos)

Court document details Dutch Bros. shooting...

NRA: BATFE Sets Sights on Wrong Target

"several people were armed" - So who were they?

Mississippi Senate Committee to Consider NRA-Backed Right-to-Carry Reform Next Week!

Grade school teacher tells student "go shoot yourself" (Michigan)

Gun control supporters always want a compromise. Ok. Heres your chance to show it.

Why are Republicans pushing guns onto the college campuses?

MSNBC: How the numbers shifted against gun control

"People were shot in Arizona, give us some money"; Or, A letter from the Bradys

Re Gifford tragedy. For the record, as a proud member of DU since 2001, I am delighted with the

US Deportations to Haiti Begin Again

Bolivia Debates Free Health Care

UN calls for Mexico probe into migrant train abductions

Colombian Supreme Court orders return of lands stolen by paramilitary leader Jorge 40 (Spanish)

Drug-traffick gangs find new home in some of the poorest and most vulnerable countries in Americas

Mexican journalist to ask judge for US asylum

Anyone accusing Chávez of "bad faith" will be prosecuted

Gloat-Free NBA Scores (Thursday, January 20)

Davis Love III picked as U.S. Ryder Cup captain

Should the NHL be Nervous? Pond Hockey

Lowly Orioles raise ticket prices for 2011 season

Kobe Bryant to imprint hands/feet at Grauman's Chinese Theater

Judge: Former teammates/players have to testify at Bonds trial

'Don't ask, don't tell' policy was costly, GAO concludes

MI GOP lawmaker wants to end HIV prevention funding

Homophobe daughter of MLK decides not to lead SCLC.

The Men of Str8 Against H8

"Gay, Taliban-supporting, witchcraft-endorsing meth addict."

Pink - F**kin' Perfect (Uncensored)

Palestinian protesters block France FM from entering Gaza

Hebron: Checkpoint soldiers shoot driver

Arab-Israeli critically wounded from IDF fire

U.S.: Possible UN censure of settlements 'not helpful' to peace process

French Minister Pelted With Eggs in Gaza

Lebanon's Druze leader says backs Hezbollah

I propose a truce in the new religon forum on DU3.


CNN: Ricky Gervais - atheism

Everyone is born an atheist.

NASA says solar sail satellite has deployed from FASTSAT (Huntsville Times)

Symphony of Science - 'The Big Beginning' (ft. Hawking, Sagan, Dawkins, Shears, Tyson)

Two Suns? Twin Stars Could Be Visible From Earth By 2012

New lunar lander prototype being assembled in Huntsville

Barbicambarus simmonsi: New giant crayfish species discovered

Debunking the Betelgeuse Brouhaha

Public Masturbator Pleads Guilty to Gun Charge