Freshman Rep. pledges to forgo federal health insurance
You've had enough time Boehner. Where's my job??
From MoveOn: Stop Filibuster abuse.
From MoveOn: Stop Filibuster abuse.
From MoveOn: Stop Filibuster abuse.
Darrell Issa's Theory of Hyperregulation
Why women need planned parenthood?
Damn it, republicans cannot say what they will cut
Several new MLK items on sale at Democratic (union made in the USA)
Republicans and the Debt Ceiling
Inventor says new underwear will protect from TSA screenings
Tom Tomorrow Tweet: "So the GOP is about to take over the House..."
Minor rant - John Roberts (CNN) cheap shot on Pelosi -
Tom Tomorrow Tweet: "So the GOP is about to take over the House..."
Britain: The Liberal Dems made their deal with the devil - now they're rotting in hell
Court defers ruling on California same-sex marriage
Court defers ruling on California same-sex marriage
Mother Jones: Dick Cheney's Disappearing Clout
Ah cleaning up the ignore list
Pentagon Issues Ethics Memo Before Gutting Conflict-of-Interest Rules
Pentagon Issues Ethics Memo Before Gutting Conflict-of-Interest Rules
Pentagon Issues Ethics Memo Before Gutting Conflict-of-Interest Rules
Anderson Cooper on BirdsFallFromSky-Gate, with former sitcom star / current evangelist Kirk Cameron
should the US continue to offer education to all?
should the US continue to offer education to all?
Christmas Communion at a NY Church May Have Infected Hundreds with Hepatitis A
"Hardball' Host Chris Matthews' In-Law Busted For Smuggling Pot"
NYC Radio Station Drops Glenn Beck
Afraid won't b able watch Keith, Rachel, Lawrence after tomorrow,
Afraid won't b able watch Keith, Rachel, Lawrence after tomorrow,
Australia’s Floods Raising Concern About Agriculture, Coal Supplies Oil
Frontier plans massive FiOS cable TV rate hike
Anybody forming a Producer's Co-op Out There?
Mandatory Tuesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!
Several European countries taking private pension funds to solve budget woes:
Version of "Huckleberry Finn" to Remove "N" Word
"Tea party' freshmen embrace status quo"
"Tea party' freshmen embrace status quo"
India’s Microfinance Industry Fuels Mass Suicides -
LOL !!! - Freepers Fighting Over Captain Honors...
LOL !!! - Freepers Fighting Over Captain Honors...
I Think I Know What Killed The Birds........
More raunchy videos surface from the USS Enterprise (unedited versions) (Updated link)
Reports of Pacific Ocean's plastic patch are greatly exaggerated, Oregon State University professor
Phil Roe (R-TN) just told another healthcare whopper.
Cold snaps blamed for dead fish found floating in Spruce Creek (FL)
OK look if I say something like I'm just going to keep using glow in the dark rubbers at the airport
Aftenposten: Germany, U.S. plan secret spy project
Aftenposten: Germany, U.S. plan secret spy project
From The Class War Front: 'Fed Moves To Gut Predatory Lending Regulation' - HuffPo
Censored Huckleberry Finn prompts political correctness debate
Since the President "negotiated with hostage takers"...
Since the President "negotiated with hostage takers"...
LOST Numbers Net $150 on Mega Millions
LOST Numbers Net $150 on Mega Millions
Bets anyone that Daryl Issa will not be able to escape his past
Bets anyone that Daryl Issa will not be able to escape his past
Another RW myth - Illegal Immigration - guess when the numbers started to drop
Extenze Settles a False Advertising Suit; Now the FTC Should Go After Jimmy Johnson
Extenze Settles a False Advertising Suit; Now the FTC Should Go After Jimmy Johnson
Extenze Settles a False Advertising Suit; Now the FTC Should Go After Jimmy Johnson
Researchers find "alarming" decline in bumblebees
Alec Baldwin "Very, Very Interested" In Political Run.
Ok let me go a little into command (Capt Honors)
Contrasting ads on DU header: Women for Afghan Women vs Asian Girls for love
Coldest temperatures in Cuba in over half a century
UAE Censors Ban the Film "Black Swan"
Medical marijuana advocate Montel Williams busted, pays $484 fine for pipe with NO RESIDUE
Medical marijuana advocate Montel Williams busted, pays $484 fine for pipe with NO RESIDUE
'Very large' fish kill reported in bay/ Cold believed cause for 2 million dead spot, croakers
Woman pleads guilty in $4.7M NJ mortgage fraud
Pentagon Gets Approval for Modest Growth in Budget Plan for Fiscal 2012
Food Supply Co, Employing Former Head of Defense Contracting Agency, Wins $4 Billion No-Bid Contract
(Defense Logistics) Agency extends contract for firm that hired its former director
War is a Drug: Washington's 30-Year High
How Schwartzenegger Screwed California
Know what I just can't hear enough about?
Know what I just can't hear enough about?
Know what I just can't hear enough about?
OK, GOPers in Congress are "investigating" Obama, reading the Constitution,
1947 was a terrible year for Democrats
Roger Ebert's new show starts soon
"Speaker Boehner" vs. "Pelosi"....
About 300 Tennessee soldiers leaving for Iraq
The GOP House's Opening Act: Making a Statement -- Or Making a Mockery?
please review my latest editorial re": newest Gulf War Illness patients"
As the GOP takes over the House of Representatives, I know I speak for all of DU when I say....
SEC Censors Document on How It Censors Documents
Hauppauge food bank to hand out Snuggies (w/pic)
Montel Williams cited after marijuana pipe found at airport
Fed can lend money to US companies and stipulate investing it inside the US
GOP will break its own new rules next week with vote to repeal HCR
The reason I would not mind if our Uber Rich got hit with a Sixty Percent Tax Rate...
the media is enlightening america....
Instead of reading the constitution out loud, Congress needs to get busy finding jobs. nt
Regulators Want $2.5 Billion From Bank Execs
Regulators Want $2.5 Billion From Bank Execs
NY radio station has dumped Glenn Beck due to "poor ratings."
Are DUers watching Leo Gerard and KO on the ReTHUG
Resilience is the New Watchword
Repealing health-care reform would cost hundreds of billions of dollars -- and Eric Cantor knows it
Republicans' Radical Plans for Budget Could Threaten the Economic Security of Millions
Republicans' Radical Plans for Budget Could Threaten the Economic Security of Millions
The Toppling: How the media inflated a minor moment in a long war.
The great impending OMG of 2011, By Mark Morford
Cool pics from the space station
The Supreme Court's cranky ideologue
So, the local milk store is now carrying fake cigarettes - devices
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs Resigning After State Of Union Speech; Will Become Outside
Tuna fetches record 32.49 mil. yen at year's 1st auction in Tokyo
Former teacher given 25-year term in sex sting
Former teacher given 25-year term in sex sting
'Golden-voiced' homeless man lands radio spot
The Rude Pundit - In Brief: Leadership By Drama Queenery
The Rude Pundit - In Brief: Leadership By Drama Queenery
Boner has a spot to hang out and relax....
Boner has a spot to hang out and relax....
Corporate Infusion: What the Tea Party’s Really Serving America
Corporate Infusion: What the Tea Party’s Really Serving America
Incoming House GOPer Solicits Deregulation Wishlist From Major Corporations
DNC CHAIR tells ABC's Christiane Amanpour that Dems will Not Lose 2010 Elections! /Repaste
Facebook Fund Tests SEC Resolve
You might be a security risk/untrustworthy if you are ---- unhappy
Mayor calls $3,000 dinner tab 'unacceptable'
Next Obama chapter: Change coming to White House
Guardian UK: World food prices enter 'danger territory' to reach record high
Report: Bachmann Considering Run For President!
What's With The Supreme Court Justices Roberts & Scalia Cozying Up ......
Scalia to TSA Gropers: Women are not protected by the Constitution, so Grope Away!
Apocalypse now? Mystery bird deaths hit Louisiana
America’s Infrastructure Deficit
Don’t Count on Tomorrow: The New Credo for the Unemployed
Just a whore: John ROBERTS, from CBS to CNN to Faux Propaganda Network
Republicans 'will lose next election unless they deliver'
U.S. Companies Added 297,000 Jobs in December, ADP Says
Republicans are Popping Out of the Woodwork Praising Social Security Cuts
Republicans are Popping Out of the Woodwork Praising Social Security Cuts
We must cut spending -starting with salaries and pensions for congress
(former MN Guv) Pawlenty tries the Brawny Guy look
So, do you think when the Pukes read the Constitution
Congressman Boner, day FIVE 2011, where are the jobs YOU promised us?
No, not Gunny Ermy! Please say it isn't so!
In Wheeler's final days, details of a disheveled man
Why will Democrats fare better in 2012? Do you think they will?
Hugo wants celebs who love him as ambassador. How'bout Naomi CAMBELL?!1
(AP) Gibbs leaving White House
Arizona State Lawmaker Proposes Citizen-Militia Force To Patrol Border
The 'Fallout' Of The CIA's Race To Get A. Q. Khan
The 'Fallout' Of The CIA's Race To Get A. Q. Khan
Martin Ssempa (Pastor who is now fugitive) may have paid Ugandan tabloid to out people as gay
King Won’t Give Up His Government Health Care, But Applauds Those Who Do ‘For Standing On Principle’
King Won’t Give Up His Government Health Care, But Applauds Those Who Do ‘For Standing On Principle’
Former Thomas girlfriend has book deal for a "sexually driven" memoir.
Do roads pay for themselves? Well, no
Republicans take over House; massive fish and bird kills around country
Mass bird death mystifies Swedish town
On another gripe, re: the USS Enterprise
What time is the vote on fillibuster reform?
Real-life superhero fights crime in Seattle
Top ten things you won't hear as the Pigs enter the House
Limbaugh is preaching on the righteousness of reading the Constitution..
Limbaugh is preaching on the righteousness of reading the Constitution..
So sick of hearing "Obamacare" this week...
Cheney may been a heart transplant
Cheney may been a heart transplant
Will Boehner urge republicans to vote against raising the debt limit? From what I see, he is
I'm really trying to avoid seeing news coverage of the Congress today
I'm really trying to avoid seeing news coverage of the Congress today
You always hear that health care is a good field to go into. And it may be so.
GOP [to a very skinny Democrat]: You're fat.
Sorry ADP, Not Everyone Believes the Economy Created 297,000 Jobs
Will Alec Baldwin Run for Office?
Will Alec Baldwin Run for Office?
Virginia DMV Revokes World's Greatest License Plate
I remember the USSR, I miss it too.
World Net Daily: Homos And The Muslim Brotherhood Have Taken Over CPAC 2011
OK, what are the odds on Boehner sobbing and blubbering today?
OK, what are the odds on Boehner sobbing and blubbering today?
OK, what are the odds on Boehner sobbing and blubbering today?
For that special someone on your list who has practically everything
For that special someone on your list who has practically everything
It's official: Electing Republicans is like a dog eating it's own vomit.
Frogs, sardines, jellyfish and alligators. Oh, my!
Enzyte-Geist: Or, how to keep the status quo up for longer than four hours.
Enzyte-Geist: Or, how to keep the status quo up for longer than four hours.
Chuck Todd is trying to make the 18 dem votes against Pelosi as a major crisis. nt
That didn't take long. He's not even down the aisle and is blubbering.
Help me please! My favorite radio station is putting Bristol Palin on the radio.
Times are tough all over: Saks Fifth Avenue to close in Denver
Glad to see N. Pelosi is wearing bright blue. (wore purple when sworn in as Speaker)
To what extent should those enforcing the law listen to their own consciences?
Hahahaha!! Even Huffington Post gets the Boehner Jokes
GOP Rep. Mulvaney, Against Raising Debt Ceiling, Admits He Doesn’t ‘Know’ What Will Happen If It Isn
GOP Rep. Mulvaney, Against Raising Debt Ceiling, Admits He Doesn’t ‘Know’ What Will Happen If It Isn
Pelosi is going out fighting -- hammering home the Dem accomplishments. nt
Chin is quivering, I see tears!!!!
Hundreds of dead birds discovered in E. Texas
If I were a Dem in the House, I'd make it part of my j.o.b. to get Boehner to
Wheb does the Senate consider rules changes?
Is MetroPCS 4G a Wallled Garden Without Skype and Netflix?
Drunky McOrangeglo becomes Weeper of the House, talks about "peoiple" but means "megabusinesses"
Howard Dean fires his Truth Cannon
Howard Dean fires his Truth Cannon
I wanna see Bachmann and Palin in the GOP presidential primaries
LOL Pelosi is giving a VICTORY SPEECH! Brag Nancy, Brag!
How the Recession Changed Us (in chart form from The Atlantic)
When is the media going to ask..
It is as if a feather were down my throat, activating my gag reflex . . . . .
Tweety et al - please spare me the beatitudes
"Do what the people ask us to do" Boehner
"Do what the people ask us to do" Boehner
Cell Phone Butt Dial Leads To Hilarious (For Us) 30-Person SWAT Team Intervention
Why is Joe Scarborough on the House floor?
WikiLeaks: the latest developments (posted 1-5-11 by Simon Jeffery @ The Guardian)
Swearing in ceremony for Senate. Biden makes me smile.
Swearing in ceremony for Senate. Biden makes me smile.
Swearing in ceremony for Senate. Biden makes me smile.
New "R" Govs want to bring middle class people down to poverty levels
LOLOL: Michele Bachmann flirting with White House bid (Salon)
Anyone else getting a phone call requesting that you call your Senator
Anyone else getting a phone call requesting that you call your Senator
Anyone else getting a phone call requesting that you call your Senator
God Bless John Boehner........
So help me out here - just how is Boehner and the GOP gonna repeal healthcare
Scalia, one of corporate America’s biggest friends on SCOTUS, just killed corporate personhood
Administration reverses on end-of-life counseling
Bullied at School for Being Gay? The U.S. Justice Department 'Won't Stand for It'
What's the riff between Pelosi and Wasserman-Schultz that Andrea Mitchell alluded
Retranslated Transcript of Boners Accepatance speech...
Senator Harry Reid blocks action on filibuster reform move by Senate Democrats
Response from my Congressman (Inslee) re: the Tax Bill:
How will Boehner's term as speaker end?
Chemical fire in Moerdijk, The Netherlands (pics - dial up warning)
How Wall St. execs bankrolled GOP victory
How Wall St. execs bankrolled GOP victory
Tim Geithner, Fannie, And Freddie Are Getting Slammed For The New Stealth Bailout Of Bank Of America
DU 10th Anniversary Questions - How did you find DU
As Limbaugh Eats Himself, I Wet My Pants...
Walmart: 80 percent made in China
Prominent Republicans Openly Back a Terrorist Group: Why Aren't the "GOP Four" Arrested?
Republicans Ask Businesses Which Rules to Rewrite
Did Boehner's staff secretly swear allegiance to Rev. Moon?
'Lost' Fans Win at Mega Millions. Coincidence or End of Days?
The 'Luxury Prime': How Luxury Changes People
Okay this can't be true (about Congress' debt)
Ships Trapped off Russia's Coast
"Clearly, whatever it is, this is no democracy we are living in today."
Blasphemy laws: alive and well in the U.S.? LINK FIXED
Ratigan is tearing this ReTHUG a new one
Did we already raise taxes on the rich starting in 2013 through the Health Care Reform bill?
Super Big Gulp fan says 7-Eleven duping the public out of 4 ounces
Michael Moore - here is my challenge to you...
Boner just made a hell of an "entrance" in the House , there
Ted with the golden voice. Complete new image.
Anyone gonna get a kick outta Rethug's sisyfusian task list?
House GOP ends floor voting rights for delegates
There were 20 Dem defectors who didn't vote for Pelosi! Nice statement, assholes. nt
NYC Snowstorm Reveals Icy Relations Between Albany, Public Workers
John Boehner and the Republicans want to decimate everything...
New Tea Party Sen. Mike Lee: ‘I Understand The Logic’ Of A Health Insurance Mandate
m$nbc homepage.....turtle gets top billing
m$nbc homepage.....turtle gets top billing
The orange fugger is crying already
To quote Mike Malloy, "Did I say yet how much I hate these people?"
Massive Problem: We cannot write to congresspeople outside our district.
Who is the longest serving congresswoman?
Clowns Killed In Alleged Drug Gang Hit In Mexico
Howard Kurtz: Affirmative Action Balances Out Being Called 'Black Slut'
Laid-off Gary firefighter panhandles on street
caption this Pelosi & Boehner pic...
Ratigan is calling BS on a Republican for spreading the meme that repealing the
Tweety says you won't see Pelosi and Hoyer within twenty feet of eachother.
Video: Dean at Monitor breakfast..don't let the door hit them in the you know what on the way out.
Florida's New Phony Governor and His 'Security' - Limits Press Access
Amendments to health reform repeal filed by Dems to force vote
Tea Party Billionaire David Koch Entertains Newly Elected Republicans On The First Day Of The New Co
Demand Net neutrality as a basic right
Funds misuse, nepotism feared at Texas charter schools
Michele Bachmann Plans Iowa Trip; Is a 2012 Bid on Tap?
BBC Reports Onion Style,Israeli Vulture is Detained for being spy.
Glenn Beck Calls for Revolution - Says Left Wants a Violent Revolution
NY Post (bletch) is in a tizzy about the President's vacation attire
U.S. Alters Rule on Paying for End-of-Life Planning
White Use of the Word “N---er” Goes to Court
White Use of the Word “N---er” Goes to Court
Oddest interview questions of 2010.
Tweety can't go one show without a little love for Palin. I swear to god if
Tweety can't go one show without a little love for Palin. I swear to god if
2,000,000 fish in chesapeake bay now being reported.
I think the people who were polled regarding Gov Christie beating president Obama...
Europe's 5 most generous pension systems
Service Sector Grows at Fastest Pace in Four Years
Service Sector Grows at Fastest Pace in Four Years
Principal critical after school shooting in Nebraska
Principal critical after school shooting in Nebraska
Rep Louise Slaughter:And so the fight begins: Fighting Republican attempts to turn back
Let's start an email campaign.......
Navy Investigation Over Lewd Videos Expands To Offender's Superiors
Navy Investigation Over Lewd Videos Expands To Offender's Superiors
"The American's are in Charge, now" WTF? The corporations and wealthy are
Al Sharpton on Ed: Enough weight loss, Al!
Howard Dean: tea party is 'last gasp' of generation that fears diversity
One in 13 Georgians is behind bars
From shoddy premises to final 'failure,' a look at the War on Drugs
Virginia DMV Revokes World's Greatest License Plate
State Lawmakers Take On Birthright Citizenship
Did Boehner get wood when Nancy kissed him?
opposition to Afghanistan war remains high
opposition to Afghanistan war remains high
2nd report of hundreds of dead birds in Kentucky
Has anyone noticed that the MSM is making a huge deal out of the "New 112th Congress" Thing?
Has anyone noticed that the MSM is making a huge deal out of the "New 112th Congress" Thing?
Guardian UK: Meet the House of Representatives of 2011: bland, far-right and corporate
Got an "invitation" in the morning mail to borrow $7,500 - at only 20.18%
I didn't know that they "vote" in the Sepaker -- as now on C-Span. So if we
New Huckleberry Finn edition censors 'n-word'
The GOP Needs To Tell The Truth About Their Views On The Constitution
The GOP Needs To Tell The Truth About Their Views On The Constitution
The GOP Needs To Tell The Truth About Their Views On The Constitution
What's happening with Senate filibuster rules?
Butt-dialing Mistake Sends SWAT Team To Winnetka School
I, for one, am grateful for all the work done by Former Speaker Pelosi
Ed just pointed out that Boehner did not mention jobs once during his speech today.
Google Map of Recent Mass Animal Deaths
Google Map of Recent Mass Animal Deaths
Why not use sniffing dogs instead of frisking and porno scanners?
TSA pat down photos of the day
TSA pat down photos of the day
The Plan to Blame Unions For Everything
Chances Boehner Gets Republicans voted Out
Chances Boehner Gets Republicans voted Out
Homeless man with radio voice has offer
Homeless man with radio voice has offer
When you Trash Members of the BIG TENT PARTY...what does it mean? FUCKING RETARDS/Batshit Crazy?
Wow...just wow. Talk about paranoia and closed-mindedness.
Sources: Harry Reid Sleeping With Mitch McConnell's Wife In 1986 At Core Of Senate Gridlock
Dr. Atul Gawande: Solitary Confinement is Torture
Dr. Atul Gawande: Solitary Confinement is Torture
The 112th Congress - two new links that everyone should have
Wounded Arizona Deputy Fired Over Press Statements
homeless guy with incredible "radio" voice
Boner and his ConJob buddies demonized Nancy Pelosi for FOUR YEARS to win back the House
Where do you stand on this Capt. Honors flap?
Pennsylvania won't be having any festivals in 2011
Fake White House Christmas E-Card Swipes Government Documents
ESPN Fires Announcer Ron Franklin Over Sexist Remarks
Explain the logic of the estate tax.
Bill O'Reilly attributes tides to The Deity, not the moon!
I had to go see what the Freepers were saying about Capt. Honors
I am a US Air Force Intelligence Veteran of the War in Afghanistan and I support Wikileaks.
Fish kills are actually very common.
4th amendment metallic underwear (caution - photos)
Can we ever become citizens again?
Commission lets 36 states dump nuke waste in Texas
Verizon changing its upgrade policy; you'll have to wait 20 months for a new phone
Looking into mass bird kills...they're not all that unusual.
wtf? Watchdog: IRS tormenting struggling taxpayers
Moonbat theories not needed for falling birds
US worried by 'trend' of Christian attacks --
Olbermann segment on Rs after unions
That guy, Scott Hennan (R-Radio talk show host) on Ed's show looks like
Pat Robertson's Predictions for 2011
Why people say Social Security is "going broke"
USDA Colony Collapse Disorder Progress Report issued....
Mega Millions Numbers Have Eerie "Lost" Tie-In
President Obama Pulls the Plug on Elderly End-of-Life Counseling
WARNING. Natural Balance Dog Food Duck/Sweet Potato Small Breed
Wow! Now all these dead fish stories are happening around the world and making me nervous.
Wow! Now all these dead fish stories are happening around the world and making me nervous.
Is anyone else worried that these bird deaths may mark an impending "Flash Forward"??
Is anyone else worried that these bird deaths may mark an impending "Flash Forward"??
DU Question of the day - How did EarlG and Skinner first promote the opening of DU
1st paycheck today for 2011. Hmmm...
1st paycheck today for 2011. Hmmm...
Favorite defunct computer company?
Boehner moved to tears as he moves to speakership
OK the morans have solved 'the birds are falling' crisis
Chris Hedges calls it "A Brave New Dystopia". The new normal.
Kaine: Any challenger to Obama would be "fringe"
A time for some quiet applause:
Why the Republicans won the House?
Republicans begin their reign of error with a new lie...
Hero Hypocrisy: Part Two, Support our Troops.
This is what I meant a few months back about "envying" the Tea Party
This is what I meant a few months back about "envying" the Tea Party
Why I have mixed feelings about the Union busting that is going on now...
Obama administration directs federal agencies to institute "insider threat" programs to stop leaks.
Beck's radio empire imploding as 2011 begins -- whacked in the Big Apple
Woman posts Facebook suicide note, takes pills, "friends" stand by and do nothing
Sean Penn and Haiti: "I’m still here."
"After failing TSA screening, flier in wheelchair (and her underwear) leaves Okla"
Jane MAYER is target of smear campaign after writing about KOCH Bros. Coincidence?!1
So was Boehner's larger than normal gavel some sort of phallic symbol intended to cover his. . .
Very useful web site shows daily list of job layoffs, store/business closings/bankruptcies.
Oh my, Ann Coulter tweets the words 'retarded person' - What will Sarah Palin do?
Authors: CIA waited years to stop nuclear proliferation-The 'Fallout' Of The CIA's Race To Get Khan
"Hempfest May Move To Seattle Center This Year"
Scalia should be impeached immediately
In Case You Missed This... And THANK YOU Wikileaks !!!
I don't get why suddenly all the garlic in CA is from China!
Strange fish and bird deaths apparently going global. 40,000 dead crabs in UK.
Is $172,000 a 'modest' salary?
PFC Bradley Manning, An American Patriot:
What is the plan for taking back the Congress in 2012?
Clowns killed in alleged drug gang hit in Mexico
Announcing DU's first test of the new Edit Request system
SC 'Coon Hunter' License Plate Not Offensive, Says Raccoon Hunter
Ralph Nader to the Times: 'There Is Too a Left!'
Elizabeth Edwards cut estranged husband John Edwards out of will week before she died
Elizabeth Edwards cut estranged husband John Edwards out of will week before she died
Hey, Congress? Where's the money??
Census: Number of poor may be millions higher; 1 in 5 in the West
Tax the Rich; End the Wars; Medicare for All. It's really that simple. nt
Tax the Rich; End the Wars; Medicare for All. It's really that simple. nt
The German magazine Spiegel says Wall Street banksters committed a monumental insider bank robbery
***** Official LiveBlog = Senate Filibuster Rule Debate *****
I know alot of people do not want to hear this, but the reason America is headed towards fascism and
CA appeals court says public schools must share facilities with charter schools.
20 sad Facts about America's decaying infrastructure
Are you smarter than an NFL quarterback? Take the quiz
Are you smarter than an NFL quarterback? Take the quiz
Ballet Audience Boos Tea Party Billionaire David Koch
"A TOAST" - lets throw some slices of it and let the RUCKUS start (Behler Cartoon, auspicious day)
Could Progressives and Tea Partiers work together to save Social Security?
‘Full Metal Jacket’ drill instructor apologizes for calling on Americans to ‘rise up’ against Obama
Wynkoop Brewing Releases Special Beer in Honor of Brewery Founder & Governor Elect John Hickenlooper
Colorado inmates catch useful trade in raising fish for food
Son of Iran Shah Commits Suicide in US: Family
Appeals court says cross on federal land is unconstitutional
So Much for "Impartial" Justice: Antonin Scalia Attends Michele Bachmann's Tea Party
Insurers take on Toyota in acceleration lawsuits
Front-page protests at Hungary's new media law which threatens fines for 'unbalanced coverage' Read
Justin Bieber says he sometimes suffers from insomnia
Gunmen go on rampage: Three killed, six wounded
8 minutes of scorched Earth blues from Gary Moore: "Evil Love," LIVE @ Jim Capaldi (Traffic) Tribute
Lawmaker Defends Ritzy Gala for GOP Freshmen
A nail salon with many satisfied customers?
Anti-cuts campaigners (& activists from Netroots US) meet to debate next move (at NetrootsUK summit)
Version of "Huckleberry Finn" to Remove "N" Word
Aftenposten: Germany, U.S. plan secret spy project
Censored Huckleberry Finn prompts political correctness debate
France heads industrial espionage: WikiLeaks cables
Tuna fetches record 32.49 mil. yen at year's 1st auction in Tokyo
The GOP House's Opening Act: Making a Statement -- Or Making a Mockery?
Petroleum industry pushes for more drilling
Private sector adds 297,000 jobs in December: ADP
U.S. tells agencies: Watch 'insiders' to prevent new WikiLeaks
Repealing health-care reform would cost hundreds of billions of dollars -- and Eric Cantor knows it
Assassination throws U.S.-basked Pakistan into greater turmoil
How Holly Petraeus Came to Join the Obama Administration
Employers in 2010 Announced Fewest U.S. Job Cuts in 13 Years
Radical cleric Sadr returns to Iraq (after 4 years) as hero
Mega Millions Numbers Have Eerie "Lost" Tie-In
Mystery Guest enter and sign in please! *** Edited for clarity ***
Bllizzard Cleanup is subject of Inquiry
More than 2,000 Iraqi army officers killed in the past few months
Sometimes when I wake up I see this a couple of inches from my face (DIAL UP WARNING - 252 k)
Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station protesters sentenced
Michele Bachmann Plans Iowa Trip; Is a 2012 Bid on Tap?
Hackers use fake Obama e-mail to steal data
BBC Reports Onion Style,Israeli Vulture is Detained for being spy.
Bullied at School for Being Gay? The U.S. Justice Department 'Won't Stand for It'
Patrick cuts Massachusetts lawmakers' pay
USDA Colony Collapse Disorder Progress Report issued....
I think I want to make some money from the anti-Obama crowd
Homeowner Beats Bank Of America In Small Claims Court
Demand Net neutrality as a basic right
School shooter dead; principal injured
Chavez scraps university law, planned tax hike
Gibbs to Leave as White House Press Secretary
G.O.P. Aims Smaller for Cuts to Budget
G.O.P. Aims Smaller for Cuts to Budget
I just saw a pbs doc. about legendary mojave desert hermits and personalities. Anyone know its name?
U.S. Services Expand at Fastest Pace Since 2006
How Wall St. execs bankrolled GOP victory-Hedge fund moguls donated $10 million
Gerry Rafferty, singer of 'Baker Street' and 'Stuck in the Middle With You,' dead.
Obama approval rating back up to 50%
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Ricky Gervais Comic Relief African Appeal
Freezing weather leads to south China evacuations
Hi, folks ... New Year Greetings ... fingers crossed for better days ahead ... A Question.....
Republicans Ask Businesses Which Rules to Rewrite
Republican Intentions in Congress May Exceed Ability to Cut Obama Programs
Mainstream Pakistan religious organisations applaud killing of (Punjab Governor) Salman Taseer
In the Navy, you can sail the seven seas.....
NATO: $20 billion spent in 2 years for Afghan Training
Pentagon Is Poised to Cancel Marine Landing Craft
PHOTO: THE *****OFFICIAL***** David Hasselhoff Stare-Down And You Will Look Away FIRST Thread
Some Lounge wisdom on vanity plate
(Arlen) Specter gets a teaching gig at Penn (on Congress & Supreme Court)
Mega Millions is at $330 million, what would you do with all that money?
I really cannot stand comedians who ONLY talk about relationships.
This bowl season has been a joke
What are the Festival Food stores like?
UPDATE: Dead birds on bridge is a natural occurrence
a wise man once said "by their fruits you will know them"
Roger Ebert's new show starts soon and the production logo is too cute:
Feingold to be professor at Marquette Law School
Blunders Abounded Before Gulf Spill, Panel Says
In House, new Republican majority plans to act fast to undo Obama's agenda (20-days)
More witnesses testify at Edwards grand jury
You all look like folks who enjoy a challenging online time waster!!
Congrats to Roberto Alomar and Zeist, NL's Own Bert Blyleven
White House Changes End-of-Life Medicare Rules
Would you like to see some music vids?
Best free alternative to photoshop?
Henry lost his virginity at the age of 110 and fathered 11 children.
Alright, who turned Granny on to the E?
Milwaukee Bucks released Skinner!!!
North Korea calls for 'unconditional' talks with South
I resolve to add more a-holes to my ignore list
Mass. lieutenant governor rescues children from burning van
Swedish birds 'scared to death': veterinarian (Birds fell from the sky in central Sweden on Tuesday)
Ain't no negative sense RNA on that bitch, because it's FUCKING MEASELS.
Anyone ever watch "The Millionaire Matchmaker"?
OMG Noooooo! The Doctor is marrying his daughter!!!
Chief Justice John Roberts Swears in Boehner's staff ("Behind Closed Doors")
(Republican) Lawmaker Defends Ritzy Gala for GOP Freshmen
Police Stop Leather-Clad Fetishist Out for a Walk
Exclusive: Volcker to step down from White House panel
I would call anyone else an idiot and a fool
Millard South shooter dead; principal injured
Boehner Is Speaker, But 19 Democrats Vote Against Pelosi
Did anyone see the previews for the upcoming episode of "Hoarders"
Are you now or have you ever been disambiguated?
Has George Clooney ever said whether he prefers to do comedy or drama movies?
Help, please. How do I transfer photos from Photobucket onto my
Reporters Not Welcomed At Corporate-Sponsored Rick Scott Inaugural
Jeb Bush not ruling out run for White House in 2016
World Bank issues bond denominated in Chinese yuan
Obama Spokesman Gibbs ‘May Leave Within Weeks’
Gave up on the police finding our stolen imacs
What are you reading this week DU? Me, I'm just about to start "The Tell-Tale Brain"
Surprise jobs surge boosts economic outlook
Councilman wants to ban bottled water
55 Science Fiction/Fantasy movies coming out in 2011
Why do kids dress for June when it's January? Answer: Because their parents are idiots.
How many people are on your ignore list?
President Obama signed 35 bills into law Tuesday
Is anyone here certified to teach ESL?
Retracted autism study an 'elaborate fraud,' British journal finds
Seriously, why do men do comb-overs. Do they realize just how hideous it looks
Apparent China Stealth Jet Photos Leaked
In his final days, ex-Pentagon official was disheveled
Share your current strange crushes
The (So Far) Scandal-Free Administration.
AEI's Ornstein: Democratic Proposal to Extend Legislative Day 'Not Improper'
DNC’s Tim Kaine: Obama “Had A Lot Of Things He Had To Do” Before Focusing On Jobs
"Obama staff shakeup imminent"
I had another email (27th?) read by Cafferty on CNN
"Democrats Find Unity Against a Common Foe"
Stephanie Miller to Replace Robert Gibbs @ White House
"A Major Step Forward in Modernizing Our Food Safety System"---Obama Blog Reports
House rethugs To Break Key Promise On Day 1
NYT: Pomp, and Little Circumstance
Ezra Klein: Bill Daley not only opposed healthcare reform, he opposed creation of the CFPB
Repealing Health Care Reform Will Kill 32,000 People a Year
The impeachment procedure is nonsensical.
President Obama signed 35 new laws yesterday
Washington Post Somehow Doesn’t Realize People Care About The Economy
Must See Video: Endgame Strategies, LLC 'sells' Senate filibusters, secret holds to their clients
Regarding HCR Repeal. Let's get a CBO scoring and add a poison pill
Who was that scumbag that introduced Boehner?
Gibbs will be a good spokes person in the media for the President
Chris Matthews has moments where he's beyond annoying and needs to be slapped upside the head
MSNBC: What's her name says that Boehner says he is there to do the people's business.
House Speaker vote in progress. Seventeen Dems have voted present or for someone other than Pelosi.
Heath Shuler gets 11 votes for Speaker!
Ron Christie says he has a law degree
Cripes!!! Do they need all those people to escort the scumbag Boehner?
Ten Democratic Accomplishments You May Not Have Known About
Lawrence O'Donnell Challenges Rep. Goodlatte's Reading Of The Constitution
Nancy is introducing Boehner...
House GOP Repeatedly Promised $100 Billion In Spending Cuts That It Now Calls ‘Hypothetical’
How did Andrea Mitchell ever become a newscaster?
The Ed Show: Darrell Issa prostituting To Big Business For Advise
Ezra Klein: Repealing healthcare reform would cost hundreds of billions of dollars --Cantor knows it
PBS NewsHour: Ray Suarez interviews Dallas DA about exonerated Texas man
Predictions for 2011 on Russia Today's Crosstalk (appearance by me)
Greek Anarchists Protest Outside of Athens Prison
NYT: BREAKING NEWS 9:57 AM Gibbs to Leave as White House Press Secretary
Doritos Pulls Ad From Super Bowl Contest For Allegedly Being Anti-Christian
U.S. Alters Rule on Paying for End-of-Life Planning
Kathleen Sebelius: Don't repeal health care law
Mike Malloy - Darrell Issa´s Rap Sheet
Daley is meeting with Pres Obama right now
John Cleese, Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett: Class.
PBS NewsHour: Sens. Tom Udall (D-NM), Lamar Alexander (R-TN) debate filibuster
Justice Scalia: Women Not Constitutionally Protected From Discrimination
Majority Report: America Says, Tax the Rich!
The House Democratic Leader's new site is up
The Rationale Behind Cantor's Dishonesty
How dare Nancy be so nice to Boehner!!!
Anonymous novel on Obama stirs Beltway buzz
The Year That Wasn't. A Mark Fiore political animation
Did Sarah Plain call the Christian Right a bunch of closeted homos?
Mark Crispin Miller and David Swanson on Lies and Empires and Filibusters
Brian Williams on Letterman Discuss Boehner Crying and More
King Won't Give Up His Government Health Care, But Applauds Those Who Do 'For Standing On
Right Wingers Fear CPAC Takeover by.... Republican Muslims
TYT: Ann Coulter: Cenk Is 'Retarded'
Argh, I just got in and can't find text of "New House Rules"
House Dem talking points on health repeal
Spending in Afghanistan: up to 2008 and 2009
President Obama renominates more than 40 judicial candiates
A Profile in Corporate Courage
MN Governor Deftly Handles Anti-Health Care Protesters
I predict that my fellow progressives will find a reason to hate Robert Gibbs unnamed replacement...
If Obama lost in 2012, would u watch the next inauguration?
Cenk TYT commentary: Who Owns Congressman Issa?
Employers in 2010 Announced Fewest U.S. Job Cuts in 13 Years
Papantonio and Ed Schultz Discuss Darrell Issa's Criminal Record
RNC canditates struggle MIGHTILY with the question 'What is your favorite book?'
This is what Issa is going after
What kills people are doctors refusing to see patients unless they have health insurance.
How Usury Killed the Economy (a MUST WATCH video)
TYT: Poll - Americans Are Progressive On Key Issues
Boehner talks about being more civil and having a better relationship?
MRN: Commie Boehner, Quiet Kasich and Ohio's Golden Voice
Man Brutally Beaten and Pepper Sprayed by Cop
Republicans' Deficit Ceiling Bluff Attack on Social Security
We have now been at war for almost twice as long as we were in WWI & WWII combined
A multi-tasking Issa lies and redefines 'corrupt' on CNN
Here it is: The filibuster reform package!
what poll said Christie could beat Obama in 2012?
Which god was Boehner using for his oath?
Homeless man w/golden radio voice in Columbus, OH (Update-FINAL)
Cheney: In Need of Heart Transplant?
Politico: William Daley meeting now at the White House with President Obama, Pete Rouse and Plouffe
Wow, take a look at the GOP's step by step plan to improve the economy, now that they run the House
Alan Grayson "There's NOBODY Giving Obama Economic Or Military Advice You Can Call A Progressive"
Michele Bachmann eyeing presidential run in 2012
Politico reports Karen Finney being considered to replace Robert Gibbs
Dean Endorses Bill Daley, Rips Outgoing Obama Aides For 'Contempt'
Exclusive: President Michele Bachmann?
Forecast 2011 -- Gird Your Loins for Lower Living Standards (James Howard Kunstler)
Norway pressed into missile defense
GOP House Members to Read Constitution, AND Huckleberry Finn
Obama Should Read WikiLeaks Documents
Drinking Austerity Kool-Aid in 2011
Republicans want congressional inquiry into Wikileaks
Juan Cole: Wrong Again, Sen. Graham
Robert Scheer: Lanny Davis Puts Dems to Shame
Is the Ruination of America Possible?
How Wall St. execs bankrolled GOP victory
The slow death of tolerance in Egypt
Amy Goodman: Darrell Issa, Step Away From the Corporations
Brett Favre's Legacy is Not Tarnished
Joan Walsh on Scalia: 14th Amendment only protects black citizens and a rich white kid named Bush
G.O.P. Asks Businesses Which Rules to Rewrite
Top US official murdered???,,,Arkansas bird kill related?
HuffPo: Rev. Jesse Jackson: GOP Goes After Most Vulnerable
Meet the House of Representatives of 2011: bland, far-right and corporate
Turning Failed Commercial Properties into Parks
A Shared Cosmology Could Transform the World
A Snow-Filled Glimpse Of America's Future by David Sirota
Birthright Citizenship Looms as Next Immigration Battle
Crocodile attack warnings in flooded Australia - Blimey, as if it wasn't bad enough!!
2 million fish reported dead in Chesapeake Bay in Md
"The Definition Of Utter Loneliness In Stephen Harper's Cabinet Is To Be Environment Minister" - G&M
NSIDC - December 2010 Arctic Ice Extent Lowest For Any December On Record
Skateboarders aim to flip commuter bans
World Food Prices Rise to Record on Sugar, Meat Costs
Diary of an electric commuter (review of Nissan Leaf)
Ocean Currents Changing due to Global Warming
It's official: 2010 NOT the hottest year on record
Providing all Global Energy with Wind, Water, and Solar Power,
Marine Stewardship Council Deems Toothfish "Sustainable" Despite Warnings From Marine Scientists
ACLU challenges citizenship requirement for concealed weapons
People line up to get concealed carry permits. Some businesses post no-gun signs.
U. officers on leave after leaking gun policy
"Armed Citizen" Blog Re-Launches; Self-Defense Site Rebounds From Lawsuit(Righthaven)
Police probe hacker attack on Brazil president's site
British cruise ship Thomson Dream to dock in Cuba
Fyi, new interacttive cablegate map @ El Pais:
Colombia ranks 2nd in NYT travel poll
Global popularity of Andean 'superfood' quinoa transforms lives of Bolivian farmers
Yesterday, Amy did 10 minutes on Dilma with guest Greg Grandin.
Venezuela says it nearly paid off debt to Colombia
Cuba registers record-low infant death rate
Venezuela Chavez: No VAT Tax Hike, No University Law
Meanwhile, the Raiders fire Tom Cable
49ers hire Trent Baalke as Harbaugh next?
Gloat-Free NBA Scores (Tuesday, January 4)
I sure wish teams wouldn't put stupid stickers on their helmets.
Shhhh...what's that sound? [chomp, chomp, gulp] Haters eating crow. 5th BCS win!
Why in the hell didn't Arkansas run that blocked punt in for a TD?
Michigan Fires Rodriguez as Coach
For the OSU Haters ... Tressel's 10 years
Bert Blyleven and Roberto Alomar elected to the Hall of Fame
Brett Favre's Legacy is Not Tarnished
+++ NFL Playoffs: Wildcard Picks +++
That'll do it! It's over! Congrats to Arkansas and BOSSHOG on their effort tonight!
Quite a game tonight. Too bad BossHog is not around to share his insiteful views with us
Antonin Scalia will be teaching a class on the constitution to incoming republicans,
BBC interview with anti-gay extremist about gay parenting results in at least 95 complaints.
Family Equality Council got the feds to use gender-neutral language on passport applications!
Breaking the Silence: A Chronicle of Dispossession
Wave of ethnic rage worries Israeli PM, activists
Israel must abide by the rule of law
In Bethlehem, shepherds watching their flocks by night are a dying breed
Top Palestinian officials besieged by colonists
Palestinian businesses demolished in East Jerusalem
Israel Said It Would Keep Gaza Near Collapse: WikiLeaks
Wikileaks: Israeli blockade targeted Gaza economy
Thomas Aquinas was dumb as dirt.
Coptic church officials on alert
Vaccine Blocks Cocaine High in Mice: Approach Could Also Stop Addiction to Other Drugs, Including He
the first solar eclipse of 2011 (the big picture)
INSANELY awesome solar eclipse picture