Democratic Underground

Archives: January 24, 2011

Leaks "could undermine the position of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas"

Freeper believes article on Obama hypnotizing audiences was "scrubbed" by Obama or his "minions"

Activists delivering Bradley Manning petition held at Quantico

Did Keith Olbermann Bolt MSNBC to Create Media Empire?

Here is the proof

Another chilling wildlife tragedy - GRAPHIC!!

Eight arrested in protests at Chipotle restaurant

20 Huge Spending Cuts Republicans Want To Make Right Now

Yeah! The Dems have a new leader in Az

4 Detroit police officers shot at precinct

Faux news journalism imposter's are going to come out of the chute this week

GOP brand pronounced dead in deep-blue California (consensus of dems & gop)

Did Keith Olbermann Bolt MSNBC to Create Media Empire?

Special Report: A wing and a prayer: outsourcing at Boeing

Fox Charlotte anchorman fired after newsroom brawl

Self-deleted by member

Olbermann Contemplates His Media Empire!

Fat Tony's former clerk "downplays concern" over upcoming T.T.E. ("Teabagger Teaching Event")

I hit the (DU) "perfecta" today!

Stupidest rightwing blog ever?

Update...2 People Killed, 2 Deputies Hurt At Port Orchard Walmart

Monsanto’s latest farmwashing ad campaign debuts

Apple Criticized by Chinese Environmental Groups

Chickenshit NBC executive talks about KO "anonymously" because of "confidential settlement talks."

Is this the week the Bushies re-emerged from self-imposed exile?

U.S. Justice Thomas didn't disclose wife's pay for years

••• What should Keith Olbermann do now? Check in here with your suggestions. •••

••• What should Keith Olbermann do now? Check in here with your suggestions. •••

Indianapolis police officer shot during traffic stop; in coma

Have you stopped visting MSNBC website?

Judge Rules White Girl Will Be Tried As Black Adult

U.N. funding an early target for House Republicans

obama says this is planet earth - republicans oppose n/t

Todd Palin Affair Rumors Could Damage Sarah Palin's Political Career

The odds are overwhelmingly high that, if you are a high paid on-air teevee personality who is kept

Gay man's bedroom set on fire after rock thrown through window

Monday morning, will Scarborough gloat or

Erick Erickson stoops to a new low. Check out this tweet:

US begins deportation of Haitians

Any cell phone experts here?

Libel suit has implications across Twitterverse

In every public discussion the Democrats need to emphasize that the rethugs are not

Gay Hero Daniel Hernandez To Attend State Of The Union With Michelle Obama

More evidence of US war crimes

Fitness expert Jack Lalanne has died at 96

Fitness expert Jack Lalanne has died at 96

repudiate the Supreme Court with mass bloodshed....

Kiss My Crosshairs - Über-Douche Mike Lee (R-UT): "Shooter wins" if GOP tones down violent rhetoric

Olbermann to HBO? Maybe... sort of

Jim Jordan and Jim DeMint(ted) skip CPAC because of gay Republicans

Does "cruel and unusual" always go together? And what does it really mean, anyway.

I think we need to get a national dialogue going about corporate profits.

Pro-life supporters rally, renew efforts

M&C: PROFILE: Marine le Pen: the new, softer face of France's far-right

Darrell Issa's War on the Poor

Joe Arpaio clone in Ohio

What Happened To WikiLeaks Outing Of A Major Bank, Swiss Bank Account Cheaters &....

Will Marco Rubio join the tea party caucus?

Back to the trenches, people. Callers to Washington Journal needed to

Jack LaLanne, Founder of Modern Fitness Movement, Dies at 96

good morning!

California Shows Corporate Subsidies Impoverish Us All

The Corporate Power Grab: Big Government vs. Small Government

A Trillion Dollars a Year to the Richest 1%...7 times more than all state deficits combined

Ed Schultz? I'm going ot miss ya. Rachel dear? Miss you too!

SB 2179: Mississippi's 'Arizona-Style' Immigration Legislation

Call it the Green-Tea Party

Gov. Tom Corbett: School Vouchers

Do we allow people like this

Jack LaLane has died. I say we give him a 100 power juicer salute.

Democracy Now! host to speak at Vermont Law School (Commencement speaker)

Paul Ryan to Give GOP Response to SOU Address -- Does the GOP Embrace His Extremist Ideas?

At least 10 dead in Moscow Airport blast

Tea partiers say defense in mix for budget cuts

Republicans intent on ending the last vestiges of democracy

Are Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas the Bonnie and Clyde of Judicial Ethics? "Citizens Robbed"

Huge Numbers Of Dead Animals, Dead Birds And Dead Fish – What In The World Is Happening Out There

Huge Numbers Of Dead Animals, Dead Birds And Dead Fish – What In The World Is Happening Out There

GOP majority leader backs plan to slash Social Security, Medicare

GOP majority leader backs plan to slash Social Security, Medicare

Don’t miss the human clock .... correct time too

Update: At least 31 dead in apparent suicide bombing at Moscow Airport 130+ injured

Morning Joe: crickets.... Olbermann?, Olberstein? Olberdorfer? ..doesn't ring a bell

Did WikiLeaks just declare war on the NY Times?

Olbermann Split Came After Years of Tension

Before 2000 I didn't pay much attention to politics.

Rahm's TV Ads For His Mayoral Candidacy - My Comments.....

Billionaires take a stand for the working man

Talk of R Piehole not running again. Since Hendershot blew his wad, R Piehole has

Please give me some slack

Digby: Republicans Will Accuse Democrats of Destroying Social Security While Doing it Themselves

Gingrich won’t win nomination; he won’t even win in Georgia - AJC's Bookman

Power to the Corporations, Baby!

Bitter cold hits Northeast, closing some schools

Hannity and those ungrateful Arabs

teacherken: I am a liberal, and I belong to a union

The myth of the cushie teacher retirement

Weighty mission for scientists: redefine the kilo

Nurses’ Video Urges Obama to Stand Up to Corporate Power

I saw a picture of Michele Bachmann looking even crazier than normal

Mother Jones: Will the IRS Extinguish Medical Marijuana?

Seattle Times: 2 people killed and two deputies wounded in shootout at Walmart in Port Orchard

Virginia Lawmaker: Feds Can't Stop Us From Banning Gays From National Guard

NATO plays host to one of world's worst dictators

So, what do we do tonight? Watch ALL the news on MSNBC, or be selective?

Ah. Jack LaLanne died.

Now that the "un-rec" feature is being eliminated, I am going to have to go back to

Fatal Triangles by Robert Kuttner

David Shuster coming up shortly on Stephanie Miller Show

Kevin Smith to self release his new film "Red State"

Boehner 5 -- Pelosi 0

Come up with an idea in class and make money off it? Your college wants their cut

Sam Seder Talking About Keith

Three more police just shot in Tampa Bay.

I don't recall anyone saying "I'm worried this rhetoric might inspire a perfectly sane person...

UPDATED REPORT: Fox News' $55 Million Presidential Donation

Charming letter to the editor posted this morning;

The Myth of Homegrown Islamic Terrorism in the U.S.

EPA aircraft to fly low over Fort Worth this morning

My congressman David Wu slams Limbaugh for his racist remarks!

What should we do first for change?

Please Vote Against Social Security Cuts in this CBS Online Poll

Live Russian TV coverage of the terrorist airport bombing. In English

Oversight subpanel to scrutinize health reform waivers, malpractice

Why the right wing's assault on public employees needs to thwarted at every turn

The Rude Pundit: Frances Fox Piven Is Not Afraid of You and She Will Kick Your Ass

Are your networks ready for the cutover to IPv6?

Barbara Walters said KO was extreme.

Toon- Your very own Sarah Palin Fun Page!

Real Security Threats: Food

Ten Commandments restored at Virginia schools

More proof that teabaggers can't think for themselves (steampunk Palin plagiarism)

Pressure Point (1962 film) Wow.... this is spooky.

Bronx principal of Fordham High School for the Arts fined $7.5G for teacher grade scam

HuffPo: A Frightening "Roadmap" for America in the Republican Rebuttal to the State of the Union

Two maps it's helpful never to loose sight of if you want to understand US politics.

OH Gov. John Kasick's low approval numbers

This isn 't about YOU, Big Ed

Resource Revolts

Something tells me anyone who has ever visited an Ikea store could have told the professor this:

Dear CNN:

Macaca's back: George Allen to announce Senate bid Monday

Economists forecast U.S. growth on upswing in 2011


With Democrats like Mark Warner, Who Needs Republicans?

With Democrats like Mark Warner, Who Needs Republicans?

KO's Twitter account Bio is again mentioning Countdown & linking to Countdown page - CHANGED

Senator Sherrod Brown outlines plan to crack down on oil speculation

Why Ignore Sarah Palin?

Any stories on the MS role of MSNBC's firing of KO?

A deal that would NEVER be made

Fox & Friends Cheerleads Right-Wing Immigration Group's Effort To Recall Sheriff Dupnik

Fox & Friends Cheerleads Right-Wing Immigration Group's Effort To Recall Sheriff Dupnik

WaPo Editorial on Tyson Foods, ICE and immigration reform.

WaPo Editorial on Tyson Foods, ICE and immigration reform.

Our Government-Funded Mission to Make Haiti Christian: Your Tax Dollars, Billy Graham's Son, Monsant

1,000 tax haven subsidiaries of the top 20 companies

Rights group’s report on immigration focuses on Kobach

I need a bit of help and I think DU will be my best source.

Coming soon to Glenn Beck's blackboard: Danny Glover's 'Black Power Mix-Tape'

Coming soon to Glenn Beck's blackboard: Danny Glover's 'Black Power Mix-Tape'

Paul Krugman: The interests of "American" corporations and the nation are less aligned than ever

*****Keith Olbermann on Facebook*****

Ed Schultz just said on his radio program that Keith Olbermann's staff will be going to the 10:00 pm

When will Congress impeach that lying, thieving, ignorant SOB

Political Orientation Test #286:

Obama's Daughter Sasha Practices Chinese With Hu Jintao

Yes or No. Would people be less informed if they turned off TEE VEE News?

Yes or No. Would people be less informed if they turned off TEE VEE News?

I'm Maladjusted

The Founder of Thoughtworks, Neville Roy Singham, speaks in defense of WikiLeaks: A short video

What Americans think. What Europeans think.

Woman jumps from 23 stories and lives

Scalito...and maybe Roberts...plan to pull a Boehner @ SOTU (no-shows)

Glenn Beck: “Keith Olbermann Is The Biggest Pain In The Ass In The World”

Toon: All Part Of The Plan

This is a great story about the first gay couple to adopt in Washington

Fraud plagues global health fund (66% of grants eaten up by corruption)

Senate Filibuster Rules Changes Slipping Away

Dan Abrams appears to be leaving NBC

Tensions rise between Supreme Court, politicians

MSNBC history: fire the TOP-RATINGS liberals

Curing the vaccine scare: Recent report debunks autism link as 'a deliberate fraud'

Send a message to Rep Gabrielle Giffords!

A Chuck Norris column that is awesome in its stupidity

House majority leader says Ryan, not Bachmann speaks for the GOP

Survey: Four in Five Americans Support Amendment to Overturn Citizens United

and so the corpulent 16th century aristocrats have made their call...

If the President were not to give a bi-partisan, unifying speech...?

Perry Bashed Recovery Act, Texas Relied Most Heavily On Recovery Act Funds

25 best conservative movies of the last 25 years (some odd choices)

Men of Tears: workshops where men go to cry

Tweety is talking about Beck threats to Liberals n/t

WikiLeaks founder Assange slams Swiss banker arrest

NYT story says KO "agreed to a deal that would keep him off television for six to nine months"

GOP investigative hearing to probe bailouts

Rahm can't run for mayor

Monday afternoon teabagging

The most cowardly act of a retiring politician

Attention MSNBC Graphics Department: What’s on at 8pm Tonight?

What's the best policy?

The Party of No

That idiot, fast talking moron that Rachel slapped down is on Tweety right now

House GOP leader says no federal bailout of states

GOP House takes credit for jobs gains, only 19 days on the job

Tim Pawlenty will save us from Armageddon, or something. Watch quick....

KO to issue first tweet at 8 pm Eastern time toight!

"Civility is over-rated. It's worse to be screwed and pretend it's just an honest policy difference"

Halliburton doubles profits (1-24-11 Dominic Rushe/The Guardian)

largest number of officeholders to change party affiliation in Texas

Keith Olbermann Gets The 'I'm With Coco' Treatment

Arizona GOPer: Roe v. Wade Contributed To Tucson Shootings

Nephew: Aunt Hanged, Killed Dog For Chewing Bible

What's Wrong with Calls for "More and Better" Tests?

Olbermann Tweet!

I wonder if Boehner has picked out his shade of orange for tonight?

Carnage as Moscow Airport bombed

Dems and Repubs compromise on filibuster reform..

Rep Allen West, bigot. Rep. West: Ellison "antithesis" of country's founding principles

GOP dumps Pelosi's composting program

1000s of Errors, Extra Votes, 'Lost' Votes Revealed in SC's 2010 Election

Fascism Prevention Starts With You

surprise, surprise....Bush aides violated law against campaign activities

surprise, surprise....Bush aides violated law against campaign activities

Obama has a wonderful opportunity on the SS/Medicare issue if he will take it

Friday's MSNBC ratings - KO's last show

Was the Social Security COLA automatically frozen or was legislation passed? Did I read this right?

Joe Klein: Olbermania

Woman jumps off 23rd floor of a Buenos Aires hotel...330 feet...and survives

Death Threat for a Palin Critic

Rahm Emanuel booted off ballot in 2-1 Appellate Court decision

Breaking the Iron Law of Oligarchy

I am a liberal, and I belong to a union, I am proud of both.

Had a conversation today with a lady who's recently divorced,

doonesbury locked & loaded...

Appellate Court Bounces Rahm

A New War on Women from Kansas Forced-Birthers

Randi Rhodes just said re: Keith Olbermann, that there

Seattle man acquitted in TSA airport case


Here's some words for war-mongers and empire builders...

Welcome to the food deserts of rural America

Should Lenin be buried?

MSNBC has really messed up

Scalia’s Speech to Closed-Door Tea Party Caucus Session Is Inappropriate Political Activity

Village of Fairport Harbor, Ohio evacuated

Did anyone catch the last couple minutes of Cenk?

Republicans Rehearsing Grouchy Facial Expressions for State of the Union

Olbermann's Exit Deal Means He's Barred from TV for Months

Get ready Texas women--you knew it was coming

VP Biden arrives in Wilmington for jury duty

I learned something new about wingnuts over on the site for banished freepers

Can Someone Tell Me When the First Tea Party Rally Was?

Seymour Hersh: Military Branch Being Run By 'Crusaders'determined to "turn mosques into cathedrals"

New (3rd) update on KO's Twitter account

Insurance Companies Sue Bank Of America-Massive Mortgage Fraud, 91% Securitized Loans Misrepresented

Dirtbag estranged husband of $190M lotto winner: "That's awesome! I won't have to pay child support"

Where Liberals Go to Feel Good -- Chris Hedges

The United States of Shame

Texas Gov ask Republican voters to quit their state jobs

What, Exactly, Is The "Press?" What Is Our Freedom?

What, Exactly, Is The "Press?" What Is Our Freedom?

Ted Rall Toon "Dick's new Heart"

Congressmen are sleeping/living in the House of Representatives - thoughts?

America is a nation of sheep

Combination Red Lobster/Olive Garden Restaurant to Save Depressed Community

Cenk rocks! Loved his interview with Skinner about DU!!!

LOL....Lieberman Retirement Party

A Visual History of Koch Conservatism, from John Birch to Cato

"States with the Smartest Kids"

John McCain: Obama Has "Learned a Lot"

Here's a thought,

CNN Poll: Rudy or Sarah

CNN Poll: Rudy or Sarah

How would you feel about your neighbor keeping a beehive?

Rahm's eligibility to be decided by Illinois Supreme Court

Why must organizations I support use my info to blanket me with junk mail?

For those keeping scorecard, Biden was not picked to be a Jury today, was dismissed at noon

Movement underway to draft Olbermann for Senate (Lieberman's seat)

Peggy Noonan was SO helpful this morning on MJ! And you don't appreciate her!

Call the GA Governor on behalf of peaceful striking inmates

Olbermann gets his own Taiwanese CGI episode

What the Hell Happened to Keith Olbermann? (Robert Parry,

Caption this truly brilliant piece of artwork, certain to rival Picasso or Van Gogh

The Term "Regressive"...

Today for the first time in years im leaving MSNBC Off

A most unexpected thing happened today at work. (The IT job situation is improving)

Incredible Michele Bachmann Speech Gets Every Historical Fact Wrong

IMF's Strauss-Kahn "bemoaned a large and growing chasm between rich and poor—especially within

Scheduling a c-section three weeks in advance?!

Look out Pepsi and Coca Cola! Here comes Canna Cola, the medical pot soft drink!

Kick if you will subscribe to whatever news organization Keith Olbermann puts together

Alan Grayson: The Speech I'd Like To Hear

Comming soon to a theater near you...

Draft Jane Hamsher for Lieberman's seat!

The United States of Shame - What is your state the worst at?

Tim Pawlenty, just another garden-variety Republican a**hole

He didn't go there... did he?

$1.89 for tiny 16z box of sugar

Raise taxes on those who make a million plus a year. Get out of the wars.

What would it look like if the Federal Reserve went bankrupt?

Considering Maddow, Schultz, O'Donnell and now Uygur are all on MSNBC I can't fathom. . .

Anyone use Credo Mobil phone service? If so is it competitive with ATT and Verizon? nm

Why doesn't Wikileaks just release their ''thermonuclear file''?

The New Socialism - Autumn 2008 to now and forever

Obama: Reagan saw that 'we are all patriots'

Ed Schultz: ''.... we're going to do the best we can, for the 'product', for the network'' - UPDATED

Brutally honest and passionate liberals get derided, chastized, and fired

An explanation of how SS checks increase (COLA calculated) and why it isn't some grand conspiracy.

Being in law enforcement is dangerous and the number of policemen attacked and some killed is

Stairway to Seven!!!!! Steelers!

White House Backs Down On Social Security Cuts In State Of The Union

"I read the news today (oh boy)"

Progressives support the Steelers

Attytood Will Bunch: The true meaning of Keith Olbermann (Went to HS with KO)

I'm glad Rahm can't run in Chicago. He'd carry out the Obama/Bush/Duncan education plan.

Texting while walking lady who fell in mall fountain hires lawyer

Is it necessary to demonize ALL Republicans?

Class Warfare and the Deregulation of Corporate Power in the United States

Feingold: ‘We Need To Regenerate Progressivism’ To Battle This ‘Gilded Age On Steroids’

Obama says NO to raising age on Social Security!

Barack Obama - Out of The Closet

Deadbeat’ parents caught in a debtor’s prison

Deadbeat’ parents caught in a debtor’s prison

who's grading those tests the billionaires are imposing on kids? low-level Target managers: $11/hr

Doing something useful.... being proactive.

"Progressives need to stop defending the individual health insurance mandate. It isn't progressive"

mentally ill or??

Should Social Security be strengthened and saved...?

More troops lost to suicide by John Donnelly (1-24-11 post @ C.Q./

Principal bans camouflage in school

I'm sorry, but Cenk sucks. (MSNBC @ 6pm E)

The Boomers are being forced out of the labor market and stripped of

"Must have worked in the previous 12 months," More companies excluding long term unemployed

Florida's Allen West attacks Keith Ellison for his Muslim faith. Vows to work to defeat him.

People have posted here that Ron Paul is a racist, a sexist and a homophobe.

Michelle Bachmann is so dumb that ...

Florida legislator files bill to let teachers grade parents.

The Freepers know who to blame for the Bears losing!

Poetry and music are old, but movies are relatively new.

I have some orange juice (fresh squeezed), stewed cherries and some tequila.

There are times when MiddleFingerMom REALLY needs to put his glasses in.

There are times when flinging feces should be a socially acceptable HUMAN trait.

NASA's dirtiest little secret:

It's Sunday night and the beginning of MY weekend. Ask me how I feel.

An Ancient Near East lyre song from 1400BC.

One of the COOLEST things you'll ever see that'll make you think, "Why didn't I see that before?"

I think I'll eat here more often.

things that are the devil

I'm sure this headline wasn't written intentionally.....

A question for appliance savvy DUers

Have you ever heard a Lyrebird?

Susan beware of the devil!

Weekend over music- Peter Tosh- "Legalize It!"....

Any cell phone experts here?

You want me to do WHAT?!?!?!?... ... ... To WHOM?!?!?!?

Old Rolling Stones play a song by the young Rolling Stones, and do it pretty good...

enlighten me on the most fun baby shower games


Boy, howdy -- did YOU ever fuck up!!!!!!

I love playing public Scrabble on my iphone - I have 7 games running right now

Great achievements in medicine - 1/24/11

Thank God for central heat, indoor plumbing and

Talk of R Piehole not running again. Since Hendershot blew his wad, R Piehole has

Happy Birthday Apple Macintosh - 27 years young


Our third snow this winter; the world is about to end. We got a

Nothing like a Good (Awful) Disaster Movie at 1 AM

I quit smoking in Sept...

What is you favorite...

At the end of DOWNTON ABBEY, I hope they'll tell us what happened to the characters

Nostradamus, by Al Stewart

Check out this close call.

DU parents: What do you think of this?

It so cold (How cold is it?) ...

Florida town's redevelopment strategy -- Olive Garden!!

Favor Please? Dial 211 from your home phone

Lebanon's Druze leader says backs Hezbollah

Leaks show Palestinians giving much ground to Israel


Monday evening music; Jimi Hendrix Experience, live in Stockholm, 1967...

happy ending to cat story

Will you kids please stop doing that!?!

Another YouTube-related flavor

RIP Jack LaLanne

NATO plays host to one of world's worst dictators

Norwegian teen escapes pack of wolves with cell phone

Every once in a while, you get to see some royal asshole get EXACTLY what he deserves...

Just looked at the quarters in my pocket:

Washington State...1 killed, 4 injured in shootout outside Wal-mart

One very wise man over 2000 years ago

Who wins Super Bowl XLV, Pittsburgh or Green Bay?

Bands that could have been bigger if they had a better name

Because the Matrix 2 and 3 didn't suck enough, now we have Matrix 4 & 5 coming soon

Bob Dylan's "John Wesley Harding" and "Nashville Skyline" - what's the background?

I wanted it to be Jets-Seahawks for one reason

Anyone else noticed a trend in mystery series where the sleuth ends up megarich? SPOILERS

Help. My email host got taken over by hotmail a few years ago. Now they are making

How far away did you run from where you were born?

Senators discuss streamlining confirmation process

How far away do you live from where you were born?

The Steelers and their rapist QB can GO TO HELL!

Olbermann Split Came After Years of Tension

I LOVE cats because they're so athletic and graceful.

The well is poison

How do you deal with argumentative people who seem to disagree with everything you say?

job advice--- wwyd

When did John Cougar Mellancamp start looking like Della Reese?

Why did the chicken cross the road?

When you take so much away from a person and there is

Protests erupt in Yemen, Algeria and Tunisia

House leader Cantor believes Obama is a US citizen

Yemen president blasts succession claims

Palestinians Conceded Jerusalem Areas, Jazeera Says

Domodedovo blast: Explosion rocks Moscow's main airport

South Africa flood death toll rises as government declares 33 disaster zones

New Japanese fashion: LED lights for your teeth

Library protestors declare day of action

Afghan Report Revives Concerns About Scrutiny of Private Security Firms

DUers for GB Packers to win the Superbowl check-in thread

Hariri rejects working under Hezbollah-named PM

Razzie awards announced. Guess they don't like Twilight, SATC or M. Night

Egypt to face its first Tunisian-inspired protests

5,000 demobilized paramilitaries unaccounted for

Mexico police arrest Acapulco 'cartel leader' Lozano

Irish lawmakers wrangle over new date for election

Ex-Guantánamo inmates take on MI5 and MI6 over courtoom secrecy

Man with ‘black magic’ tools arrested at Abu Dhabi airport

Former U.S. diplomats to Obama: Support UN draft condemning Israeli settlements

Hezbollah-backed candidate set to lead Lebanon cabinet

Court rules that Rahm Emanuel not eligible to run for mayor of Chicago.

UPDATED: Chechens suspected in Moscow airport bombing -- death toll rises to 35, injures dozens more

Little Green Plastic Army Men

Need another YouTube-related favor

Tucson Shooting Hero to be honored at State of the Union (Daniel Hernandez)

UK: Protests over undercover police

Sarkozy targets commodities in G20 agenda

Cocoa prices jump as Ivory Coast weighs export ban

ADC: Plaintiff's Final Arguments in Ecuador Court Show 'Overwhelming' Proof of Chevron Contamination

Most Icelanders Back Completing EU Accession Talks, Poll Shows

S&P warns of more muni bond downgrades

Arizona GOPer: Roe v. Wade Contributed To Tucson Shootings

Bloomberg Pushes Stricter Gun Control Measures

Feingold: ‘We Need To Regenerate Progressivism’ To Battle This ‘Gilded Age On Steroids’

McConnell to Sit in His Usual Spot at State of Union Address

Halliburton doubles profits

Intel Signals Trend In Rising Use Of Cash, Says UBS

Any home brewers out there?

Fitness guru Jack LaLanne, 96, dies at Calif. home

2 dead, 2 cops hurt in shootout outside Washington state Walmart

This is neat

Does anyone here own an electric or gas-powered bicycle?

Tunisia army vows to uphold revolt, warns of vacuum

Peru joins Latin wave recognizing Palestine state (AFP)

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday, January 24, 2011

Report: Record $2.5 billion recovered from Medicare fraud cases

Trying to remember the name of a Costco wine

Film about anti-gay preacher who murders homosexuals sparks protests at Sundance festival

I finally got GPS... I don't know why it took me so long.

Private Finance Initiative: hospitals will bring taxpayers 60 years of pain

Mortgage Giants Leave Legal Bills to the Taxpayers

'Amazing' Australian floodwaters enter new towns

Tunisian women fear Islamist return

Gross out picture of Alley's knee.. WARNING GRAPHIC BOO BOO PICTURE

Wal-Mart vs. Civil War site: battle heads to court

Larry the Cable Guy coming to history channel

Blocking "rogue gene" may stop cancer spread-study

'Skins' loses two more advertisers

Miami exile takes stand in Posada-Carriles trial

Postal Service Eyes Closing Thousands of Post Offices

U.S. Marshals agent, two police officers shot in St. Petersburg

McDonald’s to hike prices as commodity costs rise

2 turned away trying to visit WikiLeaks GI

Union membership falls in California and nationally

Health-care law: Arizona tries new approach to get by federal Medicaid rules

Blast hits Domodedovo airport in Moscow,23 dead, 100+ injured

Majority of russians want Lenin buried in poll

Police fear 'war on cops'

Musicians that should have been superstars

NY mayor urges Obama guns crackdown

Court: Rahm Emanuel Can't Run For Mayor, Not Chicago Resident

BP pressuring Florida county to "sign off" that beaches are clean -- Locals refuse b/c of oil

Larry king interviews Glenn Beck

/UFO Disclosure | Canada Admits - America is keeping Alien Technology Secret from the Public. Please

Toronto G20: Will Police Be Held Accountable After Scathing Ombudsman's Report?

Deadly blast rocks Moscow's busy Domodedovo airport

Thom Hartmann: Conversations with Great Minds with Professor Harvey Kaye, Pt 1

Thom Hartmann: Conversations with Great Minds with Professor Harvey Kaye, Pt. 2

Stochastic Terrorism?

Comcast Sealed The Deal For FCC Merger Approval By Wooing Rep. Jim Clyburn's Daughter

"Watch How Fast Maddow & All The Rest Of Them Dial It Back Now That Olbermann's Been Fired!"

Thom Hartmann: Muslim Americans have constitutional rights too

Young Turks: Big Government Abortion Law In Kansas?

Kevin Smith protests the protesters at his Red State Sundance premiere

Ed Schultz: Where is the GOP's Job Plan?

No One to Blame for Arizona Shooting?

It's Not Raining, We're Getting Peed On

Americans for Prosperity leader threatens professor on television

TDPS: Republicans discovering new ways to waste time on the House floor

Hamsher interview by Ratigan on Bradley Manning abuse

CrossTalk Debate - Is American Exceptionalism a Myth?

Q&A with Christopher Hitchens, Jan 23, 2011

Young Turks: Cenk on Glenn Beck's Jewish Problem

Majority Report: Keith Olbermann, the Man Who Built MSNBC

Sam Seder: Raiding Social Security for giveaways to millionaires? 08/17/10

MRN: Senator Keith Olbermann: Worst Idea In The World?

Social Security Threatened by Obama Administration and Republicans -- (SS Crisis Made Up)

Will Republicans Support 'Roadmap' to Privatize Social Security?

Shoot Them in The Head Video Poster Answers Glenn Beck

The Truth About Net Neutrality

Converting mil/industrial to green tech

Seven reasons why the GOP faces an uphill battle to defeat Obama

"Treasury's toxic asset funds gain 27 percent" (TARP)

According to this story Kieth O had two more years left on his contract with MSNBC

Shooter Wins if GOP Denied Hate Speech

Who is broadcasting Michelle Bachman and why?

Just thought I would pop in and see how things are going on DU

"The West Wing, Season II"

Cannot blame Obama for this!

Obama changes conversation on deficit with call for new investment

Should we create a WEAKLING INDEX?

(R)asmussen Obama Approval: 52% approve, 47% disapprove

Poll: Palin Would Make Texas A Swing State

When will rethugs 'pivot'?

Senate Dems Ask Cantor: Will Seniors Owe The U.S. $250?

Big Ed: Nothing is going to change

Holy Cow! - Even Rasmussen has Obama up by 5 points.

"Turbulence Ahead" (on the economy, Joseph Stiglitz offers caution and optimism)

Mourn a Monday's mountain with a song: please come CAPTION Head Wreck!!!!

Why is the NYT article proof that Obama won't cut SS?

Here's a big Shout-out for President Obama on his SOTU!

Evan Bayh walks through the revolving door

they've thrown the kitchen sink at the president...Obama's approval rating is still 50%-and climbing

How many republicans will scream out at the President during the SOTU? I look for the

Need a lift, watch this: JFK's inaugural address

Halfway to the CFPB: An AFR Progress Report

White House Insider Debunks “Obama’s Moving to the Center” Meme

George Allen to Announce Plans for Senate Bid on Monday

Without Obama, We Lost So Much More Than an Election

Randy Rhodes: All the MSNBC top Executives resigned last Friday

Rahm kicked off the ballot by the courts

Wikileak show Congress prevent Gitmo closing to screw Obama

“What he wants,” says one of his friends, “is to be Barack Obama again.”

7 Big Green Moves by the Obama Administration

Economists forecast U.S. growth on upswing in 2011

It's not about Obama. It's about whether we will stay with a discredited approach

SOTU theme: 'How We Win the Future'

Now that Obama is not going to cut SS what responses will we see from commentators?

Obama the sell out - NOT

Senate Dems Throw In the Towel

Obama announces broad new support for military families

Obama allowed a Chinese propagand song to be played at the White House is the next outrage

No MSNBC for me !!!

Protest sign of the day. Bound to screw with Freeper heads

Is "Operation Palin" a good idea for those on the left, or not?

CNN Poll: Obama at 55%

Dept. of Energy backs advanced biofuels plant to create 700 jobs, tripple domestic production

Yes, I'm going to give credit to someone else, but not to the progressives

How did Morning Joe become so popular?

Washington Post: Obama won't endorse raising retirement age or reducing Social Security benefits

Republicans to Propose Higher Taxe Rates On Middle Class Than On Millionaires

Boycott Mnsbc's coverage of the SOTU address? Let them compare their previous #s when

Continued use of "Obamacare" clearly DEMONSTRATES a Fox News' bias.

Cenk is an idiot

Sanders: "I applaud the president for standing up for Social Security."

Hu Jintao's visit: the story the media missed

Untold story of U.S. slave rebellion retold centuries later

"...political commentary’s long, sad descent..."

Is American Higher Ed Screwed? Conservatives Try to Privatize College As Tuition Soars

Secret papers reveal slow death of Middle East peace process

Vietnam Veterans of America Founder Bobby Muller Speaks Out Against Air Force Academy Speaker

The Longest War: A final summary of the horrible Bush record

The Commons Moment is Now

Obama's State of the Union to Honor 'Sitting Bull'

Taking Mom And Pop To The Cleaners: How The Small Business Lobby Hurts Small Business

Chris Hedges: Where Liberals Go to Feel Good

Our superficial scholars

Republicans’ 2010 election triumph will fuel civilization’s demise, Chomsky says

Keith Olbermann Leaves MSNBC (A Few Great Moments Against Dominonism)

Truth and reconciliation needed

Tibetan Monks take over Museum - NYC

What Obama wanted - and would have accomplished - if not for the filibuster

The well is poison

Build a Bigger House - Increasing the size of the House of Representatives

KCStar: NBC blew it letting Olbermann walk

US Sociologist rec'd death threats after Beck criticism

Modern-day slaves' story repeats daily in plain sight

Will he say this?

The Andy Coulson affair raises the question – who runs Britain?

Dancing for Corporate Dollars: PBS "News"Hour's Ifill (and friend) parrot more GOP Disinformation.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Admits U.S. Default is Imminent

We need to stop this culture before it kills the planet: Conversation with Derrick Jensen (Mickey Z)

Come and Get It. $3.00/Watt Incentives for Small Wind Generators (California only)

Obama Visits GE Wind Turbine Plant

Net Oil Import Trends in USA and Chindia

Drumbeat from the weekend and today...

1996 - 2010 - Bark Beetles Take Out 4 Million Acres Of WY, CO Forests - 400K Just Last Year

Clenbuterol - Toxic Additive & Sports Drug - Latest Adulterant In Chinese Pork Supply - NYT

UK fish threatened by global warming to be moved north

BBC - "Inland Sea" Of Floodwater Moving South Through Victoria

Chris Mooney: Will the State of the Union Address the State of the Planet?

In Karakorum Range, Glaciers Holding Their Own, Despite General Himalayan Retreat - Science News

ER-2 lifts off with MABEL - NASA

Energy Star, Organic Certification, High-Speed Rail - So Many GOP Funding Cuts, So Little Time

Revkin to Obama: Use State of the Union Address to Create a Year-Long National Energy Conversation

Industrial Grade "Cold Fusion" Device Ready To Manufacture?

Good news: Endangered Bird Hatches on U.S. Soil for First Time in Recorded History

U. Calgary Scientists Unearth "Smoking Gun" Of Permian Extinction - Coal Ash -

Driving Straight Into Catastrophe

Environmental Defense Fund - Green Power: the Basics

We all hate imperialism, right?

Nuclear and coal, coal and nuclear - two sides of the same coin 2

Suspect pleads not guilty in deadly Ariz. shooting

Three officers wounded while serving warrant at Florida home. CNN saying two are dead.

This one makes me laugh

WPost: Va. data show drop in criminal firepower during assault gun ban

"Gunpowder Kurt" is in trouble

Wonder if the NRA defense fund will defend this idiot? Or people here?

Tucson: Gun rights debate: It’s hard to kill a bad guy. Just ask a cop

5,000 demobilized paramilitaries unaccounted for

Emiliano Salinas - Se Buscan Ghandis

Venezuelan Government implements program to guarantee food product sales at regulated prices

Chavez government sells cheap fish products to the masses

Supreme Court to revise 3 parapolitics cases

Venezuelans Tortured by Posada Carriles Collect Evidence

Colombia stepping up anti-drug training of Mexico's army, police

The Venezuelan who 'knew too much'

Uruguay's unique problem --- unemployment is too LOW

Peru joins Latin wave recognizing Palestine state (AFP)

The War on Drugs is Lost

Miami exile takes stand in Posada-Carriles trial

Paraguay grants refuge to Evo Morales opponent

Plaintiff's Final Arguments in Ecuador Court Show 'Overwhelming' Proof of Chevron Contamination

Reflections of Fidel : Now is the time to do something

Big Ben's has already hurt his knee...Cutler would be riding the bench at this point

Folk's FG went UP and to the right --it went UP

If the Steelers Lose this One.....

Mendenhall humps Roethlisberger!

Who is going to win Super Bowl XLV?

Grand Champion!

Actually there were two errrr---rapists on the field last night....

Looks like a good, old fashioned, smashmouth Super Bowl

Dear Goddess, did I actually just see the rapist kneeling in prayer on the field?!


So are the Jets the new Buffalo Bills?

I'd like to give a big hardy welcome to the annual Bandwagoneers here in the sports forum.

This really sucks! Roger Staubach could be presenting the Lombardi Trophy to the Steelers.

I'm rooting for the Packers on political grounds.

The JR Chess Report (January 23): Wijk after Eight Rounds

Coming out begins at home: Awesome ad from Israeli group

Panel approves first step to same-sex marriage vote

Last week I discovered Derek and Romaine, and this is a great talk show.

Schwarzenegger's Mom Sought Gay Cure

Robert Gibbs Nearly Ends Press Conference Over Obama's Position On Marriage

World Net Daily: Gay Parents Are Going To Abort Their Straight Babies!

High School Senior Comes Out At Assembly

High Schoolers Terrorize Gay Neighborhood

NFL, NBA, and MLB - Competitive Balance

Wyoming House Passes Anti-Marriage Bill (Holds back government intrusion in tradition and culture)

Leaks show Palestinians giving much ground to Israel

Palestine papers are distortion of truth, say Palestinian officials

This seemingly endless and ugly game of the peace process is now finally over

Palestinian Protesters attack Al Jezeera office in Ramallah

Hezbollah to Nominate Billionaire Najib Mikati as Lebanese Prime Minister

Abbas: Concessions in Palestine papers came from Israel, not us

Former U.S. diplomats to Obama: Support UN draft condemning Israeli settlements

Hariri supporters: Hezbollah is carrying out an Iran-backed coup of Lebanon

Palestinians Conceded Jerusalem Areas, Jazeera Says

Former U.S. diplomats to Obama: Support UN draft condemning Israeli settlements

Two decades of secret Israeli-Palestinian accords leaked to media worldwide

Here are some interesting Biblical quotes

Has anyone Read The Tao of Pooh?

String Theory in 3D

Scientists fear kilograms don't weigh as much as they used to

Wyoming Senate wants 5th graders to learn gun safety