Condoleezza Rice: send Palestinian refugees to South America
Senate Judiciary Committee schedules vote on Graves nomination and 10 District nominees
Whenever I hear Bachmann's name, I am reminded of another SOTU
Republicans stage "Get Motivated" business seminar.. is really GOP Town Hall Ripoff...
What will be the best online live feed of the SOTU address?
I have a big What the Fuck? Can anyone help me?
Tea Party taking over CNN? Starts tonight IMO
BBC to cut online budget by 25% (BBC)
The only thing I can think of worse than Bachman/Tea Party giving a SOTU rebuttal . . . .
Not The Onion: Dreier and Waters to coordinate outfits for State of the Union
I Only Have One Question About "Date Night" At The SOTU...
I love the name "FOKNewsChannel"
Full text of speech (SOTU) draft obtained by National Journal
Russian TV Links Modern Warfare 2 To Russian Massacre
The RELIGION of the Constitution... Chris has
Chris Matthews Is Pounding Tea-Bag Leader Sal Russo on HardBall....
Schools: Show us the results, we will show you the money:
Remember this.... Warning, may make you vomit....
Steny's gonna call VP Joe Tomorrow...
Bush White House Violated Law By Using Gov't Resources To Support GOP in '06 Elections
GOP Leaders looking to ban same-sex marriage in DC.
Why do they do this? Why does the WH release excerpts of the speech before its given?
Why do they do this? Why does the WH release excerpts of the speech before its given?
Hey CNN - Yes - GM Is Selling A Lot Of Cars In China .......
I can't decide if I should watch a comedy movie tonight or Bachman's speech?
Obama brings up DADT in the SOTU
Gingrich calls for replacing EPA
Piers Morgan? Are you bloody kidding me?
cop's son video taped sucker punching homeless man settles - Pays med bills & donation to NAACP.
Tweety claims POTUS will give separate speech on gun control
A Supreme Conflict of Interest (sign please)
Google has changed. I used to be able to search and get
Is there already "buyers remorse" with the teahadists?
Is there already "buyers remorse" with the teahadists?
Corporations Take Advantage of Prison Labor
Well I usually do SOTU and other things with my frenemies at DU
The congress is being allowed to take their Blackberry's into House, and will be tweeting.
There's my man Dennis Kucinich!
Obama uses the word war four times and terror two times
Home/Condo owners - Question about insurance
"The stock market has come roaring back. Corporate profits are up. The economy is growing again."
"The stock market has come roaring back. Corporate profits are up. The economy is growing again."
Howard Dean: "Bachmann looks like she's from outer space"
This filing in one at a time is worse than the red carpet at the Golden Globes
what Obama should write on his hand tonight
Shall we liveblog KO's tweeting of SOTU?
Anybody Know Who The Poor Schlub Is That Has To Stay Out Of The SOTU...
Are all those women in Red jackets
I'll Say This Once, And Then Let It Go...
I'll Say This Once, And Then Let It Go...
word cloud of tonight's speech
Which Republican is mostly to yell at the President?
Why in the Fuck is Blitzer talking about Cutting Social Security
Why in the Fuck is Blitzer talking about Cutting Social Security
Is Bachmann going to be standing during her speech?
CNN streaming live video of SOTU "arrivals." What is this, the red carpet?
Chess Experts’ Brains Work Differently
Wow, is MSNBC pumping the Lawrence, Rachel, Ed and Chris lineup......
U.S. home prices slide into 'double dip'
How about FAIR Trade for an Innovation ya Jack Ass
Love him kissing SUPREMES, w good hug for Ruth B-G.
Scalia, Alito and Thomas missing
I think they should keep this mixed seating all the time.
***** Official 2011 STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS Live Blog *****
For those wanting some fun - a link to the freakrepublic SOTU thread....
For those wanting some fun - a link to the freakrepublic SOTU thread....
If Chris M. & others had hammered away at the rightwingers years ago..
I keep hearing 'we' - not sure if that word registers with some in political power
Poll: Would you support a repeal of Medical Marijuana?
Poll: Would you support a repeal of Medical Marijuana?
Boehner is the kind of guy that would unrec a positive thread on DU.
Boehner looks more orange then usual tonight next to Obama's brown tone and Biden's creamy beige
Foreclosure horror: home filled with dead pets
1st time I have ever had to log off DU for fear
Report details Bush admin Hatch Act violations
US wants Internet, cell records held longer
end the wars and the deficit will repair itself
the earmark bull, veto money to the states
Questions for tonight's SOTU as you watch it: Do you feel represented?
If your blackberry is more important than the SOTU...
Hi Speed Rail, Faster than flying, WITHOUT THE PAT-DOWN!
Has he referred to the guests in his box yet?
Has he referred to the guests in his box yet?
Purple does not go with orange
***** Official 2011 STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS Live Blog ***THREAD #2**
Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly watching the State of the Union
Borowtiz tweet on SOTU and Keith Olberman...LOL
For those who missed it: Here's a link to the Hardball segment with Sal Russo...
How can Repubs not clap for "Not allowing Insurance Companies to deny due to preexisting conditions
More free trade agreements...UGH
The *only* way to cut our deficit is to cut costs...
No applause from the New Speaker on the idea
"It gets even more complicated when they're smoked"
You Tweet questions to live replies at WH web site:
Brilliant Mr. President - He tried to get Boehner to cry on national TV
How about FAIR Trade for an Innovation
Tunisia. And what about the Egyptian people?
please forgive me- after 45 min- has he mentioned wars?
As a group of posters in the last hour - You all sure are whiny!
dang, boehner and military folk sat there after Obama mentioned gays in the military
The President looks much younger on the replay.
CNN will air Tea Party Response and GOP response live
I don't know about you but now I'm revved up to hunt down some terrorists.
How was the state of union speech?
I don't have a television on, but let me guess all the news is talking about a speech they had in
Internet has been out, I missed the fireworks, damn...
Alexander Hamilton is apparently not a founding father. nt
If the Teabaggers are getting two responses, then why is the Progressive wing
I don't like Paul Ryan's politics, but at least he's smart.
What is more stupider than Bachmann?
Folsom man with beard can't become (prison) guard, says AG
White supremacist terror manual found
Man, Ryan has huge ears! Ok, so I'm superficial. It's true! NT
President Obama towers over everybody in politics and government
I just dont trust Obama anymore
GOP Response - The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Not Enough Fear!
***** Official 2011 STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS Live Blog ***THREAD #3**
Hilarious reactions to Boner on Twitter:
I had never really watched the Office until tonight.
I had never really watched the Office until tonight.
Why doesn't DU simply give a total of recs versus unrecs?
Help: anybody know where I can get
Why doesn't DU give a total of recs versus unrecs?
Translation of the republican response
Will the networks allow a rebuttal to counter bachmann?
Was the speech to yours and my right? Yes. But it wasnt Right Wing n/t.
There really should have been an effort to get the Tea Party to give a response to both
repub not tweeting nice post SOTU
Um... With The State Of The MSM (Such As It Is), Why Ain't Bachmann's Response Being Televised ???
Why is a 12 year old boy doing the Rep Response?
Alternative Live Snarking of the SOTU @ Witstream
Any discussion in the SOTU about Guantanamo or Manning?
For those who actually watched and listened: Was the speech, in your view, more Dem or more Repub?
I would like to state: "I hate Yahoo "news"." It is so right leaning it makes
Republican response to State of the Union
Republican response to State of the Union
Did Anybody Comment Here On The Non-Reaction Of The Military Brass......
Heh! Obama just made Boner cry!
Heh! Obama just made Boner cry!
And Now......The Batshit Crazy Response....
Did You Know That The Addams Family Eliminated Slavery ???
Bachmann just compared Obama to Tojo.
Well that response was a snoozer.
Van with human traffickers crashes in Bradenton Publix parking lot
Rep. Broun on Twitter: Mr. President, you believe in socialism
Fact checking bachmann will be fun to do
Does Bachmann Have Any Clue As How To Talk TO The Camera ???
Flashback: Obama Ridicules McCain’s Call for Spending Freeze
Ending Big-Oil Subsidies Would Save 20 BILLION Over The Next 5 Years...
President Obama, Best Republican President since President Clinton!!!
Evidently I can’t find the right google phrase—please help
So Roberts is the only Conservative USSC justice in attendance
Freeper: Batshit Crazy Bachman 2012 ticket "would send the biggest "Message" since Ross Perot."
Screw Bachman! It's time for the Daily Show
My favorite moment: Obama kissing Justice Sotomayor and Justice Kagan
Right-wing morons try to pull a James O'Keefe/ACORN on Planned Parenthood
Borowitz tweet re Bachman speech
When they say, "cut spending"...
I firmly disagree with the President on serveral points
Two U.S. Nuclear Power Plants Had Leaks Today: Move along folks, nothing to see here!
Is anyone else slightly reminded of "The Princess Bride" right now?
Just flipped to MSNBC from CNN - and couldnt stay because Keith was not there
Let's review what the "sell out" President talked about...
Was there ever a "Code Pink" response to the SOTU in the past?
Did Bachmann just reference Iwo Jima war imagery in regards to Obama being a totalitarian
So now the media can make time for 2 republican responses?!
Democratic President Calls For All Colleges To Embrace ROTC
Um, what the heck was that Iwo Jima photo doing on the screen?
derby's quick review of all three speeches tonight
derby's quick review of all three speeches tonight
I think the reason alot of people didn't like Obama's speech was because
I think the reason alot of people didn't like Obama's speech was because
Now we know whey they pick on Obama using a Prompter...
Mandatory Tuesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! SOTU Edition
David Axelrod wins the Pundit Evening!
32 Recent Plane Incidences in the USA?!
From Canada: 'Desperate days in small-town America'
ASL translation of the Bachmann response to the SOTU. (for the hearing-impared)
Wow... Look For This Video... David Gergen Attempts To Kick Ari Fleischer's Butt...
Actual tweet from actual congressman
Candy Crowley on Bachmann's speech: "It is what it is."
Why exceptionalism IS a problem
Boehner-Bachmann 2012. Mark Foley-Bachmann 2012. Oliver North-Bachmann 2012. DeLay-Bachmann 2012.
Ooh! Rachel is on late for a special show
Ha! #whatisbachmannlookingat - Make it a top Trend on Twitter!
I think back on the presidents in my lifetime, and I am most proud to have President Obama as...
Just wanted to say congratulations......
SOTU. You are an American. Do it yourself.
Paul Begala Said Progressives Love this President...Eeeek!
Now with the openly gay policy in the military my question is
As I listened to the obligatory thanks to our troops and the call for colleges and universities
Great Line From My Mom Re: Ryan's Response...
Filed my Federal income tax return yesterday (electronically)
Did fox carry bachman's responce in full? Oh I can hope can i.
Rep Giffords upgraded from Serious to GOOD
LA Times: Mother describes border vigilante (Minutemen) killings in Arizona
All right... I'm getting mad. Can't find the video or Bachmann.
Make a note of this figure & use it as a reminder during tonight's SOTU...
Make a note of this figure & use it as a reminder during tonight's SOTU...
Tonight in Cairo, the Parliament is Surrounded
Greatest response to Bachmann and her idiot followers
Rachel covering how CNN actually ran Bachmann's "response," err comedy of errors... next
Obama on social security from SOTU
Republican and conservative Dems tell people to pull themselves up by the boot straps
Tea Party Express Web Site Ignores Bachmann
Toyota recalling nearly 1.7 million vehicles!
FRONTLINE: the wounded platoon | PBS
FRONTLINE: the wounded platoon | PBS
Alec Baldwin to replace Olbermann?
Alec Baldwin to replace Olbermann?
NAILED: Rachel Says Tonight's Speech Was, "A Prayer To The Free Market"
Transcripts to all speeches from tonight
Does anyone have a transcript of the speech?
Hey, remember when the networks gave prime time coverage to the antiwar movement's speeches?
Gabby's first tweet, today, Happy Birthday to Daniel Hernandez,
"Was this the SOTU or a rorschach test?"
Anthony Weiner - Obama's speech stellar.
In honor of Lady MachBachmann, one from the Vaults
Paul Ryan: Sure, some of President Obama's words were reassuring...
Did I miss them or were 3 Supreme Court Justices missing this evening?
Malia Litman: Second Prostitute about to drop shoe on Todd Palin
The Palestine papers and the dead-end of nationalism
House Republicans will try to ban gay marriage in Washington, D.C.
YAY! Bush didn't give the State of the Union tonight!
Bwahahaha! John Marshall live blogs Bachmann's SOTU Response
The light bulb law Bachmann is bitching about was a Bush Adm. law
Has Mooselini responded to the SOTU yet?
To those who watch Bachmann's TeaBaggrebuttal, from Minnesota, we apologize...
I think someone is missing.. important person
Ex-Washington, DC schools chief escalates campaign against public education
Did anyone even notice that Obama referred to the DADT repeal and DREAM Act in this speech.
Reuters: FLASH: Obama Will Say Can't Afford Permanent Extension of Tax Cuts for Wealthiest Americans
Keith live-blogging SOTU on Twitter.
Keith live-blogging SOTU on Twitter.
Joe Walsh is a tea bagger? Who knew.
Blue Cross CEO says providers must control costs, or else
Egypt is on the Edge of Full-Blown Revolution
Government Economic Intervention: For Whom?
Guess What Branch Of The Government a Right Winger Told Needs to Be Cut...
Lack of lethal-injection drug means Florida must develop new execution procedure
Today's Dilbert-the trickle on your heads theory
Moonie Times: Bachmann Wins teh Night!
Keith Olbermann on Bachman tweeting live--hilarious...
2010: More Suicides Than Combat Deaths In Military
Report: 35% of (wounded) warrior-unit soldiers face addiction
Predator Drones and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
David Pakman on SOTU: The GOod, The Bad, the Made-Up
($100 M) MV-22 Rates Good Marks, Some Concerns
UK protesters to show solitary with Egypt Embassy Demo 3-6pm TODAY
Gergen: educating our kids in math and science isn't about compassion.
U.S. inspector general calls for halt in funding $26 million Iraqi academy
So when do the GOP idiots start announcing their run for president?
FBI infiltrator prepared government raid on antiwar groups in Minneapolis and Chicago
State of the Union 2011: Obama urges co-operation
30 miners are reported to have been trapped by an explosion in a coal mine in north-eastern Colombia
The Republican response to the SOTU
America's diversity on display last night
Did the Democrats get a rebuttal?
Foreclosure Mills Pocketed $50 Mln From Fannie, Freddie
Cops: Palin Has NO Connection to Prostitute Ring
Jim Cramer Says Obama's Speech "Is A Hit... For Stocks"
Minneapolis Tea Party Slams Bachmann: ‘One Person Has No Right To Speak For The Whole Organization’
OMG, Stephanie Miller and Guys have me bending over. "If Boner
She'll always be Speaker Pelosi to me.
Robert Fisk: A new truth dawns on the Arab world
Planned Parenthood Busts Conservative "Sting" Attempt Reminiscent of ACORN Smear Campaign
Rand Paul piles on; on the heels of Bachmann
This New "D" brand sucks, I want some Real "D"
Anyone else think Boehner looked like he needs a laxative?
Michele Bachmann response thread
Michele Bachmann response thread
Did anyone listen Batshit Bachman last night?
The combined seating might have had some positive side effects.
Downsizing the world's top global news-gathering organization
Apple's Secretive Supply Chain Hides 'Pollution and Poison' in China, New Report
Michele Bachmann's response to the SOTU
Thoughts on Egypt, Tunesia and the US;
Fact Checking Rep. Bachmann's "Tea Party Response" To The State Of The Union
The F Word: No Solutions at State of the Union - Laura Flanders
U.S. to reap $312 million by shedding Citi warrants
U.S. to reap $312 million by shedding Citi warrants
Why is Bachman looking into the middle distance?
Is it just me or does Paul Ryan look like Eddie Munster?
I believe the President did a hell of a number tonight.
From Guantanamo to Supermax. Ghailani is sentenced to life for Embassy bombings.
CBO's Revised Budget Sees 2011 Deficit Rising To $1.5 Trillion; $4 Trillion In Deficit Through 2013
US and State Judges Likely among Swiss Bank Accounts Holders
Abbott to cut 1,900 jobs in restructuring
It's wonderful how they're so innocent
EYE ON KIRKUK - interesting pics
DJIA Rises above 12,000 This Morning
Ford to keep 3,750 jobs at Kansas City, Missouri plant that was in danger of closing
Alito, Thomas Headlined Political Fundraisers Chaired By Leading Right-Wing
The Dow Jones Industrial Average just topped 12000 for the first time since June 2008
Rachel Maddow Smacks Down CNN For Airing Bachmann's SOTU Response
Michigan bills would allow concealed guns in more places
Farmville Legal Fight: Who Owns "Ville?"
Gawd.. Make it stop! Make It STOP!
Air Force stands by (failing? / failed?) Gorgon Stare program
Is there still time for another UNREC option?
VP hubby said he looked like that puppet "Walter"
Ten (UK) troops a day suffer mental health problems in fight against Taliban
Public Polling Positive on ALL LGBT Issues
Public Polling Positive on ALL LGBT Issues
Missouri House to consider welfare drug testing bill.
Missouri House to consider welfare drug testing bill.
Missouri House to consider welfare drug testing bill.
Gov. Christie more interested in bringing another NBA team to NJ rather
Charlie Louvin, Country Music Hall Of Famer, Dies At 83
Charlie Louvin, Country Music Hall Of Famer, Dies At 83
White House, NATO Hold Up Afghan Force Size Increase
New picture of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and Mark Kelly (watching SOTU)
Governor Ed Rendell (D-PA), has signed on with NBC/MSNBC
Mr. Boehner - No Matter How You Slice It Your Legacy As The Speaker Is.....
Andy Borowitz's - BorowitzReport on Twitter is really funny tonight
"Fun Theory" contest makes people more socially responsible
"UConn Donor Demands Return Of $3 Million Donation." Make no mistake..
Nearly 26 million Americans have diabetes, 79 million U.S. adults have prediabetes
This dude (Ryan) is a "young gun"?
What do Republicans and some Legal Immigrants have in common?
"Oh my god. That's just crazy," ... "Really that is wacko."
Reading all these Olbermann threads this past weeks and I'm wondering...
Spokane Official: MLK Day Bomb May Have Been Filled With Rat Poison
860 Arrested in Two Days of Egyptian Protests
Absurdity of federal funding system
So, Powell thinks 25% of military budget is doable. I thought fiddy. What are we waiting for?
WHAT? No hopey-changey blood libel okey dokey S.O.T.U. rebuttal from the Talibunny?
NYC Blizzard Story Was - ANOTHER - GOP Political Fabrication
Insurers mine social networks for fraud
Those nasty foreign hands in Afghanistan
NH teachers: Guns in Statehouse = No Dr. Seuss readings
Covering The Assault On Working People
GOP’s Dick Lugar to the teabaggers: Bite me
Watching clips from last night's speech
Obama's Midway Economic Report Card - Nomi Prins
Did the GOP write the Bachmann response?
If corporations can pour in cash for our elections undocumented workers should be able to vote
CNN was the only television news organization to show Ms. Bachmann’s speech live
Bachman? Hilarious --- CNN? MORE Hilarious
Obama has wisely invoked Reagan-style optimism
If the Apollo moon landings were taking place today, would you support them?
Egypt protesters want freedom, but can they organize to get it?
Howard Dean: “It Is a Very, Very Good Speech. I Am Delighted.”
truthdig: 9 Out of 10 Viewers Approve of Obama’s Proposals
Hogwash, Mr. President...,..,By Robert Scheer at Truthdigs
Neocon Dreams of Mideast Empire Dashed by Revolts in Tunisia and Egypt
Question re: Post SOTU show on MSNBC
Assange and Posada in the Propaganda System
School Divides Students Based On Race, Gender
send this to your winger friends and watch their teabags explode
U.S. Home Prices Slump Again, Hitting New Lows
Christine O'Donnell Bashes Obama's 'Hypocritical' State Of The Union Address
Everyone deserves the same degree and quality of health
Full interview with Anthony Weiner
Walmart retreats from the Wilderness
Rachel is battling to preside over this MSNBC panel.
Americans love to think of themselves as middle class. A meaningless phrase.
So everyone heard Obama's pledge to add 100,000 new science, engineering and math teachers, right?
So everyone heard Obama's pledge to add 100,000 new science, engineering and math teachers, right?
Lol the Tea Party Terrorists are furious at Faux News showing their live link to Bachmann UPDATED
US child appeals against being tried for murder as an adult
Blair sister-in-law wants him tried for Iraq crimes
U.S. government to ditch colors in its terror warning system by the end of April, officials tell AP
Darrell Issa Bars Democratic Statement at Hearing on TARP
Your gut feeling... when do you think social security will run out of money?
Kansas Set to Become Only State to Eliminate Arts Commission
Comparison with another State of the Union
Comparison with another State of the Union
Obama seemed to be channeling JFK during his SOTU
Obama's Speech and America, Inc - Nomi Prins
"Egyptian Revolution Jan 25th 2011 - Take what's Yours!": (excellent video)
Damn Michele Bachmann really "Jindaled" herself bigtime
Obama's SOTU has been released!
Gabby Giffords' condition has been upgraded from serious to
(US Rep. Gabrielle) Giffords moves to rehab center in 'good' condition
Jimmy Carter's "malaise" speech and the SOTU
did he just say frivolous law suits...
Journalists beaten, websites blocked amid protests in Egypt
Weiner: I 'Needed A Drink' After Paul Ryan's Speech
'Crop circle' found in Indonesian rice paddy
Photo of courageous Egyptian protester
Oh, That Explains It: Michele Bachmann Is Blind
Anchorage cop says Todd is innocent, sets stage for Sarah's blood libel rant against Enquirer...
Obama: Aside From All The Weirdos And Freaks Around Here, The State Of The Union Is Strong
Singer Jimmy Buffett falls off the stage in Sydney, taken to hospital
Un-freep MICHELE BACHMANN poll, anybody? NY Daily News
Boehner To Give Keynote Address At Insurance Industry Conference’s ‘Lobbying Day’
Boehner To Give Keynote Address At Insurance Industry Conference’s ‘Lobbying Day’
Nader urges Fiat to recall 1993-2004 Jeep Grand Cherokees
Yesterday in Tahrir Square, Cairo, at 11 PM.
Well intentioned but ill considered
"An Implement Of Freedom---semiautomatic M1911 handgun the official Utah State Firearm"
Another Republican radio station bites the dust KVI Seattle
Planned Parenthood Calls In The FBI After Series Of O'Keefe-Like Encounters
Planned Parenthood Calls In The FBI After Series Of O'Keefe-Like Encounters
Same Old Bi-partisan Routine: LAMEST. CARTOON. EVER.
CAT FIGHT! (coming soon: between Queen Tea Baggers)
Paul Ryan's Social Safety Hammock
Singer Jimmy Buffett falls off the stage in Sydney, taken to hospital
Interesting lineup with the White House tomorrow.
CNN Video: Giffords moves to rehabilitation hospital
What is it Obama will be running on in 2012?
Bay Area among worst for laser shinings at planes
Localeaks: A Drop-Box for Anonymous Tips to 1400 U.S. Newspapers
Poor Australia - Tropical Cyclone Bianca
In what area does your state rank the WORST?
Tweety will have Matt Kibbe on today
Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, Head of 50 State Investigation, Retreats From “Tough With Banks” S
GOP majority leader backs plan to slash Social Security, Medicare
DHS ending color-coded security alerts
Is RW radio throwing Michele Bachmann under the bus?
Bachman accomplished something not thought possible:
Obama Again Flirting with Empty GOP Medical Malpractice Proposal
Obama Misses the Boat on Foreign Policy in SOTU
Bernie Sanders on MSNBC and CNN tonight
Someone always has to come in last...
Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney: There is no statute of limitations on war crimes.
Hate crimes cop in Suffolk County, NY: County executive frequently interfered with our work
Massachusetts budget cuts: Biggest in 20 years
Wal-Mart offers makeup and anti-aging products for 8-year-olds
Republican draws line on funding boost for 'failed' regulators
Appellate court guts Illinois public works program
I am not in a "safety net" Rep Ryan I earned my benefits
Video Game Health Warnings Coming? Congressman Would Like To See It
Can someone help me with a closed-captioning issue???
Mitch McConnell: If the president is willing to do what I would do anyway, we’re not going to say no
Mitch McConnell: If the president is willing to do what I would do anyway, we’re not going to say no
NYT: Wikileaks altered the helicopter video, "Collateral Damage."
Medicare official doubts health care law savings
I think we should start framing the message and call them the Teabag Party
Did Eric Holder say the 2nd Amendment did not allow you to bear arms?
Well Damn, Michelle can never run for President
Loughner Researched Political Assassins, Lethal Injection Before Shooting
Loughner Researched Political Assassins, Lethal Injection Before Shooting
Tweety is DESTROYING Bachmann and a co-founder of the Tea Party Express!
DUers did you ever think Bob Woodruff
Lisa Murkowski say she has left the House chamber to join her family at hospital due to son's surger
Worst Democratic SOTU Address ever?
State of the Union: I'm still unimpressed.
HuffPost's misguided step: a segregated website
Astronomers Discover Oldest Galaxy Yet Seen
Cancer patient Vietnam vet's COBRA coverage dropped due to $.02 shortage
not a dime's worth of difference
Freedom Rider: Middle Class Means Working Class
I believe the SOTU rallied support for the President at DU
I believe the SOTU rallied support for the President at DU
What's the deal in Egypt? Please explain.
Did anyone notice Obama diss Biden last night at SOTU?
Ed Rendell -the new face of MSNBC?
THREE More Smears Against WikiLeaks Fall (Pattern Emerging)
Kucinich sues cafeteria for $150K in dental injuries due to olive.
400 Rabbis protest Fox host's use of Holocaust imagery
400 Rabbis protest Fox host's use of Holocaust imagery
Miss. senator introduces federal anti-abortion bill with parallels to FL ‘personhood’ amendment
Obama: compete; GOP: be afraid.
My Version Of The Michele Backwards Bachmann Reality Strikes Speech/Add anything I missed
Ladies and Gentlemen of DU-GD. For a good time, it's Steampunk Palin:
If Gov. John Kasich does not grant this woman an immediate FULL PARDON, and if he allows her to...
States’ Lawmakers Turn Attention to the Dangers of Distracted Pedestrians
Insurance Company Drops Vet Over 2-Cent Shortage
Florida withdrew anti-gerrymandering amendments shortly after Rick Scott took office
I couldn't get past Ryan's strange blue eyes and facial gestures
KeithOlbermann is doing awesome tonight
A visual comparison of the State of the Union speeches from 2003 and 2011
Super Bowl versus Science Fair
Super Bowl versus Science Fair
Does he not KNOW that teachers are being laid off????
Obama Vs GOPers....."No Contest? The GOP is old generals fighting old wars...outdated and irreveren
Boehner On Bachmann's Response: 'I Had Other Obligations'
US Federal Government Defaulting on Loan payments
Huff Post: Another "Job Killer" Lie Exposed
Why did NBC just report Social Security has a 45 billion dollar deficit.
From Obama's mouth: The worst of the recession is over... Now is the time for pain.
Color-coded threat system to be replaced in April
We should stop ridiculing Michele Bachmann on DU.
John Cornyn's Office Mailed Suspicious Packages, Bomb Squad Detonates Devices: Report
Olbermann replacement O'Donnell Not Sold on Obama Speech; Bachmann refuses to look viewer in the eye
Roof Of IKEA Store Will Have 2,212 Solar Panels........
Lowe's cuts managers, plans lots more part-timers
Mom jailed for enrolling kids in wrong (majority white) school district
Something has been nagging at the back of my mind today
Keith added about 13,000 new Twitter followers in just 24 hours
"We can win the future...we do big things..." President Obama
President Obama Sounded...Presidential.
HuffPost Dismisses Labor Blogger
Axelrod: Obama Will Soon Enter Public Debate Over Gun Control
AP: FACT CHECK: Obama and his imbalanced ledger
Bristol Palin offered job on Phoenix radio show
"Innovation, Competition, and Global Economy" are bullshit words.
***Check in if you're proud of President Obama and his SOTU tonight***
Virginia lawmaker proposes castration for sex offenders
California city denies appeal, mosque will be built
Marines change commander at facility where WikiLeaks suspect (Bradley Manning) held
Petraeus foresees tough fight in Afghanistan
Shit Newt Gingrich Says: A Brief History
Obama uses ‘green’ emissions standards to push truckers into Teamsters union
Noam Chomsky: ‘President Obama Is Involved In War Crimes Right Now’
Matthews Yells At Tea Party Leader: Why Is ‘Balloon-Head’ Bachmann Speaking For You
Okay, I have to be honest...this is what I heard in Obama's SOTU
Memo to Rahm: 'Appear On the Ballot' May be Somewhat Misleading in Chicago
"He who is brave, is free." - Seneca - [Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt at 11 PM. 1/25/2011] Epic Photo
What is the hostility towards Military recruiters on campus? I'm young, maybe you can educate me?
How long are Democrats going to give Obama a pass on Private Manning?
Lol, Joseph Farah @ World Nut Daily thanks Limbaugh & Drudge for making 'Birthers' "respectable"
Cenk looks like he is finally firing on all cylinders tonight. This has been an amazing show.
Report details past problems with former Michigan assistant AG Andrew Shirvell
Color-coded terror warnings to be gone by April 27
Obama's economic war with Asia. It's Wall Streets war! You can count me out!
Things that make you shake your head-I was arrested for stealing my own car, says Bronx man
Obama's pitch for national unity: Let's stop fighting and go beat the Asians.
Paul Ryan-voted for 8 straight Republican budgets that increased spending by a staggering 50%"
Poll: What did you think of Pres. Obama's SOTU speech - ?
Oh give me a fucking break, american exceptionalism...
So where did Michelle Bachmann find those charts she used
Obama thinks the US is the only democracy in the world
You know I used to make a point to be at home for countdown
Sum Up The SOTU Address In One Word
Obama’s TSA pat-downs joke infuriates ACLU
Are the drone attacks in Pakistan...
my son wore obama tshirt today. kids make fun, he talked about bauck bauck bauckman
Unemployment Conspicuously Absent in the SOTU
California Redistricting - can we fix Issa's district so we can get rid of him?
The Rude Pundit: The State of the Union Is Not Going to Level With You
CBO: this year's budget deficit to hit $1.5T
I'm home from the hospital, I'm A-OK!
Mystery Piano appears in Florida
If 50%+ of America voted with the rich-worshipping neocons 3 mo ago, but 92% of America approved...
Michele Bachmann: Welfare Queen ~ Truthdig (family farm received over 250K in government subsidies)
So - I'm a girl! I cannot possibly ignore what to me looks like a busted glass ceiling
NYTs going massive with an attack on Assange and WL.
NPR or Commercial Progressive Talk Radio?
Why You Can't Trust the Inflation Numbers
Remembering history: what we should never forget-on January 27, 1945 the liberation of Auschwitz by
Marines Replace Commander in Charge of Detention of Bradley Manning, Accused WikiLeaker
Arkansas grocery stores place 'family shield' over Elton John cover of Us Weekly magazine
SC(R)OTUS -- a new term for our times
Onward Christian Soldiers . . . To Hypocrisy
Before you run for office, you might want to edit your Facebook page
a MUST read: Financial Meltdown Was ‘Avoidable,’ Inquiry Concludes
10 amazing truths you already suspected, By Mark Morford
Did Glenn Beck Lose His Checkbook?
Is this as bad as I think it is?
A Socialist Response to the State of the Union
The Republican Congress Hates America Part 2: Suitcases Full of Soylent Green
MSNBC Eyeing Alec Baldwin for Hosting Duties?
Obama Ignores Actual State of the Union, Makes A Nice Speech
Hogwash, Mr. President - by Robert Scheer
! Tell me if I'm wrong: Xfinity is using a Bach SANCTUS in one of its commercials.
Rep. Dennis Kucinich sues over olive pit in sandwich
I spent the better part of two years at TIRR (Gifford's hospital)
Is there no one that can speak for me?
Gawker: Dennis Kucinich Sues Congressional Cafeteria Over Olive Pit
Social Security to Run Deficits for Foreseeable Future, CBO Says
Another broken promise? (The Windfall Tax on Big Oil)
Healthcare Reform - Abandoning the Self Employed
Actually, I liked Ayn Rand’s books.
Actually, I liked Ayn Rand’s books.
DU3 Software Preview: Avatar Images and Signature Lines are now working!
If Rick Scott gives $5500 to each child who leaves public school to go to private or charter school
Chipotle fires "hundreds" in Minnesota after federal immigration audit.
Paul Krugman: The Ryan Response
When should the US leave Afghanistan?
Lead found in some reusable grocery bags
More people suing banks over foreclosures
New York Considers E-Cigarette Ban
Buying What They're Selling: Obama's SOTU spending freeze certifies more dangerous Republican myth.
Please Remember Mr. President -- We Are a Nation, Not a Corporation
Is the main point of being a progressive to tax the haves to provide for individual have nots?
Egypt reaches the boiling point (Take 2) Graphics heavy
••• Obama's speech - none dare call it a disaster* •••
••• Obama's speech - none dare call it a disaster* •••
Art Bell Disassociates Himself from Coast to Coast
And now...because DU can NEVER have TOO MUCH Oasis, enjoy "Cigarettes & Alcohol."
Link Wray, "Rumble," LIVE 1977
The guy who turned down fronting Led Zeppelin...Terry Reid, "Seed of Memory," LIVE 1996
The Black Keys, live on SNL, "Howlin' For You"
I know you are all probably tired of my constant rants, but I just gotta do this.
Ice cream junkie? A slave to your cool, creamy. DEE-licious urgings and cravings? We can help.
The most disturbing website you will ever visit - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
I know someone will criticize me for this but I really like Vampire Weekend
The Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot & Trade Show
I just found my new years resolution...
I bought a Cure 81 ham from Krogers, 6 lbs for $19.02 with the card.
Do you believe that we have souls?
Okay, this is wrong on so many levels..
Okay, this is wrong on so many levels..
86 yo writes letter to her bank
I am so not impressed with Jesse Eisenberg as an actor
Glad I'm not a Sami reindeer herder....any Sami's out there?
If you're a scientist, you may dig this
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird - Wallace Stevens
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird - Wallace Stevens
Charlie Louvin (RIP) - Love Just Has To Lay Down and Die
Cancel whatever you've planned for Sept. 24, 2182
'True Blood' hunk Joe Manganiello in the running for 'Superman'
Great moments in medicine - Wednesday Edition:
MFM hasn't ALWAYS been the quiet, introspective, well let's face it... kinda ho-hum guy you know now
What I dislike the most on Letterman...
You remind me of that dog from Scobby Doo. What was his name,again?
Cool Google Earth picture of an accident on I-95 in MD...
CaliforniaPeggy has been busy...
favorite peanut butter delivery system?
I only had one beer at lunch, but I am really tired...
Cute dog watching another dog on an iphone.
What the hell does "Reaganesque" mean? nt
Please post your opinion about our two cats...
Where is the original Olive Garden post?
Your Favorite (the) "Queen" (of)
Apparently... I'm doing something wrong.
What would you have for your last meal?
Someone explain to me this bizarro cat logic.
Missouri court rules immigrant's adoption rights terminated illegally
Report details Bush admin Hatch Act violations
Tonight in Cairo, the Parliament is Surrounded
EXCLUSIVE: (Full Text Draft of SOTU Address) Obama to Declare 'The Rules Have Changed'
Opponents of same-sex marriage ban urge Calif. Supreme Court to reject federal appeals court request
Deteriorata (Fluke of the Universe)
Egypt protests: Police disperse Cairo crowds
Please post your opinion about the band Rush and Oasis
Immigration fraud: Hundreds of Indian students may be deported from US
Do I go or do I not go? Free concert ticket available
Critics still hoping for ouster of Omaha mayor
Iranian Workers Stage Protests Over Nonpayment Of Wages
Egyptian stocks drop 6% after protests
Polls Closed In Recall Election: Preliminary Results Show Recall Vote Very Close
Nevada councilwoman found dead faced possible sanctions
Karzai Inaugurates Parliament After Blaming West for Creating 'Chaos'
Obama vows to 'eliminate' billions in oil subsidies
Gabrielle Giffords Could Be Released From ICU as Early as This Week
(UK) Unions warn of growing militancy over government's economic 'gamble'
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange slipping out of reach of US grip
The Dow Trades Above 12,000 Points for the First Time Since June 2008
Rep. Sandy Levin Statement at Hearing on Pending Free Trade Agreements
Anonymous Asks For DDoS Attack On Key Egyptian Sites
Jimmy Buffett Hospitalized After Sydney Stage Fall
Singer Jimmy Buffett falls off the stage in Sydney, taken to hospital
Tennessee School Boards Push Fight Against Unions
BBC World Service to cut 650 jobs, broadcasts
Financial Crisis Was Avoidable, Inquiry Finds
After Blocking Twitter, Egypt Reportedly Starts Restricting Access To Facebook
favourite comedian? Mine has to be Kathy Griffiths right now. I just read her book.
Iraqi journalists face sacks of gold, fists of fire
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords upgraded to good condition
Toyota recalls 1.7 million vehicles for fuel leaks
Marines change commander at facility where WikiLeaks suspect (Bradley Manning) held
Giffords strong enough to watch TV for an hour
Best Songs of the Economic Crisis (2007-2011)
Journalists beaten, websites blocked amid protests in Egypt
Reform campaigner ElBaradei plans return to Egypt
Band of Brothers soldier mourned (brought the crowd to its feet)
Cybersecurity goes prime time at Davos
Obama Plans Trip to Latin America in March; Will Visit Brazil, Chile, El Salvador
U.S. unions say they'll fight U.S.-Colombia trade deal
Man arrested after threats made to Wash. governor
MSNBC Eyeing Alec Baldwin for Hosting Duties?
Egypt president's son, family flee to Britain
Russia Calls For NATO Probe Into Iran Cyber Strike
Court Reverses New Mexico Governor on Environmental Rules
Obama pushes expanding high-speed wireless service
860 arrested in two days of Egyptian protests
Color-Coded Terror Alerts Will Be Gone By April
Michele Bachmann's Tea Party overdrive mocked for Obama response
Va. Lawmaker Pushes for Castrating Sex Offenders
Algeria steps up grain imports (bought almost a million tons of wheat on Wed), eyes Tunisia "virus"
Filibuster Reform Effort Falls Short In Senate
'Birther Bill' back in Arizona; Rep. Judy Burges pitches birth certificate legislation again
Dow Jones industrial average trades above 12,000 points
Guardian Reporter Arrested and Beaten
2 Cents May Be the Difference Between Life and Death for Cancer Patient Ron Flanagan
Blair sister-in-law wants him tried for Iraq crimes
Utah considers making semiautomatic pistol a state symbol
BofA's Countrywide sued, accused of massive fraud
Egypt president's son, family flee to Britain
U.S. unions say they'll fight U.S.-Colombia trade deal
Citigroup Bailout To Make US Taxpayers $12.3b Profit
CBO projects record-high $1.5 trillion budget deficit this year
In Halliburton case, Supreme Court may sanction corporations lying to investors
Police: Man Says (Wash. Gov. Christine) Gregoire (D) ‘Should Be Burned At Stake’
Loughner researched lethal injection(& political assassins) before Tucson shooting, sources say
John Cornyn's Office Mailed Suspicious Packages
Celebrity Journalist: I Never Spoke to Hawaii Gov About Obama Birth Certificate
Giffords to get speaking valve in breathing tube
Giffords to get speaking valve in breathing tube
(SF) Mayoral hopeful Leland Yee gets racist death threats(linked to Limbaugh criticism)
Going to the Super Bowl? Parking slots still available for $990
Financial crisis panel urges prosecutions of industry figures
5-year-old brings loaded gun to Palatka pre-kindergarten class
SEIU union official found dead in Oakland home
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Justice Department seeks to have all web surfing tracked
My neueologist says I have an arachnoid cyst
Ben Ali: Tunisia issues arrest warrant for ex-leader
Your made up band name and the type of music they'd play
Thousands march in anti-Abbas protests in Gaza
Now it's time for all the DU artists to show off their creations...
Florida Gov. Rick Scott stalls new voter-approved redistricting standards
Dennis Kucinich Sues House Cafeteria
CBO: Social Security to run permanent deficits
Pentagon to outline training for gay ban repeal
"Minutemen" Member on Trial in Murder of Girl, 9
White House's David Plouffe previews the State of the Union 2011
BBC World Service cuts will cost it 30m listeners worldwide
Charlie Brooker's 'How TV Ruined Your Life': Fear
"Hot Coffee" Documents Chamber of Commerce Campaign to Unseat Judges Opposed to "Tort Reform"
"Hot Coffee" Exposes How Hard Caps on Malpractice Awards Shift Burden to Taxpayers
Egyptian Protestors Chasing Riot Police 1/25/2011
Over Medicated Bachmann didn't See Speech Nor Camera
Resist The British Government Saturday 29th January
Lizz Winstead's Rebuttal to the Rebuttal to the Rebuttal of the SOTU
TYT: Is MTV Skins Porn? (There was a call for a fed investigation about the show)
US Supports Mubarak as Thousands Call For His Ouster
TDPS: The 2011 State of the Union Address - The Good, The Bad, The Made Up
GRITtv: Naomi Klein: The Search for BP's Oil
The 2011 State of the Union Address (Full Version)
TYT:SOTU Preview - 'Centrist' Speech By Obama?
OFA State of the Union 'Watch Parties' Gain Wide Notice
The Era of Mass Surveillance and State Control
On Citizens United Anniversary, Campaign Reform is Brewing
The Story Behind the Infamous McDonald's Coffee Case & How Corporations Used it to Push Tort Reform
Watch Police Attack Protesters in Egypt
Gingrich: Obama Thinks We're Very Very Slow
The 2011 State of the Union Address: Enhanced Version
Maddow Rips CNN For Airing Bachmann's SOTU Response
Riz Khan: The UK's lost generation
Cenk on Bush Admin Crimes - 'When you break the law I'd prefer that you go to prison'
"Hot Coffee" Film Explores How Corporations Spend Millions to Alter the U.S. Civil Justice System
SCJ Clarence Thomas Did Not Disclose Wife's Income and Should Resign -
This is the House that WE THE PEOPLE Built
"Really Alarming": No baby oysters being found in Louisiana's most productive areas
Chris Matthews Slams Teabaggers, Calls Bachmann "Balloon Head"
After Day of Protests, Egypt Bans Demonstrations
Of Course It's Gonna Hurt, You Are About To Get Screwed By An Elephant
** State of the Union Preview with David Plouffe (8pm EST) **
SOTU Wordle "People New Jobs" "Make AmericanWork"
Watch some pre-State of the Union entertainment!
Good lord, C-SPAN, enough with the fucking tweets
John Boehner not only makes me sick
I'm digging the live feed
Just tuned in. Who's the disinterested asshole next to the V.P.?
Boenher's Exxon contract prohibited him from clapping about stopping the Oil Companies tax breaks!
Hardball: Tweety hitting Bachman on her slavery history that the founding fathers
Boehner and other Republicans would trade representing another country
OH - NOW, who did not get their pony tonight?
In 30 years, Republicans will be claiming and quoting Barack Obama
Who's the sun ravaged corpse sitting next to Biden?
Paul Ryan needs to take a dip in the Rock River
Obama should have a Republican follow him ALL THE TIME.
Bachmann currently stuck in traffic..
I LOVE that MSNBC is not carrying Bachmann live!
CNN is running Batshit's speech?
Boehner looked dyspepsic throughout the speech
Once again "Born Again Deficit Haters".....
Rachel's running the show tonight.
Well DU has become quite the Obama bash fest....
The "New Centrism" and Its Discontents - George Lakoff
Even though I had my disagreements with Obama, I thought it was an pretty good speech,
81% now approve of Pres. Obama's handling of the economy - CBS flash poll.
81% now approve of Pres. Obama's handling of the economy - CBS flash poll.
We witnessed the culmination of an amazing feat tonight...
Rep. Ellison: ""American Muslims are a part of our American family" - BHO. Thank you Mr. President."
Boehner looked rather glum during the speech.
Eddie Munster is trending on Twitter!
Who the hell is she talking to? THIS IS INSANE!
Did Olbermann tweet during the SOTU speech? I didn't see anything
I'm thinking that if Democratic candidates want a leg up...
A neoliberal institution on the SOTU 2011
For those media pundits who think Obama could lose in 2012... against who?
This is what the Paul Ryan road map means to you.
"And this July, we will begin to bring our troops home."
Lol - the Tea Party Terrorists sack Bachmann and replace her with the foot stomping Rand Paul
Quote of the Day: Russ Feingold
"There's going to be a special Presidential Address on gun control in the near future."
haha, "That's me...that's me..."
Randall Terry: Challenge to Obama in 2012
I'm a big fan of Olbermann, but...
Joan Walsh: Why does the GOP hide its agenda?
Fact checking pathological liar Michele's Bachmann's vain speech
Tea party to GOP: Don't spare Pentagon from budget ax
Attn: Teabaggers, Rush, & Michele Bachmann the stimulus worked
Plouffe: Obama will address guns
American Wind Energy Association on the President's SOTU
It is very disappointing that Obama didn't use the words "Climate Change"
the orange man had on a lavender tie
My Thoughts after Listening to Pundits on CNN/MSNBC
Statements by Senators Brown (OH) and Kerry on SOTU
Sharron Angle to attend ‘The Genesis Code’ film premiere in Iowa
Top US Lawmaker Plays Down Talk Of Israel Aid Cuts
Egypt Must Be ‘Responsive’ to People: White House
Why is David Gergen a trending topic? Did he say something stupid?
Chris Matthews: "It was a Jack Kennedy speech"
I know every hates the Vote in this poll threads but - please???
Rachel Maddow Smacks Down CNN For Airing Ballonhead's SOTU Response (VIDEO)
Manitowoc, WI Had it's OWN "Sputnik Moment" in 1962
American Exceptionalism Repossessed
If ONLY he could do this with Iran.....
Serious point by point analysis of the President's address
I disagreed with one thing Obama said re: universities/collages
Weiner: I Needed A Drink' After Paul Ryan's Speech
So why didn't CNN offer a time slot to Joe the Plumber's Helper to Respond to the SOTU?
The Paul Ryan clan in Janesville Wisconsin are elitist scum.
I'd like to thank every Obama voter that did not get to the polls last November.
Obama Freezes Hell and Births a Unicorn
Criticism of the speech today shows how out to lunch DU has become
CBS Polling: 92% Overwhelming positive response to SOTU
Chamber, AFL-CIO Back Infrastructure Spending In Rare Joint Statement
Photo: Nancy is ........ (caption it)
The President is much smarter than me and that is a good thing.
Paul Ryan was shifting the meme- Social Security is now 'Welfare'
Howard Dean: “It Is a Very, Very Good Speech. I Am Delighted"
Why are Deaniacs more anti-Obama than Dean himself?
What wonderful terms have you heard applied to Michelle Bachman?
CNN Flash Poll: Reaction to Obama's Speech:: 52% Very positive, 32% Somewhat positive, 15% Negative
Fact checking pathological liar Paul "mean boy" Ryan's austerity speech
WH Advisor David Plouffe Confirms Obama Will Address Gun Control At A Later Date
Do you stand with the president.....
Sanders Statement on State of the Union
"Congress to eliminate the billions in taxpayer dollars we currently give to oil companies"
Photos: Winning the Future (The Obama Presidency, Day 736)
Howard Fineman: Obama State Of The Union 2011: "LOVE TRAIN IN THE HOUSE"
What have you learned these past two years?
Weiner teases Chaffetz on Twitter over SOTU seating
Preview: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Report
Ezra Klein: Perhaps new policy wasn't really the point of the State of the Union
Excellent speech. Laid out President Obama's vision
He knocked it straight out of the park, and here is why:
My mom is most liberal ever.. and
Tweety turns into Slyvester the Cat on a Tea party Strategist... Bachmann is a BALLOONHEAD!
Obama declares intentions on Social Security; we must prepare
What a shocker, he left out us Atheist....
The media got the entire moving to center thing wrong
President of the UNITED STATES
"For those of you keeping score at home..."
That general winding down feeling you’re getting is not an illusion
SOTU responses by Jonathan Chait, Paul Krugman and Robert Reich
So far, it's a super-progressive speech.
High Speed Rail: IMHO, TSA will search passengers the same way as the airports
Obama outlines right-wing, pro-corporate agenda in State of the Union Speech
"The State of the Union set a cunning trap for Obama’s enemies."
President Obama and Corporate America: Is he a 'sell-out' or a brilliant progressive politician?
Obama to Harry Belafonte: When are you and Cornel West going to cut me some slack?
"Still, I’m willing to look at other ideas to bring down costs, including one that Republicans
91 percent of watchers approve of the proposals the president made
Bachman to give alt response to SOTU speech
Obama Subtly Adopts the Language of Business, New York Times
Ryan on healthcare reform: light on plans, even lighter on truth
Joan Walsh: Why does the GOP hide its agenda?
Feingold: ‘We Need To Regenerate Progressivism’ To Battle This ‘Gilded Age On Steroids’
Because It Is Wrong–Six Questions for Charles and Gregory Fried
Tomgram: Juan Cole, American Policy on the Brink
Egypt protests: 'We ran a gauntlet of officers beating us with sticks'
In Lieu of Budget Leadership, Obama Proposes Spending Freeze
Amy Goodman: Sundance and the Art of Democracy
Laura Flanders: Trade is NOT the Answer!
Phantom Charity Takes Flight, Leaves Veterans Stranded, a new application from
Egypt's Revolution by Facebook
Bullshit Detection 101: Why universities need to teach the new literacy
We Can't Let the Banksters Walk Away from Their Crimes
Immigration fraud: Hundreds of Indian students may be deported from US
American Foreign Policy is brain dead
Happy Birthday to the Brad Blog
Could Climate Change Kill Liberalism?
Glenn Beck: Exposing Progressives as Communists and The Impending Communist Take Over?
‘Anonymous’ calls for attacks on Egyptian government websites
A New Vision for America - Part I - Generating a Non-Military World Presence
Sen. Bernie Sanders: Organizing Help Wanted
County gets $40K grant for biogas pipeline study
Colombian coal miners killed in 'gas explosion' (BBC)
Nature - 5% Increase In UVB Exposure Cut Survival Times In Tadpoles By 25% - Proc. Royal Society
Polluted & Low-Oxygen Floodwaters Killing 10s Of Thousands Of Murray-Darling Basin Fish
Browner Departure - "No Coincidences In Politics, Esp. During SOTU" - Mother Jones
Despite NE US Cold Wave, "Freakishly Warm" Weather 2,000 Miles North 15-20F Above Normal
NASA’s Hansen Presses Obama for a Carbon Cost and Nuclear Push (before STOU)
Chris Mooney: Can You Have a Purely Economic Sputnik?
It's The "Waters Advocacy Coalition" - Brought To You By Farm Bureau, NAM, Cattleman's Association
Pres. Obama: 80% green energy by 2035, End subsidies to Oil Industry
PEMEX Projects Ku Maloob Zaap Peak In 2013 - At Less Than Half Cantarell's Peak Output - Reuters
Left in the Dust - uranium mining in Niger
Gingrich Wants To Replace EPA - Complains That It "Focuses On Regulation"
To those who say Solar cannot provide enough of our energy needs
the DUG (DU Glossary) is up and still UGly...
Chris Matthews: Obama will Address, try to Increase Gun Control in the Near Future
WH Advisor David Plouffe Confirms Obama Will Address Gun Control At A Later Date
Prefect example of a defensive gun use
Arizona lawmaker says OK to guns in Senate building
NH teachers: Guns in Statehouse = No Dr. Seuss readings
David Plouffe Confirms Obama Will Address Gun Control At A Later Date
American manufacturer rolling out 60 & 100 round AR-15 magazines
Dueling Polls on Gun Control (CBS/CNN vs. MAIG)
Gun control supporters - How much is enough?
Prepair for gun, ammo, and accessory shortage: Obama planning dedicated Gun Control address
Another question for gun control proponents
I fully support a Palin Presidency
A challenge: mass shooting in USA vs mass macheteing in nigeria
In the world of magazine capacity, 30 is the new 10
Michigan bills would allow concealed guns in more places
Should you just give robbers what they want?
Obama plans trip to Latin America in March; will visit Brazil, Chile, El Salvador
Candidate 'to quit' Haiti polls
U.S. unions say they'll fight U.S.-Colombia trade deal
Costa Rican union triumphs over dirty tricks to snatch election victory
Bachelet back in world spotlight as UN Women Executive Director
Highways open new South American trade routes
UK company to set up biomass power plants in Cuba
Perk is back!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1111111111 !!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 11111111! !!!!!!!!
Conferences net record $170M haul from 2010-11 BCS
Wilson footballs are off to Dallas
Vick gets first paid endorsement since dogfighting arrest
Are there any legal issues regarding the Chicago man fired for wearing a Packer tie?
Poll: Pro football remains America’s favorite sport
Super Bowl parking ranging from $55 to $990
Heh! Looks like Obama is staying with the NFC and will be rooting for the Packers...
Egypt's 'Gay Activist' Author Ahmed Saad Still Wants Homos Killed If They Don't Try To Turn Straight
Here's what Chick-Fil-A doesn't understand:
State of the Union 2011: Obama says 'don't ask, don't tell' to formally end this year
The Palestine papers and the dead-end of nationalism
Police nab Palestinian cell linked to murders of American tourist and Israeli teacher
Palestinians condemn US plan to settle refugees in South America
With the West Bank barrier unfinished, the path for terrorists is wide open
Wailing over the Palestine Papers (Benny Morris)
Warily Eyeing Egypt, Israelis Feel Like Spectators
Does Jesus offer more than "One Way" to enter Heaven after death?
Two instances of unshakeable certainty
Seahorses' body shape explained (BBC)