Democratic Underground

Archives: January 23, 2011

The Rich and the rest; what to do (and not to do) about inequality

BBC apologises to Japanese over atomic bomb jokes


"Stop talking about celebrities & go back to reporting the news"

I Tried To UnRec A Post While My Circumcised Pitbull Was Breast-Feeding At Olive Garden

are there Olbermann avatars?

ACLU: An Adoption, 33 Years in the Making

I will not be sad to see the end of sodium thiopental

Study finds Scandivian countries, Australia and NZ as world's happiest countries

The initial conflict to expel Iraqi troops from Kuwait began with an aerial bombardment on Jan 17

Olbermann and MSNBC: a failing relationship

Them dagnabbit non-profit socialists are trying to take over FOOTBALL

Them dagnabbit non-profit socialists are trying to take over FOOTBALL

For at least the past year, probably longer, I have been openly down on MSNBC a being worse than Fox

I have no doubt that Olberman was given an extremely lucrative deal. This is about

Right-wing radio host wins chairmanship of Wash. state GOP

Hitler Finds Out That Olbermann Has Been Fired

Speaking Of Civility... Does Anybody Have A Date For The Last DU Gathering ???

Speaking Of Civility... Does Anybody Have A Date For The Last DU Gathering ???

It was bound to happen...Hitler Rants over Olbermann's canning...

Forgetting Sarah Palin

Dang the war on drugs has really gotten hotter south of the border

“Why did you shoot my mom?”-(so sad...)

California Runner-Up Bypasses Review of Race (LOL - more from the party of No)

This case still makes me angry

I won't miss Keith Olbermann. He's an ass who thinks he's smarter than you. I would equate him

Will Bush's private social security accounts be resurrected?

Marriott says no to adult movies in new hotel rooms

Hewlett-Packard Shakes Up Board, Adds Meg Whitman

Brain injuries common, but not Giffords' level of care

What should happen to these people? WARNING - animal cruelty story.

CIA Agents in PKK Guise

Glass 1/2 full or 1/2 empty...of batshit crazy? Pundits say Bachmann's positioning herself for VP.

Afghanistan poppy production could skyrocket due to spike in prices, drought

Afghan officials cite security firms with U.S. ties for violations

Pair of US drone strikes kill 6 in Pakistan

Denied, Decieved, Delayed by BP: Gulf Residents "On Their Knees" for Recompense

Obama to start billion-dollar government drug development center to help pharmaceutical industry

Obama to start billion-dollar government drug development center to help pharmaceutical industry

"I went in a staunch conservative and came out a raving liberal,”

Oakland teachers say 'Bail out schools, not banks'

Toles Rant- Mind games

When Repukes go to bankrupt States, they may be going after their own voters.

Ex-soldier appealing sentences in Iraq deaths

Unrec will live forever in our hearts.

Emanuel's billionaire donors also bankrolling 'Stand for Children', pushing union-busting org

Obama to Press Centrist Agenda in His Address (NYT)

Eagle Forum asks SBOE to investigate conflict of interest

Tunisia and three eras of transition from non-democratic to democratic political systems: 1943-1964,

My editorial on Shriver printed today

Texas gun rights activists want teachers to carry concealed weapons

Auth Toon: Time to see what starve the beast means

Hey! Look who's cashing in on the public employees' pension "gravy train":

Tea partiers say defense in mix for budget cuts

We would all make better guest on MTP. No one will state

Scare Words from the Right-Wing (And What They Really Mean)

no bid contract awarded...AGAIN

"This Land is Our Land"

Keep. It. Simple. Stupid.

Sunday Talk Shows

Getting rid of KO has to be worst business decision since New Coke

Roe vs Wade; 38 years after the legal decision, the social argument still rages

Roe vs Wade; 38 years after the legal decision, the social argument still rages

KO & America's Media Imbalance: "Gives Right Enormous Capabilities to Control the National Debate"

Does the jobs killing HCR mean we can't import serfs to work the fields anymore?

It isn't about Keith.

It isn't about Keith.

It isn't about Keith.

It's Patriot Act Reauthorization Time Again

776 recs for Keith

Are we wrong to vilify MSNBC?

The Thorny Path to a National Black Museum

"Obama Robber" Holds Up Austrian Banks

AP: Gov. Haley spokesman: Lawsuit over remarks has no basis

Honduras policemen arrested for robbing bank

Do You Feel Safer Yet?

Mark Kelly (GG husband) Latest from Twitter

NASCAR's State of the Union Address

Is Olbermann the victim of his own success?

Is Olbermann the victim of his own success?

Marines pay a price trying to secure an Afghan hot spot

A Note to Those Who Will Name Evil

A Note to Those Who Will Name Evil

Rings of Power

Veterans aren’t lying about PTSD

no bid contract awarded...AGAIN

Deficit Hawkoprite Watch

Countdown, Network and Mad As Hell - HuffPo

Mexico's Ex-President Vicente Fox: Legalize Drugs

Self-deleted by member

Brian Williams and ReTHUG Imperialists Inc repeat

McConnell - if the president is willing to do what we would do anyway, then we should say yes.

What will the new MSNBC evening lineup be? Does anyone know?

That Suzie Hileman interview is heartbreaking

IF YOU ABSOLUTELY have to watch MSBC TV then.......

Unemployment Extension Question

Unemployment Extension Question

Reactions to the Tiger Mom book

Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Agenda Will Disrupt the GOP

" expects to someday fact check a Bachmann statement that turns out to be true."

Birther head is spining...

Who is Obama? Pragmatism makes him tough to define

Clarence Thomas failed to report wife's income, watchdog says

Kill Pensions For Regular People But Let The Rich Slide

Kill Pensions For Regular People But Let The Rich Slide

So where does Tweety fit in all this fuss on MSNBC?

So where does Tweety fit in all this fuss on MSNBC?

Ron Paul, Ralph Nader agree on ‘progressive-libertarian alliance’

Ron Paul, Ralph Nader agree on ‘progressive-libertarian alliance’

A little mental exercise: In one sentence, state "What has led us to our present state of

Billy Graham~ If he could go back & do anything differently, would have "steered clear of politics"

It's no coicidence Obama had his people approve the Comcast merger just in time for his SOTU

The new right-wing meme

Domestic use of aerial drones by law enforcement likely to prompt privacy debate (WP)

I remember how angry and upset I was when NBCUniversal cancelled "ER"

30 years since Raygun and once they dispose of workers over 40...

New priest pedophile scandal set to break in Ireland

Thanks Mods

Candy Crowley met her match when questioning Colin Powell on State of the Union.

Hey Birthers!

FFS, when does the law (or regulation) regarding volume change with commercials take effect?

Rightwingers Responses to (Beck's Target) Frances Fox Piven. I Fear for this Woman's Life.

Wrigley Is Third Major Sponsor to Ditch MTV's 'Skins'

David Shuster tweets that he will be on "Reliable Sources"...

Telling ourselves the truth.

Christiane Amanpour: 'collective wail of sadness' over retiring senators

Reliable Sources on CNN now discussing KO

Koch Brothers Conference

"Ideally, we'd have every plant we own on a barge." GE's Immelt, BO's JOBS CZAR, on cheap labor.

CNN's Reliable Sources: "Maddow and all of the rest of them" will "dial it back in a week"

Schumer: Repeal bill will look like 'Swiss cheese' after Senate, would put the GOP

Should government develop a plan to attract more men to the teaching profession?

Purchasing our own chains.

To all DU'ers who signed up in 2001, sign in please.

Casualties in the American Right-Wing's War on Science and Education

Casualties in the American Right-Wing's War on Science and Education

Yeah I'm in a shitty mood tonight. Apologies.

Is there any chance that the Senate will work on HCR repeal?

The Comics Code Is Dead: DC and Archie Drop Out

Departures Draw Curtain on 'Team North Dakota'

Thousands of fish killed in frozen Washington lake

Where we are headed, hydrogen, fuel cells, carbon reduction, 2011 conference.

MAD AS HELL: Bad Luck, Bad Night as We Lose Olbermann

DC and Archie finally bury the infamous Comics Code Authority for good

Thoughts on cable and mainstream media.

UnRec Is Going Away !!!

Bill Maher Rages Over Olbermann’s Exit: “F**k Them if They Don’t Get a Joke”

I got the first COBRA bill today for my daughter.

Historical Amnesia: The Nation's Number One Disease

Mitchell Bard, HuffPo: A Tribute to Olbermann: Why He Is Different from the Pundits at Fox News

We can do this - thank KO en masse

Reaction: Barack Obama vs Ron Paul in 2012

Teachers unions on defensive as GOP lawmakers flex their muscle

Here’s a List of Things the “Spending Reduction Act of 2011” Would Cut

Here's One for the Birthers: Is GE's Jeffrey Immelt Really an American?

After ten years and 999 posts I now say GO BEARS!!!!

Cantor refused to call people who question Obama's citizenship "crazy."

It's Morning In America

Why India's 'devadasi' girls face a wretched life in the name of religion

I just saw Bill Kristol put a friendly restraining hand on Juan Williams, out of frame.

Does anyone else think that 2011 might turn

For a long time you could not get MSNBC if you had Comcast.

Newt Gingrich's bankruptcy dreams The real goal behind a plan to allow states to default:

Irony is...

Proverbs of Hell by William Blake

SHUSTER to Mistah KURTZ: "Steve CAPUS/friend o'BROKAW is new boss"

Caption time!

Mother Jones: Power to the Corporations, Baby!

Howie Kurtz is an ass.

Obama’s poll numbers have been rising since Republicans won 63 seats in the House and 6 Senate seats

Charity Link... A few weeks back on DU a charity clearinghouse was posted...Looking for that link.s.

Why Glenn Beck Keeps Peddling Whack-Job Fantasies About Euthanizing Grandma, Outlawing Christmas and

GOP senator says lowering violent rhetoric means ‘the shooter wins’

The Franks/Paul ‘progressive-libertarian alliance’. Nader & Paul agree that it is a good thing.

The Franks/Paul ‘progressive-libertarian alliance’. Nader & Paul agree that it is a good thing.

Meanwhile - India continues to prosper

Gas prices tick up; expert doesn't see more hikes in short term

Letter to Daily Beast about false equivalency

Zurawik and Shuster Get Into Heated Debate About Olbermann, MSNBC and Fox

Eric Cantor: 'I THINK The President Is A Citizen' Of The US (VIDEO

Trapped in ice, 'thousands' of fish die in Detroit River (MI)

In 1940, would you have been opposed or supportive of Lend-Lease?

Virginia Thomas calls Common Cause, asks it to apologize for watchdogging

New Study: Tea Partiers Three Times More Likely to Say Violence Is Warranted. Exhibit A: Glenn Beck

Man Who Refused To Show ID at Albuquerque Airport Acquitted

Man Who Refused To Show ID at Albuquerque Airport Acquitted

Seattle police officer rails against city's anti-bias initiatives

People across the world are fed up - more self-immolations in the Arab world

BJ Raji - Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaah hahahahaha

70 years ago, there was a disease called "cancer" ...

Elton is tired, TIRED!1 of being 2nd Class and takes a STAND but luerves getting along with Rethugs

Proof that prime-time progressive TV commentators matter:

Blog of Legal Times: Will Judicial Nominees Need New Hearings?

Okay, so that dweebie fuck, Ben Stein, just suggested that Obama would be the best '12 GOP candidate

GOP Looks For Signs Of New Obama Approach

Is America Too Corrupt to Keep Up? - Sirota via Truthout

David Zurawik takes another swipe at Keith, hours after Reliable Sources

Iran's plan to end wars in the mid-east

Get Angry: 10 of the Best Political Documentaries of the Last Year

Thanks to my friends here - update to recent issues

Priebus' Republican National Committee: A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Koch's Americans for Prosperity

Rachel Maddow Takes Stephen Moore to Task Over His Praise of Reagan's Tax Policies

"Everything from the top down is dumb and slow

I, for one, don't want Keith Olbermann back at MSNBC

Hundreds Of Dead Birds In South Dakota Were Killed By U.S. Government

Question about Executive Compensation of a non profit...Feeding America

Thank Goddes For Robert Reich... 'The State of the Union: What the President Should Say' - HuffPo

May SCOTUS justices disregard ethical standards which all other members of the

Explain employee stock options to an eight year old

I few important ideas

My sides are splitting this morning as all the politicians reveal who they'll be taking . . . .

BREAKING: Military Harassing David House, Jane Hamsher for Visiting Bradley Manning

WOW! Better WATCH OUT, "Maverick" McCain...there's a NEW Maverick in the house, spelled J-O-E...

Keith Olberman and Aaron Sorkin Working on a Project Together

Study: Confederate Flag Unleashes Racist Attitudes

Something is really fishy about the LA teacher's case involving seniority and layoffs

The Library With No Books. Town Borrows All 16,000

Do you think there should be more protection for the lives of members of congress than everyone else?

S.E.C. Study Recommends More Oversight of Brokers

‘No Journalistic Standards’: David Shuster Slams Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity And Glenn Beck On CNN

what would it take to get YOU in the street protesting and demanding immediate change?

Thought this was funny

Take that Favre! Packers advance to the Super Bowl

Article 138 Complaint, Re: PFC Manning

Is Capitalism done with America?

This is the Season Of The States

JP Morgan Makes Big Bucks from Food Stamp Growth, Then Hires Workers in India with Our Tax Dollars

I felt today like an old friend had died suddenly, I really did.

Cloud computing, the Patriot Act and you

Would you tell your kid to stay and live in the United States of America

Teachers Beware: They are Coming for Our Pensions

Keith has updated his Twitter page a second time

The Republican Congress Hates America, Part 1

In hard times New Yorkers turn to Economic Disobedience

Chicago did not want Obama to go to the Super Bowl.

Chicago did not want Obama to go to the Super Bowl.

Is there too much civility in the Democratic Party?

Moore's Conversation with KO about show longevity.

In light of disallowed petition concerning Bradley Manning

ACLU Sues King County Over Banning Anti-Israel Bus Ads

Court and Chevron's "Crude" Attacks Continue

And yet another anti gay bullying related suicide

Low information voter & why they prefer Fox.

Vermont Kicks Off First Troublemakers School of 2011

How much of KO's reported 14mil buyout ought to go for taxes?

Maryland considers banning interstate abortions in light of case of N.J. doctor

Statement of Events: Bradley Manning’s Primary Visitor Detained at Quantico - FDL

Olbermann Fill-In: Host Worried His 'Wings Would Be Clipped' Under New Management

Officials hope to realign sidewalk benches so pedestrians can avoid encounters with the homeless

Toon: Pundit leaps into action!

Anti-Abortion Crusader Randall Terry is running for president. Here's why...

Glenn Beck is going to get someone killed. UPDATE with threat

Jury: You Do Not Need to Show ID to Fly; Yes, You can Video TSA!

Guantánamos Here at Home: Manning and many, many others

Guantánamos Here at Home: Manning and many, many others

The pincer movement to destroy American Public Education.

GOP brand pronounced dead in deep-blue California

10 billion "apps" downloads?

If I had an ice pick, I'd shove it through my skull at this moment to make the pain go away!!

I'm backing the only people owned team

MSNBC - Worst Persons In The WORLD

Catholic bishops, Protestant leaders: we need net neutrality!

Here's A Timeline For Ya (Koch Brothers) !!! - 'Citzen's United Turns One' - From OpenLeft

Former freeper neatly sums up the rimjob suckups still left at FR:

Olbermann's Exit: Media Empire Vision - Not Comcast

Europe vs America (If you haven't seen it you may want to.)

Chris Matthews was becoming the weak link in MSNBC ratings

SUNDAY INFOGRAPHICS - "Tax Rates vs Debt, Jobs"

Non Sequitur from 1/22/11......nails it right on the head....hard enough to make it bleed.

Jane Hamsher, David House Kept From Delivering Manning Petition Signed By 42,000 To Quantico...

Let's Not "Reform" Public Education

Is there a meth lab in your neighborhood?

From 2003. Suskind's disturbing portrayal of Rove in the WH.

GOP Rep. Shimkus Bible post on morning of Giffords shooting says unbelievers, gays worthy of death

Laura Flanders - Obama’s Deregulation Dance with Wall Street

Doctors Alarmed by Military’s Use of Mind Drugs on Troops

What is your definition of poverty?

What is your definition of poverty?

DU this CBS POLL: Should President Obama call for changes to Social Security?

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance - In 1798

Anyone who uses a Roku box to stream Netflix can watch the final Countdown w/KO.

Gulf Oil Spill Blood Tests Reveal Alarming Levels Of Toxic Chemicals In Residents

The Nation: Russ Feingold Speaks Out

Pissed at what's happening nationally? Do something useful.

God hates hate.

MSNBC EFFFFFFddd Themselves Friday Night at.......

Tuesday January 25th: Opposing war and occupation is not a crime...

Americans Face Guantanamo-Like Torture Everyday in a Super-Max Prison Near You

MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann banned on CNN’s Piers Morgan show

A Port Tionontati Statement

David Shuster talked to MSNBC staff about KEITH

What is Oprah's secret?

Do you agree with the decision to do away with Unrec?

Jan 25th Join citizens in over 43 cities in solidarity to say Stop the FBI and Grand Jury trials

Whistle-blowing teachers targeted

Ron Paul

8 Ways to Fix Our Broken Food System

"You Are the Un-Americans, and You Ought to be Ashamed of Yourselves"

Wow... 'The Blue Collar Life' - FDL

The Night the Lights Went Out at NBC

ROTF!!! I Just passed a car with a "Save Our" bumper sticker!!

O.M.G. Ben Stein's pick for Republican presidential 2012 candidate: Barack Obama (transcript)

Did anyone just see the story of Barry Peterson and Jan Charlton on CBS Sunday Morning?

A Reminder: Michael Moore On PFC Manning

Breaking: Activists Delivering Bradley Manning Petition Held at Quantico

Breaking: Activists Delivering Bradley Manning Petition Held at Quantico

The other 9 year old girl shot and killed in Tucson.

Why is the cost of living significantly lower in China than in America?

Liberal emotion is dangerous. Anti-American. Threatening.

Needy still suffering from persistent delays in state's benefits system (CO)

Keith, we hardly knew ya.

Stars. There sure are a shitload of them. Maybe we should get rid of a few.


What do you munch while watching TV sports?

Smoooooooooooooooth. No, really!

I Tried To UnRec A Post While My Circumcised Pitbull Was Breast-Feeding At Olive Garden

This is why I'm a cat person...

Smoooooooooooooooth. What- ya don't believe me?

So ya prefers it rough. Ok, I do rough too.

Need some advice on how to do my family tree

Of these three spoof trailers, which do you like the most?

The Girl Scout Cookie release started today!!!!!

Saturday night music- Fairport Conmvention- "The Deserter" ...

It was bound to happen...Hitler Rants over Olbermann's canning...

You don't know about Watermelon Slim, do you?

I had no idea Elvira, Mistress of the Dark is still running...

I figured out 'fast and loose'

Cellphone contracts:

Kali's Hero

MiddleFingerMom started early.

YUMMY!!! This tastes like ass!!!!!

History of the joke (4:25)

Judge Rules White Girl Will Be Tried As Black Adult

this will get me in be it

I can tell this is gonna be one of those days with a helluva lot more "feng" than "shui."

eliticism and fancy book lurnin


This is bouncing around the internets.

Salon slideshow: "Hotels with a macabre past" (incl. Bates Motel & inspiration for "The Shining")

I'm spending my evening teaching myself how to play the bass. Any requests?

Hey Maryland Toll Road drivers- Food for thought

the profesization of faith in Jesis

Have any of you had any experience with automatic petdoors?

what is the proper response when someone steps on your toe reallllly hard?

I am not a 45 year old woman

"Don't cry for me Argentina" as sung by Karen Carpenter or

agriculture question

I am a 45 year old woman

this will get me in be it

CaliforniaPeggy's bucket list:

BJ Raji - Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaah hahahahaha

The bears still suck!


Today I met the mother of...

footage of LSD test in the 1950's

How do you tell if sour cream has gone bad?

How will I anonymously voice my displeasure at someone when 'Unrec' is gone?

I know that nobody cares,but....

Got your haggis ready for Robert Burrrrrrns Night?

Mexico training drug cops in Colombia


Todd Palin, Sarah Palin's husband, in sex scandal with massage therapist Shailey Tripp: Enquirer

Official "Da Bears still suck" game thread...

"The Green Bay receivers have to hold on to the football after they catch it."

GUESS the movie from THIS line: "Fingle's QUARRY? Why didn't I think of that?"

The "too-cute" pet photo of the day.

Iraq Bomb Blasts Kill Eight

Thousands Demand Ouster of Yemen's President

Chinese bank ICBC signs deal to enter US market

Documents raise questions on treatment of detainees

no bid contract awarded...AGAIN

Portugal elects president amid economic worries

Ireland: Latest bailout is one too far

Tunisia Puts Two Ben Ali Advisers Under House Arrest as Protests Continue

Karzai’s inaction throws government into chaos

Tea Party Activist Takes Over New Hampshire G.O.P.

Make anti-vaccine parents pay higher premiums

New Game of Thrones trailer

BREAKING: Military Harassing David House, Jane Hamsher for Visiting Bradley Manning

Hezbollah chief to address Lebanon crisis

Egypt says Tunisia turmoil worrying investors

Official Steelers-J-E-T-S thread

Karl Pilkington: "The Alright Wall of China"

Today we are putting our boy Leroy to sleep.

For state workers, layoffs loom large

Needy still suffering from persistent delays in state's benefits system

Breaking: Activists Delivering Bradley Manning Petition Held at Quantico

Israeli soldiers fired at Gaza aid flotilla in self-defence, says inquiry

Provisional results show South Sudan votes to secede

Kidnapper of Baby Surrenders (Carlina White case)

WikiLeaks: 1 percent of diplomatic docs published

Senate Republicans to Oppose Obama’s Spending Plans

Tony Hayward in talks for Glencore job

McConnell expects Senate health repeal vote

Venezuela arrests 'Aguilas Negras commander'

Duvalier Advised by Ex-Congressman Barr as He Seeks Swiss Funds

Obama defends Roe v. Wade on its anniversary

Federal Research Center Will Help Develop Medicines

Lol. My daughter thinks that John Lennon sounds like Stewie Griffin.

Lol. My daughter thinks that John Lennon sounds like Stewie Griffin.

If anyone is bored- a kid in my neighborhood is competing in the Photo contest for National Parks

Obama to Press Centrist Agenda in His Address

Your Sunday LOLcats (dial-up warning) Tequilaquarium Edition.

I bit the pavement tonight.

Where is the laundry tips forum?

Tea partiers say defense in mix for budget cuts

Former Spy With Agenda Operates Own Private C.I.A.

China's new stealth fighter may use US technology

Now that the "un-rec" feature is being eliminated, I am going to have to go back to

Colin Powell: Defunding NPR Won't Solve Deficit Problem, Congress Should Look At Cutting Defense

Social networking under fresh attack as tide of cyber-scepticism sweeps US

Protesters in Berlin call for an end to factory farming

Worst cartoons you remember?

In Arizona's middle class, many are barely hanging on

Brain fluid buildup might delay Giffords’ rehab in Texas

Broadband cable on its way to unplugged CubaFibre-optic cable laid from Venezuela brings the promise

WikiLeaks founder Assange slams Swiss banker arrest

Gunman shoots four cops in Detroit precinct

Vegetarian Weight Watchers Boogie 2011

Where were you born?

Person gets killed in the strike in Albania (Warning)

Banker tells the truth

Video of angry riots in Albania: Cars torched, cops stoned, 3 dead

Can A Monkey Do My Job?

Protest in Albania

Young Turks: Republican Congressman Issa's Shady Past

Cops in Crowd: Once-Feared Police Join Protests in Tunisia

In honor of Keith Olbermann

Keith, We Need Your Help!

Battle Line w/ Alan Nathan: David Pakman can't understand why we're still talking about birthers


Should Economists Declare Conflicts of Interest?

Argentina Workers Protest

This Week 1/23/2011: Lieberman, Conrad & Hutchison armchair quarterback the SOTU

National Chinese Media Reports Upcoming UFO Disclosure By Obama

Smart People Without College Degrees for McCain/Palin

Young Turks: Legalizing Drugs Decreases Use - Proof In Portugal, Netherlands

Video by Phil Mocek of his encounter with TSA at Albuquerque airport

Ignorance Is Bliss for Gun Show Attendees

Chattin' bout the future.

Obama's conspicuous silence on guns

How Congress helped thwart Obama's plan to close Guantanamo

NYT: Obama unlikely to embrace the debt commission recommendations

NYT: Obama unlikely to embrace the debt commission recommendations

You won

Dems Press Obama: Hands Off Social Security!

Mr. President...we need...

Job creation: what's it going to take

What's wrong with "competitiveness"?

Robert Reich: Recover Our Spending Power

Paul Krugman: Eurosclerosis, Then and Now (France/EU beating us in prime-working-age employment.)

AP Source: GM adding 650-plus jobs at Mich. plant

Federal Research Center Will Help Develop Medicines

The gop's bachmann problem

Palin Bloggers Now Complaining She's Not Getting Enough Press Coverage

Howard Dean: The Democratic Party will surge in the Northeast despite Lieberman, Dodd departures

McCain: Obama has 'learned a lot' from the election

How many jobs will be created in 2011?

"Apparently it's now 'centrist' to call for job creation and national renewal"

White House to George Will: there's nothing we can do to create jobs

Tea Party wants Defense CUTS and puts some republicans in a bind who are not in favor of cuts

Cantor Repeatedly Refuses To Call Birtherism Crazy: ‘I Don’t Think It’s Nice To Call Anyone Crazy’

The Republicants show how they will produce more jobs

Obama says: “We think GE has something to teach businesses all over America.”

A call for bipartisanship to President Obama

NYT: Obama unlikely to embrace the debt commission recommendations

are people starting to mistrust "Progressive" sites like FDL yet?

Can't govern or win as a liberal? Pish Tosh.

Do you approve of President Obama?

I do not really believe MSNBC should hire only black hosts

I Am An FDR Democrat

Obama Plans to Shrink War Spending Over 25% Next Yr-$42 Billion Cut from Military-Industrial Complex

Do you really believe Obama won't get a 2nd Term?

"I'm the true victim here." Two more examples how GOP copies Nazi propaganda-tools:

Rupert Murdoch's arrogant empire must be reined in

Federal Research Center Will Help Develop Medicines.

Low-key launch for iPad in Iran

Comcastrophe: Comcast/NBC Merger Approved

Is Egypt Next?

Egypt Proactively Preparing For Tunisian-Style Rioting: Airport Intercepts 59 Outbound Gold Shipment

Next Up For GOP House: Vote to Reverse Vasectomies

Justice Scalia is a political star - and that's bad for the Supreme Court

Treasury Says Anything But A Debt Ceiling Hike Would Lead To Default, As M.A.D. Escalates A Notch

Third Way's false start on "saving" Social Security

Sunday Funnies: Best Political Cartoons of the Week

Niall Stanage, Salon: "Goodnight, good luck, & good riddance: Why I'm glad Keith Olbermann is gone"

World is 'one poor harvest' from chaos, new book warns

HuffPo: "A Tribute to Olbermann: Why He Is Different from the Pundits at Fox News"

C&L: "The Media should ignore Bachmann's SOTU cry for attention speech Tuesday, but they won't"

Ronald Reagan, the anti-Reaganite

DAVID BROOKS: Tiger Mom is a wimp (for once he's right)

Ireland: Latest bailout is one too far

The 25 countries that will be crushed by food inflation

Honduran Constitution: Still Explosive, But No Longer Set in Stone

Beck's Attacks Trigger Death Threats

What does President Obama really believe?

25 Ex-Circus Lions to Be Air Lifted from Bolivia to Colorado

I'm addicted to Michael Ruppert's 'Collapse'....

Sea otter deaths jump in 2010

The new year is already one for the record books

China waves caution flag on pace of nuclear new build

Growing a Gardening Community

How I learned to stop worrying

Nuclear vs. wind comparison - land use, material requirements and costs

World Wildlife Fund: Why not nuclear power?

Chinese Pianist Plays Propaganda Tune at White House

Random thoughts on bullies.

Obama's conspicuous silence on guns

Arizona State University students react to gun bill (Right to carry on-campus)

Wonder if you guys can help...I'm looking for a photo that was posted a couple of days

The dishonesty of a De Facto ban

Ten Rampages by Mentally Ill People Who Bought Guns ...

The mere presence of a gun

Think your "traditional" hunting gun is safe from the proposed ban? Think again:

"No Guns for Negros"

Paramilitary commander: deputy intelligence chief was AUC member

Mexico training drug cops in Colombia

25 Ex-Circus Lions to Be Air Lifted from Bolivia to Colorado

Broadband cable on its way to unplugged CubaFibre-optic cable laid from Venezuela brings the promise

Venezuela arrests 'Aguilas Negras commander'

Honduran Constitution: Still Explosive, But No Longer Set in Stone

"Haiti: The Great Fear" - Mark Weisbrot

Bears-Packers playoff -- Dec. 14, 1941

Bills hire Wannstedt as assistant coach

"Don't Brett Favre me."

Just something to say before and during the big game on Sunday

Who are you rooting for?

LOL @Jay Cutler

J.E.T.S. --- Steelers --- I am now "invested" in this game.

Another chilling wildlife tragedy - GRAPHIC!!

New LA football stadium?

God what a God awful football game.

Sports bar in Minnesota to roast a bear during NFC title game

It's time to bring the Lombardi Trophy back where it belongs

Is it this Mr. Haney?

Remembering Jerry Quarry.

So is DADT officially gone?

Guardian Breaking News: Massive new leak lifts lid on negotiations

Secret papers reveal slow death of Middle East peace process

Israeli soldiers fired at Gaza aid flotilla in self-defence, says inquiry

Egypt blames Palestinian group for New Years' Day church bombing

Israeli Panel Rules Flotilla Raid Legal

Jumblatt (Druze leader) supports Hezbollah

Did Jesus exist before he was born?..... ( allegedly)

What part of Christianity is a system of ideas, and what part is a system of attitudes?

What would remain of Christianity if all elements of dogma were removed?

I'm studying John 1 today and I found this passage interesting...

How would you react?

Swift Survey Finds 'Missing' Active Galaxies

world’s first eBook reader with a Heads Up Display feature

New Device May Revolutionize Computer Memory

Japan ground-testing space-based solar power technology

Toon: String Theory in 3-D!

Stars everywhere (big pic)