Democratic Underground

Archives: January 4, 2011

County Officials In Washington State Ban Anti-Israel Ad Campaign

Remember how the TSA confiscated nail clippers from soldiers being deployed to Afghanistan?

Scientists Aim for Test That Could Spot Single Cancer Cell in Blood

Plague of snakes and crocodiles threaten flood-hit Australians

Yves Smith: "... we can't talk about doing industrial policy intelligently."

Welcome to Pottersville

What now, Facebookians? Sachs of Face? Faceman? Goldbook?

Obama and Congressional Dems announce plan to fight soaring oil prices

I know it has been a couple of weeks since I said how much I love LLOYD DOGGETT!

Dave Chappelle sums up Republican agenda for USA.

Schwarzenegger hands out lucrative jobs in final days

Eleanor (Holmes Norton) GREAT, explaining Issa, on Rachel show.

William Daley Reportedly Being Considered By Obama To Be New Chief Of Staff

Keith is back

Schwarzenegger draws fire for commuted sentence

George Will Calls GOP Opposition To Raising Debt Ceiling ‘Suicidal’

The Murikan People want all the Teabaggers just elected to resign, apologize and go home.

This is one somebody...

Boy, 10, accused of killing mother with Christmas present rifle

Balloons.... There have been a number of posts....

Welfare rules discourage marriage, Brownback says

Thank you Lawrence O'Donnell for telling the truth about Congress's health care

As always Dean is amazing

Liberals Seize on New Poll: Americans Want to Tax the Rich

President Obama at 50%-42% in Today's Gallup Poll

How to save Medicare and Social Security and how to increase the benefits of both

Serfing USA: Corporate America is Robbing American Workers

Seward's Folly

My letter to the Editor (in response to Kay Bailey Hutchison guest editorial)

When Zillionaires Pay Lower Property Tax Rates Than the Inner-City Poor

Christie and Bloomberg really stepped in it, didn't they? I've seen several reports

Emergency landing of an American Airline at Pearson International Airport in Toronto.

The nefarious reason Haley Barbour released the Scott Sisters

Drum Roll: The GOP's plan to repeal the Health Care Bill....

Mandatory Monday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! Mike's back

God tells Pat Robertson that the U.S. is heading into economic turmoil, but we won't fry.

U.S. to detail Pentagon savings, cuts

Rupert Murdoch's MySpace is expected to lay off 50% of staff

OK - So I'll Ask The 64 Thousand $ Question - What Will Bonercare Look Like?.......

Save the Guinea Worm Foundation. WTF?

DU posting bug...please delete

The Loser Channel decides to pick on furrys...

Just thought I'd post this. Proof positive Palin is a dumbass bottom feeder.

Yet another shitstain.....

Were the Mayans liberals? Did they know something about

Reality check: DUers that do NOT approve of what WikiLeaks is doing check-in thread

Sometimes, scientists are just plain old embarrassing

Eugene Robinson: A health-care fight Democrats should welcome

An unlikely exit from Afghanistan

Top CEOs will have earned average workers' full annual pay by 2:30 p.m. today (jan 3)

has "birtherism" gone international?

NATO politics driving Afghan war

A Real December Review for Afghanistan

Don't cry for me Argentinian rich!!

Firms fight move to obtain cheap anti-blindness drug Avastin (UK Guardian)

Fla. man says he'll live in lions' den for 30 days

Working People Protest Wisconsin Republican Governor’s Inauguration

Darrell Issa to business..I'll do your bidding...

I remember the old days when a guy in a booth looking at pictures of naked people . . . .

U.S. Marines report peace deal with tribe in Afghan hot spot

I Keep Hearing About The Rich Moving To Florida To Avoid State Income Tax......

Daley Thought Obama Overreached on Health Care

Inequality is eating away at America's soul

PA fracking to continue to poison drinking water.

Gerald R. Ford carrier's ($40 B) new aircraft catapult system launches first live Super Hornets

New bird death theory....

I AGREE with the repugs on the health care bill!

I AGREE with the repugs on the health care bill!

GOP sets up huge target for budget ax

CNN reporting Capt. Owen Honors being relieved of his command of the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise

Hey Folks - It's BonerCare Day.........

New Congress likely full of brimstone, talk, little change

The Anxiety and Helplessness of the U.S. Containment of China

Decision on Europe-based brigades expected early this year

Michael Steele says his favorite book is War & Peace, quoting its author, Charles Dickens

Bill Kristol: "Argument against Obamacare is gov't will tell you if you have to have a living will"

The photo of the century?

dems took impeachment of bu$h* off the table---here's what they got in return

f*ck this guy

BREAKING: In a thoroughly UNEXPECTED move, Justice Scalia proves to be an insensitive sexist pig

Toon: The GOP Rends the Constitution

Did Fracking cause the bird and fish kill in Arkansas?

Did Fracking cause the bird and fish kill in Arkansas?

Australia: Rockhampton residents fighting deluge of snakes and crocodiles

THE TOPPLING -How the media inflated a minor moment in a long war.

Pakistan Punjab governor killed by his own bodyguard

Democrats dismiss GOP health care repeal push

Philippines Shooting victim captured image of man pointing gun at him while taking family photo

Rove Suspected of Role In Swedish WikiLeaks Probe

The theme of the next photography contest should be "ORANGE".

EBay spent $411,450 on lobbying in 3rd-quarter - on visas for foreign workers

Scalia: Women Don't have Constitutional Protection against Discrimination

Major Provisions of Health Care Law Now In Effect

Repealing health care reform would cause the deficit to increase.

Study: When change upsets cats, they let you know by "refusing to eat and vomiting excessively"

Hey, Lindsey, instead of kneecapping over-55 wealthy, let's tax the bejezus out of UNDER-55 wealthy

"Welcome Home"

Toon: Under New Mismanagement

Annie Lennox appointed OBE (Order of the British Empire) for fighting AIDS and poverty in Africa

On Stephen Colbert being in denial about our country being a CHRISTIAN nation:

Meet The Degenerate Who Stole Those Game Boys From A Dead Teen's Casket

Fireworks may have caused Arkansas bird deaths (BBC)

Mr Fish wins the prize for bleakest new year's toon....

Anatomy of a Media Manipulation...

Committee to Protect Journalists Urges Obama to not prosecute Assange

Aren't they suppose to be creating jobs so why is he

The Professor!

6 Artists Who Were Banned, Censored or Arrested by Conservatives

Why do so many people think there was a conspiracy behind JFK's assassination, that LHO didn't act

US-built projects (in Afghanistan) crumbling

Interesting discussion with my sister's new boyfriend (R)

David Korten: The Missing Vision

Official: Navy officer to be relieved of command over sexually explicit videos

Columbia U. School of Journalism faculty: "WikiLeaks prosecution will set a dangerous preccedent"

Widow Builds Vault, Could Get Corpses Back

Bankruptcy Filings Leapt 9% Last Year

"Pretty" republicans like Palin and Bachmann as bait for the GOP

Insurers Sue Toyota Over Acceleration Claims Costs .

Investigative Reporters and Editors urges U.S. government restraint regarding WikiLeaks documents

Psychologists for Social Responsibility protest ‘inhumane, harmful’ treatment of Bradley Manning

Ray McGovern's XLNT Advice For Obama: He Should Read WikiLeaks Docs

What if (D)s Boycott some of Boehner's more insane votes?

Chrysler sales up 16% for the month and 17% for the year

Republican Freshmen Throwing Huge Kegger Tonight

Hundreds of dead blackbirds found near New Roads (La)

This poll on healthcare needs some DU input.

Is it possible for several thousand birds to be asleep in a single tree?

Does anyone know what Russ Feingold will do once he is not in Senate anymore?

You mean the poll LIED? Rasmussen, Media Misrepresent Obama Health Care Promise

BREAKING: Ninth Circuit Court Sends Prop 8 To State Supreme Court On "Standing"

Chief Justice John Roberts to swear in John Boehner aides - ( WTF? )

King Bloomberg's Daughter on the Board of Another Phony National "Grassroots" Ed Deform Front Org

The cable news media is bending over backwards to try and paint the republikans as compassionate and

Breaking - Rahm stays on the ballot

Susan G. Komen Foundation Elbows Out Charities Over Use Of The Word 'Cure'

The Cynical War on Public Sector Workers

"GOP Leadership Strikes Back At Filibuster Reform: It's A Democratic 'Power Grab'"

If health insurers need to pay out 80% for medical claims and can keep 20%

4 and 20 Blackbirds, and 3,000, Dead in the Sky

The Missing Vision (David Korten begins blog series outlining Agenda for a New Economy)

Richard Daley's Brother -- Banker, Lobbyist, NAFTA Advocate -- May Be Obama's Next Chief Of Staff

He's opening a Chiropract­ic clinic and insurance companies won't pay for his services

To the engineers: Anyone can help me with a small problem?

"exploiting divisions in the Republican Party by pursuing comprehensive immigration reform"

Why Can't We Hold Democrats to Pledges like Republicans do?

Breaking: Imperial County is denied standing in #Prop8 case

I have figured out what's killing the birds and fish. A future VOLCANO!

Heard on the news this AM: WOR radio is dropping Beck's show. Low ratings.

Heard on the news this AM: WOR radio is dropping Beck's show. Low ratings.

Can someone explain some things about the new food safety bill for me?

Can someone explain some things about the new food safety bill for me?

K-9 unit dog kills another dog. Was being walked by family member rather than handler

Republican Felon’s Judiciary Committee Appointment Embarrassing Republicans

House freshman throws a party – and GOP cringes

What if Teachers Ran Schools Instead of Administrators?

LETTER: Crush them, God! (this is the kind of person out there that scares folks)

Scalia Says Constitution Doesn't Protect Women From Gender Discrimination

Son of Iran shah commits suicide in US: brother

Son of Iran shah commits suicide in US: brother

How do you feel with a largely missionless NASA?

New steamer from the WSJ: Congress must cite constitutional authorization for bills they introduce

delete - dupe

Bill Erwin Dies (seinfeld, Gunsmoke, The Twilight Zone, Perry Mason, The Golden Girls, more)

Mark at the Mic - The Price of Austerity

Paul Ryan is a big steaming pile of ..........

Paul Ryan is a big steaming pile of ..........

Texas man declared innocent after 30 years in prison

Town wants to remove party affiliations, DOJ says no:

Glenn Beck Promises He Didn’t Write A “Gay Parenting Handbook,” Cover Begs To Differ

Sharing a Laugh or Tear ?

Appeals Court Rules Calif. Public Park Cross Unconstitutional

Court: Police can search cell phones without warrant in arrests

New Ill. law pushes 'fair' taxes on mobile homes

Tuesday Toons- Time to welcome in the new Congress!

NobamaCare, Usa, Ltd, LLC, Inc, ™, ® ,², ©, Esq. ee-i-ee-i-oh my

Nader: 'Unions are corrupt. They sell out for high pensions & salaries'

Beyond Sprawl: Part Two

X JP Morgan exec being considered for WH Chief of Staff

New CA Insurance Commissioner vows to support and implement Health Care Reform Act

The End of the World is near.... (on dead birds)

Slain Filipino councilman caught killer in family photo

When repukes say "you're engaging in class warfare," our response should be

Peter King has 'nothing but contempt' for New York Times

I got to (help) swear in the new Governor of Florida, Rick Scott today.

How is it possible?

‘Full Metal Jacket’ drill instructor apologizes for calling on Americans to ‘rise up’ against Obama

Nepal Has 11 Hour Blackouts as Climate Change Dries up its Rivers

City told to raise salaries for police

Ohio's 2012 presidential primary may be delayed

NAACP alleges Kansas town fired police officer because he was black

When is the "Hammer" sentencing?

Just when you think they can't get any more extremist......

Did the fact that the Chief Justice of Supreme Court performed

Wonder what the GOP will hold us hostage with to extend the Debt ceiling?

Wonder what the GOP will hold us hostage with to extend the Debt ceiling?

Mystery of rotten radishes causes a stir

Court OKs searches of cell phones without warrant

The Affluent, Failing, Public School: Does It Really Exist?

DAMMIT!!!! It's the right thing to do in so many, many ways. Just legolize it!!!!

Meme of the Day 110104

The sun is shinin' its a new morning, you're going, You're going home

Good-Bye American Dream: New Assault Against Unions

And so today begins Gov. Voldemort's reign over Florida

And so today begins Gov. Voldemort's reign over Florida

Crocodile attack warnings in flooded Australia

A Rerun From The Party That Almost Brought Us The 2nd Great Depression

Why Journalists Aren’t Standing Up for WikiLeaks - Newsweek

So I'm watching the last match in the Ashes series

So I'm watching the last match in the Ashes series

In Surprise, Iraq May Enforce Withdrawal Deadline

14 states may target birthright citizenship (14th amendment)

Antonin Scalia - you WILL rot in hell. Sincerely everyone else not an asshole white male!

Antonin Scalia - you WILL rot in hell. Sincerely everyone else not an asshole white male!

Separated at Birth?

Colorado inmates catch useful trade in raising fish for food

Colorado inmates catch useful trade in raising fish for food

After almost two years of "socialism": S&P +58%; DJIA +47%; Nasdaq +87%

On Bradley Manning, Solitary Confinement, and Selective Outrage

Do my ears deceive me or do I hear Howard Dean talking in favor of "entitlement cuts"?

Do my ears deceive me or do I hear Howard Dean talking in favor of "entitlement cuts"?

Do my ears deceive me or do I hear Howard Dean talking in favor of "entitlement cuts"?

PBS American Experience documentary about Confed gen Robert E Lee tonight

The world will come to an end in 2011 .... Proof Positive

Fannie Mae Lets BofA Off The Hook

Arkansas bird death talking point (a how to) from Rush Limbaugh - global warming

Ben Adler/Newsweek proves why we need Wikileaks.

Ben Adler/Newsweek proves why we need Wikileaks.

Prosecutor: Bail low in abuse case (he killed her last Saturday night)

Prosecutor: Bail low in abuse case (he killed her last Saturday night)

Does the GOP know what the American People want?

Woman reports dozens of dead birds in her yard (KY)

Breaking news: Singer Gerry Rafferty gone at age 63...

Cat killer

Cat killer

The Rude Pundit: Chris Christie Disneyed For Your Snowy Sins

Dangerous Meme Alert-Who does the government belong to, I wonder? And who's supposed to pay for it?

Student loans leave crushing debt burden

Congressman Issa, tomorrow is the first day you head the Oversight and Government Reform Committee

What Democratic politicians support WikiLeaks and are opposed to the U.S. gov't prosecuting Assange?

Every time you give in, it becomes all that easier to give in the next time

NBC newsman Brian Williams named his penis "Dave"

Danziger TOON: Advice from the master...

Reports: President Obama considering bank executive to be next chief of staff

Oh goody! Yet ANOTHER republican felon!!

N.B. girl, 10, youngest person to discover a supernova

And now I'm so sick

Tweety and David Corn are tearing cross-eyed Christie

NPR: Obama Will Try Again On More Than A Dozen Judicial Nominees (including Liu and Chen)

100-Year-Old Helps Deliver Meals On Wheels

100-Year-Old Helps Deliver Meals On Wheels

Study Suggests Viking Lander Found Organics On Mars - MSNBC/DiscoveryNews

Daimler & Cerberus stripped Chrysler of assets, left shareholders & workers holding the bag

Glenn Beck dropped by New York's WOR radio station over poor ratings, replaced by Mike Gallagher

Glenn Beck dropped by New York's WOR radio station over poor ratings, replaced by Mike Gallagher

Tucker Carlson eats crow over wishing that Michael Vick had been executed

Republicans: good at theatre, dreadful at governing ...

I need help with a "personal history" project.

My dear DUer's - you must see this story about the discovery of a photography genius nanny!!!

A question to ponder...

A question to ponder...

Wikileaks: Julian's Swedish Case Has Been Moved To The "Terrorism" Court At Belmarsh Jan 11

Consumer Reports is not happy today

FBI Steps Up WikiLeaks-Linked Probe With Texas, Germany Raids

Woman pokes boyfriend 'over Facebook'

Cleverest Toon I've seen in a while

Cleverest Toon I've seen in a while

David Bollier: The Tyranny of Choice

Too much information...

Too much information...

Is Bachmann’s slot on Intelligence Committee part of GOP plan to stifle her?

Whose fault is it ??

Hey Freepers....this should really piss you off...

This Modern World: An innocent fable of a very wealthy man

New Gov. Kasich of Ohio turns down moving to Gov. Mansion & wants tax payers to pay for his security

Please help DC retain a tiny shred of dignity

"Obama's Critics Owe Him a New Years (Fact-Based) Apology" by Frank Schaeffer

"Obama's Critics Owe Him a New Years (Fact-Based) Apology" by Frank Schaeffer

Thinking about the Kindle, and other e-readers...

Sign the petition to Declare the Republican Party as an Extremist Hate Group

Sign the petition to Declare the Republican Party as an Extremist Hate Group

‘Full Metal Jacket’ drill instructor apologizes for calling on Americans to ‘rise up’ against Obama


20 most dangerous (non-military) jobs, 2007-2010

Theres an app for that?

Theres an app for that?

Theres an app for that?

Congressman Boner, day four 2011, where are the jobs YOU promised us?

So why is it ok for Scalia to publically comment on a topic that is currently before the court?

Is anyone feeling positive about 2011?

Why U.S. Journalists Aren’t Standing Up for WikiLeaks

Homeless man with a golden voice...

Just heard this about Issa on the Ed Show. Information purported from San Francisco Chronicle

Just heard this about Issa on the Ed Show. Information purported from San Francisco Chronicle

If you could take a time machine, would you go into the future or the past?

Cheney Is Back, With Heart Pump and New Outlook

Rove Protege Tim Griffin Now On Judiciary Committee

Report: States Quietly Raising Speed Limits Near Failing Schools

Report: States Quietly Raising Speed Limits Near Failing Schools

Driving gets speeding ticket for rushing wife to hospital. baby born 6 minutes later

Ohio city explores cremating poor instead of burial

Random thoughts on 2010..posts about 10 years at DU. Plus more random thoughts about loss of trust.


Why do kids dress for June when it's January?

Rice Field Bird Repellent: May or may not have something to do with the sudden bird deaths

"Forget it. It's Hopeless. We're fucked. I'm angry" is just not a philosophy I care to live by.

"Forget it. It's Hopeless. We're fucked. I'm angry" is just not a philosophy I care to live by.

Sea Shepherd Peter Hammarstedt demonstrates how to conduct yourself if taken into custody

Sarah's ratings free fall, beat in Dec by Real Housewives of Atlanta

Sweet Rescue Story of Dog with Badly Broken Leg Found with Her 5 Pups & a Kitten

EarlG, I beg you

Ethnic Studies Now Banned in Arizona

If, let's say, someone like Howard Dean, did start a progressive party...

WikiLeaks' Most Terrifying Revelation: Just How Much Our Government Lies to Us

Given Scalia's recent blathering, here again is Colbert's 9/30/10 evisceration of his sexism

Given Scalia's recent blathering, here again is Colbert's 9/30/10 evisceration of his sexism

A simple solution to the current economic crisis and many other problems in the United States:

Chris Hedges: "The Left Has Nowhere to Go"

Exclusive: Witness In John Wheeler Case (body found in landfill)

Exclusive: Witness In John Wheeler Case (body found in landfill)

GOP in Turmoil Over Reading of Constitution

Where your food comes from... and why it is now

Feds Sues Lucasfilm for Undermining VFX Artists


WikiLeaks: Open Letter to President Barack Obama from Human Rights Watch

DUI Check Points

Turning the American Ship of State: Historical Reflections

Kathy Griffin Vows To Offend Willow Palin For Gay Slurs

So Much for "Impartial" Justice: Antonin Scalia Attends Michele Bachmann's Tea Party

New edition of 'Huckleberry Finn' to lose the 'n' word

New edition of 'Huckleberry Finn' to lose the 'n' word

Providing all Global Energy with Wind, Water, and Solar Power

Apple Market Cap now over $300 Billion, second only to

Cenk Uygur: New Poll Confirms Country Is Clearly Progressive



Ray McGovern: Obama Should Read WikiLeaks Docs

"The Toppling: How the Media Created the Iconic Fall of Saddam’s Statue"

The Selfish Rich are Killing People

"If House Republicans move forward with a repeal of the health care law ... we will block it."

Geitner's latest gift to the banks... Stealth bailout of Bank of America

Geitner's latest gift to the banks... Stealth bailout of Bank of America

Geitner's latest gift to the banks... Stealth bailout of Bank of America

Argentine thieves tunnel into bank over New Year

Argentine thieves tunnel into bank over New Year

Pfizer Caught Short on Antismoking Drug in Japan (After Cigarette Tax Increase)

Body of US military expert found in Del. landfill

Democrats Plan Push to Curtail Use of Filibusters

Democrats Plan Push to Curtail Use of Filibusters

U.S. to detail Pentagon savings, cuts: sources


Senate Rules Reform Fight Likely To Be Drawn Out For Weeks

Explorers discover spectacular caves in Vietnam

President’s Re-Election Transition Begins With OFA (Organizing for America) Layoffs

If LynneSin doesn't win the DU Oscar this year then someone really messed up!

Feds urge PG&E to make sure its records are right

Inspector: Millions in improper Katrina, Rita aid not yet recovered

I duped, sorry. Please see Joanne98's "Whale Diplomacy" from today. Delete. n/t

Frito-Lay won't pull controversial Christian parody Doritos commercial

EPA board stops Shell's Arctic clean air permits

Guitar geeks! Enjoy Buckethead going apeshit, live, on "Nottingham Lace."

Something about correlations.

Thirteen oil companies allowed to resume some drilling

Diplomat to Consulate of Mexico Assassinated

Rove Suspected of Role In Swedish WikiLeaks Probe

Venezuela prices up after new devaluation

Galatic Empire State of Mind

Senator wants FTC investigation of helmet makers

Allcare Dental & Dentures shuts down operations, cites financial issues

Son of Hitler's deputy faces accusations of sexual assault

Greece: Fence Is Considered to Bar Illegal Immigrants

Punjab Governor Salman Taseer assassinated in Islamabad

Uganda Court Rules Media Cannot 'Out' Gay Ugandans

Army board to evaluate WikiLeaks suspect

President Obama Weighs Move to Retain Control of Guantanamo Closure

The Soup's top 5 clips of the year.

Uganda media can't publish identities of homosexuals, high court says

Hey.. I think all my money problems are finally over!

Hey.. I think all my money problems are finally over!

The Grammar Nazis were richtig!!!! Commas ARE important.

Seriously though. If the Rapture really did happen, let's say on May 21st,

Students reignite Tunisian protest after brief lull

State Sen. Thomas Gaffey Charged With Larceny, Says He Will Resign

Canada’s Coptic Christians ask for protection in wake of Egypt bombing

Canada’s Coptic Christians ask for protection in wake of Egypt bombing

The Gross Clinic.


Am transitioning (back) to boxers from briefs. Not easy.

...psssst...I found Crewleader...

Microwave Potatoes - A Haiku

Kitty Cat... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I want one.

Sorry, but I just found this today... my FAVORITE Santa Claus of 2010.

Spanish court open probe into killings in Iraq

Are there any foods you love, but can't eat?

He's Lump, he's Lump, he's Lump, he's in my house...

DU Good Vibes© Request: Meeting with first potential client of 2011 this Thursday

I have a question about the PM function. Would someone please

Iran Invites World, Save US, To Tour Nuclear Sites

On the Jim Traficant scale of ugly rugs, with Jim a 10, Sean Connery a 1, where's Nicolas Cage?

Biden chief of staff leaving White House

is it too decadent to use my fox fur as a smoking jacket?

OK, someone give me some insight, some education . . .

Neil Armstrong's mysterious quote from the moon, "Good luck Mr. Gorsky"

Pete Postlethwaite obituary "best actor in the world"

I think I saw Ptah loafing around on the streets of Tucson.

A Strong December for the Big 3

Unemployment up in two-thirds of metro areas

Afghanistan Warns Fuel Tank Near ‘E’ As Iran Blocks Shipments At Border

Please help DC retain a tiny shred of dignity

Strained States Turning to Laws to Curb Labor Unions

Mail and Telegraph pull anti-tax dodging ads

Appeals court rejects one challenge to gay marriage ban, refers another to state Supreme Court

Judge rules Emanuel should stay on the ballot

I wonder how much musical talent Mike Love really had. Anybody else out there

If you're a damn adult, you should be able to give damn kids damn hard liquor in your own damn home.

Governor of Pakistan's Punjab Province Assassinated

Netanyahu Sends Obama Letter Urging Pollard's Release


Shah of Iran's younger son kills himself in US

Ever notice how in old film footage, you see so many dorks? Last night

New Hungary citizenship law fuels passport demand

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad abruptly fires 14 advisers, a move seen as a possible power grab.

Private-prison consultant chosen to run ODRC

To Oregon DUers: Duck season opens Jan 10 at 8:30 PM EST

BP Gains on Report Shell Considered Bid; Spill Costs Played Down

Arms Dealer Sentenced for Defrauding the Pentagon

Judge to hear DEA request to obtain state medical-marijuana records

Food-Safety Funding Likely to Be Targeted by Republican House Majority

Wide-open Bieber shot...

Court Throws Out FCC Fine Against ABC For 'NYPD Blue'

Admiral: Captain to be relieved, others investigated, over videos


The Beatles - Glass Onion

Ever notice how in old film footage, you see so many ducks? Last night

Fox’s Own On-Screen Graphic Debunks Cavuto’s Theory That Low Corporate Tax Rates Are Good For Market

PHOTOS: For "Family Guy" fans, it's the "Stewie Griffin Burger."


Victory is ours, victory is ours, great day in the morning, victory is ours!

Rendez-vous by Claude Lelouch (1976 high speed drive through Paris.)

Why would they treat me so thoughtlessly? How could they do this to me?

St. Louis police investigating video showing cop hitting man

My poor, poor cousin MTM and his poor, poor wasted life.

Severed head hung from bridge in Tijuana, Mexico

Union blasts box co. for penalizing workers over blizzard day

As quickly as you can, snatch the pebble from my hand..


I need help with a "personal history" project.

Off-site backup: what do you use?

10 Mbps download speed!

RIP Mick Karn (bassist from Japan (the band)). nt

Just GREAT!!! Where the hell were these signs when I could have used them?

Are you the type who berates someone for not making a 2nd trip instead of taking a lazy man's load?

Drinking to excess has always been a no-brainer for me.

Who is Parche?

For those interested in the saga of Tobin

"Our Gang" on all night tonight on TCM...Just loved that series..n/t

"Hey you Woodchucks! Quit chucking my wood!"...

"Hey you Woodchucks! Quit chucking my wood!"...

Army will evaluate suspect in WikiLeaks Mental fitness for trial at issue

Outgoing GOP Senator Joins Lobbying Law Firm

New Fla. congressman quietly reported loans in Dec

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Repeal bends GOP budget rule

Hundreds of dead blackbirds found near New Roads (Louisiana)

Birthright Citizenship Looms as Next Immigration Battle

Factory orders rebound in November (Largest gain in 8 months)

Disaster Tax Rules Don't Apply For BP Oil Spill Claims (Not classified as a disaster)

(Calif. Supreme) Court OKs searches of cell phones without warrant

Elected As Cost Cutters, GOP Freshmen Will Party With Fatcats Tonight

Heat closes Antarctic ice runway

WikiLeaks Document Dump: Iran President Ahmadinejad Slapped by Head of Revolutionary Guard

Freshman rep. pledges to forgo federal health insurance

SEC may force Facebook flotation

Musician Gerry Rafferty dead at 63

Calif. Supreme Court approves warrantless data seizures by police

Appeals Court Rules Calif. Public Park Cross Unconstitutional

Son of shah of Iran commits suicide

Massive bird deaths likely caused by loud noises

Airports toy with the idea of tossing the TSA

Philippine politician catches 'killer' on camera

someone please tell me that this picture has been photoshopped (kinda gross)

Capt. Owen Honors will be relieved of his command of the USS Enterprise, senior defense official tel

PHOTO: For Lady Gaga, nothing says "Happy New Year" like "Here's a photo of my bare ***"

Obama: Republicans will "Play to their Base"

my wife says if I watch any more Kevin Bacon movies, I might actually turn into Kevin Bacon

Kitty porn...Rex Ryan style...

New Year's Eve. It was HORRIBLE. My best friend waited until my next-door neighbor passed out...

Asking for advice about living in Dallas, TX

I love how Letterman makes Brian Williams uncomfortable

MiddleFingerMom is just teasing. He's never ACTUALLY nekkid when "Lounging" in here.

There Was CompuServe and America Online (AOL). Wasn't There Another Very Early Online Service?

Funny online translator from Translation Services USA

I'm huge on Twitter

When Rich Rod goes…And he will go...

Sitting here in the Free Clinic wondering just where the hell I've put my Woody lately...

Has anyone lived with their in laws?

Gerry Rafferty has died

Christmas Communion at a NY Church May Have Infected Hundreds with Hepatitis A

My son is having a rough time with bed-wetting...I feel so bad for him.

Maine judge awards Nader foes $1 after lawsuit

On the Sir Laurence Oliver scale of acting, with Sir L. a 10, Pauly Shore a 1, where's Nicolas Cage?

Scalia: Women Don't Have Constitutional Protection Against Discrimination

Strained States Turning to Laws to Curb Labor Unions

This Post is for WILLIAM PITT

Nazi-era Cemetery for Mentally Ill to be Dug Up

Who is Gerry Rafferty?

The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia

What were you doing 10years ago before DU??

The Loser Channel decides to pick on furrys...

Real time traveler photograph - Andrew Basiago from Coast2Coast

First of all, let me say my wife's new haircut looks great, really


"US general: Deal with tribe in Taliban bastion"

"Administration Prepares to Defy Efforts to Limit Obama’s Options for Guantanamo"

How Dare He Sign The 9/11 Health and Compensation Act in Kailua, Hawaii

How Republicans and Tea Party will use Congress to bash Barack Obama

"U.S. to detail Pentagon savings, cuts"

Obama Admin plans Gitmo Showdown with Congress

'Fundraising is never pretty when it’s presented to the public.' Former Rep. Tom Davis, R-VA.

Bipartisanship Only Applies To Dems?

President Obama to sign bill to improve nation's food safety

"GOP Plans To Implement The 'Demon Pass' They Once Decried"

US Phasing Out Coal Power Plants

"Today In History: Richard Avedon Photographs The Kennedys"

"Zandi Analyses Show "Democratic" Measures in Tax Cut-UI Deal Boost Economy"

Buzz Blog on Rick Scott inauguration: Best Seats in the House Belong to Lobbyists

"Air Force One wheelsdown at AAFB for a fullstop landing runway 19R."

Joseph Stiglitz: In 2011, America Should Resolve to Ignore Politicians Calling for Austerity

Feds: "Screw off Confederate Treason Sympathizers! WE are celebrating Emancipation Day!"

Daley pick (for chief of staff) could be good sign for banks

Scalia: No Constitutional protection against discrimination for women or gays

shit... wrong place

Proof that Cantor is Supid or Lying or Both

"Obama's Critics Owe Him a New Years (Fact-Based) Apology" by Frank Schaeffer

Swing Voters, You’ve Been Had: GOP-T Party Wrote UNFUNDED Health-Care Repeal in Secret, No Hearings,

Liberals fear betrayal from Obama on Social Security

"I agree with you. Now make me do it."

House GOP Rediscovers Its Love of Heavy-Handed Tactics

House Republicans Mark New Era of Fiscal Restraint with Swanky Bash for Lobbyists, LeAnn Rimes

President Obama visited his grandfather's grave in Honolulu Monday evening

Issa Asks Corporate Players to Pick Regulations to Target

James K. Galbraith: "Actually, the retirement age is too high"

Jon Stewart:: "Obama is not the Comeback kid --- He's Luke Skywalker"

Progressives who are too lazy to vote are not progressive. they are just in the way!

Republicans Charge Harry Reid Power Grab on Filibuster

January 4, 1861

GOP to invite Dems to join in reading of the Constitution

Boehner Will Be a Failure

Rep. Darrell Issa's wild accusations are hurtful - to his own reputation

Peter Schiff caught lying

Darrell Issa cries

Check in if you participated in the White House's open consultation! 4 more days!

New Republican Leadership in Congress = Democracy Now

Exclusive Footage: (AZ) Sen. Russell Pearce endorsed JT Ready (Neo-Nazi)

Nancy Skinner on Glenn Beck Show with Judge Napolitano discussing new EPA rules 1 3 11

We should leave the filibuster as is. Yes or no?

Not-So-Magic Kingdom: 2008 Military Promo Video, Grand Opening of PetraeusLand©

Arizona Governor's Teeth FALL OUT!

TRMS 01/03/11 - GOP abuse of filibuster prompts reform - Senator Merkley

Stephanie Miller's Rawhide Flavored Jeans

Keiser Report: Monsanto and the Seeds of Evil (E109)

US phasing out coal power plants

Which RNC candidate has the biggest arsenal?

Rachel Maddow Show: New GOP Scapegoat-Public Workers

Darrell Issa Wants To Be Famous For The Downfall of Obama

Why taxes are theft and what we can do

Gibbs on the way out?

Papantonio: GOP Presidential Crazy Game is On

Bush Aide Murdered & Found In Landfill

Majority Report w/ Sam Seder is On The Air 11:30 AM est

Can someone tell me why it is NOT in the GOP's interest for 2012 to default on the debt?

The truth Behind - Gulf war 1 edition

Flashback: Daley advises Democrats to move to the center

The Ed Show: Dennis Kucinich, Repealing New Health Care Bill Opens The Debate Of Medicare For All

President Eisenhower warns of the Military Industrial Complex

Jon Stewart on America (The Book): A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction (2004)

Judith Miller calls Julian Assange a 'bad journalist' for not verifying his sources

Look inside an Israeli kindergarten (funny)

Keith Olbermann: Conservative vs Liberal Brains

Ed Schultz: Issa is a Total Fraud

TDPS: Ana Kasparian on Conservatives' Brains Make Them Scared, TYT Behind the Scenes

TYT: Cenk Slams Obama 'Corruption' Investigations By GOP

GRITtv: Mike Papantonio: Go After Republicans Aggressively

UFC Champ Wants To Fight Obama,Calls The President An Idiot

Cenk TYT commentary: WikiLeaks Attacked By Judy Miller (fmr NY Times Iraq War reporter)

Obama on GOP "I'm sure at some point they'll start acting like adults."

Cenk TYT commentary: US Govt Worked For Boeing - WikiLeaks

We the Corporations

R. Lee Ermey apologizes for dissing President Obama. . .

The American Dream (animated short)

Does the Health Care bill hurt small business?

Papantonio Kicks Cato's Butt on CNBC

Speaker Pelosi Statement on Republican Bill to Repeal Health Reform

Anderson Cooper interviews Michael Moore 1/2

Anderson Cooper interviews Michael Moore 2/2

Cenk TYT commentary: US Tax $ Funds Pedophilia - WikiLeaks

Do you think she's excited at all to meet The President?

Eugene Robinson: Opponents of Health Care Law Are Delusional

Income Redistribution: The Key to Economic Growth?

So, my old computer is done and I'm trying to sync my Ipod.. BUT

So, my old computer is done and I'm trying to sync my Ipod.. BUT

New Poll Confirms Country is Clearly Progressive

Kerry is in Sudan for week leading to referendum - George Clooney has also made Sudan an issue

Will there be a jobless recovery for IT in 2011?

Brain Study Shows Conservatives Have a 'Caligula Amygdala'

NOM needs to stop peddling in fantasy and face reality about same-sex families

Get Ready for a G.O.P. Rerun By BOB HERBERT

WikiLeaks' Most Terrifying Revelation: Just How Much Our Government Lies to Us

WikiLeaks' Most Terrifying Revelation: Just How Much Our Government Lies to Us

Imperialist bullying sharpens in Haiti

Anonymous offers support to Tunisian protestors

Documents expose Egyptian regime as stooge of US imperialism

1990 cable details crucial meeting on eve of Iraqi invasion of Kuwait

How to make a decent cup of tea

Rio Linda pastor charged with child molestation

The Rise of Charismatic Dominionism

Bradley Manning is a Goddamn Hero!

To Beat Back Poverty, Pay the Poor

John Pilger’s The War You Don’t See: An indictment of news reporting as state propaganda

Anti-cuts campaigners meet to debate next move

Why is the Tea Party Targeting the Methodist Church?

John Burns' "ministering angels" and "liberators"

Pfizer Falsely Claims MSF Involvement in the Company's Unethical 1996 Drug Trials in Nigeria

War is a Drug: Washington's 30-Year High

A preview of the first day of the 112th Congress (WaPo)

Obama signs 9/11 health bill, sticks India with paying for it

TOON: This Modern World on bailouts & austerity (guess which we get?)

A Clear Danger to Free Speech

The Big Lie

The Age of Vulnerability

According to Wikileaks, a Colombian official admitted that “false positives” was a common

Gas predicted to hit $3.75 a gallon BY SPRING!!!

Christians Say the World is Ending in May 2011

David Korten: The Missing Vision

Miami-Dade police buy drones

Top CEOs will have earned average workers' full annual pay by 2:30 p.m. today

Why Aren't US Students Rioting Over Crazy Tuition Hikes Like College Kids in Europe?

Gov. Jerry Brown talks Prop. 13 (LA Times)

World Wildlife Fund Scotland issues warning about nuclear 'madness'

Tiger shark bellies found full of migrating birds; are Gulf oil and gas rigs to blame?

Weeds, rock snot, and lionfish: a menu for “invasivores”

Peak oil review - Jan 3

United Arab Emirates files to construct two of four planned nuclear reactors.

China official warns of 300-year desertification fight (BBC)

New plant to bring 1,000 (solar manufacturing) jobs to Pine Belt Mississippi

Indian state of Gujarat begins construction on solar PV park to host 500 MW of generation

Shale gas reserves a blessing for wind and solar - or the other way around?

Thin film solar firm to relocate to $300m factory in Wisconsin (620 jobs)

Will the GOP House attack science, after all?

India’s hidden climate change catastrophe: ‘wave upon wave’ of farmer suicides

Australian Gov. Rejects Plan For $160 Million Climate Research & Risk Modeling Center

Not Done Yet: Tarballs From BP Oil Spill Litter Alabama Beach [Video]

3 January 2011 - Rain In Arctic Canada's Nunavut; Temps Averaging 10-12 C Above Winter Averages

"Myths About Radiation Hazards Debunked"

NRC wants (nuclear) waste stored for (more than a) century

Will legislature clear way for new coal, nuclear plants? (Minnesota GOP)

Xpost from GD: Providing all Global Energy with Wind, Water, and Solar Power

Ecuador’s novel plan to save rainforest

Solar power benefits rural East Africa

Whew! Pat Robertson: No Nuclear Holocaust in '11

Three Swiss Utilities Form a Consortium For Building New Nuclear Capacity.

Rick Scott Picks Shipbuilding Executive To Head Florida's Environment Agency

Power line blamed for bird kill in Louisiana

Causes of Bird Mortality

What is the greatest ecological/environmental threat we will face over the next century?

What is the greatest ecological/environmental threat we will face over the next century?

Down the nuclear rabbit hole

2010 brilliant for New Mexico solar industry

Guardian - 3-Year Study Shows 4 Common US Bumblebee Species Down 96% Since 1980s

UAH to change their base period from 20 to 30 years

Joe Bageant Is Very Ill

Third Calvert Cliffs reactor to face review of alternatives...

Amendment II Democrats - Cheap Shots for 2010

Prosecutor Opens 8 Year Old Boy's Uzi Death Case at Machine Gun Shoot

Why Liberuls (sic) Hate Guns (WTF were do they get this crap?)

According to Wikileaks, a Colombian official admitted that “false positives” was a common

Venezuela prices up after new devaluation

US man given 15 years for 1968 Cuba hijack

Ecuador’s novel plan to save rainforest

"Pay-to-play" scandal rocks Peru presidential race

Hugo to Hil: "to rectify is for the wise"

The 2010 DUFFL Champions are... THE ORLANDO O'BOMBERS!

Favre, Jets sued for sexual harassment

Dear BCS- you have done a wonderful job

Report: Colorado Rockies, Carlos Gonzales agree to $80M deal

Stanford tramples Virginia Tech 40-12..wins Orange Bowl..

I sure wish there was a bowl before the bowl

49ers President Jed York / players, on Mike Singletary

I sure wish Boss Hog would come back.

Kitty porn...Rex Ryan style...

DISGRACEFUL. The Orange Bowl hosts a bowl game and NO ONE shows

Detroit Fox teevee station reporting Rich Rod has been fired

I sure wish the Southwest Conference was still here.

Ohio State's compliance department

Harbaugh!?!? Michigan? 49ers? Denver?

Alright joeybee. The holidays are over.

N.C. Commission Weighs James Censure

If You're Eating Chick-Fil-A, You're Eating Anti-Gay

Gay or Straight, Youths Aren’t So Different

Israel Moving to Apartheid State

Palestinian Arab leader struck wartime deal with Nazis

IDF on Bil’in: spins, half-truths, lies

'Palestinian home demolitions soar'

Poll: "Foreigners" (i.e. Arabs, Sudanese, Asian guest workers) jeopardize Israel's Jewish character

Salam Fayyad

Netanyahu Sends Obama Letter Urging Pollard's Release

Activist provides evidence Bil’in protester died from gas

Israeli forces issue 16 evacuation orders

Religious Divorce Dispute Leads to Secular Protest

Milwaukee Catholic Archdiocese files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy due to abuse cases

End of Days in May? Christian group spreads word

Loose Christian movement says End of Days will occur in May

Hepatitis A warning issued after Christmas communion on Long Island

Catholic Church validates Wisconsin Virgin Mary sightings

Incredible Space Pics from ISS by NASA astronaut Wheelock

For Arkansas Blackbirds, the New Year Never Came

Searching for the Source of a Fountain of Courage

Flying Machines, Amazing at Any Angle

10-Year-Old Girl Discovers a Supernova

We're all a bunch of big babies!

Quest for Dark Energy May Fade to Black

How come life spans of all plants and animals are so short when compared to geologic time?