As a Senator Kerry took on Reagan, Bush, Ollie North, John Poindexter and most everybody in Washington trying to stay out of jail. Here's some background for those interested:
THE NORTH NOTEBOOKSFrom Washington by Tim Wheeler
In Washington, at the request of Irangate special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh, a new grand jury has been empanelled to consider evidence that Bush and President Reagan were very much "in the loop" on the criminal enterprise. Also in Washington, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), chair of the Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Terrorism and Narcotics, announced May 18 that he is examining thousands of newly released photocopied pages from Lt. Col. Oliver North's notebooks, which expose White House lying on the Noriega case. The National Security Archive and Ralph Nader's Public Citizen released thousands of the same pages at two press conferences on May 8 and May 18.
Senator Kerry declared,
"The North notebooks confirm that high-level U.S. officials, including officials at the CIA and the NSC , knew about General Noriega's drug trafficking and corruption in 1986, kept him on the U.S. payroll and discussed helping him clean up his image in return for his help for the contras.""The information was important because throughout 1988, while my hearings were taking place, the White House was denying that it had known about Noriega's drug trafficking." Kerry added, "There is something fundamental that is violated in a democracy when the White House can classify documents as 'Codeword Top Secret' in order to suppress politically damaging information in an election year." Kerry suggested that Walsh examine sworn testimony of former Assistant Secretary of State Elliot Abrams and Donald Gregg to determine if they committed perjury. Kerry said the documents also raise questions of whether NSC and intelligence officers engaged in domestic surveillance in violation of the law.
The North notebooks provide a wealth of new evidence. One page, released for the first time May 8, lists a "mtg w V.P." at 12 noon, August 6, 1986. North began that day by meeting with Israeli terrorist expert, Amiram Nir. According to North's notes, he then went to an extraordinary meeting at the White House with members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. According to his later testimony, North "lied, lied, lied" to the lawmakers about the Iran-contra conspiracy. North then met with several other covert agents, including Gregg. Finally he met with Vice President Bush. Did the Vice President discuss with North his lies to an official oversight committee of the U.S. Congress?
Asked about this notation in North's notebook, White House Press Secretary Marlin Fitzwater declared, "The vice president's role in the Iran-contra affair was completely examined in the congressional inquiry and we have nothing to add."