Msnbc is really going after Beck's rhetoric! And they should.
The GOP's Campaign Finance "Sneak Attack"
Remember the Patriot Act ... ?
Parole is Sustained for Lori Berenson
This place needs a "Bickering over Obama" forum
Mommas, don't let your babies grow up to be C-list actors who take too many kicks to the head
Bernie Sanders will be on Lawrence O'Donnell 8:15/from twitter
Suicide Bomber at Russian Airport kills 35, injures 130
Olbermann 1st Tweet :-) "Reports of the Death of my Career are Greatly Exaggerated"
Lawrence O'Donnell will pay tribute to Keith soon.
Fox News is evil, Fox news sucks, yet we complain that MSNBC won't act the same way?
Joel Osteen: Homosexuality is a sin
**O'Donnell: 'I am here today entirely thanks to Keith. More on this later.;'
**O'Donnell: 'I am here today entirely thanks to Keith. More on this later.;'
U.S. Can't Link Manning to Assange
Oh joy! (in)Justice Scalia is teabagging with the Tea Party Caucus.
Heads up: LOD's gonna be making a statement about KO - n/t
I have something misguided and angry to say about this current event...
Frances Fox Piven: The new Comcast overlords cut her off in mid sentence
Becks Shoot Em in The Head....
Becks Shoot Em in The Head....
Government Admits Brig Commander Improperly Put Bradley Manning on Suicide Watch
Rachel + Schultz discussing repug strategy, good job, imo.
America in decline... and Foreign Policy Magazine
are there #FOK items for sale online yet?
Carol Browner to leave White House
'Operation Cookie Jar' nets charges for 5
*LO'D. 'Thank you, Keith, so does my 92 year old mother.
My wife notes that Lawrence was promoted over Rachel.
My dreams have come true! Michelle Bachmann is finally going to STFU!!
Ex-Minnesota governor sues over body scans, pat-downs
Budget ax-man Rep. Paul Ryan is Senate Democrats' new villain
"The reports of the death of my career are greatly exaggerated"
Rham might be off the ballot in Chicago! New court ruling against Rham:
Rachel is going to talk about Keith
Are those watching MSNBC on tv seeing no commercials?
Biting monkey escapes from her cage
Biting monkey escapes from her cage
KEITH PIC from today! <<< sorry dupe!
Chicago Tribune: RTA to weigh cost, practicality of switching diesel locomotives to electric
Wow, the anti-MSNBC posters are out in full force tonight. nt
Goonstruck: The Mysterious Mind of Modern Progressives
Dems and GOP to Also Mix at SOTU After-Party
late night tv and early shows have evolved into marketing bad books or movies
America in decline... and Foreign Policy Magazine
Juan Cole: Bradley Manning and Mohamed Bouazizi
Parole is Sustained for Lori Berenson
Parole is Sustained for Lori Berenson
Glenn Beck Guns For More Money - Picks up gun seller ads - Cheaper Than Dirt
Republicans Rehearsing Grouchy Facial Expressions for State of the Union
Carol Browner, Director of Policy on Climate Will Leave White House (NYT)
***Anderson Cooper to discuss Keith next on CNN 7:39pm PST***
What's Bah-bwah's e-addy? Today she said KO was "extreme". She's hosted O'LOOFAH
Peruvian court: No more prison for Lori Berenson
My niece sent me this heartbreaking obituary
Olbermann Overcomes Outstanding Obstacle
Olbermann Overcomes Outstanding Obstacle
Guatemala massacre suspect faces charges in Calif
Report: Fox News gave GOP presidential candidates $55 million in free advertising
watching pbs on National Parks and seeing how the party of NO
watching pbs on National Parks and seeing how the party of NO
What If We Treated Doctors The Way We Treat Teachers?
Report: Bush White House Violated Law By Using Gov't Resources To Support GOP in '06 Elections
Rebuilding the 'Civility Caucus'
Canadian unions step up pressure for wage hikes
Rachael just said Michelle Bachman's response would be online, at the Tea Party Express site. So...
Rachael just said Michelle Bachman's response would be online, at the Tea Party Express site. So...
Mandatory Monday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! & a new Maru gif
Me: compulsive Facebook link sharer. Friend request: tea party evangelical HS acquaintanc. Worth it?
We will have the Repub response...
Cindy Sheehan continues to interest me.
NBC: U.S. can't link accused Army private to Assange
Rachel Maddow quote regarding Keith Olbermann
Trivia time! Who who's the only president to be worse than George Bush?
"I'm Republican. You're Democratic. Let's work together"
One of the worst parts about getting involved, I mean really involved on
Rupert Murdoch's arrogant empire must be reined in
Something about this "froze to death" news article pulled me back to it.
Airlines' path for profits: Fly less, charge more
Olbermann's 8 PM tweet: - first two tweets
Bernie Sanders on Social Security and Republican Paul Ryan's plan
Let's simplify our lives: let's be honest.
In honor of Keith Olbermann's Tweet and the KOEB: The One in Which He Wore THE TIE
Facebook and Arab Dignity (re: Tunisia)
Former Senator Bayh Joins Apollo Global
Mystery of Earth's Greatest Extinction May Be Solved
When unemployed means unemployable
In 1947 scientists created the Doomsday Clock. In 2011a Fascist Clock is
Keep an eye out for the change in right-wing rhetoric.
Gabrielle Giffords' seat will remain vacant at the SOTU address to honor her.
Wash. state GOP loses its radio voice as KVI switches to music
Comcast preparing a "global" town hall meeting to introduce NBC employees to new leadership
Keith says watch Craig Fergerson tonight
Giffords starts rehab; Freepers are concerned that a Ouija board is involved
"One day after securing a huge deal with China...
Britain: The Guerrilla Orchestra and the struggle to defend the arts
Did Letterman or Leno say anything about Keith Olbermann tonight?
Chinese police shoot protesting construction workers
Justice Department begins preliminary review of Seattle police
Thoughts About Comcast following Olberman's Dismissal
Thoughts About Comcast following Olberman's Dismissal
Odd, Odd Case of Bobby Fischer
JimmyRobRob grifted another $1500 today from idiots
Thai insurgents flex their muscles
John Nichols: What President Obama Shouldn't Say in the State of the Union Address
KO tweet alert -- 8 pm -- @davidshuster
Smuggled workers on Afghan bases cause alarm
IG says weak planning puts Afghan projects at risk
Donald Rumsfeld talks about his upcoming memoir
FBI looking into new claims in Evers killing - Convicted assassin's son cites conspiracy
The triumph of raw naked power
Weren't wikileaks supposed to bring down a major bank this month?
Weren't wikileaks supposed to bring down a major bank this month?
Study says greener military isn't better military, DoD disagrees
GOP-proposed cuts includes energy program for poor in Gibson's district
Why the heck would anyone call Donny Deutsch and ask him for
IMF predicts faster global economic growth in 2011
Where are you on the Road to Retirement?
US commander in Afghanistan: Tough fight in 2011
US commander in Afghanistan: Tough fight in 2011
A Toon About The State Of Political Discourse In The US
Texas Used Stimulus to Cover 97% of Its Deficit (Ultra GOP hypocrite)
Thomas Says He Erred on Disclosure
Just a thought Re: Mental illness
loving new show Harrietts law - reminds me of Boston Legal
"Russia needs Israeli-style airport security"
New York mayor moves to shut public schools while promoting charters
Cape sheriff's appointment raises eyebrows
Former Spy With Agenda Operates a Private C.I.A.
I will not watch, not tonight, not tomorrow, nor for the foreseeable future
Once More Into Comcast’s Breach:* KO’s KO Foreshadows Cable on the Canvas?
'GE, We Bring Good Things...' (pays 3.6% corporate tax break)
If there’s a better gov-program than Social Security, I’d like to know what it is-By BOB HERBERT
A Million Dollars for an Ambassador’s Seat
Long exposure photography- 45 examples
Long exposure photography- 45 examples
Treasurer: Calif. Bankruptcy Not Necessary
Austerity doesn't work! Is this what the teabaggers want?
Alberta, Canada Cancels 141,729 Photo Tickets
I need a new ISP and want to switch from comcast
My email to my new congressman RE HCR.
Even with Obama's Corporate CEO Cabinet and advisors
Senator Jim Alesi's broken leg lawsuit
Poll: Americans Remain Divided Over HCR w/ Uptick in Public Opposition as GOP Ramps Repeal Campaign
Glenn Beck Shoot Them In The Head Video Clip Found
Sacramento to vote on crash tax for all out-of-towners, not just those at fault
U.K. organic milk better for you than conventional, thanks to cows’ grass-based diet
Should parents formally assess teachers?
Abortion protesters see hope in GOP gains
Nine killed in three drone attacks in NWA
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Lobbyist Weigh In on Carol Browner's Replacement
January 25th, 84 days since the Republicans took control of the House...
Mark my words at some point in the future KO
Mark my words at some point in the future KO
Insurers consider setting rates based on your Facebook info
Bill banning Mexican rodeo events, horse-tripping and steer-tailing, dies
When Talk Radio Talks, Congress Listens
Twitter has been blocked in Egypt, to prevent demonstrators from communicating with each other
Our message should be they are going to take away your Social Security and Medicaid
Do a Google search on "Rick Santorum" and check out the top 3 results.....
KO will be tweeting during SOTU tonight
**Rachel discussed Keith, Said:
GOP Timebomb: How Republican Star Paul Ryan's Radical "Roadmap" Would Dynamite Social Security and M
Which MSNBC Personalities caved today?
Will Only Another Great Depression Save America?
NEW wikileaks for the environment! GREENLEAKS!
Planned Parenthood seeks FBI probe into 'ACORN-like' anti-choice 'gotcha film' scam artists
Love blooms eternal for 92-year-old childhood sweethearts
You've got to spend money to make money...
U.S. consumer confidence jumped in January (highest in 8 months)
Democratic Governors in California and New York Looking to Put Final Squeeze on Middle Class
Stephen Moore: GOP ‘Hypocritical’ For Taking Gov’t Health Care, They ‘Should Give Up Their Pension’
After Losing Senate Seat, Oil Industry Funded George Allen’s Political Profile For Years
Emanuel lawyers file ballot appeal with Supreme Court
Half-man, half-squirrel Jeff Sessions (R-AL) hails fabulous plan to slash Social Security, Medicare
Speaking of boomers, I wonder if some people have been influenced in their opinions about boomers
Jobless Rise in 20 States as Workers Still Laid Off
The Plutocrats Are Living It up: Larry Summers' Gilded Path to Money and Power
New drone sensors not working as hoped
Toon : You can't ban something just because...
news is starting to seem surreal to me - thinking of Michael moore statement on Why are we such a
Did CVS Buy Its Way Out of a Meth Indictment?
The Rude Pundit: In Brief: Marc Thiessen Gets Treats from His Masters When He Lies
VIDEO - OOOH! Lil' Ricky Man-on-Dog squares off with Reverend Al on abortion. Who ya got?
Another police impersonator home invasion--in very rural Maine
Toonmeister Mike Thompson offers up the interactive "Your Own Sarah Palin Fun Page"
NBC: U.S. can't link accused Army private to Assange
Airlines may add carry-on, infant fees (last year made more than $6 billion charging fees )
GOP pushing for ISPs to record user data
Marriott removes porn from hotel rooms
Lesson From Europe: Fiscal Austerity Kills Economies
Remark in my paper on repealing "Obamacare"
Churches Find End Is Nigh: Religious Facilities Unable to Pay Mortgage
"Renewed Push to Give Obama an Internet 'Kill Switch'."
Feminists cheer Olbermann’s demise
Oscars: Inside Job Nominated for Best Documentary !- Waiting for Superman Not Nominated!
Jon Stewart shows Fox News = Nazi Reference Channel
President Obama to Propose Budget Freeze and Earmark Ban Tonight
Don't Let them Intimidate activist!
Piven Responds To Beck: “It Only Takes One Person Who Is A Little Deranged”
There goes Derf, lobbing another toon-bomb
Iran confirms Bahrami death sentence
Interesting that Olbermann resigned a few weeks after Lieberman did
Iran not working on bomb: Israel intelligence head
Iran not working on bomb: Israel intelligence head
UK National Health Service faces wholesale privatization
When they set their greedy eyes on your social security earnings
So... Rep. Bachman will be giving the STFU address?
Is American Higher Ed Screwed? Conservatives Try to Privatize College As Tuition Soars
Shocker: Evan Bayh joins private equity group in NYC
Danish government proposes raising pension, retirement age
Code Pink's Report Card to Obama in my email box
I am just sick at the thought of having to look at Boehner sitting beside Biden tonight.
Amnesty International: "End the punitive detention of Bradley Manning"
MSNBC per Twitter....Erik Cantor Not attending SOU Address
Pelosi says thanks, but no thantks
Smoking, obesity why US lifespans lag a bit...
Answering William Saletan on Abortion
Vicious Attack On Wendy's Worker
Student homelessness at all-time high in Washington state
Ill. court issues stay; Rahm back on the ballot
Activism Is Not a Crime: Why I Will Not Testify Before This Federal Grand Jury
A special photo contest from DemoTex - one photo, many questions.
Who Owns Media -- Ownership Chart: The Big Six
Bachmann (how clueless?) 'Founding Fathers Worked Tirelessly Until Slavery Was No More In USA'
Bachmann (how clueless?) 'Founding Fathers Worked Tirelessly Until Slavery Was No More In USA'
Unlimited Corporate Spending in Elections – And Now No Public Financing to Boot!?
Bachmann's Real Reason for Giving Alternative Response to SOTU
The “New Centrism” and Its Discontents
Texas was the number one user of Federal Stimulus funds
'Flashlight' shoot happened before
Mobilizing the Jobless by Frances Fox Piven: Piven calls for a mass movement of the unemployed
Obama defends anti U.S. China tune
Port of Los Angeles Breaks Export Volume Record
Mega-Mega-Merger: Meet the New Media Monopoly
Left behind: The state of the union that will be silent tonight
The Dreaded Stairs interesting
The Dreaded Stairs interesting
Social Security: Will Obama sign cuts into law or not? What's you best guess right now, today?
Rep. Bachmann's response won't be aired by most television networks
Shocking photos. RudyG doesn't hold a candle to this young female Mexican mayor.
West's portrayal of Afghan war deceptive: group
Sonia Sotomayor to visit UC Berkeley Feb. 2
Tragic Workplace Death of an Undocumented Worker in NYC
Pelosi spurns Cantor on seating
Thousands in Egypt vow continued protests until dawn
Illinois Supreme Court rules that Rahm must remain on the ballot during his appeal.
Live feed of downtown Cairo protest -
NBC: U.S. can't link accused Army private to Assange
Tea party-affiliated groups call for Immelt to resign from GE because of work for Obama
Some Freepers are aware that 2000k
Some Freepers are aware that 2000k
Human Trafficking may be widespread in South Florida
Report: Bush Administration broke law during 2006 races
Bernie Sanders Poll: What Should SotU Focus On?
Heads up: SOTU tonight and let's enjoy the happy faces (Matson cartoon)
Pelosi won't sit next to Cantor at lunch, I mean SOTU Address
Embassy bomber sentenced to life in prison
Scalia: I Won't Go to Obama's State of The Union
Mr. President: The Fight for the Middle Class Isn't in Washington
Texas Could Require Abortion Seekers To Get Sonogram
update FBI raids:Activism Is Not a Crime
More violence from the American right. Right wing terrorists try to burn a gay man in his home.
Egyptians denounce Mubarak, clash with riot police
Happy Anniversary!!!! Ten years ago today:
Obama may get power to shut down Internet without court oversight
Are Conservatives the True Liberals?
199,703 followers on Keith's Twitter page -- make it 200,000!
Embassy bomber sentenced to life in prison
A pic from Keith, posted on Twitter 8 minutes ago:
Most Dangerous Jobs In America
Most Dangerous Jobs In America
Weekly Audit: Wall Street Destroyed $8 for Every $1 Earned
Would you describe yourself as a Patriot?
French rail company apologises for WWII deportations
Court puts Rahm Emanuel back on ballot, agrees to hear case
Live video stream of night time downtown demonstrations in Cairo, Egypt! Gov't blocksTwitter
Chicago man wears Packers tie to work, is promptly fired
Military Officials Admit Bradley Manning Put on Suicide Watch to Punish Him
Omaha mayor faces first recall vote since 1987
Letting the Wall St. Banksters Walk
Letting the Wall St. Banksters Walk
Letting the Wall St. Banksters Walk
How does closing schools and laying off
WH Email: You've Never Seen a State of the Union Address Like This:
Goodbye to a Guy Named Joe - Sen. Lieberman not all that great :) by Gail Collins
Gibbs dodges question on Obama’s early same-gender marriage support
What do you think the president should focus on during his State of the Union address tonight?
Another lie, this one from the Dems
**Email President of NBC News about Keith Olbermann***
Jack Kennedy called Mrs. King. (Richard Nixon did not.)
The Preferred Seating Arrangement for tonight
Rahm Emanuel is back on the ballot!
Rahm Emanuel is back on the ballot!
As a country, are we better off with or without TSA?
Reality Checks: 10 Economic Benchmarks For the State of the Union And GOP Response
We sure have some great Dems in Congress -- I'm frequently introduced to
VIDEO - Stephen Colbert Ruthlessly, Hilariously Mocks Keith Olbermann
Bush Administration Broke Law in 2006 Races.. Color Me SHOCKED!
In Twist, Jeff Koons Claims Rights to ‘Balloon Dogs’
IL Supreme Court issues a stay (?) and says to put Rahm's name back on the
Say Hello to The Fearless Campaign
A groundswell of courageous acts.
Police fear, war on cops (UrbSurviv)
Crazy how expenses just compound when you're financially challenged
PENSIONS: A New Problem Surfaces at the Head of the Table...
AND....that's ALL Rachel had to say?????
unemployed Americans have lost optimism that they will find a job soon or end up with work they like
unemployed Americans have lost optimism that they will find a job soon or end up with work they like
David Sirota: People, Not Presidents, Bring Change
***Jon Stewart on in 10 mins...8pm pst .. What will he say about Keith?***
The State of the Union address: Do Americans even watch it?Gloria Goodale/Christian Science Monito
Alan Grayson:This is the speech that I would like to hear:
Former Justice Oliver Diaz on his stalking by Bush DOJ. (Paul Minor case)
Obama Said to Call for 5-Year Federal Spending Freeze
Gabrielle Giffords' Twitter account sends first tweet since Jan 8th Tucson shooting
Government Admits Brig Commander Improperly Put Bradley Manning on Suicide Watch
Texas chaplain charged again as a video Peeping Tom
Allegheny College creates political Civility Award
OpenLeft: Building a national left-wing media: a modest start
"I don't think Obama should have this tone that if he rolls on his back Congress will rub his belly"
One of my enlightened neighbors pointed out bills introduced by the new House
Fox: 'Unusual' Bachmann Rebuttal Could Scramble GOP Message on Obama Address
Which is the bigger threat to our country?
Gun raids show cartels at work in Arizona
Gun raids show cartels at work in Arizona
Union Official: “The left understands that the choice in 2012 will be Obama or somebody far worse,"
Russia Stands For Further Dialogue With Iran - FM Lavrov
You know . . . . it recently dawned on me. We sound really stupid when we say "Hold Them Accountable
The most cowardly act of a retiring politician
The next priority for the political wing of the Tea Party Terrorists. Bash the gays in DC.
Where (or will) you watch the SOTU?
If JFK had not been assassinated, I wonder how we would remember him.
Understanding the Republican Party’s Reluctance to Invest in Transit Infrastructure
Egypt Video: The "Day of Revolution" (16 Videos from Today)
President Obama "is now Mr. Reasonable Centrist --- except there is no reasonable center to be had"
Egypt is not Tunisia, but we can hope.
U.S.: Gun raids show cartels at work in Arizona
US Report shows Mexican drug cartels buying guns in Arizona
Hickey Causes 44-Year-Old Woman to Have a Stroke
Oscar Nominations - Here they are
Union Membership, and Power, Slip Further in Great Recession
One World - Teaching Tolerance
skipping speech tonight - until truth can prevail - not interested
How about a Progressive Party response to the SOTU from Keith!!
System Failure? Look Upstream: Dealing with our economic problems at their Wall Street roots
GA: Judge upholds ban on guns in places of worship
Sarah Palin screams her own name while having sex, so who finally convinced her to STFU?
Bush White House improperly held political briefings, report says
Special Forces, Counter Insurgency, Counter Terrorism-who would kill a baby with their bare hands?
Republicans Rehearsing Grouchy Facial Expressions for State of the Union
Two dead at Tarir Sq. and they're tweeting for doctors to come.
It's prom night at the State of the Union.
It's prom night at the State of the Union.
State tax refunds taken back, Georgians left with overdraft fees
**Egypt situation on BBC World News
Proof In The Polling: Republican Approval Plummets As They Ignore The Economy
Wierd that CNN is carrying Bachman's idiot address tonight & Fox isn't.
?Why Are Repubs Going to Shoot Their Wad?--something is odd here
Jon Stewart Calls out Fox News on Nazi Hypocricy
Jon Stewart Calls out Fox News on Nazi Hypocricy
will obama reveal UFO and ET contacts in the SOTU?
It’s Official: Ed Rendell(Former PA Gov) Joins NBC News
Ex-Boston official gets 3 years in bribe case
Obama is taking a big risk by talking about UFO's tonight.
Canadian winters getting milder
Floridians, hang on to your hats tonight and be safe. Bad weather coming....
Luntz Trying to Freep CNN's Real-Time SOTU Poll
Death Threat for a Palin Critic
Illinois Supreme Court to hear Rahm Emanuel case; stays on ballot
Nostalgic Blast from the Past...SOTU...Jan.11, 1944
I hope Keith is getting a slice of the profits
Arkansas Republican State senator apologizes for high-speed chase.
Official SOTU drinking game! (48 things to look for)
Stinky predicts: Rahm will be the next Mayor of Chicago
Stinky predicts: Rahm will be the next Mayor of Chicago
Bob Shrum? really? Cenk Ugyur really wanted him as a guest?
Egypt: President's Son and Family 'Have Fled to the UK'
FOKNewsChannel is on the air: Tweet from KO
Cenk Uygur's opening show on MSNBC.
I think Minnesota is a great state but seriously.....
Keith has set up another Twitter account - FOKNewsChannel
There was a throw down in the House today (Issa vs Dems)
Hero Giffords intern Daniel Hernandez to sit in Michele Obama's box for honored guests at SOTU
How Many On DU Have Taken Early SS Benefits?
Is the Tea Party getting prime time time to give a mini SOTU??
From WaPo -- Parts of the SOTU address:
Shep Smith just described Bachmann as "Out there where the trains don't run."
Shep Smith just described Bachmann as "Out there where the trains don't run."
Pete Schweddy RUMORED to be #1 on MSNBC's Olbermann replacement "wish list"
Judicial review - Obama and Alito one year later
Judicial review - Obama and Alito one year later
The three questions to ask after a crime or catastrophe.
Christina Green's family to attend State of the Union
Report: Xenophobic laws causing towns and businesses to bleed money
I am not Ted Williams but I need a job!!!!
We don't need no stinkin high speed Ohio
We don't need no stinkin high speed Ohio
Man fired for wearing Packers tie is offered new job
Will Bristol Palin join Arizona's Mix 96.9?
President Obama to call for 5-year freeze on non-military government spending in SOTU speech.
11 police shot within 24 hours.
Robert Gibbs has herpes on his upper lip? Sure looks like it. On CNN now.
Robert Gibbs has herpes on his upper lip? Sure looks like it. On CNN now.
N.R.A. Stymies Firearms Research, Scientists Say
I Thought It Was Polite to Listen to the Speech Before You Released a Statement on It?
I Thought It Was Polite to Listen to the Speech Before You Released a Statement on It?
i've deleted MSNBC from my favorites
Would this device be available to any of the 50 million Americans without health insurance?
BBC: 2011 could be the Middle East's 1989
UMC ICU nurses talk about personal experience with Giffords
Doritos has posted two gay-themed ads for the Superbowl. Will they run them?
On Michele Bachmann's home planet, "Founding fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery"
Joe "You Lie" Wilson to be escorted by two Democratic congresswomen
A Physicist Explains Why Parallel Universes May Exist - NPR
A Physicist Explains Why Parallel Universes May Exist - NPR
Colbert has claimed all Keith's power
Colbert has claimed all Keith's power
Another GOP response - Fla. Rep gives GOP response to Obama in Spanish
White supremacist terror manual found in connection to attacks on police
White supremacist terror manual found in connection to attacks on police
LIBERAL MEDIA! CNN's Dana Bash rips the LID off of "Pelosi Not Sitting With Cantor-Gate!"
Another ConWeb Writer Blames Music Lyrics for AZ Massacre
I just heard on Rachel Maddow's show
Police: SC woman kills dog because it chewed Bible
Well, after listening to Matthews take on Sall of the Tea Party Express, I have to take back
You can send a video question to Obama -- (I got the link from a e-mail):
ALERT !!! - Did Pentagon Spike CNN Story Re: Manning's Treatment ???
The Rich Are Different: They Don’t Need to Follow Tax Law - FDL
Egypt:"This is taking place in the same city (Cairo) where Obama gave his speech to the Muslim world
Sometime between 2030 and 2040 mandatory spending will exceed revenues.
Keith will be live-tweeting tonight's SOTU
Sexual violence in Alaska is far worse than reported
Concerning the fellow who was fired for wearing a Green Bay tie...
They can cure it now, apparently.
Is the Tea Party getting prime time time to give a mini SOTU??
Wyoming considering shariah ban in order to protect itself from it's 260 Muslims
Ford to be the second automaker to begin selling a pure-electric vehicle
So far, how do you rate the SOTU address?
Why Oscar snubbed ‘Superman’ -- deservedly so
Slowpoke Toon: Hating the wrong thing
TPM: Rand Paul's Plan To Slash Spending By $500 Billion Immediately
Holy cr@p! Anyone watching the protests in Egypt? (eta link)
Excerpt of Rep. MIchelle Bachmann's Tea Party response to SOTU speech:
Bracing for another loss to the Whining Wealthy Right
Bachmann SOTU response drinking game
Olbermann’s Ouster: ‘In the Barracuda Tank, No One Reads a Memo’
bu$h* political office overstepped limits, investigators say
Andy Borowitz is having fun with the SOTU on Twitter
Andy Borowitz is having fun with the SOTU on Twitter
Lawsuit to Taco Bell: Where's the beef?
President Obama won't reject Social Security cuts in his State of the Union address.
President Obama won't reject Social Security cuts in his State of the Union address.
U.N. chief condemns rights expert's 9/11 comments
Lawrence O'Donnell's First-Night Ratings 50% Higher Than Olbermann's Average
Ukraine's topless female protest movement (pic at link)
Ukraine's topless female protest movement (pic at link)
Critics slam Georgia paper for doctored photo of governor as Nazi
Wanna hear a story about a scumbag, who is also a New York state senator?
Want To See Some Of The 'Progress' We're Making In Afghanistan?
Want To See Some Of The 'Progress' We're Making In Afghanistan?
Obama Did NOT Denounce Raising the Retirement Age Today
Sexual violence in Alaska is far worse than reported, study finds
Washington State Joins the Movement for Public Banking
Video that lead to firing of british sportscaster - pulls out his penis in front of female colleague
Bush White House Broke Elections Law, Report Says
Email MSNBC President Phil Griffin your thoughts on Keith
Jon Stewart's short comment regarding Keith Olbermann - VIDEO
In Case Primaries Are Part of Democracy
What I want to hear from Barack Obama tonight and it's a very simple statement -
Topeka man gets life in prison without parole for distribution of meth
What progressive/left shows do you watch and/or listen to?
Americathon: or Impoverished People Don't Give a Fig about Democracy or the Republic.
Right news, Left news, How about a just the fucking facts news?
Minnesota State bird — Common Loon
Caucasian dad's answer to Tiger Mom
I've Been Missing for 6 months third try at Cure
US Case Against Wikileaks’ Julian Assange Collapses
Anyone up for an obtuse conservative theory regarding the State of the Union?
Any DUers Live In the Back Bay Area (CA Delta)?
Only 47% of working age Americans have full time jobs
Do you think farm subsidies should be cut?
I'm sick of Democrats acting like Republicans.
All Hell has broken loose in Egypt. The Guardian's doing live updates.
Keith Ellison responds to smears of tea whiner rep Allen West
12 Iowa football players sent to the hospital
Christians Firebomb A Gay Man's House
Obama Nominates RIAA Lawyer for Solicitor General
Jared Loughner Has a Violence Problem, Not a Mental Health Problem
NBC: U.S. military officials admit they can't link accused Army private Manning to Julian Assange!
NBC: U.S. military officials admit they can't link accused Army private Manning to Julian Assange!
Russian Media Points to Moscow Airport Attack in U.S. Video Game
Peruvian Bishop: Don't Call Them Gay, Call Them "Faggots"
Peruvian Bishop: Don't Call Them Gay, Call Them "Faggots"
Do all these people have sleep apnea or is it being over-diagnosed?
Westboro Baptist Church Protests Kevin Smith Film at Sundance; Great Counter-protest
ROTC Policy on Wikileaks Threatens Academic Freedom
Woman cured of clinical depression by revolutionary surgery
UConn donor from Greenwich demands return of $3M donation to football program
Time to use Borders gift cards is now
Is It An Underage Sex Slave Ring, Or A Hoax? Either Way, Planned Parenthood Calls The FBI
If you lived in Chicago, would you have voted for Rahm?
DU this POT Legalization in Indiana poll!
Black Mother Jailed For Sending Kids to White School District
Judge throws out ban on online ammo sales
Big question! Why would anyone from the opposing party
Gun laws were tougher in old Tombstone
Lawrence says that if Obama doesn't address gun control tomorrow night...
Our beloved dog had to be euthanized last Wednesday
Why is the media pretending the Tea Party is a new political party? They're REPUBLICANS.
Why is the media pretending the Tea Party is a new political party? They're REPUBLICANS.
Please Share Your Observations Re: Food Inflation
America’s ‘culture of cruelty’ The violence in AZ has deep/pervasive roots
This Modern World: Knowing vs. not knowing
Kitty burps are adorable (Part II).
`We could ALL take a tip from prairie dogs. They're only so photogenic because THEY WORK AT IT!!!
Jessica Simpson's "ass prayer tweet" isn't half as funny as the responses from the Internets...
Question about emotion and corresponding movie genre ...
State of the Union Address Drinking Game
Where is the tawdry lips forum?
Anyone else believe as strongly as I do that this is what Jimi was actually SEEING most of the time?
Need some debt consolidation help if possible
California to Mid-Atlantic (and v/vs) transplants? (inspired by Pryderi's post)
I see Neil Young's "Ragged Glory" as his last GREAT album. Agree? Disagree?
Videogamers! Want the shit scared out of you?
Provided as a PSA by MiddleFingerMom -- "P.B.E." (Public Bathroom Etiquette):
I just found one MORE excuse not to work out.
Disneyland -- Not just for kids anymore.
The bestest fruit salad ever... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...EVER!!!!!
Just ONE of the benefits of MiddleFingerMom's infamous "All-Flesh Chili"...
Just to remind everyone, there are stupid people across the planet
What was this TV show? Can anyone help me here?
I just answered my (Mrs. V.'s) nephew's bogus forward-forward-forward about the ACLU and headstones
Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. ...
A priest is on an airplane and...
An idea for the state of the union tonight
Very cool World Music group=Cimbaliband
Obama is taking a big risk by talking about UFO's tonight.
Pavement - Father To A Sister Of Thought
Thinks that you cannot do to your pet without getting a warning bite.
This sounds like one of the MIT pranks: very imaginative!
I am the only one at home, didn't cook anything but the sink is full of dishes from today.
Oh man, the Girl Scouts are really in trouble!
Parole is Sustained for Lori Berenson
Question about online research
Predict the Republicans DOUCHE MOVE for the SOTU tonight..
I got a kindle for my b-day. What should be the first book I buy..
Guatemala massacre suspect faces charges in Calif
Report: Fox News gave GOP presidential candidates $55 million in free advertising
Mexico tights security ahead of Clinton's visit
Jared Loughner pleads not guilty to three Arizona charges
Man shot during robbery on Near West Side
Lebanese rally against Hezbollah in 'day of rage'
Doing computer upgrades for a friend. New (out of the box) hard drive catches fire
When did "problems" become "issues?"
Food Makers Devise Own Label Plan
Judge throws out ban on online ammo sales
Duct tape. Is there anything... ANYTHING it can't do?
Resurgent GM nips at Toyota's heels in sales race
Amnesty slams Shell over oil spills in Nigeria
Call Me Wesley leaves me the sweetest notes (Part VI).
Rwanda rebel leader Callixte Mbarushimana sent to ICC
Director of Policy on Climate Will Leave, Her Goal Unmet
Posada trial witness: Yacht brought Posada into U.S.
Authorities investigate new 'false positive' allegations
Gas Leak Closes 4 Columbus City Schools On Tuesday
Asians see France's G20 food push as part of solution
Egyptians hold anti-government protests
Palestinians condemn US plan to settle refugees in South America
Despite terror fears, UK softens curbs on freedoms
GOP Lawmakers Planning Meeting To Explore Alternatives In Afghan War
Resurgent GM nips at Toyota's heels in sales race
What is it with the pockets (or lack of) on women's jeans these days?
US Man Accused Of Smuggling Guns Into UK
Your Favorite (the) "King" (of)
Sudanese man dies after setting himself on fire
Oscar nominations 2011: 'King's Speech' leads with 12 nominations; 'True Grit' nets 10
Oscar nominations 2011: 'King's Speech' leads with 12 nominations; 'True Grit' nets 10
Ireland's finance minister secures deal to pass austerity bill
Researchers find smoking gun of world's biggest extinction
Guantanamo Bay Detainee to Be Sentenced in NYC
Greece to seek damages from Siemens over bribery claims
Egyptians hold anti-government protests
Cats... if ANYONE can redefine 'yin-and-yang' -- they can. Again and again and again.
White House Backs Down On Social Security Cuts In State Of The Union
Russian Media Points to Moscow Airport Attack in U.S. Video Game
Is David Fincher the new Kubrick, and/or why is THE SOCIAL NETWORK Best Picture Material?
Hero intern urging tighter gun laws
Oops Republican Asks Scalia About Constitutionality Of Earmarks
Suspect pleads not guilty in deadly Ariz. shooting
US can’t link Julian Assange to Bradley Manning: report
Hillary Clinton praises Mexico for its battle against drug cartels
Clinton Voices U.S. Support of Mexico in Trip
Supreme Court: Emanuel Stays on Ballot
Chicago man wears Packers tie to work, is promptly fired
Arizona lawmakers to save seat for Gabrielle Giffords at State of the Union
Court Rules Company Retaliated By Firing Fiance.
Montel Williams pushes medical marijuana bill
Court puts Rahm Emanuel back on ballot, agrees to hear case
Lawsuit Claims Taco Bell Not Using Real Beef
Twitter Blocked in Egypt As Protests Turn Violent
Egypt anti-govt protests escalate
Egypt activists begin Tunisia-inspired 'day of revolt'
U.S.: Gun raids show cartels at work in Arizona
Climate sceptic 'misled Congress over funding from oil industry'
No delays in Oct. 4 trial, underwear bomber is told
WikiLeaks: US military cannot find evidence linking Julian Assange to Bradley Manning
First Guantanamo detainee convicted in civilian court sentenced to life in prison
Twitter Is Blocked In Egypt Amidst Rising Protests
Detroit precinct shooter suspected in girl's kidnapping
White House 'strongly opposes' GOP bill to dismantle system of campaign financing
Kadhafi backs Tunisia revolt, slams foreign interference
Morocco to boost staples subsidies "at any price"
A Hefty Price for Entry to Davos
Clarence Thomas releases details of wife's past employment
Tony Blair was warned of 'Iraq danger' by civil servant
Body of Italian TV quizmaster snatched from grave
Jobless Rise in 20 States as Workers Still Laid Off
Obama Nominates RIAA Lawyer for Solicitor General
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday January 25, 2011
China to create largest mega city in the world with 42 million people
The Times Plans an ‘EZ Pass Lane for Leakers’
Udall indicates Senate is near compromise on filibuster rules
Does anyone have the old (20 years+) "Star Trek: The Next Drinking Game" list?
Google will hire at least 6,000 workers 'across the board' in 2011
anybody know what this is from?
Broad Protests Across Egypt Focus Fury on Mubarak.
Here's a really amazing YouTube on Yosemite in winter...
Congress to wear ribbons at State of Union to honor Arizona victims
Military Investigating Treatment of WikiLeaks Suspect
has there ever been a dumber song written?
Riots in Lebanon as Hezbollah secures leadership
McConnell: If Obama Acts Like A Republican, We Can Negotiate With Him
E-mails Show Bear Stearns Cheated Clients Out of Billions
Obama Viewed Favorably by 53% of Investors as Economy Improves
Blackwater suit tossed 7 years after grisly deaths
Justices Alito, Scalia, Thomas to skip State of Union address
JCPenney to shut down catalog outlets
U.S. arrests 17 in Mexico gun running bust
Official: Obama to call for 5-year spending freeze
Bush White House improperly held political briefings, report says (violated Hatch Act)
Alabama law firm to Taco Bell: That's not beef
Sleeping with your pet can make you sick
Indiana woman killed her 3 children and herself, police say
Feds Bust Drug Cartel Gun Smuggle Ring in Ariz.
NBC: U.S. can't link accused Army private to Assange Military also denies allegations that Bradley M
Birds vanishing in the Philippines
Jesse Ventura sues TSA, says body scans and pat-down searches violate rights
US child appeals against being tried for murder as an adult
Reid dismisses Obama's call for ban on earmarks
Food Makers Devise Own Label Plan
Few Students Show Proficiency in Science, Tests Show
Republican lawmakers taking aim at UN
Jay Greene on Making Schools Better
Janet Huckabee ARGUES With Arkansas State Trooper After Traffic Accident
Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin Moves to Create Single-Payer Healthcare 1 of 2
On Anniversary of Citizens United Ruling, Common Cause Calls for Investigation of Scalia and Thomas
High School Senior "Comes Out" in Assembly
White House White Board: The Costs of Repealing Health Reform
West Wing Week: 1/21/11 or ''A Rather Large Painting''
Rick Perry Wants To Force Abortion Patients To View Sonogram
Jesse Ventura: Corporate media, Censorship and American Conspiracies
2 of 7 What in the world are they spraying? (Chemtrails) Test results in!
Anderson Cooper AC360 - The Price Tag of DADT
Craig Ferguson on the Olbermann Thing
Incredible Michele Bachmann Speech Gets Every Historical Fact Wrong
Ed Schultz GOP fails to provide jobs
RAHM Emanuel Has 'NO DOUBT ' He'll Win Ballot Fight
Chris Matthews Right won't give up their violent words
Confronting David Rockefeller - Sunday Update
Lawrence O'Donnell Thanks Keith Olbermann
TDPS: Glenn Beck Compares Himself to Martin Luther King, Gets Facts 180° Wrong
Ed Schultz Is the GOP plotting a stalemate
subliminal messages - GOP pres. cand. Pawlenty's amazing "Courage to Stand"
Why is Glenn Beck Obsessively Targeting New York City Professor Frances Fox Piven? 2 of 2
Papantonio: Supreme Court Stooges
TYT: Obama Losing on Social Security
GOP House leaders increasingly accepting corporate 'donations'
MRN: O, What A Socialist Ejaculating Tyrant
Rachel Maddow- Republicans forego jobs for culture war
Egypt police fire tear gas as rioting erupts in Cairo
Corrupt Elites Won't Invest in US
MRV: What Inspires YOU About Politics?
Thom Hartmann: Former US Congressman Bob Ney on Casina Jack and State of the Union
Cenk Talks To Prof. Piven About Glenn Beck's List, Death Threats
TDPS: REAL public option & national healthcare might start with something GOP loves...states' power
State of The Union: Objective Jobs or Reelection?
Cenk TYT commentary: Obama Surrenders To Wall Street In New Op-Ed
This is riots in Cairo,I could not post it with Arabic script.
In Hypercompetitive South Korea, Pressures Mount on Young Pupils
Judge Rules White Girl Will Be Tried As Black Adult
Cenk & Robert Reich on President Obama, SOTU and Jobs
Fmr. Sen. Bill Bradley (D-NJ) on Tavis Smiley: Obama and divided government
Fmr. Sen. Bill Bradley (D-NJ) on Tavis Smiley: Unemployment and Obama's chances in 2012
Two Egyptian protesters, one police officer killed in anti-govt. protests
Downtown Cairo Jan 25 protests Singing national anthem
Chris Matthews predicts Obama will sing the praises of government in SOTU
PBS Newshour: Robert Reich responds to Obama admin's outreach to business community
Falafel Boy: MSNBC replaces hateful commentator he refuses to name
Code Pink: A Report Card for Obama
Egypt anti-govt protests escalate
Cenk Vs Gay Republican Round II - CPAC & GOPROUD
Joe Rogan - The American War Machine
Anderson Cooper Keeps Congresswoman Bachmann Honest
Egyptian Revolution : Massive protests
Thom Hartmann: Here's how you know that Big Business runs America
Home video of protests in Egypt
Supreme Court Justices Attended Koch Brothers Party
Senator Bernie Sanders 'This Country Is Moving In The Direction Of An Oligarchy'
Thom Hartmann: Professor Frances Fox Piven on Glenn Beck targeting her
Rachel Maddow Talks About Keith Olbermann's Departure
Oil Spill Commission Final Report: Catfish Responds
Cenk Uygur " We're Coming for You Fox News "
Stephen Moore: GOP ‘Hypocritical’ For Taking Gov’t Health Care
"Obama's speech may seek to redefine the "center"
Hiring Simpson and Bowles to help Working Americans
(Energy Adviser) "Carol Browner to leave White House"
Secretary Ray Mabus: Moving the Navy and Marine Corps Off Fossil Fuels
Obama set to back down on Social Security Cuts that he never Announced...n/t
"You've Never Seen a State of the Union Address Like This Before"
Inside the first lady’s State of the Union box
Rahm lost a court battle and is off the ballot for Chicago mayor!
Stop Job Off-Shoring Deal With Korea
"Senate rules reform won't happen"
Coming Together As One American Family
Could Obama see an even bigger increase in popularity after the SOTU? And what it means for 2012...
CNN Poll: Americans more optimistic on state of nation, +14 points since December
Hardball: Discussing Glen Beck's paranoia that the left will have to shoot him in the forehead.
White House Says Chinese Folk Song Played During State Dinner Was Not An Insult; Experts Divided
Russian parliament ratifies START
January consumer confidence jumps above expectations
I see tweety is still holding two time slots
Currently, the RCP Presidential Approval Index has Obama at...
On America's safety net, Social Security, President Obama's actions speak louder than rumors
Making The Case For Infrastructure
PPP: Breaking down the Allen/Webb REMATCH
Politico: Three Democrats Demand Filibuster Vote
Eugene Robinson: How Government Money Should Be Spent
As Randy says the rethugs love the fetus but hate the babies
What the speech has done already
Empty seat will honor Giffords Tuesday night
Skip the State of the Union tonight to watch college basketball?
Suddenly, the GOP loves the economy
67 Percent Of Tea Partiers Would Rather Raise Taxes Than Raise The Social Security Retirement Age
Independents return to Barack Obama
The "Obama is going to cut SS" crap strikes me as the same as "Obama is going to make death panels"
Cantor: Repeal That Job-Creating Infrastructure Project In My District ...
Obama Met With Former Bush Strategist Matthew Dowd
The Republicans' platform is to cut the deficit but we can outdo them
Obama to Propose Budget Freeze, Earmark Ban, Spending on innovation, education, infrastructure
Six members of SCOTUS to attend SOTU - three partisan tools think they have better things to do.
Obama Improves Standing In NC, Leads All 2012 GOP Challengers
Corporate lackey R's blame 'overregulation' for stifling job creation. No, it's a lack of demand.
Don't be grousing, Harry Reid, when the Republicans keep blocking bills from going forward
Dan Abrams FAUX apologist site now pushing Birther lies.
Another Look at Rep. Ryan’s “Reverse-Robin-Hood Budget Plan”
Excerpts Of The 2011 State Of The Union - "This is our generation’s Sputnik moment."
How can Bachmann give a response to the President's SOTU speech
Obama has delivered much of what he promised
NPR reporting will stream President Obama's SOTU speech LIVE complete with charts
Summary of Obama's upcoming SOTU address
Weiner: Obama has 'bum rap' on relationship with business community
President Obama is so bad, it takes TWO Republicans to respond to him
Deliberate Opposition To Job Growth-'They' Don't Care
Social Security backers on alert for Obama 'code' for benefits compromise
Less than two years out of bankruptcy, Government Motors has a shot to reclaim world sales title..
How To Watch The State Of The Union Live Online
Transcript of Michelle Bachman's Tea Party State of the Union speech released
BREAKING-IL Supreme Court issues stay on Emanuel ruling
Official: Obama to call for 5-year spending freeze
Is anyone else disgusted that were talking about taking SS off the table and not how to improve it?
Michele Bachmann Speech Drinking Game Guide
Financial Crisis Commission Finds Cause For Prosecution Of Wall Street
Do you plan on watching the SOTU and or the surrounding comments/rebuttals, etc? Photo of John Boehner looking smashed in a bar!!
So far tonight, MSNBC seems slow, lethargic and boring
Hillary Clinton: “We are absolutely committed to closing Guantanamo"
CNN's airing of Bachmann's SOTU response irks Democrats and Republicans
It is important that President Obama take SS off the table tonight.
The Social Security outcome doesn't mean you should trust or not trust Obama
Alright, you've got a 20 minute meeting with Obama, one on one
The rhetoric of fear feeds terror
Is Egypt About To Have a Facebook Revolution?
Guardian UK: Britain must learn to decline gracefully
Bush White House improperly held political briefings, report says
Ex-Colombian President's Past Haunts UN Probe of Israel
Juan Cole: Bradley Manning and Mohamed Bouazizi
Eugene Robinson:In the GOP's budget, a surplus of spite
The Year of Living Dangerously: Rising Commodity Prices, Extreme Weather Threaten Global Stability
Jared Loughner and the Armed Madhouse* by Paul Street
The REAL Reason Rahm Was Booted From Chicago Mayoral Race
The War on Public Workers by Steve Breyman
Massive Budget Slashing Can Lead to Economic Disaster, Violence and Repression
HRW highlights Egypt human rights violations in annual report
2011 State of the Union Drinking Game
William Rivers Pitt: The Olbermann Era
How are Obama and Skins alike?
Covering The Assault On Working People
Taking Mom And Pop To The Cleaners: How The Small Business Lobby Hurts Small Business
Thomas Schaller: Violence on the Right: More Evidence
China to create largest mega city in the world with 42 million people
Social Networking are a 'modern form of madness'
Tunisia political turmoil inspires Jordan protesters
One in Six Seniors Lives in Poverty, New Analysis Finds
Dictators everywhere are living in fear of Tunisian example
Hitchens broadside: The King's Speech is good movie, bad history
Nicole M. Foss from Automatic Earth
Utah's $1.5 billion cyber-security center under way
Justices Alito, Scalia, Thomas to skip State of Union speech -
Abandoned Uranium Mines: An "Overwhelming Problem" in the Navajo Nation
Cold Jumps Arctic ‘Fence,’ Stoking Winter’s Fury
Rare whale tracked leaving Bering Sea for Gulf of Alaska
Industrial ag once again demanding free pass to crap in your backyard
India's Environment Minister Works Hard To Reassure Corporations, Investors That He's Not "Dr. No"
Floodwater Extent In Victoria Equal To Surface Area Of Luxembourg - Telegraph
Since 1980s, Liberia Has Lost 95% Of Its Elephants To Poachers - Mongabay
Prairie Provinces Facing Big Spring Floods - Millions Of Wheat Acres May Go Unplanted
Pat Michaels Facing Potential Congressional Inquiry On Charges He Misled Them About Who Funds Him
Not Just The OCO Loss - Whole US Fleet Of Climate & Weather Satellites Aging & Infirm
Clean Development Mechanism Doing Nearly Nothing To Cut Emissions, UN Official States
Sea Shepherd finds the Nisshin Maru
Climate Benefits of Natural Gas May Be Overstated
Running on Empty---Dave Horsey
Polar bear's epic nine day swim in search of sea ice (BBC)
Fatih Birol - In Absence Of Serious Global Effort, Prepare To Kiss 2C Warming Goal Goodbye
The colourful tailings ponds from the uranium processing plant.
No Indication That Carol Browner's Climate & Energy Job Will Be Filled Once She's Gone
Environmental Report Card: Obama Gets "C-" for First Half of Term
One Day Before "Moratorium" Deadline, Indonesia Grants 3 Million Hectares Of Forestry Concessions
VW Diesel-Electric Concept Car Gets 261 MPG
Maine Gov. LePage (Profane Teabagger/Ignoramus): Loosen rules on environment
Crematorium to heat council swimming pool
Kucinich: What are we going to Sacrifice for War?
Let's see who here knows this correct answer to this question.....
ATF ‘emergency’ long gun reporting an agenda-driven power grab
I see another bright red sky tonight....
Mayors Push for Enforcement of Background Checks (MAIG - Bloomberg and Co.)
My thoughts on common sense and reasonable and H.R. 308.
N.R.A. Stymies Firearms Research, Scientists Say
ATF technical classifications create back door ‘gun control’
The devil is greedy and a glutton and that ensures his failure which reminds me of why gun control
U.S.: Gun raids show cartels at work in Arizona
Gun raids show cartels at work in Arizona
US Report shows Mexican drug cartels buying guns in Arizona
Peggy Noonan says Obama should propose Ext Mag Law-Repubs won't go to wall
'Flashlight' shoot happened before (Accidental Cop shootings - NY/TX)
U.S.: Gun raids show cartels at work in Arizona
GA: Judge upholds ban on guns in places of worship
N.R.A. Stymies Firearms Research, Scientists Say
Another police impersonator home invasion--in very rural Maine
An honest question for gun control proponents
Honest debate means honest definitions.
My current carry sidearm is a 50s vintage 1911a1,
A tactic in arguing against pro-gun advocates
Guatemala massacre suspect faces charges in Calif
Ex-Colombian President's Past Haunts UN Probe of Israel
Group: Near 14,000 murders in Venezuela last year
Human Rights Watch asks to meet with VP Garzon
Authorities investigate new 'false positive' allegations
Posada trial witness: Yacht brought Posada into U.S.
Condoleezza Rice: send Palestinian refugees to South America
12 Iowa football players sent to the hospital.
UConn Donor Robert Burton Demands Return Of $3M, Name Off Complex
Jay Cutler's knee looks fine in this photo
Frito-Lay: Those Aren't OUR Gay Ads
This passes as 'news' on "[Rev.] Joel Osteen: Homosexuality is a sin."
Cumming Slams Everett and Chamberlain 'Think about a little gay boy in WI or lesbian in AR"
How can allies of the GLBT community best serve this cause for justice?
Hamas tells Palestinian refugees to protest
Abbas welcomed home as hero while Qatar denounced
Hezbollah turning to undemocratic means: Geagea
Iran not working on bomb: Israel intelligence head
Ireland upgrades status of Palestinian mission to embassy
Condoleezza Rice: send Palestinian refugees to South America
Palestinians condemn US plan to settle refugees in South America
OMG! I think Pope Ratzinger finally gets it!
I decided to expand my searhes into scripture today
Sumerians look on in confusion as God creates world
A Virginia school district is restoring the Ten Commandments to their classroom walls
What happened between Herod trying to kill baby Jesus and adult Jesus being crucified ...
More to a Smile Than Lips and Teeth
NASA image - super massive black hole - check it out.