Democratic Underground

Archives: January 7, 2011

Are you Liberal, Progressive, Right wing spy?

After Filibustering Judicial Nominees, McConnell Falsely Claims That He Opposes

False positives suggest police exploit dogs to justify searches

KO looks great tonight - starting with Sessions

Cost of healthcare repeal put at $230 billion

Conservative self-identifies with single-celled brainless organism

U.S. kills Marine vehicle that promised 750 jobs (Michigan)

Question: Medical tort reform; Insurance vs. insurance.

So, administration of some of my federal student loans has been handed to Sallie Mae

Devastation From Above

Billo the Clown: "Tide goes in, tide goes out, no miscommunication."

Let's start counting: "Rising star" Rethug, new congress critter David RIVERA, being investigated

Hey Weeper Boner

Godless Capitalism

US Airways Closing Remaining Off Shore Reservations Centers

So, is it just me, or does John Boehner look like

Blue Shield of California plans huge rate increases (up to 50% for some)

James Carville..

Howard Dean approves of William Daley

OATHGATE - Pete Session (R-Tx) didn't take the oath then tried to repeal "Obamacare" (hilarious)

The Desperate Campaign to Discredit Jane Mayer

I would weep for what this country has become

Repugs aim to save America from the tyranny of clean air

Possible Republican replacements for the current HCR bill

Egypt Muslims to act as "human shields" at Coptic Christmas Eve mass

Republicans violate Constitution while reading the Constitution

Republicans reject report on cost of health care repeal

Homophobic Congresswoman to Head Subcommittee on Higher Education

What do Republicans/Teabaggers think about the 112 so far?

Help save Social Security: interviewees needed, make $10

Freeper "tet68" says St. Ronnie was "saviour of his country"..."can’t wait for your stamp"

O'Reilly tide story on Colbert - Billo has said it on several occasions-

Mandatory Thursday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! Brad Friedman subs for Mike

At least the Republicans are giving us good Comedy Entertainment: Jon Stewart is Awesome

Republicans reject report on cost of health care repeal...forget reality

The TSA’s wholesale violation of our civil rights, including economic liberty

Egypt Muslims to act as "human shields" at Coptic Christmas Eve mass

When they pass the plate, basket or what-have-you in churches all over America....

Daley is "great" say the two pundits on Charlie Rose.

Theres one thing I love about "The Last Word"

Pubs have launched a petition drive to repeal the health care bill -- just heard a tv ad

House of Horrors -Smashing Plato's Cave

Corruption in Chicago's Dept of Ed during the final Arne Duncan years

Jean Wilkinson dies at 96; one of the first Los Angeles teachers to be fired during Red Scare

Before The Republicans Start Lying About it!

BOEHNER: I don’t think I have one off the top of my head.

Discover Card delivers!

Perfect illustration of how Trickle Down Economics have failed us

ProPublica Shows Merrill Paid Traders to Take Its CDOs

Judge orders reinstatement for student who posted placenta photo to Facebook

America the Land of the Stupid - or - y-ur-peeps-b-so-dum

Is anyone familiar with the Coffee Party Movement?

A man who truly deserves a second chance

A Bizarro World where teachers are to blame

Why Did America Have a 90% Income Under Eisenhower?

If two House Democrats missed the swearing in and voted anyway, the media would be in fucking FLAMES

If two House Democrats missed the swearing in and voted anyway, the media would be in fucking FLAMES

did Rachel Maddow marry her partner over the holidays?

Rogue thug cops organize - Milwaukee police looked into ‘Punishers’ group

So I went to the last Christopher Street day in my area.

Clearly Boehner is a boner.

CA Gov. Proposes Moving State Inmates to Local Jails

CA Gov. Proposes Moving State Inmates to Local Jails

Daley really wants next Press Secretary to be a woman

Daley really wants next Press Secretary to be a woman

Dirty Tricks Specialist Gains Seat on House Committee that Investigated Him

Why Tea Partiers Should Despise George W. Bush

Will the New Assaults on Public Employee Unions Undermine All Workers?

I sure miss David Shuster

Sex Toy Rigged With Bomb Is World's Worst Christmas Present

NSA Building New $1.2 Billion Dollar Digs In Utah

NSA Building New $1.2 Billion Dollar Digs In Utah

Why Inequality Matters

New Law Would Track Race of Suspended Students

Congress unlikely to extend hand to ailing states

Give the RICH A TAX CUT and make VETERANS PAY more for health care?

Milestone meeting for atheists, council

Women Aren't People Under Scalia's Constitution: Ann Woolner


Blackbird rain, you won't believe it.

MSNBC: Rich people are less likely to feel empathy

LA schools Boss to be John Deasy, of fake degree and Gates (and Broad) foundation fame

LA schools Boss to be John Deasy, of fake degree and Gates (and Broad) foundation fame

Pentagon To Cut Spending For First Time Since 9/11

Morning Jerk just said that MSNBC needs a new political producer in DC...

Jebus Fugging Krist

Editor who fired Juan Williams resigns after NPR review

Editor who fired Juan Williams resigns after NPR review

(Colorado) Springs bases spared — for the moment — from proposed defense cuts

Curses! Romania's witches forced to pay income tax

Too much fluoride in water, government says

And so it begins - lookah who's on CNBC as I type: JEB BEWSH!

Some home prices won't recover until the 2030s

David Kelly's mobile phone logs ignored by detectives

Has a single hack on Network or cable

Bill Black -- 2011 Will Bring More De facto Decriminalization of Elite Financial Fraud

The Rich Can Already Call It a Year

US Military Spending is No Longer A Sacred Cow

Leaving the People Out of the Debate Laura Flanders

Time for a Bailout for the American Workforce

There's a pretty good discussion over at about the recent 'defense' cuts

Drone may be coming to Miami-Dade

Reasons to be thankful for Global Climate Chaos:

Kabuki Democracy—And How to Fix it Eric Alterman

Petraeus Sees Winning Over Taliban as Key Task, Rheinische Says

Taibbi: Palin will absolutely run for President

Pets fed on woman who was dead in her home

If You Read This Blog Post, You Will Die -- Krugman

Anonymous Has Joined Tunisian Activists To Help Fight The Government's Stifling Of Online Dissent

Circumcision helps stop wart virus, study finds

More Small Businesses Offering Health Care To Employees

Re: The jobs report

Stewert Slams Facebook deal "I'm unfriending Goldman Sachs" (Video)

Decline and Fall (Maybe) New Years Edition

The Revolving Door --

How will our military ever survive with these cuts?

Barbara Lee: More Troops Not the Answer in Afghanistan

Scott Sisters Free After 16 Years In Prison

Stephen Colbert humiliates Bill O'Reilly

On the reading of the Constitution in Congress

"The State of Our Union-Perpetual War" ... from 2003!

"The State of Our Union-Perpetual War" ... from 2003!

interesting..if you have time..wikipedia's "Criticism of war on Terror"

interesting..if you have time..wikipedia's "Criticism of war on Terror"

US created 103,000 jobs in December. Unemployment U-3 falls to 9.4%

Bat Boy's Mom

U.S. proposes to open roads to Mexican trucks

Juan Williams Is Now a Clown

The Capitol has been transformed into a big top

The Capitol has been transformed into a big top

Dick "Shrimper" Morris: Shutting down the government to repeal Health Care Bill is a great idea

La La La, I Can't Hear You...........

I cannot understand why democratic voters have passively accepted

GLAAD to CNN: Stop Giving a Platform to Hate Groups

Boehner's Weird Idea for a Safety Net - Matt Taibbi

Bluedogs won't vote for healthcare repeal.

Bloomberg left no one in charge during the blizzard while he took his winter holiday

So I'm walking to the break room and "Tony" asks me a question...

The jobs that Republicans approve of.

The jobs that Republicans approve of.

The Texas Omen - Paul Krugman/NYT

The Dawning Of Day 2 Of The GOP Circus

Republican Cut Promises Instead Raise U.S. Deficits

So far two ReTHUGS have voted present for the procedural vote

The predatory capitalist mindset: Rubes waiting for Wall Street's next big scheme.

The predatory capitalist mindset: Rubes waiting for Wall Street's next big scheme.

Brewer & Shipley's "Tarkio Road": Just as timely as ever.

The Next Time Some Right-Winger Asks, "What's The Harm If..................?" Consult This Website

The Next Time Some Right-Winger Asks, "What's The Harm If..................?" Consult This Website

The Next Time Some Right-Winger Asks, "What's The Harm If..................?" Consult This Website

"She is too stupid to deserve an answer."

"She is too stupid to deserve an answer."

House votes 236 to 181 to approve rule for next week’s debate on repeal of health care law

Activists decry plans for ‘second class’ of US citizen

Ah one more of those taxes and public services

White Flight

Bernanke: It will take years for jobs to come back

U.S. trying to protect innocents endangered by Wikileaks

Good for gays, necessary for New Mexicans

More Riots In North Africa: Cost Of Food Sparks Riots In Algiers (Breaking News BBC Video)

More Riots In North Africa: Cost Of Food Sparks Riots In Algiers (Breaking News BBC Video)

BofA 'we are going to charge you more, because that is what you want....'

Rielle, John Edwards' mistress, is on GSN (Game Show Network) right now playing Lingo (rerun).

On Fundies, Christianity and DU.

On Fundies, Christianity and DU.

COOL - Hinode Observes Annular Solar Eclipse

Interactive Map Of Countrywide Riots In Tunisia That Have Been Ignored By International Media

I know there are some deeply religous folks on DU

The Founders React To The 112th Congress

Gates' defense spending plan cuts 124 F-35 purchases

The Moor Next Door: More On Riots, Protests In North Africa (Why They Are Historically Important)

Volcker Resigns and Goldman Sachs Moves In

Joy, gentle friends, joy and fresh days of love. Accompany your hearts!..

Republicans introduce bill to eliminate presidential 'czars'

Brewer & Shipley's "Tarkio Road": Just as timely as ever.

Doesn't it seem like GEICO, Progressive and Nationwide are responsible.......

Rick Scott of Florida already controlling press coverage

IT specialists - VA hiring over 700 IT in 2011

Common Dreams today - lots of reading today

Link To: Police Trying To Unravel Timeline of Mysterious Wheeler Homicide.....

House Speaker Boehner on smoking: 'I am who I am'

Rep. Steve King: "Garbage-Can Babies Don't Receive Health Care"

HOLD IT. Really??? So little interest in the firing of the head of NPR News???

Weiner point of order -WTF they are passing a resolution to facilitate Sessions and

Some folks outside America are hoping Sarah Palin becomes president

Question - I saw a thread here earlier this week

Err, umm.....Repug rep tries to explain why health care reform is bad, but his govt care is good....

State panel reviews arson execution case (Cameron Todd Willingham)

FYI: Google Map of Mass Animal Deaths (fish,birds, etc.)

Harry Reid - Republicans will have to understand that

President Obama announces he's named Washington veteran Gene Sperling to head economic council.

Letter to a Freshman Congressman

When the House gets around to voting on the debt ceiling

I am sorry, I just can't wrap my mind around Michelle Bachmann

California police get a bad rap... I praise them this week

Ladies and Gentlemen! My first nomination for Mother of the Year for 2011 is....

where are the "right-to-lifers" on health care?

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's Republican death panel claims second life

From Jan 6th... 'Bloomberg Has A Bombshell Today...' - Yves Smith

Julian Assange's $1.5M Memoir Being Rushed to Press by Publisher

This whole Ted Williams thing is making me sick to my stomach...

UK Government selling all 650,000 acres of their forests

I think I just blew a phone interview this morning.

How to deal with the plutocrats

Abnormal Cancer Rates at Fort Detrick Tied to Monsanto’s Agent Orange

Latest screwball stunt by PETA...

And Another Bush Jr and Republican Gift

Detroit in ruins

Unregular Radio - internet station

'How the Recession Changed Us' - Great (and very big) infographic

Anonymous threat to Texas school: "bleeding heart liberals" lack discipline

MA Supreme Court Deals Banks A Major Blow On Foreclosure Fraud, In The Ibanez Case - FDL

GOP Ethics. Second only to "urgent" Text Messages!

HSBC sees China and America leading global mega-boom

Is there a tally of violations in the House since Monday?

Kasich hires Lehman Bros. buddy to head Ohio Development Department

Selective Compassion and the Pathologies of Inequality

how long before the media starts calling it 'the job-killing health care law'?

I'm tired of hearing that about Boehner crying

Someone mentioned that they missed Molly Ivins. So I found this.....

8,000 turtle doves fall dead in Italy with strange blue stain on their beaks

For how many? Wikileaks is just reporting things that we already figured out on our own!

Why are there never Republican centrists? Why do Republicans never move to the center?

Dead birds litter Quebec farm

Still investigating fish kills, I found an interesting report:

Fox News' Health Care Repeal Poll Has All Anti-Democratic Options

Fox News' Health Care Repeal Poll Has All Anti-Democratic Options

Biggest Fuck Up So Far: Congress Puts a Fox in Charge of the Higher Ed Henhouse

Four Democrats voted with the Republicans on the procedural vote to repeal HCR

Thousands of birds fall from sky in Italy. WTF IS GOING ON?

Maybe Florida voters finally did something worthwhile!

Mistrust and Betrayal: The Far Deeper Costs of the Foreclosure Crisis - HuffPo

Proposed Tax Increase Bigger Than Expected (IL)

Anybody Else Having Trouble Connecting To MSNBC ???

For Sale: A Weepy Orange Boner


Righties worried about ''anchor baby'' citizenship now want two kinds of birth certificates?

Contents of safe-sex kits outrage parents

Piece of mail ignites at US Mail processing center in DC

How do teabaggers not realize that Boehner is the ultimate, golf-playing, merlot-sipping DC insider?

where were the republicans when.... 'Job growth under bu$h* was worst since WWII'?

A pair of space telescopes..well, just look at the pics

Is 2011 The Beginning of the End for Medicare? Would the Democrats let this happen?

Protests mount over treatment of alleged WikiLeaks soldier

What kind of father allows an 8 year old to use an Uzi!?

Israeli Scientist To Saudi Arabia: Can We Have Our Vulture Back?

My Positive Post Of The Day !!!

Congresswoman Mary Bono Caught On Camera With Another Woman Licking Her Breast

Top Court in Massachusetts Voids Foreclosures by 2 Banks

Bill Daley - mixed feelings

Is Wikileaks About to Release Its Bank Cache?

Is Wikileaks About to Release Its Bank Cache?

lol. this should drive repukes nuts: Howard Dean Says Reagan Didn't End Cold War

Implementing the Pathways Housing First Model to End Homelessness (free"webinar")

Stunning MA SJC decision on the validity of foreclosures

Package addressed to homeland security chief ignites in D.C.

Mystery of mass animal death epidemic deepens after 8,000 turtle doves fall dead in Italy

Geez, I hate to say it but Maria Bartiroma ("money honey") hasn't been missin' too many meals.

A question: Why aren't House Republicans promising to reinstate DADT (or ban Gays completely)?

Introducing Your Crooked New Republican Leadership...

I hate GOP and Tea Party

Would it be possible to invest Social Security funds in the Stock Market....

Is another Republican Governor about to kill a another High Speed Rail project?

More airline fees possible in 2011

If teabaggers like to be so angry, why doesn't "Companies Primed For Record Profits" piss them off?

How bad is the book "Decision Points"?

I too am a Progressive.

Army ‘revisiting’ ban on female soldiers in combat units, Gen. Casey announces

Army ‘revisiting’ ban on female soldiers in combat units, Gen. Casey announces

U.S. Bancorp, Wells Fargo Lose Foreclosure Case at Massachusetts Top Court

Somalia's al-Shabab bans mixed-sex handshakes (BBC)

Glenn Greenwald: U.S. teenager tortured in Kuwait and barred re-entry into the U.S.

Today- my favorite MLK quotes

Dick Durbin Supports Debt Commission Plan

Millard Fillmore born January 7, 1800

"Tide Goes In, Tide Goes Out. No one can explain it"

"Tide Goes In, Tide Goes Out. No one can explain it"

Man slave in gas mask sparks poison terror alert

Steve King (R-Iowa) Snubbed for Immigration Subcommittee

Steve King (R-Iowa) Snubbed for Immigration Subcommittee

Seth Rogen and Letterman Smash Things With John Boehner's Over-sized Gavel

Which of These Banks Was 2010's Most Shameless Corporate Outlaw?

Why the World Is Financially Doomed in Four Charts

Ed Rendell explodes in '60 Minutes' interview - calls media simpletons & idiots

US Government demands Twitter to hand over Icelandic Parliament member's Tweet

1-7-11 WikiLeaks: the latest developments (Simon Jeffery/The Guardian)

Drones coming to Miami?

Central Falls again...

Question about the pre-existing ban...

15 Year Old Firing Line Officer: Father of Christopher Bizilj wanted sons to shoot "full automatic"

Sessions never sworn-in; could affect health repeal bill timing!

Sessions never sworn-in; could affect health repeal bill timing!

New Florida governor is against discrimination. Except for teh gays. Oh, and the disabled. And......

Illinois House votes to abolish death penalty

A Fatality Of War: The U.S. Economy

Do you think Mike "Hug a Thug" Huckabee will run in 2012?

Local (SC) paper today: Thousands of dead fish wash ashore.

What are the odds the Supreme Court sides with Obama and allows the individual mandate to stand?

Ted Williams voicing the new "MSNBC - Lean Forward" ads

Thought-Provoking Interview: Chris Hedges interviewed by Thom Hartmann

If you missed Tweety with Steve King

Paul McCartney's 'India Vegetarian Day' receives support from Hindus

Does anyone think complaining about the rich getting richer will do any good?

Number One Place to Cut Spending

Eric Alterman: The New Congress and the Coming Class War

German friend of mine sez...

U.S. Officials Recommend Reduced Fluoride Levels in Water

Former CIA officer indicted for leaks to reporter

Are you leaving Facebook now that Goldman Sachs is practically buying it?

Tucker Carlson's plot to embarrass the New Yorker

When John Boehner says he can't tell his caucus what to believe.

Trends and end of Empire...

Trends and end of Empire...

Young, educated and jobless in China

Accepted at UC Berkeley, student and her family get reprieve from deportation to Peru

House GOP drops word ‘organic’ from committee charged with oversight

One Dem already caving.... on OATHGATE

From the mouths of Babes....

Two Very Important Graphs Were Released Today That Are Well Worth Checking Out

Two Very Important Graphs Were Released Today That Are Well Worth Checking Out

Two Very Important Graphs Were Released Today That Are Well Worth Checking Out

Trojan: US Market Size For Vibrators $1 Billon, Twice The Condom Market Size

Social Security and the Future of the Democratic Party

The rich are out again shopping for trophy mansions, as second, third or fourth homes - WSJ

How Can We Learn From The Founding Fathers If We Are NOT Honest About The Constitution?

Mass animal deaths now mapped on Google

Are there health needs you're putting off

Republicans Are Given a Price Tag for Health Law Repeal, but Reject It

Watching Congressman Peter Welch from VT is on Andrea Mitchell -- seems

Watching Congressman Peter Welch from VT is on Andrea Mitchell -- seems

Do you still like John Edwards?

I know somebody here has a Free Republic Account. Please find a way to post this.

Wikileaks Reveals U.S. Involvement (with Japan) in Plans to Weaken Sea Shepherd

The Agonizing Last Words of Programmer Bill Zeller (from his suicide letter)

Toon: the 112th Congress

Toon :Hello, I'm your new Doctor!

Toon :Hello, I'm your new Doctor!

Ted Nugent isn’t on board with a Palin presidency yet

Ted Nugent isn’t on board with a Palin presidency yet

As Riots Continue, Tunisian Bloggers & Rapper Arrested (& Anonymous Has Joined The Cyberwar)

On this day in history in the PNW - Forced labor of the homeless

Behind golden-voiced Ted Williams is ex-wife Patricia Kirtley, the story's real hero

Mr. Pure-As-Snow claimed a "financial interest" in the U.S. cables,

What was the largest one year increase in wages did you ever get?

It might just be about to get worse.

"Why the hell should I have to pay for a stranger's transplant?"

"Why the hell should I have to pay for a stranger's transplant?"

Who do you want for President 2012

Who do you want for President 2012

How the US let al-Qaida get its hands on an Iraqi weapons factory

Public employees work for less, not more

DU a poll: Should lawmakers consider "right to work" legislation Indiana General Assembly?

Bringing the 'Bush Six' to Justice

Ratigan Truth to Power: Free Market Fraud.

House will throw out votes Sessions cast before taking oath

Physicians to the Vermont Legislature: Enact a single-payer health care system

Bill O'Reilly on Science: You Can't Explain the Tides

The only thing certain about trickle down economics is that

The only thing certain about trickle down economics is that

The only thing certain about trickle down economics is that

The only thing certain about trickle down economics is that

the death of judy bonds, and life

Why President Obama is NOT an Advocate for Social Security

Deputy trips, shoots drug suspect he was arresting

Former Gitmo Commander Subpoenaed in Spain over Prisoner Torture

Former Gitmo Commander Subpoenaed in Spain over Prisoner Torture

Suggestions? Warm, Progressive, Safe, English speaking....Is there such a place? ...I hate the cold

Where do you fit on the political scale thread, redux.

Steve King boasts about Speaker's mendacity! Literally.

I need strategies for hitting back at those who are trying to discredit the CBO

DoJ asking for personal information on Icelandic MP, Birgitta Jónsdóttir

GOP House. Day One = Illegal Fundraiser? Popcorn Anyone?

Awright! Here's the DU Friday AFternoon Challenge question!

Awright! Here's the DU Friday AFternoon Challenge question!

Snow York City

Former mortgage broker sentenced to probation, home confinement for fraud

I have two friends who canceled savings accounts with BOA because of a 5 dollar monthly fee.

Rick Scott, Michelle Rhee tour charter school in Opalocka together.

Bacteria devoured methane from gulf oil spill, study shows (LA Times)

Micheal Eric Dyson, just like Tavis Smiley and Cornell West can not bring himself to refer to

Do you mind if I ask what the appeal of John Edwards was?

How the US let al-Qaida get its hands on an Iraqi weapons factory

EARTHQUAKE: "SJC ruling may void thousands of foreclosures" (!!!!! READ THIS !!!!)

Wow. 68% think that Governor rick scott of Fl put the fox in the henhouse in the DCA

Great Dane Helps Stop Sex Attack In Logan Square


Get ready Georgia! My husband just got off the phone with the engineer

Banks Are Tanking After Suffering A Big Loss At The Massachusetts Supreme Court

Shift of Earth's magnetic north pole affects Tampa airport

Sonny Bono's Widow - Rep. Mary Bono (R-CA) - In Lurid [NSFW Breast-licking] Photo Scandal With Woman

Sonny Bono's Widow - Rep. Mary Bono (R-CA) - In Lurid [NSFW Breast-licking] Photo Scandal With Woman

Open water in Frobisher Bay; three days of rain in Iqaluit

A reminder that BP tried to control oil spill research by buying off university scientists.

This Is Going to Suck

More Small Businesses Offering Health Care To Employees Thanks To Obamacare

More Small Businesses Offering Health Care To Employees Thanks To Obamacare

Drum circles raising hell in Northern California

Naked guy pulls into BK drive -through, asks employee if she would like to "handle his Whopper,"

A Tale Of Three Sisters

Should there be a do-not-call list of phone numbers not to be called in search of a job?

According to Paul Krugman Texas has a $25 billion budget deficit

Teen kicked off basketball team for hairstyle

FINALLY the unemployment rate budged

Dead birds found in freezer case at Walmart. Was Satan involved?

Only in Georgia- taxing food

Child bans popular trend for restaraunts in Singapore

Kerry - Wiki"reckless action which jeopardizes lives by exposing raw, contemporaneous intelligence."

What is the most significant aspect of human identity?

This is what happens when you slip and fall in NYC

Our dear friend dogday needs our help.

Phil Ochs: The Life and Legacy of a Legendary American Folk Singer

Phil Ochs: The Life and Legacy of a Legendary American Folk Singer

Taliban Rejects Senator's Suggestion That US Establish Military Bases In Afghanistan

2 packages ignite in Md. gov't buildings; 2 hurt

Passengers overpower would-be hijacker on Turkish Airlines flight

Ivory Coast: Gbagbo 'expels UK and Canada envoys'

Republicans acknowledge debt limit should rise

Wildlife Services experiment with safe way to poison feral hogs

Pentagon Defense Cut

Maine governor allows state to question immigration status

Train Derails in Shiawassee County

Gov. Rick Scott appoints St. Joe executive to lead Florida growth management agency

Boehner to 'birthers': Hawaii good enough for me

California insurance commissioner to Blue Shield: Delay rate hike

Husband of missing woman arrested for fraud

Prosecution orders arrest of former intelligence chief

FACT CHECK: Mass bird, fish deaths occur regularly

Daley brings business (as usual) and political smarts to job

Md. police kill giant bird

US May Renominate Ambassador Choice Rejected By Venezuela

U.S. Sends Warning to People Named in Cable Leaks

World on brink of social unrest over food prices

Apple, Dow Drive U.S. Fourth-Quarter Profits to 19-Year High

Hedge Funds Rebound 1.7% in December to Hit Two-Year Peak

Foreclosures May Be Undone by State Ruling on Mortgage Transfer

NPR V.P. Resigns, CEO Rebuked Over Williams' Firing

Julian Assange's $1.5M Memoir Being Rushed to Press by Publisher

German dioxin contamination eggs exported to UK

How the US let al-Qaida get its hands on an Iraqi weapons factory


Banks Are Tanking After Suffering A Big Loss At The Massachusetts Supreme Court

MFM's cat was cruel during his adolescence: "Dis is what you looked like at the dance last night."

Report: Road-salt sellers snowed the state (Ohio)

Fetish Kitty felt a sudden urge to go knock over a convenience store.

MiddleFingerMom looks forward to his an... his ANNual abduction by aliens.

Question for fellow Web Designers who have converted existing sites into Mobile-compliant versions

Koreas Ease Alert Levels

Obama OKs JFCOM closure; new cuts imperil 160 more jobs

I still think this is the most awesome

Illinois House Passes Death Penalty Ban, Senate Next

U.S. Cautions People Named In Cable Leaks

Egyptian police accused of torture (& beating the victim to death)

Oh Good GRIEF!

A New Year's resolution we could have made en masse here at Dramatocratic Underground.

Sonny Bono's Widow - Rep. Mary Bono (R-CA) - In Lurid [NSFW Breast-licking] Photo Scandal With Woman

DJ Kraft Foods Employee In Colombia Killed By Gunman, Says Union

UK terrorism security threat level raised at airports (from "substantial" to "severe")

G-7 Will Be Overtaken by Emerging Economies in 2032: PwC

Dog Diary vs Cat Diary

My tacit admission that Ted Williams is the man

CBO: Health repeal would deepen deficit

"Despicable Me" question

Fiat And Chrysler CEO Says He Hopes Chrysler Will Repay Government Loans This Year

Michael Caine does... Michael Caine

Banks lose important ruling on foreclosures

Gender-Segregated Buses OK'd by Israeli Court

CNN’s Piers Morgan Aims to ‘Kick Butt’ Against Murdoch

Junior Senate Dems want chairmen to face election by secret ballot

Gov. Rick Scott denies flip-flop on Fla. gambling

Carter: N.Sudan must peacefully accept (the south's secession) vote / Thousands flock to south Sudan

Al-Qaeda Websites May Have Spurred Suicide Bombing of Egyptian Coptic Church

Jailed Mississippi sisters freed for kidney donation

Veteran cop charged with lying about an assault

Daley son’s business partner indicted

UPS, FedEx subject of U.S. antitrust inquiry

So the guy says "Can I be frank" and I said "sure" so he started crooning "Strangers In The Night."

Anybody know whether is safe/reputable?

200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes

Rather dramatic before/after transformation......

Man, I need to get my head in the game

Obama Issues Signing Statement Panning Gitmo Transfer Ban

Am I The Only One.... (Fast Subtitles)

Fuzzy Fuzzy Cute Cute

Now For A Little Tull!

"There's (insert noun here) and then there 's (insert same noun here)."

I am very happy that the Hand Sanitizing Station is not the Hannitizing Station.

I've got a new show tonight

I'm considering donating a kidney.

How would you like to have this lady as your neighbor

Anybody ever seen the movie "Snowfire" (1958)?

Package ignites at D.C. postal facility

Help!! I'm remodeling my bathroom!! It's crazy!!

WTF Kitty

China to make visits to elderly parents compulsory

Kyl Optimistic Obama, Republicans Can Compromise on Plan to Overhaul Taxes

Ex-Ill. governor allowed to visit dying wife

Major tinfoiler thread: An orange gator?

I want to walk into a computer store and do the following. Please advise.

What Kind Of Girl Do You Think We Are

Josh Groban sings Kanye West's tweets

Limit To Your Love

Do you approve of Eric Clapton's recent picks?

Rolling In The Deep

Charlotte Gainsbourg - Heaven Can Wait

Pull My Heart Away

"Adorable Kids With Obsolete Technology"

Remember when toys used to be FUN?

TSA Screening Statistics

Dioxin scare: German feed fat 'contains 77 times limit'

I think I just blew a phone interview this morning.

Butterfly sex: Cool weather makes female seducers

Ultimate restaurant poll. Which group should be excluded from restaurants?

Wow! Looks like the 49ers are going to get Harbaugh!

Mystery of mass animal death epidemic deepens after 8,000 turtle doves fall dead in Italy with stran

should I pull my act together?

This is where I live...

Bank bonuses 'to run to billions in 2011'

Government recommends lowering fluoride levels in U.S. drinking water

Some Republicans embrace their federal health plans

Health care repeal bill clears key hurdle in House

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday, January 7, 2011

Bills would defund public broadcasting

Half of "Julie and Julia" was the most trite and boring film I've ever seen

WikiLeaks Cables Cited in Lawsuit Over $500-Million Sunken Treasure

White House Hits Back At Liberal Critics of Bill Daley

Popular trial of Posada Carriles, live on Internet

"Puttten Awn Da Wiiiiitzzzz!" - An Appreciation of Peter Boyle

Vegas vid-poker hackjackpot bonanza duo face charges

La Décadanse

Rudy Giuliani Reportedly Prepping For 2012 Presidential Run

Pentagon seeks $120B in war funds

Unemployment rate falls to 9.4% in December; payroll employment increases by 103,000

An update on someone who still needs a lot of vibes -

Wow, some kid had a car that was a bigger shitbox than mine.

Ford introduces its all-electric Focus

Trying to cut ties - eh

Hmong leader Vang Pao dies

Ever wonder if a cultural belief in an afterlife raises the murder rate?

The evolution of the Batmobile

Obama Created More Jobs In One Year Than Bush Created In Eight

Goldman’s Leaked Memo to Rich Investors Exposes Facebook’s Actual Earnings

Sunday is Jimmy Page's birthday - he will be 67!!!! Link to an old, live Yardbirds tune,

Suspects Raped 'Defenseless' Disabled Women on Tape

Army Faces Questions Over 'Spiritual Fitness' Test

China's development of stealth fighter takes U.S. by surprise

Obama threatens to veto healthcare repeal

IRA terror victim speaks out against (Rep.) Peter King

Honduras asks US, Colombia, and Spain for help in solving journalist killings

Okay. I give. WHY won't you take me to Funkytown?

Do you shop at Walmart?

Less Ambitious Book Titles

Renault suspends executives for 'spying'

Blame the Unions for Everything!

Crooks & Liars via Lawrence O'Donnell: McCain is like Johnny Ringo...he wants revenge for being born

Nancy Skinner on Freedom Watch 1-4-1 re: pensions being taken away in Europe - can it happen here?

BP shares jump after US report spreads spill blame

Something fishy in Brazil

Weird Liberal Head Show #262: Join Us or Join the Boner and the Far Right!

Young Turks: GOP BS On Spending Cuts Exposed

Recovery Act Kept 4.5 Million People Out of Poverty in 2009, Helping Keep Poverty Flat

Report: States and Health Reform

Gore Vidal's written statement in response to this Bachmann video

Darth Vader In Love

Birther Interrupts House Reading Of Constitution, Yells 'Help Us Jesus'

A Rant: What to Tell Your Misrepresentatives in Congress Now

White House welcomes Holly Petraeus to the CFPB

Gaza youth manifesto

Rachel's Back and Her Thoughts On Obama's Daley Choice

Majority Report : BP Spill Report: Corporate Slut and the Handmaiden

Worst Person In The World: High Tide Bill'O the Clown

"Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton Invites Protesters To Speak At Health Care Signing (VIDEO)"

Signs of the Aflockalypse?

MRN: Republicans Lead Constitution Storytime

RT's The Alyona Show: David Pakman on Corporate Media Nonsense, Coulter Calling Cenk "Retarded"

Barry Scheck on Todd Willingham and Rick Perry

TN GOPer Rep. Matthew Hill: Free Market Capitalist Society

TDPS: GOP Goes Back on Spending Cuts Within HOURS of Taking Control, Boehner Skin Alert

Bill O'Reilly v. Dave Silverman - You KNOW they're all SCAMS!

Young Turks: Top Conservatives Support Terrorism

"Biden's Advice To Girls: 'No Dates Until You're 30'"

Dem Rapid Response: Broken Promises

Steve King uses 'Babies Born in Dumpsters' to argue that Affordable Care Act is Unconstitutional

"Brother Bill: A Look at William Daley"

Kucinich: Protect taxpayer from wasteful spending

The Young Turks: William Hartung 'Prophets Of War'

Ed Schultz: Chamber of Commerce Loves New Obama Chief of Staff

"After Railing Against Government Spending, Speaker Boehner Can’t Name One Program He Would Cut"

The Ed Show: Robert Greenwald, 'Stop The Lies'

Charles Barkley rants on Tucker Carlson, Michael Vick, Cam Newton

Papantonio Exposes Dick Cheney's Influence on Offshore Drilling

The Story of Bottled Water (2010)

Full Interview With Ted Williams on Today Show

Schock Justifies His Gov Health Insurance: ‘I’m Actually Lowering’ Premiums For Older Congressmen

Rep. Thom Hartmann (R-Nutsville) Hell...No you Can't!

Thom Hartmann: How Wall Street starved millions and got away with it.

Thom Hartmann: How could you not understand hate crimes?

Greeks riot after state police kill 6-year old girl

People talked into waving and walking with a red flag which turns into a radical protest march!

Battle Over Constitution Attempt to Undo New Deal

Weiner Schools House Rules Committee on cost of Health-Care Repeal

MRN: Oreo Two Tits! Huck Finn Drops The N-Word

German minister points finger at fat company

Ohio bankster Gov Kasich's new drug CZAR to attack PEOPLE IN PAIN!

Thom Hartmann: Is Polluter Billionaire David Koch just an average person?

Algeria on the verge of anarchy as riots continue

Dean on Daley

Thom Hartmann: Afghanistan War, David Koch, Rising Food Costs

'Obamacare' not a 'job killer,' Boehner. More small businesses offering health benefits to workers.

Throwback Gibbs moment: Exchange with Sean Hannity re Obama/Ayers connection

Remember all those complaints about Obama pushing the Health Care Reform Bill when he should have

Pat Benatar seems to best sum up the situation.

More fun with Reps Weiner and Bachmann (Video)

TYT: (R) Loves 'Government Run Insurance', Won't Give It Up

Planned-Opolis - a vision of the future

Bill Daley faceplants (49 seconds) 1996

Sperling - an interesting profile

Daley: is a signal that Obama recognizes that his relationship w/Congress will be much less helpful

Failed 1/2 term quitter Governor turned shill for ghost written books and Fox News slams President

Bachmann Misses Her Own (tea) Party (inspired Constitution reading.)

Bachmann Misses Her Own (tea) Party (inspired Constitution reading.)

This Headline is Nuts.. "Jobles Rate Weighs on 2012 Presidential Race"

**** Heads Up: President Obama Speaks on Monthly Jobs Numbers, Live 11:30am EST ****

Obama and O'Reilly - 2008

Kicking off the 112th Congress with a lil Un-Constitutional Hanky-Panky!

New Pecking Order in the White House (& why Gibbs is out)

"Two Republican Members Voted Without Being Sworn In"

Who first called the health care bill "Obamacare"? What is Fox's excuse for using only this term?

King: Babies In Garbage Cans Prove Health Reform Is Unconstitutional (VIDEO)

Another $120 Billion down the rat hole

I know at DU we cannot ever give the president credit for anything but.....

The American Dream (Superb banned NEW animated short, good link,You Tube removed 100,000's of views)

Why is it that when white voters decrease support, it's time for hand-wringing, endless analysis and

I'm open minded on Daley, like I was with Gates when Bush appointed him SOD

Teamsters Applaud SEC's Navistar Decision Upholding Dodd-Frank (updated)

"No Democrat has won a majority of white voters since Lyndon Johnson in 1964."

Weiner Challenges GOP over Never Sworn-In House Members

The stupid term "Obamacare" is driving me nuts.

Do You Approve Of The President's Recent Picks?

Pelosi: "we created more jobs in 2010 than Bush did in 8 yrs "

UFC Fighter & Chiropracter visited by Secret Service for Obama Threat

Flood the Speakers office with calls

I though we got rid of these's assholes


103,000 Jobs Created in December, Unemployment Rate Down to 9.4%

65% of White Voters disapprove of President Obama. Why is this?

Boehner is already making me nuts!!

"Bikini Graph" Update: Under Democratic Leadership More Jobs Created In 2010 Than In Bush's 8 Years

Harvard Economist Estimates Health Repeal Would Destroy Up To 400,000 Jobs Per Year Over Decade

Harvard Economist Estimates Health Repeal Would Destroy Up To 400,000 Jobs Per Year Over Decade

Is the Daley appointment a result of Citizens United...

For some reason, MSNBC felt the need to tell us NOW that 65% of white voters disapproved of Obama

Could DADT still be in jeopardy?

FORBES: More Small Businesses Offering Health Care To Employees Thanks To Obamacare

Dem Leader: Let’s ‘Modify’ Health Reform By Seeking ‘Common Ground’ With GOP

>HOWARD DEAN< - Bill Daley deserves a chance as Chief of Staff

Rep. Darrell Issa Puts Himself (and Oversight Committee) Up For Bid

The Democrats' White Flight

Rachel Maddow- Dean on Daley- give him a chance

The Story of Cosmetics (2010)

New Obama Chief of Staff A Message to Wall Street

"Obama to do pre-Super Bowl interview with Fox's O'Reilly"

Boner the Moaner should be sedated and put in a Padded Cell

A continuous misunderstanding I see on the board...

A continuous misunderstanding I see on the board...

Lawrence O'Donnell just pointed out that NEVER BEFORE has a Democratic president

Countdown: Matt Taibbi, John 'Bagman' Boehner

Majority Report : Elizabeth Warren, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

School to sing Lions fight song in memory of principal

The Conservative Constitution of the United States

Daley brings business (as usual) and political smarts to job

What's So Great About Israeli Security?

Equality, a True Soul Food (Nicholas Kristof, NYT)

Blessings Continue For Homeless Ted Williams: Voted Into Baseball's Hall of Fame

GOP Strives to Make Hate Groups Look Respectable

Anonymous Has Joined With Tunisian Activists To Fight The Government's Stifling Of Online Dissent

The German Geert Wilders

Senator Nelson's office clarifies position on filibuster reform

The 10 Leading Theories For Dead Birds And Fish

Ohio Prisoners Begin Hunger Strike After 17 Years in Solitary Confinement

Salon: Jeb Bush and what the GOP really thinks about 2012

The Texas Omen (Krugman)

Last Call at the Bunny Roundup

Helen Thomas: Privatizing Social Security Again?

Magnetic North Pole Shifts, Forces Runway Closures at Florida Airport

Michael Ratner: Bringing the 'Bush Six' to justice

French Vogue fashion spread features sexy sexy children

The United States Consti ...tion

Bernanke: Recovery on Track But Not Enough to Create Jobs

House Republicans move to block net neutrality

You Gotta Believe - birthers, truthers and creationists take us back to the future

California’s Delta Water Blues (Miller-McCune)

World on brink of social unrest over food prices

FACT CHECK: Mass bird, fish deaths occur regularly

Why does anyone take Newt Gingrich seriously?

A Terrorism Trial in the US Neglected by the Media

For Hearing Impared and those who can Read...READ THIS...Daley Appointment!

Dec new private sector jobs: 113,000. Unemployment rate 9.4% - GOP gnashing their teeth.

Here's The Real Reason Obama Is All Of The Sudden Going "Pro Business"

UK: Libraries seen as easy touch when it comes to balancing the books

Latin America Says No to the Militarization of Colombia's "Drug War"

Northeast had a broiler of a year in 2010

Caribou (Maine) has warmest year since 1939

House v. EPA, Round One (Mother Jones)

Feds sue Pa. coal plant operators over pollution

Breaking: Fire in Alberta Oil Sands Injures Three

Peak oil notes - Jan 6

Drumbeat: January 7, 2011

E.P.A. Faces First Volley From the House

Conservative scientists take on climate change deniers

Bolivia to install 700 MW of wind power in the next 10 years

Six Australian Birds Declared Extinct (1 Species, 5 Subspecies) - Scientific American

NE Australia's Rains Likely To Persist For Into Austral Fall - Reuters

Harpy Eagles Nest In Belize For First Time In 60 Years- Mongabay

Horizon Oil Sands site in Canada shut down after blast (BBC)

Santa Clara Valley Audubon files lawsut over solar project in Panoche Valley

New NM Governor Eliminates 3% GHG Cut Rule, Along With Tighter Standards For Dairy Waste Discharge

Hold that Megawatt! (selling grid frequency regulation services)

Debate: Does the world need nuclear energy?

The mystery of mass bird deaths (BBC) {woo-free article}

Wind beating down nuclear and coal in Europe

Growing solar industry faces green backlash

Battery plant poisons hundreds of children in China

The ice on Hudson Bay isn't looking very healthy

Obama Tax continues Energy Star tax break but DECREASES benefits.

Barbara Boxer Vows To Use Every Means At Her Disposal To Block GOP Rollback On Environmental Laws

Harper's Shiny New Environment Minister Vows Not To Let Emissions Rules Hurt Tar Sands Development

Empire State Building to meet electricity needs though wind power

Real Climate Demolishes Forbes' Latest Foray Into Denialist Idiocy

Because of Heller Decision, D.C. Man Will Appeal 1996 Gun Conviction

14 year old, defends home, shoots one of the home invaders in the face..

Marine and his wife attacked outside a movie theatre - gun owner comes to the rescue.

How Thousands Of U.S. Guns Fuel Crime In Mexico (NPR)

What kind of father allows an 8 year old to use an Uzi!?

Prosecution orders arrest of former intelligence chief

Chile recognizes Palestinian State

Thieves rob visitors on way to Bogota's main tourist attraction .

Brazil to launch new anti-poverty program

Eight die as gunmen attack bus in Honduras

Latin America Says No to the Militarization of Colombia's "Drug War"

DJ Kraft Foods Employee In Colombia Killed By Gunman, Says Union

High ranking Cuban official escapes to US (Spanish)

Honduras asks US, Colombia, and Spain for help in solving journalist killings

A Terrorism Trial in the US Neglected by the Media

Venezuela murder mystery

G;oat-Free NBA Scores (Thursday, January 6)

Rays trade Matt Garza to the Cubs for 5 minor league prospects.

Sources: Jim Harbaugh, 49ers agree to 5 year deal

David Stern not sure fans know why they boo LeBron James

Stop Bullying or I’ll Sue

Boston Reacts to Gay Sports Writer

New Study on Coming Out Among Israelis

Singer tackles gay bashing, suicide in new video

Pennsylvania Family Institute Tries To Correct Chick-Fil-A Sponsorship

(Joe) Wilson says he hopes to reinstate DADT

Helping a friend out

Israel sinks the peace process

Palestinian Protester’s Death Throws Spotlight on Movement Against Israeli Wall

Israel continues military drills, fires into south Lebanon

IDF chief in West Bank: Palestinian woman didn't die from inhaling tear gas

Israeli troops shot on Gaza border

Beyond my Gaza, I see the whole Universe

Israeli Scientist To Saudi Arabia: Can We Have Our Vulture Back?

Israel army shoots dead elderly Palestinian in bed

Israeli troops shot on Gaza border

Gender-Segregated Buses OK'd by Israeli Court

Good Christians Don’t Follow Ayn Rand

How Not to Fight Atheism

The Islam That Hard-Liners Hate

Ken Ham makes it easy to be a lazy atheist

On Fundies, Christianity and DU.

NASA Stuck in Limbo as New Congress Takes Over

Apollo-era data reveals details of moon's core

Andromeda’s once and future stars

Why there are no missing links

Why is the north magnetic pole racing toward Siberia?

Flowchart: Debating Science with a Christian