Democratic Underground

Archives: September 4, 2011

The CIA's International Torture Club

Insider Tells Why Obama Chose Not to Prosecute Torture

279 Seconds Of Serious Civil Disobedience

Sunday Talk Shows

Sunday Talk Shows

Kathy Griffin: Marcus Bachmann is ‘one of my new favorite targets’

NYT/Bruni: Pass, Fail and Politics

Call in and crash a tea party. NM Limbaugh station promoting teabagger protest at NM capitol Tues.

Call in and crash a tea party. NM Limbaugh station promoting teabagger protest at NM capitol Tues.

Gov. Mark Sanford ("Mr. Dear Argentine friend") tells Piers that Warren Buffett doesn't know...

For Labor Day Weekend: "My Hometown" by you know who.

For Labor Day Weekend: "My Hometown" by you know who.

David Cameron is such a hypocrite.

David Cameron is such a hypocrite.


Tropical Storm Lee leaves some shelves empty of D batteries and sand

Microsoft Atlanta staff conference descended into "wild and drunken" debauchery.

Comedian Speaking Before Palin In Iowa Calls Liberals ‘Special Needs Children’

Paul Krugman, Maxine Waters, Jim Hoffa among Sunday morning guests

Why the hell is the media paying so much attention to Sarah Palin?

Why the hell is the media paying so much attention to Sarah Palin?

Gangster government

I just came on this topical site: The New Deal Network

Apple weighing where to "lose" another iPhone prototype.

How Sad

Teacher evals in the Age of Obama:

Part 2 of Barefoot Accountant’s Interview of Susan Bysiewicz, Connecticut Candidate for US Senate

Part 2 of Barefoot Accountant’s Interview of Susan Bysiewicz, Connecticut Candidate for US Senate

every major media outlet is infatuated by sarah palin

clumsiness rewrites the meme

will you decide which is the lesser of two

will you decide which is the lesser of two

NYT Editorial: The House Republicans are never going to give Mr. Obama anything

which is the lesser of these two

Labor types: debunk this!

You can keep your head, when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you

I like this amendment

Above The Law - USA (4 Sep 11)

Russians evicted from homes for Olympics

Palin: Polls are for strippers.

Iran's first nuclear power plant connected to grid

Sarah Palin is wrong but she kinda sounded coherent. Like she could put

Bernanke’s Next Easing May Not Aid Jobless

"Ich war die Sekretärin von Joseph Goebbels" (100 year old secretary of Goebbels speaks out)

'My Hometown' - Springsteen - There's a lot of heart here on this Labor Day weekend.

Republicans' Strategy: Block, Stall, and Scuttle.

Rise Like Lions

Cesium over limit found in tea using Saitama, Chiba leaves

Why Is Mary Matalin Randomly Bringing Up Her Business Partner Glenn Beck On CNN?

is there any state without corrupt politicians selling out the people for the corporatists?

If I was this team's coach I'd cut this assclown from the team immediately

OMFG Jamaica breaks the 4 X 1 record

Biggest rally in Israel's history presses PM

Congrats and thanks to my DU photo-pickers!

From Jeff Masters for Louisiana folks

How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War

Sarah Palin's Political Striptease

Who wants to play Hurricane Katia roulette?

Nothing to Celebrate: This Labor Day, Don't Party, Organize and Raise Hell!

No More Giant Sucking Sounds

Israel PM pledges action after mass protests

The "Debt" book author is coming on Book TV today.

Obama’s Ozone Capitulation: Celebrated by Conservatives and Denounced by Liberals

A heartfelt letter from Juanita Jean to President Obama:

Palin told Iowans that "polls are for strippers" and continued to tease about a 2012 run.

Betty Skelton, ‘fastest woman on Earth,’ dies at 85

U.S. sets ultimatum in Swiss bank tax dispute: reports

If President Obama could miraculously do the following:

AZ poll: Was raffling gun offensive? Yes 38% No 41%

Bankster's paradise: Another golden parachute for an outgoing failed bank CEO

Bankster's paradise: Another golden parachute for an outgoing failed bank CEO

Bankster's paradise: Another golden parachute for an outgoing failed bank CEO

Who vetted Joe Walsh? From Huff Po

What has the tea party done right?

Dental care & the degree of difficulty

America blocking Palestinian Statehood?

EXCLUSIVE: Regulator Says Murdoch Oil Shale Company Must Fix Faulty Wells

Criminal healthcare: State clamps down on 17 ALFs

the west isn't the only place losing drinking water - Florida too

Obama can't create many jobs without Congress' help, analysts say

Are we there yet?

Have you gotten your online survey from the DNC recently?

Wisconsinites I 've been noticing a lot more

Anyone have a link of Ron Paul's racist writings? Someone wants a site

TeaBagger goons humiliate & torture their own Hispanic token over Dream Act

14 Florida Physicians Indicted in 'Pill Mill' Bust

Labor unions adjust to new reality under Obama

A Times Editorial - In battle against smog, Obama surrenders

Today's Non-Sequitur shows us how it is.

To day is the day before Labor Day

Queen’s Guard Arrested in Windsor Castle Paedophile Ring Probe


Nurses Protest in 60 Cities, Demanding Tax on Wall Street

That little fucking smarmy bastard Alberto Gonzales is coming to my school next week.

Republicans have a wonderful new jobs program waiting for us

Life In Hooverville - "Unforced Error"

PG&E pipe that exploded in Cupertino was made of material connected with numerous other fires

Luckovich toon: Labor Day 2011

Obama should read this story about regulations and taxes

Toon: I'm sure no one saw that coming!

The counterfeit culture - useful observations for understanding why collapse is inevitable

A BJ gave us GWB

A BJ gave us GWB

Hoffa labels American companies ‘unpatriotic’

Wear a Red Bandana on 9/11

Raise your glass to the hard working people

Fuel cells and job creation, hopefully a growing trend.

Baltimore, Irene and pipes inadequate upkeep

No sympathy for the town paper: Dismantling of growth management was thirty years in the making.

U.S. Awash in Oil and Lies - Nation of Change

What a shock to find a pundit whose child is serving MTP had to turn to its lone liberal

take a minute to show the workers across the country you care....

Krugman: The Austerity Economy

And now for a teabagger musical interlude.

The Afghanistan mess gets messier

"Shared sacrifice?" Not for everyone.

If Rick Perry is an Economic Miracle Worker, Why Are So Many Texans Going Hungry?

Oakland to host nation's 1st marijuana street fair

Jim "Demento" DeMint told Candy that S.C. businesses can just pickup 15 million unemployed,

20 Years Of GOP Strategy In One Little Cartoon


Politico proves once again they are the replacement for Talon news

About the recommend feature.

Rick Perry has been hittin' the sauce a little too much lately...

Bush: "As I flew around it dawned on me that we were the only plane left."

I am writing in Hillary....2012

A Big Gray Rainbow

Why is dental insurance separate from other medical insurance?

Has anything been posted about the WH Petition thing they're

Another problem for the unemployed: Must not only compete w other job seekers, but part timers too

Refuting the "50% don't pay taxes" Canard

Non Sequitur Toon- The worst superhero ever!

Luis Mijangos Gets Six Years For Cyber-Terrorism, Sextortion

Vermont DUers

29,000 Dead Children, but Nobody's Talking About It

Ex-Blackwater guards kept working in Iraq: US cable

If a DEMOCRATIC Senator said "I'm not interested in Bush's speech," REPUBS would DEMAND resignation

Question about "old school" Republicans you may know

U.S. sets ultimatum in Swiss bank tax dispute - reports

Key West cop accidentally Tasers himself

52 Facebook Friends Removed Themselves Overnight.....

Iowa AG: Banks may face criminal liability after robo-signing settlement

..AP IMPACT: 35,000 worldwide convicted for terror

The last of the red hot speeches.

Lies, Lies, more Lies leading to more of your wars

Adults get life-sized sandbox near Las Vegas Strip

Fox's Hoenig: Children Would 'Do Better on the Streets' Than in Union Dominated Public School System

Something very important to consider

Technology in the School Classroom:

NBC is showing the 4 X 100 relays now

Cheney Attempts to Sow Division, Open Old Primary Wounds

Unemployed face tough competition: underemployed

Matthew Stuart, convicted of covering up killing of sister-in-law in Mass. in 1989, dies

ON NOW - Further Liberal Orders from our queen, Barbra Streisand

ON NOW - Further Liberal Orders from our queen, Barbra Streisand

Dear Capitol One,

Bill Gross of PIMCO: Labor is hurting the most & on its birthday no less.

Did the ACLU support Citizens United?

Pima County GOP raffles off Glock in Gabrielle Giffords' district

Pima County GOP raffles off Glock in Gabrielle Giffords' district

I've got this crazy neighbor… He's a Ron Paul fanatic

Fox Sports Singles Out Asian Students At USC For Interviews On Football And Then Apologizes

Oh Great, Coming Soon... 'NAFTA Of The Pacific' - FDL

Is this asshole on CNN really chastising Americans for working?

IMF chief: US and EU should be greedy and want NOW, NOW, NOW

Did any reporter ever ask Joe Walsh about his unpaid child support?


Greece troubles mount as two-year bond yields rise to 46%

Libyan papers show UK worked with Gaddafi in rendition operation

No Time Left; This is Mr. Obama's Last Chance and, Quite Possibly, America's

LOLOL!! TX school parody: "Where, Rick Perry, are you tonight??

America Elects alternative nominating conventon in all 50 states - anybody know anything about this?

Sunday after sanity break:Dherai Dherai Maya by Bidan Shrestha

Bowl game in September!!! - "Friends of Coal Bowl" 3:30 today!!

Did Ralph Nader announce a primary challenger for Barack Obama yet?

Did Ralph Nader announce a primary challenger for Barack Obama yet?

Pot brownies give office workers unexpected high

Bachmann open to a ’0% corporate tax rate’

A Progressive Manifesto

Question on Bloomberg and prayer at the 9/11 memorial.

LOL on AP story typo (or is it?) "Bulling its way into 2012, the tea party is shaping the race ...

tar sands pipeline compromise: give us equal or greater clean energy FIRST

Gas now, $4.05 at 86.00 a barrel, $4.49 at $114.00 six months ago.

Never mind.

Murdoch family divided as News Corporation crisis comes to a head

Murdoch family divided as News Corporation crisis comes to a head

Thom Hartmann: Here's what UnAmerican really is!

Should any political party attempt to abolish social security.......

Campaign treasurer jailed on mail fraud charge

Darth Cheney has a message.

Police searching for teen suspect in NYC shooting that wounded 8, including 1 critically

Pay What? A study released by the Institute for Policy Studies showed that 25 out of 100

I'd like to thank the person that just bought me a star for a year

Huge 'New Zealand Swell' Hitting California

Can businesses with a large cash flow make more money in the stock market..?

Can businesses with a large cash flow make more money in the stock market..?

WHY it is so important to give Obama a Democratic Congress.

It's "hard" for Gov. Kasich to propose any jobs programs for C-SPAN because... (yes it's Crazy!)

It's "hard" for Gov. Kasich to propose any jobs programs for C-SPAN because... (yes it's Crazy!)

Tony Blair is godfather to Rupert Murdoch’s daughter

Japan: Typhoon Talas Kills At Least 20 ..

Japan: Typhoon Talas Kills At Least 20 ..

the meme out of the 'debt ceiling debacle'

Photos from Neo-Nazi rally in West Allis, WI

Koch Bros will be big winners if Keystone sludge-oil pipeline is approved

Koch Bros will be big winners if Keystone sludge-oil pipeline is approved

Happy Labor Day (cartoon)

Happy Labor Day (cartoon)

The problem isn't the makeup of Congress.

The problem isn't the makeup of Congress.

The problem isn't the makeup of Congress.

Bush has a holiday barbecue... On his desk! (my all time favorite Dubya video, lol)

Miracle or mirage – what's the truth about Rick Perry's Texas?

Bank of America layoffs could reach 30,000

4 Ways Government Policy Favors the Rich and Keeps the Rest of Us Poor

Newly-Discovered Documents Reveal CIA Helped Gaddafi against His Opponents

Some conservative pundits say that 9/11 changed them from liberal to conservative

To all Duers who have trouble affording dental care:

why do scientists lie so much?

Remember when you hear the media say $X millions were lost in tourst spending due to

Holy fuck Katia is a Category 2 Hurricane only 24 hours after being a tropical storm!

Holy fuck Katia is a Category 2 Hurricane only 24 hours after being a tropical storm!

jullian assange coming up on 60 minutes

I'm curious. When rightwing websites and rightwing groups ask if Obama

Renewable Energy vs. Fossil Fuels: Politics and the cost of being small

Tough room.

Is Cheney trying to be Repub vice president again?

Proud to be an American? - Mother Jones

"What happened??"

"Jewel of a School"; a PUBLIC school that encourages debate, freethinking & creativity

The Levers of Power and Wealth Are No Longer Connected to Anything Real

Thinking about Gibson Guitar's Problem with Exotic Woods.

Lab Chimps See Sunlight For The First Time (VIDEO)

Can't Wait: Conservative Media Attack Obama's Jobs Plan Before It's Even Released

I'll call it the "Republican Diet".

Appeasement Doesn't Work. Never Has, Never Will.

Did Eisenhower do anything to curb the "military-industrial complex"?

i wonder if all the tears and nostalgia over 911 will include the bu$h* adm. ignoring the warnings?

Labor Day 2040: Endless Summer

What happened a hundred years ago when a large company shortened the workday & doubled workers pay?

Scientific explanation of how the GOP has convinced the Tea Party base to screw themselves

American tale: Workers side against their economic interests

Who would you see as the most successful right wing operative?

Middle Class? Low Class? NO class?

My first request of these "libertarian anarchists" would be to stop driving on public roads

Dickless Cheny says America would be different if Hillary were Prez

Why no politicians dare talk about the poor?

Can perhaps we persuade many college football fans that global warming exists after this weekend?

Well, I just got tickets to Pres. Obama's speech tomorrow in Detroit

Time for a Labor Movement NOW!

Scientists are on the verge of growing artificial meat in laboratories

What's wrong with telling the truth about the Republicans??

Former Boehner Staffer Suggests Rick Perry Would Be Happier With the Confederate Constitution

Arrests were racially motivated, say salespeople

Something interesting regarding Tea Party Republicans:

Republicans: Obama should back balanced budget amendment

Georgia’s Celebrated No-Cost Labor Scheme: Cheating the Jobless?

Full-Blown Civil War Erupts On Wall Street: As Reality Finally Hits The Financial Elite, They Start

Foreigners complain of harassment by Libya rebels

Here is how we stop Jeb Bush forever...Governor Jeb Bush’s Son Violated Florida’s Sodomy Law and Doe

Here's proof the Earth is overpopulated! Dial up Warning.

Labor Day of LOVE (Shannon is 7 years old)

I know what my values are

World's smallest electric motor made from a single molecule

Nugent Celebrates Labor Day By Bashing Unions

Gary Hart's "party of patriots" sounds like it involves monkey business.

At year's end , the Dow Jones average came in at 1004.65

Tell everyone you know...

CBS - "Guest lineups for the Sunday news shows " - Or, Why The Left Has No Leverage...

We had a Tea Party rally here in Sheboygan, yesterday.

Sunday 'Toons.....

War crimes are being committed by the Western powers and

Paul Krugman: Zombies on ABC

Why cops are hated

U.S. Household Incomes: A 42-Year Perspective

A Mother's Plea for Sasha and Malia: No Tar Sands Pipeline

Question: How Come The Left/Liberals/Progressives (Pro Or Not) Don't Get To Have Any Leverage ???

Neo-Nazi rally in Wisconsin vastly outnumbered by counterprotesters

Neo-Nazi rally in Wisconsin vastly outnumbered by counterprotesters

About the poor guy who died from a toothache:

Obama Better Give One Hell of a Speech - John Nichols/TheNation

Sorry Kids, President Obama Backs Down On Ozone Standards

I just got turned down as a substitute teacher.

Regardless of what President Obama says in his speech, somebody is going to be pissed.

Bernie Sanders Has Had Enough Of This 'Cut Social Security' Crap

Bernie Sanders Has Had Enough Of This 'Cut Social Security' Crap

Former German leader calls for "United States of Europe"

women should not be in politics. they are too emotional.

Katia is back with a bang 100m but she may still be

Katia is back with a bang 100m but she may still be

Katia is back with a bang 100m but she may still be

Krugman- WSJ Economics (i.e. "Awesomely Wrong")

Bad news for PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) hikers: Shadow Lake Fire

All jobs should be unionized

Rice University (Texas) makes fun of Tea Party candidate, Rick Perry at halftime

Londoners hit back as Cleese says city is 'no longer English'

Londoners hit back as Cleese says city is 'no longer English'

Vadum is not alone:

What would right wingers be saying about a raffle to win a free abortion?

Forget Obama... Wikileaks May Be Getting Us Out Of Iraq !!!

Not 100% sure I am OK with sobriety checkpoints....

Wanna see the DOW reach 18,000, more jobs, better cash flow? VOTE BLUE

No one should expect President Obama to fix the Democratic Party, much less America, all by himself

When does constantly being reasonable become unreasonable?

Cheney: US different if Hillary Clinton president

College students living in the lap of luxury

College students living in the lap of luxury

Libyan Revolution Week 29 part 2

Breakfast with Helen Thomas, still full of great commentary and acid quips

Breakfast with Helen Thomas, still full of great commentary and acid quips

Koch Bros will be big winners if Keystone sludge-oil pipeline is approved

Combat medics and EMTs: do they really have the same training?

American English Teacher attacks a woman on a bus in Korea. (video)

Former NFL player indicted for failure to pay child support - Pay attention, Joe Walsh!

What the left doesn't understand about Obama

"UNPRECEDENTED" - 88% of income growth went to Corp profits since 2009, 1% to wages

She may be a 'star' but this is one creepy pic

It seems looney to me that a country would give thought to a balanced budget

It seems looney to me that a country would give thought to a balanced budget

"Unions are Evil..." Outside of local target

Obama, Democrats Losing Labor Union Support

Obama, Democrats Losing Labor Union Support

Dick Cheney: "....I would encourage (dems) a primary contest, I think that would be good.."

What the hell is going on with these asshole "fashion" photographers?

What the hell is going on with these asshole "fashion" photographers?

What Democrats can do about Obama - Salon

What kind of person sports a "Don't Tread on Me" bumper sticker?

Time to quit p*ssy-footing around & call Republican Party what they really are-ANTI-AMERICAN.

What about a national lottery?

Just when you think people can't get any lower (new neighbor rant)

Comedian tells 'special needs' joke at Palin event

Gary Hart announces "Party of Patriots"! Primary challenge coming??

General Confessional


You Are My Starship

Saturday night. Bored and lonely.

Vergiss Mich, Wenn Du Kannst

School Boy Crush

Favourite Self Help Book. "The Soul's Code" by James Hillman. Talks about

Initials BB

Song for my Father

House of the Rising Sun

Hello, It's Me

Wanna watch a Truly GREAT BAND?

I'll Play the Blues for You

Happy Endings: Gene Simmons & Shannon Tweed to wed. List your

Anyone else having trouble with MSN mail?

All Day Music

Summer Breeze

I've never seen this before

Anyone seen the movie "Arthur". Is it any good?

A little Etta, Nina, Sam and Al for this Saturday evening

sig lines still appear?

which is the lesser of these two

Come into my life

Breakfast at Denny's

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings

Wonder & Signs

remove mispost sorry

The Blackwidow Blues

No Pay No Play

Oneness Of Mind

I am writing in Hillary....2012

This Is How We Walk On The Moon

Another Star Wars change - Vader no longer yells "NO" at the end of Sith

The Burns & Allen Show's First Commercial

the man..the myth..the fat lazy dog?

NWS - are there privatization "contractors" infesting it?

My club's newset video

Senior Economy Fix

Who's your hero: Frodo, Sam, or Aragorn?


Thank You Lounge for 2 ideas.

The San Francisco (I admit I've never seen this in SF)

Anyone here celebrate 'Loving Day' on June 12?

What's the temp where you are? San Francisco 62 degrees!

union wages 20% higher?

Another e-mail scam going around hit me.

Harry S Truman's favorite drink: The Old Fashioned

My sister-in-law finally passed away this morning

This song is about compartmentalization.

Listening to "The Modern Lovers" again

Are you the Rhoda or the Mary? Or the Georgette?

Jonathan Richman - Was he serious all that time?

what is the meaning of this dream I had

What was your favourite comedy show of all times. I have to say Carole Burnett. Tim Conway was

It's QUINTS!!!

Those who like Republican celebrities despite their politics, would you buy a painting by Hitler?

why do I try to joke in GD

Bands you liked more than the more famous bands they morphed into

Your Sunday LOLcats (dial-up warning) My Special Time Edition

I was just denied reading a reply to one of my own posts!

Maybe this scam is old news, but just in case.....

Saturday, September 3rd. The Weekend Edition of William Shakespeare's Thought For The Day.

MFM is back!

HELP! Advice needed about a possible stolen Credit Card.

Feel Good Funky Music

I'm back!!!

In Celebration of MFM's Return: BEACH PARTY!!

Yardbirds, Mayall, Cream, Blind Faith, Derek & The Dominos...your favorite Clapton career moment?

Republicans: Obama should back balanced budget amendment

Miracle or mirage – what's the truth about Rick Perry's Texas?

..AP IMPACT: 35,000 worldwide convicted for terror

Charity president says aid groups are misleading the public on Somalia

Comedian tells 'special needs' joke at Palin event

Typhoon Talas kills at least 19 people in Japan

Tropical Storm Lee lurches ashore in Louisiana

Libyan papers show UK worked with Gaddafi in rendition operation

U.S. Appeals to Palestinians to Stall U.N. Vote on Statehood

Secret Cables Sketch Oddities of U.S.-China Relations

President Obama surveys flood-stricken New Jersey

Governor Chris Christie Announces Federal Disaster Aid Approved for Additional New Jersey Counties

Perry Used Jet of Donor Who Faces SEC Probe

Neo-Nazi rally, counter-protests peaceful in Wisconsin

Former Buccaneer Hall of Famer Lee Roy Selmon has died

Merkel's centre-right bloc beaten in state election

David Cameron wants to get even tougher with benefits cheats

Missouri lawmakers seek to end tax break for poor

State clamps down on 17 ALFs

Libya rebels say Bani Walid tribal leaders divided

Stung by the President on Air Quality, Environmentalists Weigh Their Options

Tony Blair is godfather to Rupert Murdoch’s daughter

Dick Cheney: Hillary Clinton As President Would Have Made Different U.S.

Feds warn of small airplane terror threats

Miracle or mirage – what's the truth about Rick Perry's Texas?

Bush's third term?

Countdown with Keith Olbermann 09-02-2011 1a - Obama Speech, with Brian Beutler

Obama for America-any one else getting requests for organizing in their town?

Selected Trend on Party Affiliation: 2004-2011 (Gallup)

"There are reasons to be proud in many Administration actions that will improve health..."

HUD Makes $1.63 Billion in Grants Available For Homeless Programs

Should Sarah Palin run for President.... DU this poll

Obama, Democrats Losing Labor Union Support? Why?

President Obama Visits Flood-Ravaged New Jersey (Photos & Stories)

Labor Day 2011 News: The Recovery Act is still creating and saving jobs.

Okay, so I was reading an article over at and ....

Democrats can’t ‘message’ didley as long as they ignore talk radio.

A Pledge to myself.

HUD Awards First-Ever Choice Neighborhood Implementation Grants

For the Obama-haters, think about this: The President nominated Kagan & Sotomayor for the SC.

Perry claims he only entered the fray because God told him to.

CBPP: "States and localities have eliminated 671,000 jobs since employment peaked in August 2008"

PHOTOS: Three links with TONS of photos of President Obama in Paterson/Wayne/Newark, New Jersey

Krugman: Zombies on ABC

Pictures of Obama with Governor Christy in NJ on Sunday

Mr. Hoffa came out today and spoke with Candy Crowley on CNN. They support this President.

NYT: What the Left Doesn’t Understand About Obama

The tea partiers are not going to like this!

Some in tea party declare war on Romney

What to do with, make that THREE baby squirrels?

The Tar Sands Pipeline is actually for overseas export markets. It's not for US energy security!

Presidential Proclamation--Labor Day

President Obama will be the Democrats leader in the 2012 elections

Lieberman: Obama's Concern With Offending Muslims Is Hurting The War Effort

So this is the man they're begging to run, the one who can "beat Obama"?

EPA Smog Rules Freakout is Ridiculous

So That Ignorance Won't Be The Reason Why "Progressives" Are Throwing The President Under The Bus

Mr. Chait is a stone cold liar.

Would the President be proud of the way you speak to other Democrats in his name?

The End of the American Dream?

Young Turks: GOP Disaster Relief Offset Flip-Flop

Billy Joel - Allentown

Which side are you on Florence Reece Original

Billy Bragg: Who Really Runs This country?

TDPS: New Gulf Oil Slick, Why is BP Main Source of "Reporting" & "Investigation?"

LIBYA - Real Reason For Regime Change - GOLD

JFK on the Separation of Church and State

The Way it is - The War on Drugs in the US and its Effects

Barbara Jordan speaks at the 1992 Democratic Convention

Inflationary depression-On the Edge with Max Keiser-09-02-2011

Gov. Ann Richards speaks at the 1988 Democratic Convention

Martin Bashir Calls Out Rep. Joe Walsh On His Disrespect To President Obama!

Dropkick Murphys - Worker's Song

Palin Rally Comic: "Liberals are Special Needs Children"

Olberman to White House. What the hell is going on?

On the Edge with Max Keiser (OTE 121) Inflationary depression

Ron Paul: Wikileaks diplo cables shows US greenlighted Iraqi-Kuwait war.

G.O.P. Stands on Health Mask Records as Governors

We benefit because unions fought for workers' rights

CREDO Mobile, Warren Buffett, and the Limits of Progressive Business

Strauss-Kahn back home, faces frosty welcome

Palin's Opening Act Takes Aim at Special Needs Children

World will likely support Turkey’s moves against Israel

The Greatest Liberals In American History And What They Did For Our Country

Veterans Affairs mortgage program goes against the grain but works

"Given that Elena Kagan argued the Siegelman case was correctly decided, we have this obvious

Jake's last letter

Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left the Cult

Obama's Flip-Flop on EPA Rule Costs Him Credibility, Us Lives

Heads up on a great BookTV interview with Ellis Cose.

Sunday Funnies: Best Political Cartoons of the Week

Undocumented workers got $4B tax credits

Can Anyone Tackle Our Tax-Dodging CEOs?

Robert Reich: The Zero Economy

"Butterfield 8 and the fear of a new Depression." (Slate Magazine)

Jesus: Redistributionist-in-Chief

Can the United States move beyond the narcissism of 9/11?

TWO of the Wisconsin recalls likely STOLEN: Dems should have an 18-15 majority (if anybody cares

WSJ: Cheney "relentless and unapologetic in pursuit of policy goals—and Americans are safer for it"

Meet Professor Juan Cole, Consultant to the CIA

Evergreen Agriculture

Fukushima leaders, residents hold Tokyo rally for full-scale nuclear compensation

Taking households from 44% efficiency to 85% efficiency and how it will be done.

2012 Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul: Achieving Sustainable Nuclear Security Culture

China unveils plan for solar power station in space

A Climate Movement Is Born: Ozone Decision Spikes Total Arrests to 1,252 at White House Pipeline Pro

New Japan PM targets nuclear power

An Off-the-Grid Tale: those who live in areas with little wind

The House on the Island of Elliðaey

Cesium over limit found in tea using Saitama, Chiba leaves

Wall of saltwater snaking up South Florida’s coast

Will the Transition to Renewables Be Fast or Slow?